Package: 2ping Description-md5: 2543c220a763445976d1348c5b593743 Description-sl: Pripomoček ukaza ping za določanje usmerjene izgube paketov 2ping je dvosmerni pripomoček ukaza ping. Uporablja 3-smerne ukaze ping (podobno TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) in primerjavo stanja po dejstvu med poslušalnikom in odjemalcem 2ping za določitev katera smer izgube paketov se zgodi. Package: 3270-common Description-md5: a1fad8fe7f911b2c01164ff75d013e53 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za IBM 3270 posnemovalike in pr3287 3270-common vsebuje datoteke, ki se sklicujejo na druge 3270 pakete Package: 3dchess Description-md5: 12d01b96d7645ee302ebc29cde999e92 Description-sl: Igrajte šah na 3 šahovnicah! Imate tri navpično zložene šahovnice, 96 figur od katerih je večina običajnih šahovskih figur ter 26 mogočih smeri premikanja. Zagotavlja dovolj zahtevno igro za vse razen najboljše igralce. Package: 3depict Description-md5: 246db3da16c5305f24976464271087a5 Description-sl: predočenje in analiza enojno vrednotene podatkovne točke Ta program zagotavlja grafični vmesnik za znanstveno analizo točkovnih podatkov realnih vrednosti (vrednost x,y,z). Program je namenjen predvsem ta uporabo v tomografiji, vendar je lahko uporaben tudi za druge namene. Package: 4g8 Description-md5: 08a3e421414ebaacb3294625688dc573 Description-sl: Zajemanje in prestrezanje paketov za omrežja s stikali 4G8 vam omogoča zajemanje prometa tretjih oseb v okolju stikal na račun rahlega povečanja zamika gostitelju tretje osebe. Z uporabo zastrupljanja pomnilnika ARP in tehnikami zajemanja in ponovne izgradnje paketov 4G8 deluje s skoraj vsemi pretoki prometa TCP, ICMP in UDP IPv4. Package: 6tunnel Description-md5: 860002e3477a2706be336a14451bba8e Description-sl: Posredniški strežnik TCP za ne-IPv6 programe 6tunnel vam omogoča uporabo storitev gostiteljev IPv6 z le IPv4 programi in obratno. Veže se lahko na katerikoli vaš naslov IPv4 ali IPv6 in posreduje vse podatke gostitelju IPv4 ali IPv6. . Tunnelling for application that don't speak IPv6. It can be used for example as an IPv6-capable IRC proxy in other network. Package: 7kaa Description-md5: 61bfeb9afb0e624a82aa1f8b706f6b8c Description-sl: Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries - real-time strategy game Seven Kingdoms, designed by Trevor Chan, brings a unique blend of real- time strategy with the addition of trade, diplomacy, and espionage. . Igra igralcem omogoča, da tekmujejo proti največ šestim drugim kraljestvom. Igralcem omogoča, da lahko premagajo nasprotnike z zmago v vojni (z vojaki ali orožjem), zajetjem njihovih zgradb z vohuni ali pa jim za kraljestvo ponudijo denar. . In 2009, Enlight Software released the game under the GPL license. 7kfans project is updating the game and provides a community for fans. A free Seven Kingdoms will help continue the legacy. Package: 7kaa-data Description-md5: d2c38d2cd63cff84979e509f902ba6c8 Description-sl: Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries - game data Seven Kingdoms, designed by Trevor Chan, brings a unique blend of real- time strategy with the addition of trade, diplomacy, and espionage. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: 9base Description-md5: ba92532ca0abb19498113de24635b819 Description-sl: Orodja uporabniškega okolja Plan 9 9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: ascii, awk, basename, bc, cal, cat, cleanname, cmp, date, dc, dd, diff, du, echo, ed, factor, fmt, fortune, freq, getflags, grep, hoc, join, look, ls, mk, mkdir, mtime, pbd, primes, rc, read, sam, sed, seq, sha1sum, sleep, sort, split, strings, tail, tee, test, touch, tr, troff, unicode, uniq, unutf, yacc. . Plan 9 is a distributed Unix-like operational system created by Bell Labs in the mid-1980s. Package: 9menu Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8 Description-sl: Ustvari menije X iz lupine To je enostaven program, ki vam omogoča ustvarjanje menijev X iz lupine, kjer bo vsak predmet menija pognal ukaz. 9menu je namenjen za uporabo z 9wm, vendar ga lahko uporabi tudi katerikoli drug okenski upravljalnik. Package: 9mount Description-md5: 4182335fbd3c0ecfabffdab292d174e0 Description-sl: Plan 9 filesystem (v9fs) user mount utilities 9mount is a set of SUID mounting tools for use with v9fs to help cope with Linux's poor mount support. . Orodja ponujajo raven varnosti - 9 mount vam bo dovolil priklop ne- lepljivih map do katerih imate dostop pisanja in 9umount vam bo dovolil le odklop razdelkov 9p, ki ste jih sami priklopili. Package: a2jmidid Description-md5: a182a4ee1593f675a64da0a57440bb9a Description-sl: Ozadnji program za stare sisteme ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI Glavni cilj tega projekta je olajšati uporabo starih, ne JACK programov na sistemu z omogočenim JACK MIDI. a2jmidid je ozadnji program, ki podpira samodejno mostenje. V primeru da je prenos sekvenčnika ALSA tako en vhod kot en izhod dobite dve vrati JACK MIDI, en vhod in en izhod. Package: a2ps Description-md5: 732bd45324c6fce1aa914b7b0167c68a Description-sl: GNU a2ps - 'Karkoli v PostScript' pretvornik in lep tiskalnik GNU a2ps pretvori datoteke v PostScript za tiskanje ali ogled. Uporablja lepo privzeto obliko, običajno dve strani na vsaki fizični strani, obrobi okoliške strani, glave z uporabnimi podatki (številka strani, datum tiskanja ali zagotovljena glava), oštevilčenje vrstic, zamenjava simbolov kot tudi lepo tiskanje za širok obseg programskih jezikov. . a2ps se je začel kot pretvornik PostScript, vendar vam zaradi zmogljivih delegacij omogoča uporabo za katerokoli vrsto datotek, na primer strani priročnika, datoteke dvi, texinfo, ... . Among the other most noticeable features of a2ps are: - various encodings (all the Latins and others), - various fonts (automatic font downloading), - various medias, - various printer interfaces, - various output styles, - various programming languages, - various helping applications, - and various spoken languages. Package: a56 Description-md5: e2a5c0e79ee0be60f379e6e2377bc1b4 Description-sl: Motorola DSP56001 zbirnik a56 is an assembler for the Motorola DSP56001 family of microcontrollers. . Zmožen je kodnega prevajanja strojne programske opreme, ki se uporablja v Linuxovem gonilniku dsp56k.c. . Example DSP code for musical effects such as chorus, flange, and reverb can be found at (unfortunately copyright prevents distribution). Package: a7xpg Description-md5: e38bd4430a3538c59e6acec068b6f645 Description-sl: akcijska igra lovljenja Cilj igre je zbrati vse zlate palice, ki jih lahko najdete na vsaki stopnji in se izognite zaletavanju v kateregakoli od sovražnikov. Medtem ko napredujete skozi stopnje boste srečali težje sovražnike. Če zlato hitro zbirate, lahko dobite kratko obdobje nepremagljivosti. . A7Xpg je še en dragulj Kenta Cho-ja. Package: a7xpg-data Description-md5: 1ab7e6e42cf00b0a9ea4f59b9fbe4717 Description-sl: akcijska igra lovljenja - podatki igre Cilj igre je zbrati vse zlate palice, ki jih lahko najdete na vsaki stopnji in se izognite zaletavanju v kateregakoli od sovražnikov. Medtem ko napredujete skozi stopnje boste srečali težje sovražnike. Če zlato hitro zbirate, lahko dobite kratko obdobje nepremagljivosti. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za igro A7Xpg. Package: aa3d Description-md5: 258e8b120f0545ac1a4843f1beb1ded5 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik stereogramov umetnosti ASCII Ta program ustvari dobro znane in priljubljene stereograme naključnih pik v umetnosti ASCII. . Zmožnosti: * Visoko kakovostno izrisovanje stereogramov umetnosti ASCII * Visoko nastavljiv * Uporabniku prijazen vmesnik ukazne vrstice (vključno s polno spletno pomočjo) Package: aaphoto Description-md5: 18ea6fb428eb6d3251a8ec5e91ec82f4 Description-sl: Auto Adjust Photo, samodejno popravljanje barve fotografij Auto Adjust Photo je drobno orodje ukazne vrstice za upravljanje slik za samodejno popravljanje barve fotografij. Sliko poskuša narediti boljšo. Program to stori s preučevanjem vhodne slike in nato nastavljanjem najbolj optimalnega kontrasta, game, barvnega ravnotežja in nasičenja zanjo. Package: abcde Description-md5: da35113f2508604b50014e0ccf6a31ac Description-sl: Boljši CD kodirnik frontend program to cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3, and your favorite Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex, M4A, Opus, WavPack, Monkey's Audio (ape), MPP/MP+(Musepack) and/or AIFF format encoder (defaults to oggenc). Grabs an entire CD and converts each track to the specified formats and then comments or tags each file, with one command. . With abcde you can encode several formats with one single command, using a single CD read operation. It also allows you to read and encode while not on the internet, and later query a CDDB or Musicbrainz server to lookup metadata and tag your files. Package: abcm2ps Description-md5: aad21fc166f2817ea6a99eace80bde66 Description-sl: Prevede datoteke opisa ABC v PostScript The program translates tunes written in the ABC format to PostScript, which can then be viewed using Ghostview et al. or printed on a PostScript printer or through Ghostscript. It supports various semi-standard extensions to the ABC standard, such as multiple voices and staves. . Jean-François Moine once wrote abcm2ps as a successor of abc2ps by Michael Methfessel. He is working on an new version named abc2svg. Package: abcmidi Description-md5: 698e90e5569ad6cf07f3d57abc0b5f7a Description-sl: pretvornik iz oblike ABC v MIDI in nazaj Ta paket vsebuje programa `abc2midi' in `midi2abc', ki obliko glasbenega zapisa abc pretvorita v standardno obliko MIDI in obratno. Ustvarijo lahko dopolnitev iz akordov kitare v datoteki abc, kot tudi vstavljanje različnih dogodkov MIDI, poskuse prevoda MIDI v abc za lastno ugotovitev barov, tripletov in naglasov. . Paket vsebuje tudi `abc2abc' (lep tiskalnik/zamenjalnik), `mftext' (program, ki datoteko MIDI izpiše kot besedilo) in `midicopy' (program, ki izvleče določene skladbe, kanale ali časovne intervale iz datoteke MIDI). . The package also contains Yet another ABC to PostScript converter (yaps) which translates tunes written in the ABC format to PostScript, which can then be viewed on screen or printed. It is essentially a (non-exclusive) alternative to abc2ps, being based on the abc2ps PostScript code together with the ABC parser from the abcmidi package. Package: abe Description-md5: b4ec019e3f9096ddfecc52da6004b162 Description-sl: side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure" Drseča igra skakanja po ploščadih, zbiranja ključev in raziskovanja starodavnih piramid, rahlo v slogu podobnih iger za Commodore+4. Igra želi mladim ljudem pokazati vse super igre, ki so jih zamudili. Package: abe-data Description-md5: 567c8a00faab670558b096d2b6229f5c Description-sl: side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure" -- data Drseča igra skakanja po ploščadih, zbiranja ključev in raziskovanja starodavnih piramid, rahlo v slogu podobnih iger za Commodore+4. Igra želi mladim ljudem pokazati vse super igre, ki so jih zamudili. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: abgate Description-md5: 8ed397bfde5cea8deeeec8e0c72aad99 Description-sl: Vstavek vrat hrupa LV2 abGate je vstavek vrat šuma LV2 v obliki LV2 za upravljanje šuma. Vrata šuma so sestavni del, ki ojača zvočni signal, ko pade pod določen prag zato da ga je mogoče uveljaviti na zvočni sledi, ki ima eno ali več obdobij tišine, ko se ne bi smelo slišati nobenega šuma. Package: abi-compliance-checker Description-md5: 540b577fa010ac3ef038ebd7b829f7bd Description-sl: orodje za primerjavo združljivosti ABI za souporabljene različice knjižnic C/C++ abi-compliance-checker can be used to help reduce the possibility of an application crashing when the shared libraries it links against have changed. Signatures and data type definitions from two separate versions of a library are compared by examining the shared objects (.so) files themselves, and by analysing the header files (.h) provided for the two versions of the library and their dependencies. . Razvijalci souporabljenih knjižnic, ki si prizadevajo za binarno združljivost med izdajami, lahko to orodje uporabijo tudi za zaznavanje, če so bile po nesreči vnesene spremembe binarnega programskega vmesnika (ABI). . Preverjalnik lahko uporabljate tudi za oceno binarne združljivosti med različnimi Linux distribucijami. Package: abicheck Description-md5: a38281f070a37064c10336aabb05a83f Description-sl: orodje za preverjanje binarne združljivosti ABIcheck je orodje za preverjanje združljivosti programa z binarnim vmesnikom programa (ABI). Zanaša se na podrobnosti definicije ABI, ki jih knjižnica vsebuje. Package: abigail-doc Description-md5: ad34a6af2ec1314521a675bda766c4a0 Description-sl: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (documentation) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: abinit Description-md5: 716f4f6b5757cdff41a09c10ca375dc4 Description-sl: package for electronic structure calculations ABINIT je paket katerega glavna program vam omogoča izračun skupne energije, gostote nabojev in elektronske strukture sistemov sestavljenih iz elektronov in jeder (molekule in periodične trdne snovi) s teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (DFT) z uporabo psevdopotencialov in osnove ravninskih valov. . ABINIT vključuje tudi možnost za optimizacijo geometrije glede na DFT sile in stres ali za izvedbo simulacij molekulske dinamike z uporabo teh sil ali za ustvarjanje dinamičnih matrik, efektivnih Bornovih nabojev in dielektričnih tenzorjev. Vzbujena stanja lahko izračunate s časovno odvisno teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (za molekule) ali v teoriji perturbacij več teles (GW ocena). POleg glavne kode ABINIT so zagotovljeni tudi različni programi pripomočkov. . This package contains the executables needed to perform calculations (however, pseudopotentials are not supplied). For a set of pseudopotentials, install the abinit-data package. Package: abinit-data Description-md5: 4578d654ca0897253bccf3e98b9209ae Description-sl: package for electronic structure calculations (Data files) ABINIT je paket katerega glavna program vam omogoča izračun skupne energije, gostote nabojev in elektronske strukture sistemov sestavljenih iz elektronov in jeder (molekule in periodične trdne snovi) s teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (DFT) z uporabo psevdopotencialov in osnove ravninskih valov. . ABINIT vključuje tudi možnost za optimizacijo geometrije glede na DFT sile in stres ali za izvedbo simulacij molekulske dinamike z uporabo teh sil ali za ustvarjanje dinamičnih matrik, efektivnih Bornovih nabojev in dielektričnih tenzorjev. Vzbujena stanja lahko izračunate s časovno odvisno teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (za molekule) ali v teoriji perturbacij več teles (GW ocena). POleg glavne kode ABINIT so zagotovljeni tudi različni programi pripomočkov. . This package contains a set of pseudopotentials and example inputs. Package: abinit-doc Description-md5: 4edc662ae552484e117ff0d2d74e2f4b Description-sl: package for electronic structure calculations (Documentation) ABINIT je paket katerega glavna program vam omogoča izračun skupne energije, gostote nabojev in elektronske strukture sistemov sestavljenih iz elektronov in jeder (molekule in periodične trdne snovi) s teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (DFT) z uporabo psevdopotencialov in osnove ravninskih valov. . ABINIT vključuje tudi možnost za optimizacijo geometrije glede na DFT sile in stres ali za izvedbo simulacij molekulske dinamike z uporabo teh sil ali za ustvarjanje dinamičnih matrik, efektivnih Bornovih nabojev in dielektričnih tenzorjev. Vzbujena stanja lahko izračunate s časovno odvisno teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (za molekule) ali v teoriji perturbacij več teles (GW ocena). POleg glavne kode ABINIT so zagotovljeni tudi različni programi pripomočkov. . This package contains the documentation and tutorials. Package: abiword Description-md5: 30063e6f0ad54b0bc4811f0becf40355 Description-sl: učinkovit, zmogljiv urejevalnik besedil z možnostjo sodelovanja AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vključuje veliko razpoložljivih vstavkov uvoza/izvoza, ki AbiWord omogočajo sporazumevanje z ODT, WordPerfect in drugimi vrstami. Vključuje tudi vstavke orodij, ki ponujajo živo sodelovanje z uporabniki AbiWord na Linuxu in sistemu Windows (s TCP ali Jabber/XMPP), spletni prevod in podporo slovarja ter več. Package: abiword-common Description-md5: 168081fc8391dc5eb8f29d63bb588273 Description-sl: Učinkovit urejevalnik besedila z veliko zmožnostmi in podporo sodelovanja -- skupne datoteke AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne datoteke, ki se brez sprememb uporabljajo na vseh arhitekturah. Package: abiword-plugin-grammar Description-md5: 1501ee0849f0b04532649cc33398cac2 Description-sl: Vstavek preverjanja slovnice za AbiWord AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . This package contains an in-line grammar checking system for AbiWord documents. Only English is currently supported. Package: abntex Description-md5: f24f06318565f68622fece1a9de7960d Description-sl: Razred LaTeX za pisanje dokumentov v standardu ABNT AbnTeX je razred za pisanje dokumentov v standardu ABNT. Brazilsko združenje tehničnih standardov (ABNT) je odgovorno za državne postopke standardizacije in potrjevanja. Ta paket vključuje tudi podporo za BibTeX v standardu ABNT. Package: abook Description-md5: b3df98dd5a16801ef603bb31eff45bf6 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan ncurser program imenika Program abook je na besedilu osnovan imenik ncurses. Zagotavlja veliko različnih polj uporabniških podatkov. Program abook je zasnovan za uporabo z mutt, vendar ga je mogoče uporabiti neodvisno. Package: abootimg Description-md5: 44be41a806690df16e9af0e9fe965a7a Description-sl: Orodje za branje/pisanje/posodabljanje zagonskih odtisov android Naprave Android uporabljajo poseben zagonski razdelek za zagon kateregakoli operacijskega sistema na napravah. Ti zagonski odtisi vsebujejo odtis jedra, ramdisk, izbiro zagonski nalagalnik druge stopnje in ukazno vrstico, ki je podana jedru med zaganjanjem. Izviri mkbootimg iz Androida lahko le ustvari te odtise, abootimg pa jih lahko tudi izvleče in spremeni. Upravljanje zagonskih odtisov android je zahtevano za prenos drugih operacijskih sistemov na naprave android. Package: abr2gbr Description-md5: 19edd2d5c033d3a49c4fcf4b17cbdcf2 Description-sl: Pretvori čopiče PhotoShop v GIMP abr2gbr je orodje za pretvorbo datotek čopičev Adobe Photoshop ABR in Corel Paint Shop Pro JBR v vrsto GIMP GBR. Package: accerciser Description-md5: 7806dc55e95ea2b46c6c1541f59644ce Description-sl: interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop Za preučevanje in nadzor gradnikov uporablja AT-SPI, kar vam omogoča preverjanje, če program tehnologijam dostopnosti in samodejnim ogrodjem preizkusov zagotavlja prave podatke. Accerciser ima enostavno ogrodje vstavkov, ki ga lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje pogledov za ogled dostopnosti po meri. Package: accounts-qml-module-doc Description-md5: b9eeae034d44338b69933568ce905272 Description-sl: Online Accounts QML - documentation This QML module provides access to the Online Accounts framework from QML applications. It provides bindings to libaccounts-qt and libsignon-qt. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: ace Description-md5: fcbd00026ded79e6c62f3bec35612f8f Description-sl: HTML template engine for Go (command-line tool) Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This is inspired by Slim ( and Jade ( This is a refinement of Gold ( . Primer: . = doctype html html lang=en head title Hello Ace = css h1 { color: blue; } body h1 {{.Msg}} #container.wrapper p.. Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This engine simplifies HTML coding in Go web application development. = javascript console.log('Welcome to Ace'); . This package provides the /usr/bin/ace command-line tool and example files. Package: ace-gperf Description-md5: d2820ae34bb525c6060ea2b7be2a7746 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik perfektne funkcije razprševanja ACE ace_gperf je ACE različica gperf. . Both ace_gperf and gperf were written by the same author, and have basically the same options and functionality. ace_gperf simply takes advantage of some of the features provided by the ACE library. Package: ace-netsvcs Description-md5: a0f85c6269f694a60515cd03bb0a69c6 Description-sl: Izvedbe omrežne storitve ACE ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization. . Ta paket vsebuje gonilniški program in primer nastavitve datotek za povezavo različnih omrežnih storitev ACE statično ali dinamično in dokončano iz stežniških programov. Package: ace-of-penguins Description-md5: d82a08d5d97db2f18fe09492f4031054 Description-sl: igre pasjanse v temi pingvina Ace of Penguins je zbirka iger pasjanjse, ki so jo navdušile pasjanse za MS Windows, vendar s številnimi izboljšavami. . Ta paket vsebuje igre Canfield, Freecell, Golf, Mastermind, Merlin, Minesweeper, Pegged, Solitaire, Spider, Taipei (z urejevalnikom stopenj) in Thornq. . NOTE: If you experience problems with the F1 help key, please make sure you have package xfonts-100dpi installed. Package: acedb-other Description-md5: 97be9ea18a9e2fcbdb88ae5f65465990 Description-sl: Pridobitev zaporedja DNA ali proteina Ta paket vsebuje vse tiste majhne programe, ki jih acedb zbere pod svojo 'drugo' tarčo ali datoteko Make. . efetch:, kratko ime za 'pridobivanje vnosov' zbere podatke o zaporedju iz skupni podatkovnih zbirk DNA in proteinov. Package: acetoneiso Description-md5: e08d195f1b4e97a80c19fd915b777b7f Description-sl: Z zmožnostmi boga program za priklop in upravljanje odtisov CD in DVD AcetoneISO omogoča enostavno ustvarjanje različnih vrst odtisov CD in DVD na vašem računalniku kot da bi bili zapisani na prave CD-je. Program lahko uporabite za priklop in upravljanje odtisov CD in DVD. Podprte vrste odtisov diskov so ISO, BIN, NRG, MDF in IMG. Package: acheck Description-md5: a2145f860ebbe06fd97fdf6d0a8fb78a Description-sl: Preveri za pogoste napake prevajanja acheck, program za preverjanje katerihkoli besedilnih datotek, je program za prevajalce, ki omogoča preverjanje in popravljanje pogostih napak prevajanja glede na vrsto datoteke. Dodati je mogoče pravila za nova preverjanja. . V primeru da namestite modul Aspell Perl kot je priporočeno, lahko prikličete Aspell za preverjanje črkovanja besed. Package: acheck-rules Description-md5: 312e0176f18a51e42fb2de4e4eb3d6b3 Description-sl: Osnovna pravila za acheck acheck, program za preverjanje katerihkoli besedilnih datotek, je program za prevajalce, ki omogoča preverjanje in popravljanje pogostih napak prevajanja glede na vrsto datoteke. Dodati je mogoče pravila za nova preverjanja. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovna pravila za preverjanje s skriptom acheck. Package: achilles Description-md5: f24de86dfab761c7d9e320c7d10cfa24 Description-sl: Artificial life and evolution simulator Achilles je simualtor umetnega življenja in evolucije, ki uporablja živčna omrežja Hebbian in OpenGL/SDL za simuliranje življenja v poenostavljenem okolju. Osnovan je na PolyWorld Larrya Yaegerja. Package: ack Description-md5: e50a48f3af6e02593eb6155b28aaed6e Description-sl: Grep podoben program posebno nemenjen za velika izvorna drevesa Ack is designed as an alternative for 99% of the uses of grep. ack is intelligent about the files it searches. It knows about certain file types, based on both the extension on the file and, in some cases, the contents of the file. . Ack prezre datoteke varnostnih kopij in datoteke v mapah CVS in .svn. Poudari zadete, kar vam pomaga videti kje je bil vaš zadetek. Ack uporablja logične izraze perl. Package: acl2 Description-md5: 11f9e97229e3c77927e661525096d127 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: main binary ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno binarno datoteko ACL2. Package: acl2-books Description-md5: b254130a33041ec03320e5001226eff7 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: compiled libraries ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje številne prehodno kodno prevedene in predhodno potrjene knjižnice za uporabo pri zagotavljanju teoremov z ACL2. Resni uporabniki bodo nedvomno želeli namestiti ta paket. Package: acl2-books-certs Description-md5: 6db199e882f251b453acf7d17c15ece3 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library certificates ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta datoteka vsebuje zapise potrdil za različne predhodno kodno prevedene knjižnice, ki so v paketu ACL2-books. ACL2 zahteva, da so vse knjižnice pred uporabo potrjene. Package: acl2-books-source Description-md5: 08e659cca46334f8267d3b949c74e9c4 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library sources ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorne datoteke lisp do kodno prevedenih knjižnic iz paketa ACL2-books. Package: acl2-doc Description-md5: 5c7f73fe4a8d5c6db72b616db6a620bc Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: documentation ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za ACL2. Package: acl2-infix Description-md5: 81a2aa4af877764973901ab7dc79e3c8 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix interface ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke in knjižnice za dostop do ACL2 preko zapisa infix, ki je podoben tistemu, ki se uporablja v veliko ne-lisp programskih jezikih. Package: acl2-infix-source Description-md5: 6e56cc8795675ff4708abb07184b4eef Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix source ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorne datoteke do vmesnik infix za ACL2. Package: acl2-source Description-md5: 24b72fcd3b9c9afee8776f2d281499a4 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: source files ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorne datoteke lisp do glavne binarne datoteke ACL2. Package: Description-md5: f1dce3574664657fca3749facdf6f613 Description-sl: Analogna ura sidrišča za GNUstep AClock is an analog clock with display of smooth seconds. It stays in the dock. The display is customizable: . * Seconds hand and its ticking rate * Arabic or Roman numbers, AM/PM * Shadows * Colors of the elements * Alarm and ringing Package: acm Description-md5: 3a4e35a25c6d1f7656b934d839c170af Description-sl: Večigralski klasični simulator letalskega boja Večigralski klasični simulator letalskega boja. Igralci se drug z drugim spopadejo v zraku z izstrelki, ki iščejo toploto, in topovi. . Glavne zmožnosti vključujejo: * simulacija s 6 prostostnimi stopnjami. * simulacija pristajanja z dvema in tremi kolesi. * strukturna omejitev pozitivne/negativne navpične obremenitve. * običajna atmosfera. * Vreme: dan/noč, megla, veter. * Inštrumenti vključno z magnetnim kompasom, indikatorjem obrata in, kazalnikom hitrosti zraka, višine in nagiba and bank indicator, kazalnikom višine in kazalnikom navpične hitrosti. * Krmarjenje: HSI z računalom RNAV, ADF. * Prikaz na zaslonu (HUD) in inercijski referenčni sistem referenčni sistem. * Auto-piloti: drži višino, drži hitrost vzpenjanje, drži hitrost, sledi radiju VOR, sledi poti letenja ILS, uskladitev rudder/ailerons coordination.???? * Več modelov letal, tako vojaških in civilnih. * dva scenarija: področje Dallas (Texas) in področje Italije s stotinami stez in radijskih postaj. . acm runs under the X window system. This version of acm is implemented as a distributed simulation. It communicates information via the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation protocol. . The original version of acm was written by Riley Rainey. This is Umberto Salsi's updated version. Package: aconnectgui Description-md5: 93ad27be9e68d0aed9952419652ee486 Description-sl: Grafični upravljalnik povezav sekvenčnika ALSA aconnectgui je grafični pripomoček za povezavo in prekinitev povezave dveh obstoječih vrat na sistemu sekvenčnika ALSA. Vrata s poljubnim dovoljenjem naročnine kot jih ustvari aseqview je mogoče povezati s katerimikoli vrati naprave MIDI. . aconnectgui je začelje za aconnect, ki je napisan neposredno na vrhu vira aconnect in pusti izvirni paket nedotaknjen, saj doda le nekaj izrazov ifdef in nekaj klicev do dela grafičnega vmesnika. Zagotavlja natanko enako zmožnost vendar z grafičnim vmesnikom. Package: acorn-fdisk Description-md5: 9bb94a8ada79548177ccfe57ec6f8b3c Description-sl: partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines Acorn-fdisk vam omogoča urejanje razdelkov na napravah Acorn. Razume različne oblike preglednic razdelkov, ki se uporabljajo v RISC OS, vključno s Filecore, ICS-IDE, EESOX in Powertec. Package: acpi Description-md5: db6ab4efac863dec3b47725e9bbd40ae Description-sl: Prikaže podatke o napravah ACPI Poskuša podvojiti zmožnost 'starega' ukaza apm na sistemih ACPI vključno s podatki o bateriji in temperaturi. Ne podpira stanja pripravljenosti ACPI. Prikaže le podrobnosti o napravah ACPI. Package: acpitool Description-md5: 8bfbe99c5e1bf2100b04aac2628220b1 Description-sl: Odjemalec ACPI ukazne vrstice AcpiTool je odjemalec ACPI Linux. Je majhen program ukazne vrstice mišljen kot zamenjava za orodje apm. Osnovno ciljno občinstvo so uporabniki prenosnikov, ker te ljudi najbolj zanimajo stvari kot so stanje baterije, temperature in možnost stanja pripravljenosti. Program enostavno dostopa do vnosov /proc/acpi in /sysfs za dobivanje ali nastavljanje vrednosti ACPI. Podpira tudi različne razširitve za prenosnike Toshiba, Asus in IBM Thinkpad. Package: activity-log-manager Description-md5: 7d35a32d4ba1123a4581b898008fd386 Description-sl: blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . This package contains Activity Log Manager, a graphical user interface which lets you control what gets logged by Zeitgeist. It supports setting up blacklists according to several criteria (such as application or file types), temporarily stopping all logging as well as deleting recent events. Package: addresses-goodies-for-gnustep Description-md5: 2bf16a9188fa9fdd2eb7e5023deca43d Description-sl: Upravljalnik osebnih naslovov za GNUstep (dobrote) Ta paket vsebuje nekaj stvari ki so lahko uporabne: adgnumailconverter Orodje, ki bo vaš imenik GNUMail združilo v podatkovno zbirko Naslovi. . adserver Samostojen omrežni strežnik Naslovov. . adtool Orodje ukazne vrstice za upravljanje podatkovne zbirke naslovov. Package: Description-md5: 28774e21eb4f43c64a682e22a3195b03 Description-sl: Upravljalnik osebnih naslovov za GNUstep Ta paket vsebuje upravljalnik osebnih naslovov za programski sistem GNUstep. Omogoča arhiviranje celotnih podatkov osebnih podatkov, organiziranje stikov v skupine, vključitev z drugimi programi kot so odjemalci pošte in souporabo podatkov o naslovih z drugimi uporabniki preko omrežja. Package: adjtimex Description-md5: 1b80fcb84c71e0b80763c87170b3227b Description-sl: Pripomoček nastavitev spremenljivk časa jedra Ta paket vsebuje pripomoček za upravljanje spremenljivk časa jedra. Za napravo, ki je povezana na internet ali opremljena z natančnim oscilatorjem ali radijsko uro je najboljši način za ohranitev natančne sistemske ure uporaba NTP (omrežni protokol časa). Za samostojno ali občasno povezano napravo vam lahko adjtimex pomaga popraviti sistematično napako. Izbirno lahko prilagodi sistemski čas z uporabo ure CMOS kot reference in lahko beleži čase za dolgoročno oceno hitrosti povečevanja napake. Package: admesh Description-md5: 618cfc32b0d16e74aea7a47ac42a2ec2 Description-sl: Tool for processing triangulated solid meshes. Binary Trenutno ADMesh bere le vrsto datotek STL, ki se uporabljajo za hitre prototipe programov, čeprav lahko zapisuje datoteke STL, VRML, OFF in DXF. Nekatere zmožnosti admesh so: zapolnitev lukenj v mrežah z dodajanjem ploskev, popravilo ploskev s povezavo bližnjih ploskev, popravilo normalnih smeri (ploskve bi morale biti v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalca) in odstranitev degeneriranih ploskev (ploskev z 2 ali več enakimi točkami) Package: adonthell Description-md5: f315195fa040e0f72c53e8a3c2cee9c4 Description-sl: 2D grafična igra igranja vlog 2D grafična igra RPG, ki so jo navdihnile stari dobri konzolski RPG-ji kot so tisti na SNES. . Ta paket vsebuje programnik Adonthell. Da boste lahko igrali, boste potrebovali tudi igro. Za to izdajo je uradna igra Waste's Edge, ki jo je mogoče najti v paketu adonthell-data Package: adonthell-data Description-md5: 6395bd0065d50a163898515ebb87388e Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke, ki jih potrebuje Adonthell To je uradna igra za Adonthell 0.3 . Kot vdan služabnik elfske gospe Silverhair prispete na oddaljeno trgovsko postojanko Waste's Edge, kjer se pogaja s pritlikavim trgovcem Bjarnom Fingolsonom. Vendar v Waste's Edge ni vse v redu in kmalu ste soočeni z okoliščinami, ki bodo uničile ugled vaše gospe. In vi ste edini, ki to lahko preprečite ... Package: adplay Description-md5: ca1ace79ff4381b414ffeb4fd4683073 Description-sl: Na konzoli osnovan predvajalnik zvoka OPL2 AdPlay je na konzoli osnovano začelje za AdPlug. AdPliug je prosta, splošna knjižnica predvajanja zvoka OPL2. AdPlay/UNIX podpira polen obseg zmožnosti predvajanja vrst datotek programa AdPlug. Kljub temu trenutno edini posneman izhod OPL2 podpira AdPlay, vendar na širokem obsegu izhodnih naprav. Package: adplug-utils Description-md5: 33daa2052c67f06329277d2f24c46fd1 Description-sl: Prosta zvočna knjižnica AdLib (pripomočki) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne pripomočke. Package: adql-java-doc Description-md5: 3a62dc071ba7cd41f142decf45261abf Description-sl: Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries (API doc) ADQL is a SQL-like language which includes astronomical facilities to query a database. This language has been defined by the IVOA in the Recommendation of 30 Oct 2008 (Version 2.0) and is mainly used in the Table Access Protocol (TAP). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: adun-core Description-md5: 342c93ca6222192992707fbc49114d4c Description-sl: Molecular Simulator Adun je biomolekulski simulator, ki vključuje tudi zmožnosti upravljanja podatkov in analizo. Razvil ga je laboratorij za računsko biofiziko in biokemijo kot del raziskovalne enote o biomedicinski informatiki na UPF. . This package contains the AdunCore program and the Adun server. If you want the graphical UI frontend, install the package. Package: Description-md5: 78adc89c967b1398bd4104cd61c7f06c Description-sl: Molecular Simulator for GNUstep (GUI) Adun je biomolekulski simulator, ki vključuje tudi zmožnosti upravljanja podatkov in analizo. Razvil ga je laboratorij za računsko biofiziko in biokemijo kot del raziskovalne enote o biomedicinski informatiki na UPF. . This package contains UL, the Adun GUI frontend. Package: advi Description-md5: 28ba481a238ab997c6af1b3efc24e7d7 Description-sl: Dejaven pregledovalnik in predstavljalnik slik Active-DVI je pregledovalnik in predstavitvenik DVI napisan v Objective Caml z nekaj učinki za predstavitve, podporo za vzajemne prikaze in vstavek poljubnih programov v predstavitev (od tu pride ime Active v imenu programa :)). . Active-DVI (še) ne podpira pisav postscript (za več podrobnosti si oglejte README.Debian). . Active-DVI ima tudi zmožnost poganjanja vstavljenih ukazov, ki lahko pri ogledu nezaupanih datotek DVI povzročijo varnostne težave. Preberite si README.Debian za več podrobnosti. Package: advi-examples Description-md5: ae407edd46fb02e622b3d1ce1f60b8df Description-sl: Primeri predstavitev za Active-DVI (advi) Active-DVI je pregledovalnik in predstavitvenik DVI napisan v Objective Caml z nekaj učinki za predstavitve, podporo za vzajemne prikaze in vstavek poljubnih programov v predstavitev (od tu pride ime Active v imenu programa :)). . Ta paket vsebuje primere predstavitev za Active-DVI. Package: aeolus Description-md5: c32beaee8e242fa55dd30dc6f5577387 Description-sl: Sintetiziran posnemovalnik cevi orgel Aeolus je sintetiziran (torej ne vzorčen) posnemovalnik cevi orgel, ki bi moral biti dovolj dober, da bodo organisti z veseljem igrali nanj. Je programski sintetizator optimiziran za ta posel z morda stotinami nadzora za vsak premor, kar uporabniku omogoči "uglasitev" svojega instrumenta. . Glavne zmožnosti privzetega instrumenta: trije manuali in en pedal, pet različnih temperatur, spremenljivo uglaševanja, nadzor MIDI, stereo ali izhod Ambisonics, prilagodljiv nadzor zvoka vključno z odmevom velikih cerkva. . Aeolus ne potrebuje veliko CPE in bi moral brez težav delovati na računalniku z 1 GHz CPE in 256 MB pomnilnika. Package: aephea Description-md5: 2bec5eccdfb1fead541764a4fc088a53 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovano orodje avtorstva za HTML Aephea je ogrodje za ustvarjanje HTML. Pravilno oblikovanost HTML prisili z enostavnejšo in strožjo skladnjo, zagotavlja uporabne razširitve in abstrakcije kot tudi pripomočke za dodajanje novih; vse to v ene združenem pristopu, ki je blizu samemu HTML. Nekatere značilnosti Aephea so TeX podobna skladnja, skladi map, ponavljanje in žarišče za slogih preko CSS. . PUD (prenosljiva dokumentacija Unix) je vključena v Aephea. Zagotavlja mini jezike za ustvarjanje strani priročnikov Unix in dokumente FAQ z izhodom tako v HTML kot troff. . Tako Aephea in PUD sta napisana v zoem, programskem/makro jeziku visoke ravni z zmožnostmi filtriranja znakov. . If you'd like to generate manpages, but don't like troff syntax, and find Perl's POD too limited, Aephea's PUD is likely useful for you. If you like your documents to be available in both PDF and HTML, but find DocBook XML too heavyweight (and aren't really happy with Docbook XML's baroque default tagnames), you'll like PUD. Package: aesfix Description-md5: e19d002714d08e62fc2219e297f59ca6 Description-sl: Orodje za popravljanje bitnih napak v razporedu tipk AES This program illustrates a technique for correcting bit errors in an AES key schedule. It should be used with the output of the aeskeyfind program. . It is limited to AES-128 key schedules, and it can only correct unidirectional 1->0 bit errors. For the most part it has been optimized for readability rather than performance. . This package is useful to several activities, as forensics investigations. Package: aeskeyfind Description-md5: 07a7a3e516ece906a38c6b6eb0efb1c7 Description-sl: tool for locating AES keys in a captured memory image Ta program prikazuje samodejne tehnike za odkrivanje 128-bit in 256-bit AES tipk in za zajem slike pomnilnika. . The program uses various algorithms and also performs a simple entropy test to filter out blocks that are not keys. It counts the number of repeated bytes and skips blocks that have too many repeats. . This method works even if several bits of the key schedule have been corrupted due to memory decay. . This package is useful to several activities, as forensics investigations. Package: aespipe Description-md5: 2ddca24ac9f8c8110258c420a625301a Description-sl: Orodje šifriranja AES s podporo zank AES aespipe je šifrirno orodje, ki prebere iz standardnega vhoda in piše v standardnih izhod. Uporablja čipirnik AES (Rijndael). . aespipe lahko uporabite za ne-uničujoče šifriranje na mestu obstoječih razdelkov diska za uporabo z zankovno-AES šifriranim jedrnim modulom povratne zanke. . Uporabiti ga je mogoče tudi kot fiter šifriranja za ustvarjanje in obnovitev šifriranih arhivov varnostnih kopij tar/cpio in za branje/pisanje in pretvorbo z zankovnim-AES združljivih šifriranih odtisov. . Vedite da aespipe ne shranjuje v šifriranih odtisih ne shranjuje podatkov o dolžini, zato ga ni mogoče uporabiti kot splošno namenski filter za šifriranje, ampak samo za določene vrste kot je tar. Package: aewan Description-md5: f35d5e6a27e200b26631a11dd8be37e5 Description-sl: Urejevalnik umetnosti ASCII brez imena aewan je urejevalnik umetnosti ASCII s podporo za več plasti, ki jih je mogoče posamezno urejati, barve, pravokotno kopiranje in lepljenje in inteligentno vodoravno in navpično zrcaljenje (pretvori '\' v '/', itd.). Proizvede tako samostojne datoteke umetnosti in v obliki, ki je enostavna za razčlenitev za vključitev v svoje programe terminala. Package: aewm++ Description-md5: e2bb4e9897a1c23acaba6dc3b6d9a86a Description-sl: majhen okenski upravljalnik napisan v C++ aewm++ je majhen okenski upravljalnik za X11, ki je osnovan na aewm. Obdrži videz in občutek aewm, vendar je napisan v C++ in doda nekaj modernih zmožnosti kot so navidezna namizja. Namigi GNOME WEMH so bili v tej izdaji odstranjeni, ker se želi izvorni paket osredotočiti na stabilnost in majhnost kode. . Ta paket je včasih vključeval appbar, aewm++_fspanel, setrootimage in aewm++_xsession. Ta programe lahko zdaj najdete v paktu aewm++-goodies. Package: aewm++-goodies Description-md5: 251b82684d48b221daf1037633230679 Description-sl: Pripomočki za dopolnitev majhnega okenskega upravljalnika These utilities were previously supplied with aewm++; they are intended to provide some of the typical desktop functionality that aewm++ itself does not include. This package provides: * aewm++_appbar: a small application launcher * aewm++_fspanel: a very small panel * aewm++_setrootimage: draws a gradient on the X root window * aewm++_xsession: keeps an X session alive Note that some of these were named differently in previous releases. Package: afnix Description-md5: 4fa7732d8fdce86e3dbebc4c386022a0 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik in izvajalnik za programski jezik AFNIX AFNIX je večniten programski jezik z dinamičnimi vezavami simbolov, ki podpirajo predmetno usmerjeno paradigno. Jezik vključuje odličen izvajalni programnik. DIstribucija je na voljo z več odjemalci in bogato zbirko modulov, ki so zasnovani tako, da so neodvisni od okolja. Package: afnix-doc Description-md5: 94e8f76cac01cc81fb148a361eb7998b Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik in izvajalnik za programski jezik AFNIX (dokumentacija) AFNIX je večniten programski jezik z dinamičnimi vezavami simbolov, ki podpirajo predmetno usmerjeno paradigno. Jezik vključuje odličen izvajalni programnik. DIstribucija je na voljo z več odjemalci in bogato zbirko modulov, ki so zasnovani tako, da so neodvisni od okolja. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za AFNIX. Package: aft Description-md5: ff4835b187300146cdcd26e4be8dd4d7 Description-sl: sistem pripravljanja dokumentov v "prosti obliki" AFT je sistem za pripravo dokumentov. Je večinoma v prosti obliki, kar pomeni da je malo motečega označevanja. Dokumenti vira AFT so videti podobni staremu besedilu ASCII. . AFT ima nekaj pravil za oblikovanje vašega dokumenta. Ta pravila imajo več z oblikovanjem vašega besedila kot z vstavljanjem ukazov. . Sedaj AFT proivzede precej dober HTML, XHTML, LaTeX, lout in RTF. Lahko ga prisilite v proizvajanje vseh vrst izhodov (svoj lasten XML). Uredi morate le datoteko pravil. Prilagodite lahko celo svoja lastne datoteke pravil HTML za posebne izhode. Package: aften Description-md5: c43d25867dae1515337595088e5e6907 Description-sl: Zvočni kodirnik AC3 Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. Package: afterstep Description-md5: d34d45817d3b122e341c7841a63b70c5 Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik z videzom in občutkom NEXTSTEP AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors. . AfterStep je nadaljevanje okenskega upravljalnika BowMan, vendar je bilo ime spremenjeno da odraža željo po več kot samo posnemanju in postati pomemben okenski upravljalnik. Package: afterstep-data Description-md5: 3697b2f757ada549aeb0717a85629d58 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za okenski upravljalnik AfterStep AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke in nastavitvene datoteke, ki jih potrebuje AfterStep. Package: afuse Description-md5: 602bf8a6925e536531c3f47c66ff31b9 Description-sl: Samodejno priklapljanje datotečnih sistemov izvedeno v uporabniškem prostoru s FUSE Afuse je na FUSE osnovan datotečni sistem, ki podpira zmožnost samodejnega priklapljanja datotečnih sistemov, ki je podobna Linuxovem autofs. Package: agda Description-md5: 65333dc4f3e4d00a90419d96d9785d24 Description-sl: Odvisnostno vnesen funkcionalen programski jezik Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . To je metapaket, ki vsebuje način emacs Agda, izvedljivo datoteko, standardno knjižnico in njeno dokumentacijo. Package: agda-bin Description-md5: f8e26d204d9ccc3a3cfdad460ae35595 Description-sl: vmesnik ukazne vrstice za Agda Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Ta paket vsebuje program ukazne vrstice za preverjanje vrste in kodno prevajanje programov Agda. Program lahko ustvari tudi hiperpovezane, poudarjene datoteke HTML iz virov Agda. Package: agda-stdlib Description-md5: c45346ed5a4053d9d174e9325e0d533b Description-sl: običajna knjižnica za Agda Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Standardna knjižnica Agda vsebuje module za veliko pogostih struktur podatkov in vzorce dokazov. Vključeni so naslednji moduli: - Algebra: določevanja in sklepanje o abstraktnih algebriskih strukturah - Category: uporaba idiomov iz teorije kategorij za oblikovanje funkcionalnih programov - Coinduction: podpora za konduktivno programiranje - Data: vrste podatkov in lastnosti o vrstah podatkov - Foreign: povezava z vmesnikom tujih funkcij - Induction: splošno ogrodje za indukcijo - IO: funkcije povezane v vhodom/izhodom - Level: ravni Universe - Relations: lastnosti in dokazi o razmerjih - Size: velikosti, ki jih uporablja mehanizem vrst velikosti . Ta paket vsebuje celotno knjižnico. Package: agda-stdlib-doc Description-md5: fd3b8a8baa471f456e06046d5280b6e7 Description-sl: standard library for Agda — documentation Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Standardna knjižnica Agda vsebuje module za veliko pogostih struktur podatkov in vzorce dokazov. Vključeni so naslednji moduli: - Algebra: določevanja in sklepanje o abstraktnih algebriskih strukturah - Category: uporaba idiomov iz teorije kategorij za oblikovanje funkcionalnih programov - Coinduction: podpora za konduktivno programiranje - Data: vrste podatkov in lastnosti o vrstah podatkov - Foreign: povezava z vmesnikom tujih funkcij - Induction: splošno ogrodje za indukcijo - IO: funkcije povezane v vhodom/izhodom - Level: ravni Universe - Relations: lastnosti in dokazi o razmerjih - Size: velikosti, ki jih uporablja mehanizem vrst velikosti . Ta paket vsebuje hiperpovezano dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: agedu Description-md5: 9f67a1da7c038e24702713dc5d24e0cc Description-sl: Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space Unix vsebuje običajen pripomoček du, ki preišče vaš trdi disk in vam pove katere mape vsebujejo največjo količino podatkov. To vam lahko omeji iskanje na stvari, ki jih je najbolj vredno izbrisati. . Vendar vam pove le kaj je veliko. Vi pa želite vedeti kaj je preveliko. Sam po sebi du ne bo ločil med podatki, ki so obsežni zato, ker delate nekaj kar mora biti obsežni in med obsežnimi podatki, ki so veliki, ker ste jih enkrat odpakirali in nanje pozabili. . Za ločevanje teh primerov se agedu zanaša na atime datotek. Package: Description-md5: 84aeda73d4cbb1466d3e707eef0e7b08 Description-sl: Upravljalnik koledarja za GNUsetp SimpleAgenda je program za upravljanje vaših koledarjev. Upravlja tako krajevne in oddaljene (webcal) koledarje. Koledarje lahko souporabljate z drugimi programi kot so Evolution, Dates, IceApe Calendar in drugi. Na voljo so naslednje zmožnosti: . * Multiple agendas. * Handle both events and tasks. * Support for local and remote (ftp, http) iCalendar agendas. * Monthly calendar, day view, summary and tasks view. * Create, resize and move appointments easily. * Export individual elements as files and to the pasteboard. * Import .ics files. * Simple text search. * Alarms with multiple backends. Package: aggregate Description-md5: f997a857d65d21bbf877320588a8a99c Description-sl: Zbirnik predpon cidr ipv4 vzame seznam predpon v običajni obliki na stdin in izvede dve optimizaciji za zmanjšanje dolžine seznama predpon. Odstrani odvečne predloge, ki so že vključene v drugo predpono (na primer bo odstranjen, če je doveden tudi in določi sosednje predpone, ki jih je mogoče združiti v eno predpono krajše dolžine (na primer in je mogoče združiti v eno predpono Package: aglfn Description-md5: 40806af3ac24bb24dab5ea0fd03065e5 Description-sl: Seznam pismenk Adobe za nove pisave AGL (seznam pismenk Adobe) preslika imena pismenk v vrednosti Unicode z namenom izpeljave vsebine. AGLFN (seznam pismenk Adobe za nove pisave) je podzbirka AGL, ki vključuje imena pismenk, ki so povezane s PUA (področje za osebno uporabo) in je mišljen za določitev prednostnih imen pismen za nove pisave. Vključen je tudi seznam pismenk ITC Zap Dingbats, ki je podoben AGL, saj preslika imena pismenk v vrednosti Unicode, vendar le za pismenke v pisavi ITC Zapf Dingbats. . Prepričajte se, da obiščete strani določila AGL in razvijalske dokumentacije za podrobne podatke o pismenkah, tolmačenju imen pismenk in razvijanju pisav OpenType. Package: aha Description-md5: 0f17d309f135dcc8d21c8650ac0fb8c6 Description-sl: Pretvornik iz barve ANSI v HTML aha (prilagodilnik ANSI HTML) pretvori barve ANSI v HTML. Na primer, če želite objaviti izhod ls --color=yes, git diff, ccal ali htop nekje objaviti kot statični HTML. Package: ahcpd Description-md5: f1c1a025e99acd7afd0c2b29e5c5fdef Description-sl: Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol AHCP je protokol samodejne nastavitve za IPv6 in omrežja IPv6/IPv4 dvojnega sklada, ki je zasnovan za uporabo namesto odkrivanja usmerjevalnika in DHCP na omrežjih, kjer je težko ali nemogoče nastaviti strežnik v vsaki domena oddajanja povezave plasti, na primer mobilna omrežja ad-hoc. AHCP bo samodejno nastavil predpono IPv6, naslov IPv4 za vsakega gostitelja, protokol usmerjanja, strežnik DNS in strežnik NTP. Trenutno lahko nastavi gostitelje za statično usmerjanje za uporabo protokola OLSR ali za uporabo s protokolom Babel. AHCP je razširljiv, zato bi moralo biti dodajanje podpore za druge protokole usmerjanja enostavno. Package: aide-dynamic Description-md5: 8bf4f7566feb77cc67df60020394eaeb Description-sl: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - transitional package AIDE je sistem za zanvanje vdorov, ki zazna spremembe na krajevnem sistemu. Ustvari podatkovno zbirko iz pravil logičnih izrazov, ki jih najde v datoteki nastavitev. Ko se podatkovna zbirka začne, jo je mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje celovitosti datotek. Program vsebuje več algoritmov povzemanja sporočil (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, itn.), ki ijh je mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje celovitosti datotek. Več algoritmov je mogoče enostavno dodati. . This is a transitional package to allow the seamless replacement of the aide-dynamic package with the normal aide package, which is now also dynamically linked. See NEWS.Debian for an explanation. Package: aiksaurus Description-md5: c494eb72c833031f7ce7b583043fb07b Description-sl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (utility) Aiksaurus is an English-language thesaurus that is suitable for integration with word processors, email composers, and other authoring software. . Ta paket vsebuje aiksaurus, začelje ukazne vrstice za Aiksaurus. Package: aircrack-ng Description-md5: 9659071ca811e6a5bba38a9345409ece Description-sl: Pripomočki vlamljanja v brezžična omrežja WEP/WPA aircrack-ng je program vlamljanja 802.11a/b/g, ki lahko odkrije 40 bitne, 104 bitne, 256 bitne ali 512 bitne ključe WEP, ko je bilo zbranih dovolj šifriranih paketov. Napade lahko tudi omrežja WPA1/2 z nekaterimi naprednimi tehnikami ali s surovo silo. . Podpira običajen napad FMS skupaj z nekaterimi optimizacijami in nato naredi napad veliko hitrejši v primerjavi z drugimi orodji vlamljanja WEP. Lahko tudi polno uporabi večprocesorski sistem za pohitritev opravila vlamljanja. . aircrack-ng je razvejitev projekta aircrack, saj ga je vzdrževalec projekta nehal vzdrževati. Package: airport-utils Description-md5: 7d4f6f55009c97657fa4f38b7a9d48fc Description-sl: Pripomočki nastavitev in upravljanja za osnovne postaje Apple AirPort Ta paket vsebuje različne pripomočke za upravljanje osnovnih postaj Apple AirPort. . Zavedajte se, da je Apple izdal več različic osnovne postaje AirPort. Izvirni AirPort ("Graphite") je bila osnovna postaja Lucent RG-1000 z drugo blagovno znamko, ki je zmogel 802.11a/b. AirPort Exteme ("Snow") je osnovna postaja 802.11a/b/g, ki jo je izgradil Apple. . For the original Apple AirPort and the Lucent RG-1000 base stations only: - airport-config: base station configurator - airport-linkmon: wireless link monitor, gives information on the wireless link quality between the base station and the associated hosts . Le za osnovne postaje Apple AirPort Extreme: - airport2-config: nastavitvenik osnovnih postaj - airport2-portinspector: nadzornik preslikav map - airport2-ipinspector: pripomoček nadziranja vmesnikov WAN . For all: - airport-modem: modem control utility, displays modem state, starts/stops modem connections, displays the approximate connection time (Extreme only) - airport-hostmon: wireless hosts monitor, lists wireless hosts connected to the base station (see airport2-portinspector for the Snow) Package: airstrike Description-md5: bd343ce010d39e17acb4bfa3e5a4b5d0 Description-sl: 2d igra boja, ki sledi tradiciji iger 'Biplanes' in 'BIP' Airstrike je 2d igra, ki sledi tradiciji iger Intellivision in Amiga 'Biplanes' in 'BIP'. Vsebuje robusten progranik fizike in več drugih razširitev izvirnih iger. Igra jo lahko ena ali dve osebi. Package: airstrike-common Description-md5: bf5e9f248c4c7da18fc2f973c405a3e6 Description-sl: 2d dogfight game - data files Airstrike je 2d igra, ki sledi tradiciji iger Intellivision in Amiga 'Biplanes' in 'BIP'. Vsebuje robusten progranik fizike in več drugih razširitev izvirnih iger. Igra jo lahko ena ali dve osebi, vendar bo v prihodnosti morda imela omrežno igranje in naprednejše računalniško nadzorovane sovražnike. Grafika je bila ustvarjena s sledilnikom žarkov Povray in bi jo moralo biti lahko razširiti in spremeniti. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: aj-snapshot Description-md5: deac30a568faac29bb95742595309aee Description-sl: naredite posnetke povezave JACK Aj-snapshot is a small program that can be used to make snapshots of the connections made between JACK and/or ALSA clients. Because JACK can provide both audio and MIDI support to programs, aj-snapshot can store both types of connections for JACK. ALSA, on the other hand, only provides routing facilities for MIDI clients. Aj-snapshot is meant to be used from the command line. Package: akonadi-backend-mysql Description-md5: 44bbff2187bd34b353f73253edf50334 Description-sl: MySQL storage backend for Akonadi Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package installs everything what's needed for Akonadi to work with MySQL as underlying data storage engine. By default, a local MySQL server instance will be started for each user. Alternatively, connection to an external MySQL database is supported as well. Package: akonadi-backend-postgresql Description-md5: bd88f5341863115ed0f5865ef888ddfd Description-sl: Zalednje shrambe PostgreSQL za Akonadi Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . Ta paket namesti vse, kar je zahtevano za delovanje programa Akonadi s PostgreSQL kot spodajležečim programnikom shrambe podatkov. Privzeto bo za vsakega uporabnika zagnan nov primerek krajevnega strežnika PostgreSQL. Nadomestno je podprta tudi povezava z zunanjo podatkovno zbirko PostgreSQL. Package: akonadi-backend-sqlite Description-md5: 196c983135bfe5727ed497202663edef Description-sl: Zalednje shrambe SQLite za Akonadi Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . Ta paket namesti vse kar je zahtevano za delovanje Akonadi s SQLite kot spodaj ležečim programnikom shrambe podatkov. Ker je SQLite vstavljen programnik podatkovne zbirke, ločen ozadnji program strežnika SQL ni zahtevan. Package: akonadi-server Description-md5: 80144a9a021e5f971cbb61777684d38e Description-sl: Akonadi PIM storage service Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package contains the Akonadi PIM storage server and associated programs. Package: akonadiconsole Description-md5: eab8b689674d4e9e50a06d477c067f16 Description-sl: Upravljalniška in razhoščevalna konzola za akonadi Konzola Akonadi je uporaben pripomoček, ki ga je mogoče uporabiti za raziskovanje ali upravljanje Akonadi. Ker ta pripomoček izpostavi notranje dele Akonadi, je zelo uporaben za razhroščevanja, vendar je lahko priročen tudi v drugih primerih. Package: akregator Description-md5: 685ce24f3633b431b73038bd0f234211 Description-sl: Bralnik virov RSS in Atom Akregator je bralnik virov novic. Omogoča vam sledenje stranem z novicami, blogom in drugimi strani z omogočenim RSS/Atom brez potrebe po ročnem preverjanju za posodobitve s spletnim brskalnikom. Akregator je zasnovan za lahko uporabo in zmogljivost, ki omogoča priročno branje več sto virov novic. Vsebuje vključitev v Konqueror za dodajanje virov novic in notranji brskalnik za enostavno branje novic. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: alac-decoder Description-md5: 6c5c744f525fa7c8100d9d2b2e45c520 Description-sl: Odkodirnik zvočnega kodeka Apple brez izgub Enostaven odkodirnik za zvočni kodek Apple brez izgub Package: alacarte Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b Description-sl: preprosto orodje za urejanje menijev GNOME Alacatre je urejevalnik menijev GNOME, ki je enostaven za uporabo in lahko doda in uredi nove vnose in menije. Deluje z določilom menija, zato bi moral delovati s katerimkoli namiznim okoljem, ki uporablja to določilo. Package: alarm-clock-applet Description-md5: 3a3d8618d35c191f006c46f991ff45dc Description-sl: alarm clock panel indicator Alarm Clock je polno zmožna budilka, ki prebiva v obvestilnem področju. Je enostavna za uporabo a dovolj zmogljiva in podpira več in alarmov in ponavljajoče se alarme kot tudi zamike in prilagodljiv obvestilni sistem. . Podprti sta dve vrsti alarmov: budilke in odštevalniki. Obvestilo je izvedeno s predvajanjem zvoka ali zaganjanjem programa. Package: aldo Description-md5: de36683197f16f74b87f7c868c662216 Description-sl: Program za učenje Morseove kode Aldo je orodje učenja morsove kode, ki zagotavlja štiri vrste načinov učenja: bloki, koch, datoteka, callsign. Bloki: določite bloke naključnih znakov, ki so predvajani v morseovi kodi. Koch: dva morseova znaka bosta bila predvajanja s polno hitrostjo (20wnm) dokler jih ne boste mogli določiti vsaj 90%. Po tem bo dodan še en znak in tako naprej. Datoteka: določite predvajane znake ustvarjene iz datoteke. Callsign: določi neključne klicne znake, predvajane v morseovi kodi. Package: ale Description-md5: fc3be6a181259ad7b12bfe19020358da Description-sl: Programnik in izrisovalnik sintetičnega zajemanja ALE poravna in združi več podobnih slik iz digitalizirane naprave (kot je digitalni fotoaparat ali optični bralnik) v eno samo sliko. To opravilo lahko ustvari sliko višje natančnosti z uporabo podrobnosti iz več ločenih slik združenih v končno sliko. Uporabi se lahko tudi za združevanje slik v mozaik ali panoramsko sliko. Package: alevt Description-md5: b69b5f3f83c41724d16a921f749fbcd1 Description-sl: Brskalnik teleteksta/videoteksta X11 AleVT is an X11 program for browsing and searching Teletext/Videotext pages received by a compatible decoder (bttv and DVB receivers). . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Več oken * Predpomnilnik strani * Iskanje logičnih izrazov * Vgrajen priročnik . Dodatni pripomočki ukazne vrstice lahko . * prejemanje časa iz teleteksta/videoteksta * zajem slik in njihovo zapisovanje na disk . Teletekst/videotekst uporabljajo TV kanali za prenašanje strani z besedilnimi podatki (prenaša se preko nevidnih vrsticah preiskovanja). Package: alevtd Description-md5: 19caeb496778bf1f739bc1e190f5c9cc Description-sl: Ozadnji program HTTP za strani teleteksta XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program HTTP, ki pošilja strani teleteksta kot HTML. Package: alex Description-md5: bc94d454c7a2f43370b4ac0cf89a5863 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik leksičnih preučevalnikov za Haskell Alex je ustvarjalnik leksičnih preučevalnikov za Haskell iz podanega opisa žetonov za prepoznavo v obliki logičnih izrazov. Je podoben orodju lex ali flex za C/C++. Package: algotutor Description-md5: c41d775ec41f2b56ed5bc23de583267b Description-sl: Program za opazovanje vmesnih korakov algoritma algotutor je vzajemni program za opazovanje vmesnih korakov algoritmov ("animacija algoritmov"). Ciljno občinstvo so študentje računalništva in/ali kogarkoli, ki se uči algoritme in/ali podatkovne strukture. Podatkovne datoteke lahko ustvarite v obliki običajnega besedila (dejansko brezimnih razpršilih perl, vendar to ni pomembno) in pustite izvajanje algotutor skozi preddoločen algoritem. Nato lahko stopite korak nazaj in naprej skozi zaporedje izvajanja algoritma na različnih stopnjah podrobnosti. Package: alice Description-md5: 3deea78573d420609be015425a85dd98 Description-sl: Na spletnem brskalniku (WebKit ali Gecko) osnovan odjemalec IRC Alice is an acronym for "Altogether Lovely Internet Chatting Experience" which is an IRC client that is viewed in the web browser. Alice runs in the background maintaining connections and collecting messages. When a browser connects, it will display the 100 most recent messages for each channel, and update with any new messages as they arrive. . Alice also logs messages to an SQLite database. These logs are searchable through the web interface. . Za namizna spročila namestite libdesktop-notify-perl. Package: alien-hunter Description-md5: 5f7c91ddef3ac915fd4f61d66745892f Description-sl: Interpoliran spremenljivi red motivov za določitev vodoravno pridobljene DNA Alien_hunter je program za napoved dogodkov vodoravnega prenosa genov (HGT) z izvedbo interpoliranega spremenljivega reda motivov (IVOM-jev). Pristop IVOM izkoristi pristranskost sestave z uporabo distribucij motivov spremenljivega reda in v primerjavi z drugimi načini stalnega reda bolj zanesljivo zajame krajevno sestavo. Izbirno je mogoče napovedi razčleniti v 2-stanski skriti Markov model (HMM) drugega reda, v ogrodje zaznavanaj točke spremembe za optimizacijo lokalizacije mej napovedanih področij. Napovedi (oblika embl) je mogoče samodejno naložiti v pregledovalnik genoma Artemis, ki je brezplačno na voljo na Package: alienblaster Description-md5: da1f8f1a6453d62874036331e075d65f Description-sl: Klasična 2D igra postreli vse kar leze in gre Vaša misija je enostavna: zaustavite invazijo nezemljanov in jih razstrelite! . Alien Blaster je klasična 2D igra postreli vse kar leze in gre, ki vsebuje veliko različnih orožij, posebnih predmetov, nezemljanov za razstrelitev in velikega hudobnega vodjo. . Podpira tako enoigralski način in sodelujoči način dveh igralcev za dve osebi, ki igrata na istem računalniku. Package: alienblaster-data Description-md5: ba7f91b87a7940dd88d237ce23043f59 Description-sl: Podatki igre za Alien Blaster Vaša misija je enostavna: zaustavite invazijo nezemljanov in jih razstrelite! . Alien Blaster je klasična 2D igra postreli vse kar leze in gre, ki vsebuje veliko različnih orožij, posebnih predmetov, nezemljanov za razstrelitev in velikega hudobnega vodjo. . Podpira tako enoigralski način in sodelujoči način dveh igralcev za dve osebi, ki igrata na istem računalniku. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisno predstavnost igre. Package: allegro4-doc Description-md5: 9b7366b5ced0412260a68241fb797240 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico Allegro This package contains the Allegro documentation in various formats, FAQs and other documentation about the Allegro library and the source of the example programs. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: almanah Description-md5: 034aeb320a1186c1cafc6b4acaefdfb1 Description-sl: Program za olajšanje upravljanja osebnega dnevnika Almanah je majhen program za lažje upravljanje osebnega dnevnika. Ima osnovne zmožnosti urejanja in povezovanja kot so: . - dodajanje povezav vnosom dnevnika do druge vsebine - šifriranje podatkovne zbirke - podpora za iskanje in tiskanje. Package: alpine Description-md5: 3ddd074b130edc15ad4419408e6d3266 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan odjemalec klepeta, prijazen za novince, vendar zmogljiv Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE. . Vsebuje polno zbirko podpore poštnih protokolov kot sta IMAP in SMTP in varnosntnih protokolov kot je TLS. Za svoj vmesnik uporablja curses. Package: alpine-doc Description-md5: d36b0af30efaab3c303df1eb7e7202ef Description-sl: Dokumentacija besednega odjemalca e-pošte Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE. . Ta paket shranjuje dokumentacijo za alpine. Package: alqalam Description-md5: 6a39533e68c6a515eb89f058f569b09d Description-sl: Qur'an sestavljanje makrov za TeX/LaTeX AlQalam (``the pen'' in Arabic) is a freely available system intended for typesetting the Qur'an, other traditional texts, and any publications in the languages using the Arabic script. Package: alsa-oss Description-md5: 7e1413025cd44f9937186b01e353aed0 Description-sl: ALSA filtri za programe OSS This package contains a program loader, aoss, which wraps applications written for OSS in a compatibility library, thus allowing them to work with ALSA. . There are two ways of getting an application to work with ALSA if the application was written for OSS. The first way is to load the special ALSA drivers that emulate the OSS kernel interface; these allow the application to open /dev/dsp0 and other OSS device files. The second way is to wrap the application in the libaoss library provided in this package; the wrapper causes the application to access native ALSA device files such as /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c instead of OSS device files. . Use of the alsa-oss library is recommended over the use of OSS-emulation drivers if you want to use ALSA's PCM plugin layer. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. . Oss je prosta različica Odprtega zvočnega sistema. Package: alsa-source Description-md5: 53e1b4fbfd16b147221d407941e1a35f Description-sl: Viri gonilnika ALSA This package contains the source code for the ALSA drivers. The source code can be compiled into an alsa-modules package using the m-a utility (available in the module-assistant package). Please note that the kernel headers must be installed to compile these modules. Please read the README.Debian file for more information about loading and building modules. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: alsa-tools Description-md5: 4d64eace7e51fb1fc1a18ed780ee5e62 Description-sl: Console based ALSA utilities for specific hardware Zbirka konzolnih orodij za posebno zvočno strojno opremo: . as10k1 - An assembler for the EMU10K1 (EMU10K2) DSP chip hda-verb - send HD-audio commands to Intel HDA devices sbiload - OPL2/3 FM instrument loader for the ALSA sequencer us428control - Controller utility for Tascam US-X2Y Package: alsa-tools-gui Description-md5: 7e9c05fa4ed7725d61d80aa2becaf0fc Description-sl: Grafična orodja ALSA za posebno strojno opremo A collection of GUI based ALSA utilities for specific sound hardware: . echomixer - control tool for Echoaudio soundcards envy24control - control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) based soundcards hdajackretask - retask jacks on HDA Intel hardware hdspconf - GUI program to control the Hammerfall HDSP Alsa Settings. hdspmixer - tool to control the advanced routing features of the RME Hammerfall DSP. rmedigicontrol - control tool for RME Digi32 and RME Digi96 soundcards Package: alsamixergui Description-md5: eed6350c7b7ae40f4c2d5c4e4c967d6a Description-sl: Grafični mešalnik zvočnih kartic za gonilnik zvočne kartice ALSA alsamixergui je na FLTK osnovan program mešalnika za uporabo z gonilniki zvočnih kartic ALSA. Podpira več zvočnih kartic z več napravami. . alsamixergui je začelje za alsamixer, ki je napisano neposredno na izvoru alsamixer in pusti izvirni izvor nespremenjen. Doda le nekaj ukazov ifdef in nekaj klicev do dela grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika. Zagotavlja natanko enake zmožnosti vendar z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom. Package: alsaplayer-common Description-md5: 80e606dafda00973df55a72ed069426f Description-sl: audio player (common files) Alsaplayer is a PCM player designed specifically for use with ALSA, but works great with OSS or EsounD. It's heavily threaded which cuts down on skipping, offers optional and even simultaneous visual scopes, plays mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs, and lots more. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program alsaplayer in potrebuje vstavek vmesnika in vstavek izhoda. Privzeto bosta nameščena vmesnik GTK+ in izhod alsa. Package: altree-examples Description-md5: 36faf63076f27a0aada20ad02635b42a Description-sl: Datoteke primerov za ALTree ALTree was designed to perform association detection and localization of susceptibility sites using haplotype phylogenetic trees: first, it allows the detection of an association between a candidate gene and a disease, and second, it enables to make hypothesis about the susceptibility loci. . This package contains the example files for the ALTree package discussed in its PDF manual. Package: alure-doc Description-md5: 08e0393d10953060c73f616721c8a166 Description-sl: AL Utilities REtooled (documentation) ALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming. . The purpose of this library is to provide pre-made functionality that would otherwise be repetitive or difficult to (re)code for various projects and platforms, such as loading a sound file into an OpenAL buffer and streaming an audio file through a buffer queue. Support for different formats is consistent across platforms, so no special checks are needed when loading files, and all formats are handled through the same API. . Currently ALURE includes a basic .wav and .aif file reader, and can leverage external libraries such as libSndFile (for extended wave formats and several others), VorbisFile (for Ogg Vorbis), and FLAC (for FLAC and Ogg FLAC), and others. External libraries can also be dynamically loaded at run-time, or individually disabled outright at compile time. . Ta paket vsbeuje dokumentacijo ALURE. Package: amanda-client Description-md5: eb340217bc77fc442e67d6d525d8c0fb Description-sl: Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Client) Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This package is suitable for large amounts of data to backup. For smaller solutions take a look at afbackup, tob, ... . Features: * will back up multiple machines in parallel to a holding disk, blasting finished dumps one by one to tape as fast as they can be can written to tape. For example, a ~2 Gb 8mm tape on a ~240K/s interface to a host with a large holding disk can be filled by Amanda in under 4 hours. * built on top of standard backup software: Unix dump/restore, and later GNU Tar and others. * does simple tape management: will not overwrite the wrong tape. * supports tape changers via a generic interface. Easily customizable to any type of tape carousel, robot, or stacker that can be controlled via the unix command line. * for a restore, tells you what tapes you need, and finds the proper backup image on the tape for you. * recovers gracefully from errors, including down or hung machines. * reports results, including all errors in detail, in email to operators. * will dynamically adjust backup schedule to keep within constraints: no more juggling by hand when adding disks and computers to network. * includes a pre-run checker program, that conducts sanity checks on both the tape server host and all the client hosts (in parallel), and will send an e-mail report of any problems that could cause the backups to fail. * can compress dumps before sending or after sending over the net, with either compress or gzip. * can optionally synchronize with external backups, for those large timesharing computers where you want to do full dumps when the system is down in single-user mode (since BSD dump is not reliable on active filesystems): Amanda will still do your daily dumps. * lots of other options; Amanda is very configurable. . THIS PACKAGE RELIES ON A RUNNING AMANDA SERVER IN YOUR NETWORK. . Za pomembne opombe si oglejte /usr/share/doc/amanda-client/README.Debian. . Explanation of suggested programs: - gnuplot is needed for plotting statistics of backups Package: amanda-server Description-md5: 7a44af7cb005595215636c1ed7a211fa Description-sl: Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Server) Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This package is suitable for large amounts of data to backup. For smaller solutions take a look at afbackup, tob, ... . Features: * will back up multiple machines in parallel to a holding disk, blasting finished dumps one by one to tape as fast as they can be written to tape. For example, a ~2 Gb 8mm tape on a ~240K/s interface to a host with a large holding disk can be filled by Amanda in under 4 hours. * built on top of standard backup software: Unix dump/restore, and later GNU Tar and others. * does simple tape management: will not overwrite the wrong tape. * supports tape changers via a generic interface. Easily customizable to any type of tape carousel, robot, or stacker that can be controlled via the unix command line. * for a restore, tells you what tapes you need, and finds the proper backup image on the tape for you. * recovers gracefully from errors, including down or hung machines. * reports results, including all errors in detail, in email to operators. * will dynamically adjust backup schedule to keep within constraints: no more juggling by hand when adding disks and computers to network. * includes a pre-run checker program, that conducts sanity checks on both the tape server host and all the client hosts (in parallel), and will send an e-mail report of any problems that could cause the backups to fail. * can compress dumps before sending or after sending over the net, with either compress or gzip. * can optionally synchronize with external backups, for those large timesharing computers where you want to do full dumps when the system is down in single-user mode (since BSD dump is not reliable on active filesystems): Amanda will still do your daily dumps. * lots of other options; Amanda is very configurable. . Za pomembne opombe si oglejte /usr/share/doc/amanda-server/README.Debian. . Explanation of suggested programs: - perl is needed for some non essential server utilities - gnuplot is needed for plotting statistics of backups - to backup the tape server, you need to install the client too Package: amarok Description-md5: 8cb0abbd7a36a44af04429c5df99b014 Description-sl: predvajalnik predstavnosti za okolje KDE, ki je enostaven za uporabo Amarok je zmogljiv predvajalnik glasbe z inituitivnim uporabniškim vmesnikom. Predvajanje glasbe, ki vam je všeč, in odkrivanje nove glasbe še nikoli ni bilo tako enostavno. Amarok je osnovan na zmogljivi platformi Qt4/ KDE4 in se dobro vključi v namizje KDE. . Veliko dela je bilo vloženega v vključitev programa Amarok 2 z različnimi spletnimi storitvami: - Ampache - Jamendo - - Librivox - MP3tunes - Magnatune - Imenik podcastov OPML . Amarok vsebuje veliko zmožnosti vključno z a ne omejeno na: - Skripti - izboljšajte svojo izkušnjo z Amarokom s skripti, ki jih je razvila skupnost: - Dinamični seznami predvajanja - ustvarite samodejno posodabljajoče se sezname predvajanja. - Pogled vsebine - prilagodite vmesnik s pogledom vsebine, ki ga poganja Plasma. - Pojavni spustilnik - poenostavite dejanja povleci in spusti s tem revolucionarnim menijem sistema. - Prevodi v več jezikov - Upravljanje z zbirko - organizacija vaše glasbene zbirke še nikoli ni bila lažja, saj Amarok vsebuje močne zmožnosti označevanja, preimenovanja in razvrščanja. - Uvažanje podatkovnih zbirk - uvozite zbirke iz Amaroka 1.4 ali iTunes. - Skriptljive storitve - v Amarok vključite druge spletne storitve. Package: amarok-common Description-md5: b68e11b03695f49c13f78d2a9538597b Description-sl: od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za Amarok Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke, ki jih Amarok potrebuje za pravilno delovanje. Zato za vas ta pakete ne bo uporaben, razen če imate nameščen paket 'amarok' enake različice. . Amarok is a powerful music player with an intuitive interface. Package: amarok-doc Description-md5: bddda762a06d0793caa474d3a9e18237 Description-sl: Dokumentacija Amarok (knjižica) This package contains Amarok user documentation in various languages. It can be opened from the application menu Help -> Amarok Handbook. . Amarok is a powerful music player with an intuitive interface. Package: amide Description-md5: 68635d5506489a7fdecefeeeeaf0a618 Description-sl: Program za medicinsko slikanje AMIDE: (Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner) AMIDE is a tool for viewing and analyzing medical image data sets. It's capabilities include the simultaneous handling of multiple data sets imported from a variety of file formats, image fusion, 3D region of interest drawing and analysis, volume rendering, and rigid body alignments. . Amide imports most clinical DICOM files (using the DCMTK library). Package: amphetamine Description-md5: 84628a9130481aaae590448a13c3a80e Description-sl: arkadna igra z edinstvenimi vidnimi učinki Ampethamine je vzmenerljiva igra skoči in teci, ki ponuja nekaj edinstvenih učinkov kot so obarvana osvetlitev, megla in korone. S svojimi čarobnimi orožji se morate bojevati z enajstimi zlobnimi pošastmi. Package: amphetamine-data Description-md5: 0e43c7567c8534fbf1630b85ea8f4701 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro "Amphetamine" This package contains data files used by the game "Amphetamine". . Ampethamine je vzmenerljiva igra skoči in teci, ki ponuja nekaj edinstvenih učinkov kot so obarvana osvetlitev, megla in korone. S svojimi čarobnimi orožji se morate bojevati z enajstimi zlobnimi pošastmi. Package: ams Description-md5: ec9619dfb2ce2790837d2121ab75fbd3 Description-sl: realno-časovni modular sintetizatorja za ALSA AlsaModularSynth je realnočasovni modularni sintetizator in obdelovalnik učinkov. Njegove zmožnosti: * z MIDI nadzorovana modularna sinteza zvoka. * Realnočasovno obdelovanje učinkov z zajemanjem iz npr. "Line in" ali "Mic in". * Polen nadzor nad vsemi parametri sinteze in učinkov preko MIDI. * Vgrajen brskalnik LADSPA z zmožnostjo iskanja. * Podpora JACK. Package: amsynth Description-md5: 42adbf3ede6156bdcbafcf752ad79f66 Description-sl: two oscillators software synthesizer zmožnosti amSynth: * dva zvočna oscilatorja v analognem slogu z zmožnostmi: o sinusni val o žagasti/trikotni val s prilagodljivo obliko, o kvadratni/pulsni val s prilagodljivo širino pulsa, o ustvarjanje šuma o "naključni" val (šum z vzorcem in držanjem) o uskladite oscilatorja o znižanje tona in nadzor obsega * odsek mešalnika z modulacijo zvonenja * filter nizkega prehoda v analognem slogu o 24dB/oktava krivulja o namenska ovojnica ADSR o nadzor odreza in resonance o sledenje višini tipkovnice * ojačevalnik z namensko ovojnico ADSR * LFO modulacije o modulacija do 58 Hz o usmerljiv na vse odseke (višina, filter, ojačevalnik) * učinki o visoko kakovosten stereo odmev (freeverb) o popačenje/drobljenje * enostavno krmarjenje in upravljanje prednastavljenih vrednosti * samostojen odjemalec OSS ali ALSA Midi/zvok Package: amule Description-md5: 5c464e6adf41c7373294617a696146d0 Description-sl: Odjemalec za omrežji eD2k in Kad, podoben eMule aMule je program deljenja datotek od vrstnika do vrstnika, ki je zasnovan za povezavo na omrežja eDonkey in Kad. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti vključno z veliko izvirnega odjemalca eMule, kot: . * spletni podpis, izmenjava virov, stisnjeni prenosi, varna identifikacija in podpora filtriranja IP * boolovo iskanje, ki je lahko krajevno, globalno ali na omrežju Kad * preverjanja za agresivne odjemalce * dodelitev mest za določitev števila oddaljenih odjemalcev * sistemska vrstica dobro deluje v GNOME in KDE * prevodi v številne jezike . Različica ozadnjega programa, ki za izvajanje ne potrebuje grafičnega vmesnika, je na voljo v paketu amule-daemon. Različne pripomočke, vključno z ročnikom povezav ed2k, lahko najdete v paketih amule-utils in amule- utils-gui. Package: amule-utils-gui Description-md5: a9233d00727fe62a812dc8b77ad2e9ca Description-sl: Grafični pripomočki za aMule Ta paket vsebuje zbirko grafičnih pripomočkov, ki so povezani z aMUle, odjemalcem omrežja eD2k: . * wxcas: displays the contents of your aMule online signature * alc: computes ed2k:// links for the given input files * amulegui: graphic client to control aMule or the aMule daemon . Različico ukazne vrstice teh pripomočkov lahko najdete v paketu amule- utils. Package: analitza-common Description-md5: 15f6d44494810efbd452d25193052305 Description-sl: common files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: analog Description-md5: 94c964c93f19549fb1bd26d122682b33 Description-sl: Preučevalnik dnevnikov spletnega strežnika Analog is a fast log file processor that generates usage statistic reports for web servers. . Features: - Fast: can process millions of lines per minute; - Scalable; - Flexible: the default output is well suited for many needs but there are many options and 32 alternative report styles; - Internationalized output; - HTML output (compliant with standards); - Handles many log file formats; - Uses a command-line interface or a web interface. Package: and Description-md5: 5b6bdf6ae5748dade0475d36c058ab07 Description-sl: Samodejen ozadnji program Nice The auto nice daemon activates itself in certain intervals and renices jobs according to their priority and CPU usage. Jobs owned by root are left alone. Jobs are never increased in their priority. . The renice intervals can be adjusted as well as the default nice level and the activation intervals. A priority database stores user/group/job tuples along with their renice values for three CPU usage time ranges. Negative nice levels are interpreted as signals to be sent to a process, triggered by CPU usage; this way, Netscapes going berserk can be killed automatically. The strategy for searching the priority database can be configured. . AND also provides network-wide configuration files with host-specific sections, as well as wildcard/regexp support for commands in the priority database. Package: android-libaapt Description-md5: 6766f9d7dc04ef81ed3bf2af26ae59f6 Description-sl: Android Asset Packaging Tool - Shared library The Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) takes your application resource files, such as the AndroidManifest.xml file and the XML files for your Activities, and compiles them. An is also produced so you can reference your resources from your Java code. This tool allows you to view, create, and update Zip-compatible archives (zip, jar, apk). It can also compile resources into binary assets. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: android-libandroidfw-dev Description-md5: e6f58464d4ebdf1df4179fa3b085ae9c Description-sl: Android utility library - Development files Library providing utility functions to Android related tools. This is needed purely to get various Android utilities working. In the Google builds of the Android SDK, this library is statically linked, but in the Debian packaging, it is a private shared library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libbacktrace-dev Description-md5: 1f078e9628df401b2f7fbe46f9340d78 Description-sl: Android backtrace library - Development files Android backtrace library produce symbolic backtraces for making debugging easier. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libbase-dev Description-md5: 5400b9d81a8ba7cc90d4f188ed3a76b8 Description-sl: Android base library - Development files This library provides APIs for basic tasks like handling files, Unicode strings, logging, memory allocation, integer parsing, etc.. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libboringssl-dev Description-md5: 6c3c7635ba7c1cd4c13747e9410ce82d Description-sl: Google's internal fork of OpenSSL for the Android SDK - devel The Android SDK builds against a static version of BoringSSL, Google's internal fork of OpenSSL. This package should never be used for anything but Android SDK packages that already depend on it. . BoringSSL arose because Google used OpenSSL for many years in various ways and, over time, built up a large number of patches that were maintained while tracking upstream OpenSSL. As Google’s product portfolio became more complex, more copies of OpenSSL sprung up and the effort involved in maintaining all these patches in multiple places was growing steadily. . This is the Android AOSP fork of BoringSSL which is designed to be used by Android and its SDK. BoringSSL is only ever statically linked into apps, and pinned to a commit version. Upstream has no official releases of BoringSSL on its own, so it must be included separately for each project that uses it. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libcutils-dev Description-md5: 8dbc8f2a1febc7395868e7a5f0621a49 Description-sl: Android utils library for C - Development files This library provides common functionalities for android related tools. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libetc1-dev Description-md5: a3f10417a5046e2c8f597092dbabc7dd Description-sl: ETC1 compression library - Development files Ericsson Texture Compression (ETC) is a lossy texture compression technique developed in collaboration with Ericsson Research in early 2005. libETC1 provides the encoding and decoding of ETC1 compression algorithm. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: android-libext4-utils-dev Description-md5: c9dd8ab15915d2dffdf901341f2d6392 Description-sl: Android ext4 utility library - Development files Android ext4 filesystem utility library header files, which is only used by fastboot currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libfec-dev Description-md5: 769c7699f95e1c89a73892a0c88bf5c0 Description-sl: Android libfec library - Development files Android libfec library, which read files or partitions with error- correcting codes appended to them. Uses verity metadata to speed up I/O and improve error correction effectiveness. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-liblog-dev Description-md5: 5ad1bb25d167e070f3b3738d5d6501f5 Description-sl: Android NDK logger interfaces - Development files liblog represents an interface to the volatile Android Logging system for NDK (Native) applications and libraries. Interfaces for either writing or reading logs. The log buffers are divided up in Main, System, Radio and Events sub-logs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libnativehelper-dev Description-md5: d55b54cc58037dbd12b6783140da5a68 Description-sl: Support functions for Android's class libraries - Development files libnativehelper is a collection of JNI related utilities used in Android. . There are several header and binary libraries here and not all of the functionality fits together well. The header libraries are mostly C++ based. The binary libraries are entirely written in C with no C++ dependencies. This is by design as the code here can be distributed in multiple ways, including mainline modules, so keeping the size down benefits everyone with smaller downloads and a stable ABI. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libselinux-dev Description-md5: 66acedb5654da0817b7b9859e626d34c Description-sl: Security-Enhanced Linux for Android - Development files This library provides an API for SELinux applications to get and set process and file security contexts and to obtain security policy decisions. . This library is an AOSP fork of libselinux, adding features specifically for Android and is intended for Android libraries only. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: android-libsepol-dev Description-md5: 43b33600f044f6dfc4a2a38db002fd2a Description-sl: Security-Policy Linux for Android - Development files This library provides an API for setting, checking sepolicy. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: android-libsparse-dev Description-md5: b99b0d0490ab2905c5577e6068f1839d Description-sl: Library for sparse files - Development files This library provides APIs for creating, manipulating and destroying sparse files. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libunwind-dev Description-md5: 8ef384bc008e0649ef4905e21aec542b Description-sl: libunwind for Android - Development files This library is the AOSP fork of libunwind. It is used by libbacktrace. . This package is only available on x86, ARM and MIPS because the AOSP modifications only apply on these platforms. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: android-libutils-dev Description-md5: f37768d78bf5e25e5cf20a8d5e5dbd1f Description-sl: Android Utility Function Library - Development files This library provides miscellaneous utility functions. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libziparchive-dev Description-md5: 217dfecadef26031dff8fa80a1788d9e Description-sl: Library for ZIP archives - Development files This library provides APIs for creating and manipulating ZIP archives. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: angband-data Description-md5: 7b2836b71cc1739b4cdd4bc99db7ddbf Description-sl: Game data for angband Angband is a single-player, text-based, dungeon simulation derived from the game Moria, which was in turn based on Rogue. It is often described as a "roguelike" game because the look and feel of the game is still quite similar to Rogue (though there are now graphical tiles available if you dislike ASCII gaming). Angband has been in more or less continuous development since the early 1990s. . Ta paket vsebuje od podatkovne datoteke igre. Package: anki Description-md5: 6be929a54b8551bbabe9503440075d3f Description-sl: Razširljiv program učenja s kartic Anki je program, ki je zasnovan za pomoč pri pomnjenju dejstev (kot so besede in fraze v tujem jeziku) koliko je mogoče hitro, enostavno in učinkovito. Zato sledi kako dobro ste si zapomnili katero dejstvo in te podatke uporabi za optimalno razporeditev časov pregleda. . Poleg besedila podpira zvoke, slike in izrisovanje izrezkov TeX na karticah. kartice lahko uskladi s strežnikom tako da si jih lahko ogledate na drugih računalnikih, spletnem vmesniku ali mobilnih napravah za katere obstajajo različice Anki. Celotne zbirke kart, ki so jih ustvarili drugi uporabniki, lahko prejmete na enak način. . Anki je mogoče razširiti z vstavki, ki jih je mogoče prejeti in namestiti iz menija. Anki je mogoče uporabiti za učenje česarkoli, vendar so na voljo vstavki s posebnimi zmožnostmi, ki so zasnovani za lažje učenje angleščine in japonščine: vgrajeno iskanje po slovarjih, poročila manjkajočega kanji in več. Package: antigravitaattori Description-md5: b70e0c6a337822cf5bb35a1f19f899f6 Description-sl: Večigralska dirkaška igra z letečimi krožniki To je večigralska igra letečih krožnikov, ki je bila narejena za tekmovanje iger Assembly 2006. Je odlična in zabavna igra za družino z do štirimi igralci. Vsebuje navdušujočo 3d izrisano grafiko. Package: anyremote-data Description-md5: e7e87e05635c0637126d4e22f3375fc0 Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or Wi-Fi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: anyremote-doc Description-md5: 718e88db04343884f1df4ee21a12ac32 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or Wi-Fi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje nepovezano dokumentacijo THML Package: anytun Description-md5: d755d796af614c60eef33123973ca419 Description-sl: Varen protokol tuneliranja anycast Anytun is an implementation of the secure anycast tunneling protocol. It uses an easy openvpn style interface and makes it possible to build redundant VPN clusters with load balancing between servers. VPN servers share a single IP address. Adding and removing VPN Servers is done by the routing protocol, so no client changes have to be made when additional VPN servers are added or removed. It is possible to realise global load balancing based on shortest BGP routes by simply announcing the address space of the tunnel servers at multiple locations. . Currently ethernet, ipv4 and ipv6 tunnels are supported by the implementation. However the protocol allows one to tunnel every ETHERTYPE protocol. Package: apcupsd Description-md5: 5828ed072ad1cdcdd2a3dc847c13d193 Description-sl: Upravljanje porabe APC UPS (ozadnji program) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . It controls and monitors the status of UPS and allows your computer to run for a specified length of time on UPS power, and then executes a controlled shutdown in the case of an extended power failure. Package: apcupsd-cgi Description-md5: 0288cffcc7dcb455848bf077dd6b3995 Description-sl: APC UPS Power Management (web interface) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . Ta paket vsebuje spletni vmesnik. Package: apcupsd-doc Description-md5: 1228fcbdeeb1d4a793e9f026680a7f88 Description-sl: APC UPS Power Management (documentation/examples) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: apel Description-md5: 87921fdc4ebcb6d6ca04f5b18b8d490c Description-sl: prenosna knjižnica za emacsen APEL stands for "A Portable Emacs Library". It consists of following modules: . poe.el emulation module mainly for basic functions and special forms/macros of latest emacsen poem.el basic functions to write portable MULE programs pces.el portable character encoding scheme (coding-system) features invisible.el features about invisible region mcharset.el MIME charset related features static.el utility for static evaluation broken.el information of broken facilities of Emacs pccl.el utility to write portable CCL program alist.el utility for Association-list calist.el utility for condition tree and condition/situation-alist path-util.el utility for path management or file detection filename.el utility to make file-name install.el utility to install emacs-lisp package mule-caesar.el ROT 13-47-48 Caesar rotation utility emu.el emu bundled in tm-7.106 compatibility pcustom.el portable custom environment product.el functions for product version information . This package provides APEL-LB, a variant of APEL using lexical binding mainly maintained for Wanderlust mail/news reader. Package: apgdiff Description-md5: 48e4f3af001d7096782511320666f499 Description-sl: Še eno orodje Diff PostgreSQL Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool is a simple PostgreSQL diff tool that is useful for schema upgrades. The tool compares two schema dump files and creates an SQL output file that is (after some hand-made modifications) suitable for upgrades of old schemata. Package: aplus-fsf-dev Description-md5: 2b29868efe57b57613d5a1dbe35a518b Description-sl: Razvojno okolje programskega jezika A+ A+ is a powerful and efficient programming language. It is freely available under the GNU General Public License. It embodies a rich set of functions and operators, a modern graphical user interface with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features. Execution is by a rather efficient interpreter. A+ was created at Morgan Stanley. Primarily used in a computationally-intensive business environment, many critical applications written in A+ have withstood the demands of real world developers over many years. Written in an interpreted language, A+ applications tend to be portable. . This is a metapackage that provides a complete A+ development environment. The A+ run-time environment is provided by the aplus-fsf package. Package: aplus-fsf-doc Description-md5: d3f68c67c84e86d778475d6f359f9c74 Description-sl: Dokumentacija programskega jezika A+ This package contains the HTML documentation and examples for the A+ programming language and development environment. See the package aplus- fsf for the run-time environment, and aplus-fsf-dev for the development environment. Package: aplus-fsf-el Description-md5: 274af0c3d6fe47ed9d9d49b69bb42e18 Description-sl: XEmacs lisp za razvoj A+ This package contains the XEmacs lisp required for the development of A+ programs. It does the key bindings, sets the font properly, and binds some function keys. The complete A+ development environment is provided by the aplus-fsf-dev package. . To load A+ from XEmacs, load a file with extension .apl, .a or .+, or use the command 'M-x a-mode'. Or, press F4 to start the A+ interpreter. . See /usr/share/doc/README.Debian.gz if you have trouble entering the special A+ characters in XEmacs. Package: apparmor-notify Description-md5: 181b767ce4be27302f13e475448885ec Description-sl: Sistem obvestil AppArmor apparmor-notify provides a utility to display AppArmor denial messages via desktop notifications. The utility can also be used to generate summary reports. Package: aprsdigi Description-md5: 5c06048dea3c507a26cdd2155363e6f4 Description-sl: Digitalni ponavljalnik za APRS Aprsdigi is a specialized Amateur Packet Radio (AX.25) UI-frame digipeater for the Automatic Position Reporting Systems, APRS(tm). It uses the Linux kernel AX.25 network stack as well as the SOCK_PACKET facility to listen for packets on one or more radio interfaces (ports) and repeat those packets -- with several possible modifications -- on the same or other interfaces. Aprsdigi can also use the Internet to tunnel connections among other APRS digipeaters and nodes using IPv4 or IPv6 UDP unicast or multicast. Package: apsfilter Description-md5: 6f92400e4e7bcd0cb0f0543612044aea Description-sl: Magic print filter with automatic file type recognition apsfilter makes printing many file formats much easier. It features on- the-fly decompression and conversion, and works on both PostScript and non-PostScript (via Ghostscript) graphical printers. . Med podprtimi vrstami so: gzip, bzip2, compress, freeze, pack, ASCII, BMP, podatki (PCL, itd.), DVI, FBM, FIG, FITS, GIF, Group 3 faks, HTML, IFF ILBM, JPEG, Kodak Photo CD, MGR, MIFF, PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM, PDF, PNG, PostScript, RLE, SGI, Sketch, Sun raster, Targa, TIFF, troff, WPG, X pixmap, XCF. Dejanska podpora je odvisna od nameščenih programov filtrov.. Package: apt-mirror Description-md5: cf7ee1d4e4f7c65e0e14c5bc8da53c06 Description-sl: Orodje zrcaljenja virov APT A small and efficient tool that lets you mirror a part of or the whole Debian GNU/Linux distribution or any other apt sources. . Main features: * It uses a config similar to apts <sources.list> * It's fully pool comply * It supports multithreaded downloading * It supports multiple architectures at the same time * It can automatically remove unneeded files * It works well on overloaded channel to internet * It never produces an inconsistent mirror including while mirroring * It works on all POSIX compliant systems with perl and wget Package: apt-show-source Description-md5: d4cedf9c62e14ae2d9a9387616ae8fa2 Description-sl: Pokaže podrobnosti izvorna koda-paket This program parses the APT lists for source packages and the dpkg status file and then lists every package with a different version number than the one installed. It's very useful if your deb-src sources.list entries point to unstable and your deb entries point to stable. Package: apt-src Description-md5: c1c2aad38a3b3f83fa8835588c7f14b5 Description-sl: Upravljajte izvorne pakete Debian apt-src is a command line interface for downloading, installing, upgrading, and tracking Debian source packages. It makes source package management feel a lot like using apt to manage binary packages, and is being used as a testbed to work on adding source dependencies to Debian. . It can be run as a normal user, or as root. If you want a convenient way to track updates to packages while preserving your local modifications, this is a way to do that. Package: apturl Description-md5: 0ff87045fbbd2d7c44b70b7ac3d409e1 Description-sl: install packages using the apt protocol - GTK+ frontend AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him). . Ta paket zagotavlja začelje GTK+. Package: aqbanking-tools Description-md5: 20d88ad5862f5d76e55a7312cc0a5687 Description-sl: Osnovni pripomočki ukazne vrstice za domače bančništvo AqBanking provides a middle layer between the applications and online banking libraries implementing various file formats and protocols. Plugins supporting OFX, DTAUS, HBCI, and EBICS are available. . This package provides a basic command line interface to AqBanking. Package: arandr Description-md5: b7610151651b884d14113aa8df4fa9db Description-sl: Enostavno vidno začelje za XRandR ARandR is a visual front end for XRandR, which provides full control over the relative positioning and rotation of monitors, as well as saving and loading to/from shell scripts. Package: ardour Description-md5: c8bc2c12b9131ae879ae840a96954b51 Description-sl: the digital audio workstation Ardour je večkanalni snemalnik na trdi disk (HDR) in digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (DAW). Uporabite ga lahko za nadzor, snemanje, urejanje in poganjanje zapletenih zvočnih namestitev. . Ardour skozi projekt ALSA, ki zagotavlja visoko kakovosti in dobro zasnovane gonilnike naprav in API-je za V/I zvoka pod Linuxom, podpira profesionalne zvočne vmesnike. Ardour lahko uporabite s katerimkoli vmesnikom, ki ga podpira ALSA. To vključuje popolnoma digitalni 26 kanalni RME HAmmerfall, Midiman Delta 1010 in veliko drugih. . Ardour ima notranjo podoro za 24 bitne vzorce z uporabo ledbeče točke, nelinearno urejanje z neomejenim razveljavi, uporabniško nastavljiv mešalnik, zmožnosti glavnega/podrejenega MTC, združljivost s strojno opremo nadzorovanja površine MIDI. . Podpira nadzor strojev MIDI zato ga lahko nadzirate s katerimkoli nadzornikom MMC in veliko modernimi digitalnimi mešalniki. . Ardour vsebuje zmogljiv urejevalnik/razporejevalnik zvoka, ki je popolnoma neuničujoč in je zmožen vseh običajnih opravil nelinearnega urejanja (vstavi, zamenjaj, izbriši, premakni, obseka, izberi, izreži/kopiraj/prilepi). Urejevalnik ima neomejene zmožnosti razveljavi/uveljavi in lahko shrani neodvisne "različice" sledi ali celotne datoteke. . Ardourjev urejevalnik podpira standard vstavka LADSPA, ki ga je razvila skupnost. Kateremukoli delu sledi je mogoče pripeti poljubno verigo vstavkov. Vsak trak mešalnika ima lahko katerokoli število vhodov in izhodov, ne le mono, stereo ali 5.1. Vključen je N-smerni sukalnik s podporo za različne modele sukanja Obstajata pošiljanje pred in po pojemanju, vsak s svojimi močmi ojačanja in nadzorniki sukanja. Vsak trak mešalnika se obnaša kot svoje lastno vodilo in zato je število vodil v Ardourju neomejeno. Katerokoli število trakov lahko zmešate v drug trak. . Ardourjeva zmogljivost kanalov je omejena le s številom na vašem zvočnem vmesniku in zmožnostjo pretakanja podatkov naprej in nazaj vašega diskovnega podsistema. . JACK (zbirka orodij zvočne povezave JACK) se uporablja za ves V/I zvoka, omogoča izmenjavo podatkov v idealnem usklajenem vzorcu z drugimi programi in/ali zvočnimi vmesniki strojne opreme. . Ardour je nevtralen do velikosti in hitrosti vzorčenja - podprte so vrste strojne opreme od 8 do 32 bitov, hitrosti ob 8 do 192 kHz. Notranje obdelovanje se izvaja v 32/64 bitni obliki plavajoče vejice IEEE. . Further information can be found at <>. Package: ardour-data Description-md5: 4ded9cf3260ffb84c002d9516a4ead91 Description-sl: digital audio workstation (data) Ardour je večkanalni snemalnik na trdi disk (HDR) in digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (DAW). Uporabite ga lahko za nadzor, snemanje, urejanje in poganjanje zapletenih zvočnih namestitev. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: ardour-video-timeline Description-md5: a011c8553d01c1a76ef7a4a0fe4ca2dd Description-sl: digital audio workstation - video timeline Ardour je večkanalni snemalnik na trdi disk (HDR) in digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (DAW). Uporabite ga lahko za nadzor, snemanje, urejanje in poganjanje zapletenih zvočnih namestitev. . This is a dependency package to add video timeline capabilities to ardour. Package: aria2 Description-md5: 484d84bf21fb2a39bcbd4904b4ce5556 Description-sl: Pripomoček za hitro prejemanje Aria2 is a command line download client with resuming and segmented downloading. Supported protocols are HTTP/HTTPS/ SFTP/FTP/BitTorrent and it also supports Metalink. Package: aribas Description-md5: 77c3b742edd36fe9a727451a0230f75f Description-sl: Tolmač za aritmetiko ARIBAS is an interactive interpreter suitable for big integer arithmetic and multiprecision floating point arithmetic. It has a syntax similar to Pascal or Modula-2, but contains also features from other programming languages like C, Lisp, Oberon. Package: ario Description-md5: 2d1cc546089294272f7d7d68b6840b16 Description-sl: Odjemalec GTK+ za Music Player Daemon (MPD) Ario je polno zmožen odjemalec za MPD (ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe). Vmesnik, ki se uporablja za brskanje po knjižnici je navdihnil program Rhythmbox, vendar Ario poskuša biti veliko lažji in hitrejši. Uporablja GTK, avahi za zaznavanje strežnika MPD in curl za prejem oddaljenih datotek (kot so naslovnice in besedila). Na voljo so različni vstavki kot sta audioscrobbler/pošiljanje ali podpora predstavnostnih tipk. Package: ario-common Description-md5: 127020a192576db0234fad879a965cfe Description-sl: Odjemalec GTK+ za Music Player Daemon (MPD) (skupne datoteke) Ario je polno zmožen odjemalec za MPD (ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe). Vmesnik, ki se uporablja za brskanje po knjižnici je navdihnil program Rhythmbox, vendar Ario poskuša biti veliko lažji in hitrejši. Uporablja GTK, avahi za zaznavanje strežnika MPD in curl za prejem oddaljenih datotek (kot so naslovnice in besedila). Na voljo so različni vstavki kot sta audioscrobbler/pošiljanje ali podpora predstavnostnih tipk. . This package contains ario's architecture-independent support files. Package: arj Description-md5: 38b5501494d5fb5f61a707689bace555 Description-sl: Arhivirnik za datoteke .arj This package is an open source version of the arj archiver. This version has been created with the intent to preserve maximum compatibility and retain the feature set of original ARJ archiver as provided by ARJ Software, Inc. Package: ark Description-md5: 2826617260d5fe4c63c9795973445730 Description-sl: pripomoček arhivov Ark upravlja različne vrste arhivov, vključno s tar, gzip, bzip2, rar in zip, kot tudi odtise CD-ROM. Ark lahko uporabite za brskanje, odpakiranje, ustvarjanje in spreminjanje arhivov. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: armagetronad Description-md5: 9dd6c1aabf6a7a38694e3700be689c41 Description-sl: 3D igra velikih hitrosti podobna igri Tron Pravila so enostavna: vozite se na kolesu (neke vrste motor, ki se lahko obrne le za 90 stopinj, za sabo pušča zid in ga ni mogoče zaustaviti) in se morate izogniti zaletavanju v zid in hkrati poskušate doseči, da se vanj zaletijo vaši nasprotniki. . Ideja je osnovana na Disneyevem filmu iz leta 1982 z imenom "Tron". Če ste si želeli biti eden od demonov hitrosti v filmu, je to vaša priložnost. . Igro Armagetron Advanced lahko igrate proti računalniškim nasprotnikom, proti drugim ljudem preko omrežja ali preko mešanica obeh. Package: arptables Description-md5: c04609b914a7329b24d1b13a2a67bf66 Description-sl: Skrbništvo preglednic ARP Arptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of ARP rules in the Linux kernel. It is analogous to iptables, but operates at the ARP layer rather than the IP layer. Package: artha Description-md5: 2305d9a361d5f6a7f9a56af1854bca96 Description-sl: Priročni tezavri osnovani na WordNet Artha so angleški tezavri z možnostmi kot so: * iskanje besed s pritiskom na tipkovno bližnjico (izberite besedilo v kateremkoli oknu in pritisnite tipkovno bližnjico za iskanje) * iskanje osnovano na logičnih izrazih (razširite iskanje z uporabo nadomestnih znakov kot sta *,?, itd.) * pasivna namizna obvestila (definicij besed za neprekinjen potek dela) * predlogi črkovanja (ko natančno črkovanje ni točno/znano) . Ko ga zaženete čaka na prednastavljeno tipkovno bližnjico. Ko izberete nekaj besedila na kateremkoli oknu in pritisnete tipkovno bližnjico, se pojavi poiskana beseda. V primeru da so vam ljubša pasivna obvestila, lahko izberete možnost obvestil. . Ko iskani izraz ni natančen/znan, lahko iskanje razširite z uporabo logičnih izrazov (*,?, itd.) v iskalnem nizu ali s predlogi črkovanja, ko je izraz nepravilen. . Za delovanje iskanja na osnovni logičnih izrazov morate namestiti paket wordnet-sense-index. Package: asc Description-md5: ac145838afe035aea358ef9cc14ce97a Description-sl: Potezna strateška igra Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or computer. Package: asc-data Description-md5: 96de5e4a63d138e8761ef7aff95ac987 Description-sl: data files for the Advanced Strategic Command game Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or computer. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro ASC. Package: asc-music Description-md5: 3343fb144aee5478bf095240c16cdf41 Description-sl: Paket glasbe za ASC This is a music pack for the Advanced Strategic Command game. If ASC detects the presence of these tracks it plays them during game. . Composed by Michael Kievernagel. Package: ascd Description-md5: 12cc18a92e011784339ff4b558d7c4f3 Description-sl: CD predvajalnik in mešalnik AScd is a small CD player and mixer that can be "docked" with AfterStep and WindowMaker window managers. Package: ascdc Description-md5: c5463788465df827b5231baeaea298e1 Description-sl: Menjalnik CD-jev AfterStep ascdc is a small CD changer. It follows the look and feel of the AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: asl-doc Description-md5: 897107f2c3f498302e58c75fff0c8e10 Description-sl: documentation for ASL The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: asmail Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0 Description-sl: Nadzornik pošte AfterStep asmail is a small mail monitor similar to xbiff. It follows the AfterStep window manager's look and feel and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: asmix Description-md5: 3e9700e92d06358584b9820b0307ce78 Description-sl: Prikaže gumb za glasnost The volume knob adjusts the master volume of your sound card. Just grab the knob with the left button of your mouse and drag it around. Package: asmixer Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9 Description-sl: Zvočni mešalnik AfterStep asmixer is a small audio mixer. It follows the look and feel of the AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: asn1c Description-md5: 1d69d7783735c14c25f5d3e593082be3 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik ASN.1 za C This ASN.1 compiler turns the formal ASN.1 specifications into the C code. The compiler is shipped together with conformant BER/DER/XER codecs. The X.509 and GSM TAP3 decoding examples are shipped as well. Package: aspell-am Description-md5: 40587b2617800dcc78d180023cc116b5 Description-sl: Slovar amariščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Amharic language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-ar Description-md5: 2bd33021f309828e666070f978404831 Description-sl: Slovar arabščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Arabic language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-bg Description-md5: 421625eda579191ec44af1516cfec9ee Description-sl: Slovar bolgarščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Bulgarian language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . It contains both Bulgarian-only dictionary and a mixed Bulgarian + English one useful for checking the spelling of mixed texts. Package: aspell-ca Description-md5: ac1a5e69d940eb04be1942837e419d62 Description-sl: Slovar katalonščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for the Catalan language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . It was put together by Joan Moratinos using data from different sources. Package: aspell-de Description-md5: 9a8800d7f293621dbb63bd75b5ded797 Description-sl: Slovar nemščine za aspell This package contains German dictionaries for the aspell spell checker. . Dictionaries included are: de_DE (de/deutsch/german), de_CH (swiss), and de_AT, all using the new German orthography from 1996 (neue Rechtschreibung). . The old (1901) spelling is provided by aspell-de-1901. Package: aspell-eo Description-md5: 3441555c663e9cb3488c113f3af8d64f Description-sl: Slovar esperanta za aspell This is the Esperanto dictionary for use with the aspell spellchecker. The dictionary is based on the words from Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, with additional country/language names. Package: aspell-es Description-md5: ac589503bea8a7693ebcd302926ec681 Description-sl: Slovar španščine za aspell This is the Spanish dictionary for use with the aspell spellchecker. It is based on ispell dictionary put together by Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus Carretero. Package: aspell-et Description-md5: 00e1d25fe3a31d30deb39bbd67432f22 Description-sl: Slovar estonščine za aspell This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . The wordlists are based on work by the Institute of the Estonian Language, and subsequently improved by Jaak Pruulmann who also created the affix file. Package: aspell-fr Description-md5: c6a3a421f5b63d0c12f61f861b02487d Description-sl: Slovar francoščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for French language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-he Description-md5: 05a360ac8eb9523e7c67df157557d917 Description-sl: Slovar hebrejščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Hebrew language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-hu Description-md5: 31c2fc6bfb4afa2c78eca607d0c9c87e Description-sl: Slovar madžarščine za aspell This package contains Hungarian dictionaries for the aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-kk Description-md5: 18d7b9858cc5cf55776acb5372fcef1c Description-sl: Kazakstanski slovar za GNU Aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Kazakh language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-ku Description-md5: b364c258e68043ea5fe908e169f9c3e0 Description-sl: Slovar kurščine za aspell This package contains the Kurdish dictionary for the aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-lv Description-md5: 7a9551effc6dbee3da68402a69baa42d Description-sl: Slovar latvijščine za aspell This dictionary contains Latvian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . The dictionary is generated from the MySpell wordlist. . This dictionary is not complete yet, but it is the best free solution at this moment. Package: aspell-nl Description-md5: 834d8c112e3956202905268a05348f4a Description-sl: Slovar nizozemščine za aspell A Dutch spelling dictionary for the spelling checker Aspell. . This dictionary, from the OpenTaal project, uses the official spelling of 2005 and has been officially approved by the TaalUnie. . For a simple word list, see the wdutch package instead. Package: aspell-no Description-md5: 6092f29349df934ebd3f71ce1349fd19 Description-sl: Slovar norveščine za aspell This package provides the Norwegian dictionaries to be used with aspell to check and correct spelling in Norwegian texts. Package: aspell-nr Description-md5: 190f6e331cbfa65a5ca22e4f749eb52e Description-sl: Slovar ndebelščine za aspell This is an Ndebele dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-pl Description-md5: c7edb0acf12dd06047cc5585f2c31946 Description-sl: Slovar polščine za aspell An Polish spelling dictionary for the spelling checker aspell. . It is taken from project Package: aspell-ru Description-md5: b0949eb10201585e2e5da1ec8b1713f1 Description-sl: Slovar ruščine za aspell This dictionary contains Russian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist. Package: aspell-ss Description-md5: 98a91aca6c5000defa79188e4026e602 Description-sl: Slovar svazijščine za aspell This is an Swazi dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-tn Description-md5: 1e9535e1dd2b1c962e4ffbfb5e6f3b01 Description-sl: Slovar tsvangščine za aspell This is an Tswana dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-ts Description-md5: b65ddd359017b1412a4f89a73811bc95 Description-sl: Slovar tsongščine za aspell This is an Tsonga dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-xh Description-md5: 7731670fc8d1b2c940c1226ab6d4b50f Description-sl: Slovar ksoščine za aspell This is an Xhosa dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-zu Description-md5: faa076f420f66274f9b408661ffb627d Description-sl: Slovar zulujščine za aspell This is an Zulu dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspic Description-md5: 0e77b0907a94d9d312b529df033d2d9b Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik umetnosti s črtami Aspic is a program that generates line art images from a text description of a picture that contains commands such as "line", "box", "circle", and "arc". Aspic's concept is similar to the "pic" command. Output is either encapsulated PostScript, or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Quite complex pictures can be constructed from Aspic's primitives, which include facilities for positioning text alongside graphics, and the use of colour. Package: assistant-qt6 Description-md5: 1607002f07f112f880ffc57f15542f6e Description-sl: Qt 6 Assistant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Assistant is a tool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format. Package: astap Description-md5: 8657779a1a05b9c59c943d4d8b96f354 Description-sl: astrometric (plate) solver, stacking of images, photometry and FITS viewer ASTAP is a free stacking and astrometric solver (plate solver) program for deep sky images. In works with astronomical images in the FITS format, but can import RAW DSLR images or XISF, PGM, PPM, TIF, PNG and JPG images. It has a powerful FITS viewer and the native astrometric solver can be used by CCDCiel, NINA, APT or SGP imaging programs to synchronise the mount based on an image taken. . Glavne zmožnosti: . - Native astrometric solver, command line compatible with PlateSolve2. - Stacking astronomical images including dark frame and flat field correction. - Filtering of deep sky images based on HFD value and average value. - Alignment using an internal star match routine, internal astrometric solver. - Mosaic building covering large areas using the astrometric linear solution WCS or WCS+SIP polynomial. - Background equalizing. - FITS viewer with swipe functionality, deep sky and star annotation, photometry and CCD inspector. - FITS thumbnail viewer. - Results can be saved to 16 bit or float (-32) FITS files. - Export to JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PFM, PPM, PGM files. - FITS header edit. - FITS crop function. - Automatic photometry calibration against Gaia database, Johnson -V or Gaia Bm - CCD inspector - Deepsky and Hyperleda annotation - Solar object annotation using MPC ephemerides - Read/writes FITS binary and reads ASCII tables. - Some pixel math functions and digital development process - Can display images and tables from a multi-extension FITS. - Blink routine. Package: asterisk Description-md5: 632fb6eb24d4ca7205eae9de96c405c3 Description-sl: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. . Asterisk can be used with Voice over IP standards (SIP, H.323, IAX and more), or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through supported hardware. . Podprta strojna oprema: . * All Wildcard (tm) ISDN PRI cards from Digium * HFC-S/HFC-4S-based ISDN BRI cards (Junghanns.NET, beroNet, Digium etc.) * All TDM (FXO/FXS) cards from Digium * Various clones of Digium cards such as those by OpenVox * Xorcom Astribank USB telephony adapter * Voicetronix OpenPCI, OpenLine and OpenSwitch cards * CAPI-compatible ISDN cards (using the add-on package chan-capi) * Full Duplex Sound Card (ALSA or OSS) supported by Linux * Tormenta T1/E1 card * QuickNet Internet PhoneJack and LineJack . This is the main package that includes the Asterisk daemon and most channel drivers and applications. Package: asterisk-config Description-md5: e6341811f25f903eb6ed725a945b19f5 Description-sl: Nastavitvene datoteke za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the default configuration files of Asterisk. . With program asterisk-config-custom in the asterisk package, you can create an asterisk-config replacement package. Package: asterisk-dev Description-md5: d7f6cd2e1ace792a2598dd28d1200ab6 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the include files used if you wish to compile a package which requires Asterisk's source file headers. Package: asterisk-doc Description-md5: 9f71ad2d5582b19ac0ba59b93ee430f9 Description-sl: Dokumentacija izvorne kode za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the documentation for configuring an Asterisk system. Package: asterisk-espeak Description-md5: 1c95aef9393ef961171fa3c024e3bdf7 Description-sl: Modul eSpeak za Asterisk Module for the Asterisk open source PBX which allows you to use the eSpeak voice synthesis engine to render text to speech. Package: asterisk-flite Description-md5: b9be22e6118306efe62c81bb71b89039 Description-sl: Modul flite za Asterisk Module for the Asterisk open source PBX which allows you to use the flite voice synthesis engine to render text to speech. Package: asterisk-modules Description-md5: 83091bc74d06184148fcba87ab3e676f Description-sl: Naložljivi moduli za Asterisk PBX Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package includes most of the Asterisk loadable modules. There is normally no need to explicitly install it. Package: asylum Description-md5: 2c18fbb5c2b2f3dab7ac3e0cd5772dc1 Description-sl: surrealistična ploščadna strelska igra Young Sigmund has a few problems. To help him resolve his mental instability you must enter the surreal world of his inner mind and shut down the malfunctioning brain cells. Guide Sigmund through the Ego, Psyche and Id zones - each one 300 times the size of the screen - to locate the eight renegade neurons, entering them one by one to find and trigger their self-destruct system. . This is a port of Digital Psychosis' 1994 game for the Acorn Archimedes. Package: asylum-data Description-md5: 6c6f7d859658d52ef7ab4528fdf8f832 Description-sl: surrealistična ploščadna strelska igra - podatkovne datoteke This package contains data files required by the game Asylum. Package: asymptote-doc Description-md5: 2f7e3ab8fbae0f76cb0781d5264da521 Description-sl: Dokumentacija in primeri za asymptote Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. This package provides documentation and examples. Package: atanks Description-md5: e17e65ae97c964a6c5e41e7dbebed8c0 Description-sl: Igra bojevanja s tanki Atomic tanks je večigralska igra v kateri poskusite uničiti druge tanke in zaščititi svoje. Za uničenje drugih tankov dobite denar s katerim lahko kupite nadgradnje in boljše orožje za svoj tank. . Ta igra je podobna igri Scorched Earth ali igri Worms. Package: atanks-data Description-md5: 2ba28ec557882b1919101487ae24cb1e Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za tanke Atomic Atomic tanks je večigralska igra v kateri poskusite uničiti druge tanke in zaščititi svoje. Za uničenje drugih tankov dobite denar s katerim lahko kupite nadgradnje in boljše orožje za svoj tank. . Ta igra je podobna igri Scorched Earth ali igri Worms. . This package holds the data files needed for Atomic tanks. Package: atftp Description-md5: 68ae139b28a54a6946d2670c77c795a8 Description-sl: Napredni odjemalec TFTP Interactive client for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). Its usage is mainly for testing and debugging the atftp server. A TFTP client is usually implemented in UEFI/BIOS and bootstrap programs like pxelinux when booting from LAN. The atftp client also supports non-interactive invocation for easy use in scripts. Package: atftpd Description-md5: 3ae8dee72501de81215cfd2f3cb4fd69 Description-sl: Napreden strežnik TFTP Multi-threaded TFTP server implementing all options (option extension and multicast) as specified in RFC1350, RFC2090, RFC2347, RFC2348, RFC2349 and RFC7440. Atftpd also supports the multicast protocol known as mtftp, defined in the PXE specification. The server is socket activated by default but supports being started from inetd(8) as well as in daemon mode using init scripts. Package: atril-common Description-md5: d73b172ae81d45ad13a6cdf04991e477 Description-sl: MATE document viewer (common files) Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI, EPUB, ComicBook and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: audacious Description-md5: 2448b9b8910f8d08dd29bbbac89d54cd Description-sl: Majhen in hiter predvajalnik zvoka ki podpira veliko različnih vrst Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovni predvajalnik in njegov prevod. Package: audacious-dev Description-md5: 28920a2526440e360b5883b63d424f31 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke audacious Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package contains the development libraries and header files required for developing components for audacious. . Please note that this package no longer contains libaudacious, as libaudacious was dropped in Audacious 1.4. Package: audacious-plugins Description-md5: a3b29e78b259c7b8df48cede64a27258 Description-sl: Osnovni vstavki za audacious Audacious je razvejitev programa beep-media-player ki podpira preobleke winamp in veliko kodekov. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * Windows Media (WMA) * Many module formats and much more! . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. . This package contains the plugins for Audacious. * Audio CD reading * MPEG support (mp3) * Ogg Vorbis support * Windows Media support (WMA) * AAC support * FLAC support * ALAC support * WAVE support * ALSA output * OSS output * Disk writer output * And many more! Package: audacious-plugins-data Description-md5: 1719d6de393b2f9bb46167b11f37780c Description-sl: Data files for Audacious plugins Audacious je razvejitev programa beep-media-player ki podpira preobleke winamp in veliko kodekov. . This package contains internationalized messages and skins for Audacious plugins. Package: audacity Description-md5: f3049c5343ef448931624eb10a0c6627 Description-sl: Hiter urejevalnik zvoka, ki deluje na več sistemih Audacity je urejevalnik zvoka s podporo za več zvočnih stez za Linux/Unix, MacOS in Windows. Zasnovan je za enostavno snemanje, urejanje in predvajanje digitalnega zvoka. Audacity vsebuje orodja digitalnih učinkov in preučevanja spektrov. Urejanje je zelo hitro in zagotavlja neomejen razveljavi/uveljavi. . Podprte vrste datotek vključujejo Ogg Vorbis, MP2, MP3, WAV, AIFF in AU. Package: audacity-data Description-md5: 33567c6e9f3ccd4163a600c05ed3f802 Description-sl: Hiter urejevalnik zvoka, ki deluje na več sistemih (podatki) Audacity je urejevalnik zvoka s podporo za več zvočnih stez za Linux/Unix, MacOS in Windows. Zasnovan je za enostavno snemanje, urejanje in predvajanje digitalnega zvoka. Audacity vsebuje orodja digitalnih učinkov in preučevanja spektrov. Urejanje je zelo hitro in zagotavlja neomejen razveljavi/uveljavi. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: auto-install-el Description-md5: 88fe9b5eed875d56b3d3ffc09e5463e2 Description-sl: Samodejna namestitev datoteke elisp Effortlessly download, install, and update Elisp files from the web or from a local buffer. . Easily install packages from the Emacswiki ElispArea (with auto-complete of package name, and easy update of selected packages). . Optionally view changes from previous versions of packages before installation. Package: autodock-test Description-md5: 17207d13a0d0dc51dcec321cc1d8431a Description-sl: Preizkusne datoteke za AutoDock AutoDock is a prime representative of the programs addressing the simulation of the docking of fairly small chemical ligands to rather big protein receptors. Earlier versions had all flexibility in the ligands while the protein was kept rather ridgid. This latest version 4 also allows for a flexibility of selected sidechains of surface residues, i.e., takes the rotamers into account. . This package contain the test files for the AutoDock program. Package: autogrid-test Description-md5: d285530b87e4551d650af86e0e85ebb5 Description-sl: Preizkusne datoteke za AutoGrid The AutoDockSuite addresses the molecular analysis of the docking of a smaller chemical compounds to their receptors of known three-dimensional structure. . This package contain the test files for the AutoGrid program. Package: autokey-common Description-md5: dff860887044de0127679afce2ee3a98 Description-sl: desktop automation utility - common data AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python. . This package contains the common data shared between the various frontends. Package: autokey-gtk Description-md5: 5b4eada1c1f5004003f28c2b91584130 Description-sl: pripomoček za avtomatizacijo namizja - različica GTK+ AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python. . Ta paket zagotavlja začelje GTK+. Package: autokey-qt Description-md5: 9fed803291ed1a185e146301bb25eb55 Description-sl: desktop automation utility - Qt version AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python. . This package contains the Qt frontend. Package: autopsy Description-md5: 37d2fa98885c3d41edc06647219ede8a Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik do SleuthKit The Autopsy Forensic Browser is a graphical interface to the command line digital forensic analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit. Together, The Sleuth Kit and Autopsy provide many of the same features as commercial digital forensics tools for the analysis of Windows and UNIX file systems (NTFS, FAT, FFS, EXT2FS, and EXT3FS). Package: avahi-autoipd Description-md5: acd046468650e18ecf72b9fbe41992f1 Description-sl: Avahi IPv4LL network address configuration daemon Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . This tool implements IPv4LL, "Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses" (IETF RFC3927), a protocol for automatic IP address configuration from the link-local range without the need for a central server. It is primarily intended to be used in ad-hoc networks which lack a DHCP server. Package: avahi-discover Description-md5: bd2a23e6143f793e37bb138e29fb30b9 Description-sl: Uporabniški vmesnik odkrivanja storitev za avahi Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . Ta paket vsebuje uporabniški vmesnik za odkrivanje storitev Package: avahi-dnsconfd Description-md5: 116a8cc3e8edfd55e1444b8100a0bf7f Description-sl: Nastavitveno orodje DNS Avahi Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . This tool listens on the network for announced DNS servers and passes them to resolvconf so it can use them. This is very useful on autoconfigured IPv6 networks. Package: avahi-ui-utils Description-md5: 6a2d4e446eb92bf74181ccf3974335d5 Description-sl: Pripomočki Avahi GTK+ Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj majhnih pripomočkov GTK+ za odkrivanje strežnikov ssh in vnc. Package: avogadro Description-md5: f18c3f1991d48f1decf97743ceaac81f Description-sl: Sistem molekularne grafike in modeliranja Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. . Features include: * Molecular modeller with automatic force-field based geometry optimization * Molecular Mechanics including constraints and conformer searches * Visualization of molecular orbitals and general isosurfaces * Visualization of vibrations and plotting of vibrational spectra * Support for crystallographic unit cells * Input generation for the Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO quantum chemistry packages * Flexible plugin architecture and Python scripting . Avogadro lahko bere vrste datotek PDB, XYZ, CML, CIF, Molden kot tudi izhod programov Gaussian, GAMESS in MOLPRO. Package: avrdude-doc Description-md5: 0b6fe5ae5ad13f400d3869565ce43390 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za avrdude AVRDUDE is an open source utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers using the in-system programming technique (ISP). . This package contains documentation for configuring and running AVRDUDE. Package: awesome-extra Description-md5: c655ec28b0d0a54b47dccc744010cd23 Description-sl: Dodatni moduli za awesome This is a set of additional modules for the awesome window manager. . It contains: * bashets, use your shell scripts as content providers for widgets * flaw, object oriented library providing a thin abstraction layer above awesome widgets * cyclefocus, provides methods to cycle through most recently used clients * freedesktop, a module for menu and desktop icon support * obvious, a set of several widgets (Wi-Fi link quality, battery usage, etc), superseding wicked * revelation, expose like functionality * tyrannical, a simple tag management engine * vicious, a widget manager Package: backup-manager Description-md5: 8fc0f3b1192f2c956d4ddc9d6f69ee01 Description-sl: Orodje varnostnih kopij ukazne vrstice This is a backup program, designed to help you make daily archives of your file system. . Written in bash and perl, it can make tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip archives and can be run in a parallel mode with different configuration files. Other archives are possible: MySQL or SVN dumps, incremental backups... . Archives are kept for a given number of days and the upload system can use FTP, SSH or RSYNC to transfer the generated archives to a list of remote hosts. . Automatically burning archives to removable media such as CD or DVD is also possible. . The configuration file is very simple and basic and gettext is used for internationalization. Package: backup-manager-doc Description-md5: 381a6cf09e09c6f96802932de6236e65 Description-sl: Paket dokumentacije za Upravljalnik varnostnih kopij Backup-manager is a backup program, designed to help you make daily archives of your file system. . This package provides the Backup Manager User Guide in different formats: HTML, plain text and PDF. Package: bacula-doc Description-md5: aa74f6e41dce21375a71c65cc5ca4d28 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Bacula This package provides the documentation for Bacula, a backup program that permits you to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. Package: ballz-data Description-md5: a94fb0b9dabc485c329cfe9a123540d8 Description-sl: B.A.L.L.Z - podatki igre The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modified by the British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran. . This package contains data files required by the game B.A.L.L.Z. Package: baloo-kf5-dev Description-md5: 40419eee45005eb5f8a28370059a1e92 Description-sl: framework for searching and managing metadata devel files A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo is part of the KDE Plasma desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: balsa Description-md5: 8fd5765c122138010ca60ac02a294a55 Description-sl: e-mail client for GNOME Balsa je visoko nastavljiv in robusten odjemalec pošte za namizje GNOME. Podpira tako strežnike POP3 in IMAP kot tudi vrste krajevnih poštnih predalov mbox, maildir in mh. Balsa podpira tudi SMTP in/ali uporabo krajevnih MTA-jev kot je Sendmail. . Nekatere od drugih zmožnosti Balsa vključujejo: * omogočitev gnezdenih poštnih predalov * tiskanje * preverjanje črkovanja * večnitno pridobivanje pošte * podpora MIME (ogled slik v sporočilih, shranjevanje delov) * Podpora imenikov GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF in vCard * več znakovnih naborov za sestavljanje in branje sporočil * priloge datotek izhodnih sporočil * podpisovanje in šifriranje pošte GPG/OpenPGP . V tem paketu je bila omogočena podpora Kerberos in SSL. Package: balsa-data Description-md5: 4510b54af8e9e11bff83135aa8aebb14 Description-sl: e-mail client for GNOME -- data files Balsa je visoko nastavljiv in robusten odjemalec pošte za namizje GNOME. Podpira tako strežnike POP3 in IMAP kot tudi vrste krajevnih poštnih predalov mbox, maildir in mh. Balsa podpira tudi SMTP in/ali uporabo krajevnih MTA-jev kot je Sendmail. . This package includes documentation, icons, localizations, and other architecture-independent data files for Balsa. Package: bam Description-md5: 9207035afd1eefe6b9ff8607600e8a61 Description-sl: Hiter in prilagodljiv sistem gradnje Bam uses Lua to describe the build process. It's takes its inspiration for the script files from scons. While scons focuses on being 100% correct when building, bam makes a few sacrifices to acquire fast full and incremental build times. Package: bamfdaemon Description-md5: 5e170802764cd2226fe0395c325fb65f Description-sl: Knjižnica skladanja oken - ozadnji program bamf matches application windows to desktop files . This package contains the daemon used by the library and a gio module that facilitates the matching of applications started through GDesktopAppInfo Package: bar Description-md5: 890b273b73e077b9a8f5c9477937469d Description-sl: Pokaži podrobnosti o prenosu datotek Bar is a simple tool to process a stream of data and print a display for the user on stderr showing (a) the amount of data passed, (b) the throughput of the data transfer, and, if the total size of the data stream is known, (c) estimated time remaining, percent complete, and a progress bar. . Bar was originally written for the purpose of estimating the amount of time needed to transfer large amounts (many, many gigabytes) of data across a network. (Usually in an SSH/tar pipe.) Package: barrage Description-md5: 95e9de208d218397b93fbd3bce886209 Description-sl: Precej uničujoča akcijska igra Barrage je precej destruktivna akcijska igra, ki vas postavi v obseg strelišča s ciljem zadeti koliko je mogoče neumnih tarč v 3 minutah. Nadzirate pištolo, ki lahko strelja majhne ali velike granate na vojake, džipe in tanke. Igranje je enostavno, vendar visokega števila točk ni lahko doseči. Package: bash-static Description-md5: ae0b688f32951bcf52b5c025ab588a4c Description-sl: GNU Bourne Again SHell (static version) Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input or from a file. Bash also incorporates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh). . Statično povezano. Package: basic256 Description-md5: 41554da56e86394aac16c79c652af00c Description-sl: učno okolje programiranja BASIC za otroke BASIC-256 je različica BASIC, ki je enostavna za uporabo in zasnovana za učenje mlajših otrok osnov računalniškega programiranja. Uporablja nadzorne strukture kot so gosub, for/next in goto, ki otrokom omogoča enostavno videti kako deluje nadzor poteka. Ima vgrajen grafični način, ki jim omogoča narisati slike na zaslon le v nekaj minutah in zbirko podrobnih vodnikov, ki jim je enostavno slediti in predstavijo koncepte programiranja skozi zabavne vaje. Package: basket Description-md5: 14a1fc33d1a245a0d50a677c880ec822 Description-sl: multi-purpose note-taking application Ta program zagotavlja kolikor košar (predalov) želite. Več vrst predmetov (besedila, URL-je, slike, ...) lahko povlečete in spustite vanje. . Predmete je mogoče urediti, kopirati, povleči ... Zato jih je mogoče urediti glede na okus uporabnikov. Basket vam omogoča obdržati vse predmete na enem mestu, imeti podatke pri roki, pisati zapiske ... Package: basket-data Description-md5: b56152e5aeebbdec4421595fe44043f0 Description-sl: data files for BasKet Notepads Ta program zagotavlja kolikor košar (predalov) želite. Več vrst predmetov (besedila, URL-je, slike, ...) lahko povlečete in spustite vanje. . Predmete je mogoče urediti, kopirati, povleči ... Zato jih je mogoče urediti glede na okus uporabnikov. Basket vam omogoča obdržati vse predmete na enem mestu, imeti podatke pri roki, pisati zapiske ... . This package contains arch independent data for Basket. Package: Description-md5: 1381c1d28b4872697bc8521d64744d18 Description-sl: Nadzornik baterije za GNUstep Battery Monitor je nadzornik baterije za prenosnike. Prikaže trenutno stanje baterije (polnjenje/praznjenje in raven energije) kot tudi nekaj podatkov o splošnem zdravju celice. Package: bats-assert Description-md5: 6e0af67aac96a57a0c62f6f3a2c2b007 Description-sl: Helper library providing common assertions for Bats bats-assert provides various ready-made assertions that can be used to make Bats tests simpler to understand and to debug. . Na primer: . * assert_success: exit status is 0. * assert_output: output contains given content. * assert_line: a specific line of output contains given content. Package: bats-file Description-md5: 26498ed790beaffc0ce98bfc64d0cf47 Description-sl: Helper library providing filesystem-related assertions for Bats bats-file provides various assertions and helpers to simplify writing Bats tests that deal with files and filesystems. . Na primer: . * assert_file_contains: Check if the file content matches a regex. * assert_file_owner: Check if a specific user owns the file. * assert_symlink_to: Check if the file is a symlink to the target. * temp_make: Create a temp directory for the current test in BATS_TMPDIR. Package: bats-support Description-md5: 5484b7ec3dac0f44d4409bedcf4a7473 Description-sl: Supporting library to test bats helper libraries bats-support is a supporting library providing common functions to test helper libraries written for Bats. . Zmožnosti: . * error reporting * output formatting * language tools Package: battery-stats Description-md5: 8cbb7a257c05896f1de94937ef758e1a Description-sl: Zbira statistiko o napolnjenosti baterij prenosnika Ta paket vsebuje battery-stats-collecotr, ozadji program, ki bo občasno zbiral statistko o napolnjenosti prisotnih baterij. . It also provides a binary called battery-graph, which can be used to generate qplot graphs about the battery charge/discharge patterns over time. . Opomba: to zahteva omogočen in delujoč APM ali ACPI v vašem jedru. Package: beanstalkd Description-md5: c5918527026b57dc76d8a8c9e30ecf13 Description-sl: simple, in-memory, workqueue service Beanstalkd is a simple, fast, workqueue service (a specific case of message queueing), in which messages are organised in "tubes". Beanstalk clients can insert and consume messages into and from such tubes. . The beanstalk interface is generic, but was originally designed for reducing the latency of page views in high-volume web applications by running time-consuming tasks asynchronously. . Beanstalkd is meant to be ran in a trusted network, as it has no authorisation/authentication mechanisms. . Ta paket ima datoteke strežnika. Package: bear-factory Description-md5: 74f8f8f9272db7c3d594f880dcf656d8 Description-sl: Urejevalniki za Plee the Bear This package includes the level editor, animation editor and model editor of the Bear Engine for Plee the Bear. Package: beav Description-md5: ece1300d8cfcc58cec962e14bb855ada Description-sl: Binarni urejevalnik in pregledovalnik beav (Binary Editor And Viewer) is an editor for binary files containing arbitrary data. Text file editors, on the other hand, expect the files they edit to contain textual data, and/or to be formatted in a certain way (e.g. lines of printable characters delimited by newline characters). . With beav, you can edit a file in HEX, ASCII, EBCDIC, OCTAL, DECIMAL, and BINARY. You can display but not edit data in FLOAT mode. You can search or search and replace in any of these modes. Data can be displayed in BYTE, WORD, or DOUBLE WORD formats. While displaying WORDS or DOUBLE WORDS the data can be displayed in INTEL's or MOTOROLA's byte ordering. Data of any length can be inserted at any point in the file. The source of this data can be the keyboard, another buffer, or a file. Any data that is being displayed can be sent to a printer in the displayed format. Files that are bigger than memory can be handled. Package: beef Description-md5: e7f7d6829a16b29f5b43c28683c4b333 Description-sl: Prilagodljiv tolmač Brainfuck Beef is an interpreter for the Brainfuck programming language. . Its main goals are to be comfortable for the user and to run most Brainfuck programs unchanged; speed is generally quite good. . Beef performs thorough error checking to make sure malformed programs are not executed; it also supports a bunch of command-line options that can be used for configuration or compatibility purposes. . If GVFS is installed, Beef can use any available backend as either output or (where it makes sense) input source. GNU readline is used for interactive input. Package: beneath-a-steel-sky Description-md5: 97be6ddeca12a27cff629b7a53eee387 Description-sl: classic 2D point and click science fiction adventure game Znanstveno fantastični triler v mračni poakopaliptični viziji prihodnosti, Beneath a Steel Sky se dogaja v "Union City", kjer so sebičnost, tekmovanje in korupcija med njegovimi državljani preveč pogosta. Tisti ki si to lahko privoščijo živijo pod zemljo in se izognejo onesnaženju in družabnim težavam, ki pestijo mesto. . Igrate vlogo Roberta Fosterja, neke vrste izgnanca, saj je bil vzgojen v oddaljenem okolju zunaj mesta. Robertova mama ga je odnesla ven iz mesta Union City, vendar je na poti helikopter strmoglavil. Ker je pri strmoglavljenju njegova mati umrla, ga vzgoji tamkajšnje pleme. . Leta kasneje možje iz Union City obiščejo in ugrabijo Roberta in ubijejo njegovo pleme. Ko doseže mesto, njegov helikopter strmoglavi, kar mu omogoči pobeg. Odpravi se iskat resnico o svoji preteklosti in iskat maščevanje za pomor svojega plemena. . Ta paket vsebuje le podatke igre. Programnik igre zagotavlja ScummVM. Package: berusky Description-md5: fdeb85b4a0e70546b7d989c048755fba Description-sl: Logična igra osnovana na Sokobanu Berusky je prosta logična igra osnovna na starodavni uganki Sokoban. Stara ideja premikanja škatel v labirintu je bila razširjena z novimi logičnimi predmeti kot so eksplozivi, kamni, posebna vrata in tako naprej. Poleg tega lahko igralec nadzira do pet sodelujočih hroščev. Za zapustitev vsake stopnje (igra vsebuje približno 120 stopenj) morate biti lastnik petih ključev in imeti prosto pot do izhoda. Package: berusky-data Description-md5: 63ae184aa47aebcf8498a358c8db26ca Description-sl: Podatkovne datotke za Berusky Berusky je prosta logična igra osnovna na starodavni uganki Sokoban. Stara ideja premikanja škatel v labirintu je bila razširjena z novimi logičnimi predmeti kot so eksplozivi, kamni, posebna vrata in tako naprej. Poleg tega lahko igralec nadzira do pet sodelujočih hroščev. Za zapustitev vsake stopnje (igra vsebuje približno 120 stopenj) morate biti lastnik petih ključev in imeti prosto pot do izhoda. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za Berusky. Package: between Description-md5: ecd1cb4c9190070f372c8a3a41630510 Description-sl: Igra o zavesti in izolaciji Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer. . You know exactly what you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming, too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and you're alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse seems indifferent. . One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets' erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude, but stale evidence is still evidence. . Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is an "other". Package: biabam Description-md5: a39c7e567ac5ef8203e4adebeb8a629b Description-sl: Bash program za pošiljanje prilog preko pošte A tool that is used for mailing attachments from the commandline. It is similar to using Mutt to send attachments on the commandline, but without the overhead of a complete email client. Package: bibletime Description-md5: afed2027ab606da31c78854102bb44ce Description-sl: Orodje preučevanja Biblije za Qt BibleTime je prosto in enostavno orodje za preučevanje biblije. Uporablja programski knjižnici Qt in SWORD. BibleTime zagotavlja enostavno upravljanje digitaliziranih besedil (biblije, opombe in leksikoni) in zmogljive zmožnosti za delo s temi besedili (iskanje v besedilih, pisanje lastnih opomb, shranjevanje, tiskanje) v obliki modula SWORD. Package: bibshelf Description-md5: ffa65900c960bdf945b7ea7d61d8e40d Description-sl: Organizator knjig za GNOME helps you to keep track of your book collection. You can fill in such things as the book summary, review, rating and the ISBN. Never forget when it was that you read a book, BibShelf lets you save the date so you do no longer need to waste your brain capacity for storing this information. Package: biff Description-md5: 8371ac164838c91c11bf21c401c5054d Description-sl: Orodje za obvestlo o pošti biff is a small program that prints a message to your terminal when new email arrives. Actually, the message is printed by the comsat daemon, and biff just enables/disables the u+x permission flag for the terminal, which comsat uses to determine whether or not to write to your terminal. . biff is mainly of historic interest, since there are much better alternatives (such as xlbiff and gbuffy) that are network-aware and do not require a daemon. Although there are no known security problems, running additional services is often considered risky. . By default, the biff service is disabled. To use biff email notification, you must enable this service by running 'update-inetd --enable biff' after the package is installed. You may also need to modify the configuration of your mail transport agent to enable comsat notification. Package: big-cursor Description-md5: 056b158844159fbfed104792106c6735 Description-sl: Velike miškine kazalke za X This package provides some large mouse cursors for use under X. It's useful for laptop users, for those running X at very high resolutions, and for anyone who finds it hard to see the default mouse cursors. Package: biglybt Description-md5: fbbc804e606e1490aaa2e7cf7ef18b28 Description-sl: Odjemalec BitTorrent BiglyBT is a feature filled, open source, ad-free, BitTorrent client used to transfer files via the BitTorrent protocol. BiglyBT is the continuation of the Vuze/Azureus project first created in 2003, and is being actively developed by the original coders. Package: billard-gl Description-md5: c4e33f43bba455925ad4b1ee732ef1f5 Description-sl: 3D igra bilijarda Igrajte igro 8 ali 9 krogel v načinu treninga ali proti prijatelju. Igra vsebuje vodnik, ki začetnikom predstavi uporabniški vmesnik in nadzornike. Pomoč je na voljo za tiste, ki ne poznajo pravil igre 8 ali 9 krogel. Package: billard-gl-data Description-md5: 04a8a619424696f5628b5509e845adc4 Description-sl: Igra 3D biljarda - podatkovne datoteke Igrajte igro 8 ali 9 krogel v načinu treninga ali proti prijatelju. Igra vsebuje vodnik, ki začetnikom predstavi uporabniški vmesnik in nadzornike. Pomoč je na voljo za tiste, ki ne poznajo pravil igre 8 ali 9 krogel. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za billard-gl. Package: binfmtc Description-md5: ecee66ef1f7ec71b9bd11b3337420843 Description-sl: Izvedite C program kot skript Linux binfmt_misc handler for C, C++, Assembly languages, Pascal, Fortran, Java(GCJ). . Using the binfmt_misc interface, binfmtc allows users to seamlessly execute C source code as if they were scripts. . Includes example utilities realcsh.c, realksh.c, which are for your real C scripting pleasures. Package: bird Description-md5: abde59d9329fee5542ca525a035ae764 Description-sl: Ozadnji program usmerjanja interneta BIRD is an Internet routing daemon with full support for all the major routing protocols. It allows redistribution between protocols with a powerful route filtering syntax and an easy-to-use configuration interface. . This package supports IPv4 and IPv6 versions of OSPF, RIP and BGP. Package: bird2 Description-md5: 874644189b6bd30d36505beb812c9640 Description-sl: Ozadnji program usmerjanja interneta BIRD is an Internet routing daemon with full support for all the major routing protocols. It allows redistribution between protocols with a powerful route filtering syntax and an easy-to-use configuration interface. . BIRD supports IPv4 and IPv6 versions of OSPF, RIP, BGP and Babel routing protocols. It also supports supplementary protocols like BFD, RPKI-Router and IPv6 router advertisements. Package: bittwist Description-md5: b06d0054503e4d44218cd729fa2cb44a Description-sl: libpcap based Ethernet packet generator bittwist (or Bit-Twist) is designed to complement tcpdump, which by itself has done a great job in capturing network traffic. Bit-Twist can regenerate the captured traffic onto a live network (the packets are generated from tcpdump trace file, generating a .pcap file). . Bit-Twist also comes with a comprehensive trace file editor to allow one to change the contents of a trace file (bittwiste). . Generally, a packet generator is useful in simulating networking traffic or scenario, testing firewall, IDS, and IPS, and troubleshooting various network problems. . Zmožnosti Bit-Twist so: . * runs on Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows; * send multiple trace files at a time; * send packets at a specific speed or up to your NIC line rate in Mbps using built-in token bucket algorithm; * comprehensive trace file editor with control over most fields in Ethernet, ARP, IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP headers with automatic header checksum correction; * comprehensive trace file editor to edit most fields in Ethernet, ARP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, ICMPv6, TCP, and UDP headers; * automatic header checksum correction; * send packets with custom QoS bits to test classification/queuing features of switches/routers; * append user payload to existing packets after a specific header; * append user payload (e.g. copy of hex stream from Wireshark) to existing packets after a specific header; * select a specific range of packets and save them in another trace file; * highly scriptable - with proper manipulation you can turn Bit-Twist into an extremely flexible packet generator tool; * if you are teaching Computer Networks classes, you may find Bit-Twist useful as a practical teaching material. It gives your students a hands-on experience to learn various networking protocols etc. Package: bkchem Description-md5: c22af3466e5c7c500d53dc9f5e106335 Description-sl: Urejevalnik kemijskih struktur BKchem is a free chemical drawing program, which is written in Python. . Some of the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-,, EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export) Package: black-box Description-md5: ea9112a1fa8eb96d10de942d62f29526 Description-sl: Najdite kristale There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves the box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to guess where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots. Package: blackbox Description-md5: 7045fee6354b0d290ca6be346f63eb3a Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik za X This is a window manager for X. It is similar in many respects to such popular packages as Window Maker, Enlightenment, and FVWM2. You might be interested in this package if you are tired of window managers that are a heavy drain on your system resources, but you still want an attractive and modern-looking interface. . The best part of all is that this program is coded in C++, so it is even more attractive "under the hood" than it is in service -- no small feat. . If none of this sounds familiar to you, or you want your computer to look like Microsoft Windows or Apple's OS X, you probably don't want this package. Package: blackbox-themes Description-md5: a69be879d8472b66f01c1c0e7a8d62ed Description-sl: Teme za okenski upravljalnik Blackbox This package contains various themes for the Blackbox Windowmanager. Package: bleachbit Description-md5: a958efd51e414316ebd3cb47958129ea Description-sl: izbrišite nezahtevane datoteke s sistema BleachBit izbriše nezahtevane datoteke za sprositev prostora na disku, vzdrževanje zasebnosti in odstranitev šare. Odstrani predpomnilnik, internetno zgodovino, začasne datoteke, piškotke in pokvarjene bližnjice. . Upravlja čiščenje Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, in več. . Poleg enostavnega brisanja datotek šare BleachBit počisti razpoložljiv prostor na disku (za skritje predhodno izbrisanih datotek za zasebnost in za izboljšanje stiskanaj slik), počisti podatkovne zbirke Firefox (za zvišanje hitrosti delovanja brez izbrisa podatkov) in varno razreže poljubne datoteke. Package: blender Description-md5: 90b4f36fda45432800e6a278de5b06b4 Description-sl: Zelo hiter in raznolik 3D modelirnik/izrisovalnik Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, poobdelavo, interaktivno ustvarjanje in predvajanje (igre). Blender vsebuje svoj lasten uporabniški vmesnik, ki je izveden popolnoma v OpenGL in zasnovan s hitrostjo v mislih. Za skriptanje so na voljo vezave Python. Zmožnosti uvoza/izvoza iz priljubljenih vrst datotek, kot sta 3D studio in Wavefront Obj je kot skripte napisala skupnost. Pogosti izdelki, ustvarjeni z Blenderjem so slike, animacije, modeli za igre ali druge programnike tretjih oseb in interaktivna vsebina v obliki samostojnih binarnih datotek. Package: blender-data Description-md5: cf40bbb7bd8bb0c71e9c32489ca7949e Description-sl: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer - data package Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, poobdelavo, interaktivno ustvarjanje in predvajanje (igre). Blender vsebuje svoj lasten uporabniški vmesnik, ki je izveden popolnoma v OpenGL in zasnovan s hitrostjo v mislih. Za skriptanje so na voljo vezave Python. Zmožnosti uvoza/izvoza iz priljubljenih vrst datotek, kot sta 3D studio in Wavefront Obj je kot skripte napisala skupnost. Pogosti izdelki, ustvarjeni z Blenderjem so slike, animacije, modeli za igre ali druge programnike tretjih oseb in interaktivna vsebina v obliki samostojnih binarnih datotek. . This package contains documentation, libraries and images for blender. Package: blender-ogrexml-1.9 Description-md5: dc7e48c58746c7e7db56faa3286d79ee Description-sl: Blender Exporter for OGRE OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje izvoznik Blender za OGRE. Package: blinken Description-md5: 15b854d36619b85d1beb335cd5aaf853 Description-sl: KDE različica elektronske igre pomnjenja Simon Bliknen je osnovan na elektronski igri, ki je bila izdana leta 1978, ki igralce izzove k pomnjenju zaporedij podaljšujočih se dolžin. Na napravi so 4 različni barvni gumbi, vsaj s svojim značilnim zvokom. Ti gumbi se naključno prižigajo in ustvarijo zaporedje, ki si ga mora nato igralec zapolniti. V primeru da si igralec zaporedje luči pravilno zapomni, napreduje na naslednjo stopnjo, kjer ga čaka enako zaporedje z enim dodatnim korakom. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: bliss-doc Description-md5: 1f60e9cc51eac053249ccffacd98d41c Description-sl: suite to compute graph automorphisms and labelings -- doc Bliss is a backtracking algorithm for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs, based on individualization and refinement. Its data structures, subroutines, and pruning heuristics are specially designed for fast handling of large and sparse graphs. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: blobandconquer Description-md5: 801ca256b9fe0458e14e62922b9e9f97 Description-sl: 3-D ploščadna strelska igra Blow Wars epizoda II. Blon and Conquer je nadaljevanje igre Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid. . S porazom Gladova in ponovno pridobitvijo kristalov ognja, časa, prostora in realnosti se je Blobova bitka šele začela. Bob je rešiv veliko Blobov in se boril v veliko bitkah, vendar ima sedaj pred sabo še večjo nalogo. V domačem svetu Blobov so še vedno nezemeljske sile in Bob ponovno poskuša voditi protinapad. Vendar so celo brez Gladova nezemljani izredno dobro organizirani ... Package: blobandconquer-data Description-md5: 78c939728fba01b4dd43bcf25d790170 Description-sl: 3-D ploščadna strelska igra -- podatkovne datoteke Blow Wars epizoda II. Blon and Conquer je nadaljevanje igre Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za blobandconquer. Package: blobby Description-md5: 4eb1e6785c122745a7167b565a026d0c Description-sl: Igra odbojke s kepicami Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko odjemalca za Bolley Volley 2. . Blobby Volley is an arcade volleyball game with jumping blobs. It contains a multiplayer mode and several bots. Package: bloboats Description-md5: 72fcfa32095182f5fa84840dd0688239 Description-sl: Boat racing game Bloboats je arkadna igra dirkanja čolnov v hibridnem duhu ploščadnih skakajočih iger podobnim igri Mario in igre elastomania/xmoto. . The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time. . Potovanje se začne na mestu Vodnik nekje v Združenih državah, nekako igralec konča na slavnemu področju HA v Helsinkih. Med potovanjem več podjetij MS rešite pred rokami strahotne pošasti z lovkami Neznanega Gospodarja, ki je dejansko vaš oče. Ali pa morda ni :-). Package: blobwars Description-md5: 04620865cad48eb96542898e371aace3 Description-sl: ploščadna strelska igra Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid is a 2D platform game. It is the first in the Blob Wars series. . Since their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have faced a lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and for all. . In Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless Blob agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many MIAs as possible. But standing in his way are many vicious aliens, other Blobs who have been assimilated and the evil alien leader, Galdov. Package: blockattack Description-md5: 6fa0969271932e5897a5cc73a027fd8b Description-sl: Ugankarska igra, ki jo je navdihnil Tetris Block Attack je uganka/igra padajočih blokov, ki jo je navdihnil Nintendov Tetris Attack za Super Nintendo. Igra ima veliko akcije za ugankarsko igro :-). . Features: * Based on the classic "Tetris Attack" for the SNES * 5 single player modes: Endless, Time Trial, Puzzle Mode, Stage Clear and Vs. Mode * 2 two player options: Time Trial and Vs. Mode * Puzzle mode has 20+ puzzles * Players can use a custom key setup * Handicap in multiplayer * Highscores are saved * Joypad support * Music and sound effects * Animations * Select puzzle file from a list in the game . Sistemske zahteve: * Ločljivost zaslona: 1024x768 (ni je mogoče spremeniti, vendar jo lahko poženete v oknu) * Tipkovnica * Miška (izbirno) * Procesor: dostojen (preizkušeno na 733 MHz) * Pomnilnik: vsaj 64 MB Package: blockout2 Description-md5: 288f5c5b4d9fbe67dd5636ad0e032803 Description-sl: Tetrisu podobna igra (3D-tetris) BlockOut II is a free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS game edited by California Dreams in 1989. BlockOut II has the same features than the original game with few graphic improvements. The score calculation is also nearly similar to the original game. BlockOut II has been designed by an addicted player for addicted players. BlockOut II is an open source project available for both Windows and Linux. Package: bluedevil Description-md5: c6ec1bf024a5119d3bd9fa4a8a899625 Description-sl: Sklad Bluetooth za KDE BlueDevil is a set of components which integrate Bluetooth in KDE. It contains: * A KDE Control Module (KCM) to configure all the Bluetooth-related options. * Integration with the KDE input/output system (KIO), which allows you to discover and explore Bluetooth devices from your favorite file browser. * A wizard to pair your devices and connect directly to services they offer, such as input (mouse, keyboard, Wiimote) and audio (headsets, phones). * A system tray application from where all BlueDevil actions can be done (disconnect devices, send files, configure, etc). * A daemon which listens to incoming requests, for example to receive files or to introduce a requested PIN. Package: blueman Description-md5: 0d53e070801b0cf7f6808bfd0b84a60f Description-sl: Grafični upravljalnik bluetooth Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez. Package: bmon Description-md5: 3288eb0a673978e478042369c7927d3f Description-sl: Nadzorik prenosljive pasovne širine in ocenjevalnik hitrosti Program bmon je nadzornik širine, ki deluje v ukazni vrstici in podpira različne načine izpisa vključno z vzajemnim vmesnikom curses, lahkim izpisom HTML in enostavnim izpisom ASCII. . Statistiko lahko razširjate preko omrežja z uporabo večsmernega ali enosmernega oddajanja in jih na neki točki zberete za ustvarjanje opisa statistike za zbirko vozlišč. Package: bochs-doc Description-md5: e36971d15c516a5122416a68c7f73396 Description-sl: Dokumentacija izvornega projekta Bochs Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML projekta Bochs. . The documentation is divided into three parts: . * Uporabniški vodnik * Razvojni vodnik * Dokumentacijski vodnik Package: bochs-sdl Description-md5: c1de9e8924d4d41e5077c82fed4d22e9 Description-sl: Vstavek SDL za Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains an SDL GUI plugin for Bochs. . Use Scroll-Lock key for full screen. Package: bochs-wx Description-md5: 173269ea6b13541db917fabb97fa5bcc Description-sl: Vstavek WxWindows za Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains a WxWindows GUI plugin for Bochs. Package: bochs-x Description-md5: d05bd802b2729b64a9ea369b90b87f71 Description-sl: Vstavek X11 za Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains an X11 GUI plugin for Bochs. Package: bochsbios Description-md5: 9398974e6d90ae7a0272cba21ead91e5 Description-sl: BIOS za posnemovalnik Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains the BIOS of the Bochs project. Package: bogofilter-sqlite Description-md5: 6eb04a1cda23db8196381fcabb2bc183 Description-sl: Hiter Bayezianski filter neželene pošte (sqlite) This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam". . This version substantially improves on Paul's proposal by doing smarter lexical analysis. In particular, hostnames and IP addresses are retained as recognition features rather than broken up. Various kinds of MTA cruft such as dates and message-IDs are discarded so as not to bloat the word lists. . This package provides the sqlite database backend. Package: boinc Description-md5: 79307295fad5fe1f0172f7d981ebfbac Description-sl: metapackage for the BOINC client and the manager Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . This package depends both on the BOINC core client program that is required to participate in any project that uses BOINC, and the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. Package: boinc-client Description-md5: 9bd4f63a5f0f805b9edce1e36fefff24 Description-sl: core client for the BOINC distributed computing infrastructure Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . This package contains the BOINC core client program that is required to participate in any project that uses BOINC. A central server distributes work units and collects results via this client. When attaching a local machine to a project, this client will also dynamically download the scientific data and executables to be then wrapped by the BOINC core client. Package: boinc-client-nvidia-cuda Description-md5: 9384e2173f2ed43c0d057c1770da614c Description-sl: metapackage for CUDA-savvy BOINC client and manager Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . Regular users (righteously) often find it an unbearable nuisance to care for the exact configuration of BOINC for CUDA-savvy graphics cards. This package adds a series of dependencies from the non-free section to the regular boinc package. This also meant this binary package to be redistributed in the contrib section of Debian. Package: boinc-client-opencl Description-md5: 1d8bb1ed221af82159a83aac2ed26b88 Description-sl: metapackage for AMD/ATI OpenCL-savvy BOINC client and manager Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . Regular users (righteously) often find it an unbearable nuisance to care for the configuration of BOINC for the OpenCL-savvy AMD/ATI graphics cards. This package adds a series of dependencies from the non-free section to the regular boinc package. This also meant this binary package to be redistributed in the contrib section of Debian. Package: boinc-manager Description-md5: 18cdf3bcfd01c25a71225cc0291571cd Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za nadziranje osnovnega odjemalca BOINC Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire. . This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available. . Za dejavno sodelovanje v kateremukoli projektu BOINC je priporočeni paket boinc-client, ki je zahtevan za vsako napravo, ki prispeva svoje vire. Package: boinc-screensaver Description-md5: ba066f78393e8713c0e55232ad35eddf Description-sl: screen saver auto-controlling volunteer computing Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . The BOINC client is configurable by the command line or the BOINC manager's GUI to compute with any range between 0% and 100% of available resources, and to change that ratio to a higher after some user determined duration of inactivity. There is now quite a number of individuals who prefer to have everything presented with their accustomed principle for setting and choosing a screen saver. Upon inactivity, the BOINC client is started, and stopped again when the user is back. To save the screen, it then shows the graphical progress indication as optionally shown also by the manager. . This package is excellent to further promote BOINC, recalling the effect SETI@Home once had in the Cambridge, UK, CB2 Cybercafe. Just, when using it together with the regular BOINC client setup, it is suggested not to have all CPUs used to avoid multiple processes running on the same core. Package: bombardier Description-md5: df88a58c5d332d4f3c9c45b50c2a53a6 Description-sl: Pripomoček GNU Bombing This game is the same as the old Blitz16 game on Commodore 16/Plus 4, written by Simon Taylor. . The player is driving a plane that moves across the screen. When the plane reaches the right edge of the screen it starts again on the left side, but drops down one line. Below is a cityscape composed of blocks. The player has to drop bombs from the plane, and each bomb which hits a building removes some blocks. As the plane descends it risks hitting any remaining blocks so priority has to be given to bombing the tallest buildings. The level is completed when all blocks are removed and the plane has descended safely to the bottom of the screen. . Info about the original Blitz 16: Package: bomber Description-md5: f7eb190e86fa42fdcccfd1f7656447b4 Description-sl: arcade spaceship game Bomber is a game where you fly a spaceship and attempt to bomb the buildings below you. Each pass the spaceship makes, it gets lower and lower. If you've not destroyed a building in your path, you will crash into it. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: bomberclone Description-md5: 5d7bacb049c8b9522938c9e5c1fe423e Description-sl: Prost klon Bomberman BomberClone je prosta igra podobna igri Bomberman za Linux in Windows. Pravila igre so enostavna: tecite skozi stopnje in razstrelite druge igralce. Vsebuje nadgradnje, ki vam dajejo večjo moč, vam pomagajo hitreje hoditi ali vam pustijo spustiti brez bomb. . BomberClone lahko igrate na večigralski način preko omrežij IPv4 ali IPv6 ali v enoigralskem načinu proti računalniku. Package: bomberclone-data Description-md5: a6d641789a2893898ead3c1ff03ebbe8 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro bomberclone BomberClone je prosta igra podobna igri Bomberman za Linux in Windows. Pravila igre so enostavna: tecite skozi stopnje in razstrelite druge igralce. Vsebuje nadgradnje, ki vam dajejo večjo moč, vam pomagajo hitreje hoditi ali vam pustijo spustiti brez bomb. . BomberClone lahko igrate na večigralski način preko omrežij IPv4 ali IPv6 ali v enoigralskem načinu proti računalniku. . This package contains the data files (sounds, graphics) needed to run the game. Package: bootparamd Description-md5: f8a48e5e1f4c8735656e73735d69964d Description-sl: Strežnik zagonskih parametrov bootparamd is a server process that provides information to diskless clients necessary for booting. It consults the /etc/bootparams file to find the information it needs. Package: bosh Description-md5: cd976f65269fcf6d1cd0ab91ebc06460 Description-sl: Brskaj po izhodih opravil bosh stands for browsable output shell. This is a bit of a misnomer because it isn't really a shell. What is does is store the output of a specified program in a buffer, and provides a simple curses interface to browse this buffer. Actions can be configured which can make use of the contents of the currently selected line. . Commands and actions are stored in bosh configuration files. These can include shebang line (#!/usr/bin/bosh) so that the configuration can just be run from the command-line. Package: boswars Description-md5: 4e73ed6461627ce9e52adec77d081117 Description-sl: futuristična realno-časovna strateška igra Bos Wars je futuristična realno-časovna strateška igra. Mogoče je igrati proti človeškim nasprotnikom preko krajevnega omrežja (LAN), na medmrežju ali proti računalniku. . Na voljo je podpora OpenGL kot izvajalna nastavitvena možnost. Package: boswars-data Description-md5: 10b442e940908697dde655e67a6b7cb4 Description-sl: Images, data, and music files for Bos Wars Bos Wars je futuristična realno-časovna strateška igra. Mogoče je igrati proti človeškim nasprotnikom preko krajevnega omrežja (LAN), na medmrežju ali proti računalniku. . This package includes the images, data files, and music for the Bos Wars real-time-strategy game. Package: botch-doc Description-md5: b4689f4bc8b4ffb42375d3ffe0ca6506 Description-sl: Bootstrapping helper - documentation Botch stands for bootstrap/build ordering tool chain and allows one to create and analyze bootstrapping dependency graphs, creates suggestions how to break dependency cycles and generates a build order. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: bouncy Description-md5: 25da351b0bb3ad7f4e652314f340ca09 Description-sl: jejte slastno zelenjavo na vrtu - igra namenjena majhnim otrokom Igrate Bouncy, lačnega zajca. Ste na vrtu z dobro zelenjavo in kmetom, ki mu ni všeč, da jih jeste. Skrijete (in premikate) se lahko pod zemljo. . Bouncy je bil napisan za avtorjevo hčerko, ki je bila ob pisanju igre stara 3 leta in za starejše otroke. Zato igra ni nasilna in stopnja "enostavno" je zelo zelo enostavna, "težko" pa vam bo v izziv. Package: bovo Description-md5: b441d750dee643b64630cf13767fc54f Description-sl: gomoku (five in line) board game Bovo is a game where two players take turns placing markers on the board, the winner being the first to complete a line of five markers. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: bowtie-examples Description-md5: 3566e3a8d3188ffdbd3edb7414cacdda Description-sl: Examples for bowtie, the ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner This package addresses the problem to interpret the results from the latest (2010) DNA sequencing technologies. Those will yield fairly short stretches and those cannot be interpreted directly. It is the challenge for tools like Bowtie to give a chromosomal location to the short stretches of DNA sequenced per run. . Bowtie aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour. Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index to keep its memory footprint small: typically about 2.2 GB for the human genome (2.9 GB for paired-end). . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj podatkov primerov za delo za bowtie. Package: bpython Description-md5: 7e8c133162b1fbc846fe4db2c704296d Description-sl: fancy interface to the Python 3 interpreter bpython je lep vmesnik do tolmača Python in ima naslednje zmožnosti: . * poudarjanje skladnje v vrstici. * samodejno dopolnjevanje podobno readline s predlogi, ki so prikazani medtem ko tipkate, * pričakovani seznam parametrov za katerokoli funkcijo Python. Za poskus razdelitve parametrov za funkcije C uporablja pydoc, * možnost "zavrti nazaj" za pojav zadnje vrstice kode iz pomnilnika in ponovno oceno. Opomba: to je zares uporabno le pri razporejanju razredov in funkcij, ker je prava zmožnost "razveljavi" neuporabna, zato bodite pri uporabi tega previdni. * pošljite vneseno kodo na pastebin in prikaz URL pastebin za kopiranje, itd. * shranjevanje vnesene kode v datoteko. * samodejno zamikanje * način proti sesutju. . This package contains bpython for Python 3. Package: breathe-doc Description-md5: 8fa9013da9cf5be99edf4a109d084a7f Description-sl: Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (documentation) Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and doxygen documentation systems. It enables Sphinx to generate autodoc for languages other than Python with the help of doxygen. It also allows one to embed reStructuredText in doxygen markup. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: breeze Description-md5: 0b28191283a36d70b27c0f1d8a6acf4f Description-sl: Default Plasma theme (Metapackage) This is the default theme for the KDE Plasma desktop. . This package includes wallpapers, icons, cursors, KWin style and Qt widget style for the Plasma 6 desktop. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: breeze-dev Description-md5: 860a0bca43dd1541eb65535a817c0f48 Description-sl: Default Plasma theme (development files) This is the default theme for the KDE Plasma desktop. . This package includes development files. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: brewtarget Description-md5: 68a6c604ae6e3f0cf8d788bc6ed6094c Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik programa za varjenje piva Brewtarget is a calculator for brewing beer. It is a Qt-based program which allows you to create recipes from a database of ingredients. It calculates all the important parameters, helps you with mash temperatures, and just makes the process of recipe formulation much easier. Package: brickos Description-md5: 10cd698b2ec20e7c7087952e4647bc32 Description-sl: alternative OS for LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX. Supports devel. in C/C++ A multitasking operating system with development environment for use as an alternative to the standard LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX firmware. . For posts to/from other users: . (LEGO(r) je blagovna znamka skupine LEGO.) Package: brickos-doc Description-md5: 359d0988f64f96ebb702191a745b1971 Description-sl: documentation for brickOS an Alternative OS for the RCX HOWTO and API Documentation for brickOS an alternative Operating System for the LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX. . (LEGO(r) je blagovna znamka skupine LEGO.) Package: bristol Description-md5: 5d7c1d7c0cbc76eceb235db1e961d5c2 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik sintetizatorja vintage Bristol is a synthesizer emulator application. Bristol uses the sound card PCM generator and can be MIDI driven, furthermore it can be set to use the low latency scheduling feature of the kernel, reducing audio under runs. It can handle any number of simultaneous synthesizers (they all connect to the same engine). It supports splitting and layering the keyboard with multiple synthesizers on a single midi channel. Currently Bristol emulates the following keyboards: Moog Mini, Moog Voyager (Bristol "Explorer"), Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Roland Juno-6, Yamaha DX-7, Hammond (single manual), Hammond B3 (dual manual). Package: bristol-data Description-md5: fbfcb6d2c07895634614ea70e14e7324 Description-sl: vintage synthesizer emulator (data files) Bristol is a synthesizer emulator application. Bristol uses the sound card PCM generator and can be MIDI driven, furthermore it can be set to use the low latency scheduling feature of the kernel, reducing audio under runs. It can handle any number of simultaneous synthesizers (they all connect to the same engine). It supports splitting and layering the keyboard with multiple synthesizers on a single midi channel. Currently Bristol emulates the following keyboards: Moog Mini, Moog Voyager (Bristol "Explorer"), Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Roland Juno-6, Yamaha DX-7, Hammond (single manual), Hammond B3 (dual manual). . Ta paket podatkovne datoteke programa. Package: brz-doc Description-md5: 50779d24d3e89dfe156ea3d8a27d9589 Description-sl: easy to use distributed version control system (documentation) Breezy is a distributed version control system designed to be easy to use and intuitive, able to adapt to many file formats and workflows, reliable, and easily extendable. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: bsfilter Description-md5: 20718b08c0417fe4025d4172a1e738a6 Description-sl: Bayezianski filter neželene pošte Bsfilter is a spam filter which can distinguish spam mail from other mails. It can read mails by three way: * reads from normal file or stdin. * retrieves and stores from IMAP server. * reads from POP server and passes to POP client. (POP proxy) Bsfilter gives nice support of Japanese. Package: btanks Description-md5: 7d3601a91073f2b5a18e9721fdf32912 Description-sl: Hitra tankovska arkadna igra v 2D z večigralskim načinom in načini z razdeljenim zaslonom Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using the whole arsenal of weapons. It has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, is fun and dynamic and has death-match and cooperative network modes. Package: btpd Description-md5: 5cfa4c67aed49caa65778c66c9ea1d87 Description-sl: Ozadnji program protokola BitTorrent btpd is a daemon based bittorrent client. The daemon state can be read or changed with appropriate commands. The daemon is capable of running several torrents simultaneously and only uses one tcp port, it's fairly low on resource usage and should be perfect for file distribution sites. . Efficient downloads and ease of use make this client a good choice for the casual user as well. Package: bugz Description-md5: f981c52cb13e3054a077e596ceaecd3a Description-sl: Vmesnik ukazne vrstice do Bugzille PyBugz is a Python and command line interface to Bugzilla, allowing the user to quickly search, isolate and contribute to projects using the Bugzilla bug tracker. Developers can easily extract attachments and close bugs all from the comfort of the command line. . This package provides both a fully-working CLI application as well as a Python module to be reused by other projects. Package: buici-clock Description-md5: 4c7b4a352bd18768bfec3b0cae46ffd4 Description-sl: Privlačna namizna ura As clocks go, Buici satisfies the basic need of representing the time accurately and attractively. It has limited configurability. Package: buildtorrent Description-md5: 83acf29e32cd31820fc84a71fc6f942a Description-sl: Program za ustvarjanje torrentov v ukazni vrstici buildtorrent is a torrent file creation program. Given an announce url and an input file or directory, buildtorrent generates an output .torrent file that can be used by torrent clients. Package: bumprace-data Description-md5: 65638cb4cad4269c68c767b44f096fbd Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za bumprace In BumpRacer, 1 player or 2 players (team or competitive) choose among 4 vehicles and race through a multi-level maze. The players must acquire bonuses and avoid traps and enemy fire in a race against the clock. . This package contains sound and image files for bumprace Package: bup-doc Description-md5: 5ad42acda759474a6eb6718235c7e8f0 Description-sl: highly efficient file backup system based on git (documentation) bup is a backup tool which stores the backups in a system based around the packfile format from git. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: burgerspace Description-md5: 0d3983db8ee492cdb119420cb5861185 Description-sl: Izognite se hudobnim živilom in izdelujte hamburgerje This is a clone of the classic game "BurgerTime". In it, you play the part of a chef who must create burgers by stepping repeatedly on the ingredients until they fall into place. And to make things more complicated, you also must avoid evil animate food items while performing this task, with nothing but your trusty pepper shaker to protect you. Package: bustle Description-md5: d2cf0fe9d67d298feec0ef0cdbb1e463 Description-sl: Predočilnik dejavnosti D-Bus Bustle is a tool to chart and provide timing information of D-Bus calls for profiling and debugging purposes. It is intended to replace reading the cryptic output of dbus-monitor. . Calls are displayed using Message Sequence Charts, a succinct way of representing entities and interactions over time. It can also output data in Graphviz format. . This package contains the graphical visualizer for traces generated with the bustle-pcap tool in the bustle-pcap package. Package: buzztrax Description-md5: 87aa121b64f7aafd245a4f1c737f8e09 Description-sl: Modularni sestavljalnik glasbe Buzztrax aims to be a music studio that allows one to compose songs using only a computer with a soundcard. If you’ve used tracker programs like FastTracker, Impulse Tracker, or the original AMIGA SoundTracker, that will give you an idea of how one can sequence music in Buzztrax. The Buzztrax editor uses a similar concept, where a song consists of a sequence with tracks and in each track one uses patterns with events (musical notes and control changes). In contrast to other Tracker programs, tracks are not simply sample players: a user can make a song using an arrangement of virtual audio plugins that are linked together to create different effects. Each of these machines can be controlled realtime or via patterns in the sequencer. Package: bvi Description-md5: 82e028998d9812c24a56e1a511b425cd Description-sl: Binarni urejevalnik datotek The bvi is a display-oriented editor for binary files, based on the vi text editor. If you are familiar with vi, just start the editor and begin to edit! If you never heard about vi, maybe bvi is not the best choice for you. Package: bwbasic Description-md5: a1358f918033e946f62430535dde0cef Description-sl: Bywater tolmač BASIC The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C. It also offers shell programming facilities as an extension of BASIC. bwBASIC seeks to be as portable as possible. Package: bzr Description-md5: 2ec259a66fcc66f60b9badea1f16369f Description-sl: transitional dummy package for brz This is a transitional package, replacing the Bazaar packaging with the Breezy packaging. . Po nadgradnji ga lahko varno odstranite. Package: bzr-doc Description-md5: 097742b6f1044448e33345008589e713 Description-sl: transitional dummy package for brz-doc This is a transitional package, replacing the Bazaar documentation packaging with the Breezy documentation packaging. . Po nadgradnji ga lahko varno odstranite. Package: c++-annotations-contrib Description-md5: 7f1734b0cecf469d384228ea507517fc Description-sl: Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - contributed files The C++ Annotations offer an extensive tutorial about the C++ programming language. It can be used as a textbook for C/C++ programming courses. See the c++-annotations package for more information about the tutorial . Ta paket vsebuje zunanje prispevke. Package: c++-annotations-pdf Description-md5: 41067929df9514495043413896c65437 Description-sl: Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - PDF output The C++ Annotations offer an extensive tutorial about the C++ programming language. It can be used as a textbook for C/C++ programming courses. . This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transition to, C++. This document is the main textbook for Frank's C++ programming courses, which are yearly organized at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. . The C++ Annotations do not cover all aspects of C++, though. In particular, C++'s basic grammar, which is, for all practical purposes, equal to C's grammar, is not covered. For this part of the C++ language, the reader should consult other texts, like a book covering the C programming language. . Ta paket ponuja zabeležke C++ v obliki PDF. Package: c-icap Description-md5: 2594eb234a2232bbabc15b43d9e6900f Description-sl: Podpora strežnika ICAP C-ICAP is an implementation of an ICAP server. It can be used with HTTP proxies that support the ICAP protocol to implement content adaptation and filtering services. . Most of the commercial HTTP proxies must support the ICAP protocol. The open source Squid 3.x proxy server supports it. . This Package contains the core ICAP daemon Package: c2hs Description-md5: 2289ad79b89c4f005ff817a92b9e52f0 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik vmesnika C->Haskell C->Haskell is an interface generator that simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries. The tool processes existing C header files that determine data layout and function signatures on the C side in conjunction with Haskell modules that specify Haskell-side type signatures and marshaling details. Hooks embedded in the Haskell code signal access to C structures and functions -- they are expanded by the interfacing tool in dependence on information from the corresponding C header file. . Haskell 98 is "the" standard lazy functional programming language. More info plus the language definition is at . Ta paket vsebuje razčlenjevalnik c2hs. Package: c2hs-doc Description-md5: 335f608de21cf792d6ac16a0171b67a9 Description-sl: C->Haskell Interface Generator -- Documentation package C->Haskell is an interface generator that simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries. The tool processes existing C header files that determine data layout and function signatures on the C side in conjunction with Haskell modules that specify Haskell-side type signatures and marshaling details. Hooks embedded in the Haskell code signal access to C structures and functions -- they are expanded by the interfacing tool in dependence on information from the corresponding C header file. . Haskell 98 is "the" standard lazy functional programming language. More info plus the language definition is at . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za c2hs. Package: caca-utils Description-md5: 44b5211535e8c3f0c83253e20bd8fb3e Description-sl: Grafični pripomočki besedilnega načina This package contains utilities and demonstration programs for libcaca, the Colour AsCii Art library. . cacaview is a simple image viewer for the terminal. It opens most image formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF etc. and renders them on the terminal using ASCII art. The user can zoom and scroll the image, set the dithering method or enable anti-aliasing. . cacafire is a port of AALib's aafire and displays burning ASCII art flames. . cacademo is a tiny graphic program that renders animated ASCII metaballs, matrix effects, colourful moiré circles and old school plasma effects. Package: cadaver Description-md5: 9c20a9a01d12d5f262352b6d0ca23917 Description-sl: Odjemalec WebDAV ukazne vrstice cadaver supports file upload, download, on-screen display, in-place editing, namespace operations (move/copy), collection creation and deletion, property manipulation, and resource locking. . Its operation is similar to the standard BSD ftp(1) client and the Samba Project's smbclient(1). . This package includes GnuTLS (HTTPS) support. . WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allow users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. Package: caja-actions-common Description-md5: 758b048f9789c041842d8d69495ea295 Description-sl: Caja extension to create custom actions (common files) Caja-actions is an extension for Caja file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through the Caja file manager popup menu of selected files. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: caja-common Description-md5: e845fd1d469dd58a087ffd0d047163d0 Description-sl: file manager for the MATE desktop (common files) Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: calamares-extensions-data Description-md5: 7c3324c2108ee81c8e5dec2cc1e6300b Description-sl: Mobile module for Calamares installer framework - data files Provides the mobile module for calamares, which allows installing on devices with small, touch-screens. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: calibre Description-md5: 186d9ede4fee8b62a65e3debb2c12a1e Description-sl: powerful and easy to use e-book manager Calibre is a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, e-book viewer and editor, and e-book reader sync features. . Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in several formats. It also supports conversion to and from a dozen different e-book formats. . Calibre supports almost every single e-Reader (e.g., Kindle, Kobo, Nook) and is compatible with more devices with every update. Calibre can transfer your e-books from one device to another in seconds, wirelessly or with a cable. It will send the best file format for your device converting it if needed, automatically. . Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into a e-book and upload to a connected device. . Calibre ima vgrajen pregledovalnik e-knjig, ki lahko prikazuje vse glavne vrste e-knjig. Package: Description-md5: 3cf2b23116004596581b3fcff3221207 Description-sl: Program GNUstep za digitalne fotoaparate Camera is a simple GNUstep application to download files from a digital camera. The files can be optionally deleted after download. During download, a thumbnail of the currently downloaded file is displayed. Package: camlidl Description-md5: 8b59e7135e390b690206f2e5dcbf12c5 Description-sl: Stub code generator for Objective Caml CamlIDL generates stub code for interfacing Caml with C from an IDL description of the C functions. Thus, CamlIDL automates the most tedious task in interfacing C libraries with Caml programs. . It can also be used to interface Caml programs with other languages, as long as those languages have a well-defined C interface. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko CamlIDL. Package: canna-shion Description-md5: 5ac763bb3ead9d6a3bd51f379646330e Description-sl: Podporne mape za Canna Shion is a set of dictionaries supporting Canna. It has much more words than original dictionaries of Canna and it makes Canna more intelligent. Package: cantor Description-md5: b6206700c97d395d6c4cbb313b01d339 Description-sl: interface for mathematical applications Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages): * Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima) * R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r) * Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage) * Octave (cantor-backend-octave) * Python (cantor-backend-python3) * Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab) * Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate) * Lua (cantor-backend-lua) . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-kalgebra Description-md5: ba531ee14b7e36e41a4623f04928c4c9 Description-sl: KAlgebra backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using KAlgebra ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-lua Description-md5: b3f632c467ccd8c4c5c36fe6b5db2657 Description-sl: Lua backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Lua language ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-maxima Description-md5: f6ae06ebc930de49c27db235585f4e1a Description-sl: Zalednje Maxima za Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Maxima Computer Algebra System ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-octave Description-md5: 5151317e4655857a3bfbeb52846533ae Description-sl: Zalednje Octave za Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the GNU Octave language for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-python3 Description-md5: 5859020cfbc1e49e53997056f3b2944a Description-sl: Python3 backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python3 language ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-qalculate Description-md5: 31c54ecdd183e63b8b691b850c067238 Description-sl: Qalculate! backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Qalculate! calculator ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-r Description-md5: f273670a825e4363322b9d1005c95d3d Description-sl: R backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the R Project for Statistical Computing ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-sage Description-md5: 8f1f433be9e842741a390ce6825af0ad Description-sl: Zalednje Sage za Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Sage Mathematics Software ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-scilab Description-md5: 87f7e53c9057cfe3dd32cf3773a8ac88 Description-sl: Scilab backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Scilab scientific software package for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: capirca-docs Description-md5: dbb45e8a3f8dbd20236b0df91c727b9d Description-sl: Multi-platform ACL generation system (documentation) The capirca framework is a designed to utilize common definitions of networks, services and high-level policy files to facilitate the development and manipulation of network access control lists (ACLs) for various platforms. . The capirca framework consists of capirca Python package and the accompanying aclgen tool, which are present in the 'python3-capirca' package. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: caps Description-md5: ddb688967998d935b755c502de987778 Description-sl: C* zbirka zvočnih vstavkov caps comprises a range of classic sound effects and a few more basic audio DSP units, signal and noise generators. The suite's aim is to provide impeccable sound quality, computational efficiency and no perceptible latency. . Documentation: Package: cargo-1.80-doc Description-md5: f27438963e0fd905872c0e1656b9d40c Description-sl: Rust package manager, documentation Cargo is a tool that allows Rust projects to declare their various dependencies, and ensure that you'll always get a repeatable build. . To accomplish this goal, Cargo does four things: * Introduces two metadata files with various bits of project information. * Fetches and builds your project's dependencies. * Invokes rustc or another build tool with the correct parameters to build your project. * Introduces conventions, making working with Rust projects easier. . Cargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies and compiles your project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: cargo-1.81-doc Description-md5: f27438963e0fd905872c0e1656b9d40c Description-sl: Rust package manager, documentation Cargo is a tool that allows Rust projects to declare their various dependencies, and ensure that you'll always get a repeatable build. . To accomplish this goal, Cargo does four things: * Introduces two metadata files with various bits of project information. * Fetches and builds your project's dependencies. * Invokes rustc or another build tool with the correct parameters to build your project. * Introduces conventions, making working with Rust projects easier. . Cargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies and compiles your project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: carla Description-md5: 343c0a9226972cd649b2a5b9d987fd10 Description-sl: audio plugin host Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC and full OSC control. Currently supports LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus SF2 and SFZ sounds banks. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: carla-dev Description-md5: e8b2138ae084b977d4a7befaa6f3beba Description-sl: audio plugin host - development libraries Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC and full OSC control. Currently supports LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus SF2 and SFZ sounds banks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice. Package: carmetal Description-md5: fd40e6a6ff4e3029fe3f4e4ab98e52a6 Description-sl: Dinamičen program geometrije z visoko ergonomičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Osnovan je na projektu C.a.R. (Compass and Ruler) ter vključuje skoraj vse njegove zmožnosti. Predlaga drugačen pristop iz vidika grafičnega vmesnika. . - Ruler and compass constructions can be changed by dragging one of the basic construction points. The construction follows immediately. The student can check the correctness of the construction and gain new insight. - Tracks of points and animated constructions can help to understand geometric relations. Tracks can be used as new objects to explore. - With the macros of C.a.R. very complicated constructions become possible. Macros are also a way to organize the geometric thinking. - Hiding construction details and using colors make constructions clearer to read. In C.a.R. lines and circles can also be reduced to the relevant points. - Arithmetic computations, numerical solutions, curves and functions go beyond classical constructions. It is even possible to construct in 3D using advanced macros. - Other geometries, hyperbolic or elliptic, can be explored. - Scripting (javascript based) of figures. Package: casacore-doc Description-md5: b2725f0b9d3c79c624256037996c492a Description-sl: CASA core library (documentation) The casacore package contains the core libraries of the old AIPS++/CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications) package. This split was made to get a better separation of core libraries and applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: caspar-doc Description-md5: b4d0af6863bd65c41ebb6d661937ead8 Description-sl: dokumentacija za caspar Caspar offers Makefile snippets for common tasks, like installing (system configuration) files or typesetting documentation. . This package contains the caspar manpages in HTML and PostScript format as well as some other documentation. Package: castle-game-engine-doc Description-md5: 7834bd380d993d05d01dc35610eb04df Description-sl: Castle Game Engine - Developer's Documentation Castle Game Engine is a set of LGPL licenced libraries that are intended to ease developing 3D games with FreePascal / Lazarus. . It provides an excellent support for the VRML / X3D 3D data format. Other 3D formats are also supported. . It features many advanced graphic effects and easy to use API on top of OpenGL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: cauchy-dev Description-md5: 642d9e5331f6aa220658fb1742d73e15 Description-sl: library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ (with Eigen) and Matlab. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: cba Description-md5: 4bcfd4a22ba4f2f729a4f2728fed1975 Description-sl: Preučevanje stalnih žarkov A small engineering tool that calculates member forces and support reactions of a continuous beam. A material and section database is included to set elasticity and moment of inertia. Boundary conditions can be set differently at each support. Package: cbflib-doc Description-md5: b812fdfc937951e1a03fd864a6a21385 Description-sl: dokumentacija za CBFlib CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za CBFlib. Package: cbindgen Description-md5: bf5e9ab6d22f73ffe6c064b48141f318 Description-sl: Generates C bindings from Rust code cbindgen can be used to generate C bindings for Rust code. It is currently being developed to support creating bindings for WebRender (by Mozilla for Firefox), but has been designed to support any project. . Zmožnosti: . * Builds bindings for a crate, its mods, its dependent crates, and their mods * Only the necessary types for exposed functions are given bindings * Can specify annotations for controlling some aspects of binding * Support for generic structs and unions * Support for exporting constants and statics * Customizable formatting, can be used in C or C++ projects * Support for generating #ifdef's for #[cfg] attributes * Support for #[repr(sized)] tagged enum's Package: ccal Description-md5: 4904bb59ec61bbf54db035923198950b Description-sl: Obarvan pripomoček koledarja CCAL is a drop in replacement for the standard unix calendar program. It includes support for color and daily, weekly, and yearly reminders/appointments. Package: cd-circleprint Description-md5: 51a4ae39167501ed72dce961877ad4cd Description-sl: Natisne okrogle cd oznake cd-circleprint is a program to create round cd-labels written in perl, using perl-tk to produce a graphical frontend. The labels have four lines of nice curved text and an additional four fields with normal text. Each field has selectable text-size, font and colour. The background colour is also selectable. The label may also have a background image. You can squeeze the whole page if your printer doesn't generate correct circles and you can move the two labels on the sheet to accommodate different types of label sheets. The output is postscript to make it as portable as possible. Package: cd-discid Description-md5: 5e36cbcb6bf4b1b7273d65c78305914d Description-sl: Pripomoček CDDB DiscID In order to do CDDB queries over the Internet, you must know the DiscID of the CD you are querying. cd-discid provides you with that information. It outputs the discid, the number of tracks, the frame offset of all of the tracks, and the total length of the CD in seconds, on one line in a space- delimited format. cd-discid was designed as a backend tool for cdgrab (now abcde) but will work independently of it. Package: cdargs Description-md5: a017b56e84c1ac3c23573edc81d1c82f Description-sl: bookmarks and browsing for the cd command CDargs is a tool which enhances the navigation of the common unix file- system inside the shell. It plugs into the shell built-in cd-command (via a shell function or an alias) and adds bookmarks and a browser to it. . Omogoča vam premik na zelo oddaljeno mesto na datotečnem sistemu z le nekaj pritiski na tipke. Package: cdbackup Description-md5: ab61b14fa607299af9f957daaa4df69d Description-sl: Pripomoček varnostnih kopij CD-R(W) cdbackup and cdrestore are a pair of utilities designed to facilitate streaming backup to and from CD-R(W) disks. Specifically, they were designed to work with dump/restore, but tar/cpio/whatever you want should work, so long as it writes to stdout for backups and reads from stdin for restores. Package: cdcd-dbg Description-md5: 99cde580e3070f580b2513d117db475b Description-sl: command line or console based CD player (debug) cdcd works in two ways, accepting commands directly off the command line or in a query mode similar to other UNIX programs. To pass a command to cdcd, simply run cdcd with the command as the argument (e.g. cdcd play). This is great for using cron and cdcd together to make a CD alarm clock. Or you can run cdcd without arguments and you will be given the cdcd command prompt. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: cdcover Description-md5: ef9fb8e66100d268103281471af25a1b Description-sl: Ustvarjanje ovojnic podatkovnih CD-jev cdcover is a little commandline tool which creates user-defined data-cd covers. Package: cdde Description-md5: 72a9d0bc4a3b8d2c7015b48ff53da747 Description-sl: Pripomoček zaznavanja in izvajanja CD-jev CDDE is a program that detects when a CD/DVD-ROM drive has a disc inserted. When it finds a disc inserted in the drive it will attempt to determine the type of the disc, and execute a specified command. This means a DVD can be inserted and your favorite DVD software will start, or a data CD can be automatically mounted, etc. The commands are defined in a configuration file that has simple XML syntax. Package: cdebootstrap Description-md5: 485427068050df8db0fa5d43537509b8 Description-sl: Ustvarite začetni nalagalni sistem Debian cdebootstrap generates systems from scratch for Debian and derivates. . This is implementation is different from debootstrap. It features a different package selection. The package selection is done according to the flavour. Package: cdo Description-md5: a3706a835a1fd31e6223c556a174dc28 Description-sl: Opraratorji podnebnih podatkov Climate Data Operators are a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. There are more than 400 operators available. Package: ceferino Description-md5: 0b1a78bf0c83fea665bf2bacc703441f Description-sl: akcijska igra podobna Super Pang A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if needed. Package: ceferino-data Description-md5: 45046c487f430401286178a2dc28022c Description-sl: akcijska igra podobna Super Pang A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if needed. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke igre. Package: Description-md5: f1b3a118ef345779554e4e15967de2d6 Description-sl: Orodje vektorske grafike za GNUstep Cenon je grafično orodje posebne vrste. Izgrajeno je na modularnem grafičnem jedru in ponuja številne možnosti in uporabe - ne le namizno založništvo. Cenon je prost program, na voljo s polno izvorno kodo, ki je doma na več računalniških sistemih. . Pretvori, uvozi in izvozi DXF, PostScript, Adobe Illustrator, vrste DIN, HPGL, Gerber in PDF. Package: Description-md5: 517ea2381fe39a8b56f0793028d0f51e Description-sl: Vector graphics tool for GNUstep (common files) Cenon is a graphical tool for vector design and desktop publishing. It supports conversion, import and export in several formats like DXF, PostScript, Adobe Illustrator, DIN formats, HPGL, Gerber, PDF and SVG. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: cfingerd Description-md5: c59ae5f8fe9f252bf9fbf651bcf214b8 Description-sl: Nastavljiv ozadnji program finger This is a free replacement for standard finger daemons such as GNU fingerd and MIT fingerd. Cfingerd can enable/disable finger services to individual users, rather than to all users on a given host. It is able to respond to a finger request to a specified user by running a shell script (e.g., finger doorbell@mysite.mydomain might cause a sound file to be sent) rather than just a plain text file. Package: cgi-mapserver Description-md5: 84edf36c492ddf586b6901d8fd342142 Description-sl: Izvedljiva datoteka CGI za MapServer This package contains the mapserv CGI program. It provides the MapServer template language, and can be used to implement Web Map Service applications. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: cgoban Description-md5: db38a5c08e8bc4341da217fe4a3ee2e5 Description-sl: Celotna plošča Go CGoban (Complete Goban) is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files, and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the Go modem protocol. Some sort of image converter is needed if you wish to use the utility provided to capture "screen shots" of a CGoban game. . Go je starodavna igra, ki izvira s Kitajske in ima zgodovino preko 3000 let, nekateri zgodovinarji pa trdijo, da je bila igra izumljena več kot 4000 let nazaj. Kitajci igro imenujejo Weiqi, druga imena za Go vključujejo Baduk (korejsko), Igo (japonsko) in Goe (tajvansko). . V tej igri igralci poskušajo na območje izvajati več vpliva kot nasprotnik z uporabo groženj smrti, zajema ali izolacije. Zato je simbolična predstavitev razmerij med narodi. Go postaja čedalje bolj priljubljen, predvsem v Aziji, Evropi in Ameriki, kjer prirejajo veliko število tekmovanj. . Igra Go se igra na plošči. Niz Go je sestavljen iz plošče skupaj s 181 črnimi in 180 belimi kamni. Običajna plošča ima 19 krat 19 vrstic, vendar pa je mogoče uporabiti tudi plošči 9x9 in 13x13. Vendar so plošče 9x9 in 13x13 običajno za začetnike. Napredni igralci imajo rajši običajno ploščo 19x19. . V primerjavi z mednarodnim in kitajskim šahom ima Go precej manj pravil. Vendar to omogoča igranje vseh vrst potez, zato je lahko Go bolj intelektualno zahtevna igra kot drugi dve vrsti šaha. Vseeno se igre Go ni težko naučiti, zato se zabavajte pri igranju igre s prijatelji. . (podatki s strani Package: changetrack Description-md5: b8416f0b28829435263901d7b90422bb Description-sl: Nadziranje sprememb (nastavitvenih) datotek changetrack automatically monitors changes to a set of files. If the files are modified one day and the machine stops working correctly some days later, changetrack will provide information on which files were modified and thus help locate the problem. . If you tell changetrack to use either the line editor ed (the default) or The GNU Revision Control System (RCS), you can recover files to any previous stage. If you do not want to install Perl, try out the filetraq or diffmon package. . changetrack is a filesystem watch, similar to etckeeper. Package: Description-md5: 4136c67e287c0c7fdb2a2d059a6ab08d Description-sl: Preglednica znakov za GNUstep To je preglednica znakov. Uporablja jo razvojno orodje GNUstep ( in je mišljena kot prispevek obljubi GNUstep proti namiznem okolju. . Charmap ponuja izbiro pisav, ki omogoča enostaven ogled vseh pismenk, ki jih ponuja določena pisava. Package: Description-md5: bd80fd4e79b2fa8cbe031939d26a0af1 Description-sl: Character map for GNUstep (arch-independent files) Charmap is a character map for GNUstep. It offers font selection, allowing one to easily see all the glyphs which a particular font provides. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: check-postgres Description-md5: 70e0f8840b281fd43a4e56d4d6a1cfed Description-sl: Skript za nadziranje podatkovnih zbirk PostgreSQL check_postgres is a Perl script that runs many different tests against one or more Postgres databases. It uses the psql program to gather the information, and outputs the results in one of three formats: Nagios, MRTG, or simple. Package: checkinstall Description-md5: 65a8e9c4837c96312620e0e3daa0cd3f Description-sl: Sledilnik namestitev CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup", etc), builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system giving you the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's standard package management utilities. Package: checkpolicy Description-md5: 863da67d6724107de7579bcd3c30b3db Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik pravil SELinux Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. . This package contains checkpolicy, the SELinux policy compiler. Only required for building policies. It uses libsepol to generate the binary policy. checkpolicy uses the static libsepol since it deals with low level details of the policy that have not been encapsulated/abstracted by a proper shared library interface. Package: checkstyle-doc Description-md5: bab49bc473fefc35dcd1bbd91b098568 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Checkstyle Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard. . Checkstyle is highly configurable and can be made to support almost any coding standard. An example configuration file is supplied supporting the Sun Code Conventions. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke Javadoc in nekaj primerov prikaza uporabe orodja Checkstyle. Package: cheese Description-md5: d43e2962bb9e2e6472e35b9746fa32d9 Description-sl: orodje za zajem slike in videa iz vaše spletne kamere Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. Package: cheese-common Description-md5: bd8017d577dcb034b7c3327cc79fe310 Description-sl: Common files for the Cheese tool to take pictures and videos Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . This package contains the common files and translations. Package: chemtool Description-md5: b024ce1fbf60f9454170cdff7154f986 Description-sl: chemical structures drawing program Chemtool je na GTK+ osnovan urejevalnik 2D kemijskih struktur za X11. Podpira veliko slogov vezi, večino oblik besedila za kemijsko oblikovanje besedila in razdeljene/ukrivljene puščice. . Drawings can be exported to MOL and PDB format, SVG or XFig format for further annotation, as a PiCTeX drawing, as a bitmap or as Postscript files (several of these through XFig's companion program fig2dev). . Paket vsebuje tudi program pomočnika cht za izračun formule vsote in (natančno) molekulsko maso iz datoteke risbe chemtool. Cht lahko pokličete neposredno s programom Chemtool ali iz konzole. Package: chezscheme-doc Description-md5: e9590dca3cc741e47b39b840b435de00 Description-sl: Reliable, high performance Scheme compiler (documentation) Chez Scheme is both a programming language and an implementation of that language, with supporting tools and documentation. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: chiark-scripts Description-md5: cadc0f86d9d3f5e1078bf0410384d520 Description-sl: Skripti skrbništva sistema chiark This package contains a number of small administration scripts used by and other systems belonging to the Sinister Greenend Organisation. Featuring: . fishdescriptor: a tool for extracting a file descriptor from another (non- cooperating) process and giving it to you (or for examining it). Requires gdb and python3. . chiark-named-conf: a tool for managing nameserver configurations and checking for suspected DNS problems. Its main functions are to check that delegations are appropriate and working, that secondary zones are slaved from the right places, and to generate a configuration for BIND, from its own input file. . prefork-interp Perl support (Proc::Prefork::Interp). . sync-accounts: a simple but flexible account info synchroniser. sync- accounts is a tool for copying un*x account data from remote systems and installing it locally. It is flexible and reasonably straightforward, but lacks integration with other distributed databases such as NIS. . cvs-repomove and cvs-adjustroot: tools for moving CVS repositories and adjusting working trees. . palm-datebook-reminders: a program which emails mails you reminders about the appointments in your Palm's Datebook. . cvsweb-list: cgi program to list ucgi (userv-utils) cvsweb repos . expire-iso8601: keep or expire backup trees named after their dates . gnucap2genspic, ngspice2genspic, genspic2gnuplot: pretvori datoteke gnucap in datoteke izhoda ngspice v datoteke genspic in genspic v vhod gnuplot zato da jih je mogoče izrisati. . hexterm: connects to serial port and allows the user interact in ASCII and hex. Ie, a hex "terminal" program which lets you speak a serial port protocol directly. (Needs tcl8.6 to be installed.) . git-branchmove, random-word, remountresizereiserfs, summarise-mailbox- preserving-privacy Package: chiark-utils-bin Description-md5: 7c5131a79ef85914cc93bd50f11e3f2b Description-sl: Pripomočki skrbništva sistema chiark This package contains a number of small administration scripts used by and other systems belonging to the Sinister Greenend Organisation. Currently featuring only: . with-lock-ex: a simple tool for acquiring a lockfile before running another program or script. . prefork-interp: Wrapper to speed up script startup; requires scripting langauge module from chiark-scripts. . summer: a tool for reporting complete details about a filesystem tree in a parseable format, including checksums. . xbatmon-simple: a very simple X client for displaying battery charge status. . xduplic-copier: a very simple X client for typing into multiple windows at once. . watershed: a utility for saving on superfluous executions of an idempotent command. (This is the same utility as shipped separately in Ubuntu's udev, but with slightly different defaults and a different install location.) . rcopy-repeatedly: a utility for repeatedly copying a file from one host to another, to keep a copy constantly up to date. . acctdump: for reading process accounting files. . summer and watershed require the installation of the Recommended crypto libraries; xbatmon-simple needs the Suggested X libraries. . cgi-fcgi-interp: for use with cgi-fcgi as a #! interpreter Package: chicken-bin Description-md5: a2b8f17a423d7f435cd562848391bee4 Description-sl: Practical and portable Scheme system - compiler CHICKEN is a Scheme compiler which compiles a subset of R5RS into C. It uses the ideas presented in Baker's paper "Cheney on the MTA", and has a small core and is easily extendable. . Ta paket vsebuje kodni prevajalnik. Package: chntpw Description-md5: 5caff50ce5da87721dc20b3c911d2784 Description-sl: Pripomoček za obnavljanje gesel NT SAM This little program provides a way to view information and change user passwords in a Windows NT/2000 user database file. Old passwords need not be known since they are overwritten. In addition it also contains a simple registry editor (same size data writes) and an hex-editor which enables you to fiddle around with bits and bytes in the file as you wish. . If you want GNU/Linux bootdisks for offline password recovery you can add this utility to custom image disks or use those provided at the tools homepage. Package: chromium-bsu Description-md5: bf03f80034119dd57df5e05f79692a37 Description-sl: hitra vesoljska strelska igra v slogu arkade Chromium je hitra visoko akcijska strelska igra s pogledom od zgoraj navzdol. . V tej igri ste kapitan tovorne ladje Chromium B.S.U in ste odgovorni za dostavljanje zalog enotam na bojni liniji. Vaša ladja ima majhno enoto robotskih borcev, ki jih lahko nadzirate z ladje Chromium. Package: chrootuid Description-md5: 650413b514f785d7c818fe4f60f706ea Description-sl: Poganjajte ukaze v omejenih okoljih Chrootuid makes it easy to run a network service at low privilege level and with restricted file system access. The daemons have access only to their own directory tree, and run under a low-privileged userid. . In the past it has been used to run the gopher and www (world-wide web) network. It can be used nowadays also for proxy servers. The arrangement greatly reduces the impact of possible loopholes in network software. Package: cif2hkl Description-md5: 37f98693cb6ba5d9df87aad662ad47cf Description-sl: Convert crystallographic descriptions into HKL F^2 reflection lists A program that computes structure factors |F^2| for neutrons, x-rays, and electrons from CIF/CFL/SHX/PCR crystallographic descriptions. This is useful to compute the diffraction pattern from materials. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: cil Description-md5: 6668bb7e78fac3cab5451a581e29ff5d Description-sl: Sledilnik težav ukazne vrstice 'cil' allows easy command-line creation of an issue tracker. It saves each issue locally and in plain text. Commands are given such that these issues can be added, edited and listed easily. Package: cimg-dev Description-md5: 56992994760615db1ad7152d046d81ae Description-sl: Zmogljiva knjižnica obdelovanja slik The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It consists only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your program source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for loading/saving, resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines, faces, ellipses, ...), etc. . Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to 4-dimension wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued pixels), with template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of libraries : you can compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for exotic libraries and complex dependencies. Package: cimg-doc Description-md5: 0eb6ff63cab3c330fa17dcf7a2d9b24e Description-sl: documentation of cimg-dev imaging library The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It consists only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your program source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for loading/saving, resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines, faces, ellipses, ...), etc. . Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to 4-dimension wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued pixels), with template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of libraries : you can compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for exotic libraries and complex dependencies. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: circuslinux Description-md5: 6d85068fda29b7c2eb0c5658db917f44 Description-sl: Clowns are trying to pop balloons to score points! "Circus Linux!" je osnovan na igri Atari 2600 "Circus Atari" podjetja Atari, ki je izšla leta 1980. Igranje je podobno igri "Breakout" in Arkandoi - napravo premikate levo in desno in s tem predmete odbijete v zrak tako, da uničijo zid. Package: circuslinux-data Description-md5: ecb361ac1a649930d6f3f10554ec8fac Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za circuslinux "Circus Linux!" je osnovan na igri Atari 2600 "Circus Atari" podjetja Atari, ki je izšla leta 1980. Igranje je podobno igri "Breakout" in Arkandoi - napravo premikate levo in desno in s tem predmete odbijete v zrak tako, da uničijo zid. . This package contains sound and image files for circuslinux. Package: ckeditor3 Description-md5: d03aaf33bcd3822055349c0a442fc12e Description-sl: Urejevalnik besedila za internet CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. . This package has CKEditor version 3.6. If you need the latest version, use the ckeditor package. Package: cksfv Description-md5: 06bb000e7bdabdb59542a19d5b0db755 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje in ustvarjanje sfv SFV, Simple File Verification, uses crc32 checksums to verify that files are intact. cksfv automates the task of generating and checking .sfv sheets. For integrity, md5 checksums are probably a better alternative, but sfv is a widely used method for verification on the USENET binary newsgroups and other places. Package: cl-aserve Description-md5: b15d015a33d64ab2e1b029ed9761041d Description-sl: Prenosljiv Aserve A portable version of AllegroServe which is a web application server for Common Lisp programs. It also includes an HTTP client function for accessing web sites and retrieving data. Package: cl-closer-mop Description-md5: a21414ff10eea06d00c3205a642b7d68 Description-sl: Knjižnica navzkrižne izvedba AMOP This library enhances the different MOP implementations so that they support better the AMOP specifications. . The CLOS spec contained two parts, only the basic level went into the Common Lisp standard. The lower level functions of the AMOP were not included so different implementations differ (mostly slightly) in how to implement the AMOP. . With the help of cl-closer-mop you can use the full power of AMOP on all supported implementations, relying on the library to translate your code. . Supported implementations: - Allegro Common Lisp - Armed Bear Common Lisp (ABCL) - Clisp - Clozure Common Lisp (CCL) - CMU Common Lisp (CMUCL) - Embeddable Common Lisp (ECL) - LispWorks Personal and Hobbyist editions - Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) (version restrictions might apply) Package: cl-ftp Description-md5: 4d64fb2c3cc09ddc9e7d0361f1b673ac Description-sl: Knjižnica FTP Common Lisp Provides basic FTP client functionality to Common Lisp programs as well as macros to assist in writing additional functionality, and a few helpful utility functions. Package: cl-irc-logger Description-md5: 86896487a250e453099d8f06a335d7de Description-sl: Program za beleženje IRC cl-irc-logger provides a multi-channel logger for IRC. It is a library written in Common Lisp and requires knowledge of Common Lisp to setup and use this library. Package: cl-lml Description-md5: 09a485e98dcb387e85e2e3efc59e407d Description-sl: Označevalni jezik Lisp LML provides a markup language for generation XHTML web pages. It is a different syntax than cl-lml2 which some people like better. In general, though, cl-lml2 is faster at compiling and generating XHTML than this package. Package: cl-lml2 Description-md5: e5a8e67c25e0a67dac99fe8afbeab7c1 Description-sl: Označevalni jezik Lisp LML2 provides a markup language for generation XHTML web pages. . The usage of LML2 is incompatible with the original LML version. However, the two versions may be used along side each other. Package: cl-lw-compat Description-md5: 3f73aeb707f22cacfda025b4a55d625e Description-sl: Knjižnica združljivosti LispWorks This library is a portable implementation of a set of utility functions provided by LispWorks. Package: cl-rss Description-md5: 3caaadf242c63d736905118ee2147200 Description-sl: RSS obdelovalnik Common Lisp This package provides a Common Lisp library for fetching and parsing Remote Site Summary data via HTTP. Currently, it supports RSS versions 0.90, 0.91, and 0.92 as well as RSS version 2. Package: cl-sql Description-md5: e4133a9f6a7781ec8bdc047234cba530 Description-sl: Vmesnik SQL za Common Lisp CLSQL is a Common Lisp interface for multiple SQL databases on multiple Common Lisp implementations. It uses the UFFI foreign language interface. Package: cl-sql-aodbc Description-md5: 78668b107d69577f382cc919bc9d804e Description-sl: Zaledje podatkovne zbirke CLSQL, AODBC This package enables you to use the CLSQL data access package with AllegroCL's AODBC databases. CLSQL is a Common Lisp interface to SQL databases. Package: cl-sql-mysql Description-md5: 1c361ed8a766b0b03e9087751d61a134 Description-sl: Zaledje podatkovne zbirke CLSQL, MySQL This package enables you to use the CLSQL data access package with MySQL databases. CLSQL is a Common Lisp interface to SQL databases. Package: cl-sql-odbc Description-md5: e0c127b2b735addb19b5fe086d91e62a Description-sl: Zaledje podatkovne zbirke CLSQL, ODBC This package enables you to use the CLSQL data access package with ODBC databases. CLSQL is a Common Lisp interface to SQL databases. Package: cl-sql-sqlite3 Description-md5: 123e8e300dcf9add9f2da0225590b6b1 Description-sl: Zaledje podatkovne zbirke CLSQL, SQLite3 This package enables you to use the CLSQL data access package with SQLite3 databases. CLSQL is a Common Lisp interface to SQL databases. Package: cl-sql-tests Description-md5: 54a35b2bd96814a1755ed1afcff49168 Description-sl: Preizkusna zbirka za CLSQL This package contains a test suite for CLSQL. It requires manual configuration of MySQL and PostgreSQL databases to execute. A configured, licensed version of AllegroCL with ODBC setup is required to test the clsql-aodbc interface. See the /usr/share/doc/cl-sql-tests/README file if you want to try running these regression tests. Package: cl-usocket Description-md5: a38881d0de1f774189c4488770f77394 Description-sl: Skupna knjižnica vtiča Lisp cl-usocket provides a library for Common Lisp programs to use TCP sockets. It is the successor to trivial-sockets. . To run the test suite you need the recommended cl-rt package. Package: clamsmtp Description-md5: cdf08a4ae6d4e7583dc83022589ace70 Description-sl: SMTP posredniški strežnik preiskovanja virusov ClamSMTP is an SMTP proxy daemon that checks for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus software. It can act as a traditional SMTP proxy with publicly accessible ports or as a transparent proxy, where SMTP traffic is redirected to the ClamSMTP by your router. . ClamSMTP aims to be lightweight, reliable, and simple rather than have a myriad of options. It is written in C without major dependencies. ClamSMTP does not do general spam filtering, it only scans for viruses. . You do not need a local mail-transport-agent installed, since this server can forward to a remote one. Package: clamtk Description-md5: 8942c2da6c02354b285054fb8219c530 Description-sl: Grafično začelje za ClamAV ClamTk is a graphical front-end for Clam Antivirus. . It is designed to be an easy-to-use, lightweight, on-demand antivirus scanner for Linux systems. . Context menu support for KDE's Plasma Desktop (Dolphin file manager) and Nemo and Thunar sendto is included. Context menu support for GNOME (Nautilus file manager), but due to additional dependencies required, it is in a separate package: clamtk-gnome. Package: clang-14-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-sl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11, 14 and 17 standards and also provides most of the support of C++20. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: clang-15-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-sl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11, 14 and 17 standards and also provides most of the support of C++20. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: clang-16-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-sl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11, 14 and 17 standards and also provides most of the support of C++20. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: clang-17-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-sl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11, 14 and 17 standards and also provides most of the support of C++20. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: clang-18-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-sl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11, 14 and 17 standards and also provides most of the support of C++20. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: clang-19-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-sl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11, 14 and 17 standards and also provides most of the support of C++20. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: claws-mail Description-md5: 5ca896e9df0156098e01f8da88fdd407 Description-sl: Fast, lightweight and user-friendly GTK based email client Claws Mail je zmogljiv in polno zmožen poštni odjemalec, ki se je včasih imenoval Sylpheed-Claws. Mogoče ga je razširiti z uporabo naložljivih vstavkov, ki zagotavljajo podporo za dodatne zmožnosti kot so druge vrste shrambe, bralnik virov, upravljanje koledarja, filtriranje pošte, itd. Package: clawsker Description-md5: 2d472bedbbdfece3c6aa66120ca58560 Description-sl: Program za prilagajanje nastavitev za Claws Mail Clawsker is an applet to edit the so called Claws Mail hidden preferences. . Claws Mail is a fast, lightweight and feature-rich MUA with a high number of configurable options. To keep the binary small and fast some of these preferences which not widely used are not provided with a graphical interface for inspection and/or modification. . Users wanting to edit such preferences had to face raw edition of their configuration files, now you can do it with a convenient GTK+3 interface using Clawsker. In addition to hidden preferences, windows positions and/or sizes and keyboard shortcuts can be edited. Package: clc-intercal Description-md5: 8377fcaece3b12bf7911a8ee0bcb2da8 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik za jezik INTERCAL This package provides a Perl-based compiler for the INTERCAL programming language, usable either from the command line or as a Perl module. . CLC-INTERCAL is designed to be almost compatible with the original (Princeton 1972) compiler. It also implements several extensions to the original language, including support for object orientation, operator overloading and quantum computing. Package: clementine Description-md5: e194c11c413c82b36dbde39650ae34e9 Description-sl: moderen predvajalnik glasbe in organizator knjižnice Clementine je glasbeni predvajalnik za več okolij, ki se osredotoča na hiter in enostaven vmesnik za iskanje in predvajanje vaše glasbe. . Summary of included features : - Search and play your local music library. - Listen to internet radio from,, IntergalacticFM, SomaFM, Magnatune, Jamendo, Digitally Imported,,, Icecast and Subsonic servers. - Search and play songs you've uploaded to SeaFile, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. - Create smart playlists and dynamic playlists. - Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX. - CUE sheet support. - Play audio CDs. - Visualisations from projectM. - Lyrics and artist biographies and photos. - Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC. - Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music. - Fetch missing tags from MusicBrainz. - Discover and download Podcasts. - Download missing album cover art from - Native desktop notifications using libnotify. - Remote control using an Android device, a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line. - Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player. - Queue manager. Package: clips Description-md5: 3a651e29054fff17f2ae37484622193b Description-sl: Vgrajen delovni sistem jezika "C" CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies. . CLIPS, including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other applications. CLIPS includes an object-oriented language called COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) which is directly integrated with the inference engine. Package: clips-common Description-md5: 117086e845fdd99e460cff0509109d63 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke in primeri CLIPS CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies. . This package installs the common files for the program. It currently includes several examples of CLIPS programs that can be used to learn the language and test its interfaces. Package: clips-doc Description-md5: 929a7bd16917399476746cbad108a601 Description-sl: Dokumentacija vgrajenega delovnega sistema jezika "C" CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies. . This package contains the CLIPS documentation including the user's guide, basic and advanced programming guide and the interfaces guide. Package: cliquer Description-md5: 6430f2982eeea287f1bd7cdc1a178144 Description-sl: Program iskanja clique Cliquer search for cliques in arbitrary weighted and unweighted graphs. It can search for maximal cliques, maximal-weighted cliques or cliques within a given size range. Package: cloudkitty-doc Description-md5: f3516716b5e4577044fe8f338788a17e Description-sl: OpenStack Rating as a Service - Documentation CloudKitty aims at filling the gap between metrics collection systems like ceilometer and a billing system. . Every metrics are collected, aggregated and processed through different rating modules. You can then query CloudKitty's storage to retrieve processed data and easily generate reports. . Most parts of CloudKitty are modular so you can easily extend the base code to address your particular use case. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: clusterssh Description-md5: 08bbb1a9bb2e2b74d88867b64ad9a6a0 Description-sl: sočasno skrbništvo nad večimi lupinami ssh ali rsh ClusterSSH (cssh, crsh, ctel) vam omogoča nadzor več sej ssh, rsh in telnet iz enega vnosnega okna. Nastavite lahko tudi gruče računalnikov za enostaven priklic in sporazumevanje s posameznimi okni terminala med sejo. Package: cmatrix Description-md5: 9af1f58e4b6301a6583f036c780c6ae6 Description-sl: Simulira zaslon iz filma "Matrica" Screen saver for the terminal based in the movie "The Matrix". It works in terminals of all dimensions and have the following features: * Support terminal resize. * Screen saver mode: any key closes it. * Selectable color. * Change text scroll rate. Package: cmatrix-xfont Description-md5: 3cf18b96c42ea2720e3c7ed00bf8bcf7 Description-sl: Pisava X11 za cmatrix Console Matrix simulates the display from "The Matrix", this package provides the font to run cmatrix in an xterm. Package: cmocka-mocks-doc Description-md5: 54bea6829965ca981cc4179f36459489 Description-sl: Documentation for cmocka-mocks Library to mock common C functions, like libc and jsonc, for testing purposes. This collection of ready to use mocks is based on cmocka_extensions. . Paket dokumentacije. Package: cmus Description-md5: 862a6bf2368d493298de5b26cd8f8bcb Description-sl: Lahek predvajalnik zvoka ncurses C* Music Player is a modular and very configurable ncurses-based audio player. It has some interesting features like configurable colorscheme, mp3 and ogg streaming, it can be controlled with an UNIX socket, filters, album/artists sorting and a vi-like configuration interface. . It currently supports different input formats: - Ogg Vorbis - MP3 (with libmad) - FLAC - Wav - Modules (with libmodplug) - Musepack - AAC - Windows Media Audio Package: coccinelle Description-md5: 64e192b3251cf8bef4b5ea3eda0c0879 Description-sl: Orodje semantičnih popravkov za C Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation tool for C. The programmer describes the code to match and the transformation to perform as a semantic patch, which looks like a standard patch, but can transform multiple files at any number of code sites. Package: code2html Description-md5: 2a48b60ad92a6713b290ac009cc91058 Description-sl: Poudarjalnik skladnje Code2html is a perl script which converts a program source code to syntax highlighted HTML, or any other target for which rules are defined. . It may be used as a simple console program, converting a single source code file to a single output file, it can patch HTML files including special command sequences to insert syntax highlighted snippets of code, or it can be used as a CGI script. Package: codeblocks Description-md5: 085a469fb5f38916d82842e097c6fda4 Description-sl: Enovito razvojno okolje (IDE) Code::Blocks Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are: * Compiler frontend to many free compilers * Debugger frontend for GDB * Source formatter (based on AStyle) * Wizard to create new C++ classes * Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress) * Default MIME handler * Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins * To-do list * Extensible wizard based on scripts * Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash) Package: codeblocks-common Description-md5: e1583e4d79ede6b548b2149d9200bf8b Description-sl: common files for Code::Blocks IDE Code::Blocks je enovito razvojno okolje (IDE), ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovan je na samostojno razvitem ogrodju vstavkov, ki omogoča neomejeno razširljivost. Večino njegovih zmožnosti že zagotavljajo vstavki. . This package contains the architecture-independent files of Code::Blocks. Package: coffeescript-doc Description-md5: d2365244984ed6a594a84d6ac4c6fcca Description-sl: documentation for the CoffeeScript language CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all of those embarrassing braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. . The golden rule of CoffeeScript is: "It's just JavaScript". The code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS, and there is no interpretation at runtime. You can use any existing JavaScript library seamlessly (and vice-versa). The compiled output is readable and pretty-printed, passes through JavaScript Lint without warnings, will work in every JavaScript implementation, and tends to run as fast or faster than the equivalent handwritten JavaScript. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: coinor-csdp Description-md5: a2d03627064caa942a2b5e1c57dcf72f Description-sl: Software package for semidefinite programming (binaries) CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl, Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the constraint matrices. . CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke. Package: coinor-csdp-doc Description-md5: fd78a94cbd5864eebc3a278ef024dca6 Description-sl: Software package for semidefinite programming (documentation) CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl, Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the constraint matrices. . CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libbonmin-dev Description-md5: c8ada5559ac3a9c42336107a1a019a87 Description-sl: COIN-OR mixed integer programming (developer files) Bonmin (Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming) is an open- source code for solving general MINLP (Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming) problems. . Bonmin is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libbonmin4t64 Description-md5: 73c618c775be0a3597665676ce7f6651 Description-sl: COIN-OR mixed integer programming Bonmin (Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming) is an open- source code for solving general MINLP (Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming) problems. . Bonmin is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke in knjižnice. Package: coinor-libcbc-dev Description-md5: 39d5593fbf908672e8c9691ba11233cd Description-sl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (developer files) Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand- alone executable. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libcbc-doc Description-md5: a22c6bbfa2107d5edcf0af71cb0aaaa1 Description-sl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (documentation) Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand- alone executable. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libcbc3.1 Description-md5: b4d3283ed0e3235b24f8eec60fa098c1 Description-sl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (shared libraries) Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand- alone executable. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: coinor-libcgl-dev Description-md5: c6e37dd842b7e636e6548ce84ca0778f Description-sl: COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (developer files) The Cut Generation Library (Cgl) is an open collection of cutting plane implementations ("cut generators") for use in teaching, research, and applications. . Cgl is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libcgl-doc Description-md5: c1e354598b97d885dbef1b041fb452e2 Description-sl: COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (documentation) The Cut Generation Library (Cgl) is an open collection of cutting plane implementations ("cut generators") for use in teaching, research, and applications. . Cgl is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libcgl1 Description-md5: c6ccd2db443bc5ffb4c514f1ddba4977 Description-sl: COIN-OR Cut Generation Library The Cut Generation Library (Cgl) is an open collection of cutting plane implementations ("cut generators") for use in teaching, research, and applications. . Cgl is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke in knjižnice. Package: coinor-libclp-dev Description-md5: 725e4845bec6e12ddcb5774bc8e4e7ec Description-sl: Coin-or linear programming solver (developer files) Clp (Coin-or linear programming) is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also available. It is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libclp-doc Description-md5: 1763fbe2774afd0d49a6231c7e49b1e3 Description-sl: Coin-or linear programming solver (documentation) Clp (Coin-or linear programming) is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also available. It is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libcoinutils-doc Description-md5: 46b9ce2f5334a040bc6313e336c93549 Description-sl: COIN-OR collection of utility classes (documentation) CoinUtils (COIN-OR Utilities) is a collection of classes and functions that are generally useful to more than one COIN-OR project. These include classes for vectors, matrices, mps file reading, and functions for floating-point comparisons. . The Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR, or simply COIN) project is an initiative to spur the development of open source software for the operations research community. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: coinor-libcoinutils3v5 Description-md5: 4d8ca20299f01641634a39467c4d9488 Description-sl: COIN-OR collection of utility classes (shared libraries) CoinUtils (COIN-OR Utilities) is a collection of classes and functions that are generally useful to more than one COIN-OR project. These include classes for vectors, matrices, mps file reading, and functions for floating-point comparisons. . The Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR, or simply COIN) project is an initiative to spur the development of open source software for the operations research community. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: coinor-libdylp-dev Description-md5: d94abf98bf4f783bbc3a3458e3a59c9c Description-sl: Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm DyLp is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. To this end, it is using a full implementation of the so called dynamic simplex algorithm for linear programming. . DyLP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and integrates well in the COIN Open Solver Interface (OSI), OsiDylp, which takes advantage of capabilities provided by COIN (e.g., enhanced input/output and constraint system preprocessing) and is recommended if you're working in a C++ environment. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libdylp-doc Description-md5: c5f68e9abdd9f6366b1558e5c7cd3c34 Description-sl: Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm DyLp is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. To this end, it is using a full implementation of the so called dynamic simplex algorithm for linear programming. . DyLP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and integrates well in the COIN Open Solver Interface (OSI), OsiDylp, which takes advantage of capabilities provided by COIN (e.g., enhanced input/output and constraint system preprocessing) and is recommended if you're working in a C++ environment. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libdylp1 Description-md5: 326ec697d30205c5da27f85ace778b93 Description-sl: Linear programming solver using the dynamic simplex algorithm DyLp is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. To this end, it is using a full implementation of the so called dynamic simplex algorithm for linear programming. . DyLP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and integrates well in the COIN Open Solver Interface (OSI), OsiDylp, which takes advantage of capabilities provided by COIN (e.g., enhanced input/output and constraint system preprocessing) and is recommended if you're working in a C++ environment. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke in knjižnice. Package: coinor-libipopt-dev Description-md5: 004a2b4e162fc64f12e7d4eb4d34e764 Description-sl: Interior-Point Optimizer - header files Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libipopt-doc Description-md5: ace0722ec70c25cead2c4fcc86a4a74d Description-sl: Interior-Point Optimizer - documentation Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: coinor-libipopt1v5 Description-md5: b22cc6665e1345d36a3c5f15fa8b6fb8 Description-sl: Interior-Point Optimizer, for large-scale nonlinear optimization Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: coinor-libipopt1v5-dbg Description-md5: 80f963768d87ff823fbdb833d6440d67 Description-sl: Interior-Point Optimizer - debugging symbols Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: coinor-libosi-doc Description-md5: 11323afa3409aef6b962bf9c822e83fb Description-sl: COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (documentation) Osi (Open Solver Interface) provides an abstract C++ base class to a generic linear programming (LP) solver, along with derived classes for specific solvers. Many applications may be able to use the Osi to insulate themselves from a specific LP solver. . Osi is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libsymphony-dev Description-md5: 0d6e0584b3a2a247b945f39ee22649fc Description-sl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (developer files) SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities, including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. . SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libsymphony-doc Description-md5: dea6a1d402e1265962f70187d6595346 Description-sl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (documentation) SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities, including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. . SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libsymphony3 Description-md5: 366d6d4a97ad87929e56360898d68ee9 Description-sl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (shared libraries) SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities, including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. . SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: coinor-libvol-dev Description-md5: bed8b364253a5fbb3d35d940a9d144ac Description-sl: Coin-or linear programming solver (development files) Vol (Volume Algorithm) is a linear programming solver based on the subgradient method. . Vol is part of COIN-OR (COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research) project which is an initiative to spur the development of open- source software in operational research - mathematical optimization algorithms. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: coinor-libvol-doc Description-md5: e4eec0b9e57c9df52df463313efccaf9 Description-sl: Coin-or linear programming solver Vol (Volume Algorithm) is a linear programming solver based on the subgradient method. . Vol is part of COIN-OR (COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research) project which is an initiative to spur the development of open- source software in operational research - mathematical optimization algorithms. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: coinor-libvol1 Description-md5: 2b560a86ae62593341fb1d4c86370e92 Description-sl: Coin-or linear programming solver (libraries) Vol (Volume Algorithm) is a linear programming solver based on the subgradient method. . Vol is part of COIN-OR (COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research) project which is an initiative to spur the development of open- source software in operational research - mathematical optimization algorithms. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke in knjižnice. Package: collatinus Description-md5: 2b502b7be683c2b8175e8307263d0e4c Description-sl: Lematizacija latinskih besedil Collatinus can be used to lemmatise latin texts, i.e. extract words and make a lexicon which indicates for each word its canonic form, and how the form actually found in the text was derived from it, for instance by declining it. Example : rosam gives : rosa-rosae -- acc. sing. Collatinus provides a nice graphic front-end to each operation. . Collatinus-nouus (stands for Collatinus, new generation) replaces every previous version of Collatinus. . This package provides a documentation in HTML format. Package: collectd-utils Description-md5: 9e642f2a954c69592f11d4db8ecd29e0 Description-sl: statistics collection and monitoring daemon (utilities) collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically and provides mechanisms to monitor and store the values in a variety of ways. Since the daemon doesn't need to startup every time it wants to update the values it's very fast and easy on the system. Also, the statistics are very fine grained since the files are updated every 10 seconds by default. . Ta paket vsebuje naslednji pripomoček: . * collectdctl: Control interface for collectd * collectd-nagios: Nagios plugin for querying collectd Package: colorcode Description-md5: b647012bcf3aafb6ff2c178fd5bdeb9b Description-sl: napreden klon igre MasterMind z razbijanjem kode ColorCode je napreden klon zloma kode MasterMid. Ta program sprejme nastavitev števila mest (od 2 do 5), števila barv (od 2 do 10) in nastavitev ali je barve mogoče ponoviti v skrivni kodi (ali je podvojevanje ali ne). Igra ima 5 vgrajenih stopenj: od stopnje 1 (začetnik: 2 mesti in 2 barvi z dovoljenimi dvojniki) do stopnje 5 (težko: 5 mest in 10 barv z dovoljenimi dvojniki). ColorCode lahko ugiba namesto uporabnika. Package: comixcursors-lefthanded Description-md5: e7f564fdde2e8078cd4b54ed85dece1c Description-sl: X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (LH, translucent) ComixCursors is a set of mouse pointer themes for X11 in the style of comic-book art. . The package includes cursor themes in a wide combination of variants: * 6 different colors (black, blue, green, orange, red, white) * 4 different sizes (small, regular, large, huge) * 2 different weights (slim, normal) . Ta paket namesti levo ročne prosojne teme ComixCursors. Package: comixcursors-lefthanded-opaque Description-md5: 9d632f7c6163fe75a27f4f3139e8f2e8 Description-sl: X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (LH, opaque) ComixCursors is a set of mouse pointer themes for X11 in the style of comic-book art. . The package includes cursor themes in a wide combination of variants: * 6 different colors (black, blue, green, orange, red, white) * 4 different sizes (small, regular, large, huge) * 2 different weights (slim, normal) . Ta paket namesti levo ročne prekrivne teme ComixCursors. Package: comixcursors-righthanded-opaque Description-md5: fa544f43067af34b93880a921026958a Description-sl: X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, opaque) ComixCursors is a set of mouse pointer themes for X11 in the style of comic-book art. . The package includes cursor themes in a wide combination of variants: * 6 different colors (black, blue, green, orange, red, white) * 4 different sizes (small, regular, large, huge) * 2 different weights (slim, normal) . Ta paket namesti desno ročne prekrivne teme ComixCursors. Package: compiz-plugins-extra Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compiz-plugins-main Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compiz-plugins-main-default Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compiz-plugins-main-dev Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compizconfig-settings-manager Description-md5: 675304338d841d1ad811fa71af2f89f7 Description-sl: Upravljalnik nastavitev Compiz Projekt OpenCompositing zagotavlja 3D vidne učinke namizja, ki izboljšajo uporabnost okenskega sistema X in zagotavljajo izboljšano produktivnost. . Ta paket vsebuje urejevalnik nastavitev compizconfig. Package: concalc Description-md5: df93b17bc00857308f747905bb109a7e Description-sl: Konzolsko računalo concalc is a calculator for the Linux console. It is just the parser- algorithm of extcalc packed into a simple console program. You can use it if you need a calculator in your shell. concalc is also able to run scripts written in a C-like programming language. Package: congruity Description-md5: c29a0ce2e03fcbeb6eb05515170938cc Description-sl: grafični pripomoček za nastavitev daljincev Logitech Harmony Congruity je grafični pripomoček, ki je napisan v Python in upravlja zapisovanje nastavitev Harmony Remote z uporabo ogrodja concordance. . Zagotavlja kratek način za hitro nastavitev Logitech Harmony s čistim grafičnim vmesnikom z nalaganjem datotek EZHex. Package: conmux Description-md5: 796689f40c098a26cafc4bfacd9f8390 Description-sl: Konzolski zvijalk CONMUX is a console abstractor. Presenting any console with a consistent location, naming and semantic. Access to the console, and hardreset of the machine is the same regardless of the underlying access methodology. Package: connectagram Description-md5: 29e6d48ff709fc0b61b0fcf2b9155786 Description-sl: Besedna igra odkritja besed The board consists of several scrambled words that are joined together. You can choose the length of the words, the amount of words, and the pattern that the words are arranged in. The game provides a hint option for times when you are stuck. Package: connman Description-md5: b19b94709b4d2ff65c954bf81f0bc2a1 Description-sl: Ozadnji program upravljalnika povezav Intel The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible. It is fully modular system that can be extended through plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases. . ConnMan provies IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity via: * ethernet * Wi-Fi, using wpasupplicant * Cellular, using oFono * Bluetooth, using bluez . ConnMan implements DNS resolving and caching, DHCP clients for both IPv4 and IPv6, link-local IPv4 address handling and tethering (IP connection sharing) to clients via USB, ethernet, Wi-Fi, cellular and Bluetooth. . This package contains the connman daemon and its plugins. Package: connman-dev Description-md5: 9356ee7162dcfd3a1d09948366ea6372 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za connman The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible. It is fully modular system that can be extended through plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases. . ConnMan provies IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity via: * ethernet * Wi-Fi, using wpasupplicant * Cellular, using oFono * Bluetooth, using bluez . ConnMan implements DNS resolving and caching, DHCP clients for both IPv4 and IPv6, link-local IPv4 address handling and tethering (IP connection sharing) to clients via USB, ethernet, Wi-Fi, cellular and Bluetooth. . This package contains headers, pkg-config support mainly useful for developing connman plugins. Package: conntrackd Description-md5: d4f93a8dd1ff0a1404310c418bca129e Description-sl: Ozadnji program sledenje povezavam Conntrackd can replicate the status of the connections that are currently being processed by your stateful firewall based on Linux. Conntrackd can also run as statistics daemon. Package: console-braille Description-md5: 156e53c1fd029ceb4db2a91d4818a868 Description-sl: Fonts and keymaps for reading/typing unicode braille Ta paket vključuje . - fonts with various sizes to render braille on the Linux console - keymaps to type braille as unicode characters on the Linux console. Package: console-cyrillic Description-md5: 4e0e20b1fb56a3473aaf9b2fb89bc492 Description-sl: Cyrillic fonts and keyboard layouts for Linux console This package provides Cyrillic support on the Linux console with great number of customizations: . 1) Various supported encodings: utf-8, cp1251, ibm866, iso-8859-5, koi8-r, koi8-u, mac-cyrillic, mik, pt154 and rk1048. . 2) Belarusian, two Bulgarian, two Kazakh, Macedonian, Mongolian, two Russian, Serbian and two Ukrainian keyboard mappings. . 3) Veliko pisav zaslona. . 4) Utilities: cyr, displayfont, dumppsf, makeacm, mkvgafont, raw2psf. . 5) Dve pisave za Dosemu. Package: context Description-md5: 41de4864f3fecb24d3907901e2a652a7 Description-sl: Zmogljiva vrsta TeX ConTeXt is a document-production system based, like LaTeX, on the TeX typesetting system. Whereas LaTeX insulates the writer from typographical details, ConTeXt takes a complementary approach by providing structured interfaces for handling typography, including extensive support for colors, backgrounds, hyperlinks, presentations, figure-text integration, and conditional compilation. It gives the user extensive control over formatting while making it easy to create new layouts and styles without learning the TeX macro language. ConTeXt's unified design averts the package clashes that can happen with LaTeX. . ConTeXt also integrates MetaFun, a superset of MetaPost and a powerful system for vector graphics. MetaFun can be used as a stand-alone system to produce figures, but its strength lies in enhancing ConTeXt documents with accurate graphic elements. . ConTeXt allows the users to specify formatting commands in English, Dutch, German, French, or Italian, and to use different typesetting engines (PDFTeX, XeTeX, Aleph, and soon LuaTeX) without changing the user interface. ConTeXt is developed rapidly, often in response to requests from the friendly user community. Package: convertall Description-md5: e91e95bbaa508185e73f6085c5add29d Description-sl: Zelo prilagodljiv pretvornik enot S programom ConvertAll lahko pretvoriti katerokoli enoto v veliki podatkovni zbirki v katerokoli drugo združljivo enoto. Pretvorite lahko na primer tudi iz enote palec na desetletje ali kubične navtične milje. Izberete lahko enote, ki se drugim zdijo nesmiselne. Package: convmv Description-md5: 44b9e37adf623ce957124fb3014849a1 Description-sl: Orodje za pretvorbo kodiranja imen datotek convmv can convert a single filename, a directory tree or all files on a filesystem to a different encoding. It only converts the encoding of filenames, not files contents. A special feature of convmv is that it also takes care of symlinks: the encoding of the symlink's target will be converted if the symlink itself is being converted. . It is also possible to convert directories to UTF-8 which are already partially UTF-8 encoded. . Ključne besede: preimenuj, premakni Package: coq Description-md5: 2c4259e8b83c839ff539d48b854ee31a Description-sl: proof assistant for higher-order logic (toplevel and compiler) Coq je pomočnik dokazov za logiko višjega reda, ki omogoča razvoj računalniških programov, ki so dosledni s svojimi formalnimi določili. Razvit je z Objecitve Caml in Camlp5. . This package provides coqtop, a command line interface to Coq. . A graphical interface for Coq is provided in the coqide package. Coq can also be used with ProofGeneral, which allows proofs to be edited using emacs and xemacs. This requires the proofgeneral package to be installed. Package: coqide Description-md5: ed74063b20a63106a7031db76f847ec1 Description-sl: pomočnik dokazovanja za logiko višjega reda (vmesnik gtk) Coq je pomočnik dokazov za logiko višjega reda, ki omogoča razvoj računalniških programov, ki so dosledni s svojimi formalnimi določili. Razvit je z Objecitve Caml in Camlp5. . Ta paket vsebuje Coqlde, grafični uporabniški vmesnik za razvijanje dokazov. Package: coredhcp-client Description-md5: 29e46b3d151b7ff5533e67e47ee61a41 Description-sl: multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server - client Coredhcp is a fast, multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server written in Go. In CoreDHCP almost everything is implemented as a plugin. Every request is evaluated calling each plugin in order, until one breaks the evaluation and responds to, or drops, the request. . Ta paket vsebuje odjemalec. Package: coredhcp-server Description-md5: ce017b41f35b649ece40e2e4aa9c2de7 Description-sl: multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server - server Coredhcp is a fast, multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server written in Go. In CoreDHCP almost everything is implemented as a plugin. Every request is evaluated calling each plugin in order, until one breaks the evaluation and responds to, or drops, the request. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: courier-authdaemon Description-md5: 48c71af6b56ddad7d969cb6a2ff8a060 Description-sl: Ozadnji program overitve Courier This package contains the authentication daemon for the Courier applications. Package: courier-authlib Description-md5: df47cce316c565912b13c565476e8761 Description-sl: Knjižnica overitve courier The Courier authentication library provides authentication services for other Courier applications. Package: covered-doc Description-md5: 33a78d25d4b98a5abc59af174252bf4d Description-sl: Verilog code coverage analysis tool - documentation Covered is a Verilog code coverage utility that reads in a Verilog design and a generated VCD/LXT dumpfile from that design and generates a coverage file that can be merged with other coverage files or used to create a coverage report. Covered also contains the GUI coverage report utility that reads in a coverage file to allow interactive coverage discovery. Areas of coverage measured by Covered are: line, toggle, memory, combinational logic, FSM state/state-transition and assertion coverage. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: cowbuilder Description-md5: 3f6a79a018c77ab19e6b7986aaa41b78 Description-sl: Pbuilder, ki teče na cowdancer 'cowbuilder' command is a wrapper for pbuilder which allows using pbuilder-like interface over cowdancer environment. . pbuilder is a tool for building and testing Debian package inside a clean chroot, and cowbuilder allows chroot to be recreated using hard-linked copies with copy-on-write, which makes creation and destruction of chroots fast. Package: cpan-listchanges Description-md5: 5af5afc20f23c4d43b9cb0f44f21885b Description-sl: Orodje za obvestilo o zgodovini paketa cpan-listchanges is a command-line application that compares the Changes file between arbitrary versions of a package. It is similar to apt- listchanges, and by default, it compares the currently installed version with the latest one available on CPAN. Package: cppo Description-md5: 02e1a3f7b305b6b97292967ea9d582e0 Description-sl: cpp za OCaml Cppo is an OCaml-friendly implementation of cpp, the C preprocessor. It can replace camlp4 for preprocessing OCaml files, using cpp style and syntax. It allows defining simple macros and file inclusion. Package: cqrlog-data Description-md5: ac3d58426322c151501c108a55aeb7a9 Description-sl: Advanced logging program for hamradio operators (data files) CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL embedded database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of 140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, HamQTH/QRZ callbook (XML access), a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW & SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: crack-attack Description-md5: 7fa8b5ef38342a30da901cc4d8776011 Description-sl: večigralska OpenGL ugankarska igra podobna "Tetris Attack" Crack Attack je ugankarska igra OpenGL podobna igri Super Nintendo "Tetris Attack". Počasi vaš sklad obarvanih blokov zraste z dna in morate zagotoviti, da nikoli ne doseže vrha. Če se to zgodi, izgubite. Za odstranitev blokov vsaj tri bloke iste barve poravnajte vodoravno ali navpično. Ko to storite, bloki izginejo. S tem za nekaj časa odložite svoj neizbežni poraz. . Crack Attack je zelo počasen brez strojnega pospeševanja. Za uporabnike Xorg to pomeni, da potrebujete DRI. . Več podrobnosti lahko najdete na Package: crawl-tiles Description-md5: 8f4db2642b39469e48996525fe90f8c6 Description-sl: Dungeon Crawl, a roguelike game, tiles version Crawl is a fun game in the grand tradition of games like Rogue, Hack, and Moria. Your objective is to travel deep into a subterranean cave complex and retrieve the Orb of Zot, which is guarded by many horrible and hideous creatures. . To je grafična različica (ploščice). . This is the Stone Soup version of Dungeon Crawl. Package: criticalmass Description-md5: b91041fdc8d5711348bf2d753f8d38f8 Description-sl: Strelska igra podobna galaxian ciritalmass, je strelska igra v slogu igre Galaxiam z zelo barvito in gladko grafiko (če imate 3d pospeševanje). . Opomba: igra criticallmass uporablja OpenGL in verjetno ne bo dobro delovala, če nimate 3d pospeševalnika, ki ga X podpira. Package: criticalmass-data Description-md5: 6dc0f60d00c5caaf75dfc650a0b7bfb9 Description-sl: Strelska igra podobna galaxian (podatkovne datoteke) ciritalmass, je strelska igra v slogu igre Galaxiam z zelo barvito in gladko grafiko (če imate 3d pospeševanje). . This package provides architecture-independent data files for criticalmass. Package: crossfire-doc Description-md5: e81f11213bc753254df688aa69f327b2 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Crossfire This is the document package for crossfire. It has information for both the server and the client. Package: crossfire-server Description-md5: 678abc0e9b02e09e353dbf80ca96625b Description-sl: Strežnik za igre Crossfire This is the server program for the crossfire client. . Crossfire is a free, open-source, cooperative multi-player RPG and adventure game. Since its initial release, Crossfire has grown to encompass over 150 monsters, 3000 areas to explore, an elaborate magic system, 13 races, 15 character classes, and many powerful artifacts scattered far and wide. Set in a fantastical medieval world, it blends the style of Gauntlet, NetHack, Moria, and Angband. Package: crosshurd Description-md5: 2c2660127a31cc4dc25ddcc348acb79f Description-sl: Namestitev sistema Debian crosshurd uses apt and a bit of black magic to setup a functional Debian system. It supports the following target systems: - linux-gnu (GNU/Linux) - gnu (GNU/Hurd) - kfreebsd-gnu (GNU/kFreeBSD) Package: cryptmount Description-md5: f076a65f76ba1f6d4561f45655783505 Description-sl: Upravljanje šifriranih datotečnih sistemov cryptmount is a utility for creating encrypted filesystems & swap partitions and which allows an ordinary user to mount/unmount filesystems without requiring superuser privileges. . It offers the following features: * easy and safe on-demand access to filesystems without su/sudo; * access passwords can be changed easily without involving the sys-admin; * filesystems can reside on raw disk partitions or ordinary files; * supports LUKS encrypted filesystems created by cryptsetup; * encrypted access keys can be stored on removable media (e.g. USB flash disks); * includes support for encrypted swap partitions; * multiple filesystems can be stored in a single disk partition; * encrypted filesystems can be initialized at boot-up or on demand; * temporary filesystems can be setup via command-line, for use in shell-scripts; * transparent configuration of dm-crypt & loopback devices during mounting; Package: csladspa Description-md5: aeb5e34cf897c1b19253673a9a83be20 Description-sl: Vstavek LADSPA za Csound This plugin enables the creation of LADSPA plugins with the Csound language. . For more information on Csound or LADSPA, see the csound or ladspa-sdk packages, respectively. Package: csound-doc Description-md5: 9f75b703bb629f175a715f310f69056b Description-sl: Dokumentacija za csound Ta paket vključuje referenčni priročnik csound. . For more information on csound, see the csound package. Package: csstidy Description-md5: 796992188c82a489c1f28afca63e4caa Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik in optimizator CSS csstidy parses and optimises your CSS code, making it cleaner and more concise. The end result is a smaller CSS file and better written code. It has a variety of option settings giving the user a significant amount of control over the level of file compression and readability. It is not meant to be a CSS validator. Package: csvkit-doc Description-md5: abfe35a5ec47fc6485144e6c5174aa36 Description-sl: documentation for csvkit csvkit is a suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats. . It is inspired by pdftk, gdal and the original csvcut tool by Joe Germuska and Aaron Bycoffe. . If you need to do more complex data analysis than csvkit can handle, use agate. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: csync2 Description-md5: d83ba32613c4fc651c0648fec5fda569 Description-sl: Orodje za usklajevanje gruč CSYNC2 synchronizes files in a cluster using the rsync-algorithm. It maintains a database of modified files so it is able to handle deletion of files and file modification conflicts. Package: ctioga2 Description-md5: f1dd38b5fe781acde444a37ff9c51259 Description-sl: Program za izrisovanje polimorfizmov ctioga2 is a plotting program in the spirit of gnuplot. It can be used either directly on command-line or writing command files (or a mix of both). It produces publication-quality PDF files. It is based on the Tioga plotting library. . ctioga2 is a full rewrite of ctioga and is meant to replace it completely in a not-so-distant future. Package: ctorrent Description-md5: 8e0f9f90331a95d6c7e1c35bfaeaecef Description-sl: Odjemalec BitTorrent napisan v C++ This application is written in the C++ language and doesn't require any graphical component, such as an X server. Original ctorrent's upstream has stopped its development and now it's kept updated with new releases/bug fixes by a new developer. It's built as a console program and it can be even used remotely in a machine that provides outside ssh access. Other main features are: . * Support for large files (>2GB) and large torrents (>255 files). * Strategic selection of pieces to request for download. * Continuous queueing of download requests, tuned based on latency and throughput for each peer. * Improved download performance, including parallel requests in initial and endgame modes. * Improved bandwidth regulation. * Improved compatibility with other peers. * Performance optimization and bug fixes. * An interface for monitoring and managing multiple clients. * Dynamic cache allocation and management, including prefetch. . More information about the original but discontinued ctorrent's project can be found by browsing the following website: Package: ctsim Description-md5: 995cbd5291954c3060930315b4577e07 Description-sl: Simulator izračunane tomografije CTSim provides an interactive computed tomography simulator. Computed tomography is the technique of estimating the interior of an object by measuring x-ray absorption through that object. . CTSim has both command-line tools and a graphical user interface. CTSim has very educational trace modes for viewing the data collection simulation as well as the reconstruction. Package: ctsim-doc Description-md5: 9861e51a61e9826c2b3afe2bbf500c61 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za paket ctsim This package provides HTML and PDF documentation files for the ctsim package. CTSim is a graphical computed tomography simulator. This documentation file is included in a separate package so it will not have to be include in the binary ctsim package for every architecture. Package: ctsim-help Description-md5: aceb6d9679a118b92276cba52f0edb63 Description-sl: Spletna datoteka pomoči za CTSim This package provides the online help file for the ctsim package. CTSim is a graphical computed tomography simulator. This help file is included in a separate package so it will not have to be include in the binary ctsim package for every architecture. Package: ctwm Description-md5: 62bf740f4727b4e0f5d71dbd4398f7e0 Description-sl: Claudov okenski upravljalnik zavihkov ctwm is Claude Lecommandeur's extension to twm; in addition to the features of twm, it supports multiple virtual screens, the pixmap file format, pinnable ("sticky") menus, and other enhancements. Package: cutils Description-md5: 6004a494de2f9be4d6c2de8739225cfb Description-sl: Pripomočki izvorne kode C This package contains several utilities which may be useful to developers of C source code utilities, namely: cdecl and cundecl - decode and encode C type declarations cobfusc - make a C source file unreadable but compilable chilight - highlight C source files cunloop - unloop C loops yyextract - extract grammar rules from yacc grammar yyref - yacc grammar reference program Package: cuyo-data Description-md5: 82f5235d5011736f29cceeb0b11a11bc Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro cuyo. Cuyo, named after a Spanish relative adjective, shares with tetris that things fall down and how to navigate them. When enough "of the same type" come "together", they explode. The goal of each level is to blow special "stones" away, you start with. But what "of the same type" and "together" means, varies with the levels. . This package contains the graphics, sounds, level description and man pages for cuyo. Package: cvm Description-md5: 9b7ded855e0aa6a6f96779baef05c2eb Description-sl: Moduli preverjanja veljavnosti poveril CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . This package includes cvm binaries. Package: cvm-pgsql Description-md5: 0112e4fa1d6b00d0825398ed92204133 Description-sl: Moduli preverjanja veljavnosti poveri (PostgreSQL) CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . This package includes cvm binaries to interact with PostgreSQL databases. Package: cycle Description-md5: 7cb6b9b8a33c3abe32da81bafebae63a Description-sl: Program koledarja za ženske Cycle is a calendar for women. Given a cycle length or statistics for several periods, it can calculate the days until menstruation, the days of "safe" sex, the fertile period, and the days to ovulations, and define the d.o.b. of a child. It allows the user to write notes and helps to supervise the administration of hormonal contraceptive tablets. . Possibilities of the program: - Calculate days of menstruation, based on the length of the cycle or on statistics of previous periods. - Calculate days of "safe" sex, fertile period and day to ovulations. - Definition of D.O.B. (Date Of Birth) of a child - Allows one to write notes. - Helps to supervise reception of hormonal contraceptive tablets. - Multiple users allowed. Data is protected by a password for every user. . NOTE: This program is not a reliable contraceptive method. It does neither help to prevent sexual transmission diseases like AIDS. It is just an electronic means of keeping track of some of your medical data and extract some statistical conclusions from them. You cannot consider this program as a substitute for your gynecologist in any way. Package: Description-md5: aec6c47cd19093d18f9f07c8b2b6bbd2 Description-sl: Predvajalnik glasbe za GNUstep Cynthiune is a free software, romantic and extensible music player for GNUstep and Mac OS X. Similar in look and feel to XMMS, it can read the most-known sound file formats: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV and many more... . Very easy to use, it integrates well with the GNUstep desktop environment and shows a nice example of a cross-platform OpenStep application. Package: cyrus-clients Description-md5: 992ed3dec2e38f35f5825dbbb87631db Description-sl: Poštni sistem Cyrus - preizkusni odjemalci This package contains client tools to test the Cyrus IMAPd suite. It contains the mupdatetest, sivtest, smtptest, lmtptest, imtest and pop3test tools which can be used to interactively talk to a mupdate, Sieve, SMTP, LMTP, IMAP or POP3 server. The clients are fully SASL-enabled for authentication. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: cyrus-dev Description-md5: 16eb6f696ea714cc04c10da3bf1af891 Description-sl: Poštni sistem Cyrus - razvojne datoteke This package contains header files and the static library needed to develop IMAP applications that interface with the Cyrus IMAPd suite. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: cyrus-replication Description-md5: b418abba8bf22d6e89141717800813af Description-sl: Poštni sistem Cyrus - podvajanje This package contains the Cyrus IMAPd suite replication system. It allows the replication of the mail spool between two imap or pop servers. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: daemontools-run Description-md5: f5516980fc0d550aab9df706d83da11b Description-sl: Nadzorovanje storitve deamontools Starts svscanboot from inittab, and provides the directory /etc/service/ for services to be supervised by daemontools. Package: dar-docs Description-md5: b5d4791c3676c92ae8c96df2ca147b31 Description-sl: Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files Full featured archiver with support for differential backups, slices, compression, ATTR/ACL support. DAR also supports Pipes for remote operations, including with ssh. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in datoteke primerov. Package: dar-static Description-md5: 1b4cf9af9fd7b6926fdd96e85eea6976 Description-sl: Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files Full featured archiver with support for differential backups, slices, compression, ATTR/ACL support. DAR also supports Pipes for remote operations, including with ssh. . Ta paket vsebuje statično binarno datoteko, dar_static. Package: darkstat Description-md5: e9b7531a9de659a7aa562b3efdd154ef Description-sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa It is a packet sniffer which runs as a background process and serves its statistics to a web browser: - input and output IP traffic by machines, ports and protocols, - last minute, hourly, daily and monthly global input and output graphics. . It is known to be smaller (in terms of memory footprint) and stabler than ntop. Package: darnwdl Description-md5: 20ec9412d0a98f0669d542b7c68b0eb8 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik dokumentov oblike WDL WDL is a document format used by Taiwan government. darnwdl is a viewer for WDL files. Due to the format spec is not open, darnwdl is based on reverse engineering. Package: dasher Description-md5: 146f78c1eeda21f7706f6e7b39a393a1 Description-sl: graphical predictive text input system Dasher je podatkovno učinkovit vmesnik besedilnega vnosa, ki ga vodijo naravne stalne kazajoče krenje. Dasher je primeren sistem vnosa besedila kadar ni mogoče uporabiti tipkovnice polne velikosti - na primer, . * na prenosniku palmtop, * na prenosnim računalniku, * pri uporabi računalnika z eno roko, z igralno palico, zaslonom na dotik, sledilno ploščico ali miško, * pri uporabi računalnika brez rok (z naglavno miško ali sledilnikom oči). . Različica sledenja oči programa Dasher izkušenemu uporabniku omogoča tako hiter vnos kot z običajnim tipkanje -25 besed na minuto. Z miško lahko izkušeni uporabniki pišejo s hitrostjo 39 besed na minuto. . Dasher uporablja naprednejši algoritem predvidevanja kot T9(tm), ki je pogost v mobilnih telefonih, saj je občutljiv na vsebino v bližini. Package: dasher-data Description-md5: c372ff79531577f601a701956975e3fb Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za dasher Dasher je podatkovno učinkovit vmesnik besedilnega vnosa, ki ga vodijo naravne stalne kazajoče krenje. Dasher je primeren sistem vnosa besedila kadar ni mogoče uporabiti tipkovnice polne velikosti. . This package contains various arch-independent data files for dasher: * alphabet descriptions for all languages * letter colours settings * training files in all languages Package: dbar Description-md5: 98b956d9ac40f06911e31773af032a5b Description-sl: general purpose ASCII graphic percentage meter/progressbar dbar lets you define static 0% and 100% marks or you can define these marks dynamically at runtime. Static and dynamic marks can be mixed, in this case the value specified at runtime will have a higher priority. . You can specify ranges of numbers, negative, positive or ranges with a negative min value and positive max value. . Zmožnosti: . - Simple interface, perfect to use within your scripts - Trivial to intergrate with dzen Package: dcap Description-md5: 4ad1a3f0716f5eeb286d81e5ee3c44dd Description-sl: Orodja odjemalca za dCache dCache is a distributed mass storage system. This package contains the client tools. Package: dcap-dev Description-md5: 4afd0afe2512d4ccfbf99e55b6d1e4f8 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke odjemalca za dCache dCache is a distributed mass storage system. This package contains the client development files. Package: dcap-tunnel-krb Description-md5: 334c0d27ea8b4505d8a83e49c502b44d Description-sl: Tunel Kerberos za dCache This package contains the kerberos tunnel plugin library used by dcap. This library is dynamically loaded at runtime. Package: dcap-tunnel-ssl Description-md5: 4e93e421e1d6ba0111afaa213bc8a714 Description-sl: Tunel SSL za dCache This package contains the ssl tunnel plugin library used by dcap. This library is dynamically loaded at runtime. Package: dcap-tunnel-telnet Description-md5: af6b3d95c44ba764f101852e98b402fb Description-sl: Tunel Telnet za dCache This package contains the telnet tunnel plugin library used by dcap. This library is dynamically loaded at runtime. Package: ddccontrol Description-md5: 73e807fcbf61795d84a52bb8883e6296 Description-sl: program to control monitor parameters DCCcontrol je orodje, ki se uporablja na nadzor parametrov zaslona kot so svetlost in kontrast brez uporabe zaslonskega prikaza in gumbov na sprednji strani zaslona. Package: ddccontrol-db Description-md5: f3bac31fa85e2022d45914c1d8edc996 Description-sl: Nadzornik podatkovne zbirke za ddccontrol Database of monitors used by ddccontrol. This is mostly useless without ddccontrol. Package: ddd Description-md5: 99412659cdd3cea2e73b7607c5694cdf Description-sl: Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend The Data Display Debugger (DDD) je priljubljen grafični uporabniški vmesnik za razhroščevalnike UNIX kot so GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB in drugi. Poleg običajnih zmožnosti začelja kot so ogled izvornih besedil in prekinitvenih točk, DDD zagotavlja vzajemen prikaz grafičnih podatkov, kjer so podatkovne strukture prikazane kot grafi. Z DDD lahko vidite podatke programa, ne le vidite kako izvaja vrstice izvorne kode. . Druge zmožnosti DDD vključujejo: razrhoščevanje programov napisanih v Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal, Perl in Python, razhroščevanje na strojni ravni, hiperbesedilno krmarjenje in iskanje po izvorni kodi, prekinitvene točke, povratno sledenje in urejevalniki zgodovine, urejevalniki možnosti in nastavitev, izvajanje programa v oknu posnemovalnika terminala, razhroščevanje na oddaljenem gostitelju, spletni priročnik, vzajemna pomoč o uporabniškem vmesniku Motif in vmesnik ukazne vrstice GDB/DBX/XDB s polnimi zmožnostmi urejanja, zgodovine in dopolnitve. . Ta različica je povezana z Lesstif, LGPL izvedbo Motif. Package: ddir Description-md5: a75fa4369027964a6819f41a94624b41 Description-sl: Prikaz hierarhičnega drevesa map Display an indented directory tree using ASCII graphical characters to represent the hierarchical structure. The directories to include or exclude can be specified with command line options. Ddir is a Perl implementation of the tree(1) program. Package: deal Description-md5: badbe098a18bf4b52b30482dca327a72 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik kart, ki jih v rokah drži igralec igre bridge This program generates bridge hands. It can be told to generate only hands satisfying conditions like being balanced, having a range of HCPs, controls, or other user-definable properties. Hands can be output in various formats, like pbn for feeding to other bridge programs, deal itself, or split up into a file per player for practise. Extensible via Tcl. Package: dealer Description-md5: c2f7262143c0af7889de00f2578ca394 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik kart, ki jih v rokah drži igralec igre bridge This program generates bridge hands for partnerships bidding training or for generating statistics that can be used to design conventions, or win postmortems. Dealer has been used in many bridge publications. . Bridge is an intellectually challenging card game for four players. The "deal" package provides a similar generator programmable in Tcl. Package: deap-doc Description-md5: cbddfb9f7d0fc6401d7751e176f1b3d9 Description-sl: Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (docs) DEAP is a novel evolutionary computation framework for rapid prototyping and testing of ideas. It seeks to make algorithms explicit and data structures transparent. It works in perfect harmony with parallelisation mechanism such as multiprocessing and SCOOP. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: deb-gview Description-md5: a52c7bc242af6e9fd23f3c2a0bc80497 Description-sl: GNOME pregledovalnik za vsebino in paketne datoteke .deb Prikaže nadzorne podatke Debian, podrobnosti devscript in podrobnosti datotek, ki bodo nameščene (imena, velikosti in mesta). Datoteke v paketu si lahko ogledate znotraj ali zunaj paketa. . Sprejme mesta paketa v ukazni vrstici za podporo ukaza 'odpri' v različnih upravljalnikih datotek, eno okno za vsak paket. Paketov za ogled ni treba namestiti. Odpiranje datoteke sprememb odpre novo okno za vsak paket, ki je določen v datoteki sprememb. . Posamezne datoteke paketov ali pakete na katere se sklicuje datoteka sprememb si lahko ogledate na krajevnem ali z oddaljenih datotečnih sistemov. Package: debaux Description-md5: fee7fd0fa25d42a9151a2e3b88577a50 Description-sl: Pomožni programi Debian This package contains Perl programs and modules to build and publish Debian packages. . debaux-build automatically downloads APT sources before building, applies patches and additional sources. It has options to build the packages in an existing chroot environment, check the generated packages with lintian, install the created packages on your local system or turn them into RPM packages. . debaux-build has experimental support for downloading Perl modules from CPAN and creating the necessary Debian packaging files. . debaux-publish uploads packages and runs the scripts to create the APT sources and packages files on the remote system. debaux-publish doesn't support the pool structure yet. Package: debaux-debconf Description-md5: ad9ae346b301c9a2103970a1f75d5edf Description-sl: Vmesnik Perl do Debconf This package contains the DebAux::Debconf module, which provides an easy- to-use interface for some of the Debconf::Client::ConfModule functions. . It has been separated from the debaux package to allow packages utilizing this package during configuration and/or installation without drawing the whole list of debaux's dependencies. Package: debdelta-doc Description-md5: 333fa783d1208537a95f365e214f3f43 Description-sl: diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages debdelta is a program suite designed to compute changes between Debian packages. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the "diff" program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes between Debian packages. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: debian-archive-keyring Description-md5: 42ad5bca25566776e87c49efcb80168f Description-sl: Ključi arhiva GnuPG arhiva Debian The Debian project digitally signs its Release files. This package contains the archive keys used for that. . In Ubuntu, those keys are disabled by default. Package: debian-installer-launcher Description-md5: c92003f4c389c9cdd9f5024d1317af19 Description-sl: Zaganjalnik namizja Debian Installer This is a desktop launcher for Debian Installer images. It is intended to be used on Debian Live systems. . You probably do not want to install this package onto a non-live system, although it will do no harm. Package: debian-kernel-handbook Description-md5: d2ace2401cdb0f2dd8472494b68d4750 Description-sl: reference to Debian Linux kernel packages and development Priročnik sklicev za: . * Working on the linux package * Building custom kernels and modules * Working with initramfs images * Kernel team policies Package: debian-reference Description-md5: e702bcb166c66b0e2476c35f9dfd9742 Description-sl: metapaket za namestitev (vseh) prevodov Debian Reference Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Ta paket namesti vse prevode, ko so nameščeni "Priporočeni:" paketi. Package: debian-reference-common Description-md5: 460c503d2327aad2d0be2670a1c794d6 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, common files Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . This only provides menu functionality and other common files. Package: debian-reference-de Description-md5: c404f71b822e4ebc58fd1b14ea5be949 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, German translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Nemški prevod Package: debian-reference-en Description-md5: ad8881a4fef7535e97da05ae79b9f222 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, English original Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Izvirna angleška različica Package: debian-reference-es Description-md5: 6e8b3f941b8cff99339c1443e19d653e Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Spanish translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Španski prevod Package: debian-reference-fr Description-md5: 08983b3cdddba1406ac5a0d4c9cb3ad1 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, French translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Francoski prevod Package: debian-reference-id Description-md5: 4faea5b5b5ce480918ddf0e66c5449ce Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Indonesian translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . The Indonesian translation. Package: debian-reference-it Description-md5: 0fe220973d4cb3f1ecabf2b3d2441ab9 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Italian translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Italijanski prevod Package: debian-reference-ja Description-md5: fe8633b39047eddb22a5b5fff3017d54 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Japanese translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Prevod v japonščino. Package: debian-reference-pt Description-md5: 0402b1c626a39acab30d8f63f9e98d07 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Portuguese translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . Prevod v portugalščino Package: debian-reference-pt-br Description-md5: e7467cea4dcb53a65e7325a207286d29 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Portuguese (Brazil) translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . The Portuguese (Brazil) translation. Package: debian-reference-zh-cn Description-md5: 8454b784a1946f42b82b827ef0011337 Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Chinese (Simplified) translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . The Chinese (Simplified) translation. Package: debian-reference-zh-tw Description-md5: 3b7febd8bb227cee50df8c1331326d3b Description-sl: Debian system administration guide, Chinese (Traditional) translation Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi. Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce. . The Chinese (Traditional) translation. Package: debiandoc-sgml-doc Description-md5: b0a51691786644fb9747b126e546bf1a Description-sl: Dokumentacija za DebianDoc-SGML This package contains the documentation for DebianDoc-SGML in HTML, and plain ASCII format. Package: debichem-tasks Description-md5: ea3aaabad5772ff6b2ee0bc49b559d15 Description-sl: Opravila DebiChem za tasksel This package provides DebiChem tasks in tasksel. . These tasks are described in detail at Package: debram-data Description-md5: cc37b7b92b0053c432f096884ba4e157 Description-sl: Debramovi od arhitekture neodvisni podatki This data package installs the Debian Ramification's documentation and architecture-independent data. It also provides the Command Selection Guide, ramifying several hundred basic GNU/Linux commands. See debram. Package: debsecan Description-md5: 02c585842f4cdb670bd20e06b66ecc85 Description-sl: Preučevalnik varnosti Debian debsecan is a tool to generate a list of vulnerabilities which affect a particular Debian installation. debsecan runs on the host which is to be checked, and downloads vulnerability information over the Internet. It can send mail to interested parties when new vulnerabilities are discovered or when security updates become available. Package: dell-recovery Description-md5: 42be76afc331cd3cc7ef90ec310f8dad Description-sl: Paket ustvarjanja medija za obnovo Dell Ta paket se uporablja za proizvajanje obnovitvenega medija Dell. Nato uporabi znana odprtokodna orodja za zapisovanja odtisa na USB ključek ali DVD disk. Package: deluged Description-md5: ab4dee155e33eb5b5dd3444fc625cc91 Description-sl: multi-interface BitTorrent client (server) Deluge is a BitTorrent client written in Python. It uses a client-server model supporting multiple user-interfaces that can connect to a (headless) deluged running on a server. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: denemo-data Description-md5: 024b017c661eb5283972ae33777ed288 Description-sl: data for Denemo Denemo is a free (GPL) graphical music notation editor that lets you rapidly enter notation which it typesets using the LilyPond music engraver, creating notation straight from your input that outshines the commercial competition. You can compose, transcribe, arrange, listen to the music and much more. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: denemo-doc Description-md5: 432e166a5b95162d504028cd484ae0db Description-sl: documentation and examples for Denemo Denemo is a free (GPL) graphical music notation editor that lets you rapidly enter notation which it typesets using the LilyPond music engraver, creating notation straight from your input that outshines the commercial competition. You can compose, transcribe, arrange, listen to the music and much more. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML in primere. Package: deps-tools-cli Description-md5: e2dd47ad2c30a91c659d5d47afcd6139 Description-sl: Orodja ukazne vrstice DEPS Currently only contains the limited "graph-includes" tool. . Graph-includes creates a graph of dependencies between source-files and/or groups of source-files, with an emphasis on getting readable and usable graphs even for large projects. . Usability of the dependency graphs are currently improved by: - customizable grouping of several source files into a single node - transitive reduction of the graph . It currently supports graphing the C/C++ #include relationship, using graphviz by default. Package: designer-qt6 Description-md5: df46dfd1ea0aa8d594bee91fe16e2306 Description-sl: Qt 6 Designer Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. Package: designer-qt6-plugins Description-md5: 0f0a4d12f9833d96ff16609bbdf74454 Description-sl: Qt 6 Designer - plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. . This package contains various plugins to be used with the Qt Designer. Package: desktop-base Description-md5: 803a1cfa10c4fe42fa50462e9b011bfb Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za namizje Debian This package contains various miscellaneous files which are used by Debian Desktop installations. Currently, it provides some Debian-related artwork and themes, .desktop files containing links to Debian related material (suitable for placement on a user's desktop), and other common files between the available desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE. Package: desmume Description-md5: 3c38f4d8b701e8921ce8a7f5eb1a7aee Description-sl: Posnemovalnik Nintendo DS DeSmuME je posnemovalnik Nintendo DS, ki pogaja domače preizkusne igre in komercialne igre. . This package includes only the command line user interface desmume-cli. Package: devrplay3 Description-md5: a724e4059b12b3d05e4e9695624c4cc7 Description-sl: Omrežni zvočni sistem rplay - osnovna knjižnica Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico rplay (devrplay). . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: dhcp-helper Description-md5: 3f0d81b105ba1a53061098aecf217692 Description-sl: Agent releja DHCP dhcp-helper is a DHCP and BOOTP relay agent. It listens for DHCP and BOOTP broadcasts on directly connected subnets and relays them to DHCP or BOOTP servers elsewhere. dhcp-helper is much smaller than dhcp3-relay package and it does not require the Packet Filter kernel facility to be present. This makes it a good choice for use on small or embedded systems. Unlike dhcp3-relay, dhcp-helper can be configured to forward DHCP requests as broadcasts, and therefore does not need to be given the IP address of the DHCP server, only the network in which it resides. Package: dhelp Description-md5: 4184dc280d7c83dc51fcec8efe70bc76 Description-sl: Sistem spletne pomoči Read all documentation with a WWW browser. dhelp builds an index of all installed HTML documentation. You don't need a WWW server to read the documentation. dhelp offers a very fast search in the HTML documents. . You can access the online help system with the dhelp program or with your browser. The URL to point your browser at is (if you have a WWW server installed) http://localhost/doc/HTML/index.html , else (if you do not) file://localhost/usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html. Package: dhex Description-md5: eeb2f932a3a457dadbdbce4de7103655 Description-sl: Na ncurses osnovan urejevalnik šestnajstiški urejevalnik z načinom diff This is more than just another hex editor: It includes a diff mode, which can be used to easily and conveniently compare two binary files. Since it is based on ncurses and is themeable, it can run on any number of systems and scenarios. With its utilization of search logs, it is possible to track changes in different iterations of files easily. Package: dia Description-md5: 018aa331acc6ffa4e440b38dd58114c1 Description-sl: Urejevalnik diagramov Dia je urejevalnik diagramov, grafov in podobno. Podpira diagrame statičnih struktur UML (diagrami razredov), diagrame entiteta-razmerje, omrežne diagrame in veliko več. Diagrame je mogoče izvoziti v poscript in veliko drugih oblik. Package: dia-common Description-md5: 9d12e6044f35c45f65fe82a12fc94b0c Description-sl: Diagram editor (common files) Dia je urejevalnik diagramov, grafov in podobno. Podpira diagrame statičnih struktur UML (diagrami razredov), diagrame entiteta-razmerje, omrežne diagrame in veliko več. Diagrame je mogoče izvoziti v poscript in veliko drugih oblik. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: dia-shapes Description-md5: e4ff2c34ed790b4779293eedadc78bc3 Description-sl: Diagram editor (additional shapes) Dia je urejevalnik diagramov, grafov in podobno. Podpira diagrame statičnih struktur UML (diagrami razredov), diagrame entiteta-razmerje, omrežne diagrame in veliko več. Diagrame je mogoče izvoziti v poscript in veliko drugih oblik. . This package provides additional shapes for Dia. Included shapes are - Automata - AUTOSAR - Building site - Central data processing - CH-1 notation - Chemistry lab - Circuit 2 - CMOS - Digital - EPC - Electric 2 - Electrical - Electronic - Gradient - Living Systems Theory - Optics - Racks - Renewable Energy - Scenegraph - Value Stream Mapping Package: dibbler-client Description-md5: 68897480e8be904a09500fca300cc21b Description-sl: Prenosljiv odjemalec DHCPv6 The Dibbler client supports both stateful (i.e. IPv6 address granting) as well as stateless (i.e. option granting) auto-configuration modes of the DHCPv6 protocol. Besides basic capabilities, it supports various DHCPv6 extensions, for instance option renewal. Installing Dibbler allows obtaining IPv6 addresses and options from a DHCPv6 server. Package: dibbler-client-dbg Description-md5: a15add595ebdae3bfc2eda087278a22e Description-sl: Prenosljiv odjemalec DHCPv6 The Dibbler client supports both stateful (i.e. IPv6 address granting) as well as stateless (i.e. option granting) auto-configuration modes of the DHCPv6 protocol. Besides basic capabilities, it supports various DHCPv6 extensions, for instance option renewal. Installing Dibbler allows obtaining IPv6 addresses and options from a DHCPv6 server. . This package contains the debugging symbols for dibbler-client. Package: dibbler-doc Description-md5: 3af3537031d5775dd4a5e6b99a5bb932 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Dibbler This package includes both user and developer documentation, covering all aspects of the Dibbler DHCPv6 implementation: - server, client and relay usage and configuration; - various tips and frequently asked questions; - internal structure/code description and hints for developers. Package: dibbler-relay Description-md5: f88188c3457bc9cab23d11c08a90915b Description-sl: Prenosljiv rele DHCPv6 Relays are used as proxies between servers and clients. Their main advantage is the ability to support multiple remote links using only one server. Installing Dibbler relay allows serving multiple, not physically connected, links with one DHCPv6 server. Package: dibbler-relay-dbg Description-md5: cfb8eba35548b9316c88886e117b45d6 Description-sl: Prenosljiv rele DHCPv6 Relays are used as proxies between servers and clients. Their main advantage is the ability to support multiple remote links using only one server. Installing Dibbler relay allows serving multiple, not physically connected, links with one DHCPv6 server. . This package contains the debugging symbols for dibbler-relay. Package: dibbler-server Description-md5: 7aeb807bbf66da4d5cd87e3aa687cd12 Description-sl: Prenosljiv strežnik DHCPv6 The Dibbler server supports both stateful (i.e. IPv6 address granting) as well as stateless (i.e. options granting) auto-configuration modes of the DHCPv6 protocol. Relays are also supported. This package allows IPv6 hosts to be automatically configured on the network. Package: dibbler-server-dbg Description-md5: 4cf668038d463d69fda868adfd8dccf2 Description-sl: Prenosljiv strežnik DHCPv6 The Dibbler server supports both stateful (i.e. IPv6 address granting) as well as stateless (i.e. options granting) auto-configuration modes of the DHCPv6 protocol. Relays are also supported. This package allows IPv6 hosts to be automatically configured on the network. . This package contains the debugging symbols for dibbler-server. Package: dict-elements Description-md5: 61d63144083451c8db53fd19aba33b38 Description-sl: Podatki o elementih This package contains Jay Kominek's <> compilation of physical and chemical data about the elements, updated 11/07/00 formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package. . This package will be of limited use without the client and server found in the dict and dictd packages. Package: dict-wn Description-md5: 6f0bb13548fc3e09edb1f19285e99ae8 Description-sl: Elektronska leksična podatkovna zibrka angleškega slovarja za dict WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. . WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). . This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package. Package: dictem Description-md5: 2651fb5f7b53a77f6b1fb2293759f6b0 Description-sl: Odjemalec Dict za emacs DictEm implements all functions of the client part of Dictionary Server Protocol(DICT) protocol (RFC-2229,, i.e looking up words and definitions, obtaining information about available strategies, provided databases, information about DICT server etc. . It uses autocompletion that is used for selecting dictionary and search strategy. Moreover, DictEm provides several hooks which may be used for buffer postprocessing. Package: Description-md5: bf1dba8fd40f5c06be459ec24b2e8050 Description-sl: Odjemalec dict za GNUstep DictionaryReader je program slovarja, ki poizvede po strežnikih Dict na internetu in vam omogoča iskanje besed. Poskuša biti lahek in enostaven za uporabo. Package: dietlibc-doc Description-md5: 4447449173d38a211a2399ec31c59760 Description-sl: diet libc documentation - a libc optimized for small size The diet libc is a C library that is optimized for small size. It can be used to create small statically linked binaries for Linux on alpha, ARM, hppa (PA-RISC), IA-64, MIPS, PowerPC, S/390, SPARC and x86 under GPLv2. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za dietni libc. Package: diffpdf Description-md5: 1ae07bf3d536852dd5ae20b7e5bbab0d Description-sl: primerjajte dve datoteki PDF besedilno ali vidno DiffPDF se uporablja za primerjavo dveh datotek PDF. Privzeto se primerja besedilo na vsakemu paru strani, vendar pa lahko primerjate tudi videz strani (na primer, če je diagram spremenjen ali odstavek preoblikovan). Primerjate lahko tudi določene strani ali obsege. V primeru da imate dve različici datoteke PDF, eno s stranmi 1-12, drugo s stranmi 1-13, ker je bila dodatna stran vstavljena na strani 4, ju lahko primerjate z vnosom dveh obsegov strani, 1-12 za prvo in 1-3, 5-13 za drugo datoteko. DiffPDF bo primerjal strani v parih (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,5), (5,6) in tako naprej do (12,13). Package: diffuse Description-md5: 1c33e882865d2f8f6b3fb1c9c30b5bf5 Description-sl: grafično orodje za združevanje in primerjanje besedilnih datotek Difusse je grafično orodje za združevanje in primerjanje besedilnih datotek. Diffuse lahko primerja poljubno število datotek eno ob drugi in daje možnost ročne prilagoditve vrstic in neposrednega urejanja datotek. Diffuse lahko pridobi predelave datotek iz bazaar, CVS, rcs, git, mercurial, monotone, Subversion in GNU Revision Control System (RCS) skladišč za primerjavo in združevanje. Package: digikam Description-md5: 1dd6f83ea15e9366fba2298afd075680 Description-sl: program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij za KDE Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika. . Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije, obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik. . Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata, ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem. . digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo, izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik). . Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC. Package: dimbl Description-md5: 06587733ff2a291321d9c79bb2c5e523 Description-sl: Distribuiran učilnik osnovan na pomnilniku Dimbl is a wrapper around the k-nearest neighbor classifier in TiMBL, offering parallel classification on multi-CPU machines. Dimbl splits the original training set, builds separate TiMBL classifiers per training subset, and merges their nearest-neighbor sets per classified instance . Dimbl's features are: * Wraps neatly around TiMBL, retaining all command line options; * Knows what to do with your multiple, duo, or quad cores; * Makes use of the OpenMP specification for parallel programming; * Can attain superlinear speed gains compared to standard TiMBL. . Dimbl is a product of the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). . If you do scientific research in Natural Language Processing using the Memory-Based Learning technique, Dimbl will likely be of use to you. Package: disc-cover Description-md5: e79f8d9e1cb98f2481f588080c1ba039 Description-sl: Proizvaja ovitke za zvočne CD-je Disc-cover queries FreeDB for track information for a given CD and creates a jewel-case insert in one of many available formats. PostScript, PDF, Dvi, LaTeX, Plain Text, HTML, CDlabelgen and CDDB are available. Package: discover Description-md5: a5dea31ea54f4b79eeb359717cce264b Description-sl: Sistem za določanje strojne opreme Discover is a hardware identification system based on the libdiscover2 library. Discover provides a flexible interface that programs can use to report a wide range of information about the hardware that is installed on a Linux system. In addition to reporting information, Discover includes support for doing hardware detection at boot time. Package: discus Description-md5: 0c2c8364f92c763f8a2f02fc14a05faa Description-sl: Lepa različica ukaza df(1) Discus aims to make df prettier, with features such as color, graphs, and smart formatting of numbers (automatically choosing the most suitable size from kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes). If you don't want Discus deciding the best sizes, you can also choose your own increments, along with specifying the number of decimal places you'd like to see. Package: diskimage-builder-doc Description-md5: 39832beec88bd0fe6e7f2b4d2a3cb9f0 Description-sl: image building tools for Openstack - doc Diskimage-builder tools are the components of TripleO that are responsible for building disk images. It has the core functionality for building disk images, filesystem images and ramdisk images for use with OpenStack (both virtual and bare metal). The core functionality includes the various operating system specific modules for disk/filesystem images, and deployment and hardware inventory ramdisks. . The TripleO project also develops elements that can be used to deploy OpenStack itself. While users and operators can manually script or put together ram disks and disk images, mature automation makes customisation and testing easier. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: distccmon-gnome Description-md5: 3c92f4065d734516dd0192b9a48f64ee Description-sl: GTK+ monitor for distcc a distributed client and server distcc is a program to distribute compilation of C or C++ code across several machines on a network. distcc should always generate the same results as a local compile, is simple to install and use, and is often significantly faster than a local compile. distcc does not require all machines to share a filesystem, have synchronized clocks, or to have the same libraries or header files installed. . To je program nadzornika GTK+ Package: djview Description-md5: 70f803a157a01cd392d199dbc03dfe1f Description-sl: Prehoden paket, djview3 v djview4 Ease transition from djview or djview3 to djview4 with this dummy package. Package: djview3 Description-md5: 723d08e2761fe57a16db0f1a5d75091f Description-sl: Prehoden paket, djview3 v djview4 Olajšajte prehod z djview3 na djview4 s tem preizkusnim paketom. Package: djview4 Description-md5: 1b4ea606ecfb1da8696f9a4d4e6bda48 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik za vrsto slik DjVu The DjVu viewer djview4 (aka djview) is a simple multi-page viewer for DjVu-format documents. It can display, print, and save, and when supported by the document, search for text, copy text to the clipboard, follow links, etc. Package: djvulibre-bin Description-md5: c7421d25ec9e74924d5b7540e469b4bd Description-sl: Pripomočki za vrsto slik DjVu Executables including utilities for conversion between DjVu and other formats. Package: dma Description-md5: cf12c1952090646f2131dbbee7733f30 Description-sl: Lahek agent prenosa pošte The DragonFly Mail Agent is a small Mail Transport Agent (MTA), designed for home and office use. It accepts mails from local Mail User Agents (MUA) and delivers them either to local mailboxes or remote SMTP servers. Remote delivery includes support for features such as TLS/SSL and SMTP authentication. . dma is not intended as a replacement for full-featured MTAs like Sendmail, Postfix, or Exim. Consequently, dma does not listen on port 25 for incoming connections. Package: dmitry Description-md5: 43d418d2adf0b4a97f6364e7e7503f11 Description-sl: Orodje zbiranja podatkov Deepmagic DMitry is a UNIX/(GNU)Linux command line application written in C. DMitry can find possible subdomains, email addresses, uptime information, perform tcp port scan, whois lookups, and more. Package: dnscap-dev Description-md5: 3f83a419854159f1cf6e938fb755b456 Description-sl: Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic (development) dnscap is a network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic. It produces binary data in pcap(3) format. This utility is similar to tcpdump(1), but has a number of features tailored to DNS transactions and protocol options. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: dnsproxy Description-md5: 6da369a1a9ebbedee375a89b1253ceb5 Description-sl: Posredniški strežnik za poizvedbe DNS dnsproxy forwards DNS queries to two previously configured nameservers: one for authoritative queries and another for recursive queries. The received answers are sent back to the client unchanged. No local caching is done. . Primary motivation for this project was the need to replace Bind servers with djbdns in an ISP environment. These servers get recursive queries from customers and authoritative queries from outside at the same IP address. Now it is possible to run dnscache and tinydns on the same machine with queries dispatched by dnsproxy. . Another possible scenario is a firewall where proxy queries should be forwarded to the real server in a DMZ. Package: doc-central Description-md5: aa17eb85e17f6cce3fd0513b026af9b0 Description-sl: Na spletu osnovan brskalnik dokumentacije Doc-Central is a tool to browse the documentation that has been installed on your system that have registered with the doc-base subsystem. Package: docker-compose Description-md5: 0bd446176134933063c836709eac63b0 Description-sl: define and run multi-container Docker applications with YAML docker-compose is a service management software built on top of docker. Define your services and their relationships in a simple YAML file, and let compose handle the rest. . Ta paket vsebuje orodje ukazne vrstice. Package: doclifter Description-md5: e6c344e2a112ca4b9b159bb91f99662a Description-sl: Prevorba troff v DocBook Lifting documents from presentation level to semantic level is hard, and a really good job requires human polishing. This tool aims to do everything that can be mechanized, and to preserve any troff-level information that might have structural implications in XML comments. Package: dolfin-bin Description-md5: 8319156332b1455d0d2d298062600604 Description-sl: Izvedljivi skripti za DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . This package contains executable scripts for DOLFIN. Package: dolphin Description-md5: 886780d7b214152321908d6e0eee95d3 Description-sl: upravljalnik datotek Dolphin is KDE's file manager that lets you navigate and browse the contents of your hard drives, USB sticks, SD cards, and more. Creating, moving, or deleting files and folders is simple and fast. . Features include: Customisable sidebars "Breadcrumb" navigation View properties remembered for each folder Split views Integrated terminal Network transparency Undo/redo functionality Ratings, comments, and tags Package: dolphin-data Description-md5: 17fb298088ed92c2809a3c352ad7d32a Description-sl: file manager - data Dolphin is KDE's file manager that lets you navigate and browse the contents of your hard drives, USB sticks, SD cards, and more. Creating, moving, or deleting files and folders is simple and fast. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: dolphin-doc Description-md5: 77f5bc5b6ca461af21a7db4a4ec6eaaa Description-sl: file manager - documentation Dolphin is KDE's file manager that lets you navigate and browse the contents of your hard drives, USB sticks, SD cards, and more. Creating, moving, or deleting files and folders is simple and fast. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: donkey Description-md5: f8c66e1943ef8169f9166a9faf4e69eb Description-sl: Računalo enkratnega gesla Donkey is an alternative for S/KEY's "key" command. This means that donkey is also an alternative for "keyinit". Since the entry is printed to stdout (not to /etc/skeykeys), you can easily send it to a remote operator by e-mail (with a PGP signature or something). So, it is possible to initiate S/KEY without logging onto the console of the host. Package: doodle Description-md5: bfe50850cc9e9fef2a474c68ab63d2d1 Description-sl: Programnik namiznega iskanja (odjemalec) Doodle searches your hard drive for files using pattern matching on meta- data. It extracts file-format specific meta-data using libextractor and builds a suffix tree to index the files. The index can then be searched rapidly. It is similar to locate, but can take advantage of information such as ID3 tags. It is possible to do full-text indexing using the appropriate libextractor plugins. . This package contains the manual doodle client. Package: dopewars Description-md5: c610963512bb61dda22f7834bac0f290 Description-sl: igra preprodajanja mamil na ulicah New Yorka UNIX predelava programa MS-DOS z istim imenom, ki ga je navdihnila igra "Drug Wars" Johna E. Della. Imate en mesec za nakup in prodajanje drog na ulicah New Yorka. Cilj je najprej odplačati posojilodajalca in nato zaslužiti bogastvo. V primeru da morate ustreliti nekaj policajev ... Igra vključuje omreženje TCP, ki vam omogoča srečanje (in streljanje) drugih človeških preprodajalcev drog. Package: dopewars-data Description-md5: 7f37ebdd23637d987ce1321cf97907e7 Description-sl: igra preprodajanja mamil na ulicah New Yorka - podatkovne datoteke UNIX predelava programa MS-DOS z istim imenom, ki ga je navdihnila igra "Drug Wars" Johna E. Della. Imate en mesec za nakup in prodajanje drog na ulicah New Yorka. Cilj je najprej odplačati posojilodajalca in nato zaslužiti bogastvo. V primeru da morate ustreliti nekaj policajev ... Igra vključuje omreženje TCP, ki vam omogoča srečanje (in streljanje) drugih človeških preprodajalcev drog. . This package contains the required data files common to all architectures. Package: dosbox Description-md5: bf24db8d2283b937c9ed1ed4eb441903 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik x86 z grafiko Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, zvokom in DOS DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games on platforms that don't support it. . Posnemane so naslednje stare zvočne naprave: PC zvočnik, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource in Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 je posredovan do gostitelja. Package: dosbox-debug Description-md5: a94697946a3df15cea4a3d53c7c7e046 Description-sl: x86 emulator with DOS - debugger DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games on platforms that don't support it. . Posnemane so naslednje stare zvočne naprave: PC zvočnik, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource in Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 je posredovan do gostitelja. . This package contains the DOSBox debugger. Package: dot2tex Description-md5: ed8cebc8844f9f26ab1b3ee36557dcfc Description-sl: Pretvornik Graphviz v LaTeX The purpose of dot2tex is to give graphs generated by the graph layout tool Graphviz a more LaTeX friendly look and feel. This is accomplished by: . - Using native PSTricks and PGF/TikZ commands for drawing arrows, edges and nodes. - Typesetting labels with LaTeX, allowing mathematical notation. - Using backend specific styles to customize the output. Package: dotmcp Description-md5: bc34e1c4a2888b3075a97e517f3fc35a Description-sl: mcp za s3d s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje mcp za s3d. Package: doublecmd-common Description-md5: 3983530331d9a44c0bd4afe6b7a027f2 Description-sl: Upravljalnik datotek z dvema pladnjema (v slogu commander) Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas. . Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar-dev package from non-free. . This package contains common files. Package: dragonplayer Description-md5: 8e6e9720a749b1da382423928372bacc Description-sl: enostaven predvajalnik videa Predvajalnik videa z drugačno filozofijo: enostaven vmesnik brez šare. . Features: - Plays DVDs, VCDs, all video formats supported by the Phonon backend in use. - Bundled with a simple web-page KPart. - Starts quickly. . This package is part of the KDE multimedia module. Package: drawxtl Description-md5: 3d6c55626cce1d5d2f0bf3c58d3f705e Description-sl: Pregledovalnik kristalnih struktur DRAWxtl reads a basic description of the crystal structure, which includes unit-cell parameters, space group, atomic coordinates, thermal parameters or a Fourier map, and outputs a geometry object that contains polyhedra, planes, lone-pair cones, spheres or ellipsoids, bonds, iso-surface Fourier contours and the unit-cell boundary. . Four forms of graphics are produced: . * an OpenGL window for immediate viewing * the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer (POV-RAY) scene language for publication-quality drawings * the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) for dissemination across the Internet * a Postscript rendering of the OpenGL window for those who want high-quality output but do not have POV-RAY installed. . File formats DRAWxtl can read include CIF, FDAT, FullProf (pcr), GSAS, SCHAKAL, SHELX, DISCUS and WIEN2k. Package: dreamchess Description-md5: 0f6230fd0edd305113ae4299a48f390a Description-sl: 3D igra šaha DreamChess ima 3D grafiko OpenGL, ki zagotavlja različne igralne figure od lesenih do ploskih. . Vključen je srednje zmogljiv programnik šaha Dreamer. V primeru da je ta programnik za vas preslab, lahko uporabite katerikoli z XBoard združljiv programnik vključno s priljubljenima Crafty in GNU Chess. . Druge zmožnosti vključujejo seznama premika na zaslonu z zapisom SAN, zmožnost razveljavi in shranjevanje iger v vrsti PGN. Package: dreamchess-data Description-md5: f8e18dc1ad93e7b88549edb89c3658bf Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za dreamchess This package provides the data files for DreamChess including various chess board sets ranging from classic wooden to flat, 3D models of the chess pieces, graphics and audio. Package: drgeo-doc Description-md5: 41244abe7f4ab40f6557c4781a9d7190 Description-sl: Dr. Geo online user manual Install this package if you want the on-line help for the Dr. Geo software. The on-line help can be used directly from Dr. Geo. However you may need to instruct Dr. Geo about your preferred browser from the Edit->Preferences menu. . The documentation comes in Dutch, English, French, Italian & Spanish. . Dr. Geo je program vzajemne geometrije. Več podrobnosti o programu Dr. Geo lahko najdete na njegovem spletišču Package: driftnet Description-md5: af3a10ab850a6594ef182a9ac5e6e31d Description-sl: picks out and displays images from network traffic Driftnet je program, ki posluša omrežni promet in izbere slike iz pretokov TCP, ki jih opazuje. Zanimivo ga je pognati na gostitelju z veliko spletnega prometa. . (Ta program vlamlja v zasebnost. V primeru da ste občutljivi in si delite omrežje z drugimi, ki niso, ga verjetno ni pametno uporabiti.) Package: dsdp Description-md5: f23b1ccc0454351abde108cef0799570 Description-sl: Programi za delno določeno programiranje The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior- point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual- scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data. Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke. Package: dsdp-doc Description-md5: 26082894d8d34e85cfb5511f23cc16cd Description-sl: Programi za delno določeno programiranje The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior- point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual- scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data. Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: dumpasn1 Description-md5: a8b34032ca822e6f07d2d1940cacf872 Description-sl: Program izpisa predmeta ASN.1 An ASN.1 object dump program which will dump data encoded using any of the ASN.1 encoding rules in a variety of user-specified formats. . dumpasn1 employs a user-editable configuration file dumpasn1.cfg which provides information on ASN.1 object identifiers. Currently it covers all known security-related OIDs. Package: durep Description-md5: 60cbd463e68601698ba54732976e3106 Description-sl: Ustvarjanje poročil o uporabi diska durep is a perl script used for disk usage reports. It can generate text output with bar graphs to allow easy comparisons of disk usage between directories. It can also generate web pages which can be navigated through the directory structure. This allows easy visual monitoring of disk usage. Package: dvdauthor Description-md5: 0ba3076f7f4e890bbf88215aaf9bc0b3 Description-sl: Ustvarjanje datotečnega sistema DVD-Video DVDAuthor is a program that will generate a DVD movie from a valid mpeg2 stream that should play when you put it in a DVD player. Package: dvdbackup-dbg Description-md5: 491f3ef60b97db56d593abdca1aafe89 Description-sl: Razhroščevanje datotek za dvdbackup dvdbackup will extract all (or optionally only selected) titles as found on the dvd. It will structure the extracted files in a format suitable for burning at a later time with genisoimage and dvdrecord. Has the advantage of being very easy to use, small, and fast. . This package contains the stripped debugging symbols from dvdbackup. Package: dvdisaster Description-md5: 1c9a2632539347f46a8493e12ea69c19 Description-sl: Zaščita pred izgubo podatkov/praskanjem/staranjem medijev CD/DVD dvdisaster poveča varnost pred izgubo podatkov na CD in DVD medijih, ki jih povzročijo praske ali staranje medijev. Ustvari podatke popravljanja napak, ki se uporabijo za branje neberljivih odsekov, če disk kasneje postane poškodovan. Package: dvdisaster-doc Description-md5: 559fd90a21ef8c80b77c726fc625617a Description-sl: Zaščita pred izgubo podatkov/praskanjem/staranjem medijev CD/DVD (dokumentacija) dvdisaster poveča varnost pred izgubo podatkov na CD in DVD medijih, ki jih povzročijo praske ali staranje medijev. Ustvari podatke popravljanja napak, ki se uporabijo za branje neberljivih odsekov, če disk kasneje postane poškodovan. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: dvi2dvi Description-md5: 77c6462057dd951d2b13c40c0ea619d8 Description-sl: Prilagajanje datotek DVI dvi2dvi can: - expand virtual fonts in given DVI files, - change font names in given DVI files, - decompose 2-byte fonts into 1-byte subfonts. With dvi2dvi, you can convert DVI files generated by NTT jTeX to those of ASCII pTeX, and vice versa. Package: dvi2ps-fontdata-ptexfake Description-md5: 90fba73e1fcb364018f8b0e7e471a523 Description-sl: Lažne TFM datoteke pTeX Monometric TFM files for min and goth fonts of ASCII pTeX. . If you want only to convert pTeX dvi to Postscript and/or to preview pTeX dvi with xdvik-ja, install this package instead of ptex-base. Package: dvi2ps-fontdata-tbank Description-md5: aaa1a7f040738c1db5f3c7c3a7ceb3d0 Description-sl: Podatki pisav za pisavo Typebank Virtual font and TFM files for Typebank font. . If you want to print out to QMS printer, install this package. Package: dvidvi Description-md5: a08360ba1c455f3184c02f5ee02f547a Description-sl: Upravljanje z datotekami .dvi Allows you to select, change the order, and/or shift the pages in a .dvi file. . This can for example be used to print an A5 booklet on A4 paper, in such a way that you can put a staple through the bundle. A shell script that does just that is provided. Package: dwm Description-md5: 8cb85e50ac4878fe7f313053f30e9329 Description-sl: Dinamični okenski upravljalnik dwm is a minimalistic window manager. It manages windows in tiling and floating modes. Either mode can be applied dynamically, depending on the application in use and the task performed. . In tiling mode windows are managed in a master and stacking column. The master column contains the window which needs most attention at a time, whereas the stacking column contains all other windows in a stack. Dialog windows are managed floating, however. . In floating mode windows can be resized and moved freely. Windows are grouped by tags. All windows with a specific tag can be viewed at a time. But each window may contain more than one tag, which makes it visible in several views. . Please notice that dwm is currently customized through editing its source code, so you probably want to build your own dwm packages. This package is compiled with the default configuration and should just give you an idea about what dwm brings to your desktop. Package: dwww Description-md5: 3803e0ba06877c17a22ae6d69bdc4ad9 Description-sl: Preberite vso spletno dokumentacijo z brskalnikom WWW All installed on-line documentation will be served via a local HTTP server at http://localhost/dwww/. This package runs cron scripts to convert available resources to the HTML pages. Executing the dwww command starts a sensible WWW browser locally to access them. . You need to install a CGI-capable HTTP server and enable its CGI script capability manually (CGI may be disabled by default for the security consideration). For apache2, do something along the following: . $ sudo a2enmod cgid $ sudo systemctl restart apache2 . The default for the HTTP/CGI access is limited to the local user for the security consideration. Package: dynamite Description-md5: 00b801fc1af91c4a40194fcf0a479d48 Description-sl: Razširjevalnik stiskanja podatkov PKWARE Dynamite is a tool and library for decompressing data compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library and it was created from the specification provided by a post in the comp.compression newsgroup. Package: dynare-doc Description-md5: ec4af546f1e67c4f934d48a22acd98eb Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Dynare Dynare is a software platform for handling a wide class of economic models, in particular dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and overlapping generations (OLG) models. The models solved by Dynare include those relying on the rational expectations hypothesis, wherein agents form their expectations about the future in a way consistent with the model. But Dynare is also able to handle models where expectations are formed differently: on one extreme, models where agents perfectly anticipate the future; on the other extreme, models where agents have limited rationality or imperfect knowledge of the state of the economy and, hence, form their expectations through a learning process. In terms of types of agents, models solved by Dynare can incorporate consumers, productive firms, governments, monetary authorities, investors and financial intermediaries. Some degree of heterogeneity can be achieved by including several distinct classes of agents in each of the aforementioned agent categories. . Dynare offers a user-friendly and intuitive way of describing these models. It is able to perform simulations of the model given a calibration of the model parameters and is also able to estimate these parameters given a dataset. In practice, the user will write a text file containing the list of model variables, the dynamic equations linking these variables together, the computing tasks to be performed and the desired graphical or numerical outputs. . This package contains full Dynare documentation, including the reference manual. Package: dyssol-doc Description-md5: 7815a3996cef8b4f113cbdfe851f91fb Description-sl: Tool for dynamic flowsheet simulation. Documentation Dynamic simulation of solids processes, is a dynamic flowsheet modelling system designed to simulate the time-dependent behaviour of complex production processes in solids processing technology . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: eag-healpix-java-doc Description-md5: c37b80e0b174213ce5c7622d0ab61dd9 Description-sl: Handling of HEALPix sky pixellization (API docs) The package creates sky pixelization to a specified resolution. . These tools permit creation of HEALPix maps as well as use of existing maps. There are tools to translate sky coordinates (Ra, Dec) to a pixel number, and to generate a list of neighboring pixels within some specified radius. More complicated queries are also supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: easygit Description-md5: 4fbe4fa4ff41ce332b98696066b59618 Description-sl: Git za navadne smrtnike In short, Easy GIT is a single-file wrapper script for git, designed to make git easy to learn and use. . Features: * eg focuses on documentation and examples * eg removes many principle-of-least-surprise violations that catch git newbies unaware * eg provides subcommands that are a natural extension of capabilities users know from cvs/svn (eg also takes care to make sure the modifications to its subcommands are easily discoverable and error-avoiding for existing git users as well!) Package: eb-doc Description-md5: 08b2c79efc620e87f5d2a330f5b8a11d Description-sl: Knjižnica C za dostopanje do elektronskih knjig (dokumenti) EB Library is a C library for accessing CD-ROM books. . EB Library supports to access CD-ROM books of EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA and EPWING formats. CD-ROM books of those formats are popular in Japan. Since CD-ROM books themseves are stands on the ISO 9660 format, you can mount the discs by the same way as other ISO 9660 discs. . This package provides document files of EB Library. Package: Description-md5: befc794984eb58dba6a068dd7e4b9494 Description-sl: Znanstveno računalo za GNUsetp Edenmath je znanstveno računalo. Izvaja običajne zmožnosti aritmetike, verjetnosti in trigonometrije. . This is a GNUstep port of the original MacOS X application: Package: edgy-community-wallpapers Description-md5: f11265bf18704104486c528927188a47 Description-sl: Slike ozadja skupnosti Edgy The ubuntu-art Community Wallpapers for Edgy. At the moment the package contains: * Dawn Of Ubuntu Package: edgy-session-splashes Description-md5: 75f25095fbb91484bb41293053eb8325 Description-sl: Pozdravni zasloni seje Edgy The default Session Splashes for Edgy. At the moment the package contains: * Ubuntu Wave * Ubuntu Smooth Package: edgy-wallpapers Description-md5: 33d8522ddda173a8e1536eab0817df54 Description-sl: Slike ozadja Edgy The default Wallpapers for Edgy. At the moment the package contains: * Simple Ubuntu, * Ubuntu Smooth Chocolate. Package: edict Description-md5: 5ff629d66bbe71a6690890bdd67a8cd1 Description-sl: Angleško-japonski slovar The EDICT file is the outcome of a voluntary project to produce a freely available Japanese / English dictionary in machine-readable form. This package also contains the compdic, computing and communications dictionary file. Package: edubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 5dd65ba29b37da355b10c61a3385c2da Description-sl: Izobraževalno namizje za Ubuntu This package depends on the complete set of Edubuntu-supported packages. It provides an educational desktop on top of Ubuntu. It includes: * Edubuntu artwork * Preschool application bundle * Primary level application bundle * Secondary level application bundle * Tertiary level application bundle * Miscellaneous applications useful in educational settings . It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed. Package: edubuntu-desktop-minimal Description-md5: 5ed83e54ec773b35ae690e7c8f6679f2 Description-sl: Izobraževalno namizje za Ubuntu This package provides the minimal Edubuntu desktop and applications. It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed. Package: edubuntu-docs Description-md5: b0594b4f4462e16faf2c22d94ea2406d Description-sl: Dokumentacijski projekt Ubuntu - dokumentacija Edubuntu This package holds the official Edubuntu-specific documentation, maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Team. It includes the Edubuntu Handbook, About Edubuntu, and the School Advocacy Guide. . The guides can be viewed using Yelp, the GNOME help browser. Package: edubuntu-live Description-md5: 9d37d398ab07bf86ec56ae178990ef13 Description-sl: Podpora živih medije Edubuntu Provides helper scripts and plugins required for any Edubuntu live media. Package: eekboek-gui Description-md5: fec67544aeaa61ac5e8e7ea720bd2928 Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik za EekBoek This package includes ebwxshell, the EekBoek GUI. It offers an EekBoek browser, useful for viewing the administrative data. It's especially useful for generating, printing and pinpointing reports. Furthermore, it offers a raw interface to the EekBoek Shell. Finally, it offers a Wizard to help configuring new bookkeeping administrations. . Install it if you need a friendly interface to the EekBoek reporting facilities, or if you would like help in configuring EekBoek. However, if you prefer working in pure text mode, or don't like to install the WX graphical packages, you should not install this package. Package: eggdrop Description-md5: 161de1f7bee0eec28ae512e8e07cf964 Description-sl: Napredni robot IRC Eggdrop is an IRC bot written in C, which sits on channels and takes protective measures, such as preventing it from being taken over (in the few ways that anything can), recognizing banned users to reject them, recognizing privileged users to give them operator status, punishing users for things like flooding, among innumerable others. . All of this is completely configurable, and can be disabled or enabled as you wish in the configuration file. Also, it's very easy to expand and customize with Tcl scripts and C modules, making it possible to adapt Eggdrop to any special need you might have. Package: eggdrop-data Description-md5: 7123f07310333491264d42096ed5754b Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za eggdrop This package contains all the files that eggdrop places on /usr/share. These files are not specific to a single processor architecture once the package is built, so a single package can serve all the archs Debian supports. . This package is not useful at all if eggdrop is not installed. Package: eiciel Description-md5: 27a943906d111be0fe96b750e96c3159 Description-sl: grafični urejevalnik za POSIX ACLs in razširjene uporabniške atribute Grafično orodje za upravljanje ACL-jev POSIX in razširjenih uporabniških atributov za okolje GNOME. Lepo se vključi v upravljalnik datotek Nautilus, vendar vključuje tudi samostojen program. Package: einstein Description-md5: b328253d1207c4bcb1cdf16a8c8a89d3 Description-sl: Ugankarska igra ki jo je navdihnila Einsteinova uganka Ta uganka je ponovna ustvarite stare igre DOS Sherlock, ki jo je navdihnila uganka Alberta Einsteina. Cilj igre je odpeti vse karte v kvadratu 6x6 kart. Za to so podani številni namigi, ki opisujejo razmerja med kartami in danimi položaji. Uporabite jih za iskanje pravilne razporeditve. Package: eiskaltdcpp-common Description-md5: 683759d12ffe5042c9c5e32d90cf1347 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za EiskaltDC++ This package contains the common files for EiskaltDC++ Qt and GTK+ GUIs. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-daemon Description-md5: 7e8a2d226c7c16a43af360bcf3205909 Description-sl: Ozadnji program EiskaltDC++ This package installs only EiskaltDC++ daemon (without any GUI). Support of control via JSON-RPC is enabled. Look at EiskaltDC++ CLI and Web UI programs for controlling it. . EiskaltDC++ Qt and GTK+ UI may be used for configuring of EiskaltDC++ daemon (they use the same settings from core library), but they should not be launched simultaneously. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-emoticons Description-md5: d806b6e0696ed8889af38ef311da4568 Description-sl: Izrazne ikone za EiskaltDC++ Ta paket vsebuje pakete izraznih ikon za EiskaltDC++. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-gtk-data Description-md5: 83eec870827619591de2a62017d70732 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za EiskaltDC++ Gtk This package contains the data files for EiskaltDC++ GTK+. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-qt-data Description-md5: 7fc63720c072a5527d7404bda6d5ec53 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za EiskaltDC++ Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za EiskaltDC++ Qt. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-scripts Description-md5: 73e04e16c4a032ef92dfeb0f2489e588 Description-sl: Primeri skriptov za EiskaltDC++ This package contains the scripts examples for EiskaltDC++. They are used by /sh and /alias chat commands (see man page or /help in chat). . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-sounds Description-md5: ef95564724b25992678463b6271e06b0 Description-sl: Zvočne datoteke za EiskaltDC++ This package contains the sound files for EiskaltDC++ Qt and GTK+ GUIs. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: elastichosts-utils Description-md5: 040a504864f16568c46d0f5ffa0b4121 Description-sl: Pripomočki za sporazumevanje z ElasticHosts ElasticHosts is a cloud computing provider, offering hosted KVM based virtual machines. . This package provides the cli utilities needed to interact with the ElasticHosts API. Package: electric Description-md5: a6c312c9e8daf2c1686037aa441a7057 Description-sl: Električni sistem CAD Electric je izpopolnjen električni sistem CAD, ki lahko upravlja z veliko oblikami zasnove vezij, vključno z razporeditvijo IC po meri (ASIC), shematskimi risbami, določila jezika opisa strojne opreme in hibridna elektro-mehanična razporeditev. Package: electric-fence Description-md5: 81225779998561422a8be51affd47171 Description-sl: Razhroščevalnik malloc(3) Electric Fence is a debugger that uses virtual memory hardware to detect illegal memory accesses. It can detect two common programming bugs: software that overruns or underruns the boundaries of a malloc() memory allocation, and software that touches a memory allocation that has been released by free(). . Unlike other malloc() debuggers, Electric Fence will detect read accesses as well as writes, and it will stop and pinpoint the exact instruction that causes an error. It is not as thorough as Purify, however. . In order to debug a program it needs to be linked with Electric Fence's library or dynamic linking needs to be used; README.Debian explains that in detail. Package: elinks Description-md5: 66ee559746b6122c8f9322ccc27fd1f6 Description-sl: napreden spletni brskalnik v besedilnem načinu ELinks je z zmožnostmi bogat progam za brskanje po spletu v besedilnem načinu. Je kot izboljšana Lynx in Links. Najpomembnejše zmožnosti Elinks so: . * veliko protokolov (krajevne datoteke, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 itd.) * mednarodna imena domen * trajni piškotki, overitev HTTP in overitev posredniškega strežnika * brskanje v zavihkih, meniji in pogovorna okna lepega videza in upravljalnik tipkovnih bližnjic * brskanje po zgodovini in iskanje med tipkanjem * zgodovina in izpolnjevanje obrazcev in zgodovina pogosto uporabljenih vnosnih polj * podpora CSS in podpora za skriptanje v brskalniku (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * izrisovanje preglednic in okvirjev in nastavljiva podpora barv * stisnjeni prejemi in prejemi v ozadju (ne-blokirajoči) in nadaljevanje prejemov . This package is based on elinks fork, since original elinks seems to be no longer maintained. Package: elinks-data Description-md5: b12fd0ea4ccdeeebd88e81a5321ce4cc Description-sl: napreden spletni brskalnik v besedilnem načinu - podatkovne datoteke ELinks je z zmožnostmi bogat progam za brskanje po spletu v besedilnem načinu. Je kot izboljšana Lynx in Links. Najpomembnejše zmožnosti Elinks so: . * veliko protokolov (krajevne datoteke, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 itd.) * mednarodna imena domen * trajni piškotki, overitev HTTP in overitev posredniškega strežnika * brskanje v zavihkih, meniji in pogovorna okna lepega videza in upravljalnik tipkovnih bližnjic * brskanje po zgodovini in iskanje med tipkanjem * zgodovina in izpolnjevanje obrazcev in zgodovina pogosto uporabljenih vnosnih polj * podpora CSS in podpora za skriptanje v brskalniku (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * izrisovanje preglednic in okvirjev in nastavljiva podpora barv * stisnjeni prejemi in prejemi v ozadju (ne-blokirajoči) in nadaljevanje prejemov . This package contains the data files that are necessary to use ELinks. Package: elinks-doc Description-md5: 51de3db0ddd45c8875ca36ea5debfd21 Description-sl: napreden spletni brskalnik v besedilnem načinu - dokumentacija ELinks je z zmožnostmi bogat progam za brskanje po spletu v besedilnem načinu. Je kot izboljšana Lynx in Links. Najpomembnejše zmožnosti Elinks so: . * veliko protokolov (krajevne datoteke, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 itd.) * mednarodna imena domen * trajni piškotki, overitev HTTP in overitev posredniškega strežnika * brskanje v zavihkih, meniji in pogovorna okna lepega videza in upravljalnik tipkovnih bližnjic * brskanje po zgodovini in iskanje med tipkanjem * zgodovina in izpolnjevanje obrazcev in zgodovina pogosto uporabljenih vnosnih polj * podpora CSS in podpora za skriptanje v brskalniku (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * izrisovanje preglednic in okvirjev in nastavljiva podpora barv * stisnjeni prejemi in prejemi v ozadju (ne-blokirajoči) in nadaljevanje prejemov . This package contains the documentation and manuals for ELinks. Package: eliom Description-md5: 62cffbc5c03a5d5b712313b94492b594 Description-sl: web framework for ocsigenserver (tools) Eliom allows one to easily develop sophisticated client/server Web applications using OCaml. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja ukazne vrstice. Package: elkdoc Description-md5: dea51b590377787fc619281bce3115fe Description-sl: Dokumentacija za zbirko jezika razširitev Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, designed specifically as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C or C++. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Elk. Package: elpa-acl2 Description-md5: 785e47d860f1b215d53efbb4f2bef1fc Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje vmesnik emacs do ACL2. Package: elpa-agda2-mode Description-md5: 7cfcb4a5e7415e1476d23d2fd002910b Description-sl: dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Ta paket vsebuje vzajemni razvojni način emacs za Agda. Ta način je prednosti način pisanja kode Agda in ponuja zmožnosit kot so vzajemen razvoj, dodelava, preučevanje primerov in tako naprej. Package: elpa-c-sig Description-md5: 4d302e09376ca6266ae333536379a497 Description-sl: Orodje podpisa za GNU Emacs C-sig is a signature insertion tool for GNU Emacs. Features in c-sig include: - registering signatures interactively - learning facility - expanding signatures dynamically - modifying signatures through elisp functions Package: elpa-debian-el Description-md5: 4029db2c949a50f48d1561f610133a9d Description-sl: Emacs helpers specific to Debian users Ta paket vsebuje: . apt-sources - major mode for editing Debian sources.list files; apt-utils - interface to APT (Debian package management); debian-bug - an Emacs command to submit a bug report; deb-view - view contents of Debian package, similarly to tar-mode; gnus-BTS - provides buttons for bug numbers seen in Gnus messages; preseed - major mode for editing debian- installer preseed files. Package: elpa-dpkg-dev-el Description-md5: 6f16bdd3c65ef069a0676cc82fd8195c Description-sl: Emacs helpers specific to Debian development Ta paket vsebuje: . debian-bts-control - builds email messages; debian-changelog-mode - a helper mode for Debian changelogs; debian- control-mode - a helper mode for debian/control files; debian-copyright - major mode for Debian package copyright files; readme-debian - major mode for editing README.Debian files. Package: elpa-elscreen Description-md5: 18aec7f9e68c96b8e176faee7f0adf96 Description-sl: Zaslon za Emacsen This Emacs Lisp enables you to have multiple screens (window- configuration) on your Emacsen, just like GNU screen does on the shell environment. Package: elpa-emacsql-mysql Description-md5: e2c926e0aae3e864f3e64a71d6525877 Description-sl: high level SQL database frontend for Emacs (MySQL backend) EmacSQL is a high level Emacs Lisp frontend for SQLite (primarily), PostgreSQL, MySQL, and potentially other SQL databases. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje MySQL. Package: elpa-emacsql-psql Description-md5: 38d01395cda8cb0758f9ee4dd4147aef Description-sl: high level SQL database frontend for Emacs (PostgreSQL backend) EmacSQL is a high level Emacs Lisp frontend for SQLite (primarily), PostgreSQL, MySQL, and potentially other SQL databases. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje PostgreSQL. Package: elpa-find-file-in-project Description-md5: d8eb766e1e5f5e2a078f215a5b0b5dce Description-sl: quick access to project files in Emacs This library provides methods for quickly finding any file in a project. It uses GNU Find by default, but can also use (the significantly faster) fd-find. Find-file-in-project supports the following candidate selection interfaces: Consult, Helm, Ido, Ivy, Selectrum, and the Emacs built-in 'completing-read'. . By default, FFIP will search for files in a local Git, Subversion, or Mercurial repository. FFIP uses TRAMP to find files in remote repositories, and claims this is "flawlessly" supported. . Zmožnosti: . * Fast! Tested with projects that have 50,000+ files * Find's behaviour can be tweaked using ffip-find-options * Smart! The keyword "helloWorld", returns "HelloWorld.html", "hello-world.css", and "HelloWorld.js". * Enhances diff-mode with more convenient patch-handling, including diff creation, application, finding the file associated with a given hunk, and jumping to the section relevant to that hunk * No configuration required. Find-file-in-project works out-of-the-box * Supports evil-mode, with additional configuration (see README) Package: elpa-gcl27 Description-md5: 15ce0902f0a2ba74780946183822809c Description-sl: Skupni GNU kodni prevajalnik Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains an emacs interface to GCL. Package: elpa-geiser Description-md5: bd2b9ebe1c20149dada06b7858f44898 Description-sl: Izboljšana vzajemni način Sheme za Emacs Geiser features an enhanced REPL and a set of minor modes improving Emacs' basic scheme major mode. The main functionalities provided are: - Evaluation of forms in the namespace of the current module. - Macro expansion. - File/module loading. - Namespace-aware identifier completion (including local bindings, names visible in the current module, and module names). - Autodoc: the echo area shows information about the signature of the procedure/macro around point automatically. - Jump to definition of identifier at point. - Access to documentation (including docstrings when the implementation provides it). - Listings of identifiers exported by a given module. - Listings of callers/callees of procedures. - Rudimentary support for debugging (list of evaluation/compilation error in an Emacs' compilation-mode buffer). Package: elpa-jabber Description-md5: 78e9c6d249887de1ffadd4eac0b97141 Description-sl: Odjemalec Jabber za Emacsen jabber.el (emacs-jabber) is a Jabber client for Emacs. While this is still a development version, it offers all the basic instant messaging functions and is highly customizable. Package: elpa-nov Description-md5: 021ed319c8832bfe5437072f4ed5d3eb Description-sl: featureful EPUB (ebook) reader mode for Emacs nov.el provides a major mode for reading EPUB documents (ebooks) in Emacs. . Zmožnosti: . - Basic navigation (jump to TOC, previous/next chapter) - Remembering and restoring the last read position - Jump to next chapter when scrolling beyond end - Renders EPUB2 (.ncx) and EPUB3 (<nav>) TOCs - Hyperlinks to internal and external targets - Supports textual and image documents - View source of document files - Metadata display - Image rescaling Package: elpa-pyim Description-md5: 35ae1bb80de6d5cfb02fb07d4e1ed562 Description-sl: Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime pyim is a Chinese input method in the Emacs environment. The code of pyim is derived from Emacs-eim, which development stopped after 2008. Although the external input method is powerful, it can't cooperate with Emacs tacitly, which greatly damages the feeling of Emacs. . Zmožnosti: . - pyim supports Quanpin, Shuangpin, Wubi and Cangjie, among which Quanpin is the best; . - pyim optimizes the input method by adding thesaurus; . - pyim uses the text lexicon format, which is convenient for processing; . - pyim can be used as the front end for rime. Package: elpa-verbiste Description-md5: c70e0df166c47b40f991f8bf401b551e Description-sl: French and Italian conjugator - emacs extension Verbsite je program, ki daje celotna sklanjanja za francoske in italijanske glagole. Zbirka znanja vsebuje več kot 6800 glagolov. . This package contains an emacs interface to verbiste. Package: emacs-el Description-md5: 293759cc44e4faeb7e4ad6e292cf8c63 Description-sl: GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files GNU Emacs je razširljiv samo-dokumentirajoč urejevalnik besedila. Ta paket vsebuje vire elisp za prikladnost uporabnikom in prihranek prostora v glavnem paketu za majhne sisteme. Package: email-reminder Description-md5: 6c7c762521636392c9555f9431302a3a Description-sl: Pošiljanje opomnikov o dogodkih preko e-pošte Program Email-reminder uporabnikom omogoča določitev dogodkov o katerih želijo biti obveščeni preko e-pošte. Mogoči dogodki vključujejo rojstne dneve, obletnice in letne dogodke. Opomnike lahko pošljete na dan dogodka ali nekaj dni prej. . This package includes the cron job that checks for events and send reminders once a daily. . Prepričajte se, da ste namestili paket anacron, če je vaš računalnik pomoči izklopljen, saj sicer opomniki ne bodo nikoli poslani. Package: emboss-data Description-md5: 79d0d9db011c2a24220e35e5ee92592d Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za paket EMBOSS. EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages. . This package includes data files needed by EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Package: emboss-doc Description-md5: d926213056ed1d2b8e46debd2a4dc5e3 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za EMBOSS EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages. . This package includes non-essential user documentation for EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Package: emboss-lib Description-md5: 1a4b801fb90e6b942e8beea3b7049542 Description-sl: Knjižnice EMBOSS This package contains the core libraries of the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite, EMBOSS. . AJAX covers standard data structures, including strings, sequences, file handles, queues, hashes, heaps, lists, dictionaries, trees and dynamic arrays. It also covers standard algorithms including comparisons, pattern matching, sorting, and iterators. AJAX will also provide a set of high level graphics functions suited to the needs of sequence analysis applications. . The NUCLEUS library provides higher-level functions specific to molecular sequence analysis, including sequence comparisons, translation, codon usage and annotation. . It also contains a eplplot, an EMBOSS, a fork of the plplot library. . In Debian, these libraries are to be considered private. Package: emboss-test Description-md5: 33b303fdfa62c3269ac3aee5dea31b45 Description-sl: Preizkzsne datoteke za paket EMBOSS EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages. . This package includes test files for EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. . It is a good idea to use the data from this package for your bug reports when possible. Package: emerald Description-md5: 19f803b1f70284caef3a7732c876715f Description-sl: Decorator for compiz Emerald so okraski oken za okenski upravljalnik Compiz, ki uporablja vrsto teme po meri (*.emerald). Je visoko nastavljiv in podpira različne programnike tem s prozornostjo in natančno postavitvijo mej in predmetov naziva okna. . This package provides a decorator for compiz and a themer application. Package: emerald-themes Description-md5: 5f26cc29ae6dd8427e23960c72f1152e Description-sl: Themes for emerald window decorator Emerald so okraski oken za okenski upravljalnik Compiz, ki uporablja vrsto teme po meri (*.emerald). Je visoko nastavljiv in podpira različne programnike tem s prozornostjo in natančno postavitvijo mej in predmetov naziva okna. . This package provides the themes for emerald window decorator. Package: emms Description-md5: 99d13267d248f801ff2cee2566395f79 Description-sl: Sistem predstavnosti Emacs EMMS is the Emacs Multi-Media System. It tries to be a clean and small application to play multimedia files from Emacs using external players. Package: empire-hub Description-md5: da0baae69903b39d0327e3d1b150a357 Description-sl: Zavijalnik protokola Empire This package allows multiple clients to connect to an Empire server over a single connection. Package: emscripten-doc Description-md5: f0e422567662ce47b8f128b7deffb4da Description-sl: LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler Emscripten is an LLVM to JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode, also called LLVM IR (which can be generated from C/C++ using Clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM bitcode) and compiles that into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript can run). . Using Emscripten, you can * Compile C and C++ code into JavaScript and run that on the web * Run code in languages like Python as well, by compiling CPython from C to JavaScript and interpreting code in that on the web . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: enblend Description-md5: 60a4b912f87ffb96d7ec9562509d24a1 Description-sl: Orodje za mešanje slik Enblend is a tool for compositing images. Given a set of images that overlap in some irregular way, Enblend overlays them in such a way that the seam between the images is invisible, or at least very difficult to see. It can, for example, be used to blend a panorama composed of several images. . It uses a Burt & Adelson multi-resolution spline. This technique tries to make the seams between the input images invisible. The basic idea is that image features should be blended across a transition zone proportional in size to the spatial frequency of the features. For example, objects like trees and windowpanes have rapid changes in color. By blending these features in a narrow zone, you will not be able to see the seam because the eye already expects to see color changes at the edge of these features. Clouds and sky are the opposite. These features have to be blended across a wide transition zone because any sudden change in color will be immediately noticeable. . Enblend does not align images for you. Use a tool like Hugin or PanoTools to do this. The TIFFs produced by these programs are exactly what Enblend is designed to work with. Package: encfs Description-md5: 548b455c473b2471eae5efe6de874f33 Description-sl: Šifriran navidezni datotečni sistem EncFS integrates file system encryption into the Unix(TM) file system. Encrypted data is stored within the native file system, thus no fixed-size loopback image is required. . EncFS uses the FUSE kernel driver and library as a backend. Package: engrampa-common Description-md5: fdfde1c8a9a6e7067950f078f1f16898 Description-sl: archive manager for MATE (common files) Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to: . * Create and modify archives. * View the content of an archive. * View a file contained in an archive. * Extract files from the archive. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: enigma Description-md5: 366b4c0e1f58c25a2dd540823d04753a Description-sl: Game where you control a marble with the mouse Enigma je ugankarska igra, ki je podoba Oxyd na Atarti ST ali Rock'n'Roll na Amiga in dobri stari Marble Madness. Ima tudi stopnje Sokoban in nekaj zanimivih sprememb izvirnega koncepta sokoban. . V igri Enigma je vaš cilj najti in odkriti ujemajoče se pare kamnov Oxyd. To se sliši enostavno, vendar je ta naloga težja saj so kamni Oxyd skriti, nedostopni in zaščiteni z nepričakovanimi pastmi. Reševanje teh ovir pogosto zahteva precej odločnosti in pameti (to je lahko precej zasvojljivo). . Ta paket vsebuje programnik igre. Package: enigma-data Description-md5: d485f1c5e342972301b2584fc4548698 Description-sl: Data files for the game enigma Enigma je ugankarska igra, ki je podoba Oxyd na Atarti ST ali Rock'n'Roll na Amiga in dobri stari Marble Madness. Ima tudi stopnje Sokoban in nekaj zanimivih sprememb izvirnega koncepta sokoban. . V igri Enigma je vaš cilj najti in odkriti ujemajoče se pare kamnov Oxyd. To se sliši enostavno, vendar je ta naloga težja saj so kamni Oxyd skriti, nedostopni in zaščiteni z nepričakovanimi pastmi. Reševanje teh ovir pogosto zahteva precej odločnosti in pameti (to je lahko precej zasvojljivo). . This package contains the data files (levels, graphics, sounds). Package: enigma-doc Description-md5: 1bd46b6863570983986b8d9f86c9488c Description-sl: Dokumentacija za igro enigma Enigma je ugankarska igra, ki je podoba Oxyd na Atarti ST ali Rock'n'Roll na Amiga in dobri stari Marble Madness. Ima tudi stopnje Sokoban in nekaj zanimivih sprememb izvirnega koncepta sokoban. . V igri Enigma je vaš cilj najti in odkriti ujemajoče se pare kamnov Oxyd. To se sliši enostavno, vendar je ta naloga težja saj so kamni Oxyd skriti, nedostopni in zaščiteni z nepričakovanimi pastmi. Reševanje teh ovir pogosto zahteva precej odločnosti in pameti (to je lahko precej zasvojljivo). . This package contains the manual and level creating guide Package: enscribe Description-md5: 8e61f7223a2ea3fceffe624c791dc967 Description-sl: Pretvorite slike v zvoke Enscribe converts the scanlines of the input image into frequency components and then using an inverse Fast Fourier Transform, converts them into sound. The left side of the image is the low frequency end, and the right is the high end, up to just under the Nyquist limit if you want it to. There are several tunable parameters as to how colour is converted into stereo sound and the frequency range to be used. This conversion can be used to create resilient audio watermarks or to simply create interesting sounds from images. Package: eom-common Description-md5: c848fbc723088e675f454caa830ef9a2 Description-sl: Eye of MATE graphics viewer program (common files) eom or the Eye of MATE is a simple graphics viewer for the MATE desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: epic4 Description-md5: deab0227c20efd2b4b1bd5a140b463f3 Description-sl: Odjemalec irc epic, različica 4 epic4 is an irc client based on ircII. It is primarily suited to users who wish to write their own irc scripts or have irc scripts written by others. . Previous versions of epic were 100% compatible with ircII 2.8.2, though this is no longer the case. Instead we've taken a new direction and chosen to find places where compatibility with ircII is undesirable and fix them. No gratuitous incompatibilities have been added, though many new features have been. Package: epic5 Description-md5: 6d8a541e08d80d4b65dba9febd82c8d2 Description-sl: Odjemalec irc epic, različica 5 epic5 is an irc client based on ircII. It is primarily suited to users who wish to write their own irc scripts or have irc scripts written by others. . Previous versions of epic were 100% compatible with ircII 2.8.2, though this is no longer the case. Instead we've taken a new direction and chosen to find places where compatibility with ircII is undesirable and fix them. No gratuitous incompatibilities have been added, though many new features have been. Package: epiphany Description-md5: 23567009d86366006897fa1e76cf272a Description-sl: klon igre Boulder Dash Epiphany je klon igre Boulder Dash, ki deluje na več sistemih. V tej igri morajo igralci zbrati vse vredne minerale razstrosene po posamezni stopnji in se hkrati izogniti padajočim skalam in bombam. . Boulder Dash je bila ena od najboljših iger za Commodore 64. Package: epiphany-browser Description-md5: 767a0ee0cafbd123a7d0ad923e60350d Description-sl: Inituitiven spletni brskalnik GNOME Epiphany je enostaven a zmogljiv spletni brskalnik GNOME, ki je namenjen za ne-tehnične uporabnike. Njegova principa sta enostavnost in združljivost s standardni. . Simplicity is achieved by a well designed user interface and reliance on external applications for performing external tasks (such as reading email). Simplicity does not mean less features; Epiphany has everything a modern web browser is expected to have. . Združljivost na področju HTML je zagotovljena z uporabo programnika izrisovanja WebKitGTK+ (ki je osnovan na programniku, ki sta ga uporabljala Apple Safari in Google Chrome). Uporabniški vmesnik tesno sledi smernicam vmesnika za ljudi GNOME (HIG) in z dobro vključitvijo v namizje GNOME. Package: epiphany-browser-data Description-md5: 602cd9c52c5ffccb213ecf3dec85b99d Description-sl: Data files for the GNOME web browser Epiphany je enostaven a zmogljiv spletni brskalnik GNOME, ki je namenjen za ne-tehnične uporabnike. Njegova principa sta enostavnost in združljivost s standardni. . This package contains the common files, artwork and translations for Epiphany. Package: eqonomize Description-md5: 16f78c2e9cb745463b9fe877dc2b74c1 Description-sl: program osebnega računovodstva za majhna gospodinjstva Eqonomize! je program osebnega računovodstva za KDE, ki je osredotočen na učinkovitost in enostavnost uporabe za majhno gospodinjstvo. Zagotavlja celotno rešitev knjigovodstva z dvojnim vnašanjem in podporo za ponavljajoče se transakcije, investicije in proračune. Da vam jasen pregled preteklih in trenutnih transakcij in razvoj prihodkov in stroškov z opisnimi preglednicami in grafi kot tudi oceno prihodnjih vrednosti računov. Package: eqonomize-doc Description-md5: 670a090fd34947110da002baa35bb99f Description-sl: documentation for the Eqonomize! accounting software Eqonomize! je program osebnega računovodstva za KDE, ki je osredotočen na učinkovitost in enostavnost uporabe za majhno gospodinjstvo. . Ta paket vsebuje priročnik Eqonomize!. Package: eric Description-md5: d8f7e1fd7028e5ce234755d0bc6db8d8 Description-sl: Polno zmožno IDE Python eric is a full featured Python IDE written in PyQt using the QScintilla editor widget. Some highlights * Any number of editors with configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, auto indenting and brace highlighting. * Integrated Project Management facility to organize your projects. The project browser shows all source files, all forms and all translations each on its own tab. The source browser has built in class browsing capabilities. * Integrated and full featured debuggers for Python and Ruby. * Interactive shells for Python and Ruby. * An explorer window for walking through your directory structure with built in class browsing capabilities for Python files. * Variable windows that display local and global variables in the current scope while debugging a program. * An integrated interface to the Python Module "unittest". * An integrated help viewer to display HTML help files. Alternatively you can choose to use Qt-Assistant to view help files. * Display of the UI in different languages. * The capability to start Qt-Designer and Qt-Linguist from within eric5. * The ability to compile Qt-Designer forms, to produce Qt-Linguist files and release them from within the IDE. Package: erlang Description-md5: 444ffdeb0f4a95a7e36f20d18ac794cb Description-sl: Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language Open Source Erlang je delujoč programski jezik, ki so ga zasnovali v Ericcson Computer Science Laboratory. . Some of Erlang main features are: * Clear declarative syntax and is largely free from side-effects; * Built-in support for real-time, concurrent and distributed programming; * Designed for development of robust and continuously operated programs; * Dynamic code replacement at runtime. . The Erlang distribution also includes OTP (Open Telecom Platform) which provides a rich set of libraries and applications. . This package is a dummy package which will install Erlang/OTP runtime, applications, sources, code examples and the Erlang editing mode for Emacs. Package: erlang-manpages Description-md5: cdc7cc48bad4a582e48a14f54e037734 Description-sl: Strani priročnika Erlang/OTP Documentation for the Erlang programming language in `man' format. This documentation can be read using the command `erl -man mod', where `mod' is the name of the module you want documentation on. . This package contains all Erlang/OTP manual pages from sections other than 1. They document Erlang/OTP modules, config files and applications. Package: esmtp Description-md5: 7c6c6c9056c9e1f21f4ef37dd0c68b0f Description-sl: user configurable relay-only MTA ESMTP is a user configurable relay-only Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) with a sendmail-compatible syntax. It's based on libESMTP supporting the AUTH (including the CRAM-MD5 and NTLM SASL mechanisms) and the StartTLS SMTP extensions. . ESMTP does not receive mail, expand aliases or manage a queue but can deliver mail locally via an MDA. . Ta paket vsebuje program esmtp. Package: espeak Description-md5: e4d7ea42a09ed7423403adc9c62ce2f5 Description-sl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer eSpeak je programski sintetizator govora za angleščino in nekatere druge jezike. . eSpeak proizvaja angleški govor dobre kakovosti. Uporablja drug način kot drugih odprtokodni programniki TTS (besedilo v govor), zato je slišati precej drugače. Morda ni slišati tako naravno ali "gladko", vendar se vam bo morda zdela artikulacija jasnejša in po daljših obdobjih lažja za poslušanje. . It can run as a command line program to speak text from a file or from stdin. . * Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. * Can produce speech output as a WAV file. * Can translate text to phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. * Potential for other languages. More than 40 languages are included. * Compact size. The program and its data total about 350 kbytes. * Written in C++. Package: espeak-data Description-md5: b42247f7f19f21e26acfed336bd9a588 Description-sl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: speech data files eSpeak je programski sintetizator govora za angleščino in nekatere druge jezike. . This package contains necessary synthesizer data files needed for the espeak program, and the shared library. Package: espeakedit Description-md5: a025e7ca12a6b3b89c769bb05706df00 Description-sl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer - editor eSpeak je programski sintetizator govora za angleščino in nekatere druge jezike. . eSpeakEdit provides a User Interface to edit the eSpeak voices. Package: eterm Description-md5: 32ac0d46ea64df4dd82d41c7ed7b886d Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala Enlightened A terminal emulator in the spirit of xterm or rxvt, eterm uses an Enlightenment style config file, as well as themes. The Imlib2 graphics engine is used to render images. This version supports background images, pixmapped scrollbars, pseudo-transparency, and POSIX threads. Package: etherape Description-md5: 4dd46dd38c9e87a20d132cba1725b4c8 Description-sl: Nadzornik grafičnega omrežja EtherApe je grafični nadzornik omrežje, ki je podoben etherman. Grafično prikaže dejavnost omrežja pri čemer dejavne gostitelje prikaže kot kroge različnih velikosti in promet med njimi kot črte različnih debelin. . Vsebuje plast povezav, načina ip in TCP, barvno-barvno kodiran prikaz protokolov, Eternet, FDDI, ključ žetonov, naprave ISDN, PPP in SLIP. Filtrira lahko prikazan promet in ga lahko bere iz datoteke kot tudi neposredno iz omrežja. Package: etherape-data Description-md5: f30eacbe021d76cfe8872e502811cc8c Description-sl: graphical network monitor (data files) EtherApe je grafični nadzornik omrežje, ki je podoben etherman. Grafično prikaže dejavnost omrežja pri čemer dejavne gostitelje prikaže kot kroge različnih velikosti in promet med njimi kot črte različnih debelin. . Vsebuje plast povezav, načina ip in TCP, barvno-barvno kodiran prikaz protokolov, Eternet, FDDI, ključ žetonov, naprave ISDN, PPP in SLIP. Filtrira lahko prikazan promet in ga lahko bere iz datoteke kot tudi neposredno iz omrežja. . This package contains the data files for etherape. Package: ettercap-common Description-md5: f1d894b138f387661d0f40a8940fb185 Description-sl: Večnamenski program za vohljanje/prestrezanje/beleženje za preklopljen LAN Ettercap supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even encrypted ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis. . Mogoča sta tudi vstavitev podatkov v vzpostavljeno povezavo in sprotno filtriranje (zamenjava ali spust paketa) kar obdrži povezavo usklajeno. . Many sniffing modes are implemented, for a powerful and complete sniffing suite. It is possible to sniff in four modes: IP Based, MAC Based, ARP Based (full-duplex) and PublicARP Based (half-duplex). . Ettercap also has the ability to detect a switched LAN, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to find the geometry of the LAN. . This package contains the Common support files, configuration files, plugins, and documentation. You must also install either ettercap- graphical or ettercap-text-only for the actual GUI-enabled or text-only ettercap executable, respectively. Package: ettercap-graphical Description-md5: 7159d7c312a06889578b22a84809a38d Description-sl: Ettercap GUI-enabled executable Ettercap supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even encrypted ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis. . Mogoča sta tudi vstavitev podatkov v vzpostavljeno povezavo in sprotno filtriranje (zamenjava ali spust paketa) kar obdrži povezavo usklajeno. . Many sniffing modes are implemented, for a powerful and complete sniffing suite. It is possible to sniff in four modes: IP Based, MAC Based, ARP Based (full-duplex) and PublicARP Based (half-duplex). . Ettercap also has the ability to detect a switched LAN, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to find the geometry of the LAN. . This package contains the ettercap GUI-enabled executable. Package: ettercap-text-only Description-md5: 13f098001b1382bd3f06297dee73a36f Description-sl: Ettercap console-mode executable Ettercap supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even encrypted ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis. . Mogoča sta tudi vstavitev podatkov v vzpostavljeno povezavo in sprotno filtriranje (zamenjava ali spust paketa) kar obdrži povezavo usklajeno. . Many sniffing modes are implemented, for a powerful and complete sniffing suite. It is possible to sniff in four modes: IP Based, MAC Based, ARP Based (full-duplex) and PublicARP Based (half-duplex). . Ettercap also has the ability to detect a switched LAN, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to find the geometry of the LAN. . This package contains the ettercap text-mode-only executable. Package: etw Description-md5: 95603e847377d32fc5a84171132df014 Description-sl: Igra nogometa v arkadnem slogu Eat The Whistle je arkadna igra nogometa, ki je podobna znanim igram za sistem Amiga kot sta Kick Off ali Sensible Soccer. Vsebuje več načinov igre, kjer lahko igrate kot cela ekipa ali kot en igralec lahko tudi upravljate ekipe, ki sodelujejo v pokalih in ligah. Na voljo imate tudi arkadni način z bonusi in nadgradnjami kot v igri SpeedBall 2. . Igra Eat The Wistle vključuje 30 različnih vrst polj in številne zvočne učinke. Igro je mogoče gledati s strani in jo je mogoče nadzirati z igralno ploščico ali tipkovnico. . Večino nastavitev, ki vplivajo na igro kot so na primer višina, vreme in čas dneva je mogoče nastaviti. Na voljo imate način ponovnega igranja, ki vam omogoča nalaganje in shranjevanje najboljših trenutkov, urejevalnik taktike igre, uvozite pa lahko tudi ekipe iz igre Sensible World of Soccer. Package: etw-data Description-md5: 64921b161fa5e0bb3ea10db0f311a732 Description-sl: graphics and audio data for etw Eat The Whistle je arkadna igra nogometa, ki je podobna znanim igram za sistem Amiga kot sta Kick Off ali Sensible Soccer. Vsebuje več načinov igre, kjer lahko igrate kot cela ekipa ali kot en igralec lahko tudi upravljate ekipe, ki sodelujejo v pokalih in ligah. Na voljo imate tudi arkadni način z bonusi in nadgradnjami kot v igri SpeedBall 2. . This package contains the architecture-independent data for etw. For more information, see the etw package. Package: euler Description-md5: 38d4558134e90707e088adc315fbab95 Description-sl: Vzajemno okolje matematičnega programiranja Euler je zmogljiv numerični laboratorij s programskim jezikom. Sistem lahko upravlja z realnimi, kompleksnimi in intervalnimi števili, vektorji in matrikami. Proizvede lahko 2D/3D grafe. . Zmožnosti programa Euler so med drugim: * realni, kompleksni in intervalni skalarji in matrike * programski jezik s krajevnimi spremenljivkami, privzetimi vrednostmi parametrov, spremenljivim številom parametrom, podajanja funkcij * dvo in tri dimenzionalni grafi * grafi označevalnika * grafi gostote in obrisov * animacije * numerično integriranje in odvajanje * statistične funkcije in preizkusi * diferencialne enačbe * načini intervala z zagotovljenimi vključki * minimizatorji funkcij (Brent, Nelder-Mean) * algoritem simplex * interpolacija in ocena vrednosti * iskanje ničel polinomov * hitra Fourierjeva transformacija (FFT) * natančen skalaren produkt z uporabo dolgega akumulatorja * izvoz grafike PostScript . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Dokumentacija za program Euler je v paketu euler-doc. Package: euler-doc Description-md5: f6a72a7d7210d66a193399ccb5e050fe Description-sl: documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler Euler je zmogljiv numerični laboratorij s programskim jezikom. Sistem lahko upravlja z realnimi, kompleksnimi in intervalnimi števili, vektorji in matrikami. Proizvede lahko 2D/3D grafe. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za Euler. Package: evolution-plugins-experimental Description-md5: d7002a313af115cfa4e69a3a6c08f948 Description-sl: Preizkusni vstavki za Evolution Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools. . This package includes plugins for Evolution. The plugins belong to the set of "experimental" plugins, which are unsupported, have undergone little testing, and might cause problems to the rest of Evolution. Use with care. . The following plugins are included. - external-editor - contacts-map Package: exactimage Description-md5: 9949da3ff157b2d9d5470042b5d548a3 Description-sl: Hitri programi za upravljanje s slikami ExactImage is a fast C++ image processing library. Unlike many other library frameworks it allows operation in several color spaces and bit depths natively, resulting in low memory and computational requirements. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke. Package: execline-doc Description-md5: f88a9147e206e5a0edd54b38828f02a1 Description-sl: small and non-interactive scripting language (documentation) Execline is a (non-interactive) scripting language, like sh; but its syntax is quite different from a traditional shell syntax. The execlineb program is meant to be used as an interpreter for a text file; the other commands are essentially useful inside an execlineb script. . Execline is as powerful as a shell: it features conditional loops, getopt- style option handling, filename globbing, and more. Meanwhile, its syntax is far more logic and predictable than the shell's syntax, and has no security issues. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: execnet-doc Description-md5: b39861c3c500766c3eb65d439beafc40 Description-sl: rapid multi-Python deployment (docs) execnet provides carefully tested means to ad-hoc interact with Python interpreters across version, platform and network barriers. It provides a minimal and fast API targeting the following uses: . * distribute tasks to local or remote CPUs * write and deploy hybrid multi-process applications * write scripts to administer a bunch of exec environments . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: exfalso Description-md5: fcc2776342ffcd06e76d0d3544249a2e Description-sl: Urejevalnik oznak zvoka za GTK+ Ex Falso prikazuje in ureja oznake metapodatkov zvoka. Podprte vrste vključujejo MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Musepack (MPC), WavPack in MOD/XM/IT. . A command-line counterpart, Operon, is also distributed as part of this package. . Omembe vredne zmožnosti vključujejo: * oblikovanje oznak v prosti obliki za najbolj podprte vrste vključno z ID3v2, * več vrednosti za ključe oznak, * prilagodljivi vzorci preimenuj po oznakah in preimenuj po imenu datoteke, * razširljiv z uporabo enostavnih vstavkov, osnovanih na Python, * ureja več datotek v več vrstah hkrati. Package: exo-utils Description-md5: 4388e12c644c2672008d98dc0e1fbc13 Description-sl: Datoteke pripomočkov za libexo This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open Package: extremetuxracer Description-md5: f1c4f423f79ec3be6015a4a71053d9ce Description-sl: 3D dirkalna igra s Tuxom, pingvinom Linux Extreme Tux Racer ali krajše etracer je enostavna igra dirkanja OpenGL s Tuxom, maskoto Linuxa. Cilj igre je čim hitreje pridrsati do dna s snegom in ledom pokrite gore ter izogibanje drevesom in skalam, ki vas bodo upočasnile. . Med drsanjem po hribu navzdol zberite ribe in druge dobrote, vendar se izognite ribjim kostem. . Ta igra je osnovana na GPL različici slavne igre TuxRacer. . Imeti morate delujoče 3D pospeševanje, sicer bo ta igra delovala precej počasi. Package: extremetuxracer-data Description-md5: e833770f2c00924281bb422694cf51cb Description-sl: data files for the game Extreme Tux Racer Extreme Tux Racer ali krajše etracer je enostavna igra dirkanja OpenGL s Tuxom, maskoto Linuxa. Cilj igre je čim hitreje pridrsati do dna s snegom in ledom pokrite gore ter izogibanje drevesom in skalam, ki vas bodo upočasnile. . This game is based on the GPL version of famous game TuxRacer. . This package contains data like graphics and courses. If you want to play the game, you need to install the package extremetuxracer. Package: fai-doc Description-md5: 702a63c0a6648b16120a1ef62c708336 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za FAI FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large infrastructures and clusters. . This is the documentation for FAI in various formats. Package: fai-setup-storage Description-md5: 502d77c2ec6201c8824b93be76330a6f Description-sl: Samodejno pripravi naprave shrambe Using FAI disk_config files, setup-storage computes effective partition and volume sizes and executes the necessary commands to configure storage devices. It manages disk drives as well as RAID and LVM volumes. It handles all file systems supported by parted(8) as well as ntfs but is flexible enough to be extended to further types as well. Once the storage devices are prepared, an appropriate fstab(5) file is generated. . This package provides the setup-storage utility as separate package so it can be used independent from FAI as well. Package: faifa Description-md5: 1861b35b3a6ec351b8a99a8eb891f131 Description-sl: manage HomePlug 1.0/AV devices via ethernet frames Faifa is a network tool to remotely manage HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug AV devices. . HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug AV are specifications of Power Line Communication (PLC). PLC is a system for carrying data - network packets - over power line. <> . This tool can configure, flash and collect statistics on thoses devices using private and public Ethernet frames. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja Faifa. Package: fake Description-md5: f5f79f1edce6c36c8b2dfd518c63c27b Description-sl: Orodje prevzema naslovov IP Fake is a utility that enables the IP address be taken over by bringing up a second interface on the host machine and using gratuitous arp. Designed to switch in backup servers on a LAN. Package: falselogin Description-md5: 2e720ae4c33e6142246159e877738552 Description-sl: Lažna prijavna lupina Strange kind of 'shell' which don't let the user to log in. Before the next login prompt falselogin gives some info to the user. Package: famfamfam-flag-gif Description-md5: b6a572b77dda222550372b0818926ce6 Description-sl: Free collection of countries' flags All flags which are contained in this package are named using the ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country codes where appropriate. . Ta paket vsebuje zastavice v obliki GIF. Package: famfamfam-flag-png Description-md5: 71d668c1b080cc71d4ba0806aa3080b7 Description-sl: Free collection of countries' flags All flags which are contained in this package are named using the ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country codes where appropriate. . Ta paket vsebuje zastavice v obliki PNG. Package: fapg Description-md5: be8013fed806e7b3dd3ee7168dfd91d6 Description-sl: Hiter ustvarjalnik seznamov predvajanja zvoka FAPG is a tool to generate list of audio files (Wav, MP3, Ogg, etc) in various formats (M3U, PLS, XSPF, HTML, etc). Package: fastlink-doc Description-md5: 8971fd72ec644445a88c96f27cc814fb Description-sl: Nekateri članki o fastlink Genetic linkage analysis is a statistical technique used to map genes and find the approximate location of disease genes. There was a standard software package for genetic linkage called LINKAGE. FASTLINK is a significantly modified and improved version of the main programs of LINKAGE that runs much faster sequentially, can run in parallel, allows the user to recover gracefully from a computer crash, and provides abundant new documentation. FASTLINK has been used in over 1000 published genetic linkage studies. . You do not really need these papers about fastlink but it is highly recommended to study this documentation before starting with the tools of the fastlink package. Package: fbcat Description-md5: 37bef91d1c0a57141537400941ef2def Description-sl: Grabilnik slikovnega medpomnilnika fbcat grabs a screenshot of a framebuffer and stores in a PPM file. . This package also provides a compatibility wrapper around fbcat to ease migration from fbgrab. Package: fbreader Description-md5: d5d9fd4160efb84c515b7fdc83408d1c Description-sl: Bralnik e-knjig FBReader je bralnik e-knjig. . Glavne zmožnosti: * podpira več vrst odprtih e-knjig: fb2, html, chm, plucker, palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text), rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM'ed mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader * bere neposredno iz arhivov tar, zip, gzip in bzip2 (v enem arhivu imate lahko več knjig) * podpira strukturiran pogled vaše zbirke e-knjig * samodejno določi kodiranja * samodejno ustvari kazalo vsebine * obdrži zadnjo odprto knjigo in zadnje položaje branja za vse odprte knjige med zagoni * samodejno deljenje besed (vključeni so vzorci za več jezikov) * iskanje in prejemanje knjig iz and * delna podpora CSS za datoteke epub Package: fcitx-kkc-dev Description-md5: 40e92728216a417b34ea957aa09ab186 Description-sl: Fcitx wrapper for libkkc - library development files fcitx-kkc is a wrapper of libkkc IM engine for Fcitx. . libkkc provides a converter from Japanese Kana-string to Kana-Kanji-mixed- string. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. Package: fcitx-libs-dev Description-md5: 7208b7351d39fb1f95d5beab3481a564 Description-sl: Flexible Input Method Framework - library development files Fcitx is an input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems. . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. Package: fcode-utils Description-md5: dfcb8c3a232680ba841e3fd1869f5bfa Description-sl: Pripomočki FCode OpenBIOS FCode is a Forth programming language dialect compliant with ANS Forth. It can exist in two forms; source code and a compiled version, known as bytecode. It is of interest mainly for its use in OpenFirmware. . This package provides a set of FCode utilities: - the tokenizer toke - the detokenizer detok - a PCI rom header utility - a portable implementation of Forth local values Package: fd-find Description-md5: 35e6be181e7a38f72537091a1e6d254a Description-sl: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find While it does not seek to mirror all of find's powerful functionality, fd provides sensible (opinionated) defaults for 80% of the use cases. . Zmožnosti: . * Convenient syntax: ‘fd PATTERN’ instead of ‘find -iname '*PATTERN*'’. * Colorized terminal output (similar to ls). * It's fast, often faster than find. * Smart case. * Ignores hidden directories and files, by default. * Ignores patterns from your .gitignore, by default. * Regular expressions. * Unicode-awareness. * Parallel command execution with a syntax similar to GNU Parallel. . Please note: the executable and the associated manpage were renamed from ‘fd’ to ‘fdfind’ because of a file name clash. Package: fdclock Description-md5: 845c791125d40d08dfb1ef0bd64f6a06 Description-sl: Ura fdclock is a clock to show off many of Cairo's features: it features scalable widgets (including a scalable logo as the background), and transparency. When used with an X server that supports the Composite extension, you will be able to see proper transparency for the clock, and note how the hands/dots/etc cast darker individual shadows than the rest. . This package comes from the git module: git:// The module name is fdclock. Package: fdclone Description-md5: 8b2d7cc55db44260334b9ec18b278619 Description-sl: Lahek upravljalnik datotek osnovan na konzoli FD (FD represents "File and Directory") is an easy-to-use file management tool for Un*x newbies. As its name shows, this is a rewrite from scratch - the original version was written by Atsushi Idei for MS-DOS(tm) and once very popular in Japan. Messages are available either in English or in Japanese. Package: fdutils Description-md5: e2b723712d21225aa16f5415960c53bb Description-sl: Pripomočki diskete za Linux This package contains utilities for formatting extra capacity disks, automatic floppy disk mounting and unmounting, etc. . Ta paket vključuje naslednje predmete: . - superformat: formats high capacity disks (up to 1992k for high density disks or up to 3984k for extra density disks); - fdmount: automatically mounts/unmounts disks when they are inserted/removed; - xdfcopy: formats, reads and writes OS/2's XDF disks; - MAKEFLOPPIES: creates the floppy devices in /dev; - getfdprm: prints the current disk geometry (number of sectors, track and heads etc.); - setfdprm: sets the current disk geometry; - fdrawcmd: sends raw commands to the floppy driver; - floppycontrol: configures the floppy driver; - general documentation about the floppy driver. . Note that these utilities do not work for USB floppy drives, because these do not allow direct access to the floppy controller. Package: feedbackd Description-md5: e21f85224431aebcd16699f4033e0f84 Description-sl: DBus service for haptic/visual/audio feedback Feedbackd is a DBus activated daemon that provides haptic/ visual/audio feedback based on events selected from configurable profiles. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: feh Description-md5: ddbd2b9dee660c8f24f444f71b30712e Description-sl: Pregledovalnik slik osnovan na imlib2 feh je hiter, lahek pregledovalnik slik, ki uporablja imlib2. Je z ukazno vrstico voden in podpira več slik z s predstavitvami, brskanje sličic ali več oken in montaže ali tiski kazala (z uporabo pisav TrueType za prikaz podatkov o datoteki). Napredne zmožnosti vključujejo hitro dinamično približevanje, napredujoče nalaganja, nalaganje preko HTTP (s podporo ponovnega nalaganja za ogled spletnih kamer), rekurzivno odpiranje datotek (predstavitev hierarhije map) in nadzor miškinega koleščka/tipkovnice. Package: feisty-session-splashes Description-md5: ddb111f721a68e39e408d3f2fa61521b Description-sl: Pozdravni zasloni seje Feisty The default Session Splashes for Feisty. At the moment the package contains: * Ubuntu Wave * Ubuntu Smooth Package: feisty-wallpapers Description-md5: efc877b2b1827569ac929474ece7a6e0 Description-sl: Slike ozadja Feisty The default Wallpapers for Feisty. At the moment the package contains: * Simple Ubuntu, * Ubuntu Smooth Chocolate. Package: festival-doc Description-md5: de52758503b83890e78b40346980e5df Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Festival This package contains the documentation for Festival. Package: festival-freebsoft-utils Description-md5: 7e684d348f8bc6084d0b50efa2943195 Description-sl: Razširitve in pripomočki Festival Miscellaneous Festival utilities, providing especially the following features: Generalized concept of input events, including ability to play sounds within the synthesized text and to map logical input events to other events; replacing given words in the synthesized text by events; spelling; capital letter signalization; punctuation reading modes; miscellaneous Festival Scheme functions. . Primary focus of festival-freebsoft-utils is on Festival cooperation with Speech Dispatcher, but they may be used together with other speech frontends or for other purposes as well. Package: festlex-cmu Description-md5: ea97d555dad9146c6c9858ef1c2c5cca Description-sl: Slovar CMU za Festival This is the CMU dictionary in Festival form. It is required for American English voices. Package: festlex-ifd Description-md5: 28c0994897f4f79e3e5cd854fc3c2fc5 Description-sl: Italijanska podpora za Festival Italian Festival is a set of modules for the Festival text-to-speech system which allow it to synthesize speech in Italian. . This package includes a dictionary that permits festival pronounce Italian text. It also features modules for textual/linguistic analysis and prosodic analysis. Package: fet Description-md5: be597f13605d5b9d820beaf661a60a75 Description-sl: Ustvarjalec razporedov FET is a program for automatically generating the timetable of a school, high-school or university. . Usually, FET is able to solve a complicated timetable in maximum 5-20 minutes. For simpler timetables, it may take a shorter time, under 5 minutes (in some cases, a matter of seconds). For extremely difficult timetables, it may take a longer time, a matter of hours. Package: fetch-crl Description-md5: cfbd471333e48658be3ee7ef7d73c73f Description-sl: Prejme seznam preklicanih potrdil This tool and associated timer (systemd) or cron (init.d) entry ensure that Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) are periodically retrieved from the web sites of the respective Certification Authorities. . The fetch-crl tool finds all *.crl_url files in the configured CRL directory, downloads the CRLs listed in those files and saves them in the same directory. The default configuration uses /etc/grid- security/certificates as the CRL directory. Package: fex Description-md5: df618fdd29cce7704c27a17b6bf059a9 Description-sl: web service for transferring very large files F*EX (Frams's Fast File EXchange) is a service that can be used to allow users anywhere on the Internet to exchange very large files quickly and conveniently. . The sender uploads the file to the F*EX-server and the recipient automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL. . Glavne zmožnosti F*EX: . * file transfer of virtually unlimited file size * sender and recipient only need an e-mail program and a web browser (of any kind; they do not have to install any software) * RESEND and REGET for resuming after link failures at last sent byte * auto-notification of recipient * auto-deletion after download * auto-deletion after expiration date (default: 5 days) * full-users can create one time upload URLs for foreign users * full-users can create sub-users, who can send only to this full-user * full-users can create groups, an analogy to mailing lists, but for files * admin can allow (internal or external) user self-registration * admin can allow upload to public recipients without authentication * admin can allow upload for LAN users without registration (anonymous upload) * maintenance-free: no administration necessary beyond creating new F*EX accounts * multiple recipients only require one stored copy * F*EX uses HTTP and needs no firewall tunnels * support for streams, too (SEX: Stream EXchange) * shell clients provided for commandline users: fexsend and fexget. (fex-utils package) Package: fex-utils Description-md5: 63aecbd44f11e0377005be5835cd3fac Description-sl: web service for transferring very large files (utils) F*EX (Frams's Fast File EXchange) is a service that can be used to allow users anywhere on the Internet to exchange very large files quickly and conveniently. . The sender uploads the file to the F*EX-server and the recipient automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL. . Ta paket vključuje: . fexsend fexget sexsend, sexget, sexxx afex, asex xx zz & ezz Package: ffado-dbus-server Description-md5: c97651a8d42693959e021d8283d395a2 Description-sl: Strežnik D-Bus FFADO FFADO je gonilnik Linux za zvočne naprave FireWire (IEEE1394). . Knjižnica FFADO omogoča odkrivanje in nastavljanje takšnih naprav in zagotavlja API za pretakajoče odjemalce. . This package holds the D-Bus server that exposes the mixer and control interfaces through D-Bus. Package: ffado-mixer-qt4 Description-md5: 32d310679d7f527b93f10bfd27693795 Description-sl: FFADO D-Bus mixer applets FFADO je gonilnik Linux za zvočne naprave FireWire (IEEE1394). . Knjižnica FFADO omogoča odkrivanje in nastavljanje takšnih naprav in zagotavlja API za pretakajoče odjemalce. . This package holds the mixer and control applications that communicate with ffado-dbus-server. . Despite the package name, the GUI has been updated. Package: ffado-tools Description-md5: ec6e443b88eac8af1b723cc745035716 Description-sl: FFADO debugging and firmware tools FFADO je gonilnik Linux za zvočne naprave FireWire (IEEE1394). . Knjižnica FFADO omogoča odkrivanje in nastavljanje takšnih naprav in zagotavlja API za pretakajoče odjemalce. . This package holds the following tools for firmware updating, troubleshooting and debugging: * ffado-test-streaming * ffado-diag * ffado-test-isoxmit * ffado-test-isorecv * ffado-bridgeco-downloader * ffado-test * ffado-fireworks-downloader * ffado-debug Package: ffmpegthumbnailer Description-md5: 6c2cda0a9d0dbe78d15405fa244855b6 Description-sl: Hiter in lahek ustvarjalnik sličic videa FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko ffmpegthumbnailer. Package: fftw-docs Description-md5: 984728026773fe7303b3dc58c0ee1141 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za fftw This package contains the documentation and test programs for fftw, a Fast Fourier Transform library. Package: fhist Description-md5: 125a891d3db6796ff3117cc2480d828b Description-sl: Pripomočki zgodovine, primerjave in združevanja datotek The fhist package contains 3 utilities fhist - a file history tool fcomp - a file comparison tool fmerge - a file merging tool . All three are bundled together, because they all use the same minimal- difference algorithm. Package: field3d-doc Description-md5: 39e115e8381c81587e646e596696c517 Description-sl: documentation for Field3D Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: figtoipe Description-md5: 728fdf6e0c9960e7a98e0d40a695a67a Description-sl: convert FIG files to XML files for ipe lpe je urejevalnik risanja za ustvarjanje slik, ki jih zagotavlja paket ipe. . Figtoipe is a program that reads FIG files (as generated by xfig) and generates an XML file readable by Ipe. Package: figtree Description-md5: e06f51cdb4e8a7021940de0d58824055 Description-sl: Grafični pregledovalnik filogenetskih dreves FigTree is designed as a graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees and as a program for producing publication-ready figures. In particular it is designed to display summarized and annotated trees produced by BEAST. Package: file-kanji Description-md5: e22ab3c1fdde8071f2403753e1e2190f Description-sl: Program za preverjanje kode Kanji This package contains file2 command. File2 command tests the classification of Japanese text files into JIS, UTF-8, EUC-JP, SJIS, ascii, and UNKNOWN. If the file package is installed, the file command is executed instead of UNKNOWN. Package: filelight Description-md5: 397ff9a469e07a772f22460c66b66875 Description-sl: prikaže kje je uporabljen vaš prostor na disku Filelight allows you to understand your disk usage by graphically representing your filesystem as a set of concentric, segmented rings. . It is like a pie-chart, but the segments nest, allowing you to see both which directories take up all your space, and which directories and files inside those directories are the real culprits. Package: filezilla Description-md5: a0bbb4b0aab81562be7ff869142e4396 Description-sl: Polno zmožen grafični odjemalec FTP/FTPS/SFTP FileZilla je polno zmožen odjemalec FTP z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom, ki je enostaven za uporabo. . Napisana je v C++ in vključuje knjižnico wxWidgets. . FileZilla includes the following features: * Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) * IPv6 support * Available in more than 40 languages * Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB * Easy to use Site Manager and transfer queue * Bookmarks * Drag & drop support (in application) * Speed limits * Filename filters * Directory comparison * Network configuration wizard * Remote file editing * Keep-alive * HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP Proxy support * Logging to file * Synchronized directory browsing * Remote file search * Tabbed interface to connect to multiple servers Package: filezilla-common Description-md5: d44562efedd6e3c2dc2b5163ccd22578 Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za filezilla FileZilla je polno zmožen odjemalec FTP z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom, ki je enostaven za uporabo. . Napisana je v C++ in vključuje knjižnico wxWidgets. . See the filezilla package description for a fuller list of features. . This package contains architecture independent files such as images and translations. Package: fillets-ng Description-md5: 7d96ef4f6e14249937bac0c8629464bd Description-sl: ugankarska igra o zabavni ribici, ki rešuje svet v slogu igre sokoban Fish Fillets je strogo ugankarska igra. Cilj vsake od sedemdesetih stopenj je vedno enak: najdite varno pot ven. Riba daje pametne opombe o svoji okolici, različni prebivalci podvodnega sveta se med sabo kregajo ali komentirajo trud vaše ribe. Celo igro spremlja tiha, tolažeča glasba. Package: fillets-ng-data Description-md5: 89ee08f6d3eb53b94406a3fa16325b40 Description-sl: docs, graphics, music and international sounds for fillets-ng Fish Fillets je strogo ugankarska igra. Cilj vsake od sedemdesetih stopenj je vedno enak: najdite varno pot ven. Riba daje pametne opombe o svoji okolici, različni prebivalci podvodnega sveta se med sabo kregajo ali komentirajo trud vaše ribe. Celo igro spremlja tiha, tolažeča glasba. . This package contains the data needed for the game. You need it, even if you also install the add-on Czech language spoken dialogs. Package: fillets-ng-data-cs Description-md5: c0981a1166954cb3994b3b8777bbd473 Description-sl: add-on sounds for Czech language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng Fish Fillets je strogo ugankarska igra. Cilj vsake od sedemdesetih stopenj je vedno enak: najdite varno pot ven. Riba daje pametne opombe o svoji okolici, različni prebivalci podvodnega sveta se med sabo kregajo ali komentirajo trud vaše ribe. Celo igro spremlja tiha, tolažeča glasba. . This package contains add-on sound-files for Czech language spoken dialogs. It is a completely optional add-on and does not replace fillets- ng-data, which is still needed for graphics and other sounds. Package: fillets-ng-data-nl Description-md5: 0532fe5286fcbaf3ae906a0b40a2ff01 Description-sl: add-on sounds for Dutch language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng Fish Fillets je strogo ugankarska igra. Cilj vsake od sedemdesetih stopenj je vedno enak: najdite varno pot ven. Riba daje pametne opombe o svoji okolici, različni prebivalci podvodnega sveta se med sabo kregajo ali komentirajo trud vaše ribe. Celo igro spremlja tiha, tolažeča glasba. . This package contains add-on sound-files for Dutch language spoken dialogs. It is a completely optional add-on and does not replace fillets- ng-data, which is still needed for graphics and other sounds. Package: fingerd Description-md5: 252aeb1f06e592ea0a2e97dcb289d598 Description-sl: Oddaljeni strežnik uporabniških podatkov Fingerd is a simple daemon based on RFC1196 that provides an interface to the "finger" program at most network sites. The program is supposed to return a friendly, human-oriented status report on either the system at the moment or a particular person in depth. Package: firehol-doc Description-md5: c50068ad3ca66c29f176ebe5fd7899f4 Description-sl: easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall (docs) FireHOL generates generic firewalls with an extremely simple but powerful configuration language based on bash, enabling you to design any kind of local or routing stateful packet filtering firewall with ease. . FireHOL is the firewall counterpart of the FireQOS traffic shaper; both FireHOL and FireQOS support IPv4 and IPv6. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: fireqos-doc Description-md5: 2bff96d3240da7cf9982de3bf0132f06 Description-sl: easy to use but powerful traffic shaping tool (docs) FireQOS generates generic traffic shapers with an extremely simple but powerful configuration language based on bash, enabling you to design any kind of traffic shaping with ease. . FireQOS is the traffic shaper counterpart of the FireHOL firewall; both FireHOL and FireQOS support IPv4 and IPv6. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: fl-cow Description-md5: b35d8c4bff298c12fc96e08f2b34a941 Description-sl: Pripomoček kopiranja ob pisanju Fl-cow allows you to utilise hard links to save disk space by causing hard-linked files to be copied rather than overwritten as they are changed. . This is useful for making changes to large source trees while keeping a copy of the original tree to generate patches from. Also, if you are using the Arch revision control system with working copies hard-linked to a revision library, using fl-cow can prevent revision library corruption. . Fl-cow is an LD_PRELOAD hack, not a kernel patch. Package: flamerobin Description-md5: f5b4a2f4483fdacf3c634ac6540eb3cf Description-sl: skrbniško orodje za grafično podatkovno zbirko za Firebird DBMS FlameRobin je grafično skrbniško orodje podatkovnih zbirk za sistem upravljanja podatkovnih zbirk Firebird. . Njegovi cilji so: - biti lahek (majhna poraba sredstev, hitro izvajanje), - delati na več sistemih (Linux in Windows za začetek v načrtu je tudi podpora za druge sisteme) - biti odvisen le od drugih odprtokodnih programov . You need to setup firebird server on local or remote machine before using FlameRobin. See package firebird3.0-server. Package: flamethrower Description-md5: 3d18e2290cec86ac0e2f03a8dff5bd75 Description-sl: Pripomoček distribucije datotek Multicast Flamethrower is intended to be an easy to use multicast file distribution system. It was created to add multicast install capabilities to SystemImager, but was designed to be fully functional as a stand-alone package. . Notable characteristics: 1) Works with entire directory hierarchies of files, not just single files. 2) Uses a server configuration file that takes module entries that are similar to those used by rsyncd.conf. 3) Flamethrower is an on-demand system. The multicast of a module is initiated when a client connects, but waits MIN_WAIT (conf file) for other clients to connect. If other clients try to connect after a cast has been initiated, they simply wait until that cast has finished, and catch the next one when it begins. 4) The udpcast package is used as the multicast transport, and offers a gob and a half of tuning parameters. Package: flatnuke Description-md5: 17ef7fcc3ce38b51c933a463c09e4acf Description-sl: CMS osnovan na ploskih datotekah FlatNuke is a CMS (Content Management System) based on flat-files. It doesn't need any DBMS for storing the data. You can find more info on Package: fldigi Description-md5: ce2f94fe587213bc11ce5c968844d7e3 Description-sl: program digitalnega modema za radioamaterje Fldigi je program modema, ki podpira večino digitalnih načinov, ki jih danes uporabljajo operaterji amaterskih radiev. Program lahko uporabite tudi za umeritev vaše zvočne kartice na WWV ali za preizkus meritve frekvence. Ta program vsebuje tudi odkodirnik CW. Fldigi je napisan s pomočjo grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika hitre lahke zbirke orodij. Package: flightgear Description-md5: e95b997d5af2952a0f05908f9e3ad9ae Description-sl: Simulator letenja Fligh Gear FlightGear Flight Simulator (often shortened to FlightGear or FGFS) is a sophisticated free, completely open-source flight simulator framework, created by volunteers. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne binarne datoteke. Package: flite Description-md5: 849b1a8bf809130924e3beb13f9595b9 Description-sl: Small run-time speech synthesis engine Flite is a small fast run-time speech synthesis engine. It is the latest addition to the suite of free software synthesis tools including University of Edinburgh's Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University's FestVox project, tools, scripts and documentation for building synthetic voices. However, flite itself does not require either of these systems to run. . It currently only supports the English and Indic languages. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljive datoteke in dokumentacijo. Package: flobopuyo Description-md5: 5222c101e471080d9f9d95233cf8d243 Description-sl: Klon igre PuyoPuyo The goal of FloboPuyo is to make groups of four or more Puyos (coloured bubbles) to make them explode and send bad ghost Puyos to your opponent. You win the game if your opponent reaches the top of the board. You can play against computer or another human. Package: flowblade Description-md5: 3148d236b0b7901dea894d3442ef040d Description-sl: Nelinearen urejevalnik videa Flowblade Movie Editor is designed to provide a fast, precise and as- simple-as-possible editing experience. . Flowblade employs film style editing paradigm in which clips are usually automatically placed tightly after the previous clip - or between two existing clips - when they are inserted on the timeline. Edits are fine- tuned by trimming in and out points of clips, or by cutting and deleting parts of clips. Film style editing is faster for creating programs with mostly straight cuts and audio splits, but may be slower when programs contain complex composites unless correct work flow is followed. Package: fltk1.3-doc Description-md5: cb89fb265884e1336ad2c05695a67c80 Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - documentation This package provides documentation for FLTK, including a chapter on its user interface designer (fluid). . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: fltk1.3-games Description-md5: 02c991fe963ab55824f872e0775060ec Description-sl: zbirka hitrih orodij - primeri iger: dama, sudoku Ta paket vsebuje primere iger, ki spremljajo FLTK. Vsebuje naslednje programe: - fblocks: počistite skupine sosednjih blokov preden zapolnijo zaslon, - flcheckers: namizna igra dama, - flsudoku: uganka Sudoku (postavite števila v mrežo). . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: fluid Description-md5: c983d66e9fccc81da0d3474837426b4f Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - user interface designer This package provides Fluid, an interactive GUI designer for FLTK, allowing graphical development of FLTK-based user interfaces. It natively works with (textual) .fl files, but also includes rough support for reading .fd files produced by fdesign (in libforms-bin). . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: flvmeta Description-md5: 0d1243de51706c43a73453351ad0ad60 Description-sl: Injektor metapodatkov za video datoteke FLV flvmeta has the ability to inject all standard metadata tags into the onMetaData event, as well as insert an onLastSecond event. . It is also pretty fast and has a very small memory footprint, making it ideal for use as an automated tool on server environments. Package: flvstreamer Description-md5: d4f752499e5a5058fbaea2d4f942b358 Description-sl: Odjemalec RTMP ukazne vrstice Command-line RTMP client intended to stream audio or video content from all types of Flash or RTMP servers. Package: flwm Description-md5: 343c03a43d173ecc8b4dacfdf60f240a Description-sl: Hiter lahek upravljalnik oken Flwm is an attempt to combine the best ideas from several window managers. The primary influence and code base is from wm2 by Chris Cannam. Primary features copied from wm2 are: . - Does not look like Windows. - Nifty sideways title bars. - No icons. You deiconify by picking off a pop-up menu. This means no space is wasted by icons. - Really small and fast code. . It is enhanced by the author's own further nutty ideas: . - Does not use shape extension, more standard resize handles. - Occupies as little screen space as possible. The border and titles are as thin as you could possibly make them. And maximized windows waste only 15 pixels horizontally and zero (count'em) pixels vertically! - Independent maximize buttons for width & height, close button. - Understands Motif, KDE, and GNOME window manager hints. - Multiple desktops, controlled from the same menu as the icons. . The recommended packages are needed to generate flwm's application menus: - For the old style debian-specific menu: menu - For the FreeDesktop menu based on .desktop files: libfile-desktopentry-perl, libfile-which-perl, libpath-tiny-perl, libset-scalar-perl, and perl. Package: fmit Description-md5: 9aa935dc760579ca328edd142f0853ce Description-sl: Prost uglaševalnik glasbenih inštrumentov FMIT is a graphical utility for tuning your musical instruments, with error and volume history and advanced features like microtonal tuning, statistics, and various views like waveform shape, harmonics ratios and real-time Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). All views and advanced features are optional so that the interface can also be very simple. Package: fmtools Description-md5: 3945b2edaf178e891adfbdadb19a9ec6 Description-sl: FM-Radijski tuner Command-line utility for adjusting the frequency and volume and muting and unmuting FM radio cards. Package: font-manager Description-md5: a2f1c9a0a58aff76c28727ca19eb9efa Description-sl: Program upravljanja pisav za namizje GNOME Font Manager is intended to provide a way for average users to easily manage desktop fonts, without having to resort to command line tools or editing configuration files by hand. While designed primarily with the GNOME Desktop Environment in mind, it should work well with other Gtk+ desktop environments. Package: fontforge-nox Description-md5: 2e1916689377673a003f63bcc14e3f2f Description-sl: Urejevalnik pisav - različica ne-X FontForge is a font editor. Use it to create, edit and convert fonts in OpenType, TrueType, UFO, CID-keyed, Multiple Master, and many other formats. . This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files. . This package contains a version of FontForge compiled with support for scripting but no GUI, and not require the graphics library. Package: fontmatrix Description-md5: dd869a91920ac88f29779fcdfcb4acfd Description-sl: Oseben upravljalnik pisav z veliko zmožnostmi This is a manager built with the kind of features and abilities graphic designers, layout professionals along with others have felt necessary, but modernized with some new touches. . Fontmatrix vsebuje koncept 'označevanja'. To ga naredi uporabnega za združevanje pisav v skupine in podskupine na primer za uporabo v knjigi. Ima tudi obširno podporo grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki prikaže vse pismenke v pisavi, predogled vzorca besedila, različne veikosti in pove katere vrste naprednih zmožnosti Open Type vsebujejo pisave. Te zmožnosti razen v urejevalnikih pisav še ni bilo. Poleg tega ustvari lep katalog PDF uporabniških pisav za tiskanje ali sklicevanje. Na kratko povedano je fontmatrix upravljalnik pisav za profesionalce, vendar je lep in uporabniku prijazen. Package: fonts-aenigma Description-md5: 737185fc61d4dd368ba09fdb8b5f6ab9 Description-sl: 465 free TrueType fonts by Brian Kent Pisave vključene v tem paketu: . * 10.15 Saturday Night, R * 18 Holes * 36 days ago, Thick * 3D LET * Foreshadow, OL * 8-bit Limit, R, RO * 90 Stars * Blox * Conduit 2 Italics * Splatz * Stranded * Swirled * TRAGIC * Unexplored Galaxies, W, O, WO * Acid Reflux * Acknowledge * AEnigma Scrawl 4 * AE Systematic TT * Aftermath * Alpha Beta * Amalgamate, O * Amplitude * Arthritis * Aspartame * Ataxia * Ataxia Outline * Automatica * Bend 2 Squares * Bend 2 Squares OL1 * Bend 2 Squares OL2 * Backlash * Bandwidth Bandless * Bandwidth Bandmess * Bandwidth * Bendable * Bewilder * Bewilder Thick * Binary 01s * Binary * Binary X * Binary CHR * Binary X 01s * Binary X CHR * Bit Blocks TTF * Brass Knuckle SS * Brass Knuckle Star * Blackoninaut * Bleak Segments * Block Tilt * Blackoninaut Bold, Redux * Bobcaygeon * Bobcaygeon Plain * Bocuma * Bocuma Angle Dent * Bocuma Batty, Dent, Angle * Brass Knuckle * Brigadoom, Wide * Bumped * Candy Stripe * Corpulent Caps * Corpulent Caps Shadow * Chemical Reaction A, B * Chintzy CPU, Shadow * Chumbly * Circulate * Classic Trash 1, 2 * CLAW 1, 2 * Cleaved TTR * Code Of Life * Collective RO, RS, O, S * Combustion I, II, Plain, Tall, Wide * Compliant Confuse 1o, 1s, 2o, 2s, 3o, 3s * Conduit, 2 * Crackdown R2, R, O1, O2 * Dark Side * Dash Dot * Dastardly * DB Layer 1, 2, 3, 4 * Double Bogey * Decrepit * Dented * Dephunked * Detonate * Discordance * Draggle * Draggle over kerned * Dynamic * Dyphusion * Dystorque * Ecliptic * Edit Undo * Edit Undo Dot * Edit Undo Line * Elsewhere, 2 * Embossing Tape 1, 2, 3 * Encapsulate, Plain * Entangled, Plain * Enthuse, Solid * Entangled Layer A, B * Euphoric, 3D * Exaggerate * Extraction * False Positive, Round * Fascii, Cross, Scraggly, Smudge, Twigs * Faux Snow * Fatboy Slim BLTC, BLTC 2 * Fidgety * Flipside * Forcible * Freak Turbulence * Frizzed * Fully Completely * Galapogos * Galvanize * Gaposis Outline, Solid * Gasping * Gather, Gapped * genotype H, S, RH, RS * Gesture, Slant, Thin, Thin Slant * Goose Bumps, II * Great Heights * Granular * Grapple * Graveyard * Gravitate, Segments * Graze * Grotesque * Grudge, 2 * Gyneric, 3D * Gyrose, Shift, Squeeze * Hack & Slash * Hairball * Hand Me Down O, S * Hassle * Heavy Bevel * Head-Ding Maker * Hearts * Hillock * Homespun TT * Hyde * Hyperion Sunset * It Lives In The Swamp * Impossibilium * Inertia * Inevitable * Ink Swipes * Ink Tank * Intersect, C, O * Irritate * Jagged * Janken * Jargon * Jasper, Solid * Jawbreaker, Hard * Jekyll * Jeopardize, Thick * Johnny Mac Scrawl * Jolt Of Caffeine * Jupiter Crash * Kaliber Round, Solid, Xtreme * Katalyst active, inactive * Key Ridge, alt * Kickflip * Kinkaid * Kirby No Kira Kizzu * Knot * Konector O1, O2 * Konector, Eerie * Kurvature * Lakeshore * Lamebrain * Larkspur * Lethargic * Licorice Strings * Lights Out * Line Dings * Loopy * Lowdown * Lucid Type A, B, B Outline, A Outline * Lyneous, Linear * LYNX * Macropsia * Mad's Scrawl * Mishmash 4x4i, 4x4o, ALT1, ALT2, Fuse * Mincer * Mini Kaliber O TT, S TT * Mishmash * Mobilize * Monkey Phonics * Moronic Misfire * Mysterons * Nanosecond Wide * Naughts * Neural, Outline * Nominal * Nostalgia * Not Quite Right * Nanosecond Thick, Thin * Nucleus * Numskull * Nymonak * Obloquy Outline, Solid * Obstacle, Lines * Off Kilter L, R * Opiated * Orbicular * Outer Sider * Overhead * Perfect Dark * Persuasion * Phorfeit Regular, Slant * Pincers * Pindown, Plain, X, X Plain * Pixel Krud * Plasma Drip, Empty * Pneumatics , Tall, Wide * Powderworks * Pseudo * Qbicle 1, 2, 3, 4 * Qlumpy, Shadow * Quacksalver * Quadratic, Cal * Quandary * Quantum Flat Hollow, Flat, Round Hollow, Round, Taper * Quarantine * Quarterly Thick, Thin * Queasy, Outline * Quill Experimental O, S * Rambling * Ravaged By Years * Ravenous Caterpillar * Raydiate * Reason, Shadow * Redundant * Regenerate * Registry * Rehearsal Curve, Offset, Point * Relapse * Revert, Round * Rotund, Outline * Rough Day * Ryuker * Sarcastic * Saunder * Scalelines, Maze * Sequence * Setback TT * Sideways * Simpleton * Skull Capz * Slender, Wide, Mini, Stubby * Snailets * Spacious, Outline * Spastic * Spheroids, X * Square Route * Stagnation * Supra Genius Curves, Lines * Symmetry * Syndrome * Synthetic * Syracuse * Tearful * Technique, OL * techno overload * Telephasic * Tetricide * Thwart * Tonik * Typesource Extol O, S * Turmoil * Ubiquity * Unanimous, Inverted * Underscore * Underwhelmed, Outline * Underscore 2 * UNITED * Unlearned, 2 * Unresponsive * Upheaval TT * Upraise * Your Complex I, O * Vacant Capz * Vanished * Vantage * Variance * Vertigo, 2 * Vertigo Upright, 2 * Vigilance * Vindictive * Visitor TT1, TT2 * Volatile 1, 2 * Wager, Lost, Won * waver * Wayward, Shadow * Weathered, Solid * Weaver * Whatever * Whippersnapper * Wiggly Squiggly * Wincing * Withstand * Wobbly * Wyvern Wings, Wyde * Xerox Malfunction * Xhume * Xipital * Xmas Lights * Xtrusion * Yearend * Yesterday * Yielding * Yonder * Yoshi's Story game text * Your Complex * Zelda DX TT * Zenith * Zephyrean, Gust * Zero Velocity * Zirconia, Cubic * Zoetrope * Zoidal * Zurklez Outline, Solid Package: fonts-aoyagi-kouzan-t Description-md5: ed97e887d0e5723644b984bdb2f2d238 Description-sl: Japonska pisava v slogu čopiča AoyagiKouzanFontT is Brush-style Japanese font, made by Kouzan Aoyagi. It contains about 3,000 glyphs. . It is suitable for printing Haiku, New Year's card or so. Package: fonts-atarismall Description-md5: 26063f9205f742f4e16c567461353d77 Description-sl: Zelo majhna pisava 4 x 8 This is named atari small because it was designed for a terminal emulator written for an Atari 800. It only had a 320 pixel wide display, but an 80 column terminal was wanted, hence there is this font. This is somewhat cleaned up from the original version. It has only a one pixel descent to maximize pixels available to the main body of each character. Package: fonts-bpg-georgian Description-md5: ad67e8d83ae24347c088ff5f7f0551f5 Description-sl: Gruzijske pisave BPG This package provides a collection of three Georgian fonts, provided by BPG-InfoTech. Package: fonts-century-catalogue Description-md5: 265fc10474b2108a1493327e70e5e1e2 Description-sl: Oživitev pisave sloga century This font is currently the closest to release, with a decent glyph complement. It's a straightforward revival of a somewhat forgotten, but handsome and utilitarian, font from the ATF collection. It's obviously very similar to the familiar Century Oldstyle, but with more refined proportions and stroke. This version is based on the 18pt from the 1923 catalog. Package: fonts-essays1743 Description-md5: 259331f03e01bcfe046274233851232b Description-sl: TrueType pisava Essays 1743 This font is based on the typeface used in a 1743 English translation of Montaigne's Essays. It contains normal, bold, italic and bold italic versions of 817 characters: all of ASCII, Latin-1, and Latin Extended A; some of Latin Extended B (basically, the ones that are more or less based on Roman letters); and a variety of other characters, such as oddball punctuation, numerals, etc. Package: fonts-f500 Description-md5: 76148d48d28fe4e4d77eacf27507122e Description-sl: Pisava Wipeout 3 This is the font similar to the one used in the Sony PlayStation video game "Wip3out". Package: fonts-femkeklaver Description-md5: 4cfe4d4373ec4e3c048176da3c389c28 Description-sl: enostavna pisava ročega pisave FemkeKlaver is a simple handwriting font with strong repeated tracing. Its style resembles that used in illustrated diaries, with round cursive small letters and outlined block capital letters. Package: fonts-freefarsi Description-md5: 7ecebd91246a3f2e3038b694c34bf053 Description-sl: FreeFarsi TrueType perzijske pisave FPF project aims to provide a free TrueType Persian font covering its part of ISO 10464/Unicode UCS (Universal Characters Set). Package: fonts-gfs-artemisia Description-md5: 780830f5cc14f12ca2f8569de7f81e96 Description-sl: Grška pisava (Timesu podobna grščina) The type family GFS Artemisia was designed by the painter-engraver Takis Katsoulidis and reflects his style and typographic acumen. It is largely his effort to offer, from a different perspective, a type face which, like Times Greek, would be applicable to a wide spectrum of uses and equally agreeable and legible. The typeface has been digitised by George D. Matthiopoulos. Package: fonts-gfs-porson Description-md5: 73b6d2b50ec092ef45b4bb1d9d844eab Description-sl: Grška pisava (ponovna oživitev Porson) In England, during the 1790's, Cambridge University Press decided to procure a new set of Greek types. The university’s great scholar of Classics, Richard Porson was asked to produce a typeface based on his handsome handwriting and Richard Austin was commissioned to cut the types. The type was completed in 1808, after the untimely death of Porson the previous year. Its success was immediate and since then the classical editions in Great Britain and the U.S.A. use it, almost invariably. In 1913, Monotype released the typeface with some corrections, notably replacing the upright capitals suggested by Porson with inclined ones. In Greece the typeface was used under the name Pelasgika type. GFS Porson is based on the Monotype version, though using upright capitals, as in the original. Package: fonts-gfs-solomos Description-md5: 144ff626067b511968ff9af88c55a640 Description-sl: Ležeča starodavna grška psiava From the middle of the 19th century an italic font with many calligraphic overtones was introduced into Greek printing. Its source is unknown, but it almost certainly was the product of a German or Italian foundry. In the first type specimen printed in Greece by the typecutter K. Miliadis (1850), the font was listed anonymously along others of 11pts and in the Gr. Doumas' undated specimen appeared as «11pt Greek inclined». For most of the second half of the century the type was used extensively as an italic for emphasis in words, sentences or excerpts. In 1889, the folio size Type Specimen of Anestis Konstantinidis' publishing, printing and type founding establishment also included the type as «Greek inclined [9 & 12 pt]». . Nevertheless, the excessively calligraphic style of the characters, combined with the steep and uncomfortable obliqueness of the capitals, was out of favour in the 20th century and the type did not survive the conformity of the mechanical type cutting and casting. The font has been digitally revived, as part of our typographic tradition, by George D. Matthiopoulos and is part of GFS' type library under the name GFS Solomos, in commemoration of the great Greek poet of the 19th century, Dionisios Solomos. Package: fonts-gfs-theokritos Description-md5: 68d0720324a545afc5b4ab1898213b6b Description-sl: Okrasna grška pisava In the late 50's Yannis Kefallinos (1894-1958) designed and published an exquisite book with engraved illustrations of the ancient white funerary pottery in Attica in collaboration with Varlamos, Montesanto, Damianakis. . Its complex and heavily decorative design does point to aesthetic codes which preoccupied his artistic expression and, although impractical for contemporary text setting, it remains an original display face, or it can be used as initials. The book design workshop of the Fine Arts School of Athens has been recently reorganised, under the direction of professor Leoni Vidali, and with her collaboration George D. Matthiopoulos has redesigned digitaly this historical font which is now available as GFS Theokritos. Package: fonts-goudybookletter Description-md5: 5d228426a526efe6c5a663c0bba9cb83 Description-sl: Rimska pisava v starem slogu Based on the roman of Frederic Goudy's Kennerley Old Style (designed and cut in 1911 for a limited edition of "The Door in the Wall and Other Stories" by H G Wells, published by Mitchell Kennerley). The companion italic is a future project. . The letters, though not condensed, may seem to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, giving text an unusually solid appearance. Package: fonts-horai-umefont Description-md5: 84313e2866d5a96791ef8b8ba0042248 Description-sl: Japonska pisava TrueType, Ume-pisava Umefont is Japanese TrueType font, it consists of below fonts * Ume Gothic (Original, O5, C4, C5, S4, S5) * Ume P Gothic (Original, O5, C4, C5, S4, S5) * Ume UI Gothic (Original, O5) * Ume Mincho (Original, S3) * Ume P Mincho (Original, S3) * Ume Hy Gothis Package: fonts-komatuna Description-md5: 10c290577ed383105516090f3544ffe2 Description-sl: modified Konatu and M+ fonts, Komatuna Komatuna font is based on two font families - Kanji for Konatu font and Alphabet/Hiragana/Katakana and Full width alphabet for M+ fonts. . Sestavljen je iz * Komatuna * Komatuna P Package: fonts-liberation2 Description-md5: 74a5a1b3efb1f5edb2a85796fe9d9b08 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package is a dummy package. It can be safely removed. Package: fonts-lindenhill Description-md5: 81d611956e9fbb1c97762597e78cb4a4 Description-sl: Regular and italic serif font Pisava podobna pisavi Deepdene. Package: fonts-monapo Description-md5: 678d81073f78a6253f157d2d9008d60e Description-sl: Japonska pisava TrueType, Monapo Monapo font is a combined font, that uses IPAfont and monafont. It has almost same width as MS P Gothic, so it can show Japanese Ascii Art properly. Package: fonts-motoya-l-cedar Description-md5: 0e4234df3781aa438e6c2333024ff3cb Description-sl: Japonska pisava TrueType, Montoya L Cedar Motoya font was created in 1950s, it aims beauty and readability. . This package provides "MotoyaLCedar W3 mono" - Gothic that images Japanese cedar, straight and thick tree. Package: fonts-nanum Description-md5: fe88c621123431c805697a7cac8845bc Description-sl: Korejske pisave Nanum Nanum font families are Korean font families which are intended for use on computer screens. These fonts are good with computer LCD monitors because they have used rich hinting techniques like subpixel rendering. . This package contains commonly-used Korean font families. Package: fonts-nanum-extra Description-md5: 6d0720565f26f7d14031175b034ad6d8 Description-sl: Dodatne korejske pisave Nanum Nanum font families are Korean font families which are intended for use on computer screens. These fonts are good with computer LCD monitors because they have used rich hinting techniques like subpixel rendering. . This package includes additional handwriting font families, "eco" font families with tiny holes inside their strokes, extra-bold and light forms of the commonly-used Korean font families. Package: fonts-oflb-euterpe Description-md5: 5caa2d56b879083a5e5b07a8cfd2eb69 Description-sl: Unicode glasbena pisava This package provides a font which covers the whole musical symbols block of Unicode. Some extra glyphs can be found in the Private Use Area, some of them may be accessed through OpenType features, like ligatures and glyph substitutions. . The font sources (Fontforge .sfd) are available on the upstream website and in the source package. . In Greek mythology, Euterpe is the muse of lyric poetry. Package: fonts-opendin Description-md5: 5e0b36ab92f4925754ca34011672f6f9 Description-sl: Pisava Open DIN The idea of this open typeface is being the most close as possible from the Prussian Railways master drawing (public domain license, afaik), and its applications. . This typeface were made using open-source tools, like Fontforge and Inkscape, also for helping their development from using them. Package: fonts-sawarabi-gothic Description-md5: 19a1454b1ba0296d73dcd9a016c1431d Description-sl: Gotska pisava za japonščino Sawarabi Gothic is an original sans serif font including kanji, kana and Latin characters. At present it has at least 4400 glyphs. . Sawarabi, Japanese word, means "newborn bracken", so this font has only tiny glyph set now, but grows up like bracken. Package: fonts-sawarabi-mincho Description-md5: 4147f809b0aa0492ef6baa7a50b89861 Description-sl: Japonska pisava mincho - pisava Sawarabi Mincho Sawarabi Mincho is an original serif font including kanji, kana and Latin characters. At present it has more than 3,600 glyphs. Package: fonts-senamirmir-washra Description-md5: 46caaee58c1c51529acd377dc9ef462d Description-sl: Zbirka pisav unicode za etiopski skript WashRa is, simply, a set of eleven Ethiopic fonts. All of them support the Ethiopic standard included in Unicode 3.0. The fonts are: Ethiopia Jiret, Ethiopic Zelan, Ethiopic WashRa Bold, Ethiopic WashRa SemiBold, Ethiopic Yigezu Bisrat Gothic, Ethiopic Hiwua, Ethiopic Fantuwua, Ethiopic Yebse, Ethiopic Wookianos, Ethiopic Tint, Ethiopic Yigezu Bisrat Goffer. . These fonts were developed by Abass Alamnehe of the Senamirmir Project ( . The WashRa fonts are released under the SIL Open Font License and for more information please visit Package: fonts-summersby Description-md5: 803957b28758b9816b61796beb3f352b Description-sl: Prosta pisava TrueType typeface Summersby is a free TrueType typeface (font) with partial Unicode support including most West European and Cyrillic languages. . The main goal is on-screen legibility and support for certain languages. Package: fonts-tagbanwa Description-md5: 185a7ccdb737f5d9e4ee315da4721636 Description-sl: Pisava za skript Tagbanwa A free Unicode TrueType font for the Tagbanwa script. Package: fonts-tiresias Description-md5: 1a3cc075b393703bdfea75112ad0abc8 Description-sl: Pisave za slabovidne This is a family of realist sans-serif typefaces that were designed for best legibility by people with impaired vision at the Scientific Research Unit of Royal National Institute of the Blind in London. Package: foomatic-db Description-md5: d5f3469f229aa19246b75b0de1f76a10 Description-sl: OpenPrinting printer support - database Foomatic je sistem tiskanja zasnovan za enostavno nastavitev pogostih tiskalnikov za uporabo z Debianom (in drugimi operacijskimi sistemi). Zagotavlja "lepilo" med vrstilnikom tiskanja (kot je CUPS ali lpr) in vašim dejanskim tiskalnikom, saj računalniku pove kako naj obdela datoteke poslane tiskalniku. . This package contains the printer database distributed by OpenPrinting for most common drivers. You will probably need the foomatic-db-engine package for this package to be useful. Package: foomatic-db-engine Description-md5: 06dc0af0df2ebffe0b2cf09bedf80c7f Description-sl: OpenPrinting printer support - programs Foomatic je sistem tiskanja zasnovan za enostavno nastavitev pogostih tiskalnikov za uporabo z Debianom (in drugimi operacijskimi sistemi). Zagotavlja "lepilo" med vrstilnikom tiskanja (kot je CUPS ali lpr) in vašim dejanskim tiskalnikom, saj računalniku pove kako naj obdela datoteke poslane tiskalniku. . This package contains the architecture-dependent programs needed to set up and maintain the foomatic system. You will also need one or more database packages. The foomatic-db package includes drivers for most common printers using Ghostscript as the print processor, as well as some common glue code used in other filter systems. Package: fop-doc Description-md5: 724066902129e5385dbeeff72241b377 Description-sl: XML formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (doc) - doc FOP is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree and then turns it into a wide variety of output presentations (including AFP, PCL, PDF, PNG, PostScript, RTF, TIFF, and plain text), or displays the result on-screen. . The formatting object tree can be in the form of an XML document (output by an XSLT engine like xalan) or can be passed in memory as a DOM Document or (in the case of xalan) SAX events. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: forge-doc Description-md5: 17195d16b46135c49762e8b49b625412 Description-sl: documentation for forge A prototype of the OpenGL interop library that can be used with ArrayFire. The goal of Forge is to provide high performance OpenGL visualizations for C/C++ applications that use CUDA/OpenCL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: fortunes-bg Description-md5: d6f2089fa76e5524a171b9bfcbb2ed83 Description-sl: Bolgarske podatkovne datoteke za fortune Collection of about 125 Bulgarian proverbs and 150 other proverbs, 150 thoughts with Bulgarian authors and 150 other thoughts, some ancient Bulgarian texts and other sentences. . This package can be a replacement for the fortunes package to let fortune speak Bulgarian. Package: fortunes-de Description-md5: fbe5aac01d5c6d0e88722eef991aa3cc Description-sl: Nemške podatkovne datoteke za fortune Collection of more than 17000 German cookies. This package can be a replacement for or an addition to the fortunes package to let fortune speak German. Package: fortunes-eo Description-md5: 9144c190bd3cf765f24e57e6559b2237 Description-sl: Zbirka esperanto piškotov sreče. Datumbazo kun esperantlingvaj mesaĝoj por la fortune programo. Enhavas mesaĝojn el Proverbaro Esperanta de Zamenhof, en UTF-8 kodo. . Database with esperanto fortune cookies. Contains messages from Proverbaro Esperanta by Zamenhof, in UTF-8 encoding. Package: fortunes-es Description-md5: 982884b869a799540d1345693034ee8b Description-sl: Španska podatkovna zbirka besedil za piškote sreče A collection of Spanish fortune cookies, taken from various sources including the 'chorrada' program (from FIDOnet) and the 'Frases y Proverbios' webpage. Package: fortunes-mario Description-md5: 5c08a26b8b28a4c0aeccd5b21cc8f386 Description-sl: Datoteke Fortunes za Mario A fortune database for Portuguese speakers, gathered from Mario Domenech Goulart. It is the result of collecting cookies for a long time to make a great database. Package: fortunes-pl Description-md5: 13cc9688648d7eeca8fff4061a55e479 Description-sl: Poljske podatkovne datoteke za fortune A collection of fortune cookies in Polish. . This package can be replacement for or an addition to the fortunes package to let fortune speak Polish. Package: fortunes-ru Description-md5: ed52d80d2e488b5d949adf34baf25594 Description-sl: Ruske podatkovne datoteke za fortune A collection of fortune cookies in Russian. . This package can be replacement for or an addition to the fortunes package to let fortune speak Russian. Package: fortunes-zh Description-md5: acae5325eb4f2e38e4dd8fc603a6b9cb Description-sl: Kitajske podatkovne datoteke za fortune This package contains the Chinese data files for fortune in UTF-8 encoding. . cookies included in this package: * tang300: 300 Tang Poems * song100: 100 Song Poems * chinese: Misc Chinese Collection Package: fp-compiler-3.2.2 Description-md5: 63713eee8e06aca4b4428ee844beaa96 Description-sl: Free Pascal - compiler The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform- independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries. . Extensions have been added to the language, such as function overloading, creation and linking of shared libraries, and Delphi language extensions including classes, exceptions, ANSI strings, and open arrays. . Ta paket vsebuje kodni prevajalnik ukazne vrstice. Package: fp-ide-3.2.2 Description-md5: 0c775e9bd2bab35e68a41e63d2ffaec7 Description-sl: Free Pascal - IDE The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform- independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries. . Extensions have been added to the language, such as function overloading, creation and linking of shared libraries, and Delphi language extensions including classes, exceptions, ANSI strings, and open arrays. . This package contains the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE has an internal compiler. Package: fprobe Description-md5: 1ce21ac0268ad425b991cbf6d2f12148 Description-sl: export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector This program is a libpcap-based utility which collects network traffic and emits it as NetFlow towards a specified collector. . Domača stran: Package: fqterm Description-md5: eace309401fa273e8b9768c658824588 Description-sl: BBS client written in Qt FQTerm is one of the most widely used BBS client in China, it supports Telnet/SSH1/SSH2 protocols and can process ANSI control sequences. It can be used to login BBS sites or *NIX hosts. . Skoraj vsi BBS-ji na širšem področju Kitajske so v kodiranju BIG5 ali GBK. Zato FQTerm podpira le ti dve kodiranji in ASCII. Package: fracplanet Description-md5: ffa1ea92999e4ee30a7989ae183b971d Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik fraktalnih planetov This is an interactive tool for creating random fractal planets and terrain areas with oceans, rivers, lakes and icecaps. The results can be exported as models to POV-Ray and to Blender, or as texture maps for more general usage. Package: frame-tools Description-md5: 7cb9eae5a916f8c23e99e81a1ed7d538 Description-sl: Knjižnica okvirja Touch - preizkusna orodja This library handles the buildup and synchronization of a set of simultaneous touches. The library is input agnostic, with bindings for mtdev, frame and XI2.1. . Ta paket zagotavlja nekatera preizkusna orodja za knjižnico okvirja. Package: fraqtive Description-md5: f232e2d9d35118266eb8b336d9d8b7e1 Description-sl: izriše fraktale Mandelbrot in Julia Fraqtive je program za izrisovanje fraktalov Mandelbrot in Julia. Uporablja zelo hiter algoritem in ustvari visoko kakovostne, gladke slike. Je polno intiuitiven, kar omogoča realnočasovno krmarjenje z miško in dinamično ustvarjanje predogledov Julia. Podprt je tudi z OpenGL izrisan 3D pogled fraktalov. Package: freealchemist Description-md5: 2dafb1046914314ebd152962419eed4d Description-sl: Igra enostavnih blokov figur FreeAlchemist is a figure block game written in Python where you have to connect blocks. . The three or more blocks connected with the same shape will be replaced by a block with a different shape. Package: freecad Description-md5: 1d167f48f08e595bce06bea328e3c222 Description-sl: Extensible Open Source CAx program For 3D printing, CNC milling or for the manual assembly of complicated constructs one needs a formal specification of the workpiece, i.e., its parts and how these come together. The process to get there is called Computer-Aided Design (CAD). The process to transform a CAD model into a series of instructions that can be performed on a machine is called Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). FreeCAD can do both, the prior yet a bit better than the latter. . FreeCAD je odprtokoden CAx RAD, ki je osnovan na OpenCasCade, Qt in Python. Vsebuje nekatere ključne koncepte kot so snemanje makrov, delovne mize, zmožnost izvajanja kot strežnik in dinamično naložljive razširitve programov. Zasnovan je za neodvisnost od sistema. . Trenutno lahko FreeCAD uvozi in prikaže modele CAD v IGER, STEP in BRep in mreže v vrstah STL, BMS, AST in Wavefront OBJ. Zmožnosti urejanja in modeliranja sta trenutno malce omejeni. . This is a metapackage of FreeCAD component packages. Package: freecad-common Description-md5: f699a5dd72c3b2d3475010d9b8cbbdbd Description-sl: Extensible Open Source CAx program - common files FreeCAD je odprtokoden CAx RAD, ki je osnovan na OpenCasCade, Qt in Python. Vsebuje nekatere ključne koncepte kot so snemanje makrov, delovne mize, zmožnost izvajanja kot strežnik in dinamično naložljive razširitve programov. Zasnovan je za neodvisnost od sistema. . Trenutno lahko FreeCAD uvozi in prikaže modele CAD v IGER, STEP in BRep in mreže v vrstah STL, BMS, AST in Wavefront OBJ. Zmožnosti urejanja in modeliranja sta trenutno malce omejeni. . This package contains FreeCAD common files and resources. Package: freecad-python3 Description-md5: 32645481e71d8a4ce41c032446e09231 Description-sl: Extensible Open Source CAx program - Python 3 binaries FreeCAD je odprtokoden CAx RAD, ki je osnovan na OpenCasCade, Qt in Python. Vsebuje nekatere ključne koncepte kot so snemanje makrov, delovne mize, zmožnost izvajanja kot strežnik in dinamično naložljive razširitve programov. Zasnovan je za neodvisnost od sistema. . Trenutno lahko FreeCAD uvozi in prikaže modele CAD v IGER, STEP in BRep in mreže v vrstah STL, BMS, AST in Wavefront OBJ. Zmožnosti urejanja in modeliranja sta trenutno malce omejeni. . This package contains the FreeCAD binaries built against Python 3. Package: freeciv Description-md5: 82b82378fdabff25e3cf35835f2be156 Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . This metapackage will install the recommended client to play Freeciv. Package: freeciv-client-extras Description-md5: a1671fc9f7475d650e1a87f4ae4184bb Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (miscellaneous extras) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . This package includes Freeciv's modpack tool freeciv-mp-gtk3. It allows you to select and download custom rulesets and tilesets for the game. Package: freeciv-client-gtk3 Description-md5: 496c57efd4b26147869354b7e616e8fe Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (GTK 3 client) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . This is the GTK 3 version of Freeciv. It is the most sophisticated and recommended client to play the game. Package: freeciv-client-gtk4 Description-md5: 3aaa9b414d86d7cf26ff6cf3e3a18af9 Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (GTK 4 client) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . This is the GTK 4 version of Freeciv. Package: freeciv-client-qt Description-md5: 9bd5456acf90e1088ced452ed2bd2aae Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (Qt client) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . This is the Qt version of Freeciv. Package: freeciv-client-sdl Description-md5: 75b48ccbf67951c7557c45415add8139 Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (SDL client) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . This version of Freeciv is based on SDL, the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. It is recommended to install the »freeciv-client-gtk3« package and to use the GTK 3 client unless you really want to try this one. The SDL client offers a different look&feel but lacks some functionality of the GTK 3 client. Package: freeciv-data Description-md5: 3e71cdf65770ccf90b9a9eefa884d084 Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (data) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . These are the common data and sound files for Freeciv. Package: freeciv-ruleset-tools Description-md5: 8640679fb6c83e0aa514ea44abe64f55 Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (ruleset tools) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . The package contains tools to update and edit rulesets. Package: freeciv-server Description-md5: 05034be0e9f586e565ca1fa01f7dd762 Description-sl: Civilization turn based strategy game (server files) Freeciv je prost klon potezne strateške igre Civilizacija. V tej igri vsak igralec postane vodja civilizacije, ki se bori za končni cilj - uničenje vseh drugih civilizacij. . To je strežnik igre Freeciv. Package: freecol Description-md5: 1b3e97a15f588b9f72cf816e72ff066c Description-sl: odprtokodna različica stare igre Colonization freecol is a game in the spirit of Civilization but taking place in a colonial background. Colonize the new world, build towns, trade or fight with natives and other European civilizations, trade with your homeland until you're ready to fight for your independence ! Package: freedink Description-md5: 6b3e332b8d3797216c6ab6fef8ce9c72 Description-sl: humorous top-down adventure and role-playing game Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to classic Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. . GNU FreeDink je nova in prenosna različica novega programnika igre, ki poganja izvirno igro kot tudi D-Mode z visoko združljivostjo v več okoljih. . This package is a metapackage to install the game, its data and a front- end to manage game options and D-Mods. Package: freedink-data Description-md5: 333bab3a1465597c5a86cd8358038e88 Description-sl: adventure and role-playing game (assets) Dink Smallwood je pustolovska igra/igra igranja vlog, ki je podobna igri Zelda in jo je ustvarilo podjetje RTsoft. Poleg sprevrženega humorja vključuje urejevalnik iger, ki igralcem omogoča ustvarjanje stotin novih pustolovščin z imenom moduli Dink ali krajše D-Mods. . This package contains the original game story, along with free sound and music replacements. Package: freedink-engine Description-md5: 2758e7f6b8dc68999c3892c14828c0d4 Description-sl: humorous top-down adventure and role-playing game (engine) Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to classic Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. . GNU FreeDink je nova in prenosna različica novega programnika igre, ki poganja izvirno igro kot tudi D-Mode z visoko združljivostjo v več okoljih. . Ta paket vsebuje le programnik igre. Package: freedroidrpg Description-md5: cb18c3bd823ad4ba82833c874a0d3d91 Description-sl: Isometric RPG influenced by Paradroid Freedroid RPG is an RPG with isometric graphics. In it, the player is Tux, who must fight rebelling robots in order to restore peace to humankind. To do so, Tux may take over robots in a minigame based off the classic game Paradroid, or may simply blast them to pieces with a weapon. . To ni ista igre kot Freedroid, ki je tudi na voljo v Debianu. Package: freedroidrpg-data Description-md5: 7e040453270a139203eae1b974287087 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za freedroidrpg Freedroid RPG is an RPG with isometric graphics. In it, the player is Tux, who must fight rebelling robots in order to restore peace to humankind. To do so, Tux may take over robots in a minigame based off the classic game Paradroid, or may simply blast them to pieces with a weapon. . To ni ista igre kot Freedroid, ki je tudi na voljo v Debianu. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro. Package: freefem-examples Description-md5: 9c813f744ed7732faa4464000401cd6b Description-sl: Datoteke primerov za FreeFEM FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool. Package: freegish-data Description-md5: 05db4fce49c0b59a2c0e507ce9bcf1e9 Description-sl: data for the FreeGish arcade game Freegish is a 2D platform game, where the player maneuvers character of a ball of tar. Character may become sticky, slick, heavy and can jump. . The game contains only first five levels of the single player campaign and few multiplayer levels for mini games like sumo or football. . Freegish is based on open sourced code of the famous game called Gish with added free art assets. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne, ki so zahtevane za Freegish. Package: freeradius-mysql Description-md5: 4423793fbfc997cd42deec2bcb196555 Description-sl: Modul MySQL za strežnik FreeRADIUS The FreeRADIUS server can use MySQL to authenticate users and do accounting, and this module is necessary for that. Package: freeradius-postgresql Description-md5: 21c022ad780dbebcad8db320d076ccd0 Description-sl: Modul PostgreSQL za strežnik FreeRADIUS The FreeRADIUS server can use PostgreSQL to authenticate users and do accounting, and this module is necessary for that. Package: freesweep Description-md5: 0a4e1d6d578e5c04dce8433cb70cee1a Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan minolovec Freesweep is an implementation of the popular minesweeper game, where one tries to find all the mines without igniting any, based on hints given by the computer. Unlike most implementations of this game, Freesweep works in any visual text display - in Linux console, in an xterm, and in most text-based terminals currently in use. Package: freetds-bin Description-md5: ecc81bdba70ea8f8a0ff19107655f93a Description-sl: Pripomočki ukazne vrstice FreeTDS FreeTDS is an implementation of the Tabular DataStream protocol, used for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase servers over TCP/IP. . This package includes the command-line utilities shipped with FreeTDS. Package: freetts Description-md5: a346fe6dcc2c0164ec6b7c3891945e56 Description-sl: Sistem sinteze govora FreeTTS is a speech synthesis system written entirely in the Java(TM) programming language. It is based upon Flite, a small run-time speech synthesis engine developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Flite in turn is derived from the Festival Speech Synthesis System from the University of Edinburgh and the FestVox project from Carnegie Mellon University. Package: freetype2-demos Description-md5: de421171a23975b0aade968f02a98dc9 Description-sl: Programi ponazoritve FreeType 2 The FreeType project is a team of volunteers who develop free, portable and high-quality software solutions for digital typography. They specifically target embedded systems and focus on providing small, efficient and ubiquitous products. . This package contains some demonstration programs and utilities that showcase the features of the FreeType 2 font engine. Package: freewnn-cserver Description-md5: aa303c9cee2af39884694ece281698b8 Description-sl: Kitajski vnosni sistem FreeWnn cserver (cWnn) is an integrated Chinese input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Chinese users from all over the world, including P.R.China and Taiwan. FreeWnn cserver is capable of carrying out Hanzi conversion from an arbitrary Pinyin or Zhuyin sequence, hence improving the speed of Pinyin/Zhuyin input. Package: freewnn-jserver Description-md5: 7d4caabedcdd8aa63390b028a910af8f Description-sl: Japonski vnosni sistem FreeWnn jserver (Wnn) is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system. It was jointly developed and released by the Software Research Group of Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Science, OMRON Corporation and Astec, Inc. and now maintained by the FreeWnn Project. Package: freewnn-kserver Description-md5: 2d18d8669cc65f4dee5e08eee885ea2e Description-sl: Korejski vnosni sistem FreeWnn kserver (kWnn) is an integrated Korean input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Korean users from all over the world. Package: frei0r-plugins Description-md5: 599b6277ac789dc307b958da496b9c52 Description-sl: minimalistic plugin API for video effects, plugins collection frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behavior of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications. . frei0r plugins are used by several projects (e.g.: LiVES, Veejay, Open Movie Editor, FreeJ, Pure Data Visual Junk Tools, MLT framework). . Ta paket vsebuje zbirko vstavkov. Package: frei0r-plugins-doc Description-md5: ccb78b52a1cb4e3160d4e5762dc0085f Description-sl: minimalistic plugin API for video effects, API documentation frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behavior of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications. . frei0r plugins are used by several projects (e.g.: LiVES, Veejay, Open Movie Editor, FreeJ, Pure Data Visual Junk Tools, MLT framework). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: frescobaldi Description-md5: 7e3a8966b55e721550f9e11b9d0e5617 Description-sl: LilyPond sheet music text editor Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use. Frescobaldi is Free Software, freely available under the GNU General Public License. . Zmožnosti: . * Powerful text editor with syntax highlighting and automatic completion * Music view with advanced Point & Click * MIDI player to proof-listen LilyPond-generated MIDI files * MIDI capturing to enter music * Powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a music score * Snippet Manager to store and apply text snippets, templates or scripts * Use multiple versions of LilyPond, automatically selects the correct version * Built-in LilyPond documentation browser and built-in Frescobaldi User Guide * Smart layout-control functions like coloring specific objects in the PDF * MusicXML, MIDI and ABC import * Modern user interface with configurable colors, fonts and keyboard shortcuts * Translated into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian, Spanish, Galician, Turkish, Polish, Brazillian Portuguese and Ukrainian. . Music functions: . * Transpose music * Change music from relative to absolute and vice versa * Change the language used for note names * Change the rhythm (double, halve, add/remove dots, copy, paste) etc. * Hyphenate lyrics using word-processor hyphenation dictionaries * Add spanners, dynamics, articulation easily using the Quick Insert panel * Update LilyPond syntax using convert-ly, with display of differences . In order to use lyric hyphenation, please install your languages' appropriate hyphenation packages, e.g. hyphen-fr for French, hyphen-ca for Catalan, etc. . Frescobaldi is designed to run on all major operating systems (Linux, macOS and MS Windows). It is named after Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643), an Italian composer of keyboard music in the late Renaissance and early Baroque period. Package: fretsonfire-songs-muldjord Description-md5: 5a68498003cd2b0990af3bab85e6278e Description-sl: game of musical skill and fast fingers - Songs Package Frets on FIie je igra glasbenih sposobnosti in hitrih prstov. Cilj igre je s tipkovnico igrati kitaro kolikor je mogoče natančno. . This is a data package of songs written by Muldjord Package: fretsonfire-songs-sectoid Description-md5: 64cd993ff5aeb1353a85004391d9e13e Description-sl: game of musical skill and fast fingers - Songs Package Frets on FIie je igra glasbenih sposobnosti in hitrih prstov. Cilj igre je s tipkovnico igrati kitaro kolikor je mogoče natančno. . This is a data package of songs written by Sectoid Package: frogr Description-md5: b085d9541e6489e8a1e69221a531d61a Description-sl: Oddaljeni organizator Flickr za GNOME Frogr is a small application for the GNOME desktop that allows users to manage their accounts in the Flickr image hosting website. It supports all the basic tasks, including uploading pictures, adding descriptions, setting tags and managing sets. Package: frogr-data Description-md5: 670f41cf10490dc5131bc996fc0abecf Description-sl: Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME - data files Frogr is a small application for the GNOME desktop that allows users to manage their accounts in the Flickr image hosting website. It supports all the basic tasks, including uploading pictures, adding descriptions, setting tags and managing sets. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: frotz Description-md5: 15075d22e4b53f664f23fc2945d343e9 Description-sl: Tolmač datotek zgodbe kode Z Frotz interprets Z-code story-files, which are usually text adventure games (although a few arcade-style Z-code games have been written). Examples of such story files include the adventure games published by Infocom, as well as any games produced by compilers to this format, such as Inform. You can find a number of Inform-compiled games up for anonymous FTP at or HTTP at . Frotz complies with the Z Machine specification version 1.0. . This package contains the dumb and Curses versions of Frotz. Package: frozen-bubble Description-md5: 3785aec5dfad3884d80489fbf1b4f48a Description-sl: cool game where you pop out the bubbles! Frozen-Bubble is a clone of the popular "Puzzle Bobble" game, in which you attempt to shoot bubbles into groups of the same color to cause them to pop. . Igralci tekmujejo kot pingvini in morajo uporabiti smerne tipke za ciljanje obarvanih mehurčkov v skupine mehurčkov. Cilj je odstrani vse mehurčke z zaslona predem mehurček pride čez črto na dnu. . It features 100 single-player levels, a two-player mode, music and striking graphics. A level editor is also included to allow players to create and play their own levels. Package: fsarchiver Description-md5: 3da05c8c86b885254877d63de800fc49 Description-sl: Arhivirnik datotečnega sistema FSArchiver is a system tool that allows you to save the contents of a file system to a compressed archive file. The file system can be restored on a partition which has a different size and it can be restored on a different file system. Unlike tar/dar, FSArchiver also creates the file system when it extracts the data to partitions. Everything is checksummed in the archive in order to protect the data. If the archive is corrupt, you just lose the current file, not the whole archive. Package: fspanel Description-md5: 9d148223930c6152ef758987e1a40ed4 Description-sl: Najmanjši pult za X A panel for X that lists all your windows, while consuming minimal disk, memory, and screen space. It works under any GNOME compliant window manager (e.g. E, Sawfish, WindowMaker, IceWM, Oroborus) and supports KDE's mini icons (the KWM_WIN_ICON atom). Package: fspy Description-md5: 9c49e9212088f22ca1d2f76000fe9d83 Description-sl: Orodje za nadziranje dejavnosti datotečnega sistema fspy is an easy to use Linux filesystem activity monitoring tool which is meant to be small, fast and to handle system resources conservative. You can apply filters, use diffing and your own output format in order to get the best results. Package: fstrcmp Description-md5: f46525797f96335ca1e9b249ee43c6c7 Description-sl: Ohlapna primerjava nizov This package provides a command to make fuzzy string comparisons. Package: fteqcc Description-md5: e65cc25536b17641f57a3e511b84a2e2 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik FTE QuakeC fteqcc compiles QuakeC source code to binary, platform-independent code that Quake based engines can interpret. QuakeC is the language that Quake game logic is developed in and is used for developing modifications. . FTE QCC supports Quake1, QuakeWorld, Hexen2 and FTE Quake, 64bit architectures and multithreading. Package: ftp-proxy-doc Description-md5: c6a24aa91cec5d8501d5b000611c9c39 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za ftp-proxy FTP-Proxy is a transparent, application-level proxy server for FTP connections, designed to protect FTP servers against attacks based on the FTP protocol. It is the first (and currently only) component of the SuSE Proxy Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security. . This package contains the documentation in PDF and HTML for ftp-proxy. Package: ftpcopy Description-md5: d08a536f7e94fc6c8e51d60ba074a4e2 Description-sl: Zbirka odjemalcev FTP ftpcopy is a simple FTP client written to copy files or directories (recursively) from an FTP server. It was written to mirror FTP sites which support the EPLF directory listing format, but it also supports the traditional listing format (/bin/ls). . ftpls is an FTP client which generates directory listings, either in plain text or HTML. . The tools only support passive mode FTP. There is no plan to support active mode. Package: ftpgrab Description-md5: 491b78c7cd2ccb92bb7a60aefc9ee941 Description-sl: Pripomoček zrcaljenja datotek ftpgrab is a utility for maintaining FTP mirrors. In fact not unlike the "Mirror" perl program. However ftpgrab is oriented towards the smaller site which doesn't have the resources to mirror entire version trees of software. . The primary "plus point" of ftpgrab is that it can base download decisions by parsing version numbers out of filenames. For example, ftpgrab will recognize that the file "linux-2.2.2.tar.gz" is newer than "linux-2.2.1.tar.gz" based on the version string. It will then download the new version and delete the old one when it is done, thus saving you mirroring 10 kernel versions all at >10Mb each. Package: funnelweb-doc Description-md5: c84dde5247e713cf143cab9d2b2df035 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za funnelweb This package includes the HTML manuals for the funnelweb litterate- programming system. These are the Tutorial Manual, the Reference Manual, and the Developer Manual. Package: fusion-icon Description-md5: ced6b819abcd5881dda1ccdd5c1e5159 Description-sl: tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Projekt OpenCompositing zagotavlja 3D vidne učinke namizja, ki izboljšajo uporabnost in videz okenskega sistema X in zagotavljajo izboljšano produktivnost. . Ta paket vsebuje ikono sistemske vrstice, ki vam omogoča enostavno omogočanje, onemogočanje in ponoven zagon Compiz in spremembo trenutno uporabljenega okenskega upravljalnika in/ali programa okenskih okraskov. Package: fvwm Description-md5: 50cb43691819694c8a5a0f6835f2bc86 Description-sl: F(?) navidezni okenski upravljalnik FVWM je zmogljiv z ICCM2 združljiv upravljalnik navideznih namizij za okenski sistem X. FVWM zahteva relativno malo pomnilnika. . This 2.6 version includes new features like full support of the EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints) specification, internationalization, improved window decoration code (no flickering anymore), bi-directional asian text support, FreeType font support (antialiasing), image rendering, Perl based module library, support for PNG images, side titles and much more. Package: fvwm3 Description-md5: 5bfae36b498c66382b04923a7bc011d5 Description-sl: F(?) navidezni okenski upravljalnik FVWM3 is a powerful ICCCM2 compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager for the X Window System. FVWM3 is the successor to FVWM 2.x, which was originally (a looooong time ago!) derived from TWM. FVWM3 is intended to have a small memory footprint but a rich feature set, be extremely customizable and extendible, and have a high degree of Motif MWM compatibility. Package: fwbuilder Description-md5: 73dde9e92370efbba3953188b1d6e1e9 Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik skrbniškega orodja požarnega zidu Program Firewall Builder je sestavljen iz predmetno usmerjenega grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnik in zbirko pravil za različne sistem požarnih zidov. V programu Firewall Builder so pravila požarnega zidu zbirka pravil, kjer je vsako pravilo sestavljeno iz abstraktnih predmetov, ki predstavljajo prave omrežne predmete in storitve (gostitelje, usmerjevalnike, požarne zidove, omrežja, protokole). Firewall Builder uporabniku pomaga vzdrževati podatkovno zbirko predmetov in omogoča urejanje pravil z enostavnimi opravili povleci in spusti. . To je grafični vmesnik za fwbuilder Package: fwbuilder-common Description-md5: 09409ea0c99cd17f604ad3e2324d57db Description-sl: Firewall administration tool GUI (common files) Program Firewall Builder je sestavljen iz predmetno usmerjenega grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnik in zbirko pravil za različne sistem požarnih zidov. V programu Firewall Builder so pravila požarnega zidu zbirka pravil, kjer je vsako pravilo sestavljeno iz abstraktnih predmetov, ki predstavljajo prave omrežne predmete in storitve (gostitelje, usmerjevalnike, požarne zidove, omrežja, protokole). Firewall Builder uporabniku pomaga vzdrževati podatkovno zbirko predmetov in omogoča urejanje pravil z enostavnimi opravili povleci in spusti. . This is the arch independent common parts of fwbuilder Package: fwbuilder-doc Description-md5: 1ece524d35eaa9573476a061ed386d25 Description-sl: Firewall administration tool GUI documentation Program Firewall Builder je sestavljen iz predmetno usmerjenega grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnik in zbirko pravil za različne sistem požarnih zidov. V programu Firewall Builder so pravila požarnega zidu zbirka pravil, kjer je vsako pravilo sestavljeno iz abstraktnih predmetov, ki predstavljajo prave omrežne predmete in storitve (gostitelje, usmerjevalnike, požarne zidove, omrežja, protokole). Firewall Builder uporabniku pomaga vzdrževati podatkovno zbirko predmetov in omogoča urejanje pravil z enostavnimi opravili povleci in spusti. . To je dokumentacija za fwbuilder. Package: fwlogwatch Description-md5: 9fb0eca840377b5b84c214320b65b9ff Description-sl: Preučevalnik dnevnikov požarnih zidov fwlogwatch produces ipchains, netfilter/iptables, ipfilter, Cisco IOS and Cisco PIX log summary reports in text and HTML form and has a lot of options to find and display relevant patterns in connection attempts. With the data found it can also generate customizable incident reports from a template and send them to abuse contacts at offending sites or CERT coordination centers. Finally, it can also run as daemon and report anomalies or start countermeasures. Package: fwts Description-md5: 2ced4a548490b16630bde449e3861f20 Description-sl: Preizkusna zbirka strojne programske opreme This is a firmware test suite that performs sanity checks on system firmware. It is intended to identify BIOS and ACPI errors and if appropriate it will try to explain the errors and give advice to help workaround or fix firmware bugs. It is primarily intended to be a Linux- centric firmware troubleshooting tool. Package: gajim Description-md5: f8af1272b3830104f81a829f08d6afb3 Description-sl: GTK+-based Jabber client Gajim je odjemalec Jabber. Ima uporabniški vmesnik z zavihki z običajnimi klepeti, skupinskimi klepeti in ima veliko zmožnosti kot so TLS, GPG, SSL, več računov, podobe, prenosi datotek, zvočni/video klic, D-Bus in metastiki. Package: galternatives Description-md5: e2b6c21c44fe667505646d7a6160ea36 Description-sl: Orodje grafičnih nastavitev za sistem alternatives Grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki skrbniku sistema pomaga izbrati kateri program naj zagotavlja dano storitev. . To je grafično začelje do programa update-alternatives, ki je vključen v dpkg. Package: gamazons Description-md5: 6e441e85edd8685cfb42b3fc45178903 Description-sl: Namizna igra Amazons za GNOME Amazons is a game played on a 10x10 chess board. Each side has four pieces (amazons) that move like chess queens (in a straight line in any direction). Instead of capturing pieces like in chess, the game is determined based on who moves last. . Each move consists of two parts. First an amazon moves to a new square and then fires an arrow to another square (the arrow is fired in a straight line in any direction from the square the amazon landed on). The square the arrow lands on becomes a permenant block for the rest of the game. No one can move over it, or fire an arrow over it. Every turn an amazon must move and fire an arrow, so every turn there is one less square available on the board. Try and block in your opponent or section off a good chunk of the board for yourself. Package: gambas3-devel Description-md5: 8bcbebd475066eae5a04d323bc067d0f Description-sl: Orodja kodnega prevajanja Gambas Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). . This package includes the Gambas compiler, archiver and informer. Package: gambas3-gb-report Description-md5: 7cdbd7c55ea7a236753fb00c47920c79 Description-sl: Sestavni del poročil Gambas Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). . This package gives the tools and methods to create reports using Gambas. Package: gambas3-gb-settings Description-md5: 306322693bef7e6b543771154faf34f1 Description-sl: Razred pripomočkov Gambas Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). . This is a component made in Gambas providing several utilities. Package: gambas3-gb-xml Description-md5: cedeedc9dd02ddc6e5cffe2d32deb852 Description-sl: Sestavni del Gambas XML Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). . This package brings the power of the xml libraries to Gambas. Package: gambas3-gb-xml-rpc Description-md5: e2cedab517ba7767a839955f20846623 Description-sl: Sestavni del Gambas RPC Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). . This package allows using RPC from a Gambas application. Package: gambas3-gb-xml-xslt Description-md5: 51b5ec811a19abb92acaeda56eda2983 Description-sl: Sestavni del Gambas XSLT Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). This package brings the power of the libxslt libraries to Gambas. Package: gambas3-ide Description-md5: 473e5a716aa1548d2eabd6260aa08130 Description-sl: Vidno razvojno okolje za programski jezik Gambas Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). . This package includes the Gambas Development Environment. Package: gamgi-doc Description-md5: 7306539af0a6e662a1d46a7d5d8dcde6 Description-sl: General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (documentation) The General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (GAMGI) provides a graphical interface to build, view and analyze atomic structures. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: gamine Description-md5: 03d8be163375b08e650a6b987a3dc08a Description-sl: Interactive game for young children Gamine je igra zasnovana za 2 leti stare otroke, ki še ne morejo uporabiti tipkovnice. . Otrok uporablja miško za risanje obarvanih črt in pik na zaslonu. Package: gamine-data Description-md5: 4546cef32c0cfa4e4296bab63a71ef0d Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro gamine gamine is a game for young children. . This package contains sound and level data for the game. . You need the gamine package to use these data files. Package: gammu Description-md5: 12551c0ae5fdb3bc3de3855bc96d1015 Description-sl: Pripomoček za upravljanje mobilnih telefonov Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. . Trenutno podprti telefoni so: . * Many Nokia models. * Alcatel BE5 (501/701), BF5 (715), BH4 (535/735). * AT capable phones (Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, IPAQ). * OBEX and IrMC capable phones (Sony-Ericsson, Motorola). * Symbian phones through gnapplet. . This package contains Gammu binary as well as some examples. Package: gammu-smsd Description-md5: e36e4d0f7657805b68533f3d10f281f5 Description-sl: Ozadnji program SMS Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. . Trenutno podprti telefoni so: . * Many Nokia models. * Alcatel BE5 (501/701), BF5 (715), BH4 (535/735). * AT capable phones (Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, IPAQ). * OBEX and IrMC capable phones (Sony-Ericsson, Motorola). * Symbian phones through gnapplet. . This package contains Gammu SMS Daemon and tool to inject messages into the queue. Package: ganyremote Description-md5: cb7bb8b68527d536d19659cede32b9c6 Description-sl: GTK+ začelje za anyRemote Paket gAnyRemote je začelje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za anyRemote ( Cilj tega projekta je zagotavljati storitev daljinskega upravljalnika na Linuxu s povezavami Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi ali TCP/IP. Package: gargoyle-free Description-md5: 436c627cbce3086c212a7b6702137606 Description-sl: graphical player for Interactive Fiction games Gargoyle is an Interactive Fiction (text adventure) player that supports all the major interactive fiction formats. . Most interactive fiction is distributed as portable game files. These portable game files come in many formats. In the past, you used to have to download a separate player (interpreter) for each format of IF you wanted to play. Instead, Gargoyle provides unified player. . Gargoyle is based on the standard interpreters for the formats it supports: .taf (Adrift games, played with Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, played with Geas), .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures), .gam/.t3 (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine games, played with Frotz, Nitfol or Bocfel), .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform or Superglús games compiled to the Glulxe VM in Blorb archives, played with Git or Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine games in Blorb archives, played with Frotz). . (note: do not confuse the Git Glux interpreter with the Git DVCS or the GNU Interactive Tools) . Gargoyle also features graphics, sounds and Unicode support. . Technically all the bundled interpreters support the Glk API to manage I/O (keyboard, graphics, sounds, file) in IF games. Gargoyle provides a Glk implementation called garglk that displays texts and images in a graphical Qt window, with care on typography. . Omejitve: . * While Gargoyle can display in-game pictures, it does not provide a way to display the cover art present in some Blorb archives. . * The TADS interpreter doesn't support HTML TADS; you can play the games, but will miss the hyperlinks. Package: garlic-doc Description-md5: a050e251856d4f8ebcc887964f93c8cb Description-sl: [Chemistry] a molecular visualization program - documents To je dokumentacijski paket za Garlic. . Garlic is probably the most portable molecular visualization program in the Unix world. It's written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as some geometric objects. The name should has something to do with the structure and operation of this program. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein sequences. . Features include (but not limited to): o The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. o Atomic bonds as well as atoms are treated as independent drawable objects. o The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes are available (as for slab). o Capable to display stereo image. o Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane. o Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer over the structure! o Capable to load more than one structure. o Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel, Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. o The command prompt is available at the bottom of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string. Package: gaupol Description-md5: cc7a23011862f3776d478085982806b9 Description-sl: urejevalnik podnapisov za besedilne datoteke s podnapisi Na besedilu osnovani podnapisi se pogosto uporabljajo z video DivX. Gaupol podpira več vrst datotek podnapisov in zagotavlja način za popravilo besedila in obdelovanje časa. Uporabniški vmesnik je zasnovan s pozornostjo za paketno obdelovanje več dokumentov in priročno prevajanje. . Supported formats are: * Advanced Sub Station Alpha (.ssa) * MicroDVD (.sub) * MPL2 (.txt) * SubRip (.srt) * Sub Station Alpha (.ssa) * SubViewer2 (.sub) * TMPlayer (.txt) . VobSubs (podnapisi osnovani na slikah, ki se uporabljajo v DVD-jih) NISO podprti. Package: gav Description-md5: 07ea36d89b6cf17e94312f54a7cb7da2 Description-sl: Arkadna odbojka GPL GAV stands for GPL Arcade Volleyball, and is an SDL remake of the old DOS game Arcade Volleyball. It includes multiplayer, networking, and themeable graphics support. . More information, as well as additional themes, can be found at <>. Package: gbatnav Description-md5: 61ebd79e1018b6594b219d803edee664 Description-sl: Omrežna igra BattleShip Batalla Naval je omrežna igra BattleShip. Podpira več igralcev in robotov hkrati. Package: gbdfed Description-md5: 3708569d0a7d5498e009d47f298a1be9 Description-sl: Urejevalnik pisav X11 gbdfed lets you interactively create new bitmap font files or modify existing ones. It allows editing multiple fonts and multiple glyphs, it allows cut and paste operations between fonts and glyphs and editing font properties. The editor works natively with BDF fonts. . This editor is the successor of xmbdfed and is using the GTK+ toolkit instead of the Motif toolkit for better user experience. Package: gbonds Description-md5: 08cc8581a66fc2ee392369a9b2c67287 Description-sl: U.S. Savings Bond inventory program for GNOME GBonds is a U.S. Savings Bond inventory program for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to track the current redemption value and performance of your U.S. Savings Bonds and keep a valuable record of the bonds you own. . Zmožnosti: . * Tracks savings notes and series E, EE, and I savings bonds. * Uses U.S. Treasury Department redemption files without modification. * Imports inventories created with Savings Bond Wizard. * Tracks current value of both individual bonds and an entire inventory. * Prints inventories. It is important to keep a permanent record of your bonds in a separate location in case you ever need to replace them. Package: gbonds-data Description-md5: 5794b0776c9765495f831f41cda01731 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke GBonds This package contains architecture-independent supporting data files required for use with GBonds, such as documentation, icons, and the Savings Bond redemption data files. Package: gbrowse-calign Description-md5: 52106883c9df300bab833de801839ea2 Description-sl: Pomočnik CAlign Generic Genome Browser is a simple but highly configurable web-based genome browser. It is a component of the Generic Model Organism Systems Database project (GMOD). . This package provides the CAlign helper for use with Realign. It speeds up Smith-Waterman alignment. Package: gbrowse-data Description-md5: 10ce158783e67e4316b3c5112e31af99 Description-sl: Enostavni podatki za uporabo GBrowse Generic Genome Browser is a simple but highly configurable web-based genome browser. It is a component of the Generic Model Organism Systems Database project (GMOD). . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za preizkus orodja gbrowse s Yeast genome. Package: gcal-common Description-md5: 6f85358ef41630bf4ec231f1556b23f3 Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke gcal This package contains architecture independent files needed for gcal to run properly. Therefore, unless you have 'gcal' package installed, you will hardly find this package useful. Package: gcalcli Description-md5: 89a8bec70c5a4cfd128a59d0e0efe053 Description-sl: Vmesnik ukazne vrstice Google Calander gcalcli is a Python application that allows you to access your Google Calendar from a command line. It's easy to get your agenda, search for events, and quickly add new events. Additionally gcalcli can be used as a reminder service to execute any application you want. Package: gccgo Description-md5: 9d336d49adc1ff59921be0a9229b7c40 Description-sl: Go compiler, based on the GCC backend This is the GNU Go compiler, which compiles Go on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code. . To je paket odvisnosti, ki vključuje privzeti kodni prevajalnik GNU Go. Package: gccgo-for-build Description-md5: 4940991dfa7e5d9bb6ae203dbd82ff9a Description-sl: Go compiler, based on the GCC backend for the build architecture This is the GNU Go compiler, which compiles Go on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code. . To je paket odvisnosti, ki vključuje privzeti kodni prevajalnik GNU Go. . Tools used via this metapackage must be used without an architecture prefix. Package: gccgo-for-host Description-md5: a27a82fffec972a8bd282c7602995be2 Description-sl: Go compiler, based on the GCC backend for the host architecture This is the GNU Go compiler, which compiles Go on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code. . To je paket odvisnosti, ki vključuje privzeti kodni prevajalnik GNU Go. . Tools used via this metapackage must be used with an architecture prefix. Package: gcdmaster Description-md5: 2bb2f2974c89bd2b608f9966e5c0254a Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik GNOME za cdrdao GNOME CD je začelje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za ustvarjanje zvočnih CD-jev in njihovo zapisovanje s programom cdrdao. . Zmožnosti: * grafični vmesnik, ki je enostaven za uporabo * podpora za več projektov * predvajanje odtisov zvočnih CD-jev * enostaven izpis CD-jev na disk * kopiranje s CD-ja na CD * sestavljanje novih zvočnih CD-jev iz datotek wav * grafično vstavljanje oznak sledi (za razdelitev živih snemanj) * enostavno spreminjanje CD-BESEDILA Package: gchempaint Description-md5: 93366c1abde3e6faf5074d4ac2087817 Description-sl: 2D urejevalnik kemijskih struktur za namizje GNOME2 GChempaint je urejevalnik 2D kemijskih struktur z vmesnikom več dokumentov. Narisane molekule je mogoče iskati na NIST Webbook in PubChem. Package: gcl Description-md5: f493367acf500ea1be0a017b9c0f0fb8 Description-sl: Skupni GNU kodni prevajalnik Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains the Lisp system itself. Documentation is provided in the gcl-doc package. Package: gcl-doc Description-md5: ed4ba6cd7211ec9c7d9827fa0f043b7d Description-sl: Dokumentacija za GNU Common Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains Documentation in info format of both the system internals, as well as the graphical interface currently implemented in Tcl/Tk. Package: gcl27 Description-md5: f493367acf500ea1be0a017b9c0f0fb8 Description-sl: Skupni GNU kodni prevajalnik Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains the Lisp system itself. Documentation is provided in the gcl-doc package. Package: gcl27-doc Description-md5: 483dd6828aa7d50396bfdfa3d8827731 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za GNU Common Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains documentation in info format of the system internals. Package: gcl27-tk Description-md5: 201444ea511fce668cc31c28dde8565d Description-sl: Skupni GNU kodni prevajalnik Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains a graphical interface based on the popular TCL/TK toolkit. Package: gcl27-tk-doc Description-md5: dd2e7b534228673e4084dc43c73f8174 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za GNU Common Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C. . This package contains documentation in info format of the graphical interface currently implemented in Tcl/Tk. Package: gcu-bin Description-md5: 865eb56dfd921b44bea990365e4c3800 Description-sl: GNOME pripomočki za kemijo (programi za pomoč) Kemijski pripomočki GNOME zagotavljajo razrede C++ in gradnike Gtk+-2, ki so povezani s kemijo. Uporabljale ju bodo prihodnje različice programov gcrystal in chempaint. . Ta paket vsebuje 4 programe: . * pregledovalnik molekularnih struktur (GChem3D) * računalo molske mase (GChemCalc) * periodni sistem elementov (GChemTable) * pregledovalnik spektrov (GSpectrum) Package: gddccontrol Description-md5: 230512d347910986616da4777d340cf3 Description-sl: program to control monitor parameters (graphical interface) DCCcontrol je orodje, ki se uporablja na nadzor parametrov zaslona kot so svetlost in kontrast brez uporabe zaslonskega prikaza in gumbov na sprednji strani zaslona. . This package provides a graphical user interface. Package: gdebi Description-md5: b35bbc94cd7094a087497e1d8ae3d6da Description-sl: simple tool to view and install deb files - GNOME GUI gdebi vam omogoča nameščanje krajevnih paketov deb, pri čemer razreši in namesti njegove odvisnosti. apt stori isto, vendar za oddaljene (http, ftp) pakete. . The package is also scanned via lintian before the install and its possible to inspect the control and data members of the packages. . Ta paket vsebuje grafični vmesnik. Package: gdebi-core Description-md5: be54e484aff287af04dab9e4a2dae2d9 Description-sl: simple tool to install deb files gdebi vam omogoča nameščanje krajevnih paketov deb, pri čemer razreši in namesti njegove odvisnosti. apt stori isto, vendar za oddaljene (http, ftp) pakete. . It can also resolve build-depends of local debian/control files. . This package contains the libraries and command-line utility. Package: gdf-tools Description-md5: 79615942e5e933b31c61079ba1e6b2d2 Description-sl: Knjižnica VI za GDF - orodja pomočnika GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . Ta paket vsebuje orodje, ki je vključeno s knjižnico (gdf_merger) Package: gdis-data Description-md5: a7c3a0b567c7d49cc4a4c50901388e71 Description-sl: molecular and crystal model viewer (data files) A GTK+ based program for the display and manipulation of isolated molecules, periodic systems and crystalline habits. It is in development, but is nonetheless fairly functional. . Ta paket vsebuje od podatkovne datoteke GDIS. Package: gdmap Description-md5: 93ea5aa6327beb3d9ae9f37897f90dbd Description-sl: Orodja za predočenje prostora na disku GdMap je orodje, ki vam omogoča predočenje prostora na disku. Ste se kdaj spraševali zakaj je vaš trdi disk poln ali katere mape in datoteke zavzemajo večino prostora? Z GdMap lahko na ta vprašanja hitro odgovorite. Za prikaz strukture drevesa map, ki se uporabljajo za predočenje celotne mape ali ceno celega trdega diska z eno sliko. Package: gdpc-examples Description-md5: 0e62d6b7e58c857e227ae358511dc3a2 Description-sl: Datoteke primerov za program gdpc gpdc is a graphical program for visualising output data from molecular dynamics simulations. It reads input in the standard xyz format, as well as other custom formats, and can output pictures of each frame in JPG or PNG format. . This package contains examples to be used by the gdpc program. Package: geany Description-md5: c0d5bdfd9932e3c9874301db29cfafa1 Description-sl: hiter in lahek IDE Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It is using only the GTK3 toolkit and therefore you need only the GTK3 runtime libraries to run Geany. . Osnovne zmožnosti Geany so: - poudarjanje skladnje - dokončanje kode - samodejno dokončanje sestavkov kot so if, for in while, XML in HTML - namigi klicev - zvijanje - veliko podprtih vrst datotek kot so C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal - seznam simbolov - posnemanje vstavljenega terminala Package: geany-common Description-md5: 4f0e7d9ecfaaf1934733fa0b66844e50 Description-sl: fast and lightweight IDE -- common files Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It is using only the GTK3 toolkit and therefore you need only the GTK3 runtime libraries to run Geany. . Osnovne zmožnosti Geany so: - poudarjanje skladnje - dokončanje kode - samodejno dokončanje sestavkov kot so if, for in while, XML in HTML - namigi klicev - zvijanje - veliko podprtih vrst datotek kot so C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal - seznam simbolov - posnemanje vstavljenega terminala . This package contains arch independent files. Package: geany-plugin-sendmail Description-md5: 3574b1e38a01ba9a40884a7dc33d15a1 Description-sl: Vstavek programa za pošiljanje pošte za Geany GeanySendMail is a plugin to send a document as attachment using the preferred mail client from inside Geany. It is similar to the envelope symbol of most office tools and requires a mail client that is supporting remote calls. . Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment using the Gtk+ toolkit. Package: geany-plugin-spellcheck Description-md5: 53d2dc921440db7405aafc40529fe94b Description-sl: Vstavek črkovalnika za Geany Spellcheck is a plugin which checks the content of the current document in Geany with the spell check library Enchant. This plugin allows the whole document, or only a selection to be checked for spelling mistakes. Misspelt words are highlighted with a red squiggly underline, and wrong words are printed in Geany's messages window along with available suggestions. . Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment using the Gtk+ toolkit. Package: geany-plugin-treebrowser Description-md5: 01b37f1d864a44fa1a800649c0a75d12 Description-sl: Vstavek brskalnika dreves za Geany This plugin adds a tree browser to Geany, allowing the user to browse files using a tree view of the directory being browsed. . Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment using the Gtk+ toolkit. Package: geany-plugin-vc Description-md5: 5deed53a61c1c7be3d1da6d6d15f6479 Description-sl: Vstavek VCS za Geany GeanyVC is a plugin for Geany that provides a uniform way of accessing the different version-control systems inside the Geany IDE. Only a small subset of vc operations are implemented, which are: * diff * log * status * revert * commit . Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment using the Gtk+ toolkit. Package: geany-plugins Description-md5: 175bac6ab6c326ef6021cb24f34557dc Description-sl: Zbrika vstavkov za Geany This is a metapackage which installs the whole set of plugins for Geany. . Geany is a fast and lightweight IDE. Package: gearhead-data Description-md5: dc953530262004a24193ad4cd4c2294a Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za gearhead A century and a half ago the Earth was nearly destroyed by nuclear war. Now, a federation of free city-states has begun to restore civilization. However, there are forces operating in the darkness which will unleash the horrors of the past age in a bid to determine the future of the human race. . Features of the game include random storyline generation, richly detailed character generation, complex NPC interaction, and of course over 150 different mechanical designs ranging from jet fighters to giant robots to city-smashing tanks. . These are the common files for gearhead. Package: gearhead2-data Description-md5: 285afa765784656159ead368ecd75d65 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za gearhead2 Set a century and a half after nuclear war, you can explore a world where various factions compete to determine the future of the human race. Major features include random plot generation, a detailed character system, and over two hundred customizable mecha designs. . GearHead 2 is set five years after the events of GearHead 1. It is currently under development and is initially set in the L5 Orbital Pattern. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za gearhead2. Package: gedit-plugins Description-md5: 1922fa3a3c23f3a92a2bf66fd1cff3ea Description-sl: Zbirka vstavkov za gedit gedit-plugins contain a set of plugins for gedit. . The plugins are now split in separate packages; this metapackage brings all of them but they can be installed separately. Package: geekcode Description-md5: 4242d920bf7da11ddb9922bdca14d2c2 Description-sl: Program za ustvarjanje geekcode This is a program for generating the geekcode. See for more info and for discovering if you need the geekcode. Package: geeqie Description-md5: d54bfbbaf76572caf1fcc02be235dc50 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik slik, ki uporablja GTK+ Geeqie je brskalnik za grafične datoteke, ki ponuja ogled grafičnih datotek z enim samim klikom. Vključuje ogled sličic, približanje, zmožnosti filtriranja in podporo zunanjih urejevalnikov. Package: geeqie-common Description-md5: 5c92b3de58f07d9b507f898e80fbd0a5 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za Geeqie Geeqie je brskalnik za grafične datoteke, ki ponuja ogled grafičnih datotek z enim samim klikom. Vključuje ogled sličic, približanje, zmožnosti filtriranja in podporo zunanjih urejevalnikov. . This package contains data files for Geeqie such as documentation or locales. Package: gelemental Description-md5: 468fd0349dc4ca2dab37e28198d6a2b0 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik periodnega sistema gElemental je pregledovalnik periodnega sistema GTK+, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o kemijskih elementih. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo pogled sistema, ki omogoča tematsko obarvanje elementov po več lastnostih, razvrstljiv seznamski pogled in pogovorno okno lastnosti elementa, ki prikaže različne podatke, vključno z zgodovinskimi, termodinamskimi, elektrokemijskimi in kristalografskimi lastnostmi. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: gem2deb Description-md5: 613c3ed5ca845bb0fa2fd0980c118f19 Description-sl: Zbirka pakiranja Debian Ruby gem2deb is a set of tools to create Debian package from ruby software distributed with Rubygems. gem2tgz converts the .gem file to a tar archive, then dh-make-ruby creates a Debian source package from that archive. That Debian package uses the included Debhelper helper, dh_ruby, to generate a proper Debian package. Both pure-ruby and native packages are supported. Package: gengetopt Description-md5: c50673848039bac7d04eeaa74fc2ea7d Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik skeleta main.c gengetopt reads an interface description file, and writes a file containing a command-line parser function. gengetopt supports: long and short options, 11 types of parameters (including flag, int, double, string, and function call), and a usage message. Package: genius Description-md5: 91ce686a0384efccfc97b0de617f8732 Description-sl: advanced general purpose calculator program (CLI frontend) Genius je splošno namenski program za računanje, ki je v nekaterih vidikih podoben MC, Matlab ali Maple. Uporaben je tako kot enostavno računalo kot raziskovalno ali izobraževalno orodje. Skladnja je zelo intuitivna in zasnovana da bi posnemala matematiko kot je običajno napisana. . This package contains a command line interface for genius. Package: genius-common Description-md5: 048c5e28eb3e6c47d14e560941043f7d Description-sl: advanced general purpose calculator program (common files) Genius je splošno namenski program za računanje, ki je v nekaterih vidikih podoben MC, Matlab ali Maple. Uporaben je tako kot enostavno računalo kot raziskovalno ali izobraževalno orodje. Skladnja je zelo intuitivna in zasnovana da bi posnemala matematiko kot je običajno napisana. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne datoteke za genius. Package: genius-dev Description-md5: b52728361e93cbe046ff1882db840b5b Description-sl: advanced general purpose calculator program (development files) Genius je splošno namenski program za računanje, ki je v nekaterih vidikih podoben MC, Matlab ali Maple. Uporaben je tako kot enostavno računalo kot raziskovalno ali izobraževalno orodje. Skladnja je zelo intuitivna in zasnovana da bi posnemala matematiko kot je običajno napisana. . This package contains development files needed for developing and building plugins. Package: genparse Description-md5: 44e4f19ce9c468b54741f759e2f04137 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik razčlenjevalnikov ukazne vrstice From simple and concise specification file, you can define the command line parameters and switches that you would like to be able to pass to your program. Genparse creates the C code of the parser for you, which you can then compile as a separate file and link with your program. Package: geos-bin Description-md5: 65398128c73d72b7ab1fc5d494b77251 Description-sl: Geometry engine for Geographic Information Systems - Utilities GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL. Functions provided include: . * spatial predicates (based on the DE-9IM model), * overlay functions (intersection, difference, union, symmetric difference), * buffer, * convex hull, * area and distance functions, and * topological validity checking . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke. Package: geotranz Description-md5: a75e334e6a2c7982ca00ad5257331237 Description-sl: Prevajalnik zemljepisnih koordinat GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . The user interface of GEOTRANZ is similar to that of a calculator, but can also be used to efficiently convert large numbers of coordinates contained in text files. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . This package contains the geotranz java graphical interface. Package: geotranz-doc Description-md5: 8cbaa2f206de2ee426ed55e8a6ae3f0f Description-sl: Prevajalnik zemljepisnih koordinat (dokumentacija) GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Ta paket vsebuje veliko dokumentacije in primerov. Package: geotranz-help Description-md5: 0e8483fd31011c0dcfb0ff7bedc8f9e0 Description-sl: Prevajalnik zemljepisnih koordinat (datoteke pomoči) GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Ta paket vsebuje od datoteke pomoči za grafični vmesnik GEOTRANZ. Package: getdp-sparskit Description-md5: c238adac56d31689c87d19ae4f434b5b Description-sl: general environment for the treatment of discrete problems GetDP is a general finite element solver using mixed elements to discretize de Rham-type complexes in one, two and three dimensions. . The main feature of GetDP is the closeness between the input data defining discrete problems (written by the user in ASCII data files) and the symbolic mathematical expressions of these problems. . See GetDP's reference manual for a more thorough overview of GetDP's capabilities: . Getdp je kodno preveden s podporo SPARSKIT Package: getstream Description-md5: 870f28d960d09c9377bec095b8a75b6f Description-sl: Program pretakanja DVB getstream is a small utility which is able to pull a MPEG transport stream from a DVB card and stream it to the local area network. It is written to replace VLC, and uses much less CPU and memory than VLC. Package: gfarm-client Description-md5: 53c09bb5deaa4cef06699deaddd7dfc8 Description-sl: Odjemalci datotečnega sistema Gfarm The Gfarm file system is designed to turn commodity PCs into nodes of a distributed storage network, implementing the Grid Datafarm architecture for global petascale data-intensive computing. It solves performance and reliability problems in NFS and AFS by means of multiple file replicas, and not only prevents performance degradation due to access concentration, but also supports fault tolerance and disaster recovery. . This package provides client utilities for Gfarm. Package: gfarm-doc Description-md5: 4e27e9c979f85a1396efdf5604e32e26 Description-sl: Dokumentacija datotečnega sistema Gfarm The Gfarm file system is designed to turn commodity PCs into nodes of a distributed storage network, implementing the Grid Datafarm architecture for global petascale data-intensive computing. It solves performance and reliability problems in NFS and AFS by means of multiple file replicas, and not only prevents performance degradation due to access concentration, but also supports fault tolerance and disaster recovery. . To je dokumentacijski paket za Gfarm. Package: gforth Description-md5: 879c20778a3c6fac5211956f6320afb4 Description-sl: GNU okolje jezika Forth This is the GNU'ish implementation of a Forth programming environment. . Forth, as a language, is best known for being stack-based, and completely extensible. Each Forth environment provides one or more dictionaries of pre-defined words, and programming in Forth consists of defining and executing new words that are combinations of previously defined words. It has been said that learning Forth changes forever the way you think about writing programs. . For more information about Forth, visit the Forth Interest Group web site at Package: gfsd Description-md5: 94f134ae149cc59a9344c11b5c99568e Description-sl: Ozadnji program datotečnega sistema Gfarm The Gfarm file system is designed to turn commodity PCs into nodes of a distributed storage network, implementing the Grid Datafarm architecture for global petascale data-intensive computing. It solves performance and reliability problems in NFS and AFS by means of multiple file replicas, and not only prevents performance degradation due to access concentration, but also supports fault tolerance and disaster recovery. . This package provides the Gfarm file system daemon, which equips a host to function as a storage node for the network. Package: ggobi Description-md5: afaca479a05f0b9b7ce8cdd16085dea3 Description-sl: Sistem podatkovnega predočenja za visoko razsežne podatke GGobi je odprtokodni program predočenja za raziskovanje podatkov visokih dimenzij. Zagotavlja visoko dinamično in vzajemno grafiko kot so vodiči kot tudi razpršene grafe, vrstice grafe in grafe vzporednih koordinat. Grafi so vzajemni in povezani s čopiči in določili. . Za več podrobnosti si oglejte Package: ghc Description-md5: 93851f98fb540e0c6b50dea771644cc6 Description-sl: Sistem kodnega prevajanja Haskell Glasgow The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation system (GHC) is a compiler for Haskell. . Haskell is "the" standard lazy functional programming language. The language definition and additional documentation can be found at Package: ghex Description-md5: 67cf246af8ab12639e8fc0d8c020bd11 Description-sl: Urejevalnik šestnajstiških datotek GNOME Program GHex omogoča ogled in urejanje datotek v dveh načinih, šestanjstiškem ali ascii. Dober je za urejanje datotek shranjenih iger. Package: giflib-tools Description-md5: 645bb21a0301cc3a134940ed1ef35284 Description-sl: library for GIF images (utilities) GIFLIB is a package of portable tools and library routines for working with GIF images. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne pripomočke. Package: gifsicle Description-md5: 21e5dccca81f71ca93f11a8488189381 Description-sl: Orodje za upravljanje s slikami GIF This is a tool for manipulating GIF image files. It has good support for transparency and colormap manipulation, simple image transformations (cropping, flipping), and creating, deconstructing, and editing GIF animations, which it can also optimize for space. Package: gigalomania Description-md5: b1bb3e013ae65bfd091b8c68574b81f6 Description-sl: Mega-Lo-Mania-like god game Gigalomania is an open source 2D Real Time Strategy god game. The gameplay consists of researching and developing new technology with which to conquer your enemies, from rocks and sticks to nuclear weapons and spaceships. You can advance through ten different ages, from the stone age to the future. There are 28 different maps to play through. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: giggle-terminal-view-plugin Description-md5: 1fa4a1b6b3bdd0dcb076251b6c66445f Description-sl: GTK+ frontend for the git directory tracker - terminal plugin Giggle is a GTK+ frontend to the git directory tracker. With Giggle you will be able to visualize and browse easily the revision tree, view changed files and differences between revisions, visualize summarized info for the project, commit changes and other useful tasks for any git projects contributor. . Ta paket vsebuje vstavek terminala. Package: gigolo Description-md5: febd62208284054635976501942ff045 Description-sl: začelje za upravljanje povezav z oddaljenimi datotečnimi sistemi z GIO/GVfs Gigolo je začelje za enostavno upravljanje povezav z oddaljenimi datotečnimi sistemi z GIO/GVfs. Omogoča vam hitro povezavo/priklop oddaljenega datotečnega sistema in upravljanje z njihovimi zaznamki. Package: gimp-gmic Description-md5: 8b208fa23bef640155b429d4dd2f2c1b Description-sl: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - GIMP Plugin G'MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images. . Ta paket vsebuje vstavek GIMP. Package: gimp-gutenprint Description-md5: 86cd87bea6547c9da804d9b56bb0344f Description-sl: Vstavek tiskanja za GIMP This package includes the Gutenprint Print plugin for the GIMP. . Gutenprint is the print facility for the GIMP, and in addition a suite of drivers that may be used with common UNIX spooling systems using GhostScript or CUPS. These drivers provide printing quality for UNIX/Linux on a par with proprietary vendor-supplied drivers in many cases, and can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks. Gutenprint was formerly known as Gimp-Print. Package: gimp-plugin-registry Description-md5: bd36c6aef355bf739bbf27b6b5d24988 Description-sl: Skladišče za izbirne razširitve GIMP Paket vsebuje naslednje vstavke: . * DBP (1.1.9): David's Batch Processor A simple batch processing plugin for The Gimp - it allows the user to automatically perform operations (such as resize) on a collection of image files. * add-filmgrain (2.8): Add Film Grain Helps adding realistic film grain to BW images. * btn4ws ( btn4ws Generates a series of buttons in three states (passive, active, pressed) with various selectable effects on them, as well as XHTML, CSS and JavaScript code for using the buttons. * bw-simulation (1.1): Black and White Film Simulation Converts the selected layer into Black and White using the channel mixer. Tries to produce results resembling tonal qualities of film. * cmyk-tiff-2-pdf (20090321): CMYK Tiff 2 PDF for Gimp This plugin completes the prepress workflow of using Separate+ to generate CMYK Tiff images by allowing you to convert the saved CMYK Tiff image into a PDF file. * contact-sheet (2.16): Contact Sheet Generates a contact sheet(s) for a directory of images. * diana-holga2 (c): Diana-Holga2 Diana/Holga Toys Cameras effect simulator. * elsamuko: El Samuko GIMP Scripts: * Antique Photo Border Script: This script simulates a yellowed and slightly jagged border like these of old photographies. * Che Guevara Script: This script generates a poster like the famous Che Guevara one from Jim Fitzpatrick. * Cyanotype Script: This script simulates the Cyanotype printing process. * Difference Layer Script This script generates two difference layers from the two layers on the top. It's similar to GIMP's built-in Grain Extract/Merge function, but the tonal range is bigger. Now you can apply further editing and "switch on/off" the adjustment by switching the visibility of the subtractive and the additive layer. Also you can change the modification intensity by changing the intensity of these two layers. * Erosion Sharpen: Sharpens the image with erosion and dilation. * Escape Line Script: This script creates escaping lines from any point. It's similar in function to the built-in Line-Nova Script, but much more flexible. So you can chose the center, the thickness, the angle, the length, the offset and the randomness. * Film Grain Script: This is yet another script which simulates the typical film grain of high ISO pictures. * First Photo Border Script: This script simulates the cut-off of the first picture of a film roll of cheap cameras like Lomo. * Lomo Script with Old Style Colors This script simulates the Lomo effect. * Movie 300 Script: This script simulates the color style of the movie "300". * National Geographic Script: This script simulates a high quality (portrait) photo like these from the National Geographic. * Obama "HOPE" Script: This script generates a poster like the famous Obama "HOPE" one from Shepard Fairey. * Rainy Landscape Script: This script changes a dry landscape to a wet one. * Photochrom Script: This script simulates a photochrom image, a lithographic printing process from the 1890's. * Sprocket Hole Script: This script simulates complete exposed 35mm film strips with frame numbers, lettering, overexposed sprocketholes and DX film edge barcodes. * Sunny Landscape Script: This script changes a rainy landscape to a sunny one. * Technicolor 2 Color Script: This script simulates the 2 Color Technicolor effect. * Technicolor 3 Color Script: This script simulates the 3 Color Technicolor effect. * Vintage Look Script: This script simulates a 70s vintage look. * exposure-blend (1.3b): Exposure Blend Prompt for 3 images in a bracketed exposure series (e.g. 0,-2,+2 EV) and blend these into a contrast enhanced image. * ez-perspective: EZ Perspective: Specialized tool for easily correcting or changing perspective. * fix-ca (3.0.2): Fix-CA Corrects chromatic aberration in photos * gimp-fx-foundry (r111): GIMP FX Foundry Probably the largest script collection available for The GIMP. * gimp-mask: GIMP-Mask: Do and undo several popular image masking (that is, censoring) methods (CP, FL, Q0, MEKO). * hdroberts-tone-adjust (May 24, 2010): Warming and Cooling Filters Warm or cool an image using one of several methods: Wratten, Roy's Warm, Brauer's Warm, Pasty Cadaveric Look * layer-effects (4/12/2012): Layer-Effects This is a series of scripts that implement various layer effects: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Satin, Color Overlay, Gradient Overlay, Pattern Overlay, Stroke * lqr (0.7.1): Liquid Rescale Content-aware rescaling. Keeps the features of the image while rescaling along a single direction. * openraster (20110529-1d32622): OpenRaster load/save handler OpenRaster is an effort by the Create project[1] to offer a standardized and open interchange format for raster-based applications. This plugin allows one to load and save files in the OpenRaster format. * planet-render (1-2): Planet Render Creates a planet. Color, size and sun orientation can be set. * resynthesizer (2.0.3): Resynthesizer Gimp plugin for texture synthesis This gimp plugin takes samples of textures, and synthesizes larger textures from them. It can be used to extend textures (including making tileable textures), remove objects from textures, and make themed images. * safe-for-web (0.29.0): Save for Web Allows to experiment with various popular web format options. It shows an automatically updated preview and file size statistics. * separate+ (0.5.8): Separate+ Separate+ is a plug-in that generates color separations from an RGB image, proofs CMYK colors on the monitor and exports the CMYK TIFF file. * smart-seperate-sharpen (2.8): Smart Seperate Sharpening This script implements a new version of smart sharpening (redux) combined with separate sharpen to give better results. You can find more about Smart Sharpening at * streak (0.6): Streak-Camera simulation A streak camera images an object through a slit - thus getting a "one dimensional image". This image is propagated along the second dimension of the image plane at a constant speed. The result is a picture of the time dependency of the object. * traditional-orton: Traditional Orton: This is an effect invented by Michael Orton in the 1990s, which consists of taking two copies of an image, one blurred, and one sharp, and mixing them to produce an image with a dreamy quality. It is especially well suited to landscape and flower photography. * wavelet-denoise (0.3.1): Wavelet Denoise The wavelet denoise plugin is a tool to selectively reduce noise in individual channels of an image with optional RGB<->YCbCr conversion. It has a user interface to adjust the amount of denoising applied. The wavelet nature of the algorithm makes the processing quite fast. Package: gir1.2-champlain-0.12 Description-md5: 9c7e95a9986f7a554d0327656e9f93a5 Description-sl: Knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov (samoopazovanje GObject) Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. . This package contains the GObject introspection file for libchamplain. Package: gir1.2-cheese-3.0 Description-md5: 6bb6f1733150d36f15c99ff4d977005b Description-sl: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - gir bindings Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . This package can be used by other packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-gda-5.0 Description-md5: d5ac64d27e1fb0047b64887210de5f4f Description-sl: data abstraction library based on GLib -- GObject Introspection libgda is a (relatively small) database abstraction/access library integrated on the GLib object model. It can be used as a metadata extractor, to get information about all database objects in a common way, and as an ODBC-like wrapper to access data in different engines through an easier API. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke samoopazovanja za libgda. Package: gir1.2-gdl-3 Description-md5: a9947e542a8e766c28089ac113832377 Description-sl: Podatki samoopazovanja GObject za knjižnico GDL Ta paket vsebuje podatke samoopazovanja za razvojne DevTool GNOME, podporno knjižnico za razvojna orodja GNOME. . It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-ges-1.0 Description-md5: 6becd314b8c159acf979f724d8fa3df7 Description-sl: Podatki samoopazovanja za knjižnico GES The GStreamer multimedia framework and the accompanying NLE set of plugins for non-linear editing offer all the building blocks for: * Decoding and encoding to a wide variety of formats, through all the available GStreamer plugins. * Easily choosing segments of streams and arranging them through time through the NLE set of plugins. But all those building blocks only offer stream-level access, which results in developers who want to write non-linear editors to write a consequent amount of code to get to the level of non-linear editing notions which are closer and more meaningful for the end-user (and therefore the application). . The GStreamer Editing Services (GES) aims to fill the gap between GStreamer/NLE and the application developer by offering a series of classes to simplify the creation of many kind of editing-related applications. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke samoopazovanja za storitve urejanje GStreamer. Package: gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0 Description-md5: 8dab6f0721a81295bbb56dd6445f5f5b Description-sl: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Slabi vstavki GStreamer so zbirka vstavkov, ki niso dobri v primerjavi z ostalimi. Lahko so blizu dobre kakovosti, vendar jim morda nekaj manjka - dober pregled kode, dokumentacija, niz preizkusov, vzdrževalec ali obširna uporaba. . This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 Description-md5: 86caaabae9e614dcf85cc74d17bd9192 Description-sl: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: gir1.2-gtkchamplain-0.12 Description-md5: 15858d4f39649c1f73b9f728dbe3aecd Description-sl: Gradnik Gtk+ za prikazovanje zemljevidov (samoopazovanje GObject) Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. . This package contains the GObject introspection file for libchamplain-gtk. Package: gir1.2-keybinder-0.0 Description-md5: 6819aab1e528387c3da39ae70bd8b0e1 Description-sl: registers global key bindings for applications - introspection data keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts to be used by GTK-based applications under the X Window System. . When a combination of key is pressed, keybinder notifies it to the registering application, which can execute one or more operations based on the event previously registered. . Originally written as part of the Tomboy project, keybinder has been distributed as stand-alone library let other applications to use key binding. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke samoopazovanja. Package: gir1.2-osmgpsmap-1.0 Description-md5: dcc9fc0d2b5fd370912103088f0adfb1 Description-sl: GTK+ library to embed OpenStreetMap maps - Python bindings libosmgpsmap is a library to embed maps in applications that when given GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track, and points of interest on a moving map display. Downloads map data from a number of websites, including, and others. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python za knjižnico. Package: gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12 Description-md5: 79b134317a8965965a687e169f21caea Description-sl: GLib Telepathy connection manager library (GObject-Introspection) This package contains introspection data for telepathy-glib, which can be used to generate dynamic bindings for Telepathy components. . These GObject-Introspection bindings are considered to be experimental by the maintainers of telepathy-glib, and might receive incompatible changes until at least telepathy-glib 0.14.0. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: gir1.2-telepathylogger-0.2 Description-md5: 9d322246efc6be61a33d36f696cd71ec Description-sl: Telepathy logger service - introspection This package contains the introspection data for Telepathy logger. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: gir1.2-zeitgeist-2.0 Description-md5: e07de075982fe4c2c956f1abc07f3db2 Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - GObject introspection data Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package can be used by languages supporting the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gis-gps Description-md5: 6c9f1415e6a60b6b0ae748ce0c106ca0 Description-sl: Programi povezani z GPS Set of Debian packages which are dealing with GPS devices and data. Package: gis-osm Description-md5: e3ff8efd54c498ac51912fbd06d17577 Description-sl: Programi povezani z OpenStreetMap Set of Debian packages which are dealing with OpenStreetMap data. Package: gis-statistics Description-md5: b442a3d7e1f777faf0d4efb23148c7f5 Description-sl: Statistika z zemljepisnimi podatki Set of Debian packages which are useful for doing statistics with geographical data. Package: git-cola Description-md5: 9324e28ad53a522b449eb332a4b93078 Description-sl: grafični uporabniški vmesnik git z visoko količino kofeina Git-cola je grafični uporabniški vmesnik optimiziran za delo s kazalom git. . Git-cola lahko primerja poljubne uveljavitve z običajnimi orodji združevanja. Z njim lahko iščete po sporočili, vsebini, avtorijh, poteh, obsegih podatkov, itd.. uveljavitev. Omogoča enostavno vzajemno urejanje kazala. Package: git-dpm Description-md5: 2e056c0a17325271b8379b7f70e2c0da Description-sl: Upravljalnik paketov Debian git Manage Debian source packages in an git archive, storing possible changes to the upstream source as git commits that are stored in "3.0 (quilt)" format patch series. Package: gitg Description-md5: c1ee196f3ae343517446c3cde4ed71ec Description-sl: git repository viewer gitg is a fast git repository browser. It currently features: . * zelo hitro nalaganje velikih skladišč * prikaz/brskanje po zgodovini skladišč * prikaz poudarjene razlike predelav * brskanje po drevesu datotek predelava in izvoz s povleci in spusti * iskanje v zgodovini predelav po predmetu, avtorju ali razpršilu * enostaven preklop med pogledom zgodovine vej * pogled uveljavitev, ki zagotavlja uveljavitev in pripravo za dodajanje/odstranitev priprave za dodajanje za vsak kos. Package: giza-dev Description-md5: aa6a91728e861cb48d8455b30499ddec Description-sl: Lightweight scientific plotting library (development files) Giza is a lightweight scientific plotting library built on top of cairo that provides uniform output to multiple devices. Giza also provides a mostly compatible, modern replacement for the PGPLOT graphics library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: gjiten Description-md5: 72c4ee469b51a8b64dec1de01933d4d2 Description-sl: Japonski slovar za GNOME Gjiten je japonski slovar za GNOME z naprednimi zmožnostmi iskanja besed in kanji. Za delovanje zahteva datoteke slovarja (edict, kanjidict). Za več datotek slovarjev in posodobitve si oglejte Package: gkamus Description-md5: f2ac6ca3c4d9fa8ca17ff572c3b5c46f Description-sl: Indonezijsko angleški slovar Indonesian English dictionary that contains 23000 words and definitions, similar to gidic or Linguist. . It allows users to add more words/definitions or to edit words/definitions that exist in database. Package: gkamus-dbg Description-md5: 9c7678fc977263e2980092497c38d1a0 Description-sl: gkamus Indonesian English dictionary - debug symbols Indonesian English dictionary that contains 23000 words and definitions, similar to gidic or Linguist. . It allows users to add more words/definitions or to edit words/definitions that exist in database. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: gkdebconf Description-md5: fb90f5c2f8aecab41e9466d02bd9f0b3 Description-sl: Pomagalnik za ponovno namestitev paketov z Debconf Ta program vam pomaga pri uporabi orodja "dpkg-reconfigure". V bistvu je grafično začelje. Življenje naredi lažje s prikazom enostavnega menija paketov, ki jih je mogoče ponovno nastaviti z Debconf in začeljem Debconf, ki ju je mogoče uporabiti za ponovno nastavitev. Package: gkrellm Description-md5: 73229655651f0072be499e6775eada06 Description-sl: Nadzorniki GNU Krell Z enim opravilom lahko gkrellm upravlja več nadzornikov v skladih in podpira uveljavljanje tem za ujemanje videza nadzornikov z vašim upravljalnikom oken, Gtk, ali katerokoli drugo temo. Package: gkrellm-radio Description-md5: a3544c5efd64573630e91ad177118a34 Description-sl: Radijski uglaševalnik FM za GKrellM A gkrellm plugin to control radio tuners on Linux. It allows you to define and jump between a number of radio stations. With a mouse wheel you can dial tune to any frequency. Package: gkrellm-volume Description-md5: a391694c1ae05c11b6557d9e84410e51 Description-sl: Vstavek mešalnika za GKrellM This GKrellM plugin allows you to control the mixer of your soundcard. Package: gkrellm-xkb Description-md5: 4e605d76fd2cb22b28856861a295602a Description-sl: Vstavek kazalnika razporeda tipkovnice za GKrellM This GKrellM plugin indicates active X keyboard layout with country flag, lists configured layouts, allows you to switch between them, and also indicates Caps lock and Num lock status. Package: gkrelluim Description-md5: f95bc6680fc04e7c07e1fe726de3bac3 Description-sl: Vstavek GKrellM za uim A GKrellM plugin for an input method module library uim. It allows you to monitor and configure uim on GKrellM. . You can watch uim conversion status on GKrellM panel and change uim conversion mode on GKrellM button. In addition, you can launch uim related tools on it. Package: gl-117 Description-md5: cc2d2ebcb2e055f9abe0c4334ebf9134 Description-sl: action flight simulator gl-117 je 3D akcijski bojni simulator, ki vsebuje 20 misij, različne borce, ustvarjalnik naključnega terena, učinke osvetljevanja, zvočne učinke, glasbo in podporo igralnih ploščkov. Package: gl-117-data Description-md5: 9806500f4e40f1260df9c25cfd8fecfe Description-sl: data files for gl-117 gl-117 je 3D akcijski bojni simulator, ki vsebuje 20 misij, različne borce, ustvarjalnik naključnega terena, učinke osvetljevanja, zvočne učinke, glasbo in podporo igralnih ploščkov. . This package contains music and sound files as well as models and textures for gl-117. Package: glabels Description-md5: 5a7fafb9272f7f4431c32b89e80ec465 Description-sl: Program za ustvarjanje nalepk, poslovnih vizitk in naslovnic CD-jev za GNOME gLabels je lahek program za ustvarjanje nalepk, črtnih kod, poslovnih vizitk in naslovnic medijev za namizno okolje GNOME. Zasnovan je za delo z različnimi laserskimi/brizgalnimi nalepkami za odlepitev in listi poslovnih vizitk, ki jih najdete v večini trgovin s pisarniškim materialom. . gLabels podpira tudi združevanje pošte iz virov kot so datoteke CSV, vCard in podatkovni strežniki Evolution. Package: glabels-data Description-md5: c7d1e053fb772abea9492f906df31cef Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za gLables gLabels je lahek program za ustvarjanje nalepk, črtnih kod, poslovnih vizitk in naslovnic medijev za namizno okolje GNOME. . This package contains gLabel's default set of label, business card and media cover templates. Package: glabels-dev Description-md5: 04761f42be7aa98ad492b00a0956d24b Description-sl: development documentation and library files for gLabels gLabels je lahek program za ustvarjanje nalepk, črtnih kod, poslovnih vizitk in naslovnic medijev za namizno okolje GNOME. . This package provides the development environment for libglabels, which is meant to facilitate 3rd party use of glabels templates. Package: glbinding-doc Description-md5: 9cc62a22189bfc1d2f5461ce20de800f Description-sl: documentation for glbinding glbinding leverages modern C++11 features like enum classes, lambdas, and variadic templates, instead of relying on macros; all OpenGL symbols are real functions and variables. . It provides type-safe parameters, per feature API header, lazy function resolution, multi-context and multi-thread support, global and local function callbacks, meta information about the generated OpenGL binding and the OpenGL runtime, as well as tools and examples for quick-starting your projects. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: gle-doc Description-md5: 6d681eb1d39ad738d2faa6e974f18622 Description-sl: Dokumentacija knjižnice OpenGL cevnega vrivanja in izrivanja The GLE Tubing and Extrusion library is an extension to OpenGL for drawing tubing and extrusions, including surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders, and helicoids. Generally the extruded surface is specified with a 2D polyline that is extruded along a 3D path. A local coordinate system allows for additional flexibility in the primitives drawn. Extrusions may be texture mapped in a variety of ways. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primer kode. Package: glewlwyd-common Description-md5: 97e8bfd9907f646e63f7cde3603e5000 Description-sl: Experimental Single-Sign-On server - common files Experimental Single Sign On server, OAuth2, Openid Connect, multiple factor authentication with, HOTP/TOTP, FIDO2, TLS Certificates, etc. extensible via plugins. . It's recommended not to use Glewlwyd in production, more likely to test OAuth2/OpenID behavior, MFA connections, or IdP in general. You can also explore its functionalities and help yourself with its source code for other implementations. . If you intend to use it in production, it's highly recommended to follow the documentation and enable only the features you will use. Authentication processus supported: - OAuth2 - OpenID Connect . Allows users to authenticate via multiple factors: - Password - One-time password (TOTP/HOTP) - Webauthn (Yubikey, Android devices) - One-time password sent via e-mail - TLS Certificate - External OAuth2/OIDC providers . Users and clients can be stored and managed from various backends: - Database - LDAP service - HTTP Backend service providing Basic Authentication . Allows users to register a new account with the possibility to confirm their e-mail address or not. During the registration process, the new user may be expected to register their passwords, as well as other authentication factors: - One-time password (TOTP/HOTP) - Webauthn (Yubikey, Android devices) - TLS Certificate - External OAuth2/OIDC providers . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: globjects-doc Description-md5: b630bddfd7d2db2dac84c956a4a3717b Description-sl: documentation for globjects globjects provides object-oriented interfaces to the OpenGL API (3.0 and higher). The main goals are much reduced code to use OpenGL in your rendering software and fewer errors due to the underlying glbinding and further abstraction levels on top. Typical processes are automated and missing features in the used OpenGL driver are partially simulated or even emulated. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: glpeces Description-md5: e3e2e9a451e2ec237c2696ef489d143a Description-sl: Klon igre Tangram (uganka) The Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle game where the player has to arrange a set of figures with 7 polygonal pieces. Peces allows playing 40 different modalities of tangrams and it includes more than 31,000 figures to solve. Also, it allows creating new figures and competitions. glpeces is especially designed to use in education. Package: gltron Description-md5: 680ad0001d3f130a0ed731643e9fd8c3 Description-sl: Igra 3D glTron je tron podobna lahka igra z lepo 3D perspektivo. Priporočeno je 3D pospeševanje. Package: gmerlin Description-md5: 53aacbd3ebad7fc78298d5f29ed554e8 Description-sl: multiformat media player Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . Programi vključujejo . o Grafični uporabniški vmesnik predvajalnika: predvajalnik predstavnosti več vrst z drevesu podobno navidezno strukturo map, kjer lahko shranite svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Gmerlin gladko upravlja tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Strojne naprave se pojavijo tudi v drevesu zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in prenašanje DVB-jev. o prekodirnik Gmerlin: z zmožnostmi bogat prekodirnik, ki podpira zvok, video, video, podnapise in poglavka. o Gmerlin alsamixer: mešalnik Alsa s podporo za več kartic in nadzorniki mešalnika, ki jih je mogoeč odpreti. o predočilnik Gmerlin: poženite vstavke predočenja s svoje zvočne kartice, o nastavljalnik vstavkov: nastavite vstavke gmerlin za programe, ki tega ne morejo storiti sami. Package: gmerlin-data Description-md5: 2e78c1a13025615b7918d5adce44f418 Description-sl: multiformat media player - data files Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package contains data files (theme, icon files) for gmerlin. Package: gmerlin-encoders-extra Description-md5: a089a3a3d9dd74c3a18cdc46727d09ec Description-sl: MJPEG encoders for Gmerlin Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package includes the "extra" set of Gmerlin's plugins, which contains the MJPEG encoders. Package: gmerlin-encoders-ffmpeg Description-md5: 4fbe98d4155221c3cb71c5bf5d4d200f Description-sl: Kodirniki ffmpega za Gmerlin Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package includes ffmpeg based encoders to be used by Gmerlin, enabling gmerlin-transcoder to encode more file formats. Package: gmerlin-encoders-good Description-md5: 4b7b9ef409e843dc5bfa6672594edf33 Description-sl: patent-free encoders for Gmerlin Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package includes the "good" set of Gmerlin's plugins, which contains only non-proprietary and patent-free encoders. Package: gmerlin-plugins-avdecoder Description-md5: f7a29d664cbea1151a4005d77facbca8 Description-sl: Vstavki avdecoder za Gmerlin Gmerlin_avdecoder is a general purpose media decoding library. It was written as a support library for gmerlin, but it can also be used by other applications. . This package contains the decoder plugins for gmerlin that are based on Gmerlin_avdecoder. Package: gmerlin-plugins-base Description-md5: 507abefb012dbe2d9e9a6a4b330ac0e4 Description-sl: gmerlin plugins from the "base" set Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package provides the gmerlin plugins from the "base" set. Package: gmpc-plugins Description-md5: 8c1620939c3ee0cea22c29b2c346453d Description-sl: Vstavki za odjemalec predvajalnika glasbe GNOME gmpc-plugins is a set of plugins that enhance functionality of the GNOME Music Player Clients. Plugins are: - alarm, allows basic events to be scheduled - avahi, zeroconf profile scanning - awn, integration with Avant Window Navigator - lyrics, a lyrics fetcher from multiple sources - mmkeys, GNOME multimedia key-binding integration - shout, stream shout-cast Package: gmsh Description-md5: ec9c5a42a6097cc4bf803c56d0463756 Description-sl: 3-D ustvarjalnik končnih predmetov mrežnih modelov Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . Oglejte si priročnik Gmash za bolj podroben pregled zmožnosti Gmsh. Package: gmsh-doc Description-md5: ffe6fece0443158074b37b450e33efdb Description-sl: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator documentation Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . Oglejte si priročnik Gmash za bolj podroben pregled zmožnosti Gmsh. . The package contains documentation and examples. Package: gmt Description-md5: 8ac67adc3c58bce0682536c089d9c7ce Description-sl: Splošna orodja preslikave GMT is a collection of tools that allow users to manipulate (x,y) and (x,y,z) data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots through contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views in black and white, gray tone, hachure patterns, and 24-bit color. . GMT supports many common map projections plus linear, log, and power scaling, and comes with support data such as coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries. Package: gmtkbabel Description-md5: a83786a83af06eff9ab2c4fb9f300318 Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik za mtkbabel gmtkbabel consists of a set of shell scripts which use zenity to provide a graphical user interface to mtkbabel. Mtkbabel is a command-line tool to operate GPS-unit with MTK (Mediatek) chipsets. Package: gnocchi-common Description-md5: 1bd56e577a579993460d9e1bb5621308 Description-sl: Metric as a Service - common files Gnocchi is a service for managing a set of resources and storing metrics about them, in a scalable and resilient way. Its functionalities are exposed over an HTTP REST API. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: gnokii-common Description-md5: 0276f62abec71a26111a3c60130edbed Description-sl: Datasuite for mobile phone management (base files) Gnokii is a suite of programs that allows communication with mobile phones. It currently supports many Nokia mobile phones, all AT capable ones as well as many Symbian based. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovne datoteke za gnokii Package: gnokii-smsd Description-md5: 7d7bd25e773a264aafa51b0d73229fc8 Description-sl: Ozadnji program SMS za mobilne telefone Gnokii is a suite of programs that allows communication with mobile phones. It currently supports many Nokia mobile phones, all AT capable ones as well as many Symbian based. . The SMSD (SMS daemon) handles automated sending and receiving of short messages using a storage backend. It is designed to use modules (plugins) to work with different backends, and shares Gnokii's runtime configuration and libraries. . This package contains the actual daemon and a file based backend. You will need to install the appropriate module packages to add support for other backends. Package: gnome-activity-journal Description-md5: 84a0a7729820bb29b3794dc08bda032f Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Ta paket vsebuje dnevnik dejavnosti GNOME, grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki prikazuje dnevnik vaših dejavnosti. Package: gnome-audio Description-md5: e834ac5c4f069d1165c6a47143d20c9b Description-sl: Zvočne datoteke za GNOME GNOME is the "GNU Network Object Model Environment" . It is a project to build a complete, user-friendly desktop based entirely on free software. . This package contains a collection of sounds for use with GNOME. Package: gnome-backgrounds Description-md5: bbd107a68b59c707d044b0ede730b33a Description-sl: Zbirka ozadij, ki so pakirana za namizje GNOME This is a collection of desktop wallpapers created with GNOME users in mind. Package: gnome-breakout Description-md5: 7dfcdef19c992a2b058fe74815e487cd Description-sl: Klon klasične igre Breakout, napisan za GNOME Klon igre "Breakout". Nadzirajte ploščico na dnu igrišča in odbijajte žogo proti opekam na vrhu dokler jih ne razbijajte. Package: gnome-color-manager Description-md5: 4124fcb8f3feffc0ec2080cdd607623c Description-sl: Color management integration for the GNOME desktop environment GNOME Color Manager je zbirka grafičnih pripomočkov za upravljanje barv za uporabo na namizju GNOME. S pomočjo AgryllCMS lahko ustvari in uveljavi prikaz barvnih profilov ICC. Package: gnome-colors Description-md5: 91642e0ff322744a3d783d15c9f72769 Description-sl: Zbirka ikonskih tem GNOME. GNOME-Colors is a set of GNOME icon themes, with some inspiration from Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator and others. . Its goal is to create an easy way for anyone to make their desktop consistently match their moods, wallpapers, laptop colors, etc. . The icons were designed to match the Shiki-Colors GTK+ Themes and their additional artwork. . This package provides seven variations of the GNOME-Colors icon theme: . GNOME-Brave (Blue), GNOME-Dust (Chocolate), GNOME-Human (Orange), GNOME- Illustrious (Pink), GNOME-Noble (Purple), GNOME-Wine (Red), and GNOME-Wise (Green) Package: gnome-commander Description-md5: 5f78484c536c8371c962cfd4ed1ea8fb Description-sl: Lep in hiter upravljalnik datotek za namizje GNOME GNOME Commander je hiter in zmogljiv grafičen upravljalnik datotek za namizno okolje GNOME. Ima vmesnik "dveh pladnjev" kot ga imata Norton in Midnight Commander. Package: gnome-commander-data Description-md5: 1847ee028828952d1ace39f9a9228ac6 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za GNOME Commander GNOME Commander je hiter in zmogljiv grafičen upravljalnik datotek za namizno okolje GNOME. Ima vmesnik "dveh pladnjev" kot ga imata Norton in Midnight Commander. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za gnome-commander. Package: gnome-devel-docs Description-md5: 1124765014bad1829a5ff59dd23e8741 Description-sl: Razvijalska dokumentacija GNOME Documentation for developing for the GNOME desktop environment. It contains: * Platform Overview * Accessibility Guide * Integration Guide * Optimization Guide * Human Interface Guidelines * GNOME Developer Demos Package: gnome-dictionary Description-md5: a1c2d24db9e410967b65da6e70e9eddc Description-sl: Program GNOME slovar Ta program lahko najde definicijo prevoda besede v obstoječih podatkovnih zbirkah preko interneta Package: gnome-dvb-client Description-md5: 9908bb1b708f8100bdd367937e24ec2c Description-sl: Odjemalec za gnome-dvb-daemon GNOME DVB Daemon is a GStreamer based daemon to setup your DVB devices, record and/or watch TV shows and browse EPG. . This package contains the Python GTK+ client, which speaks to the daemon via DBUS. Package: gnome-extra-icons Description-md5: 5abfec13fd1d746b4a92139e1a78e208 Description-sl: Izbirne ikone GNOME Optional GNOME icons from This package just install a lot of nice icons in /usr/share/pixmaps. Most of them are png files that give you more options to customize your desktop. Also, they can be used in any desktop which supports icons, not only GNOME. Package: gnome-games Description-md5: 2443e597e8cb9da0c471d6ba50ef9a22 Description-sl: Igre za namizje GNOME These are the games from the official GNOME release. They have the look and feel of the GNOME desktop, but can be used without it. . Games are now split in separate packages; this metapackage brings all of them but they can be installed separately. Package: gnome-genius Description-md5: 42076cb53eb35b8fa7afae234875a4c3 Description-sl: advanced general purpose calculator program (GNOME frontend) Genius je splošno namenski program za računanje, ki je v nekaterih vidikih podoben MC, Matlab ali Maple. Uporaben je tako kot enostavno računalo kot raziskovalno ali izobraževalno orodje. Skladnja je zelo intuitivna in zasnovana da bi posnemala matematiko kot je običajno napisana. . This package contains a GNOME frontend for genius. Package: gnome-icon-theme-gperfection2 Description-md5: d6cbff0b68e63d8cfe65796d2498ec4b Description-sl: Tema ikon za GTK+ 2.x This GTK+ theme provides a scalable group of icons to be used by GTK+ 2.x applications like GNOME 2. Package: gnome-mousetrap Description-md5: 95ec57d7becb97b87bfbcfedff3cefff Description-sl: Nadzor miške s sledenjem glave MouseTrap ljudem s težavami s premikanjem omogoča dostop do računalnika. Uporablja obdelovanje slik za prevajanje uporabnikovih premikov glave v dogodke miške (dogodki kliki), ki uporabniku omogočajo sporazumevanje z različnimi namiznimi upravljalniki in programi. Package: gnome-nettool Description-md5: 70ef0cad85618a46c304e6c36022b8a5 Description-sl: orodje omrežnih podrobnosti za GNOME GNOME Nettool je orodje omrežnih podatkov, ki zagotavlja uporabniški vmesnik do nekaterih najbolj pogosto uporabljenih omrežnih orodij ukazne vrstice, vključno z: * ifconfig * ping * netstat * traceroute * pregledovanje vrat * iskanje DNS * finger * whois Package: gnome-packagekit Description-md5: 3672468faf2abea060b9ee74eaf6e85e Description-sl: Graphical distribution neutral package manager for GNOME PackageKit omogoča izvajanje enostavnih nalog upravljanja programov preko vmesnika DBus, npr. osvežitev predpomnilnika, posodobitev, namestitev in odstranitev programskih paketov ali iskanje predstavnih kodekov in ročnikov datotek. . This package contains a GTK+ based application for package installation and removal, a simple repository editor and graphical PackageKit configuration tool and a viewer for package installation history. Package: gnome-packagekit-common Description-md5: 2a4e137ec242ee48283fec03940b3411 Description-sl: Common data files for GNOME PackageKit PackageKit omogoča izvajanje enostavnih nalog upravljanja programov preko vmesnika DBus, npr. osvežitev predpomnilnika, posodobitev, namestitev in odstranitev programskih paketov ali iskanje predstavnih kodekov in ročnikov datotek. . This package contains common shared files for all GNOME PackageKit modules. Package: gnome-session Description-md5: a0d28c9abe3eca283c8036a8df2ac9a3 Description-sl: GNOME Session Manager - default GNOME session Upravljalnik seje GNOME je odgovoren za zaganjanje osnovnih delov namizja GNOME in programov, ki bi morali biti zagnani ob času zagona. . This package contains the required components for the standard GNOME session, based on the GNOME Shell. It can be started from a display manager such as GDM, and requires 3D acceleration to work properly. Package: gnome-session-xsession Description-md5: 6e633470275a26dbf95b045ff2a1cdb5 Description-sl: GNOME Session Manager - GNOME on Xorg session Upravljalnik seje GNOME je odgovoren za zaganjanje osnovnih delov namizja GNOME in programov, ki bi morali biti zagnani ob času zagona. . This package contains the required components for the GNOME on Xorg session, based on the GNOME Shell. It can be started from a display manager such as GDM, and requires 3D acceleration to work properly. Package: gnome-software-common Description-md5: a52964f99bc0ad87fa14fa1afc5a66d8 Description-sl: Software Center for GNOME (common files) Software lets you install and update applications and system extensions. . Software uses a plugin architecture to separate the frontend from the technologies that are used underneath. Currently, a PackageKit plugin provides data from a number of traditional packaging systems, such as rpm or apt. An appdata plugin provides additional metadata from locally installed data in the appdata format. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: gnome-theme-gilouche Description-md5: fefcd6e28bc9a66fd898debaec4fccb6 Description-sl: OpenSUSE tema Gilouche This theme is the default one used in openSUSE. This package provides the complete theme, consisting of icons, and Metacity and GTK+ themes. . The icon theme was previously known as openSUSE Industrial, but has been renamed to Gilouche as well. Package: gnome-tweaks Description-md5: 941073ce1ecfd5c85f09b1ba2d0728f3 Description-sl: orodje za prilagoditev naprednih nastavitev za GNOME GNOME Tweak Tool vam omogoča prilagoditev več naprednih možnosti GNOME, ki jih ni mogoče nastaviti v gnome-control-center. To vključuje stvari, kot so: * pisave uporabljene v uporabniškem vmesniku in nazivni vrstici * poudarjanje in glajenje pisave * druge tema uporabniškega vmesnika * spremembe obnašanja upravljanja oken * obnašanje ob zaprtju pokrova prenosnika * namizne ikone upravljalnika datotek * ikone v menijih in gumbih Package: gnome-video-effects-dev Description-md5: bd0ba71689bb3aca69740a3295e8a94f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za nome-video-effects gnome-video-effects contains a collection of GStreamer effects to be used in GNOME. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: gnote Description-md5: 7d8e1d6e363a6e9deaaf777262bb05a8 Description-sl: namizni program za pisanje sporočilc s povezavami v slogu Wiki Gnote je namizni program za pisanje sporočilc, ki je enostaven za uporabo. Omogoča vam inteligentno organizacijo svojih sporočilc z enostavnim povezovanjem idej skupaj s povezavami v slogu Wiki. . To je predelava programa Tomboy na C++, ki porabi manj sredstev. Package: gnubg Description-md5: b33dfee3416c204f55eea43bc48fd18c Description-sl: grafični ali konzolni backgammon program z analizo GNU Backgammon je močan program backgammon (svetovnega razreda z nameščeno podatkovno zbirko bearoff), ki ga drugi programi uporabijo kot programnik, uporabite pa ga lahko kot samostojno igro backgammon. Poleg tega da podpira enostavno igro ima tudi obširne zmožnosti preučevanja iger, način vodnika, prilagodljivo težavnost in podporo za izvoz iger z zabeležkami. Igrate ga lahko iz grafičnega vmesnika GTK+, izbirno s ploščo 3D ali iz enostavne besedilne konzole. Package: gnubg-data Description-md5: 1e915e485736f680b7441944c9ee75ef Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za GNU Backgammon GNU Backgammon is a strong backgammon program (world-class with a bearoff database installed) usable either as an engine by other programs or as a standalone backgammon game. . This package contains the data files needed by GNU Backgammon (textures, sounds, locale information, neural network weights, and so forth). Package: gnucash Description-md5: fa2e405424f41b8ff614fae4e74e6af4 Description-sl: Program za vodenje osebnih računov in računov majhnih podjetij Gnucash ponuja zmožnosti računovodstva, ki bodo uporabne za majhna podjetja in posameznike. Sledi lahko financam na več računih, ter sledi tekočim in spravljenim računom. Ima grafični uporabniški vmesnik X, dvojne vnose, hierarhijo računov, račune stroškov (kategorije) in lahko uvozi datoteke Quicken QIF in QFX. Package: gnucash-common Description-md5: 8951a93a2ca048368bbf6f1eea45ac8c Description-sl: common files for the financial-accounting software Gnucash Gnucash ponuja zmožnosti računovodstva, ki bodo uporabne za majhna podjetja in posameznike. Sledi lahko financam na več računih, ter sledi tekočim in spravljenim računom. Ima grafični uporabniški vmesnik X, dvojne vnose, hierarhijo računov, račune stroškov (kategorije) in lahko uvozi datoteke Quicken QIF in QFX. . This package contains the architecture independent parts of Gnucash. It should not be installed directly, but is pulled in automatically by the dependencies of the Gnucash package. Package: gnuchess-book Description-md5: 7ec41d8b782d477e49e514a06cac7fa8 Description-sl: Knjiga otvoritev za gnuchess This is the opening book for gnuchess. It was formerly distributed together with gnuchess, now it has been separated due to size and architecture-independence. It is recommended that you install it if you want to use gnuchess. Package: gnucobol3 Description-md5: 016552c489a10f013a7e5e8f61311014 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik COBOL GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, modern COBOL compiler. GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards and X/Open COBOL, as well as many extensions included in other COBOL compilers (IBM COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, ACUCOBOL-GT and others). . GnuCOBOL translates COBOL into C and compiles the translated code using a native C compiler. . Build COBOL programs on various platforms, including GNU/Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. GnuCOBOL has also been built on HP/UX, z/OS, SPARC, RS6000, AS/400, along with other combinations of machines and operating systems. . While being held to a high level of quality and robustness, GnuCOBOL does not claim to be a “Standard Conforming” implementation of COBOL. . GnuCOBOL passes over 9600 of the NIST COBOL 85 test suite tests and over 750 internal checks during build. Package: gnucobol4 Description-md5: 016552c489a10f013a7e5e8f61311014 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik COBOL GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, modern COBOL compiler. GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards and X/Open COBOL, as well as many extensions included in other COBOL compilers (IBM COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, ACUCOBOL-GT and others). . GnuCOBOL translates COBOL into C and compiles the translated code using a native C compiler. . Build COBOL programs on various platforms, including GNU/Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. GnuCOBOL has also been built on HP/UX, z/OS, SPARC, RS6000, AS/400, along with other combinations of machines and operating systems. . While being held to a high level of quality and robustness, GnuCOBOL does not claim to be a “Standard Conforming” implementation of COBOL. . GnuCOBOL passes over 9600 of the NIST COBOL 85 test suite tests and over 750 internal checks during build. Package: gnugo Description-md5: d3d4f1ffc6b15e9a3ca56cf1ac3eabca Description-sl: play the game of Go GNU Go is a free program that plays the game of Go. It provides a text- only user interface, have a look at the cgoban or qgo package if you want to play on a graphical board. . Go je starodavna igra, ki izvira s Kitajske in ima zgodovino preko 3000 let, nekateri zgodovinarji pa trdijo, da je bila igra izumljena več kot 4000 let nazaj. Kitajci igro imenujejo Weiqi, druga imena za Go vključujejo Baduk (korejsko), Igo (japonsko) in Goe (tajvansko). . V tej igri igralci poskušajo na območje izvajati več vpliva kot nasprotnik z uporabo groženj smrti, zajema ali izolacije. Zato je simbolična predstavitev razmerij med narodi. Go postaja čedalje bolj priljubljen, predvsem v Aziji, Evropi in Ameriki, kjer prirejajo veliko število tekmovanj. . Igra Go se igra na plošči. Niz Go je sestavljen iz plošče skupaj s 181 črnimi in 180 belimi kamni. Običajna plošča ima 19 krat 19 vrstic, vendar pa je mogoče uporabiti tudi plošči 9x9 in 13x13. Vendar so plošče 9x9 in 13x13 običajno za začetnike. Napredni igralci imajo rajši običajno ploščo 19x19. . V primerjavi z mednarodnim in kitajskim šahom ima Go precej manj pravil. Vendar to omogoča igranje vseh vrst potez, zato je lahko Go bolj intelektualno zahtevna igra kot drugi dve vrsti šaha. Vseeno se igre Go ni težko naučiti, zato se zabavajte pri igranju igre s prijatelji. . (podatki s strani Package: gnujump Description-md5: 6c30e85428f9c2825fa514e63012e2bb Description-sl: ploščadna igra, kjer morate skočiti za preživetje Cilj igre je skočiti v višje nadstropje, da ne padete na tla. Ko pridete višje v padajočemu stolpu, bodo nadstropja padala hitreje. Poskusite preživeti dlje kot kdorkoli drug ali v enoigralskem načinu poizkusite priti kolikor je mogoče visoko. . Trenutno se igra imenuje sdljump (in se bo pod tem imenom pojavila v meniju), vendar se je ime paketa spremenilo tako da sledi preimenovanju izvornega paketa. Tudi nova različica igre se bo imenovala gnujump. . Igra je klon igre xjump in zagotavlja vse njene zmožnosti in še nekaj dodatnih: * večigralski način (do štirje igralci na istem računalniku) * mogoča je gladka grafika (pa tudi slog xjump) * na voljo so različne teme * za izrisovanje lahko uporabi OpenGL * glasba in zvočni učinki * snemanje (in ponovno predvajanje) iger. Package: gnujump-data Description-md5: 00830b2dca768b4fb209724dcad27a67 Description-sl: ploščadna igra, kjer morate skočiti za preživetje - podatkovne datoteke Cilj igre je skočiti v višje nadstropje, da ne padete na tla. Ko pridete višje v padajočemu stolpu, bodo nadstropja padala hitreje. Poskusite preživeti dlje kot kdorkoli drug ali v enoigralskem načinu poizkusite priti kolikor je mogoče visoko. . Trenutno se igra imenuje sdljump (in se bo pod tem imenom pojavila v meniju), vendar se je ime paketa spremenilo tako da sledi preimenovanju izvornega paketa. Tudi nova različica igre se bo imenovala gnujump. . Igra je klon igre xjump in zagotavlja vse njene zmožnosti in še nekaj dodatnih: * večigralski način (do štirje igralci na istem računalniku) * mogoča je gladka grafika (pa tudi slog xjump) * na voljo so različne teme * za izrisovanje lahko uporabi OpenGL * glasba in zvočni učinki * snemanje (in ponovno predvajanje) iger. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro. Package: gnulib Description-md5: b74e587b070a2b8bccb9acb5265666dc Description-sl: Knjižnica prenosljivosti GNU The GNU portability library is a macro system and C declarations and definitions for commonly-used API elements and abstracted system behaviors. It can be used to improve portability and other functionality in your programs. Package: gnumed-client Description-md5: 6cc82a042190bb497f847ec008443b9e Description-sl: medical practice management - Client This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. It does not currently provide functionality for stock keeping. Clinical features are well-tested by real doctors in the field. . While the GNUmed team has taken the utmost care to make sure the medical records are safe at all times you still need to make sure you are taking appropriate steps to backup the medical data to a safe place at appropriate intervals. Do not forget to test your recovery procedures, too ! . Protect your data! GNUmed itself comes without any warranty whatsoever. You have been warned. . Ta paket vsebuje odjemalec wxpython. Package: gnumed-doc Description-md5: 4aa14856f3d55f30d5a6a8bc3fec4003 Description-sl: medical practice management - Documentation This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. Currently it is not fully featured. The features provided are, however, tested, in use, and considered stable. This package does NOT yet provide functionality for billing and stock keeping. . While the GNUmed team has taken the utmost care to make sure the medical records are safe at all times you still need to make sure you are taking appropriate steps to backup the medical data to a safe place at appropriate intervals. Do test your backup and disaster recovery procedures, too ! . Protect your data! GNUmed itself comes without any warranty whatsoever. You have been warned. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za uporabnike. Package: gnumed-server Description-md5: 6b105eb03a84d12565345f40d5335620 Description-sl: Upravljanje medicinske prakse - strežnik This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. It does not currently provide functionality for billing and stock keeping. Clinical features are well-tested by real doctors in the field. . While the GNUmed team has taken the utmost care to make sure the medical records are safe at all times you still need to make sure you are taking appropriate steps to backup the medical data to a safe place at appropriate intervals. Do not forget to test your recovery procedures, too ! . Protect your data! GNUmed itself comes without any warranty whatsoever. You have been warned. . This package contains the PostgreSQL server part. . Note: The package does currently _NOT_ build the GNUmed database but just installs the needed SQL files. Please see README.Debian. Package: gnumeric Description-md5: 752f01da7bfef3ea92285a393109bd9c Description-sl: Program preglednic za GNOME - glavni program Gnumeric je program preglednic, ki dobro sodeluje z drugimi programi preglednic. Vsebuje vstavke, ki mu omogočijo upravljanje pogosto uporabljenih vrst datotek preglednic. . Uvoziti in izvoziti je mogoče uvoziti in izvoziti: - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls); - Microsoft Excel 95 (.xls); - OASIS XML, XML, StarOffice (.sxc); - Z vejico/znaki ločene vrednosti (.csv); - Vrsta izmenjave podatkov (.dif); - Applix različica 4 (.as). . Dodatno je mogoče uvoziti naslednje vrste: - GNU Oleo (.oleo); - Vrsta izrazov linearnih in celoštevilčnih programov (.mps); - Lotus 1-2-3 (.wks, .wk1); - MS MultiPlan SYLK (.sylk); - WordPerfect družina "Plan Perfect" (.pln); - Quattro Pro (tm); - XSpread ali SC; - XBase (.dbf). . Gnumeric lahko izvozi tudi v LaTeX 2e (.tex), TROFF (.me) in HTML. . Gnumeric bi moral biti enostaven za uporabo, še posebno za uporabnike, ki jih je Excel znan. . Gnumeric je program GNOME. GNOME je uporabniku prijazna zbirka programov in namiznih orodij za uporabo skupaj z okenskim upravljalnikom za okenski sistem X. Package: gnumeric-common Description-md5: 3749931255266b5bbbc512b3833e7c03 Description-sl: spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files Gnumeric je program preglednic, ki dobro sodeluje z drugimi programi preglednic. Vsebuje vstavke, ki mu omogočijo upravljanje pogosto uporabljenih vrst datotek preglednic. . This package contains architecture-independent data files needed by gnumeric. Package: gnumeric-doc Description-md5: 1a2c472dd4a01f8bf6179550d830e0b6 Description-sl: Program za ustvarjanje preglednic za namizje GNOME - dokumentacija Gnumeric je program preglednic, ki dobro sodeluje z drugimi programi preglednic. Vsebuje vstavke, ki mu omogočijo upravljanje pogosto uporabljenih vrst datotek preglednic. . This package provides the user manual in GNOME Help (DocBook XML) format. Package: gnumeric-plugins-extra Description-md5: 9fe96eb847d4f753e7268d4a75f69445 Description-sl: spreadsheet application for GNOME - additional plugins Gnumeric je program preglednic, ki dobro sodeluje z drugimi programi preglednic. Vsebuje vstavke, ki mu omogočijo upravljanje pogosto uporabljenih vrst datotek preglednic. . Some plugins shipped with gnumeric require additional packages to those required by the main gnumeric program. These plugins are therefore packaged separately. . This includes: - Perl plugin; - Python plugin; - Python plugin loader; - additional Python functions; - GNOME glossary. Package: gnunet-fuse Description-md5: 251009f739720eecd8e6c5d1521c348e Description-sl: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (fuse filesystem client) GNUnet je ogrodje od soležnika-do-soležnika, ki se osredotoča na zagotavljanje varnosti. Vsa sporočila od povezave-do-povezave v omrežju so zaupna in overjena. Ogrodja zagotavlja plast abstrakcije prenosa in lahko trenutno vključi promet od soležnika do soležnika v sporočilih UDP, TCP ali SMTP. . This package contains the fuse filesystem client. In order use GNUnet, you also need gnunet either on your server or on your local machine. Package: gnuplot-doc Description-md5: 5f0132ea47da27b4f1fc9bb887c8385e Description-sl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Doc-package Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility that supports lots of output formats, including drivers for many printers, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, and so on. . Data files and self-defined functions can be manipulated by the internal C-like language. Can perform smoothing, spline-fitting, or nonlinear fits, and can work with complex numbers. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatno dokumentacijo. Package: gnustep-back0.31-cairo Description-md5: ad624b0873d174986d5d663f0e4c8413 Description-sl: GNUstep GUI Backend (cairo) It is a backend component for the GNUstep GUI Library. The implementation of the GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts. The first part is the front-end component which is independent of platform and display system. This front-end is combined with a back-end component which handles all of the display system dependent such as specific calls to the X Window System. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje cairo. Package: gnustep-base-doc Description-md5: 7a42edc1e78a97776d8f7f1f41f9ac7b Description-sl: Dokumentacija za osnovno knjižnico GNUstep This package contains the GNUstep Base Library API reference, as well as the GNUstep Base programming manual and GNUstep Coding Standards in Info, HTML and PDF format. Package: gnustep-examples Description-md5: c978947c2d7d881dce26622cd5e296b4 Description-sl: Primeri programov GNUstep A collection of examples for the GNUstep libraries. Some of them are useful applications on their own, others are intended only for testing purposes. Package: gnustep-gui-doc Description-md5: e06b30372c8f8ee847c28f14de8dbc00 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico grafičnega vmesnika GNUstep The GNUstep GUI Library is a powerful library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon the OpenStep specification, and provide the user with a traditional nextstep-like look and feel. . This package contains text, gsdoc, PDF and HTML documentation for the GNUstep GUI Library. Package: gnustep-gui-runtime Description-md5: 29341114fdad89f562554b5ab37477d7 Description-sl: Knjižnica grafičnega vmesnika GNUstep - izvajalne datoteke The GNUstep GUI Library is a powerful library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon the OpenStep specification, and provide the user with a traditional nextstep-like look and feel. . This package contains the runtime support files needed by GNUstep GUI applications. Package: goattracker Description-md5: a8d20219791182cd25809e96f1baa6db Description-sl: Urejevalnik glasbe C64 This is a crossplatform C64 music editor. Supports emulated output via Dag Lem's reSID engine, the HardSID soundcard or CatWeasel MK3. . It supports emulated output via the software reSID engine, the HardSID soundcard, or the Catweasel (MK3/MK4) controller card, and produces songs in its own format (*.SNG). The program can also export tunes in SID format, BIN format, or Commodore PRG format for inclusion on a floppy you can stick into a 1541/1571/1581 drive. . Like most tracker programs, the program is able to import instrument files, create and modify track patterns, set the order of playback of patterns and change details of the song such as the title and author. If you are familiar with tracker-like programs, then GoatTracker will feel like a simple version of those, though with differences attributable to the hardware. People new to composing in general should look up other information on composing on the C64. Package: goban-ss Description-md5: 13cf305b448027d1b7f015a9686c19a3 Description-sl: Ohranjevalnik zaslona Goban A version of cgoban (by Bill Shubert, aka wms on the go servers, see modified to run as a screensaver. . Displays a full-screen board and plays games from SGF files picked at random. Package: golang-bitbucket-creachadair-shell-dev Description-md5: 9e256b99343f0086d1639ce487570a47 Description-sl: implements basic shell command-line splitting for Go (library) Provides supports for splitting and joining of shell command strings. . The Split function divides a string into whitespace-separated fields, respecting single and double quotation marks as defined by the Shell Command Language section of IEEE Std 1003.1 2013. The Quote function quotes characters that would otherwise be subject to shell evaluation, and the Join function concatenates quoted strings with spaces between them. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-adamkorcz-go-fuzz-headers-1-dev Description-md5: 7974b1414418089510809311856c97bb Description-sl: helper functions for Go fuzzing (library) Various helper functions for go fuzzing. It is mostly used in combination with go-fuzz (, but compatibility with fuzzing in the standard library will also be supported. Any coverage guided fuzzing engine that provides an array or slice of bytes can be used with go-fuzz-headers. . go-fuzz-headers' approach to fuzzing structs is strongly inspired by gofuzz ( . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-alecthomas-repr-dev Description-md5: 925957333de0ebef5c7ea9e5a1a718ee Description-sl: Python's repr() for Go The repr package attempts to represent Go values in a form that can be used almost directly in Go source code. . Unfortunately, some values (such as pointers to basic types) cannot be represented directly in Go. These values will be represented as &<value>, e.g. &23 . Primer: . type test struct { S string I int A []int } . func main() { repr.Print(&test{ S: "String", I: 123, A: []int{1, 2, 3}, }) } . Outputs . &main.test{S: "String", I: 123, A: []int{1, 2, 3}} Package: golang-github-calmh-randomart-dev Description-md5: 24d49339979b6d803a0de58c99825331 Description-sl: generates OpenSSH-style randomart (Go library) Go package randomart generates OpenSSH style "randomart" images based on key fingerprints. . Primer: . data := []byte{ 0x9b, 0x4c, 0x7b, 0xce, 0x7a, 0xbd, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x61, 0xfb, 0x17, 0xc2, 0x06, 0x12, 0x0c, 0xed } ra := randomart.Generate(data, "RSA 2048") fmt.Println(ra) . +--[ RSA 2048 ]---+ | .+. | | o. | | .. + | | Eo = | | S + . | | o B . . | | B o.. | | *... | | .o+... | +-----------------+ Package: golang-github-cavaliergopher-grab-dev Description-md5: 59c74d0ce86be460ef13688cd85dd11f Description-sl: Download manager package for Go (library) Downloading the internet, one goroutine at a time! . Grab is a Go package for downloading files from the internet with the following rad features: - Monitor download progress concurrently - Auto-resume incomplete downloads - Guess filename from content header or URL path - Safely cancel downloads using context.Context - Validate downloads using checksums - Download batches of files concurrently - Apply rate limiters . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-cavaliergopher-rpm-dev Description-md5: d03b75cccd3a1fc4efcf25e5804a0a1a Description-sl: Go implementation of the RPM file format (library) This implements the rpm package file format as a Go library . See the package documentation ( to get started. . The upstream project used to be called and this package provide a backwards compatibility link for the old name since that name is still referenced in other packages. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl-dev Description-md5: d93653103a370e9baa617cabec0be98d Description-sl: CloudFlare's PKI and TLS toolkit CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. CFSSL can be used to build custom TLS PKI tools as well as create and manipulate traditional certificate structures using code or on the command line. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-gokey-dev Description-md5: 6edac5e6076b7e14eb4d318a9a80f589 Description-sl: simple vaultless password manager in Go - dev package gokey is a password manager, which does not require a password vault. Instead of storing your passwords in a vault it derives your password on the fly from your master password and supplied realm string (for example, resource URL). This way you do not have to manage, backup or sync your password vault (or trust its management to a third party) as your passwords are available immediately anywhere. . To je razvojni paket. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober-dev Description-md5: 3eb672f4ef0f8bb3cb78bbf05f747aa3 Description-sl: Software-based two-man rule style (development files) Red October is a software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server. The two-man rule is a control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security by requiring the presence of two authorized people at all times. In the case of Red October the two-man rule is implemented by encrypting data in such as way as to require two authorised key-holds to decrypt it. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-containers-storage-dev Description-md5: 33c19defe0f75a3ad4a64ce898778b1f Description-sl: Go library for handling how containers are stored on disk storage is a Go library which aims to provide methods for storing filesystem layers, container images, and containers. A containers-storage CLI wrapper is also included for manual and scripting use. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-coredhcp-coredhcp-dev Description-md5: 59991369efa81bd921b24fc1db626423 Description-sl: multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server - library Coredhcp is a fast, multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server written in Go. In CoreDHCP almost everything is implemented as a plugin. Every request is evaluated calling each plugin in order, until one breaks the evaluation and responds to, or drops, the request. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-crowdsecurity-crowdsec-dev Description-md5: f39599b1fe6022842887edc50e752f6b Description-sl: lightweight and collaborative security engine - library CrowdSec is a lightweight security engine, able to detect and remedy aggressive network behavior. It can leverage and also enrich a global community-wide IP reputation database, to help fight online cybersec aggressions in a collaborative manner. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers-dev Description-md5: 4cbcd8f1a2bfffc05fd1f36cc79da761 Description-sl: native stores to safeguard Docker credentials - library The docker-credential-helpers package is a suite of programs to use the built-in OS native stores to keep Docker credentials safe. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-etcd-io-gofail-dev Description-md5: 9f0221ee62b06c4e1172f59e621d963a Description-sl: implementation of failpoint - (library) This package provides an implementation of failpoint for golang. Failpoints are special comments that include a failpoint variable declaration and some trigger code. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice-dev Description-md5: 556931a23b4e283391e746d74e0e1a5e Description-sl: Go package for embedding web resources into Go executables go.rice is a Golang package that makes working with resources such as html, js, css, images and templates very easy. During development go.rice will load required files directly from disk. Upon deployment it is easy to add all resource files to a executable using the rice tool, without changing the source code for your package. Several methods are provided for adding resources to your binary by go.rice. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine-dev Description-md5: 04da92cbdbe8c669e3c31f232144f99e Description-sl: create and spawn virtual machines (library) Create and spawn virtual machines based on the currently running system. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-go-resty-resty-dev Description-md5: 2753eef7d90df82ccda9b72f33cb543e Description-sl: Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go Zmožnosti: . * GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH, OPTIONS, etc. * Simple and chainable methods for settings and request * Request Body can be string, []byte, struct, map, slice and io.Reader too * Response object gives you more possibility * Automatic marshal and unmarshal for JSON and XML content type * Easy to upload one or more file(s) via multipart/form-data * Request URL Path Params (aka URI Params) * Resty client HTTP & REST Request and Response middlewares . In veliko več. Package: golang-github-googleapis-gnostic-dev Description-md5: 1ae774d48c2fcf90270ae90773ab3ccd Description-sl: compiler for OpenAPI specification - library Protocol Buffers ( provide a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. gnostic's Protocol Buffer models for the OpenAPI Specification can be used to generate code that includes data structures with explicit fields for the elements of an OpenAPI description. This makes it possible for developers to work with OpenAPI descriptions in type-safe ways, which is particularly useful in strongly-typed languages like Go and Swift. . gnostic reads OpenAPI descriptions into these generated data structures, reports errors, resolves internal dependencies, and writes the results in a binary form that can be used in any language that is supported by the Protocol Buffer tools. A plugin interface simplifies integration with API tools written in a variety of different languages, and when necessary, Protocol Buffer OpenAPI descriptions can be reexported as JSON or YAML. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go-dev Description-md5: c7e48b30ac74af7039208c00623d4630 Description-sl: GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use graphql-go is a GraphQL server library with the goal to provide full support of the GraphQL draft specification ( with a set of idiomatic, easy to use Go packages. . Zmožnosti: . - minimal API - support for context.Context - support for the OpenTracing standard - schema type-checking against resolvers - resolvers are matched to the schema based on method sets - handles panics in resolvers - parallel execution of resolvers Package: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway-dev Description-md5: 04f664d8727c156a70e30ad4a7baa35b Description-sl: gRPC to JSON proxy generator for Golang -- sources Grpc-gateway is a protoc plugin that reads gRPC service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC. The server is generated according to custom options in your gRPC definition and helps you to provide your APIs in both gRPC and RESTful style at the same time. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-hairyhenderson-go-codeowners-dev Description-md5: 6396f252eacd6a069165779ae3049e90 Description-sl: Go package that finds and parses GitHub CODEOWNERS files go-codeowners is a Go package that finds and parses CODEOWNERS files; see . Zmožnosti: . * operates on local repos * doesn't require a cloned repo (i.e. doesn't need a .git directory to be present at the repo's root) * can be called from within a repo (doesn't have to be at the root) * will find CODEOWNERS files in all documented locations: the repo's root, docs/, and .github/ (or .gitlab/ for GitLab repos) Package: golang-github-lestrrat-go-jwx-dev Description-md5: fea60d3f56f96e0bc0605a76fe94da73 Description-sl: Implementation of various JWx technologies (library) Go module implementing various JWx (JWA/JWE/JWK/JWS/JWT, otherwise known as JOSE) technologies. . Zmožnosti: . * Complete coverage of JWA/JWE/JWK/JWS/JWT, not just JWT+minimum tool set. * Opinionated, but very uniform API. Everything is symmetric, and follows a standard convention * Extra utilities Package: golang-github-mailru-easyjson-dev Description-md5: 68db427114ecf2279779fe0234b669c6 Description-sl: Fast JSON serializer for golang - development files easyjson allows (un-)marshaling of JSON golang structs without the use of reflection by generating marshaller code. . One of the aims of the library is to keep generated code simple enough so that it can be easily optimized or fixed. Another goal is to provide users with ability to customize the generated code not available in 'encoding/json', such as generating snake_case names or enabling 'omitempty' behavior by default. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey-dev Description-md5: 3899777a3c0aececeae83175b15cde58 Description-sl: generates ED25519 private keys in the OpenSSH private key format (Go library) Go package edkey allows you to marshal/write ED25519 private keys in the OpenSSH private key format. . Primer: . package main . import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/pem" "io/ioutil" "" "" "" ) . func main() { // Generate a new private/public keypair for OpenSSH pubKey, privKey, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) publicKey, _ := ssh.NewPublicKey(pubKey) . pemKey := &pem.Block{ Type: "OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: edkey.MarshalED25519PrivateKey(privKey), } privateKey := pem.EncodeToMemory(pemKey) authorizedKey := ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(publicKey) . _ = ioutil.WriteFile("id_ed25519", privateKey, 0600) _ = ioutil.WriteFile("", authorizedKey, 0644) } Package: golang-github-muesli-sasquatch-dev Description-md5: 83ec13a7acb719c2d7148f6c8752eba1 Description-sl: simple data encryption library for Go A simple data encryption library, heavily inspired by @Benjojo12 and @FiloSottile's fantastic "age" project. . Zmožnosti: . * Multiple recipients * Supports encrypting with your existing SSH keys / ssh-agent * Convenient API . Crypto Backends: . * ssh-rsa * ssh-ed25519 * ssh-agent signing challenge (excluding ECDSA identities, as ECDSA signatures aren't deterministic) * scrypt / password Package: golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth-dev Description-md5: bb38c1b42791cd43f1ceef15fb43d940 Description-sl: Golang bluetooth client based on bluez DBus interfaces (library) This package contains a Go bluetooth API for Linux-based Bluez DBus interface. . High level features supported: - Client code generation from bluez documentation - Shell wrappers for rfkill, btmgmt, hciconfig, hcitool - An hci socket basic API (inspired by go-ble/ble - Expose bluetooth service from go code [unstable] - Pairing and authentication support (via agent) - Beaconing send & receive (iBeacon and Eddystone) - Mesh API support (since v5.53) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-nats-io-nats-server-dev Description-md5: eafa2c85b0fe11adfe1bb89127fd65a9 Description-sl: High-Performance server for (library) NATS is a simple, secure and performant communications system for digital systems, services and devices. NATS is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and has over 40 client language implementations. . Its server can run on-premise, in the cloud, at the edge, and even on a Raspberry Pi. NATS can secure and simplify design and operation of modern distributed systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-dev Description-md5: c171d94d1dde96176dd8594210e6bedd Description-sl: BDD Testing Framework for Go (development files) Ginkgo is a BDD-style Golang testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests. It is best paired with the Gomega matcher library but is designed to be matcher-agnostic. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2-dev Description-md5: c171d94d1dde96176dd8594210e6bedd Description-sl: BDD Testing Framework for Go (development files) Ginkgo is a BDD-style Golang testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests. It is best paired with the Gomega matcher library but is designed to be matcher-agnostic. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-tools-dev Description-md5: 0d44d881f0746f61613a668e4538b54a Description-sl: OCI Runtime Tools oci-runtime-tool is a collection of tools for working with the OCI runtime specification ( . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: golang-github-otiai10-copy-dev Description-md5: c8e1ea15a962dedcc6a581335ec5f68c Description-sl: Golang copy directory recursively (library) copies directories recursively. . Primer: . go err := Copy("your/directory", "your/directory.copy") Package: golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2-dev Description-md5: d4d146a64944f7d612ad0684ad3adbac Description-sl: Go library for the TOML format (go-toml v2) go-toml v2 is a Go library for the TOML format. It supports TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) version v1.0.0. . Zmožnosti: . Stdlib behavior As much as possible, this library is designed to behave similarly as the standard library's encoding/json. . Performance While go-toml favors usability, it is written with performance in mind. Most operations should not be shockingly slow. . Strict mode Decoder can be set to "strict mode", which makes it error when some parts of the TOML document was not prevent in the target structure. This is a great way to check for typos. . Contextualized errors When decoding errors occur, go-toml returns DecodeError), which contains a human readable contextualized version of the error. . Local date and time support TOML supports native local date/times. It allows to represent a given date, time, or date-time without relation to a timezone or offset. To support this use-case, go-toml provides LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime. Those types can be transformed to and from time.Time, making them convenient yet unambiguous structures for their respective TOML representation. Package: golang-github-prometheus-common-dev Description-md5: efcba4dcd5ac580e9b9997d57503d25a Description-sl: common libraries for Prometheus components Ta paket vključuje: . * Common configuration structures. * Decoding and encoding for the exposition format. * Shared data structures. * Defines standardised ways to initialize Go kit loggers across Prometheus components. * A routing wrapper around using `context.Context`. * Common servers. * Provides a http.RoundTripper that signs requests using Amazon's Signature Verification V4 signing procedure. * Version information and metrics. Package: golang-github-rodaine-table-dev Description-md5: f6ba5c6bd64e27e9f8dc11e4a3545e42 Description-sl: Go CLI Table Generator (library) Go package "table" provides a convenient way to generate tabular output of any data, primarily useful for CLI tools. . Zmožnosti: . * Accepts all data types (string, int, interface{}, everything!) and will use the String() string method of a type if available. * Can specify custom formatting for the header and first column cells for better readability. * Columns are left-aligned and sized to fit the data, with customizable padding. * The printed output can be sent to any io.Writer, defaulting to os.Stdout. * Built to an interface, so you can roll your own Table implementation. * Works well with ANSI colors (fatih/color ( in the example)! * Can provide a custom WidthFunc to accomodate multi- and zero-width characters (such as runewidth ( Package: golang-github-rootless-containers-rootlesskit-dev Description-md5: 9cd70fb7a254ee879a921b55b4a9b45d Description-sl: Linux-native "fake root" for rootless containers (library) The purpose of RootlessKit is to run Docker and Kubernetes as an unprivileged user (known as "Rootless mode"), so as to protect the real root on the host from potential container-breakout attacks. . RootlessKit creates user_namespaces(7) and mount_namespaces(7), and executes newuidmap(1)/newgidmap(1) along with subuid(5) and subgid(5). . RootlessKit also supports isolating network_namespaces(7) with userspace NAT using "slirp". . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-github-shibumi-go-pathspec-dev Description-md5: e960ea34542cc44ddb6e004800d9fb57 Description-sl: gitignore-style pathspec pattern matching in Go (library) go-pathspec implements gitignore-style pattern matching for paths. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-sigstore-protobuf-specs-dev Description-md5: 85e727b676f73560af630edc38a95d6e Description-sl: Sigstore Protocol Buffer code (library) Provides protobuf specifications for Sigstore messages. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-soundcloud-go-runit-dev Description-md5: ffb8cc9628c07004c4b2706af78ea103 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package can be safely removed once nothing depends on it anymore. Package: golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe-dev Description-md5: 640bdc19e4d74a92903b0e7099ebccfc Description-sl: secure production identity framework for everyone in Go (library) SPIFFE, the Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone, is a set of open-source standards for securely identifying software systems in dynamic and heterogeneous environments. Systems that adopt SPIFFE can easily and reliably mutually authenticate wherever they are running. . This library leverages the SPIFFE Workload API ( spiffe/blob/main/standards/, providing high level functionality that includes: . * Establishing mutually authenticated TLS (mTLS) between workloads powered by SPIFFE. * Obtaining and validating X509-SVIDs and JWT-SVIDs. * Federating trust between trust domains using SPIFFE bundles. * Bundle management. . See the Go Package ( documentation for more information. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-transparency-dev-merkle-dev Description-md5: d8459d986ececb42846f680e51299ce7 Description-sl: create and manipulate Merkle trees in Go (library) Provides Go code to help create and manipulate Merkle trees, as well as constructing and verifying various types of proof. . This is the data structure which is used by projects such as Trillian ( to provide verifiable logs ( . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-ubuntu-core-snappy-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: golang-github-veraison-go-cose-dev Description-md5: 09c90c22579c40a443948f3faf4d10be Description-sl: go library for CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) (library) A golang library for the COSE specification ( . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-github-yosssi-ace-dev Description-md5: d42217790c8e46862cef3c5394716f82 Description-sl: HTML template engine for Go (library package) Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This is inspired by Slim ( and Jade ( This is a refinement of Gold ( . Primer: . = doctype html html lang=en head title Hello Ace = css h1 { color: blue; } body h1 {{.Msg}} #container.wrapper p.. Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This engine simplifies HTML coding in Go web application development. = javascript console.log('Welcome to Ace'); . This package provides the Ace library for the Go Programming Language Package: golang-github-yuin-goldmark-dev Description-md5: bc9f24d978401b48ed1f8db74032a057 Description-sl: CommonMark compliant and extensible Markdown parser written in Go goldmark is a Markdown parser written in Go. It is easy to extend, standard compliant, and well structured. It is compliant with CommonMark 0.30, and supports extensions from GitHub Flavored Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra. . Zmožnosti: . * Standard compliant. goldmark gets full compliance with the latest CommonMark spec. * Extensible. Do you want to add a @username mention syntax to Markdown? You can easily do it in goldmark. You can add your AST nodes, parsers for block level elements, parsers for inline level elements, transformers for paragraphs, transformers for whole AST structure, and renderers. * Performance. goldmark performs pretty much equally to cmark, the CommonMark reference implementation written in C. * Robust. goldmark is tested with go-fuzz, a fuzz testing tool. * Builtin extensions. goldmark ships with common extensions like tables, strikethrough, task lists, and definition lists. * Depends only on standard libraries. Package: golang-github-zeebo-errs-dev Description-md5: 8fefc8c86863b65300e538ff7edba578 Description-sl: errs is a Go library for error handling errs is a package for making errors friendly and easy. Errors come with a stack trace that is only printed when a "+" character is used in the format string. This should retain the benefits of being able to diagnose where and why errors happen, without all of the noise of printing a stack trace in every situation. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-golang-x-tools-dev Description-md5: 848b14f59fde001d69fac7c7123ed46c Description-sl: supplementary Go tools (development files) This subrepository holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go programming language. . Some of the tools, godoc and vet for example, used to be included in the golang-go package. Others, including the Go oracle and the test coverage tool, can be fetched with "go get". . Packages include a type-checker for Go and an implementation of the Static Single Assignment form (SSA) representation for Go programs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: golang-goprotobuf-dev Description-md5: 635a93bcd1440d16621693fe064c2aa9 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package, it can be safely removed. Package: golang-k8s-sigs-release-utils-dev Description-md5: 75466b08ccf4ab3489a7397a9661236c Description-sl: utilities for kubernetes Go release engineering (library) Tiny utilities for use by the Release Engineering subproject and kubernetes/release ( . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: golang-truststore Description-md5: 098b53cb5345c79e9d43a7c3970e37d5 Description-sl: Prehodni paket This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: goldendict Description-md5: a3db47f95a46ce347f6266cf13d9b48c Description-sl: Z zmožnostmi bogat program iskanja besed v slovarju Features: * Use of WebKit for an accurate articles' representation, complete with all formatting, colors, images and links. * Support of multiple dictionary file formats, namely: - Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources - StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries - Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files - ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files, together with abbreviations. The files can be optionally compressed with dictzip. Dictionary resources can be packed together into a .zip file. - ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives. Those can be indexed separately, or be referred to from .dsl files. * Support for Wikipedia, Wiktionary, or any other MediaWiki-based sites to perform lookups in. * Ability to use arbitrary websites as dictionaries via templated Url patterns. * Hunspell-based morphology system, used for word stemming and spelling suggestions. * Ability to index arbitrary directories with audio files for pronunciation lookups. * Full Unicode case, diacritics, punctuation and whitespace folding. This means the ability to type in words without any accents, correct case, punctuation or spaces (e.g. typing 'Grussen' would yield 'grüßen' in German dictionaries). * Scan popup functionality. A small window pops up with the translation of a word chosen from another application. * Support for global hotkeys. You can spawn the program window at any point, or directly translate a word from the clipboard. * Tabbed browsing in a modern Qt 5 interface. Package: goldendict-wordnet Description-md5: a960f41576a465e043851fa792893ee6 Description-sl: electronic lexical database of English language (goldendict) WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. . WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovno zbirko prilagajanja wordnet za slovarje kot je goldendict. Package: golly Description-md5: c2db145560c729ff258681a7c7ad54e2 Description-sl: Igra simulatorja življenja, ki uporablja algoritem hashlife Golly simulira Conwayavo igro življenja s poljubno veliko mrežo celic. Izbirno lahko uporablja algoritem hashlife, ki vam omogoča hiter izračun generacij za ogromne vzorce in izračun veliko generacij v prihodnost hkrati. . Golly zagotavlja grafični vmesnik za ogled in urejanje celičnih avtomatov. Podpira kopiranje in lepljenje, približanje, samodejno prileganje, več plasti in ogled različnih področij vzorca na različnih področjih okna. . Golly lahko naloži vzorce iz RLE, Life, 1.05/1.06, dblife in vrstah datotek macrocell, lahko tudi tolmači slike kot so vzorci življenja. Golly zagotavlja vključeno pomoč vključno s kopijo leksikona življenja. . Golly podpira tudi druga pravila 2D celičnih avtomatov z 8 celično soseščino in podpira 1D celične avtomate. Package: googler Description-md5: 815a3aaafee514f2bb2afc49b150aba1 Description-sl: Power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search from the terminal Zmožnosti: . - Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News - Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), customisable color - Open result URLs (or the actual search) in browser - Navigate search result pages from omniprompt - Fetch n results in a go, start at the nth result - Disable automatic spelling correction and search exact keywords - Limit search by duration, country/domain specific search (default: .com), language preference - Supports Google search keywords like 'filetype:mime', '' etc. - Optionally open the first result directly in browser (as in "I'm Feeling Lucky") - Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting - Proxy support - Man page with examples, shell completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish Package: googletest Description-md5: 1e437b718f57755079100bb08186b2de Description-sl: Google's C++ test framework sources This package provides sources for Google Test and Google Mock. . Google Test is a framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms. Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, value- and type-parameterized tests, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation. . Google Mock is an extension of Google Test for C++ mocking. Inspired by jMock, EasyMock, and Hamcrest, and designed with C++'s specifics in mind, it can help you derive better designs of your system and write better tests. . Google Mock: . - provides a declarative syntax for defining mocks, - can easily define partial (hybrid) mocks, which are a cross of real and mock objects, - handles functions of arbitrary types and overloaded functions, - comes with a rich set of matchers for validating function arguments, - uses an intuitive syntax for controlling the behavior of a mock, - does automatic verification of expectations (no record-and-replay needed), - allows arbitrary (partial) ordering constraints on function calls to be expressed, - lets a user extend it by defining new matchers and actions. - does not use exceptions, and - is easy to learn and use. . NOTE: This package does not contain a library to link against, but rather the source code to build the google test and mock libraries. This enables building the google test and mock libraries with the same flags as the C++ code under test. Package: gopchop Description-md5: c19dbf02bbcc6e158a2b0e33aa0bc583 Description-sl: hiter, brezizguben urejevalnik za video datoteke MPEG2 Program gopchop izreže in združi video pretoke MPEG2. gopchop uporablja način za izrez pretokov, ki ne zahteva ponovnega kodiranja in je zato hiter in ne povzroča artifaktov in zmanjšanja kakovosti, ki se zgodi pri ponovnem kodiranju. Izrezi so omejeni na okvirje-I ali omejitve skupine slik. Ti okvirji se pojavljajo dovolj pogosto in pogosto ob prehodih scen, zato je način programa gopchop primeren za veliko primerov. . Običajna uporaba je ročen izrez reklam iz posnetih televizijskih programov. . Druga uporaba je razdelitev datotek .VOB in zajemov dvoplastnih DVD-jev tako, da je mogoče vsebino ponovno overiti tako, da bo vsako na polovic mogoče spraviti na enoplasten DVD. Package: Description-md5: 130a504199ea9be9979a0ece6846d7c8 Description-sl: Izgrajevalnik vidnega vmesnika za GNUstep Gorm, GNUstep modelirnik razmerij predmetov je orodje za izgradnjo grafičnih uporabniških vmesnikov za sistem GNUstep. Program je klon programa NeXTStep "Interface Builder". Dobro deluje s ProjectCenter za ustvarjanje grafičnih uporabniških vmesnikov za GNUstep. . You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa. Package: gosa-help-en Description-md5: 9f3e430a2eace59402cad5a8b28a61ca Description-sl: Angleška spletna pomoč za GOsa This package includes the English online documentation for GOsa² . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gosa-help-nl Description-md5: e6b720a7872a366715688d34465861de Description-sl: Nizozemska spletna pomoč za GOsa This package includes the Dutch online documentation for GOsa² . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gosa-plugins-ldapmanager Description-md5: 2de53dba9521aea3cd27593bdcf65328 Description-sl: ldapmanager plugin for GOsa² Vstavek upravljanja sudo. . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gosa-plugins-rolemanagement Description-md5: f7505bb7b8acb8a883776abb71f68d28 Description-sl: rolemanagement plugin for GOsa² Vstavek upravljanja vlog. . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gosa-plugins-sudo Description-md5: 0e9b694b79f882d0f0a90b5e6034224a Description-sl: sudo plugin for GOsa² Vstavek upravljanja sudo. . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gosa-schema Description-md5: 1b1277eea75f00d2d7cf1f5c7f7eb2b2 Description-sl: Shema LDAP za GOsa This package includes the basics LDAP schemas needed by GOsa². . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gpa Description-md5: 26adcfaaa5e11731dba864e1e68a291d Description-sl: Pomočnik zasebnosti za GNU (GPA) Pomočnik zasebnosti za GNU (GPA) je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za Stražnika zasebnosti GNU (GnuPG). Lahko ga uporabite za šifriranje, odšifriranje in podpis datotek, za preverjanje podpisov in upravljanje zasebnih in javnih ključev. Package: gperiodic Description-md5: 9d0fa910facd65c1d1b6bc1be521fcfa Description-sl: Program periodnega sistema GPeriodic je majhen na X/GTK+ osnovan program, ki vam omogoča brskanje po periodnem sistemu kemijskih elementov in ogled dokaj podrobnih podatkov o vsakem elementu. Trenutno je naštetih 118 elementov. Package: gpick Description-md5: 1f14ce64f57c52191da4d07d4d2b35aa Description-sl: Napreden Izbirnik barv GTK+ gpick is an advanced color picker used to pick colors from anywhere on the screen, mix them to get new colors, generate shades and tints, and export palettes to common file formats or simply copy them to the clipboard. Package: gpicview Description-md5: 56b6d6ca77ade2581b6c6827342d56bb Description-sl: Lahek pregledovalnik slik GPicView je lahek na GTK+ 2.x osnovan pregledovalnik slik z naslednjimi zmožnostmi: . * izjemno lahek in hiter z nizko uporabo pomnilnika * zelo primeren za privzet pregledovalnik slik namiznega sistema * enostaven in intuitiven vmesnik * najmanjša odvisnost knjižnic: uporabljen je le čist GTK+ * neodvisen od namizja: ne zahteva določenega namiznega okolja Package: gplcver Description-md5: e5f747f81ed7be5c0c96b30ff11d5153 Description-sl: Simulator Verilog Cver is a full 1995 IEEE P1364 standard Verilog simulator. It also implements some of the 2001 P1364 standard features. All three PLI interfaces (tf_, acc_, and vpi_) are implemented as defined in the IEEE 2001 P1364 LRM. Package: gpm Description-md5: f4d37ad222a8606e714a0eb799261d0d Description-sl: Splošno namenski vmesnik miške This package provides a daemon that captures mouse events when the system console is active, and delivers events to applications through a library. . By default, the daemon provides a 'selection' mode, so that cut-and-paste with the mouse works on the console just as it does under X. Package: gpodder Description-md5: cd41a271191560e8a42acf5dd59b12ca Description-sl: podcast client and feed aggregator gPodder je prejemnik podcastov. Naročite se lahko na vire ("podcaste") in samodejno prejmete novo zvočno in video vsebino. Prejeto vsebino lahko predvajate na svojem računalniku ali pa jo uskladite na iPodih, na MTP osnovanih predvajalnikih, MP3 predvajalnikih in mobilnih telefonih z omogočenim Bluetooth. Podprti so tudi video viri YouTube. . Ta paket vsebuje grafični pripomoček "gpodder" in priomoček ukazne vrstice "gpo". Package: gprbuild-doc Description-md5: ce55a9d70218721427625dfec46bb041 Description-sl: multi-language extensible build tool (documentation) A set of tools for processing GNAT project files: gprconfig detects available compilers, gprbuild runs them; gprslave helps distributing the build work across the network; gprinstall copies the objects to their final destination; gprclean removes them. The default configuration supports Ada, Assembler, C, C++, Fortran, and can be extended to support user source processing tools. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: gpredict Description-md5: 761603bab01399390c5ac55a77c533af Description-sl: Program sledenja s satelitom Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program for the Linux desktop. It uses the SGP4/SDP4 propagation algorithms together with NORAD two-line element sets (TLE). . Some core features of Gpredict include: . * Tracking of a large number of satellites only limited by the physical memory and processing power of the computer * Display the tracking data in lists, maps, polar plots and any combination of these * Have many modules open at the same either in a notebook or in their own windows. The modules can also run in full-screen mode * You can use many ground stations * Predict upcoming passes * Gpredict can run in real-time, simulated real-time (fast forward and backward), and manual time control * Detailed information both the real time and non-real time modes * Doppler tuning of radios via Hamlib rigctld * Antenna rotator control via Hamlib rotctld Package: gprolog Description-md5: 467ab0737d453fc9cf9f69bd4fa2965f Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik GNU Prolog GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains (FD). GNU Prolog is largely compliant with the ISO standard and is part of the Prolog Commons initiative. . This package contains the compiler and runtime system for the ISO standard version of GNU Prolog, including the prototype modules implementation. Package: gpsbabel-doc Description-md5: be60ff88f7b040c3b2c3d227343ebcdb Description-sl: GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units - documentation GPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial upload or download to a GPS unit such as those from Garmin and Magellan. . GPSBabel supports dozens of data formats and will be useful for tasks such as geocaching, mapping, and converting from one GPS unit to another. Among the interesting formats it supports are several GPS devices via a serial link, various PDA-based mapping programs, and various Geocaching data formats. . Ta paket vsebuje podrobno dokumentacijo gpsbabel. Package: gpscorrelate Description-md5: 02f7325cdd3d3a8a10b05bc8ff4c7718 Description-sl: correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields (command line) gpscorrelate izpolni polja EXIF fotografij, ki so povezani s podatki GPS (na primer: GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitude, ...). Izpolnjevanje teh polj se pogosto imenuje "korelacija". . Vhodi opravila korelacije so zbirka slik JPEG in podatki GPS kodirani v vrsti GPX (GPS Exchange Format). . V primeru da so podatki GPS na voljo ob trenutku zajetja slike (z 1 sekundno zrnatostjo), so podatki GPS v polja EXIF shranjeni nespremenjeni. V nasprotnem primeru je uporabljena linearna interpolacija podatkov GPS nekaj trenutkov pred in po zajemu slike. . Na voljo sta orodje ukazne vrstice (paket gpscorreclate) in grafični vmesnik GTK+ zanj (paket gpscorrelate-gui). . This package contains the command line tool and the documentation in HTML format. Package: gpscorrelate-gui Description-md5: bd7ccfdc3e3dfe79dbbba2b186ea0ae8 Description-sl: poveže digitalne fotografije s podatki GPS, ki zapolnijo polja EXIT (grafični uporabniški vmesnik) gpscorrelate izpolni polja EXIF fotografij, ki so povezani s podatki GPS (na primer: GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitude, ...). Izpolnjevanje teh polj se pogosto imenuje "korelacija". . Vhodi opravila korelacije so zbirka slik JPEG in podatki GPS kodirani v vrsti GPX (GPS Exchange Format). . V primeru da so podatki GPS na voljo ob trenutku zajetja slike (z 1 sekundno zrnatostjo), so podatki GPS v polja EXIF shranjeni nespremenjeni. V nasprotnem primeru je uporabljena linearna interpolacija podatkov GPS nekaj trenutkov pred in po zajemu slike. . Na voljo sta orodje ukazne vrstice (paket gpscorreclate) in grafični vmesnik GTK+ zanj (paket gpscorrelate-gui). . Ta paket vsebuje grafični uporabniški vmesnik GTK+. Package: gpsim-doc Description-md5: 31cda71c219866a610e3ebede4b401cd Description-sl: Dokumentacija za gpsim This package contains documentation for gpsim in postscript and pdf format with original LyX sources. Package: gpsshogi-data Description-md5: a1907beae4ffd08484b3b5bacaffa861 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za gpsshogi GPSShogi is a Shogi playing program based on OpenShogiLib and won the 19th World Computer Shogi Championship. This package contains several binaries to play with computer Shogi. - gpsshogi: support the CSA protocol - gpsusi: support the USI protocol - gpsshogi-viewer: GUI application to investigate positions - gpsshell: shell-like client to investigate positions . This package contains data files defining parameters of evaluation functions, an opening book for gpsshogi Package: gputils Description-md5: 23d25c246adc8f0254d4e9881db7845d Description-sl: Pripomočki GNU PIC Those utilities for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers family contain an assembler (compatible with MPASM), a disassembler, and other tools. Package: gputils-doc Description-md5: d36eb740d4c4817d1277f3f93b2d929c Description-sl: Dokumentacija za gputils Those utilities for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers family contain an assembler (compatible with MPASM), a disassembler, and other tools. . This package contains the gputils documentation in Postscript and PDF format. Package: gpw Description-md5: f066608c89cdcc3732adbce3da7faf09 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik gesel Trigraph This package generates pronounceable passwords. It uses the statistics of three-letter combinations (trigraphs) taken from whatever dictionaries you feed it. . Thus pronounceability may differ from language to language. Based on the ideas in Morrie Gasser's password generator for Multics, and Dan Edwards's generator for CTSS. FIPS Standard 181 describes a similar digraph-based generator, derived from Gasser's. Package: gr-limesdr Description-md5: 0990c87b70a40e459c7060873e8903ef Description-sl: LimeSDR blocks for GnuRadio LimeSDR is a low cost, open source software defined radio (SDR) platform that can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard. . Currently this plugin supports LimeSDR-USB and LimeSDR-Mini boards. . The gr-limesdr blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that interface LimeSDR devices through liblimesuite. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: grace Description-md5: 47b00fa96f75d436d1eeb1c1e10f9763 Description-sl: Orodje za izrisovanje grafov XY Grace je orodje kazanja in klikanja, ki omogoča izris grafov X-Y. Ta program je bil včasih znan kot Xmgr. . Nekaj od njegovih zmožnosti je: uporabniško določeno spreminjanje velikosti, oznake kljukic, simboli, slogi črt, polinomske regresije, zlepke, tekoča povprečja, DFT/FFT navzkrižno/samodejno korelacijo, paketni način za nenamenjeno izrisovanje grafov, podpora trdnih kopij za PostScript, FrameMaker in več vrst slik. Package: grail-tools Description-md5: b2fb46d940e3ac96e9aa55968f37d420 Description-sl: Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library - test tools This library consists of an interface and tools for handling gesture recognition and gesture instantiation. Applications can use the grail callbacks to receive gesture primitives and raw input events from the underlying kernel device. . Ta paket vsebuje nekatera preizkusna orodja za knjižnico grail. Package: gramps Description-md5: 4b8460288fec6ae3a1337b9f64a45957 Description-sl: Program za genealoške raziskave Gramps is an Open Source genealogy program written in Python, using the GTK/GNOME interface. It is an extremely flexible program fitting the needs for both the amateur genealogist and serious genealogical researcher. Gramps has the ability to import GEDCOM files exported from many proprietary genealogy programs and can produce a large number of reports in many popular formats. Package: granatier Description-md5: 9c1cc3a6aa86ca29a9daa93e6c56892a Description-sl: Bomberman clone Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work of the Clanbomber clone. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: grap Description-md5: 7ff5df83b0cb0e0bb10afd968b5e3bb4 Description-sl: Program za grafe stavljanja This is grap, an implementation of Kernighan and Bentley's grap language for typesetting graphs. The grap preprocessor works with pic and troff (or groff). . Grap is a language for describing graphical displays of data. It provides such services as automatic scaling and labeling of axes, and for statements, if statements, and macros to facilitate user programmability. Grap is intended primarily for including graphs in documents prepared with groff or TeX, and is only marginally useful for elementary tasks in data analysis. Package: graphicsmagick Description-md5: 49dce754c724afc2a734936e7250be4b Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za obdelovanje slik GraphicsMagick provides a set of command-line applications to manipulate image files. It is a fork of the ImageMagick project and therefore offers a similar set of features, but puts a larger emphasis on stability. . The tools support a large variety of image formats from the widely used jpeg, tiff, bmp or xpm to special-purpose formats such as fits or image formats found on some photo CDs. They can convert between formats, concatenate several images into one, annotate and distort them, create thumbnails or manipulate the colormap. While all features are available from the command-line, the package also includes an image viewer that allows interactive manipulation. . Note that unlike ImageMagick, the GraphicsMagick tools are accessed through a single executable called 'gm'. Therefore, GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick can be used in parallel. Install package graphicsmagick- imagemagick-compat to obtain a set of several executables that is compatible to ImageMagick's interface. Package: grass-dev Description-md5: 616bd30de8154cdd565de75c39c27e9e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke GRASS GIS Commonly referred to as GRASS, this is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/map production, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as by many government agencies and environmental consulting companies. . This package contains the header files for developing with GRASS. Install this package if you wish to develop software that manipulates GRASS data sets or install addons using the g.extension module. Package: gravitywars Description-md5: 5b7f9844738f58205fec58a50bb539a7 Description-sl: Klon igre Gravity Force Gravity Wars is inspired by Gravity Force, one of the greatest games for the Amiga. This version is a little different, with a much higher resolution, and better graphics. . The aim of the game is to guide a spaceship using only thrust and orientation to the exit, fighting against gravity and inertia. It includes some new features like water, exploding doors, bonus objects, fans (ie. wind), and some other special effects like exploding bullets and splashing water. . Gravity Wars is no longer maintained upstream and this Debian package should be considered the current upstream version. Package: grc Description-md5: 15f9456730365b8748d5cefd8eaa6d49 Description-sl: Splošni program za obarvanje česarkoli generic colouriser, can be used to colourise logfiles, output of commands, arbitrary text.... configured via regexp's. Package: grdesktop Description-md5: 11fe1404ccd7f3abd972c97948f49006 Description-sl: Začelje GNOME za odjemalec rdesktop grdesktop je začelje GNOME za odjemalec oddaljenega namizja (rdesktop). . Shrani lahko več povezav (vključno z njihovimi možnostmi) in brska po omrežju za razpoložljive terminalske strežnike. Package: grhino Description-md5: 72a85f8745f4691404e8419db8cc4545 Description-sl: namizna igra othello/reversi grhino, včasih znan kot rhino, je igra Othello/Reversi. Program grhino od večine iger Othello je ta, da je grhino namenjen za izkušene igralce Othello. Glavi cilj je močan računalniški nasprotnik. Druge računalniške igralce lahko uporabljate s programom quarry. Package: grhino-data Description-md5: 4e8922c9bab85c2126ce00d76b2bfa3f Description-sl: namizna igra othello/reversi - podatkovne datoteke grhino, včasih znan kot rhino, je igra Othello/Reversi. Program grhino od večine iger Othello je ta, da je grhino namenjen za izkušene igralce Othello. Glavi cilj je močan računalniški nasprotnik. Druge računalniške igralce lahko uporabljate s programom quarry. . This package contains the data files needed by grhino. Package: gri Description-md5: c588f5439f167dc7ee09f54114861606 Description-sl: Jezik za znanstveno ilustracijo Gri is an open-source language for scientific graphics programming. It is command-driven, as opposed to point/click. Some users consider Gri similar to LaTeX, since both provide extensive power as a reward for tolerating a learning curve. The output is industry-standard PostScript as output, suitable for inclusion in other documents. . Gri can make x-y graphs, contour graphs, and image graphs. Fine control is provided over all aspects of drawing, e.g. line widths, colors, fonts, etc. Greek letters and mathematical symbols are available in a TeX-like syntax. . Folks who write 1000-line Gri scripts usually start with something as simple as the following: . open file.dat # open a file read columns x * y # read the 1st column as x and the 3rd as y draw curve # draw the data and autoscale the axes . A full manual is also available in HTML (gri-html-doc package), in PDF suitable for printing (gri-pdf-doc package) and on-line by following links from the gri home page: Package: Description-md5: 8e1c173bfceadc409b9772f45ee117d0 Description-sl: Collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep Gridlock je zbirka mrežnih namiznih iger za GNUstep, ki vsebuje Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Štiri v vrsto, Breakthrough, Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs in Moray Eels. Lahko igrate proti drugi osebi ali računalniškemu nasprotniku na različnih težavnostnih stopnjah in celo v omrežju. Package: gringo Description-md5: bd436af228b986e8da930746dfb6518b Description-sl: grounding tools for (disjunctive) logic programs Current answer set solvers work on variable-free programs. Hence, a grounder is needed that, given an input program with first-order variables, computes an equivalent ground (variable-free) program. . Ta paket vsebuje naslednja orodja: . - gringo: a grounder that, given an input program with first-order variables, computes an equivalent ground (variable-free) program in aspif format. Its output can be processed further with answer set solver clasp. Starting with gringo series 5, its output is no longer directly compatible with solvers like smodels or cmodels reading smodels format. Use lpconvert for translating aspif format to smodels format. - clingo: combines both gringo and clasp into a monolithic system. This way it offers more control over the grounding and solving process than gringo and clasp can offer individually: multi-shot solving. - lpconvert: converter between gringo's aspif and smodels format. - reify: small utility that reifies logic programs given in aspif format. It produces a set of facts, which can be processed further with gringo. Package: grisbi Description-md5: 2e2b9189a66757c2dd5b8cfb21577554 Description-sl: Program za upravljanje osebnih financ Grisbi je program za osebno računovodstvo. Grisbi lahko upravlja z več računi, enotami in uporabniki. Pomaga vam upravljati vaš denar s kategorijami stroškov, prejemkov in tretjih oseb kot tudi črtami proračuna, finančnimi leti in drugimi podatki, ki ga naredita primernega tako za osebno iz združeno računovodstvo. . Grisbi lahko uvozi račune iz datotek QIF, OFX in Gnucash. Izpiše lahko poročila, ki uporabljajo LaTeX ali jih izvozijo preko HTML. Package: grisbi-common Description-md5: f95430f0ac4869224285853fad4936c4 Description-sl: shared files for the finance management program Grisbi Grisbi je program za osebno računovodstvo. Grisbi lahko upravlja z več računi, enotami in uporabniki. Pomaga vam upravljati vaš denar s kategorijami stroškov, prejemkov in tretjih oseb kot tudi črtami proračuna, finančnimi leti in drugimi podatki, ki ga naredita primernega tako za osebno iz združeno računovodstvo. . This package contains architecture-independent files (icons, documentation and translations). Package: grpn Description-md5: cd7b42d66945678c4d4342c14501f6c9 Description-sl: računalo obratnega poljskega zapisa GTK+ gprn je računalo RPN, ki uporablja gradnike GTK+. Deluje z realnimi in kompleksnimi števili ima štiri različne načine osnove, podpira splošne matematične funkcije ter logaritmične in trigonometrične funkcije. Sklad računala je omejen le s prostim pomnilnikom. Package: Description-md5: 8079056b2b36fd4b8411125e5b016c4d Description-sl: Bralnik RSS za GNUstep Grr (Günther's RSS Reader) is a reader for RSS news feeds. It has the following features: . * Parsing RSS feeds (including Atom). * Fetching feeds from the web. * Showing headlines. * Showing the article's descriptions. * Categories for feeds. * Articles can be rated. * Simple HTML rendering on GNUstep. * Serializing obtained feed information to hard disk. * Managing (adding, removing) feeds. Package: grsync Description-md5: 0ac8f84c8fd587a0895d4e8eb0faba34 Description-sl: Začelje GTK+ za rsync grsync je enostaven grafični vmesnik, ki uporablja GTK2 za program ukazne vrstice rsync. Trenutno podpira le omejen del najpomembnejših zmožnosti rsync, vendar ga je mogoče učinkovito uporabiti za usklajevanje krajevnih map. Package: gscan2pdf Description-md5: 2fd0f5d4f0b1e11b6f5c6091a4673c3c Description-sl: GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents Only five clicks are required to scan several pages and then save all or a selection as a PDF or DjVu file, including metadata if required. . gscan2pdf can control flatbed or sheet-fed (ADF) scanners with SANE via libimage-sane-perl, scanimage or scanadf, and can scan multiple pages at once. It presents a thumbnail view of scanned pages, and permits simple operations such as cropping, rotating and deleting pages. . Za prepoznavanje besedila v optično branih dokumentih je mogoče uporabiti optično prepoznavanje znakov in vhod, ki je vstavljen v PDF ali DjVu. . PDF conversion is done by PDF::Builder. . Nastale dokumente je mogoče shraniti kot PDF, DjVu, večstranska datoteka TIFF ali enostransko slikovno datoteko. Package: gsm-utils Description-md5: 3a4f110fec00459ea23445229bde1388 Description-sl: Programi za dostop do mobilnega telefona GSM Some simple command line programs to access a GSM mobile phone via GSM modem or IrDA. Functions include: modification of phone books and reading, writing, sending and receiving SMS messages. Uses the GSM standards ETSI GSM 07.07, ETSI GSM 07.05, and others. Package: gsmartcontrol Description-md5: e7025374264e10b98903583375662dd7 Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za smartctl GSmartControl je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za smartctl, orodje za poizvedbo in nadzor podatkov SMART (tehnologija samodejnega nadziranja, preučevanja in poročanja) na modernih trdih diskih. Omogoča vam preučevanje podatkov SMART pogona za določitev njegovega zdravja kot tudi poganjanje različnih preizkusov na njem. . Zmožnosti: . * samodejno poroča in poudari morebitne anomalije, * omogoča onemogočitev/omogočitev samodejnega zbiranja podatkov brez povezave, * omogoča onemogočitev/omogočitev SMART, * podpira nastavitev splošnih možnosti in možnosti za pogon za smartctl, * izvaja samodejne preizkuse SMART, * prikaže ID-je pogona, zmožnosti, atrubute in dnevnike samodejnega preizkusa/napak, * lahko bere podatke v smartctl iz shranjene datoteke in jih tolmači kot navidezno napravo samo za branje. Package: gss-man Description-md5: 8f5232e3760b925acf02454a86d2505e Description-sl: Strani man za GSS The GNU Generic Security Service Library (GSSLib) is a free implementation of the GSS-API security framework. GSSLib uses Shishi to implement the Kerberos V5 mechanism, but is flexible enough to support other mechanisms too. . This package contain the API reference as man pages. Package: gstreamer1.0-opencv Description-md5: c7e225953a0291993c213186484f1f36 Description-sl: GStreamer OpenCV plugins GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Slabi vstavki GStreamer so zbirka vstavkov, ki niso dobri v primerjavi z ostalimi. Lahko so blizu dobre kakovosti, vendar jim morda nekaj manjka - dober pregled kode, dokumentacija, niz preizkusov, vzdrževalec ali obširna uporaba. . This package contains the OpenCV plugins. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Description-md5: 96aaaad9b842ce9ddb51b002cc05eca0 Description-sl: Vstavki GStreamer iz zbirke "bad" GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Slabi vstavki GStreamer so zbirka vstavkov, ki niso dobri v primerjavi z ostalimi. Lahko so blizu dobre kakovosti, vendar jim morda nekaj manjka - dober pregled kode, dokumentacija, niz preizkusov, vzdrževalec ali obširna uporaba. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-apps Description-md5: 516bac0b97ebdd36b52398c50e974c16 Description-sl: GStreamer helper programs from the "bad" set GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains helper programs from the "bad" set, a set of plug- ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-rtp Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Description-md5: c036226562f55540aad2e51fbde63d54 Description-sl: Vstavki GStreamer iz zbirke "ugly" GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Ta paket vsebuje vstavke iz zbirke "ugly". Ta niz vsebuje kakovostne vstavke, ki pa lahko povzročajo težave pri distribuiranju. Package: gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio Description-md5: 504e4012c06b50368aaaaef3d4829462 Description-sl: GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio (transitional package) GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package used to contain the GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio, a sound server for POSIX and WIN32 systems. . To je prehodni paket. Package: gstreamer1.0-python3-plugin-loader Description-md5: 95096b7522782c3f7600444ec56c34a6 Description-sl: GStreamer Loader for Python Plugin (Python 3) GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains the Python 3 version of the Python plugin loader, which allows GStreamer plugins to be written in Python. Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Description-md5: 6fd76fa62a56dd4ac66dadd0e99cbe61 Description-sl: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for Qt5. Package: gstreamer1.0-qt6 Description-md5: 3bdeb2efa50924da8de4655a8b9287cb Description-sl: GStreamer plugin for Qt6 GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for Qt6. Package: gstreamer1.0-rtsp Description-md5: 324c293cb019895b9491331ce49fd119 Description-sl: RTSP plugin for GStreamer GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for RTSP. Package: gtans Description-md5: 70e732ecd7a25af50d78546cd213afb3 Description-sl: Tangram (miselna) igra, ki uporablja GTK+ Tangram je kitajska uganka, kjer mora igralec urediti zbirko kosov, da se ujemajo z dano obliko. Uporabiti jih morate vse kose, ki se ne smejo prekrivati. Na voljo imate pet trikotnikov, kvadrat in paralelogram. gtans vsebuje več kot 380 figur s katerimi se lahko igrati. Za nadzor koščkov uporabljate miško. gtans lahko z uporabo vmesnika močno prilagodite. Package: gtetrinet Description-md5: 6a376eba24b4ff493f5034f36b47b294 Description-sl: Večigralska igra podobna tetrisu GTetrinet is a clone of Tetrinet, a multiplayer tetris variant for Windows. It is compatible with the original tetrinet, although you need a separate program, such as tetrinetx, to be able to create your own games. Package: gtg Description-md5: 92c52a4920c9e1e021e1f96006f48fd7 Description-sl: Organizator za namizno okolje GNOME Getting Things GNOME! (GTG) is a personal tasks and TODO-list items organizer for the GNOME desktop environment and inspired by the "Getting Things Done" (GTD) methodology. . GTG is designed with flexibility, adaptability, and ease of use in mind, so its user interface and workflow can be used as more than just "GTD" software. GTG is intended to help you track everything you need to do and need to know, from small tasks to large projects. . It features flexible tagging system, natural language parsing, task dependencies and an "actionable" task view mode so that you can focus on what you can act on "right now". Package: gthd Description-md5: 821e23079ebe036c82dee48a8dbeec6d Description-sl: DBus service to monitor thermal information GThd is a DBus activated daemon that provides information about thermal zones, cooling cells and trip points. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: gthumb Description-md5: 3f6830e69f57dd7b815a1c7022d6e9ce Description-sl: pregledovalnik in brskalnik slik gThumb je napreden pregledovalnik in brskalnik slik. Ima veliko uporabnih zmožnosti kot je brskanje po datotečnem sistemu, predstavitve, katalogi slik, ustvarjanje spletnih albumov, uvoz z digitalnega fotoaparata, zapisovanje slik na CD, paketna opravila datotek in hitre zmožnosti urejanja datotek kot sta preoblikovanje in obdelava barv. . It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used. Package: gthumb-data Description-md5: 27b86b080e857e9ca2a0a372423eda5e Description-sl: image viewer and browser - arch-independent files gThumb je napreden pregledovalnik in brskalnik slik. Ima veliko uporabnih zmožnosti kot je brskanje po datotečnem sistemu, predstavitve, katalogi slik, ustvarjanje spletnih albumov, uvoz z digitalnega fotoaparata, zapisovanje slik na CD, paketna opravila datotek in hitre zmožnosti urejanja datotek kot sta preoblikovanje in obdelava barv. . It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used. . This package contains the architecture-independent files needed by gthumb. Package: gthumb-dev Description-md5: 89444e8ff88a9f480bd9ecb468c893ab Description-sl: image viewer and browser - development files gThumb je napreden pregledovalnik in brskalnik slik. Ima veliko uporabnih zmožnosti kot je brskanje po datotečnem sistemu, predstavitve, katalogi slik, ustvarjanje spletnih albumov, uvoz z digitalnega fotoaparata, zapisovanje slik na CD, paketna opravila datotek in hitre zmožnosti urejanja datotek kot sta preoblikovanje in obdelava barv. . It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used. . This package contains the files needed to develop third-party extensions. Package: gtk-chtheme Description-md5: dc8afeebd61b9bcfd00882b3c3a38157 Description-sl: GTK+ 2.0 pripomoček za menjavo in predogled teme Pripomoček osnovan na 'Gtk Theme Switch', ki poskuša narediti predoglede in izbire tem kar se da enostavne. Teme nameščene na sistemu so predstavljene za izbiro in predogledi so sproti ustvarjeni. . Ta pripomoček je bil razvit le za delo s temami GTK+ 2.x. Za teme GTK+1.x uporabite paket 'gtk-theme-switch'. Package: gtk-theme-switch Description-md5: df36afddfc5db8a8165c75349fdb2b93 Description-sl: Pripomoček za preklapljanje tem GTK+ Utilities to easily switch GTK+ themes that can be run from the console, and has an optional GUI dock and theme preview. It can install themes downloaded from as well straight from the tarball. Package: gtk2-engines-aurora Description-md5: 73f60a2010d7a8c5caa44061236a4a64 Description-sl: Programnik teme Aurora za GTK+ 2.x "Aurora" refers to the natural light displays in the sky in polar regions. This package contains the Aurora theme engine for the GTK+ toolkit, version 2.0. . GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Package: gtkam Description-md5: 485603a8eee7d40e8bd537c724dfa142 Description-sl: program za pridobivanje predstavnostnih datotek z digitalnih fotoaparatov GTKam je grafični program, ki je osnovan na GTK+ in vam omogoča prenos slik in filmov z digitalnega fotoaparata. Package: gtkam-gimp Description-md5: 515b4e4facaa08a41f996a814d4e2375 Description-sl: gtkam gimp plugin to open digital camera pictures GTKam je grafični program, ki je osnovan na GTK+ in vam omogoča prenos slik in filmov z digitalnega fotoaparata. . GTKam-gimp is a plug-in for GIMP that allows you to open pictures on a digital camera within GIMP. Package: gtkatlantic Description-md5: 324e7a1f72967fc7a6b97daa3810c7e2 Description-sl: Igra podobna Monopolyu GtkAtlantic is a game, like Monopoly™. This is a network client that works with the monopd server. You will either have to install monopd or connect to an existing internet server to play the game. Package: gtkhash Description-md5: 68639c6ef844c34871b3bc6c1a76e790 Description-sl: Pripomoček GTK+ za računanje nadzornih vsot in več GtkHash is a small GTK+ utility which allows users to compute message digests or checksums using the mhash library. Currently supported hash functions include MD5, MD6, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, TIGER and WHIRLPOOL. Package: gtkterm Description-md5: 3d7a91c3750e2b60a35853abca3cf8ec Description-sl: simple GTK+ serial port terminal gtkterm je enostaven terminal GTK+, ki se uporablja za sporazumevanje z zaporednimi vrati. . Njegove zmožnosti so: . * okno terminala zaporednih vrat, * nastavitev zaporednih vrat (hitrost, pariteta, biti, zaustavitveni biti, nadzor pretoka), * uporablja API termios, * poslati je mogoče datoteko (le podatki RAW, brez protokolov), * zamik konca vrstice pri pošiljanju datoteke, * čakanje posebnega znaka pred naslednjo vrstico med pošiljanjem datoteke, * nadzorne vrstice je mogoče ročno preklopiti (DTR, CTS), * prebere tudi stanje nadzornih vrstic (RTS, CD, DSR, RI). . Author: Julien Schmitt <> Package: gtml Description-md5: 9182dc6f8bcdae2101e80f467ee99c0e Description-sl: Predopravilnik HTML GTML is an HTML pre-processor which adds some extra features specially designed for maintaining multiple web pages. HTML files generated by GTML are just like any other HTML files. Because GTML does not attempt to interpret your HTML commands in any way, it's fully compatible with all versions of HTML, and does not require any specific browser or server. Package: gtranslator Description-md5: 54ddd35be8fc55de1363296cf64af3fd Description-sl: Urejevalnik datotek PO za namizje GNOME GNOME Translation Editor is a po file editor which makes translating gettext applications as easy as possible, even for people with no translation experience. . Podpira uporabo pomnilnikov prevodov, poudarjanje skladnje, preverjanje črkovanja, razveljavitev vstavitev in izbrisov in splošno vključitev v namizje GNOME. Package: guake Description-md5: dea59684bb9d39df8af8a54964b9acc8 Description-sl: Spustni terminal za namizno okolje GNOME Guake je spustni terminal za namizno kolje GNOME, zato morate le pritisniti tipko za njegov priklic in jo ponovno pritisniti za njegovo skritje. Guake podpira tipkovne bližnjice, zavihke, prozorno ozadje, itd. Package: gufw Description-md5: 6ba71ac631b02c0d683f78355db5e633 Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za ufw gufw je enostaven in intuitiven način za upravljanje vašega požarnega zidu Linux. Podpira pogoste naloge kot so omogočanje ali blokiranje predhodno nastavljenih, pogostih p2p ali posameznih in veliko drugih vrat. Package: guile-cairo Description-md5: 9429241610359b2f738d873b8a64fb0f Description-sl: Vezave Guile za Cairo 1.8. This package contains Guile modules that provide access to the Cairo library. Cairo is a multi-platform library providing anti-aliased vector- based rendering for multiple target backends. Package: guile-library Description-md5: e94a7d3d26b5f244afa9bc80157e98fc Description-sl: Knjižnica uporabnih modulov Guile A set of various-purpose library modules for Guile. Covered areas include: . * Unit testing framework ala JUnit * Logging system * String routines (wrapping, completion, soundex algorithm) * OS process chains (think "shell pipes in scheme") * ANSI escape sequence text coloring * A thread-safe message queue * Routines to perform topological sorts * Neil Van Dyke's permissive ("pragmatic") HTML parser * Nifty and concise regular expression routines * Classic search functions Package: gunroar Description-md5: 5837402444ef87fb8d944793486629a7 Description-sl: 360-degree gunboat shooter Gunroar is an excellent shooter in which the game environment turns to be the sea and your spaceship an armed boat. The player moves around in a level generated randomly, and containing enemy islands, turrets and enemy boats) and that never ends. Each enemy killed increments your points according to the time it took you to destroy it and its size. . Gunroar je eden od številnih draguljev Kenta Choja. Package: gunroar-data Description-md5: 7cce76bc0e11f02bf20556ab298a43d9 Description-sl: 360-degree gunboat shooter - game data Gunroar is an excellent shooter in which the game environment turns to be the sea and your spaceship an armed boat. The player moves around in a level generated randomly, and containing enemy islands, turrets and enemy boats) and that never ends. Each enemy killed increments your points according to the time it took you to destroy it and its size. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatke za igro Gunroar. Package: gutsy-wallpapers Description-md5: 18b3b5fcb6c72854c9d32620f4c4539e Description-sl: Slike ozadja Gutsy The default Wallpapers for Gutsy. At the moment the package contains: * Simple Ubuntu Package: guvcview Description-md5: 5024a12bbce2ca7e5b27f501da68c2c6 Description-sl: Na GTK+ osnovan pregledovalnik UVC guvcview je enostaven vmesnik GTK+ za zajemanje in ogled videa z naprav, ki jih podpira gonilnik Linux UV. Package: gv Description-md5: 7ff4c134e7c6b4a98c92d2ff2d1218ec Description-sl: Pregledovalnik PostScript in PDF za X. gv je udoben pregledovalnik datotek PostScript in PDF za okenski sistem X. Uporablja PostScript tolmač ghostscript in je osnovan na klasičnem zaledju X za gs, ghostview, ki ga je zdaj zamenjal. Package: gvncviewer Description-md5: ec74ac2b96e27f8fea8f0aff0a83cc41 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik VNC, ki uporablja gtk-vnc It is built using coroutines, allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It supports RFB protocols 3.3 through 3.8 and the VeNCrypt authentication extension providing SSL/TLS encryption with x509 certificate authentication. . The core library is written in C and a bindings for other languages are available via GObject introspection. The networking layer supports connections over both IPv4 and IPv6. . This package contains the VNC viewer and VNC capture utility. Package: gwaei Description-md5: 9d6d7cf1a967c5feb92eeb8574b725ce Description-sl: Japonsko-angleški slovar za GNOME gWaei is an easy to use and yet powerful full-featured dictionary program for Japanese to English translation. It organizes results by relevance, supports regex searches, tabs, spell checking, kanji handwriting recognition and an accompanying console version for searches through the terminal. Package: gwakeonlan Description-md5: aff2b61cabd9d9508ebee85f483cc0ca Description-sl: povrne iz pripravljenosti računalnik, ki uporablja povrnitev iz pripravljenosti LAN gWakeOnLan je pripomoček GTK+ za vklop izklopljenih računalnikov z uporabo zmožnosti Wake on LAN. Podprta sta tako krajevni in internetni način. . Računalniki za vklop morajo biti izklopljeni z omogočenim paketom Wake on LAN. Package: gweled Description-md5: f99b31ef7befad1d04ccfe091f087c1e Description-sl: "Diamond Mine"-style puzzle game Gweled je GNOME različica priljubljene igre PalmOS/Windows/Java z imenom "Bejeweled" ali "Diamond Mine". Cilj igre je poravnati tri veli več draguljev vodoravno ali navpično z zamenjavo sosednjih draguljev. Igra se konča, ko ni več mogočih potez. Package: gwenview Description-md5: bd0ae087e915d16cc0dd13c978d49d83 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik slik Gwenview je pregledovalnik slik idealen za brskanje in prikazovanje zbirke slik. Zmožen je prikaza slik v celozaslonskem pogledu predstavitve in delanju enostavnih prilagoditev, kot sta vrtenje ali obrezovanje slik. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: gwhois Description-md5: 700acfb94991db15492e8b8feade951e Description-sl: Splošni odjemalec/strežnik Whois gwhois is a generic whois client / server. This means that it know for many (virtually all) TLDs, IP-Ranges and Handles out there where to ask. It queries other whois-servers as well as web-lookup forms. . gwhois can be used as a client, but you can invoke it as a server (e.g. via inetd) as well for usage with a normal whois client. Package: gworkspace-apps-wrappers Description-md5: a4d4f761afd2c46408c77f53bf211706 Description-sl: Ovijalniki programov za GWorkspace A few wrapper scripts to enable usage of non-GNUstep applications within a GNUstep environment. . More wrappers can be made with Package: Description-md5: e0359999aaf23d9bdfc711f3e41443c6 Description-sl: Upravljalnik delovnih površin GNUstep GWorkspace is the official GNUstep workspace manager. It is a clone of NeXT's workspace manager. GWorkspace is probably one of the most useful and usable workspace managers available on any platform, owing to its well-designed interface and the natural, consistent design that it inherits from the GNUstep framework. Package: gworldclock Description-md5: 58e5b2915af6a0f84659e20d43e95da6 Description-sl: Prikaže čas in datum na podanih časovnih pasovih Ta program prikazuje datum in čas določenih časovnih pasov z uporabo vmesnika GTK+. Zagotavlja tudi zmožnost "zmenek", ki omogoča usklajevanje časovnih pasov na čas, drugačen od trenutnega. To vam lahko pomaga pri organizaciji sestankov v različnih časovnih pasovih. . Časovne pasove lahko vnesete ročno v obliki TZ ali ga izberete s seznama v /usr/share/zoneinfo/ Seznam pasov je v obliki, ki je združljiva z lupinskim skriptom tzwatch. Package: gwyddion Description-md5: 9b76d20e9f53c7546ac0d0807f0e18ce Description-sl: Orodje za predočenje in analizo vrstične sondne mikroskopije Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height field data obtained by microscopy techniques like * Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), * Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), * Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), * Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (SNOM or NSOM) and others. However, it can be used for arbitrary height field and image analysis. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program in njegove module. Vsebuje tudi ustvarjalnik sličic GNOME (in Xfce), ki ustvari predoglede za vse vrste datotek, ki jih Gwyddion pozna. Package: gxemul-doc Description-md5: 8f6c404ed9dad14228dcba2c4c391624 Description-sl: Dokumentacija gxemul This package contains the documentation for gxemul, the machine emulator for multiple architectures. Among other things, instructions for how to get different guest operating systems running are included. Package: gzrt Description-md5: 72ee7cd2313c27c5584133769a01129f Description-sl: Zbirka orodij obnovitve gzip gzrecover will attempt to skip over corrupted data in a gzip archive, thereby allowing the remaining data to be recovered. . Please install cpio to facilitate recovery from damaged gzipped tarballs. Package: h5utils Description-md5: 562c330e66938b1a32273c1013f06e6a Description-sl: Orodja predočenja datotek HDF5 HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) is a file format for storing scientific data. These tools allow converting other formats to HDF5 and to visualize HDF5 files. They include: - h5topng, which extracts a 2d slice of an HDF5 file and outputs a corresponding image in PNG format; - h5totxt, which extracts 2d slices and outputs comma-delimited text (suitable for import into a spreadsheet); - h5fromtxt, which converts simple text input into multi-dimensional numeric HDF5 datasets; - h5fromh4, which converts HDF4 data to HDF5; - h5tovtk, which converts HDF5 files to VTK files for visualization with VTK-aware programs; Package: hamster-time-tracker Description-md5: 4ff1d5267b33a865e2484717efb4a3ed Description-sl: time tracking application for GNOME Project Hamster helps you to keep track of how much time you spend on various activities during the day. Whenever you move from one task to another, you can change your current activity, or you can record time spent afterwards. . Predstavi lahko statistiko koliko časa ste porabili za določeno nalogo in bo morda uporaben za upravljanje projektov ali beleženje delovnega časa delavcev. . This package contains the background daemon and GNOME application, an extension to integrate into the gnome-shell top bar is separately available. Package: hannah-data Description-md5: 8b140db34b45981bc8c6d636d8b9308c Description-sl: pacman-like game, child oriented - data files Help Hannah's Horse is like a cross between Pacman and the Dizzy game "Fastfood". The objective is to move Hannah to collect the pills around the maze while avoiding the ghosts. Moving around the maze there are also carrots which Hannah must also collect in order to complete the level. . Ta paket vsebuje od podatkovne datoteke igre. Package: happy Description-md5: 8b3c15ce0fbcbaad9b1fcb88f5dbaae9 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik razčlenjevalnikov za Haskell Happy is a parser generator system for Haskell, similar to the tool `yacc' for C. Like `yacc', it takes a file containing an annotated BNF specification of a grammar and produces a Haskell module containing a parser for the grammar. . Happy is flexible: you can have several Happy parsers in the same program, and several entry points to a single grammar. Happy can work in conjunction with a lexical analyser supplied by the user (either hand- written or generated by another program), or it can parse a stream of characters directly (but this isn't practical in most cases). Package: hashalot Description-md5: e676351ceaa5fea9e9c9092dec2694f0 Description-sl: Branje in razprševanje šifrirne fraze This program will read a passphrase from standard input and print a binary (not printable) hash to standard output. The output is suitable for use as an encryption key. Package: hdate-applet Description-md5: b4df14b42a2c061b16c262d188c49798 Description-sl: Aplet hebrejskega koledarja Aplet namizja GNOME, ki zagotavlja Hebrejski koledar, ki uporabnikom zagotavlja enostaven dostop do Judovskega koledarja (vključno s Hebrejskimi datumi, parasho, časi sončnega vzhoda in zahoda, prazniki in luninimi fazami). Package: hdav Description-md5: fabd0869748c9161ccb1869a067e0201 Description-sl: Odjemalec WebDAV ukazne vrstice hdav currently only supports copying a file and associated WebDAV properties from one URL to another. Package: hdhomerun-config Description-md5: 90341820421605113fd111e0d403f36d Description-sl: Configuration utility for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun Ta paket podpira Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. HDHomeRun je omrežen, digitalni TV sprejemnik, ki je združljiv z MythTV, SageTV in VLC. . Ta pripomoček lahko uporabite za: * odkrivanje mesta in imena sprejemnika * pridobivanje nastavitev sprejemnika * spreminjanje nastavitev sprejemnika * iskanje kanalov * izvajanje nadgradenj strojne programske opreme Package: hdhomerun-config-gui Description-md5: e68dab758d820ec4676a761c3167a896 Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik pripomočka za nastavitve za Silicon Dust HD HomeRun Ta paket podpira Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. HDHomeRun je omrežen, digitalni TV sprejemnik, ki je združljiv z MythTV, SageTV in VLC. . Ta pripomoček lahko uporabite za: * odkrivanje mesta in imena sprejemnika * pridobivanje nastavitev sprejemnika * spreminjanje nastavitev sprejemnika * iskanje kanalov * izvajanje nadgradenj strojne programske opreme Package: hdup Description-md5: cecc1fa2debbb3514609748c3c09c971 Description-sl: Program za podvajanje in varnostne kopije datotečnega sistema Hdup je pripomoček varnostnih kopij z naslednjimi karakteristikami: . remote backups (move the backup to another machine); encrypted backups; no obscure format for the backups; compression (gzip/bzip or none); simple to use. . The source also includes two manpages, one for hdup itself and the other for the configuration file. It should be fairly obvious how to use hdup. Package: hedgewars Description-md5: 95a283ed5766101c57cbbde0d1b67a66 Description-sl: Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting hedgehogs! Vsak igralec nadzira ekipo ježev. Med igro se igralci izmenjujejo v potezah, kjer lahko nadzirajo enega od svojih ježev. Nato lahko uporabijo katerakoli orodja so na voljo za napad in uničenje nasprotnikovih ježev in s tem zmagati. Ježi se lahko premikajo na različne načine, ponavadi s hojo in skakanjem, vendar tudi z orodji kot sta "Vrv" in "Padalo" do sicer nedostopnih področij. Vsak krog je časovno omejen. To zagotovi, da igralci ne zadržujejo igre s predolgim razmišljanjem ali premikanjem. . A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Homing Bee, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on the battlefield has ceased). Package: hedgewars-data Description-md5: a00ae77af1a4a8317e7becce4e0821a3 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za hedgewars This package contains data files for the hedgewars package. Examples of files are: maps, scripts, themes, images, sounds, level data and other miscellaneous files needed by hedgewars. Package: heimdal-clients Description-md5: f60ede2793e741fd3d7f011dec220928 Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - odjemalci Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . This package includes Kerberos utilities like kadmin, kinit, kpasswd and klist. Package: heimdal-dev Description-md5: 2afcb518ba77da818c92ff450076c587 Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - razvojne datoteke Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . This is the development package, required for developing programs for Heimdal. Package: heimdal-docs Description-md5: 8c3b64daa0902eebf8cd924e71d8e102 Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - dokumentacija Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . This package includes documentation (in info format) on how to use Heimdal, and relevant standards for Kerberos. Package: heimdal-servers Description-md5: 9208757d7183097184487952fa5b222d Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - programi strežnika Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . This package contains the kfd server, for receiving forwarded tickets. Package: heroes-data Description-md5: 72f3d9cf070a5b1299343a6965d94835 Description-sl: Zahtevane podatkovne datoteke za heroes Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes many graphical improvements and new game features. In it, you must maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail. . This package contains required data files for heroes, including images, level files, and tile sets. Package: heroes-sound-effects Description-md5: 666f9b1a13a42d863665943894c523f2 Description-sl: Izbirne zvone datoteke za heroes Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes many graphical improvements and new game features. In it, you must maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail. . This package contains optional sound effects for heroes. Install these if you want nifty little noises while playing the game. Package: heroes-sound-tracks Description-md5: 79062520657724ff31d0aa624ffbf1f0 Description-sl: Izbirne zvone datoteke za heroes Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes many graphical improvements and new game features. In it, you must maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail. . This package contains optional background music for Heroes. Install this if you want to listen to music while playing the game, or if you just happen to like the tunes. Be warned that this package is quite large and will take a long time to download over a modem or other slow link! Package: hex-a-hop Description-md5: e9af04f1df664e98c876395b31801bbf Description-sl: ugankarska igra osnovana na šestkotnih ploščicah Hex-a-hop is a great puzzle game in which a girl has to break all the green tiles in an hexagonal map and step onto a safe tile without getting trapped. As you progress through the game, more types of tiles are introduced which make things more difficult and interesting as you progress through the many levels. You can use the infinite undo feature to retrace your steps if you make a mistake. You can take as long as you like to complete each level. Package: hexalate Description-md5: 2f0f885808169896967fb32ea040266d Description-sl: Uganka ujemanja barv Hexalate is a color matching game. The goal of the game is to rotate and position the circles so that each touching line matches in color. You rotate circles by right clicking, and you move circles by dragging them. The game stores the positions and rotations of the circles across runs. Package: hexter Description-md5: d53c6c3a95ff0100a35e925eb8aba8dd Description-sl: Vstavek modeliranja DSSI za Yamaha DX7 hexter je programski sintetizator, ki modelira ustvarjanje zvoka sintetizatorja Yamaha DX7. Enostavno lahko naloži večino datotek popravkov, sprejme ukaze urejanje popravkov preko sporočil MIDI sys-ex in ponovno ustvari zvoke DX7 z veliko natančnostjo. Package: highlight-common Description-md5: 08ae57b93f7c2207f853162d2187294f Description-sl: source code to formatted text converter (architecture independent files) A utility that converts sourcecode to HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX, TeX, SVG, XML or terminal escape sequences with syntax highlighting. It supports several programming and markup languages. Language descriptions are configurable and support regular expressions. The utility offers indentation and reformatting capabilities. It is easily possible to create new language definitions and colour themes. . Te datoteke so neodvisne od arhitekture. Package: hildon-theme-mobile-basic Description-md5: b2041a1a6588b415e86529e6c3f981b5 Description-sl: Osnovna tema Ubuntu Mobile This is the theme used as the default Ubuntu Mobile theme, it is based on the Plankton theme used as the default in Maemo. Package: hlins Description-md5: a1a956a2d4dda7940e57b8d9a6311f56 Description-sl: Vstavite URL-je v dokumente html Hlins is a tool to insert hypertext links into HTML documents, using a database with entries of the form "name = url". It is designed for inserting URLs of real persons: it knows about abbreviations of first and middle names and tolerates dropping the second part of a composite last name. Package: hlint Description-md5: 471310f3151a54c611a86fa0e7ebdafa Description-sl: Predlogi izvorne kode Haskell HLint gives suggestions on how to improve your source code. It can either print them directly, or generate a colored HTML output. Package: hm-doc Description-md5: 96235331c8ff52209473508dfc99264c Description-sl: Reference software for HEVC - documentation This software package is the reference software for Rec. ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2 High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). . The reference software includes both encoder and decoder functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: hnb Description-md5: 9a1d5d236fb11c0f7a56b570de7e06b8 Description-sl: Hierarhična beležnica Hnb is an ncurses program to organize many kinds of data in one place, for example addresses, todo lists, ideas, book reviews or to store snippets of brainstorming, to make a structured packing list or just to take random notes. It can export ascii, html and xml, supports todo checkboxes, checkbox trees with percentages, priorities, preferences, searching and more. . Hnb is orphaned upstream. Though the current Debian maintainer tries to keep hnb in a usable and releasable state he does not plan to add many new features. If you are interested in hnb and want to become its new upstream maintainer please contact the original author and the Debian maintainer. . Hnb does currently not support UTF-8. Package: hobbit-plugins Description-md5: 3d52cc1acc447a5348b7f3b11287e156 Description-sl: Vstavki za nadzornik sistema Xymon This package provides plugins for the Xymon network monitor. (Formerly called Hobbit.) . Included client plugins: * apt - check for outstanding updates (uses aptitude and dctrl-tools if installed) * backuppc - check for errors reported by BackupPC servers (needs backuppc and sudo) * cciss - check hardware RAIDs in HP ProLiant servers (needs cciss-vol-status and sudo) * cntrk - check the size of the Netfilter Connection Tracking table. (needs libfile-slurp-perl) * dirtyetc - check for conffiles which are modified compared to Debian's defaults but should not be (needs sudo and debsums, supports dphys-config) * dirtyvcs - check for dirty VCS working copies (supports Git, Mercurial, Bzr and Subversion, needs appropriate VCS packages and libfile-which-perl installed) * dnsq - checks for working DNS on clients (needs libnet-dns-perl and libfile-slurp-perl) * entropy - check kernel entropy pool size * ipmi - read IPMI sensors and event log (needs ipmitool) * kern - check for outdated running kernel and need for reboot (needs binutils, libfile-slurp-perl and libsort-naturally-perl) * libs - check for running processes with upgraded libraries (needs lsof, sudo and libyaml-tiny-perl) * mailman - checks the existence of Mailman shunt files and aged queue files. (needs sudo) * mdstat - check for failed or resyncing RAID devices * megaraid - check state of LSI MegaRAID SAS controllers (uses xynagios, see below, and additionally needs megaclisas-status from and sudo) * mq - check (postfix's) mail queue (needs libtimedate-perl) * misc - meta plugin for running series of scripts (needs libipc-run-perl) * net - check network interface states (needs libfile-which-perl, libfile-slurp-perl, libipc-run-perl, libyaml-tiny-perl, either iproute2 or net-tools and optionally ethtool). * ntpq - check the ntpd daemon synchronization status (needs ntp) * postgres - statistics graphs for PostgreSQL databases (needs libdbd-pg-perl) * sftbnc - check if the local Postfix MTA has soft_bounce enabled. * temp - simple temperature monitor (needs libfile-which-perl and libyaml-tiny-perl; depending on the hardware to monitor it optionally also needs hddtemp, smartmontools, libxml-twig-perl, nvidia-smi (non-free), sudo) * yum - check for outstanding updates on RPM based distros (not usable on Debian and derivatives). . Included server plugins: * aptdiff - monitor list of installed packages in host pools * conn6 - check IPv6 connectivity (needs fping) * ircbot - relay status changes to IRC (needs libpoe-component-irc-perl) * pgbouncer - monitor pool usage and traffic * tftp - checks TFTP servers by downloading a file from them (needs libnet-tftp-perl) * xcl - checks Lenovo XClarity remote management API for hardware failure events (needs libmojolicious-perl and libyaml-tiny-perl) . Helper software: * Perl module for writing plugins * xynagios: adaptor for running Nagios plugins with Xymon (needs libipc-run-perl) . As not all plugins are needed by everyone, hard dependencies of plugins enabled by default are listed in the Recommends field of the package and dependencies of plugins disabled by default or optional dependencies of single plugins are listed in the Suggests field -- as common with many "collection" style Debian packages. The dependencies of each plugin are listed above in parentheses. Package: hol88-doc Description-md5: 4dedd761e4ac74cd5822cf0ab6bc3ed2 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za hol88 The HOL System is an environment for interactive theorem proving in a higher-order logic. Its most outstanding feature is its high degree of programmability through the meta-language ML. The system has a wide variety of uses from formalizing pure mathematics to verification of industrial hardware. Academic and industrial sites world-wide are using HOL. Package: holotz-castle Description-md5: a9b3f493ee84468c8deae8cf48234f10 Description-sl: ploščadna igra z veliko mero skrivnosti Za zidovi Holotzevega gradu boste našli veliko skrivnost. Boste lahko Ybelle in Ludarju pomagali pobegniti iz gradu? Preizkusite svojo spretnost v tej močno razburljivi ploščadni igri. Package: holotz-castle-data Description-md5: 86ffc54928bd804e4e1d589a73f1d206 Description-sl: ploščadna igra z veliko mero skrivnosti - podatkovne datoteke This package contains data files for the Holotz's Castle game. . Included are the milanb and holotz-castle maps. Package: holotz-castle-editor Description-md5: d80b595423a4a4f7e505b8b2dfdff804 Description-sl: ploščadna igra z veliko mero skrivnosti - urejevalnik stopenj This package contains the level editor for the Holotz's Castle game. . The level editor allows you to modify or create new maps and levels for Holotz's Castle. Package: homebank Description-md5: 5ebad0a03a9b1f70802f7bd53a61999b Description-sl: Upravljajte svoje osebne račune doma HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your personal accounting. It has a lot of features such as easy analysis with graphical charts (statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost), useful reports ("Where your money goes", "Trend Time Report" ), multi-accounts support, budget management, reminder, import from OFX/QFX-CSV files, visual status of operations. It is based on GTK2. Package: homebank-data Description-md5: ec2b8b88fba1a08d316f97e42982a74e Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za homebank HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your personal accounting. It has a lot of features such as easy analysis with graphical charts (statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost), useful reports ("Where your money goes", "Trend Time Report" ), multi-accounts support, budget management, reminder, import from OFX/QFX-CSV files, visual status of operations. It is based on GTK2. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne dele homebank Package: hpanel Description-md5: c0029ec63cd83607dc331aa3fb76cdc9 Description-sl: Najmanjši pult za X Hpanel is hacked version of fspanel, a small panel that lists your windows and allows you to switch workspaces. It requires a window manager that is compliant with the NETWM specification. It works nicely with pekwm and aewm++, and handles maximized windows better than fspanel. Package: hpcc Description-md5: 9ba9f4d0258b754f36a6b86c90697ea9 Description-sl: Merjenje zmogljivosti HPC Challenge The High Performance Computing (HPC) Challenge benchmark runs a suite of 7 tests that measure the performance of CPU, memory and network for HPC clusters. Amongst others, it includes the High-Performance LINPACK (HPL) benchmark, used by the Top500 ranking ( Package: hping3 Description-md5: 38162e85685024dfa6dee678aff60576 Description-sl: Orodje uničevanja dejavnega omrežja hping3 is a network tool able to send custom ICMP/UDP/TCP packets and to display target replies like ping does with ICMP replies. It handles fragmentation and arbitrary packet body and size, and can be used to transfer files under supported protocols. Using hping3, you can test firewall rules, perform (spoofed) port scanning, test network performance using different protocols, do path MTU discovery, perform traceroute-like actions under different protocols, fingerprint remote operating systems, audit TCP/IP stacks, etc. hping3 is scriptable using the Tcl language. Package: hplip-gui Description-md5: 0e8b9881942aaafee62df05b01b6d0d0 Description-sl: Slikanje in tiskanje HP Linux - pripomočki grafičnega vmesnika (na osnovi Qt) The HP Linux Printing and Imaging System provides full support for printing on most HP SFP (single function peripheral) inkjets and many LaserJets, and for scanning, sending faxes and for photo-card access on most HP MFP (multi-function peripheral) printers. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom za HPLIP: HP Toolbox, HP Fax, ... . Note that all GUI utilities are based on the Qt GUI environment. There are currently no equivalent utilities based on GTK+. Package: hpsockd Description-md5: 544101f70a2e02405d1f66cb684b1e08 Description-sl: Strežnik HP SOCKS Hpsockd is yet-another SOCKS server, with both version 5 (RFC1928 and others) as well as version 4 support, originally written at Hewlett- Packard Company. Package: htcondor Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-annex-ec2 Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-dev Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-doc Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-test Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-upgrade-checks Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htdig-doc Description-md5: 162de0afbf59101589999afe0d344ffb Description-sl: web search and indexing system - documentation The ht://Dig system is a complete web search engine for a small domain or intranet. It is not meant to replace the major Internet-wide search engines; instead it is meant to cover the search needs of a single company, campus, or even a particular subsection of a website. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML in primere. Package: html2ps Description-md5: 62fc50b03c59d477d3150cd72ba96598 Description-sl: Pretvornik iz HTML v PostScript This program converts HTML directly to PostScript. The HTML code can be retrieved from one or more URLs or local files, specified as parameters on the command line. A comprehensive level of HTML is supported, including inline images, CSS 1.0, and some features of HTML 4.0. . This is our justification for the suggests list: . We suggest ghostscript since it is required in order to output DSC compliant PS (--dsc option) and make cross references at links within the set of converted documents (--xref option). . We suggest weblint-perl because it's the default method for checking HTML syntax (use the -c option). . We suggest texlive-base because we need TeX hyphenation pattern in order to hyphenate text (use -H option). . We suggest postscript-viewer because this package generates postscripts that can be viewed on a postscript-viewer. . We suggest xhtml2ps because it's a interesting graphical interface for this package. Package: htp Description-md5: 018fbe68e7854f044b4477c7285ca20c Description-sl: nice HTML pre-processor htp is an HTML pre-processor. It is designed to be a flexible authoring tool that can easily be integrated into the HTML design process. . It is able to preprocess HTML, XHTML, XML and CSS files (it could handle any text based files). Its purpose is to assist on maintaining a consistent look over an entire set of web pages. This is done by allowing someone to define their own tags as abbreviations for sets of standard HTML tags. . Those looking for a tool that allows handling HTML files with any text editor, not graphical based editors only, will find htp very helpful since it runs from the command-line to build the final HTML code that goes on the HTTP server. . Dokumentacija in primeri so vključeni. Package: httest Description-md5: 20fa085a1a7eafeaf5ab84f2cb040e65 Description-sl: Preizkusno orodje HTTP HTTP Test Tool is a script based tool for testing and benchmarking web applications, web servers, proxy servers and web browsers. httest can emulate clients and servers even in the same test script. Emulating servers is a unique feature, very useful for testing proxy servers, web browsers and HTTP clients. The testing can match patterns in answers (both server(s) and client(s)) to test the validity. Package: hub Description-md5: 349f0d7a5ed5261395a260b59e37b30c Description-sl: make git easier with GitHub hub is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra functionality that make working with GitHub easier. . $ hub clone rtomayko/tilt . # expands to: $ git clone git:// . hub is best aliased as git, so you can type "git <command>" in the shell and get all the usual hub features. . You should place this command in your .bash_profile or other startup script: . eval "$(hub alias -s)" . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke. Package: hud-doc Description-md5: 6f462a46ce37bf857af0688d624e6f32 Description-sl: Backend for the Unity HUD Unity HUD is a heads-up-display interface for controlling the behavior of applications as well as Unity via typed-in commands. It provides access to all applications menu via a single central interface, in order to simplify application usage and make menus more accessible. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: hugin Description-md5: 78f5a0f9948643026e70c492cfac271a Description-sl: Šivalnik panoramskih fotografij - grafična orodja Hugin je program šivanja panoramskih fotografij. Hugin je začelje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za orodja Panorama. Šivanje lahko dosežete z uporabo več prekrivajočih se fotografij posnetih z istega mesta in uporabo nadzornih točk za poravnavo in preoblikovanje fotografij tako da jih je mogoče zlepiti skupaj za tvorbo večje slike. Hugin omogoča enostavno ustvarjanje nadzornih točk med dvema slikama, optimizacijo preoblikovanj slike in veliko več. . This package includes the following graphical interfaces, using the command-line tools provided in the hugin-tools package: * hugin - Hugin panorama creator. * hugin_stitch_project - Hugin batch stitcher. * PTBatcherGUI - Batch controller for the stitching process. * calibrate_lens_gui - Lens calibration tool. Package: hwinfo Description-md5: 970442d853c387b8e2c5e7373c497270 Description-sl: Sistem določanja strojne opreme hwinfo is the hardware detection tool used in SuSE Linux. . In Debian Edu (Skolelinux) hwinfo has shown better results than discover when detecting mouse, keyboard and monitor. . hwinfo collects information about the hardware installed on a system. Among others, libhd contains information about cdrom, zip, floppy, disks and partitions, network card, graphics card, monitor, camera, mouse, sound, pppoe, isdn, modem, printer, scanner, bios, cpu, usb, memory and smp. . This package does not include the binaries hwscan, hwscand and hwscanqueue. If you think one or more of these should be included in the package, please contact the maintainer at Package: hwloc Description-md5: 877ef6728b56d267f3f9a04f906dd344 Description-sl: Hierarhični pogled naprave - pripomočki Hardware Locality (hwloc) provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. . hwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information. . hwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support . This package contains utilities to show the topology of the machine (lstopo and hwloc-ls), manipulate cpu masks (hwloc-calc), and bind processes (hwloc-bind). Package: hydrogen Description-md5: 4347dd2ef370dd3a9fe5df4dc61dd24c Description-sl: Napreden boben/sekvenčnik korakov Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine which provides a professional, yet simple and intuitive, pattern-based drum programming interface. . General features: * Very user-friendly, modular, fast and intuitive graphical interface based on Qt 5. * Sample-based stereo audio engine, with import of sound samples in .wav, .au and .aiff formats. * Support of samples in compressed FLAC file. . Možnosti sekvenčnika in mešalnika: * na vzorcih osnovan sekvenčnik z neomejenim številom vzorec in zmožnostjo priklepa vzorcev v skladbo, * do 64 udarcev na vzorec s posamezno ravnjo na dogodek in spremenljivo dolžino vzorca, * 32 skladb inštrumentov z zmožnostmi glasnosti, nemega delovanja, solo in razpotega. * podpora več plasti za inštrumente (do 16 vzorcev za vsak instrument). * zmožnost uvoza/izvoza datotek skladb. * edinstvene zmožnosti človeške hitrosti, človeškega časa, višine in zibanja. * predvajanje več vzorcev hkrati. . Other features: * JACK, ALSA, PortAudio, OSS and PulseAudio audio drivers. * ALSA MIDI and PortMidi input with assignable midi-in channel (1..16, ALL). * Import/export of drumkits. * Export song to wav file. * Export song to midi file. Package: hydrogen-data Description-md5: 9f7714336fb9e263594eb3f0b2a5e04c Description-sl: advanced drum machine/step sequencer (data) Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine which provides a professional, yet simple and intuitive, pattern-based drum programming interface. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: hydrogen-drumkits Description-md5: dccad11dfe63db54d092653dd9a7d3d6 Description-sl: Drumkits za Hydrogen This package contains a collection of drumkits for Hydrogen, a sample based drum machine/step sequencer. . More drumkits can be installed per-user via the Hydrogen's "Import library" function in the "Instruments" menu. Package: hylafax-client-dbg Description-md5: b9a4b801b7dab4378b6895e8eed9dad4 Description-sl: Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities The HylaFAX client software communicates with a HylaFAX server via TCP/IP. . HylaFAX support the sending and receiving of facsimiles, the polled retrieval of facsimiles and the send of alphanumeric pages. . Ta paket vsebuje ke razhroščevalne simbole. Package: hylafax-server-dbg Description-md5: 655d688f764091d85072ae8d25e3c7ad Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za strežnik hylafax This package support the sending and receiving of facsimiles, the polled retrieval of facsimiles and the send of alphanumeric pages. . The host running the server must have either a Class 1, Class 2, or a Class 2.0 fax modem attached to one of its serial ports. End-user applications to manage the transmission of documents via facsimile are provided separately by the hylafax-client package. . Ta paket vsebuje ke razhroščevalne simbole. Package: hyphen-show Description-md5: 9062f7ff62203fa836f8b0f99f6c5d7d Description-sl: Pokaže deljenja besed v datotekah DVI hyphen_show scans a DVI-file, tries to find all hyphenations and writes them to stdout. It is useful to check whether TeX's hyphenation algorithm really did the good job it is supposed to do. Package: i3lock Description-md5: 4e6416465311b751731cda48e87fce00 Description-sl: Izboljšan program za zaklep zaslona i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. After starting it, you will see a white screen (you can configure the color/an image). You can return to your screen by entering your password. . i3lock forks so you can combine it with an alias to suspend to RAM. . You can specify either a background color or a PNG image which will be displayed while your screen is locked. . You can specify whether i3lock should bell upon a wrong password. . i3lock uses PAM and therefore is compatible with LDAP etc. Package: iamerican-huge Description-md5: b94bbf20d9ccf3f12f45d217c95872fe Description-sl: Slovar ameriške angleščine za ispell (ogromen) This package provides the american-huge dictionary, based on the americanxlg+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wamerican-huge word list package. . This is an even larger dictionary than the one installed by iamerican- large. Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small, -large, -insane, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are ibritish* packages as well. . The package also suggests wamerican-huge because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: iamerican-insane Description-md5: d3ed22d2085c1460a3c9c093074a502a Description-sl: Slovar ameriške angleščine za ispell (nora različica) This package provides the american-insane dictionary, based on the americanxlg+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wamerican-insane word list package. . This is an even larger dictionary than the one installed by iamerican- huge, and possibly contains invalid words (as well as words that are very uncommon). Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small, -large, -huge, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are ibritish* packages as well. . The package also suggests wamerican-huge because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: iamerican-large Description-md5: b63ed4f8b8ae50b22925711d0afd2c1d Description-sl: Slovar ameriške angleščine za ispell (velik) This package provides the american-large dictionary, based on the americanlrg+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wamerican-large word list package. . This is larger dictionary than the one installed by iamerican. Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small, -huge, -insane, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are ibritish* packages as well. . The package also suggests wamerican-large because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: iamerican-small Description-md5: ca238eb2552ee38e0c998bdc7044b606 Description-sl: Slovar ameriške angleščine za ispell (majhen) This package provides the american-small dictionary, based on the americansml+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wamerican-small word list package. . This is smaller dictionary than the one installed by iamerican. Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -large, -huge, -insane, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are ibritish* packages as well. . The package also suggests wamerican-small because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: ibritish Description-md5: ef129c09c67f68f104bceb23bd194b45 Description-sl: Slovar britanske angleščine za ispell (običajna različica) This package provides the standard, medium-sized British English dictionary, based on the britishmed+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wbritish word list package. . There are also -small, -large, -huge, and -insane versions of this dictionary, and there are iamerican* packages as well. . The package also suggests wbritish because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: ibritish-huge Description-md5: 0b789b7ed7f3bd20517cd360b35ca83a Description-sl: Slovar britanske angleščine za ispell (ogromen) This package provides the british-huge dictionary, based on the britishxlg+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wbritish-huge word list package. . This is an even larger dictionary than the one installed by ibritish- large. Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small, -large, -insane, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are iamerican* packages as well. . The package also suggests wbritish-huge because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: ibritish-insane Description-md5: 42d0dbe098233ca675e7b028eb34caff Description-sl: Slovar britanske angleščine za ispell (znotrajvrstična različica) This package provides the british-insane dictionary, based on the britishxlg+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wbritish-insane word list package. . This is an even larger dictionary than the one installed by ibritish-huge, and possibly contains invalid words (as well as words that are very uncommon). Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small, -large, -huge, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are iamerican* packages as well. . The package also suggests wbritish-huge because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: ibritish-large Description-md5: fecec63e04dabee2fbe41468490d7450 Description-sl: Slovar britanske angleščine za ispell (velik) This package provides the british-large dictionary, based on the britishlrg+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wbritish-large word list package. . This is larger dictionary than the one installed by ibritish. Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small, -huge, -insane, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are iamerican* packages as well. . The package also suggests wbritish-large because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: ibritish-small Description-md5: 32eadcbca9d2289ecde55119cb1805af Description-sl: Slovar britanske angleščine za ispell (majhen) This package provides the british-small dictionary, based on the britishsml+ dictionary supplied with the source for ispell, with additional words added from the more comprehensive wbritish-small word list package. . This is smaller dictionary than the one installed by ibritish. Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -large, -huge, -insane, and standard versions of this dictionary, and there are iamerican* packages as well. . The package also suggests wbritish-small because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a word list. Package: ibulgarian Description-md5: e0887f57e0097eaf46c7727412669872 Description-sl: Slovar bolgarščine za ispell This is the Bulgarian dictionary for ispell. . This package also recommends wbulgarian because ispell's (L)ookup command needs a wordlist. Package: ibus-input-pad Description-md5: dfe32a6379ef71c6582ec3621660b596 Description-sl: Vhodna ploščica za IBus The input pad engine for IBus platform. It provides the interface to use input-pad with IBus. . Ta paket vsebuje programnik IBus. Package: ibus-skk Description-md5: c4f9ca6ffcc82b8661b9301e1cb479ec Description-sl: Programnik SKK za IBus IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily. . IBus-SKK is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-sunpinyin Description-md5: 09535412ce7ac7a2dbc02de8607f3f55 Description-sl: Programnik sunpinyin za ibus Sunpinyin is a statistical language model (SLM) based input method engine for Simplified Chinese, it features full sentence input. . This package contains the sunpinyin engine for ibus. Package: ibus-table-jyutping Description-md5: 84d6a5d61010d9fafba279b6f7620f60 Description-sl: ibus-table input method: Jyutping Ta paket vsebuje en vnosni način: Jyutping. . Package: ibutils Description-md5: 31c3cd12ef2e32510739cbe398755b48 Description-sl: Pripomočki omrežja InfiniBand This package contains a set of utilities useful for diagnosing and testing InfiniBand based networks. Package: ibverbs-utils Description-md5: a33873b95d7b0cff0d895ec3f573b2fc Description-sl: Primeri za knjižnico libibverbs libibverbs is a library that allows userspace processes to use RDMA "verbs" as described in the InfiniBand Architecture Specification and the RDMA Protocol Verbs Specification. iWARP ethernet NICs support RDMA over hardware-offloaded TCP/IP, while InfiniBand is a high-throughput, low- latency networking technology. InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) and iWARP NICs commonly support direct hardware access from userspace (kernel bypass), and libibverbs supports this when available. . This package contains useful libibverbs1 example programs such as ibv_devinfo, which displays information about InfiniBand devices. Package: icatalan Description-md5: 5315763f04d3913721dd006d2a490e55 Description-sl: Katalonski slovar za ispell This is the Catalan dictionary for ispell as put together by Joan Moratinos using data from different sources. Package: icebreaker Description-md5: 926a53afe0cd03e3d7658b381f5aeb63 Description-sl: Zlomite ledeno goro Na ledeni gori na Antarktiki je kopica pingvinov. Morate jih ujeti in poslati na Finsko, kjer so nujen del skrivnega načrta za zavzem sveta. . Da bi ujeli pingvine, morate ledeno goro zlomiti na majhne koščke. (brez posebnega vzroka se bojijo vode.) To storite s topljenjem črt v ledu s podobnimi visoko tehnološkimi orodji GNU. . Ko 80% ali več ledene gore izgine, so preostali koščki dovolj majhni za pošiljanje. Če vam uspe uničiti več od tega, boste prihranili na poštnini in dobili več točk. Package: icecc-monitor Description-md5: 9eae46c06406bc5179f9c805cfc7aeb3 Description-sl: monitor for icecc icecc-monitor is a monitoring application for icecc (a distributed compiler). It provides a view on the distributed compile network, which jobs run where and details about jobs and nodes (statistics and overview information). . Za več podrobnosti si oglejte paket 'icecc'. Package: icecream Description-md5: e34a5d312fa7bfd96adb9ee1d91fb395 Description-sl: Lahek pripomoček prejemov pretokov icecream is a non-interactive stream download utility written in Perl. It connects to icecast and shoutcast servers or direct stream URLs, and redirects all fetched content to stdout and/or to media files on your disk. . Listen to the stream piping the output to a stdin-capable media player. Save the stream to a named file or split it into different tracks. It is possible to redirect the stream and save it to disk at the same time. Package: icheck Description-md5: 2d1b0028b8b82b44d54a65a87e7fe39e Description-sl: Vmesnik C preverjalnika ABI/API A tool for statically checking C interfaces for API and ABI changes. All changes to type declarations that can cause ABI changes should be detected, along with most API changes. . icheck is intended for use with libraries, as a method of preventing ABI drift. Package: icmptx Description-md5: 82320505e19949c349b53c1398e9655e Description-sl: Tuneliranje IP preko ICMP ICMPTX is a program that allows a user with root privledges to create a virtual network link between two computers, encapsulating data inside of ICMP packets. Package: icmpush Description-md5: 5bc7604a67a83eaffd7ded695d911e52 Description-sl: Izgrajevalnik paketov ICMP icmpush is a tool that builds ICMP packets fully customized from command line. . It supports the following ICMP error types: Redirect, Source Quench, Time Exceeded, Destination Unreach and Parameter Problem. . And the following ICMP information types: Address Mask Request, Timestamp, Information Request, Echo Request, Router Solicitation and Router Advertisement. Package: ident2 Description-md5: c3df7c3fcf7671dd47da06d6dfe9cf9a Description-sl: Napredni ozadnji program ident ident2 is an advanced, configurable ident daemon. You can set it to lie, not lie, or not return any response at all, and it is per-user configurable (e.g. if user daniel was IRCing, it'd use ~daniel/.ident for its config, if user kim was IRCing, it'd use ~kim/.ident). The admin can specify whether users can configure the type of return they want or not. Package: ideviceinstaller Description-md5: 90af38530619f287fcb09421b4b1a146 Description-sl: Pripomoček za upravljanje nameščenih programov za iDevice ideviceinstaller is a tool to interact with the installation_proxy of an iDevice allowing to install, upgrade, uninstall, archive, restore, and enumerate installed or archived applications. . It makes use of the libimobiledevice library that allows communication with the devices. Package: idutch Description-md5: 65b49754fce3124eb0d559ea12b398e8 Description-sl: Nizozemski slovar za lspell A Dutch spelling dictionary for the spelling checker Ispell. . This dictionary, from the OpenTaal project, uses the official spelling of 2005 and has been officially approved by the TaalUnie. . For a simple word list, see the wdutch package instead. Package: idzebra-2.0 Description-md5: c05f4e2e186aa8be1b86a173e220831a Description-sl: Metapaket IDZebra (delo) IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This metapackage installs all necessary packages to start working with IDZebra - including utility programs, development libraries, documentation and modules. Package: idzebra-2.0-common Description-md5: 8421d76aaf541d8930d7e4a5bb2b3843 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This package includes common IDZebra configuration files. Package: idzebra-2.0-doc Description-md5: a4a93305943de9a6ecf14ab0ef097290 Description-sl: Dokumentacija IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This package includes HTML documentation for IDZebra. Package: idzebra-2.0-examples Description-md5: 3aad101419059ef452b30c70baf4233f Description-sl: Primeri nastavitev IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This package includes examples for indexing various data formats, such as OAI-PMH, Marc21, and MarcXML. Package: idzebra-2.0-utils Description-md5: 05f32279998b0c7917b4a07b7c3a0500 Description-sl: Programi pripomočka IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This package contains IDZebra utilities such as the 'zebraidx' indexer utility and the 'zebrasrv' server. Package: iesperanto Description-md5: 7bfe5b23dd854beb82a8e54a3bc768c8 Description-sl: Esperantski slovar za ispell This is the Esperanto dictionary for use with the ispell spellchecker, version 3.1.04 and following. The dictionary is based on the words from Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, with additional country/language names. It accepts Latin-3, 'cx' and '^c' forms. Package: iestonian Description-md5: 1199b3bdd47c68e92b9f8f941ed21dd9 Description-sl: Estonski slovar za lspell This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Ispell spellchecker. . The wordlists are based on work by the Institute of the Estonian Language and subsequently improved by Jaak Pruulmann who also created the affix file. Package: ifgate Description-md5: cba845f95285e79263706dd099cf2b16 Description-sl: Prehod Internet do Fidonet The program can act as a gateway between email and netmail and Usenet newsgroups and echomail. This version includes the "tx" patches and other misc patches. Package: ifmail Description-md5: d182c2e66b2cddfb4caabe66d57ed0d0 Description-sl: Prehod Internet do Fidonet The package contains common files needed by ifcico and ifgate packages. This version includes the "tx" patches and other misc patches. Package: ifrench Description-md5: 0c816eb716923f54d9acfbd701c3530d Description-sl: Francoski slovar za ispell (različica Hydro-Quebec) This is a French dictionary, to be used with the ispell program, version 3.1.04 and following. The dictionary contains roughly 50,000 roots, which expand to about 220,000 words. . This is the Martin Boyer and Hydro-Quebec version. You may prefer to use the GUTenberg version installed by the ifrench-gut package. Package: ifrench-gut Description-md5: f5f8babd2cb0e1009e62b96174a4c38a Description-sl: French dictionary for ispell (GUTenberg version) This is a French dictionary, to be used with the ispell program, version 3.1.20 and following. . To je različica GUTenberg Package: ifscheme Description-md5: a133c827dc237453f8aa8d3c9d44c4eb Description-sl: Nadzor sheme za omrežne vmesnike ifscheme allows you to change network configuration schemes or query the current scheme. It integrates with the ifup(8) command and interfaces(5). For example, you might use this program to configure a "home" scheme and a "work" scheme for a network device on a laptop. When you move between home and work, a simple command can reconfigure your networking. Package: ifstat Description-md5: 51547744ce9c254f943908f6e2bf6b44 Description-sl: Nadziranje STATistice InterFace ifstat is a tool to report network interfaces bandwidth just like vmstat/iostat do for other system counters. It can monitor local interfaces by polling the kernel counters, or remote hosts interfaces using SNMP. Package: ifupdown-extra Description-md5: c953dc7fe8401eca495e66e61ccf450f Description-sl: Omrežni skripti za ifupdown This package provides a set of network testing scripts to be used together with the ifupdown package. These scripts can: - check the network cable before an interface is configured. - test if an assigned IPv4 or IPv6 address is already in use in the network. - test if default network gateways are reachable. - setup default static routes for interfaces. . Additionally network static routes can also be defined globally for the system when this is needed (e.g. for 'reject' rules) and will be added after network initialisation. . This package also provides 'network-test', a script to test the network configuration status by checking: - Status of available interface. - Availability of configured gateway routes. - If host resolution is working properly (DNS checks). - If network connectivity is working, including ICMP and web connections to remote web servers. Package: igal2 Description-md5: 47b544b6ec370b14d25f2d7ccbb74d6c Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik spletne galerije slik iGal2 is a Perl-based program that can generate an entire online picture show (HTML slides, thumbnails and index page included) with just one command line invocation. . iGal2 is a major rewrite of iGal (which is no longer maintained) and introduces various new features and capabilities. Package: ii-esu Description-md5: b7d2842821c0bca548a774bc643c7a1a Description-sl: strelska igra Your ship is surrounded by two circles. You shoot in the direction of your mouse points, and you move if the mouse pointer is outside the inner circle. . The original name of the game is ES, which is pronounced ii-esu in Japanese. Package: iisemulator Description-md5: b311d57312f9de7f0bc28cddd055a867 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik spletnega strežnika IIS This package provides an emulation for the Internet Information Services (IIS) web server which can be used in conjunction with honeypot-deployment software (such as honeyd) to create a virtual server that emulates it. Package: iitalian Description-md5: 08c4a3a932e158c32d9e8eae8ce435aa Description-sl: Italijanski slovar za ispell This is an italian dictionary to be used with ispell. It contains more than 185,000 italian words. Package: ikiwiki-hosting-common Description-md5: a9dbb4ce8cf09b5888a36e71afaa2735 Description-sl: Gostovanje ikiwiki: skupne datoteke A hosting interface for ikiwiki. Facilitates management of many separate ikiwiki sites, with capabilities including web-based signup to create new sites, easy support for branching sites, deleting sites, and transferring sites between servers. Ikiwiki-hosting was developed for . Ta paket vsebuje skupne datoteke za vse strežnike gostovanja ikiwiki in dokumentacija, Package: ikiwiki-hosting-web Description-md5: 241a687ddb963bcb7f26722ed3701479 Description-sl: Gostovanje ikiwiki: spletni brskalnik A hosting interface for ikiwiki. Facilitates management of many separate ikiwiki sites, with capabilities including web-based signup to create new sites, easy support for branching sites, deleting sites, and transferring sites between servers. Ikiwiki-hosting was developed for . Ta paket vsebuje program ikisite in povezane stvari za namestitev na vsakem spletnem strežniku. Package: ilisp-doc Description-md5: 3c531a6c8d68d925ba2745ad2053bee9 Description-sl: Dokumentaicja za paket ILISP This package supplies PDF and HTML documentation for the ILISP package. ILISP is a powerful GNU Emacs interface to many dialects of Lisp. Package: imageindex Description-md5: e958338f47c29b0115e924a002a58732 Description-sl: generate static HTML galleries from images Imageindex ustvari s standardi združljve statične HTML galerije slik (običajno fotografije JPG, vendar pa lahko upravlja s slikami skoraj katerekoli vrste). Nekaj zmožnosti: . * Only out-of-date thumbnail/medium images are generated * Captions come from comments embedded in images (never get lost!) * Output is customizable with CSS stylesheets * Can fetch EXIF header data from digicam photos * Can optionally recurse directory trees * Index, detail, slide, and frame views * Can use mplayer for dealing with video files. Package: imageinfo Description-md5: ccb85ff7401b60b976a2baf63e617e08 Description-sl: Prikaže izbrane atribute slike imageinfo prints image attributes (e.g. format, geometry) selected via command line options. It is similar in function to the ImageMagick "identify" utility, but provides some additional attributes (such as details of embedded ICC profiles), and is more convenient for use within a script since the command line selection of specific attributes avoids unnecessary computation and allows easier parsing of the result. Package: imagej Description-md5: d64a1d4b24bcb1fe82817a5a62d85a46 Description-sl: Image processing program with a focus on microscopy images Lahko prikaže, uredi, preuči, obdela, shrani in natisne 8, 16 in 32-bitne slike. Lahko bere veliko vrst slik vključno s TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS in "surovimi slikami". Podpira "sklade", zaporedje slik, ki si deli isto okno. . Izračuna lahko statistiko področja in vrednosti točk uporabniško določenih izbir. Izmeri lahko razdalje in kote. Ustvari lahko histograme gostote in črtaste grafe profilov. Podpira običajne zmožnosti obdelovanja slik kot so upravljanje s kontrastom, izostritev, glajenje, zaznavanje robov in filtriranje mediane. . Prostorsko sodelovanje zagotavlja meritve v dimenzijah pravega sveta kot so milimetri. Na voljo je tudi umeritev gostote ali sivin. . ImageJ je razvil Wayne Rasband (, Research Services Branch, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, ZDA. Package: imagination Description-md5: d0d7b948b39d26a4d7ab92301194f08f Description-sl: Program za izdelavo predstavitev DVD Imagination je lahek in uporabniku prijazen ustvarjalnik predstavitev DVD s čistim vmesnikom in malo odvisnosti. Za proizvajanje filma za zapis z drugim programom zahteva le kodirnik ffmpeg. . Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user. - Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos. - Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio (music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g. subtitles). . Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV. Package: imagination-common Description-md5: afd517bc6b31f1f71683939fa70b62c9 Description-sl: DVD slide show maker - common files Imagination je lahek in uporabniku prijazen ustvarjalnik predstavitev DVD s čistim vmesnikom in malo odvisnosti. Za proizvajanje filma za zapis z drugim programom zahteva le kodirnik ffmpeg. . This package contains architecture independent files such as icons, pixmaps, documentation, and translations. Package: imapproxy Description-md5: 76b744a409a9f67cd0257cbcf23a787c Description-sl: Posredniški strežnik IMAP IMAP Proxy proxies IMAP transactions between an IMAP client and an IMAP server. The general idea is that the client should never know that it is not talking to the real IMAP server while IMAP Proxy caches server connections. . IMAP Proxy was written to compensate for webmail clients that are unable to maintain persistent connections to an IMAP server. Most webmail clients need to log in to an IMAP server for nearly every single transaction. This behaviour can cause tragic performance problems on the IMAP server. IMAP Proxy tries to deal with this problem by leaving server connections open for a short time after a webmail client logs out. When the webmail client connects again, IMAP Proxy will determine if there is a cached connection available and reuse it if possible. Package: img2pdf Description-md5: 321f642507c293d3cfba614e7905f8ba Description-sl: Lossless conversion of raster images to PDF This program will take a list of raster images and produce a PDF file with the images embedded in it. JPEG and JPEG2000 images will be included without recompression. Raster images in other formats will be included with zip/flate encoding which usually leads to an increase in the resulting size because formats like png compress better than PDF which just zip/flate compresses the RGB data. As a result, this tool is able to losslessly wrap images into a PDF container with a quality to filesize ratio that is typically better (in case of JPEG and JPEG2000 images) or equal (in case of other formats) than that of existing tools. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: imview Description-md5: 261e83029bff00ab258e9e9240e05a08 Description-sl: Image viewing and analysis application lmview je program, ki . * Displays a large number of image formats. * Displays 2D or 3D (as slices) images with a very good zoom and pan feature. * Works with multi-spectral, time series or multi-page documents (e.g.: Satellite images, TIFF stacks, animated GIFs and heterogeneous multi-component files). * Displays all pixel types (1-bit to 64-bit data, integer or floating point). * Arbitrary 1-D profile of 2-D images (or of 2-D slices of 3-D images) can be displayed. * Has support for arbitrary colourmaps for all pixel types (i.e.: false colour display). * Has standard image manipulation facilities (brightness/contrast, gamma, zoom, crop, rotation, etc). * Can be controlled remotely via sockets and text commands (for easy integration into various image analysis systems). * Images can be uploaded into Imview via sockets or shared memory. * And much more! Package: imvirt Description-md5: a092d36828dbc6634139505abbdc7d26 Description-sl: Zazna več virtualizacij This Perl script tries to detect if it is run in a virtualization container. . In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies: ARAnyM KVM lguest LXC OpenVZ/Virtuozzo QEMU UML VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation Virtual PC/Virtual Server VirtualBox Xen (para and non-para virtualized) . In veliko več. Package: imvirt-helper Description-md5: 1a1938c40f6a2430291c877ab69408f1 Description-sl: helper programs to detect several virtualizations This package includes several helper programs from imvirt to test for several virtualizations. . In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies: ARAnyM KVM lguest LXC OpenVZ/Virtuozzo QEMU UML VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation Virtual PC/Virtual Server VirtualBox Xen (para and non-para virtualized) . In veliko več. Package: indicator-multiload Description-md5: 7e4e71e4d80c60b720d6389a40010459 Description-sl: Grafični kazalnik sistemske obremenitve za CPE, ram, itn. Kazalnik obremenitve sistema, ki je zmožen prikaza grafov za uporabo CPE, ram in izmenjalnega prostora ter omrežnega prometa. Package: inetutils-ftp Description-md5: 73d2fe548303a3bcc7b121f6b8c9426a Description-sl: Odjemalec protokola za prenos datotek (FTP) The ftp command is used to transfer files between hosts using the FTP protocol. Package: inetutils-ftpd Description-md5: ab797b9be2c2043f3a1cccfcbbd951f0 Description-sl: Strežnik protokola za prenos datotek (FTP) Ftpd is the server that allows another host to connect with the ftp command to transfer files using the FTP protocol. Package: inetutils-inetd Description-md5: 4d6f447fb5156051840d637383dc72ad Description-sl: Internetni super strežnik Inetd is the daemon that listens on various TCP and UDP ports and spawns programs that can't or won't do it for themselves. . This is the portable GNU implementation of inetd. The package supports IPv6, tcpmux services and unlimited server arguments. Package: inetutils-ping Description-md5: 6200ee972698b85f830ed80937e3d9da Description-sl: Orodje odmeva ICMP Ping uses ICMP to send out echo requests, and uses the reply packets to calculate latency between the sending and the destination hosts. . This is the portable GNU implementation of ping. Package: inetutils-syslogd Description-md5: 2114d87f02896f73b904f74e7b55d1af Description-sl: Ozadnji program beleženja sistema The syslog daemon is responsible for providing logging of messages received from programs and facilities on the local host as well as from remote hosts. Package: inetutils-talk Description-md5: 1dc87304a5acc3b85f7e91eeff34d72d Description-sl: Pogovarjajte se z drugim uporabnikom The talk program is used for visual communication which copies lines from your terminal to that of another user. Package: inetutils-talkd Description-md5: 0f715fd8340f3856de4f0f2f28a3ddad Description-sl: Strežnik oddaljenega uporabniškega sporazumevanja The talkd program is a server that notifies a user that someone else wants to initiate a conversation. It acts a repository of invitations, responding to requests by clients wishing to rendezvous to hold a conversation. Package: inetutils-telnetd Description-md5: b4d98d011a88706592d378a4d185b214 Description-sl: Strežnik telnet The telnetd program is a server which supports the DARPA telnet interactive communication protocol. . This implementation supports Kerberos, for authentication and encryption. Package: infiniband-diags Description-md5: 7b1103d02d514ef168f0320a1ca158c2 Description-sl: Diagnostični programi InfiniBand InfiniBand is a switched fabric communications link used in high- performance computing and enterprise data centers. Its features include high throughput, low latency, quality of service and failover, and it is designed to be scalable. . This package provides diagnostic programs and scripts needed to diagnose an InfiniBand subnet. Package: inform-mode Description-md5: f7549c089c7655a15919b48309c9b906 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a dummy package for the transition to ‘elpa-inform-mode’. . This package can be safely removed. Package: inkscape-textext-doc Description-md5: 3b2d16ad064aa408f459a315546b26d4 Description-sl: Re-editable LaTeX graphics for Inkscape (documentation) TexText is a Python plugin for the vector graphics editor Inkscape providing the possibility to add and re-edit LaTeX generated SVG elements to your drawing. . Key features . Windows/Linux/MacOS support . LaTeX generated SVG elements can be re-edited later . Multi-line editor with syntax highlighting . Compilation with PdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX or LuaLaTex . Interoperable scaling in TexText and Inkscape . Font size match with Inkscape text . Customizable TeX preamble (additional packages, parskip, parindent, etc.) . Colorization via TeX commands/Inkscape is kept after re-editing . Alignment anchor of the produced output . Preview images . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: inn2 Description-md5: 63e9cfa94e4a7e41032459586c02d0fb Description-sl: Strežnik novic 'InterNetNews' This package provides INN 2.x, which is a very complex news server daemon useful for big sites. The 'inn' package still exists for smaller sites which do not need the complexity of INN 2.x. . The news transport is the part of the system that stores the articles and the lists of which groups are available and so on, and provides those articles on request to users. It receives news (either posted locally or from a newsfeed site), files it, and passes it on to any downstream sites. Each article is kept for a period of time and then deleted (this is known as 'expiry'). . By default Debian's INN will install in a fairly simple 'local-only' configuration. . In order to make use of the services provided by INN you'll have to use a user-level newsreader program such as pan. The newsreader is the program that fetches articles from the server and shows them to the user, remembering which the user has seen so that they don't get shown again. It also provides the posting interface for the user. Package: ino-headers-doc Description-md5: f7e723fa13e01782a690358781ec2a7c Description-sl: C API to execute JavaScript code - documentation ino is a minimalist C API to execute JavaScript code and to expose native methods to JavaScript execution contexts. . Ta paket zagotavlja datoteke dokumentacije. . ino is part of the NASPRO Sound PROcessing Architecture. Package: inorwegian Description-md5: 3270cdccbf6d154ac3497747bff95d27 Description-sl: Norveški slovar za ispell This package provides the Norwegian dictionary, to be used with ispell to check and correct spelling in Norwegian texts. Package: inotify-hookable Description-md5: b4d2cca9ab33dc8d56091fa8b94b30fe Description-sl: blocking command-line interface to inotify inotify-hookable is a program that monitor files with Linux inotify. This program accepts options to specify the files to be monitored and the command to run when a file has changed (based in kernel inotify) . inotify-hookable main advantage over inotifywait are: - command to run after watch can be specified with an option - emacs and vi backup files are ignored by default . Primer: . inotify-hookable -f foo.c -c 'gcc -o foo foo.c' Package: input-pad Description-md5: 18b6ea174d7bbe657e1d0fd3ecab40c9 Description-sl: On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse The input pad is a tool to send a character to text applications when the corresponging button is pressed. It provides the GTK+ based GUI and can send characters when the GTK+ buttons are pressed. . Ta paket vsebuje samostojen program. Package: inspircd Description-md5: bae820fb7f3d845ba00ff7694e0cc9b4 Description-sl: Modularni IRCd napisan v C++ InspIRCd is a modular C++ IRC Daemon for several operating systems created to provide a stable, modern, lightweight irc server from scratch and provide a vast number of features in a modularised form using an advanced module API. By keeping the functionality of the main core to a minimum, the server is very stable, fast and customizable. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: integrit Description-md5: 8ed7e8da857b39b17e43668958903563 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje celovitosti datotek Integrit helps you determine whether an intruder has modified your system. Without the use of integrit, a sysadmin wouldn't know if the programs used for investigating the system are trojan horses or not. Integrit works by creating a database that is a snapshot of the most essential parts of the system. You put the database somewhere safe, and then later you can use it to make sure that no one has made any illicit modifications to your file system. . Integrit's key features are the small memory footprint, the design with unattended use in mind, intuitive cascading rulesets for the paths listed in the configuration file, the possibility of XML or human-readable output, and simultaneous checks and updates. . See for more information. Package: inventor-clients Description-md5: 074bd532f432c99a8d41abcacbbb76ac Description-sl: Programi odjemalca Open Inventor This package contains Open Inventor file viewers and converters. . Open Inventor is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a programming model based on a 3D scene database that simplifies graphics programming. It includes a large set of objects such as cubes, polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes, 3D viewers, and editors can speed up your programming and extend your 3D program's capabilities. Package: inventor-dev Description-md5: cbaba725be7c2edcd76ac8eb1c1ab539 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke Open Inventor This package contains the files required to develop Open Inventor applications. . Open Inventor is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a programming model based on a 3D scene database that simplifies graphics programming. It includes a large set of objects such as cubes, polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes, 3D viewers, and editors can speed up your programming and extend your 3D program's capabilities. Package: inventor-doc Description-md5: 8bab35994591bda24abc7e2c8fc9bafe Description-sl: Dokumentacija Open Inventor This package contains the Open Inventor documentation files. . Open Inventor is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a programming model based on a 3D scene database that simplifies graphics programming. It includes a large set of objects such as cubes, polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes, 3D viewers, and editors can speed up your programming and extend your 3D program's capabilities. Package: iog Description-md5: b4bcabd79a034cc127f07ae7a778db13 Description-sl: Izrisovalnik grafov V/I omrežja IOG is a network traffic grapher designed to record cumulative kB/MB/GB statistics per hour/day/month. It is intended to be simple, fast (supporting thousands of hosts), and well integrated with MRTG. Data for each host is updated hourly and HTML graphs are created. It uses a data consolidation algorithm which allows for a small, non-growing database file for each host. No external graphing libraries or executables are required. Package: ipfm Description-md5: 996d993b0f438f8324ece1dce0d4bc18 Description-sl: Orodje za preučevanje pasovne širine IPFM counts how much data was sent and received by specified hosts through an Internet link. Package: ipip Description-md5: fd913d130f37b2751a056dd0848a2efe Description-sl: Ozadnji program IP preko vstavitve IP This daemon provides an alternative to the kernel-resident support for IP encapsulation links. It is better suited for situations where there are many encapsulation connections to be managed, such as is the case for amateur radio interconnection of network 44. Also, because the daemon is outside the kernel, it provides an excellent environment for experimenting with alternate mechanisms for distributing encapsulation routing updates. . If you need one encapsulation link, use the kernel's built-in support. If you need a lot of encapsulation links, give this daemon a try. Package: ipmitool Description-md5: 25a9e9b297f6cb408542afe642c815cb Description-sl: utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface (daemon) A utility for managing and configuring devices that support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface. IPMI is an open standard for monitoring, logging, recovery, inventory, and control of hardware that is implemented independent of the main CPU, BIOS, and OS. The service processor (or Baseboard Management Controller, BMC) is the brain behind platform management and its primary purpose is to handle the autonomous sensor monitoring and event logging features. . The ipmitool program provides a simple command-line interface to this BMC. It features the ability to read the sensor data repository (SDR) and print sensor values, display the contents of the System Event Log (SEL), print Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) inventory information, read and set LAN configuration parameters, and perform remote chassis power control. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: ipolish Description-md5: d8a91824feb037cd42b2839bd508012d Description-sl: Slovar polščine za ispell This is the Polish dictionary, to be used with the ispell program, version 3.1.04 and following. The dictionary contains roughly 200,000 roots, which expand to about 2,500,000 words. Package: ippl Description-md5: 345418c3204362d33f2651ff8c24de98 Description-sl: Program za beleženje protokolov IP writes information about incoming ICMP messages, TCP connections and UDP datagrams to syslog. . It is highly configurable and has a built-in DNS cache. . Please note that upstream is rather inactive lately (no release since 2001), and that there are some rather nasty bugs. . An incomplete list of the bugs includes: - random packets don't get logged sometimes - stops logging at all after some weeks - ipv6 never got implemented - documentation is out of sync. . Trying to fix these bugs is not easy. Please do not expect the Debian maintainer to do this, but patches are appreciated. . Please consider using a fully-grown intrusion detection system (like snort) instead of ippl. Package: ips Description-md5: 61d2bf7caf600772cbdcc90e8fb9a1d9 Description-sl: Inteligentna stanja opravil Ips is an intelligent ps-like program which displays process status obtained from the /proc filesystem. It has features to make tracking of active, semi-active, and transient processes easy. It is extremely configurable, but is still efficient. Package: ipsvd Description-md5: 01c7e27d78e03451f7c4e7a15035cd06 Description-sl: Ozadnji programi storitve internetnega protokola ipsvd is a set of Internet protocol service daemons for TCP/IP (optionally SSLv3) and UDP/IP. A daemon waits for incoming connections on a socket; for new connections, it conditionally runs an arbitrary program to handle the connection. The daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined instructions on how to handle incoming connections; based on the client's IP address or hostname, they can run different programs, set a different environment, deny a connection, or set a per host concurrency limit. . ipsvd can be used to run services usually run by inetd or tcpserver. Normally the daemons are run by a supervisor process, such as runsv from the runit package. Package: ipwatchd Description-md5: d96bad203b9451e0e69309ccc488ad46 Description-sl: Orodje za zaznavanje sporov IP IPwatchD is a simple daemon that analyses all incoming ARP packets in order to detect IP conflicts on Linux. It can be configured to listen on one or more interfaces (alias interfaces are also supported) in active or passive mode. In active mode IPwatchD protects your host before IP takeover by answering Gratuitous ARP requests received from conflicting system. In passive mode it just records information about conflict through standard syslog interface. Package: ipython3 Description-md5: d49b6f5183335e828e40c215255f4f6d Description-sl: Enhanced interactive Python 3 shell IPython lahko uporabite kot zamenjavo za običajno lupino Python ali pa jo uporabite kot celovito delovno okolje za znanstvene izračune (kot je Matlab ali Methematica), če ga uporabite skupaj z običajnimi znanstvenimi in numeričnimi orodji Python. Podpira dinamično samoopazovanje predmetov, številčene pozive vhoda/izhoda, sistem makrov, beleženje seje, obnovitev seje, popoln dostop do sistemske lupine, izčrpna in obarvana povratna poročila, samodejne oklepaje, samodejno citiranje in ga je mogoče vstaviti v druge programe Python. . This package contains the actual terminal shell for Python 3. Package: ir.lv2 Description-md5: 7d2143c3dbbb8c524a2a7015eb8f5b68 Description-sl: LV2 IR reverb IR is a zero-latency, realtime, high performance signal convolver especially for creating reverb effects. Supports impulse responses with 1, 2 or 4 channels, in any soundfile format supported by libsndfile. . IR files can be for example here: - - . For converting 2ch impupuses to 4ch *True stereo* format use 'convert4chan' utility. See man pages. Package: ircd-irc2 Description-md5: c0464a4a31446446f9ff1ca05b32cd1e Description-sl: Izvirni ozadnji program strežnika IRC This is the original Internet Relay Chat (IRC) daemon, allowing interactive character based communication between people connected to this server with IRC clients. . This version of ircd is mostly used on the IRCNet irc network. Package: ircd-ircu Description-md5: 46649cd4aa0a970dced331baa01922d5 Description-sl: Ozadnji program strežnika IRC Undernet This is ircu, the Undernet Internet Relay Chat daemon, which allows interactive character based communication between people connected to this server with IRC clients. It is based on the latest stable version which can be downloaded from . This version is compiled for network usage but it can also run standalone. You can modify its behaviour with reconfiguring/rebuilding. Package: ircii Description-md5: 3a15243ee0084faa77ccd3844c653b4c Description-sl: Odjemalec IRC The ircII program is a full screen, termcap based interface to Internet Relay Chat. It gives full access to all of the normal IRC functions, plus a variety of additional options. This Version is able to display mIRC colors. It supports "/encrypt -cast" Package: ironic-common Description-md5: 46dd7769cc0125cbefb3bd8f7096ae11 Description-sl: Openstack bare metal provisioning service - daemons Ironic is an Incubated OpenStack project which aims to provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines, forked from the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor **API** and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: ironic-inspector Description-md5: ae4b222c1fd253b0520f97ab16c42180 Description-sl: discovering hardware properties for OpenStack Ironic - Daemon This is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it's power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). . A special discovery ramdisk is required to collect the information on a node. The default one can be built using diskimage-builder and ironic- inspector-ramdisk element. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: ironseed-data Description-md5: b3381a30c63efc776bf93658d58fd1ed Description-sl: science-fiction exploration/strategy adventure game in space - data files It was originally both developed and published by Channel 7 for DOS in 1994. Gameplay is real-time, featuring trading, diplomacy, and strategy, and somewhat resembles Star Control 2 / Ur-Quan masters. . Storyline: Escaping the iron fist of a fanatic theocracy, the members of the Ironseed Movement launch into space and are set adrift after suffering a computer malfunction. As captain, you awaken along with the crew some thousand years later and are confronted by an alien horde... . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro. Package: irssi-plugin-xmpp Description-md5: 9f5f35daf3f2cffed19808e2dced9b43 Description-sl: Vstavek XMPP za irssi An irssi plugin to connect to the Jabber network, using the XMPP protocol. . Njegove glavne zmožnosti so: - pošiljanje in prejemanje sporočil v oknih poizvedb irssi - seznam stikov s sledenjem stikov in virov (seznam stikov) - upravljanje stikov (dodajanje, odstranitev in upravljanje naročnin) - dopolnitev ukazov, JID-ov in virov s tabulatorjem - podpora za več računov - podpora Unicode (UTF-8) - podpora SSL Package: irssi-scripts Description-md5: 54786a0a06fe6ef10b9df73494bde88c Description-sl: Zbirka skriptov za irssi This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRC-client. . Some individual scripts need other packages in order to work properly. Please see the list of Suggests as well as the contained README.Debian for additional information. . Almost all scripts can also be downloaded from . A list of included scripts . 0x0st -- upload file to service 8-ball -- the 8-ball game accent -- this script strips the Hungarian accents active_notice -- shows notices into the active channel active_notify -- notify messages into the active window or broadcast act -- reset window activity status. defines command /act adv_windowlist -- Adds a permanent advanced window list on the right aidle -- antyidler with random time ai -- puts people on ignore if they do a public away akftp -- full configurable FTP advertiser for Irssi akilluser -- akill a specified nick alame -- converts towards lame speech anotherway -- another auto away script antiplenk -- notices users who plenk apm -- shows your battery status in your Statusbar armeija -- ignores people bringin up boring/repeated subjects ascii -- ascii-art bassed on figlet. auto_away -- sets an away message automatically when you're idle autoaway -- automatically goes away after defined inactivity autochannel -- auto add channels to channel list on join autocycle -- auto regain ops in empty opless channels autolimit -- does an autolimit for a channel autoopper -- auto-op script with dynamic address support and random delay autorealname -- print realname of everyone who join to channels autorejoinpunish -- kickbans or knockouts people who use autorejoin on kick autoreminder -- this script Reminds people to do stuff! :) autoversion -- auto-CTCP Version on every joining nick autovoice -- autovoice auto_whois -- /WHOIS all the users who send you a private message. autowhois -- /WHOIS all the users who send you a private message. autowrap -- automatically wraps long sent messages away2web -- write /away information to a file to be used on web pages awaybar -- provides a menubar item with away message away_hilight_notice -- notice your away message awaylogcnt -- displays in statusbar number of messages in awaylog away -- away with reason, unaway, and autoaway awayproxy -- sets nick away when client disconnects from the irssi-proxy away_verbose -- displays a verbose away/back message in the channels badword -- configurable badword kickbanning script bandwidth -- shows bandwidth usage in statusbar ban -- bans several nicks/masks on channel bansearch -- Search for bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting a user bantime -- print time when ban was set in a nicer way beepaway -- only beep when you are away beep_beep -- runs arbitrary command instead of system beep beep -- replaces your terminal bell by a command specified via /set bestoiber -- stoibers your messages bgta -- bytes Gallery of the TAilor Script binary -- converts what you type into 2-base string representation bitlbee_blist -- bitlbee buddy list bitlbee_join_notice -- bitlbee join notice bitlbee_nick_change -- shows an IM nickchange in an Irssi way bitlbee_tab_completion -- intelligent Tab-completion for BitlBee commands bitlbee_typing_notice -- typing notification for Bitlbee blowjob -- crypt IRC communication with blowfish encryption bmi -- a simple body mass index calculator for depression calc -- simple /calc mechanism callerid -- reformats CallerID Messages on Hybrid & Ratbox to be Easier cap_sasl -- PLAIN SASL authentication mechanism centericq -- indicates how many new messages you have in your centericq cgrep -- lists users on the channel matching the specified regexp challenge -- run a challenge response oper thingie chanact -- adds new powerful and customizable [Act: ...] item chanfull_duden -- notify if Channellimit is reached chanfull -- notifies the user when some channel limit is reached chankeys -- manage channel keyboard shortcuts chanpeak -- log maximum number of people ever been in a channel chansearch -- searches for specific channels chanshare -- display people who are in more than one channel with you chansort -- sort all channel and query windows chansync -- /who a channel and optionally executes a command chops -- simulates BitchXs /CHOPS and /NOPS commands. Cirssi -- Controls Audacious2 and MOCP from Irssi cleanpublic -- removes colors and other formatting from public channels clipboard -- better quoting of content from clipboard cloneprot -- parses OperServ notices clones -- display clones in the active channel colorize_nicks -- Colourise mention of nicks in the message body. colored_nicks -- Exposes colored nickname variables for themes colorkick -- kicking users for using colors or blinks connectcmd -- run arbitrary shell commands while [dis]connecting to a server copy -- copy a line in a paste buffer countdown -- adds public channel command for counting down something country -- print the country name in /WHOIS replies cp1250_kick -- Kicks people using cp1250 charset crapbuster -- removes CRAP or CLIENTCRAP messages from your buffer cron -- allows one to execute commands at given interval/time ctrlact -- allows per-channel control over activity indication cubes -- 256 colour test script for Irssi cwho -- cached WHO dancer_forwardfix -- fix problem with channel forwarding on the Dancer ircd dancer_hide_477 -- this script hides the 477 numerics from the dancer IRCd dau -- write like an idiot dcc_ip -- this script sets dcc_own_ip when starting a DCC send or chat dccmove -- Move completed dcc gets to the subfolder done dccself -- starts a dcc chat with yourself on that host/port. dccstat -- Shows verbose or short information of dcc send/gets on statusbar defaultchanmode -- allows your client to automatically set desired chanmode desktop-notify Sends notification using the Desktop Notifications df -- adds an item which displays the current disk usage. dice -- a dice Simulator for Roleplaying in Channels or just for fun dictcomplete -- caching dictionary based tab completion dim_nicks -- Dims nicks that are not in channel anymore dispatch -- this scripts sends unknown commands to the server discord_unbridge -- turns "<bridge> <Sender> Msg" into "<Sender> Msg". doc -- manage tips url help in a doc file in the keyword=definition form doublefilter -- filters msgs which appear the same on different channels dtach_away -- set (un)away, if dtach is attached/detached duckduckgo -- search in duckduckgo website elist -- allow advanced parametrization of the /list command eliza -- answers to /msgs using Chatbot::Eliza when youre away emaildb -- a script for accessing an email MySQL database through irc email_msgs -- Emails you messages sent/received while you're away or not eng_no_translate_dpryo -- english->norwegian translation events -- expand event mode and emit event mode {channel,user,server} exec_clean -- execute process whose parent window has been closed fakectcp -- sends fake ctcp replies to a client using a fake ctcp list figlet -- safe figlet implementation file -- a command to output content of files in various ways findbot -- public command @find script find -- finds a nick by real name, if hes on a channel with you fleech -- fserve leecher - helps you download files from file servers fnotify -- Write notifications to a file in a consistent format follow -- automatically switch to active windows foo -- rot n+i encryption and decryption foreach_user -- extends the /foreach command to have /foreach user fortune -- send a random fortune cookie to an user in channel forward -- forward incoming messages to another nick fpaste -- copy infos to fpaste freenode_filter -- this script will filter some Freenode IRCD servernotices friends_shasta -- maintains list of people you know fserve -- file server for irssi fuckem -- simulates the BitchX /FUCKEM command getop -- automatically request op from random opped person gimmie -- a bot script gitscriptassist -- script management with git go2 -- Switch to the window with the given name or item google -- This script queries and returns the results go -- activates a window given a name/partial name gpgvalidator -- have gpg-based trusting features in your irssi client grep -- GREP command guts -- adds the uppercased version of the tab completes hddtemp -- adds a statusbar item which shows temperatures of harddisks hello -- this script allows you to greet the channel youre living hideauth -- stops eggdrop passwords showing up hide -- a little interface to irssis activity_hide_* settings hideshow -- Removes and re-adds lines to the Irssi buffer view highlite -- shows events happening in all channels hignore -- if you use this command in a query it will ignore the host hilightwin -- print highlighted messages to window named highlight history_search -- search within your typed history as you type hlbot -- floods the channel about things that are happening in your server hl -- responds to !hl counterstrike.server hostname -- list all IP addresses on all interfaces found on your machine identify-md5 -- MD5 NickServ identification script for SorceryNet idlesince -- adds 'idle since' line to whois replies. idletime -- retrieves the idletime of any nick idonkey -- equips Irssi with an interface to mldonkey ignore_log -- script to log ignored messages ignoreoc -- ignore messages from people not on your channels il -- adds a statusbar item which show length of the inputline imdb -- automatically lookup IMDB-numbers in nicknames iMPD -- this controls Music Player Daemon from the familiar irssi interface intercept -- Intercept misprinted commands and offer to del the first char invitejoin -- this script will join a channel if somebody invites you to it ipupdate -- auto /set dcc_own_ip IP on connect. irccomplete -- adds words from IRC to your tab-completion list ircgallery -- show IRC gallery information on /WHOIS or /GALLERY ircgmessagenotify -- review IRC and says when you have messages ircops -- display IrcOps in current channel ircsec -- secures your conversation irssiBlaster -- display the song played by mp3blaster isdn -- displays incoming ISDN calls itime -- internet Time statusbar item ixmmsa -- announces which _file_ is currently playing. joininfo -- reports WHOIS information and channel list kban-referrals -- Script for kickbanning those who post referral links kblamehost -- kicks (and bans) people with >= 4 dots in theirs hostname keepnick -- try to get your nick back when it becomes available. kenny -- autodekennyfies /kenny, adds /kenny, /dekenny kernel -- fetches the version(s) of the latest Linux kernel(s). kicks -- enhances /k /kb and /kn with some nice options. kill_fake_gets -- checks if there are old identical sends and closes them kline_warning -- shows a warning in the statuswindow l33tmusic -- show playing xmms song in channel or in a statusbar lastspoke -- remembers what people said last on what channels len -- if you try to get a nick with 11 characters but only 9 are allowed leodict -- translates via licq -- licq statusbar thingy linkchan -- link several channels on several networks listen -- display what mp3 you are playing in which software loadavg -- display a loadavg statusbar item using vm.loadavg localize -- localizes users using traceroute log2ansi -- convert mirc color and irssi internal formatting to ansi colors logcompress -- compress logfiles then they're rotated logresume -- print last n lines of logs when opening queries/channels ls -- show all nicks matching regex in the current channel mailcheck_imap -- staturbar item which indicates how many new emails mailcheck_mbox_flux -- polls your unix mailbox for new mail mailcheck_pop3_kimmo -- POP3 new mail notification mangle -- translates your messages into Morse code, rot13 and other map -- generates simple tree of IRC network based on the output of the LINKS mass_hilight_blocker -- disables highlighting for messages of some nicks miodek -- simple wordkick system mkick -- mass kick mkshorterlink -- automatically shortens links mldonkey_bandwidth -- shows your mldonkeys current down- and upload rate modelist -- cache of invites and ban exceptions in channel modelist-r -- cache of invites, ban exceptions and reops in channel mood -- keeps track of the channel mood morse -- turns your messages into morse or spelling code mouse -- control irssi using mouse clicks and gestures mpg123 -- display current mpg123 track multipaste -- helps pasting multiple lines to a channel my_beep -- runs arbitrary command instead of system beep mygoogle -- query Google myimdb -- query imdb mysqlurllogger -- logs urls to MySQL database nact -- adds an item which displays the current network activity newsline -- brings various newstickers to Irssi news -- news reader nickban -- a simple nick banner. If it encounters a nick it bans its host nickcolor_expando -- colourise nicks nickident -- identify to nickserv nickignore -- ignores nick changes when only the case or special characters nicklist -- draws a nicklist to another terminal nickmix-c0ffee -- the number of chars you want to keep from your orig nick nickmix_pasky -- perturbates given nick (or just a word) in certain way nickserv -- this script will authorize you into NickServ niq -- bitchX like Nickcompletion at line start plus statusbar nocaps -- replaces lines in ALL CAPS with something easier on the eyes nocollide -- automatically changes nick when certain amount of colissions noisyquery -- prints an info about a newly started Query nopl -- replaces polish national characters with their corresponding letters norepeat -- stops public repeating noteserve -- utilizes NoteServ to implement a buddylist noticemove -- prints private notices from people in the channel notonline -- answers $nick: No if youre away and someone asks are you online ogg123 -- display current ogg123 track oidenty -- oidentd support for irssi on -- tries to fit into Irssis usage style more than emulating ircII. ontv -- turns irssi into a tv program guide oopsie -- Stops those silly mistakes being sent(spaces at start of line,etc) oops -- turns ls in the beginning of a sent line into the names openurl -- stores URLs in a list and launches mail, web or ftp software operit -- perform certain action on request authenticated by the IRC operator operview -- reformats some server notices opnotice -- send a notice to the ops in a channel opnotify -- highlights window refnumber in statusbar osd -- an OnScreenDisplay it shows who is talking to you on what IRC Network page-c0ffee -- ignore pages page_reeler -- display and send CTCP PAGE pager -- notifies people if they send you a private message or a DCC chat pangotext -- Render text with various color modifications using HTML tags paste_derwan -- pasting lines to specified targets paste_huggie -- paste reformats pieces of text typically pasted paste_kimmoke -- start and stop recording and then replay without linebreaks pelix -- this script allows you flood shit. perlalias -- Quickly create commands from short perl blocks pggb_sound -- does CTCP SOUNDs and other similar things. phpdoc -- display all functions of the famous language poison -- equips Irssi with an interface to giFT postpone -- postpones messages sent to a split user ppl -- port of asmodeans /ppl command from skuld3 print_signals -- hooks into almost every signal and writes the info to a file query -- give you more control over when to jump to query windows queryresume -- restores the last lines of a query on re-creation quiet -- adds support for +q (quiet user) channel modes to irssi quitrand -- random quit messages - based on quitmsg quizgr -- turns irssi into a quiz bot. Has Greek language quizmaster -- a trivia script for Irssi quiz -- turns irssi into a quiz bot q_username -- prints the Q username in right format rainbow -- prints colored text. Rather simple than sophisticated randaway -- random away-messages randname -- random /set real_name taken from a file relm -- keeps last 15 messages in cache remote -- lets you run commands remotely via /msg and a password repeat -- hide duplicate lines resize_split -- resizes a split window when it is made active revolve -- Summarizes multiple sequential joins/parts/quits rk -- kicks random nick from ops lusers | all on channel romajibind -- dynamic romaji binds romaji -- translates romaji to hiragana or katakana in text enclosed in ^R rot13 -- ROT13 encoding and reverse :) rotator -- displaye changeing statusbar item to show irssi is still running sana_cmd -- translates english-finnish-english. sana -- sanakirja info bot schwaebisch -- translates your messages from German to swabian screen_away -- set (un)away, if screen is attached/detached scripthelp -- bebProvides access to scripts help scriptinfo -- Access script information scroller -- scrolls specified text on the status bar seen -- tell people when other people were online servercomplete -- tab complete servers and userhosts seti -- tell ppl how far youve gotten with you SETI@home workunit. shortenurl -- use to make smaller URLs showhilight -- show highlight messages in active window showhost -- show host kicks showmode -- show modes in parts, quits, kicks, topic changes or actions smiley -- very useful smiley-flooder sms -- address-book with smssender, for now supports only Polish operators snmpup -- queries remote hosts running snmpd for its uptime and cpu usage spambot -- oper script to kill Spam Bots special_complete -- complete irssi special variables spellcheck -- checks for spelling errors using Aspell sping -- checks latency between current server and [server] stocks -- prints the stats for German stocks synccheck -- script checking channel synchronization sysinfo277-irssi -- cross-platform/architecture system information script sysinfo_dg -- prints system information sysinfoplus -- Linux system information tab_stop -- replaces the evil inverted talk -- This script talks to you *g*. It reads the chat-msgs for you target -- advances IRC warfare to the next level thankop -- remembers the last person oping you on a channel theme -- activate, show or get theme thistory -- keeps information about the most recent topics of the channels tictactoe -- tic-tac-toe game timer -- provides /timer command for mIRC/BitchX type timer functionality tinyurl -- create a tinyurl from a long one title -- display configurable title as XTerm title tlock -- locks current or specified topic on [channel] tmux-nicklist-portable -- displays a list of nicks in a separate tmux pane topic-diff -- this script shows you changes in the topic topicsed -- editing channel topics by regexps topics -- records a topic history and locks the channel topic trackbar -- shows a bar where youve last read a window tracknick -- lets you see them with the real nick all the time track -- Keeps track of users by building a database of online trigger -- execute a command or replace text trustweb -- illustrates the trust between ops tvmusor -- asks for the current tv-lineup twirssi -- send twitter updates using /tweet twprompt -- bitchXs CrackRock3 animated prompt bar twsocials -- IRC version of Social Commands twtopic -- animated Topic bar UNIBG-autoident -- automatically ident when you reconnect upgradeinfo -- statusbaritem notifying you about updated binary u -- show all nicks matching regex in the current channel uptime -- try a little harder to figure out client uptime urlfeed -- Provides RSS feeds with URLs pasted on your channels urlgrab -- captures urls said in channel and private messages and save url_log -- logs urls to textfile or/and database url -- grabs URLs in messages and allows you to open them on the fly urlplot -- URL grabber with HTML generation and cmd execution urlwindow -- Print urls to window named "urls" userhost -- adds a -cmd option to the /USERHOST builtin command users -- implements /USERS version-stat -- shows top[0-9]+ irc client versions in a channel verstats -- draws a diagram of the used clients in a channel vowels -- silly script, removes vowels, idea taken from #Linuxnews warnkick -- warns you if someone kicks you out of a channel washnicks -- removes annoying characters from nicks watch -- watch for irssi whitelist -- specific nicks or hosts and ignore messages from anyone whois -- highlights @ in whois channel reply whos -- this script allows you to view all users on a specific server wilm -- whois on a person who sent you last private message wkb -- a simple word kickbanner wlstat -- adds a window list in the status area. wordcompletition -- adds words from IRC to your tab-completion list wordscramble -- scrambles all the letters in a word except the first and last xauth -- undernet X Service Authentication Program xcmd -- makes Undernets X commands easier and faster to use xdccget -- advances downloading from XDCC bots xetra -- brings the stock exchanges of the world to your irssi xlist -- better readable listing of channel names xmms2 -- Returns XMMS-InfoPipe data xmmsinfo -- /xmmsinfo to tell what youre currently playing xmms -- XMMS-InfoPipe front-end - allow /np [-help] [dest] xqf -- automatically sends xqf data to irssi and optionally licq Package: irussian Description-md5: 6a3cbcbf9d5d1bc54115f15fa74d0b26 Description-sl: Ruski slovar za lspell This dictionary contains Russian wordlists for the Ispell spellchecker. . The dictionary contains over 122,200 stem words and produces over 1,168,000 derivate words, including support for the :E (yo) letter. Package: isomd5sum Description-md5: f6138bc2eedff9a12a16a1e58e03b460 Description-sl: Pripomočki nadzorne vsote ISO9660 isomd5sum is a set of utilities for implanting a MD5 checksum in an ISO (or any block device), then verifying the checksum later. isomd5sum is not simply an MD5 of the entire ISO; it checksums the data inside a standard ISO9660 image and write block checksum information to an ISO9660 header, that will carry over to burning the CD. . This package contains the utilities implantisomd5 and checkisomd5. Package: ispanish Description-md5: ff009c729322a9b64c5556d97bc41056 Description-sl: Španski slovar za ispell This is the Spanish dictionary for use with the ispell spellchecker. Put together by Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus Carretero. Package: iswedish Description-md5: 703f3741c590db2a650c9895b9d8d6cc Description-sl: Švedski slovar za ispell This is the Swedish dictionary, to be used with ispell to check and correct spelling in Swedish texts. The dictionary contains approximately 120,000 words. Package: iverilog Description-md5: 8d6c25d1601b4e55eb201717e035adb9 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik verilog Icarus Icarus Verilog is intended to compile all of the Verilog HDL as described in the IEEE-1364 standard. It is not quite there yet. It does currently handle a mix of structural and behavioral constructs. . The compiler can target either simulation, or netlist (EDIF). Package: ivtools-dev Description-md5: 965f123c6208b9fc3352309ff6ad9d9f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico InterViews InterViews is written in C++ and portable to several different Unix platforms. Applications written with the InterViews library can be configured to provide a special "Look and Feel", such as SGI-Motif and normal Motif. This package contains the include files needed to develop applications with the ivtools library, along with appropriate dynamic library links and static libraries. Package: ivy-doc Description-md5: 9cb552d087d4baa4a77179acd6a17c53 Description-sl: agile dependency manager (documentation) Ivy is a very powerful dependency manager oriented toward Java dependency management, even though it could be used to manage dependencies of any kind. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: j2cli Description-md5: 1eca30dddb3da4e104b3b7138b5c255c Description-sl: Command line tool for templating in shell-scripts leveraging the Jinja2 library. . Zmožnosti: . - Jinja2 templating - INI, YAML, JSON data sources supported - Allows the use of environment variables in templates! Hello Docker :) Package: jabberd2 Description-md5: e73b33867c7220d068eac469d8a52925 Description-sl: Strežnik hipnega sporočanja Jabber Jabber is a free instant messaging server based on XMPP. . This package contains Jabberd 2, the next generation of the Jabberd server. It has been rewritten from the ground up to be scalable, architecturally sound, and to support the latest protocol extensions coming out of the XSF. Package: jamin Description-md5: 5727392f193fd50d0a3dd90709c95f45 Description-sl: Mešanje zvoka iz mešanega izvora več skladb z JACK. JAM je orodje za proizvajanje zvoka iz mešanega izvora več sledi. Izvaja se v zbirki orodij zvočne povezave Jack in za svoje delo zaledja DSP uporablja LADSPA, bolj natančno vstavke swh, ki jih je ustvaril Steve Harris, glavni avtor JAM. . Zmožnosti: * linearni filtri * V/I Jack * 30 pasovni grafični izenačevalnik * 1023 pasovni ročno narisan izenačevalnik s parametričnim nadzorom * preučevalnik spektrov * 3 pasovni stiskalnik vhov * omejevalnik gledanja naprej * večpasovno stereo obdelovanje * prednastavljene vrednosti in scene * povečevalnik glasnosti Package: jardiff Description-md5: 9266504b8978108c8e33757b89ae3b55 Description-sl: tool to visualise API differences between two JAR files Jardiff is a tool to help visualise API differences between two different versions of a project. . Jardiff takes two jar files and outputs all the public API changes as xml, html or plain text. . It can be used from command line or via an Apache Ant task. . Za poganjanje zahteva Java >=1.4. Package: jargoninformatique Description-md5: 6a640505bfa562a62ee18e9e6b18b9e4 Description-sl: Francoski slovar računalniškega izrazoslovja Front End for the French computing dictionary Jargon Informatique. . This computing dictionary contains more than 10 000 words! Its user- friendly interface lets you easily find the words you want. . Domača stran: Package: jargoninformatique-data Description-md5: be73a696484e470bc3d3ddc293fb5466 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za jargoninformatique This package contains the dictionary for Jargon Informatique, and its GUI graphic elements. . Domača stran: Package: jasmin-sable Description-md5: 3be7869782632547391d6b0bc3eafd35 Description-sl: Zbirk datotek razredov Java (.class) Jasmin is a Java ASseMbler INterface. It takes ASCII descriptions of Java classes, written in the Java Virtual Machine instruction set in an assembler-like syntax. . Jasmin converts these input files into binary Java class files (.class) suitable for executing on an Java Virtual Machine. Package: java3ds-fileloader Description-md5: f4cce8364334a038cc32d594a923bd34 Description-sl: Java3D nalagalnik datotek 3DS File loaders perform the job of taking a file or stream and turning that into a Java 3D scene graph that you can use in your application. It's a multi-platform, highly functional 3DS file loader. It works on platforms supporting JDK1.4 and Java 3D. Main supported features are: * Hierarchical Animation * Cameras * Point Lights * Directional Lights * Textures * Smooth Groups 3DS file format is generated by 3D-Studio by Autodesk Ltd. Package: javahelp2 Description-md5: 10a23138899d3c2d8c1d9840ad4aa236 Description-sl: Na Java osnovan sistem pomoči The JavaHelp system is an online help system that developers can use to add online help to their Java platform applications. The JavaHelp system provides developers and authors with a standard, fully featured, easy to use system for presenting online information to Java application users. The JavaHelp system consists of a fully featured, extensible specification and API, and a reference implementation of that specification and API that is written entirely in the Java programming language. The JavaHelp system reference implementation, based on the Java Foundation Classes (JFC, also known as Swing), provides a standard interface that enables both application developers and authors to add online help to their applications. Package: javahelp2-doc Description-md5: fed43edd73cbc3518a2039585e223879 Description-sl: Java based help system - contains Javadoc API documentation The JavaHelp system is an online help system that developers can use to add online help to their Java platform applications. The JavaHelp system provides developers and authors with a standard, fully featured, easy to use system for presenting online information to Java application users. The JavaHelp system consists of a fully featured, extensible specification and API, and a reference implementation of that specification and API that is written entirely in the Java programming language. The JavaHelp system reference implementation, based on the Java Foundation Classes (JFC, also known as Swing), provides a standard interface that enables both application developers and authors to add online help to their applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: jaxe Description-md5: 0057381fc7ed766937803877ac69326b Description-sl: Urejevalnik Xml JAva Jaxe is an XML editor adaptable to XML languages. It uses an XML schema and a configuration file for the graphical user interface. Package: jbig2dec Description-md5: 3f407d6a3769e336b9fafc4952334207 Description-sl: Knjižnica odkodirnika JBIG2 - orodja jbig2dec is a decoder library and example utility implementing the JBIG2 bi-level image compression spec. Also known as ITU T.88 and ISO IEC 14492, and included by reference in Adobe's PDF version 1.4 and later. . This package contains the command-line utility jbig2dec. Package: jblas Description-md5: 5eedbfbaf0318107a1698b2f21613046 Description-sl: fast linear algebra library for Java jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is essentially a light-weight wrapper around BLAS and LAPACK routines, the de-facto industry standard for matrix computations. It uses state-of-the-art implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making it very fast. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke in primere. Package: jclic Description-md5: 996d378885b06305e751db0071de2f78 Description-sl: Orodje za razvoj in uporabo predstavnostnih izobraževalnih dejavnosti JClic sestavlja zbirka računalniških programov, ki se uporabljajo za izvajanje različnih vrst izobraževalnih dejavnosti: ugank, povezav, besedilnih vaj, križank ... . Dejavnosti se običajno ne uporabljajo posamezno ampak so pakirane v paketih. Projekt je oblikovan z zbirko dejavnosti in enim ali več zaporedji, ki nakazujejo vrstni red v katerem morajo biti prikazane. . Skupnost ( je razvila spletišče z več kot 1000 razpoložljivimi dejavnostmi v več jezikih. . Ta paket vsebuje JClic-author za ustvarjanje in spreminjanje projektov dejavnosti, samostojni predvajalnik JClic za predvajanje dejavnosti in poročila JClic, ki omogočajo upravljanje podatkovne zbirke za sledenje dela in rezultatov študentov. Package: jdim Description-md5: e8acc73d930875db33767a62011b3d45 Description-sl: preprost brskalnik po spletnih forumih "2ch-style" JDim (JD improved) offers a comfortable browsing experience on 2ch-style bulletin board systems. Its features include: . - samodejna prijava, - ogled/objavljanje sporočil, - ogled slik, - kretnje z miško, - prezri sezname, - način "igraj-z-igranjem". . Lahko tudi občutno zmanjša obremenitev strežnikov z obhodom programov CGI in neposredno pridobivanje datotek podatkov niti na vaših krajevnih trdih diskih. . "2ch-style" web forum sites have their origins in 2channel, which was a very popular Internet forum in Japan. Such sites are often available only in the Japanese language. Package: jedit Description-md5: eb137161fe733c50e24507a41acb14ce Description-sl: Plugin-based editor for programmers Kot eden od najbolj z zmožnostmi bogat urejevalnik ima jEdit podporo za poudarjanje skladnje v več kot 140 jezikih. jEdit združuje moč Emacs, prijaznost do uporabnika Kate in napredne zmožnosti urejanja (kot je navpično lepljenje) programa Ultraedit in vam nudi na vstavkih osnovan odprtokodni programerski urejevalnik profesionalne kakovosti. . V BeanShell ali Jython ali drugih jezikih, ki se prilegajo v BSF, lahko določite zapletene makre. jEdit ponuja zmogljiv in uporabniku prijazen sistem preslikovanja tipkovnice (vključno z bližnjicami dveh udarcev), kar jEdit omogoča nastavitev Emacsu podobnega videza, če to želite. . Njegovo zmožnost lahko enostavno razširite z 'vstavki', ki jih lahko prejmete, posodobite in namestite brez končanja urejevalnika. Ti vključujejo vključitev v lupino konzole, ki vam v urejevalniku omogoča izvajanje vzajemnih zunanjih ukazov kot tudi njihov priklic s tipkovnimi bližnjicami. Vstavek FTP vam omogoča brskanje in urejanje datotek na oddaljenih sistemih preko FTP ali SFTP. Drugi vstavki zagotavljajo lupine, predmetno usmerjene brskalnike strukture/kode ali pojavna okna dokončanja za Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog in veliko drugih jezikov. Package: jel-java-doc Description-md5: 5c57c9ac46b6724bc4b93554c6ec99f8 Description-sl: Java Expressions Library (documentation) The JEL library enables users to enter algebraic expressions into their program. Since JEL converts expressions directly into Java bytecode, it significantly speeds up their evaluation time. If the user's Java virtual machine has a JIT compiler, expressions are transparently compiled into native machine code. . JEL may be a very useful tool for a variety of applications in science involving user-defined functions, e.g. to create plots, to apply fits to a data set and to solve integrals or differential equations. Another relevant use case for JEL is given by algebraic operations between two or more columns of a database table. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: jemboss Description-md5: 4a8fbae4884c8d88f110332b42c9fc21 Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za EMBOSS EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages. . Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution. Package: jenkins-job-builder-doc Description-md5: 4c3b080fcba3d0cd837f32435a4d679e Description-sl: Configure Jenkins using YAML files - doc Jenkins Job Builder takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML format and uses them to configure Jenkins. You can keep your job descriptions in human readable text format in a version control system to make changes and auditing easier. It also has a flexible template system, so creating many similarly configured jobs is easy. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: jester Description-md5: 5735fdcacc6086eb1786df33c8573259 Description-sl: Namizna igra podobna igri Othello Simple two-player turn-based strategy game played on an 8x8 grid. Convert the opponent's pieces to your color by bracketing them between your pieces. The game can be played head-to-head on a single screen or by a single player against the computer. Jester allows you to waste valuable time that could otherwise be spent playing Solitaire. Package: jftp Description-md5: 3046c53d919f2fee80a417b9f41234f9 Description-sl: Odjemalec Java z grafičnim vmesnikom za FTP, SMB, SFTP in NFS JFtp je grafični Java odjemalec omrežja in prenosa datotek. Podpira FTP z uporabo lastnega API FTP in različnih drugih protokolov kot so SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP in V/I datotek z uporabo API-jev tretjih oseb. Vključuje veliko naprednih zmožnosti kot so rekurziven prejem/pošiljanje, brskanje po strežnikih FTP med prenašanjem datotek, nadaljevanje in čakalna vrsta prenosov FTP, brskanje po LANu za souporabe Windows in več. Hkrati lahko odprete več povezav v okolju brskanja z zavihku v slogu Mozilla. Package: jigzo Description-md5: c057f12dcc6dc1228328e6c18b252cd7 Description-sl: Igra sestavljanja fotografij za otroke jigzo (včasih glpuzzle) je igra sestavljanke. Izbirajte med 12 sestavljankami z naraščajočo težavnostjo. Težavnost obsega sestavljanke iz od 4 do 25 koščkov. Ta igra zahteva strojno pospeševanje OpenGL. Package: jigzo-data Description-md5: 7628d1a59d124a1a30e8b1276e201abd Description-sl: Podatki za igro sestavljanja fotografij za otroke jigzo (včasih glpuzzle) je igra sestavljanke. Izbirajte med 12 sestavljankami z naraščajočo težavnostjo. Težavnost obsega sestavljanke iz od 4 do 25 koščkov. Ta igra zahteva strojno pospeševanje OpenGL. . This package includes the data of the game: images, sound, icon, font. Package: jing Description-md5: 49d64a643e56523d023f37cd86e2fc8f Description-sl: Program za potrjevanje veljavnosti RELAX NG This provides a validator for - RELAX NG 1.0 Specification, - RELAX NG Compact Syntax, and - parts of RELAX NG DTD Compatibility, specifically checking of ID/IDREF/IDREFS. Package: jmagick6-docs Description-md5: fc6321b529f5789a661cfcd30b71b433 Description-sl: Java interface to ImageMagick (documentation) JMagick is an open source Java interface of ImageMagick. It is implemented in the form of Java Native Interface (JNI) into the ImageMagick API. . JMagick does not attempt to make the ImageMagick API object-oriented. It is merely a thin interface layer into the ImageMagick API. . JMagick currently only implements a subset of ImageMagick APIs. Should you require unimplemented features in JMagick, please join the mailing list and make a request. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo, ki jo je ustvaril javadoc. Package: jmeter Description-md5: a28a94459bd61f4922252964bb5fa181 Description-sl: Load testing and performance measurement application (main application) Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: jmeter-apidoc Description-md5: 1980c4b6b4e14c7bdff962b8526f8dd4 Description-sl: Load testing and performance measurement application (API doc) Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: jmeter-help Description-md5: 13e3f02b85938a98c1d909170eebf078 Description-sl: Load testing and performance measurement application (user manual) Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. . Ta paket vsebuje uporabniški priročnik. Package: jnoise Description-md5: 6695ebe814cc195ce310c387cc316832 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik belega in roza šuma Jnoise is a small command line JACK app generating both white and pink noise. Both noise sources produce have a Gaussion amplitude distribution, and output a signal at -20dB RMS ref. a full scale sine wave. Package: jodconverter Description-md5: ca6e8e30ba95fd570eb3d43d5bb9cb68 Description-sl: Pretvornik zapisov Office JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter, leverages to provide import/export filters for various office formats including OpenDocument and Microsoft Office. . This package provides a command-line frontend. Package: josm Description-md5: 7c2d5699cf47ae5a42ad756761e58a66 Description-sl: Urejevalnik za OpenStreetMap. JOSM je urejevalnik za OpenStreetMap (OSM), ki je napisan v Javi. Trenutna različica podpira samostojne sledi GPX, podatke sledi GPX iz podatkovne zbirke OSM in obstoječa vozlišča, segmente črt in oznake metapodatkov iz podatkovne zbirke OSM. . OpenStreetMap je projekt, ki ustvarja in zagotavlja proste geografske podatke kot so zemljevidi vsem, ki jih želijo uporabiti. Projekt se je začel, ker ima večina brezplačnih zemljevidov pravne ali tehnične omejitve uporabe, kar ljudi zadržuje pri njihovi uporabi na ustvarjalne, produktivne ali nepričakovane načine. Package: josm-l10n Description-md5: 3b97360947cda4870fb838ff64d1064d Description-sl: Editor for OpenStreetMap - translation files JOSM je urejevalnik za OpenStreetMap (OSM), ki je napisan v Javi. Trenutna različica podpira samostojne sledi GPX, podatke sledi GPX iz podatkovne zbirke OSM in obstoječa vozlišča, segmente črt in oznake metapodatkov iz podatkovne zbirke OSM. . OpenStreetMap je projekt, ki ustvarja in zagotavlja proste geografske podatke kot so zemljevidi vsem, ki jih želijo uporabiti. Projekt se je začel, ker ima večina brezplačnih zemljevidov pravne ali tehnične omejitve uporabe, kar ljudi zadržuje pri njihovi uporabi na ustvarjalne, produktivne ali nepričakovane načine. . This package contains the translation files for JOSM. Package: jparse Description-md5: cd187894cc8cdd6cafac7b4964183487 Description-sl: Pripomoček razčlenjevalnika JSON Jparse is a small utility based on jaula library that checks JSON formatted files, detects errors and sends a "compacted to a single line" form of the file contents on standard output. Package: jpegoptim Description-md5: 700963fe7d553b18b87898b31acad40e Description-sl: Pripomoček za optimiziranje datotek jpeg Jpegoptim can optimize/compress jpeg files. Program support lossless optimization, which is based on optimizing the Huffman tables. So called, "lossy" optimization (compression) is done by re-encoding the image using user specified image quality factor. Package: jpnevulator Description-md5: 8515de14e743103faf78dd74f0a47fa2 Description-sl: Zaporedni program za vohljanje jpnevulator is a handy serial sniffer. You can use it to send data on a serial device too. You can read or write from/to one or more serial devices at the same time. . In write mode data to be sent on the serial device(s) is read from a file or stdin in hexadecimal notation. Data is sent on the serial device(s) line by line. . In read mode data to be read from the serial device(s) is written to a file or stdout in hexadecimal notation. It's even possible to pass the data in between the serial device(s). Several options enhance the way the data is displayed. Package: js-of-ocaml Description-md5: ddf90060f879f27f21c8bfc040ae0c08 Description-sl: OCaml bytecode to JavaScript compiler (compiler) Js_of_ocaml is a compiler of OCaml bytecode to JavaScript. It makes it possible to run OCaml programs in a web browser. Its key features are the following: * the whole language, and most of the standard library are supported; * the generated code can be used with any web server and browser; * you can use a standard installation of OCaml to compile your programs. In particular, you do not have to recompile a library to use it with Js_of_ocaml. You just have to link your program with a specific library to interface with the browser APIs. . Ta paket vsebuje kodni prevajalnik. Package: jsmath-fonts Description-md5: 301406e5dc5cc4fb9211387e34b0bd5e Description-sl: Rastrske pisave za jsMath Rasterized fonts saved in image files to enable viewing of jsMath pages by a web-browser which is missing access to TeX fonts. Package: jstest-gtk Description-md5: 82e50f1c5656dce61e42effc775dcfd3 Description-sl: Orodje za preizkušanje in nastavitev igralnih palic jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device. . Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games. . Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings and have the automatically restored. Package: jsxgraph Description-md5: a693140ebc3b1d7e4c1bce7475b04007 Description-sl: Vzajemna geometrija z JavaScript JSXGraph is a cross-browser library to display interactive geometry in a web browser. It is implemented in JavaScript and uses SVG and VML. At the moment the following browsers are supported: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer. . There are still some issues with JSXGraph in the Internet Explorer, so using Firefox, Opera, Safari or Chrome is recommended. . JSXGraph is easy to embed and has a small footprint: only 50 kB if embedded in a web page. No plugins are required! Package: junior-art Description-md5: fcea4cbab3d9e0ed4c44f3b59cbd9329 Description-sl: Debian Jr. umetnost Tools for children to produce artwork. The simplest of these is tuxpaint, which is designed for small children. It features sounds and easy to use controls. For older children, there are gimp and xpaint. While gimp is more complex, and is aimed at the graphic artist, it is not necessarily much harder to use than the older, less full-featured xpaint. Children starting out with just a small subset of the functions of these tools eventually pick up quite a number of new things as they explore, either with adults or other children with whom they share their computers, or on their own. Package: junior-doc Description-md5: de96eeb7b0595a4f16045b3dc97b4b25 Description-sl: Debian Jr. dokumentacija Includes, for the moment, just the "Quick Guide" which helps a new user of Debian Jr. get started. The intention of the Debian Jr. working group is to provide a variety of additional documents to help children and sys admins alike with the installation, configuration, and use of a Debian Jr. system. Package: junior-programming Description-md5: b69ef4b2f09e3fe736c509d33c95eb4c Description-sl: Debian Jr. programiranje The emphasis for this sampling of programming packages for children is first on simple interpreted languages. Also important for using languages with children are good documentation, and some ability to produce visual programs without too much effort. It is by no means a complete list, and you are encouraged to explore other languages with children as well; even those that are not specifically aimed for children. . The Logo language is specifically designed for children, with a strong emphasis on the visual and concrete. Littlewizard is an icon-based graphical programming language also designed for children. . Scratch is an easy, interactive, collaborative, visual programming language with children from ages 8 and up as their target group. . Arduino is a popular micro controller that is widely used by both people learning electronics and programming as well as seasoned veterans doing complex projects. It is necessary to connect a physical Arduino circuit board in order to experiment with arduino. Package: junior-sound Description-md5: 0892e7f1f118c203f6decb30ed364832 Description-sl: Debian Jr. zvok This metapackage will install a sampling of sound packages for a system that is used by children. While not all of these will be things that children will use directly, a child's system administrator can make use of them to ensure that the child gets the most out of their system. Package: junior-typing Description-md5: 20c21926666be8c9f4ad053277c6dfe8 Description-sl: Debian Jr. tipkanje This metapackage will install typing tutors and typing games for various skill levels. This collection of packages was assembled in the hope that children become comfortable with the keyboard quickly while having fun learning it. Package: junior-writing Description-md5: 470f9ccf87cd8da167bdafdb6b1bf21c Description-sl: Debian Jr. pisanje This metapackage will install tools for your budding young writer. It includes a text editor, spell-checker, dictionary client, word processor, and educational writing software. Package: jupyter-qtconsole Description-md5: 23f416a037c1d2a42549b2ca5ce449a2 Description-sl: Jupyter - Qt console (binaries) IPython lahko uporabite kot zamenjavo za običajno lupino Python ali pa jo uporabite kot celovito delovno okolje za znanstvene izračune (kot je Matlab ali Methematica), če ga uporabite skupaj z običajnimi znanstvenimi in numeričnimi orodji Python. Podpira dinamično samoopazovanje predmetov, številčene pozive vhoda/izhoda, sistem makrov, beleženje seje, obnovitev seje, popoln dostop do sistemske lupine, izčrpna in obarvana povratna poročila, samodejne oklepaje, samodejno citiranje in ga je mogoče vstaviti v druge programe Python. . This package contains the qtconsole binaries for the Python 3 interpreter. Package: jxplorer Description-md5: e34607c497252881e3d3fce73025b577 Description-sl: Brskalnik Java LDAP JXplorer is an open source LDAP browser originally developed by Computer Associates' eTrust Directory development lab. It is a standards compliant general purpose LDAP browser that can be used to read and search any LDAP directory, or any X500 directory with an LDAP interface. JXplorer is a fully functional piece of software with advanced security integration and support for the more difficult and obscure parts of the LDAP protocol. It should run on any Java supporting operating system. Main features are: . * Standard LDAP operations: add/delete/copy/modify * Complex operations: tree copy and tree delete * Optional GUI based search filter construction * SSL and SASL authentication * pluggable editors/viewers * pluggable security providers * HTML templates/forms for data display * Full i18n support * LDIF file format support * highly user configurable * drag-n-drop browsing operation * DSML Support * handles complex LDAP cases: o multi valued rdns o binary attributes o Certificates and Passwords o Unicode characters o Special characters / UTF8 in distinguished names. * Extensible architecture with object class based Java plugins Package: k3b Description-md5: 85a2ae552f4eb3a4b28b33d4b2ba0363 Description-sl: Izpopolnjen program zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev K3b is a full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and ripping application. It supports a variety of project types as well as copying of optical media, burning of different types of images, and ripping Audio CDs, Video CDs, and Video DVDs. Its convenient user interface is targeted at all audiences, trying to be as simple as possible for novice users, while also providing all features an advanced user might need. Package: k3b-data Description-md5: a2459f96b8b6a7609c11713d34f611c3 Description-sl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - data files K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . This package contains the required data files common to all architectures. Package: k3b-extrathemes Description-md5: bb2e32a30a950937f14827efcaec94e4 Description-sl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - extra themes K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . This package contains additional themes for K3b. Package: k3b-i18n Description-md5: 5fb8fb0100bddccb8852d63a9309b9f4 Description-sl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - localizations files K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . This package contains translations files. Package: kaddressbook Description-md5: a027434345fd18da3907205ef09d8342 Description-sl: imenik in upravljalnik podatkov stikov KAddressBook enables you to manage your contacts efficiently and comfortably. Package: kaffeine Description-md5: 6d48b7714395644c82ea63fa5e6d8ba3 Description-sl: raznolik predvajalnik predstavnosti za KDE Kaffeine is a media player for KDE based on VLC, which gives it a wide variety of supported media types and lets Kaffeine access CDs, DVDs, and network streams easily. Kaffeine also has an excellent support of digital TV (DVB). . Kaffeine lahko hkrati sledi več seznamom predvajanja in podpira samodejno nalaganje datotek podnapisov, ki so uporabni med predvajanjem videa. Package: kajongg Description-md5: fb414308a1b578b0a589e7e8fce92f1d Description-sl: classical Mah Jongg game This is the classical Mah Jongg for four players. If you are looking for the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application kmahjongg. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kakasi-dic Description-md5: 39c593281d87a9969b4c28abb3c674fc Description-sl: Datoteke slovarja KAKASI This package provides KAKASI dictionary files. You have to install this package if you use KAKASI. . KAKASI is the language processing filter to convert Kanji characters to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji(1) and may be helpful to read Japanese documents. . (1) "Romaji" is alphabetical description of Japanese pronunciation. Package: kalgebra Description-md5: 3839e1dbb198fa22a1952a06364f0c27 Description-sl: algebraic graphing calculator KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kalgebra-common Description-md5: 05e8b587fee89b27c5fbe3cf789c85c8 Description-sl: contains files common for kalgebra and kalgebramobile KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language and it contains files needed for both full and mobile versions. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kalgebramobile Description-md5: b8e44274db8c55312477e9004b0a4adf Description-sl: algebraic graphing calculator for small touch based interfaces KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language. This is the version for small touch based interfaces . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kalzium Description-md5: 67d773ea4e03fd7ca0c86204051e26c8 Description-sl: periodic table and chemistry tools Kalzium is a full-featured chemistry application, including a Periodic Table of Elements, chemical reference, chemical equation solver, and 3D molecule viewer. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kalzium-data Description-md5: 9c6c7933ca013eda471dbd3ad78d1d8e Description-sl: data files for Kalzium This package contains architecture-independent data files for Kalzium, the KDE periodic table application. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kamera Description-md5: 65aef3b5650e85639fcaecf31cf6c5ea Description-sl: digital camera support for KDE applications This package allows any KDE application to access and manipulate pictures on a digital camera. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: kamoso Description-md5: 8211867cb78e15e620c3f85f8cd648a3 Description-sl: orodje za zajem slike in videa iz vaše spletne kamere Kamoso je pripomoček, ki omogoča enostavna dejanja, ki jih zagotavlja spletna kamera, kot so na primer zajemanje slik ali snemanje videov in doda nekaj dodatnih zmožnosti, ki naredijo uporabo spletne kamere zabavnejšo in bolj uporabno. Package: kanatest Description-md5: 90dd301944ca61724ee08868ad2809ed Description-sl: Igra za učenje japonskih znakov kana Kanatest je enostavna igra učenja znakov hiragana in katakana. Preveri vaše znanje japonskih znakov kana. . Obstajajo trije načini vrtanja: način hiragana (le nabor znakov hiragana), način katakana (le nabor znakov katakana) in mešani način (oba nabora znakov). Program pokaža naključne znaka kana in počaka dokler ne vnesete enakovrednega znaka romaji. Na koncu dobite statistiko vaših vnosov. Package: kannel-dev Description-md5: 80d2d2d75a6f6dd8bdd104933ae92bee Description-sl: WAP and SMS gateway headers and development files Kannel is a gateway for connecting WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) phones to the Internet. It also works as an SMS/SMPP gateway, for providing SMS based services for GSM phones. . Glave in razvojne datoteke. Package: kannel-docs Description-md5: 6c82467e80c710c527d27a8304832c92 Description-sl: WAP and SMS gateway documentation Kannel is a gateway for connecting WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) phones to the Internet. It also works as an SMS/SMPP gateway, for providing SMS based services for GSM phones. . Dokumentacija v obliki html, rtf in pdf. Package: kanyremote Description-md5: 045cfff03f8c04739a66d5ab5681b8ab Description-sl: Začelje KDE za anyRemote kAnyRemote package is KDE GUI frontend for anyRemote. ( The overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection. Package: kapman Description-md5: 1d94f103a6072e04515d6984872e0b4b Description-sl: Pac-Man clone Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you, but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an energizer. You win points when eating pills, energizers, and bonus, and you win one life for each 10,000 points. When you have eaten all the pills and energizers of a level, you go to the next level, and the player and ghost speeds increase. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kasumi Description-md5: 5060871e133ec0c17bd629aaced6160c Description-sl: Preprost pripomoček slovarja za Anthy Kasumi je orodje upravljanja osebnega slovarja za Anthy. Anthy je japonski vnosni način za pretvorbo besedila Hiragana v mešano besedilo Kana Kanji. . Omogoča dodajanje, urejanje, izbris, iskanje besed ... Package: kate Description-md5: ab2572368eb6cf239ac558f6cd35a97c Description-sl: powerful text editor Kate je zmogljiv urejevalnik besedila, ki lahko odpre več datotek sočasno. . Z vgrajenim terminalom, poudarjanjem skladnje in stransko vrstico z zavihki se obnaša kot lahko, toda zmogljivo razvojno okolje. Orodja, vstavki in skripti naredijo Kate visoko prilagodljiv. . Zmožnosti Kate vključujejo: . * Več shranjenih sej, vsaka z več datotekami * Skriptljivo poudarjanje skladnje, zamik in prepogib kode * Nastavljive predloge in izrezki besedila * Pregledovalniki simbolov za C, C++ in Python * Dokončanje in preverjanje XML Package: katomic Description-md5: c9c644628319d8086ad12b5fc03eb370 Description-sl: atomix puzzle game KAtomic is a puzzle game in which the player slides atoms around the board to assemble a molecule. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kbackup Description-md5: 52ecfbcb8cb06bfd16da7fce2d580b3a Description-sl: Program varnostnih kopij, ki je enostaven za uporabo Kbackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files. It uses an easy to use directory tree to select the things to back up and lets you save your settings in "profile" files. These are simple textfiles containing definitions for directories and files to be included or excluded from the backup process. Package: kball-data Description-md5: 104f288a0598552ec5eef7a900cab9fe Description-sl: game of skill and reflexes for all the family - data files A game of skill and reflexes, non violent, suitable for all ages. The idea is to move the ball around the map, without falling, without running out of time, and getting the prizes, in order to reach the exit. The main feature of the game is the built-in map editor, so anybody can make their own maps. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke igre. Package: kbibtex Description-md5: ef34b0b7e75860df9deab7756f162d34 Description-sl: Urejevalnik BibTeX za KDE An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program, but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile). . KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files. . BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles. Package: kblackbox Description-md5: 4de8b1d57649213f0f71702357fab729 Description-sl: Black Box puzzle game KBlackBox is a game of hide and seek played on an grid of boxes, where the player shoots rays into the grid to deduce the positions of hidden objects. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kblocks Description-md5: 9e688237d7d76557776ea028205cfa20 Description-sl: falling blocks game KBlocks is a single player falling blocks puzzle game, a Tetris-like replacement for KSirtet. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kbounce Description-md5: df0e749a9563ae02a5eed508f8558420 Description-sl: Jezzball arcade game KBounce is a game where the player builds walls to confine a number of bouncing balls. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kbreakout Description-md5: 0981e70bbeb150eac27aeb06843f7278 Description-sl: ball and paddle game kbreakout is a game similar to the classics breakout and xboing, featuring a number of added graphical enhancements and effects. You control a paddle at the bottom of the playing-field, and must destroy bricks at the top by bouncing balls against them. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kbruch Description-md5: 2b96a4ef0de8a316ebf8e0a2bb1fc180 Description-sl: fraction learning aid for KDE KBruch is an aid for learning how to calculate with fractions. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kcachegrind-converters Description-md5: 9c89d8d0b71041fb64d59306deca9806 Description-sl: format converters for KCachegrind profiler visualisation tool This is a collection of scripts for converting the output from several different profiling tools into a format that KCachegrind can display. . KCachegrind is a visualisation tool for the profiling data generated by calltree, a memory profiling tool for valgrind. Executables can be profiled using calltree without being recompiled, including multi-threaded applications, shared libraries, and plugin architectures. . Vključeni skripti so: . * dprof2calltree: converts the tmon.out output of Perl's Devel::DProf package * memprof2calltree: converts the memory profiles of memprof * op2calltree: converts the OProfile's output of "opreport -gdf" (v 0.8) * pprof2calltree: converts the pprof output from APD . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: kcalc Description-md5: e82ed4e5e66f53562d4e898716e5e775 Description-sl: enostavno in znanstveno računalo KCalc je znanstveno računalo. . KCalc zagotavlja: * Trigonometrijske funkcije, logične operacije in statistične izračune * Izračune v desetiških, šestnajstiških, osmiških in binarnih sistemih * Spominske funkcije za shranjevanje rezultatov * Izčrpna zbirka matematičnih konstant . This package is part of the KDE Utilities module. Package: kcc Description-md5: cbda8bb3576d4163be6acb3423cb435c Description-sl: Filter kode Kanji kcc can converts various Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP, 7bitJIS, 8bitJIS and ShiftJIS with Half-width Kana supports. kcc can detect these encoding automatically as much as possible. Package: kchmviewer Description-md5: 7ca16d9580fc5de3f84374e0e3bb798a Description-sl: Pregledovalnik CHM za KDE KchmViewer je pregledovalnik chm (datotek pomoči MS HTML), ki ja napisan v C++. Za razliko od večine pregledovalnikov CHM za Unix uporablja knjižnico gradnikov Trolltech Qt in ni odvisen od KDE ali GNOME. Lahko pa ga kodno prevedete s polno podporo KDE, vključno z gradniki KDE in KIO/KHTML. . Glavna prednost KchmViewer je podpora za ne-angleške jezike. Za razliko od drugih programov KchmViewer v večini primerov pravilno zazna kodiranje datotek, pravilno prikaže preglednice vsebine v datotekah pomoči v ruščini, korejščini, kitajščini, in japonščini in pravilno išče v ne- angleških datotekah pomoči (iščite jezike MBCS - ja/ko/ch je še vedno v teku). . Popolnoma varno in brez škode. Ne podpira JavaScript in vas izbirno obvesti pred odpiranjem zunanjem spletne strani ali odprtjem druge datoteke pomoči. Pokaže primerno sliko za vsak vnos TOC. . KchmViewer ima popolno podporo za kazala chm, vključno z več vnosi kazala, navzkrižnimi povezavami in nadrejenimi/podrejenimi vnosi v kazalu kot tudi podpora za stalne zaznamke. Pravilno zazna in pokaže kodiranja katerekoli veljavne datoteke chm. Package: kcolorchooser Description-md5: ca21cbab5c251321a8a39106095f6d32 Description-sl: color chooser and palette editor KColorChooser is a color palette tool, used to mix colors and create custom color palettes. Using the dropper, it can obtain the color of any pixel on the screen. . A number of common color palettes are included, such as the standard Web colors and the Oxygen color scheme. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: kde-baseapps Description-md5: 77088f0da9466f1f5b26057c5e994301 Description-sl: base applications from the official KDE release (metapackage) KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This package provides core applications for the desktop. Package: kde-config-cddb Description-md5: 57d2710bd3d8b5f8ee4800c30aa6a38e Description-sl: CDDB pridobivanje nastavitev This package contains a configuration module for tweaking CDDB retrieval settings for applications using the libkcddb library from the KDE Multimedia Platform. . This package is part of the KDE multimedia module. Package: kde-zeroconf Description-md5: b20dc98160f5661050652e288f0963a5 Description-sl: vstavki zeroconf in podrejeni kio za KDE Zeroconf je podpora povezave-krajevnih naslovov IPv4 (RFC3927), ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za omrežja ad-hoc. Naslovi so iz obsega dodeljeni deloma naključno. . Ključne besede: avahi, dnssd. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: kdeaccessibility Description-md5: edcc8474c7d4fe0ea99ceb99a05a6589 Description-sl: paketi dostopnosti iz uradne izdaje KDE KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . Ta metapaket vključuje zbirko programov, ki naredijo KDE dostopnejši in so del uradne izdaje KDE. Package: kdeadmin Description-md5: bdaa2e3ac823ec2a9fdd8f424e8bdc4a Description-sl: sistemska skrbniška orodja iz uradne izdaje KDE KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . Ta metapekt vključuje zbirko orodij sistemskih skrbnikov, ki so del uradne izdaje KDE. Package: kdeedu Description-md5: 0a3dd841e273bd2df44bda7e90f9fc48 Description-sl: educational applications from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes educational applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdeedu-data Description-md5: 35ae641c83860283ba500339fa4e167c Description-sl: data files for KDE education applications This package contains the architecture-independent data files for the KDE education applications. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kdeedu-kvtml-data Description-md5: b346231aeecb8f226137f916998bd3f9 Description-sl: KVTML files for KDE-Edu programs This package contains KVTML files for several KDE-Edu applications, such as KAnagram, KHangman, and KWordQuiz. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kdegames Description-md5: d6e0536ebe2fb4dbb9d323c69fb612d5 Description-sl: games from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes a collection of games provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdegames-card-data-kf5 Description-md5: 65704adac43b29d2c0e233997b68e54e Description-sl: card decks for KDE games This package contains a collection of playing card themes for KDE card games. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5 Description-md5: 24263f9fa6d3bd8da727df261f92612f Description-sl: tilesets and backgrounds for Mahjongg games This package contains a collection of tilesets and backgrounds for KMahjongg, KShisen and Kajongg. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kdegraphics Description-md5: 9a5e4b229bb37cb0bffc0a8c4a5291f2 Description-sl: graphics applications from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes graphics applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdegraphics-thumbnailers Description-md5: fecacf09cc1907dac81fafb8d7987281 Description-sl: graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE SC These plugins allow KDE software to create thumbnails for several advanced graphic file formats (PS, RAW). . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: kdemultimedia Description-md5: 1b6f5f82798d47eb5566bec679de6584 Description-sl: multimedia applications from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes multimedia applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdenetwork Description-md5: 5135673c1119282eed011aa33a80313c Description-sl: networking applications from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes networking applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdenetwork-filesharing Description-md5: bf43bae244c8c6dc943545b5ac9bedbc Description-sl: network filesharing configuration module This package provides a way to configure network file-sharing using Samba in the properties dialogue of the file manager. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: kdenlive Description-md5: 4e8f8c02918f6de02fc8e354d08ec99c Description-sl: Nelinearen urejevalnik videa Kdenlive is a non-linear video editing suite, which supports DV, HDV and many more formats. Its main features are: * Guides and marker for organizing timelines * Copy and paste support for clips, effects and transitions * Real time changes * FireWire and Video4Linux capture * Screen grabbing * Exporting to any by FFMPEG supported format Package: kdenlive-data Description-md5: 953e2976abe5604e76e1f57a4433ea09 Description-sl: Nelinearen urejevalnik videa (podatkovne datoteke) Kdenlive is a non-linear video editing suite, which supports DV, HDV and many more formats. Its main features are: * Guides and marker for organizing timelines * Copy and paste support for clips, effects and transitions * Real time changes * FireWire and Video4Linux capture * Screen grabbing * Exporting to any by FFMPEG supported format . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za kdenlive. Package: kdepim Description-md5: 13df2537eaec012b9e735cdc8dac9d49 Description-sl: Personal Information Management apps from the official KDE release KDE (K namizno okolje) je zmogljivo odprtokodno grafično namizno okolje za delovne postaje Unix. Združuje enostavnost uporabe, sodobne zmožnosti in izstopajočo grafično zasnovo s tehnološko premočjo operacijskega sistema Unix. . This metapackage includes a collection of Personal Information Management (PIM) desktop applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdepim-addons Description-md5: d8f289f91688d93a9ada54d9d00a30ef Description-sl: Addons for KDE PIM applications KDE (K namizno okolje) je zmogljivo odprtokodno grafično namizno okolje za delovne postaje Unix. Združuje enostavnost uporabe, sodobne zmožnosti in izstopajočo grafično zasnovo s tehnološko premočjo operacijskega sistema Unix. . This package includes a collection of extensions for the Personal Information Management (PIM) desktop applications provided with the official release of KDE Applications. Package: kdepim-runtime Description-md5: 0967d17f860788c8f2abc91821679d4e Description-sl: sestavni deli izvajanja za Akonadi KDE Ta paket vsebuje agente Akonadi, ki so zapisani z razvojnimi knjižnicami okolja KDE. Vsak paket, ki uporablja Akonadi, bo verjetno ta paket uporabil ta paket. Del tega paketa je tudi kres-bridges. . Ta paket je del modula kdepim-runtime. Package: kdesdk Description-md5: 3458551795d538676d8830a27e2d2a88 Description-sl: Software Development Kit from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes software development applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdesvn Description-md5: 2c4facb6f4862fcd6965cd90eb0310f1 Description-sl: Odjemalec Subversion s trdno vključitvijo KDE KDESvn je grafični odjemalec za sistem za nadzor različic Subversion (svn). . Besides offering common and advanced svn operations, it features a tight integration into KDE and can be embedded into other KDE applications like Konqueror via the KDE component technology KParts. Package: kdesvn-kio-plugins Description-md5: 0b0f5984c4d55a712f2a468c26202545 Description-sl: Podrejeni V/I Subversion za KDE This package includes KIO slaves for svn, svn+file, svn+http, svn+https, svn+ssh. This allows you to access Subversion repositories inside any KIO enabled KDE application. . Ta paket je del kdesvn. Package: kdetoys Description-md5: 7e25576d594c58c06b2c27bbad9f4647 Description-sl: desktop toys from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . This metapackage includes desktop toys provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdeutils Description-md5: 5c28b07fababef5585d7bd444bbdaaea Description-sl: general-purpose utilities from the official KDE release KDE proizvaja mednarodna tehnološka ekipa, ki ustvarja proste in odprtokodne programe za namizno pin prenosno računalništvo. Med KDE-jevimi proizvodi so sodobno namizno okolje za okolja Linux in UNIX, izčrpno zbirki za pisarniško in skupinsko delo in stotine programskih naslovov v veliko kategorijah, vključno z internetnimi in spletnimi programi, večpredstavnostjo, zabavo, izobrazbo, grafiko in razvojem programov. . Ta metapaket vključuje splošno namenske pripomočke, ki so del uradne izdaje KDE. Package: kdevelop-php Description-md5: d91180b50795db82f54deddad643d239 Description-sl: Vstavek PHP za KDevelop KDevelop is an easy to use integrated development environment for KDE. It supports a wide range of programming languages and features project management, an advanced editor, a class browser and an integrated debugger. . This package contains the PHP language support plugin. Package: kdiamond Description-md5: a7a7c9895d468dee49b6d55654cc85d7 Description-sl: three-in-a-row game KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game like Bejeweled. It features unlimited fun with randomly generated games and five difficulty levels with varying number of diamond colors and board sizes. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kdiff3 Description-md5: 0354c91a49f8aa55cacf41eda53c73a1 Description-sl: Primerja in združi 2 ali 3 datoteke ali mape KDiff3 compares two or three input files and shows the differences line by line and character by character. It provides an automatic merge facility and an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge conflicts. KDiff3 allows recursive directory comparison and merging as well. KDiff3 also has KIO support, so it can access to remote files and compressed archives. Package: kdiff3-doc Description-md5: 8fca8be6f5a1a035211ddd3a02146992 Description-sl: documentation for KDiff3 KDiff3 compares two or three input files and shows the differences line by line and character by character. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: keepass2 Description-md5: e0f163e68e620c6be9c7b15ffee31fe6 Description-sl: Upravljalnik gesel KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a key file. A database consists of only one file that can be transferred from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various file formats. The password list can be exported to various formats, including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files. Package: keepass2-doc Description-md5: 944f2f1d580a843a46c7b13e273c8aea Description-sl: Password manager - Documentation KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a key file. A database consists of only one file that can be transferred from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various file formats. The password list can be exported to various formats, including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: keepassxc-full Description-md5: d4ebdfc85a533dc513ff4ee182cc5206 Description-sl: Upravljalnik gesel, ki deluje na več sistemih KeePassXC is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the algorithms AES or Twofish. . In contrast to KeePassX (package keepassx), KeePassXC is actively developed and has more features, e.g., connectivity to a Web Browser plugin (package webext-keepassxc-browser). . This package includes all plugins, including networking, and various IPC like browser integration, ssh agent, secret storage. Use at your own risk. Package: keepassxc-minimal Description-md5: cc45983b70d0515a9287f8098694a4a6 Description-sl: Upravljalnik gesel, ki deluje na več sistemih KeePassXC is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the algorithms AES or Twofish. . In contrast to KeePassX (package keepassx), KeePassXC is actively developed and has more features, e.g., connectivity to a Web Browser plugin (package webext-keepassxc-browser). . This package includes only the bare minimal functionality, and no security complications like networking, SSH agent, browser plugin, fdo secret storage. See keepassxc-full if you absolutely need those. Package: kerneloops Description-md5: 0b84aab675babc14431af9c96039cf87 Description-sl: Sledilnik kernel oops kerneloops is a daemon that collects kernel crash information and then submits the extracted signature to the website for statistical analysis and presentation to the Linux kernel developers. Package: keychain Description-md5: aee669baa71e3017fbfdcaf59344fd72 Description-sl: Upravljalnik ključev za OpenSSH Keychain is an OpenSSH key manager, typically run from ~/.bash_profile. When keychain is run, it checks for a running ssh-agent, otherwise it starts one. It saves the ssh-agent environment variables to ~/.keychain/\$\{HOSTNAME\}-sh, so that subsequent logins and non- interactive shells such as cron jobs can source the file and make passwordless ssh connections. In addition, when keychain runs, it verifies that the key files specified on the command-line are known to ssh-agent, otherwise it loads them, prompting you for a password if necessary. Package: keynav Description-md5: beb54c4c3878297fd9f1f37a809e56f2 Description-sl: S tipkovnico voden program za premik miške Keynav makes your keyboard a fast mouse cursor mover. You can move the cursor to any point on the screen with a few key strokes. It also simulates mouse click. You can do everything mouse can do with a keyboard. Package: kfloppy Description-md5: 0e3cddb000fedbfb30c9e1d251e0346a Description-sl: floppy formatter Kfloppy is a utility for formatting floppy disks. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: kfourinline Description-md5: 04930c4bdd44e4bfc231be2688c1cb82 Description-sl: Connect Four game KFourInLine is a game where two players take turns dropping pieces into a grid, the winner being the first to place four pieces in a line. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kgb Description-md5: 8070e72fdbdb5d02d42bb71f9f5907ae Description-sl: Arhivirnik za datoteke .kgb This is an archiver (compressor/decompressor) for files in the KGB format, which provides high compression rates at the expense of memory and CPU time. . This package contains the KGB archiver based on the PAQ6 archiver by Matt Mahoney. Package: kgb-bot Description-md5: 241894f016c3ee07fd70908bf034b115 Description-sl: Bot sodelovanja IRC KGB is an IRC bot, helping people work together by notifying an IRC channel when a commit occurs. . It supports multiple repositories/IRC channels and is fully configurable. . This package contains the server-side daemon, kgb-bot, which is responsible for relaying commit notifications to IRC. Package: kgeography Description-md5: ab96915329fb5430070bb65ac11089d2 Description-sl: geography learning aid for KDE KGeography is an aid for learning about world geography. You can use it to explore a map, show information about regions and features, and play quiz games to test your geography knowledge. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kgeography-data Description-md5: a26284dc4f2086494f9ea360b04b5078 Description-sl: data files for KGeography This package contains architecture-independent data files for the KGeography geography learning tool, including maps, capitals, and flags. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kget Description-md5: 7738895dc8ec87ede010b479a0dda8c2 Description-sl: upravljalnik prejemov KGet je napreden upravljalnik prejemanj s podporo za Metalink in Bittorrent. Prejemi so dodani na seznam, kjer je mogoče narediti premor, jih dati v vrsto ali razporediti za kasneje. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: kgoldrunner Description-md5: 33626a4b0e5279fceb3606df145ea2da Description-sl: Lode Runner arcade game KGoldrunner is a fast-paced platform game where the player must navigate a maze while collecting gold nuggets and avoiding enemies. A variety of level packs are included, as well as an editor to create new levels. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: khangman Description-md5: 883df9cd292189211b45eea83e206893 Description-sl: Hangman word puzzle KHangMan is the well-known Hangman game, aimed towards children aged 6 and above. . It picks a random word which the player must reveal by guessing if it contains certain letters. As the player guesses letters, the word is gradually revealed, but 10 wrong guesses will end the game. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: khelpcenter-data Description-md5: 4eae322e199584695184c86e582b9faa Description-sl: search and read system documentation data KHelpCenter is an application to search and read documentation for applications, modules, libraries, and system utilities. . It collects documentation from various sources (KDE community, man pages, etc) and displays them in one window. . This package is part of the KDE System module. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: kicad Description-md5: 21f7e01a3ffe97be9bbafb9e920e7e78 Description-sl: Programska oprema za elektronsko načrtovanje in oblikovanje PCB Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev. . Kicad je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov: . * kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov za sestavne dele . Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami, kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele Package: kid3-qt Description-md5: ad28f81e673ec82808f9f6aab4511a48 Description-sl: Urejevalnik zvočnih oznak With Kid3, an audio tag editor you can: * Edit ID3v1.1 tags in your MP3 files * Edit all ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 frames in your MP3 files * Convert between ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags * Edit tags in MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, Opus, DSF, FLAC, MPC, APE, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV, AIFF files and tracker modules. * Edit tags of multiple files, e.g. the artist, album, year and genre of all files of an album typically have the same values and can be set together * Generate tags from filenames * Generate tags from the contents of tag fields * Generate filenames from tags * Generate playlist files * Automatic case conversion and string translation * Import and export album data * Import from, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon . This package does not use KDE libraries, if you use KDE you should use kid3. Package: kig Description-md5: 6a035f5ea4965efa48268a92ec5c6b16 Description-sl: interactive geometry tool Kig is an application for interactive geometric construction, allowing students to draw and explore mathematical figures and concepts using the computer. . Kig supports macros and is scriptable using Python. It can import and export files in various formats, including SVG, Cabri, Dr. Geo, KGeo, KSeg, and XFig. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kigo Description-md5: b46b9d581240396c44b4b3ea053aded7 Description-sl: go game Kigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go game. Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is also known as igo (Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean). Go is noted for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules. The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones (playing pieces, now usually made of glass or plastic) on the vacant intersections of a grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 for easier games). . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kildclient-doc Description-md5: 9156327ee50acd2ae7b64d66a9dafabf Description-sl: powerful MUD client with a built-in Perl interpreter - manual KildClient is a MUD Client written with the GTK+ windowing toolkit. It supports many common features of other clients, such as triggers, gags, aliases, macros, timers, and much more. But its main feature is the built- in Perl interpreter. You can at any moment execute Perl statements and functions to do things much more powerful than simply sending text the mud. Perl statements can also be run, for example, as the action of a trigger, allowing you to do complex things. Some built-in functions of KildClient allow interaction with the world, such as sending commands to it. . KildClient's ANSI support is extensive: it supports not only the common 16 colors, but also support underlined text (singly and doubly), text in italics, text striked through, reverse video and "hidden" text. It also supports vt100's line-drawing characters, and xterm's escape sequences for a 256-color mode. All these features make KildClient one of the clients with the most features for displaying the mud output. . Kildclient supports the MCCP (Mud Client Compression Protocol) protocol, versions 1 and 2, to reduce the necessary bandwidth. . KildClient allows connection through SOCKS4/5 and HTTP proxy servers. . KildClient supports the GMCP (also called ATCP2) and MSDP protocols for out-of-band communications between server and client. . Ta paket vsebuje priročnik HTML za KildClient. Package: kile Description-md5: 1e21a143c02848058a223dd9bc6c539f Description-sl: Vgrajeno okolje LaTeX za KDE Klie je uporabniku prijazen urejevalnik virov LaTeX in lupina TeX za KDE. . Urejevalnik virov je več dokumentni urejevalnik zasnovan za datoteke .tex in .bib. Meniji, čarovniki in samodejno dokončanje pomagajo pri vstavljanju oznak in ustvarjanju kode. Strukturni pogled dokumenta pomaga pri krmarjenju v izvornih datotekah. . Lupina TeX se vključi v različna orodja, ki so zahtevana za obdelovanje TeX. Pomaga pri kodnem prevajanju LaTeX, ogledu dokumentov DVI in postscript, ustvarjanju bibliografij in indicev ter drugih pogostih nalog. . Kile lahko podpira velike projekte, ki so sestavljeni iz več manjših datotek. Package: kile-doc Description-md5: de9b31cbff23f1b50b03d293f8b251ba Description-sl: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (documentation) Klie je uporabniku prijazen urejevalnik virov LaTeX in lupina TeX za KDE. . Urejevalnik virov je več dokumentni urejevalnik zasnovan za datoteke .tex in .bib. Meniji, čarovniki in samodejno dokončanje pomagajo pri vstavljanju oznak in ustvarjanju kode. Strukturni pogled dokumenta pomaga pri krmarjenju v izvornih datotekah. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentaciji za Kile. Package: kile-l10n Description-md5: ea722b15e0ad5095d0d311f0d303e14b Description-sl: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (localization) Klie je uporabniku prijazen urejevalnik virov LaTeX in lupina TeX za KDE. . Urejevalnik virov je več dokumentni urejevalnik zasnovan za datoteke .tex in .bib. Meniji, čarovniki in samodejno dokončanje pomagajo pri vstavljanju oznak in ustvarjanju kode. Strukturni pogled dokumenta pomaga pri krmarjenju v izvornih datotekah. . This package contains the translations for Kile. Package: killbots Description-md5: 3ef2c99318ecfb1d9e5d3d2dfe41edb1 Description-sl: port of the classic BSD console game robots killbots is a simple game of evading killer robots. The robots are numerous and their sole objective is to destroy you. Fortunately for you, their creator has focused on quantity rather than quality and as a result the robots are severely lacking in intelligence. Your superior wit and a fancy teleportation device are your only weapons against the never-ending stream of mindless automatons. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: killer Description-md5: eef5d0d212093635d7616145d6e3fe28 Description-sl: Program za uničevanje poslov v ozadju killer is a perl script that gets rid of background jobs. Background jobs are defined as processes that belong to users who are not currently logged into the machine. Jobs can be run in the background (and are exempt from *killer*'s actions) if their scheduling priority has been reduced by increasing their nice(1) value or if they are being run through condor. . When the package is installed, a cron job is installed to run killer once an hour. Package: kinfocenter Description-md5: 72a193c9dc89940db318996c6bccbc7a Description-sl: pregledovalnik podrobnosti sistema The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment. . The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location. Package: kio-extras Description-md5: 0a957097b1ffee446f10e068cdfe3355 Description-sl: Extra functionality for kioslaves A kioslave is a plugin designed to be intimately familiar with a certain protocol, so that a standardized interface can be used to get at data from any number of places. A few examples are the http and ftp kioslaves, which using nearly identical methods will retrieve data from an http or ftp server respectively. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: kio-extras-data Description-md5: 28825739517b2196e82da0d4b7768ed1 Description-sl: Extra functionality for kioslaves data files A kioslave is a plugin designed to be intimately familiar with a certain protocol, so that a standardized interface can be used to get at data from any number of places. A few examples are the http and ftp kioslaves, which using nearly identical methods will retrieve data from an http or ftp server respectively. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: kio-sieve Description-md5: 6e7ea7d76dd6a2dca03e1430c524dc2c Description-sl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, development files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . This package contains the kio slave for ksieve . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: kirigami2-dev Description-md5: b910e85804091d253182bf6ccdb51afc Description-sl: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: kiriki Description-md5: 909ab174f5d87189fa9d56e23d3c13f9 Description-sl: Yahtzee dice game Kiriki is a dice game for up to six players, where each player rolls five dice to make combinations with the highest score. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kiten Description-md5: adb422fc02eb8cae6c36e0b48c08fa67 Description-sl: Japanese reference and study aid for KDE Kiten is a collection of Japanese reference tools and study aids for KDE, including a Japanese/English dictionary, Kanji dictionary, and Kanji quiz. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kjots Description-md5: a28f2a97617e027ae6e65bd89ba46557 Description-sl: note-taking utility Kjots is a notebook utility that organizes notes using groups of pages. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: kjumpingcube Description-md5: 3d24124215f3df7b039c8e1cf3c2105d Description-sl: simple tactical game KJumpingcube is a simple tactical game for one or two players, played on a grid of numbered squares. Each turn, players compete for control of the board by capturing or adding to one square. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: klaus Description-md5: 54a8a1fbe9e4d4e13d1cf6badd60f2a1 Description-sl: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer Zmožnosti: . * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required * Syntax highlighting * Git Smart HTTP support . This package contains the command-line server. Package: klavaro Description-md5: 64ab31481e16002f2638d6475c04f7ba Description-sl: Prilagodljiv vodnik tipkanja z dotikom Kalvaro je enostaven vodnik za učenje pravilnega tipkanja skoraj neodvisno od jezika in je zelo prilagodljiv za nove ali neznane razporeditve tipk. . Njegove ključne zmožnosti so: * mednarodna jezikovna podpora * razporeditve tipk, pripravljene za uporabo * urejevalnik razporeditev tipk * osnovni tečaj * vaje prilagodljivosti, hitrosti in tekočega tipkanja Package: klettres Description-md5: 78ccf87b022629ab130806107e8090a1 Description-sl: foreign alphabet tutor for KDE KLettres is an aid for learning how to read and pronounce the alphabet of a foreign language. . Seven languages are currently available: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Italian and Slovak. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: klettres-data Description-md5: de3963ca2a75ca8b88c681b5626efdf7 Description-sl: data files for KLettres foreign alphabet tutor This package contains architecture-independent data files for KLettres, the foreign alphabet tutor for KDE. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: klick Description-md5: a99e5dd01cee6b322948e1f455f1c271 Description-sl: Napredni metronom za JACK klick is an advanced command-line based metronome using the JACK sound server. It allows you to define complex tempo maps for entire songs or performances. . A single meter and tempo can be specified on the command line, while more complex tempo maps can be read from plain text files. Alternatively, it's also possible to run klick in interactive mode, where the tempo can be changed at runtime using the keyboard, or to follow tempo information read from JACK transport. Package: klickety Description-md5: 76a3acd28264e1e614c740d4ee925092 Description-sl: SameGame puzzle game Klickety is a puzzle game where the player removes groups of colored marbles to clear the board. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: klines Description-md5: a63b56e6f3908159d302a9513ea2e0f3 Description-sl: color lines game KLines is a single-player game where the player removes colored balls from the board by arranging them into lines of five or more. However, every time the player moves a ball, three more balls are added to the board. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kmahjongg Description-md5: 12f781dcbd48844eb36d5526820d3e10 Description-sl: mahjongg solitaire game KMahjongg is a solitaire game where the player removes matching Mahjongg tiles to clear the board. A variety of tile layouts are included, as well as an editor to create new layouts. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kmail Description-md5: 06986fdec87702a4386c5bfc37a5a063 Description-sl: polno zmožen grafični odjemalec e-pošte KMail supports multiple accounts, mail filtering and email encryption. The program let you configure your workflow and it has good integration into KDE (Plasma Desktop) but is also useable with other Desktop Environments. Package: kmenuedit Description-md5: 12bafba27a1d36d24d639d2ecde64ce5 Description-sl: Urejevalnik menijev XDG This package provides a menu editor which may be used to edit the KDE Plasma workspaces menu or any other XDG menu. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: kmetronome Description-md5: 12984a6bee205c9527d4e2906cf2aeaf Description-sl: Metronom ALSA MIDI KMetronome is a MIDI based metronome using the ALSA sequencer. . The intended audience are musicians and music students. Like the solid, real metronomes it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. . It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage and very accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer Package: kmines Description-md5: f4aac15b7955ee792cb50cfd41f5349b Description-sl: minesweeper game KMines is a game where the player finds hidden mines without setting them off. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kmix Description-md5: c2f995bbd12865838605a7d5c1050b03 Description-sl: nadzor glasnosti in mešalnik KMix je mešalnik zvočnih naprav, ki se uporablja za prilagajanje glasnosti, izbire vhodov snemanja in nastavitev drugih možnosti strojne opreme. . This package is part of the KDE multimedia module. Package: kmplayer Description-md5: 01e56946ed4b5eeb6fbdd3f6170b569a Description-sl: Predvajalnik predstavnosti za KDE KMPlayer je enostavno začelje za MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon. . Nekaj zmožnosti: * predvajanje filmov DVD/VCD (iz datoteke ali url in iz video naprave) * vstavitev v konqueror (film se predvaja v programu konqueror) * vstavitev v khtml (film se predvaja v strani html) * snemanje filmov z uporabo mencoder (del paketa mplayer) * med snemanjem ni videa, vendar lahko vedno odprete novo okno in ga predvajate * razpršeno oddajanje, pretakanje http z uporabo ffserver/ffmpeg * za vire TV potrebujete v4lctl (del paketa xawtv) Package: kmplot Description-md5: 89122cf790f7456ae9d01a49d14e6d04 Description-sl: mathematical function plotter for KDE KmPlot is a powerful mathematical plotter KDE, capable of plotting multiple functions simultaneously and combining them into new functions. . Cartesian, parametric, and differential functions are supported, as well as functions using polar coordinates. Plots are printed with high precision at the correct aspect ratio. . KmPlot also provides numerical and visual features such as filling and calculating the area between the plot and the first axis, finding maxima and minima, changing function parameters dynamically, and plotting derivatives and integral functions. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kmymoney Description-md5: 49de8a9f7525de7bb25a7171b3e764a1 Description-sl: osebni upravljalnik financ za KDE KMyMoney je osebni upravljalnik financ za KDE. Deluje podobno kot MS-Money in Quicken, podpira različne vrste računov, kategorizacijo stroškov, uvoz/izvoz QIF, različne valute in začetno podporo za spletno bančništvo. Package: kmymoney-common Description-md5: 31bd7293497ef7f025bc3697e844770a Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke KMyMoney KMyMoney je osebni upravljalnik financ za KDE. Deluje podobno kot MS-Money in Quicken, podpira različne vrste računov, kategorizacijo stroškov, uvoz/izvoz QIF, različne valute in začetno podporo za spletno bančništvo. . This package contains architecture independent files needed for KMyMoney to run properly. It also provides KMyMoney documentation. Therefore, unless you have 'kmymoney' package installed, you will hardly find this package useful. Package: knavalbattle Description-md5: e05a96c085fd880357c694dbfe578365 Description-sl: battleship board game KNavalbattle is an implementation of the Battleship game, where two players take turns firing at the opponent's ships by guessing their coordinates. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: knetwalk Description-md5: 931a61d4f665efef9e18e201538ce5de Description-sl: wire puzzle game KNetwalk is a puzzle game where the player arranges sections of wire to connect all the computers on the board. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: knights Description-md5: 9b7851d3bbc66ef2e92f65dc111afd96 Description-sl: Vmesnik chess za sistem KDE Knights aims to be the ultimate chess resource on your computer. It's designed to be both friendly to new chess players and functional for Grand Masters. At the moment you can play either against other human or against the machine using an engine like gnuchess. Package: knotes Description-md5: c6ddecf29df554ba7bb42ac17c229743 Description-sl: program lepljivih sporočilc KNotes je program, ki vam omogoča pisanje lepljivih sporočilc. Sporočilca so ob končanju programa samodejno shranjena in prikazana ob odprtju programa. Program podpira tiskanje in pošiljanje sporočilc preko pošte. Package: kobodeluxe Description-md5: c70b6a71d5193cdd85e63dabdbeb5858 Description-sl: Igra vesoljske bitke Kobo Delux je tretjeosebna drseča 2D strelska igra z enostavnim in odzivnim nadzornim sistemom, ki ga boste potrebovali za spopad s tonami sovražnikovih ladij, ki streljajo na vas, vas lovijo, krožijo okoli vas in streljajo ali celo pošiljajo nad vas druge ladje medtem ko poskušate uničiti baze v obliki labirinta. Na voljo imate 50 z akcijo napolnjenih stopenj z gladko povečujočo se težavnostjo in različnimi kombinacijami sovražnikov, ki zahtevajo različno taktiko. Igra ponuja veliko zabave v slogu klasičnih arkadnih iger. Package: kobodeluxe-data Description-md5: 15f547fdfcc2114efa8e85505de71f0d Description-sl: game of space battle -- shared data Kobo Deluxe is a third person scrolling 2D shooter. There are 50 action packed levels with smoothly increasing difficulty, and different combinations of enemies that require different tactics to be dealt with successfully. It's loads of classical arcade style fun. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatke za kobodeluxe. Package: koko-data Description-md5: 9e6f686cb7f93765e761472af7250b05 Description-sl: Image gallery for Plasma mobile -- data files Koko is an image viewer designed for desktop and touch devices. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: kolf Description-md5: ad1691e3fb92933dae4c507d210567d6 Description-sl: miniature golf game Kolf is a miniature golf game for one to ten players. A variety of courses are included, as well as an editor to create new courses. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kollision Description-md5: b9cf0fbc55ba66358c7e751aab29d489 Description-sl: simple ball dodging game In Kollision you use mouse to control a small blue ball in a closed space environment filled with small red balls, which move about chaotically. Your goal is to avoid touching any of those red balls with your blue one, because the moment you do the game will be over. The longer you can stay in game the higher will your score be. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kolourpaint Description-md5: ac26f3b7021598dc7d2e4dc8d0814b4d Description-sl: enostaven urejevalnik slik in program za risanje KolourPaint je enostaven program za risanje in urejanje slik za KDE. Namerava biti enostaven za uporabo in zagotavlja raven zmožnosti, ki cilja na povprečnega uporabnika. Idealen je za pogoste naloge, kot je risanje enostavne grafike in izboljševanje fotografij. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: konq-plugins Description-md5: 6ef4213296669a674bad452501d6e65c Description-sl: plugins for Konqueror, the KDE file/web/document browser This package contains a variety of useful plugins for Konqueror, the file manager, web browser and document viewer for KDE. Many of these plugins will appear in Konqueror's Tools menu. . Web navigation plugins: - Akregator feed icon: allows one to add a feed to Akregator from Konqueror - Auto Refresh: refresh a webpage at a given rate - Bookmarklets: enables the use of bookmarklets, bookmarks containing JavaScript code - Document Relations: displays the document relations of a document - DOM Tree Viewer: view the DOM tree of the current page - KHTML Settings: fast way to change the JavaScript/images/cookies settings - Microformat Icon: displays an icon in the statusbar if the page contains a microformat - Search Bar: launches web searches from the Konqueror's toolbar - Translate: language translation for the current page using Babelfish - UserAgent Changer: quick switch of the UserAgent used for the current site - Website Validators: CSS and HTML validation tools - Web Archiver: creates archives of websites - Crash manager: restores your opened tabs if Konqueror crashes (disabled by default as Konqueror has this feature builtin) . File management plugins: - Image Gallery: an easy way to generate a HTML image gallery - File Size View (kpart): a proportional view of directories and files based on file size - Transform Image (service menu): rotate and flip images - Convert To (service menu): convert and image to another format - Directory Filter (dolphin): filter directory views . Ta paket je del modula osnovnih programov KDE. Package: konqueror Description-md5: 380ac71ee28aebaea27c8d3f2b37b14e Description-sl: napreden upravljalnik datotek, spletni brskalnik in pregledovalnik dokumentov Konqueror je KDE spletni brskalnik in napreden upravljalnik datotek. . Konqueror je s standardi združljiv spletni brskalnik, ki podpira HTML 4.01, Javo, JavaScript, CSS3 in vstavke Netscape, kot je Flash. . Podpira napredno upravljanje datotek na krajevnih datotečnih sistemih UNIX s prilagodljivimi pogledi, omrežno prozornostjo in vstavljenim ogledom datotek. . Je platno za veliko tehnologij KDE od oddaljenega dostopa datotek preko KIO do vključevanja sestavnih delov preko vmesnika predmetov KParts. To ga naredi enega ob najbolj prilagodljivih programov. . Ta paket je del modula osnovnih programov KDE. Package: konquest Description-md5: 9cb33ee92d33c48cbe195b7e25dd76c6 Description-sl: simple turn-based strategy game Konquest is a game of galactic conquest for KDE, where rival empires vie to conquer planets and crush all opposition. The game can be played with up to nine empires, commanded either by the computer or by puny earthlings. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: konsole Description-md5: b9f8e7c204b64c4afaac8166104064ed Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala X Konsole je posnemovalnik terminala izgrajen na okolju KDE. V enem oknu lahko vsebuje več sej terminala z zavihki, ki jih je mogoče odpeti. . Konsole podpira zmogljive zmožnosti terminala, kot so prilagodljive sheme, shranjene seje in nadziranje izhoda. Package: konsole-kpart Description-md5: 1b7ffab15964a6cf07c7118f81832fab Description-sl: Konsole plugin for Qt applications Konsole je posnemovalnik terminala izgrajen na okolju KDE. V enem oknu lahko vsebuje več sej terminala z zavihki, ki jih je mogoče odpeti. . Konsole podpira zmogljive zmožnosti terminala, kot so prilagodljive sheme, shranjene seje in nadziranje izhoda. . This package provides the kpart needed by other apps to embed konsole in them. Package: kopete Description-md5: f29c4be5334f698cbcf8dee885f6295b Description-sl: program hipnega sporočanja in klepeta Kopete je program hipnega sporočanja in klepeta s podporo za širok nabor storitev, kot so AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN in Jabber. Napredne zmožnosti in dodatni protokoli so na voljo kot vstavki. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: kopete-data Description-md5: 296b439b71cd6d7ba10575d4aaa48c2d Description-sl: data files for Kopete Kopete je program hipnega sporočanja in klepeta s podporo za širok nabor storitev, kot so AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN in Jabber. Napredne zmožnosti in dodatni protokoli so na voljo kot vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: korganizer Description-md5: ab140557b5144eb7ed1d80158559a260 Description-sl: koledar in osebni organizator Ta paket zagotavlja KOrganizer, program koledarja in razporejanja. . KOrganizer poskuša biti celoten program za organizacijo sestankov, stikov, projektov, itd. KOrganizer podpira izmenjavo podatkov z drugimi programi koledarjev s standardnim zapisom izmenjave osebnih podatkov vCalendar. To olajša premik iz drugih modernih upravljalnikov osebnih podatkov na KOrganizer. Package: koules Description-md5: 5e74c137074cd9026f35ac59d34010b9 Description-sl: Abstraktna vesoljska akcijska igra Koules is a fast action arcade-style game. This version is compiled for X11. It has cool 256 color graphics, a multiplayer mode for up to 5 players, full sound and, of course, network support. Koules is an original idea. The first version of Koules was developed from scratch by Jan Hubicka in July 1995. . It supports multiplayer deathmatch and cooperative play. Package: kpat Description-md5: 0dfa399c1fd2c35355e1ecce56ecd684 Description-sl: igre pasjanse KPatience je zbirka štirinajstih iger pasjanse vključno s Klondike, Spider in FreeCell. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kphotoalbum Description-md5: f6cefca9100d2f29b8692f5e7f59ffaa Description-sl: orodje za beleženje, iskanje in pregledovanje slik glede na ključne besede za KDE KPhotoAlbum vam omogoča ustvarjanje kazal, združevanje in ogled slik po ključnih besedah, datumu, mestih in osebah. Zagotavlja hiter in eleganten način za iskanje skupin slik, ko imate na svojem trdem disku na tisoče slik. . Podatki povezani s posamezno fotografijo so shranjeni v datoteki XML. Skupaj s ključnimi besedami KPhotoAlbum shrani vsoto MD5 posamezne slike zato jih bo prepoznal tudi, če jih premaknete v drugo mapo. KPhotoAlbum lahko ustvari tudi galerije HTML izbranih slik. . KPhotoAlbum lahko uporabi tudi vstavke za upravljanje sliki KIPI za razširitev svojih zmožnosti. Paket kipi-plugins vsebuje veliko uporabnih razširitev. Med drugim vsebuje razširitve za obdelovanje fotografij, uvoz, izvoz in paketno obdelovanje. Package: kpublictransport-data Description-md5: 59b4149aae6e033b3fddde2bce9b28e4 Description-sl: Library to assist with accessing public transport (data files) The data files for a public transport API . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: kquickcharts-dev Description-md5: e0ed614269d9ec219da5700136aa6967 Description-sl: Quick Charts - development files A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts (gpu-accelerated). . It supports three different chart types: pie, line and bar, which can be fed from multiple types of data sources. There is also support for axis labels, an axis grid and a legend. Additionally, there is a submodule that contains some convenience items. . The pie and line charts are rendered using a technique called signed distance fields, which allows efficient GPU-accelerated rendering of 2D shapes without loss of quality. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: kquickimageeditor-dev Description-md5: 3d987076675ae650dca4fa80e38096a8 Description-sl: Image editing components - devel files A QtQuick plugin providing Image editing components. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: kraft Description-md5: fe1afca303ec877dd0c97cdd65d666ab Description-sl: Program za upravljanje majhnih podjetiv Kraft creates and handles office documents in small enterprises. In a workshop or any similar company daily tasks can be done in a smart manner. . Features include: Customer management, integrated using KAddressbook Automated creation of quotes, invoices and similar documents Text templates Calculation Material management Configurable document creation in PDF format Package: kraptor-data Description-md5: 42e2abc3824e43777e784f0d0a72de6e Description-sl: Classic shoot 'em up scroller game -- data files Kraptor is a classic shoot 'em up scroller game, where you must fight against tons of bad dudes. The game offers high speed action, with massive destruction and lots of fun. Kraptor features a powerful engine for 2D shooter scroller games. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke igre. Package: krb5-auth-dialog Description-md5: d217c25b6d401ec13931585dfb701263 Description-sl: apleta sistemske vrstice za ponovno overitev vstopnic kerberos krb5-auth-dialog je enostaven aplet sistemske vrstice, ki nadzira vozovnice kerberos. Pojavi opomnike, ko je vozovnica pred iztekom. Vozovnice lahko kadarkoli osvežite s klikom na ikono sistemske vrstice. Deluje lahko tudi v "klasičnem načinu" kot enostavno pogovorno okno brez ikone sistemske vrstice. . Podpira samodejno obnovo vozovnic in podpira pkinit. Package: krdc Description-md5: e82ce72c0d3257ff348f6399e7a2ce67 Description-sl: Remote Desktop Connection client The KDE Remote Desktop Connection client can view and control a desktop session running on another system. It can connect to Windows Terminal Servers using RDP and many other platforms using VNC/RFB. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: krename Description-md5: 96e79e62a8190877de5364c372197285 Description-sl: Zmogljiv paketni preimenovalnik za KDE KRename je zelo mogljiv paketnih preimenovalnik, ki lahko preimenuje seznam datotek na osnovi zbirke izrazov. Datoteke lahko kopira/premakne v drugo mapo ali enostavno preimenuje vhodne datoteke. Package: kreversi Description-md5: 0c024ee5ac64447ec865fb7458331a80 Description-sl: reversi board game KReversi is a board game where two players place pieces on the board to flip the opponent's pieces. When neither player can flip any more pieces, the player with the most pieces on the board wins the game. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: krfb Description-md5: 8c8d162f74b4548f90dcb0fb7f900216 Description-sl: Desktop Sharing utility KDE Desktop Sharing is a manager for easily sharing a desktop session with another system. The desktop session can be viewed or controlled remotely by any VNC or RFB client, such as the KDE Remote Desktop Connection client. . KDE Desktop Sharing can restrict access to only users who are explicitly invited, and will ask for confirmation when a user attempts to connect. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: kruler Description-md5: a02f9b40453e33bc787a496e2436df1a Description-sl: screen ruler KRuler is a tool for measuring the size, in pixels, of items on the screen. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: krusader Description-md5: 109155a993f8da51d7cc94c3caf08176 Description-sl: Upravljalnik datotek z dvema pladnjema (v slogu commander) Krusader je upravljalnik datotek z dvema pladnjema (v slogu commander), podoben Midnight Commander (C) ali Total Commander (C). . Zagotavlja vse zmožnosti upravljanja datotek, ki bi si jih lahko želeli. . Plus: obširno upravljanje arhivov, podpora priklopljenih datotečnih sistemov, FTP, napredni modul iskanja, pregledovalnik/urejevalnik, usklajevanje map, primerjava vsebine datoteke, zmogljivo paketno preimenovanje in veliko več. . Podpira vrste arhivov: ace, arj, bzip2, deb, iso, lha, rar, rpm, tar, zip in 7-zip. . Upravlja KIOSlaves kot so smb:// ali fish://. . Krusader je skoraj popolnoma prilagodljiv, zelo uporabniku prijazen, hiter in je na vašemu namizju videti odlično. Package: kshisen Description-md5: 9c1db254f9a44c17506de6a40898a284 Description-sl: Shisen-Sho solitaire game KShisen is a Shisen-Sho game where the player removes adjascent pairs of Mahjongg tiles to clear the board. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kshutdown Description-md5: fc7b6d7fd762ccfdcdbea5b09e94c55b Description-sl: Napredni pripomoček izklopa za KDE Ima 4 glavne ukaze: . - izklop (odjava in zaustavitev sistema), - ponoven zagon (odjava in ponoven zagon sistema), - zaklep zaslona (zakleni zaslon z uporabo ohranjevalnika zaslona), - odjava (končanje seje in odjava uporabnika). . Vsebuje možnosti časa in zamika, podporo ukazne vrstice, čarovnike in zvoke. Package: ksirk Description-md5: 8141ecb02d12130fc7839a5fb2f71719 Description-sl: Risk strategy game KsirK is a strategy game inspired by the well known game Risk. It is a multi-player network-enabled game with an AI. The goal of the game is simply to conquer the World. It is done by attacking your neighbours with your armies. At the beginning of the game, countries are distributed to all the players. Each country contains one army represented by an infantryman. Each player has some armies to distribute to his countries. On each turn, each player can attack his neighbours, eventually conquering one or more countries. At the end of each turn, some bonus armies are distributed to the players in function of the number of countries they own. The winner is the player that conquered all the world. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: ksnakeduel Description-md5: de93105f6fbcea79d40614ca8ed1d556 Description-sl: snake race game The object of the game is to avoid running into walls, your own tail, and that of your opponent, while at the same time you have to try to get your opponent to run into them. . It also includes kdesnake, a special mode of the game where you can play the classical snake action game. In snake you steer a snake which has to eat food. While eating, the snake grows. But once a player collides with the other snake or the wall, the game is lost. This becomes, of course, more and more difficult the longer the snakes grow. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kspaceduel Description-md5: ae9bc9656023c22a3c82a8269d5169f3 Description-sl: Arkadna igra SpaceWar! KSpaceduel je igra vesoljske bitke za enega ali dva igralca, kjer dve ladji letita okoli zvezde in poskušata biti edini preživeli. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: ksquares Description-md5: cb92e2cb2b7ef2c58dd9423eb344f064 Description-sl: Dots and Boxes game KSquares is a game where two players take turns connecting dots on a grid to complete the most squares. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: ksshaskpass Description-md5: 5a5fcda815c7ea67693439fb55de3daf Description-sl: vzajemni poziv uporabniku za šifrirno reklo ssh-add A front-end for ssh-add which stores the password of the ssh-key in KWallet. Package: ksudoku Description-md5: c8082165a67fde52b6db310845e3f0c1 Description-sl: Sudoku puzzle game and solver KSudoku is a Sudoku game and solver, supporting a range of 2D and 3D Sudoku variants. In addition to playing Sudoku, it can print Sudoku puzzle sheets and find the solution to any Sudoku puzzle. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: ksystemlog Description-md5: f88acd6e7dfc7bab9eaa4dae1e5dbb7d Description-sl: pregledovalnik sistemskega dnevnika KSystemLog pokaže vse dnevnike na vašem sistemu, ki so združeni na splošne (Privzeti sistemski dnevnik, Overitev, Jedro, in izbirne storitve (Apache, Cups, itd, ...). Vključuje veliko zmožnosti za lepo branje vaših datotek dnevnika: * obarvanje vrstic dnevnika glede na njihove resnosti, * pogled z zavihki, ki omogoča prikaz več dnevnikov hkrati, * samodejen prikaz novih zabeleženih vrstic, * podrobni podatki za vse vrstice dnevnika . This package is part of the KDE administration module. Package: kteatime Description-md5: 98a702199f60361475509c4b6548d1a0 Description-sl: pripomoček za kuhanje dobre skodelice čaja KTeaTime je priročen časomerec za kuhanje čaja. Sedaj vam ne bo treba več ugibati čez koliko časa bo vaš čaj pripravljen. Enostavno izberite svojo vrsto čaja in opomnil vas bo, ko bo čaj pripravljen za pitje. . This package is part of the KDE toys module. Package: ktimer Description-md5: 60b8177a86eb0f422ac7bc24710edccb Description-sl: countdown timer KTimer is a countdown timer for running commands after a delay. The countdown can be paused or set to loop continuously. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: ktorrent Description-md5: c46c4f39be5f1aa633d6a86ac4312a30 Description-sl: Odjemalec BitTorrent osnovan na okolju KDE This package contains KTorrent, a BitTorrent peer-to-peer network client, that is based on the KDE platform. Obviously, KTorrent supports such basic features as downloading, uploading and seeding files on the BitTorrent network. However, lots of other additional features and intuitive GUI should make KTorrent a good choice for everyone. Some features are available as plugins hence you should make sure you have the ones you need enabled. - Support for HTTP and UDP trackers, trackerless DHT (mainline) and webseeds. - Alternative UI support including Web interface. - Torrent grouping, speed capping, various download prioritization capabilities on both torrent and file level as well as bandwidth scheduling. - Support for fetching torrent files from many sources including any local file or remote URL, RSS feeds (with filtering) or actively monitored directory etc. - Integrated and customizable torrent search on the Web. - Various security features like IP blocking and protocol encryption. - Disk space preallocation to reduce fragmentation. - uTorrent compatible peer exchange. - Autoconfiguration for LANs like Zeroconf extension and port forwarding via uPnP. - Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via DBus interface. - SOCKSv4 and SOCKSv5 proxy, IPv6 support. - Lots of other useful built-in features and plugins. Package: ktorrent-data Description-md5: 5c374540ce753d753308f498c6a7a3d9 Description-sl: Podatkovne in druge od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke KTorrent Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za KTorrent, odjemalec BitTorrent omrežja P2P. V primeru da paketa ktorrent nimate nameščenega, vam ta paket verjetno ne bo koristil. Package: ktouch Description-md5: e0dabda6f93764af247bd5a078631141 Description-sl: vodnik tipkanja z dotikom za KDE KTouch je pripomoček za učenje kako tipkati hitro in natančno. Zagotavlja primer besedila za tipkanje in nakaže kateri prsti naj se uporabijo za vsako tipko. . Vključena je zbirka lekcij za različne jezike in razporeditve tipkovnice. Za dinamično prilagajanje težavnostne ravni se uporablja statistika tipkanja. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: ktouch-data Description-md5: 518bdd78b79c451482b199699bb01b7a Description-sl: podatkovne datoteke za ktouch This package contains the architecture-independent data files for ktouch. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: ktuberling Description-md5: 06ec0534e1c42543256f87a2b0bd66d8 Description-sl: stamp drawing toy KTuberling is a drawing toy for small children with several activites. . * Give the potato a funny face, clothes, and other goodies * Build a small town, complete with school, zoo, and fire department * Create a fantastic moonscape with spaceships and aliens . KTuberling can speak the name of each the object in several languages, to assist in learning basic vocabulary. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: ktuberling-data Description-md5: 32ec740d968f9c7b37fcadb8ad83bbb5 Description-sl: stamp drawing toy - data files KTuberling is a drawing toy for small children with several activites. . This package contains the data files for KTuberling. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kturtle Description-md5: c784cfa622cd2563eec31f7b10a24a19 Description-sl: educational programming environment KTurtle is an educational programming environment which uses the TurtleScript programming language (inspired by Logo) to make programming as easy and accessible as possible. . The user issues TurtleScript language commands to control the "turtle", which draws on the canvas, making KTurtle suitable for teaching elementary mathematics, geometry and programming. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kubrick Description-md5: b8c3a08868b46ba491c7f17db5d26147 Description-sl: game based on Rubik's Cube Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries. . Kubrick handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo, save and reload capabilities. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: kupfer Description-md5: 1a4ed3635aa0b57717a7748cfe163e27 Description-sl: hiter in lahek namizni priklicevalnik/zaganjalnik Kupfer je priklicevalnik/zaganjalnik v slogu Quicksilver ali GNOME Do. Lahko išče in brska po vaših datotekah, zažene želene programa in predmete, ki jih potrebujete, na hitrejši način. . Kupfer is written in Python 3 and has a flexible architecture based on plugins to extend its features. Package: kvazaar-doc Description-md5: 8a48007ff42f7fe0a9d1b4eb6a3060f9 Description-sl: HEVC encoder - documentation kvazaar is a HEVC encoder. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: kvirc Description-md5: 781975de1f5b4ac23d4c5bc7a732099b Description-sl: Na KDE temelječ IRC odjemalec naslednje generacije s podporo modulov Visoko nastavljiv grafični IRC odjemalec z vmesnikom MDI, vgrajenim skriptnim jezikom, podporo za IRC DCC, brskanjem datotek povleci in spusti brskanjem in še veliko več. KVIrc uporablja nabor gradnikov KDE, mogoče ga je razširiti z uporabo lastnega skriptnega jezika, se spaja s KDE in podpira vstavke po meri. . Če iščete preprost in enostaven IRC odjemalec, je verjetno KVIrc napačna odločitev, saj je prej velik. A če želite visoko prilagodljiv odjemalec, potem ne boste obžalovali namestitve. Package: kvirc-data Description-md5: 700d9e96b324cea54eba7a6172043fa4 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za KVIrc This package contains the architecture-independent data needed by KVIrc in order to run, such as icons and images, language files, and shell scripts. It also contains complete reference guides on scripting and functions within KVIrc in its internal help format. Package: kvirc-modules Description-md5: 72d51bc496328aea5cf7f96c0499dc22 Description-sl: KVIrc (IRC client) modules Visoko nastavljiv grafični IRC odjemalec z vmesnikom MDI, vgrajenim skriptnim jezikom, podporo za IRC DCC, brskanjem datotek povleci in spusti brskanjem in še veliko več. KVIrc uporablja nabor gradnikov KDE, mogoče ga je razširiti z uporabo lastnega skriptnega jezika, se spaja s KDE in podpira vstavke po meri. . This package contains all modules for KVIrc. Package: kwalletcli Description-md5: 481b43e5861eaccf1bfa48a20cfc9c3b Description-sl: Vezave ukazne vrstice za KDE Wallet kwalletcli implements a command line interface tool to get and set password entries in the default KDE Wallet. Also included are a shell wrapper around pinentry, a pinentry-kwallet application checking the KDE Wallet for the passphrase requested before asking the user for use with the GnuPG Agent, which is also capable of running without a pinentry as backend, and kwalletaskpass, which can store SSH key passphrases in the KDE Wallet for use with the OpenSSH Agent, and is registered as ssh- askpass alternative. Package: kwalletmanager Description-md5: 9ddb800fd8f7d7f40b24b46cbaeb9a76 Description-sl: varen upravljalnik denarnice gesel Sistem KDE Wallet zagotavlja varen način za shranjevanje gesel in drugih skritih podatkov, ki uporabnikom omogoča pomnjenje le posameznega gesla KDE Wallet namesto številnih različnih gesel in poveril. . Upravljalnik KWallet je pripomoček za ogled in urejanje podatkov shranjenih v KDE Wallet. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: kwave Description-md5: cf8fd11b2cbd7594058323d9a9860004 Description-sl: Urejevalnik zvoka za KDE Kwave is a sound editor designed for the KDE Desktop Environment. . With Kwave you can record, play back, import and edit many sorts of audio files including multi-channel files. . Kwave includes some plugins to transform audio files in several ways and presents a graphical view with a complete zoom- and scroll capability. . Its features include: * 24 Bit Support * Undo/Redo * Use of multicore CPUs (SMP, hyperthreading) * Simple Drag & Drop * Realtime Pre-Listen for some effects * Support for multi-track files * Playback and recording via native ALSA, PulseAudio (or OSS deprecated) * Playback via Phonon * Load and edit-capability for large files (can use virtual memory) * Reading and auto-repair of damaged wav-files * Supports multiple windows * Extendable Plugin interface * a nice splashscreen * some label handling Package: kwin-common Description-md5: d812e38ecc0856bb858fffec17c3f257 Description-sl: KDE window manager, common files KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: kwin-dev Description-md5: e981f5e39df0aa1878605e91238fad93 Description-sl: KDE window manager - devel files KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: kwin-x11 Description-md5: b49a23f2e017f3c5499b70ce757a376c Description-sl: KDE window manager, X11 version KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: kwordquiz Description-md5: 8de3141277665fbdc3c76e07e5c74e4b Description-sl: flashcard learning program KWordQuiz is a general purpose flashcard program, typically used for vocabulary training. . KWordQuiz can open vocabulary data in various formats, including the kvtml format used by KDE programs such as Parley, the WQL format used by WordQuiz for Windows, the xml.gz format used by Pauker, and CSV text. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: kwrited Description-md5: 646fab32affac22cf882b20b23ca557f Description-sl: Read and write console output to X Kwrited captures console output (e.g. broadcast messages) and prints it in a X window. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: kwstyle Description-md5: a0ec31bb7629508685e44867d1e44af1 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje sloga izvorne kode KWStyle is integrated in the software process to ensure that the code written by several users is consistent and can be viewed/printed as it was written by one person. . KWStyle is primarily checking C/C++ source code but can be easily extended to other languages. It assumes that the code is syntactically correct, i.e., it compiles on a standard compiler. Package: kyotocabinet-doc Description-md5: 47bac3ade0865bd51f1aeed04f398ddf Description-sl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - docs Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Kyoto Cabinet runs very fast. For example, elapsed time to store one million records is 0.9 seconds for hash database, and 1.1 seconds for B+ tree database. Moreover, the size of database is very small. For example, overhead for a record is 16 bytes for hash database, and 4 bytes for B+ tree database. Furthermore, scalability of Kyoto Cabinet is great. The database size can be up to 8EB (9.22e18 bytes). . Sponsored by the same company, Kyoto Cabinet is "[a] more powerful and convenient library than Tokyo Cabinet [and] surpasses Tokyo Cabinet in every aspect". . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: laby Description-md5: 643aeea5b746bbee96e669fbdb9edb8a Description-sl: Naučite se programiranja s pomočjo mravelj in pajkovih mrež Laby je majhen program učenja programiranja s pomočjo mravelj in pajkovih mrež. Mravljo morate peljati ven iz labirinta, se izogniti pajkovim mrežam, premikati skale itd. . Using Laby, you can learn OCaml, C, C++, Java, Prolog, Ruby, Pascal, JavaScript, Python, Lua, Vala, Scheme, Go and PHP. Other bindings can easily be added to support new programming languages. Package: lame Description-md5: 649ecb033583c1c3e720aad9c3376ab9 Description-sl: MP3 encoding library (frontend) LAME (recursive acronym for "LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder") is a research project for learning about and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound analysis, as well as convenience tools. . Ta paket vsebuje začelje. Package: late Description-md5: 43c82ed1fa2bfc1520a44737243c1089 Description-sl: Enostavna igra lovljenja žog This is a simple and fun game, which involves using your mouse based guillotine to trap bouncing balls. . Trapping balls is achieved by firing your guillotine to split the playing area into little boxes, once enough of the screen has been covered you progress to the next level. Package: late-data Description-md5: cebfdabece5f726a4a1ae1845f60a844 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro late late is a simple ball capturing game . This package contains sound and level data for the game. . You need the late package to use these data files Package: latex-cjk-thai Description-md5: 5115a76edf022f9e76af1b24a45af8fd Description-sl: Tajski modul za CJK LaTeX CJK is a macro package for LaTeX. This package gives you the possibility to include Thai text in your (La)TeX documents. It uses the same Type1 fonts (Norasi and Garuda) from the ThaiLaTeX package. . Have a look at latex-cjk-common for a more detailed description. Package: latex2html Description-md5: c54cf0081b5e186a36ce7c53ee9032c9 Description-sl: Prevajalnik LaTeX v HTML LaTeX2HTML is a conversion tool that converts documents written in LaTeX to HTML format. In addition, it offers an easy migration path towards authoring complex hypermedia documents using familiar word-processing concepts. . LaTeX2HTML replicates the basic structure of a LaTeX document as a set of interconnected HTML files which can be explored using automatically generated navigation panels. The cross-references, citations, footnotes, the table of contents and the lists of figures and tables, are also translated into hypertext links. Formatting information which has equivalent ``tags'' in HTML (lists, quotes, paragraph breaks, type styles, etc.) is also converted appropriately. The remaining heavily formatted items such as mathematical equations, pictures or tables are converted to images which are placed automatically at the correct positions in the final HTML document. . LaTeX2HTML extends LaTeX by supporting arbitrary hypertext links and symbolic cross-references between evolving remote documents. It also allows the specification of conditional text and the inclusion of raw HTML commands. These hypermedia extensions to LaTeX are available as new commands and environments from within a LaTeX document. . Pstoimg, the part of latex2html that produces bitmap images from the LaTeX source, can support both GIF and PNG format. Package: latexdraw Description-md5: e6d6f64e345041fe36a2ab96e5264f72 Description-sl: Program vektorskega risanja za LaTeX, ki uporablja PSTricks LaTeXDraw je prost ustvarjalnik kode PSTricks ali urejevalnik PSTricks za LaTeX. Ima običajna orodja risanja (vrstice, pravokotnike, kroge, Bezierjeve krivulje) in lahko spremeni velikost, zavrti, premakne in združi predmete z vektorskimi preoblikovanji. LaTeXDraw kot svojo vrsto datotek uporablja SVG. Slike je mogoče izvoziti kot kodo PSTrickt, pdf, eps, jpg, bmp, png ali ppm. . PSTricks je razširitev LaTeX, ki omogoča ustvarjanje risb, diagramov in grafov v 2D ali 3D. Package: latexila-data Description-md5: 889ed78a79a1499f3742227fe723c249 Description-sl: Urejevalnik LaTeXila -- od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke LaTeXila is a LaTeX editor for GNOME. It integrates the various tools required for processing LaTeX documents. It provides menus, buttons and templates to assist with the edition and the compilation of documents. . This package contains documentation and arch-independent files for LaTeXila Package: latexml Description-md5: 6aa9b63d094f4f4e494cb26e60355154 Description-sl: Pretvornik LaTeX v XML latexml is a program, written in Perl, that attempts to faithfully mimic TeX's behaviour, but produces XML instead of dvi. The document model of the target XML makes explicit the model implied by LaTeX. . The processing and model are both extensible; you can define the mapping between TeX constructs and the XML fragments to be created. A postprocessor, latexmlpost converts this XML into other formats such as HTML or XHTML, with options to convert the math into MathML (currently only presentation) or images. Package: latte-int-doc Description-md5: deac3d1070653534a001434605da4eb5 Description-sl: Lattice point Enumeration (documentation and examples) LattE (Lattice point Enumeration) is a computer software dedicated to the problems of counting lattice points and integration inside convex polytopes. LattE contains the first ever implementation of Barvinok's algorithm. The LattE macchiato version (by M. Köppe) incorporated fundamental improvements and speed ups. . Now the latest version, LattE integrale, has the ability to directly compute integrals of polynomial functions over polytopes and in particular to do exact volume computations. Version 1.6 adds the capability of computing the highest coefficients of weighted Ehrhart quasipolynomials. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: lazarus Description-md5: 63a9081bae2cfd279084d3e379894588 Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - SDK dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the metapackage pulling in all the packages needed to have a typical Lazarus installation. Package: lazarus-3.0 Description-md5: eab70494f2b90d8292f6320dd8ffe05b Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - suite Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This metapackage pulls in all the packages needed to have a typical Lazarus installation. Package: lazarus-doc Description-md5: b9dee34a1c67a3034684e25b7c6237e8 Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - documentation dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package pulling in the documentation for the Lazarus IDE and components. It can be viewed separately with any HTML browser or accessed from the IDE's integrated help (pressing <F1> on any LCL identifier will browse the help for that identifier). Package: lazarus-doc-3.0 Description-md5: e546d69af43c24bb169145380b556944 Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - documentation Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains documentation for the Lazarus IDE and components. It can be viewed separately with any HTML browser or accessed from the IDE's integrated help (pressing <F1> on any LCL identifier will browse the help of that identifier). Package: lazarus-ide Description-md5: 4fc61ba1769b870f20efeaf94b44d59a Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always pulls in the latest available version of one of the flavors of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-3.0 Description-md5: 04866f25221b59cf05889cb6ac0bee5f Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - common IDE files Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the common files required to run Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-gtk2 Description-md5: 1a53a046b597ada876fb6930530658ad Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - Last GTK+ version dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the GTK+ version of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-gtk2-3.0 Description-md5: bd11236c0f0ee57747407838e1a041be Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - GTK+ version Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the GTK+ version of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-qt5 Description-md5: eee266d7a7f87f073dcd126e3e9fe1a1 Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - Last Qt version dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the placeholder package for the Qt version of the Lazarus IDE, which currently just depends on the GTK+ version. Package: lazarus-ide-qt5-3.0 Description-md5: 31c630f0cf351151920a8bf03005d9ad Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - Qt version Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the Qt version of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-src Description-md5: 66bfe9ca701b51d3a01db34d9f65357b Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - LCL source code dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the IDE code necessary for the IDE code tool to work properly (retrieving declarations and navigating in code). Package: lazarus-src-3.0 Description-md5: 3c60b74bcc494e73a73fe341396d14c5 Description-sl: IDE for Free Pascal - LCL source code Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the latest version of the source code necessary for the IDE code tool to work properly (retrieving declarations and navigating in code). Package: lazygal Description-md5: 5d08c026d834afe8e4fa027cba0fa3d7 Description-sl: Statični ustvarjalnik spletne galerije Lazygal is another static web gallery generator written in Python. It is command line based, uses reusable engine and is lazy - it regenerates only parts that have to be regenerated. . There is support for many interesting features like subgalleries, EXIF information, theming and custom folder meta data. Included themes are pure XHTML + CSS. Package: lcl Description-md5: 9fa9d19dabee20559c8407a4dc0f8063 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - LCL dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the metapackage installing the full LCL and components. Package: lcl-3.0 Description-md5: ed553dce946b2c8cea18660e7a5a026b Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - LCL suite Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This metapackage installs the full LCL and components. Package: lcl-gtk2 Description-md5: 70d057e297ac15ed834b6ec23bba1de3 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - GTK+ backend dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the part of the LCL for developing GTK+ applications. Package: lcl-gtk2-3.0 Description-md5: b31cd4edb187bdbfa0a8bd82bb8cf39b Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - GTK+ backend Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the part of the LCL for developing GTK+ applications. Package: lcl-nogui Description-md5: 802731e5bbe0fabc4c235a52c0557361 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - no GUI backend dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the part of the LCL for developing non-graphical applications and command line tools. Package: lcl-nogui-3.0 Description-md5: 136aef8bf11add299dc57b015daa3159 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - no GUI backend Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the part of the LCL for developing non-graphical applications and command line tools. Package: lcl-qt5 Description-md5: 45bbed94f357172a0466ba087d994d6a Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - Qt backend dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the part of the LCL for developing Qt applications. Package: lcl-qt5-3.0 Description-md5: 501da21b7f0739beccee0035cd640f21 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - Qt backend Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains the part of the LCL for developing Qt applications. Package: lcl-units Description-md5: fdd6c1796157b68ff72aa661f317c613 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - backend independent components dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing common components. Package: lcl-units-3.0 Description-md5: d36c62f9221b269486b6fe951606d11f Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - backend independent components Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains common components of the LCL. Package: lcl-utils Description-md5: 3fb88ca72fab0f5a98d9da0d5b30ca66 Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - command line build tools dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package pulling in the command line tools to ease building LCL applications. Package: lcl-utils-3.0 Description-md5: c9b936c149c8b0d15267201698364a3c Description-sl: Lazarus Components Library - command line build tools Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . Za razliko od mota Jave "napiši enkrat, poganjaj povsod" je moto Lazarusa in Free Pascala "napiši enkrat, kodno prevedi povsod". Ker je natanko enak kodni prevajalnik na voljo na vseh zgornjih sistemih, vam za enake izdelke na več sistemih ni treba spreminjati kode. . Na kratko povedano je Lazarus prosto orodje RAD za Free Pscal, ki uporablja svojo knjižnico sestavnih delov Lazarus (LCL). . This package contains command line tools to ease building LCL based applications. Package: ldc Description-md5: 5948e50786abb334aa1df283d854a913 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik LLVM D LDC is a portable compiler for the D programming language with modern optimization and code generation capabilities. . It uses the official DMD compiler frontend to support the latest version of D, and relies on the LLVM Core libraries for code generation. Package: leave Description-md5: dcd1e0c0f6802dfc9e89106044068fef Description-sl: Opomni vas kdaj morate oditi Leave waits until the specified time, then reminds you that you have to leave. You are reminded 5 minutes and 1 minute before the actual time, at the time, and every minute thereafter. When you log off, leave exits just before it would have printed the next message. Package: legacyhuman-theme Description-md5: c5a0f02297bf2c7159be7981e3621d96 Description-sl: Stara GTK tema Human The legacy Human GTK theme. At the moment the package contains: * the GTK configuration and * Metacity configuration for the theme. Package: lemonldap-ng-doc Description-md5: 5ba7f28cfbbd6982f3d9a31469f11e55 Description-sl: Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system documentation Lemonldap::NG is a complete Web-SSO system that can run with reverse- proxies or directly on application webservers. It can be used in conjunction with OpenID-Connect, CAS and SAML systems as identity or service provider. It can also be used as proxy between those federation systems. . It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for accounting. So you can have a full AAA protection. Authorizations are built by associating a regular expression and a rule. Regular expression is applied on the requested URL and the rule calculates if the user is authorized. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo html. Package: levee Description-md5: bef8e9ff400bee62e6b6537466c81c9b Description-sl: Zelo majhen klon vi Extremely small screen oriented editor based on the Unix editor "vi". It provides a terse, powerful way to enter and edit text. This programs dates back to 1980's; at the dawn of personal computing. Package: lf Description-md5: 2c2c1b59875399ad7c8875f3759681d6 Description-sl: terminal file manager written in Go lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools. . Zmožnosti: . - Single binary without any runtime dependencies (except terminfo database) - Fast startup and low memory footprint - Server/client architecture to share file selection between multiple instances - Configuration with shell commands - Customizable keybindings (vi and readline defaults) - Preview filtering (for source highlighting, archives, PDFs/images as text) Package: lft Description-md5: 77f43e7e994b0051c43d5c1b90961ed8 Description-sl: štiri plastni traceroute This sends various TCP SYN and FIN probes (differing from Van Jacobson's UDP-based method) utilizing the IP protocol "time to live" field and attempts to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to some host. lft also listens for various TCP and ICMP messages along the way to assist network managers in ascertaining per-protocol heuristic routing information and can optionally retrieve various information about the networks it traverses. Package: lhs2tex Description-md5: 96615613d7aa6971ace8fe235d24f64b Description-sl: Generates LaTeX code from literate Haskell sources lhs2TeX zagotavlja naslednje zmožnosti: . Different styles to process your source file: for instance, "tt" style uses a monospaced font for the code while still allowing you to highlight keywords etc, whereas "poly" style uses proportional fonts for identifiers, handles indentation nicely, is able to replace binary operators by mathematical symbols and take care of complex horizontal alignments. . Formatting directives, which let you customize the way certain tokens in the source code should appear in the processed output. . A liberal parser that can handle most of the language extensions; you don't have to restrict yourself to Haskell 98. . Preprocessor-style conditionals that allow you to generate different versions of a document from a single source file (for instance, a paper and a presentation). . Active documents: you can use Haskell to generate parts of the document (useful for papers on Haskell). . A manual explaining all the important aspects of lhs2TeX. Package: lib0install-solver-ocaml Description-md5: 465bf898bf589fe3d72bb78fc78e96d3 Description-sl: package dependency solver (runtime) A package dependency resolver based on a SAT solver. This was originally written for the 0install package manager, but is now generic and is also used as a solver backend for opam. The SAT solver is based on MiniSat ( and the application to package management is based on OPIUM (Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Manager). 0install- solver uses a (novel?) strategy to find the optimal solution extremely quickly (even for a SAT-based solver). . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: lib0install-solver-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 6610aa5fde511cc6345bdd27fdf1efb3 Description-sl: package dependency solver (dev) A package dependency resolver based on a SAT solver. This was originally written for the 0install package manager, but is now generic and is also used as a solver backend for opam. The SAT solver is based on MiniSat ( and the application to package management is based on OPIUM (Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Manager). 0install- solver uses a (novel?) strategy to find the optimal solution extremely quickly (even for a SAT-based solver). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: lib25519-1 Description-md5: c5630fe15b2c30439525144d48f07b59 Description-sl: microlibrary X25519/Ed25519 - shared library microlibrary for the X25519 encryption system and the Ed25519 signature system, both of which use the Curve25519 elliptic curve. Curve25519 is the fastest curve in TLS 1.3, and the only curve in Wireguard, Signal, and many other applications. . lib25519 has a very simple stateless API based on the SUPERCOP API, with wire-format inputs and outputs, providing functions that directly match the central cryptographic operations in X25519 and Ed25519: . lib25519_dh_keypair(pk, sk): X25519 key generation lib25519_dh(k, pk, sk): shared-secret generation lib25519_sign_keypair(pk, sk): Ed25519 key generation lib25519_sign(sm, &smlen, m, mlen, sk): signing lib25519_sign_open(m, &mlen, sm, smlen, pk): verification + message recovery Internally, lib25519 includes implementations designed for performance on various CPUs, implementations designed to work portably across CPUs, and automatic run-time selection of implementations. . lib25519 is intended to be called by larger multi-function libraries, including libraries in other languages via FFI. The idea is that lib25519 will take responsibility for the details of X25519/Ed25519 computation, including optimization, timing-attack protection, and eventually verification, freeing up the calling libraries to concentrate on application-specific needs such as protocol integration. Applications can also call lib25519 directly. . Souporabljena knjižnica. Package: lib25519-dev Description-md5: 5a84b90354dfbce918328f84d3a806ca Description-sl: microlibrary X25519/Ed25519 - development files microlibrary for the X25519 encryption system and the Ed25519 signature system, both of which use the Curve25519 elliptic curve. Curve25519 is the fastest curve in TLS 1.3, and the only curve in Wireguard, Signal, and many other applications. . lib25519 has a very simple stateless API based on the SUPERCOP API, with wire-format inputs and outputs, providing functions that directly match the central cryptographic operations in X25519 and Ed25519: . lib25519_dh_keypair(pk, sk): X25519 key generation lib25519_dh(k, pk, sk): shared-secret generation lib25519_sign_keypair(pk, sk): Ed25519 key generation lib25519_sign(sm, &smlen, m, mlen, sk): signing lib25519_sign_open(m, &mlen, sm, smlen, pk): verification + message recovery Internally, lib25519 includes implementations designed for performance on various CPUs, implementations designed to work portably across CPUs, and automatic run-time selection of implementations. . lib25519 is intended to be called by larger multi-function libraries, including libraries in other languages via FFI. The idea is that lib25519 will take responsibility for the details of X25519/Ed25519 computation, including optimization, timing-attack protection, and eventually verification, freeing up the calling libraries to concentrate on application-specific needs such as protocol integration. Applications can also call lib25519 directly. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: lib2geom1.2.0t64 Description-md5: 59df32d7ca736f20480217b53a32e7ae Description-sl: robust computational geometry framework -- shared library 2Geom is a C++ 2D geometry library geared towards robust processing of computational geometry data associated with vector graphics. The primary design consideration is ease of use and clarity. It is dual-licensed under LGPL 2.1 and MPL 1.1. . The library is descended from a set of geometric routines present in Inkscape, a vector graphics editor based around the Scalable Vector Graphics format, the most widespread vector graphics interchange format on the Web and a W3C Recommendation. Due to this legacy, not all parts of the API form a coherent whole (yet). . Rendering is outside the scope of this library, and it is assumed something like libcairo or similar is employed for this. 2geom concentrates on higher level algorithms and geometric computations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: lib3mf-dev Description-md5: b07f430956085fc425b9520162f657ec Description-sl: Lib3MF is a C++ implementation of the 3D Manufacturing Format (development) As 3MF shall become an universal 3D Printing standard, its quick adoption is very important. This library shall lower all barriers of adoption to any possible user, let it be software providers, hardware providers, service providers or middleware tools. The specification can be downloaded at . Its aim is to offer an open source way to integrate 3MF reading and writing capabilities, as well as conversion and validation tools for input and output data. The 3MF Library shall provide a clean and easy-to-use API to speed up the development and keep integration costs at a minimum. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: lib3mf-doc Description-md5: ad56f97f448128c8e868599b92c183bf Description-sl: Lib3MF is a C++ implementation of the 3D Manufacturing Format (documentation) As 3MF shall become an universal 3D Printing standard, its quick adoption is very important. This library shall lower all barriers of adoption to any possible user, let it be software providers, hardware providers, service providers or middleware tools. The specification can be downloaded at . Its aim is to offer an open source way to integrate 3MF reading and writing capabilities, as well as conversion and validation tools for input and output data. The 3MF Library shall provide a clean and easy-to-use API to speed up the development and keep integration costs at a minimum. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: liba52-0.7.4-dev Description-md5: a008e9348ef0391e0dd7eac39d37af19 Description-sl: library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (development) liba52 is a free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams. The A/52 standard is used in a variety of applications, including digital television and DVD. It is also known as AC-3. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libaa-bin Description-md5: aceb0e45b1024860e2efa4f03f15d19a Description-sl: Primeri programov, ki uporabljajo aalib AAlib is a portable ASCII art graphics library. Internally, it works like a graphics display, but the output is rendered into gorgeous platform independent ASCII graphics. . This package contains a few sample programs that use aalib. Package: libaacs0 Description-md5: 41db8a659b0b28fdefe3a4c746d811ba Description-sl: free-and-libre implementation of AACS libaacs is a research project to implement the Advanced Access Content System specification. It provides, through an open-source library, a way to understand how the AACS works. . This package DOES NOT provide any key or certificate that could be used to decode encrypted copyrighted material. It is based on the official public AACS specification only. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libabigail-dev Description-md5: e5be201b6d254fa6dfc675ac3066a175 Description-sl: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (development files) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libabigail4 Description-md5: d2eee0fd9ff716cd0684053bf99fb5a3 Description-sl: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (runtime) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libabiword-3.0 Description-md5: 2574ef9e41c920826760e47a0ed6956c Description-sl: efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration -- shared library AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . This package contains the shared library, enabling other applications to integrate AbiWord functionality. Package: libabiword-dev Description-md5: 920d78a20ddaa977e87f549ec91b6c92 Description-sl: efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration -- development files AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . This package contains development files for software linking against libabiword-3.0. Package: libaccounts-qt-doc Description-md5: 452648f40b23d5c546881fc69116d353 Description-sl: Accounts database access Qt version - documentation Accounts and SSO (Single Sign-On) framework for Linux and POSIX based platforms. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libace-8.0.1 Description-md5: 054b0ca823849fe2ed15c43b24bd4152 Description-sl: Ogrodje omrežnega programiranja C++ This package contains the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) framework. . It provides platform independent C++ wrappers for all forms of IPC, thread- and process-management routines, and much more. . Moreover, it defines patterns for common communication tasks. * Reactor: handles event demultiplexing and dispatching * Proactor: for asynchronous I/O driven programs Package: libacpi-dev Description-md5: fbf0ef585a232c225d1c4b166e5f2899 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libacpi libacpi is a general purpose shared library for programs gathering ACPI data on Linux. It implements thermal zones, battery information, fan information and AC states. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libacpi. Package: libad9361-dev Description-md5: df8fb4cd9e7c43d5c4b886b9a6b0793b Description-sl: Development files specific to the Analog Devices AD9361 This library contains a few functions useful to configure and use the Analog Devices AD9361 Agile Transceiver. . The device combines an RF front end with a flexible mixed-signal baseband section and integrated frequency synthesizers. The AD9361 operates in the 70 MHz to 6.0 GHz range, covering most licensed and unlicensed bands. Channel bandwidths from less than 200 kHz to 56 MHz are supported. This library provides hardware support for Software Defined Radio aplications. . Using libiio allows use with both locally attached devices and hardware available over a network link. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libadacgi-dev Description-md5: 3e57052a5c95ecb8e66883f8360c0349 Description-sl: Ada CGI interface: development To je vmesnik Ada 95 Davida A. Wheelerja do "skupnega vmesnika prehoda" (CGI). To naredi ustvarjenje programov Ada, ki jih je mogoče priklicati s strežniki HTTP z običajnim vmesnikom CGI, enostavnejše. . Install this package if you want to write programs that use AdaCGI. Package: libadacgi5 Description-md5: da0ee1d23ca5c3bd75ce2a44d7695b9a Description-sl: Ada CGI interface: shared library To je vmesnik Ada 95 Davida A. Wheelerja do "skupnega vmesnika prehoda" (CGI). To naredi ustvarjenje programov Ada, ki jih je mogoče priklicati s strežniki HTTP z običajnim vmesnikom CGI, enostavnejše. . This package contains the runtime shared library. Package: libaddresses-dev Description-md5: 77ec4e73f6401222a2f61deee02f233b Description-sl: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (development files) This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libaddresses0 Description-md5: 3c47c879b1008db892e8c063bfce221c Description-sl: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (library files) This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libaddressview-dev Description-md5: 5fdf286b3ece00e2582e9440c0e4adfe Description-sl: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (development files) This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libaddressview0 Description-md5: b4dd3ab05d5585ecc1e315b7d953872d Description-sl: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (library files) This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libadmesh-dev Description-md5: 3e16e50a4d5fbd3b8f331c07c062e8a1 Description-sl: Tool for processing triangulated solid meshes. Development files Trenutno ADMesh bere le vrsto datotek STL, ki se uporabljajo za hitre prototipe programov, čeprav lahko zapisuje datoteke STL, VRML, OFF in DXF. Nekatere zmožnosti admesh so: zapolnitev lukenj v mrežah z dodajanjem ploskev, popravilo ploskev s povezavo bližnjih ploskev, popravilo normalnih smeri (ploskve bi morale biti v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalca) in odstranitev degeneriranih ploskev (ploskev z 2 ali več enakimi točkami) . The package contains development files. Package: libadmesh1 Description-md5: 1ef195f577f30cdc8e28961d7e1b643b Description-sl: Tool for processing triangulated solid meshes. Shared library Trenutno ADMesh bere le vrsto datotek STL, ki se uporabljajo za hitre prototipe programov, čeprav lahko zapisuje datoteke STL, VRML, OFF in DXF. Nekatere zmožnosti admesh so: zapolnitev lukenj v mrežah z dodajanjem ploskev, popravilo ploskev s povezavo bližnjih ploskev, popravilo normalnih smeri (ploskve bi morale biti v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalca) in odstranitev degeneriranih ploskev (ploskev z 2 ali več enakimi točkami) . The package contains shared library. Package: libadns1t64 Description-md5: 2d4806e0537386505c70d730ab8e8791 Description-sl: Asynchronous-capable DNS client library adns is a resolver library for C (and C++) programs. In contrast with the existing interfaces, gethostbyname et al and libresolv, it can be used in an asynchronous, non-blocking manner, and has a convenient interface which doesn't require the application to handle any DNS data formats. Many queries can be handled simultaneously. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libadolc-dev Description-md5: adee44c499c574b86ccfec2cf875282d Description-sl: Razvojne knjižnice in glave ADOLC The ADOLC system automatically calculates exact derivatives of a C/C++ function. It uses C++ overloading to record arithmetic operations, which it plays back later in various ways to calculate the requested values. . This package contains the development library, header files, and user's manual. Package: libadolc2t64 Description-md5: 612313b21da223f936ccfc1c37b180c3 Description-sl: ADOLC automatic differentiation system, runtime libs The ADOLC system automatically calculates exact derivatives of a C/C++ function. It uses C++ overloading to record arithmetic operations, which it plays back later in various ways to calculate the requested values. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libadplug-dev Description-md5: 5e5a249b161a7cfdfd94f8ab462cfad7 Description-sl: free AdLib sound library (development) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libafflib-dev Description-md5: 2ae8d5a3d0348fefeaffd2ebe22e5364 Description-sl: Advanced Forensics Format Library (development files) The Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) is on-disk format for storing computer forensic information. Critical features of AFF include: . - AFF allows you to store both computer forensic data and associated metadata in one or more files. - AFF allows files to be digital signed, to provide for chain-of-custody and long-term file integrity. - AFF allows for forensic disk images to stored encrypted and decrypted on-the-fly for processing. This allows disk images containing privacy sensitive material to be stored on the Internet. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libaften-dev Description-md5: 7ce409ebeb11e75d213a53fae4574c3e Description-sl: Zvočni odkodirnik AC3 -- razvojne datoteke Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libaften0 Description-md5: 7dec1029e6e37a968d519646a46fc3fb Description-sl: audio AC3 encoder - runtime files Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libafterstep1t64 Description-md5: aaa29f714fcfa5fc5a73052c11dac9d0 Description-sl: shared libraries for the AfterStep window manager AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice, ki jih potrebuje AfterStep. Package: libahp-xc1t64 Description-md5: 200a12f3a6b5a0c8ef0066ee2763d3c4 Description-sl: XC Correlators SDK - library This library is the official driver for the AHP XC Crosscorrelators. . The AHP XC correlators do cross-correlation and auto-correlation counting from quantum detectors, ranging from radio to photon counters to geiger- mode detectors or noise-scattering sensors. The XC series offer a scientific grade solution for laboratory testing and measurement in quantum resoluting detection environments. . To je paket knjižnice. Package: libahven-dev Description-md5: 6e54401a37b269c5decb82e27a009a12 Description-sl: Unit test library for Ada (development) Ahven is a simple unit test library for the Ada 95 programming language. It is loosely modeled after JUnit, and some ideas are taken from AUnit. Ahven is free software distributed under permissive ISC license and should work with any Ada 95 compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libahven-doc Description-md5: 193597313d174082ab3a9c35889e6112 Description-sl: Unit test library for Ada (documentation) Ahven is a simple unit test library for the Ada 95 programming language. It is loosely modeled after JUnit, and some ideas are taken from AUnit. Ahven is free software distributed under permissive ISC license and should work with any Ada 95 compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-0c2a Description-md5: 547746dab61779644273faa87b90dbb6 Description-sl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (development) Aiksaurus is an English-language thesaurus that is suitable for integration with word processors, email composers, and other authoring software. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-data Description-md5: 5e419cb8b87fa0717be6e39b76c3acd5 Description-sl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (data) Aiksaurus is an English-language thesaurus that is suitable for integration with word processors, email composers, and other authoring software. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke tezavrov. Package: libairspy-dev Description-md5: 0e9031eb7dbc3783ce2c59cf71f528d4 Description-sl: Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - development Airspy is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive between 24 MHz and 1750 MHz. Airspy has a 10 MHz bandwidth. 12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB SFDR, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB) It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libairspy0 Description-md5: a5f4eb4607ecf1df83db7ed5f4f089a6 Description-sl: Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - library Airspy is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive between 24 MHz and 1750 MHz. Airspy has a 10 MHz bandwidth. 12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB SFDR, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB) It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libairspyhf-dev Description-md5: 24cacfde8a494d91fdee99f29a6662f8 Description-sl: HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - development Airspy HF+ is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive 9 kHZ to 31 MHz and 60 MHz to 260 MHz. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libairspyhf1 Description-md5: d64d6ed88b5469a7443750cc3ed0ed9f Description-sl: HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - library Airspy HF+ is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive 9 kHZ to 31 MHz and 60 MHz to 260 MHz. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libakai0t64 Description-md5: c1991637f84e9ef54646341510f514a2 Description-sl: library for loading and modifying akai files libakai is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating akai files. . Ta paket vsebuje od souporabljene datoteke knjižnice. Package: libalberta-dev Description-md5: b25cba8f2ea2f2773152673b759fae8d Description-sl: adaptive finite element library (development files) ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). . It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and flexibility in mind. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libalberta4t64 Description-md5: afb017f8092816903f5edbc4a5573a11 Description-sl: adaptive finite element library (library) ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). . It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and flexibility in mind. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libalglib-dev Description-md5: b4738e0f01a0b7c1868e2aa5e279816b Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico alglib ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library. This package support C++. ALGLIB features include: . * Linear algebra (direct algorithms, EVD/SVD) * Solvers (linear and nonlinear) * Interpolation * Optimization * Fast Fourier transforms * Numerical integration * Linear and nonlinear least-squares fitting * Ordinary differential equations * Special functions * Statistics (descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing) * Data analysis (classification/regression, including neural networks) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke (glave in dokumentacijo) za ALGLIB. Package: libalgorithm-numerical-sample-perl Description-md5: 55934bfac98d9166aefe0da6bb7601c2 Description-sl: Vlečenje vzorcev iz zbirke This package gives two methods to draw fair, random samples from a set. There is a procedural interface for the case the entire set is known, and an object oriented interface when the a set with unknown size has to be processed. Package: liballegro4-dev Description-md5: 5b17ce6a77ff7eb24483c5ae33ba5961 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico Allegro This package contains the development headers for the Allegro library. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: libalog-dev Description-md5: 155502ea897a8a46402540435adc9fc7 Description-sl: Logging framework for Ada (development) Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use and easily extendable. Alog provides file-based and syslog logging facilities and log-level support. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libalog-doc Description-md5: fc4b8f6605f4da53abfcdaa388aa7621 Description-sl: Logging framework for Ada (documentation) Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use and easily extendable. Alog provides file-based and syslog logging facilities and log-level support. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libalsa-ocaml Description-md5: 4a4b94b973826f1ac75346209a69fa27 Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico ALSA This OCaml library interfaces the ALSA library libasound to access audio devices. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libalsa-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bcc1226bea80576c474e5d5788877f8e Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico ALSA This OCaml library interfaces the ALSA library libasound to access audio devices. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use ocaml-alsa in your programs. Package: libalure-dev Description-md5: 795fbf5973232dd6d7157692b859844c Description-sl: AL Utilities REtooled (development files) ALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming. . The purpose of this library is to provide pre-made functionality that would otherwise be repetitive or difficult to (re)code for various projects and platforms, such as loading a sound file into an OpenAL buffer and streaming an audio file through a buffer queue. Support for different formats is consistent across platforms, so no special checks are needed when loading files, and all formats are handled through the same API. . Currently ALURE includes a basic .wav and .aif file reader, and can leverage external libraries such as libSndFile (for extended wave formats and several others), VorbisFile (for Ogg Vorbis), and FLAC (for FLAC and Ogg FLAC), and others. External libraries can also be dynamically loaded at run-time, or individually disabled outright at compile time. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libalut0 Description-md5: e2f4c1cf60656e3310d2d88e2bc8311f Description-sl: Zbirka orodij pripomočkov OpenAL freealut is a free implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard. ALUT is a set of portable functions which remove the annoying details of getting an audio application started. It is the OpenAL counterpart of what GLUT is for OpenGL. Package: libamd-comgr-dev Description-md5: d5a216a4827796bee1a6050c23346184 Description-sl: ROCm code object manager - development package The Code Object Manager is a shared library which provides operations for creating and inspecting LLVM code objects. See the documentation in the header file /usr/include/amd_comgr/amd_comgr.h . . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libaml0t64 Description-md5: 1a3ef00f4a913a2237dd74869f09c44f Description-sl: Andri's Main Loop library (shared library) Libaml provides an event loop library that aims at portability, utility and simplicity. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libamplsolver0 Description-md5: 93d1c5061cfc3f15e16737a589cf63ec Description-sl: library of routines that help solvers work with AMPL Library of routines that help solvers work with AMPL. AMPL is a language and system for formulating, solving, and helping understand mathematical programming problems (of minimizing or maximizing a function subject to constraints). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libanalitza-dev Description-md5: f86a1a12d9304114642eaf951ce52eaa Description-sl: development files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . This package contains the development files, used to build applications that use Analitza. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libanalitza8 Description-md5: 92ad86650a4e6fad5ca6fbc6be591399 Description-sl: library to work with mathematical expressions This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libanalitzagui8 Description-md5: 02f734e9dfb655fed0eb2d6024454a29 Description-sl: library to work with mathematical expressions - GUI routines This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to the graphical user interface. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libanalitzaplot8 Description-md5: 8850b8c7b9a0aaa910de370924d8aa53 Description-sl: library to work with mathematical expressions - plotting bits This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to plotting. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libanalitzawidgets8 Description-md5: b0a7e75633fd35963404b7c26a88930b Description-sl: library to work with mathematical expressions - widgets This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides several UI components based on QWidget and QML. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libanet-dev Description-md5: 65411c893c2c78e6f5cd08645e82ca96 Description-sl: Ada networking library (development) Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language. The library provides a BSD socket implementation with a high level of abstraction and an extendable socket type hierarchy. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libangstrom-ocaml Description-md5: cc4e0dc29c34038b50658089b52617ff Description-sl: speed and memory-efficient parser combinators for OCaml (runtime) Angstrom is a parser-combinator library that makes it easy to write efficient, expressive, and reusable parsers suitable for high-performance applications. It exposes monadic and applicative interfaces for composition, and supports incremental input through buffered and unbuffered interfaces. Both interfaces give the user total control over the blocking behavior of their application, with the unbuffered interface enabling zero-copy IO. Parsers are backtracking by default and support unbounded lookahead. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libangstrom-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a23ba2c35bebab60d56236edd890b2c9 Description-sl: speed and memory-efficient parser combinators for OCaml (dev) Angstrom is a parser-combinator library that makes it easy to write efficient, expressive, and reusable parsers suitable for high-performance applications. It exposes monadic and applicative interfaces for composition, and supports incremental input through buffered and unbuffered interfaces. Both interfaces give the user total control over the blocking behavior of their application, with the unbuffered interface enabling zero-copy IO. Parsers are backtracking by default and support unbounded lookahead. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libansi-terminal-ocaml Description-md5: 65b4cfbe45eae4ebb9126d9e494fff36 Description-sl: colors and cursor movements for OCaml applications (runtime files) This package provides a library for use of colors and cursor movements on ANSI terminals for OCaml programs. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libansi-terminal-ocaml-dev Description-md5: e0a6b0449b4ad92c3da1d1d1673fbe75 Description-sl: colors and cursor movements for OCaml applications (dev files) This package provides a library for use of colors and cursor movements on ANSI terminals for OCaml programs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libantelope-java Description-md5: c09011e0a4e8513591bbffe4330dab7c Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik za Ant Antelope is a graphical user interface for running Ant. . It can run as a stand-alone GUI application and as a plugin to jedit. . Antelope Project also provides a set of additional tasks that provide functionality not found in the standard tasks distributed with Ant. Package: libantelope-java-doc Description-md5: 9434bc7ffa581ff36a2546f91397057d Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik za Ant - dokumentacija Antelope is a graphical user interface for running Ant. . It can run as a stand-alone GUI application and as a plugin to jedit. . Antelope Project also provides a set of additional tasks that provide functionality not found in the standard tasks distributed with Ant. . This package contains API Javadoc for libantelope-java. Package: libantlr-maven-plugin-java Description-md5: 671f1bc590b7cabc9996973f5a70756e Description-sl: Vstavek Maven ANTLR Maven Plugin for Antlr v2. It can generate code from Antlr 2 scripts inside a Maven build. Package: libanyevent-tools-perl Description-md5: 0013e007bde86042594220ada1f93f90 Description-sl: Zbirka instrumentov za AnyEvent The package contains a few instruments that can be used with AnyEvent: * mutexes/rw_mutexes - sharing one resource between many processes * foreaches - non-blocking cycles * pools - sharing many resources between many processes * buffers implementation, etc Package: libanyevent-xmpp-perl Description-md5: 3fb43655bcf86cf086ae53924e1f556f Description-sl: Izvedba protokola XMPP AnyEvent::XMPP is an implementation of XMPP in Perl, formerly known under the name Net::XMPP2, it allows you to easily write Clients and Components. In comparison to Net::XMPP it offers a event based API and is independent of an event loop with AnyEvent. . The following XEPs are implemented: * XEP-0004 - Data Forms * XEP-0030 - Service Discovery * XEP-0054 - vcard-temp (XMPP vCards) * XEP-0066 - Out of Band Data * XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration * XEP-0078 - Non-SASL Authentication * XEP-0082 - XMPP Date and Time Profiles * XEP-0086 - Error Condition Mappings * XEP-0091 - Delayed Delivery (legacy) * XEP-0092 - Software Version * XEP-0114 - Jabber Component Protocol * XEP-0153 - vCard-Based Avatars * XEP-0184 - Message Receipts * XEP-0199 - XMPP Ping * XEP-0203 - Delayed Delivery (new) . AnyEvent is a framework to do event-based programming, implemented as a thin abstraction layer on top of other event loops. Package: libaoflagger0 Description-md5: ca2a06f67e7f2d04e69f8a92aaeb2680 Description-sl: Find RFI in radio astronomical observations (shared lib) The AOFlagger is a tool that can find and remove radio-frequency interference (RFI) in radio astronomical observations. The code has been highly optimized for speed and accuracy. It is used by default for the LOFAR radio telescope and thus is in productional stage. The software can run in a fully automated way, but a graphical interface is provided to analyse results and tweak the strategy. The preferred input file format is the Casa Measurement Set (MS) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libaosd-dev Description-md5: c88decf3cb8538d4fef2fb1b1d09d999 Description-sl:'s on screen display library - dev libaosd is an advanced on screen display library. It supports many modern features like anti-aliased text and composited rendering via XComposite, as well as support for rendering Cairo and Pango layouts. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libaosd2 Description-md5: ae59a485a5197ee9a6a06bf40748eb08 Description-sl:'s on screen display library - main libaosd is an advanced on screen display library. It supports many modern features like anti-aliased text and composited rendering via XComposite, as well as support for rendering Cairo and Pango layouts. . Ta paket vsebuje glavno knjižnico. Package: libapache-qpid-proton-j-java Description-md5: dfdde1cde03f323a9e68531cf3c9caf7 Description-sl: Apache Qpid Proton-J Qpid Proton-J is a high-performance, lightweight messaging library. It can be used in the widest range of messaging applications, including brokers, clients libraries, routers, bridges, proxies, and more. Proton makes it trivial to integrate with the AMQP 1.0 ecosystem from any platform, environment, or language. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * A flexible and capable reactive messaging API * Full control of AMQP 1.0 protocol semantics * Portable C implementation with bindings to popular languages * Pure-Java implementation * Peer-to-peer and brokered messaging * Secure communication via SSL and SASL Package: libapache-qpid-proton-j-java-doc Description-md5: a70ae3029a79d7436b19bf721b910e60 Description-sl: Apache Qpid Proton-J - documentation Qpid Proton-J is a high-performance, lightweight messaging library. It can be used in the widest range of messaging applications, including brokers, clients libraries, routers, bridges, proxies, and more. Proton makes it trivial to integrate with the AMQP 1.0 ecosystem from any platform, environment, or language. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * A flexible and capable reactive messaging API * Full control of AMQP 1.0 protocol semantics * Portable C implementation with bindings to popular languages * Pure-Java implementation * Peer-to-peer and brokered messaging * Secure communication via SSL and SASL . This package installs the javadoc documentation. Package: libapache2-mod-authn-yubikey Description-md5: bb7bfa15656c5ce7d654bd4f2ad6583c Description-sl: Ponudnik ovritve Yubikey za Apache The mod_authn_yubikey module is an authentication provider for the Apache platform. It leverages the YubiKey which is a small token that acts as an authentication device. . The mod_authn_yubikey module provides one and two factor authentication for your website and is completely independent from the technology that implements your website (like CGI, JSP or PHP). Package: libapache2-mod-geoip Description-md5: e4085008663af571952df21045e8534a Description-sl: Podpora GeoIP za apache2 This is an apache2 module for finding the country that a web request originated from. It uses the GeoIP library and database to perform the lookup. The module allows manipulation of client requests from within Apache based on the country of origin. . This module only works on Apache 2 servers. Package: libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir-dbg Description-md5: 6774cde3a03e161d59f3e5fc261a3840 Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za mod_ldap_userdir This package provides debugging symbols for mod_ldap_userdir, to assist in debugging, such as with gdb. It is not required for normal operation. Package: libapache2-mod-log-sql Description-md5: 0abfd07fc9a75cb22efda6bc762330ea Description-sl: Use SQL to store/write your Apache queries logs - Base mod_log_sql is a log module for Apache which logs all requests to a database. . Osnovni paket. . If you want to use make_combined_log and mysql_import_combined_log scripts you will need to install the perl package. Package: libapache2-mod-log-sql-dbi Description-md5: 245473d514cc1c723ec85dafae3a747f Description-sl: Use SQL to store/write your Apache queries logs - DBI interface mod_log_sql is a log module for Apache 1which logs all requests to a MySQL database. . Vmesnik DBI. Package: libapache2-mod-log-sql-mysql Description-md5: 7023c14befb1c1634f74dfb823363970 Description-sl: Use SQL to store/write your Apache queries logs - MySQL interface mod_log_sql is a log module for Apache which logs all requests to a MySQL database. . Vmesnik MySQL. Package: libapache2-mod-security2 Description-md5: 198ee1322fd8f21e7b0987f6dfb5edc3 Description-sl: Tighten web applications security for Apache Modsecurity is an Apache module whose purpose is to tighten the Web application security. Effectively, it is an intrusion detection and prevention system for the web server. . Trenutno so njegove glavne zmožnosti: * presoja varnosti dnevnikov, shramba polnih podrobnosti zahtev v ločeni datoteki, vključno z vsebino POST, * filtriranje zahtev: dohodne zahteve je mogoče preučiti in napadalne zahteve zavrniti (ali beležiti, če tako želite). To zmožnost lahko uporabite za preprečitev številnih vrst napadov (na primer napadov XSS, vstavitve SQL, ...) in na svojih strežnikih celo poganjate programe, ki niso varni (seveda, če nimate druge izbire). Package: libapertium3 Description-md5: 4770d1d0d21411c1a6c67f51a30e6da9 Description-sl: Souporabljna knjižnica za Apertium An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation engine, Apertium is initially aimed at related-language pairs. . This package contains shared library for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine translation engine. Package: libaperture-0-0 Description-md5: 4fb1c0a98258c49b0b93f41d0f876713 Description-sl: Camera library for GTK3 libaperture provides GTK widgets and GObjects to ease developing camera applications for mobile phones. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libapp-rad-perl Description-md5: 15e7bea09445d82477bc217bc1a20cf6 Description-sl: Modul Perl za hitro in enostavno ustvarjanje programov ukazne vrstice App::Rad aims to be a simple yet powerful framework for developing your command-line applications. It can easily transform your Perl one-liners into reusable subroutines than can be called directly by the user of your program. . It also tries to provide a handy interface for your common command-line tasks. Package: libapp-repl-perl Description-md5: ee9910c7e4a57b17da8e87634cf11420 Description-sl: Vsebnik za funkcije v programu iperl App::REPL module contains functions that the iperl program automatically imports into any package it enters, for interactive convenience. Package: libappindicator-doc Description-md5: 02ba3477e299ea6febe16c1b60467b01 Description-sl: Application Indicators A library and indicator to take menus from applications and place them in the panel. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libapreq2-3t64 Description-md5: a7cbbe5541f0b98aaaa957c43520424f Description-sl: generic Apache request library The generic Apache request library (APR) contains modules for manipulating client request data with the Apache API from Perl and C. Functionality includes: . - parsing of application/x-www-form-urlencoded data - parsing of multipart/form-data - parsing of HTTP Cookies . Ta paket vsebuje glavno knjižnico. Package: libapreq2-doc Description-md5: 92318dc20bfd3cf171825757d8cc86a1 Description-sl: generic Apache request library - documentation The generic Apache request library (APR) contains modules for manipulating client request data with the Apache API from Perl and C. Functionality includes: . - parsing of application/x-www-form-urlencoded data - parsing of multipart/form-data - parsing of HTTP Cookies . Ta paket vsebuje programersko dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libaqbanking-data Description-md5: ac326068d6e30b62ec011a004a2ca845 Description-sl: Nastavitvene datoteke za libaqbanking AqBanking provides a middle layer between the applications and online banking libraries implementing various file formats and protocols. Plugins supporting OFX, DTAUS, HBCI, and EBICS are available. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za AqBanking. Package: libaqbanking-dev Description-md5: b779f8309fe372d0d259c12499d65a54 Description-sl: Knjižnica za programe spletnega bančništva AqBanking provides a middle layer between the applications and online banking libraries implementing various file formats and protocols. Plugins supporting OFX, DTAUS, HBCI, and EBICS are available. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za AqBanking. Package: libaqbanking44 Description-md5: 565491d6b2227265bbc884ce67136ad9 Description-sl: Knjižnica za programe spletnega bančništva AqBanking provides a middle layer between the applications and online banking libraries implementing various file formats and protocols. Plugins supporting OFX, DTAUS, HBCI, and EBICS are available. Package: libaribb24-0t64 Description-md5: 4ef1a0a387d15d7ab5a0d1f67d434673 Description-sl: library for ARIB STD-B24 decoding (runtime files) ARIB STD-B24 is a character set encoding used for subtitles when broadcasting MPEG-2 TS streams. This library provides a decoder of this character set. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libaribb24-dev Description-md5: 9052414d5b4da028b0db65f2b593aa48 Description-sl: library for ARIB STD-B24 decoding (development files) ARIB STD-B24 is a character set encoding used for subtitles when broadcasting MPEG-2 TS streams. This library provides a decoder of this character set. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libarpack2t64 Description-md5: 2930973bf6f522d792538129ee506be1 Description-sl: Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. . Pomembne zmožnosti: . * Reverse Communication Interface. * Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, Non-symmetric, * Standard or Generalized Problems. * Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. * Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libasio-dev Description-md5: dc7d21184ad3d29e32645e9d54f8af37 Description-sl: cross-platform C++ library for network programming asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++ approach. It has recently been accepted into Boost. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libasio-doc Description-md5: 8715b9518d8bfd444d64fc1165528683 Description-sl: documentation for asio C++ library for network programming asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++ approach. It has recently been accepted into Boost. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libasl-dev Description-md5: 3dbba1fa390ebb8d35b8fd46d42aaf2c Description-sl: development files for ASL The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libasl0t64 Description-md5: 341b2c5823fad0564a102df1a4e6e401 Description-sl: multiphysics simulation software The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libasn1-combinators-ocaml Description-md5: 9ff0ae28fa268e24ef2c55504731dcbb Description-sl: embed typed ASN.1 grammars in OCaml (runtime files) Asn1-combinators is a library for expressing ASN.1 in OCaml. Skip the notation part of ASN.1, and embed the abstract syntax directly in the language. These abstract syntax representations can be used for parsing, serialization, or random testing. . The only ASN.1 encodings currently supported are BER and DER. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libasn1-combinators-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 2f092efea5dc7b31f1640a5a0f6ece94 Description-sl: embed typed ASN.1 grammars in OCaml (dev files) Asn1-combinators is a library for expressing ASN.1 in OCaml. Skip the notation part of ASN.1, and embed the abstract syntax directly in the language. These abstract syntax representations can be used for parsing, serialization, or random testing. . The only ASN.1 encodings currently supported are BER and DER. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libasound2-plugin-equal Description-md5: a9edf531ebd9bda6252a90abe08294f0 Description-sl: Vstavek izenačevalnika za ALSA Alsaequal is a real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA. It can be adjusted using an ALSA compatible mixer, like alsamixergui or alsamixer. . Alsaequal uses the Eq CAPS LADSPA Plugin for audio processing, actually alsaequal is a generic LADSPA plugin interface with real-time access to the LADSPA controls (the LADSPA plugin included with alsa doesn't allow for real-time controls) but it was developed for and only tested with Eq CAPS LADSPA plugin. Package: libass-dev Description-md5: 1e6f14ccc11ddcfcb640621e0b784231 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libass SubStation Alpha (SSA) is a subtitle file format that allows more advanced subtitles than the conventional SRT and similar formats. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libass. Package: libassa-3.5-5t64 Description-md5: 9a1b78f42b6cf798680a6bd5126606f4 Description-sl: object-oriented C++ networking library libASSA is an object-oriented C++ networking library based on Adaptive Communication Patterns. It features a simplistic implementation of the set of communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor, Connector, and others described in various papers published by Dr. D. C. Schmidt. . libASSA happily co-exists with other frameworks such as GUI toolkits and various CORBA implementations . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libastring-ocaml Description-md5: 7e0840fa2217c7fe633de7c72cdec3b8 Description-sl: alternative String module for OCaml (runtime) Astring exposes an alternative String module for OCaml. This module tries to balance minimality and expressiveness for basic, index-free, string processing and provides types and functions for substrings, string sets and string maps. . Remaining compatible with the OCaml String module is a non-goal. The String module exposed by Astring has exception safe functions, removes deprecated and rarely used functions, alters some signatures and names, adds a few missing functions and fully exploits OCaml's newfound string immutability. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libastring-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 90438a016f80c75707e17b7ed6d21c56 Description-sl: alternative String module for OCaml (development) Astring exposes an alternative String module for OCaml. This module tries to balance minimality and expressiveness for basic, index-free, string processing and provides types and functions for substrings, string sets and string maps. . Remaining compatible with the OCaml String module is a non-goal. The String module exposed by Astring has exception safe functions, removes deprecated and rarely used functions, alters some signatures and names, adds a few missing functions and fully exploits OCaml's newfound string immutability. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libastro-dev Description-md5: 8d12113d2c4a765844a7516371018b51 Description-sl: development files for the Marble astrononmy library Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . This package contains development files for building software that uses the Marble astronomy library . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libastro1 Description-md5: 657b13f68cade242bc2a621ea4a8e9b9 Description-sl: Marble astronomy library Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . This package contains shared libraries for astronomy support in marble. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libastrometry0t64 Description-md5: dd36773275e2c7f43405ef4cc3dd45c3 Description-sl: Astrometry plate solver (shared lib) The astrometry engine will take any image and return the astrometry world coordinate system (WCS), a standards-based description of the transformation between image coordinates and sky coordinates. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libastyle-dev Description-md5: bc37a0bfe2a118bb7dc42997f00d22fc Description-sl: Library header files for Artistic Style Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C# and Java programming languages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libastyle3 Description-md5: 1220a0e9cf0c7a35ba3d0af0efa91bfc Description-sl: Shared library for Artistic Style Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C# and Java programming languages. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libatfs1t64 Description-md5: ad592babe776beb653aba82c28b2da8c Description-sl: Attributed File System (AtFS runtime libraries) AtFS is a storage system supporting multiple versions of files and associating an arbitrary number of application defined attributes of the form "name=value" with each version. It is part of ShapeTools, a software configuration management system. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libatomic-queue0 Description-md5: 8010ede9e291a894c26bb927cfedb6fb Description-sl: C++ atomic_queue library C++11 multiple-producer-multiple-consumer lockless queues based on circular buffer with std::atomic. The main design principle these queues follow is simplicity: the bare minimum of atomic operations, fixed size buffer, value semantics. . The circular buffer side-steps the memory reclamation problem inherent in linked-list based queues for the price of fixed buffer size. See Effective memory reclamation for lock-free data structures in C++ for more details. . These qualities are also limitations: . * The maximum queue size must be set at compile time or construction time. * There are no OS-blocking push/pop functions. . Nevertheless, ultra-low-latency applications need just that and nothing more. The simplicity pays off, see the throughput and latency benchmarks. . Available containers are: . * AtomicQueue - a fixed size ring-buffer for atomic elements. * OptimistAtomicQueue - a faster fixed size ring-buffer for atomic elements which busy-waits when empty or full. * AtomicQueue2 - a fixed size ring-buffer for non-atomic elements. * OptimistAtomicQueue2 - a faster fixed size ring-buffer for non-atomic elements which busy-waits when empty or full. . These containers have corresponding AtomicQueueB, OptimistAtomicQueueB, AtomicQueueB2, OptimistAtomicQueueB2 versions where the buffer size is specified as an argument to the constructor. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libatompub-perl Description-md5: ff2a636bf4c6e4a52f3382eb829f30f0 Description-sl: Izvedba protokola objavljanja Atom The Atom Publishing Protocol (Atompub) is a protocol for publishing and editing Web resources described at . Atompub implements client Atompub::Client and server Atompub::Server for the protocol. XML formats used in the protocol are implemented in XML::Atom and XML::Atom::Service. Catalyst extension Catalyst::Controller::Atompub is also available. Package: libaubio-dev Description-md5: ecb6c6521460704761ac69f20a53e6f8 Description-sl: library for audio and music analysis, synthesis, and effects aubio gathers a set of functions for audio signal segmentation and labelling. The library contains a phase vocoder, onset and pitch detection functions, a beat tracking algorithm and other sound processing utilities. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libaubio. Package: libaubio-doc Description-md5: 8aa2c96df0d9f4359ed22794d2dfe564 Description-sl: library for audio segmentation -- documentation aubio gathers a set of functions for audio signal segmentation and labelling. The library contains a phase vocoder, onset and pitch detection functions, a beat tracking algorithm and other sound processing utilities. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za vmesnik C. Package: libaudclient-dev Description-md5: 211a21010813b8a6cbf8c90ece170759 Description-sl: audacious D-Bus remote control library (development files) Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package contains a development files and headers for the library used to remote control audacious. Package: libaudclient2 Description-md5: 488da341a8b78e8ee3ae675361df3578 Description-sl: audacious D-Bus remote control library Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package contains a library used to remote control audacious. Package: libaudcore5t64 Description-md5: 2a0caa32f6a6478ded9a174f96a8e23b Description-sl: Knjižnica osnovnega programnika audacious Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package contains a library which provides core functionality of Audacious. Package: libaudgui5t64 Description-md5: 53d8716a3af88c9d5a9cf67a787e0129 Description-sl: audacious media player (libaudgui shared library) Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package provides the libaudgui shared library. Package: libaudio-xmmsclient-perl Description-md5: deba57b5a877f94f945b73949e63f289 Description-sl: XMMS2 - knjižnica odjemalca Perl XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the Perl library Audio::Xmmsclient that allows you to write XMMS2 clients. It's a language binding of libxmmsclient0. Package: libaudqt2t64 Description-md5: 89ae58032cd62179e935cf6a722f7d1d Description-sl: audacious media player (libaudqt shared library) Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package provides the libaudqt shared library. Package: libaudtag3t64 Description-md5: e742e2a22c1ee90c0e844a39496eab95 Description-sl: audacious media player (libaudtag shared library) Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package provides the libaudtag shared library. Package: libauthcas-perl Description-md5: 2ec2d35a9ed21af74dd804d9e3a70ec7 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca za CAS 2.0 JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a web authentication and Single-Sign-On system. . This AuthCAS Perl module provides required subroutines to validate and retrieve CAS tickets, allowing perl applications to become clients of a CAS server. Package: libauthen-ntlm-perl Description-md5: 0169da8e449e098c7a9610d29375d5ec Description-sl: Modul overitve za NTLM Authen::NTLM provides methods to use NTLM authentication. It can be used as an authenticate method with the Mail::IMAPClient module to perform the challenge/response mechanism for NTLM connections or it can be used on its own for NTLM authentication with other protocols (eg. HTTP). . The implementation is a direct port of the code from fetchmail which, itself, has based its NTLM implementation on samba. As such, this code is not especially efficient, however it will still take a fraction of a second to negotiate a login on a PII which is likely to be good enough for most situations. Package: libauthen-simple-cdbi-perl Description-md5: 429c499104b145659222ac4ec523cf83 Description-sl: Enostavna overitev CDBI Authen::Simple::CDBI enables CDBI authentication methods in the Authen::Simple framework. Package: libauthen-simple-dbi-perl Description-md5: cb4dada3f6f7184a8f8672f0bb16de6e Description-sl: Enostavna overitev DBI Authen::Simple::DBI enables DBI authentication methods in the Authen::Simple framework. Package: libauthen-simple-pam-perl Description-md5: 185dd573a49dba365ed17d3e89f510b2 Description-sl: Enostaven modul overitve PAM Authen::Simple::PAM allows one to use PAM authentication methods. . It uses the libauthen-simple-perl framework. Package: libauthen-simple-passwd-perl Description-md5: 83a87e824ac85da83b75f4f80db5a2c5 Description-sl: Enostavna overitev Passwd The Perl library Authen::Simple::Passwd allows one to authenticate against a passwd file. . It uses the Authen::Simple framework found in the libauthen-simple-perl package. Package: libauthen-simple-radius-perl Description-md5: 95d9bfae17dbd2af25fa313968def0ef Description-sl: Enostavna overitev RADIUS Authen::Simple::Radius enables RADIUS authentication methods in the Authen::Simple framework. Package: libauthen-simple-smb-perl Description-md5: 613399059e15e882a5b8be0ae75c462b Description-sl: Enostavna overitev SMB Authen::Simple::SMB enables authentication against an SMB server in the Authen::Simple framework. Package: libauthen-smb-perl Description-md5: 4e507b2a677b04aef11a3e15d4566366 Description-sl: Modul overitve SMB za Perl This package supplies the Authen::Smb perl module for authenticating against an SMB password server. Package: libauthselect3 Description-md5: 076e3cc7b6329174e67d00dc1bda7b3f Description-sl: Utility library used by the authselect tool Common library files for authselect. This package is used by the authselect command line tool and any other potential front-ends. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libavcodec-dev Description-md5: 2a62521830e42037d8140eba51f0355c Description-sl: FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. . The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libavcodec61 Description-md5: b6405aed870af39811ea887203c50393 Description-sl: FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. . The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libavdevice-dev Description-md5: 6c9d2502d27e23767fd8617f89f334a0 Description-sl: FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for grabbing from and rendering to many common multimedia input/output devices, and supports several input and output devices, including Video4Linux2, VfW, DShow, and ALSA. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libavdevice61 Description-md5: ad40bf128a0d66f1d4aa3d3f40dd7bff Description-sl: FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for grabbing from and rendering to many common multimedia input/output devices, and supports several input and output devices, including Video4Linux2, VfW, DShow, and ALSA. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libavfilter-dev Description-md5: 392f1c1f35e2c5ba69524b054062af62 Description-sl: FFmpeg library containing media filters - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic audio/video filtering framework containing several filters, sources and sinks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libavfilter10 Description-md5: d830215e6285a7d6c06650a8f1d8ce9e Description-sl: FFmpeg library containing media filters - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic audio/video filtering framework containing several filters, sources and sinks. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libavformat-dev Description-md5: c3d0b37350451cbc0772c02383988a7b Description-sl: FFmpeg library with (de)muxers for multimedia containers - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. It encompasses multiple muxers and demuxers for multimedia container formats. It also supports several input and output protocols to access a media resource. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libavformat61 Description-md5: a477ad30c384813e506c2b5a98d770cc Description-sl: FFmpeg library with (de)muxers for multimedia containers - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. It encompasses multiple muxers and demuxers for multimedia container formats. It also supports several input and output protocols to access a media resource. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libavif-dev Description-md5: b1d22dff81f4ee171a43797e58d12b09 Description-sl: Library for handling .avif files (development files) This library aims to be a friendly, portable C implementation of the AV1 Image File Format as described in . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libavifile-0.7-dev Description-md5: 78cb733ee072c77a151af8445104e928 Description-sl: Datoteke razvojnih glav za libavifile Contains the symlinks, headers and object files needed to compile and link programs which use aviplay library. Package: libavkys-dev Description-md5: bf294f5c151794899609db28a5cdbe10 Description-sl: full featured webcam capture application - dev webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Zmožnosti: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the development files of libavkys. Package: libavkys9 Description-md5: 046e6566388c104b2e267424d7475104 Description-sl: full featured webcam capture application - library webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Zmožnosti: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the library for webcamoid. Package: libavl-dev Description-md5: bf8775a607f5f885f9037fdae2cee40f Description-sl: AVL tree manipulation library - development This library consists of a set of functions to manipulate AVL trees. AVL trees are very efficient balanced binary trees, similar to red-black trees. The functions in this library can handle any kind of payload and search key type. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libavl1t64 Description-md5: 2890677a5e3fd496f3a20db6a3e6d37b Description-sl: AVL tree manipulation library - runtime This library consists of a set of functions to manipulate AVL trees. AVL trees are very efficient balanced binary trees, similar to red-black trees. The functions in this library can handle any kind of payload and search key type. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico actual. Package: libavro-dev Description-md5: f8d71c2fd50ab8faf333739fdd5b25c4 Description-sl: Apache Avro C static library and headers (avro-c) Apache Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides rich data structures; a binary data format; and a container file format, to store Avro-encoded data persistently. . This package provides the "avro-c" implementation of Apache Avro in C. The C implementation supports: . * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data . The C implementation of Avro lacks RPC support. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libavro23 Description-md5: 016e88bf4690d11c7ed1a5b2ffd84fc0 Description-sl: Apache Avro C shared library (avro-c) Apache Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides rich data structures; a binary data format; and a container file format, to store Avro-encoded data persistently. . This package provides the "avro-c" implementation of Apache Avro in C. The C implementation supports: . * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data . The C implementation of Avro lacks RPC support. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libavtp0 Description-md5: 5da79fd1f8c6b69baeaa4e7fa834cf58 Description-sl: Audio Video Transport Protocol (shared library) Audio Video Transport Protocol (AVTP) defines several AVTPDU type formats. Libavtp doesn't support all of them yet. The list of supported formats is: AAF (PCM encapsulation only), CRF, CVF (H.264 only) and RVF. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libavutil-dev Description-md5: c444efda200ddbd71346c9a1d2e036cd Description-sl: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality (like enumerations for pixel and sample formats). It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat. The goal for this library is to be modular, small, efficient and useful. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libavutil59 Description-md5: 770a5e363265c4557c507feffc8f58d8 Description-sl: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality (like enumerations for pixel and sample formats). It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat. The goal for this library is to be modular, small, efficient and useful. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libax25-dev Description-md5: 7ab0bcf5d3517afec679cbf61e9298db Description-sl: Knjižnica ax25 razvojne datoteke This library is used for applications that use the ax25 protocol. Included are routines to do ax25 address parsing, common ax25 application config file parsing, etc. This development library package includes some man pages and include files for compiling applications which use libax25. Package: libaxc-dev Description-md5: c9236a1df86c2cae9bc636c1354dda15 Description-sl: development headers for libaxc Client library for libsignal-c, implementing the needed database and crypto interfaces using SQLite and gcrypt. Initially, the library's name was libaxolotl, hence the name. . Additionally it provides utility functions for common use cases like encrypting and decrypting, ultimately making direct use of libsignal unnecessary. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libaxis-java-doc Description-md5: cf80abfb540610facf7fc7b5369b6e94 Description-sl: SOAP implementation in Java (documentation) Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. . From the draft W3C specification: . SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. . This project is a follow-on to the Apache SOAP project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libayatana-common-dev Description-md5: 68ecaab8a2c2eff85efa9628339ee5ee Description-sl: Ayatana System Indicators' common API functions (development headers) This package contains common API functions used by Ayatana System Indicators. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libayatana-common0 Description-md5: 207b562f4b6fb8bd97c07d262a958263 Description-sl: Ayatana System Indicators' common API functions (shared library) This package contains common API functions used by Ayatana System Indicators. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libb64-0d Description-md5: 38278cc69ddc54feb03712a98f7a2d86 Description-sl: base64 encoding/decoding library - runtime library libb64 is a library of ANSI C routines for fast encoding/decoding data into and from a base64-encoded format. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libbabl-dev Description-md5: 8222faeeaa3c6abb27290df29be5d457 Description-sl: Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library (development files) Babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library. It provides conversions between the myriad of buffer types images can be stored in. Babl doesn't only help with existing pixel formats, but also facilitates creation of new and uncommon ones. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbabl-doc Description-md5: 1843cc45fff811e1ae47f159d418f66d Description-sl: Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library (documentation) Babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library. It provides conversions between the myriad of buffer types images can be stored in. Babl doesn't only help with existing pixel formats, but also facilitates creation of new and uncommon ones. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libball1.5 Description-md5: 417d223b00ce5aa66dfb676fafee4a7e Description-sl: Knjižnica biokemijskih algoritmov BALL (Biochemical Algorithms Library) is an application framework in C++ that has been specifically designed for rapid software development in Molecular Modeling and Computational Molecular Biology. It provides an extensive set of data structures as well as classes for Molecular Mechanics, advanced solvation methods, comparison and analysis of protein structures, file import/export, and visualization. BALL is currently being developed in the groups of Oliver Kohlbacher (University of Tuebingen, Germany), Andreas Hildebrandt (Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany), and Hans-Peter Lenhof (Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany). . This package contains the view - independent parts of BALL (libBALL, data directories et al., except for libVIEW) and can be installed on machines without X11. Package: libballoontip-java Description-md5: 6faf8792915b41cdca05effbee41fbd7 Description-sl: Namigi balonov za Javo Provides balloon-tips for use in Java Swing applications to be laid over any kind of swing-component such as JButton. The API is lightweight and fully customizable. Package: libbamf-doc Description-md5: 11f61fe589985b977cd6f7ea9a9db116 Description-sl: Window matching library - documentation bamf matches application windows to desktop files . This package contains the daemon used by the library and a gio module that facilitates the matching of applications started through GDesktopAppInfo . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: libbamf3-2t64 Description-md5: 11d37ab9301d7178a8b4e967e68c0316 Description-sl: Knjižnica ujemanja oken - souporabljena knjižnica bamf matches application windows to desktop files . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications. Package: libbamtools2.5.2 Description-md5: 6d8cb419efe029da5429790d9d7753e2 Description-sl: dynamic library for manipulating BAM (genome alignment) files BamTools facilitates research analysis and data management using BAM files. It copes with the enormous amount of data produced by current sequencing technologies that is typically stored in compressed, binary formats that are not easily handled by the text-based parsers commonly used in bioinformatics research. . BamTools provides both a C++ API for BAM file support as well as a command-line toolkit. . To je izvajalna knjižnica. Package: libbase-ocaml Description-md5: be2b9274c2bdd500bb30b4073e64b7de Description-sl: Jane Street's alternative standard library (runtime) Base is a standard library for OCaml. It provides a standard set of general purpose modules that are well-tested, performant, and fully- portable across any environment that can run OCaml code. Unlike other standard library projects, Base is meant to be used as a wholesale replacement of the standard library distributed with the OCaml compiler. In particular it makes different choices and doesn’t re-export features that are not fully portable such as I/O, which are left to other libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libbase-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 05dbe174474840963387f30badaa3387 Description-sl: Jane Street's alternative standard library (development) Base is a standard library for OCaml. It provides a standard set of general purpose modules that are well-tested, performant, and fully- portable across any environment that can run OCaml code. Unlike other standard library projects, Base is meant to be used as a wholesale replacement of the standard library distributed with the OCaml compiler. In particular it makes different choices and doesn’t re-export features that are not fully portable such as I/O, which are left to other libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbase64-ocaml Description-md5: d9c269e6e413f2cd3c47a26a4091b0ed Description-sl: Base64 encoding and decoding OCaml library (runtime files) Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. It is specified in RFC 2045. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libbase64-ocaml-dev Description-md5: e59bda4cc95ce2fab70259cca123cf67 Description-sl: Base64 encoding and decoding OCaml library (dev files) Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. It is specified in RFC 2045. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbcg729-dev Description-md5: 6e6cbc9c62ca04950b5f0c114b685819 Description-sl: Development files for the ITU G.729 compatible audio codec Bcg729 is an open source implementation of the ITU G729 Annex A speech codec. Written in C 99, the library is fully portable. It runs on many platforms, including ARM and x86. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbcmatroska2-5 Description-md5: a005013343ec979c0eafe018d1d4dd52 Description-sl: Matroska library for mediastreamer2 (base) Bcmatroska2 is an implementation of the Matroska container format specifically tailored for use with mediastreamer2. It was forked from the Foundation Source of in early 2014 and should be considered for internal use only. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libbctoolbox-dev Description-md5: f234bfe89131f3073826b50e0ab1095e Description-sl: Helper code for software by Belledonne Communications (development headers) The package provides a C/C++ utility library used by Linphone and other software by Belledonne Communications. The library offers platform independent implementations of cryptographic functions, exception handling, logging modules, file access, unit tests and data structures like lists and maps. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libbctoolbox1t64 Description-md5: d2a2a4548c275301e88c65913ade0d15 Description-sl: Helper library for software by Belledonne Communications (shared library) The package provides a C/C++ utility library used by Linphone and other software by Belledonne Communications. The library offers platform independent implementations of cryptographic functions, exception handling, logging modules, file access, unit tests and data structures like lists and maps. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbde-dev Description-md5: 0efc5d50517dfd9c4ba9f02d0b14a00f Description-sl: BitLocker Drive Encryption access library -- development files The BDE format is used by Microsoft Windows (Vista and later) to encrypt data on a storage media volume. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libbdplus0 Description-md5: 44563531694d412195b061a3e8b95116 Description-sl: implementation of BD+ for reading Blu-ray Discs libbdplus is a research project to implement the BD+ System Specifications. It provides, through an open-source library, a way to understand how the BD+ works. . This package DOES NOT provide any key, certificate, configuration file or virtual machine that could be used to decode encrypted copyrighted material. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbeansbinding-java-doc Description-md5: 94cafe2ab9eb28fd7e03d25d50002cc2 Description-sl: Beans Binding API (documentation) In essence, Beans Binding (JSR 295) is about keeping two properties (typically of two objects) in sync. An additional emphasis is placed on the ability to bind to Swing components, and easy integration with IDEs such as NetBeans. This project provides the reference implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libbearssl-dev Description-md5: 3f58dad325db10b0ce921ad1ff4eb611 Description-sl: BearSSL - development files It aims at offering the following features: . Be correct and secure. In particular, insecure protocol versions and choices of algorithms are not supported, by design; cryptographic algorithm implementations are constant-time by default. . Be small, both in RAM and code footprint. For instance, a minimal server implementation may fit in about 20 kilobytes of compiled code and 25 kilobytes of RAM. . Be highly portable. BearSSL targets not only “big” operating systems like Linux and Windows, but also small embedded systems and even special contexts like bootstrap code. . Be feature-rich and extensible. SSL/TLS has many defined cipher suites and extensions; BearSSL should implement most of them, and allow extra algorithm implementations to be added afterwards, possibly from third parties. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: libbelcard-dev Description-md5: 5e0588101cca382bd85e1da986e8f7a5 Description-sl: VCard standard format manipulation library (development headers) Belcard is a C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libbelcard1 Description-md5: 9227dc75e88ed2df8f5d2e1f1c4ba702 Description-sl: VCard standard format manipulation library Belcard is a C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbellesip-dev Description-md5: 37d5bbd16fbf264a57045f7b895cee12 Description-sl: SIP stack from the Linphone team (development files) Belle-Sip is a new SIP stack (RFC3261) developed by the Linphone team. . Belle-Sip supports multiple transports at the same time, has a dual IPv6 and IPv4 stack, is fully asynchronous and implements the +sip.instance and alias parameters. It also handles network disconnections better, offers a privacy API and supports rich presence. . SIP/TLS is handled by mbed TLS (by way of bctoolbox), not OpenSSL. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbelr-dev Description-md5: 8eef305d11e42dd95ac1cfd7c42bc88e Description-sl: language recognition library by Belledonne Communications (development headers) Belr is Belledonne Communications' language recognition library. It aims at parsing any input formatted according to a language defined by an ABNF grammar, such as the protocols standardized at IETF. . It is based on finite state machine theory and heavily relies on recursivity from an implementation standpoint. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libbelr1 Description-md5: 40849cbdf228736e76df7c2715e506fc Description-sl: language recognition library by Belledonne Communications Belr is Belledonne Communications' language recognition library. It aims at parsing any input formatted according to a language defined by an ABNF grammar, such as the protocols standardized at IETF. . It is based on finite state machine theory and heavily relies on recursivity from an implementation standpoint. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbemenu-dev Description-md5: 94d05a5dfb0a26a42bce5cef73a1d8eb Description-sl: Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu (development files) bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbemenu0 Description-md5: 5cae953cfc2f08db58d3818d30df7976 Description-sl: Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu (runtime library) bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libbenchmark-dev Description-md5: a020454cbd7e8fa0e5f9ea8c10cbcf8e Description-sl: Microbenchmark support library, development files Library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbenchmark-ocaml-dev Description-md5: cb5750dfaf79ced34f6a292aaebf23bd Description-sl: Knjižnica merjenja zmogljivosti OCaml This library implements benchmarking functions for measuring the run-time of one or many functions using latency (multiple repetitions) or throughput (repeat until some time period has passed) tests. . It is inspired by the Perl module of the same name ( benchmark ). Package: libbenchmark1.8.3 Description-md5: ff992efc40623f1296489b28e55ca328 Description-sl: Microbenchmark support library, shared library Library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbfb0-dev Description-md5: e2ac8a2fe4d2a9602f2723c4c9b440c2 Description-sl: Knjižnica protokola bfb - razvojne datoteke This library adds support for OBEX protocol over BFB/BFC, some Siemens Mobile specific protocols that are used with the serial cables for S25, S35 and almost all later phones that include a modem, also those labeled as BenQ Mobile. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbfb0t64 Description-md5: c07b3a7765e509edf5098a0839e2a316 Description-sl: Knjižnica protokola bfb This library adds support for OBEX protocol over BFB/BFC, some Siemens Mobile specific protocols that are used with the serial cables for S25, S35 and almost all later phones that include a modem, also those labeled as BenQ Mobile. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libbfio-dev Description-md5: 7566ad449e9e5b1c5575864911b634fd Description-sl: Header files and libraries for developing applications for libbfio Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbfio1 Description-md5: 19b81aad66ce4aaea6a712eb4cb018d2 Description-sl: Library to provide basic input/output abstraction Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbg2-doc Description-md5: 0aab7075b6b07a6fd75486b0cf8ed7c4 Description-sl: This package contains a collection of libraries (documentation) written by Bruce Guenter and put in use in various packages. . The library collection is mandatory to build most of software packages available at . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za bglibs. Package: libbiblesync-dev Description-md5: 06cd35417a2175af3fc284165739b61b Description-sl: multicast protocol to support Bible co-navigation (development files) This is a C++ single class library encapsulating a protocol conduit. The premise is that there is a local network over which to multicast Bible navigation, and someone, possibly several someones, will transmit, and others will receive. The choices for when you decide to xmit and what to do when you recv are up to you as the application designer. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbiblesync1.1 Description-md5: 88dd75844648485055f94eb097eadcf7 Description-sl: multicast protocol to support Bible co-navigation This is a C++ single class library encapsulating a protocol conduit. The premise is that there is a local network over which to multicast Bible navigation, and someone, possibly several someones, will transmit, and others will receive. The choices for when you decide to xmit and what to do when you recv are up to you as the application designer. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbiblio-citation-parser-perl Description-md5: 0dd26ba51309b805f3213b4376b338ac Description-sl: Ogrodje razčlenjevanja citatov Biblio::Citation::Parser provides generic methods for reference parsers. This class should not be used directly, but rather be overridden by specific parsers. Parsers that extend the Parser class must provide at least the two methods defined here to ensure compatibility. Package: libbigstringaf-ocaml Description-md5: 96b1e9ebba5015ae261308146042949b Description-sl: bigstring intrinsics and fast blits for OCaml (runtime files) The OCaml compiler has a bunch of intrinsics for Bigstrings, but they're not widely-known, sometimes misused, and so programs that use Bigstrings are slower than they have to be. And even if a library got that part right and exposed the intrinsics properly, the compiler doesn't have any fast blits between Bigstrings and other string-like types. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libbigstringaf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 1a2d9096dbd6fd36e14b526c72f5ed21 Description-sl: bigstring intrinsics and fast blits for OCaml (dev files) The OCaml compiler has a bunch of intrinsics for Bigstrings, but they're not widely-known, sometimes misused, and so programs that use Bigstrings are slower than they have to be. And even if a library got that part right and exposed the intrinsics properly, the compiler doesn't have any fast blits between Bigstrings and other string-like types. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbin-prot-ocaml Description-md5: 63c6e42a9644887f70869a202b1a87b3 Description-sl: type-safe binary serialization for OCaml values (runtime) bin-prot provides functionalities for reading and writing OCaml-values in a type-safe binary protocol. . These functions provide a safe way of performing I/O on any extensionally defined data type. Functions, objects, and values whose type is bound through a polymorphic record field are not supported, but everything else is. . There is no support for cyclic or shared values and only little endian computer architectures are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libbin-prot-ocaml-dev Description-md5: e1b4e98b2c3df762ce9168432ebc94ca Description-sl: type-safe binary serialization for OCaml values (dev files) bin-prot provides functionalities for reading and writing OCaml-values in a type-safe binary protocol. . These functions provide a safe way of performing I/O on any extensionally defined data type. Functions, objects, and values whose type is bound through a polymorphic record field are not supported, but everything else is. . There is no support for cyclic or shared values and only little endian computer architectures are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbinio-dev Description-md5: 7616273c241a8df14ef29d600f584646 Description-sl: Binary I/O stream class library (development files) The binary I/O stream class library presents a platform-independent way to access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbiniou-ocaml Description-md5: 2e19b185ae384321e2eaf7d5790628a5 Description-sl: flexible binary data format in OCaml - plugins Biniou is a binary data format designed for speed, safety, ease of use and backward compatibility as protocols evolve. Biniou is vastly equivalent to JSON in terms of functionality but allows implementations about 4 times as fast (see godi-yojson for comparison), with 25-35% space savings. Biniou data can be decoded into human-readable form without knowledge of type definitions except for field and variant names which are represented by 31-bit hashes. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libbiojava-java-doc Description-md5: 92178ca3213c4b3d6465fb5470be089f Description-sl: [Biologija] Dokumentacija za BioJava BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java framework for processing biological data. . This package contains the HTML documentation describing the API of BioJava which was generated automatically by JavaDoc. Package: libbiojava4-java-doc Description-md5: 92178ca3213c4b3d6465fb5470be089f Description-sl: [Biologija] Dokumentacija za BioJava BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java framework for processing biological data. . This package contains the HTML documentation describing the API of BioJava which was generated automatically by JavaDoc. Package: libbisect-ppx-ocaml Description-md5: c26065d6c847788fbd67139db39324ce Description-sl: Code coverage for OCaml and ReScript (runtime files) Bisect-ppx helps you test thoroughly. It is a small preprocessor that inserts instrumentation at places in your code, such as if-then-else and match expressions. After you run tests, Bisect_ppx gives a nice HTML report showing which places were visited and which were missed. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libbisect-ppx-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 0738dbb6f6c53a937c8e195e6a86eb9c Description-sl: Code coverage for OCaml and ReScript (dev files) Bisect_ppx helps you test thoroughly. It is a small preprocessor that inserts instrumentation at places in your code, such as if-then-else and match expressions. After you run tests, Bisect_ppx gives a nice HTML report showing which places were visited and which were missed. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbitstring-ocaml-dev Description-md5: dfe4b5728e3209528abc0e843b171f00 Description-sl: Bitni nizi v slogu Erlang za OCaml (razvojne datoteke) Bitstring adds Erlang-style bitstrings and matching over bitstrings as a syntax extension and library for OCaml. . You can use this module to both parse and generate binary formats, files and protocols. . Bitstring handling is added as primitives to the language, making it simple to use. . Bitstring handles integers, strings, sub-bitstrings, big-, little- and native-endianness, signed and unsigned types, variable-width fields, fields with arbitrary bit alignment. . This package contains header and OCaml library. Package: libbliss2 Description-md5: 9e7704bbbcbc4cba2f43a547082219ea Description-sl: library to compute graph automorphisms and labelings Bliss is a backtracking algorithm for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs, based on individualization and refinement. Its data structures, subroutines, and pruning heuristics are specially designed for fast handling of large and sparse graphs. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libblitz-doc Description-md5: aa5ef0d91ae0ba4ffc4edb902fa5f85f Description-sl: C++ template class library for scientific computing - doc Blitz++ offers a high level of abstraction, but performance which rivals Fortran. The current version supports arrays and vectors. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libblitz0t64 Description-md5: 1e96ac47192a16a0ea4990621fe70fd1 Description-sl: C++ template class library for scientific computing Blitz++ offers a high level of abstraction, but performance which rivals Fortran. The current version supports arrays and vectors. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libblocksruntime-dev Description-md5: 8975a46539213a197684c03d6ff12d1d Description-sl: Izvajanje Blocks (razvojne datoteke) This package contains development headers for building software that uses blocks. . Blocks are a proposed extension to the C, Objective C, and C++ languages developed by Apple to support the Grand Central Dispatch concurrency engine. Package: libblocksruntime0 Description-md5: 085f8a4412ae6540ed5d632889b5e35d Description-sl: Izvajalna knjižnica Blocks Blocks are a proposed extension to the C, Objective C, and C++ languages developed by Apple to support the Grand Central Dispatch concurrency engine. Blocks are anonymous inline functions that automatically capture a read-only copy of local variables, and have read-write access to local variables that are declared with the "__block" storage class. . This package contains a library that is needed by programs that use Blocks. Package: libbluray-bdj Description-md5: b7516ed067ff18976be2798614fdf2d7 Description-sl: Blu-ray Disc Java support library (BD-J library) libbluray is an open-source library designed for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players, like VLC or MPlayer. This research project is developed by an international team of developers from Doom9. libbluray integrates navigation, playlist parsing, menus, and BD-J. . NB: Most commercial Blu-Ray are restricted by AACS or BD+ technologies and this library is not enough to playback those discs. . BD-J support is important because many of the advanced features and extra content in Blu-ray movies uses BD-J. Programs designed to provide support for those features must depend on this. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico BD-J. Package: libbluray-doc Description-md5: de52fa48468722f1b8bcb17abca71cdb Description-sl: Knjižnica podpore predvajanja diska Blu-ray (dokumentacija) libbluray is an open-source library designed for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players, like VLC or MPlayer. This research project is developed by an international team of developers from Doom9. libbluray integrates navigation, playlist parsing, menus, and BD-J. . NB: Most commercial Blu-Ray are restricted by AACS or BD+ technologies and this library is not enough to playback those discs. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo libbluray. Package: libbluray2 Description-md5: fe136787603e33abf78c9a718f32fa0d Description-sl: Knjižnica podpore predvajanja diskov Blue-ray (souproabljena knjižnica) libbluray is an open-source library designed for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players, like VLC or MPlayer. This research project is developed by an international team of developers from Doom9. libbluray integrates navigation, playlist parsing, menus, and BD-J. . NB: Most commercial Blu-Ray are restricted by AACS or BD+ technologies and this library is not enough to playback those discs. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbmusb6 Description-md5: 3ea26a387a58a2317b1bd70b9c379d39 Description-sl: userspace driver for Blackmagic USB3 video capture cards bmusb is a userspace driver for Blackmagic's USB3 series of video capture and playback cards (although only the capture part is currently supported), in particular the Intensity Shuttle (HDMI) and UltraStudio SDI cards. These are not currently served by Blackmagic's own Linux drivers. . bmusb is not API- or ABI-compatible with Blackmagic's drivers. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libboinc-app-dev Description-md5: 057d1fce9d5300455ed2575988820b1a Description-sl: development files to build applications for BOINC projects Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire. . This package contains header files that are needed to develop and compile applications which utilizes the BOINC infrastructure. The package also provides static libraries. These are needed for the development of scientific applications that work seamlessly across many Linux distributions and different releases of the same. Package: libboinc-app7t64 Description-md5: c61445098356f24f852e0a3c9ef219e7 Description-sl: libraries for BOINC's scientific applications Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire. . This package contains dynamic libraries that are needed for applications which utilizes the BOINC infrastructure and the boinc-client itself. Package: libboinc7t64 Description-md5: 11081d0d4ad203dafbfd2b8fc5e1425b Description-sl: libraries of BOINC the client depends on Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire. . The environment offers a series of libraries that both the user-run client and the client-invoked scientific applications depend on. With the number of cores per machine growing, and with scientific apps commonly started for every core, it is essential to have memory shared as much as possible between binaries of all projects. Package: libboolstuff-0.1-0 Description-md5: 43abe543ba77135f932fb1126cb1096b Description-sl: library for operating on boolean expression binary trees BoolStuff is a C++ library that supports a few operations on boolean expression binary trees. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libboolstuff-0.1-0-dbg Description-md5: 3a41976d1b5854f763a684edac6c0ae9 Description-sl: library for operating on boolean expression binary trees - debug BoolStuff is a C++ library that supports a few operations on boolean expression binary trees. . Ta paket vključuje razhroščevalne simbole Package: libboost1.83-all-dev Description-md5: abd1c54975e8940f5fbd0921c61d01f1 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnic C++ Boost (VSE) The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report. . This metapackage provides the complete Boost development environment, including all separately-packaged libraries. Package: libbos-ocaml Description-md5: 4bec02ce269e481c6831b84def22fdb4 Description-sl: basic OS interaction for OCaml (runtime) Bos provides support for basic and robust interaction with the operating system in OCaml. It has functions to access the process environment, parse command line arguments, interact with the file system and run command line programs. . Bos works equally well on POSIX and Windows operating systems. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libbos-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d2e7ffe17f5e1befec1e9df3f3cc879f Description-sl: basic OS interaction for OCaml (development) Bos provides support for basic and robust interaction with the operating system in OCaml. It has functions to access the process environment, parse command line arguments, interact with the file system and run command line programs. . Bos works equally well on POSIX and Windows operating systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libbox2d-dev Description-md5: 7f950bd241ad69588550f4c515423a02 Description-sl: 2D physics engine - development files 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Programmers can use it in their games to make objects move in believable ways and make the world seem more interactive. From the game's point of view a physics engine is just a system for procedural animation. Rather than paying (or begging) an animator to move your actors around, you can let Sir Isaac Newton do the directing. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: libbox2d2 Description-md5: daf1bd506664298c3c0b307d3c4d81f6 Description-sl: Programnik 2D fizike 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Programmers can use it in their games to make objects move in believable ways and make the world seem more interactive. From the game's point of view a physics engine is just a system for procedural animation. Rather than paying (or begging) an animator to move your actors around, you can let Sir Isaac Newton do the directing. Package: libbpp-raa4t64 Description-md5: 2fc64940ac4060090c42dd9bd3ab800a Description-sl: Bio++ Remote Acnuc Access library This library contains utilitary and classes to query public databases (GenBank, EMBL, SwissProt, etc) using acnuc. It is part of the Bio++ project. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libbrahe-1.3-3 Description-md5: f4ff8aee9c52045caa72574716b2d4ac Description-sl: heterogeneous C library of numeric functions Ta knjižnica vsebuje: . * a function for rounding floating point values to a specific number of digits * several pseudo-random number generators, including the Mersenne Twister, various algorithms by Marsaglia, and ISAAC * least common multiple and greatest common denominator functions * a few trigonometry functions for finding the inversions of hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent . This library is also used by libevocosm, which is in turn the foundation for Acovea, used to determine optimal compiler optimizations Package: libbrahe-dev Description-md5: c9509cdef5acf270f8cf0338a66a1960 Description-sl: heterogeneous C library of numeric functions Ta knjižnica vsebuje: . * a function for rounding floating point values to a specific number of digits * several pseudo-random number generators, including the Mersenne Twister, various algorithms by Marsaglia, and ISAAC * least common multiple and greatest common denominator functions * a few trigonometry functions for finding the inversions of hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent . This library is also used by libevocosm, which is in turn the foundation for Acovea, used to determine optimal compiler optimizations . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj kode z libbrahe. Package: libbraiding-dev Description-md5: 044c45d05a6d3e7cbe21c733d184deeb Description-sl: computations on braid groups (development files) libbraiding is a library to compute several properties of braids, including centralizer and conjugacy check. . It is based on CBraid by Jae Choon Cha and Braiding by Juan Gonzalez- Meneses. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libbrasero-media3-1 Description-md5: 24b5258efe5b1e76dca7a3f333ac5af7 Description-sl: CD/DVD burning library for GNOME - runtime Libbrasero is a simple library to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbrlapi-java Description-md5: 550798d32e56d5123c7e48d253383d72 Description-sl: Vezave Java za BrlAPI BRLTTY is a daemon which provides access to the console (text mode) for a blind person using a braille display. It drives the braille display and provides complete screen review functionality. . BrlAPI is a library which gives an application access to a braille display and lets it write braille. . This package provides java classes to access a braille display via BrlAPI. Package: libbrowser-open-perl Description-md5: 4500c62c94b30b3448bf96fcb3f0b7b1 Description-sl: Modul Perl za odprtje brskalnika na danem URL-ju The functions optionaly exported by Browser::Open allows you to open URLs in the user browser. . A set of known commands per OS-name is tested for presence, and the first one found is executed. With an optional parameter, all known commands are checked. . The "open_browser" uses the system() function to execute the command. If you want more control, you can get the command with the "open_browser_cmd" or "open_browser_cmd_all" functions and then use whatever method you want to execute it. Package: libbt-dev Description-md5: 3f098bcca4decf81b38658425d93e901 Description-sl: Blackbox - razvojna knjižnica This is a window manager for X. It is similar in many respects to such popular packages as Window Maker, Enlightenment, and FVWM2. You might be interested in this package if you are tired of window managers that are a heavy drain on your system resources, but you still want an attractive and modern-looking interface. . The best part of all is that this program is coded in C++, so it is even more attractive "under the hood" than it is in service -- no small feat. . If none of this sounds familiar to you, or you want your computer to look like Microsoft Windows or Apple's OS X, you probably don't want this package. . This package contains the development library libbt0 Package: libbt0 Description-md5: 3e0ac4d0426041bc8725367210a3a5dc Description-sl: Blackbox - souporabljena knjižnica This is a window manager for X. It is similar in many respects to such popular packages as Window Maker, Enlightenment, and FVWM2. You might be interested in this package if you are tired of window managers that are a heavy drain on your system resources, but you still want an attractive and modern-looking interface. . The best part of all is that this program is coded in C++, so it is even more attractive "under the hood" than it is in service -- no small feat. . If none of this sounds familiar to you, or you want your computer to look like Microsoft Windows or Apple's OS X, you probably don't want this package. . This package contains the shared library libbt0 Package: libbuild-helper-maven-plugin-java Description-md5: e1c1b168428cd79695169bf580575d1e Description-sl: Vstavek izgrajevalnika pomoči Maven This plugin contains various small independent goals to assist with Maven build lifecycle. . For example: attach some directory as new source folder, extract maven current version, parse and resolve a version property or reserve a random network port. Package: libburner-media3-1 Description-md5: 3cbe52a11557eda116724ae3d01a81b5 Description-sl: CD/DVD burning library for UKUI - runtime Libburner is a simple library to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbuteosyncml5-1 Description-md5: a663d3fcf202745e0c152190a78ecad2 Description-sl: SyncML library with a Qt-like API The Buteo SyncML stack was written in C++ and has a Qt like API. It provides a SyncML stack which can be used to create SyncML based applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbytecode-java Description-md5: 3469ce7f24fac3476be3498096bfe275 Description-sl: Knjižnica upravljanja bajtne kode Java The library presents itself as a collection of routines to manipulate Java bytecode. It allows for the dynamic creation of Java class files without using of Javac. Such tailored code can be used, i.e. as for the upstream's motivation of the BioJava developers, to generate implementations of Hidden Markov Models. It thus acts much like inline assembly for Java. Package: libbzip3-0 Description-md5: 090a424df76fa42c8a2e5cc8ba8da87f Description-sl: better, faster and stronger spiritual successor to bzip2 - runtime Features higher compression ratios and better performance thanks to a order-0 context mixing entropy coder, a fast Burrows-Wheeler transform code making use of suffix arrays and a RLE with Lempel Ziv+Prediction pass based on LZ77-style string matching and PPM-style context modeling. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libbzrtp-dev Description-md5: 638a8d07389b34632ca2d93b91668de3 Description-sl: Development files for the Bzrtp key exchange library Bzrtp is an open source implementation of the ZRTP key exchange protocol. The library is written in C and C++. It is fully portable and can be executed on many platforms including ARM and x86. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libc3p0-java-doc Description-md5: 4210c65aafe7e44727050ce4fa4f9091 Description-sl: library for JDBC connection pooling (documentation) c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for making traditional JDBC drivers "enterprise-ready" by augmenting them with functionality defined by the jdbc3 spec and the optional extensions to jdbc2. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libca-certs-ocaml Description-md5: 2864d4189cef856083b9c9488c770606 Description-sl: detect root CA certificates from the operating system (runtime) TLS requires a set of root anchors (Certificate Authorities) to authenticate servers. This library exposes this list so that it can be registered with ocaml-tls. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libca-certs-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 2bad5ee7fdb5098ba1eebc72f10ab9c9 Description-sl: detect root CA certificates from the operating system (dev) TLS requires a set of root anchors (Certificate Authorities) to authenticate servers. This library exposes this list so that it can be registered with ocaml-tls. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libca-dev Description-md5: 2a0e028124fe69be1986c2d975a256be Description-sl: EPICS channel access client library (headers) EPICS is the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System. This is the EPICS library exposing channel access primitives for clients. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl Description-md5: 46ed4ee94fbbfd5e356813cc5635ed50 Description-sl: Perl module to cache and expire key/value pairs Primer: . my $h = new Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry; . $h->set(Forever => "Don't expire", 0); do {$h->set($_,"Value of $_", 1); sleep 2;} for qw(Have a nice day); $,=' '; print $h->elements; $h->dump; sleep 4; print $h->elements; $h->dump; Package: libcaf-core0.17t64 Description-md5: ed43ee4ab83a4d0a2854655dcfcbdec9 Description-sl: Implementation of the Actor Model in C++, core library The actor-framework library facilitates writing applications based on the actor model in C++. It aims to be lightweight, distributed and simple. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libcairo-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 52446b21850ea80840bf88ddb0e9e147 Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za Cairo Cairo is a multi-platform library providing anti-aliased vector-based rendering for multiple target backends. Paths consist of line segments and cubic splines and can be rendered at any width with various join and cap styles. All colors may be specified with optional translucence (opacity/alpha) and combined using the extended Porter/Duff compositing algebra as found in the X Render Extension. . Cairo exports a stateful rendering API similar in spirit to the path construction, text, and painting operators of PostScript, (with the significant addition of translucence in the imaging model). When complete, the API is intended to support the complete imaging model of PDF 1.4. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use Cairo in your OCaml programs. The following backends are supported: PostScript, PDF, PNG, In-memory images and X11. Package: libcal-dav-perl Description-md5: 1c2434b562e4a0c99e10447e52844ec3 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca CalDAV Cal::DAV is a library providing the client part of the CalDAV protocol. . Cal::DAV is implemented as a very thin wrapper around HTTP::DAV and Data::ICal. Package: libcal3d-doc Description-md5: b35bbfb815979c9de953857e36dd021c Description-sl: Skeletal based 3d character animation library - API documentation Cal3d is a skeletal based 3d character animation library written in C++ in a platform-/graphic API-independent way. It has an unified exporter plugin framework. Currently it includes exporters 16 for 3D Studio Max and MilkShape 3D). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo cal3 API. Package: libcal3d12-dev Description-md5: 0c3ac45630aff5118ec7038e6354d60b Description-sl: Skeletal based 3d character animation library - development files Cal3d is a skeletal based 3d character animation library written in C++ in a platform-/graphic API-independent way. It has an unified exporter plugin framework. Currently it includes exporters 16 for 3D Studio Max and MilkShape 3D). . Ta paket vsebuje od razvojne datoteke cal3. Package: libcalendar-ocaml Description-md5: 7b728538bee9dbffe6525216437d8f02 Description-sl: OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (runtime) OCaml library implementing common date/time operations with timezones and pretty printing support. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libcalendar-ocaml-doc Description-md5: 14b74073efa634a2645683ce4fa2ec05 Description-sl: OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (doc) OCaml library implementing common date/time operations with timezones and pretty printing support. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: libcallaudio-doc Description-md5: 9c429dbb5ea128062616eec3c8041e30 Description-sl: Documentation for libcallaudio's API callaudiod is a daemon for dealing with audio routing during phone calls. It provides a D-Bus interface allowing other programs to: * switch audio profiles * output audio to the speaker or back to its original port * mute the microphone . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libcaml2html-ocaml Description-md5: a687481372812cafc8a1e5bd1000914b Description-sl: HTML and LaTeX colored syntax from OCaml source files - plugins Caml2html provides a command-line executable which converts a set of OCaml source files into a HTML or LaTeX document with colored syntax. A library is also provided for building web-page generators that would color OCaml code appropriately. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libcamlimages-ocaml-doc Description-md5: 25c611115fad6de0e0c7b1947aba30fb Description-sl: Dokumantacija knjižnice OCaml CamlImages This package provides documentation for the OCaml CamlImages library. . The library itself is provided in the libcamlimages-ocaml and libcamlimages-ocaml-dev packages. Package: libcamlp-streams-ocaml Description-md5: 97f8d2c31308fb46da026dca8c4d0693 Description-sl: Stream and Genlex libraries for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5 (runtime files) The camlp-streams package provides two library modules: * Stream: imperative streams, with in-place update and memoization of the latest element produced. * Genlex: a small parameterized lexical analyzer producing streams of tokens from streams of characters. The two modules are designed for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5. The Stream module can also be used by hand-written recursive-descent parsers. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libcamlp-streams-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bbd891acd9b4d482ff284a4c39304636 Description-sl: Stream and Genlex libraries for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5 (dev files) The camlp-streams package provides two library modules: * Stream: imperative streams, with in-place update and memoization of the latest element produced. * Genlex: a small parameterized lexical analyzer producing streams of tokens from streams of characters. The two modules are designed for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5. The Stream module can also be used by hand-written recursive-descent parsers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcamltemplate-ocaml Description-md5: e8b0c45ea3182fe73063780c485810bf Description-sl: configurable library for generating text from templates in OCaml CamlTemplate is a library for generating text from templates in OCaml. It can be used to generate web pages, scripts, SQL queries, XML documents and other sorts of text. . This library defines a small templating language, with basic operations like #if or #foreach. To use this library you need to configure the data source that will be used in the template with the templating language. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libcamomile-ocaml-data Description-md5: 5b9a5bec5bcd07beb55454ff36c7c5ee Description-sl: Podatki Unicode za OCaml Camomile is a comprehensive Unicode library for objective caml language. The library is currently designed to conform Unicode Standard 3.2. . This package contains the data needed by camomile. Package: libcamomile-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 0e0fe980c309cb01a10cbb193370d5ec Description-sl: Knjižnica Unicode za OCaml Camomile is a comprehensive Unicode library for objective caml language. The library is currently designed to conform Unicode Standard 3.2. . Normalisers (NFD, NFKD, NFC, NFKC) and collator (string comparison) pass the conformance tests defined Unicode Technical Reports. Collator is also tested to Canadian, Thai and Japanese standards with their locales. Package: libcantor-dev Description-md5: 37a765183e44cf699270ddb0baa23a77 Description-sl: interface for mathematical applications - development files Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the development headers for Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libcantorlibs28 Description-md5: 3649d53b6b2153c47d85357503b08026 Description-sl: interface for mathematical applications - shared library Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the shared library for Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libcaptcha-recaptcha-perl Description-md5: 47b5d11a58e40b8def96b535bf81a5df Description-sl: Perl izvedba API reCAPTCHA Captcha::reCAPTCHA is a perl module for accessing the reCAPTCHA API. . reCAPTCHA is a hybrid mechanical turk and captcha that allows visitors who complete the captcha to assist in the digitization of books. From . reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read correctly. . To use reCAPTCHA you need to register your site here: Package: libcaribou0 Description-md5: 1a867b08863f4e45fd5c44b32c69b60b Description-sl: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode - library An input assistive technology intended for switch and pointer users. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcatalyst-manual-perl Description-md5: 9eba41202bb1a66a897ff6e05a5cfebd Description-sl: Razvijalski priročnik za Catalyst Catalyst is an elegant web application framework, extremely flexible yet extremely simple. It's similar to Ruby on Rails, Spring (Java) and Maypole, upon which it was originally based. . Catalyst follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, allowing you to easily separate concerns, like content, presentation, and flow control, into separate modules. This separation allows you to modify code that handles one concern without affecting code that handles the others. Catalyst promotes the re-use of existing Perl modules that already handle common web application concerns well. . Catalyst::Manual contains Catalyst developer's manual. Package: libcbf-dev Description-md5: dbc073f5e0f4396849cb23fc9d64ff81 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za CBFlib CBFLIB is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. The CBFLIB API is loosely based on the CIFPARSE API for mmCIF files. CBFLIB does not perform any semantic integrity checks and simply provides functions to create, read, modify and write CBF binary data files and imgCIF ASCII data files. . This package contains libraries and header files for program development. Package: libcbf1t64 Description-md5: 937ebd00a45aaf1184ed439556e0f525 Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica, ki podpira CBFlib CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcbor-doc Description-md5: 742ca19067348410cdd9ea28be189854 Description-sl: library for parsing and generating CBOR (RFC 7049) (documentation) CBOR is a general-purpose schema-less binary data format, defined in RFC 7049. This package provides a C library for parsing and generating CBOR. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: libccfits-doc Description-md5: bddf0156670ee4bcbd04a022f651da57 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za CCfits CCfits is an object oriented interface to the cfitsio library. It is designed to make the capabilities of cfitsio available to programmers working in C++. It is written in ANSI C++ and implemented using the C++ Standard Library with namespaces, exception handling, and member template functions. . This package contains the CCFits reference manual in html and PDF format. Package: libcctz-dev Description-md5: 1859f70bee054524a2d0d51254068925 Description-sl: Library for computing dates, times and time zones, development files CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with `<chrono>` to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcctz2 Description-md5: 22c65166488d2dee1983e2d22b8a12a1 Description-sl: Library for computing dates, times and time zones, shared library CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with `<chrono>` to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcdaudio-dev Description-md5: 1679573fd1ddf42d2d7c514523c338ca Description-sl: library for controlling a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs (development) This library provides functions for controlling an audio CD: starting, stopping, ejecting, etc. It also provides an interface to the CDDB and CD Index servers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcdd-dev Description-md5: aa24f568b98472f48f411245f3487a66 Description-sl: Library for finding vertices of convex polytopes, development The cddlib library is a C library for manipulating general convex polyhedra. It supports converting between the system of linear inequalities representation and a vertices and extreme rays representation of a polyhedron, and also supports solving linear programming problems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke cddlib. Package: libcdd0t64 Description-md5: 956a993744c5339af85ddbef33f6645f Description-sl: Library for calculations with convex polytopes, runtime The cddlib library is a C library for manipulating general convex polyhedra. It supports converting between the system of linear inequalities representation and a vertices and extreme rays representation of a polyhedron, and also supports solving linear programming problems. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice cddlib. Package: libcdk5t64 Description-md5: 9c4f30c429aa32a4a99bbda6393138fc Description-sl: Na C osnovana knjižnica gradnikov curses CDK stands for "Curses Development Kit". CDK sits on top of the curses library and provides 22 ready to use widgets for rapid application development of text-based interfaces. CDK delivers many of the common widget types required for a robust interface. Widgets can be combined to create complex widgets if needed. Package: libcds-dev Description-md5: 06f110a7cf42d9ff75ce1a12154fe23f Description-sl: Concurrent Data Structures (CDS) library - development The Concurrent Data Structures (CDS) library is a collection of concurrent containers that don't require external (manual) synchronization for shared access, and safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms like Hazard Pointer and user-space RCU that is used as an epoch-based SMR. . CDS is mostly header-only template library. Only SMR core implementation is segregated to .so/.dll file. . The library contains the implementations of the following containers: . - lock-free stack with optional elimination support - several algo for lock-free queue, including classic Michael & Scott algorithm and its derivatives, the flat combining queue, the segmented queue. - several implementation of unordered set/map - lock-free and fine-grained lock-based - flat-combining technique - lock-free skip-list - lock-free FeldmanHashMap/Set Multi-Level Array Hash with thread-safe bidirectional iterator support Bronson's et al algorithm for fine-grained lock-based AVL tree . Generally, each container has an intrusive and non-intrusive (STL-like) version belonging to cds::intrusive and cds::container namespace respectively. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcec6 Description-md5: 8fa24da000d1436d85e6a210d9640157 Description-sl: USB CEC Adaptor communication Library (shared library) This library provides support for the Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter and other CEC capable hardware, like the Raspberry Pi. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcereal-doc Description-md5: cf6b5fcedc6b95481089864c771a7ff8 Description-sl: C++11 library for serialization HTML documentation cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast, light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can be easily bundled with other code or used standalone. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: libceres-dev Description-md5: d345da6d14aefd2f0e674ab2d588dcca Description-sl: nonlinear least squares minimizer (development files) Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. . Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems. - Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints. - General unconstrained optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libceres4t64 Description-md5: 2e7c678437f129720d0e6636750922c8 Description-sl: nonlinear least squares minimizer (shared library) Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. . Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems. - Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints. - General unconstrained optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcgi-application-plugin-anytemplate-perl Description-md5: e61fc225bd6ab5f452d02abfea40a1f7 Description-sl: Modul, ki podpira katerikoli sistem predlog v CGI::Application CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate allows you to use any supported Perl templating system using a single consistent interface. Currently supported templating systems include HTML::Template, HTML::Template::Expr, HTML::Template::Pluggable, Template::Toolkit, Template and Petal. You can access any of these templating systems using the same interface. In this way, you can use the same code and switch templating systems on the fly. This approach has many uses. For instance, it can be useful in migrating your application from one templating system to another. Package: libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl Description-md5: da7cc35ff15c3e6db4f7cd2d32ca082e Description-sl: Ogrodje overitve za CGI::Application CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication adds the ability to authenticate users in your CGI::Application modules. The module separates authentication into Drivers (backend logic), Store (cookie management etc) and Display (formulation of the login form). The following drivers are bundled with this package: . - CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::DBIC - CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::CDBI Package: libcgi-application-plugin-authorization-perl Description-md5: 8b7bf1512b9fcfc837d8dbb946d3caf0 Description-sl: Ogrodje overitve za CGI::Application CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization adds the ability to authorize users for specific tasks. Once a user has been authenticated and you know who you are dealing with, you can then use this plugin to control what that user has access to. It imports two methods (authz and authorization) into your CGI::Application module. Both of these methods are interchangeable, so you should choose one and use it consistently throughout your code. Through the authz method you can call all the methods of the CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization plugin. . This package also bundles an active directory driver: CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver::ActiveDirectory Package: libcgi-emulate-psgi-perl Description-md5: 01fc7787d799dd890dd99b5c1dba931a Description-sl: Prilagodilnik PSGI za CGI CGI::Emulate::PSGI allows an application designed for the CGI environment to run in a PSGI environment, and thus on any of the backends that PSGI supports. . It works by translating the environment provided by the PSGI specification to one expected by the CGI specification. Likewise, it captures output as it would be prepared for the CGI standard, and translates it to the format expected for the PSGI standard using CGI::Parse::PSGI module. Package: libcgi-formbuilder-perl Description-md5: 580136b68b0df4ebb6c4280f4f6032d9 Description-sl: Easily generate and process stateful CGI forms CGI::FormBuilder is a Perl module for generating, processing, and validating CGI forms. It's an extremely fast and robust module with a ridiculous set of features. . Highlights: . * DWIMmery FormBuilder tries to do what you mean. Tell it the fields you care about, and it takes care of all the stupid HTML and JavaScript generation and processing for you. It also gives you back the correct values that you want. It will even label your fields automatically with human-readable names. . * Input field abstraction Simply define your fields and their options, and FormBuilder will take care of figuring out what the best HTML representation is. It will then generate the appropriate input fields (text, select, radio, etc), even changing any JavaScript actions appropriately. . * Easy handling of defaults Just specify a hash of values to use as the defaults for your fields. This will be searched case-insensitively and displayed in the form. What's more, if the user enters something via the CGI that overrides a default, when you use the field() method to get the data you'll get the correct value. . * Correct stickiness Stickiness is a PITA. FormBuilder correctly handles even multiple values selected in a multiple select list, completely integrated with proper handling of defaults. . * Robust field validation Form validation sucks, and this is where FormBuilder is a big help. It has tons of builtin patterns, and will even generate gobs of JavaScript validation code for you. It is possible to specify your own regexps as well, and FormBuilder will even check multivalued select lists correctly. . * Multiple submit mode support FormBuilder allows one to reliably tell whether the person clicked on the "Update" or "Delete" button of your form, normally a big pain. . * Template driver support FormBuilder can natively "drive" several major templating engines: * HTML::Template * CGI::FastTemplate * Text::Template * Template Toolkit FormBuilder can help building a complete form application with a template in less that 20 lines of Perl. . * Internationalized, Customizable Messaging FormBuilder allows customization of every single message that outputs for given locale. . * Simple Interface The author has specialized in User Interface Design. . * Obišrna dokumentacija Package: libcgi-java Description-md5: 306e6a1f053ad7ac7f1e7908b02c3887 Description-sl: Knjižnica CGI za Javo This library allows CGI scripts to be written in Java. The library provides access to all the standard CGI variables including POST/GET. It also makes it easy to create input forms in HTML documents. Package: libcgi-psgi-perl Description-md5: 9a6fb40e5a9a303a1efe1302d7b6158d Description-sl: Prilagodi za protokol PSGI CGI::PSGI is for web application framework developers who currently use CGI to handle query parameters, and would like the frameworks to comply with the PSGI protocol. Package: libcgicc-dev Description-md5: dc299f83e802a95c156918df7799fdca Description-sl: Knjižnica razreda C++ za pisanje programov CGI (razvojne datoteke) An ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web. libcgicc performs the following functions: . * Parses both GET and POST form data transparently. * Provides string, integer, floating-point and single- and multiple-choice retrieval methods for form data. * Provides methods for saving and restoring CGI environments to aid in application debugging. * Provides full on-the-fly HTML generation capabilities, with support for cookies. * Supports HTTP file upload. * Compatible with FastCGI. . This package contains development files needed for writing and compiling applications that use libcgicc. Package: libcgicc-doc Description-md5: cbb5ce5cc5f6b9f688f457061c4b6f56 Description-sl: Knjižnica razreda C++ za pisanje programov CGI (dokumentacija) An ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web. libcgicc performs the following functions: . * Parses both GET and POST form data transparently. * Provides string, integer, floating-point and single- and multiple-choice retrieval methods for form data. * Provides methods for saving and restoring CGI environments to aid in application debugging. * Provides full on-the-fly HTML generation capabilities, with support for cookies. * Supports HTTP file upload. * Compatible with FastCGI. . This package contains documentation on the usage of the library. Package: libcgicc3 Description-md5: fdfbeee539d5ae97a61e29ecc9a9871d Description-sl: Knjižnica razreda C++ za pisanje programov CGI (knjižnica) An ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web. libcgicc performs the following functions: . * Parses both GET and POST form data transparently. * Provides string, integer, floating-point and single- and multiple-choice retrieval methods for form data. * Provides methods for saving and restoring CGI environments to aid in application debugging. * Provides full on-the-fly HTML generation capabilities, with support for cookies. * Supports HTTP file upload. * Compatible with FastCGI. . This package contains runtime library files for running applications that use libcgicc. Package: libcgroup-dev Description-md5: 00bc9a9892f83a5eff72f96844aa1068 Description-sl: control and monitor control groups (development) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcgroup3 Description-md5: 91f51cf74160eb9398561ff90bcc52f8 Description-sl: control and monitor control groups (library) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcgsi-gsoap1t64 Description-md5: 3d528e0b25800172dafaa1c318ef0c13 Description-sl: Vstavek GSI za gSOAP This is a GSI plugin for gSOAP. It uses the globus GSI libraries to implement GSI secure authentication and encryption on top of gSOAP. Package: libchamplain-0.12-0 Description-md5: dc03ed3826707784a51a64c86fd0b6cc Description-sl: Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov. Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. Package: libchamplain-0.12-dev Description-md5: befbf6593f806198310deb099a7a1b87 Description-sl: Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov (razvojne datoteke) Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. . This package contains the header files required if you wish to develop software that uses libchamplain. Package: libchamplain-doc Description-md5: 224c8625ef01a5d63ce71425435cd393 Description-sl: Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov (dokumentacija) Libchamplain je knjižnica C, ki ClutterActor omogoča prikaz zemljevidov. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. . This package contains the documentation for this package. Package: libchamplain-gtk-0.12-0 Description-md5: 93e623fa80ff9e0b96760ea7d1f0a6f7 Description-sl: Gradnik Gtk+ za prikaz zemljevidov Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. Package: libchamplain-gtk-0.12-dev Description-md5: 290d620f429848f45526a4d0541908a3 Description-sl: Gradnik Gtk+ za prikaz zemljevidov (razvojne datoteke) Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default), OpenArialMap and Maps for free. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libchamplain-gtk. Package: libcharinfo-width-ocaml Description-md5: f29addfaf5881e6fb290860eff7e4583 Description-sl: determine column width for a character (runtime) This module is implemented purely in OCaml and the width function follows the prototype of POSIX's wcwidth. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libcharinfo-width-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 3b9b2c6e8069e2e57443af88b2533c3c Description-sl: determine column width for a character (development) This module is implemented purely in OCaml and the width function follows the prototype of POSIX's wcwidth. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcharls-dev Description-md5: 6cc1704433851fe1c0588bd63fbdfaf5 Description-sl: Implementation of the JPEG-LS standard (development libraries) CharLS is an optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression . JPEG-LS (ISO-14495-1/ITU-T.87) is a standard derived from the Hewlett Packard LOCO algorithm. JPEG LS has low complexity (meaning fast compression) and high compression ratios, similar to JPEG 2000. JPEG-LS is more similar to the old Lossless JPEG than to JPEG 2000, but interestingly the two different techniques result in vastly different performance characteristics. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcharls2 Description-md5: fee402577c081dce8b9ea54835e9c42a Description-sl: Izvedba standarda JPEG-LS CharLS is an optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression . JPEG-LS (ISO-14495-1/ITU-T.87) is a standard derived from the Hewlett Packard LOCO algorithm. JPEG LS has low complexity (meaning fast compression) and high compression ratios, similar to JPEG 2000. JPEG-LS is more similar to the old Lossless JPEG than to JPEG 2000, but interestingly the two different techniques result in vastly different performance characteristics. Package: libcheese-dev Description-md5: 97bf1923e096fe62cf8744df6670dd07 Description-sl: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base dev Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . This package contains the base development headers. Package: libcheese-doc Description-md5: e7e5a84dea3e28141102c32189f08a96 Description-sl: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - documentation Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libcheese-gtk-dev Description-md5: e13b89c841b34de912019e4e459cd320 Description-sl: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets dev Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . This package contains the GTK+ development headers. Package: libcheese-gtk25 Description-md5: 8bb60b9097c6aeb14d65a7555ae93d33 Description-sl: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . This package contains the GTK+ shared library. Package: libcheese8 Description-md5: e56ab6b768d752b78de0633ed49e3dc4 Description-sl: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base library Program spletne kamere, ki podpira zajemanje slik in videa. Olajša zajemanje fotografij in videov vas, vaših prijateljev, ljubljenčkov ali česarkoi želite. Omogoča vam uveljavitev vidnih učinkov, fin nadzor nastavitev slike in ima zmožnosti kot sta način več rafalov in odštevalnik časa za fotografije. . This package contains the base shared library. Package: libchemistry-openbabel-perl Description-md5: 9bcbf2562fd78652e201334aded7f548 Description-sl: Knjižnica zbirke kemijskih orodij (vezave perl) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats Open Babel supports include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC and MPQC. . This package contains Chemistry::Openbabel, the Perl binding for Open Babel. Package: libchi-perl Description-md5: 8cfbc8a8fd6899fdbb9c34825b40e0e6 Description-sl: Združen vmesnik upravljanja predpomnilnika CHI provides a unified caching API for Perl programs, designed to assist a developer in keeping data persistent for a specified period of time. . The CHI interface is implemented by driver classes that support fetching, storing and clearing of data. Driver classes exist or will exist for the gamut of storage backends available to Perl, such as memory, plain files, memory mapped files, memcached, and DBI. . CHI is intended as an evolution of DeWitt Clinton's Cache::Cache package, adhering to the basic Cache API but adding new features and addressing limitations in the Cache::Cache implementation. Package: libchipcard-data Description-md5: 1565e6dc8596170d470365d020e0fd91 Description-sl: Nastavitvene datoteke za libchipcard libchipcard provides an API for accessing smartcards. Examples are memory cards, as well as HBCI (home banking), German GeldKarte (electronic small change), and KVK (health insurance) cards. . Ta paket vsebuje nastavitvene datoteke za libchipcard. Package: libchipcard-dev Description-md5: 5e1108bf81fe6c6cc410214b58dc1ac0 Description-sl: API bralnike pametnih kartic libchipcard provides an API for accessing smartcards. Examples are memory cards, as well as HBCI (home banking), German GeldKarte (electronic small change), and KVK (health insurance) cards. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libchipcard. Package: libchipcard-tools Description-md5: 379ae3869f80ed055356d6e6fc390d6a Description-sl: Orodja za dostopanje do kartic čipov libchipcard provides an API for accessing smartcards. Examples are memory cards, as well as HBCI (home banking), German GeldKarte (electronic small change), and KVK (health insurance) cards. . This package contains tools for chipcards, e.g. geldkarte. Package: libchipcard6t64 Description-md5: 706eeaa04e2fe067b2699e412d96e293 Description-sl: Knjižnica za dostopanje do pametnih kartic libchipcard provides an API for accessing smartcards. Examples are memory cards, as well as HBCI (home banking), German GeldKarte (electronic small change), and KVK (health insurance) cards. . Ta paket vsebuje API odjemalca. Package: libchipmunk-dev Description-md5: 98c55bab8322f5300577e74b05ec2dc9 Description-sl: Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library (development files) Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of physics you find in newer 3D games. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libchipmunk7 Description-md5: 0513cc5b03895ac32ab18979fc0b63ec Description-sl: Knjižnica hitre in lahke fizike trdnih 2D teles v C Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of physics you find in newer 3D games. Package: libchm-bin Description-md5: 3ab4b7cf09805ed082bdb701380499f9 Description-sl: library for dealing with Microsoft CHM files (test programs) It is a very simple library, but sufficient for dealing with all of the chm files. Library currently does not has write support. . CHM files are used on the Microsoft Windows platform to store program documentation, almost always in the form of HTML, with some non-standard quirks. CHM files are a form of archive known as InfoTech Storage Format (ITSF) files and contain some special files to implement features of the CHM viewer. . Ta paket vsebuje programe preizkusov. Package: libchromaprint-dev Description-md5: 19f7a2a5c7547a763a928884060bba9c Description-sl: audio fingerprinting library - development files Chromaprint is a library for calculating audio fingerprints which are used by the Acoustid service. Its main purpose is to provide an accurate identifier for record tracks . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke, ki so zahtevane za kodno prevajanje programov, ki uporabljajo libchromaprint. Package: libcidr0 Description-md5: 9eb977a5f6f154f267d23c305020c5f0 Description-sl: IP addresses and netblocks manipulation library libcidr is a C library implementing a variety of functions to manipulate IP addresses and netblocks. It handles both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, will transform them to and from text strings in a variety of formats, cram them into and lever them out of in_addr and in6_addr structures, and give you all sorts of stats about them. Functions are provided also to tell you a few things about the network any given CIDR block is in, what its parent and child networks are, and so on. If you're really nice, may even cook you breakfast. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libcif-dev Description-md5: 219530ab94cad396036702cd132cbeba Description-sl: CIF API CIF-parsing and manipulation library - development files The CIF API provides a standard C interface for reading, writing, and manipulating Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs). It is targeted in particular at CIF 2.0, but it provides support for CIF 1.1 and earlier as well. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcif1 Description-md5: 837302fb14170aa70ea82569c7d1df87 Description-sl: CIF API CIF-parsing and manipulation library - shared library The CIF API provides a standard C interface for reading, writing, and manipulating Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs). It is targeted in particular at CIF 2.0, but it provides support for CIF 1.1 and earlier as well. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcifti-dev Description-md5: c94d1b476c4d9fe786b502058376b70a Description-sl: development files for CiftiLib CIFTI (Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative) standardizes the file formats for storage of connectivity data. These formats are developed by the Human Connectome Project and other interested parties. . CiftiLib is a C++ library for CIFTI-1 and CIFTI-2 file I/O, supporting both on-disk and in-memory access. It also provides facilities for reading and writing generic NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libcifti-doc Description-md5: 2998830ce97a536f03cfa8ca7af072b8 Description-sl: documentation for CiftiLib CIFTI (Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative) standardizes the file formats for storage of connectivity data. These formats are developed by the Human Connectome Project and other interested parties. . CiftiLib is a C++ library for CIFTI-1 and CIFTI-2 file I/O, supporting both on-disk and in-memory access. It also provides facilities for reading and writing generic NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libcifti0t64 Description-md5: ba65749010dd317ee7a115c1355a2776 Description-sl: library for manipulating CIFTI files CIFTI (Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative) standardizes the file formats for storage of connectivity data. These formats are developed by the Human Connectome Project and other interested parties. . CiftiLib is a C++ library for CIFTI-1 and CIFTI-2 file I/O, supporting both on-disk and in-memory access. It also provides facilities for reading and writing generic NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 files. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libcinaps-ocaml Description-md5: cfe908eee060b21a8d426f8628ccc6b9 Description-sl: trivial metaprogramming tool (runtime files) Cinaps is a trivial metaprogramming tool using the OCaml toplevel. It is based on the same idea as expectation tests. The user writes some OCaml code inside special comments and cinaps make sure that what follows is what is printed by the OCaml code. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libcinaps-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 976cad9ec83fa76781102f0747ebb3a2 Description-sl: trivial metaprogramming tool (dev files) Cinaps is a trivial metaprogramming tool using the OCaml toplevel. It is based on the same idea as expectation tests. The user writes some OCaml code inside special comments and cinaps make sure that what follows is what is printed by the OCaml code. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcinnamon-menu-3-0 Description-md5: 1f139eed2d744b6e3d51e3d7f7061671 Description-sl: Cinnamon implementation of the freedesktop menu specification The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcinnamon-menu-3-dev Description-md5: adbece24011b1164999d3a91323fba4c Description-sl: Development files for the Cinnamon menu library The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libcitadel4 Description-md5: 2e73ef818d3d6fd84cb71f56d49add96 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij Citadel This library contains the commonly used routines for the citadel suite. Package: libcjson1 Description-md5: b70ec1dac01c769ddace4c75bd4ef426 Description-sl: Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C cJSON is a ultralightweight json parse. . It aims to be the dumbest possible parser that you can get your job done with. . It's a single file of C, and a single header file. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libck-dev Description-md5: 8e8ec05cd2e7cd3ab81fc0dda2ea574c Description-sl: Concurrency Kit (development) The Concurrency Kit library implements concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures for the research, design and implementation of high performance concurrent systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclalsadrv-dev Description-md5: bd93102cd57fe31fa53a9f92aea56bee Description-sl: ALSA driver C++ access library (development files) C++ wrapper around the ALSA API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojna orodja. Package: libclalsadrv2t64 Description-md5: e71bb69d341dea90b3eeb27bb0dc7b0f Description-sl: Knjižnica dostopa C++ gonilnika ALSA C++ wrapper around the ALSA API. . This package includes the shared library object. Package: libclass-accessor-class-perl Description-md5: 90eb2137706ff252c5c8f9b32e25cf02 Description-sl: Programi za dostop do spremenljivk enostavnih razredov Class::Accessor::Class provides a simple way to create accessor and mutator methods for class variables, just as Class::Accessor provides for objects. It can use either an enclosed lexical variable, or a package variable. . This module was once implemented in terms of Class::Accessor, but changes to that module broke this relationship. Class::Accessor::Class is still a subclass of Class::Accessor, strictly for historical reasons. As a side benefit, a class that isa Class::Accessor::Class is also a Class::Accessor and can use its methods. . NB! This module is deprecated upstream. Package: libclass-data-accessor-perl Description-md5: 8cd60cb88df24f04898b4e18b894906f Description-sl: Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating accessors to class properties that is overridable in subclasses as well as in class instances. . Na primer: . Pere::Ubu->mk_classaccessor('Suitcase'); . will generate the method Suitcase() in the class Pere::Ubu. . This new method can be used to get and set a piece of class property. . Pere::Ubu->Suitcase('Red'); $suitcase = Pere::Ubu->Suitcase; Package: libclass-gomor-perl Description-md5: 76113b50aa4dfc1ab1d410f07e71b3b4 Description-sl: Program za izgradnjo razredov in predmetov Class::Gomor is a Perl class and object builder, providing features like automatic validation of attributes. It can automatically create accessors for scalar or array attributes, as well as supporting custom attributes. Package: libclass-load-perl Description-md5: b63795dd8b16286a9628af577cf946a3 Description-sl: Modul za nalaganje modulov po imenu "require EXPR" only accepts Class/ style module names, not Class::Name. For that, Class::Load provides "load_class 'Class::Name'". . It's often useful to test whether a module can be loaded, instead of throwing an error when it's not available. For that, Class::Load provides "try_load_class 'Class::Name'". . Finally, sometimes it is important to know whether a particular class has been loaded. Asking %INC is an option, but that will miss inner packages and any class for which the filename does not correspond to the package name. For that, this module provides "is_class_loaded 'Class::Name'". Package: libclass-pluggable-perl Description-md5: 5eeef01a4c9d9222af934f5e4d01f218 Description-sl: Enostaven vklopljiv razred. This class makes your class (sub class of Class::Pluggable) pluggable. In this documentation, the word "pluggable" has two meanings. . One is just simply adding new method to your pluggable classs from other plugin modules. So, after you plugged some modules to your class, you can use there method exactly same as your own object method. . You can see this kind of plugin mechanism in CGI::Application and CGI::Application::Plugin::Session. Package: libclass-singleton-perl Description-md5: a3bcd5a81069e913babf02f25eaf47f1 Description-sl: Izvedba razreda "Singleton" The Class::Singleton module implements a Singleton class from which other classes can be derived. A Singleton describes an object class that can have only one instance in any system. An example of a Singleton might be a print spooler or system registry. . By itself, the Class::Singleton module does very little other than manage the instantiation of a single object. In deriving a class from Class::Singleton, your module will inherit the Singleton instantiation method and can implement whatever specific functionality is required. . For a description and discussion of the Singleton class, see "Design Patterns", Gamma et al, Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-63361-2. Package: libclass-spiffy-perl Description-md5: 5ac0a7707b8c156161f66425deba0dfb Description-sl: Ogrodje vmesnika Spiffy Perl Class::Spiffy is a framework and methodology for doing object oriented programming in Perl. Class::Spiffy combines the best parts of,, and into one magic foundation class. It attempts to fix all the nits and warts of traditional Perl OO, in a clean, straightforward and (perhaps someday) standard way. . Class::Spiffy borrows ideas from other OO languages like Python, Ruby, Java and Perl 6. It also adds a few tricks of its own. . If you take a look on CPAN, there are a ton of OO related modules. When starting a new project, you need to pick the set of modules that makes most sense, and then you need to use those modules in each of your classes. Class::Spiffy, on the other hand, has everything you'll probably need in one module, and you only need to use it once in one of your classes. If you make Class::Spiffy the base class of the basest class in your project, Class::Spiffy will automatically pass all of its magic to all of your subclasses. You may eventually forget that you're even using it! . The most striking difference between Class::Spiffy and other Perl object oriented base classes, is that it has the ability to export things. If you create a subclass of Class::Spiffy, all the things that Class::Spiffy exports will automatically be exported by your subclass, in addition to any more things that you want to export. And if someone creates a subclass of your subclass, all of those things will be exported automatically, and so on. Think of it as "Inherited Exportation", and it uses the familiar specification syntax. Package: libclass-unload-perl Description-md5: 842c7d0edebfe040b9f7ebe10eeee56a Description-sl: Modul Perl za razlaganje razreda ob izvajanju Class::Unload is a Perl module that unloads the given class by clearing out its symbol table and removing it from %INC during runtime. The unloaded class may then be reloaded later on using 'require'. Package: libclaw-application-dev Description-md5: ceeb415d6441b92fea7338789c26a5da Description-sl: Set of classes to ease the initialisation of the program (development files) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to help to manage the arguments of your program, with automatic management of short/long arguments and help message. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-application1t64 Description-md5: 82d75ac8a68f8b71e1f82010d7ca36d9 Description-sl: Set of classes to ease the initialisation of the program Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to help to manage the arguments of your program, with automatic management of short/long arguments and help message. Package: libclaw-configuration-file-dev Description-md5: f2b8c347a71fe48b6b741abf137268d6 Description-sl: Class to process configuration files (development files) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to help to read configutation files divided in sections made of attribute/value pairs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-configuration-file1t64 Description-md5: 3e0cfdf1adca5e2be146f5b07cb58781 Description-sl: Razredi za obdelavo nastavitvenih datotek Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to help to read configutation files divided in sections made of attribute/value pairs. Package: libclaw-dynamic-library-dev Description-md5: fb6b5bf0a4867d2d223071909e8a4a8a Description-sl: Class to ease the manipulation of dynamic libraries (development files) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to ease the use or dynamic libraries: loading, checking the availability of a symbol and getting a function pointer on it. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-dynamic-library1t64 Description-md5: 8a8897797f3ffa3c030dd4dbf1c9b304 Description-sl: Class to ease the manipulation of dynamic libraries Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to ease the use or dynamic libraries: loading, checking the availability of a symbol and getting a function pointer on it. Package: libclaw-graphic-dev Description-md5: db8a64d894fea60dacc379a9cb550219 Description-sl: Set of classes for image manipulation (development files) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to offer an easy way to deal with images, with read and write support of bmp, jpeg, pcx, png, targa and xbm files, and read only support for gif files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-graphic1t64 Description-md5: 568b8a53950dd7051d5ef7b717c2abc4 Description-sl: Set of classes for image manipulation Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library is intended to offer an easy way to deal with images, with read and write support of bmp, jpeg, pcx, png, targa and xbm files, and read only support for gif files. Package: libclaw-i18n Description-md5: 5990da99858a71be01fa6266f0514e82 Description-sl: Internationalisation files for libclaw This package provides internationalisation files for libclaw in the following languages: . * francoščina Package: libclaw-logger-dev Description-md5: 74e2a730c1e89b6dbed30b2fcdaecfd4 Description-sl: Prilagodljiv sistem beleženja (razvojne datoteke) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library provides a log system allowing several level of log and redirectable streams. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-logger1t64 Description-md5: 9a4c62edbbbaea9fea6b7b20e5a6f127 Description-sl: Prilagodljiv sistem beleženja Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library provides a log system allowing several levels of logging and redirectable streams. Package: libclaw-net-dev Description-md5: 1382b88ea09b5b66f404155163b0c9e1 Description-sl: C++ standard stream interface for Unix sockets (development files) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library provides a C++ standard stream interface to Unix sockets. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-net1t64 Description-md5: c0c2ae7355aecec2ee07e28c90f1b867 Description-sl: C++ standard stream interface for Unix sockets Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library provides C++ classes to utilzed any Unix sockets as a standard stream. Package: libclaw-tween-dev Description-md5: 16a01f2a3569fe78eb8db0706395b58e Description-sl: C++ tweeners (development files) Del knjižnice libclaw. . This library provides a set of classes for tweeningin C++. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libclaw-tween1t64 Description-md5: 6d6d9a06d04f495bb6b6ed0f4b7e9c2e Description-sl: C++ tweeners Del knjižnice libclaw. . Tween is a C++ library providing an implementation for tweening. . This library allows one to interpolate the intermediate values between two given values during a time interval. This practice is well used in animation and is widely popular in the context of ActionScript/Flash games and websites. The goal of this library is to provide similar functionalities to C++ programs. Package: libclblas-dev Description-md5: 00f4d1a64a85fec5c7e4f69308ec363e Description-sl: development files for clBLAS This library provides an implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms levels 1, 2 and 3, using OpenCL and optimized for AMD GPU hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libclblas-doc Description-md5: fa977585a877755b34ed5c82ea8a5975 Description-sl: documentation for clBLAS This library provides an implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms levels 1, 2 and 3, using OpenCL and optimized for AMD GPU hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libclblas2t64 Description-md5: 9bd18cc8493ff161cbe6384273f85137 Description-sl: OpenCL BLAS library This library provides an implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms levels 1, 2 and 3, using OpenCL and optimized for AMD GPU hardware. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libclblast1 Description-md5: d8e2b13d9c580ba862c39c55e9315f17 Description-sl: Tuned OpenCL BLAS library CLBlast is a modern, lightweight, performant and tunable OpenCL BLAS library written in C++11. It is designed to leverage the full performance potential of a wide variety of OpenCL devices from different vendors, including desktop and laptop GPUs, embedded GPUs, and other accelerators. CLBlast implements BLAS routines: basic linear algebra subprograms operating on vectors and matrices. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libclc-14-dev Description-md5: af42cc63b204a8c47b782398389a6170 Description-sl: OpenCL C language implementation - development files libclc is an open implementation of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libclc-15-dev Description-md5: af42cc63b204a8c47b782398389a6170 Description-sl: OpenCL C language implementation - development files libclc is an open implementation of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libclc-16-dev Description-md5: af42cc63b204a8c47b782398389a6170 Description-sl: OpenCL C language implementation - development files libclc is an open implementation of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libclc-17-dev Description-md5: af42cc63b204a8c47b782398389a6170 Description-sl: OpenCL C language implementation - development files libclc is an open implementation of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libclc-18-dev Description-md5: af42cc63b204a8c47b782398389a6170 Description-sl: OpenCL C language implementation - development files libclc is an open implementation of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libclc-19-dev Description-md5: af42cc63b204a8c47b782398389a6170 Description-sl: OpenCL C language implementation - development files libclc is an open implementation of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libcld2-dev Description-md5: 08ce0946e305e6b9a6e483ff5b517cb1 Description-sl: Compact Language Detector 2, development package Detects over 80 languages in UTF-8 text, based largely on groups of four letters. Also tables for 160+ language version. . To je razvojni paket. Package: libclearsilver-perl Description-md5: be59004dd0fdccb51b297f6ec4089169 Description-sl: Vezave Perl za clearsilver Clearsilver is a fast, powerful, and language-neutral HTML template system. In both static content sites and dynamic HTML applications, it provides a separation between presentation code and application logic which makes working with your project easier. . This package contains the perl package ClearSilver. Package: libcleri-dev Description-md5: 5dd663feaa3ebef681a81e7536382d96 Description-sl: language parser library - development files Libcleri is a powerful tool to build languages. From a built language, libcleri can automatically create parse trees, which are data structures representing how a grammar matches input. It also provides feedback in case the input does not match the language. This can be useful for auto- completion, suggestions or error handling. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclfft-dev Description-md5: db93c1d801542a556a61eafb22afb75e Description-sl: development files for clFFT The clFFT library is an open source OpenCL library implementation of discrete Fast Fourier Transforms, which: . * Provides a fast and accurate platform for calculating discrete FFTs. * Works on CPU or GPU backends. * Supports in-place or out-of-place transforms. * Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D transforms with a batch size that can be greater than 1. * Supports planar (real and complex components in separate arrays) and interleaved (real and complex components as a pair contiguous in memory) formats. * Supports dimension lengths that can be any mix of powers of 2, 3, and 5. * Supports single and double precision floating point formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libclfft-doc Description-md5: d691bfb5d20caeda25cf810dbfc6dc6a Description-sl: documentation for clFFT The clFFT library is an open source OpenCL library implementation of discrete Fast Fourier Transforms, which: . * Provides a fast and accurate platform for calculating discrete FFTs. * Works on CPU or GPU backends. * Supports in-place or out-of-place transforms. * Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D transforms with a batch size that can be greater than 1. * Supports planar (real and complex components in separate arrays) and interleaved (real and complex components as a pair contiguous in memory) formats. * Supports dimension lengths that can be any mix of powers of 2, 3, and 5. * Supports single and double precision floating point formats. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libclfft2 Description-md5: 1468fc9fd9f3eba99a2a10991391c74b Description-sl: OpenCL FFT library The clFFT library is an open source OpenCL library implementation of discrete Fast Fourier Transforms, which: . * Provides a fast and accurate platform for calculating discrete FFTs. * Works on CPU or GPU backends. * Supports in-place or out-of-place transforms. * Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D transforms with a batch size that can be greater than 1. * Supports planar (real and complex components in separate arrays) and interleaved (real and complex components as a pair contiguous in memory) formats. * Supports dimension lengths that can be any mix of powers of 2, 3, and 5. * Supports single and double precision floating point formats. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libclips Description-md5: 5207f05479a3e938b1180d40c69601bc Description-sl: Souporabljene knjižnice CLIPS CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies. . CLIPS, including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other applications. CLIPS includes an object-oriented language called COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) which is directly integrated with the inference engine. . This package installs the required shared libraries. Package: libclips-dev Description-md5: f5597ef4a162ae4e176c04992864f224 Description-sl: Souporabljene knjižnice CLIPS CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies. . CLIPS, including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other applications. CLIPS includes an object-oriented language called COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) which is directly integrated with the inference engine. . Ta paket namesti statične knjižnice in glave. Package: libcliquer-dev Description-md5: df5c5f9274e9686f4f4132aa4d528959 Description-sl: Knjižnica iskanja clique (razvojne glave) This package contains the development headers for the clique searching library found in libcliquer0, which allows searching for cliques in arbitrary weighted and unweighted graphs. Package: libcliquer1 Description-md5: 1c98b0c01e7cbc33b24bd46dda6881b5 Description-sl: Knjižnica iskanja clique Cliquer is a set of routines for finding cliques in arbitrary weighted and unweighted graphs. It can search for maximal cliques, maximal-weighted cliques or cliques within a given size range. Package: libclojure-java Description-md5: 93c1db04e8e2532bb929bfe3e88ed517 Description-sl: Lisp dialect for the JVM (library) Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It is designed to be a general-purpose language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming. Clojure is a compiled language - it compiles directly to JVM bytecode, yet remains completely dynamic. Every feature supported by Clojure is supported at runtime. Clojure provides easy access to the Java frameworks, with optional type hints and type inference, to ensure that calls to Java can avoid reflection. . Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, and shares with Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. Clojure is predominantly a functional programming language, and features a rich set of immutable, persistent data structures. When mutable state is needed, Clojure offers a software transactional memory system and reactive Agent system that ensure clean, correct, multithreaded designs. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libclojure-maven-plugin-java Description-md5: a7ba1a6d9fff1c9cf8429f95ff02f5b1 Description-sl: Vstavek Clojure za Maven Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It is designed to be a general-purpose language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming. . This package provides a Maven Mojo allowing for programs written using Clojure to be built with Maven. Package: libcloudflare-ddns-dev Description-md5: bcb38649f247efbf84f3f7c149540629 Description-sl: dynamically update a DNS record using Cloudflare - development files cloudflare-ddns is a oneshot program: you run it, it updates the DNS record, and it terminates. This uses Cloudflare's API, so to run the tool you'll need an API token and the Zone ID of the DNS zone that you want to update. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcloudflare-ddns2 Description-md5: c563b701c208ebcac42a98293cdf7a09 Description-sl: dynamically update a DNS record using Cloudflare - runtime library cloudflare-ddns is a oneshot program: you run it, it updates the DNS record, and it terminates. This uses Cloudflare's API, so to run the tool you'll need an API token and the Zone ID of the DNS zone that you want to update. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcloudproviders-dev Description-md5: 23f6fd2d428a71fbd30126a50523c2c0 Description-sl: cloud provider library - development files libcloudproviders is a glib based library that makes it easier to implement a cloud provider server or client. . libcloudproviders also provides a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync clients to expose their services. Clients such as file managers and desktop environments can then provide integrated access to the cloud providers services. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclthreads-dev Description-md5: 35f66b1b13cca73d84566f79a6b7253f Description-sl: POSIX threads C++ access library (development files) C++ wrapper library around the POSIX threads API. POSIX threads C++ access library . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave. Package: libclutter-1.0-dev Description-md5: d2f107ca493c4c999db05729a9a06672 Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library (development files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclutter-1.0-doc Description-md5: 02635797d227670df03bfcc254b316dd Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library (documentation) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libclutter-gst-3.0-dev Description-md5: 226f3bbc8ad7bee2e20aa688dabd66d8 Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (development files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclutter-gst-3.0-doc Description-md5: 30572bfe8177705fb4404f6968d24263 Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (documentation) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev Description-md5: e9e6bec0e5d64d1155b64afd7e289839 Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget (development files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclutter-gtk-1.0-doc Description-md5: 30dead2af292731b7e504c7925a6b467 Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget (documentation) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0-dbg Description-md5: a002634612964db11866fc97f36f036a Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (debug files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne datoteke. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-dev Description-md5: 24fa9592ecad42c20640222f67cafb39 Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (dev. files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-doc Description-md5: 1ac46db182ec5b8215b646c0dd0e080e Description-sl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (document) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libclxclient-dev Description-md5: 854189f8f6c5b948cc336648411f20ec Description-sl: X Window System C++ access library (development files) C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API. X Window System C++ access library. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave. Package: libcm256cc-dev Description-md5: 9d7d1230c8a567a9eb3e6b59f216eb8c Description-sl: Fast GF(256) Cauchy MDS Block Erasure Codec in C++ (headers) cm256cc is a simple library for erasure codes. From given data it generates redundant data that can be used to recover the originals. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libcmark0.30.2 Description-md5: d7f8ff62ddee259bf6993bbe822783a6 Description-sl: CommonMark parsing and rendering library cmark is the C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec. . cmark parses almost as fast as sundown and hoedown (but safer and less buggy), about 3 times faster than discount, and about 100 times faster than kramdown and pandoc. Memory consumption is on par with sundown and about 10 times less than pandoc. . cmark outputs HTML, groff man, LaTeX, CommonMark, and a custom XML format. . Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libcminpack-dev Description-md5: d09343320262ffda2eaaa5c6bdac028c Description-sl: Nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems - development Minpack includes software for solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems. Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an easy-to-use driver. The algorithms proceed either from an analytic specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly from the problem functions. The paths include facilities for systems of equations with a banded Jacobian matrix, for least squares problems with a large amount of data, and for checking the consistency of the Jacobian matrix with the functions. . This is the C re-write of the original fortran minpack implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke, ki so zahtevane za uporabo programov cminpack. Package: libcminpack1 Description-md5: 3d955d68e845c79c8067108dcda0b967 Description-sl: Nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems - runtime Minpack includes software for solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems. Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an easy-to-use driver. The algorithms proceed either from an analytic specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly from the problem functions. The paths include facilities for systems of equations with a banded Jacobian matrix, for least squares problems with a large amount of data, and for checking the consistency of the Jacobian matrix with the functions. . This is the C re-write of the original fortran minpack implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice, ki so zahtevane za poganjanje programov cminpack. Package: libcmocka-mocks-dev Description-md5: c011341234f3cc38600a636b79b62b43 Description-sl: Library to mock common C functions for testing purposes Library to mock common C functions, like libc and jsonc, for testing purposes. This collection of ready to use mocks is based on cmocka_extensions. . Razvojni paket Package: libcmpack20 Description-md5: 72fc42e1c637c5a8c77ed403283d13e5 Description-sl: reduction of images carried out by CCD camera (library) This package contains software, which offers the complete solution for reduction of images carried out by CCD camera, intended on a observation of variable stars. Each step of reduction process can be run from the command line or via simple and intuitive graphical user interface. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libcmph-dev Description-md5: 70b52092a3a23c9072e03bfc3756ae48 Description-sl: C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library development files Minimal perfect hash functions are widely used for memory efficient storage and fast retrieval of items from static sets, such as words in natural languages, reserved words in programming languages or interactive systems, universal resource locations (URLs) in Web search engines, or item sets in data mining techniques. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libcmpicppimpl0 Description-md5: 34a24b30a937e7c41799d8d264d78a7b Description-sl: Ovijalnik CMPI C++ This package provides the so-called Common Manageability Programming Interface C++ Wrapper, a shared library implementing the C++ support for writing CMPI-compliant CIM providers (CMPI). Package: libcmpicppimpl0-dev Description-md5: 24278e50f920df72d561f7f41001fecd Description-sl: Razvojne glave C in C++ CMPI This package provides a standalone development kit for CMPI providers. It contains the CMPI header files needed for compilation of CMPI providers written in the C programming language, or making use of the CMPI C++ Wrapper. Package: libcmtspeechdata0t64 Description-md5: ab1b77342d609182065a449fbdd0732a Description-sl: modem speech data handling library libcmtspeechdata is the userspace side for Nokia's CMT Speech Data SSI protocol. The library provides an application interface for implementing the speech data path for cellular voice calls. IT does not contain any functionality for setting up and managing the call signaling path. . The library will access the hardware using /dev/cmt_speech. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcob4-dev Description-md5: 44100c9f72bc45c3083963bbd41745de Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik COBOL - razvojne datoteke This package contains the development files for gnucobol. . GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, modern COBOL compiler. GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards and X/Open COBOL, as well as many extensions included in other COBOL compilers (IBM COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, ACUCOBOL-GT and others). Package: libcob4t64 Description-md5: 6bc46f7f95457f63183700e9570ea592 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik COBOL - izvajalska knjižnica This package contains the runtime library for gnucobol. . GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, modern COBOL compiler. GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards and X/Open COBOL, as well as many extensions included in other COBOL compilers (IBM COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, ACUCOBOL-GT and others). Package: libcob5-dev Description-md5: 44100c9f72bc45c3083963bbd41745de Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik COBOL - razvojne datoteke This package contains the development files for gnucobol. . GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, modern COBOL compiler. GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards and X/Open COBOL, as well as many extensions included in other COBOL compilers (IBM COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, ACUCOBOL-GT and others). Package: libcob5t64 Description-md5: 6bc46f7f95457f63183700e9570ea592 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik COBOL - izvajalska knjižnica This package contains the runtime library for gnucobol. . GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, modern COBOL compiler. GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards and X/Open COBOL, as well as many extensions included in other COBOL compilers (IBM COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, ACUCOBOL-GT and others). Package: libcobra-java Description-md5: cc046d296770a789a170829a8d351de5 Description-sl: Java izrisovalnik in razčlenjevalnik HTML Cobra is a pure Java HTML renderer and DOM parser that is being developed to support HTML 4, Javascript and CSS 2. . Cobra can be used as a Javascript-aware and CSS-aware HTML DOM parser, independently of the Cobra rendering engine. Javascript DOM modifications that occur during parsing (e.g. via document.write) will be reflected in the parsed DOM, unless Javascript is disabled. Likewise, DOM element implementations have a getStyle method that can be called to obtain the styling properties of an element. Package: libcodeblocks0t64 Description-md5: 88406bb0f3f45fa0a5d810ff85a0f62b Description-sl: Code::Blocks souporabljena knjižnica Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are: * Compiler frontend to many free compilers * Debugger frontend for GDB * Source formatter (based on AStyle) * Wizard to create new C++ classes * Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress) * Default MIME handler * Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins * To-do list * Extensible wizard based on scripts * Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash) . This package contains the Code::Blocks shared library. Package: libcodenarc-groovy-java-doc Description-md5: 2ec0f39c6dceac64e5d82395140c45a3 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libcodenarc-groovy-java Documentation for CodeNarc that is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code, enabling monitoring and enforcement of many coding standards and best practices. CodeNarc applies a set of Rules (predefined and/or custom) that are applied to each Groovy file, and generates an HTML report of the results, including a list of rules violated for each source file, and a count of the number of violations per package and for the whole project. . CodeNarc is similar to popular static analysis tools such as PMD or Checkstyle, but is targeted at Groovy source code instead of Java. Package: libcogl-doc Description-md5: 6b316c36c70b839fe5274cc7bbbd7eaa Description-sl: Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (documentation) Cogl is a small open source library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures. The API departs from the flat state machine style of OpenGL and is designed to make it easy to write orthogonal components that can render without stepping on each others toes. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libcohttp-lwt-jsoo-ocaml Description-md5: b1ff27ace1c3a842061249c273ab7621 Description-sl: CoHTTP implementation for the Js_of_ocaml JavaScript compiler (runtime) An implementation of an HTTP client for JavaScript, but using the CoHTTP types. This lets you build HTTP clients that can compile natively (using one of the other Cohttp backends such as cohttp-lwt-unix) and also to native JavaScript via js_of_ocaml. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libcohttp-lwt-jsoo-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9a24e4c6658a32930ceeb3aebf3ed857 Description-sl: CoHTTP implementation for the Js_of_ocaml JavaScript compiler (dev) An implementation of an HTTP client for JavaScript, but using the CoHTTP types. This lets you build HTTP clients that can compile natively (using one of the other Cohttp backends such as cohttp-lwt-unix) and also to native JavaScript via js_of_ocaml. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcohttp-lwt-ocaml Description-md5: 8bcf0c8bf4a91f7c6a3aa42cf0c1e0f7 Description-sl: CoHTTP implementation using the Lwt concurrency library (runtime) This is a portable implementation of CoHTTP that uses the Lwt concurrency library to multiplex IO. It implements as much of the logic in an OS- independent way as possible, so that more specialised modules can be tailored for different targets. For example, you can install cohttp-lwt- unix or cohttp-lwt-jsoo for a Unix or JavaScript backend, or cohttp-mirage for the MirageOS unikernel version of the library. All of these implementations share the same IO logic from this module. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libcohttp-lwt-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 282822aa0f1e60d943816c6fde78252d Description-sl: CoHTTP implementation using the Lwt concurrency library (dev) This is a portable implementation of CoHTTP that uses the Lwt concurrency library to multiplex IO. It implements as much of the logic in an OS- independent way as possible, so that more specialised modules can be tailored for different targets. For example, you can install cohttp-lwt- unix or cohttp-lwt-jsoo for a Unix or JavaScript backend, or cohttp-mirage for the MirageOS unikernel version of the library. All of these implementations share the same IO logic from this module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcohttp-lwt-unix-ocaml Description-md5: e0f8146d350b8466b4b67c70d07be3ad Description-sl: CoHTTP implementation for Unix and Windows using Lwt (runtime) An implementation of an HTTP client and server using the Lwt concurrency library. See the Cohttp_lwt_unix module for information on how to use this. The package also installs cohttp-curl-lwt and a cohttp-server-lwt binaries for quick uses of a HTTP(S) client and server respectively. . Although the name implies that this only works under Unix, it should also be fine under Windows too. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libcohttp-lwt-unix-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f1ac60b3825cf1c3492eb16f24f1cff2 Description-sl: CoHTTP implementation for Unix and Windows using Lwt (dev) An implementation of an HTTP client and server using the Lwt concurrency library. See the Cohttp_lwt_unix module for information on how to use this. The package also installs cohttp-curl-lwt and a cohttp-server-lwt binaries for quick uses of a HTTP(S) client and server respectively. . Although the name implies that this only works under Unix, it should also be fine under Windows too. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcohttp-ocaml Description-md5: bce1a5494577de3e77427f88961c9f33 Description-sl: OCaml library for HTTP clients and servers (runtime) Cohttp is an OCaml library for creating HTTP daemons. It has a portable HTTP parser, and implementations using various asynchronous programming libraries. . It has concrete implementations for many targets, including lwt, lwt-unix, lwt-jsoo. . You can implement other targets using the parser very easily. Look at the IO signature in lib/s.mli and implement that in the desired backend. . You can activate some runtime debugging by setting COHTTP_DEBUG to any value, and all requests and responses will be written to stderr. Further debugging of the connection layer can be obtained by setting CONDUIT_DEBUG to any value. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libcohttp-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 880003ff1d6b4f7d210e980a2e80f59e Description-sl: OCaml library for HTTP clients and servers (dev) Cohttp is an OCaml library for creating HTTP daemons. It has a portable HTTP parser, and implementations using various asynchronous programming libraries. . It has concrete implementations for many targets, including lwt, lwt-unix, lwt-jsoo. . You can implement other targets using the parser very easily. Look at the IO signature in lib/s.mli and implement that in the desired backend. . You can activate some runtime debugging by setting COHTTP_DEBUG to any value, and all requests and responses will be written to stderr. Further debugging of the connection layer can be obtained by setting CONDUIT_DEBUG to any value. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcollada-dom2.4-dp-dev Description-md5: 218522b5c426f906ceea5ab227a2aeb6 Description-sl: Prehodni paket This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. The package name has been changed from libcollada-dom2.4-dp-dev to libcollada-dom-dev. Package: libcollectdclient1t64 Description-md5: d7728be60ea0a78c5c3ec23914fc235c Description-sl: client library for collectd's control interface libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration with other applications such as monitoring solutions. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcolorpicker-java-doc Description-md5: f0ed1ca2aa5199008af3d004396c34ed Description-sl: Java control to allow color selection (documentation) A java package containing a color wheel picker for selecting a color. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libcolpack0t64 Description-md5: ce8c41393ac4ac3098ecef1288137ee9 Description-sl: Specialized graph vertex coloring library, shared library ColPack is a package comprising of implementation of algorithms for specialized vertex coloring problems that arise in sparse derivative computation. It is written in an object-oriented fashion heavily using the Standard Template Library (STL). It is designed to be simple, modular, extenable and efficient. Its primary application has been for use in automatic differentiation. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libcolt-free-java-doc Description-md5: 65697765eeb840f0607a4991d09a14e8 Description-sl: scalable scientific and technical computing in Java (doc) This distribution provides an infrastructure for scalable scientific and technical computing in Java. It is particularly useful in the domain of High Energy Physics at CERN: It contains, among others, efficient and usable data structures and algorithms for Off-line and On-line Data Analysis, Linear Algebra, Multi-dimensional arrays, Statistics, Histogramming, Monte Carlo Simulation, Parallel & Concurrent Programming. It summons some of the best concepts, designs and implementations thought up over time by the community, ports or improves them and introduces new approaches where need arises. In overlapping areas, it is competitive or superior to toolkits such as STL, Root, HTL, CLHEP, TNT, GSL, C-RAND / WIN-RAND, (all C/C++) as well as IBM Array, JDK 1.2 Collections framework (all Java), in terms of performance, functionality and (re)usability. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico . Note: libcolt-free-java is a copy of libcolt-java stripped from some classes with a non-free license (LGPL+military exception). Package: libcom-dev Description-md5: e42292d4b9d8a828f0d2394cd38d88fa Description-sl: EPICS common library (headers) EPICS is the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System. Common library used by all other EPICS building blocks. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libcomedi-dev Description-md5: eed36a55678e38a314ba77313a153948 Description-sl: Razvojna knjižnica za Comedi Comedilib is a library for using Comedi, a driver interface for data acquisition hardware. . This package contains headers, static libraries, documentation, and examples for writing software that uses the Comedilib library. You only need to install it if you plan to develop or compile software that uses Comedilib. Package: libcomedi0t64 Description-md5: 8df438318b17e8268487ce6fef52f74e Description-sl: Knjižnica za Comedi Comedilib is a library for using Comedi, a driver interface for data acquisition hardware. Comedi supports a wide variety of ISA and PCI devices that contain analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, digital input/output, counters and timers. The full list of support devices can be found in the libcomedi-dev documentation. . This package contains the shared library component of Comedilib. In general, this package will be automatically installed as a dependency of application or other library packages. . In order to effectively use this package, you need to have compiled and installed the Comedi kernel modules. The source for Comedi is available in the comedi-source package, which also contains instructions on how to compile and install the modules. Package: libcommons-jexl-java Description-md5: 194f153a8d8ee3f2f6edc94a3e1ab464 Description-sl: Programnik izraznega jezika This library is an expression language engine for easy embedding in applications and frameworks. It implements an extended version of the Expression Language of the JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library, java server related technology). Package: libcommons-validator-java-doc Description-md5: 8c0591d05b1eda73a932e2453a8d1476 Description-sl: Dokumentacija API za Commons Validator The Commons Validator is a basic validation framework that lets you define validation rules for a JavaBean in an xml file. . Validation rules can be defined in an xml file which keeps them abstracted from JavaBean you are validating. . This package contains the API documentation for libcommons-validator-java. Package: libcompizconfig0 Description-md5: 9b1501bf431a077bb890354ada003ea2 Description-sl: Settings library for plugins - OpenCompositing Project Projekt OpenCompositing zagotavlja 3D vidne učinke namizja, ki izboljšajo uporabnost okenskega sistema X in zagotavljajo izboljšano produktivnost z vstavki in temami, ki jih prispeva skupnost. To omogoča bogato namizno izkušnjo. . This package contains the library for plugins to configure settings. Package: libcompizconfig0-dev Description-md5: 61d1c40aa4308fbedaf76a0b0daed3ed Description-sl: Development file for plugin settings - OpenCompositing Project Projekt OpenCompositing zagotavlja 3D vidne učinke namizja, ki izboljšajo uporabnost okenskega sistema X in zagotavljajo izboljšano produktivnost z vstavki in temami, ki jih prispeva skupnost. To omogoča bogato namizno izkušnjo. . This package contains the headers and development files needed to build plugins with settings support. Package: libconduit-ocaml Description-md5: 3283a2c4d46231c6df9a3214a45c9c7d Description-sl: network connection establishment library for OCaml (runtime) The conduit library takes care of establishing and listening for TCP and SSL/TLS connections for the Lwt and Async libraries. . The reason this library exists is to provide a degree of abstraction from the precise SSL library used, since there are a variety of ways to bind to a library (e.g. the C FFI, or the Ctypes library), as well as well as which library is used (just OpenSSL for now). . By default, OpenSSL is used as the preferred connection library, but you can force the use of the pure OCaml TLS stack by setting the environment variable CONDUIT_TLS=native when starting your program. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libconduit-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 14f338a104f9a1413b5577eed90390aa Description-sl: network connection establishment library for OCaml (dev) The conduit library takes care of establishing and listening for TCP and SSL/TLS connections for the Lwt and Async libraries. . The reason this library exists is to provide a degree of abstraction from the precise SSL library used, since there are a variety of ways to bind to a library (e.g. the C FFI, or the Ctypes library), as well as well as which library is used (just OpenSSL for now). . By default, OpenSSL is used as the preferred connection library, but you can force the use of the pure OCaml TLS stack by setting the environment variable CONDUIT_TLS=native when starting your program. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libconfig-merge-perl Description-md5: d5c85d44c6686cdabc92b3823efdef00 Description-sl: Vmesnik umbrella do nastavitvenih modulov Config::Merge allows one to load a configuration directory tree containing YAML, JSON, XML, Perl, INI or Config::General files. The interface can be used in either a functional or an object oriented way. Package: libconfig-model-backend-augeas-perl Description-md5: 59413c88ed64cb64367aba9e36782c67 Description-sl: config-model reader and writer powered by Augeas Config::Model::Backend::Augeas provides a way to load or store configuration data through Config::Augeas. This way, the structure and comments of the original configuration file are preserved. . With Config::Model::Backend::Augeas, Config::Model now provides a way to load and save data through RedHat's Augeas library. . Config::Model and Augeas are both configuration editing tool. Both parse configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files. . Both Augeas and Config::Model rely on a tree to represent configuration data. . On one side, Augeas is able to load and write data while respecting the structure and comments of the original configuration file. But Augeas purpose is not to validate the semantic content of the configuration file. . On the other side, Config::Model is able to validate the semantic content of the configuration file, but it may discard all comments and will write back configuration data using a canonical order. Thus the structure of the original configuration file is not preserved. . You can now have the best of both worlds by using the Augeas library to load and write data from Config::Model configuration tree. You can now instruct Config::Model to use Augeas. See Config::Model::BackendMgr for details. . Unfortunately, you must ensure that the tree representation specified in Config::Model and Augeas lens are quite close together: - Config::Model element names and Augeas lens names must be identical - Both structures must be very close. Each Config::Model node must have a corresponding lens. . See Config::Model::Backend::Augeas documentation to use Augeas with your configuration model. . For more details on Config::Model see: . . Za več podrobnosti o Augeas si oglejte: . Package: libconfig-pit-perl Description-md5: 0f77747d983c75512b8f201d5c908866 Description-sl: Modul Perl za upravljanje nastavitev Config::Pit is account setting management library. This library automates editing settings used in scripts. . Original library is written in Ruby and published as pit gem with management command. Package: libconfig-simple-perl Description-md5: 8f5af517a46210dd8fbd73c644fca9e0 Description-sl: Enostavna nastavitev razreda datotek Reading and writing configuration files is one of the most frequent aspects of any software design. Config::Simple is the library to help you with it. . Config::Simple is a class representing configuration file object. It supports several configuration file syntax and tries to identify the file syntax to parse them accordingly. Library supports parsing, updating and creating configuration files. Package: libconfigreader-simple-perl Description-md5: 0ac9ec8789a76e1e18e6085c90f7513d Description-sl: Enostavna nastavitev razčlenjevalnika datotek ConfigReader::Simple reads and parses simple configuration files. It is designed to be smaller and simpler than the ConfigReader module and is more suited to simple configuration files. Package: libconfuse-dev Description-md5: 4ab3b2b53b592c7f75d631e73c49d74e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libConfuse This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use the confuse library. Package: libconfuse2 Description-md5: 284f159006c24c48424ca2c396c9bf6b Description-sl: Knjižnica za razčlenjevanje nastavitvenih datotek libConfuse is a configuration file parser library written in C. It supports sections and (lists of) values (strings, integers, floats, booleans or other sections), as well as some other features (such as single/double-quoted strings, environment variable expansion, functions and nested include statements). . It makes it very easy to add configuration file capability to a program using a simple API. Package: libconsole-bridge1.0 Description-md5: eb4410ba465eab46069aee1e130bdd54 Description-sl: console bridge - library ROS-independent, pure CMake (i.e. non-catkin and non-rosbuild package) that provides logging calls that mirror those found in rosconsole, but for applications that are not necessarily using ROS. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libcontactcache-qt5-dev Description-md5: c0c4589c124fc29b0a3093d0834f0e36 Description-sl: Development files for libcontactcache-qt5 This library acts as a middle layer between the QtPIM QtContacts SQLite engine and client components and provides a data cache. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libcootapi-dev Description-md5: 001d949ff94b63c93a82d3ba9bd4f3d3 Description-sl: development files for libcoot Coot is an interactive program for fitting atomic models to crystallographic electron density maps. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcoq-aac-tactics Description-md5: d468e31e016a5d91fa8d79cdff35cd0d Description-sl: Coq tactics for reasoning modulo AC (theories) This Coq plugin provides tactics for rewriting universally quantified equations, modulo associative (and possibly commutative) operators. . Ta paket vsebuje podporno knjižnico Coq. Package: libcoq-core-ocaml Description-md5: 6f9fa9509e05b95dc040fa6f750867c3 Description-sl: Izvajalne knjižnice za Coq Coq je pomočnik dokazov za logiko višjega reda, ki omogoča razvoj računalniških programov, ki so dosledni s svojimi formalnimi določili. Razvit je z Objecitve Caml in Camlp5. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice za Coq. Package: libcoq-core-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 087097b71994724756abfbecea1882b9 Description-sl: development libraries and tools for Coq Coq je pomočnik dokazov za logiko višjega reda, ki omogoča razvoj računalniških programov, ki so dosledni s svojimi formalnimi določili. Razvit je z Objecitve Caml in Camlp5. . This package provides and libraries needed to develop OCaml-side extensions to Coq. Package: libcoq-stdlib Description-md5: 9e601d42ac375ebc4cb75dff6e4c368e Description-sl: proof assistant for higher-order logic (theories) Coq je pomočnik dokazov za logiko višjega reda, ki omogoča razvoj računalniških programov, ki so dosledni s svojimi formalnimi določili. Razvit je z Objecitve Caml in Camlp5. . This package provides existing theories that new proofs can be based upon, including theories of arithmetic and Boolean values. Package: libcork16 Description-md5: 182194623a50913a5a887fc2f0851695 Description-sl: simple, easily embeddable, cross-platform C library It falls roughly into the same category as glib or APR in the C world; the STL, POCO, or QtCore in the C++ world; or the standard libraries of any decent dynamic language. . So if libcork has all of these comparables, why a new library? Well, none of the C++ options are really applicable here. And none of the C options work, because one of the main goals is to have the library be highly modular, and useful in resource-constrained systems. You’ll hopefully see how this fits into an interesting niche of its own. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libcothreads-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 31451d9799e1279e7d93eef56f0e3707 Description-sl: Knjižnica hkratnega programiranja za OCaml This library enhances the Threads library of the standard OCaml distribution in two dimensions: . - It implements the same API of the standard Threads library on different execution engines (process, networker), so that a single copy of source code can be compiled and deployed to different environments without modification. - It is also a super set of the standard Threads library, with extra components (STM etc.), functions (spawn etc.) and features (object-level compatibility etc.). . This package provides static libraries, interfaces, and documentation for coThreads. Package: libcourier-unicode-dev Description-md5: 0a66f8714157440b9993bfe1b7e2a2cb Description-sl: Courier Unicode library (development files and headers) This library implements several algorithms related to the Unicode Standard: - Look up uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase equivalents of a unicode character. - Implementation of grapheme and work breaking rules. - Implementation of line breaking rules. - Several ancillary functions, like looking up the unicode character that corresponds to some HTML 4.0 entity (such as “&”, for example), and determining the normal width or a double-width status of a unicode character. Also, an adaptation of the iconv(3) API for this unicode library. - Look up Unicode script property. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke in glave. Package: libcourier-unicode4 Description-md5: 550220e9e8944087bcba9ab32c1d15e7 Description-sl: Courier Unicode library (shared runtime library) This library implements several algorithms related to the Unicode Standard: - Look up uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase equivalents of a unicode character. - Implementation of grapheme and work breaking rules. - Implementation of line breaking rules. - Several ancillary functions, like looking up the unicode character that corresponds to some HTML 4.0 entity (such as “&”, for example), and determining the normal width or a double-width status of a unicode character. Also, an adaptation of the iconv(3) API for this unicode library. - Look up Unicode script property. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libcoverart-dev Description-md5: 80497e46a694262184de4ab729fdd78d Description-sl: library to access the Cover Art Archive (development files) The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcoverartcc1v5 Description-md5: 5d59323f82da02a6fd971486323f228d Description-sl: library to access the Cover Art Archive The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcpan-changes-perl Description-md5: 2e59ee9cf3588f641e251e3a898749ad Description-sl: Modul za branje in pisanje datotek sprememb CPAN CPAN::Changes is a Perl module for working with the quasi-standard Changes file commonly included with modern CPAN distributions. It allows developers to programmatically read and write files that comply with the preliminary CPAN::Changes::Spec specification. . Includes Test::CPAN::Changes for writing tests to ensure that the Changes file complies with CPAN::Changes::Spec. Package: libcpp-hocon0.3.0t64 Description-md5: f6edb9663eb6d95a1fe1de85e4545479 Description-sl: C++ port of the TypesafeConfig library -- shared libraries cpp-hocon is a port of the TypsafeConfig library to C++. It provides support for the HOCON configuration file format. HOCON aims to keep the semantics (tree structure; set of types; encoding/escaping) from JSON, but make it more convenient as a human-editable config file format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcppad-doc Description-md5: 4b8f65b835318bc351d0468b8d23fa8f Description-sl: Automatic Differentiation of C++ algorithms, documentation CppAD is a package for automatic differentiation (AD) of algorithms written in C++. Given appropriately written C++ code that computes a function, CppAD augments it to also compute derivative values. The system uses templates, supports forward and reverse accumulation modes, and allows nested derivatives. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. . (Or did, and would if the documentation source format hadn't changed to xrst which Debian cannot yet process, and will again at some point in the future. For now, see Package: libcppdb-dev Description-md5: 0573fa71daea8d9e93749efac010165a Description-sl: SQL Connectivity Library (development files) CppDB is an SQL connectivity library that is designed to provide platform and Database independent connectivity API similarly to what JDBC, ODBC and other connectivity libraries do. . This library is developed as part of CppCMS Project - the C++ Web Development Framework. . CppDB was designed with following goals in the mind: - Performance is the primary goal - make fastest possible SQL connectivity as possible - Transparent connection pooling support - Transparent prepared statements caching - Dynamic DB modules loading and optional static linking - Full and high priority support of FOSS RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 - Support as many RDBMSs as possible via cppdb-odbc bridge - Simplicity in use - Locale safety - Support of both explicit verbose API and brief and nice syntactic sugar . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcpprest2.10 Description-md5: 560e9c15bffa3441b7a4410c574de00a Description-sl: Shared library for C++ REST SDK / Casablanca The C++ REST SDK (codename "Casablanca") is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project allows C++ developers to take advantage of the radical shift in software architecture that cloud computing represents. * Support for accessing REST services from native code on Linux, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 by providing asynchronous C++ bindings to HTTP, JSON, and URIs * Implementation of Asynchronous Streams and Stream Buffers * A consistent and powerful model for composing asynchronous operations based on C++ 11 features * A set of samples and reference documentation * New experimental features such as HTTP Listener library and support for Windows Phone 8 and Windows XP. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnice. Package: libcpprspserver3t64 Description-md5: d195874e8e2655ae185275f580e72530 Description-sl: Knjižnica API odjemalca/strežnika C++ RSerPool Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool. . This package provides an object-oriented API for the rsplib library. Package: libcpptest-dev Description-md5: bac7c66d846f3df7f3ecb9a9599b4936 Description-sl: unit testing framework for C++ (development) CppTest is a portable and powerful, yet simple, unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++. The focus lies on usability and extensibility. Several output formats, including simple text output, compiler-like output and HTML, are supported and new ones are easily added. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: libcpptest1 Description-md5: e60d01c35be2d67e693324099584bbbc Description-sl: Ogrodje preizkusa enot za C++ CppTest is a portable and powerful, yet simple, unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++. The focus lies on usability and extensibility. Several output formats, including simple text output, compiler-like output and HTML, are supported and new ones are easily added. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice za cpptest. Package: libcppunit-1.15-0 Description-md5: dca7bb14a898276dca99f38b635142d2 Description-sl: Knjižnice preizkusa enot za C++ CppUnit is a simple Framework for incorporating test cases in your C++ code. It is similar to, and inspired by, xUnit and JUnit. Package: libcpu-ocaml Description-md5: d41dd9dab854a0e7b6b0331e944312c2 Description-sl: Pin current process to given core number (runtime) This library can also get the number of CPU cores online. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libcpu-ocaml-dev Description-md5: da95c568ae6066a59b0a35ae8b5921de Description-sl: Pin current process to given core number (development) This library can also get the number of CPU cores online. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcpucycles1 Description-md5: e66c380e270b28389593229143c7e013 Description-sl: library for counting CPU cycles libcpucycles provides a simple API to access hardware precise timers to understand and improve software performance. . libcpucycles understands machine-level cycle counters for most architectures. libcpucycles also understands common OS-level mechanisms, which give varying levels of accuracy. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcreg-dev Description-md5: cbb6e6eb44fa51b4b01024f7e6ee9bc0 Description-sl: library to access Windows 9x/Me Registry files -- development files libcreg is a library to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File (CREG) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libcreg1t64 Description-md5: aa6d84ed2adc84221eeba6cd2a653684 Description-sl: llibrary to access Windows 9x/Me Registry files libcreg is a library to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File (CREG) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcritnib-dev Description-md5: d4584fac0e22db2e9d7ef07a8b0953f6 Description-sl: ordered map data structure with lock-free reads Critnib is a data structure that provides a very fast equal and less-than/greater-than searches; it is a mix between DJBerstein's critbit and radix trees. While in bad cases it has worse memory use than binary trees, it works well on real-life data which tends to have a limited number of "decision bits": * fully random: divergence happens immediately * malloc addresses: clumps of distinct bits in the middle * sequences: only lowest bits are filled . This library ships only uintptr_t→uintptr_t mappings, optimized for reads from a very critical section but not so frequent writes. Other variants also exist (such as fully lock-free writes, keys of arbitrary length), and can be added upon request. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libcrunch-ocaml Description-md5: de4fea33b3390c0e86f49931081c2ed9 Description-sl: convert a filesystem into a static OCaml module (runtime files) ocaml-crunch takes a directory of files and compiles them into a standalone OCaml module which serves the contents directly from memory. This can be convenient for libraries that need a few embedded files (such as a web server) and do not want to deal with all the trouble of file configuration. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libcrunch-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f600a52a4a1f1a4054009605c1a6cccf Description-sl: convert a filesystem into a static OCaml module (dev files) ocaml-crunch takes a directory of files and compiles them into a standalone OCaml module which serves the contents directly from memory. This can be convenient for libraries that need a few embedded files (such as a web server) and do not want to deal with all the trouble of file configuration. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcrypt-blowfish-perl Description-md5: d5d47fb635f42a37c0249e5db1e5ac96 Description-sl: Šifriranje Blowfish za Perl This is Crypt::Blowfish, an XS-based implementation of the Blowfish cryptography algorithm designed by Bruce Schneier. It's designed to take full advantage of Crypt::CBC when desired. Blowfish keys may be up to 448 bits (56 bytes) long. Package: libcrypt-des-perl Description-md5: faf8c9ead4ecdfe8ee709d2ea4ba8b77 Description-sl: Modul šifriranja Perl DES This is Crypt::DES, an XS-based implementation of the DES cryptography algorithm. . The module implements the Crypt::CBC interface, which has blocksize, keysize, encrypt and decrypt functions. Package: libcrypto-mb-dev Description-md5: f9f05f54f8574461bb58b5872e06ab8d Description-sl: Intel® IPP Cryptography Multi-buffer development files Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: libcsexp-ocaml Description-md5: 47aa083da21477c75e724a9b49aabfe6 Description-sl: parsing and printing of S-expressions in Canonical form (runtime) This library provides minimal support for Canonical S-expressions. Canonical S-expressions are a binary encoding of S-expressions that is super simple and well suited for communication between programs. . This library only provides a few helpers for simple applications. If you need more advanced support, such as parsing from more fancy input sources, you should consider copying the code of this library given how simple parsing S-expressions in canonical form is. . To avoid a dependency on a particular S-expression library, the only module of this library is parameterised by the type of S-expressions. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libcsexp-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 378bf9a4e563d0ca09890d3ef66ae0e6 Description-sl: parsing and printing of S-expressions in Canonical form (dev) This library provides minimal support for Canonical S-expressions. Canonical S-expressions are a binary encoding of S-expressions that is super simple and well suited for communication between programs. . This library only provides a few helpers for simple applications. If you need more advanced support, such as parsing from more fancy input sources, you should consider copying the code of this library given how simple parsing S-expressions in canonical form is. . To avoid a dependency on a particular S-expression library, the only module of this library is parameterised by the type of S-expressions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcsfml-doc Description-md5: b0a61932cf9aea453bc34997680415b2 Description-sl: Knjižnice za vezavo C SFML - dokumentacija SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. CSFML provides the bindings needed to use SFML with the C programming language. . This package includes documentation for all CSFML libraries. Package: libcsnd-dev Description-md5: 3f5013301d4391f041e2ea094c348cb2 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za Csound -- API C++ This package contains the development files needed to build programs using the C++ bindings to the Csound library. It also includes the development symlink for the Lua module, but you have to manually install liblua5.1-luacsnd for that to work. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcsnd6-6.0v5 Description-md5: 58ed843c36f3eba2904a7b843c5409f5 Description-sl: Vezave C++ za API Csound To je vezava C++ za API Csound. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcsnd6-java Description-md5: 9e4cb50b701b40d62a1389f6c062104a Description-sl: Vezave Java za API Csound These are the java bindings for the Csound API. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcsound64-6.0 Description-md5: caadee34c45586f9f7b4eff6a9a68150 Description-sl: Glavna knjižnica za Csound This package contains the library which provides most of the Csound functionality. This library was built using 64-bit precision for the calculations (this doesn't mean you need a 64-bit processor). . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcsound64-dev Description-md5: cc7387a45cbd61400075101adc16b95a Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za Csound This package contains the development files needed to build programs linking to the Csound library. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcsound64-doc Description-md5: ee72ea950daddd84c954d76834fc5d0d Description-sl: Dokumentacija API Csound This package contains the API documentation for the Csound library in HTML format. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcss-minifier-perl Description-md5: 57c18398e1004f2155e3c299316bfed7 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za zmanjševanje CSS CSS::Minifier removes unnecessary whitespace from CSS. The primary requirement developing this module is to not break working stylesheets: if working CSS is in input then working CSS is output. The Mac/Internet Explorer comment hack will be minimized but not stripped and so will continue to function. . This module understands space, horizontal tab, new line, carriage return, and form feed characters to be whitespace. Any other characters that may be considered whitespace are not minimized. These other characters include paragraph separator and vertical tab. . For static CSS files, it is recommended that you minify during the build stage of web deployment. If you minify on-the-fly then it might be a good idea to cache the minified file. Minifying static files on-the-fly repeatedly is wasteful. Package: libcssparser-java Description-md5: 0c4c304a1240120692603288a63aeca1 Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik Java CSS2 The CSS Parser is a Java library, that inputs Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 source text and outputs a Document Object Model Level 2 Style tree. Alternatively, applications can use SAC: The Simple API for CSS. Its purpose is to allow developers working with Java to incorporate Cascading Style Sheet information, primarily in conjunction with XML application developments. Package: libcsv-java-doc Description-md5: 594e25c8c73f083161f72eec8162dc6b Description-sl: Knjižnica VI CVS za Javo (dokumentacija) Java CSV is a small fast open source java library for reading and writing CSV and plain delimited text files. All kinds of CSV files can be handled, text qualified, Excel formatted, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libcsv3 Description-md5: a13b55cfd52ca635e7300676cab0b75b Description-sl: CSV parser and writer library The CSV library provides a flexible, intuitive interface for parsing and writing CSV data. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libctapimkt1-dev Description-md5: 171f73a81a1ff13206075d46661ded46 Description-sl: Read German Krankenversichertenkarte and eGK (development) Library and program to read the German health insurance card (KVK) and the German electronic health card (eGK) from a certified card reading device on the serial port in Linux with kernel 2.6.x. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojno knjižnico. Package: libctl7t64 Description-md5: 706d8534e71e88ea0411efb56e4ba29a Description-sl: Knjižnica za prilagodljive nadzorne datoteke libctl is a free Guile-based library implementing flexible control files for scientific simulations. It was written to support the MIT Photonic- Bands program, but will hopefully prove useful in other programs too. . This package contains the runtime libraries required to run any software using libctl. Package: libctpl-doc Description-md5: b37ee76a8368c2f3d32bad55da042f3d Description-sl: template engine written in C, documentation files CTPL is a C template engine library allowing fast and easy computation of templates with precise control over the parsing environment. . CTPL supports a wide range of input types through GIO like in-memory, files, FTP, HTTP and more. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za CTPL. Package: libcubature-dev Description-md5: d1357bf7e7840989640bea911af52ffe Description-sl: Multi-dimensional adaptive integration (cubature) in C This is a simple C package for adaptive multidimensional integration (cubature) of vector-valued integrands over hypercubes. Of course, it can handle scalar integrands as the special case where f is a one-dimensional vector: the dimensionalities of f and x are independent. The integrand can be evaluated for an array of points at once to enable easy parallelization. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcubature0 Description-md5: 2b9230a2145379f7d32c0e37c16f5e08 Description-sl: Multi-dimensional adaptive integration (cubature) in C (shared lib) This is a simple C package for adaptive multidimensional integration (cubature) of vector-valued integrands over hypercubes. Of course, it can handle scalar integrands as the special case where f is a one-dimensional vector: the dimensionalities of f and x are independent. The integrand can be evaluated for an array of points at once to enable easy parallelization. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcubeb-dev Description-md5: ad92d651759de0fffc00bee499649ca0 Description-sl: cross platform audio library - development files cubeb is a cross platform audio library most notable for its use as the audio backend within Gecko, Mozilla's browser engine. It supports multiple audio backends and allows enumeration of audio devices and opening audio streams with control over latency, sample rate and more. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcubeb0 Description-md5: 2f0f8adae4aaa7bcc41e952829ed05c2 Description-sl: cross platform audio library cubeb is a cross platform audio library most notable for its use as the audio backend within Gecko, Mozilla's browser engine. It supports multiple audio backends and allows enumeration of audio devices and opening audio streams with control over latency, sample rate and more. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcudf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b9b7de480ec197ac2a24fc2bcb573054 Description-sl: OCaml library to access descriptions of package upgrade problems libCUDF is a library to manipulate so called CUDF documents. A CUDF document describe an upgrade problem, as faced by package managers in popular package-based GNU/Linux distributions. . A CUDF document consists of a package universe and of a user request. The package universe describes all packages known to the package manager, a subset of which (the package status) denotes the package being currently installed on the target machine. The user request denotes a change to the package status as requested by the user. . A CUDF document is naturally complemented by a solution describing the resulting package status (if any) implementing the user request, as found by a package manager. . libCUDF enables manipulation of CUDF and related documents. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke, ki jih potrebujete za uporabo libCUDF v programih OCaml. Package: libcunit1 Description-md5: d0b137bee12b1343ccbd0196c105fe5e Description-sl: Knjižnica preizkušanja enot za C CUnit is a simple framework for incorporating test cases in your C code similar to JUnit or CppUnit. It provides C programmers a basic testing functionality with a flexible variety of user interfaces. It uses a simple framework for building test structures, and provides a rich set of assertions for testing common data types. In addition, several different interfaces are provided for running tests and reporting results. Package: libcunit1-doc Description-md5: 5a9cee057a74e48e5a6f4fbb7eb853b3 Description-sl: Knjižnica preizkušanja enot za C -- dokumentacija CUnit is a simple framework for incorporating test cases in your C code similar to JUnit or CppUnit. It provides C programmers a basic testing functionality with a flexible variety of user interfaces. It uses a simple framework for building test structures, and provides a rich set of assertions for testing common data types. In addition, several different interfaces are provided for running tests and reporting results. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libcupt4-2-downloadmethod-curl Description-md5: 2da518564dbf59218b2a52dee052d6f9 Description-sl: flexible package manager -- libcurl download method Ta paket vsebuje ročnike prejema http(s) in ftp za knjižnico Cupt z uporabo libcurl. . See also description of libcupt4-2t64 package. Package: libcupt4-2-downloadmethod-wget Description-md5: 66a70158dd2a229b12886d5eca83d32d Description-sl: flexible package manager -- wget download method Ta paket vsebuje ročnike prejema http(s) in ftp za knjižnico Cupt z uporabo wget. . See also description of libcupt4-2t64 package. Package: libcupt4-dev Description-md5: 0ae460b19364de8e34885de3cfaad93f Description-sl: flexible package manager -- development files Ta paket vsebuje glave za knjižnico Cupt. . See also description of libcupt4-2t64 package. Package: libcupt4-doc Description-md5: 941cbb8d4c4d0cfd6e3502b4d1fda712 Description-sl: flexible package manager -- library documentation Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico Cupt. . See also description of libcupt4-2t64 package. Package: libcurses-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 46747b66388ded68f5318f9b5c62bf17 Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico ncurses The ncurses library provides functions to create rich text-mode interfaces. This package contains the necessary files to use the ncurses library in OCaml. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use ocaml- curses in your programs. Package: libcurses-perl Description-md5: 6046114de4bb1f681372efbc9d041d53 Description-sl: Vmesnik curses za Perl libcurses-perl (the Curses module from CPAN) will let you use the ncurses/curses terminal screen manipulation routines from Perl programs. Package: libcutl-dev Description-md5: 2c7c05ccaaee1d89c4dfea1b3e920135 Description-sl: C++ utility library, development files CUTL contains a collection of generic and independent components such as meta-programming tests, smart pointers, containers, compiler building blocks, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcvd-dev Description-md5: ad32a75a9f095bf131100209d0a9c76b Description-sl: C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing - devel files libCVD is a very portable and high performance C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing. The emphasis is on providing simple and efficient image and video handling and high quality implementations of common low-level image processing function. The library is designed in a loosely-coupled manner, so that parts can be used easily in isolation if the whole library is not required. The video grabbing module provides a simple, uniform interface for videos from a variety of sources (live and recorded) and allows easy access to the raw pixel data. Likewise, the image loading/saving module provides simple, uniform interfaces for loading and saving images from bitmaps to 64 bit per channel RGBA images. The image processing routines can be applied easily to images and video, and accelerated versions exist for platforms supporting SSE. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libcvd2 Description-md5: cca0e18db672c85f1d8b2adaf362f068 Description-sl: C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing - shared library libCVD is a very portable and high performance C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing. The emphasis is on providing simple and efficient image and video handling and high quality implementations of common low-level image processing function. The library is designed in a loosely-coupled manner, so that parts can be used easily in isolation if the whole library is not required. The video grabbing module provides a simple, uniform interface for videos from a variety of sources (live and recorded) and allows easy access to the raw pixel data. Likewise, the image loading/saving module provides simple, uniform interfaces for loading and saving images from bitmaps to 64 bit per channel RGBA images. The image processing routines can be applied easily to images and video, and accelerated versions exist for platforms supporting SSE. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libcwnn0t64 Description-md5: 341ec5732f7cf40e083841f70951065d Description-sl: FreeWnn library for cWnn (FreeWnn cserver) FreeWnn cserver (cWnn) is an integrated Chinese input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Chinese users from all over the world, including P.R.China and Taiwan. FreeWnn cserver is capable of carrying out Hanzi conversion from an arbitrary Pinyin or Zhuyin sequence, hence improving the speed of Pinyin/Zhuyin input. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice za cWnn. Package: libcxx-serial1 Description-md5: acb10d3101a2f53dc56121c2c50c125a Description-sl: Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++ (runtime) A cross-platform library for interfacing with rs-232 serial like ports written in C++. It provides a modern C++ interface with a workflow designed to look and feel like PySerial, but with the speed and control provided by C++. . The upstream package name is serial. The Debian package is named cxx- serial to avoid a name conflict. . Serial is a class that provides the basic interface common to serial libraries (open, close, read, write, etc..) and requires no extra dependencies. It also provides tight control over timeouts and control over handshaking lines. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libdancer-logger-psgi-perl Description-md5: d0e21d0081cbc766975dec763f66bef2 Description-sl: PSGI Log handler for Dancer Dancer je ogrodje spletnih programov Perl. . Dancer::Logger:PSGI is an interface between your Dancer application and psgix.logger. Message will be logged in whatever logger you decided to use in your Plack handler. If no logger is defined, nothing will be logged. Package: libdancer-perl Description-md5: e9f72e1f35d652bc8847272e512ef87f Description-sl: Ogrodje spletnih programov brez truda Dancer is a web application framework designed to be as effortless as possible for the developer, taking care of the boring bits as easily as possible, yet staying out of your way and letting you get on with writing your code. . Dancer aims to provide the simplest way for writing web applications, and offers the flexibility to scale between a very simple lightweight web service consisting of a few lines of code in a single file, all the way up to a more complex fully-fledged web application with session support, templates for views and layouts, etc. . This is the original version of Dancer, which is now in maintenance mode. This means that it will not receive significant new features, but will continue to receive bugfixes and security fixes. . However, you should consider migrating to Dancer2 instead when you can, and are advised to use Dancer2 for newly-started apps. Package: libdancer-plugin-dbic-perl Description-md5: d0787a5301d6f4ff61e19d0d702d99ff Description-sl: Vmesnik DBIx::Class za programe Dancer Dancer je ogrodje spletnih programov Perl. . Dancer::Plugin::DBIC provides an easy way to obtain DBIx::Class::ResultSet instances via the function schema(), which it automatically imports. You just need to point to a dsn in your Dancer configuration file. So you no longer have to write boilerplate DBIC setup code. Package: libdancer-plugin-rest-perl Description-md5: 740110c33775e99d565183369267a086 Description-sl: Vstavek REST za Dancer Dancer je ogrodje spletnih programov Perl. . Dancer::Plugin::REST is a Dancer plugin to transform your Dancer app into a RESTful webservice. Package: libdap-bin Description-md5: 7b40a5fcd10f928b7c68d30bb16b9597 Description-sl: Binaries for the libdap Data Access Protocol library OPeNDAP provides software that allows you to access data over the internet, from programs that weren't originally designed for that purpose, as well as some that were. While OPeNDAP is the original developer of the Data Access protocol which its software uses, many other groups have adopted DAP and provide compatible clients, servers and software development kits. . Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko odjemalca 'getdap'. Package: libdaq2t64 Description-md5: 5da3c6fd4e43716890fdc58b8ecf75f9 Description-sl: Data Acquisition library for packet I/O - shared library DAQ is a library that introduces an abstraction layer to PCAP functions facilitation operation in a variety of hardware and software interfaces. . It was written for Snort but it may be useful to other packet processing applicatons. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdar64-6000t64 Description-md5: 73796f842cd28602f4f7860529c3266a Description-sl: Diskovni ARhiv: souproabljena knjižnica Full featured archiver with support for differential backups, slices, compression, ATTR/ACL support. DAR also supports Pipes for remote operations, including with ssh. . This package contains the shared library for accessing archives. Package: libdata-miscellany-perl Description-md5: 47e00ec4b0ac5547022e5a36c0eb138a Description-sl: Zbirka različnih podrutin Data::Miscellany is a collection of miscellaneous subroutines useful in wide but varying scenarios; a catch-all module for things that don't obviously belong anywhere else. . Obviously, what's considered useful differs from person to person, but this particular collection should be useful in object-oriented frameworks, such as Class::Framework and Data::Conveyor. Package: libdata-phrasebook-perl Description-md5: bcc07769d27bcb2441fb4425a0b86ccc Description-sl: Izvedba perl paradigme phrasebook The phrasebook pattern is a technique to separate expressions in one language (e.g. SQL) from the main code that is written in another (e.g. Perl). The translations are kept in a separate file - the phrasebook. . Data::Phrasebook enables the framework for abstracting common or locale data out of your code into a datastore. The default is within a plain text file, but more complex datastores can be intrigrated via the use of other Data::Pharsebook::Loader distributions (eg YAML, XML, INI, DBI). Package: libdata-report-perl Description-md5: efd96ba8b30b821cf442b5532ae57944 Description-sl: Ogrodje za prilagodljivo poročanje Data::Report is a flexible, plugin-driven reporting framework. It makes it easy to define reports that can be produced in text, HTML and CSV. Textual ornaments like extra empty lines, dashed lines, and cell lines can be added in a way similar to HTML style sheets. Package: libdata-stream-bulk-perl Description-md5: 1342583cd5b0161adcaa25c8c3b656e5 Description-sl: API iteracije N hkrati Data::Stream::Bulk is a utility for working with data streams of indefinite size. It tries to find a middle ground between one-at-a-time and all-at-once processing of data sets by providing a common interface for both. . Often, data sets from streams can fit entirely in memory, so operating on them with an array is simple and appropriate. However, in cases where the stream is not bounded, the array can grow to a very large size and quickly consume all available memory. This module allows developers to work with data in blocks which are guaranteed to fit in memory. Package: libdata-streamdeserializer-perl Description-md5: ee2c59a32fe1addbc1812e13ea754302 Description-sl: Ne blokirajoč program za odstranjevanje iz zaporedja The package provides an interface to deserialize perl objects in non- blocking mode. It can be used with event machines. Package: libdata-streamserializer-perl Description-md5: 73c8c423ff8d11314e216cea697998c3 Description-sl: Ne blokirajoč program za dajanje v zaporedje The package provides an interface to serialize perl objects in non- blocking mode. It can be used with event machines. Package: libdata-visitor-perl Description-md5: 16356aa24b777a63e62497f9ced3c6d9 Description-sl: Izvedba Visitor za podatkovne strukture Perl Data::Visitor is a simple visitor implementation for Perl data structures. It has a main dispatcher method, visit, which takes a single Perl value and then calls the methods appropriate for that value. Package: libdatapager-perl Description-md5: 552e412517a1b87ca5e6661bfb5e19f7 Description-sl: Data::Pager - prilagodljiv pozivnik podatkov This Perl-class implements the familiar pager where the current position is centered. Package: libdate-calc-perl Description-md5: c677c6d7820895e4c8b0ce69eedbcdd1 Description-sl: Knjižnica Perl dostopanje do datumov Date::Calc is a Perl module which provides a variety of date calculations based on the Gregorian calendar (the one used in Western countries today), complying with the ISO/R 2015-1971 and DIN 1355 standards which specify things such as what leap years are, when they occur, how the week numbers are defined, what's the first day of the week, how many weeks (52 or 53) a given year has, and so on. . Although the Gregorian calendar was only adopted 1582 by most (not all) European countries (some countries continued to use the Julian calendar until as late as the beginning of the 20th century!), this package allows you to extrapolate the Gregorian calendar back until the year 1. . If Date::Calc::XS (libdate-calc-xs-perl) is available, this package will automatically accelerate its operation using the C/XS implementation. Package: libdate-calc-xs-perl Description-md5: 9f3a8e1c5cd25add8dff5eecfc806525 Description-sl: Knjižnica Perl dostopanje do datumov Date::Calc::XS is a C/XS-based implementation of the Date::Calc Perl module. It interfaces with a C library to provide a wide variety of calculations based on the Gregorian calendar. This package is never used directly. See Date::Calc's documentation (libdate-calc-perl) for usage details. Package: libdatetime-calendar-discordian-perl Description-md5: fd484feb39da5e1f5f02498b8165a8b3 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za diskordijski koledar This is a module that implements the Discordian calendar made popular in the "Illuminatus!" trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson and the Church of the SubGenius. It follows the DateTime API. Package: libdatetime-format-human-duration-perl Description-md5: a9bcc91adfe91b10173340cf58a7b2f4 Description-sl: Perl module to return a locale-specific string describing a DateTime::Duration DateTime::Format::Human::Duration returns a locale-specific human-readable string describing a DateTime::Duration object. . Na primer: . 1 second . 2 minutes and 3 seconds . 3 weeks, 1 day, and 5 seconds . 4 years, 1 month, 2 days, 6 minutes, 1 second, and 345000028 nanoseconds Package: libdatetime-timezone-systemv-perl Description-md5: fd17a3e9be6b7b5f846552c79e91bbd7 Description-sl: Nizi časovnih pasov System V in POSIX An instance of this class represents a timezone that was specified by means of a System V timezone string or the POSIX extended form of the same syntax. These can express a plain offset from Universal Time, or a system of two offsets (standard and daylight saving time) switching on a yearly cycle according to certain types of rule. . DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV implements the DateTime::TimeZone interface, so that its instances can be used with DateTime objects. Package: libdav1d7 Description-md5: 9f819bf37c6624d37b238c4a0620839d Description-sl: fast and small AV1 video stream decoder (shared library) dav1d is an AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) cross-platform decoder and focused on speed and correctness. . dav1d supports the following features: * support for all features of the AV1 bitstream * support for all bitdepth, 8, 10 and 12bits * support for all chroma subsamplings 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:4:4 and grayscale * full acceleration for AVX-2 chips * full acceleration for SSSE3+ chips * full acceleration for ARMv8 chips * partial acceleration for ARMv7 chips . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdawgdic-dev Description-md5: a297222ddbc5f20a232a989473a5c5f8 Description-sl: C++ library for DAWG dictionaries dawgdic is a C++ library for building and accessing dictionaries implemented with directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdazzle-1.0-dev Description-md5: b48c71bec47ce72850cd350fa332840b Description-sl: feature-filled library for GTK+ and GObject - development files libdazzle provides additional features for GTK+ and GObject. A wide range of components from utilities for GIO, widgets for GTK+, an animation framework, state machines, paneling and high-performance counters are included. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdbd-sqlite3-perl Description-md5: 8a3b0ad4d51c995e128a17cddbee5420 Description-sl: Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS DBD::SQLite is a Perl DBI driver with a self-contained relational database management system. It embeds a small and fast embedded SQL database engine called SQLite (see sqlite3) into a DBI driver. It is useful if you want a relational database for your project, but don't want to install a large RDBMS system like MySQL or PostgreSQL. . SQLite podpira naslednje zmožnosti: . * Implements a large subset of SQL92 (<URL:>) * A complete DB in a single disk file Everything for your database is stored in a single disk file, making it easier to move things around than with DBD::CSV. * Atomic commit and rollback . The engine is very fast, but for updates/inserts/dml it does perform a global lock on the entire database. This, obviously, might not be good for multiple user systems. The database also appears to be significantly faster if your transactions are coarse. Package: libdbicx-testdatabase-perl Description-md5: f2c15e34d12e68488cbab2f6de385725 Description-sl: Modul za preizkušanje DBix:Class:Schema DBICx::TestDatabase is a Perl module useful for testing applications built with DBIx::Class (see libdbix-class-perl). It creates a temporary in- memory SQLite database, deploys your DBIC Schema, and then connects to it. This lets you easily test your schema using a fresh database for every test, ensuring that the ordering of tests will not affect failure. Package: libdbix-abstract-perl Description-md5: ba62743b01d4680799d793c182fb319e Description-sl: Abstrakcija DBI SQL DBIX::Abstract provides methods for retrieving and storing data in SQL databases. It provides methods for all of the more important SQL commands (like SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, DELETE). . It endeavors to produce an interface that will be intuitive to those already familiar with SQL. . Notable features include: * data_source generation for some DBD drivers. * Can check to make sure the connection is not stale and reconnect if it is. * Controls statement handles for you. * Can delay writes. * Generates complex where clauses from hashes and arrays. * Shortcuts (convenience functions) for some common cases. (Like select_all_to_hashref.) Package: libdbix-easy-perl Description-md5: fbde08092d0ae6974eb1bf83b3fcc7ea Description-sl: Vmesnik DBI, ki je enostaven za uporabo DBIx::Easy is an easy to use DBI interface. Currently the Pg, mSQL, mysql, sybase and ODBC drivers are supported. Note that you also need one of the DBD::* drivers to use this module. For additional information please refer to the manpage. Package: libdbix-profile-perl Description-md5: df28d6313ab82e9ebcd9fe3fb914de9a Description-sl: Profilirnik poizvedb DBI DBIx::Profile is a quick and easy, and mostly transparent, profiler for scripts using DBI. It collects information on the query level, and keeps track of first, failed, normal, and total amounts (count, wall clock, CPU time) for each function on the query. . NOTE: DBIx::Profile use Time::HiRes to clock the wall time and the old standby times() to clock the CPU time. The CPU time is pretty coarse. . DBIx::Profile can also trace the execution of queries. It will print a timestamp and the query that was called. This is optional, and occurs only when the environment variable DBIXPROFILETRACE is set to 1. (ex: (bash) export DBIXPROFILETRACE=1). Package: libdbix-recordset-perl Description-md5: 7d6877461430c310a9d843b8380298d6 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za nize zapisov DBI DBIx::Recordset is a perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access. . The goal is to make standard database access (select/insert/update/delete) easier to handle and independent of the underlying DBMS. Special attention is made on web applications to make it possible to handle the state-less access and to process the posted data of form fields, but DBIx::Recordset is not limited to web applications. . DBIx::Recordset uses the DBI API to access the database, so it should work with every database for which a DBD driver is available (see also DBIx::Compat). . Most public functions take a hash reference as parameter, which makes it simple to supply various different arguments to the same function. The parameter hash can also be taken from a hash containing posted form fields like those available with, mod_perl, HTML::Embperl and others. Package: libdbix-searchbuilder-perl Description-md5: 4cb592bd50ed411fe6d7f2cddf322948 Description-sl: Izvedba Perl simple ORM DBIx::SearchBuilder is a simple implementation of an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM). It provides an object-oriented mechanism for retrieving and updating data in a DBI-accessible database. This module is similar in nature to other, more popular, solutions like Rose::DB::Object (see librose-db-object-perl) and DBIx::Class (libdbix-class-perl). Package: libdbus-c++-doc Description-md5: c4c55e2fbb99deb12f218eb4154bee90 Description-sl: C++ API for D-Bus (documentation) DBus-c++ attempts to provide a C++ API for D-Bus. The library has a GLib/GTK and an Ecore main loop integration. It also offers an optional own main loop. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libdbus-ocaml Description-md5: 29ea1204a88f7e0d06d0bb4d6bfafa2e Description-sl: OCaml bindings for the D-Bus API (runtime) This library provides OCaml bindings for using D-Bus. . D-Bus is a projects that permits program to communicate with each other, using a simple IPC protocol . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdbus1.0-cil Description-md5: 26925b2c451972f049eb933726dec054 Description-sl: Izvedba CLI D-Bus dbus-sharp is a fork of ndesk-dbus, which is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred to as "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with existing bindings (which wrap libdbus). . D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. Conceptually, it fits somewhere in between raw sockets and CORBA in terms of complexity. . This package contains the dbus-sharp library itself. Package: libdbusada-dev Description-md5: e534de497c9d30099021803caf28f768 Description-sl: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdbusada0.6.1 Description-md5: 76b6bead0c97d33ddc02d70b881bbf42 Description-sl: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system (runtime) The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdbuskit0 Description-md5: 5869e325ba660772d286def5e85c79fb Description-sl: GNUstep framework that interfaces with D-Bus (runtime library) The DBusKit framework offers tight integration of D-Bus services into Objective-C applications. It handles all low-level details of communication with D-Bus daemons and the services connected to them and exposes an interface similar to Distributed Objects to make it easy for Objective-C programmers to access D-Bus services. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libdbustest1 Description-md5: 7b56c1f53e354c79274870518d081b3c Description-sl: Runs tests under a new DBus session (shared library) A simple little executable for running a couple of programs under a new DBus session. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdc1394-25 Description-md5: e5b9cbb31ec22bea58505a18f02e43e1 Description-sl: high level programming interface for IEEE 1394 digital cameras libdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specification (found at . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdc1394-dev Description-md5: 0727d11fd6d721977140ccb5eed42191 Description-sl: high level programming interface for IEEE 1394 digital cameras - development libdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specification (found at . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdc1394-doc Description-md5: 0eaac90946349f276a6e366fa859221b Description-sl: high level programming interface for IEEE 1394 digital cameras - documentation libdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specification (found at . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libdc1394-utils Description-md5: 8ec9f8cd847132f038c61c56276f9630 Description-sl: utilities for IEEE 1394 digital cameras libdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specification (found at . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . Ta paket vsebuje primer programa. Package: libdca-utils Description-md5: f53fd659c33381ef4506c158999fa4b0 Description-sl: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams (utilities) libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output configurations. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne pripomočke. Package: libdca0 Description-md5: 3cbddecdb76379cb54b631a152b6f454 Description-sl: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output configurations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdcap1t64 Description-md5: 33ea13f33f4d10961f7604639a3449d4 Description-sl: Knjižnice odjemalca za dCache dCache is a distributed mass storage system. This package contains the client libraries. Package: libddccontrol-dev Description-md5: 73cb190571d55a4ec0b6822fcea3a7de Description-sl: development files for ddccontrol DCCcontrol je orodje, ki se uporablja na nadzor parametrov zaslona kot so svetlost in kontrast brez uporabe zaslonskega prikaza in gumbov na sprednji strani zaslona. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libddccontrol0 Description-md5: 2e12f498d270131cf78844e5eee50059 Description-sl: Souporabljna knjižnica za ddcccontrol DCCcontrol je orodje, ki se uporablja na nadzor parametrov zaslona kot so svetlost in kontrast brez uporabe zaslonskega prikaza in gumbov na sprednji strani zaslona. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdde-network-utils-dev Description-md5: 75d4ac7871a9f7519c4b017cbb048936 Description-sl: DDE network utilities library (development files) dde-network-utils contains network utilities library for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). Package: libdde-network-utils1 Description-md5: 43b579930d5840bde1e91db39d89f504 Description-sl: Dbus network intermediate layer of DDE dde-network-utils contains network utilities library for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). Package: libdds0 Description-md5: 2e4ab36b3bcae4d88795f19fdfc6fcbd Description-sl: bridge double dummy solver - shared library dds is a double dummy solver for Bridge. It computes the optimal line of play for a deal, with all hands open (both sides dummy). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdeal.ii-9.5.1 Description-md5: 0c8668bb5606f7acd1d570172d38f180 Description-sl: Finite Element Differential Equations Analysis Library deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdeal.ii-dev Description-md5: 5a369645e90c8f66b985eb03e4c7a0db Description-sl: Differential Equations Analysis Library - development files deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdeal.ii-doc Description-md5: dcf2e06380119549b7af283bba39aa78 Description-sl: Differential Equations Analysis Library - html doc. and examples deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libdebug0-dev Description-md5: 9701d0ad392c98d850e19fd60343394c Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico razhroščevanja This library contains routines needed by many of the authors other programs. It includes utilities to aid in debugging of programs. . Some of the features currently supported by this library are memory leak detection, hex dumping, and logging. The logging system is especially useful. It adds syntax highlighting for different log levels in debugging mode. There are different modes for printing to console and files, duplicate line detection and lots of other small things which makes life simpler for the programmer. . This package contains files needed if you wish to use libdebug in your own programs. Package: libdevel-backtrace-perl Description-md5: 1e7f966f43eaa9118929473be6bdd6c0 Description-sl: Predmetno usmerjeno povratno sledenje Devel::Backtrace provides methods for accessing backtrace information, i.e. it allows one to see the "route" through a script. It returns short or detailed information about backtrace points as strings. . The included Devel::DollarAt module gives some additional functionality to the $@ scalar, i.e. it makes interpreting exceptions easier. Package: libdevel-dprof-perl Description-md5: 85f5b3959221bc9dd9e66ce64fdd83d5 Description-sl: Zastareli profilirnik kode Perl The Devel::DProf package is a Perl code profiler. This will collect information on the execution time of a Perl script and of the subs in that script. This information can be used to determine which subroutines are using the most time and which subroutines are being called most often. This information can also be used to create an execution graph of the script, showing subroutine relationships. . Devel::DProf is deprecated. It is recommended that you install and use Devel::NYTProf (in the package libdevel-nytprof-perl) instead, as it offers significantly improved profiling and reporting. Package: libdevel-refactor-perl Description-md5: 4ce89551e141a3cce72b68bde141f2e3 Description-sl: Modul Perl za preoblikovanje kode Devel::Refactor is a Perl module that assists with code refactoring. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the EPIC plug-in for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment. Package: libdevhelp-dev Description-md5: 7b49d3b0b0dd45d57e9ee7c132199c03 Description-sl: Library providing documentation browser functionality (development) This library provides embedable widgets from the Devhelp program to be integrated in tools like the Anjuta IDE for browsing API reference documentation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdevicexlib-dev Description-md5: c4c1b8c6a8b07dc1776fb34496cef7f0 Description-sl: Library wrapping device-oriented routines and utilities The deviceXlib library wraps device-oriented routines and utilities. . Ta paket vsebuje statično knjižnico. Package: libdevil-dev Description-md5: c9fd4a7519ab820246d2102717804209 Description-sl: Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's toolkit which can load, save and convert a wide variety of image formats. It also offers basic manipulation and filtering capabilities. . DevIL presents a simple programming interface similar to OpenGL's, which is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of the images is left to the developer. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdewalls-dev Description-md5: e932b839b7b58d165d38142b50eea02a Description-sl: Parser for Walls cave survey data - development files The WALLS cave survey package stores its data in .srv files. dewalls is a parsing library for this file format. It is implemented in C++ and intended to be used by other cave survey software. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdfp-dev Description-md5: 24189fadff2ad4cba63d09ae22a9434b Description-sl: decimal floating point library (runtime) The "Decimal Floating Point C Library" is an implementation of ISO/IEC Technical report "ISO/IEC TR 24732" which describes the C-Language library routines necessary to provide the C library runtime support for decimal floating point data types introduced in IEEE 754-2008, namely _Decimal32, _Decimal64, and _Decimal128. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdfx-dev Description-md5: 12b89f0d398d77c8bb6e1461952243a3 Description-sl: library to configure Programmable Logic on Xilinx FPGAs - development files libdfx provides a lightweight userspace library offering APIs for applications to configure payloads running on the Programmable Logic part of Xilinx FPGAs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdfx1.0 Description-md5: 61f618418ae7f188641e13807ce80b86 Description-sl: library to configure Programmable Logic on Xilinx FPGAs - shared library libdfx provides a lightweight userspace library offering APIs for applications to configure payloads running on the Programmable Logic part of Xilinx FPGAs. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdialog15 Description-md5: aac51d0d8c66fc6d7aecce23901f9f77 Description-sl: Displays user-friendly dialog boxes -- shared library The dialog application provides a method of displaying several different types of dialog boxes from shell scripts. This allows a developer of a script to interact with the user in a much friendlier manner. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdico2t64 Description-md5: eaaf55d14ffda8e0d48423b9a7314451 Description-sl: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (shared library) GNU Dico is an implementation of the DICT protocol as defined in RFC 2229. It is fully modular: the daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, and knows nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdieharder3t64 Description-md5: 80240baf718fcd133651c3e37d032680 Description-sl: Knjižnica preizkusa ustvarjalnika naključnih števil libdieharder is the core library of dieharder and friends, designed to be "the last suite of random number testers you'll ever wear". It can test any of its many prebuilt and library linked generators (basically all of those in the GNU Scientific Library plus a number of others from various sources) or a potentially random dataset in either an ascii-formatted or raw (presumed 32 bit uint) binary file. It is fairly straightforward to wrap new software generators for testing, or to add hardware generators that have a software interface for testing, and the file input method permits pretty much any software or hardware RNG to be tested using libdieharder calls. . libdieharder has as a design goal the full encapsulation in an extensible shell of basically all the random number tests I have been able to find -- George Marsaglia's "diehard" battery of tests, STS (v1.6) from NIST FIPS, Knuth's tests, and more. Check in the man page(s) or /usr/share/dieharder*/dieharder.pdf for documentation. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdigest-md5-file-perl Description-md5: c989bb0cd34d6a235bfa91a81e3761e9 Description-sl: Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls Digest::MD5::File adds functionality for easy calculation of MD5 checksums of entire files, directories or URLs to the standard Digest::MD5 module. . Primer uporabe: . use Digest::MD5::File; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->addpath('/path/to/file.txt'); $md5->addpath(\@files); $md5->adddir('/home/tmbg/'); $md5->addurl(''); my $digest = file_md5_hex($file); my $dir_hashref = dir_md5_hex($dir); my $digest = url_md5_hex($url); Package: libdigestif-ocaml Description-md5: 51a2c889cdd90537ea6269e4bcfb7ad4 Description-sl: hashes implementation (runtime) Digestif is a toolbox to provide hashes implementations in C and OCaml. It uses the linking trick and user can decide at the end to use the C implementation or the OCaml implementation. . It provides implementation of: * MD5 * SHA1 * SHA224 * SHA256 * SHA384 * SHA512 * SHA3 * Keccak-256 * WHIRLPOOL * BLAKE2B * BLAKE2S * RIPEMD160 . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libdigestif-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 61d69cb60ece92257c31e66a25aaa16a Description-sl: hashes implementations (dev) Digestif is a toolbox to provide hashes implementations in C and OCaml. It uses the linking trick and user can decide at the end to use the C implementation or the OCaml implementation. . It provides implementation of: * MD5 * SHA1 * SHA224 * SHA256 * SHA384 * SHA512 * SHA3 * Keccak-256 * WHIRLPOOL * BLAKE2B * BLAKE2S * RIPEMD160 . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdigidoc-dev Description-md5: 1c9db0e916a5e10894d4f94a44a06553 Description-sl: DigiDoc digital signature development files DigiDoc is an XML file format for documents with digital signatures in use by the Estonian ID card infrastructure. This library allows for creation and reading of DigiDoc files. . This library implements a subset of the XAdES digital signature standard on top of Estonian-specific .ddoc container format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdigidoc2t64 Description-md5: 4cb042f96c50dd07b4e980b2a7b10311 Description-sl: DigiDoc digital signature library DigiDoc is an XML file format for documents with digital signatures in use by the Estonian ID card infrastructure. This library allows for creation and reading of DigiDoc files. . This library implements a subset of the XAdES digital signature standard on top of Estonian-specific .ddoc container format. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdisasm-dev Description-md5: 0f0b6d103853173da7ee76a95313e2f4 Description-sl: disassembler library for x86 code (development files) Libdisasm is a disassembler for Intel x86-compatible object code. It compiles as a shared and static library on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32 platforms. The core disassembly engine is contained in files with the prefix "i386", and is shared with the x86 ARCH extension of the bastard disassembler. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdiscover-dev Description-md5: 5d30d045780f63a6c98d585b41fa32e8 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnice določanja strojne opreme libdiscover is a library enabling identification of various PCI, PCMCIA, and USB devices. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed for development. Package: libdiscover2 Description-md5: a63cd15b47aa4de06181b35cf2aa3955 Description-sl: Knjižnica določevanja strojne opreme libdiscover is a library enabling identification of various PCI, PCMCIA, and USB devices. Package: libdislocker0-dev Description-md5: d568b9036ff05d749a1fd118799d6f82 Description-sl: read/write encrypted BitLocker volumes (development files) Dislocker has been designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions under a Linux system. The driver used to read volumes encrypted in Windows system versions of the Vista to 10 and BitLocker-To-Go encrypted partitions, that's USB/FAT32 partitions. . The software works with driver composed of a library, with multiple binaries using this library. Decrypting the partition, you have to give it a mount point where, once keys are decrypted, a file named dislocker-file appears. This file is a virtual NTFS partition, so you can mount it as any NTFS partition and then read from or write to it. Writing to the NTFS virtual file will change the underlying BitLocker partition content. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdislocker0.7t64 Description-md5: 21cc5e9e5e899bf57a8c2cab86f8420b Description-sl: read/write encrypted BitLocker volumes (shared library) Dislocker has been designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions under a Linux system. The driver used to read volumes encrypted in Windows system versions of the Vista to 10 and BitLocker-To-Go encrypted partitions, that's USB/FAT32 partitions. . The software works with driver composed of a library, with multiple binaries using this library. Decrypting the partition, you have to give it a mount point where, once keys are decrypted, a file named dislocker-file appears. This file is a virtual NTFS partition, so you can mount it as any NTFS partition and then read from or write to it. Writing to the NTFS virtual file will change the underlying BitLocker partition content. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libdisorder0 Description-md5: a3605856859048e225c97c2adbec81e8 Description-sl: library for entropy measurement of byte streams This library provides a function to calculate the Shannon index (H) of byte streams. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libdist-zilla-perl Description-md5: 5947b5cbb1b8ee8b66eac64f1a12c47e Description-sl: Izgrajevalnik distribucij Perl Dist::Zilla builds distributions of code to be uploaded to the CPAN. In this respect, it is like ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build, or Module::Install. Unlike those tools, however, it is not also a system for installing code that has been downloaded from the CPAN. Since it's only run by authors, and is meant to be run on a repository checkout rather than on published, released code, it can do much more than those tools, and is free to make much more ludicrous demands in terms of prerequisites. . It's aim is to generate every file which is needed by a CPAN distribution, but usually generated and hence commonly not checked in into a VCS repository. For that it reads a file called dist.ini and gathers data from other files as instructured in that file. Package: libdist-zilla-plugins-cjm-perl Description-md5: 17c15c2129d81520f47d0d77a32815e5 Description-sl: Zbirka vstavkov CJM za Dist:Zilla Collection of Dist::Zilla plugins. This package features the following Perl modules: . * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ArchiveRelease * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitVersionCheckCJM * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Custom * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Metadata * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild::Custom * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RecommendedPrereqs * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateCJM * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::PrereqsFromMeta * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::VersionFromModule * Dist::Zilla::Role::HashDumper * Dist::Zilla::Role::ModuleInfo Package: libdistlib-java-doc Description-md5: 1b93fc18024a550ac885e9b7c781c84a Description-sl: Java library of statistical distribution functions (documentation) This is a library written in Java, providing probability density function, cumulative distribution function, quantiles and random variate generation for several common statistical distributions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libdistorm3-3 Description-md5: fa10d8fc7742cb70e86a1ac34ea700d2 Description-sl: powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams (runtime) diStorm3 is a binary stream disassembler library project. . With diStorm3, no more parsing strings is needed. diStorm3 is really a decomposer, which means it takes an instruction and returns a binary structure which describes it rather than static text. This is great for advanced binary code analysis. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdistorm3-dev Description-md5: 63370da20cc5d7d6e0f6c293cd934326 Description-sl: powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams (development files) diStorm3 is a binary stream disassembler library project. . With diStorm3, no more parsing strings is needed. diStorm3 is really a decomposer, which means it takes an instruction and returns a binary structure which describes it rather than static text. This is great for advanced binary code analysis. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdjconsole-data Description-md5: 4cc27f1eaac668b72ccc3aa0f76aa807 Description-sl: Hercules DJ Console access library - data files The DJ Console library is a C++ library that facilitates access to the Hercules DJ Console MK I and MK II via libusb. It supports all non-audio functions such as LEDs, buttons and controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libdjconsole-dev Description-md5: a00ec0d8395fdc9720093682706fa316 Description-sl: Hercules DJ Console access library - development headers The DJ Console library is a C++ library that facilitates access to the Hercules DJ Console MK I and MK II via libusb. It supports all non-audio functions such as LEDs, buttons and controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libdleyna-core-1.0-dev Description-md5: 9807af0385045a5238b50424f0acce03 Description-sl: Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components (development files) dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g., dleyna- server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task management and an IPC abstraction API. . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdlib-dev Description-md5: 06d0e459404c359168d453d5f3cf7969 Description-sl: C++ toolkit for machine learning and computer vision - development Dlib is a general purpose cross-platform open source software library written in the C++ programming language. It now contains software components for dealing with networking, threads, graphical interfaces, complex data structures, linear algebra, statistical machine learning, image processing, data mining, XML and text parsing, numerical optimization, Bayesian networks, and numerous other tasks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libdmalloc-dev Description-md5: 5e717a45e60ff0a6bbcf05dbbe79349a Description-sl: debug memory allocation library (development files and doc) Drop in replacement for the system's `malloc', `realloc', `calloc', `free' and other memory management routines while providing powerful debugging facilities configurable at runtime. . These facilities include such things as memory-leak tracking, fence-post write detection, file/line number reporting, and general logging of statistics. . Ta paket vsebuje statične knjižnice in dokumentacijo. Package: libdmalloc5 Description-md5: ead0076894bcd7b4631df8eb654dc9c6 Description-sl: Knjižnica razhroščevanja dodeljevanja pomnilnika Drop in replacement for the system's `malloc', `realloc', `calloc', `free' and other memory management routines while providing powerful debugging facilities configurable at runtime. . These facilities include such things as memory-leak tracking, fence-post write detection, file/line number reporting, and general logging of statistics. . This package contains only the shared libraries, the development files and documentation is in the libdmalloc-dev package. Package: libdmlc-dev Description-md5: c33edb6a80399f1e3a41a423e91a168d Description-sl: Distributed Machine Learning Common Codebase (dev) DMLC-Core is the backbone library to support all DMLC projects, offers the bricks to build efficient and scalable distributed machine learning libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdnswire-dev Description-md5: ba8cab2f7c153d0bae4582bb9afd25ed Description-sl: DNS encapsulations and transporting (development) dnswire is a C library for encoding/decoding different DNS encapsulations and transporting them over different protocols. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdocopt-dev Description-md5: 3b951919bd25cd6fa2c3424528691856 Description-sl: development files for docopt.cpp With docopt, the option parser is generated based on the program's docstring. docopt parses the usage pattern ("Usage: ...") and option descriptions (lines starting with dash "-") and ensures that the program invocation matches the usage pattern. It parses options, arguments and commands based on that. The basic idea is that a good help message has all necessary information in it to make a parser. . This is a port of the docopt Python module to C++ with a focus on maintaining full feature parity (and code structure) as the original. The differences from the Python port are: . - The addition of a docopt_parse function, which does not terminate the program on error a docopt::value type to hold the various value types that can be parsed. . - Because C++ is statically-typed and Python is not, some changes were made to the interfaces of the internal parse tree types. . - Because std::regex does not have an equivalent to Python's regex.split, some of the regex's had to be restructured and additional loops used. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdocopt0 Description-md5: e6a4e1ab2151609fc5b21223b78da9a0 Description-sl: C++11 port of docopt With docopt, the option parser is generated based on the program's docstring. docopt parses the usage pattern ("Usage: ...") and option descriptions (lines starting with dash "-") and ensures that the program invocation matches the usage pattern. It parses options, arguments and commands based on that. The basic idea is that a good help message has all necessary information in it to make a parser. . This is a port of the docopt Python module to C++ with a focus on maintaining full feature parity (and code structure) as the original. The differences from the Python port are: . - The addition of a docopt_parse function, which does not terminate the program on error a docopt::value type to hold the various value types that can be parsed. . - Because C++ is statically-typed and Python is not, some changes were made to the interfaces of the internal parse tree types. . - Because std::regex does not have an equivalent to Python's regex.split, some of the regex's had to be restructured and additional loops used. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdolfin-dev Description-md5: 3d79ecc23d1ab64df6bd61a89fc7d93e Description-sl: Shared links and development files for DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. . This is the legacy version of DOLFIN, you may want to install the next- generation libdolfinx-dev (DOLFIN-X) instead. Package: libdolfin2019.2t64 Description-md5: 36b945ea393f2c4a8fe500c27fbbb1a7 Description-sl: Shared libraries for DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdolphinvcs-dev Description-md5: 0c2725163913bb53a6b02e03f558e699 Description-sl: library to show version control in Dolphin - development files This library enables developers to expand Dolphin with the ability to show version control status in directories that are version controlled. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdomain-name-ocaml Description-md5: 9c5037889209840478ff8bcec0ffe55f Description-sl: RFC 1035 Internet domain names (runtime) This module provides an abstract type for domain names, as defined by RFC 1035. It provides useful functions that operate on domain names while guaranteeing invariants such as the length limit. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libdoodle-dev Description-md5: 7418752688ee90859792fc2f45345ec1 Description-sl: Programnik namiznega iskanja (razvoj) Doodle searches your hard drive for files using pattern matching on meta- data. It extracts file-format specific meta-data using libextractor and builds a suffix tree to index the files. The index can then be searched rapidly. It is similar to locate, but can take advantage of information such as ID3 tags. It is possible to do full-text indexing using the appropriate libextractor plugins. . This package contains the development files for the library to access the doodle database from other applications. Package: libdoodle1 Description-md5: c6a98b647d498046730eb79276ceba84 Description-sl: Programnik namiznega iskanja (knjižnica) Doodle searches your hard drive for files using pattern matching on meta- data. It extracts file-format specific meta-data using libextractor and builds a suffix tree to index the files. The index can then be searched rapidly. It is similar to locate, but can take advantage of information such as ID3 tags. It is possible to do full-text indexing using the appropriate libextractor plugins. . This package contains the shared library to access the doodle database from other applications. Package: libdovi-dev Description-md5: 56d1cfdef6dbd24e2a30a373f6509a6b Description-sl: read and write Dolby Vision metadata (development files) Dolby Vision is a format for high dynamic range (HDR) video. The libdovi library provides functonality to read and write Dolby Vision metadata. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdovi3 Description-md5: b45d18877b74d0eda1d9e92583084d2e Description-sl: read and write Dolby Vision metadata (shared library) Dolby Vision is a format for high dynamic range (HDR) video. The libdovi library provides functonality to read and write Dolby Vision metadata. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdrpm0 Description-md5: 34224c1221e68badabb1b85b952797d1 Description-sl: library for handling deltarpm packages The libdrpm package provides a library for making, reading and applying deltarpms, compatible with the original deltarpm packages. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdrumstick-alsa2t64 Description-md5: 345f1543920a5565c7246da6fa9e08d4 Description-sl: Qt6/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer (shared library) This library is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface, using Qt6 objects, idioms and style. ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. Complementary classes for RMI and WRK file processing are also included. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdrumstick-dev Description-md5: f4ece13090fa9e628f1eddcb0279a620 Description-sl: Qt6/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer (development files) This library is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface, using Qt6 objects, idioms and style. ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. Complementary classes for RMI and WRK file processing are also included. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdsdcc-dev Description-md5: b6fc8b4e8eec8b2dc20496ef934f722f Description-sl: Digital Speech Decoder (DSD) (headers) DSDcc is a digital speech decoder. Supported formats: . * DMR/MOTOTRBO: ETSI two slot TDMA standard. MOTOTRBO is a popular implementation of this standard. * D-Star: developed and promoted by Icom for Amateur Radio customers. * dPMR: ETSI narrowband FDMA standard. This is somehow similar to NXDN 2400 Baud rate mode. * Yaesu System Fusion (abbreviated YSF): developed and promoted by Yaesu for Amateur Radio customers partly inspired by gr-ysf. Voice full rate with SerialDV is not supported. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libdsdp-5.8t64 Description-md5: 0747ea6e16d480b70ce0d68d68364dd2 Description-sl: Programi za delno določeno programiranje The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior- point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual- scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data. Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnice. Package: libdsdp-dev Description-md5: c4ae5d8646ec667afe57aff2c90533ff Description-sl: Programi za delno določeno programiranje The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior- point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual- scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data. Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za razvijalce. Package: libdsk4 Description-md5: 09b26c794f3adaa9ca9a8dff13db4b75 Description-sl: library for accessing discs and disc image file LibDsk contains libraries and tools for handling disc images, for example in emulators or to access images of vintage computers and consoles. . It has support for the following disc types: . - Raw files (including /dev/fdn). - Raw files, rearranged into logical filesystem order. - .DSK files, as used in CPCEMU, JOYCE and other Sinclair/Amstrad emulators. - MYZ80 hard drive image files. - NanoWasp floppy image files. - .CFI (Compressed Floppy Image) files, as created by FDCOPY.COM under DOS. - CopyQM files - TeleDisk files - Compaq QRST files - APRIDISK image files - The LDBS format - The SAP format . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libdspy-1-1 Description-md5: dd7b47b40158319897707365115cbfd0 Description-sl: library for D-Bus explorer and test app for GNOME D-Spy is a tool to explore and test end-points and interfaces on the System or Session D-Bus. You can also connect to D-Bus peers by address. . D-Spy was originally part of the GNOME Builder app. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdssialsacompat-dev Description-md5: 63e7ef55df157e128da533b9e742e192 Description-sl: DSSI ALSA compatibility library (development files) libdssialsacompat is simply an extraction from and repackaging of the code from alsa-lib, necessary to support DSSI on non-ALSA systems. . libdssialsacompat is intended to provide the snd_seq_event_t declarations and handling code necessary to compile and use DSSI on non-ALSA systems. It aims to allows compiling DSSI code with as little change as possible, while not presenting itself in such a way as to fool other autoconf- enabled code into thinking a system has ALSA. . This library does NOT provide any sort of emulation of the ALSA audio, MIDI, or sequencer devices. The only part of ALSA that is required by the DSSI specification is the snd_seq_event_t definition and handling, and that is all libdssialsacompat is intended to replace. Other ALSA code should be ported to native facilities. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libdssialsacompat0t64 Description-md5: ecd0e1de3eb74af8a6beb62f8172bb87 Description-sl: DSSI ALSA compatibility library for non-Linux platforms libdssialsacompat is simply an extraction from and repackaging of the code from alsa-lib, necessary to support DSSI on non-ALSA systems. . libdssialsacompat is intended to provide the snd_seq_event_t declarations and handling code necessary to compile and use DSSI on non-ALSA systems. It aims to allows compiling DSSI code with as little change as possible, while not presenting itself in such a way as to fool other autoconf- enabled code into thinking a system has ALSA. . This library does NOT provide any sort of emulation of the ALSA audio, MIDI, or sequencer devices. The only part of ALSA that is required by the DSSI specification is the snd_seq_event_t definition and handling, and that is all libdssialsacompat is intended to replace. Other ALSA code should be ported to native facilities. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdtdinst-java Description-md5: 1fd105ce9b9df241275dff8c3a5f8f46 Description-sl: XML DTD to XML instance format converter - Java library dtdinst converts XML DTDs into XML instance format. The XML instance can be in either a format specific to DTDinst or RELAX NG format. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Java. Package: libdtkcore5 Description-md5: 2d19e9c4f645cbb2110c8ebcef0fcfdd Description-sl: Deepin Tool Kit Core library DtkCore is a base library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdtkgui-dev Description-md5: c3b10b82bc193c3039bacacdcfc338f2 Description-sl: Deepin Tool Kit Gui library (development files) DtkGui provides the base devel library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). Package: libdtkwidget5 Description-md5: 1645e3b1fbb7ee00d6ba6a76f4c1c93d Description-sl: Deepin Tool Kit Widget library DtkWidget is the Deepin graphical user interface library for deepin desktop development. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libdumbnet1 Description-md5: a919b0efb8533e559a5321cb77fd29e1 Description-sl: dumb, portable networking library -- shared library libdumbnet provides a simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines, including * network address manipulation * kernel arp(4) cache and route(4) table lookup and manipulation * network firewalling (IP filter, ipfw, ipchains, pdf, ...) * network interface lookup and manipulation * raw IP packet and Ethernet frame transmission . libdumbnet is known as libdnet in other distributions, but was renamed in Debian in favour of the older DECnet library 'libdnet'. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdumbtts-dev Description-md5: 8946984073c7d13b53ac399e778ff9de Description-sl: Helper library for dumb speech synthesizers - dev files This library is used between the Ivona synthesizer and speech-dispatcher. On the other side, it should be as flexible as it can be to generate output texts for every other synthesizer. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdumbtts0 Description-md5: 9d2e029de133ce375d5895203a5d34bf Description-sl: Helper library for dumb speech synthesizers - shared library This library is used between the Ivona synthesizer and speech-dispatcher. On the other side, it should be as flexible as it can be to generate output texts for every other synthesizer. . Ta paket vsebuje od souporabljene datoteke knjižnice. Package: libdune-functions-dev Description-md5: 3deacdcb722cbfc9d21f7fbb4d727070 Description-sl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- interface for functions (development files) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-functions provides an interface for global finite element functions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdune-functions-doc Description-md5: 2bcbbf027fac592936f5e5b56b221361 Description-sl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- interface for functions (documentation) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-functions provides an interface for global finite element functions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libdune-grid-glue-dev Description-md5: 5a74c74d9339484f14f7ee1862b40ef4 Description-sl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- compute couplings between grids (development files) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-grid-glue provides infrastructure for the coupling of two unrelated DUNE grids. The coupling may be overlapping or nonoverlapping, conforming or nonconforming. The two grids are not required to be of the same type, and they may even be of different dimensions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdune-grid-glue-doc Description-md5: 2ec97ab870bf2d892011e93dbc0f90d9 Description-sl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- compute couplings between grids (documentation) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-grid-glue provides infrastructure for the coupling of two unrelated DUNE grids. The coupling may be overlapping or nonoverlapping, conforming or nonconforming. The two grids are not required to be of the same type, and they may even be of different dimensions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libdune-uggrid-dev Description-md5: 4cc3595f160bf1d2aba339076078ab0d Description-sl: software framework for finite element methods (development files) UG is a flexible software tool for the numerical solution of partial differential equations on unstructured meshes, with a focus on multigrid methods. It has a very powerful grid manager, which supports two- and three-dimensional grids with mixed element types. The grids can be adaptively refinement using either classic red/green-refinement, or pure red refinement with hanging nodes. All this is fully parallelized and can run on large distributed machines. . The version in this package has been built with the necessary flags for use with the Dune software system. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libduo-dev Description-md5: 8a3a3a451b1c2676f654e54b1770e943 Description-sl: Razvojne knjižnice in datoteke glav Duo Security This package provides the development libraries and header files needed to link against the Duo Security library functions. Also includes the manpages for library functions. Package: libduo3t64 Description-md5: 87191bfc39dda4e35950c86a9c35f22c Description-sl: Knjižnica varnosti DUo This package provides the shared library used for making use of the Duo Security two-factor authentication functionality. Also includes manpage. Package: libduration-ocaml Description-md5: 6c4dc12dbc3b6a8cc97419e630b957d9 Description-sl: conversions to various time units for OCaml (runtime) A duration is represented in nanoseconds as an unsigned 64 bit integer. This has a range of up to 584 years. Functions provided check the input and raise on negative or out of bound input. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libduration-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 83f77052b2cea0bf64a78b9d16f19713 Description-sl: conversions to various time units for OCaml (dev) A duration is represented in nanoseconds as an unsigned 64 bit integer. This has a range of up to 584 years. Functions provided check the input and raise on negative or out of bound input. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdvbcsa1 Description-md5: e18fcd230c545c76f37d5a2bfc2743ac Description-sl: free implementation of the DVB/CSA libdvbcsa is a free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm with encryption and decryption capabilities. . It comes in two flavors: a classical single packet implementation and a faster parallel bitslice implementation. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libdvdnav-dev Description-md5: b7551787c11bf7c45f395189a08987ad Description-sl: Knjižnica krmarjenja DVD-jev (razvoj) libdvdnav is a DVD navigation library, which provides an interface to the advanced features of DVDs, like menus and navigation. It contains the VM and other parts useful for writing DVD players. It's based on Ogle, but was modified to be used by xine and mplayer. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdvdnav-doc Description-md5: c101f86c8f68b0678e46d71d37f3ff55 Description-sl: DVD navigation library (documentation) libdvdnav is a DVD navigation library, which provides an interface to the advanced features of DVDs, like menus and navigation. It contains the VM and other parts useful for writing DVD players. It's based on Ogle, but was modified to be used by xine and mplayer. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libdvdnav4 Description-md5: 425e99cd0268a6168cd3663fd114674c Description-sl: Knjižnica krmarjenja DVD-jev libdvdnav is a DVD navigation library, which provides an interface to the advanced features of DVDs, like menus and navigation. It contains the VM and other parts useful for writing DVD players. It's based on Ogle, but was modified to be used by xine and mplayer. Package: libdvdread-dev Description-md5: b03b977078718f41f1e29f7c3710abc5 Description-sl: Knjižnica za branje DVD-jev (razvoj) libdvdread provides the functionality that is required to access many DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS authentication and descrambling. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdvdread8t64 Description-md5: 9dcce76d11ca332adfb624eadba77370 Description-sl: Knjižnica za branje DVD-jev. libdvdread provides the functionality that is required to access many DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS authentication and descrambling. . libdvdread probes for libdvdcss at runtime and if found, will use it to decrypt sections of the DVD as necessary. libdvdcss needs to be installed from third-party repositories (see README.css), it's not included in Debian. Package: libdwarf-dev Description-md5: 499e71c1964d18a86f440ee7f37bea48 Description-sl: library to consume and produce DWARF debug information The libdwarf package provides a library which allows reading/consuming and writing/producing of DWARF debugging information from object files, shared libraries, and executables. . This package contains developer resources for libdwarf. Install it if you want to develop software that uses the libdwarf API. . Ta knjižnica je del dwarfutils. Package: libdxflib-dev Description-md5: 1bc6c6b19af65761ecd178b516666362 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico dxfilb dxflib is a C++ library for reading and writing DXF files. When reading DXF files, dxflib parses the file and calls functions that you define in your own C++ class for adding entities, layers, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke (glave in dokumentacijo) za libdxfilb. Package: libdxflib3 Description-md5: a95fdd42e722ef18db1fc6551f3ceade Description-sl: Knjižnica za branje in pisanje datotek DXF dxflib is a C++ library for reading and writing DXF files. When reading DXF files, dxflib parses the file and calls functions that you define in your own C++ class for adding entities, layers, etc. Package: libdynamite-dev Description-md5: 41732a3a270b9af92f733e3cd5de3dd6 Description-sl: Knjižnica razširjanja stiskalnika podatkov PKWARE - razvojne datoteke The dynamite library is needed by tools to be capable of squeezing out juicy .cab files from self-extracting installation programs created by the Setup Factory installation program. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libdynamite. Package: libdynamite0 Description-md5: c9abde970e48dc2ec5e4c276d6454c9e Description-sl: Knjižnica razširjanja stiskalnika podatkov PKWARE The dynamite library is needed by tools to be capable of squeezing out juicy .cab files from self-extracting installation programs created by the Setup Factory installation program. Package: libdynarmic-dev Description-md5: 440504e11cc760481e9557a18a0744e4 Description-sl: ARM dynamic recompiler - development Dynarmic is a dynamic recompiler for the ARMv6K, ARMv7A architecture, with partial ARMv8 support. . In the pursuit of speed, some behavior not commonly depended upon is elided. Therefore this emulator does not match spec. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libdynarmic6.5 Description-md5: 33759730ee4848839a83aadebe5c2c2b Description-sl: ARM dynamic recompiler Dynarmic is a dynamic recompiler for the ARMv6K, ARMv7A architecture, with partial ARMv8 support. . In the pursuit of speed, some behavior not commonly depended upon is elided. Therefore this emulator does not match spec. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libe131-1 Description-md5: e8d6b1743b46167d834bb4659fce3e36 Description-sl: lightweight library for the E1.31 (sACN) protocol (library) This is a library providing an API for packet, client and server programming for devices using the E1.31 (sACN) protocol. This protocol is used to control various microcontroller based lighting devices. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libe131-dev Description-md5: 26bd2369f1305a1872f5934e6163dbdd Description-sl: lightweight library for the E1.31 (sACN) protocol (development library) This is a library providing an API for packet, client and server programming for devices using the E1.31 (sACN) protocol. This protocol is used to control various microcontroller based lighting devices. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libeac-dev Description-md5: 6b71db6aff267f8adfdfa669256f75db Description-sl: cryptographic library for EAC version 2 (development) OpenPACE implements Extended Access Control (EAC) version 2 as specified in BSI TR-03110. OpenPACE comprises support for the following protocols: . * Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) * Terminal Authentication (TA) * Chip Authentication (CA) . OpenPACE also supports Card Verifiable Certificates (CV Certificates) and signing requests as well as easy to use wrappers for using the established secure channels. . OpenPACE supports all variants of PACE (DH/ECDH, GM/IM), TA (RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5/RSASSA-PSS/ECDSA), CA (DH/ECDH) and all standardised domain parameters (GFP/ECP). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libeac3 Description-md5: 04d303f03aec758a3d5313e2c88997d2 Description-sl: cryptographic library for EAC version 2 (shared library) OpenPACE implements Extended Access Control (EAC) version 2 as specified in BSI TR-03110. OpenPACE comprises support for the following protocols: . * Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) * Terminal Authentication (TA) * Chip Authentication (CA) . OpenPACE also supports Card Verifiable Certificates (CV Certificates) and signing requests as well as easy to use wrappers for using the established secure channels. . OpenPACE supports all variants of PACE (DH/ECDH, GM/IM), TA (RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5/RSASSA-PSS/ECDSA), CA (DH/ECDH) and all standardised domain parameters (GFP/ECP). . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libeasy-format-ocaml Description-md5: e1e4c3e58d169d35bb1a9d8220385063 Description-sl: easy(ier) pretty printing for OCaml - plugins This module offers a simplified interface to the Format module of the OCaml standard library. Input data must be converted into a tree using 3 kinds of nodes: atoms, lists and labelled nodes. Each node is bound to its own formatting parameters and a single function call produces the formatted output. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libebur128-1 Description-md5: 6e3a4a5f7dace48f5ca9ea19e9a28f5e Description-sl: implementation of the EBU R128 loudness standard The European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128) informs broadcasters how they can analyze and normalize audio so that each piece of audio sounds roughly the same volume to the human ear. . This C library provides an API which analyzes audio and outputs perceived loudness. The results can then be used to normalize volume during playback. This is an alternative to ReplayGain. . Features: * Implements M, S and I modes * Implements loudness range measurement (EBU - TECH 3342) * True peak scanning * Supports all samplerates by recalculation of the filter coefficients . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libebur128-dev Description-md5: c10becc3937fbaf6a351e2058b0f60b0 Description-sl: implementation of the EBU R128 loudness standard (development files) The European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128) informs broadcasters how they can analyze and normalize audio so that each piece of audio sounds roughly the same volume to the human ear. . This C library provides an API which analyzes audio and outputs perceived loudness. The results can then be used to normalize volume during playback. This is an alternative to ReplayGain. . Features: * Implements M, S and I modes * Implements loudness range measurement (EBU - TECH 3342) * True peak scanning * Supports all samplerates by recalculation of the filter coefficients . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libec-dev Description-md5: 8f18a559e7677b64537acd6ee68e3ef0 Description-sl: Library for modular symbols and elliptic curves over Q (development) This library implements 2-descent on elliptic curves over Q and computations with modular symbols. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libecl-dev Description-md5: 6731236e7dcdde296046b485ca7e9935 Description-sl: Embeddable Common-Lisp: development files ECL stands for Embeddable Common-Lisp. The ECL project is an effort to modernize Giuseppe Attardi's ECL environment to produce an implementation of the Common-Lisp language which complies to the ANSI X3J13 definition of the language. . The current ECL implementation features: * A bytecodes compiler and interpreter. * A translator to C. * A UFFI-compatible interface to C code. * A dynamic loader. * The possibility to build standalone executables and DLLs. * The Common-Lisp Object System (CLOS). * Conditions and restarts for handling errors. * Sockets as ordinary streams. * The GNU Multiprecision library for fast bignum operations. * A simple conservative mark & sweep garbage collector. * The Boehm-Weiser garbage collector. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libecl21.2t64 Description-md5: e16c3c22fb80012cb6587fcb5c5ed00a Description-sl: Embeddable Common-Lisp: shared library ECL stands for Embeddable Common-Lisp. The ECL project is an effort to modernize Giuseppe Attardi's ECL environment to produce an implementation of the Common-Lisp language which complies to the ANSI X3J13 definition of the language. . The current ECL implementation features: * A bytecodes compiler and interpreter. * A translator to C. * A UFFI-compatible interface to C code. * A dynamic loader. * The possibility to build standalone executables and DLLs. * The Common-Lisp Object System (CLOS). * Conditions and restarts for handling errors. * Sockets as ordinary streams. * The GNU Multiprecision library for fast bignum operations. * A simple conservative mark & sweep garbage collector. * The Boehm-Weiser garbage collector. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libecm1 Description-md5: a5c837165ebf3d6200113254ea62f3af Description-sl: factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method -- lib gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for integer factorization. . The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a 53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM. . See for more information about ecmnet. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libecryptfs-dev Description-md5: 4a3b3152a4800ff5cff7d99e69043456 Description-sl: ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (development) eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libecryptfs1 Description-md5: 4a1a99eed417db0df27642507e14a2e8 Description-sl: ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (library) eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libedac-dev Description-md5: a96955c754f124290ca5cd678c6ac917 Description-sl: report kernel-detected PCI and ECC RAM errors This package contains the user-space utilities for use with the EDAC kernel subsystem. EDAC (Error Detection and Correction) is a set of Linux kernel modules for handling hardware-related errors. Currently its major focus is ECC memory error handling. However it also detects and reports PCI bus parity errors. . PCI parity errors are supported on all architectures (and are a mandatory part of the PCI specification). . Main memory ECC drivers are memory controller specific. At the time of writing, drivers exist for many x86-specific chipsets and CPUs, and some PowerPC, and MIPS systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico Package: libedac1 Description-md5: f9d52b2f01fa75b88438493e367ea1e3 Description-sl: report kernel-detected PCI and ECC RAM errors This package contains the user-space utilities for use with the EDAC kernel subsystem. EDAC (Error Detection and Correction) is a set of Linux kernel modules for handling hardware-related errors. Currently its major focus is ECC memory error handling. However it also detects and reports PCI bus parity errors. . PCI parity errors are supported on all architectures (and are a mandatory part of the PCI specification). . Main memory ECC drivers are memory controller specific. At the time of writing, drivers exist for many x86-specific chipsets and CPUs, and some PowerPC, and MIPS systems. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libedlib1 Description-md5: ec1245b7696c3a8fa39b95d367f54fc7 Description-sl: library for sequence alignment using edit distance A lightweight and super fast C/C++ library for sequence alignment using edit distance. . Calculating edit distance of two strings is as simple as: . edlibAlign("hello", 5, "world!", 6, edlibDefaultAlignConfig()).editDistance; Features . * Calculates edit distance (Levehnstein distance). * It can find optimal alignment path (instructions how to transform first sequence into the second sequence). * It can find just the start and/or end locations of alignment path - can be useful when speed is more important than having exact alignment path. * Supports multiple alignment methods: global(NW), prefix(SHW) and infix(HW), each of them useful for different scenarios. * You can extend character equality definition, enabling you to e.g. have wildcard characters, to have case insensitive alignment or to work with degenerate nucleotides. * It can easily handle small or very large sequences, even when finding alignment path, while consuming very little memory. * Super fast thanks to Myers's bit-vector algorithm. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libee-dev Description-md5: b8877d87aca7e27e85c6fa37e7ed4fa0 Description-sl: Event expression library inspired by CEE Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set of standard format and read a set of different input formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libee0t64 Description-md5: 6b8e7c622d835e6d4cce9b1d9562ad40 Description-sl: Event expression library inspired by CEE Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set of standard format and read a set of different input formats. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libehcache-java Description-md5: 86cf5423a34a0fad5404dac01282c202 Description-sl: Knjižnica distribuiranega predpomnilnika Ehcache is a distributed cache for general purpose caching in Java, J2EE and light-weight containers. It features memory and disk stores, replicate by copy and invalidate, listeners, a gzip caching servlet filter and much more. Package: libeigen3-dev Description-md5: 71025bd67be9e83075fd5a0e7ab822a2 Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica predlog C++ za linearno algebro Eigen 3 is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra. . Unlike most other linear algebra libraries, Eigen 3 focuses on the simple mathematical needs of applications: games and other OpenGL apps, spreadsheets and other office apps, etc. Eigen 3 is dedicated to providing optimal speed with GCC. A lot of improvements since 2-nd version of Eigen. Package: libeigen3-doc Description-md5: c2bdef560c564aea3a0219e41bda5ab6 Description-sl: eigen3 API documentation Eigen 3 is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra. . Ta paket vsebuje celotno dokumentacijo API eigen3 v obliki HTML. Package: libelemental-dev Description-md5: 3a8b975004531eb09d3e41ad91717afe Description-sl: Periodic Table viewer (development files) gElemental je pregledovalnik periodnega sistema GTK+, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o kemijskih elementih. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo pogled sistema, ki omogoča tematsko obarvanje elementov po več lastnostih, razvrstljiv seznamski pogled in pogovorno okno lastnosti elementa, ki prikaže različne podatke, vključno z zgodovinskimi, termodinamskimi, elektrokemijskimi in kristalografskimi lastnostmi. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: libelemental-doc Description-md5: dac32fe97d203a74a396a2a407c48124 Description-sl: Periodic Table viewer (API documentation) gElemental je pregledovalnik periodnega sistema GTK+, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o kemijskih elementih. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo pogled sistema, ki omogoča tematsko obarvanje elementov po več lastnostih, razvrstljiv seznamski pogled in pogovorno okno lastnosti elementa, ki prikaže različne podatke, vključno z zgodovinskimi, termodinamskimi, elektrokemijskimi in kristalografskimi lastnostmi. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libelemental0t64 Description-md5: 6c096a121ce242d690e031f3054d6f89 Description-sl: Periodic Table viewer (data and shared library) gElemental je pregledovalnik periodnega sistema GTK+, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o kemijskih elementih. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo pogled sistema, ki omogoča tematsko obarvanje elementov po več lastnostih, razvrstljiv seznamski pogled in pogovorno okno lastnosti elementa, ki prikaže različne podatke, vključno z zgodovinskimi, termodinamskimi, elektrokemijskimi in kristalografskimi lastnostmi. . This package contains the shared library and the data set. Package: libemail-sender-perl Description-md5: a34d982409c60bdb44cceae970751eba Description-sl: Modul Perl za pošiljanje e-pošte Email::Sender is a Perl module provides an interface to send email via many backends, including sendmail, SMTP, delivering directly to mbox file, etc. . Email::Sender replaces the old and sometimes problematic Email::Send library (see libemail-send-perl), which did a decent job at handling very simple mail sending tasks, but was not suitable for serious use for a variety of reasons. Package: libembryo-bin Description-md5: d23b47b04d7371600fc677ac2a18c2c3 Description-sl: EFL SMALL-based abstract machine (AMX) compiler Embryo is a tiny library designed to interpret limited Small programs compiled by the included compiler, embryo_cc. It is mostly a cleaned up and smaller version of the original Small abstract machine. The compiler is mostly untouched. . This is part of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). . Ta paket vsebuje kodni prevajalnik embryo: embryo_cc. Package: libemeraldengine-dev Description-md5: b17ad0b2f86f2142e9b722bcd618d32e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za programnike emerald Emerald so okraski oken za okenski upravljalnik Compiz, ki uporablja vrsto teme po meri (*.emerald). Je visoko nastavljiv in podpira različne programnike tem s prozornostjo in natančno postavitvijo mej in predmetov naziva okna. . This package contains the headers and development files needed to build engines for emerald. Package: libemeraldengine0t64 Description-md5: 1d3b88b9ece7c491ea5684f2c3e47616 Description-sl: Decoration engines for compiz Emerald so okraski oken za okenski upravljalnik Compiz, ki uporablja vrsto teme po meri (*.emerald). Je visoko nastavljiv in podpira različne programnike tem s prozornostjo in natančno postavitvijo mej in predmetov naziva okna. . This package provides some engines for drawing decoration on compiz. Package: libemf2svg-dev Description-md5: f47a07bd32b32d851c10733d79c6a2b7 Description-sl: Enhanced Metafile to SVG conversion library (development files) By themselves, EMF/EMF+ files are rare in the wild. However, they are frequently embedded inside other Microsoft file formats. This project could be used to handle EMF blobs in any Microsoft formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libemf2svg1 Description-md5: 0235e92cbdae3150966478ba996e0ac6 Description-sl: Enhanced Metafile to SVG conversion library (shared library) By themselves, EMF/EMF+ files are rare in the wild. However, they are frequently embedded inside other Microsoft file formats. This project could be used to handle EMF blobs in any Microsoft formats. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libemos-dev Description-md5: 8bb8fed2ceb63c0afa95a4a8a82bbe8c Description-sl: Knjižnica interpolacije ECMWF - razvoj The Interpolation library (EMOSLIB) includes Interpolation software and GRIB, BUFR, CREX encoding/decoding routines. It is used by the ECMWF meteorological archival and retrieval system (MARS) and also by the ECMWF graphics package MetView. . This package contains the static libraries and headers needed to build applications against libemos. Package: libemos0d Description-md5: 5b00e7c7a479e223033f3133de7e054e Description-sl: Knjižnica interpolacije ECMWF The Interpolation library (EMOSLIB) includes Interpolation software and GRIB, BUFR, CREX encoding/decoding routines. It is used by the ECMWF meteorological archival and retrieval system (MARS) and also by the ECMWF graphics package MetView. Package: libenet-dev Description-md5: d58eb807f5e56adb8a00725b091853af Description-sl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - headers ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. . ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression, encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent tasks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libenet-doc Description-md5: e365c82a0b64fcf3e070ea77eba47d68 Description-sl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - documentation ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. . ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression, encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent tasks. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libenv-ps1-perl Description-md5: 4af8ea6abe19c334a7d36fb42bbd0945 Description-sl: Oblikovalnik nizov pozivov Env::PS1 supplies variables that are "tied" to environment variables like 'PS1' and 'PS2', if read it takes the contents of the variable as a format string like the ones bash(1) uses to format the prompt. . It is intended to be used in combination with the various ReadLine packages. Package: libept-dev Description-md5: db1ebb07da1715a36bf605f6d6b727d2 Description-sl: High-level library for managing Debian package information The library defines a very minimal framework in which many sources of data about Debian packages can be implemented and queried together. . The library includes four data sources: . * APT: access the APT database * Debtags: access the Debtags tag information * Popcon: access Popcon package scores * The Xapian index built by apt-xapian-index . To je razvojna knjižnica. Package: libept1.6.0t64 Description-md5: dc36b06ff413539afcd133bd1698dd39 Description-sl: High-level library for managing Debian package information The library defines a very minimal framework in which many sources of data about Debian packages can be implemented and queried together. . The library includes four data sources: . * APT: access the APT database * Debtags: access the Debtags tag information * Popcon: access Popcon package scores * The Xapian index built by apt-xapian-index . To je souporabljena knjižnica. Package: libeqaf-ocaml Description-md5: b7c3d0c0221466c8df8b7c14c4f3ce55 Description-sl: constant-time equal function on string for OCaml (runtime files) This package provides an equal function on string in constant-time to avoid timing-attack with crypto stuff. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libeqaf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d36b8f40886ca3a9e6c66737969bd915 Description-sl: constant-time equal function on string for OCaml (dev files) This package provides an equal function on string in constant-time to avoid timing-attack with crypto stuff. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liberfa1 Description-md5: 801be880791437c69626051e4b0c175e Description-sl: Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy ERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). . It is intended to replicate the functionality of SOFA (aside from possible bugfixes in ERFA that have not yet been included in SOFA), but is licensed under a three-clause BSD license to enable its compatibility with a wide range of open source licenses. Permission for this release has been obtained from the SOFA board. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libesedb-dev Description-md5: 482427b24af9b3657a409fa070c6cef7 Description-sl: Extensible Storage Engine DB access library -- development files libesedb is a library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format. The ESE database format is used in pmay different applications like Windows Search, Windows Mail, Exchange, Active Directory, etc.. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libesedb1t64 Description-md5: d8bb55d63029328c253f8eae8ea33cca Description-sl: Extensible Storage Engine DB access library libesedb is a library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format. The ESE database format is used in may different applications like Windows Search, Windows Mail, Exchange, Active Directory, etc.. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libespeak-dev Description-md5: 16f8bdcde457d8c2150cb171d904d7ca Description-sl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: development files eSpeak je programski sintetizator govora za angleščino in nekatere druge jezike. . This package contains the eSpeak development files needed to build against the espeak shared library. Package: libespeak1 Description-md5: 979c4445019f29a7a752783878e7fe06 Description-sl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: shared library eSpeak je programski sintetizator govora za angleščino in nekatere druge jezike. . This package contains the espeak program in a shared library. Package: libestools2.5 Description-md5: a497575e6bd37f8599ee3ca1b9a00775 Description-sl: Knjižnica orodij govora Ednburgh The Edinburgh Speech Tools Library is a collection of C++ class, functions and related programs for manipulating the sorts of objects used in speech processing. Package: libetpan-dev Description-md5: c81bfd7d79260b0be60d87d2ddb4192c Description-sl: Knjižnica upravljanja pošte - razvojne datoteke libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling: network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP with or without SSL), local storage (mbox/MH/maildir) and message/MIME parsing. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libetpan20t64 Description-md5: b03b6fa64e81c920ac0446c1bccccb53 Description-sl: Knjižnica upravljanja pošte libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling: network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP with or without SSL), local storage (mbox/MH/maildir) and message/MIME parsing. . This package provides shared library files. Package: libevd-0.2-0t64 Description-md5: 27a44130bd5dc46ddf67aa07ab79d5c5 Description-sl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Shared libraries EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application development. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libevd-0.2-dev Description-md5: a577ad15374685ee2f57d023e15e4ee1 Description-sl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Development files EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libevhtp-dev Description-md5: f9446aa7e4603b63940a28c1f6655377 Description-sl: Libevent based HTTP API - development files Libevent's http interface was created as a JIT server, never meant to be a full-fledged HTTP service. This library attempts to improve on that. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojno knjižnico. Package: libevhtp-doc Description-md5: c48b70281a7de1c915524fb06a9184a1 Description-sl: Libevent based HTTP API - documentation Libevent's http interface was created as a JIT server, never meant to be a full-fledged HTTP service. This library attempts to improve on that. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libevhtp0t64 Description-md5: 773845cdcfca85a28f16868f2c680ffa Description-sl: Libevent based HTTP API Libevent's http interface was created as a JIT server, never meant to be a full-fledged HTTP service. This library attempts to improve on that with the following features: . + design as a fully functional HTTP server + HTTP parser able to process data with a low memory footprint + use of regular expressions for routing + out-of-the box HTTPS server . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libevt-dev Description-md5: 15f77470aba2698fc6a9de3969885a9f Description-sl: Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library -- development files libevt is a library to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libevt1t64 Description-md5: cc122b748e37e5ff0ae4970e42bc426f Description-sl: Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library libevt is a library to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libevtx-dev Description-md5: 12c900483a7bcd496d0b5ce80bd3b2b5 Description-sl: Windows XML Event Log format access library -- development files libevtx is a library to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libevtx1t64 Description-md5: 9a63fa5ede078195dbbfb5a15696ef03 Description-sl: Windows XML Event Log format access library libevtx is a library to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libewf-dev Description-md5: 449544984548f9f0e22b92d318dcc0eb Description-sl: support for Expert Witness Compression format (development) Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase (EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and FTK Imager. The libewf is useful for forensics investigations. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libexactimage-perl Description-md5: 93eafba0d4643325efa77fb195bb9b44 Description-sl: fast image manipulation library (Perl bindings) ExactImage is a fast C++ image processing library. Unlike many other library frameworks it allows operation in several color spaces and bit depths natively, resulting in low memory and computational requirements. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Perl. Package: libexcalibur-logkit-java-doc Description-md5: 36f1596f4e096b21f4dfd712caf3cc39 Description-sl: Lightweight and fast designed logging toolkit for Java (API docs) Excalibur Logkit (previously avalon logkit) is a lightweight, fast, securely designed logging toolkit. It is designed to integrate into existing applications. Logkit is more lightweight than Log4j. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libexception-handler-perl Description-md5: 1bb8fcd58501b6e996a9d9072147c8a3 Description-sl: Modul Perl za Exception::Handler This Perl module reports exceptions with formatted text call-stack. Package: libexecline2.9 Description-md5: 32477948d3b372fb6969284e8dfaebde Description-sl: small and non-interactive scripting language (shared library) Execline is a (non-interactive) scripting language, like sh; but its syntax is quite different from a traditional shell syntax. The execlineb program is meant to be used as an interpreter for a text file; the other commands are essentially useful inside an execlineb script. . Execline is as powerful as a shell: it features conditional loops, getopt- style option handling, filename globbing, and more. Meanwhile, its syntax is far more logic and predictable than the shell's syntax, and has no security issues. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libexif-gtk-dev Description-md5: bc9409c3bda163ada9a32766e0bdd482 Description-sl: Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags (development files) Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libexo-common Description-md5: 820e9f19c07fa1bebbcd4a373298fef6 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke libexo libexo is a library for Xfce that contains a bunch of additional widgets and a framework for editable toolbars (an improved version of the framework present in GNOME), light-weight session management support, functions to automatically synchronize object properties (based on GObject Binding Properties) and several miscellaneous utility and helper functions for application developers. . This package contains the common files in use by exo library. It ships desktop files and documentation. Package: libexpect-ocaml Description-md5: 409e123a33bec23a99ebcc2be3824794 Description-sl: Expect-like framework for OCaml This is a simple implementation of `expect` to help building unitary testing of interactive program. . It helps to receive question and send answers from an interactive process. You can match the question using a regular expression (Str). You can also use a timeout to ensure that the process answer in time. . See the [Expect manual]( for more information and example. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libexplain-dev Description-md5: e02d622f2b3b87e1c645a1235c59dfad Description-sl: library of system-call-specific strerror repl - development files This package provides a library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors. The library is not quite a drop-in replacement for strerror, but it comes close, with each system call having a dedicated libexplain function. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libexplain-doc Description-md5: 61fb661d9de44999369f40a777c71432 Description-sl: library of system-call-specific strerror repl - documentation This package provides a library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors. The library is not quite a drop-in replacement for strerror, but it comes close, with each system call having a dedicated libexplain function. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libexporter-lite-perl Description-md5: 2c24aca715fef56cddd6a0dac6cd57b9 Description-sl: Lahek podniz Exporter Exporter::Lite is an alternative to Exporter, intended to provide a lightweight subset of the most commonly-used functionality. It supports import(), @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK and not a whole lot else. . Exporter::Lite simply exports its import() function into your namespace. This might be called a "mix-in" or a "role". . When Exporter::Lite was written, if you wanted to use Exporter you had to write something like this: . use Exporter; our @ISA = qw/ Exporter /; . Exporter::Lite saved you from writing that second line. But since before 2010 you've been able to write: . use Exporter qw/ import /; . which imports the import function into your namespace from Exporter. . As a result, it is recommended to use Exporter now, as it's a core module (shipped with Perl). Package: libextlib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b168787367ca462e4f772fbc1038cf66 Description-sl: Razširjena standardna knjižnica za OCaml ExtLib is a project aiming at providing a complete - yet small - standard library for the OCaml programming language. . The purpose of this library is to add new functions to OCaml Standard Library modules, to modify some functions in order to get better performances or more safety (tail-recursive) but also to provide new modules which should be useful for the average OCaml programmer. . ExtLib contains modules implementing: enumeration over abstract collection of elements, efficient bit sets, dynamic arrays, references on lists, Unicode characters and UTF-8 encoded strings, additional and improved functions for hashtables, strings, lists and option types. Package: libextractor-dev Description-md5: e1a21ba194bb73e3905cd5fbfce88fb4 Description-sl: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (development) GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta- data about files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libextractor-java-dev Description-md5: eefec4f390192c84372c888478af7a67 Description-sl: Java bindings for GNU libextractor (development) GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta- data about files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za vezave Java. Package: libextractor-java0 Description-md5: 1ffb5a0c0163e5401cbc36d53510f489 Description-sl: Java bindings for GNU libextractor GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta- data about files. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Java. Package: libextunix-ocaml Description-md5: 0a9354421e14f91c09bb7918d2e652c3 Description-sl: Extended functions for OCaml Unix module (runtime package) Thin bindings to various low-level system APIs (often non-portable) which are not covered by Unix module. . Example functions: * uname * statvfs * fsync * fadvise * fallocate * atfile * dirfd * eventfd * signalfd * ... . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libeztrace-dev Description-md5: fa869525a5354c44bf2db0d4c3a520cc Description-sl: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - development files EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE. It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC primitives, to be observed. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libeztrace0 Description-md5: 72d91f068e85b3fa50d696af4c3a4224 Description-sl: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - runtime libraries EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE. It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC primitives, to be observed. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfaad-dev Description-md5: ae9f883b2a80e31f09c287adf3baae2d Description-sl: Brezplačen napredni odkodirnik zvoka - razvojne datoteke FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfaad-ocaml Description-md5: d8506b869d581eb8c625b2326f5a710b Description-sl: Vmesnik OCaml do knjižnice faad -- izvajalnedatoteke Ta paket vsebuje vmesnik do knjižnice faad programerjev OCaml. . FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC files. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libfaad-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 97ec8aeadbd45aa572a1ea4acfc1606f Description-sl: OCaml interface to the faad library -- development files Ta paket vsebuje vmesnik do knjižnice faad programerjev OCaml. . FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC files. . Ta paket vsebuje vse razvojne stvari, ki jih potrebujete za razvoj programov Ocaml, ki uporabljajo ocaml-faad. Package: libfabric1 Description-md5: 23efe94450e753061e8395ccfd5a60a0 Description-sl: libfabric communication library Libfabric is a communication library that exports interfaces for fabric services to applications. Libfabric is the core component of the Open Fabrics Interfaces (OFI) framework. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libfaifa-dev Description-md5: f40c170de739b3347f8e8b6bb72c106f Description-sl: manage HomePlug 1.0/AV devices via ethernet frames - devel library Faifa is a network tool to remotely manage HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug AV devices. . HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug AV are specifications of Power Line Communication (PLC). PLC is a system for carrying data - network packets - over power line. <> . This tool can configure, flash and collect statistics on thoses devices using private and public Ethernet frames. . Ta paket vsebuje glave knjižnice Faifa. Package: libfakekey-dev Description-md5: 1c1e39d24c37648b131431b67e08056b Description-sl: library for converting characters to X key-presses [development] libfakekey is a simple library for converting UTF-8 characters into 'fake' X key-presses. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke libfakekey. Package: libfann-doc Description-md5: 5d510503dca8572a264924a75ac6164e Description-sl: Dokumentacija API za FANN Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. . This package contains the API documentation in HTML form and some introductory material in text form. Package: libfann2 Description-md5: ab1aecd841f644a4cda85a0d90671d9b Description-sl: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libfannj-java-doc Description-md5: 0664462264fcbaaef6cfa783706a5c7e Description-sl: FannJ - dokumentacija Use FannJ if you have an existing ANN from the FANN project (libfann2) that you would like to access from Java. There are several GUI tools that will help you create and train an ANN. This is the Documentation package for FannJ Package: libfarmhash0 Description-md5: 81f990ecca152408561cae38110178e5 Description-sl: FarmHash, a family of hash functions (shared library) FarmHash provides hash functions for strings and other data. The functions mix the input bits thoroughly but are not suitable for cryptography. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfastahack0 Description-md5: a2772a02e6ae78c3f9152bf6ef9d91b5 Description-sl: library for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files (lib) fastahack is a small application for indexing and extracting sequences and subsequences from FASTA files. The included Fasta.cpp library provides a FASTA reader and indexer that can be embedded into applications which would benefit from directly reading subsequences from FASTA files. The library automatically handles index file generation and use. . Features: * FASTA index (.fai) generation for FASTA files * Sequence extraction * Subsequence extraction * Sequence statistics (currently only entropy is provided) . Sequence and subsequence extraction use fseek64 to provide fastest- possible extraction without RAM-intensive file loading operations. This makes fastahack a useful tool for bioinformaticists who need to quickly extract many subsequences from a reference FASTA sequence. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libfathom-dev Description-md5: 912e7bc5291036286d44a1a1a2116a0f Description-sl: Library for probing Syzygy tablebases (development files) Fathom is a stand-alone Syzygy tablebase probing tool. . The aims of Fathom are: - To make it easy to integrate the Syzygy tablebases into existing chess engines. - To make it easy to create stand-alone applications that use the Syzygy tablebases. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfaudio-dev Description-md5: e1aa8fad3c5d4085884bbe480265a0c1 Description-sl: XAudio sound processing reimplementation - development files FAudio is a sound processing library that aims to support fully accurate DirectX audio capabilities including XAudio2, X3DAudio, XAPO, and XACT3. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libfbclient2 Description-md5: 68d7ceba679ca0cfdf52551ea46b7a52 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca Firebird Client library for connecting to the Firebird server. It can also be used for direct (embedded) database access. . See firebird3.0-server package for more information about Firebird. Package: libfcft4t64 Description-md5: 15a6e28fb72093884f8bf998194a29c0 Description-sl: font loading and glyph rasterization library fcft is a small font loading and glyph rasterization library built on-top of FontConfig, FreeType2 and pixman. . It can load and cache fonts from a fontconfig-formatted name string, e.g. Monospace:size=12, optionally with user configured fallback fonts. . After a font has been loaded, you can rasterize glyphs. When doing so, the primary font is first considered. If it does not have the requested glyph, the user configured fallback fonts (if any) are considered. If none of the user configured fallback fonts has the requested glyph, the FontConfig generated list of fallback fonts are checked. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libfcgi-procmanager-perl Description-md5: dc59ea20403239cca2d01ea9e94dd54f Description-sl: Modul Perl za pomoč pri upravljanju programov FastCGI FCGI::ProcManager serves as a FastCGI process manager, allowing developers to more finely tune performance in their web applications and take advantage of copy-on-write semantics prevalent in the UNIX kernel process system. It can manage a number of FastCGI servers and handles signals on their behalf. Package: libfcml-doc Description-md5: 09c1799b7e320b4f18e5df530dfabf4c Description-sl: machine code manipulation library - documentation FCML, the Free Code Manipulation Library, is a general-purpose machine code manipulation library for i386 and amd64 architectures. It includes an assembler and disassembler, instruction renderers and parsers, and supports Intel and AT&T (gas) syntax. . It supports most recent instruction set extensions, including MMX, 3D-Now!, SSE including 4.2 and 4A, AVX and AVX2, AES-NI, TBM, BMI1 and BMI2, HLE, ADX, CLMUL, RDRAND, RDSEED, FMA, FMA4, LWP, SVM, XOP, VMX and SMX. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libfcml0t64 Description-md5: 4dead02b2434c37c94f39b5311eb2b0d Description-sl: machine code manipulation library FCML, the Free Code Manipulation Library, is a general-purpose machine code manipulation library for i386 and amd64 architectures. It includes an assembler and disassembler, instruction renderers and parsers, and supports Intel and AT&T (gas) syntax. . It supports most recent instruction set extensions, including MMX, 3D-Now!, SSE including 4.2 and 4A, AVX and AVX2, AES-NI, TBM, BMI1 and BMI2, HLE, ADX, CLMUL, RDRAND, RDSEED, FMA, FMA4, LWP, SVM, XOP, VMX and SMX. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libfduserdata0 Description-md5: 424a66423977b6a9afb1d24c48d8d386 Description-sl: associate file descriptors with user defined data (library) This small library permits one to associate user defined data to file descriptors. This library is thread safe. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfelix-main-java-doc Description-md5: b239a83c37240cd0a858345fe12383ce Description-sl: Libraries to instantiate and execute OSGi Felix Framework - doc The Felix Framework subproject is an implementation of the OSGi R4.2 core framework specification. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libfelix-utils-java Description-md5: 904e2c57239872b12ee7865949891f89 Description-sl: Zbirka razredov orodij za Apache Felix The Felix project is an implementation of the OSGi R4.2 core framework specification. . OSGi framework is a module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. . This subproject provides a collection of utility classes used by others components of Apache Felix. Package: libfelix-utils-java-doc Description-md5: 83911d44c222d1ae49a0ad37b0f6978b Description-sl: collection of utility classes for Apache Felix - documentation The Felix project is an implementation of the OSGi R4.2 core framework specification. . OSGi framework is a module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libffado-dev Description-md5: 9d3a45b6227b7fe7aebb546d9d19f3a2 Description-sl: FFADO API - development files FFADO je gonilnik Linux za zvočne naprave FireWire (IEEE1394). . Knjižnica FFADO omogoča odkrivanje in nastavljanje takšnih naprav in zagotavlja API za pretakajoče odjemalce. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libffado2 Description-md5: 4c331f90e31074719b77f3d0b71de841 Description-sl: FFADO API FFADO je gonilnik Linux za zvočne naprave FireWire (IEEE1394). . Knjižnica FFADO omogoča odkrivanje in nastavljanje takšnih naprav in zagotavlja API za pretakajoče odjemalce. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libffindex0t64 Description-md5: 8e51c2b4dcfee1f9473492981967e475 Description-sl: library for simple index/database for huge amounts of small files FFindex is a very simple index/database for huge amounts of small files. The files are stored concatenated in one big data file, separated by '\0'. A second file contains a plain text index, giving name, offset and length of the small files. The lookup is currently done with a binary search on an array made from the index file. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libffmpegthumbnailer-dev Description-md5: 9ef8cb4c6ff2307cf16b3fa32390586b Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za ffmpegthumbnailer FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . This package contains the development files distributed with ffmpegthumbnailer. Package: libffmpegthumbnailer4v5 Description-md5: 756d9a238963548499e08c59d36f8749 Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica za ffmpegthumbnailer FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . This package contains the shared library for ffmpegthumbnailer framework. Package: libffms2-5 Description-md5: d90fad1dfb5722483bc12a160c84c14e Description-sl: Cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library A cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library, and some additional content for things ffmpeg doesn't handle well. A more friendly API and an easy way to say "open and decompress this, I don't care how". . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libffms2-dev Description-md5: 44f41716b4c49809a59c24b888b4d800 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libffms2 A cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library, and some additional content for things ffmpeg doesn't handle well. A more friendly API and an easy way to say "open and decompress this, I don't care how". . This package contain headers and other files needed to compile and link against libffms2. Package: libfield3d-dev Description-md5: 56d4ad5ba11815908e113f831d546428 Description-sl: development files for Field3D Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfield3d1.7t64 Description-md5: e97de019bb689caa4919f436eb9be0d2 Description-sl: library for storing voxel data on disk and in memory Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libfieldslib-ocaml Description-md5: f2b8d659643799fc2e905c5517e3dc48 Description-sl: OCaml syntax extension that enables folding over record fields (runtime files) fieldslib is an OCaml syntax extension that can be used to define first class values representing record fields. On top of those values additional routines can then be automatically defined to: . - get and set record fields - iterate and fold over fields - create new record values . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libfieldslib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 023ce94755dc430246b7979c595f9bee Description-sl: OCaml syntax extension that enables folding over record fields (dev files) fieldslib is an OCaml syntax extension that can be used to define first class values representing record fields. On top of those values additional routines can then be automatically defined to: . - get and set record fields - iterate and fold over fields - create new record values . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfile-find-object-perl Description-md5: 5ed4111aec40fabb9cb207b1d91ebca6 Description-sl: Predmetno usmerjena zamenjava File::Find File::Find::Object does same job as File::Find but works like an object and with an iterator. As File::Find is not object oriented, one can't perform multiple searches in the same application. The second problem of File::Find is its file processing: after starting its main loop, one can't easily wait for another event and so get the next result. Package: libfile-find-object-rule-perl Description-md5: 777de5178af31e7afa40a8da1783c7c6 Description-sl: Nadomestni vmesnik za File::Find::Object File::Find::Object::Rule is a friendlier interface to File::Find::Object. It allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and directories. Package: libfile-flock-perl Description-md5: b55c387a092a9924bb0ddf089ec9ca90 Description-sl: Zaklepanje datotek s flock Lock files using the flock() call. Locks can be created by new'ing a File::Flock object and are automatically removed when the object goes out of scope. Package: libfile-next-perl Description-md5: 29c85862c80c30cb17eecb1b106541e1 Description-sl: Iterator iskanja datotek File::Next is an iterator-based module for finding files. It's lightweight, has no dependencies, runs under taint mode, and puts your program more directly in control of file selection. . It's taken heavily from Mark Jason Dominus' excellent book "Higher Order Perl". Package: libfile-sharedir-par-perl Description-md5: 935dced4b659231b04a85a4ead8404b9 Description-sl: Modul za ustvarjanje souporabljenih datotek v arhivih PAR File::ShareDir::PAR is a Perl module that provides a mechanism for locating shared data in PAR packages. By using this module's functions, the currently loaded .par files will be scanned before @INC, which is the same order you get for loading modules when PAR is in effect. If a matching path is found in a PAR archive, the full archive is extracted and the path returned will point to the extracted copy on disk. Package: libfile-tail-perl Description-md5: eb699d3a500e8fdf99d89338fd66d6ea Description-sl: Modul perl File::Tail The File::Tail module is designed for reading files which are continuously appended to (the name comes from the tail -f directive). Usually such files are logfiles of some description. . The module tries hard not to busy wait on the file, dynamicaly calculating how long it should wait before it pays to try reading the file again. . The module should handle normal log truncations ("close; move; open" or "cat /dev/null >file") transparently, without losing any input. Package: libfile-userconfig-perl Description-md5: 84ccb24bd87a750a0c865c671ee6c859 Description-sl: Zagotavlja nastavitveno mapo za programe Many modules or applications maintain a user-spec configuration data directory. And the implementation pattern is generally the same. . A directory like /home/myuser/.application is created and populating by a set of default files the first time an application runs, and from there on, the files in that directory are modified. . File::UserConfig provides standard, light and sub-classable default implementation of this concept that Does The Right Thing with the directory names. Package: libfile-wildcard-perl Description-md5: f3c403bf7513ffb1feb0ea001a0ba0fb Description-sl: Izboljšano obdelovanje glob When looking at how various operating systems do filename wildcard expansion (globbing), VMS has a nice syntax which allows expansion and searching of whole directory trees. It would be nice if other operating systems had something like this built in. The best Unix can manage is through the utility program find. . File::Wildcard provides this facility to Perl. Whereas native VMS syntax uses the ellipsis "...", this will not fit in with POSIX filenames, as ... is a valid (though somewhat strange) filename. Instead, the construct "///" is used as this cannot syntactically be part of a filename, as you do not get three concurrent filename separators with nothing between (three slashes are used to avoid confusion with //node/path/name syntax). . You don't have to use this syntax, as you can do the splitting yourself and pass in an arrayref as your path. Package: libfilesys-notify-simple-perl Description-md5: 5bfb5f7955f5de00f007cf944bc2cb57 Description-sl: Enostaven nadzornik datotečnega sistema Filesys::Notify::Simple is a Perl module that provides a simple and unified interface to get notifications of changes for a given filesystem path. It can use inotify2 on Linux or fsevents on Mac OS X, kqueue on FreeBSD, FindFirstChangeNotification on Windows and otherwise falls back to a full directory scan. Package: libfileutils-ocaml-dev Description-md5: fcafb7044971fc8ee34c640199bdd751 Description-sl: Upravljanje datotek za OCaml This library provides some functions which operate on the file system for the Objective Caml (OCaml) programming language. The aim is to enhance the basic functionality provided by the OCaml standard Filename module. . It provides functions, written in pure OCaml, for manipulating files (mv, cp, mkdir et al) and abstract filename (make_relative, make_absolute et al). Package: libfilezilla-dev Description-md5: d6ad60e7bd87f0142523c6bc4d9966bd Description-sl: build high-performing platform-independent programs (development) Free, open source C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include: . - A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet extremely efficient - Timers for periodic events - A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy, which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources - Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libfilezilla45 Description-md5: 1fdecc8e602cd137efabe2d0a8469850 Description-sl: build high-performing platform-independent programs (runtime lib) Free, open source C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include: . - A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet extremely efficient - Timers for periodic events - A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy, which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources - Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfilter-perl Description-md5: 38caf6fcb80a9bbde6027cdd774d0222 Description-sl: Izvorni filtri Perl Source filters alter the program text of a module before Perl sees it, much as a C preprocessor alters the source text of a C program before the compiler sees it. . This package contains a number of source filters, including: . exec and sh: pipe the source file through an external command cpp: pipe the source file through the C preprocessor decrypt: example of simple (though weak!) source obfuscation tee: copy filtered source to a file (debugging aid) . A substantial amount of documentation and examples is also included. Package: libfishsound1 Description-md5: 545bf44599c6a8b3ebdb61d8430482e8 Description-sl: Enostaven API, ki ovije zvočne kodeke Xiph.Org libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on Annodex or Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode Ogg encapsulated Vorbis or Speex files. Package: libfishsound1-dev Description-md5: a65df897d4ff974a579d51aac4f374da Description-sl: Enostaven API, ki ovije zvočne kodeke Xiph.Org (razvojne datoteke) libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on Annodex or Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode Ogg encapsulated Vorbis or Speex files. . This package contains the header files and static libraries required for developing applications that use libfishsound. Package: libfits-java-doc Description-md5: cfadf348edc4cdf0e08e7d11d9fbd6d3 Description-sl: Java library for the I/O handling of FITS files (javadoc) FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is the standard data format in astronomy used for the transport, analysis, and archival storage of scientific data sets. . This library provides efficient I/O for FITS images and binary tables. All basic FITS formats and gzip compressed files are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: libfixbuf-doc Description-md5: d00b5d834ddb72a5fdc0eac38fc7cbe0 Description-sl: Implementation of the IPFIX protocol - documentation libfixbuf is a compliant implementation of the IPFIX Protocol, as defined in RFC 5101. It supports the information model defined in RFC 5102, extended as proposed by RFC 5103 to support information elements for representing biflows. libfixbuf supports UDP, TCP, SCTP, TLS over TCP, and Spread as transport protocols. It also supports operation as an IPFIX File Writer or IPFIX File Reader. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: libfixbuf9t64 Description-md5: b733ff152f23840a902b31ad42c910d3 Description-sl: Implementation of the IPFIX protocol - shared library libfixbuf is a compliant implementation of the IPFIX Protocol, as defined in RFC 5101. It supports the information model defined in RFC 5102, extended as proposed by RFC 5103 to support information elements for representing biflows. libfixbuf supports UDP, TCP, SCTP, TLS over TCP, and Spread as transport protocols. It also supports operation as an IPFIX File Writer or IPFIX File Reader. . To je souporabljena knjižnica. Package: libfixposix4t64 Description-md5: 7afa76517aff6ad9069d6df3756787f7 Description-sl: Replacement for inconsistent parts of POSIX (runtime) The purpose of libfixposix is to offer replacements for parts of POSIX whose behaviour is inconsistent across *NIX flavours. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libflatzebra-0.1-2t64 Description-md5: e208a42ec5d5aaf499449e25820422cf Description-sl: Knjižnica splošnega programnika iger flatzebra is a simple generic C++ game engine library supporting 2D double-buffering. . You should install this package if you need to run packages which use flatzebra. Package: libflickcurl0t64 Description-md5: dd393aeff819c116b05e551b0d4dec2d Description-sl: Knjižnica C dostopanje do Flickr API Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. The library now supports 100% of the 2008-01-11 version of the API, including the functions for photo uploading, browsing, searching, adding and editing comments, groups, notes, photosets, categories, activity, blogs, favorites, places, tags and photo metadata. It also includes a program flickrdf to turn photo metadata, tags and machine tags into RDF descriptions of photos and tags. Package: libflightcrew-dev Description-md5: 10924909d3d2f70ba19f3cfbf6590961 Description-sl: C++ library development filesfor epub validation FlightCrew is an epub validator written in C++. It is used by sigil to validate epub files, and may be generally useful for other epub creation utilities. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libflightcrew0t64 Description-md5: 4c1c6d0d20e71f9048e88c6709b09a4d Description-sl: C++ library for epub validation FlightCrew is an epub validator written in C++. It is used by sigil to validate epub files, and may be generally useful for other epub creation utilities. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libflint-dev Description-md5: 2954190a7db17f499ab9ac195dd614bc Description-sl: C library for number theory, development files The Fast Library for Integer Number Theory is a C library which supports polynomial arithmetic over the integers, fast integer arithmetic and factoring (including a highly optimized quadratic sieve). . FLINT has functionality similar to that of the Number Theory Library (NTL). However, unlike NTL, which is designed primarily for asymptotic performance, FLINT is designed for good performance in small cases as well. . Ta paket vsebuje od razvojne datoteke FLINT. Package: libfltk-cairo1.3t64 Description-md5: 4fb265d78750234ee13bd9cbe8450fe5 Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - Cairo rendering layer support This package contains the files necessary for running programs dynamically linked with FLTK's Cairo rendering layer bindings. . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: libfltk-forms1.3t64 Description-md5: 2c9768749255d3d60088e44ddeb02783 Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - Forms compatibility layer support This package contains the files necessary for running programs dynamically linked with FLTK's Forms compatibility layer. . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: libfltk-gl1.3t64 Description-md5: dd64ae0a189056fb7105fb0eeeae386a Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - OpenGL rendering support This package contains the files necessary for running programs dynamically linked with FLTK's OpenGL rendering bindings. . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: libfltk-images1.3t64 Description-md5: fe6a9e69410db289d31bc88a304d0c74 Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - image loading support This package contains the files necessary for running programs dynamically linked with FLTK's bindings to image-loading libraries. . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: libfltk1.3-dev Description-md5: fd19f539170e49b3078fef85e7a556c0 Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - development files This package provides the files necessary for compiling programs that depend on FLTK. . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: libfltk1.3t64 Description-md5: 3c9ba51c98a0ee205612744cef409f54 Description-sl: Fast Light Toolkit - main shared library This package contains the files necessary for running programs dynamically linked with FLTK. . Hitra lahka zbirka orodij (FLTK) je zbirka orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki deluje na več okoljih in je izvirno osnovana na libForms. Package: libfluidsynth-dev Description-md5: de826b558da2db2978953232479abd0f Description-sl: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (development files) Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont (sf2 and sf3) specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio. The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in real-time to the sound output device. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfluidsynth3 Description-md5: 14e0cd0618b8e41b072bf1535bde2e64 Description-sl: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (runtime library) Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont (sf2 and sf3) specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio. The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in real-time to the sound output device. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libflute-java Description-md5: 8fb2639cc7c8fbf985fd587191c8b1d8 Description-sl: Java CSS parser using SAC (JFree version) Flute is a CSS2 parser written in Java that implements SAC. SAC is a standard event-based API for CSS parsers, closely modelled on the SAX API for XML parsers. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libfm4t64 Description-md5: 1edf1e2cdf154e4352d46f3ed8288d75 Description-sl: file management support (core library) LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, giving a convenient higher-level API. . Some features: * Desktop-independent, following FreeDesktop standards; * Fast, light on memory usage, and responsive - well suited to less powerful hardware such as netbooks and thin clients; * Uses GIO/GVFS (like Nautilus) for Trash support and access to remote file systems (FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Windows shares, etc.); * Clipboard operations are compatible with GTK+/GNOME and Qt/KDE; * Supports both Drag-and-Drop, and the X Direct Save protocol; * Reusable design with the core functions separated out to simplify porting to other GUIs. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libfmt-doc Description-md5: 12a6951caa7ccaad9a47a377aca918c0 Description-sl: fast type-safe C++ formatting library -- documentation This library provides fast, type-safe, small, C++11-aware replacement of (s)printf and related machinery. In some cases it's noticeably faster than boost::format, boost::lexical_cast and even sprintf itself. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libfmt-ocaml Description-md5: 86c8f958a7597faed72cd6862b25d61a Description-sl: OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators (runtime) Fmt exposes combinators to devise Format pretty-printing functions. . Fmt depends only on the OCaml standard library. The optional Fmt_tty library that allows one to setup formatters for terminal color output depends on the Unix library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libfmt-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 89835cb9abc95659cb4cf5ee166836de Description-sl: OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators (development) Fmt exposes combinators to devise Format pretty-printing functions. . Fmt depends only on the OCaml standard library. The optional Fmt_tty library that allows one to setup formatters for terminal color output depends on the Unix library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfmt9 Description-md5: bf00d7b126b81746ed9bbb189e83fcc1 Description-sl: fast type-safe C++ formatting library -- library This library provides fast, type-safe, small, C++11-aware replacement of (s)printf and related machinery. In some cases it's noticeably faster than boost::format, boost::lexical_cast and even sprintf itself. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfontbox-java Description-md5: a4abe9b0685360ce704a6b10200371d4 Description-sl: Knjižnica pisave Java The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level information from font files. Package: libfontbox2-java Description-md5: 1ac9b26e4e8b96b1f1df47024c6df1d4 Description-sl: Knjižnica pisave Java The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level information from font files. . This package contains version 2 of the library. Package: libfontforge4 Description-md5: 7fc0a418741746f51de0b0dac55807fe Description-sl: font editor - runtime library FontForge is a font editor. Use it to create, edit and convert fonts in OpenType, TrueType, UFO, CID-keyed, Multiple Master, and many other formats. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libfonts-java-doc Description-md5: 7fde5ebdcfecf1b3440194ce5bd2cdc5 Description-sl: Java fonts layouting library -- documentation LibFonts is a library developed to support advanced layouting and allows one to read TrueType-Font files to extract layouting specific information. . Ta paket vsebuje Javadoc. Package: libfoonathan-memory-dev Description-md5: 7d71fdbb35ed47e9b0e3b191f726fbb5 Description-sl: STL compatible C++ memory allocator library - development headers The default STL allocator model has various flaws, for example you cannot easily share a single allocator for multiple types. This library is one of many proposed solutions for the shortcomings of the standard allocator, which unlike many other solutions does not require changes in the STL itself. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave. Package: libfoonathan-memory-doc Description-md5: d04f107b5001a98094450c941d22013c Description-sl: STL compatible C++ memory allocator library - documentation The default STL allocator model has various flaws, for example you cannot easily share a single allocator for multiple types. This library is one of many proposed solutions for the shortcomings of the standard allocator, which unlike many other solutions does not require changes in the STL itself. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: libforge-dev Description-md5: b659e0105266543402b63eb5e1a5c88b Description-sl: development files for forge A prototype of the OpenGL interop library that can be used with ArrayFire. The goal of Forge is to provide high performance OpenGL visualizations for C/C++ applications that use CUDA/OpenCL. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libforge1t64 Description-md5: bf017dbafa38a81ef8661a6689a9fda3 Description-sl: high-performance OpenGL visualization A prototype of the OpenGL interop library that can be used with ArrayFire. The goal of Forge is to provide high performance OpenGL visualizations for C/C++ applications that use CUDA/OpenCL. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libformula-java-doc Description-md5: 2fb81cedfc2e9a048c5f7d63803a358b Description-sl: Excel(tm) style formula expressions library LibFormula provides Excel-Style-Expressions. The implementation provided here is very generic and can be used in any application that needs to compute formulas. . The syntax is based on the OpenFormula-specifications, but with carefully pruning away all the spreadsheet specific parts (like references to cell- ranges). . Ta paket vsebuje Javadoc. Package: libfosfat0 Description-md5: 8e3f1596ceb9909fc93f66753effe610 Description-sl: API za datotečni sistem Smaky Fosfat is a C library for providing read-only access to a Smaky formatted disk. Currently, only a tool and a FUSE extension that use this library can be used for reading a directory and copying a file. . The Smaky is a line of mostly 8-bit personal computers and accompanying operating system developed at the EPFL (École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), in Switzerland, from 1974. . This package contains the libfosfat0, which provides the API for the Smaky file system. Package: libfpath-ocaml Description-md5: d284ab9197a876e0ed0fbf83caf962f0 Description-sl: OCaml library for handling file system paths (runtime) Fpath is an OCaml module for handling file system paths with POSIX or Windows conventions. Fpath processes paths without accessing the file system and is independent from any system library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libfpath-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bcfbc234daf38f737b180b38b42a9917 Description-sl: OCaml library for handling file system paths (development) Fpath is an OCaml module for handling file system paths with POSIX or Windows conventions. Fpath processes paths without accessing the file system and is independent from any system library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfplll-dev Description-md5: 7c6b6494f67be7e811da87580d0909d8 Description-sl: Library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices, development fpLLL is a library for computing reduced (nearly orthogonal) bases for Euclidean lattices using the floating-point LLL algorithm. . fpLLL contains multiple different implementations of the floating-point LLL reduction algorithm, offering multiple different speed/guarantees ratios. . It contains a 'wrapper' that chooses the estimated best sequence of variants in order to provide a guaranteed output as fast as possible. In the case of the wrapper, the succession of variants is oblivious to the user. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libfplll. Package: libfreecad-python3-0.20 Description-md5: d9972f2fd051b0c0593087ce1613296b Description-sl: Extensible Open Source CAx program - Python 3 library files FreeCAD je odprtokoden CAx RAD, ki je osnovan na OpenCasCade, Qt in Python. Vsebuje nekatere ključne koncepte kot so snemanje makrov, delovne mize, zmožnost izvajanja kot strežnik in dinamično naložljive razširitve programov. Zasnovan je za neodvisnost od sistema. . Trenutno lahko FreeCAD uvozi in prikaže modele CAD v IGER, STEP in BRep in mreže v vrstah STL, BMS, AST in Wavefront OBJ. Zmožnosti urejanja in modeliranja sta trenutno malce omejeni. . This package contains shared library files for FreeCAD built against Python 3. Package: libfreecontact-perl Description-md5: 76746f39e71bf0567588b3a19cf36071 Description-sl: fast protein contact predictor - binding for Perl FreeContact is a protein residue contact predictor optimized for speed. Its input is a multiple sequence alignment. FreeContact can function as an accelerated drop-in for the published contact predictors EVfold-mfDCA of DS. Marks (2011) and PSICOV of D. Jones (2011). . FreeContact is accelerated by a combination of vector instructions, multiple threads, and faster implementation of key parts. Depending on the alignment, 8-fold or higher speedups are possible. . A sufficiently large alignment is required for meaningful results. As a minimum, an alignment with an effective (after-weighting) sequence count bigger than the length of the query sequence should be used. Alignments with tens of thousands of (effective) sequences are considered good input. . jackhmmer(1) from the hmmer package, or hhblits(1) from hhsuite can be used to generate the alignments, for example. . Ta paket vsebuje vezavo Perl. Package: libfreefare-dev Description-md5: 7f325ba0e81d5e2cd2042c22ff1c1c5c Description-sl: MIFARE card manipulations library (development files) The libfreefare project aims to provide a convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfreefem-doc Description-md5: 9283c5ee94a1c0a0c92764bc54bb5362 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za razvoj FreeFEM FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool. Package: libfreefem0 Description-md5: d626bb3ff8cd1ae1883ca38dd8635fc4 Description-sl: Souporabljene knjižnice za FreeFEM FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool. Package: libfreehep-graphics2d-java Description-md5: 67c4a93bd4426294e4e9043eea60cb13 Description-sl: Knjižnica 2D grafike FreeHEP The Vector Graphics package of the FreeHEP Java Library enables any Java program to export to a variety of vector graphics formats as well as bitmap image formats. Among the vector formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF), Enhanced Meta Format (EMF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and Flash (SWF), while the image formats include GIF, PNG, JPG and PPM. . This package contains the FreeHEP 2D Graphics Library. Package: libfreehep-graphicsio-java-java Description-md5: adb935effeeef1fd61509aa24dedb2a3 Description-sl: Gonilnik Java FreeHEP The Vector Graphics package of the FreeHEP Java Library enables any Java program to export to a variety of vector graphics formats as well as bitmap image formats. Among the vector formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF), Enhanced Meta Format (EMF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and Flash (SWF), while the image formats include GIF, PNG, JPG and PPM. . This package contains a GraphicsIO plugin to export the java calls made to Graphics2D as source code, with the associated class, field and method definitions, resulting in a class which, when run will produce the same display. Generating such source code may be helpful in setting up test cases without a lot of machinery around it and in debugging problems for different formats. Package: libfreehep-graphicsio-ps-java Description-md5: 28ed7dbcc613c78ecd27b0447e6ddf43 Description-sl: Gonilnik (vloženega) PostScript FreeHEP The Vector Graphics package of the FreeHEP Java Library enables any Java program to export to a variety of vector graphics formats as well as bitmap image formats. Among the vector formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF), Enhanced Meta Format (EMF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and Flash (SWF), while the image formats include GIF, PNG, JPG and PPM. . This package contains a GraphicsIO plugin to export to PostScript format. Package: libfreehep-graphicsio-svg-java Description-md5: 1af03c65bead79f32fba29e3bb0c3662 Description-sl: Gonilnik raztegljive vektorske grafike FreeHEP The Vector Graphics package of the FreeHEP Java Library enables any Java program to export to a variety of vector graphics formats as well as bitmap image formats. Among the vector formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF), Enhanced Meta Format (EMF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and Flash (SWF), while the image formats include GIF, PNG, JPG and PPM. . This package contains a GraphicsIO plugin to export to SVG format. Package: libfreehep-graphicsio-tests-java Description-md5: c0bb28edbc113e267ff5f4ea34e453c0 Description-sl: Knjižnica preizkusa VI grafike FreeHEP The Vector Graphics package of the FreeHEP Java Library enables any Java program to export to a variety of vector graphics formats as well as bitmap image formats. Among the vector formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF), Enhanced Meta Format (EMF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and Flash (SWF), while the image formats include GIF, PNG, JPG and PPM. . This package contains a series of tests used within GraphicsIO or its plugins. Package: libfreehep-io-java Description-md5: 841a1ee3887194899fb3057236c30196 Description-sl: Knjižnica V/I FreeHEP This library offers a collection of utility subclasses of standard IO Java classes (such as InputStrem, OutputStream, Reader and Writer), which help in dealing with encodings, byte order, tagged streams or other common IO- related issues. It is mainly used by other libraries within the FreeHEP project. . FreeHEP is a collection of Java libraries used in High Energy Physics. Package: libfreehep-swing-java Description-md5: a85fce97be62b9cf153b6fe624c21fc2 Description-sl: Razširitve swing FreeHEP This library contains a collection of utility classes built on top of the Java Swing framework. It contains new Swing elements, extensions of other elements already in Swing and other wrapper classes used to facilitate the use of the Swing library. It is mainly used by other libraries within the FreeHEP project. . FreeHEP is a collection of Java libraries used in High Energy Physics. Package: libfreehep-util-java Description-md5: 180bcbf13081716c3204f388a6dfde00 Description-sl: Knjižnica pripomočka FreeHEP This library contains miscellaneous utility classes used in other FreeHEP components, such as classes dealing with physical errors and scientific notation, assertions, hash tables, option parsers and others. . FreeHEP is a collection of Java libraries used in High Energy Physics. Package: libfreehep-xml-java Description-md5: 3a532a040e53805b515e651d4d9f22dc Description-sl: Knjižnica FreeHEP XML This library provides tools to read and write XML and XHTML files. You can write XML and XHTML files using a Writer-like interface, with additional methods to add tags and attributes, or save and restore on object configuration with XML. . FreeHEP is a collection of Java libraries used in High Energy Physics. Package: libfreeimage3 Description-md5: 2f539de70cf9d55bc83670220e485935 Description-sl: Support library for graphics image formats (library) FreeImage is an Open Source C/C++ library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, and cross-platform (works both with Linux, 32 bit Windows and Mac OS X). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico FreeImage. Package: libfreenect-dev Description-md5: dd953020efd84e4416daf6430ac2a8a4 Description-sl: library for accessing Kinect device -- development files libfreenect is a cross-platform library that provides the necessary interfaces to activate, initialize, and communicate data with the Kinect hardware. Currently, the library supports access to RGB and depth video streams, motors, accelerometer and LED and provide binding in different languages (C++, Python...) . This library is the low level component of the OpenKinect project which is an open community of people interested in making use of the Xbox Kinect hardware with PCs and other devices. . To je razvojni paket, ki vsebuje glave in knjižnice za razvoj z libfreenect. Package: libfreesrp0 Description-md5: 96e93ec8ca9e86d7b8c2a0ef7374ef8e Description-sl: Software defined radio support for FreeSRP hardware (library) The FreeSRP has a tuning range from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, uses a 12-bit ADC with a sampling rate of up to 61.44 MSPS, and has a maximum analog filter bandwidth of 56 MHz. It is a full-duplex radio (can transmit & receive at the same time). The main chip in the unit is the fairly expensive (~$150 USD) AD9364 integrated RF transceiver chip and it also comes with a Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA. Furthermore the hardware and code is entirely open source. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfreexl-dev Description-md5: 0dc3aff4b3764e14e79af1b36a4bdd86 Description-sl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - devel FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls, Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification (.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libfreexl1 Description-md5: 933db35fb093e1c49a0667dc2454586f Description-sl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls, Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification (.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfrobby-doc Description-md5: bfe53acf846afb9d2c9488f9f12bf4f6 Description-sl: Computations with monomial ideals (library documentation) Frobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for computational and mathematical research on monomial ideals. . The current functionality includes Euler characteristic, Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: libfrobby0 Description-md5: 3ca9e69ea7c6890936644cb0722bb3aa Description-sl: Computations with monomial ideals (shared library) Frobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for computational and mathematical research on monomial ideals. . The current functionality includes Euler characteristic, Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfsapfs-dev Description-md5: e76695f7d8f1a33ba8a48cda36b0e0de Description-sl: APFS access library -- development files libfsapfs is a library to access the Apple File System (APFS). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfsapfs1t64 Description-md5: b1d8ec52a173a8a14a50d3fcd4c6752b Description-sl: APFS access library libfsapfs is a library to access the Apple File System (APFS). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfsext-dev Description-md5: 8b362291d3b6815174fd2c173298de60 Description-sl: library to access the Extended File System -- development files libfsext is a library to access the Extended File System. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfsext1t64 Description-md5: d04558416d30d21597e1a58fdb33a6b4 Description-sl: library to access the Extended File System libfsext is a library to access the Extended File System. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfshfs-dev Description-md5: 17fdaf5c6565aaa27fbfcccab16ba362 Description-sl: library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System -- development files libfshfs is a library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System (HFS). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfshfs1t64 Description-md5: f728c327c229f89c39816e0aa244040f Description-sl: library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System libfshfs is a library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System (HFS). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfsntfs-dev Description-md5: 693f185ca962fd1765784ed6f11d9310 Description-sl: NTFS access library -- development files NTFS is the primary file system for Microsoft Windows versions that are based on Windows NT. libfsntfs provides a library and tools to access NTFS volumes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfsntfs1t64 Description-md5: a03d823cd13c0f81ddbc134c6112e6a5 Description-sl: NTFS access library NTFS is the primary file system for Microsoft Windows versions that are based on Windows NT. libfsntfs provides a library and tools to access NTFS volumes. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfst-dev Description-md5: 7567976b7e5e064afc6d0b854fd88d6b Description-sl: weighted finite-state transducers library (development) OpenFst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Weighted finite-state transducers are automata where each transition has an input label, an output label, and a weight. The more familiar finite-state acceptor is represented as a transducer with each transition's input and output label equal. Finite-state acceptors are used to represent sets of strings (specifically, regular or rational sets); finite-state transducers are used to represent binary relations between pairs of strings (specifically, rational transductions). The weights can be used to represent the cost of taking a particular transition. . Ta paket vsebuje od razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfst22 Description-md5: 95663026d740dd22e28f2a1692cffcec Description-sl: weighted finite-state transducers library (runtime) OpenFst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Weighted finite-state transducers are automata where each transition has an input label, an output label, and a weight. The more familiar finite-state acceptor is represented as a transducer with each transition's input and output label equal. Finite-state acceptors are used to represent sets of strings (specifically, regular or rational sets); finite-state transducers are used to represent binary relations between pairs of strings (specifically, rational transductions). The weights can be used to represent the cost of taking a particular transition. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfstrm0 Description-md5: 0b881b64d42a12542cf87b29496674e4 Description-sl: Frame Streams (fstrm) library Frame Streams is a light weight, binary clean protocol that allows for the transport of arbitrarily encoded data payload sequences with minimal framing overhead -- just four bytes per data frame. Frame Streams does not specify an encoding format for data frames and can be used with any data serialization format that produces byte sequences, such as Protocol Buffers, XML, JSON, MessagePack, YAML, etc. Frame Streams can be used as both a streaming transport over a reliable byte stream socket (TCP sockets, TLS connections, AF_UNIX sockets, etc.) for data in motion as well as a file format for data at rest. A "Content Type" header identifies the type of payload being carried over an individual Frame Stream and allows cooperating programs to determine how to interpret a given sequence of data payloads. . This is the "fstrm" implementation of Frame Streams in C. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfsxfs-dev Description-md5: d8ff0472355d37d668a7774969e7ff67 Description-sl: llibrary to access the SGI X File System -- development files libfsxfs is a library to access the SGI X File System (XFS). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfsxfs1t64 Description-md5: a48d4e6b8a3d1875ca7ac64ff4a9624e Description-sl: llibrary to access the SGI X File System libfsxfs is a library to access the SGI X File System (XFS). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libftgl-dev Description-md5: baa9360ca50029ce868fe5bf260bad7b Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libftgl FTGL binds OpenGL and FreeType together in order to offer and easy to use and flexible text rendering library. It offers several rendering modes: as polygons, outlines, bitmaps and textures. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libftgl. Package: libftp4 Description-md5: e0f92fea385afc392d3b7ec07babf2f5 Description-sl: Knijžnica klicljivih rutin ftp Ftplib presents a convenient C interface for the standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP). It makes it easier for programmers to use file transfer in their programs. Package: libfuntools-dev Description-md5: 8cc6e961a2de57b5fdbadce52575690d Description-sl: Minimal buy-in FITS library (development files) Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed at the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region filtering library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using boolean operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates, etc. Funtools also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data searching using index files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfuse-dev Description-md5: da11b1a71c864509638e23fbce6723a3 Description-sl: Filesystem in Userspace (development) Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. It also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libfuse2t64 Description-md5: 2838d8f82765d1fc4d4e07819a7b8d25 Description-sl: Filesystem in Userspace (library) Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. It also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfuzzy2 Description-md5: b240ff04827332ed170f0c2c291a339e Description-sl: recursive piecewise hashing tool (library) ssdeep is a tool for recursive computing and matching of Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing (aka Fuzzy Hashing). . Fuzzy hashing is a method for comparing similar but not identical files. This tool can be used to compare files like regular hashing does (like md5sum or sha1sum) but it will find similar files with little differences. . For example, it can be used to identify modified versions of known files even if data has been inserted, modified, or deleted in the new files. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libfuzzylite-dev Description-md5: bd42374821a6b730aaa83d0081b6ea27 Description-sl: fuzzy logic control development headers fuzzylite is a fuzzy logic control library which allows one to easily create fuzzy logic controllers in a few steps utilizing object-oriented programming. It supports five controller types (Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno, Larsen, Tsukamoto, Inverse Tsukamoto), 20 linguistic terms, five integral and two weighted defuzzifiers, six hedge types, three import types (FuzzyLite Language, Fuzzy Inference System and Fuzzy Control Language) and six export types (C++, Java, FuzzyLite Language, FuzzyLite Dataset, Fuzzy Inference System, Fuzzy Control Language). It comes bundled with more than thirty examples for Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno and Tsukamoto controllers from fuzzylite, octave and matlab, each in all supported export formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave Package: libfuzzylite6.0 Description-md5: 1a04d99fe6c9e3680ed1f4f8752f2ab4 Description-sl: fuzzy logic control shared library fuzzylite is a fuzzy logic control library which allows one to easily create fuzzy logic controllers in a few steps utilizing object-oriented programming. It supports five controller types (Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno, Larsen, Tsukamoto, Inverse Tsukamoto), 20 linguistic terms, five integral and two weighted defuzzifiers, six hedge types, three import types (FuzzyLite Language, Fuzzy Inference System and Fuzzy Control Language) and six export types (C++, Java, FuzzyLite Language, FuzzyLite Dataset, Fuzzy Inference System, Fuzzy Control Language). It comes bundled with more than thirty examples for Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno and Tsukamoto controllers from fuzzylite, octave and matlab, each in all supported export formats. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfvde-dev Description-md5: 3fdf798f81af0f4cf5df967551cd4684 Description-sl: FileVault Drive Encryption access library -- development files The FVDE format is used by Mac OS X, as of Lion, to encrypt data on a storage media volume. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfvde1t64 Description-md5: 2c2bf3b2bfd9b538cc93095c86012d12 Description-sl: FileVault Drive Encryption access library The FVDE format is used by Mac OS X, as of Lion, to encrypt data on a storage media volume. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfwnt-dev Description-md5: 23f3a1a26d2c1f938a5d99012a2442e8 Description-sl: Windows NT data type library -- development files libfwnt is a library for Windows NT data types. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfwnt1t64 Description-md5: b791047c9edd966d6d0a3c9626e8756f Description-sl: Windows NT data type library libfwnt is a library for Windows NT data types. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfwsi-dev Description-md5: 01b6f23314f6c7422f432d19d0d22247 Description-sl: Windows Shell Item format access library -- development files libfwsi is a library to access the Windows Shell Item format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libfwsi1t64 Description-md5: 96bd0b8127a8afdf2614493b558879a1 Description-sl: Windows Shell Item format access library libfwsi is a library to access the Windows Shell Item format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libfxt2t64 Description-md5: 588d577eee5bdffbe8853a530eb00e88 Description-sl: Multithreaded tracing library FxT is a library and associated tools that can be used to analyze the performance of multithreaded programs which can potentially use a hybrid thread scheduler (i.e. a user-level scheduler on top of a kernel-level one). The Marcel thread library can take full profit from this library. . FxT is based on the offline analysis of traces (sequence of events recorded at run time). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libg20 Description-md5: 5cc4d72d0df4f199b87ac5a67938bc31 Description-sl: Knjižnica grafike g2 2D g2 is an easy to use, portable and powerful 2D graphics library. It provides a comprehensive set of functions for simultaneous generation of graphical output to X11 and graphic formats PNG, JPEG and PostScript. g2 is written in ANSI C and provides Fortran and Perl interfaces. Package: libg2c-dev Description-md5: fcaacce425f1dfb95bd7c312d93f7654 Description-sl: Knjižnica NCEP GRIB2 - razvojne datoteke This is the libgrib2c library from NCEP for encoding and decoding 'GRIB2' data formats. . This package contains the static libraries and headers needed to build applications against libgrib2. Package: libg3d-dev Description-md5: c7181f2fb1e24f5ebefb53c1996eca0f Description-sl: Razvojni paket LibG3D LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It can also load associated data like textures. . This package contains everything which is needed to link against libg3d0. Package: libg3d-doc Description-md5: 553fee9c3a50e8cd1fc92f1985f19387 Description-sl: Dokumentacija API LibG3D v obliki HTML LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It can also load associated data like textures. . This package contains the API documentation of the LibG3D library in HTML format. Package: libg3d-plugin-gdkpixbuf Description-md5: c7b2dc1955fd245117a6fcff77041275 Description-sl: Vstavek za knjižnico LibG3D LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It can also load associated data like textures. . This package contains a plugin for the LibG3D library so that LibG3D can load every image that libgdk-pixbuf2 is able to work with. Package: libg3d-plugins Description-md5: c93af61a2468a62faadb02bca3bc6dfa Description-sl: Vstavki za knjižnico LibG3D LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It can also load associated data like textures. . This package contains plugins for the LibG3D library, so that files can be loaded. It can handle: * 3D Studio (.3ds, .prj) * LightWave (.lw, .lwb, .lwo) * Alias Wavefront (.obj) * Impulse TurboSilver / Imagine (.iob) * AutoCAD (.dxf) * Quake II Models (.md2) * Quake III Models (.md3) * Neutral File Format (.nff) * 3D Metafile (.3dmf, .3mf, .b3d) * Caligari TrueSpace Objects (.cob) * Quick3D Objects & Scenes (.q3o, q3s) * VRML 1.0 files (.wrl, .vrml) * AC3D objects (.ac, .acc) * LeoCAD Models (.lcd) * Racer car models (.ar, .dof) * Ultimate Stunts car models (.glb) * VDrift car models (.joe, .car) * COLLADA (.dae) * Keyhole Markup Language model container (.kmz) * ASCII Scene Exporter (.ase) * LDraw (.dat, .mpd) Package: libga-dev Description-md5: 068452fa5f56c21bf7baf4e52f87cbbd Description-sl: Knjižnica sestavnih delov genetskih algoritmov C++ GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects. The library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++ program using any representation and genetic operators. The documentation includes an extensive overview of how to implement a genetic algorithm as well as examples illustrating customizations to the GAlib classes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libga2 Description-md5: a1221d497f5633bf38eeb5bbdba37158 Description-sl: Knjižnica sestavnih delov genetskih algoritmov C++ GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects. The library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++ program using any representation and genetic operators. The documentation includes an extensive overview of how to implement a genetic algorithm as well as examples illustrating customizations to the GAlib classes. Package: libgadu-dev Description-md5: 7454e7182cbd41e16f7277a4bf5c5301 Description-sl: Gadu-Gadu protocol library - development files Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program, very popular in Poland. libgadu is a Gadu-Gadu protocol implementation library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgadu3t64 Description-md5: 7cdb0d0cd15a89035e2409916fe49705 Description-sl: Gadu-Gadu protocol library - runtime files Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program, very popular in Poland. libgadu is a Gadu-Gadu protocol implementation library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgammu-dev Description-md5: edd57e45f8c49e9140d3d02bd2f8a25b Description-sl: mobile phone management library (development files) Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. . Trenutno podprti telefoni so: . * Many Nokia models. * Alcatel BE5 (501/701), BF5 (715), BH4 (535/735). * AT capable phones (Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, IPAQ). * OBEX and IrMC capable phones (Sony-Ericsson, Motorola). * Symbian phones through gnapplet. . This package contains header files needed for compiling programs with Gammu and developer documentation. Package: libgammu-i18n Description-md5: 545e21badad930bd5c1dae878f31ce4a Description-sl: mobile phone management library (i18n files) Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. . Trenutno podprti telefoni so: . * Many Nokia models. * Alcatel BE5 (501/701), BF5 (715), BH4 (535/735). * AT capable phones (Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, IPAQ). * OBEX and IrMC capable phones (Sony-Ericsson, Motorola). * Symbian phones through gnapplet. . This package contains i18n files for Gammu shared library and binary. Package: libgammu8t64 Description-md5: 56f1325a9dd659a19ed4453a5c3f9a21 Description-sl: Knjižnica upravljanja mobilnih telefonov Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. . Trenutno podprti telefoni so: . * Many Nokia models. * Alcatel BE5 (501/701), BF5 (715), BH4 (535/735). * AT capable phones (Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, IPAQ). * OBEX and IrMC capable phones (Sony-Ericsson, Motorola). * Symbian phones through gnapplet. . This package contains Gammu shared library. Package: libganglia1-dev Description-md5: b18cddff01e970e205d5e3790581a9d2 Description-sl: cluster monitoring toolkit - development libraries Ganglia is a scalable, real-time cluster monitoring environment that collects cluster statistics in an open and well-defined XML format. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne knjižnice. Package: libganglia1t64 Description-md5: e4a2092c97990cbabcc00011617ffdfb Description-sl: cluster monitoring toolkit - shared libraries Ganglia is a scalable, real-time cluster monitoring environment that collects cluster statistics in an open and well-defined XML format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgap9 Description-md5: ad322df65796770aebe73429e6ce3763 Description-sl: GAP computer algebra system, compiler and development files GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgarmin-dev Description-md5: a2dfa22b08ab49db8d539ac49d037558 Description-sl: Garmin image format library (development files) libgarmin is a library to parse Garmin IMG files as used by the Garmin GPS devices. . Ta paket vsebuje podporne razvojne datoteke. Package: libgatbcore3 Description-md5: 5aa86c97b62a657fd9e2e513992b1d66 Description-sl: dynamic library of the Genome Analysis Toolbox The GATB-CORE project provides a set of highly efficient algorithms to analyse NGS data sets. These methods enable the analysis of data sets of any size on multi-core desktop computers, including very huge amount of reads data coming from any kind of organisms such as bacteria, plants, animals and even complex samples (e.g. metagenomes). Read more about GATB at By itself GATB-CORE is not an NGS data analysis tool. However, it can be used to create such tools. There already exist a set of ready-to-use tools relying on GATB-CORE library: see . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libgatk-bwamem-java Description-md5: e5c4a65e1abec58ee9553c6440aaf48a Description-sl: interface to call Heng Li's bwa mem aligner from Java code BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) is a software package for mapping low- divergent sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. It is written in C. . gatk-bwamem provides a Java library and a shared library to allow one to use BWA from Java code. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Java. Package: libgatk-fermilite-java Description-md5: efc778353d2890a817aaac2a358154c5 Description-sl: interface to call Heng Li's fermi-lite assembler from Java code Fml-asm (fermi-lite assembler) is a command-line tool for assembling Illumina short reads in regions from 100bp to 10 million bp in size, based on the fermi-lite library. . gatk-fermilite provides a Java library and a shared library to allow one to use fermilite from Java code. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Java. Package: libgaviotatb-dev Description-md5: d6e64dd6174817b51fcd2b8f76ae0ffa Description-sl: Gaviota chess endgame tablebase probing library Gaviota is a chess engine. Gaviota generates and uses its own Endgame Tablebases (EGTBs) with its own format. It contains "distance to mate" information, which is how many moves are needed to mate the opponent, or to be mated. The Gaviota Tablebases can be probed from your own program (engine or interface) using this library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgavl-doc Description-md5: 3784b60b452869cd888936ba1b779f5b Description-sl: low level audio and video library - documentation files Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces, samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying audio samples or video images inside an application. . In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling, alpha blending etc). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo o Gavl. Package: libgcab-1.0-0 Description-md5: 1cb7533ba55c00aa0e1d0d303ec95735 Description-sl: Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation library libgcab provides functions to manipulate cabinet (.cab) files, both for reading and writing their contents. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgcab-dev Description-md5: 265ca387ee5a29fd11f20382cf75d667 Description-sl: Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation library - development files libgcab provides functions to manipulate cabinet (.cab) files, both for reading and writing their contents. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgcab-doc Description-md5: 7751734f208a13a36cabd60af32477ea Description-sl: Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation library - documentation libgcab provides functions to manipulate cabinet (.cab) files, both for reading and writing their contents. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libgcu0v5 Description-md5: 91603e5262e54605eddeb43bcdbb4781 Description-sl: Kemijski pripomočki GNOME (knjižnica) Kemijski pripomočki GNOME zagotavljajo razrede C++ in gradnike Gtk+-2, ki so povezani s kemijo. Uporabljale ju bodo prihodnje različice programov gcrystal in chempaint. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgda-5.0-4t64 Description-md5: 43c2a89546a761618f0ea61d898a9dc3 Description-sl: Knjižnica abstrakcije podatkov osnovana na GLib libgda is a (relatively small) database abstraction/access library integrated on the GLib object model. It can be used as a metadata extractor, to get information about all database objects in a common way, and as an ODBC-like wrapper to access data in different engines through an easier API. Package: libgda-5.0-bin Description-md5: aad080fd59b162ab0d9d209c3093d4ba Description-sl: data abstraction library based on GLib -- binary files libgda is a (relatively small) database abstraction/access library integrated on the GLib object model. It can be used as a metadata extractor, to get information about all database objects in a common way, and as an ODBC-like wrapper to access data in different engines through an easier API. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke za libgda. Package: libgda-5.0-common Description-md5: df628fc356f27ff912f3c5e71d3e9cca Description-sl: data abstraction library based on GLib -- common files libgda is a (relatively small) database abstraction/access library integrated on the GLib object model. It can be used as a metadata extractor, to get information about all database objects in a common way, and as an ODBC-like wrapper to access data in different engines through an easier API. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne datoteke za libgda. Package: libgda-5.0-dev Description-md5: eb4b078ee337e39c4b5cbcc16718f40e Description-sl: Knjižnica abstrakcije podatkov osnovana na GLib -- razvojne datoteke libgda is a (relatively small) database abstraction/access library integrated on the GLib object model. It can be used as a metadata extractor, to get information about all database objects in a common way, and as an ODBC-like wrapper to access data in different engines through an easier API. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave in knjižnice, ki so potrebne za razvoj. Package: libgda-5.0-doc Description-md5: 2674df705ebc776d0c36bfa69a7bcb4e Description-sl: Knjižnica abstrakcije podatkov osnovana na GLib -- razvojne datoteke libgda is a (relatively small) database abstraction/access library integrated on the GLib object model. It can be used as a metadata extractor, to get information about all database objects in a common way, and as an ODBC-like wrapper to access data in different engines through an easier API. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentov o API libgda. Package: libgdal35 Description-md5: bd1887dd27736e16667e84bf0102d226 Description-sl: Geoprostorska knjižnica abstrakcije podatkov GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. The related OGR library (which lives within the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for simple features vector data. . GDAL supports many popular data formats, including commonly used ones (GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG and more) as well as the ones used in GIS and remote sensing software packages (ERDAS Imagine, ESRI Arc/Info, ENVI, PCI Geomatics). Also supported many remote sensing and scientific data distribution formats such as HDF, EOS FAST, NOAA L1B, NetCDF, FITS. . OGR library supports popular vector formats like ESRI Shapefile, TIGER data, S57, MapInfo File, DGN, GML and more. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgdcm-cil Description-md5: c0c56c27ca4ba3bd00e66e98602e2a29 Description-sl: Vezave CLI Grasroots DICOM Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM medical files. It is automatically wrapped to python/C#/Java (using swig). It supports RAW,JPEG (lossy/lossless),J2K,JPEG-LS, RLE and deflated. . CLI bindings to the GDCM DICOM library. It allows developers to use GDCM from C# environment. Package: libgdcm-dev Description-md5: 159d3dafd1b31a5c660508857b7fb484 Description-sl: Razvojne glave in knjižnice Grassroots DICOM Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM medical files. It is automatically wrapped to python/C#/Java (using swig). It supports RAW,JPEG (lossy/lossless),J2K,JPEG-LS, RLE and deflated. . Headers and static libraries for libgdcm. These are not needed to use GDCM, but are needed to build plugins or programs that link against libgdcm. Package: libgdcm-java Description-md5: 8c12afa3ef7c1fb4d18c6e3128f190dc Description-sl: Vezave Java Grasroots DICOM Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM medical files. It is automatically wrapped to python/C#/Java (using swig). It supports RAW,JPEG (lossy/lossless),J2K,JPEG-LS, RLE and deflated. . Java bindings to the GDCM DICOM library. It allows developers to use GDCM from Java environment. Package: libgdcm3.0t64 Description-md5: 2d1a15e9eb401db30fa3da0f8d742afa Description-sl: Izvajalne knjižnice Grasroots DICOM Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM medical files. It is automatically wrapped to python/C#/Java (using swig). It supports RAW,JPEG (lossy/lossless),J2K,JPEG-LS, RLE and deflated. It also comes with DICOM Part 3,6 & 7 of the standard as XML files. . This package contains the libraries needed to run GDCM applications. Package: libgdf-dev Description-md5: f942e84c8e179f0c3fb99283336a827c Description-sl: Knjižnica VI za GDF - razvojna knjižnica GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . This package provides the header files. Package: libgdf0t64 Description-md5: e4ca2a8c0e46d697df49bda42e5266f7 Description-sl: Knjižnica VI za GDF (splošna oblika podatkov za biosignale) GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgdl-3-5 Description-md5: 84a9c34bf316b28aef89b67ed246f770 Description-sl: Knjižnice GNOME DevTool Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgdl-3-common Description-md5: 79ecc65612e6a1c39cebd6c827a9f3f6 Description-sl: Knjižnice GNOME DevTool - skupne datoteke Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: libgdl-3-dev Description-md5: ce119d74699a3b086207952e30bab8f3 Description-sl: Knjižnice GNOME DevTool - razvojne datoteke Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgdl-3-doc Description-md5: af148a16d80e1984e45ceb3f7e35a997 Description-sl: GNOME DevTool libraries - documentation Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libgdome2-0 Description-md5: 547f42027c78f5ef55a5c37ab82d507b Description-sl: DOM level2 library for accessing XML files gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be used stand-alone. . DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a DOM interface. . libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and "MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgdome2-dev Description-md5: 469853a64cb0a0b865027d1f34f96b6d Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libgdome2 gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be used stand-alone. . DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a DOM interface. . libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and "MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation. . This package contains the header files and static libraries for developing with libgdome2-0. Package: libgdsii-dev Description-md5: f850e4a4e6ff24dcdd83a3b749e6757d Description-sl: Library for GDSII handling (development files) This is a C++ library for working with GDSII binary data files, intended primarily for use with the computational electromagnetism codes scuff-em and meep but sufficiently general-purpose to allow other uses as well. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libgearman-dev Description-md5: 02fca8c0e3465ce85c6486e7087ec973 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico Gearman Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages. . This package contains the development headers for the libgearman library. Package: libgearman-doc Description-md5: e5f20b82c1914462a576ec8f01b0fde0 Description-sl: Dokumentacija API za knjižnico Gearman Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages. . This package contains the API docs for the libgearman library. Package: libgecode-dev Description-md5: bd5ffd15fb795577fcf16728edcab518 Description-sl: Razvojno okolje splošne omejitve Gecode is a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible. . Gecode is radically open for programming: it can be easily interfaced to other systems. It supports the programming of new propagators (as implementation of constraints), branching strategies, and search engines. New variable domains can be programmed at the same level of efficiency as finite domain and integer set variables that come predefined with Gecode. Package: libgecode-doc Description-md5: 6155cb60bbfdf12757aebd58e3d927b1 Description-sl: Razvojno okolje splošne omejitve Gecode is a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible. . Gecode is radically open for programming: it can be easily interfaced to other systems. It supports the programming of new propagators (as implementation of constraints), branching strategies, and search engines. New variable domains can be programmed at the same level of efficiency as finite domain and integer set variables that come predefined with Gecode. . This package has the API documentation and examples. Package: libgecode49t64 Description-md5: bd5ffd15fb795577fcf16728edcab518 Description-sl: Razvojno okolje splošne omejitve Gecode is a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible. . Gecode is radically open for programming: it can be easily interfaced to other systems. It supports the programming of new propagators (as implementation of constraints), branching strategies, and search engines. New variable domains can be programmed at the same level of efficiency as finite domain and integer set variables that come predefined with Gecode. Package: libgedit-amtk-dev Description-md5: a3d5429f20372ff633f37dcd1ce4f156 Description-sl: Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK+ - development files Amtk is a basic GtkUIManager replacement based on GAction. It is suitable for both a traditional UI or a modern UI with a GtkHeaderBar. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libgegl-dev Description-md5: 890e309150112e034f776771436ca2a5 Description-sl: Generic Graphics Library (development files) GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework. . GEGL's original design was made to scratch GIMP's itches for a new compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have minimal dependencies and a simple well defined API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgegl-doc Description-md5: 4dc06b8a2a5349b54328c54303af18b3 Description-sl: Generic Graphics Library (documentation) GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework. . GEGL's original design was made to scratch GIMP's itches for a new compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have minimal dependencies and a simple well defined API. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libgeners1 Description-md5: d1e02e086cce868e03d0796e30b63534 Description-sl: generic serialization library for C++ (shared library) The Generic Serialization library is designed to address the problem of C++ object persistence in situations where the most typical data access pattern is "write once read many" (WORM). "Geners" is a set of tools and conventions which allows its users to develop C++ classes that can be converted to and from a storable stream of bytes in a well-organized and type-safe manner. Serialization of STL containers is supported, including the ones added in the C++11 standard. Independent versioning of each class definition is allowed. . Among others, compared to the boost serialization package, Geners archives provide random access to stored objects and can be used to create and serialize very large archive-based objects. Yet, only binary archives are implemented, and implementing non-intrusive serialization is less transparent. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgenome0 Description-md5: 7700668b1ffbdb010e1bb05a8993f142 Description-sl: toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software libGenome is a freely available toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software in C++. It is intended to take the hassle out of performing common tasks on genetic sequence and annotation data. . Among other things, libGenome can help you: . * Read and write Multi-FastA format files * Read and write GenBank flat file database entries * Append, chop, truncate, reverse, complement, translate, and otherwise mangle sequence data * Access annotation in GenBank flat files . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libgensio-dev Description-md5: 167c8984a2f89a1374c8ca415285adef Description-sl: abstract stream I/O (development files) This library (pronounced gen'-see-oh) is used to abstract stream I/O like serial port, TCP, telnet, UDP, SSL, IPMI SOL etc and offers a framework for giving a consistent view of various stream (and packet) I/O types. You create a gensio object (or a gensio), and you can use that gensio without having to know too much about what is going on underneath. You can stack gensio on top of another one to add protocol funcionality. For instance, you can create a TCP gensio, stack SSL on top of that, and stack Telnet on top of that. It supports a number of network I/O and serial ports. Gensio can be used for sending and receiving ports, and it also supports establishing encrypted and authenticated connections. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave in statične knjižnice. Package: libgensio6t64 Description-md5: 9cdbd584bba4079c70bbc69eb544548f Description-sl: abstract stream I/O (runtime files) This library (pronounced gen'-see-oh) is used to abstract stream I/O like serial port, TCP, telnet, UDP, SSL, IPMI SOL etc and offers a framework for giving a consistent view of various stream (and packet) I/O types. You create a gensio object (or a gensio), and you can use that gensio without having to know too much about what is going on underneath. You can stack gensio on top of another one to add protocol funcionality. For instance, you can create a TCP gensio, stack SSL on top of that, and stack Telnet on top of that. It supports a number of network I/O and serial ports. Gensio can be used for sending and receiving ports, and it also supports establishing encrypted and authenticated connections. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgeoip-dev Description-md5: afee88869c565d97ba7d87e66323e47c Description-sl: Development files for the GeoIP library GeoIP is a C library that enables the user to find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from. It uses a file based database. . This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as values and it should be more complete and accurate than using reverse DNS lookups. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgeoip1t64 Description-md5: cc64f48b3eca4b1690c3b7284f2bd5fd Description-sl: non-DNS IP-to-country resolver library GeoIP is a C library that enables the user to find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from. It uses a file based database. . This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as values and it should be more complete and accurate than using reverse DNS lookups. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgeomview-1.9.5t64 Description-md5: 647bfba6c433bcd6ff52152febbdbe10 Description-sl: Izvajalna knjižnica geomview Geomview is interactive geometry software which is particularly appropriate for mathematics research and education. . OOGL is the Object Oriented Graphics Library, upon which Geomview is built. This package provides the run-time OOGL library for geomview and its modules. Package: libgeomview-dev Description-md5: c427e7ebbc656c19e6432a4304c16c22 Description-sl: Razvojni paket knjižnice geomview Geomview is interactive geometry software which is particularly appropriate for mathematics research and education. . OOGL is the Object Oriented Graphics Library, upon which Geomview is built. This package provides the development package for OOGL, required to build Geomview modules. Package: libgeonames0 Description-md5: ef391a6eaac0155ed3db91f9fc03886a Description-sl: Parse and query the geonames database dump A library for parsing and querying a local copy of the database. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgeos-c1t64 Description-md5: fd72674341a9340a8684786cca2d1628 Description-sl: Geometry engine for Geographic Information Systems - C Library GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL. Functions provided include: . * spatial predicates (based on the DE-9IM model), * overlay functions (intersection, difference, union, symmetric difference), * buffer, * convex hull, * area and distance functions, and * topological validity checking . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico C. Package: libgeos-doc Description-md5: 692dee8bc3cf34b5e34d65a80c1e283c Description-sl: Documentation for the GEOS GIS geometry engine library GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za API GEOS. Package: libgeotranz3-dev Description-md5: 93c03cfe3274bdfd5ed75725a581470c Description-sl: Prevajalnik zemljepisnih koordinat (razvojne datoteke) GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Ta paket vsebuje statično knjižnico in datoteke include za povezovanje program s knjižnico geotranz. Package: libgeotranz3.7 Description-md5: 8de2fdee0e6b2d0c38d49dc4c89799c8 Description-sl: Prevajalnik zemljepisnih koordinat (izvajalna knjižnica) GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico, ki jo GEOTRANZ uporablja za vse pretvorbe. Package: libgepub-0.7-0 Description-md5: e4ad0d5c0bcdac32c520efeb51af8536 Description-sl: library to read epub files libgepub is a GObject based library for handling and rendering epub documents. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico C. Package: libges-1.0-0 Description-md5: de28b750b9b6e559b75ec37765eea314 Description-sl: Storitve urejanja GStreamer (souporabljena knjižnica) The GStreamer multimedia framework and the accompanying NLE set of plugins for non-linear editing offer all the building blocks for: * Decoding and encoding to a wide variety of formats, through all the available GStreamer plugins. * Easily choosing segments of streams and arranging them through time through the NLE set of plugins. But all those building blocks only offer stream-level access, which results in developers who want to write non-linear editors to write a consequent amount of code to get to the level of non-linear editing notions which are closer and more meaningful for the end-user (and therefore the application). . The GStreamer Editing Services (GES) aims to fill the gap between GStreamer/NLE and the application developer by offering a series of classes to simplify the creation of many kind of editing-related applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico za storitve urejanja GStreamer. Package: libges-1.0-dev Description-md5: 74b2379c8aaad1a31d6e1510697d736e Description-sl: Storitve urejanja GStreamer (razvojne datoteke) The GStreamer multimedia framework and the accompanying NLE set of plugins for non-linear editing offer all the building blocks for: * Decoding and encoding to a wide variety of formats, through all the available GStreamer plugins. * Easily choosing segments of streams and arranging them through time through the NLE set of plugins. But all those building blocks only offer stream-level access, which results in developers who want to write non-linear editors to write a consequent amount of code to get to the level of non-linear editing notions which are closer and more meaningful for the end-user (and therefore the application). . The GStreamer Editing Services (GES) aims to fill the gap between GStreamer/NLE and the application developer by offering a series of classes to simplify the creation of many kind of editing-related applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za storitve urejanja GStreamer. Package: libgetdata-perl Description-md5: d14044a5a988acdd8f22f791d17979e9 Description-sl: library to read/write dirfile data - perl bindings The GetData Project is the reference implementation of the Dirfile Standards, a filesystem-based, column-oriented database format for time- ordered binary data. The Dirfile database format is designed to provide a fast, simple format for storing and reading data. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Perl. Package: libgetdata8 Description-md5: 05f8b2517ad37a6b2adf62db8be01ea8 Description-sl: library to read/write dirfile data The GetData Project is the reference implementation of the Dirfile Standards, a filesystem-based, column-oriented database format for time- ordered binary data. The Dirfile database format is designed to provide a fast, simple format for storing and reading data. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgettext-ocaml Description-md5: f044514345729f9a29d1c28245ed733b Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica mednarodne jezikovne podpore OCaml This library provides utilities and libraries to enable localization in OCaml programs. It is based on the same principle of GNU gettext. . The package provides two libraries to do effectively translation : - gettext-camomile : pure OCaml implementation of gettext - gettext-stub : implementation using the gettext library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgettext-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 5e04596f09ea16cea8e8d5e9ee30b5ae Description-sl: Knjižnica mednarodne jezikovne podpore OCaml This library provides utilities and libraries to enable localization in OCaml programs. It is based on the same principle of GNU gettext. . The package provides two libraries to do effectively translation : - gettext-camomile : pure OCaml implementation of gettext - gettext-stub : implementation using the gettext library. . This package contains header, OCaml library and devel tools. Package: libgf2x-dev Description-md5: 56a465fc8e95e6d9d20020962831fe9d Description-sl: Routines for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x] (development files) GF2X is a C/C++ software package containing routines for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x] (multiplication, squaring, GCD) and searching for irreducible/primitive trinomials. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libgfarm-dev Description-md5: 4974ba766b79626824c82464bb876fe3 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke datotečnega sistema Gfarm The Gfarm file system is designed to turn commodity PCs into nodes of a distributed storage network, implementing the Grid Datafarm architecture for global petascale data-intensive computing. It solves performance and reliability problems in NFS and AFS by means of multiple file replicas, and not only prevents performance degradation due to access concentration, but also supports fault tolerance and disaster recovery. . This package provides the static library, header files, and man pages required for Gfarm development. Package: libgflags-doc Description-md5: 008c23f26c421c1f06551c6886549fe1 Description-sl: documentation of gflags gflags is a library that implements commandline flags processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libgflags2.2 Description-md5: 3158fcfaaa9efbf059856a9ef05116d5 Description-sl: commandline flags module for C++ (shared library) gflags is a library that implements commandline flags processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgfs-1.3-2t64 Description-md5: 9ca60e98bc8a69cdc63934618621e1f5 Description-sl: Fluid Flow Solver -- shared libraries Gerris is a system for the solution of the partial differential equations describing fluid flow. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice za libgfs. . This package has MPI support built in. Package: libgg2 Description-md5: bcfd61a702b30747804850342d720bb2 Description-sl: Computing gaussians on a grid gau2grid is a python-generated C library for vectorized computation of grid to gaussian collocation matrices. The core of gau2grid is generating the collocation matrices between a real space grid and a gaussian basis set expanded to a given angular momenta. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libghc-agda-dev Description-md5: 367dee38c949eb56c7f0325161eedb49 Description-sl: Odvisnostno vnesen funkcionalen programski jezik Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-ansi-terminal-dev Description-md5: 14b80bc3a8ccb73618c34956a96ff6cb Description-sl: Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility ANSI terminal support for Haskell: allows cursor movement, screen clearing, color output showing or hiding the cursor, and changing the title. Compatible with Windows and those Unixes with ANSI terminals, but only GHC is supported as a compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-ansi-terminal-doc Description-md5: dcefec4a575da4ac64e223c22513cb66 Description-sl: Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility; documentation ANSI terminal support for Haskell: allows cursor movement, screen clearing, color output showing or hiding the cursor, and changing the title. Compatible with Windows and those Unixes with ANSI terminals, but only GHC is supported as a compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-ansi-wl-pprint-dev Description-md5: 125341e52b6db5d39a6bbc82a3a8f422 Description-sl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output This is a pretty printing library based on Wadler's paper "A Prettier Printer". It has been enhanced with support for ANSI terminal colored output using the ansi-terminal package. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-ansi-wl-pprint-doc Description-md5: 9fc25bff5025b20081e4eb7ebd41df0e Description-sl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output; documentation This is a pretty printing library based on Wadler's paper "A Prettier Printer". It has been enhanced with support for ANSI terminal colored output using the ansi-terminal package. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-async-dev Description-md5: c1e68b8b7bb800fcb59b52a72e1b444a Description-sl: run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results This package provides a higher-level interface over threads, in which an (Async a) is a concurrent thread that will eventually deliver a value of type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for their results, and cancel them. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-async-doc Description-md5: 0e9d1b284a5d486ff7e2e3c613f54a1d Description-sl: run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results; documentation This package provides a higher-level interface over threads, in which an (Async a) is a concurrent thread that will eventually deliver a value of type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for their results, and cancel them. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-attoparsec-doc Description-md5: 5811da54b08fe2a4cc40114f27475d04 Description-sl: Hitro razčlenjevanje kombinatorja za bajtne nize, dokumentacija A fast parser combinator library, aimed particularly at dealing efficiently with network protocols and complicated text/binary file formats. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-base16-bytestring-dev Description-md5: ef6afcae02092578dc27088e267fa484 Description-sl: Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings This package provides a Haskell library for working with base16-encoded data quickly and efficiently, using the ByteString type. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-base16-bytestring-doc Description-md5: 662ea2961378918ebf3e88b7e994f020 Description-sl: Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings; documentation This package provides a Haskell library for working with base16-encoded data quickly and efficiently, using the ByteString type. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-boomerang-dev Description-md5: fce77f96f294ff2b292ea23948401f7a Description-sl: invertible parsing and printing Specify a single unified grammar which can be used for parsing and pretty- printing. . Boomerang is a DSL for creating parsers and pretty-printers using a single specification. Instead of writing a parser, and then writing a separate pretty-printer, both are created at once. This saves time, and ensures that the parser and pretty-printer are inverses and stay in-sync with each other. . Boomerang is a generalized derivative of the Zwaluw library created by Sjoerd Visscher and Martijn van Steenbergen. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-boomerang-doc Description-md5: b290ce60bc8174ecb995c56eafe221de Description-sl: invertible parsing and printing; documentation Specify a single unified grammar which can be used for parsing and pretty- printing. . Boomerang is a DSL for creating parsers and pretty-printers using a single specification. Instead of writing a parser, and then writing a separate pretty-printer, both are created at once. This saves time, and ensures that the parser and pretty-printer are inverses and stay in-sync with each other. . Boomerang is a generalized derivative of the Zwaluw library created by Sjoerd Visscher and Martijn van Steenbergen. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-cereal-dev Description-md5: 951fee96105c067ab2ce789d53f9e0ce Description-sl: Knjižnica dajanja binarnih datotek v zaporedje A binary serialization library, similar to binary, that introduces an isolate primitive for parser isolation, and replaces the asynchronous errors with a user-handleable Either type. Similar to binary in performance, but uses a strict ByteString instead of a lazy ByteString, thus restricting it to operating on finite inputs. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-cereal-doc Description-md5: 6cfccf557d9b137d0cc827023cce16bb Description-sl: Knjižnica dajana binarnih datotek v zaporedje, dokumentacija A binary serialization library, similar to binary, that introduces an isolate primitive for parser isolation, and replaces the asynchronous errors with a user-handleable Either type. Similar to binary in performance, but uses a strict ByteString instead of a lazy ByteString, thus restricting it to operating on finite inputs. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-chimera-dev Description-md5: 2530ebed0f5d99dd3d8ec8ba8105c604 Description-sl: lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing There are plenty of memoizing libraries on Hackage, but they usually fall into two categories: . * Store cache as a flat array, enabling us to obtain cached values in O(1) time, which is nice. The drawback is that one must specify the size of the array beforehand, limiting an interval of inputs, and actually allocate it at once. * Store cache as a lazy binary tree. Thanks to laziness, one can freely use the full range of inputs. The drawback is that obtaining values from a tree takes logarithmic time and is unfriendly to CPU cache, which kinda defeats the purpose. . This package intends to tackle both issues, providing a data type 'Chimera' for lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing. . Dodatne zmožnosti vključujejo: . * memoization of recursive functions and recurrent sequences, * memoization of functions of several, possibly signed arguments, * efficient memoization of boolean predicates. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-chimera-doc Description-md5: 2610a5b776355395d6eb87691f4e8f61 Description-sl: lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing; documentation There are plenty of memoizing libraries on Hackage, but they usually fall into two categories: . * Store cache as a flat array, enabling us to obtain cached values in O(1) time, which is nice. The drawback is that one must specify the size of the array beforehand, limiting an interval of inputs, and actually allocate it at once. * Store cache as a lazy binary tree. Thanks to laziness, one can freely use the full range of inputs. The drawback is that obtaining values from a tree takes logarithmic time and is unfriendly to CPU cache, which kinda defeats the purpose. . This package intends to tackle both issues, providing a data type 'Chimera' for lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing. . Dodatne zmožnosti vključujejo: . * memoization of recursive functions and recurrent sequences, * memoization of functions of several, possibly signed arguments, * efficient memoization of boolean predicates. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-chimera-prof Description-md5: 492a8a7018613b7a19b6ddf36f66b823 Description-sl: lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing; profiling libraries There are plenty of memoizing libraries on Hackage, but they usually fall into two categories: . * Store cache as a flat array, enabling us to obtain cached values in O(1) time, which is nice. The drawback is that one must specify the size of the array beforehand, limiting an interval of inputs, and actually allocate it at once. * Store cache as a lazy binary tree. Thanks to laziness, one can freely use the full range of inputs. The drawback is that obtaining values from a tree takes logarithmic time and is unfriendly to CPU cache, which kinda defeats the purpose. . This package intends to tackle both issues, providing a data type 'Chimera' for lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing. . Dodatne zmožnosti vključujejo: . * memoization of recursive functions and recurrent sequences, * memoization of functions of several, possibly signed arguments, * efficient memoization of boolean predicates. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-clientsession-dev Description-md5: 385dbb05349c01fbfcbebcf1906dc93f Description-sl: Knjižnica za podatke spletne seje v pištkotkih Achieves security through AES encryption and MD5 hashing. Uses base64 encoding to avoid any issues with characters. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-clientsession-doc Description-md5: 1d6be331a14a03d89b35234b9cc7eb7b Description-sl: Knjižnica za podatke spletne seje v piškotkih, dokumentacija Achieves security through AES encryption and MD5 hashing. Uses base64 encoding to avoid any issues with characters. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-clientsession-prof Description-md5: c71cced3828fde624607d63f93b080ca Description-sl: Knjižnica za podatke spletne seje v piškotkih, knjižnice profiliranja Achieves security through AES encryption and MD5 hashing. Uses base64 encoding to avoid any issues with characters. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-cond-dev Description-md5: 26f6dae8f5505933d7c154a75eb67b84 Description-sl: conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants Ta knjižnica vsebuje: . * Implementations of various overloaded conditional operations . * Lifted monadic variants of those operations and common boolean operators . * A typeclass for boolean algebras. . Feel free to send ideas and suggestions for new conditional operators to the maintainer. . Monadic looping constructs are not included as part of this package, since the monad-loops package has a fairly complete collection of them already. . Author: Adam Curtis Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-cond-doc Description-md5: 88302c2133af1e33adbd9905d072c776 Description-sl: conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants (docs) Ta knjižnica vsebuje: . * Implementations of various overloaded conditional operations . * Lifted monadic variants of those operations and common boolean operators . * A typeclass for boolean algebras. . Feel free to send ideas and suggestions for new conditional operators to the maintainer. . Monadic looping constructs are not included as part of this package, since the monad-loops package has a fairly complete collection of them already. . Author: Adam Curtis Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-cond-prof Description-md5: d75a8707cd1ca29ea77b569c033ee76f Description-sl: conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants (prof) Ta knjižnica vsebuje: . * Implementations of various overloaded conditional operations . * Lifted monadic variants of those operations and common boolean operators . * A typeclass for boolean algebras. . Feel free to send ideas and suggestions for new conditional operators to the maintainer. . Monadic looping constructs are not included as part of this package, since the monad-loops package has a fairly complete collection of them already. . Author: Adam Curtis Upstream-Maintainer: . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-configurator-dev Description-md5: fa695ff157bdbcfc012ed6518f937491 Description-sl: dynamic config file reloading A configuration management library for programs and daemons. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. . * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). . * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. . * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-configurator-doc Description-md5: 231eaefc0da74eac6c4fd32eb30f5cc1 Description-sl: dynamic config file reloading; documentation A configuration management library for programs and daemons. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. . * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). . * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. . * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-configurator-prof Description-md5: 41006f856601fca1ec29ef3d2460b143 Description-sl: dynamic config file reloading; profiling libraries A configuration management library for programs and daemons. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. . * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). . * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. . * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications. . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-cpphs-dev Description-md5: 3b2cb0925b5a3b3ea6a82e200f82ec5f Description-sl: Knjižnica cpphs za haskell This package provides some of the features of cpphs as a haskell library. Package: libghc-cpphs-doc Description-md5: f1a1679bead876a907e8a06ff6761d65 Description-sl: Knjižnica cpphs za haskell, dokumentacija This package provides some of the features of cpphs as a haskell library. . This package contains the API documentation for this library Package: libghc-csv-dev Description-md5: 1d4cfff3210b5f45b6cd668721fa00c2 Description-sl: Nalagalnik in izpisovalnik CSV This library parses and dumps documents that are formatted according to RFC 4180, "The common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files". This format is used, among many other things, as a lingua franca for spreadsheets, and for certain web services. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-csv-doc Description-md5: 238b66d9f641d778a2b1e684529f61e0 Description-sl: Nalagalnik in izpisovalnik CSV, dokumentacija This library parses and dumps documents that are formatted according to RFC 4180, "The common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files". This format is used, among many other things, as a lingua franca for spreadsheets, and for certain web services. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-csv-prof Description-md5: 689937b05902f9da066f52b59a4615ad Description-sl: Nalagalnik in izpisovalnik CSV, knjižnice profiliranja This library parses and dumps documents that are formatted according to RFC 4180, "The common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files". This format is used, among many other things, as a lingua franca for spreadsheets, and for certain web services. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-data-default-doc Description-md5: 1bb51ca708185a4e5af0c210fb0ea14d Description-sl: Razred za vrste s privzeto vrednostjo, dokumentacija It provides a class for types with a default value. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-dlist-dev Description-md5: 57727e1636db99bbc18b0ea7346acfac Description-sl: Knjižnica Haskell sezname razlik Differences lists: a list-like type supporting O(1) append. This is particularly useful for efficient logging and pretty printing, (e.g. with the Writer monad), where list append quickly becomes too expensive. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-dlist-doc Description-md5: a0bc758f06d34780b3b600f99ba3c489 Description-sl: Knjižnica Haskell za seznam razlik, dokumentacija Differences lists: a list-like type supporting O(1) append. This is particularly useful for efficient logging and pretty printing, (e.g. with the Writer monad), where list append quickly becomes too expensive. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-doctest-dev Description-md5: 23ea99d7443559a14a7c1e4e32ff45b4 Description-sl: test interactive Haskell examples The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled after doctest for Python (<>). . Documentation is at <>. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-doctest-doc Description-md5: 62008ffe44c09269d7578ae29990343f Description-sl: test interactive Haskell examples; documentation The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled after doctest for Python (<>). . Documentation is at <>. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-exception-transformers-dev Description-md5: 6a219fd0c223446c74f5668ef5ab322a Description-sl: type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions This package provides type classes, a monad and a monad transformer that support unchecked extensible exceptions as well as asynchronous exceptions. It is compatible with the transformers package. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-exception-transformers-doc Description-md5: 0929f2f56a5bee494ec41ecb307d23b8 Description-sl: type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions; documentation This package provides type classes, a monad and a monad transformer that support unchecked extensible exceptions as well as asynchronous exceptions. It is compatible with the transformers package. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-file-embed-dev Description-md5: f3c417b761463224dac54efed91ebfc2 Description-sl: Knjižnica neposrednega vstavljanja datotek It lets you use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-file-embed-doc Description-md5: 26108e5dce6e5ad995a7a22c4d720637 Description-sl: Knjižnica neposrednega vstavljanja datotek - dokumentacija It lets you use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-file-location-dev Description-md5: 6844bf991d4efedff721b10cc3f3931c Description-sl: common functions that show file location information Common debugging/error/exception functions that give file location information in the style of . main:Main main.hs:16:1 OH NO! . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-file-location-doc Description-md5: 80f286011e8424510fda19207c23c861 Description-sl: common functions that show file location information; documentation Common debugging/error/exception functions that give file location information in the style of . main:Main main.hs:16:1 OH NO! . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-filemanip-dev Description-md5: e291b3e965bc767f0ca36956ddeb63ce Description-sl: expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell FileManip is a Haskell library for working with files and directories. Includes code for pattern matching, finding files, modifying file contents, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-filemanip-doc Description-md5: 620114064bf64c0471d4ef2a0b51dee8 Description-sl: expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell; documentation FileManip is a Haskell library for working with files and directories. Includes code for pattern matching, finding files, modifying file contents, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje hiperpovezano dokumentacijo html. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-filemanip-prof Description-md5: fdb1d06fa23a05e3b0e74207bf4b5f36 Description-sl: expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell; profiling libraries FileManip is a Haskell library for working with files and directories. Includes code for pattern matching, finding files, modifying file contents, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice profiliranja. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-fingertree-dev Description-md5: 832138454ef8a76e95eb28e22f1b7142 Description-sl: Generic finger-tree data structure implementation in Haskell This Haskell library provides a general sequence representation with arbitrary annotations, for use as a base for implementations of various collection types. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-fingertree-doc Description-md5: 41a9b41d7097f38e979bf5f35bd2dece Description-sl: Generic finger-tree data structure implementation in Haskell; documentation This Haskell library provides a general sequence representation with arbitrary annotations, for use as a base for implementations of various collection types. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-gio-doc Description-md5: 3c6b5df49d673c314a84ade399c220e7 Description-sl: Vezava do GIO, dokumentacija GIO is striving to provide a modern, easy-to-use VFS API that sits at the right level in the library stack. The goal is to overcome the shortcomings of GnomeVFS and provide an API that is so good that developers prefer it over raw POSIX calls. Among other things that means using GObject. It also means not cloning the POSIX API, but providing higher-level, document- centric interfaces. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-gsasl-dev Description-md5: fb10dedfe6d17588a5a7e3ecad395729 Description-sl: bindings for GNU SASL These are Haskell bindings to the GNU SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) library. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-gsasl-doc Description-md5: 4eb26f4ac92b188d043c86a7dc8e65c3 Description-sl: bindings for GNU SASL; documentation These are Haskell bindings to the GNU SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) library. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-haxml-doc Description-md5: f382e4f40e89f09dcb7817e0354c250c Description-sl: Dokumentacija za HaXml HaXml is a collection of utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming, and generating XML documents using Haskell. Its basic facilities include: - a parser for XML, - a separate error-correcting parser for HTML, - an XML validator, - pretty-printers for XML and HTML. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HaXml. Package: libghc-haxml-prof Description-md5: 10b90999646bc7e55c9c3b74f03c9ea4 Description-sl: Profiling libraries for the haskell haxml library HaXml is a collection of utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming, and generating XML documents using Haskell. Its basic facilities include: - a parser for XML, - a separate error-correcting parser for HTML, - an XML validator, - pretty-printers for XML and HTML. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice profiliranja, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-haxr-dev Description-md5: eff1c321621b8e127ef4b36e5e3efa12 Description-sl: XML-RPC client and server library for Haskell HaXR is a library for writing XML-RPC client and server applications in Haskell. . HaXR consists of two packages: haxr and haxr-th. The latter package contains the Template Haskell code used for automatically deriving XML-RPC struct representations for Haskell records. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-haxr-doc Description-md5: f58d88d76762b3519e4631ab7c6925dc Description-sl: XML-RPC client and server library for Haskell; documentation HaXR is a library for writing XML-RPC client and server applications in Haskell. . HaXR consists of two packages: haxr and haxr-th. The latter package contains the Template Haskell code used for automatically deriving XML-RPC struct representations for Haskell records. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnic. Package: libghc-haxr-prof Description-md5: 2648558e936ed9f4b8f09a7ecc220924 Description-sl: XML-RPC client and server library for Haskell; profiling library HaXR is a library for writing XML-RPC client and server applications in Haskell. . HaXR consists of two packages: haxr and haxr-th. The latter package contains the Template Haskell code used for automatically deriving XML-RPC struct representations for Haskell records. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice profiliranja, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-hcwiid-dev Description-md5: 3fdd9fd05f7531a7c9a9b704224bcefc Description-sl: Library to interface with the wiimote HCWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-hcwiid-doc Description-md5: 94fcf1c514c13de27ca6fe8b452e1002 Description-sl: Library to interface with the wiimote; documentation HCWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-hdbc-doc Description-md5: 689aec2e08bd6fa38caa47d439d82fd1 Description-sl: Dokumentacija povezljivosti podatkovne zbirke Haskell HDBC provides an abstraction layer between Haskell programs and SQL relational databases. This lets you write database code once, in Haskell, and have it work with any number of backend SQL databases (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, ODBC-compliant databases, etc.) . HDBC is modeled loosely on Perl's DBI interface, though it has also been influenced by Python's DB-API v2, JDBC in Java, and HSQL in Haskell. Package: libghc-hlint-dev Description-md5: 2c3d2c94da978b4b5019a8e043268923 Description-sl: Predlogi izvorne kode Haskell HLint gives suggestions on how to improve your source code. It can either print them directly, or generate a colored HTML output. . This is the HLint library, used by programs that want to incorporate HLint's functionality. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hoogle-dev Description-md5: 81825b0a2d5068305405fbbb3c91178e Description-sl: Haskell API Search Hoogle is a Haskell API search engine, which allows you to search many standard Haskell libraries by either function name, or by approximate type signature. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-hoogle-doc Description-md5: 9e298ed27b426ea19e3ea3c8159f3057 Description-sl: Haskell API Search; documentation Hoogle is a Haskell API search engine, which allows you to search many standard Haskell libraries by either function name, or by approximate type signature. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-hopenpgp-dev Description-md5: bf86b4c9d4c073deb9a25ae5aaaa4f46 Description-sl: implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880) This is a native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880), including message format serialization and some cryptographic operations. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-hopenpgp-doc Description-md5: 486450539a8fba0bf0be4ef9181bf683 Description-sl: implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880); documentation This is a native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880), including message format serialization and some cryptographic operations. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-hostname-dev Description-md5: ee7842f5930aec26d35c983c7cbbce74 Description-sl: providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-hostname-doc Description-md5: 3952389da3dbb24c23c20b675ab8e1fc Description-sl: providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname; documentation A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-hslogger-dev Description-md5: fa19fb25f9683f12c6a9db352a2c8170 Description-sl: logging framework for Haskell hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hslogger-doc Description-md5: beafd32d9fc43ea884dca45c093a7139 Description-sl: logging framework for Haskell; documentation hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hslogger-prof Description-md5: f8c20f95975ebfb77dfb635d1b09f690 Description-sl: logging framework for Haskell; profiling libraries hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hspec-expectations-dev Description-md5: 97aa7ee7383c25bcdb790a00fa5fce11 Description-sl: catchy combinators for HUnit Catchy combinators for HUnit: the three main primitives are shouldBe, shouldSatisfy and shouldThrow. They can be used with HUnit, or any framework that integrates with HUnit, like test-framework or Hspec. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-hspec-expectations-doc Description-md5: 3b121ca5ae8532f9df6bd8746136d673 Description-sl: catchy combinators for HUnit; documentation Catchy combinators for HUnit: the three main primitives are shouldBe, shouldSatisfy and shouldThrow. They can be used with HUnit, or any framework that integrates with HUnit, like test-framework or Hspec. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-hsyaml-dev Description-md5: e7e2569b2e66a5b36778b50e9dc7cb6c Description-sl: pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor - libraries HsYAML is a YAML 1.2 processor implementation for Haskell. . Features of @HsYAML@ include: . * Pure Haskell implementation with small dependency footprint and emphasis on strict compliance with the YAML 1.2 specification. * Direct decoding to native Haskell types via (aeson-inspired) typeclass-based API. * Support for constructing custom YAML node graph representation (including support for cyclic YAML data structures). * Support for the standard (untyped) Failsafe, (strict) JSON, and (flexible) Core "schemas" providing implicit typing rules as defined in the YAML 1.2 specification (including support for user-defined custom schemas). * Event-based API resembling LibYAML's Event-based API. * Low-level API access to lexical token-based scanner. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-hsyslog-dev Description-md5: 18fca06b9ef31f8a19e6991833a10d67 Description-sl: syslog bindings for Haskell FFI bindings to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-hsyslog-doc Description-md5: be12927716965f6abed409c543a45f70 Description-sl: syslog bindings for Haskell; documentation FFI bindings to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-html-conduit-dev Description-md5: 9fc0509c07f3f0a1c39e08a4aa45cc96 Description-sl: parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes html-conduit uses tagstream-conduit for its parser. It automatically balances mismatched tags, so that there shouldn't be any parse failures. It does not handle a full HTML document rendering, such as adding missing html and head tags. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-html-conduit-doc Description-md5: 917a85668bfdffb77b791d3e6ddcbe58 Description-sl: parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes; documentation html-conduit uses tagstream-conduit for its parser. It automatically balances mismatched tags, so that there shouldn't be any parse failures. It does not handle a full HTML document rendering, such as adding missing html and head tags. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-hxt-curl-dev Description-md5: 5ae655c0454d4ad03c1ac3e6e25136e0 Description-sl: Vmesnik LibCurl za HXT This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Vmesnik LibCurl za HXT . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-curl-doc Description-md5: 370e14de4526572ce3f705f39b7b863f Description-sl: LibCurl interface for HXT; documentation This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Vmesnik LibCurl za HXT . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-curl-prof Description-md5: d1a3687968bd8a014f4f7ba3992a5b56 Description-sl: LibCurl interface for HXT; profiling libraries This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Vmesnik LibCurl za HXT . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-relaxng-dev Description-md5: 232555092f5d63b6c86e7d066295556b Description-sl: Program za potrditev veljavnosti RelaxNG HXT This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Program za preverjanje veljavnosti HXT RelaxNG . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-relaxng-doc Description-md5: 0d5f10c942516f74053f91233553cfb6 Description-sl: Program za potrditev veljavnosti RelaxNG HXT, dokumentacija This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Program za preverjanje veljavnosti HXT RelaxNG . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-relaxng-prof Description-md5: 684b0ee03c255ee76f9ce551eeb6b4e1 Description-sl: HXT RelaxNG validator; profiling libraries This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Program za preverjanje veljavnosti HXT RelaxNG . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-tagsoup-dev Description-md5: 36cad93b8a8a8ca77b363170b543a37a Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik TagSoup za HXT This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . The Tagsoup interface for the HXT lazy HTML parser. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-intern-dev Description-md5: 0063e046762cc4059b60876a3160438e Description-sl: hash consing for data types - libraries Efficient hash-consing for arbitrary Haskell data types. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-io-storage-doc Description-md5: 44c729c0679c9da7137f6bcc4bb4a553 Description-sl: Shramba vrednosti ključev v VI monad, dokumentacija This library allows an application to extend the 'global state' hidden inside the IO monad with semi-arbitrary data. Data is required to be Typeable. The library provides an essentially unbounded number of key- value stores indexed by strings, with each key within the stores also being a string. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-io-storage-prof Description-md5: 2faa2e881c90d98f01e1e415452883b6 Description-sl: Shramba vrednosti ključev v VI monad, knjižnice profiliranja This library allows an application to extend the 'global state' hidden inside the IO monad with semi-arbitrary data. Data is required to be Typeable. The library provides an essentially unbounded number of key- value stores indexed by strings, with each key within the stores also being a string. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-irc-dev Description-md5: 507f3658eb04566813683f0d8cae77ba Description-sl: Haskell IRC library A set of combinators and types for parsing IRC (Internet Relay Chat) messages. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-irc-doc Description-md5: c8c6daf5e9613dcc014e9b2b6e6b4215 Description-sl: Haskell IRC library; documentation A set of combinators and types for parsing IRC (Internet Relay Chat) messages. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: libghc-ldap-dev Description-md5: a32ebfd07e7e6ce64fb5c3b0bc09141f Description-sl: Vmesnik LDAP za Haskell This package provides an interface to the C LDAP API for Haskell programmers. With it, you can search, modify, and interrogate LDAP directories. The Haskell binding features automatic memory management and proper handling for binary data, and handles all marshalling into and out of C data structures for you automatically. . Ta paket je izgrajen za GHC. Package: libghc-ldap-doc Description-md5: cb64d335b2985a7dfa3311b6093a9550 Description-sl: Vmesnik LDAP za Haskell This package provides an interface to the C LDAP API for Haskell programmers. With it, you can search, modify, and interrogate LDAP directories. The Haskell binding features automatic memory management and proper handling for binary data, and handles all marshalling into and out of C data structures for you automatically. . This package provides documentation for the Haskell LDAP bindings. Package: libghc-lens-dev Description-md5: 15efdd015f680edd5b6176856ab26ed5 Description-sl: Lenses, Folds and Traversals This package comes "Batteries Included" with many useful lenses for the types commonly used from the Haskell Platform, and with tools for automatically generating lenses and isomorphisms for user-supplied data types. . The combinators in Control.Lens provide a highly generic toolbox for composing families of getters, folds, isomorphisms, traversals, setters and lenses and their indexed variants. . More information on the care and feeding of lenses, including a tutorial and motivation for their types can be found on the lens wiki ( . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-lens-doc Description-md5: 1455763aab6989c2cddb73d6e49321a2 Description-sl: Lenses, Folds and Traversals; documentation This package comes "Batteries Included" with many useful lenses for the types commonly used from the Haskell Platform, and with tools for automatically generating lenses and isomorphisms for user-supplied data types. . The combinators in Control.Lens provide a highly generic toolbox for composing families of getters, folds, isomorphisms, traversals, setters and lenses and their indexed variants. . More information on the care and feeding of lenses, including a tutorial and motivation for their types can be found on the lens wiki ( . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-libxml-sax-dev Description-md5: b92ad655d7e960973ffbcce49cd2d776 Description-sl: bindings for libXML2 SAX These are Haskell bindings to the libXML2 SAX library. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-libxml-sax-doc Description-md5: 9fe278d7d2465204584912b4cf628b6d Description-sl: bindings for libXML2 SAX; documentation These are Haskell bindings to the libXML2 SAX library. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-missingh-doc Description-md5: 8bb5d0271797f25caa2cb25c846e06bd Description-sl: Dokumentacija za pripomoček knjižnice Haskell MissingH is a library of all sorts of utility functions for Haskell programmers. It is written in pure Haskell and thus should be extremely portable and easy to use. It also has no prerequisites save those that are commonly included with Haskell compilers. . MissingH is based on MissingLib library for OCaml and contains some of the same features. However, some features are left behind because they are already in Haskell or not needed here -- and others are added due to things Haskell is missing, or things that Haskell makes possible. . This package provides the API documentation for MissingH. Package: libghc-monad-logger-dev Description-md5: 9099ac979ec4a75b5f40cf181dbbc242 Description-sl: a class of monads which can log messages This package uses Template Haskell for determining source code locations of messages. . Author: Michael Snoyman Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-monad-logger-doc Description-md5: 65cde09734f45cf940ef459d3dc07467 Description-sl: a class of monads which can log messages; documentation This package uses Template Haskell for determining source code locations of messages. . Author: Michael Snoyman Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-monads-tf-dev Description-md5: 9a5c8a7c5516ef842f86a87862b2fae8 Description-sl: monad classes, using type families Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad transformers, inspired by the paper /Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism/, by Mark P Jones, in Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995 ( . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-monads-tf-doc Description-md5: 3863590230bf6adafa6213604389ccef Description-sl: monad classes, using type families; documentation Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad transformers, inspired by the paper /Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism/, by Mark P Jones, in Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995 ( . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-mtlparse-dev Description-md5: 05bca12b666bc1d2055e84e2c126b226 Description-sl: Parser combinators for monad transformation Ta paket olajša izvedbo look-ahead in look-behind. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-mtlparse-doc Description-md5: a6e7c91940063bbe2a38f2a95855e60e Description-sl: Kombinatorji razčlenjevalnika za preoblikovanje monad, dokumentacija Ta paket olajša izvedbo look-ahead in look-behind. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-mtlparse-prof Description-md5: 9b1322829ea5be6b26f41da7cc74efbc Description-sl: Parser combinators for monad transformation; profiling libraries Ta paket olajša izvedbo look-ahead in look-behind. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-murmur-hash-dev Description-md5: c23353b89ba63531c811eac3b00f3bd9 Description-sl: MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell. Implements MurmurHash2, a good, fast, general-purpose, non-cryptographic hashing function. See <> for details. . This implementation is pure Haskell, so it might be a bit slower than a C FFI binding. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-murmur-hash-doc Description-md5: 09f4f2299b58cd58e04d4c22a3ff56d5 Description-sl: MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell.; documentation Implements MurmurHash2, a good, fast, general-purpose, non-cryptographic hashing function. See <> for details. . This implementation is pure Haskell, so it might be a bit slower than a C FFI binding. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-old-time-dev Description-md5: fb7b6b65538994a0fc56665d79b7603f Description-sl: Knjižnica časa This package provides the old time library. . For new projects, the newer "time" library is recommended. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-persistent-postgresql-dev Description-md5: 392bee4fe6010029a3c378040455372f Description-sl: backend for the persistent library using PostgreSQL Based on the postgresql-simple package . Author: Felipe Lessa, Michael Snoyman <> Upstream-Maintainer: Michael Snoyman <> . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-persistent-postgresql-doc Description-md5: bb41f17657d4cf616c4facc176d4aba9 Description-sl: backend for the persistent library using PostgreSQL; documentation Based on the postgresql-simple package . Author: Felipe Lessa, Michael Snoyman <> Upstream-Maintainer: Michael Snoyman <> . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-pointedlist-dev Description-md5: 6d43870b3fc88971fcf660016d76c299 Description-sl: zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position This Haskell library provides PointedList, which tracks the position in a non-empty list which works similarly to a zipper. A current item is always required, and therefore the list may never be empty. A circular PointedList wraps around to the other end when progressing past the actual edge. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-pointedlist-doc Description-md5: 493921d3fa29ced5e988e32780e7bfc3 Description-sl: zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position.; documentation This Haskell library provides PointedList, which tracks the position in a non-empty list which works similarly to a zipper. A current item is always required, and therefore the list may never be empty. A circular PointedList wraps around to the other end when progressing past the actual edge. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-postgresql-libpq-dev Description-md5: c0a2240ed386eaf8c2b837608ca5ffdd Description-sl: low-level binding to libpq This is a binding to libpq: the C application programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. libpq is a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of these queries. . Author: Grant Monroe, Leon P Smith, Joey Adams Upstream-Maintainer: Leon P Smith <> . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-postgresql-libpq-doc Description-md5: 4a23442378759fcfaee27adee48590cd Description-sl: low-level binding to libpq; documentation This is a binding to libpq: the C application programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. libpq is a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of these queries. . Author: Grant Monroe, Leon P Smith, Joey Adams Upstream-Maintainer: Leon P Smith <> . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-postgresql-simple-dev Description-md5: 4d23c0438767a3d66a2d2f28b264dfad Description-sl: mid-level PostgreSQL client library Mid-level client library for the PostgreSQL database, aimed at ease of use and high performance. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-postgresql-simple-doc Description-md5: 69b2c18517db3ee6140efd16c9af6499 Description-sl: mid-level PostgreSQL client library; documentation Mid-level client library for the PostgreSQL database, aimed at ease of use and high performance. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-primitive-dev Description-md5: ac45cfb04b3f1a94a6d91e88b0ac5168 Description-sl: Ovijalniki za primitivna opravila This package contains Haskell bindings for the functions and data structures defined in the primitive C library. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-psqueue-dev Description-md5: c1c5e2364f2e7887e6e9c659e36fa6b4 Description-sl: Priority Search Queue A /priority search queue/ efficiently supports the opperations of both a search tree and a priority queue. A 'Binding' is a product of a key and a priority. Bindings can be inserted, deleted, modified and queried in logarithmic time, and the binding with the least priority can be retrieved in constant time. A queue can be built from a list of bindings, sorted by keys, in linear time. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-psqueue-doc Description-md5: a8f5b1c07c0222236f02a1b0a396ed78 Description-sl: Priority Search Queue; documentation A /priority search queue/ efficiently supports the opperations of both a search tree and a priority queue. A 'Binding' is a product of a key and a priority. Bindings can be inserted, deleted, modified and queried in logarithmic time, and the binding with the least priority can be retrieved in constant time. A queue can be built from a list of bindings, sorted by keys, in linear time. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-quickcheck-instances-dev Description-md5: 88d38fed06319fdb0359bddfadedf883 Description-sl: common QuickCheck instances QuickCheck instances. . The goal is to supply QuickCheck instances for types provided by the Haskell Platform. . For information on writing a test-suite with Cabal see <> . Author: Antoine Latter Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-quickcheck-instances-doc Description-md5: 6f865145b3d371791351404939a19181 Description-sl: common QuickCheck instances; documentation QuickCheck instances. . The goal is to supply QuickCheck instances for types provided by the Haskell Platform. . For information on writing a test-suite with Cabal see <> . Author: Antoine Latter Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-regex-compat-doc Description-md5: 62e5f98515140fc0f0d654d9265a9a71 Description-sl: API documentation for regex-compat Haskell library A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the interface API of regex-base. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API knjižnice. Package: libghc-regex-compat-prof Description-md5: 1f6b1e0aff9ecbe73609d15ff4bb2edd Description-sl: GHC profiling library providing old Text.Regex interface A library providing the old Text.Regex interface to the POSIX regular expression backend. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne knjižnice profiliranja, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti z ghc-prof. Package: libghc-regex-pcre-doc Description-md5: ce982f6d4f5f2c4f966e3af33e5b901d Description-sl: Perl-compatible regular expressions; documentation A library containing the PCRE backend to accompany regex-base. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API knjižnice. Package: libghc-regex-pcre-prof Description-md5: eb45533c3c3606d5fd1bb5b0f4395f28 Description-sl: Perl-compatible regular expressions; profiling libraries A library containing the PCRE backend to accompany regex-base. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne knjižnice profiliranja, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti z ghc-prof. Package: libghc-regex-posix-doc Description-md5: 8ff2a00846e5fb1a189e982a6990e407 Description-sl: API documentation for regex-posix Haskell library A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the interface API of regex-base. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API knjižnice. Package: libghc-regex-posix-prof Description-md5: 0f8de89c6bc850a39777180b64546dc2 Description-sl: GHC profiling library of the POSIX regex backend for regex-base A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the interface API of regex-base. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne knjižnice profiliranja, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti z ghc-prof. Package: libghc-regexpr-dev Description-md5: 29d8ff52e3869050a58f6d9862193909 Description-sl: Knjižnica logičnih izrazov kot je Perl/Ruby Ta paket vsebuje zmožnosti Haskell za logične izraze. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-regexpr-doc Description-md5: 25abea63465fa8c65d433f1e48c76dd6 Description-sl: Knjižnica logičnih izrazov ko je Perl/Ruby, dokumentacija Ta paket vsebuje zmožnosti Haskell za logične izraze. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-regexpr-prof Description-md5: 4f271e28f61fb25098d33fa297fd86c5 Description-sl: Knjižnice logičnih izrazov kot je Perl/Ruby, knjižnice profiliranja Ta paket vsebuje zmožnosti Haskell za logične izraze. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-semigroups-doc Description-md5: aed13b065864606cba468db71eb31c62 Description-sl: Polskupine Haskell98, dokumentacija It contains a Haskell 98 logically-uninhabited data type used to indicate that a given term should not exist. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-shake-data Description-md5: 202f487238f812e0e9fdb5bfd6e4884b Description-sl: Haskell library for writing build systems; data files Shake is a Haskell library for writing build systems - designed as a replacement for make. . To use Shake the user writes a Haskell program that imports Development.Shake, defines some build rules, and calls the Development.Shake.shakeArgs function. Thanks to do notation and infix operators, a simple Shake build system is not too dissimilar from a simple Makefile. However, as build systems get more complex, Shake is able to take advantage of the excellent abstraction facilities offered by Haskell and easily support much larger projects. The Shake library provides all the standard features available in other build systems, including automatic parallelism and minimal rebuilds. Shake also provides more accurate dependency tracking, including seamless support for generated files, and dependencies on system information (e.g. compiler version). . Ta paket vsebuje podatkoven datoteke, ki so zahtevane za uporabo knjižnice. Package: libghc-snap-core-dev Description-md5: cf247452e8f65870e5779cf18e879ecf Description-sl: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core) Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . This library contains the core definitions and types for the Snap framework, including: . 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc) . 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O . 3. A monad for programming web handlers called \"Snap\", inspired by happstack's (<>), which allows: . o Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects . o Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together . o Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-snap-core-doc Description-md5: edde063ac241baf5ab01ae4884ad27b8 Description-sl: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core); documentation Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . This library contains the core definitions and types for the Snap framework, including: . 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc) . 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O . 3. A monad for programming web handlers called \"Snap\", inspired by happstack's (<>), which allows: . o Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects . o Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together . o Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-snap-server-dev Description-md5: e5ff3243eaaabdcab9dec2d2483b0ae4 Description-sl: iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based web server library written in Haskell. Together with the @snap-core@ library upon which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming interface to the HTTP protocol. . Higher-level facilities for building web applications (like user/session management, component interfaces, data modeling, etc.) are planned but not yet implemented, so this release will mostly be of interest for those who: . o need a fast and minimal HTTP API at roughly the same level of abstraction as Java servlets, or . o are interested in contributing to the Snap Framework project. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-snap-server-doc Description-md5: ababe7f626240c3f35d4441f9a9db32d Description-sl: iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework; documentation Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based web server library written in Haskell. Together with the @snap-core@ library upon which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming interface to the HTTP protocol. . Higher-level facilities for building web applications (like user/session management, component interfaces, data modeling, etc.) are planned but not yet implemented, so this release will mostly be of interest for those who: . o need a fast and minimal HTTP API at roughly the same level of abstraction as Java servlets, or . o are interested in contributing to the Snap Framework project. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-src-exts-dev Description-md5: c3ef9534afa29a676dd2872f4301fa3f Description-sl: Vir Haskell s knjižnico eXtensions za GHC haskell-src-exts (HSX, haskell-source with extensions) is an extension of the standard haskell-src package, and handles most common syntactic extensions to Haskell, including: * Multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies * Indexed type families (including associated types) * Empty data declarations * GADTs * Implicit parameters (ghc and hugs style) * Template Haskell . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-strict-doc Description-md5: 5c9bc0acbe6c5e78a415ddb311c2074c Description-sl: Stroge različice običajnih vrst podatkov Haskell, dokumentacija This package provides strict versions of some standard Haskell data types (pairs, Maybe and Either). It also contains strict IO operations. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-stringsearch-dev Description-md5: ee27e0e372e32162d6a9f4b7f07cc40c Description-sl: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings This package provides several functions to quickly search for substrings in strict or lazy ByteStrings. It also provides functions for breaking or splitting on substrings and replacing all occurrences of a substring (the first in case of overlaps) with another. . Author: Daniel Fischer, Chris Kuklewicz, Justin Bailey Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-stringsearch-doc Description-md5: 6ae03042c74569a77c81eeb34bc76a51 Description-sl: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings; documentation This package provides several functions to quickly search for substrings in strict or lazy ByteStrings. It also provides functions for breaking or splitting on substrings and replacing all occurrences of a substring (the first in case of overlaps) with another. . Author: Daniel Fischer, Chris Kuklewicz, Justin Bailey Upstream-Maintainer: . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-syb-dev Description-md5: 383e0057f2bc03c979afeeff09920218 Description-sl: Splošna knjižnica programiranja za Haskell This package contains the generics system known as "Scrap Your Boilerplate". It defines the "Data" class of types permitting folding and unfolding of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive types, and a variety of traversals. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-syb-doc Description-md5: 8f24fe306945e92749ed337757960775 Description-sl: Splošna knjižnica programiranja za Haskell, dokumentacija This package contains the generics system known as "Scrap Your Boilerplate". It defines the "Data" class of types permitting folding and unfolding of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive types, and a variety of traversals. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-system-fileio-dev Description-md5: 62d29865624479ddc06313c37ca59d28 Description-sl: consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions This is a small wrapper around the "directory", "unix", and "Win32" packages, for use with "system-filepath". It provides a consistent API to the various versions of these packages distributed with different versions of GHC. . In particular, this library supports working with POSIX files that have paths which can't be decoded in the current locale encoding. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-system-fileio-doc Description-md5: 41a897c9c6a6c4e87841723f94cdac4e Description-sl: consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions; documentation This is a small wrapper around the "directory", "unix", and "Win32" packages, for use with "system-filepath". It provides a consistent API to the various versions of these packages distributed with different versions of GHC. . In particular, this library supports working with POSIX files that have paths which can't be decoded in the current locale encoding. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-tagsoup-doc Description-md5: c61326ffa7176e76f35578a3249fb3b3 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico Haskell TagSoup TagSoup extracts information out of unstructured HTML code, sometimes known as tag soup. TagSoup does not require well-formed or standards- compliant HTML, or HTML that renders correctly in any particular rendering engine. TagSoup transforms HTML into a list of open tags with attributes, close tags, and text, but makes no attempt to group these together into any kind of structure. . This package contains the API documentation and example for the TagSoup library. Package: libghc-tagstream-conduit-dev Description-md5: 5a2dda94062bc93294f60e8ef240dd00 Description-sl: streamlined HTML tag parser Tag-stream is a library for parsing HTMLXML to a token stream. It can parse unstructured and malformed HTML from the web. It also provides an Enumeratee which can parse streamline html, which means it consumes constant memory. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-tagstream-conduit-doc Description-md5: 72843c96e2e3f5eb8c27db530c2a2c98 Description-sl: streamlined HTML tag parser; documentation Tag-stream is a library for parsing HTMLXML to a token stream. It can parse unstructured and malformed HTML from the web. It also provides an Enumeratee which can parse streamline html, which means it consumes constant memory. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-test-framework-dev Description-md5: 2dd22871389530ff80e4f6ddcf86f407 Description-sl: Framework for running and organising tests Allows tests such as QuickCheck properties and HUnit test cases to be assembled into test groups, run in parallel (but reported in deterministic order, to aid diff interpretation) and filtered and controlled by command line options. All of this comes with colored test output, progress reporting and test statistics output. . You should install libghc-test-framework-{hunit,quickcheck2}-* package to use this with {HUnit,QuickCheck2}. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-test-framework-doc Description-md5: 76a92b0d567693ebad27eaa34090dd7a Description-sl: Framework for running and organising tests; documentation Allows tests such as QuickCheck properties and HUnit test cases to be assembled into test groups, run in parallel (but reported in deterministic order, to aid diff interpretation) and filtered and controlled by command line options. All of this comes with colored test output, progress reporting and test statistics output. . You should install libghc-test-framework-{hunit,quickcheck2}-* package to use this with {HUnit,QuickCheck2}. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-test-framework-hunit-dev Description-md5: 9b46c53342ea6be4534e38bbfa183696 Description-sl: HUnit support for the test-framework package. Allows HUnit test cases to be used with the test-framework package. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-test-framework-hunit-doc Description-md5: 4fd6d4752302367e85c217f8546fcffc Description-sl: HUnit support for the test-framework package.; documentation Allows HUnit test cases to be used with the test-framework package. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-test-framework-quickcheck2-dev Description-md5: 46d19d75234299a055d3bc3efec82487 Description-sl: QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package. Allows QuickCheck2 properties to be used with the test-framework package. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-test-framework-quickcheck2-doc Description-md5: 6643ed32475d1142ee39cc71354c8bb4 Description-sl: QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package.; documentation Allows QuickCheck2 properties to be used with the test-framework package. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-text-icu-dev Description-md5: 9ef0683e2a1db8cdec8ec71d55519b9b Description-sl: bindings to the ICU library Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency and ease of use. . Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries. . Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata. . String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of character codes. . Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode and over 220 character encodings. . Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary representation.) . Regular expression search and replace. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-text-icu-doc Description-md5: bf2c51912020067dfe66005656356963 Description-sl: bindings to the ICU library; documentation Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency and ease of use. . Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries. . Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata. . String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of character codes. . Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode and over 220 character encodings. . Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary representation.) . Regular expression search and replace. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-text-icu-prof Description-md5: fb41209a8e0c591022a3b37a739c7717 Description-sl: bindings to the ICU library; profiling libraries Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency and ease of use. . Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries. . Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata. . String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of character codes. . Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode and over 220 character encodings. . Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary representation.) . Regular expression search and replace. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-unix-time-dev Description-md5: 8d130a6f6793e7df409a45d25b48759c Description-sl: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities Fast parser/formatter/utilities for Unix time . Author: Kazu Yamamoto <> Upstream-Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto <> . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-unix-time-doc Description-md5: 03ec56fed64aa34b03060b66193e1634 Description-sl: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities; documentation Fast parser/formatter/utilities for Unix time . Author: Kazu Yamamoto <> Upstream-Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto <> . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-utf8-string-dev Description-md5: eaae9b089454a75be5276c35dbd930fd Description-sl: Knjižnice GHC za knjižnico Haskell UTF-8 UTF8 layer for Strings. The utf8-string package provides operations for encoding UTF8 strings to Word8 lists and back, and for reading and writing UTF8 without truncation. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice, ki so kodno prevedene za GHC. Package: libghc-utf8-string-doc Description-md5: a55ed42a17ae06e79c4aab8edcc58c3b Description-sl: Knjižnice C za knjižnico Haskell UTF-8 (dokumentacija) UTF8 layer for Strings. The utf8-string package provides operations for encoding UTF8 strings to Word8 lists and back, and for reading and writing UTF8 without truncation. . This package contains the GHC library documentation. Package: libghc-utf8-string-prof Description-md5: bae65b51cc93c55ad6c16b3473f4122f Description-sl: Podpora profiliranja za knjižnica GHC Haskell UTF-8 UTF8 layer for Strings. The utf8-string package provides operations for encoding UTF8 strings to Word8 lists and back, and for reading and writing UTF8 without truncation. . This package contains additional GHC profiling libraries which can be used with libghc-utf8-string-dev. Package: libghc-vector-dev Description-md5: 05eb7a2c1dd485532d6d1e7c5b3cd0f7 Description-sl: Učinkovita polja za Haskell An efficient implementation of Int-indexed arrays (both mutable and immutable), with a powerful loop fusion optimization framework. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-vty-dev Description-md5: 76b810dac083fdc34c8f5326cdda4a95 Description-sl: Knjižnica vmesnika terminala za ghc Vty is a terminal interface/control library for Haskell. It has a very easy API. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-vty-prof Description-md5: 7a087d0ba86d70ef6db86e64ca7824f1 Description-sl: Knjižnica vmesnika terminala za ghc, knjižnice profiliranja Vty is a terminal interface/control library for Haskell. It has a very easy API. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-web-routes-doc Description-md5: 6c0ad7a4b922da60a07e6ebb3b422ac3 Description-sl: Knjižnica za pravilnost/sestavljivost URL-jev, dokumentacija It is a collection of types and functions that ensure that URLs generated by an application are valid. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-wl-pprint-text-dev Description-md5: fdbfb978214409acbfe17dd408b6e668 Description-sl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values in Haskell This Haskell library provides a clone of wl-pprint for use with the text library. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-wl-pprint-text-doc Description-md5: 52ee8a3feaf688a7f1f26171685cf132 Description-sl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values in Haskell; documentation This Haskell library provides a clone of wl-pprint for use with the text library. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-x11-xft-dev Description-md5: c1c14be06741a8788109e69363950b2c Description-sl: Haskell Xft binding for GHC Ta knjižnica je vezava do knjižnice Xft. . Xft provides a client-side font API for X applications, making the FreeType font rasterizer available to X clients. Fontconfig is used for font specification resolution. Where available, the RENDER extension handles glyph drawing; otherwise, the core X protocol is used. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-x11-xft-doc Description-md5: 2d694498055ce3e5cd43c892cd8e2968 Description-sl: Haskell Xft binding for GHC; documentation Ta knjižnica je vezava do knjižnice Xft. . Xft provides a client-side font API for X applications, making the FreeType font rasterizer available to X clients. Fontconfig is used for font specification resolution. Where available, the RENDER extension handles glyph drawing; otherwise, the core X protocol is used. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-x11-xft-prof Description-md5: 201138e4451e122ae35b81fb3e859383 Description-sl: Haskell Xft binding for GHC; profiling libraries Ta knjižnica je vezava do knjižnice Xft. . Xft provides a client-side font API for X applications, making the FreeType font rasterizer available to X clients. Fontconfig is used for font specification resolution. Where available, the RENDER extension handles glyph drawing; otherwise, the core X protocol is used. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-xmonad-contrib-dev Description-md5: 974fe40f0fb1e57fa65270d1e9506790 Description-sl: Razširitve xmonad This is a huge extensions library for xmonad, providing alternative layout algorithms, key bindings, extended operations, and much more. . Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . This package is what you need to build your custom configured xmonad binary. Package: libghc-xmonad-contrib-doc Description-md5: 93a68a39d8db9e574cfea7042d22786c Description-sl: Razširitve za xmonad, dokumentacija This is a huge extensions library for xmonad, providing alternative layout algorithms, key bindings, extended operations, and much more. . Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . This package contains the documentation for building your custom configured xmonad binary as well as example configuration files. Package: libghc-xmonad-contrib-prof Description-md5: dc4a6b1eabfe7f0ac86c6a1d9c5b8860 Description-sl: Extensions to xmonad; profiling libraries This is a huge extensions library for xmonad, providing alternative layout algorithms, key bindings, extended operations, and much more. . Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . This package is what you need to profile your custom configured xmonad binary. Package: libghc-xmonad-dev Description-md5: bdf0987921d4b9e7778995694cd01337 Description-sl: Lightweight X11 window manager Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . This package is what you need to build your custom configured xmonad binary. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-xmonad-doc Description-md5: 3e58cea26774e4927ecd5b6e33cd8cbb Description-sl: Lightweight X11 window manager; documentation Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . This package contains the documentation for building your custom configured xmonad binary as well as example configuration files. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-xmonad-prof Description-md5: 1022d6ae13afbcb5cfd9be973454c43f Description-sl: Lightweight X11 window manager; profiling libraries Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . This package is what you need to profile your custom configured xmonad binary. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-oauth-dev Description-md5: 8e1fadea7dfdcac8c3a12d56b874a09e Description-sl: OAuth Authentication for Yesod OAuth authentication for Yesod. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-oauth-doc Description-md5: 675aeb3e4c7b5348e823225f11eac9d4 Description-sl: OAuth Authentication for Yesod; documentation OAuth authentication for Yesod. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-yesod-default-dev Description-md5: 71eb7823b1b379701a4e934c6940d9a7 Description-sl: default config and main functions for your Yesod application This is a temporary shim to make things easier for git-annex. It serves no other purpose. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-yesod-default-doc Description-md5: e544e438efbdf7e24646614d52d4c1cc Description-sl: default config and main functions for your Yesod application; documentation This is a temporary shim to make things easier for git-annex. It serves no other purpose. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-yesod-newsfeed-dev Description-md5: dd11ece21b1aefee3a29792edbd2e8cf Description-sl: helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds Helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds (Atom and RSS). . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-yesod-newsfeed-doc Description-md5: 4336b82fccd9ab3581886d85f245333c Description-sl: helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds; documentation Helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds (Atom and RSS). . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghc-yesod-test-dev Description-md5: 7e7f4a4f5a20c321a1064d2dc8a24638 Description-sl: integration testing for WAI/Yesod applications Behavior-oriented integration testing for Yesod applications. . Ta paket vsebuje običajne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libghc-yesod-test-doc Description-md5: 759b19a853f6eef1ccba29e9c4daa483 Description-sl: integration testing for WAI/Yesod applications; documentation Behavior-oriented integration testing for Yesod applications. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libghemical-dev Description-md5: 9476828b89fdf9013745568978e87b77 Description-sl: Knjižnica molekulskega modeliranja (razvojne datoteke) Libghemical is the basis of Ghemical, a GNOME Molecular Modelling Application. . This package includes the static library and the header files. Package: libghemical5t64 Description-md5: 5d9c24b1d0cb1511b0f51d6643bf63d5 Description-sl: Knjižnica molekulskega modeliranja Libghemical is the basis of Ghemical, a GNOME Molecular Modelling Application. . This package includes the dynamically linked library. Package: libgiftiio0 Description-md5: 6f491ee0b7909a7861cfc23304fdc57f Description-sl: IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format GIFTI is an XML-based file format for cortical surface data. This reference IO implementation is developed by the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgig-dev Description-md5: 762f931ba52e3090336a18ec5c5fba13 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libgig libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files. . Since the Gigasampler / GigaStudio and DLS formats are based ontop of the binary RIFF container format, this library also provides convenient access to RIFF files in general. . This package also contains a Linux/POSIX ported version of libakai, which provides support for reading Akai formatted medias (CDRoms, HDs, Zip disks). Currently Akai S1000, S01, S2000 and S3000 series are supported. . This package contains the header files needed for development with libgig. You will need this only if you intend to compile programs that use this library. Package: libgig-doc Description-md5: d7d52b41a9be74faf53d54b6bab44c88 Description-sl: Dokumentacija HTML za libgig libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files. . This package contains exhaustive HTML documentation for the development with libgig. Package: libgig10t64 Description-md5: bf71ba5dd62a1f9dc0e7ac5020b2f2e5 Description-sl: library for loading and modifying Gigasampler and DLS files libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files. . Ta paket vsebuje od souporabljene datoteke knjižnice. Package: libginac-dev Description-md5: 7ca59d2845632e42b26d759d4f7b8ffa Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke simbolnega ogrodja GiNaC GiNaC (which stands for "GiNaC is Not a CAS (Computer Algebra System)") is a library for doing symbolic (i.e. non-numeric) computation directly in the C++ programming language. . This package provides header files, a static library plus a tutorial as info file. Package: libginac11 Description-md5: e16119802eeb80e7da697c5cd886d66e Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli simboličnega ogrodja GiNaC GiNaC (which stands for "GiNaC is Not a CAS (Computer Algebra System)") is a library for doing symbolic (i.e. non-numeric) computation directly in the C++ programming language. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libgio-qt-dev Description-md5: d0c544bb9b1970ba000af26bcef11d65 Description-sl: Gio wrapper for Qt (development files) Gio-qt provides Gio wrapper for Qt. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). Package: libgirara-dev Description-md5: 0094c63fb07e41c8014c0b1505ebecdd Description-sl: library for minimalistic user interfaces (development files) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgirara-doc Description-md5: 327b5e9a0e0be158ff05b79b3979387d Description-sl: library for minimalistic user interfaces (documentation) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libgirara-gtk3-4 Description-md5: 3485db33edd41388927cc0fbabc9bca6 Description-sl: library for minimalistic user interfaces (shared libraries) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgivaro-dev Description-md5: 0e42f6a905117860ade34bc07ff1d2c4 Description-sl: arithmetic and algebraic computations - development files Givaro is a C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations. Its main features are implementations of the basic arithmetic of many mathematical entities: Primes fields, Extensions Fields, Finite Fields, Finite Rings, Polynomials, Algebraic numbers, and Arbitrary precision integers and rationals (C++ wrappers over gmp). . Givaro also provides data-structures and templated classes for the manipulation of basic algebraic objects, such as vectors, matrices (dense, sparse, structured), univariate polynomials (and therefore recursive multivariate). . It contains different program modules and is fully compatible with the LinBox linear algebra library and the Athapascan environment, which permits parallel programming. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za Givaro. Package: libgivaro9 Description-md5: b7f149d55830e518aa74a913050808d7 Description-sl: arithmetic and algebraic computations Givaro is a C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations. Its main features are implementations of the basic arithmetic of many mathematical entities: Primes fields, Extensions Fields, Finite Fields, Finite Rings, Polynomials, Algebraic numbers, and Arbitrary precision integers and rationals (C++ wrappers over gmp). . Givaro also provides data-structures and templated classes for the manipulation of basic algebraic objects, such as vectors, matrices (dense, sparse, structured), univariate polynomials (and therefore recursive multivariate). . It contains different program modules and is fully compatible with the LinBox linear algebra library and the Athapascan environment, which permits parallel programming. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajelne datoteke za Givaro. Package: libgiza0 Description-md5: 26336d1a829393c58994ed28fa9acfbd Description-sl: Lightweight scientific plotting library (shared library) Giza is a lightweight scientific plotting library built on top of cairo that provides uniform output to multiple devices. Giza also provides a mostly compatible, modern replacement for the PGPLOT graphics library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgl4es-dev Description-md5: 81aabaaa6b98fceb54107df00e85bfb0 Description-sl: GL4ES - OpenGL for GLES Hardware -- development files This is a headers provide OpenGL 2.x functionality for GLES2.0 accelerated Hardware (and of course also support OpenGL 1.5 function, so metimes better than when using GLES 1.1 backend) There is also support for GLES 1.1 Hardware, emulating OpenGL 1.5, and some OpenGL 2.x + extensions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgl4es0 Description-md5: e3e97044fcf7a4d8a91c6cf49705955e Description-sl: GL4ES - OpenGL for GLES Hardware -- runtime library This is a library provide OpenGL 2.x functionality for GLES2.0 accelerated Hardware (and of course also support OpenGL 1.5 function, so metimes better than when using GLES 1.1 backend) There is also support for GLES 1.1 Hardware, emulating OpenGL 1.5, and some OpenGL 2.x + extensions. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgladeui-common Description-md5: 88409110f44042d9e0426a606647b036 Description-sl: GTK+ User Interface Build core library (common files) Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit. . Glade is, since its "3.0" major version, highly modular, and composed of widgets which can be used by other applications to integrate functionality similar to the one provided by the Glade application itself. . This library provides all the widgets and core code, like parsing and saving files. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: libgladeui-doc Description-md5: c3b00de69ef3a31852a6b4b9622628b3 Description-sl: GTK+ User Interface Build core library (documentation) Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit. . Glade is, since its "3.0" major version, highly modular, and composed of widgets which can be used by other applications to integrate functionality similar to the one provided by the Glade application itself. . This library provides all the widgets and core code, like parsing and saving files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libglazedlists-java Description-md5: 739577aa917abb55f77513aab82a915d Description-sl: Knjižnica preoblikovanja seznama java Glazed Lists features: * API Compatibility with ArrayList * Generic TableModels * Easy dynamic filtering & sorting * High performance * Designed for concurrency * Swing or SWT * Free and open Package: libglbinding-dev Description-md5: e575c08f170bdd00b18552b79aab111a Description-sl: development files for glbinding glbinding leverages modern C++11 features like enum classes, lambdas, and variadic templates, instead of relying on macros; all OpenGL symbols are real functions and variables. . It provides type-safe parameters, per feature API header, lazy function resolution, multi-context and multi-thread support, global and local function callbacks, meta information about the generated OpenGL binding and the OpenGL runtime, as well as tools and examples for quick-starting your projects. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libglbinding2 Description-md5: ccd3caf804718c1a8df6ebd3d7daf421 Description-sl: cross-platform C++ binding for OpenGL glbinding leverages modern C++11 features like enum classes, lambdas, and variadic templates, instead of relying on macros; all OpenGL symbols are real functions and variables. . It provides type-safe parameters, per feature API header, lazy function resolution, multi-context and multi-thread support, global and local function callbacks, meta information about the generated OpenGL binding and the OpenGL runtime, as well as tools and examples for quick-starting your projects. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libglc-dev Description-md5: 69f963ba2f28864e1e4ef8ba9bbbf649 Description-sl: Implementation of SGI's OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) The OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application programming interface (API). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libglfw3-doc Description-md5: 297b158b4be1b5df4cd67e67a1bcb755 Description-sl: portable library for OpenGL, window and input (documentation) GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts and managing input and events. It is easy to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libglib-testing-0-dev Description-md5: 75798903fc70656e006c82749f31cf03 Description-sl: Development files for the libglib-testing library libglib-testing is a test library providing test harnesses and mock classes which complement the classes provided by GLib. It is intended to be used by any project which uses GLib and which wants to write internal unit tests. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libglib-testing-doc Description-md5: c77736e8d097d1f50ac46edafba56023 Description-sl: Documentation for the libglib-testing library libglib-testing is a test library providing test harnesses and mock classes which complement the classes provided by GLib. It is intended to be used by any project which uses GLib and which wants to write internal unit tests. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libglm-dev Description-md5: 878ff15d3fbfc53052b9c786a25a6034 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ za matematiko vrste OpenGL GLSL OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification. . GLM provides classes and functions designed and implemented with the same naming conventions and functionality than GLSL so that anyone who knows GLSL, can use GLM as well in C++. . This project isn't limited to GLSL features. An extension system, based on the GLSL extension conventions, provides extended capabilities: matrix transformations, quaternions, data packing, random numbers, noise, etc... . This library works perfectly with OpenGL but it also ensures interoperability with other third party libraries and SDK. It is a good candidate for software rendering (raytracing / rasterisation), image processing, physics simulations and any development context that requires a simple and convenient mathematics library. Package: libglm-doc Description-md5: 6bf7af875afb8549d8aeae956c47713e Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico matematike OpenGL (GLM) OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification. . This package contains the OpenGL Mathematics manual and API documentation in HTML format. Package: libglobjects-dev Description-md5: c3d78ec41eeacfaf1ae6782261871a0d Description-sl: development files for globjects globjects provides object-oriented interfaces to the OpenGL API (3.0 and higher). The main goals are much reduced code to use OpenGL in your rendering software and fewer errors due to the underlying glbinding and further abstraction levels on top. Typical processes are automated and missing features in the used OpenGL driver are partially simulated or even emulated. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libglobjects1 Description-md5: 624c5b2a507847d0d4fb7f7f821e1a7d Description-sl: cross-platform C++ wrapper for OpenGL API objects globjects provides object-oriented interfaces to the OpenGL API (3.0 and higher). The main goals are much reduced code to use OpenGL in your rendering software and fewer errors due to the underlying glbinding and further abstraction levels on top. Typical processes are automated and missing features in the used OpenGL driver are partially simulated or even emulated. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgloox-doc Description-md5: 065a2b8b37d9d9f824aa60e1db2d71fd Description-sl: C++ jabber/xmpp library (API documentation) A C++ Jabber/XMPP library that takes care of low level protocol stuff. Additionally, it offers high level interfaces for interaction with an XMPP server. . It is a fully compliant XMPP Core and supports various JEPs, mainly those needed to implement a XMPP IM client. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API za to knjižnico. Package: libgloox18 Description-md5: a63fbaff1f36ed856644a56256029ad3 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ jabber/xmpp A C++ Jabber/XMPP library that takes care of low level protocol stuff. Additionally, it offers high level interfaces for interaction with an XMPP server. . It is a fully compliant XMPP Core and supports various JEPs, mainly those needed to implement a XMPP IM client. Package: libgluegen2-build-java Description-md5: 2d8a828f13ce8e1fbbf4a6ed56d0e6a3 Description-sl: tool to automatically generate Java and JNI code (Java sources) Gluegen reads as input ANSI C header files and separate configuration files which provide control over many aspects of the glue code generation. GlueGen uses a complete ANSI C parser and an internal representation (IR) capable of representing all C types to represent the APIs for which it generates interfaces. It has the ability to perform significant transformations on the IR before glue code emission. GlueGen is currently powerful enough to bind even low-level APIs such as the Java Native Interface (JNI) and the AWT Native Interface (JAWT) back up to the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje vire Java, ki so zahtevani za izgradnjo na gluegen osnovanih paketov. Package: libgluegen2-jni Description-md5: c289413c2c4b077265016bcfd8b4808b Description-sl: tool to automatically generate Java and JNI code (native library) Gluegen reads as input ANSI C header files and separate configuration files which provide control over many aspects of the glue code generation. GlueGen uses a complete ANSI C parser and an internal representation (IR) capable of representing all C types to represent the APIs for which it generates interfaces. It has the ability to perform significant transformations on the IR before glue code emission. GlueGen is currently powerful enough to bind even low-level APIs such as the Java Native Interface (JNI) and the AWT Native Interface (JAWT) back up to the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje arhitekturno določen del nativnega vmesnika java. Package: libgluegen2-rt-java Description-md5: 98a24b8564fdebe90b5eae0bb86f7443 Description-sl: tool to automatically generate Java and JNI code (runtime files) Gluegen reads as input ANSI C header files and separate configuration files which provide control over many aspects of the glue code generation. GlueGen uses a complete ANSI C parser and an internal representation (IR) capable of representing all C types to represent the APIs for which it generates interfaces. It has the ability to perform significant transformations on the IR before glue code emission. GlueGen is currently powerful enough to bind even low-level APIs such as the Java Native Interface (JNI) and the AWT Native Interface (JAWT) back up to the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke gluegen 2. Package: libglusterfs-dev Description-md5: 572e6b5c5824230e05799660f98c8cb5 Description-sl: Development files for GlusterFS libraries GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several petabytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. GlusterFS is one of the most sophisticated file system in terms of features and extensibility. It borrows a powerful concept called Translators from GNU Hurd kernel. Much of the code in GlusterFS is in userspace and easily manageable. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgmap-ocaml Description-md5: 3327383b78d3e6c440cc751fe88c53e0 Description-sl: heterogenous maps over a GADT for OCaml (runtime files) Gmap exposes the functor Make which takes a key type (a GADT 'a key) and outputs a type-safe Map where each 'a key is associated with a 'a value. This removes the need for additional packing. It uses OCaml's stdlib Map data structure. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libgmap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 879c0503bde19d155e53e4a6e82fc681 Description-sl: heterogenous maps over a GADT for OCaml (dev files) Gmap exposes the functor Make which takes a key type (a GADT 'a key) and outputs a type-safe Map where each 'a key is associated with a 'a value. This removes the need for additional packing. It uses OCaml's stdlib Map data structure. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgmerlin-common Description-md5: da056f132ac055dc903fe86f3cbb32d6 Description-sl: core library for gmerlin - common runtime files Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package contains the common files needed by libgmerlin. Package: libgmerlin-dev Description-md5: 6d7e3b4564264a08ff153390c56cc66a Description-sl: core library for gmerlin - development files Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package contains the files needed to compile and link against libgmerlin. Package: libgmerlin2t64 Description-md5: 3718be84d25055e7ff76a9fd864fcf94 Description-sl: core library for gmerlin - runtime files Gmerlin je predvajalnik, ki podpira več vrst datotek, z drevesu podobno strukturo navideznih map, kjer lahko shranjujete svoje datoteke, spletne pretoke ali karkoli drugega. Upravlja lahko tudi z velikimi zbirkami predstavnosti. Naprave strojne opreme se pojavijo tudi v drevesu, zato lahko odprete zvočne CD-je, (S)VCD-je, DVD-je in televizijska oddajanja DVB. . This package contains the files needed to run a program compiled using libgmerlin. Package: libgmetrics-groovy-java-doc Description-md5: ba94d60f74001cd86037c69f719cd0a8 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libgmetrics-groovy-java Documentation for GMetrics that is a library providing calculation and reporting of size and complexity metrics for Groovy source code, by scanning the code with an Ant Task, applying a set of metrics, and generating an HTML or XML report of the results. Package: libgmic1 Description-md5: 4d6263ec41facfa9c6de9e783f002c1b Description-sl: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - shared library G'MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgmobile-dev Description-md5: fac8120c2ff3cea78a3ea25d95731a53 Description-sl: Mobile related helpers - development headers gmobile is a library containing mobile related helpers for glib based projects. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libgmobile0 Description-md5: b3c30f21dc58046f0947668392347bba Description-sl: Mobile related helpers - shared library gmobile is a library containing mobile related helpers for glib based projects. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgmock-dev Description-md5: 802e748703d8cf2b5fa2f078623e1006 Description-sl: Google's framework for writing C++ tests Inspired by jMock, EasyMock, and Hamcrest, and designed with C++'s specifics in mind, it can help you derive better designs of your system and write better tests. . Google Mock: . - provides a declarative syntax for defining mocks, - can easily define partial (hybrid) mocks, which are a cross of real and mock objects, - handles functions of arbitrary types and overloaded functions, - comes with a rich set of matchers for validating function arguments, - uses an intuitive syntax for controlling the behavior of a mock, - does automatic verification of expectations (no record-and-replay needed), - allows arbitrary (partial) ordering constraints on function calls to be expressed, - lets a user extend it by defining new matchers and actions. - does not use exceptions, and - is easy to learn and use. Package: libgmsh-dev Description-md5: 14114da3fa0b899eded25d95ae9b1ea9 Description-sl: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator development files Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . Oglejte si priročnik Gmash za bolj podroben pregled zmožnosti Gmsh. . The package contains development files. Package: libgmsh-private-headers-dev Description-md5: 95201f665680ea87e2117cb8ebbb0d52 Description-sl: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator development files Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . Oglejte si priročnik Gmash za bolj podroben pregled zmožnosti Gmsh. . The package contains development private headers. Package: libgmsh4.12t64 Description-md5: 8c8acd23a2e0bcc020fb194e64086e7d Description-sl: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator shared library Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . Oglejte si priročnik Gmash za bolj podroben pregled zmožnosti Gmsh. . The package contains a shared library. Package: libgmt6t64 Description-md5: 46ce4ae4113ab8e140ed6370cac94112 Description-sl: Knjižnica splošnih orodij preslikav GMT libraries allow manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views. . This package contains the GMT library. Package: libgnome-games-support-1-dev Description-md5: 0fc5c836a506565b22c77f8e7644b52b Description-sl: library for common functions of GNOME games (dev files) libgnome-games-support is a small library intended for internal use by the games developed by the GNOME project but it may be used by others. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libgnome-games-support-dev Description-md5: 6072c54e73ac1d2c0c338fbb5e4c5397 Description-sl: GTK4 library for common functions of GNOME games (dev files) libgnome-games-support is a small library intended for internal use by the games developed by the GNOME project but it may be used by others. . This is the GTK4 version of libgnome-games-support. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libgnomecanvas2-common Description-md5: b7fd50e7894f01bc14a18e45544b050d Description-sl: powerful object-oriented display engine - common files The canvas widget is a powerful and extensible object-oriented display engine. A GnomeCanvasItem is a GtkObject representing some element of the display, such as an image, a rectangle, an ellipse, or some text. You can refer to this architecture as structured graphics; the canvas lets you deal with graphics in terms of items, rather than an undifferentiated grid of pixels. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke mednarodne jezikovne podpore. . This package is for legacy applications and no longer used by GNOME, please use GTK+ 4 for new development. Package: libgnomecanvas2-doc Description-md5: 5366102555e5f69b3d74d7ba9b82d5b9 Description-sl: powerful object-oriented display engine - documentation files The canvas widget is a powerful and extensible object-oriented display engine. A GnomeCanvasItem is a GtkObject representing some element of the display, such as an image, a rectangle, an ellipse, or some text. You can refer to this architecture as structured graphics; the canvas lets you deal with graphics in terms of items, rather than an undifferentiated grid of pixels. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. . This package is provided for legacy applications and no longer used by GNOME, please use GTK+ 4 for new development. Package: libgnomekbd-dev Description-md5: 353cd231a62082c6784b7cd9c5727a8c Description-sl: GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - development files libgnomekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in GNOME applications. . libgnomekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libgnomekbd operations. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgnomekbd8 Description-md5: af3a5d9e866a2d8042968d3f6510a8a8 Description-sl: GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared library libgnomekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in GNOME applications. . libgnomekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libgnomekbd operations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgnt-doc Description-md5: 9ea78b10f8afbf843bb4d34a06cf3712 Description-sl: documentation for the gnt library GNT is an ncurses toolkit for creating text-mode graphical user interfaces in a fast and easy way. It is based on GLib and ncurses. . It was born out of the console-based UI, Finch, for the libpurple project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: libgnt0t64 Description-md5: 7a68a6693f32bedd43c8e1d4ed84cf2a Description-sl: ncurses toolkit for creating text-mode graphical user interfaces GNT is an ncurses toolkit for creating text-mode graphical user interfaces in a fast and easy way. It is based on GLib and ncurses. . It was born out of the console-based UI, Finch, for the libpurple project. . Ta paket vsebuje glavno knjižnico. Package: libgnucap0 Description-md5: 823e95bd390c2734c7213fd705910f51 Description-sl: GNU Circuit Analysis package, the library Gnucap is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, Fourier analysis, and ac analysis linearized at an operating point. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgnunet-dev Description-md5: 2459432c02967212752d1dd0c12c9916 Description-sl: GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (development) GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgnunet0.20t64 Description-md5: ce73bfb56071e7da326841d0542537f7 Description-sl: GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (libraries) GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgnupg-interface-perl Description-md5: 70ef1402a8d8f6eed269773c063db8ae Description-sl: Vmesnik Perl do GnuPG GnuPG::Interface and its associated modules are designed to provide an object-oriented method for interacting with GnuPG, being able to perform functions such as but not limited to encrypting, signing, decryption, verification, and key-listing parsing. Package: libgnuradio-hpsdr1.0.0 Description-md5: 0b550515bae63a80b0b5f6de34b16b49 Description-sl: gnuradio library for OpenHPSDR protocol 1 Hardware supported includes OpenHPSDR Hermes / Metis and Red Pitaya using the OpenHpsdr protocol. . The modules are compatible with version 3.8 of gnuradio and versions of Hermes firmware 1.8 through 3.2. (known as OpenHPSDR protocol 1). It is not compatible with the new OpenHPSDR protocol 2. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgnuradio-limesdr3.0.2 Description-md5: c8895ebaefd5833b9a886b76e55de934 Description-sl: LimeSDR blocks for GnuRadio (runtime library) LimeSDR is a low cost, open source software defined radio (SDR) platform that can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard. . Currently this plugin supports LimeSDR-USB and LimeSDR-Mini boards. . The gr-limesdr blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that interface LimeSDR devices through liblimesuite. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgnuradio-osmosdr0.2.0t64 Description-md5: 40c3a4d110ae193958f314775fa66656 Description-sl: Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project - library The Osmocom project is a family of projects regarding Open source mobile communications. This library provides hardware support for a variety of radio hardware in the form of gnuradio blocks. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgnuradio-satellites5.5.0 Description-md5: 6dead797c65cee5e03cb685bbdbaa04b Description-sl: library of satellite telemetry signal decoders This GNU Radio out-of-tree module can be used to decode frames transmitted from most Amateur satellites in orbit, performing demodulation, forward error correction, etc. Decoded frames can be saved to a file or displayed in hex format. For some satellites the telemetry format definition is included in gr-satellites, so the decoded telemetry frames can be printed out as human-readable values such as bus voltages and currents. Additionally, some satellites transmit files such as JPEG images. gr- satellites can be used to reassemble these files and even display the images in real-time as they are being received. . It supports most popular protocols, such as AX.25, the GOMspace NanoCom U482C and AX100 modems, an important part of the CCSDS stack, the AO-40 protocol used in the FUNcube satellites, and several ad-hoc protocols used in other satellites. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgnustep-base1.30 Description-md5: a4b543c1cc35f94e4ce935f098456a7b Description-sl: Knjižnica GNUstep Base The GNUstep Base Library is a powerful fast library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C classes, inspired by the OpenStep API but implementing Apple and GNU additions to the API as well. It includes for example classes for unicode strings, arrays, dictionaries, sets, byte streams, typed coders, invocations, notifications, notification dispatchers, scanners, tasks, files, networking, threading, remote object messaging support (distributed objects), event loops, loadable bundles, attributed unicode strings, xml, mime, user defaults. Package: libgnustep-gui0.31 Description-md5: 26a0707edd4cd00c8f636eea36d88503 Description-sl: Knjižnjica grafičnega vmesnika GNUstep The GNUstep GUI library is a powerful library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon the OpenStep specification, and provide the user with a traditional nextstep-like look and feel. The classes include graphical objects such as windows, menus, buttons, text fields, popup lists, browsers, scrollviews, splitviews, fonts, colors, images, events, pasteboards... You need the corresponding backend library package (gnustep-back) to use this package. Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-9 Description-md5: 39afc66e1c1493f9db63f7fe962dc4ce Description-sl: Canvas widget for GTK+ - shared library GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-dev Description-md5: e53394682bf2c8fc22bd82ced16f48ea Description-sl: Canvas widget for GTK+ - development files GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgoogle-glog0v6t64 Description-md5: 829accffb10209e63959eb79e6ebd913 Description-sl: library that implements application-level logging. This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgooglepinyin0-dev Description-md5: 2ab057e9fe20c53c5d2c9aa57af97037 Description-sl: Pinyin engine fork from Google Pinyin on Android - development files libgooglepinyin is a fork of Google Pinyin on Android, it features to have excellent input experience and uses little resource. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libgovirt-dev Description-md5: 73b4ea3152f8edc1fe413c0ec92de227 Description-sl: GObject-based library to access oVirt REST API (dev files) libgovirt is a library that allows applications to use oVirt REST API to list VMs managed by an oVirt instance, and to get the connection parameters needed to make a SPICE/VNC connection to them. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgpiod2t64 Description-md5: fdc58e35bead39e38c167aaf93875f04 Description-sl: C library for interacting with Linux GPIO device - shared libraries libgpiod encapsulates the ioctl calls and data structures behind a straightforward API. This new character device interface guarantees all allocated resources are freed after closing the device file descriptor and adds several new features that are not present in the obsolete sysfs interface (like event polling, setting/reading multiple values at once or open-source and open-drain GPIOs). . Paket vsebuje zahtevane souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgportugol-dev Description-md5: 360d113f1718577e1ba06ac9f3976c1d Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico G-Portugol G-Portugol is a Portuguese structured programming language, based on the popular, freeform, pseudocode known as portugol. The compiler features native compilation, translation to C code, and interpretation of algorithms. This package includes the development support files for building applications. Package: libgportugol0 Description-md5: d7fcb619b67bf4b38abc3c9bf79b4fd5 Description-sl: Knjižnica G-Portugol G-Portugol is a Portuguese structured programming language, based on the popular, freeform, pseudocode known as portugol. The compiler features native compilation, translation to C code, and interpretation of algorithms. This package includes a version of the shared library. Package: libgranite-7-7 Description-md5: 2d3c29e3d0904ade95c5a289ca8e9be0 Description-sl: extension of GTK4 libraries Granite-7 is an extension of GTK4. Among other things, it provides complex widgets and convenience functions designed for use in apps built for elementary OS. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgranite6 Description-md5: fdacb6a14abd15188f48215825ba078f Description-sl: extension of GTK+ libraries Granite is an extension of GTK+. Among other things, it provides complex widgets and convenience functions designed for use in apps built for elementary OS. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgraphblas-dev Description-md5: f9b41ccfeacbe62f61fc8f4097e9e044 Description-sl: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra - development files SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended algebra of semirings using an almost unlimited variety of operators and types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgraphblas-doc Description-md5: 8ef5de08c2ace5400b6b582693c2b2cd Description-sl: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra - documentation SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended algebra of semirings using an almost unlimited variety of operators and types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libgraphblas7 Description-md5: 29115a491501e6254e13732c79695bbc Description-sl: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra - shared library SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended algebra of semirings using an almost unlimited variety of operators and types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgraphics-gnuplotif-perl Description-md5: 41112982bea18432f5140b639ab27781 Description-sl: Dinamični vmesnik Perl za gnuplot Graphics::GnuplotIF is a simple and easy to use dynamic Perl interface to gnuplot. It enables sending display requests asynchronously to gnuplot through simple Perl subroutine calls. . Several independent plots can be started from one script. Each plot has its own pipe. All pipes will be closed automatically by the destructor when the script terminates. The gnuplot processes terminate when the corresponding pipes are closed. Their graphical output will then disappear (but see parameter persist|new). Package: libgraphics-libplot-perl Description-md5: a32631a06b73f5587853a7d8014c91ee Description-sl: Vmesnik perl do libplot Graphics::Libplot provides a Perl interface to libplot from plotutils. Only the C library routines are available with this package. Package: libgraphics-ocaml Description-md5: 2761145cf9979c419e218a6b273017c4 Description-sl: OCaml graphics library (runtime) The graphics library provides a set of portable drawing primitives. Drawing takes place in a separate window that is created when Graphics.open_graph is called. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libgraphics-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 5394c42482806968f9e882130db84a45 Description-sl: OCaml graphics library (dev) The graphics library provides a set of portable drawing primitives. Drawing takes place in a separate window that is created when Graphics.open_graph is called. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgretl1-dev Description-md5: 3c577cc7339db4dc97447db5388dd863 Description-sl: Knjižnica regresije, ekonometrije in časovnega zaporedja GNU -- razvojni paket The GNU Regression, Econometric and Time-Series Library (gretl) is a software package for econometric analysis. The package comprises a shared library, a command-line client program, and a graphical client built using GTK+. . This package provides the static library and header files. Package: libgretl1t64 Description-md5: 280aca5449828146a212cd203161d06d Description-sl: GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- library package The GNU Regression, Econometric and Time-Series Library (gretl) is a software package for econometric analysis. The package comprises a shared library, a command-line client program, and a graphical client built using GTK+. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgridsite6t64 Description-md5: c22400a0e0e2f7446b5a67098e64777b Description-sl: Run time libraries for mod_gridsite and gridsite-clients GridSite was originally a web application developed for managing and formatting the content of the website. Over the past years it has grown into a set of extensions to the Apache web server and a toolkit for Grid credentials, GACL access control lists and HTTP(S) protocol operations. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libgrilo-0.3-bin Description-md5: 2c40ba71303b39aff11904c08bc1b5bb Description-sl: Framework for discovering and browsing media - Binaries Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy for application developers. . More precisely, Grilo provides: * A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among various media content providers, allowing application developers to integrate content from various services and sources easily. * A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing plugins for the framework that are application agnostic. * A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of various kinds. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke. Package: libgsf-bin Description-md5: e555cb88781ef2e473ff3705e128bd5b Description-sl: Strukturirana knjižnica datotek - programi The GNOME Structured File Library aims to provide an efficient extensible I/O abstraction for dealing with different structured file formats. . These are the programs that are shipped as part of libgsf. They include a thumbnail generator, a tar-like archiver application and a VBA macro extractor. Package: libgsmme1t64 Description-md5: d6bca1f4c8e2908bdc41bf3bd6e5ab9a Description-sl: Knjižnica dostopa do mobilnega telefona GSM Library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems or IrDA devices. Features include: . * modification of phone books stored in the mobile phone or on the SIM card * reading and writing of SMS messages stored in the mobile phone * sending and reception of SMS messages . gsmlib uses standard ETSI GSM 07.07, ETSI GSM 07.05, and others. Package: libgsmsd8t64 Description-md5: 184df381819c3cd620ea38d91af3649c Description-sl: Knjižnica pomočnika ozadnjega programa SMS Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. . Trenutno podprti telefoni so: . * Many Nokia models. * Alcatel BE5 (501/701), BF5 (715), BH4 (535/735). * AT capable phones (Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, IPAQ). * OBEX and IrMC capable phones (Sony-Ericsson, Motorola). * Symbian phones through gnapplet. . This package contains Gammu SMS daemon shared library. Package: libgss3 Description-md5: fe9bad5c6e2e47f73e9dee372ffc5b1a Description-sl: Library for Generic Security Services The GNU Generic Security Service Library (GSSLib) is a free implementation of the GSS-API security framework. GSSLib uses Shishi to implement the Kerberos V5 mechanism, but is flexible enough to support other mechanisms too. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico GSS. Package: libgstreamer-opencv1.0-0 Description-md5: dafe2f24cb1bdb14d6d6b274151c793e Description-sl: GStreamer OpenCV libraries GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Slabi vstavki GStreamer so zbirka vstavkov, ki niso dobri v primerjavi z ostalimi. Lahko so blizu dobre kakovosti, vendar jim morda nekaj manjka - dober pregled kode, dokumentacija, niz preizkusov, vzdrževalec ali obširna uporaba. . This package contains shared GStreamer libraries for OpenCV. Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 Description-md5: dbdd7ec6aeb78f2810dfd938e41a97bc Description-sl: GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Slabi vstavki GStreamer so zbirka vstavkov, ki niso dobri v primerjavi z ostalimi. Lahko so blizu dobre kakovosti, vendar jim morda nekaj manjka - dober pregled kode, dokumentacija, niz preizkusov, vzdrževalec ali obširna uporaba. . This package contains shared GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable. Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev Description-md5: 3cf8ed7e757b9244dc8826f7bf3f2b29 Description-sl: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . Slabi vstavki GStreamer so zbirka vstavkov, ki niso dobri v primerjavi z ostalimi. Lahko so blizu dobre kakovosti, vendar jim morda nekaj manjka - dober pregled kode, dokumentacija, niz preizkusov, vzdrževalec ali obširna uporaba. . This package contains development files for GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable. Package: libgstreamermm-1.0-1 Description-md5: ad37ec58f9a0110006382cb8b8d16e36 Description-sl: C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (shared libraries) GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. GStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer. It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgstreamermm-1.0-doc Description-md5: a21cb9761d2d803f4d60b0b452a51c64 Description-sl: C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (documentation) GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. GStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer. It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 Description-md5: 0ea9e7419c3c2010a3995c527c7eb8c9 Description-sl: GStreamer RTSP Server (shared library) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains the shared library for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev Description-md5: 7ce729f941b78969393e0b9114c91c2d Description-sl: GStreamer RTSP Server (development files) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains development files for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgtextutils0v5 Description-md5: e146ef22737feb14ce23b4b0dcc627c7 Description-sl: Gordon Text_utils library The Gordon Text_utils (gtextutils) library is a text utilities library used by the FASTX-Toolkit, a suite of programs for biological sequence analysis. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libgtg0 Description-md5: ea60e1713b3175548217f54740436f92 Description-sl: Generic Trace Generator (GTG) - shared library The GTG library provides a low level library to generate execution traces in Paje or OTF formats. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgtk-layer-shell0 Description-md5: 8c9d399ac0c1703991e28818e413346f Description-sl: Wayland Layer Shell protocol desktop component library A library to write GTK applications that use Layer Shell. This library only makes sense on Wayland compositors that support Layer Shell, and will not work on X11. It supports all Layer Shell features including popups and popovers (GTK popups Just Work™). Please open issues for any bugs you come across. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice Package: libgtk4-layer-shell-dev Description-md5: 1d65c91078fd7dc3e5612ea3f9574c93 Description-sl: wayland layer shell protocol library (GTK4) -- development files A library for using the Layer Shell Wayland protocol with GTK4. With this library you can build desktop shell components such as panels, notifications and wallpapers. It's compatible with C, C++ and any language that supports GObject introspection files (Python, Vala, etc). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libgtk4-layer-shell0 Description-md5: 67c26e969aaaeaa322fe09944d6b9790 Description-sl: wayland layer shell protocol library (GTK4) -- shared library A library for using the Layer Shell Wayland protocol with GTK4. With this library you can build desktop shell components such as panels, notifications and wallpapers. It's compatible with C, C++ and any language that supports GObject introspection files (Python, Vala, etc). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgtkdatabox-dev Description-md5: 792dbd501273610f57e03036eae49cae Description-sl: Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data (development) One or more data sets of thousands of data points (X and Y coordinate) may be displayed and updated in split seconds. The widget is therefore used in many scientific and private projects that need to show quickly changing data live. GtkDatabox offers the ability to zoom into and out of the data and to navigate through your data by scrolling. . In addition to rulers and a simple coordinate cross, GtkDatabox now also allows you to add one (or even more) configurable grids like on an oscilloscope. . Data may be presented as dots, lines connecting the data, or vertical bars. The widget allows you to easily transform pixel coordinates into data coordinates, thus allowing you to easily create powerful applications for data analysis. . Razvojni paket Package: libgtkdatabox-doc Description-md5: 77e085306f6672816bb1b135a1dcb688 Description-sl: Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data (API doc) One or more data sets of thousands of data points (X and Y coordinate) may be displayed and updated in split seconds. The widget is therefore used in many scientific and private projects that need to show quickly changing data live. GtkDatabox offers the ability to zoom into and out of the data and to navigate through your data by scrolling. . In addition to rulers and a simple coordinate cross, GtkDatabox now also allows you to add one (or even more) configurable grids like on an oscilloscope. . Data may be presented as dots, lines connecting the data, or vertical bars. The widget allows you to easily transform pixel coordinates into data coordinates, thus allowing you to easily create powerful applications for data analysis. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libgtkglext1-doc Description-md5: 803a55958722bce3edd46608e679b991 Description-sl: OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (documentation) GtkGLExt provides the GDK objects to support OpenGL rendering in GTK+, and GtkWidget API add-ons to make GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za libgtkglext. Package: libgtkhex-4-1 Description-md5: f81f777084af4f0e366139989583957c Description-sl: GNOME Hex editor for files (shared library) Program GHex omogoča ogled in urejanje datotek v dveh načinih, šestanjstiškem ali ascii. Dober je za urejanje datotek shranjenih iger. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgtkhex-4-dev Description-md5: c5000b405b171c424c6a09b37604a269 Description-sl: GNOME Hex editor for files (development headers) Program GHex omogoča ogled in urejanje datotek v dveh načinih, šestanjstiškem ali ascii. Dober je za urejanje datotek shranjenih iger. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libgtkmm-2.4-1t64 Description-md5: ea61ee6bd6122b4aac6cb55da429d58f Description-sl: C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2 (shared libraries) Gtkmm is a C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+, with API version 2.4. Gtkmm provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to create graphical user interfaces with GTK+'s flexible OO framework. Highlights include type safe callbacks, widgets extensible using inheritance and over 180 classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgtksheet-4.0-4 Description-md5: c4ce8d3885ccc20e961b4e3c9d1e9327 Description-sl: Gtk spreadsheet widget (shared C library) A spreadsheet widget for Gtk (an Excel-like table). gtksheet is a useful widget set complementary to GTK+ for creating graphical interfaces for the X Window System. It is split out of the old gtkextra library of the gtk2 era and ported to gtk3. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgtksourceviewmm-3.0-0v5 Description-md5: 5967382153ceaa4fa1c01d2401bd4e21 Description-sl: Vezava C++ GtkSourceView GtkSourceViewMM is a C++ binding of GtkSourceView, an extension to the text widget included in GTK+ 3.x adding syntax highlighting and other features typical for a source file editor. . GtkSourceViewMM is crafted to integrate well into applications using the gtkmm framework. . These are the shared libraries for libgtksourceviewmm. Package: libgtksourceviewmm-3.0-dev Description-md5: 34f507477a82099dcaad788bceb77712 Description-sl: Vezava C++ GtkSourceView - razvojne datoteke GtkSourceViewMM is a C++ binding of GtkSourceView, an extension to the text widget included in GTK+ 3.x adding syntax highlighting and other features typical for a source file editor. . GtkSourceViewMM is crafted to integrate well into applications using the gtkmm framework. . These are the development files for libgtksourceviewmm, needed only if you wish to write or compile software which uses it. Package: libgtksourceviewmm-3.0-doc Description-md5: 3fb45645e33cce53a77624b259da3d9d Description-sl: Vezava C++ GtkSourceView GtkSourceViewMM is a C++ binding of GtkSourceView, an extension to the text widget included in GTK+ 3.x adding syntax highlighting and other features typical for a source file editor. . GtkSourceViewMM is crafted to integrate well into applications using the gtkmm framework. . These are the reference documentation for libgtksourceviewmm. Package: libgtkspellmm-3.0-0v5 Description-md5: 81539545f5e9aeab583bf910f4573e5c Description-sl: C++ wrapper library for GtkSpell (shared libraries) GtkSpellmm provides C++ bindings for the GtkSpell spell-checking library. GtkSpell provides LibreOffice-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgts-0.7-5t64 Description-md5: 6074afcc54a3906f2372b3e142a15afd Description-sl: library to deal with 3D computational surface meshes The GNU Triangulated Surface Library is intended to provide a simple and efficient library to scientists dealing with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgts-bin Description-md5: cede45ba9417854bd2ea51164cccc797 Description-sl: Binarne datoteke pripomočkov za libgts The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . Ta paket vsebuje nekatere binarne datoteke pripomočkov. Package: libgts-dev Description-md5: 68965fbf175635c7a79e11c874191966 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libgts The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . This package contains the headers and development libraries needed to build applications using GTS. Package: libgucharmap-2-90-7 Description-md5: 23d03262b30ea8c75f637ac989fdc205 Description-sl: Unicode browser widget library (shared library) The libgucharmap library contains a Unicode browser widget; it is most prominently used by the "gucharmap" program. See the package of the same name for more information. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgucharmap-2-90-dev Description-md5: 3a5187f96ac5928425f930b46f048433 Description-sl: Unicode browser widget library (development headers) The libgucharmap library contains a Unicode browser widget; it is most prominently used by the "gucharmap" program. See the package of the same name for more information. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libgudhi-doc Description-md5: ebe9b1d5ef60496dcfc2a92b9524fcd6 Description-sl: Documentation for the GUDHI library The GUDHI library is a generic open source C++ library for Topological Data Analysis (TDA) and Higher Dimensional Geometry Understanding. The library offers state-of-the-art data structures and algorithms to construct simplicial complexes and compute persistent homology. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libguestfs-dev Description-md5: 702a85e8480fb1be78f543019a09580d Description-sl: guest disk image management system - development headers The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libguestfs-perl Description-md5: bf6bd60c46c6f0d533925be393d8e2ee Description-sl: guest disk image management system - Perl bindings The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Perl. Package: libguichan-0.8.1-1v5 Description-md5: cdb4eea09ec3a805c50fad5865bcfbc5 Description-sl: Majhna, učinkovita grafična knjižnica C++ Guichan is a small and efficient C++ GUI library designed for games. It comes with a standard set of widgets and can use several different objects for displaying graphics and grabbing user input. . Guichan has a very abstract design which allows users of Guichan to use different objects for displaying of graphics and grabbing of user input. Guichan comes with (for now) 3 implemented graphics objects (SDLGraphics, OpenGLGraphics and AllegroGraphics) and 2 implemented input objects (SDLInput and AllegroInput), . Guichan is designed in a very abstract way making it very easy to extend Guichan for your own needs. It is even very easy to implement new graphics objects making Guichan as portable as ansi C++ is. Package: libgupnp-igd-1.6-dev Description-md5: cc9838aa22efa61400a06c1c8a99867f Description-sl: library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping - development files A GObject-based API for controlling UPnP Internet Gateway Devices port mapping. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgupnp-igd-doc Description-md5: 683b6ab9372e37c4401a460d7e6a5733 Description-sl: library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping - documentation A GObject-based API for controlling UPnP Internet Gateway Devices port mapping. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libguvcview-2.2 Description-md5: a54cca276b3412f2e182aff47eca90cc Description-sl: GTK+ base UVC Viewer - runtime guvcview je enostaven vmesnik GTK+ za zajemanje in ogled videa z naprav, ki jih podpira gonilnik Linux UV. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libguvcview-dev Description-md5: 2446392d37ac70c7c1cf6c5f634e32a8 Description-sl: GTK+ base UVC Viewer - development files guvcview je enostaven vmesnik GTK+ za zajemanje in ogled videa z naprav, ki jih podpira gonilnik Linux UV. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libgv-guile Description-md5: 4d9e1cdaa267a74055c166a75ab1e8b3 Description-sl: Vezave guile za graphviz Graphviz is a set of graph drawing tools. See the description of the graphviz package for a full description. . This package contains the guile (3.0) bindings. Package: libgv-lua Description-md5: 0e64de3cb016ad670bbbb2773daf8c79 Description-sl: Vezave lua za graphviz Graphviz is a set of graph drawing tools. See the description of the graphviz package for a full description. . This package contains the lua5.2 bindings. Package: libgv-perl Description-md5: 50f9c9810e4cd1ff33ec004dadd5fd9a Description-sl: Vezave Perl za graphviz Graphviz is a set of graph drawing tools. See the description of the graphviz package for a full description. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Perl. Package: libgv-ruby Description-md5: bc900a06ec5b5114246ccb0e255925c4 Description-sl: Vezave za Ruby za graphviz Graphviz is a set of graph drawing tools. See the description of the graphviz package for a full description. . This package contains the Ruby bindings. Package: libgv-tcl Description-md5: 0ab2c69c3d22314448ae2cd59acadf39 Description-sl: Vezave tcl za graphviz Graphviz is a set of graph drawing tools. See the description of the graphviz package for a full description. . This package contains the Tcl (8.6) bindings. Package: libgvm22t64 Description-md5: 2012e7f71daa78e8ea541bbf5533a539 Description-sl: remote network security auditor - shared libraries The Open Vulnerability Assessment System is a modular security auditing tool, used for testing remote systems for vulnerabilities that should be fixed. . It is made up of two parts: a server, and a client. The server/daemon, gvmd, is in charge of the attacks, whereas the client, gvm-tools, provides an X11/GTK+ user interface. . Paket vsebuje zahtevane souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgvnc-1.0-0 Description-md5: 06fa496658789fbfc6514726e1dffdb5 Description-sl: VNC GObject wrapper (runtime libraries) It is built using coroutines, allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It supports RFB protocols 3.3 through 3.8 and the VeNCrypt authentication extension providing SSL/TLS encryption with x509 certificate authentication. . The core library is written in C and a bindings for other languages are available via GObject introspection. The networking layer supports connections over both IPv4 and IPv6. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libgwenhywfar-doc Description-md5: 2411fb452e747fc2a5ca1460e602cbee Description-sl: OS abstraction layer (API documentation) Gwenhywfar allows porting of your software to different operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Windows etc. It also provides some often needed modules such as configuration file handling, simple XML file parsing, IPC etc. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libgwenhywfar79t64 Description-md5: 99f17f2b1214e23bdf68d7116b518077 Description-sl: Plast abstrakcije operacijskega sistema Gwenhywfar allows porting of your software to different operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Windows etc. It also provides some often needed modules such as configuration file handling, simple XML file parsing, IPC etc. Package: libgwyddion20-dev Description-md5: 414fc08625a4c958aa67ae27e9ce2c5b Description-sl: header files for Gwyddion SPM analysis tool Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height field data obtained by microscopy techniques like * Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), * Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), * Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), * Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (SNOM or NSOM) and others. However, it can be used for arbitrary height field and image analysis. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za libgwyddion2-0. Package: libgxr-0.15-0t64 Description-md5: 00f2b40591c990b81f3d9d7d5aa054df Description-sl: glib wrapper for OpenXR APIs A glib wrapper and utilities for the OpenXR APIs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libgzstream0 Description-md5: 25781160586e93aa72b484d8a32bdb7b Description-sl: provide functionality of zlib C-library in a C++ iostream Gzstream is a small C++ library, basically just a wrapper, that provides the functionality of the zlib C-library in a C++ iostream. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libh3-1 Description-md5: 6f12b05d677fe7e0b3695c607f846aef Description-sl: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system - library H3 is a geospatial indexing system using a hexagonal grid that can be (approximately) subdivided into finer and finer hexagonal grids, combining the benefits of a hexagonal grid with S2's hierarchical subdivisions. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libh3-dev Description-md5: f11b1a6389a84e318e0fc56a98f4f8ec Description-sl: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system - header files H3 is a geospatial indexing system using a hexagonal grid that can be (approximately) subdivided into finer and finer hexagonal grids, combining the benefits of a hexagonal grid with S2's hierarchical subdivisions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libhaapi-dev Description-md5: 528286f038319c2aa671bfed60c50ca0 Description-sl: Knjižnica SNIA HBAAPI The SNIA HBA API library. C-level project to manage Fibre Channel Host Bust Adapters. . This package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use libhaapi1 Package: libhaapi1 Description-md5: eec9df30399471d86cdc612f340542f8 Description-sl: Knjižnica SNIA HBAAPI The SNIA HBA API library. C-level project to manage Fibre Channel Host Bust Adapters. Package: libhackrf-dev Description-md5: 5bc55960a89b50f3d1cc4144c3b322b2 Description-sl: Software defined radio peripheral - development HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive and transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhackrf0 Description-md5: 53e308db8215eca080042034a183f6c2 Description-sl: Software defined radio peripheral - runtime library HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive and transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libharminv-dev Description-md5: e8231970eb21d4a30a7fa4e8b8eaba79 Description-sl: Library for using harminv, development version Libharminv is a free library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion, given a discrete-time, finite-length signal that consists of a sum of finitely-many sinusoids (possibly exponentially decaying) in a given bandwidth, it determines the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and phases of those sinusoids. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libharminv3 Description-md5: 71027333758d7bd94a8655e02a5e5d32 Description-sl: Knjižnica za uporabo harminv Libharminv is a free library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion, given a discrete-time, finite-length signal that consists of a sum of finitely-many sinusoids (possibly exponentially decaying) in a given bandwidth, it determines the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and phases of those sinusoids. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libhash-fieldhash-perl Description-md5: 7cf444ef4bf6e39b0fe331c62114d288 Description-sl: Perl module implementing a lightweight field hash Hash::FieldHash provides the field hash mechanism which supports the inside-out technique. . You may know Hash::Util::FieldHash. It's a very useful module, but too complex to understand all the functions. . This is an alternative to Hash::Util::FieldHash with following features: . Enostavnejši vmesnik . Hash::FieldHash provides a few functions: fieldhash() and fieldhashes(). That's enough. . Higher performance Hash::FieldHash is faster than Hash::Util::FieldHash, because its internals use simpler structures. Package: libhavege-dev Description-md5: c49a598f854a87b074e2d7bc5a4f89dd Description-sl: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - development files libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator and it's associated tuning and testing factilities. . More information about HAVEGE is available at . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhavege2 Description-md5: 791597097dfee31e0e57febdd3a0f02e Description-sl: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - shared library libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator and it's associated tuning and testing factilities. . More information about HAVEGE is available at . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libhbaapi2 Description-md5: bb0e9ecc995a150e61d0c5391c2d3b72 Description-sl: Knjižnica SNIA HBAAPI The SNIA HBA API library. C-level project to manage Fibre Channel Host Bust Adapters. . This package contains libraries for developing applications to manage Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters Package: libhcrypto5t64-heimdal Description-md5: 6492d04dab376288c3e43218cb4d78e6 Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - knjižnica šifriranja Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . This package contains the cryptographic library required for Heimdal. Package: libhd21t64 Description-md5: e05daec8e9a04bdca77c25fbe97e5e96 Description-sl: Sistemska knjižnica določanja strojne opreme hwinfo is the hardware detection tool used in SuSE Linux. . In Debian Edu (Skolelinux) hwinfo has shown better results than discover when detecting mouse, keyboard and monitor. . hwinfo collects information about the hardware installed on a system. Among others, libhd contains information about cdrom, zip, floppy, disks and partitions, network card, graphics card, monitor, camera, mouse, sound, pppoe, isdn, modem, printer, scanner, bios, cpu, usb, memory and smp. . This package contains the shared library from the hwinfo package. Package: libhdate-perl Description-md5: c402454a5e4ed5d5c42bd129461735ea Description-sl: Provides a library that help use Hebrew dates (perl bindings) LibHdate is a small C,C++ library for Hebrew dates, holidays, and reading sequence (parasha). It is using the source code from Amos Shapir's "hdate" package fixed and patched by Nadav Har'El. The Torah reading sequence is from tables by Zvi Har'El. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave perl za libhdate. Package: libhdcpsdk-dev Description-md5: 0092972018c8ce7907f37c843bdf2ea2 Description-sl: Intel unified HDCP implementation -- development files The Intel(R) unified HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is a user space implementation to prevent copying of digital audio & video content across digital display interfaces. It provides Linux user space implementation to enable the HDCP1.4 and HDCP2.2 protection for external digital display interfaces (HDMI/DP). . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libhdcpsdk0 Description-md5: 9aa7f791ade49712fecb58256815f513 Description-sl: Intel unified HDCP implementation -- shared library The Intel(R) unified HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is a user space implementation to prevent copying of digital audio & video content across digital display interfaces. It provides Linux user space implementation to enable the HDCP1.4 and HDCP2.2 protection for external digital display interfaces (HDMI/DP). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libhdf5-dev Description-md5: 362b5f6dc77ab06d0d5bb4bee15328bf Description-sl: HDF5 - development files - serial version Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5 was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za zaporedne sisteme. Package: libhdf5-doc Description-md5: 2beb8eb8a5c75717cac8cf22d9f85901 Description-sl: HDF5 - Documentation Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5 was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za HDF5. Package: libhdhomerun-dev Description-md5: 38c63292e78a46e3aa7653606f456ca5 Description-sl: Development library for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun Ta paket podpira Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. HDHomeRun je omrežen, digitalni TV sprejemnik, ki je združljiv z MythTV, SageTV in VLC. . Razvojni paket Package: libhdhomerun5 Description-md5: 79435849e7cf051dc826499522edea1f Description-sl: Library for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun Ta paket podpira Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. HDHomeRun je omrežen, digitalni TV sprejemnik, ki je združljiv z MythTV, SageTV in VLC. . Souporabljena knjižnica Package: libheimbase1t64-heimdal Description-md5: 5f80987f2f2b6c07e507ae48f47db52e Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - Base library Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libhibernate-commons-annotations-java Description-md5: 323bbe8bc6497f526fc829802fd7d6e6 Description-sl: Skupne zabeležke mirovanja Hibernate, like all other object/relational mapping tools, requires metadata that governs the transformation of data from one representation to the other (and vice versa). As an option, you can now use JDK 5.0 annotations for object/relational mapping with Hibernate 3.2. You can use annotations in addition to or as a replacement of XML mapping metadata. . You can use Hibernate extension annotations on top of standardized Java Persistence annotations to utilize all native Hibernate features. . This package ships the Hibernate Commons Annotations classes used by annotations based Hibernate sub-projects. Package: libhibernate-validator-java Description-md5: 91e0fac9bcd97cc00f06df4d08a7be8d Description-sl: Program za preverjanje mirovanja Hibernate Validator aims at defining and checking a domain model level constraints. It supports custom constraints definitions as well as full internationalization. Annotations are used to define constraints on object level. The validation mechanism can be executed in different layers in your application without having to duplicate any of these rules (presentation layer, data access layer, Database schema). . Hibernate Validator integrates with Hibernate by applying the constraints on the database schema (DDL generation) and by checking entity validity before Hibernate inserts or updates instances. You can use Hibernate Validator with any Java Persistence provider, not only Hibernate, although you will not be able to use automatic DDL alteration for constraint generation outside of Hibernate EntityManager. Package: libhibernate-validator4-java Description-md5: 91e0fac9bcd97cc00f06df4d08a7be8d Description-sl: Program za preverjanje mirovanja Hibernate Validator aims at defining and checking a domain model level constraints. It supports custom constraints definitions as well as full internationalization. Annotations are used to define constraints on object level. The validation mechanism can be executed in different layers in your application without having to duplicate any of these rules (presentation layer, data access layer, Database schema). . Hibernate Validator integrates with Hibernate by applying the constraints on the database schema (DDL generation) and by checking entity validity before Hibernate inserts or updates instances. You can use Hibernate Validator with any Java Persistence provider, not only Hibernate, although you will not be able to use automatic DDL alteration for constraint generation outside of Hibernate EntityManager. Package: libhivex-ocaml Description-md5: 1623b0e7530f23ef553e4a918e9d5528 Description-sl: OCaml bindings for hivex -- runtime files OCaml bindings for libhivex, a library for reading and writing Windows Registry "hive" binary files. . Ta paket vsebuje le souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice stub. Package: libhkl-doc Description-md5: 959ca03ab47e3989c31ce0e866188eb5 Description-sl: diffractometer computation control library - documentation The hkl library is a framework for diffraction computation and diffractometer control, heavily used at the SOLEIL synchrotron. It supports various types of diffractometer geometry: Eulerian 4-circle, Eulerian 6-circle, kappa 4-circle, kappa 6-circle, and z-axis geometry. For each of these it provides several numerically computed modes, such as bisector and constant psi. . To je dokumentacijski paket za hkl. Package: libhmap-ocaml Description-md5: e22d0c41beccc8b01829b00d716b6254 Description-sl: heterogeneous value maps for OCaml (runtime) Hmap provides heterogeneous value maps for OCaml. These maps bind keys to values with arbitrary types. Keys witness the type of the value they are bound to which allows one to add and lookup bindings in a type safe manner. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libhmap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7c0f648d9af641d2e3ac71451ea8474c Description-sl: heterogeneous value maps for OCaml (development) Hmap provides heterogeneous value maps for OCaml. These maps bind keys to values with arbitrary types. Keys witness the type of the value they are bound to which allows one to add and lookup bindings in a type safe manner. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhmat-oss-dev Description-md5: a8fb10062af22402a93e27b0ddf94ec7 Description-sl: hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (development files) This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices. . The implementation uses lower-upper (LU) decompositions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhmat-oss4 Description-md5: 58f77ec149c43d0c297e9a1cf6015c83 Description-sl: hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (shared library) This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices. . The implementation uses lower-upper (LU) decompositions. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libhoel-dev Description-md5: d709efd0c0344a26504e41537c796069 Description-sl: database abstraction library written in C - development Simple and easy to use database access library. Works with SQLite 3, MariaDB/Mysql and PostgreSQL databases. Uses a json-based language with jansson to execute simples queries based on one table. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhomfly-dev Description-md5: 6c69e42e49aa288046dc226c7afe9558 Description-sl: compute the homfly polynomial of a link (development files) libhomfly is a library to compute the homfly polynomial of knots and links. . It is based on a program written by Robert J Jenkins Jr. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libhpdf-2.3.0 Description-md5: d085cff27026c5e6617a4579690157f8 Description-sl: Knjižnica C za ustvarjanje datotek pdf Haru is a free, cross platform, open-source C library for generating PDF files. It supports the following features: 1. Generation of PDF files with lines, text and images. 2. Outlines, text and link annotations. 3. Document compression using deflate-decode. 4. Embedded PNG and Jpeg images. 5. Embedded Type1 and TrueType fonts. 6. Creation of encrypted PDF files. 7. Usage of various character sets (ISO8859-1~16, MSCP1250~8, KOI8-R). 8. Support for CJK fonts and encodings. Package: libhsa-runtime-dev Description-md5: a43df1a7a825b65ac5f03fb39ff420b1 Description-sl: HSA Runtime API and runtime for ROCm - development files This library provides user-mode API interfaces necessary for host applications to launch compute kernels to available HSA ROCm kernel agents. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libhsakmt-dev Description-md5: 7206aef6339b557669fd61b2c4ccb72f Description-sl: Thunk library for AMD KFD (dev) This package includes the user-mode API interfaces used to interact with the ROCk driver. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhsqldb1.8.0-java Description-md5: 214a2c1ad31e54bb2dc0632a9a88f65a Description-sl: Java SQL database engine HSQLDB is an SQL relational database engine written in Java. It has a JDBC driver and supports a rich subset of SQL-92 (BNF tree format) plus SQL:1999 and SQL:2003 enhancements. It offers a small, fast database engine that offers both in-memory and disk-based tables. Embedded and server modes are available. Additionally, it includes tools such as a minimal web server, in-memory query and management tools (can be run as applets), and a number of demonstration examples. . Spletišče: Package: libhtml-html5-parser-perl Description-md5: 4159cd642f7e7bab5463051e82d2c496 Description-sl: Zanesljivo razčlenjevanje HTML HTML::HTML5::Parser is an HTML parser, similar to the non-CPAN module Whatpm::HTML with some changes including: . * Provides an XML::LibXML-like DOM interface. If you usually use XML::LibXML's DOM parser, this should be a drop-in solution for tag soup HTML. . * Constructs an XML::LibXML::Document as the result of parsing. . * Via bundling and modifications, removed external dependencies on non-CPAN packages. Package: libhtml-mason-perl Description-md5: 821e553b74f179a7ab444872e8f85284 Description-sl: Perl modul HTML::Mason Mason allows web pages and sites to be constructed from shared, reusable building blocks called components. Components contain a mix of Perl and HTML, and can call each other and pass values back and forth like subroutines. Components increase modularity and eliminate repetitive work: common design elements (headers, footers, menus, logos) can be extracted into their own components where they need be changed only once to affect the whole site. . Other Mason features include a graphical site previewing utility, an HTML/data caching model, and the ability to walk through requests with the Perl debugger. . This package contains the HTML::Mason modules. Package: libhtml-microformats-perl Description-md5: f5417abf349691c60e7ca48a3bcbdd87 Description-sl: Razčleni mikrooblike v HTML The HTML::Microformats module is a wrapper for parser and handler modules of various individual microformats (each of those modules has a name like HTML::Microformats::Format::Foo). . The general pattern of usage is to create an HTML::Microformats object (which corresponds to an HTML document) using the "new_document" method; then ask for the data, as a Perl hashref, a JSON string, or an RDF::Trine model. Package: libhtml-selector-xpath-perl Description-md5: 9c66902b011b0d43d24e80717a1bc1ad Description-sl: Modul za kodno prevajanje izbirnikov CSS za XPath HTML::Selector::XPath is a Perl module that provides simple utility functions for compiling CSS Selectors to the equivalent XPath expression. It provides full support for CSS2 and partial support for CSS3 selectors. Package: libhtml-simpleparse-perl Description-md5: c7e202eae0a46a12ce164f010b36498b Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik HTML z enostavnim ogrodjem HTML::SimpleParse is a bare-bones HTML parser, similar to HTML::Parser, but with a couple important distinctions: . First, HTML::Parser knows which tags can contain other tags, which start tags have corresponding end tags, which tags can exist only in the <HEAD> portion of the document, and so forth. HTML::SimpleParse does not know any of these things. It just finds tags and text in the HTML you give it, it does not care about the specific content of these tags (though it does distinguish between different _types_ of tags, such as comments, starting tags like <b>, ending tags like </b>, and so on). . Second, HTML::SimpleParse does not create a hierarchical tree of HTML content, but rather a simple linear list. It does not pay any attention to balancing start tags with corresponding end tags, or which pairs of tags are inside other pairs of tags. Package: libhtml-tidy-perl Description-md5: ff2e3ec437c9ea199083e5393db83d8c Description-sl: Modul za potrjevanje veljavnosti (X)HTML HTML::Tidy is a Perl module useful for performing cleanup and providing basic validation of input. It is based on Perl bindings to the HTML Tidy Project, also known as libtidy; for details, see: <URL:>. . This module is intended to replace HTML::Lint and includes documentation for easing the migration from that module. Package: libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl Description-md5: 47ee6c82d85bfe0e6b52baf5aa667de3 Description-sl: HTML to wiki markup converter - DokuWiki dialect HTML::WikiConverter is an HTML to wiki converter. It can convert HTML source into a variety of wiki markups, called wiki "dialects". . Ta paket zagotavlja naglas DokuWiki. Package: libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl Description-md5: e5bc07841692ca61a8763abfc861c82f Description-sl: HTML to wiki markup converter - Markdown dialect HTML::WikiConverter is an HTML to wiki converter. It can convert HTML source into a variety of wiki markups, called wiki "dialects". . Ta paket zagotavlja naglas Markdown. Package: libhtmlcleaner-java-doc Description-md5: 76799b74ab23f712a937526f33b6fbf2 Description-sl: Java HTML Parser library (documentation) HtmlCleaner can be used in java code, as command line tool or as Ant task. It is designed to be small, independent (no runtime dependencies except JRE 1.5+), fast and flexible (its behavior is configurable through number of parameters). Although the main motive was to prepare ordinary HTML for XML processing with XPath, XQuery and XSLT, structured data produced by HtmlCleaner may be consumed and handled in many other ways. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libhtmlparser-java-doc Description-md5: 289b8788e34f9e4801ab6ef44e222ad8 Description-sl: java library to parse html - doc HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libhtp-dev Description-md5: a441ee5702ccec3f2d27e5a864ae7745 Description-sl: HTTP normalizer and parser library (devel) The HTP Library is an HTTP normalizer and parser. This integrates and provides very advanced processing of HTTP streams for Suricata. The HTP library is required by the engine, but may also be used independently in a range of applications and tools. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libhtp. Package: libhtscodecs-dev Description-md5: 50b1e2cdbddcc92e7c547f84466dbc17 Description-sl: Development headers for custom compression for CRAM and others This library implements the custom CRAM codecs used for "EXTERNAL" block types. These consist of two variants of the rANS codec (8-bit and 16-bit renormalisation, with run-length encoding and bit-packing also supported in the latter), a dynamic arithmetic coder, and custom codecs for name/ID compression and quality score compression derived from fqzcomp. . They come with small command line test tools to act as both compression exploration programs and as part of the test harness. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave Package: libhttp-dav-perl Description-md5: e55bc133d6475ca7f1285e734a6ec0aa Description-sl: WebDAV client library for Perl, and "dave" CLI client HTTP::DAV provides client-side access to a DAV server. DAV is a protocol for remote web-site authoring and management. Now you can LOCK, DELETE and PUT files and much more on a DAV-enabled webserver. . Knjižnica PerlDAV je sestavljena iz: . * HTTP::DAV - an object-oriented Web-DAV client API. * dave - the DAV Explorer, an end-user Unix console program for interacting with WebDAV servers. dave looks and feels like a standard Unix ftp program. . Learn more about WebDAV at Package: libhttp-link-parser-perl Description-md5: ae1467afa7aa71e6a79e77e8e0fc896b Description-sl: Razčlenjevanje glav povezav HTTP HTTP::Link::Parser parses HTTP "Link" headers found in an HTTP::Response object. Headers should conform to the format described in RFC 5988. Package: libhttp-lite-perl Description-md5: 4a6778d0a5753752943ddc926cb1b572 Description-sl: Lahka izvedba HTTP za perl HTTP::Lite is a stand-alone lightweight HTTP/1.1 implementation for perl. It is not intended as a replacement for the fully-features LWP module. Instead, it is intended for use in situations where it is desirable to install the minimal number of modules to achieve HTTP support, or where LWP is not a good candidate due to CPU overhead, such as slower processors. HTTP::Lite is also significantly faster than LWP . HTTP::Lite is ideal for CGI (or mod_perl) programs or for bundling for redistribution with larger packages where only HTTP GET and POST functionality are necessary. . HTTP::Lite supports basic POST and GET operations only. As of 0.2.1, HTTP::Lite supports HTTP/1.1 and is compliant with the Host header, necessary for name based virtual hosting. Additionally, HTTP::Lite now supports Proxies. . As of 2.0.0 HTTP::Lite now supports a callback to allow processing of request data as it arrives. This is useful for handling very large files without consuming memory. Package: libhttp-oai-perl Description-md5: ce18644fdb4e4e48fc56065a8f731e0c Description-sl: API za OAI-PMH HTTP::OAI is a Perl library implementing an API to use the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). See for more information. Package: libhttp-proxy-perl Description-md5: 784e31e267bdfb84e48ef28ee080c8e2 Description-sl: Popolnoma Perl posredniški strežnik HTTP HTTP::Proxy implements the methods needed to run a pure-perl HTTP proxy using LWP. Useful for lightweight, easy to configure proxies. . The most interesting feature of this proxy object is its ability to filter the HTTP requests and responses through user-defined filters. Package: libhttp-request-params-perl Description-md5: ea485260b7c10d0ce0f39d3e40ea15a6 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za pridobivanje parametrov zahtev HTTP The HTTP::Request::Params module parses the GET and POST parameters of an HTTP request. It may return the result either as a hash reference or as an Email::MIME object for easier parsing. Package: libhttp-server-simple-perl Description-md5: 60bdf2dc7956a01197e284d0a740ef78 Description-sl: Enostaven samostojen strežnik HTTP HTTP::Server::Simple is a simple standalone HTTP server. By default, it does not thread or fork. It does, however, act as a simple frontend which can be used to build a standalone web-based application or turn a CGI into one. (It is possible to use Net::Server to get threading, forking, preforking, etc.) Package: libhttpunit-java-doc Description-md5: f4b5ad842e04e308e758f906735cfbe2 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libhttpunit-java Documentation for HttpUnit which is an automated web site testing toolkit. . HttpUnit emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form submission, JavaScript, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages either as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. . This package includes a small manual, the javadoc API, a tutorial and examples. Package: libhud-client2-doc Description-md5: be36e1ce1035bc219738d87ad6e9c7ef Description-sl: private library for implementing a HUD frontend Interface for querying the HUD and getting results. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libhud-gtk1-doc Description-md5: 7e11e2cb6c06b23481c1a630bdec8d15 Description-sl: GTK helpers for exporting items to the Unity HUD Allows applications to add items into the HUD without requiring a menubar or other parsed GUI elements using standard GTK features. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libhud2-doc Description-md5: c29f9b6554b89d87d21bf40b550d0e8a Description-sl: library for exporting items to the Unity HUD Allows applications to add items into the HUD without requiring a menubar or other parsed GUI elements. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libhugs-base-bundled Description-md5: 7d3681fa81560bb283c72f714c9397d3 Description-sl: Osnovne knjižnice This package contains the Prelude and its support libraries, and a large collection of useful libraries ranging from data structures to parsing combinators and debugging utilities. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-haskell-src-bundled Description-md5: 52957fac28e2963706e8ed5b554eb874 Description-sl: Upravljanje izvorne kode Haskell Facilities for manipulating Haskell source code: an abstract syntax, lexer, parser and pretty-printer. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-haskell98-bundled Description-md5: 63733e150d7b1a882386147f55000077 Description-sl: Združljivost s Haskell 98 This package provides compatibility with the modules of Haskell 98 and the FFI addendum, by means of wrappers around modules from the base package (which in many cases have additional features). However Prelude, Numeric and Foreign are provided directly by the base package. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-haxml-bundled Description-md5: d2f1a3fe38c350949dca0e7cc01c4256 Description-sl: Pripomočki za upravljanje z dokumenti XML Haskell utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming and generating XML documents. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-mtl-bundled Description-md5: 2c70dc109336fe13b7f3d8589f702200 Description-sl: Knjižnica transformatorja Monad A monad transformer library, inspired by the paper "Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism", by Mark P Jones (<>), Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-network-bundled Description-md5: 39a57aa083c261b850283a9dcee85746 Description-sl: Z omrežjem povezani pripomočki This is the libhugs-network-bundled version that bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-parsec-bundled Description-md5: 4edb018eb0f888b60df8c273bf13159d Description-sl: Kombinatorji razčlenjevalnika Monadic Parsec is designed from scratch as an industrial-strength parser library. It is simple, safe, well documented (on the package homepage), has extensive libraries and good error messages, and is also fast. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-stm-bundled Description-md5: f5ccdd0c55ac2fad665bcdee0e6b690f Description-sl: Pomnilnik prenosa programov A modular composable concurrency abstraction. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-time-bundled Description-md5: 640e1477831068490faf54e72291bc26 Description-sl: Knjižnica časa This is the libhugs-time-bundled version that bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-unix-bundled Description-md5: fa5e73b63a0f8ac96398b4c707fa2065 Description-sl: Zmožnost POSIX This package gives you access to the set of operating system services standardised by POSIX 1003.1b (or the IEEE Portable Operating System Interface for Computing Environments - IEEE Std. 1003.1). . The package is not supported under Windows (except under Cygwin). . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhwloc-doc Description-md5: 29c1be7488580d8d80a5ac2e51977bf4 Description-sl: Hierarhični pogled na računalnik - dokumentacija Hardware Locality (hwloc) provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. . libhwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information. . libhwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libhwloc15 Description-md5: bd89ad338941b41499d0c0003d81d83e Description-sl: Hierarchical view of the machine - shared libs libhwloc provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. . libhwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information. . libhwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libhypre-2.31.0 Description-md5: 478cf6be96dbcdf76f616926e4ebdedb Description-sl: High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - Shared Library Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the solution of large systems of linear equations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libhyprlang-dev Description-md5: 412fc6b992c5f24ddcde6090babe6f4d Description-sl: Fast and user-friendly configuration language (dev files) The hypr configuration language is an extremely efficient, yet easy to work with, configuration language for Linux applications. . It's user-friendly, easy to grasp, and easy to implement. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhyprutils-dev Description-md5: 557eaafe94d734ce6ea2114b5166cd78 Description-sl: Utilities used across the Hyprland ecosystem (development files) Hyprutils is a small C++ library for utilities used across the Hyprland window manager ecosystem. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libhz0 Description-md5: f7fdb1c3febe5efc610b887c3b8ae448 Description-sl: Knjižnica za samodejno pretvarjanje kitajskega kodiranja AutoConvert is an intelligent Chinese Encoding converter. It uses builtin functions to judge the type of the input file’s Chinese Encoding (such as GB/Big5/HZ), then converts the input file to any type of Chinese Encoding you want. You can use autoconvert to handle incoming mail, automatically converting messages to the Chinese Encoding you want. It can alse handle Unicode (UTF-16)/UTF-7/UTF-8 now. . This library provide the Chinese encoding judge function, and the HZ/GB/Big5/UTF-16/UTF-7/UTF-8 convert functions. Package: libib-util Description-md5: bd15653352affc29194350a7a2ab7178 Description-sl: Podporna knjižnica Firebird UDF Contains utility functions used by Firebird User-Defined Functions (UDF) for memory management etc. . See firebird3.0-server package for more information about Firebird. Package: libibdm-dev Description-md5: 0bcaf72869e0e5462c367affa959eca2 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico libibdm This package contains header files for building applications against libibdm, a library for building tools for diagnosing and testing InfiniBand based networks. Package: libibdm1 Description-md5: 74d9a97ac81f7ccc1b8e5112dc79811d Description-sl: Knjižnica diagnostike omrežja InfiniBand This package contains a library for building tools useful for diagnosing and testing InfiniBand based networks. Package: libibtk0t64 Description-md5: 16c6ebccbaf80f94943e36b29eb736b7 Description-sl: Osnovna zbirka orodij Insomnia IBTK is used by The General ATI TV and Overlay Software (GATOS) suite for capturing video. Package: libicapapi-dev Description-md5: d6e23f9ae352dee5b236bb4f868e0ee8 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnice API ICAP C-ICAP is an implementation of an ICAP server. It can be used with HTTP proxies that support the ICAP protocol to implement content adaptation and filtering services. . Most of the commercial HTTP proxies must support the ICAP protocol. The open source Squid 3.x proxy server supports it. . This Package contains the ICAP API library development files. Package: libicapapi5t64 Description-md5: f90c39343c3a7f30fd94e39fcbc8794b Description-sl: Knjižnica API ICAP C-ICAP is an implementation of an ICAP server. It can be used with HTTP proxies that support the ICAP protocol to implement content adaptation and filtering services. . Most of the commercial HTTP proxies must support the ICAP protocol. The open source Squid 3.x proxy server supports it. . This Package contains the ICAP API library. Package: libicecc-dev Description-md5: 6492e9576218f01fde5bb03b28a913db Description-sl: development files for icecc (distributed compiler) This package is part if icecc. It provides files which are necessary to build icecc-monitor. . Za več podrobnosti si oglejte paket 'icecc'. Package: libicns-dev Description-md5: a8331f7c3f0079ffbd89e4fdaaeb78ee Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke libicns libicns is a library for manipulation of the Mac OS icns resource format, also known as the IconFamily resource type. It can read and write files for the Mac OS X icns format, as well as read from Mac OS resource files and macbinary encoded Mac OS resource forks. . This package contains development files (static libraries and headers) needed to build software using libicns. Package: libiconv-hook-dev Description-md5: 0d92dcddc03359f087b68cee2f43ae4c Description-sl: Datoteke glave libiconv-hook This package provides the development files for the libiconv-hook library. Package: libiddawc-dev Description-md5: b3c1cdf9d5526a9209c054d0979eb43a Description-sl: OAuth2 and OIDC client library - development Handles the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication process flow from the client side. . - Generates requests based on input parameters - Parses response - Validates response values . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libidzebra-2.0-0t64 Description-md5: 17abb6d72e8bcd32eff05d2bca981667 Description-sl: Knjižnice IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This package contains all run-time libraries for IDZebra. Package: libidzebra-2.0-dev Description-md5: 05f4ffe3fe65da334a4a1f404a35e9e1 Description-sl: Razvoj IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This package contains development files for IDZebra, such as libraries and header files. Package: libidzebra-2.0-modules Description-md5: 6fd20826adcff54881789469288b4eb8 Description-sl: Moduli IDZebra IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries. . This metapackage installs all base IDZebra filter modules. Package: libifcplusplus Description-md5: 2f92afb1917cc5557a6f277a43e79bfd Description-sl: Reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format - runtime libraries IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. . Features: - easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers - parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's . Additionally, there's a simple IFC viewer application, using Qt and OpenSceneGraph. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libifstat-dev Description-md5: 5c335e85f79ed552557a7c343ed1db66 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke Ifstat Static library, header and config file to include ifstat functionality in other applications. Package: libigdgmm12 Description-md5: e92322750e0ef3904ea5bd1a2dca2d44 Description-sl: Intel Graphics Memory Management Library -- shared library The Intel Graphics Memory Management Library provides device specific and buffer management for the Intel Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL and the Intel Media Driver for VAAPI. . This library is only useful for Broadwell and newer CPUs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libigfxcmrt7 Description-md5: 380147c43d6bc86e5464b124af7f5e80 Description-sl: Intel C for Media Runtime -- shared library cmrtlib is a runtime library needed when user wants to execute their own GPU kernels on render engine. It calls iHD media driver to load the kernels and allocate the resources. It provides a set of APIs for user to call directly from application. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libigloo-dev Description-md5: 10e0c713d272c753152d5ed08c36cae2 Description-sl: runtime framework to aid modern programming patterns (development) libigloo is a generic framework for C development. . libigloo abstracts memory allocation, provides high level types (including support to define such types), and provides a library for common programming problems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libigraph3t64 Description-md5: 3ea33fb618124d2b325cdee8e15acf48 Description-sl: library for creating and manipulating graphs igraph is a library for creating and manipulating graphs. It is intended to be as powerful (ie. fast) as possible to enable the analysis of large graphs. . To je paket izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libiio-dev Description-md5: 344b99c2ce753b186e5cf93c375f916d Description-sl: libiio development files Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libiio0 Description-md5: e824a09773dd29a067dcdf839bc28038 Description-sl: Library for interfacing with IIO devices Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libiio0-doc Description-md5: 98e3d7ce4311a6507ed0bc09f53e637d Description-sl: libiio documentation Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: libiksemel-utils Description-md5: 212daed76ccf9e4ec2603a41ec5311be Description-sl: Pripomočki iz knjižnice iksemel iksemel handles Jabber connections, parses XML, and sends and receives Jabber messages. It works pretty good for parsing other kinds of XML, too, if the need arises. . This package includes three utilitaries from the library: ikslint, which checks xml files for well-formedness, iksperf, which tests speed and memory usage, and, finally, iksroster, which backups your roster. Package: libimage-base-bundle-perl Description-md5: acc04c572e17c5ccb5deb3239c54c9c4 Description-sl: set of modules for loading, saving and creating xpm and xbm images A set of perl modules for loading, saving, and creating xpm and xbm images. Contains the following modules: . Image::Base Image::Xpm Image::Xbm . Requred by Image::Info to parse xpm and xbm files. Package: libimejyutping-dev Description-md5: 5b7db921aef28fbd8f75929692c0d4cd Description-sl: Fcitx5 libime implementation of jyutping input method (dev) This software provides a library that makes use of libime to implement jyutping (粵拼) input method. It also includes an engine for fcitx 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. Package: libimglib2-java-doc Description-md5: e0b964de7feaf3ad5b874cf6f56d5e4b Description-sl: documentation for ImgLib2 A multidimensional, type-agnostic image processing library. . It provides an interface-driven design that supports numeric and non- numeric data types (8-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit floating point, etc.) in an extensible way. It implements several data sources and sample organizations, including one single primitive array, one array per plane, N-dimensional array "cells" cached to and from disk on demand, and planes read on demand from disk. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libimgui-dev Description-md5: c101c300066a33d172024b336314e1a6 Description-sl: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. It outputs optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your 3D-pipeline enabled application. It is fast, portable, renderer agnostic and self-contained (no external dependencies). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libiml-dev Description-md5: 4d519079b17d4c51e6e9ea3fa14de320 Description-sl: Knjižnica številčnih matrix, razvojne datoteke IML is a library for exact, dense linear algebra over the integers. IML contains algorithms for nonsingular rational system solving, computing the right nullspace of an integer matrix, and certified linear system solving. . In addition, IML provides some low level routines for a variety of mod p matrix operations: computing the row-echelon form, determinant, rank profile, and inverse of a mod p matrix. These mod p routines are not general purpose; they require that p satisfy some preconditions based on the dimension of the input matrix (usually p should be prime and should be no more than about 20 bits long). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za IML. Package: libiml0 Description-md5: 20e75e542944f02c9bca9083b712e38c Description-sl: Knjižnica številčnih matrix, izvajalne datoteke IML is a library for exact, dense linear algebra over the integers. IML contains algorithms for nonsingular rational system solving, computing the right nullspace of an integer matrix, and certified linear system solving. . In addition, IML provides some low level routines for a variety of mod p matrix operations: computing the row-echelon form, determinant, rank profile, and inverse of a mod p matrix. These mod p routines are not general purpose; they require that p satisfy some preconditions based on the dimension of the input matrix (usually p should be prime and should be no more than about 20 bits long). . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke za IML. Package: libimmer-dev Description-md5: 0598416f2feb712f382efc56defdf3dd Description-sl: persistent and immutable data structures -- development files immer is a library of persistent and immutable data structures written in C++. These enable whole new kinds of architectures for interactive and concurrent programs of striking simplicity, correctness, and performance. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libimobiledevice-glue-dev Description-md5: 462ca698ee895ff42ea9e61a4e42117a Description-sl: Common library used by the libimobiledevice project (dev) This library contains common code used by the libraries and tools around the libimobiledevice project. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libimvirt-perl Description-md5: 1968391aa59349bf718e0f4fa8e6abd4 Description-sl: Perl module for detecting several virtualizations This Perl module ImVirt is able to determine, on which virtualization it is running. . In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies: ARAnyM KVM lguest LXC OpenVZ/Virtuozzo QEMU UML VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation Virtual PC/Virtual Server VirtualBox Xen (para and non-para virtualized) . In veliko več. Package: libinchi-dev Description-md5: 43d651a5e14855eeb3ecdbbdfe0dd2f9 Description-sl: International Chemical Identifier (InChI) algorithm (development files) The International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is an Open Source chemical structure representation algorithm. . InChIs are text strings comprising different layers and sublayers of information separated by slashes (/). Each InChI strings starts with the InChI version number followed by the main layer. This main layer contains sublayers for chemical formula, atom connections and hydrogen atoms. Depending on the structure of the molecule the main layer may be followed by additional layers e. g. for charge, stereochemical and/or isotop information. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libinchi1 Description-md5: cef798f2652ac1c78d9dc07ceceef413 Description-sl: International Chemical Identifier (InChI) algorithm (library) The International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is an Open Source chemical structure representation algorithm. . InChIs are text strings comprising different layers and sublayers of information separated by slashes (/). Each InChI strings starts with the InChI version number followed by the main layer. This main layer contains sublayers for chemical formula, atom connections and hydrogen atoms. Depending on the structure of the molecule the main layer may be followed by additional layers e. g. for charge, stereochemical and/or isotop information. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libindicator3-7 Description-md5: 646718eb8829a968151e4b7f5f1d7cf1 Description-sl: panel indicator applet - shared library This library contains information to build indicators to go into the indicator applet. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libindicator3-tools Description-md5: b62639ce4c223f11f11787a37e524310 Description-sl: Orodja za libindicator Tools useful for developers of applications using indicators. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libindicator7 Description-md5: 646718eb8829a968151e4b7f5f1d7cf1 Description-sl: panel indicator applet - shared library This library contains information to build indicators to go into the indicator applet. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libinfinity-0.7-doc Description-md5: a2163d71e7110583cd77843aa31a0398 Description-sl: infinote-based collaborative editing - documentation libinfinity is library to build collaborative text editors. Changes to the text buffers are synced to all other clients over a central server. Even though a central server is involved, the local user sees his changes applied instantly and the merging is done on the individual clients. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API za libinfinity. Package: libinifiles-ocaml Description-md5: 3bde107611ce90bdc03508f2ea085c36 Description-sl: read and write .ini files for OCaml (runtime) This library allows one to read and write .ini files. It features an object oriented interface to manipulate inifiles. It allows sections listing and operation on several inifiles grouped in a directory. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libinjeqt1 Description-md5: 06f4d2407a8cb6453b263629de242e63 Description-sl: Dependency injection framework for Qt Dependency injection is an implementation of inverse of control and can be used to increase program modularity and extendability. In general it also results in more testable source code. . There is a lot of dependency injection frameworks for bytecode based languages like Java and C#, for instance Guice and Spring. C++ lacks reflection facilities that make dependency injection so powerful in these languages. . Injeqt is an attempt to build a powerful and reliable dependency injection framework on Qt's reflection based on MOC (meta-object compiler). For version 0.1 some basic features were implemented. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libinklevel-dev Description-md5: 799c3d036fc02f37a95a8e8d775563bf Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libinklevel5 The aim of this library is to provide a way to check the ink level of a local printer. . It supports printers attached via parallel port or USB. . Many HP, Epson and Canon printers are supported. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: libinotify-ocaml Description-md5: d99ff02128e3b2ab0ed774b9a117bda1 Description-sl: OCaml bindings for the inotify API This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify. . Inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem, that notice changes to the filesystem, and report those changes to applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libinput-pad-1.0-1 Description-md5: 70fcdc1e985ccde17c594e20f1679445 Description-sl: On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse - libs The input pad is a tool to send a character to text applications when the corresponging button is pressed. It provides the GTK+ based GUI and can send characters when the GTK+ buttons are pressed. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice za druge programe. Package: libinput-pad-dev Description-md5: 875298fcf34ddde81e23f6ed99cd11d2 Description-sl: On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse - dev The input pad is a tool to send a character to text applications when the corresponging button is pressed. It provides the GTK+ based GUI and can send characters when the GTK+ buttons are pressed. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libinsane-doc Description-md5: 4e267f3753283986ed4383ac389dba42 Description-sl: Library to access scanner - documentation A cross-platform, cross-programming languages, cross scanner library that takes care of all the quirks of scanners. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libinstpatch-1.0-2 Description-md5: cb67bc56a835c994c24e2bbedbd6eab3 Description-sl: Knjižnica urejanja instrumentov MIDI libInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis. This library provides an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted, compressed and saved. . More information can be found on the Project Swami website . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libint-dev Description-md5: bc1260b1a27217ac39b5ca5392604d03 Description-sl: Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory (devel) The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libint1 Description-md5: 743a7c2856769633e13b13722aa189e8 Description-sl: Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libint2-2t64 Description-md5: 3637789ddd04b5e1841a69e403831ed9 Description-sl: Computation Chemistry Integral Evaluation Library The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libintegers-ocaml Description-md5: 8125aacb8368fcfb81ac5c463be7203e Description-sl: library of various integer types for OCaml (runtime) The ocaml-integers library provides a number of 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit signed and unsigned integer types, together with aliases such as long and size_t whose sizes depend on the host platform. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libintegers-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a28ce13a439e021e57e5995899b87d0e Description-sl: library of various integer types for OCaml (development) The ocaml-integers library provides a number of 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit signed and unsigned integer types, together with aliases such as long and size_t whose sizes depend on the host platform. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libio-aio-perl Description-md5: 029fa3fe9bfa1122d5bb0e04afbd03f1 Description-sl: Asinhron modul VI za Perl IO::AIO module implements asynchronous I/O using whatever means your operating system supports. It is implemented as an interface to the libeio library: . Asynchronous means that operations that can normally block your program (e.g. reading from disk) will be done asynchronously: the operation will still block, but you can do something else in the meantime. This is extremely useful for programs that need to stay interactive even when doing heavy I/O (GUI programs, high performance network servers etc.), but can also be used to easily do operations in parallel that are normally done sequentially, e.g. stat'ing many files, which is much faster on a RAID volume or over NFS when you do a number of stat operations concurrently. . While most of this works on all types of file descriptors (for example sockets), using these functions on file descriptors that support nonblocking operation (again, sockets, pipes etc.) is very inefficient. Use an event loop for that (such as the L<EV> module): IO::AIO will naturally fit into such an event loop itself. . In this version, a number of threads are started that execute your requests and signal their completion. You don't need thread support in perl, and the threads created by this module will not be visible to perl. In the future, this module might make use of the native aio functions available on many operating systems. However, they are often not well- supported or restricted (GNU/Linux doesn't allow them on normal files currently, for example), and they would only support aio_read and aio_write, so the remaining functionality would have to be implemented using threads anyway. . Although the module will work in the presence of other (Perl-) threads, it is currently not reentrant in any way, so use appropriate locking yourself, always call poll_cb from within the same thread, or never call poll_cb (or other aio_ functions) recursively. Package: libiodbc2-dev Description-md5: d130ba790976d31df335175ab1a2c1f8 Description-sl: iODBC Driver Manager (development files) The iODBC (intrinsic Open Database Connectivity) driver manager is compatible with the ODBC 2.x and 3.x specification and performs all the jobs of a ODBC driver manager (i.e. driver loading, parameters and function sequence checking, driver's function invoking, etc). Any ODBC driver working with ODBC 2.0 and 3.x driver manager will also work with iODBC driver manager and vice versa. . Applications (using ODBC function calls) linked with iODBC driver manager will be able to simultaneously access different types of data sources within one process through suitable iODBC drivers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libioth0 Description-md5: 09b4d82ea1b91b412f48664b4f51f7e6 Description-sl: Unified API for the Internet of Threads - library libioth main goal is to provide a convenient API to interoperate with different network stack implementations. Libioth is also an infrastructure where the actual implementations can be loaded as plug-ins. Libioth's API is minimal: it includes the complete set of Berkeley Sockets functions, some functions to add or delete a stack and 'msocket', an extended version of 'socket' providing one more leading argument to select which stack should manage the communication. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libipaddr-ocaml Description-md5: 15c9318d8b095088b891874395f24c4f Description-sl: library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations (runtime) This is a library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations. . Features: * IPv4 and IPv6 support * IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR prefix support * IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR-scoped address support * Integration with the standard OCaml distribution (Map.OrderedType, Unix, top-level) * IP address scope classification * IPv4-mapped addresses in IPv6 (::ffff:0:0/96) are an embedding of IPv4 * MAC-48 (Ethernet) address support * All types have sexplib serializers/deserializers . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libipaddr-ocaml-dev Description-md5: ca3b7ddcdbe87fc8ab98fa5188a149be Description-sl: library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations (dev files) This is a library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations. . Features: * IPv4 and IPv6 support * IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR prefix support * IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR-scoped address support * Integration with the standard OCaml distribution (Map.OrderedType, Unix, top-level) * IP address scope classification * IPv4-mapped addresses in IPv6 (::ffff:0:0/96) are an embedding of IPv4 * MAC-48 (Ethernet) address support * All types have sexplib serializers/deserializers . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libipmctl5 Description-md5: 242ddab7856025a627d251c38305dc04 Description-sl: library for managing Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules This package provides an API for the following functionality: * Discover PMMs on the platform. * Provision the platform memory configuration. * View and update the firmware on PMMs. * Configure data-at-rest security on PMMs. * Monitor PMM health. * Track performance of PMMs. * Debug and troubleshoot PMMs . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libircclient-dev Description-md5: adce96ca325ffac2fa2cdee1e1995034 Description-sl: development files for libircclient libircclient is a small but powerful library that implements the client- server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features include: . * Full multi-threading support. * Single threads handles all the IRC processing. * Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based applications, which use select() * Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. * CTCP support with optional build-in reply code. * Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer. * Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC. * Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously. * Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code, obviously) * Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients. * Good documentation and examples available. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libircclient1 Description-md5: 52395b5580dce0d9a5e86e015135d643 Description-sl: Knjižnica C za ustvarjanje odjemalcev IRC libircclient is a small but powerful library that implements the client- server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features include: . * Full multi-threading support. * Single threads handles all the IRC processing. * Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based applications, which use select() * Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. * CTCP support with optional build-in reply code. * Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer. * Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC. * Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously. * Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code, obviously) * Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients. * Good documentation and examples available. Package: libirclib-java Description-md5: 033fee1687d4a92fa24987c6e1780be3 Description-sl: Java izvedba protokola IRC IRClib is a free Java implementation of the IRC protocol. This thin library is RFC1459 and RFC2812 compliant. Package: libirrlicht-dev Description-md5: daf77d6cc6f8d699f1292adb2b07a055 Description-sl: High performance realtime 3D engine development library The Irrlicht Engine is an open source completely cross-platform 3D engine. It has support for OpenGL and its own software renderer, and has all of the state-of-the-art features which can be found in commercial 3d engines. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojno knjižnico. Package: libirrlicht-doc Description-md5: dca3ae98b38d177672fba4bcddb6245b Description-sl: High performance realtime 3D engine (API documentation) The Irrlicht Engine is an open source completely cross-platform 3D engine. It has support for OpenGL and its own software renderer, and has all of the state-of-the-art features which can be found in commercial 3d engines. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API in primere. Package: libisal2 Description-md5: db59909f70c412a803a10087d9506bd6 Description-sl: Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library - shared library Collection of low-level functions used in storage applications. Contains fast erasure codes that implement a general Reed-Solomon type encoding for blocks of data that helps protect against erasure of whole blocks. The general ISA-L library contains an expanded set of functions used for data protection, hashing, encryption, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libismrmrd-dev Description-md5: ddf945cd3a75bcf364e523bd7139c5d4 Description-sl: development files for ISMRMRD The ISMRMRD format combines a mix of flexible data structures (XML header) and fixed structures (equivalent to C-structs) to represent MRI data. . In addition, the ISMRMRD format also specifies an image header for storing reconstructed images and the accompanying C++ library provides a convenient way of writing such images into HDF5 files along with generic arrays for storing less well defined data structures, e.g. coil sensitivity maps or other calibration data. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libismrmrd-doc Description-md5: 2469b7c9ccfa08f5a6affb1af21e877f Description-sl: documentation for ISMRMRD The ISMRMRD format combines a mix of flexible data structures (XML header) and fixed structures (equivalent to C-structs) to represent MRI data. . In addition, the ISMRMRD format also specifies an image header for storing reconstructed images and the accompanying C++ library provides a convenient way of writing such images into HDF5 files along with generic arrays for storing less well defined data structures, e.g. coil sensitivity maps or other calibration data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libismrmrd1.8 Description-md5: 541e40b53e0f3863da96ab3f6d59ec9b Description-sl: ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) The ISMRMRD format combines a mix of flexible data structures (XML header) and fixed structures (equivalent to C-structs) to represent MRI data. . In addition, the ISMRMRD format also specifies an image header for storing reconstructed images and the accompanying C++ library provides a convenient way of writing such images into HDF5 files along with generic arrays for storing less well defined data structures, e.g. coil sensitivity maps or other calibration data. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libitl-gobject0 Description-md5: 7f20b16bee412587c2f31cd14d148abb Description-sl: GObject bindings for libitl - shared library This library is a GObject bindings library for libitl (Islamic tools & library project), libitl allows applications to convert between Hijri/Gregorian dates and compute Muslim prayer times and Qibla direction based on multiple methods of calculation. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libitpp-doc Description-md5: 82f2939c5428d6a4c9dc250d9163e075 Description-sl: C++ library of signal processing and communication routines: Documentation IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication classes and functions. Its main use is in simulation of communication systems and for performing research in the area of communications. The kernel of the library consists of generic vector and matrix classes, and a set of accompanying routines. Such a kernel makes IT++ similar to MATLAB or GNU Octave . . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za IT++. Package: libitsol-dev Description-md5: 4575db27d95477de9257f284aab0cdcb Description-sl: Iterativni reševalniki - razvoj ITSOL is a library of iterative solvers for general sparse linear systems of equations. ITSOL can be viewed as an extension of the itsol module in SPARSKIT. It is written in C and offers a selection of recently developed preconditioners. The preconditioner suite includes: . * ILUK (ILU preconditioner with level of fill) * ILUT (ILU preconditioner with threshold) * ILUC (Crout version of ILUT) * VBILUK (variable block preconditioner with level of fill - with automatic block detection) * VBILUT (variable block preconditioner with threshold - with automatic block detection) * ARMS (Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solvers -- includes actually several methods - In particular the standard ARMS and the ddPQ version which uses nonsymmetric permutations) . Note that ITSOL is a scalar package. You may find parallel implementations of some of the preconditioners listed above in pARMS. . This package provides the itsol header files required to compile C/C++ programs that use ITSOL. Package: libitsol1 Description-md5: 699486bdb5fa7053b71e882ec9f69522 Description-sl: Iterativni reševalniki - izvajanje ITSOL is a library of iterative solvers for general sparse linear systems of equations. ITSOL can be viewed as an extension of the itsol module in SPARSKIT. It is written in C and offers a selection of recently developed preconditioners. The preconditioner suite includes: . * ILUK (ILU preconditioner with level of fill) * ILUT (ILU preconditioner with threshold) * ILUC (Crout version of ILUT) * VBILUK (variable block preconditioner with level of fill - with automatic block detection) * VBILUT (variable block preconditioner with threshold - with automatic block detection) * ARMS (Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solvers -- includes actually several methods - In particular the standard ARMS and the ddPQ version which uses nonsymmetric permutations) . Note that ITSOL is a scalar package. You may find parallel implementations of some of the preconditioners listed above in pARMS. Package: libjack0 Description-md5: f4743a9e2f04ed05673483cd1fe0eb38 Description-sl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries) JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libjackson-json-java-doc Description-md5: 220b6b4dd03bc106ac06a954115b64a7 Description-sl: standard conformant json processor in java - API documentation Jackson is a Java-based JSON-processing package that contains: . * high-performance streaming JSON parser/generator * Tree Model that can be built from/written to parser/generator * Object Mapper that implements data binding to/from * parser/generator . API of streaming parser/generator is similar to Stax API used for efficient xml processing on Java platform. . Beyond VERY fast Json parser and generator, Jackson project also offers full data binding support through 2 different approaches: "Object Mapper" for full POJO to/from Json data mapping (similar to JAXB2) and "Tree Mapper" for something similar to DOM and XPath. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libjalali-dev Description-md5: 6b3075c858983dace394338e3b7ec0a9 Description-sl: development files of a library to display Jalali calendar JCal is a UNIX-cal-like tool to display Jalali (Persian) calendar. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico JCal. Package: libjalali0t64 Description-md5: dd56c850a2c847408b35fd5d26ddd360 Description-sl: library to display Jalali calendar JCal is a UNIX-cal-like tool to display Jalali (Persian) calendar. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnice JCal. Package: libjam-java-doc Description-md5: 5d93a5e15b42e536abdc5e04f57fdbe6 Description-sl: Java applications look and behave like native applications (documentation) JAM provides classes for building desktop applications that look and behave like native applications. applications created using JAM will look native on Mac, Windows and Linux/UNIX machines. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico Package: libjama-dev Description-md5: 7b182daf710ed1e1c70532944e1ea8e4 Description-sl: Paket linearne algebre C++ JAMA/C++ was adapted for The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) from JAMA, a Java Matrix Library, developed jointly by the Mathworks and NIST. See for more information. . TNT is a collection of interfaces and reference implementations of numerical objects useful for scientific computing in C++. The toolkit defines interfaces for basic data structures, such as multidimensional arrays and sparse matrices, commonly used in numerical applications. The goal of this package is to provide reusable software components that address many of the portability and maintenance problems with C++ codes. . TNT provides a distinction between interfaces and implementations of TNT components. For example, there is a TNT interface for two-dimensional arrays which describes how individual elements are accessed and how certain information, such as the array dimensions, can be used in algorithms; however, there can be several implementations of such an interface: one that uses expression templates, or one that uses BLAS kernels, or another that is instrumented to provide debugging information. By specifying only the interface, applications codes may utilize such algorithms, while giving library developers the greatest flexibility in employing optimization or portability strategies. Package: libjane-street-headers-ocaml Description-md5: 35b2e749e781aceb0cbe08c3cf5ee7f5 Description-sl: common header files for Jane Street packages (runtime files) This package provides C header files common to many of Jane Street software packages. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libjane-street-headers-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 51c56c155d4e982daaff9922aeab9106 Description-sl: common header files for Jane Street projects (dev files) This package provides C header files common to many of Jane Street software packages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libjaula1t64 Description-md5: 454e81c04bc9662e672572004aecff00 Description-sl: JSON parser/writer library for C++ Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico c za programe. . Jaula means "JSON Analysis User Library Acronym" and is the name of a C++ library for parsing and generating JSON formatted data. Package: libjava-xmlbuilder-java Description-md5: b911deadf2bf5144b562ab8c1e3ba5e7 Description-sl: Knjižnica izgrajevalnika Java XML za ustvarjanje dokumentov XML XML Builder is a utility that creates simple XML documents using relatively sparse Java code. . It is intended to allow for quick and painless creation of XML documents where you might otherwise be tempted to use concatenated strings, and where you would rather not face the tedium and verbosity of coding with JAXP. Package: libjava-xmlbuilder-java-doc Description-md5: 522a9f2ad6a9b9b06e3c5454a3fbdf6a Description-sl: Documentation for XML Builder Java library for creating XML documents XML Builder is a utility that creates simple XML documents using relatively sparse Java code. . It is intended to allow for quick and painless creation of XML documents where you might otherwise be tempted to use concatenated strings, and where you would rather not face the tedium and verbosity of coding with JAXP. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API za libjava-xmlbuilder-java. Package: libjava3d-java Description-md5: 8b5bf1235d6920ec22e49b7b6d11ad24 Description-sl: API Java 3D (knjižnica java) The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the structures used in rendering that geometry. With this software, you can efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico java Package: libjava3d-java-doc Description-md5: 5feb8b705272dd6b6c3bb1c903c7ee25 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za API Java3D The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the structures used in rendering that geometry. With this software, you can efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libjavascript-minifier-perl Description-md5: a38f7730046f190034805f210aeca83e Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za zmanjševanje kode JavaScript JavaScript::Minifier removes unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript code. The primary requirement developing this module is to not break working code Package: libjavascript-packer-perl Description-md5: ad698b7c7b79a65a6899af13bd8c080a Description-sl: Modul za zgoščeno kodo JavaScript JavaScript::Packer is a Perl module that attempts to compact your JavaScript code by removing unneeded whitespace, comments and newlines. This can result in substantial size reductions, which can decrease loading times. Package: libjavassist-java-doc Description-md5: 307370a3643f0ab45c70ce99693faaa8 Description-sl: library for editing bytecodes in Java -- documentation This library makes Java bytecode manipulation simple. It enables Java programs to define a new class at runtime and to modify a class file when the JVM loads it. . Unlike other bytecode editors, Javassist provides two levels of API: source level and bytecode level. With the source-level API, users can edit a class file without knowledge of the specifications of the Java bytecode. You can even specify inserted bytecode in the form of source text; Javassist compiles it on the fly. On the other hand, the bytecode-level API allows the users to directly edit a class file as other editors. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libjaxe-java Description-md5: 59378995c69022954f703b6de332f977 Description-sl: Java urejevalnik Xml - knjižnica Jaxe is an XML editor adaptable to XML languages. It uses an XML schema and a configuration file for the graphical user interface. . This package provides a java library to run Jaxe. Package: libjaxe-java-doc Description-md5: b06afd2bee135b09adfa01d63fe4561b Description-sl: JAva Xml Editor - Library documentation Jaxe is an XML editor adaptable to XML languages. It uses an XML schema and a configuration file for the graphical user interface. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico java. Package: libjazzy-java Description-md5: 8340645a3ea7a900f090f42a3f8689ca Description-sl: Knjižnica java črkovalnika Jazzy is a 100% pure Java library implementing a spell checking algorithm similar to aspell. It may be used to spell check a variety of sources and can be added by java devlopers who want to add spell checking functionality to java applications easily. Package: libjbig2enc0t64 Description-md5: 22b4c4b719b3767d63ffd2351fe55789 Description-sl: encoder for JBIG2 - libraries jbig2enc is an encoder for JBIG2. . JBIG2 encodes bi-level (1 bpp) images using a number of clever tricks to get better compression than G4. This encoder can: * Generate JBIG2 files, or fragments for embedding in PDFs * Generic region encoding * Perform symbol extraction, classification and text region coding * Perform refinement coding and, * Compress multipage documents . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libjcdf-java-doc Description-md5: 40c0c7dc2379b5e746ead13045a99cb5 Description-sl: Library to read files in the NASA Common Data Format (Javadoc) JCDF is a pure java library capable of reading files in the Common Data Format defined by NASA. It was written mainly with reference to the CDF Internal Format Description document (v3.6). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: libjcharts-java Description-md5: 45a3181c80fe908f8c5cbd38d5a782fd Description-sl: Na java osnovana knjižnica grafov jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libjcharts-java-doc Description-md5: 0652b582bf4f1a0becfe2d51318173bd Description-sl: Na java osnovana knjižnica grafov (dokumentacija API) jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libjcommon-java-doc Description-md5: 57de8737ec927a9066115216e892da84 Description-sl: General Purpose library for Java - documentation JCommon is a free general purpose Java class library that is used in several projects at The Object Refinery, including JFreeChart and JFreeReport. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libjcsp-java-doc Description-md5: a17a02cb6029740af123adec7efc8fc9 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libjcsp-java Documentation for JCSP (Communication Sequential Processes for Java) that is a library providing a concurrency model that is a combination of ideas from Hoare's CSP and Milner's pi-calculus. . Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a mathematical theory for specifying and verifying complex patterns of behaviour arising from interactions between concurrent objects. . JSCP provides a base range of CSP primitives plus a rich set of extensions. Also included is a package providing CSP process wrappers giving a channel interface to all Java AWT widgets and graphics operations. It is extensively (javadoc)umented and includes much teaching. . JCSP is an alternative concurrency model to the threads and mechanisms built into Java. It is also compatible with it since it is implemented on top of it. Package: libje-perl Description-md5: 6e3575dc0a1f1c2a5c3f4086bfab89f2 Description-sl: Čisti Perl ECMAScript (JavaScript) programnik JE is a pure-Perl ECMAScript (JavaScript) engine. . Advantages: - Compatible with Data::Dump::Streamer, so the runtime environment can be serialised - The parser can be extended/customised to support extra (or fewer) language features (not yet complete) - All JavaScript datatypes can be manipulated directly from Perl (they all have overloaded operators) . Weaknesses: - It's slow - It uses lots of memory. - It leaks memory (to be fixed). . This is still an alpha release, but it fully implements ECMAScript v3, except for a few seldom-used features like -0. Package: libjebl2-java Description-md5: 814e717858ba1c07cf5570b6df965d96 Description-sl: Knjižnica evolucijske biologije Java A Java library for evolutionary biology and bioinformatics, including objects representing biomolecular sequences, multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees. . This is a branch of the original JEBL on to develop a new API and class library. Package: libjebl2-java-doc Description-md5: 4238d0898d6b0c713b6e64a1ff9dc8b8 Description-sl: Knjižnica evolucijske biologije Java (dokumentacija) A Java library for evolutionary biology and bioinformatics, including objects representing biomolecular sequences, multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees. . This is a branch of the original JEBL on to develop a new API and class library. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico Package: libjemalloc-dev Description-md5: f91b42ea17991369b6b9cd46f2828e3f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke in dokumentacija za jemalloc Files used for development with jemalloc. This package contains headers and documentation. . jemalloc is a library providing a malloc(3) implementation for multi- threaded processes on multi-processor systems. Package: libjemmy2-java-doc Description-md5: 873421e6828d4930418cf65caf15a547 Description-sl: Java library for automated Java GUI testing (documentation) Jemmy is a Java library that is used to create automated tests for Java GUI applications. It contains methods to reproduce all user actions which can be performed on Swing/AWT components. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libjempbox-java Description-md5: 6cef22fe8690571cb99138fdb0bd70bd Description-sl: Z XMP združljiva knjižnica Java The Apache JempBox library is an open source Java tool for working with XMP metadata. Package: libjets3t-java-doc Description-md5: a6475a9487f726246af3e05368ff63b1 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libjets3t-java Documentation for the JetS3t toolkit that provides Java programmers with an API for interacting and managing data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service and Amazon CloudFront content delivery network. Package: libjeuclid-fop-java Description-md5: 81a2bf68e77ea1e9b75b78a2e1989912 Description-sl: Complete MathML rendering solution (fop plugin) JEuclid is a complete MathML rendering solution, consisting of: * A MathViewer application * Command line converters from MathML to other formats * An ant task for automated conversion * Display components for AWT and Swing * A component for Apache Cocoon . Ta paket vsebuje vstavek fop. Package: libjfreechart-java Description-md5: a0e5d14b133619f80a041f09d50d2ddd Description-sl: Knjižnica grafov za Javo JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts, including: * pie charts (2D and 3D) * bar charts (regular and stacked, with an optional 3D effect) * line and area charts * scatter plots and bubble charts * time series, high/low/open/close charts and candle stick charts * combination charts * Pareto charts * Gantt charts * wind plots, meter charts and symbol charts * wafer map charts Package: libjfreechart-java-doc Description-md5: d938f58690f1d5a10a566475f13523ed Description-sl: Knjižnica grafov za Javo - dokumentacija JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo javadoc. Package: libjgoodies-binding-java Description-md5: c884e4f22c2a29afee978cbbb0e3ff26 Description-sl: Ogrodje vezave podatkov Swing JGoodies Binding synchronizes object properties with Swing components. It helps you represent the state and behavior of a presentation independently of the GUI components used in the interface. Package: libjgoodies-forms-java Description-md5: a962a1bc9120d8abeade1f1e9e6bdaf5 Description-sl: Framework to lay out and implement elegant Swing panels The JGoodies Forms framework helps you lay out and implement elegant Swing panels quickly and consistently. It makes simple things easy and the hard stuff possible, the good design easy and the bad difficult. . Glavne prednosti: . * Powerful, flexible and precise layout * Easy to work with and quite easy to learn * Faster UI production * Better UI code readability * Leads to better style guide compliance Package: libjgoodies-looks-java-doc Description-md5: e20662e184c9d644b66379687caf5ad2 Description-sl: library with Swing look&feel implementations (documentation) The JGoodies Looks make your Swing applications and applets look better. The package consists of a Windows look&feel and the Plastic look&feel family. These have been optimized for readability, precise micro-design and usability. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libjgraph-java Description-md5: 1495e280651707e10f9e9eefd751b240 Description-sl: JFC/Swing graph component for Java JGraph is an easy-to-use, feature-rich and standards-compliant open source graph component available for Java. Application areas include: . * Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even traffic or water flow. * Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping applications and GIS. * UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social networks and data mining. * Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships and organisational charts. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libjgraph-java-doc Description-md5: 8915a5c90a26892c3d64076cc7360e10 Description-sl: JFC/Swing graph component for Java (documentation) JGraph is an easy-to-use, feature-rich and standards-compliant open source graph component available for Java. . * Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even traffic or water flow. * Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping applications and GIS. * UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social networks and data mining. * Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships and organisational charts. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libjgrapht0.8-java-doc Description-md5: 093066f18efa4b759d1498b86559338d Description-sl: javadoc-generated API for libjgrapht0.8-java JGraphT is a free Java graph library that provides mathematical graph theory objects and algorithms. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo javadoc za JGraphT. Package: libjgraphx-java Description-md5: d4c312003587c4763f17bd0f0919519d Description-sl: Knjižnica za ustvarjanje diagramov Java Swing JGraph X is based on the mxGraph architecture, a re-designed core based on JGraph experience. . The new library API is designed to provide a much lower learning curve as well as making the feature set easier to extend and integrate. Sharing the model code base of mxGraph, the web diagramming library, enabling applications written in Java to be more easily ported to mxGraph-based web applications. . Overall, JGraph X provides more features that JGraph, with a far smaller code size and complexity. Redesigning the codebase from scratch now means implementing common feature extensions are easier and require less coding. A number of new loosely coupled application-centric features have been added, making prototyping even faster, without their usage restricting application flexibility. Package: libjgraphx-java-doc Description-md5: b1a310beb9daa212c14ba4bfa1742e32 Description-sl: Java Swing Diagramming Library - API documentation and manual JGraph X is based on the mxGraph architecture, a re-designed core based on JGraph experience. . The new library API is designed to provide a much lower learning curve as well as making the feature set easier to extend and integrate. Sharing the model code base of mxGraph, the web diagramming library, enabling applications written in Java to be more easily ported to mxGraph-based web applications. . Overall, JGraph X provides more features that JGraph, with a far smaller code size and complexity. Redesigning the codebase from scratch now means implementing common feature extensions are easier and require less coding. A number of new loosely coupled application-centric features have been added, making prototyping even faster, without their usage restricting application flexibility. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libjhlabs-filters-java Description-md5: ac461ceacc3fa7c65d472b9b4c4f62c4 Description-sl: Filtri obdelovanja slik Java Jhlabs filters is a collection of large number of Java Image filters. The filters are all standard Java BufferedImageOps and can be plugged directly into existing programs. Most filters have dialogs to allow you to play with their settings. Package: libjibx-java Description-md5: 36dab3f759828702d8072c6a5a61484e Description-sl: Framework for binding XML data to Java objects (symlink) JiBX lets you work with data from XML documents using your own class structures. The JiBX framework handles all the details of converting your data to and from XML based on your instructions. JiBX is designed to perform the translation between internal data structures and XML with very high efficiency, but still allows you a high degree of control over the translation process. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteko jibx.jar kot simbolično povezavo do datoteke jar z različico. Package: libjing-java Description-md5: ca82093b71012d367129c3bfc81907a5 Description-sl: Program za potrditev veljavnosti RELAX NG - knjižnica This provides a validator for - RELAX NG 1.0 Specification, - RELAX NG Compact Syntax, and - parts of RELAX NG DTD Compatibility, specifically checking of ID/IDREF/IDREFS. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Java. Package: libjinput-java Description-md5: 9a66e4b6e2aab3061305eaeb295719f8 Description-sl: Nadzornik API-ja iger Java jinput is an implementation of an API for game controller discovery and polled input. It is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems with intention of making the development of high performance games in Java a reality. The API itself is pure Java and presents a platform-neutral completely portable model of controller discovery and polling. It can handle arbitrary controllers and returns both human and machine understandable descriptions of the inputs available. Package: libjiu-java-doc Description-md5: e124b5b2fee78de43633249f5a7fcc07 Description-sl: API documentation for jiu java library for pixel images JIU, the Java Imaging Utilities, is a library which offers functionality to load, analyze, process and save pixel images. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API za knjižnico. . See the package libjiu-java for further information. Package: libjlatexmath-fop-java Description-md5: e63625488a87c7a8e813b6eb2cd088b4 Description-sl: Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java (fop plugin) JLaTeXmath library provides a set of Java classes for displaying (complex) mathematical formulas as part of a Java application. Some use cases are: - Displaying text with embedded formulas (in an editor pane, a JavaHelp page, ...) - Make a combo box which provides the user with a choice between various formulas. - Have a slider with ticks that display their values not as decimal numbers, but as exact values, e.g., fractions, square roots or any combination of these. - Display the formula together with the graph of a function. . Ta paket zagotavlja vstavek fop. Package: libjlibeps-java-doc Description-md5: 18c8337f53fb071bd917a1d46b43d79d Description-sl: API documentation for jlibeps Java library to create EPS images The jlibeps classes are a set of Java classes for creating EPS images. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API za knjižnico. . See the package libjlibeps-java for further information. Package: libjni-inchi-jni Description-md5: dc0207a1cf25ebbff3fa721107fe0a1c Description-sl: Java Native Interface wrapper for InChI (shared library) JNI-InChI provides JNI (Java Native Interface) wrappers for the InChI (International Chemical Identifier) C library distributed by IUPAC. All of the features from the InChI libarary are supported: . * Standard and Non-Standard InChI generation from structures with 3D, 2D, or no coordinates * Structure generation (without coordinates) from InChI * InChIKey generation * Check InChI / InChIKey * InChI-to-InChI conversion * AuxInfo to InChI input * Access to the full range of options supported by InChI * Full support for InChI's handling of stereochemistry . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libjnr-constants-java Description-md5: 5ba70c728aa69d1386ffaa2cc955eb3c Description-sl: Konstante okolja za Java Java Native Runtime (JNR) is a collection of Java libraries to make interfacing with OS-level features easier. JNR uses an alternate method to JNI or JNA to achieve programming simplicity while still retaining performance. . The jnr-constants package gives Java programs access to platform-level constants, for example errno values. Package: libjodconverter-java-doc Description-md5: f89c76a0f4c7c821d9b22521ce3151b8 Description-sl: Office formats converter - Library documentation JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter, leverages LibreOffice to provide import/export filters for various office formats including OpenDocument and Microsoft Office. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico java. Package: libjogl2-java Description-md5: 15e3cd05fdd450f12ee1b5fd6f8d1a5e Description-sl: Vezave Java za API OpenGL The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of the JSR. . JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems. Package: libjogl2-java-doc Description-md5: 299ce5fdfe533107685eafdf527f9ab3 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za vezave Java za OpenGL The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of the JSR. . JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets. . This package includes the API documentation for JOGL package. Package: libjogl2-jni Description-md5: ee4b69f3d84b67ee42501cc037d2c420 Description-sl: Vezave Java za API OpenGL (knjižnica JNI) The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems. . JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets. Package: libjogl2-toolkits Description-md5: 77ed47108ef0017c4d0e87d47f46568e Description-sl: Zbirke orodij za igranje z JOGL2 The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of the JSR. . JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems. . Ta paket vključuje zbirke orodij JOGL. Package: libjoptsimple-java Description-md5: 2f4c592514b17bb51776886e4f32fded Description-sl: Knjižnica java razčlenjevanja ukazne vrstice JOpt Simple is a Java library for parsing command line options, such as those you might pass to an invocation of javac. . In the interest of striving for simplicity, as closely as possible JOpt Simple attempts to honor the command line option syntaxes of POSIX getopt() and GNU getopt_long() . It also aims to make option parser configuration and retrieval of options and their arguments simple and expressive, without being overly clever. Package: libjoptsimple-java-doc Description-md5: c8883d5fb55cecb8d52a84e7e41bc3a5 Description-sl: Command line parsing java library - Documentation JOpt Simple is a Java library for parsing command line options, such as those you might pass to an invocation of javac. . In the interest of striving for simplicity, as closely as possible JOpt Simple attempts to honor the command line option syntaxes of POSIX getopt() and GNU getopt_long() . It also aims to make option parser configuration and retrieval of options and their arguments simple and expressive, without being overly clever. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo javadoc. Package: libjpathwatch-java-doc Description-md5: d243f1006b2ae6eb9dfb136bc76e3520 Description-sl: Java library that monitors directories for changes (documentation) jpatchwatch is a Java library for monitoring directories for changes. It uses the native OS functions to achieve this, avoiding polling. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libjpeg9 Description-md5: 4ca10faa4517c5d362c9d51d75d7a85c Description-sl: Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG library is a library for handling JPEG files. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libjs-bignumber Description-md5: 22318fdcc1b8fa747c76d29dfeb53cf6 Description-sl: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic (client) Zmožnosti: . - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of Java's BigDecimal - 5 KB minified and gzipped - Simple API but full-featured - Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36 inclusive - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of Javascript's Number type - Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format - No dependencies - Comprehensive documentation and test set . If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration options of this library. . This package provides bignumber support to clients (i.e. browsers). Package: libjs-flotr Description-md5: 3e441a90b775d494b65923c5f82217b8 Description-sl: plotting library for the Prototype Framework Flotr is a plotting library which enables you to draw appealing graphs in most modern browsers with an easy to learn syntax. . The currently supported chart types are : . * histogrami (navpični, vodoravni, naloženi stolpiči) * črte (cele ali prekinjene) * točke (razpršeni grafi) * tortasti grafi * svečasti grafi * radarski grafi * označevalniki (postavljeno besedilo) . It comes with great features like legend support, negative value support, mouse tracking, selection support, zoom support, event hooks, css styling support, text included into the canvas, rotated labels, color gradients, graph title and subtitle, spreadsheet, CSV data download and much more. . The flotr library is distributed with the canvas2image, canvastext, and base64 JavaScript libraries. Package: libjs-jac Description-md5: 191d38009904471aa77b2caf660f549f Description-sl: JavaScript knjižnica odjemalca Jabber JSJaC is a jabber client library written in JavaScript to ease implementation of web based jabber clients. For communication with a jabber server it needs to support either HTTP Polling or HTTP Binding. . JSJaC has an object oriented design which should be quite easy to use. Communication is done by using the XML HTTP Request object also referred to as AJAX technology. Your browser must support this. Package: libjs-jquery-cookie Description-md5: 217a5d7c1d0a2e2f7953216ebb4d4446 Description-sl: Vstavek piškotka jQuery A simple, lightweight utility plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies. Package: libjs-jquery-easing Description-md5: 7024822cdd3c8d8377049d0adc2f61af Description-sl: Vstavek olajšanja jQuery A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options. Package: libjs-jquery-event-drag Description-md5: da0321dba760ff3a67e60675c0044350 Description-sl: Vlečenje dogodkov jQuery A jquery special event plugin that makes the task of adding complex drag interactions, to any element, simple and powerful. Package: libjs-jquery-event-drop Description-md5: 4df81531925f8e91e6f5d024a70b4e70 Description-sl: Izpusti dogodka jQuery A jquery special event plugin that makes the task of adding complex drop interactions, to any element, simple and powerful. Package: libjs-jquery-fancybox Description-md5: 2b8cf9a5750e3cca01f43f68e881b9fc Description-sl: Lep nadomestek lightbox FancyBox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page. . Features: * Can display images, HTML elements, SWF movies, Iframes and also Ajax requests * Customizable through settings and CSS * Groups related items and adds navigation. * Support fancy transitions by using easing plugin * Adds a nice drop shadow under the zoomed item Package: libjs-jquery-flot Description-md5: 832e917aed0dec193b9410e5ba0420ed Description-sl: Knjižnica izrisovanja grafov za jQuery Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side. The focus is on simple usage (all settings are optional), attractive looks and interactive features like zooming and mouse tracking. Package: libjs-jquery-form Description-md5: b9ebe509567745946f59c4962aff0a17 Description-sl: Vstavek oblike jQuery The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX. The main methods, ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit, gather information from the form element to determine how to manage the submit process. Both of these methods support numerous options which allows you to have full control over how the data is submitted. Package: libjs-jquery-galleriffic Description-md5: fcb526afa9b089940efbeb54aa466c68 Description-sl: Vstavek Galleriffic jQuery Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth. . Zmožnosti: . * Smart image preloading after the page is loaded * Thumbnail navigation (with pagination) * jQuery.history plugin integration to support bookmark-friendly URLs per-image * Slideshow (with optional auto-updating url bookmarks) * Keyboard navigation * Events that allow for adding your own custom transition effects * API for controlling the gallery with custom controls * Support for image captions * Flexible configuration * Graceful degradation when JavaScript is not available * Support for multiple galleries per page Package: libjs-jquery-history Description-md5: 9180fa602b9f16562df870f78ea136e3 Description-sl: Vstavek zgodovine jQuery The jQuery history plugin helps you to support back/forward buttons and bookmarks in your JavaScript applications. The application state can be stored into a URL hash and later restored from the hash. Package: libjs-jquery-jush Description-md5: f2b1f35eefbab85cabfc9a35d69f07a7 Description-sl: Poudarjalnik skladnje jQuery JavaScript Syntax Highlighter can be used for client-side syntax highlighting of following languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, HTTP and SMTP protocol, php.ini and Apache config. . Zmožnosti: . * Highlights languages embedded into each other * Links to documentation of all languages * Colors can be easily modified via CSS * Recognizes complete PHP syntax including __halt_compiler, heredoc, backticks, {$} variables inside strings, namespaces * Works in all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome Package: libjs-jquery-meiomask Description-md5: 0eb61e1ea0879750f1e6015d772a1bd0 Description-sl: Vstavek maske jQuery meioMask is a simple use plugin for creating and applying masks at text input fields. . Zmožnosti: . * Accepts paste event; * Has fixed, reverse (currency) and repeat mask types; * You can still use your hot keys and others (ex: ctrl+t, ctrl+f5, TAB …); * Supports metadata plugin; * Works with iPhone; * Allow default values; * Has callbacks for invalid inputs, valid and overflow; * Has function to mask strings; * Support for positive and negative numbers on reverse masks; * Can auto-focus the next form element when the current input is completely filled. Package: libjs-jquery-resize-doc Description-md5: cdaa876b5dcff0c7e748388bbc245273 Description-sl: jQuery resize (doc) With jQuery resize event, resize event handlers can be bound to elements other than window. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: libjs-jquery-ui-docs Description-md5: 1acdea27d90e6124c4ad1bc564b8816e Description-sl: Dokumentacija za JQuery-UI jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications. . This package provides examples as reference for developers. Package: libjs-less Description-md5: 81bd52f3610a9bd278c742112d058a5b Description-sl: LESS CSS meta-language - Javascript library LESS is a meta-language on top of CSS that’s used to describe the style of a document cleanly and structurally, with more power than flat CSS allows. LESS both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets. . less.js is the reference implementation of LESS, written in JavaScript. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico less.js, ki je uporabna za dinamično razčlenjevanje LESS v spletnem brskalniku. Package: libjs-mootools Description-md5: 6d936f7de822360e512ded51e84359e1 Description-sl: Skrčeno ogrodje Java Script MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. It allows you to write powerful, flexible, and cross-browser code with its elegant, well documented, and coherent API. Package: libjs-of-ocaml-doc Description-md5: 154f370d4fd407c09642220e12f79204 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik bajtne kode OCaml v JavaScipt (dokumentacija) Js_of_ocaml is a compiler of OCaml bytecode to JavaScript. It makes it possible to run OCaml programs in a web browser. . Ta paket vsebuje referenco API in primere. Package: libjs-prettify Description-md5: f181027e46872383582621efc9d54d6a Description-sl: syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page. . Zmožnosti: . * Works on HTML pages * Works even if code contains embedded links, line numbers, etc. * Simple API : include some JS&CSS and add an onload handler. * Customizable styles via CSS. See the themes gallery * Supports all C-like, Bash-like, and XML-like languages. * Extensible language handlers for other languages. * Widely used with good cross-browser support. Package: libjs-strophe Description-md5: 1160f883f3145b1b05f357c931732d32 Description-sl: Library for writing XMPP clients Strophe zagotavlja naslednje zmožnosti: . * XMPP compliant * TLS support via SChannel, GNUTLS or OpenSSL * SASL authentication using ANONYMOUS, DIGEST-MD5 or PLAIN methods as well as legacy jabber authentication * Customizable logging and memory management Package: libjs-xterm Description-md5: 3c5fd37ab6e3122e45467c151886a870 Description-sl: terminal front-end component for the browser - browser library Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that works in the browser. . It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users and create great development experiences. . Zmožnosti: . - **Text-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `bash`, `git` etc. - **Curses-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `vim`, `tmux` etc. - **Mouse events support**: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process - **CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support**: Xterm.js renders CJK characters seamlessly - **IME support**: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME input with your keyboard - **Self-contained library**: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require any external libraries like jQuery or React to work - **Modular, event-based API**: Lets you build addons and themes with ease . This package contains the standalone packed library suitable for running in a web browser. Package: libjsamp-java-doc Description-md5: beaf9da134b9fd3b1f318901ec81895d Description-sl: Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol library docs The Simple Application Messaging Protocol (SAMP) is a messaging protocol that enables astronomy software to interoperate and communicate as part of the Virtual Observatory (VO). JSAMP provides a hub implementation for SAMP, suitable for standalone or embedded use. . JSAMP also offers a set of classes which can be used to implement SAMP capabilities in client applications. JSAMP provides a hub test and a benchmarking suite to examine the correctness and performance of third- party hub implementations. The software includes hub and client implementations of the standard and web profiles and a bridge component, which allows clients on different hubs to talk to each other. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: libjsf-java-doc Description-md5: 7fd880ee9e828a49be09aceca9b0946b Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libsjf-api-java Documentation for JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2, that is a Java-based Web application framework intended to simplify development integration of web- based user interfaces. . JSF hides complexity to maximize developer productivity and provides a component model, page templating, Ajax support, client device independence, clean separation of roles, better MVC handling for webapps, and world-class IDE integration from every available Java IDE. . JSF also provides a easy integration with popular enterprise technologies, including Hibernate, Spring, Seam, Jasper Reports and others. JSF 2.2 is compatible with JavaEE 5 application servers or any server implementing Servlet 2.5. . This package contains a manual and Javadoc files for JSF 2.2 API spec. Package: libjson-simple-doc Description-md5: c542a2feb3791725ff8201078a3ca9c5 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libjson-simple-java This package contains the javadoc API documentation for libjson-simple- java, a simple, lightweight and efficient JSON toolkit for Java. Package: libjsonparser-dev Description-md5: 189af4078eef6f9b3d4125dc6102bdbf Description-sl: Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C - development headers It's a very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C. Features include: * BSD licensed with no dependencies (i.e. just drop the C file into your project) * Never recurses or allocates more memory than it needs * Very simple API with operator sugar for C++ . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libjsonrpc-glib-1.0-dev Description-md5: 941a74821cd01d3dcd9f4aaee0bf1eb8 Description-sl: JSON-RPC library for GLib - development files JSONRPC-GLib is a library for communicating as both a JSON-RPC client and server. Additionally, it supports upgrating connections to use GVariant for less runtime overhead. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libjspeex-java Description-md5: 4eee518664f1dda81546208fb5300090 Description-sl: Java izvedba Speex JSpeex is a Java port of the Speex speech codec (Open Source/Free Software patent-free audio compression format designed for speech). It provides both the decoder and the encoder in pure Java, as well as a JavaSound SPI. Package: libjsr311-api-java-doc Description-md5: f958c8a3f8ba78cc89703df3e6d53ae8 Description-sl: JSR 311, JAX-RS, Java API for RESTful Web Services - documentation Java API for the development of Web services built according to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo javadoc. Package: libjst-config-ocaml Description-md5: 3f5df1617998ad1ea6848ebb0bc81a29 Description-sl: compile-time configuration for Jane Street packages (runtime files) This package provides compile-time configuration for a number of Jane Street packages, and should probably only be used by them. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libjst-config-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d9afd0102cbf29401d4816df6610109a Description-sl: compile-time configuration for Jane Street packages (dev files) This package provides compile-time configuration for a number of Jane Street packages, and should probably only be used by them. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libjsyntaxpane-java Description-md5: 7e9cfc8dae17b89209f8df13f639ee0a Description-sl: Pladenj urejevalnika Java s podporo za poudarjanje skladnje JSyntaxPane provides you with a very simple to use, and now with simple method to configure, way to handle simple Syntax Highlighting and editing of various languages within your Java Swing application. . Currently supported out of the box are Java, JavaScript, Properties, Groovy, C, C++, XML, SQL, Ruby and Python. Package: libjsyntaxpane-java-doc Description-md5: 7b27b903caaa920df1bb5a9f70b286a8 Description-sl: Java EditorPane with support for Syntax Highlighting (javadoc files) JSyntaxPane provides you with a very simple to use, and now with simple method to configure, way to handle simple Syntax Highlighting and editing of various languages within your Java Swing application. . Currently supported out of the box are Java, JavaScript, Properties, Groovy, C, C++, XML, SQL, Ruby and Python. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: libjts-java Description-md5: 9504b3b0776d15039f6db98ab5f3347b Description-sl: Topološka zbirka JTS JTS is a java library which provides: * an implementation of the spatial data model defined in the OGC Simple Features Specification for SQL (SFS) * a complete, consistent, implementation of fundamental 2D spatial algorithms * an explicit precision model, with algorithms that gracefully handle situations that result in dimensional collapse * robust implementations of key computational geometric operations * I/O in Well-Known Text format Package: libjudy-dev Description-md5: 3f37f9368d6875c98dfa4a78c12db96b Description-sl: C library for creating and accessing dynamic arrays (dev package) Judy is a C library that implements a dynamic array. Empty Judy arrays are declared with null pointers. A Judy array consumes memory only when populated yet can grow to take advantage of all available memory. Judy's key benefits are: scalability, performance, memory efficiency, and ease of use. Judy arrays are designed to grow without tuning into the peta- element range, scaling near O(log-base-256). . Judy arrays are accessed with insert, retrieve, and delete calls for number or string indexes. Configuration and tuning are not required -- in fact not possible. Judy offers sorting, counting, and neighbor/empty searching. Indexes can be sequential, clustered, periodic, or random -- it doesn't matter to the algorithm. Judy arrays can be arranged hierarchically to handle any bit patterns -- large indexes, sets of keys, etc. . Judy is often an improvement over common data structures such as: arrays, sparse arrays, hash tables, B-trees, binary trees, linear lists, skiplists, other sort and search algorithms, and counting functions. . To je razvojni paket. Package: libjug-java Description-md5: 1dccb64d576a9025feeb174ca05c8c79 Description-sl: Pure java UUID generator JUG is a pure java UUID generator that generates UUIDs according to the IETF UUID draft specification. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libjuman-dev Description-md5: e7060d8da0ab4b8e83515a82ef04e3ff Description-sl: Datoteke glave JUMAN This package provides header files which are necessary to development programs using runtime libraries of Juman, that is a Japanese morphological analysis system. Package: libjuman4t64 Description-md5: eb7f6e2d33737cf201121e2c6b1502ea Description-sl: Knjižnica JUMAN This package provides runtime libraries of Juman, that is a Japanese morphological analysis system. Package: libjung-free-java-doc Description-md5: bef30f9f9c47ef72452ef1e0ea602ade Description-sl: Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (documentation) JUNG provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network. . The JUNG architecture is designed to support a variety of representations of entities and their relations, such as directed and undirected graphs, multi-modal graphs, graphs with parallel edges, and hypergraphs. It provides a mechanism for annotating graphs, entities, and relations with metadata. This facilitates the creation of analytic tools for complex data sets that can examine the relations between entities as well as the metadata attached to each entity and relation. . The current distribution of JUNG includes implementations of a number of algorithms from graph theory, data mining, and social network analysis, such as routines for clustering, decomposition, optimization, random graph generation, statistical analysis, and calculation of network distances, flows, and importance measures (centrality, PageRank, HITS, etc.). . JUNG also provides a visualization framework that makes it easy to construct tools for the interactive exploration of network data. Users can use one of the layout algorithms provided, or use the framework to create their own custom layouts. In addition, filtering mechanisms are provided which allow users to focus their attention, or their algorithms, on specific portions of the graph. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libjwt-dev Description-md5: 0707b8fe292474ac27ca00fdc72f0344 Description-sl: C library to handle JWT (JSON Web Token) - development libjwt is a library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT). . JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libjwt-gnutls-dev Description-md5: 7907575df46fe1cc06f351eb21e556cf Description-sl: Development files for libjwt - GnuTLS flavour libjwt is a library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT). GnuTLS flavour. . JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. . SSL support is provided by GnuTLS. Package: libjxgrabkey-java Description-md5: 63b3e882e7ba7ec013a644667af45622 Description-sl: API tipkovnih bližnjic X11 za javo JXGrabKey provides an API to make java programs hotkey aware. . It relies on a jni backend provided by the libjxgrabkey-jni package. Package: libjxgrabkey-jni Description-md5: bd41838ccef2c4df6b438b2b57f4c79b Description-sl: X11 hotkey API for java (jni backend) JXGrabKey provides an API to make java programs hotkey aware. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture odvisni zaledje jni knjižnice java. Package: libk3b-data Description-md5: a8b4b45e210e1e2d2b18e03a21f1f2b1 Description-sl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . This package contains libraries data files. Package: libk3b-dev Description-md5: b663aaf627cae2c6b6207dc67ad6ae8b Description-sl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - development files K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libk3b-extracodecs Description-md5: 3a841361001b55a9161baa4919cfc2f2 Description-sl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - extra decoders K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . This package contains runtime libraries for the MP3 and FFMPEG decoder plugin. Package: libk3b8 Description-md5: c402b6a06ec159e5313882f6465aa501 Description-sl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files K3b zagotavlja udoben uporabniški vmesnik za izvajanje večine nalog zapisovanja CD-jev/DVD-jev. Izkušeni uporabniki lahko vplivajo na vse korake zapisovanja, začetniki pa najdejo samodejne nastavitve in razumne privzete vrednosti k3b, ki omogočajo hiter začetek. . This package contains runtime libraries. Package: libkaccounts-dev Description-md5: da8b3ca7a0ac892cbb896a0457577921 Description-sl: System to administer web accounts - development files Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the Plasma desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkaccounts2 Description-md5: 2b13251d340d1962dccddc315cc81a95 Description-sl: System to administer web accounts - shared library Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the Plasma desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkadm5srv8t64-heimdal Description-md5: 3cfc4abf46cb966d202e4c7e1c50b12f Description-sl: Knjižnice za Heimdal Kerberos Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5, that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . This package contains the server library for kadmin. Package: libkakasi2 Description-md5: 57c077067587c6eef61560ae6a65ceec Description-sl: Različina knjižnice KAKASI This package provides the function of KAKASI as a shared library. . KAKASI is the language processing filter to convert Kanji characters to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji(1) and may be helpful to read Japanese documents. . (1) "Romaji" is alphabetical description of Japanese pronunciation. Package: libkchart-dev Description-md5: 5984b75ea32e16776bd1a44415f1c433 Description-sl: library for creating business charts (development files) KD Charts provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts and allows one to integrate these charts in Qt-based applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkchart2 Description-md5: 0328e560cc613f354b78a9c65673fe06 Description-sl: library for creating business charts (shared library) KD Charts provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts and allows one to integrate these charts in Qt-based applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkdb3-4abi1 Description-md5: 86baf8d611090a9a864e6b361112adfe Description-sl: database connectivity and creation framework -- shared library KDb is a database connectivity and creation framework, consisted of a general-purpose C++ Qt library and set of plugins delivering support for various database vendors. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: libkdcrawqt6-5 Description-md5: 4059d65a18f2fea278d6caf61339fcd4 Description-sl: RAW picture decoding library qt6 Libkdcraw is a Qt6 interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW picture files. . This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam, kphotoalbum, and krita. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkdecorations2-dev Description-md5: 94ead86761301d887d1872fe6452ba91 Description-sl: library to create window decorations - development files KDecoration2 is a library to create window decorations. These window decorations can be used by for example an X11 based window manager which re-parents a Client window to a window decoration frame. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkdf-ocaml Description-md5: 6b27075d10329e694004f5f0e544288f Description-sl: key derivation functions in OCaml (runtime) A pure OCaml implementation of scrypt, PBKDF 1 and 2 as defined by PKCS#5, and HKDF. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libkdf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: c8bdd73cfdd3695f6278dffcdad9f08f Description-sl: key derivation functions in OCaml (dev) A pure OCaml implementation of scrypt, PBKDF 1 and 2 as defined by PKCS#5, and HKDF. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkdsoap-qt6-doc Description-md5: d7f31e02db274bf0f2929fa9ac35d43c Description-sl: Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component - documentation Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component. It can be used to create client applications for web services and also provides the means to create web services without the need for any further component such as a dedicated web server. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libkeduvocdocument-data Description-md5: 51ba1760ae26b2035b615916b94cfec4 Description-sl: translations for KEduVocDocument This package contains development files for building software that uses the KEduVocDocument library . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libkeduvocdocument-dev Description-md5: 220fa3268ef4809b34d0dc63549db841 Description-sl: development files for KEduVocDocument This package contains development files for building software that uses the KEduVocDocument library . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libkeduvocdocument5abi1 Description-md5: c9ab1266f73e2b5784389c0fd2aef2b9 Description-sl: library for reading and writing vocabulary files This package contains a library for reading and writing vocabulary files. It supports different file formats. KVTML (version 2) is the default. This library is used by Parley, Kanagram, KHangMan and KWordQuiz. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libkeybinder-3.0-dev Description-md5: 7d48fb344953b357fffd4a63cb8cbb98 Description-sl: registers global key bindings for applications - Gtk+3 - development headers keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts to be used by GTK-based applications under the X Window System. . When a combination of key is pressed, keybinder notifies it to the registering application, which can execute one or more operations based on the event previously registered. . Originally written as part of the Tomboy project, keybinder has been distributed as stand-alone library let other applications to use key binding. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave libkeybinder. . This is the Gtk+3 version of the library. Package: libkeybinder-dev Description-md5: fc361cfcfdf631be39c8e7755c2d2068 Description-sl: registers global key bindings for applications - development headers keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts to be used by GTK-based applications under the X Window System. . When a combination of key is pressed, keybinder notifies it to the registering application, which can execute one or more operations based on the event previously registered. . Originally written as part of the Tomboy project, keybinder has been distributed as stand-alone library let other applications to use key binding. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave libkeybinder. Package: libkeymancore-dev Description-md5: cda13ee5bd2bbde8cc1e9416ef669a0b Description-sl: Development files for Keyman keyboard processing library Originally created in 1993 to type Lao on Windows, Keyman is now a free and open source keyboarding platform which allows anyone to write a keyboard layout for their language. Keyman is available for many platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux and the web. . Keyboard layouts are defined with a clear and easy to understand keyboard grammar. Keyman's contextual input model means keyboard layouts can be intelligent and make it simple to type even the most complex languages. Keyboard layouts are distributed through an open catalog to all major desktop and mobile platforms. . The Keyman core library processes input from input method engines and applies rules from compiled Keyman keyboard files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libkf5akonadicalendar-dev Description-md5: 1a66f15ec9062a4af5011bd5403b8ab0 Description-sl: akonadi-calendar - development files This library offers helper functions to integrate the use of Akonadi calendar items in applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5akonadicontact-dev Description-md5: 9ebfbf96160491e8b72ad875771d325d Description-sl: Akonadi contacts access library - development files This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . This package is part of the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5akonadimime-dev Description-md5: 85a1710e8f3faac7b728c979a76463be Description-sl: Akonadi MIME handling library This library provides MIME handling helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . This package is part of the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5akonadinotes-dev Description-md5: eee620b27ee63eb96f6184bebfb8a4d9 Description-sl: Akonadi notes access library - development files This library provides notes manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . This package is part of the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5akonadisearch-dev Description-md5: 09afef3d87caf347e41cf4a1e39496e1 Description-sl: Akonadi search library - development files Library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5akonadiserver-dev Description-md5: 7a5c6d60679631d3585bce30c8e84f52 Description-sl: development files for the Akonadi PIM storage service Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package contains development files for building software that uses the Akonadi PIM storage service. Package: libkf5archive-data Description-md5: b9a59e102316d66078f34f6ac3cd6af8 Description-sl: data files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5archive-dev Description-md5: 3dafae3e3d7fde82558383c45239bdb4 Description-sl: development files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5attica-dev Description-md5: 0f258532f7eee15e2fb363e6b7f3ba41 Description-sl: development files for libkf5attica5 Attica is a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API version 1.6. . It grants easy access to the services such as querying information about persons and contents. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libkf5bluezqt-data Description-md5: de807fccabf1e3e41b732e9884991088 Description-sl: data files for bluez-qt bluez-qt is a Qt-style library for accessing the bluez Bluetooth stack. . It is used by the KDE Bluetooth stack, BlueDevil. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5bluezqt-dev Description-md5: bd50a2b54b261df76061b6d07455051f Description-sl: development files for bluez-qt This package provides all the necessary development headers for building software that uses the bluez-qt library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5calendarcore-dev Description-md5: 9dfb8ec81634d242b8899317d764e705 Description-sl: development files for kcalcore This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5calendarutils-dev Description-md5: bdd38e28a782c8f1100791a9110f97b8 Description-sl: kcalutils - development files This library provides a set of utility functions that help applications access and use calendar data via the KCalCore library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5config-dev Description-md5: aa8de003e187a24093cac03ccf62dae4 Description-sl: configuration settings framework for Qt KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. . KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: . - centralized definition: define your configuration in an XML file and use `kconfig_compiler` to generate classes to read and write configuration entries. - lock-down (kiosk) support. . KConfigGui provides a way to hook widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their changes to their respective configuration files. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5contacteditor-data Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: libkf5contacteditor-dev Description-md5: 9ebfbf96160491e8b72ad875771d325d Description-sl: Akonadi contacts access library - development files This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . This package is part of the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5contacts-dev Description-md5: d54e6efcc2b2c0b1723d5b7d0e6a26db Description-sl: development files for kcontacts KContacts is an API for address book data. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5contacts-doc Description-md5: 57bc2c3da8c51921b297dbbd14e96a2c Description-sl: address book API for KDE Framework (documentation) KContacts is an API for address book data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libkf5dav5 Description-md5: 17b9bbf5c29c770eeaeb965b40df1ae6 Description-sl: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. Package: libkf5dnssd-data Description-md5: 8acfd301bd9d34f8f30c977da10a72b4 Description-sl: Abstraction to system DNSSD features. KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5emoticons-bin Description-md5: e2a696bf68def69923103826b3f03690 Description-sl: Support for emoticons and emoticons themes. This class can be used to retrieve, install, create emoticons theme. It can also be used to set the emoticon theme and the parse mode in the config file. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libkf5emoticons-data Description-md5: 6a57529f6de7e96c3ef3aeffe681406a Description-sl: Support for emoticons and emoticons themes. This class can be used to retrieve, install, create emoticons theme. It can also be used to set the emoticon theme and the parse mode in the config file. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5eventviews-dev Description-md5: 4cba94f0a755adb6631848ef4e7d8ca1 Description-sl: KDE PIM event handling - devel files This library provides an event creator for KDE PIM. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libkf5filemetadata-dev Description-md5: fb635157731c647d00d7429c47d2d54e Description-sl: library for extracting file metadata This library is for extracting file metadata. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5grantleetheme-dev Description-md5: 1dd606648e6bfbff5df3d2dc1ae2f5f5 Description-sl: KDE PIM grantlee theme support - devel files This library provides the grantlee theme support for KDE PIM. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libkf5gravatar-dev Description-md5: 4996ecad1f5e5bfa242c0a73a356696b Description-sl: KDE PIM gravatar library, devel files This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . This package contains the development files needed to build against the library. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5guiaddons-bin Description-md5: 206f90db8103e651aa96b8d86d9472ca Description-sl: additional addons for QtGui (runtime) Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libkf5guiaddons-data Description-md5: 20984498effb3d932cd8bf0cf8ca8001 Description-sl: additional addons for QtGui (documentation) Qt widgets for colours, fonts and text . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5holidays-dev Description-md5: d505a6731a3b4a509aeadfd0b5d8823a Description-sl: holidays calculation library - development files This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5iconthemes-data Description-md5: 578fa16cac448ea74c812b85c82e8cb2 Description-sl: Support for icon themes. Library to use/access icon themes in Qt. These classes are used by the iconloader but can be used by others too. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5identitymanagement-dev Description-md5: 6f4327cbdd7bd68e78005178753048cf Description-sl: library for managing user identities - development files This library provides an API for managing user identities. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5imap-dev Description-md5: 897f577924da2ddfcc1097c3f3f7916d Description-sl: library for handling IMAP data - development files This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5itemmodels-dev Description-md5: c6837722d91b91a0c667384da2af03fb Description-sl: additional item/view models for Qt Itemview A library which provides additional item/view models for Qt Itemview. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5itemviews-dev Description-md5: a71197f2a0fdffeea21773d2856c3b10 Description-sl: Qt library with additional widgets for ItemModels A Qt library which contains additional widgets for ItemModels, such as grouping into categories and filtering . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5kcmutils-data Description-md5: 868a91a2bf9a440f58a0d317ff316fff Description-sl: Extra APIs to write KConfig modules. KCMUtils provides various classes to work with KCModules. KCModules can be created with the KConfigWidgets framework. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5kdcraw5 Description-md5: 6388cc47ceebd62fbf174b0164753c36 Description-sl: RAW picture decoding library Libkdcraw is a Qt interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW picture files. . This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam, kphotoalbum, and krita. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf5kdegames-data Description-md5: c20b6ad06e7fa60c102577a8dbfa6e5d Description-sl: shared library for KDE games - data files This package contains a shared library used by KDE games. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: libkf5kdegames-dev Description-md5: 8706a1fad1d9280a6ce624231dc1618a Description-sl: development files for the KDE games library This package contains development files for building software that uses libraries from the KDE games module. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: libkf5kdegames7 Description-md5: 5d3e89955b5eb697625abb46b23f640b Description-sl: shared library for KDE games This package contains a shared library used by KDE games. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: libkf5kdegamesprivate7 Description-md5: f654e24a2b4b2a3a4623157c2f05fea9 Description-sl: private part of shared library for KDE games This package contains the private parts of the shared library used by KDE games. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: libkf5khtml-bin Description-md5: a5f41b96e47e6272b999c873c5a4c4d7 Description-sl: HTML widget and component KHTML is a web rendering engine, based on the KParts technology and using KJS for JavaScript support. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libkf5kirigami2-5 Description-md5: 995e0ed29bff56aaef04fdc8cd08cb2a Description-sl: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libkf5kjs-dev Description-md5: a65be5effc7d5bb59bf1c50397554f7d Description-sl: Support for JS scripting in Qt applications Addon library to Qt which adds JavaScript scripting support. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5kmahjongglib-dev Description-md5: cefc2ded176665344cf48857250eeb41 Description-sl: development files for the KDE kmahjongg library This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE kmahjongg library. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: libkf5kmahjongglib5 Description-md5: 9c22e51d6b1e038e37bbb6861c59c811 Description-sl: shared library for kmahjongg and kshisen This package contains a shared library used by the KDE games kmahjongg and kshisen. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: libkf5konq-dev Description-md5: 2f226ba83e228f0b5364faf22a2db86e Description-sl: development files for the Konqueror libraries This package contains development files for building software that uses the Konqueror libraries. . Ta paket je del modula osnovnih programov KDE. Package: libkf5konq6 Description-md5: b05ebb1e713fd062b30c38090c834466 Description-sl: core libraries for Konqueror This package contains libraries used by several KDE 4 applications, particularly Konqueror. . Ta paket je del modula osnovnih programov KDE. Package: libkf5kontactinterface-dev Description-md5: 5d4ec19cad08b4aa5cb9586cb7df8087 Description-sl: Kontact interface library - development files This library provides the glue necessary for application "Parts" to be embedded as a Kontact component (or plugin). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5ksieve-dev Description-md5: 424238af468df6adbd0ec780aab1bd5d Description-sl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, development files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5ldap-dev Description-md5: 7389f56e2b83cda2cf6f3ae47b1e5ac0 Description-sl: library for accessing LDAP - development files This is a library for accessing LDAP with a convenient Qt style C++ API. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5libkdepim-dev Description-md5: ac38fed39cd5255b705265fa498abf78 Description-sl: KDE PIM library - development files This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains headers, and the libraries needed to build some of the KDE PIM applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5libkleo-dev Description-md5: dd52c8a48af676c49c901e4f40f8c8f6 Description-sl: KDE PIM cryptographic library, devel files This package contains the development files for libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5mailimporter-dev Description-md5: 45dbd59590a730e7a4e3a1a6eea338e4 Description-sl: KDE PIM Mail importer library, devel files This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5mailtransport-dev Description-md5: bdb3121eb260a0cd727b888db9015957 Description-sl: mail transport service library - development files Mailtransport is a library that provides the following functionality: . * Shared mail transport settings. * GUI elements to configure mail transport settings. * Job classes for mail sending. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5mbox-dev Description-md5: 970f113ba32e693d20fad06b7422aaaf Description-sl: library for handling mbox mailboxes - development files This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5mediaplayer-data Description-md5: 6bedd6c0c729847332db2d7819488a70 Description-sl: Plugin interface for media player features. It provides all of the necessary media player operations, and optionally provides the GUI to control them. . There are two servicetypes for Player: KMediaPlayer/Player and KMediaPlayer/Engine. KMediaPlayer/Player provides a widget (accessible through view as well as XML GUI KActions. KMediaPlayer/Engine omits the user interface facets, for those who wish to provide their own interface. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5mediawiki5 Description-md5: 13505f835043f51bd0ce1da961983c06 Description-sl: access to the API of MediaWiki sites - shared library libmediawiki is a C++/Qt library to interface MediaWiki websites: . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf5messageviewer-plugins Description-md5: 319f8d30f993e4f4fe2a059521823cf8 Description-sl: KDE PIM messaging library, message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5mime-dev Description-md5: 3e8d7b6fb7ba4938dc9cf77296922163 Description-sl: library for handling MIME data - development files This library provides an API for handling MIME data. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet Standard that extends the format of e-mail to support text in character sets other than US-ASCII, non-text attachments, multi-part message bodies, and header information in non- ASCII character sets. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5mimetreeparser-dev Description-md5: 65a8f57518ad25f45c9fb39a45d4f274 Description-sl: KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library devel files This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5newstuff-data Description-md5: 949ba4f6bfaf7622f217987f82d6a09b Description-sl: Support for downloading application assets from the network. Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5notifyconfig-data Description-md5: ce9b4566126340be32beaa9d80dbe54e Description-sl: Configuration system for KNotify. This framework offers classes to represent the configuration for an event. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5package-dev Description-md5: 7af936f57f65556e8d58253e7b2bc3c5 Description-sl: development files for kpackage KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5parts-data Description-md5: 87b99fcf2b45c95b093540f427048ecd Description-sl: Document centric plugin system. Framework providing elaborate user-interface components. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5parts-plugins Description-md5: 80089dbc4845a1b31d767b8f50225431 Description-sl: Document centric plugin system. Framework providing elaborate user-interface components. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libkf5people-data Description-md5: 8f8797fcf04df069d5157619694b4c9d Description-sl: data files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5people-dev Description-md5: 6b928a03f1b935cedcd08ca7a07df1a7 Description-sl: development files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5pimcommon-dev Description-md5: db67b90eda72cee61ebcee919d1530ed Description-sl: Common library for KDE PIM - devel files This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM components. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libkf5pimtextedit-dev Description-md5: 58e8b09f35b68ac1bcb20d29b99dd846 Description-sl: libkf5pimtextedit - development files KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5pulseaudioqt-dev Description-md5: 2be1238e2ab28630ea841b51cf79eba2 Description-sl: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 5 - development files Qt 5 framework C++ bindings development files for the Pulseaudio sound system. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5pulseaudioqt-doc Description-md5: 9cc301f82b37e51ac873c4adf88db42c Description-sl: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 5 - documentation Qt 5 framework C++ bindings development files for the Pulseaudio sound system. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libkf5pulseaudioqt5 Description-md5: d1a7e97fac3c367c27daf125a683f63e Description-sl: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 5 Qt 5 framework C++ bindings library for the Pulseaudio sound system. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev Description-md5: 5d76badf23f9f9f12c6e47b7a8b73ac9 Description-sl: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the Plasma desktop . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5sane5 Description-md5: acb7108b6da4b4d9984cb1b4264a38a4 Description-sl: scanner library (runtime) The KDE scanner library provides an API and widgets for using scanners and other imaging devices supported by SANE. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf5screen-dev Description-md5: 5a9972d118274e22de9a4ec2ad3410d1 Description-sl: library for screen management - development files The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libkf5screen8 Description-md5: 3cd8fb562d4e37428a482afe3debac1e Description-sl: library for screen management - shared library The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf5solid-dev Description-md5: 7dc236fc00f1a461c4a56518c3570fd4 Description-sl: Qt library to query and control hardware Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying and interacting with hardware independently of the underlying operating system. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5style-dev Description-md5: f3bbaacf1ceb1a2c63c81d66f4a17ec4 Description-sl: KF5 cross-framework integration plugins - KStyle Framework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace. . libkf5style5 provides integration with KDE Plasma Workspace settings for Qt styles. . Derive your Qt style from KStyle to automatically inherit various settings from the KDE Plasma Workspace, providing a consistent user experience. For example, this will ensure a consistent single-click or double-click activation setting, and the use of standard themed icons. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libkf5syndication-dev Description-md5: 9b8502053d14d77e372319fdf2e46545 Description-sl: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - development files Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5sysguard-bin Description-md5: 217cabaed086a97b300842391effb6b7 Description-sl: library for system monitoring Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libkf5sysguard-data Description-md5: 217cabaed086a97b300842391effb6b7 Description-sl: library for system monitoring Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libkf5textwidgets-data Description-md5: a9c93371935fce881967883fe5d8f7ad Description-sl: Advanced text editing widgets. An assortment of text-related widgets . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5threadweaver-dev Description-md5: 69b77987a208fe929a19330620550661 Description-sl: ThreadWeaver library to help multithreaded programming in Qt ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job- based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work between threads within a set of resource limits. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5tnef-dev Description-md5: a95e1bed2254e08b66ef598466ac8c87 Description-sl: library for handling TNEF data - development files Ktnef is a library for handling data in the TNEF format (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format, a proprietary format of e-mail attachment used by Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server). The API permits access to the actual attachments, the message properties (TNEF/MAPI), and allows one to view/extract message formatted text in Rich Text Format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf5wallet-bin Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: libkf5webengineviewer-dev Description-md5: 7cc7fc0645b0fea18e83b51f1ba41340 Description-sl: KDE's Qt Web Engine Viewer devel files This library implements view on Qt Web Engine used by KDE PIM. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkf5xmlgui-bin Description-md5: e3c98746a983b523c22e4615e7ee9e64 Description-sl: User configurable main windows. framework for designing the user interface of an application using XML, using the idea of actions. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libkf5xmlgui-data Description-md5: a417ed819fd0db2c25d7a63fa58bae62 Description-sl: User configurable main windows. framework for designing the user interface of an application using XML, using the idea of actions. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5xmlrpcclient-data Description-md5: bb46e035f85f4363c3ae24f28a0d5419 Description-sl: data files for kxmlrpcclient XML RPC client library. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf5xmlrpcclient-dev Description-md5: 1ebe29dd9650c80ce8d11480bb93235a Description-sl: development files for kxmlrpcclient XML RPC client library. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6archive-data Description-md5: 4b5e4c54241f5b805fdedc908d53a645 Description-sl: data files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 6 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6archive-dev Description-md5: dda7cc34875f4d23ae738cd6aca18359 Description-sl: development files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 6 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6attica-dev Description-md5: 95b656fcfc1cef09289365174472a32b Description-sl: development files for libkf6attica6 Attica is a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API version 1.6. . It grants easy access to the services such as querying information about persons and contents. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libkf6baloo-dev Description-md5: 571d9a4b4dc2b3f59b59abaa23323564 Description-sl: framework for file search and metadata management - development files Baloo is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma. It focuses on speed and a very small memory footprint. It maintains an index of your files and optionally their contents which you can search. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6baloo6 Description-md5: 3cdff81041223d1872f5812129d200f2 Description-sl: framework for file search and metadata management - shared library Baloo is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma. It focuses on speed and a very small memory footprint. It maintains an index of your files and optionally their contents which you can search. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf6bluezqt-data Description-md5: de807fccabf1e3e41b732e9884991088 Description-sl: data files for bluez-qt bluez-qt is a Qt-style library for accessing the bluez Bluetooth stack. . It is used by the KDE Bluetooth stack, BlueDevil. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6bluezqt-dev Description-md5: bd50a2b54b261df76061b6d07455051f Description-sl: development files for bluez-qt This package provides all the necessary development headers for building software that uses the bluez-qt library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6breezeicons-dev Description-md5: d9d51a6d123bcfa921bdaaebf4a1b0e9 Description-sl: Default Plasma icon theme (development files) This is the default icon theme for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. . This package is part of the Breeze theme module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6calendarcore-dev Description-md5: 3eed20b245c48b5903797b80a3860ca2 Description-sl: development files for kcalendarcore This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6config-dev Description-md5: 6a5a81d65a001650e3c4b67ce80ca1e4 Description-sl: configuration settings framework for Qt KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. . KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: . - centralized definition: define your configuration in an XML file and use `kconfig_compiler` to generate classes to read and write configuration entries. - lock-down (kiosk) support. . KConfigGui provides a way to hook widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their changes to their respective configuration files. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6configwidgets-data Description-md5: 2f9e035ca5e8beb5fade7f88b1b6c113 Description-sl: Extra widgets for easier configuration support KConfigWidgets provides easy-to-use classes to create configuration dialogs, as well as a set of widgets which uses KConfig to store their settings. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6contacts-dev Description-md5: d54e6efcc2b2c0b1723d5b7d0e6a26db Description-sl: development files for kcontacts KContacts is an API for address book data. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6contacts-doc Description-md5: 57bc2c3da8c51921b297dbbd14e96a2c Description-sl: address book API for KDE Framework (documentation) KContacts is an API for address book data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libkf6dav6 Description-md5: 0165acfb2704633683a679d12489bc8f Description-sl: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. Package: libkf6dnssd-data Description-md5: f61493d6428b78e625abddc7e660cdb7 Description-sl: Abstraction to system DNSSD features KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6filemetadata-dev Description-md5: fb635157731c647d00d7429c47d2d54e Description-sl: library for extracting file metadata This library is for extracting file metadata. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6holidays-dev Description-md5: d505a6731a3b4a509aeadfd0b5d8823a Description-sl: holidays calculation library - development files This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6iconthemes-data Description-md5: 99bfe277536f191c54a583b6734ed489 Description-sl: Support for icon themes & widgets Library to use/access icon themes & widgets in Qt. These classes are used by the iconloader but can be used by others too. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6itemmodels-dev Description-md5: 8e2ba53c6dbe2f8fe96eb99735d57702 Description-sl: additional item/view models for Qt Itemview A library which provides additional item/view models for Qt Itemview. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6itemviews-dev Description-md5: 5e89faf8945661c1360c7b62f67b204f Description-sl: Qt library with additional widgets for ItemModels A Qt library which contains additional widgets for ItemModels, such as grouping into categories and filtering . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6kcmutils-data Description-md5: a7becf6b82fa202c0255e546e8522c31 Description-sl: Extra APIs to write KConfig modules KCMUtils provides various classes to work with KCModules. KCModules can be created with the KConfigWidgets framework. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6networkmanagerqt-dev Description-md5: 6470cb9ef5f7beb6044842ad211c4384 Description-sl: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager - devel files Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API. . This package is part of the KDE Frameworks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6newstuff-data Description-md5: b59687d8c09b40a9e9842429e1aa7338 Description-sl: Support for downloading application assets from the network Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6notifyconfig-data Description-md5: 907cb966c433da611af3bfd53239628b Description-sl: Configuration system for KNotify This framework offers classes to represent the configuration for an event. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6package-dev Description-md5: ec7ad9ac337541c68414c46b00f5e8a6 Description-sl: development files for kpackage KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6parts-data Description-md5: fbd2eb322bbd5da3cce160881cc49235 Description-sl: Document centric plugin system Framework providing elaborate user-interface components. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6people-data Description-md5: 4796a3cdb3e046c9edfcbff303ddb37e Description-sl: data files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6people-dev Description-md5: c0bc6e6679c4d97a0d6be4604f264cc7 Description-sl: development files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6pulseaudioqt-dev Description-md5: 4c826609d0556ce50b6d1f055fa75ef9 Description-sl: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 6 - development files Qt 6 framework C++ bindings development files for the Pulseaudio sound system. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6pulseaudioqt-doc Description-md5: 14dee2a3710340683cccca944b2cf011 Description-sl: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 6 - documentation Qt 6 framework C++ bindings development files for the Pulseaudio sound system. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libkf6pulseaudioqt5 Description-md5: c4f0ebe60ea1416f50b46453be0ad3ed Description-sl: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 6 Qt 6 framework C++ bindings library for the Pulseaudio sound system. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf6qqc2desktopstyle-data Description-md5: 6e88764e53694f7dfa0582aa50993480 Description-sl: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style - data files Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the Plasma desktop . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6qqc2desktopstyle-dev Description-md5: edf4940cd0b7429183d7e4facd16d0be Description-sl: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style - development files Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the Plasma desktop . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6screen8 Description-md5: 3cd8fb562d4e37428a482afe3debac1e Description-sl: library for screen management - shared library The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkf6solid-dev Description-md5: 44c53df484e3b7dc64a056c936a9b2d9 Description-sl: Qt library to query and control hardware Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying and interacting with hardware independently of the underlying operating system. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6statusnotifieritem-data Description-md5: 0710125517dc8f7dc7138c5cf81d7a49 Description-sl: Implementation of Status Notifier Items - translations KStatusNotifierItem provides a framework for status notifier items. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6statusnotifieritem-dev Description-md5: 182029818956a3c8969832b2d6eb4467 Description-sl: Implementation of Status Notifier Items - development files KStatusNotifierItem provides a framework for status notifier items. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6style-dev Description-md5: 955ca4894bae727fe86789fa7cad99a8 Description-sl: integration of Qt application with KDE workspaces - KF6Style development files Framework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace. . The library KF6Style provides integration with KDE Plasma Workspace settings for Qt styles. . Derive your Qt style from KStyle to automatically inherit various settings from the KDE Plasma Workspace, providing a consistent user experience. For example, this will ensure a consistent single-click or double-click activation setting, and the use of standard themed icons. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libkf6syndication-dev Description-md5: 9b8502053d14d77e372319fdf2e46545 Description-sl: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - development files Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6textwidgets-data Description-md5: 0456ff3db0a54292474bc2983c0da5a5 Description-sl: Advanced text editing widgets An assortment of text-related widgets . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkf6threadweaver-dev Description-md5: 4424420e87f1382e2bc9617bf8a9a42a Description-sl: ThreadWeaver library to help multithreaded programming in Qt ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job- based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work between threads within a set of resource limits. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkf6xmlgui-data Description-md5: 26ddd8d18993364adc49db3f2c093dae Description-sl: User configurable main windows framework for designing the user interface of an application using XML, using the idea of actions. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkgantt-dev Description-md5: 6f1182399691d8f41c32d779deb27dfc Description-sl: library for creating Gantt diagrams (development files) Gantt charts are a bar charts that illustrate project schedules. KD Gantt provides a module for implementing ODF Gantt charts in Qt-based applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkgantt2 Description-md5: 5672966bdfb082a5687c5da49bb612f3 Description-sl: library for creating Gantt diagrams (shared library) Gantt charts are a bar charts that illustrate project schedules. KD Gantt provides a module for implementing ODF Gantt charts in Qt-based applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkibi-dbg Description-md5: 95aa0c005e62f94f6d93fad20c98c294 Description-sl: library for byte prefixes (debugging symbols) This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The user can configure a preferred prefix style. . Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected: * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10) * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2) * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic) . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: libkibi-dev Description-md5: bb199bff69d79efc7f792e25609bf13b Description-sl: library for byte prefixes (development files) This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The user can configure a preferred prefix style. . Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected: * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10) * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2) * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkibi0 Description-md5: 9b8e2823cfdf4b88c47b3b7dba763521 Description-sl: Knjižnica za predpone bajtov This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The user can configure a preferred prefix style. . Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected: * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10) * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2) * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic) Package: libkickpass-dev Description-md5: 1f46430054c8c3b6ee89ef8273af5d23 Description-sl: library used by kickpass (development files) Kickpass is built around this shared library. libkickpass leverage libsodium to create safes. Safes are created using authenticated encryption with associated data. As of now libkickpass use chacha20 along with poly1305 to encrypt and authenticate the safe. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libkinosearch1-perl Description-md5: ae4294165db9df5b01cb74d99f668643 Description-sl: Perl library providing search engine features KinoSearch is a loose port of the Java search engine library, Apache Lucene. It is written in Perl and C, designed primarily for providing website search functionality, but it can be put to many different uses. . Ima naslednje zmožnosti: . * Extremely fast and scalable: KinoSearch can handle millions of documents * Incremental indexing (addition/deletion of documents to/from an existing index) * Full support for 12 Indo-European languages * Support for boolean operators (AND, OR, as well as AND NOT), parenthetical groupings, and prepended +plus and -minus * Algorithmic selection of relevant excerpts and highlighting of search terms within excerpts * Highly customizable query and indexing APIs * Phrase matching * Stemming * Stoplists . KinoSearch1 is derived from KinoSearch version 0.165 and is considered the stable upstream branch. Package: libkirigami-data Description-md5: f6e74b3d953fb6b963d0ce05c59df309 Description-sl: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libkirigami-dev Description-md5: d1ee49bc6948c256355ad57eb42a7d45 Description-sl: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use (development) Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkiwix-dev Description-md5: 4ddf386634523d3763c335fa6c19378a Description-sl: library of common code for Kiwix (development) Kiwix is an offline Wikipedia reader. libkiwix provides the software core for Kiwix, and contains the code shared by all Kiwix ports (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, etc.). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libklatexformula4 Description-md5: 0105f86fd2fbdb93764c9704bb7c305d Description-sl: Izvajalne knjižnice za klatexformula With Klatexformula, just enter a formula and click "Evaluate" to get an image of a LaTeX formula. You can drag&drop, copy or save the resulting image directly from the GUI, which makes klatexformula a very convenient tool for presentations. Klatexformula also provides also tools for equation prototyping in LaTeX and a user-library of used equations. . This package provides the libraries klatexformula is based on. Package: libklatexformula4-dev Description-md5: 1454b94ac37755b7416950259522bf6a Description-sl: Izvajalne knjižnice za klatexformula, razvojne datoteke With Klatexformula, just enter a formula and click "Evaluate" to get an image of a LaTeX formula. You can drag&drop, copy or save the resulting image directly from the GUI, which makes klatexformula a very convenient tool for presentations. Klatexformula also provides also tools for equation prototyping in LaTeX and a user-library of used equations. . This package contains the header files for klatexformula libraries, and a Qt Designer plugin to help developers use the provided user interface elements. Package: libkopeninghours-dev Description-md5: 3aa36412b696f4bcbc0edf67bddd653b Description-sl: OSM opening hours expressions library (development files) A library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions. . OSM opening hours expressions are used to describe when a feature is open/available or closed. This format is not only used in OpenStreetMap itself, but in various other data sources or APIs needing such a description as well. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkopete-dev Description-md5: e2878b0f85b4b3d64485b6a8a92de6e1 Description-sl: development files for the Kopete instant messaging and chat application Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . This package contains development files needed for building Kopete plugins. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: libkopete1 Description-md5: 3767122bf11e2b1b67397dba1809b6c9 Description-sl: main Kopete library Kopete je program hipnega sporočanja in klepeta s podporo za širok nabor storitev, kot so AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN in Jabber. Napredne zmožnosti in dodatni protokoli so na voljo kot vstavki. . This package contains main Kopete library which is used by Kopete and its plugins. . Ta paket je del modula omreženja KDE. Package: libkpim5akonadi-data Description-md5: 442ed35a554e2850522510c648be877b Description-sl: Akonadi arch independent data Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package ships arch independent data like translations etc. Package: libkpim5akonadiprivate5 Description-md5: fc68b591ff20eff8fb7e4c5e3375b4dd Description-sl: libraries for the Akonadi PIM storage service Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package contains libraries used by the Akonadi PIM storage service. Package: libkpim5calendarsupport5 Description-md5: faa6b9ae1834c946ddc7e93cc77973d3 Description-sl: KDE PIM Calendar support - library This library provides calendar support for KDE PIM. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5eventviews5 Description-md5: f3a931bd19a84c0919740535700ccfd8 Description-sl: KDE PIM event handling - library This library provides an event creator for KDE PIM. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5grantleetheme-data Description-md5: 8a054c3cd35ca42cc2260cd346574396 Description-sl: KDE PIM grantlee theme support - data files This library provides the grantlee theme support for KDE PIM. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5grantleetheme5 Description-md5: 1f5691859f111ae0c61fc219d811ab53 Description-sl: KDE PIM grantlee theme support - library This library provides the grantlee theme support for KDE PIM. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5gravatar-data Description-md5: f8a08eb985388672ffe21e1138de2180 Description-sl: KDE PIM gravatar library - data files This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5gravatar5 Description-md5: beb8ec156e8b90ca7cfdb6ac03039963 Description-sl: KDE PIM gravatar library This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5incidenceeditor-data Description-md5: 194faf22b84d3e383f8feb371294138a Description-sl: KDE PIM incidence editor - data files This library provides an incidence editor for KDE PIM. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5incidenceeditor5 Description-md5: 2e9cbec3585320c053f4fd2c2904f4c4 Description-sl: KDE PIM incidence editor - library This library provides an incidence editor for KDE PIM. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5kmanagesieve5 Description-md5: 41f348d1ad406a2453e30b07d2621e97 Description-sl: Sieve remote script management support for kdepim, library This library implements a subset of the protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). Among other basic operations, it provides an easy to use API for listing, retrieving, deleting, activating and uploading of scripts to the remote Sieve script server. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5ksieve-data Description-md5: 762e34857d8184eb948e9a561e902d5c Description-sl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, data files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. . This package provides the data files common to the kf5ksieve libraries. Package: libkpim5ksieve5 Description-md5: 9fc856526951c294fbc203c6acb2f202 Description-sl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, library This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5ksieveui5 Description-md5: 530a6c5f34077391676f0b0bed9a39b6 Description-sl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, GUI library This library implements GUI dialogs and elements which enable users to easily create, edit and manage their mail filters on the mail servers which support the Sieve language (RFC 3028) and the protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5libkdepim-data Description-md5: 7fa517443f4722bf5c2a9c97b052cc2c Description-sl: KDE PIM library - data files This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains data files used by the library. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5libkdepim5 Description-md5: 09bd9184b30dc67a91370a903fd01622 Description-sl: KDE PIM library This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains shared libraries and data which most of KDE PIM applications use. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5libkleo-data Description-md5: 2f9f8e02d88fc32d05b80a363cde7960 Description-sl: KDE PIM cryptographic library, data files This package contains the data files used by libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5libkleo5 Description-md5: 134d5b675a775fa494c8a27dd857368f Description-sl: KDE PIM cryptographic library This package contains libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5mailimporter-data Description-md5: d4cb6f1bf57b1311e8bca4cafd075a38 Description-sl: KDE PIM Mail importer library This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5mailimporter5 Description-md5: d4cb6f1bf57b1311e8bca4cafd075a38 Description-sl: KDE PIM Mail importer library This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5mailimporterakonadi5 Description-md5: 96bc65d27c80727a70fa765bec02d454 Description-sl: KDE PIM Mail importer Akonadi library This package contains a library for importing mails into Akonadi applications. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5messagelist5t64 Description-md5: 49a0d7f2169e8c95462d34be5e96bbb2 Description-sl: KDE PIM messaging library, message list library This package contains the message list library. It provides a widget for the e-mail message lists with extensive filtering, grouping and useful features. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5messageviewer5t64 Description-md5: 319f8d30f993e4f4fe2a059521823cf8 Description-sl: KDE PIM messaging library, message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5mimetreeparser5t64 Description-md5: 2f9c1b63f48775da4a7b95e5ac02c214 Description-sl: KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5pimcommon5 Description-md5: 7d4c4877ef9b8e8b8623b342b80a132a Description-sl: Common library for KDE PIM This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM components. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5pimcommonakonadi5 Description-md5: 7b44fed8be88d500040e4ca5cb638cf3 Description-sl: Common library for KDE PIM Akonadi This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM Akonadi components. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libkpim5templateparser5t64 Description-md5: 724d02891f85b2429bcabdc216fcfc5e Description-sl: KMail template parser library This library implements a parser for the mail templates which KMail uses to enable customization of initial structure for the new, reply or forwarded messages. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpim5webengineviewer5t64 Description-md5: 789a4260a037986d4c43799980a1b867 Description-sl: WebEngineViewer library This library implements a WebEngineViewer. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: libkpimitinerary-dev Description-md5: 0ab6887b9204b218de8c4e0d7a22652a Description-sl: library for Travel Reservation information - development files This library provides an API for Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkpimpkpass-dev Description-md5: 416f5fe817f4d8876cf3b0debce596f6 Description-sl: library for Apple Wallet Pass reader - development files This library provides an API for Apple Wallet Pass reader. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkpimsmtp-dev Description-md5: 7fef7714067621530896c242058245cc Description-sl: library for handling SMTP data This library provides an API for handling SMTP services. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail transmission. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libkpublictransport-dev Description-md5: c973b0fcd9b0077e0e361bc186fe2c8e Description-sl: Library to assist with accessing public transport (development files) A library providing a public transport API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke in glave. Package: libkqueue-dev Description-md5: 22dd8c1f8a06dab987da1af43099fc85 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libkqueue Contains the header files, manpages, and static libraries for use in developing applications that use the libkqueue library. . libkqueue is a portable userspace implementation of the kqueue(2) kernel event notification mechanism found in FreeBSD and other BSD-based operating systems. The library translates between the kevent structure and the native kernel facilities of the host machine. Package: libkrb5-26t64-heimdal Description-md5: c0c6ca8d74b4d950b5eaf9fb966ab142 Description-sl: Heimdal Kerberos - knjižnice Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5 that aims to be compatible with MIT Kerberos. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Kerberos 5. Package: libkreport3-4 Description-md5: 2b54b06be8ebc3edfa560ab265de546a Description-sl: report creation and generation framework -- shared library The KReport framework implements reporting functionality for creation of reports in MS Access style. They are also similar to SAP Crystal Reports and FileMaker reports. . Reports can be created interactively and programmatically. They can be previewed on screen, printed, and saved in a variety of formats such as HTML, PDF and OpenDocument. . Reports of this kind offer a way to view, format, and summarize the information. For example a simple report of contact phone numbers can be prepared, or a more complex report on sales for different products, regions, and periods of time. . A report is often filled with information from a database. There are many use cases: * The data can be displayed, summarized, sorted and grouped * Totals can be computed and displayed * Single or multiple records of data can be placed on a page * Details for individual data records can be placed in a layout * Labels can be created * The various report sections, such as title, header or footer, can be sized to suit * Reports can be generated on demand, thus eliminating saving them in files for further use . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: libksanecore1 Description-md5: e8905236e4f04898ebfc4e88e2afb36b Description-sl: library providing logic to interface scanners KSaneCore is a library that provides a Qt interface for the SANE library for scanner hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libksba-mingw-w64-dev Description-md5: 692551c5453a536d0f251c9e45e0c6ee Description-sl: X.509 and CMS support library (Windows development) KSBA (pronounced Kasbah) is a library to make X.509 certificates as well as the CMS easily accessible by other applications. Both specifications are building blocks of S/MIME and TLS. . KSBA provides these subsystems: ASN.1 Parser, BER Decoder, BER Encoder, Certificate Handling and CMS Handling. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke izvajalne knjižnice. . This is a Windows version of KSBA. It's meant to be used when cross- building software that targets the Windows platform, e.g. the win32-loader component of Debian-Installer. Package: libkscreen-dev Description-md5: 5a9972d118274e22de9a4ec2ad3410d1 Description-sl: library for screen management - development files The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libkseexpr-dev Description-md5: c4c9405a2ebe7495b26e0924d68c367d Description-sl: development files for libreadstat library ReadStat is a command-line tool and MIT-licensed C library for reading files from popular stats packages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libksgrd9 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libkshark2 Description-md5: 08f8fbe73b08d5e690a65c97cde941d7 Description-sl: Library for accessing ftrace file system (shared library) Library for accessing ftrace file system and provides API for processing of tracing data. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libksignalplotter9 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libksysguard-dev Description-md5: eded4c76df4fc7b38805b1b0fedc2483 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - development files KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libksysguardformatter1 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libksysguardsensorfaces1 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libksysguardsensors1 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libksysguardsystemstats1 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libkvazaar7 Description-md5: 4dfa85aad7f0ca86b9cd5b3158646b73 Description-sl: HEVC encoder - shared library kvazaar is a HEVC encoder. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libkvilib5 Description-md5: 0c38b83a31212ebcf35e05de78797704 Description-sl: KVIrc (IRC client) base library Visoko nastavljiv grafični IRC odjemalec z vmesnikom MDI, vgrajenim skriptnim jezikom, podporo za IRC DCC, brskanjem datotek povleci in spusti brskanjem in še veliko več. KVIrc uporablja nabor gradnikov KDE, mogoče ga je razširiti z uporabo lastnega skriptnega jezika, se spaja s KDE in podpira vstavke po meri. . This package contains the main library of KVIrc. Package: libkwin6 Description-md5: 02cae5c96f2a22c6b7bb14383d30abed Description-sl: KDE window manager library KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: libkwnn0t64 Description-md5: 93f9ba5d0fd368cf8daf1184e167a578 Description-sl: FreeWnn library for kWnn (FreeWnn kserver) FreeWnn kserver (kWnn) is an integrated Korean input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Korean users from all over the world. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice za kWnn. Package: libkxl0 Description-md5: dd0a1c9b7a5112a1b0c4bcdb0855e38b Description-sl: Predstavnostna knjižnica za razvoj iger KXL (Kacchan X Windows System Library) is a library targeted at game development that provides functions for simple image and sound output as well as higher level functions for text drawing, timer and events handling and image manipulation. . This package contains the libkxl0 runtime library. Package: libkxl0-dev Description-md5: 79080d6d7255910cf654578630f5fc0e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libkxl0 KXL (Kacchan X Windows System Library) is a library targeted at game development that provides functions for simple image and sound output as well as higher level functions for text drawing, timer and events handling and image manipulation. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libkxl0. Package: libkxml2-java-doc Description-md5: 1cc142e83db7a0e1e6701086644dd1ca Description-sl: small XML parser, designed for small environments - docs kXML is a small XML pull parser, specially designed for constrained environments such as Applets, Personal Java or MIDP devices. In contrast to kXML 1, kXML 2 is based on the common XML pull API. . Pull based XML parsing combines some of the advantages of SAX and DOM: . - In contrast to push parsers (SAX), pull parsers such as kXML make it possible to model the XML processing routines after the structure of the processed XML document. Events processing is similar to an InputStream. If a part of the stream requires special handling, the parser can simply be delegated to a specialized method by handing over the parser. - While the above is also possible with an explicit DOM, DOM usually requires that the whole document structure is present in main memory. - In contrast to DOM based parsing, the XML events are accessible immediately when they are available, it is not necessary to wait for the whole tree to build up. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libkyotocabinet-dev Description-md5: 7a44f9afec1639df1fa43884828cb5ec Description-sl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - development headers Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libkyotocabinet16v5 Description-md5: 4ecfd98bdb4e15c82c1b0b272077ff49 Description-sl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - shared library Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblablgl-ocaml Description-md5: dfab78f17151d9e64ecb6ebb0bc82031 Description-sl: Izvajalne knjižnice za labgl LablGL is an OpenGL interface for Objective Caml. Since it includes support for the Togl widget you can comfortably use it with LablTk. A GtkGlarea binding for use with lablgtk is also provided. . This package contains only the dynamic libraries needed for running dynamic bytecode executables. Package: liblablgtk3-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 328a146f37372c00375256e7c59bb64d Description-sl: OCaml bindings to Gtk+ version 3 (development files) This is the OCaml binding for GTK+ version 3. GTK stands for the GIMP Toolkit, a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke lablgtk. Package: liblabltk-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f59c223439cb7bcba69e72d519482e31 Description-sl: OCaml bindings to Tcl/Tk (dev. libraries) mlTk is a library for interfacing OCaml with the scripting language Tcl/Tk. . In addition to the basic interface with Tcl/Tk, this package contains * the "jpf" library, written by Jun P. Furuse; it contains a "file selector" and "balloon help" support; * the "frx" library, written by Francois Rouaix; * the "tkanim" library, which supports animated gif loading/display. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne knjižnice. Package: liblager-dev Description-md5: 8090bcd727ae6273b8b26921286f58a2 Description-sl: C++ library for value-oriented design -- development files lager is a C++ library to assist value-oriented design by implementing the unidirectional data-flow architecture. It is heavily inspired by Elm and Redux, and enables composable designs by promoting the use of simple value types and testable application logic via pure functions. And you get time- travel for free! . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblam4t64 Description-md5: 58d74167c19333440b1f8ad3df2db572 Description-sl: Shared libraries used by LAM parallel programs LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an open source implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblaszip-dev Description-md5: 3f58330744e1fd56b8fcd67b62d07e5c Description-sl: Lossless LiDAR compression - development files LASzip quickly turns bulky LAS files into compact LAZ files without information loss. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblaszip8 Description-md5: 747250a339d6d66f7c4ed700fa4fd7fb Description-sl: Lossless LiDAR compression - shared library LASzip quickly turns bulky LAS files into compact LAZ files without information loss. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblaxjson-dev Description-md5: edca0d150aa8ffdf7efacf79c07e0139 Description-sl: relaxed streaming JSON parser library (development files) Official JSON is almost human-readable and human-writable. Disabling a few of the strict rules makes it significantly more so. . This library is intended for parsing user input, such as a config file. It is not intended for serializing or deserializing, or as a format for computer-to- computer communication. . This relaxed streaming JSON parser allows: * unquoted keys * single quotes `'` * `//` and `/* */` style comments * extra commas `,` in arrays and objects . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblayershellqtinterface-dev Description-md5: bb3e33cfa62482008540b5073b2a6a45 Description-sl: use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol - development files Qt component to allow applications to make use of the Wayland wl-layer- shell protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblbfgsb-dev Description-md5: 37a00bbe01fedfbb7e538ca0f027a39e Description-sl: Limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization (static library) Fortran library implementing limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization as described in [1,2,3]. . Ta paket vsebuje statično knjižnico. . [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal. A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, (1995), SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing , 16, 5, pp. 1190-1208. . [2] C. Zhu, R. H. Byrd and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (1997), ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 23, Num. 4, pp. 550 - 560. . [3] J.L. Morales and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Remark on Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (2011), to appear in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. Package: liblbfgsb0 Description-md5: 72eba37b54e9327545a3ad001c7f7b82 Description-sl: Limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization Fortran library implementing limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization as described in [1,2,3]. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. . [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal. A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, (1995), SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing , 16, 5, pp. 1190-1208. . [2] C. Zhu, R. H. Byrd and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (1997), ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 23, Num. 4, pp. 550 - 560. . [3] J.L. Morales and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Remark on Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (2011), to appear in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. Package: liblcas-dev Description-md5: 6fa888ff103c3aea31684ea02818624b Description-sl: Local Centre Authorization Service development files LCAS makes binary ('yes' or 'no') authorization decisions at the site and resource level. In making this decision, it can use a variety of inputs: the 'grid' name of the user (the Subject Distinguished Name), any VO attributes the user has (like VOMS FQANs), the name of the executable the user intends to execute. It supports basic black and white list functionality, but also more complex VOMS-based expressions, based on the GACL language. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice. Package: liblcm-dev Description-md5: 1f882d937c0e6f3f03e9f6c90c860dd6 Description-sl: Lightweight Communications and Marshalling - Dev files LCM is a set of libraries and tools for message passing and data marshalling, targeted at real-time systems where high-bandwidth and low latency are critical. It provides a publish/subscribe message passing model and automatic marshalling/unmarshalling code generation with bindings for applications in a variety of programming languages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: liblcm-doc Description-md5: d885d269e0488eab93e32e0cdfd3ae62 Description-sl: Lightweight Communications and Marshalling - Documentation LCM is a set of libraries and tools for message passing and data marshalling, targeted at real-time systems where high-bandwidth and low latency are critical. It provides a publish/subscribe message passing model and automatic marshalling/unmarshalling code generation with bindings for applications in a variety of programming languages. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: liblcmaps-dev Description-md5: 725bd457bed333109c253421c99257e0 Description-sl: LCMAPS development libraries The Local Centre MAPping Service (LCMAPS) is a security middleware component that processes the users Grid credentials (typically X.509 proxy certificates and VOMS attributes) and maps the user to a local account based on the site local policy. . It is a highly configurable pluggable interface, and many plugins are available to tailor almost every need. Since this is middleware, it does not interact with the user directly; to use it in a program please see the lcmaps-*-interface packages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice. Package: libldap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7b20c3d2c5f6c4acfa94587b72a7d8c4 Description-sl: Vezave LDAP za OCaml It supports the core ldap-client functions, including search, add, modify, and delete. . It has now an object oriented interface which supports the above features, and some additional ones. Such as, nice data structures for local ldap entries which record local modifications and can sync them with the server, fewer arguments needed to perform simple tasks, and an API modeled after Perl's Net::LDAP. Package: libldns-dev Description-md5: 083ea4a865b476e84786300526909749 Description-sl: ldns library for DNS programming - development files The goal of ldns is to simplify DNS programming, it supports recent RFCs like the DNSSEC documents, and allows developers to easily create software conforming to current RFCs, and experimental software for current Internet Drafts. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: libldns3t64 Description-md5: 3da740c827b863503b94731195876d8d Description-sl: ldns library for DNS programming - shared library The goal of ldns is to simplify DNS programming, it supports recent RFCs like the DNSSEC documents, and allows developers to easily create software conforming to current RFCs, and experimental software for current Internet Drafts. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: liblemon-doc Description-md5: 61c316ad77ba4a2d47757a372ee69543 Description-sl: Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks (doc) LEMON stands for Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks. It is a C++ template library providing efficient implementations of common data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization tasks connected mainly with graphs and networks. . LEMON is a member of the COIN-OR initiative, a collection of OR related open source projects. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: liblemon1.3.1 Description-md5: c6c8e59e3ec8e8fa899ed159c2a89cc5 Description-sl: Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks LEMON stands for Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks. It is a C++ template library providing efficient implementations of common data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization tasks connected mainly with graphs and networks. . LEMON is a member of the COIN-OR initiative, a collection of OR related open source projects. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: liblemonldap-ng-common-perl Description-md5: d0b1b116b90ac4255174dccda83adf20 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke Lemonldap::NG Lemonldap::NG is a complete Web-SSO system that can run with reverse- proxies or directly on application webservers. It can be used in conjunction with OpenID-Connect, CAS and SAML systems as identity or service provider. It can also be used as proxy between those federation systems. . It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for accounting. So you can have a full AAA protection. Authorizations are built by associating a regular expression and a rule. Regular expression is applied on the requested URL and the rule calculates if the user is authorized. . Lemonldap::NG::Common contains common files used by other Lemonldap::NG modules. Package: liblemonldap-ng-manager-perl Description-md5: ab72e3f536bf2e52dc3ca8f4623dfb67 Description-sl: Del upravljalnika Lemonldap::NG Lemonldap::NG is a complete Web-SSO system that can run with reverse- proxies or directly on application webservers. It can be used in conjunction with OpenID-Connect, CAS and SAML systems as identity or service provider. It can also be used as proxy between those federation systems. . It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for accounting. So you can have a full AAA protection. Authorizations are built by associating a regular expression and a rule. Regular expression is applied on the requested URL and the rule calculates if the user is authorized. . Lemonldap::NG::Manager provides the administration interface. Package: liblensfun-bin Description-md5: 3ca00ceacd10be96cddbffc0d04630d6 Description-sl: Lens Correction library - Utilities Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects: * mounts * cameras * lenses . It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts: * distortion * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations * vignetting * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish" images) . It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke. Package: liblensfun-dev Description-md5: b4fe2db5f17badc3f5039ae5edc6e3ea Description-sl: Lens Correction library - Development files Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects: * mounts * cameras * lenses . It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts: * distortion * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations * vignetting * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish" images) . It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblensfun-doc Description-md5: dd10710bee208ac2aa4a787e650f41ee Description-sl: Lens Correction library - Documentation Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects: * mounts * cameras * lenses . It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts: * distortion * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations * vignetting * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish" images) . It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: liblept5 Description-md5: 5351dcd6181592772614a51725a8d065 Description-sl: Knjižnica za obdelovanje slik Well-tested C library for some basic image processing operations, along with a description of the functions and some design methods. A full set of affine transformations (translation, shear, rotation, scaling) on images of all depths is included, with the exception that some of the scaling methods do not work at all depths. There are also implementations of binary morphology, grayscale morphology, convolution and rank order filters, and applications such as jbig2 image processing and color quantization. You will also find basic utilities for the safe and efficient handling of arrays (of strings, numbers, number pairs and image- related geometrical objects), byte queues, generic stacks, generic lists, and endian-independent indexing into 32-bit arrays. Package: libleptonica-dev Description-md5: 5351dcd6181592772614a51725a8d065 Description-sl: Knjižnica za obdelovanje slik Well-tested C library for some basic image processing operations, along with a description of the functions and some design methods. A full set of affine transformations (translation, shear, rotation, scaling) on images of all depths is included, with the exception that some of the scaling methods do not work at all depths. There are also implementations of binary morphology, grayscale morphology, convolution and rank order filters, and applications such as jbig2 image processing and color quantization. You will also find basic utilities for the safe and efficient handling of arrays (of strings, numbers, number pairs and image- related geometrical objects), byte queues, generic stacks, generic lists, and endian-independent indexing into 32-bit arrays. Package: libleveldb-dev Description-md5: 65611e7de39f662c9fc62635dcbbb5bd Description-sl: fast key-value storage library (development files) LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libleveldb1d Description-md5: 55131580d337fbb938918a6612dffca0 Description-sl: fast key-value storage library LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. . Features: * Keys and values are arbitrary byte arrays. * Data is stored sorted by key. * Callers can provide a custom comparison function to override the sort order. * The basic operations are Put(key, value), Get(key), Delete(key). * Multiple changes can be made in one atomic batch. * Users can create a transient snapshot to get a consistent view of data. * Forward and backward iteration is supported over the data. * Data is automatically compressed using the Snappy compression library. * External activity (file system operations etc.) is relayed through a virtual interface so users can customize the operating system interactions. * Detailed documentation about how to use the library is included with the source code. . Limitations: * This is not a SQL database. It does not have a relational data model, it does not support SQL queries, and it has no support for indexes. * Only a single process (possibly multi-threaded) can access a particular database at a time. * There is no client-server support builtin to the library. An application that needs such support will have to wrap their own server around the library. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblfunction-dev Description-md5: a8f585ae8d07cafd0fdc90ebc5b85e8a Description-sl: development files for liblfunction liblfunction is a library for computing zeros and values of L-functions. Supported L-functions include the Riemann zeta function, the L-function of the Ramanujan delta function, and L-functions of elliptic curves defined over the rationals. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: liblibleidenalg1 Description-md5: 7dc14fa12080f06c0fdc8a2c3fa4467d Description-sl: implementation of the Leiden algorithm in C++ - library This package implements the Leiden algorithm in C++. It relies on igraph for it to function. Besides the relative flexibility of the implementation, it also scales well, and can be run on graphs of millions of nodes (as long as they can fit in memory). The core class is Optimiser which finds the optimal partition using the Leiden algorithm, which is an extension of the Louvain algorithm for a number of different methods. The methods currently implemented are (1) modularity, (2) Reichardt and Bornholdt's model using the configuration null model and the Erdös-Rényi null model, (3) the Constant Potts model (CPM), (4) Significance, and finally (5) Surprise. In addition, it supports multiplex partition optimisation allowing community detection on for example negative links or multiple time slices. There is the possibility of only partially optimising a partition, so that some community assignments remain fixed. It also provides some support for community detection on bipartite graphs. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: liblibrecast-dev Description-md5: 6cfb6a48639040176cdc72ddeb74498e Description-sl: librecast IPv6 multicast library (development) Librecast is a C library which supports IPv6 multicast networking. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libliftoff-dev Description-md5: 70611472cba028a22f4c46fd3d4ae94d Description-sl: lightweight KMS plane library - development files libliftoff eases the use of KMS planes from userspace without standing in your way. Users create "virtual planes" called layers, set KMS properties on them, and libliftoff will pick planes for these layers if possible. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblightdm-gobject-1-0 Description-md5: 6c3bad2fb3c13c192ee2080b06f2b9b2 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca GObject LightDM A GObject based library for LightDM clients to use to interface with LightDM. Package: liblightdm-gobject-1-doc Description-md5: ed7ca117d51a427f54238d598a2c843e Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca LightDM (dokumentacija) A GObject based library for LightDM clients to use to interface with LightDM. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: liblilv-0-0 Description-md5: d7a961f5c50bec814087fe7b3bb663c9 Description-sl: library for simple use of LV2 plugins Lilv (formerly SLV2) is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple as possible (without sacrificing capabilities). . Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be significantly faster and have minimal dependencies. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblilv-dev Description-md5: 253b207d03b320f290334ece7fc563a9 Description-sl: library for simple use of LV2 plugins (development files) Lilv (formerly SLV2) is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple as possible (without sacrificing capabilities). . Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be significantly faster and have minimal dependencies. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: liblinbox-1.7.0-0t64 Description-md5: 30fbe0b4cf27a8d9d9f38f65a50b2cb9 Description-sl: Library for exact linear algebra - shared library LinBox is a C++ template library for exact, high-performance linear algebra computation with dense, sparse, and structured matrices over the integers and over finite fields. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico LinBox. Package: liblinbox-dev Description-md5: 3d70aca298c532fd1b106b13cb6b1166 Description-sl: Library for exact linear algebra - development files LinBox is a C++ template library for exact, high-performance linear algebra computation with dense, sparse, and structured matrices over the integers and over finite fields. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke LinBox. Package: liblinear-tools Description-md5: 9f200c7831938a7e2fa45f605ff3452a Description-sl: Samostojni programi za LIBLINEAR LIBLINEAR is a library for learning linear classifiers for large scale applications. It supports Support Vector Machines (SVM) with L2 and L1 loss, logistic regression, multi class classification and also Linear Programming Machines (L1-regularized SVMs). Its computational complexity scales linearly with the number of training examples making it one of the fastest SVM solvers around. It also provides Python bindings. . Ta paket vsebuje samostojne programe. Package: liblinear4 Description-md5: 8be0b1ca2e45a87f4eaaf60dcb3c7370 Description-sl: Library for Large Linear Classification LIBLINEAR is a library for learning linear classifiers for large scale applications. It supports Support Vector Machines (SVM) with L2 and L1 loss, logistic regression, multi class classification and also Linear Programming Machines (L1-regularized SVMs). Its computational complexity scales linearly with the number of training examples making it one of the fastest SVM solvers around. It also provides Python bindings. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: liblinenoise-ocaml Description-md5: 11daaea664ea6913985e5c08e7c8c935 Description-sl: Lightweight readline alternative with OCaml (runtime) Self-contained OCaml bindings to linenoise, easy high level readline functionality in OCaml. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: liblinenoise-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 00b71b6d147ae8d8fee175052dde48c7 Description-sl: Lightweight readline alternative with OCaml (development) Self-contained OCaml bindings to linenoise, easy high level readline functionality in OCaml. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblingot-dev Description-md5: 7c238b7135f5ce5049c0a0d9d49e83e0 Description-sl: musical instrument tuner -- development headers Lingot je program za uglaševanje glasbenih instrumentov. Je natančen, enostaven za uporabo in visoko nastavljiv. Izvirno je bil narejen za uglaševanje električnih kitar, vendar lahko sedaj uglasi katerikoli instrument. . This package provides developers of similar tools with the sound processing parts. For now, the interface is experimental. Package: liblingot0 Description-md5: eec754cf6395ca7f878d73f96be5b251 Description-sl: musical instrument tuner -- shared library Lingot je program za uglaševanje glasbenih instrumentov. Je natančen, enostaven za uporabo in visoko nastavljiv. Izvirno je bil narejen za uglaševanje električnih kitar, vendar lahko sedaj uglasi katerikoli instrument. . There is usually no reason to select this package explicitly. Package: liblingua-en-words2nums-perl Description-md5: cdb2cf5cd5cf5cef81a13e27a30725a8 Description-sl: Pretvorba angleškega besedila v števila A perl module that can parse a wide variety of English text and deduce the number it represents. For example, it can convert "five million, one thousand and sixteen" to 5001016, and "twenty-seventh" to 27. Package: liblingua-ga-gramadoir-perl Description-md5: 38ae521f2615e7ac171e6ac306c86139 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje irske slovnice This package is an Irish (gaeilge) language grammar checker. . It contains a Perl module for grammar checking in Irish, and a script for using this module at the command-line. Package: liblingua-pt-stemmer-perl Description-md5: 4d19914afa66f45e7998e1d14a4f37fb Description-sl: Ustvarjanje korenov portugalščine This module implements a Portuguese stemming algorithm proposed in the paper "A Stemming Algorithm for the Portuguese Language" by Moreira, V. and Huyck, C. Package: liblink-grammar5t64 Description-md5: a11da3adcce316ad119e709647d6e2de Description-sl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (libraries) In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblinphone++11t64 Description-md5: 98ebc1ec9987a78a224e1481495764a3 Description-sl: Linphone's shared library part (supporting the SIP protocol) Linphone je zvočni in video internetni telefon, ki uporablja protokol SIP. Ima konzolski in vmesnik GTK+, vključuje številne zvočne in video kodeke in zagotavlja zmožnosti hipnega sporočanja. . This package contains the C++ shared runtime libraries. Package: liblinphone-dev Description-md5: 54e56d8d20231f9cba88fa0cb632f312 Description-sl: Linphone web phone's library - development files Linphone je zvočni in video internetni telefon, ki uporablja protokol SIP. Ima konzolski in vmesnik GTK+, vključuje številne zvočne in video kodeke in zagotavlja zmožnosti hipnega sporočanja. . This package contains the files needed to use the linphone's library in your programs. Package: liblinphone11t64 Description-md5: 695832ba12a16225ea2d4aef9024cbaf Description-sl: Linphone's shared library part (supporting the SIP protocol) Linphone je zvočni in video internetni telefon, ki uporablja protokol SIP. Ima konzolski in vmesnik GTK+, vključuje številne zvočne in video kodeke in zagotavlja zmožnosti hipnega sporočanja. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: liblinux-distribution-packages-perl Description-md5: c4e7360847e94e30c594b614ca91a2c9 Description-sl: Izpiše vse pakete na različnih distribucijah Linux Linux::Distribution::Packages is a simple module that uses Linux::Distribution to guess the Linux distribution and then uses the correct commands to list all the packages on the system and then output them in one of three formats: native, csv, and xml. . Distributions currently working: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, Suse, Gentoo, Slackware, Redflag. . The module inherits from Linux::Distribution, so can also use its calls. Package: libliquid1 Description-md5: 6486af54628b5f0f55546e4f7d5b8967 Description-sl: signal processing library for software defined radio liquid-dsp is a free and open-source digital signal processing (DSP) library designed specifically for software defined radios on embedded platforms. The aim is to provide a lightweight DSP library that does not rely on a myriad of external dependencies or proprietary and otherwise cumbersome frameworks. All signal processing elements are designed to be flexible, scalable, and dynamic, including filters, filter design, oscillators, modems, synchronizers, and complex mathematical operations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblitehtml-dev Description-md5: 856f0d3b0b126b7598d899e0dad647c4 Description-sl: lightweight HTML rendering engine with CSS2/CSS3 support (development files) litehtml is the lightweight HTML rendering engine with CSS2/CSS3 support. Note that litehtml itself does not draw any text, pictures or other graphics and that litehtml does not depend on any image/draw/font library. You are free to use any library to draw images, fonts and any other graphics. litehtml just parses HTML/CSS and places the HTML elements into the correct positions (renders HTML). . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: liblivejournal-perl Description-md5: a6130f20cd4abc35c5155d64cf97f28d Description-sl: Izvedba perl protokola LiveJournal. The LiveJournal module implements the LiveJournal protocol. See for details. Data is requested from the server through mode lines. Many methods return a hash reference containing key/value pairs returned by the server. Package: liblizzie-java Description-md5: 019273daaecd7b24a9cdd0f1f1c8219a Description-sl: GUI for analyzing Go games in real time using Leela Zero Zmožnosti vključujejo: . - Show win rates and confidence levels for selected moves on the board - Show best move sequence continuation, for these selected moves - Displays a graph of winrate against move number - Show whole game history including forked moves - Interactive play including undo/redo - Load and save games in SGF format Package: libllvm-14-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7727e410aa3baa784cb47a4afb95f4e8 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, OCaml bindings LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vezave OCaml za razvoj programov z llvm. Package: libllvm-15-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7727e410aa3baa784cb47a4afb95f4e8 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, OCaml bindings LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vezave OCaml za razvoj programov z llvm. Package: libllvm-16-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7727e410aa3baa784cb47a4afb95f4e8 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, OCaml bindings LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vezave OCaml za razvoj programov z llvm. Package: libllvm-17-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7727e410aa3baa784cb47a4afb95f4e8 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, OCaml bindings LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vezave OCaml za razvoj programov z llvm. Package: libllvm-18-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7727e410aa3baa784cb47a4afb95f4e8 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, OCaml bindings LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vezave OCaml za razvoj programov z llvm. Package: libllvm-19-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7727e410aa3baa784cb47a4afb95f4e8 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, OCaml bindings LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vezave OCaml za razvoj programov z llvm. Package: libllvm14t64 Description-md5: a8854f4edf76a8c14ce34dc209bd1d11 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, runtime library LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico LLVM. Package: libllvm15t64 Description-md5: a8854f4edf76a8c14ce34dc209bd1d11 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, runtime library LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico LLVM. Package: libllvm16t64 Description-md5: a8854f4edf76a8c14ce34dc209bd1d11 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, runtime library LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico LLVM. Package: libllvm17t64 Description-md5: a8854f4edf76a8c14ce34dc209bd1d11 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, runtime library LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico LLVM. Package: libllvmspirvlib14 Description-md5: 4658473b768e76c3b2f17ecbd52f8807 Description-sl: bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libllvmspirvlib15 Description-md5: 4658473b768e76c3b2f17ecbd52f8807 Description-sl: bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libllvmspirvlib16 Description-md5: 4658473b768e76c3b2f17ecbd52f8807 Description-sl: bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libllvmspirvlib17 Description-md5: 4658473b768e76c3b2f17ecbd52f8807 Description-sl: bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libllvmspirvlib18.1 Description-md5: 4658473b768e76c3b2f17ecbd52f8807 Description-sl: bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libllvmspirvlib19.1 Description-md5: 4658473b768e76c3b2f17ecbd52f8807 Description-sl: bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblms7compact-dev Description-md5: 025556d17e59b7f1af983bec322a9258 Description-sl: Compact LMS7002 library suitable for MCU: development The LMS7002M is Lime's second-generation field programmable RF (FPRF) transceiver IC with extended functionality to cover a greater range of frequencies and applications. . The library is developed for XTRX SDR which is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high- performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblms7compact0 Description-md5: 39ffa815f513ef380c323dd0c3ddc5ab Description-sl: Compact LMS7002 library suitable for MCU The LMS7002M is Lime's second-generation field programmable RF (FPRF) transceiver IC with extended functionality to cover a greater range of frequencies and applications. . The library is developed for XTRX SDR which is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high- performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblnk-dev Description-md5: 8c527fa4d1a1bbff76a459631e62f3bb Description-sl: Windows Shortcut File format access library -- development files liblnk is a library to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: liblnk1t64 Description-md5: 85314865eac7cf483d7c93b144d957c3 Description-sl: Windows Shortcut File format access library liblnk is a library to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblo-dev Description-md5: 3df6f7d95c055e4742aa66bf5d99559a Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica OSC -- razvojne datoteke LibLO is a lightweight, easy to use implementation of the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol (see <> for details). . Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology. OSC features: . * Open-ended, dynamic, URL-style symbolic naming scheme * Symbolic and high-resolution numeric argument data * Pattern matching language to specify multiple recipients of a single message * High resolution time tags * "Bundles" of messages whose effects must occur simultaneously * Query system to dynamically find out the capabilities of an OSC server and get documentation . This package contains headers, documentation and static libraries. Package: liblo7 Description-md5: 5be3a7faaa6ca13095fe79ee9ae7971f Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica OSC LibLO is a lightweight, easy to use implementation of the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol (see <> for details). . Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology. OSC features: . * Open-ended, dynamic, URL-style symbolic naming scheme * Symbolic and high-resolution numeric argument data * Pattern matching language to specify multiple recipients of a single message * High resolution time tags * "Bundles" of messages whose effects must occur simultaneously * Query system to dynamically find out the capabilities of an OSC server and get documentation Package: libloader-java-doc Description-md5: dbcbf5b3d69347321bedc3f33e3467e2 Description-sl: Java general purpose resource loading framework -- documentation LibLoader is a general purpose resource loading framework. It has been designed to allow one to load resources from any physical location and to allow the processing of that content data in a generic way, totally transparent to the user of that library. . Ta paket vsebuje Javadoc. Package: libloc1t64 Description-md5: 06ec2c2299e2f4e28ce041c7b403493b Description-sl: IP geolocation query library libloc is a lightweight library to query the IPFire Location database and determine the location of someone else on the Internet based on their IP address. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblocale-msgfmt-perl Description-md5: b446307605e9b638c366749b11d2da82 Description-sl: Čista ponovna izvedba Perl msgfmt Locale::Msgfmt is a tool to compile .po files to .mo files. This module does the same thing as msgfmt from GNU gettext-tools, except this is pure Perl. Package: liblockfile-simple-perl Description-md5: c8a67e1c16b523da04f6be7563a53942 Description-sl: Modul Perl za enostavno svetovalno zaklepanje datotek The LockFile::Simple extension provides simple file locking, of the advisory kind, i.e. it requires cooperation between applications wishing to lock the same files. . It is meant to be used in quick-and-dirty scripts or more elaborated programs that want a simple locking scheme, yet with a reasonable level of configuration. Package: liblog-contextual-perl Description-md5: 21c729690ede11969c4ac1574d2731ef Description-sl: Modul za enostavno vsebinsko beleženje Log::Contextual is a Perl module that provides an implementation- independent interface for simple data logging. It supports painless switching between any logger that implements the defined interface, either for the entire program (using set_logger) or for a given section of code (using with_logger). . The framework supports many logging levels that are enabled using environment variables (these are, in order of decreasing verbosity: trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal). . This package includes simple loggers that can be seamlessly upgraded to more advanced loggers, such as Log::Dispatchouli (see liblog-dispatchouli- perl). Package: liblog-fast-perl Description-md5: 688497acffbba8ad5591844cd8e08524 Description-sl: fast and flexible logger Log::Fast is very fast logger, designed for use in applications with thousands high-level events/operations per second (like network servers with thousands clients or web spiders which download hundreds url per second). . For example, on Core2Duo sending about 5000 messages to log on enabled log levels or 20000 messages on disabled log levels in one second will slow down your application only by 2-3%. . Comparing to some other CPAN modules, this one (in average): faster than Log::Dispatch in about 45 times, faster than Log::Handler in about 15 times, faster than Sys::Syslog in about 7 times, and slower than Log::Syslog::Fast in about 2 times. . Zmožnosti: . * Global and local logger objects * Output to any open filehandle or local syslog * 5 log levels: ERR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG * Configurable prefix (log level, date/time, caller function name) * sprintf() support * Unicode support (UTF8) * Can avoid calculating log message content on disabled log levels Package: liblog4c-dev Description-md5: 31c0798f7be8caff39ef836adecc3bdb Description-sl: Knjižnica C za prilagodljivo beleženje (razvoj) Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. . It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Log4c. Package: liblog4c-doc Description-md5: 96dba61d96a20b0e07897ea38e609d2b Description-sl: Knjižnica C za prilagodljivo beleženje (dokumentacija) Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. . It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . This package contains the Log4c library documentation for developers. Package: liblog4c3t64 Description-md5: bf0e59217bb8b62c9e3c550e222d0a17 Description-sl: Knjižnica C za prilagodljivo beleženje (izvajanje) Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. . It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . This package contains the files necessary for running applications that use the log4c library. Package: liblog4cpp5-dev Description-md5: 4f94a56bd197a4db1f0e5116bf395d20 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ za prilagodljivo beleženje (razvoj) Log for C++ is a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . Ta paket vsebuje od razvojne datoteke log4cpp. Package: liblog4cpp5v5 Description-md5: 68d5b2e0f1d83d2c6f6871e2264076af Description-sl: Knjižnice C++ za prilagodljivo beleženje (izvajanje) Log for C++ is a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . This package contains the files necessary for running applications that use the log4cpp library. Package: liblog4cxx-dev Description-md5: 715e50f335b5bd430bf8318c6a2bf2d9 Description-sl: Logging library for C++ (development files) Log4cxx is the C++ port of log4j, a logging framework for JAVA. Log4cxx attempts to mimic log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be compatible with log4j configuration and output formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: liblog4cxx-doc Description-md5: 4b776974b9f5373aa028dc3d9b3ca361 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za log4cxx Log4cxx is the C++ port of log4j, a logging framework for JAVA. Log4cxx attempts to mimic log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be compatible with log4j configuration and output formats. . This package provides doxygen documentation for the library. Package: liblognorm-dev Description-md5: 654a6e3655d22aa1048381f5e3b1ef99 Description-sl: log normalizing library - development files Liblognorm is an event and log normalization library that is capable of real-time processing. It provides the capability to normalize events to a set of standard formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblognorm5 Description-md5: da67a845ae86bc40b52f7b465cdfaed7 Description-sl: log normalizing library Liblognorm is an event and log normalization library that is capable of real-time processing. It provides the capability to normalize events to a set of standard formats. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblogs-ocaml Description-md5: 0c304d192500aec1626644a68e65d2ea Description-sl: logging infrastructure for OCaml (runtime) Logs provides a logging infrastructure for OCaml. Logging is performed on sources whose reporting level can be set independently. Log message report is decoupled from logging and is handled by a reporter. . A few optional log reporters are distributed with the base library and the API easily allows you to implement your own. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: liblogs-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 918a406baa5d1019b1f0a75a69fe1f05 Description-sl: logging infrastructure for OCaml (development) Logs provides a logging infrastructure for OCaml. Logging is performed on sources whose reporting level can be set independently. Log message report is decoupled from logging and is handled by a reporter. . A few optional log reporters are distributed with the base library and the API easily allows you to implement your own. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblomiri-api-dev Description-md5: 1c8171052f6b32c34e7bc383ffee2b67 Description-sl: API for Lomiri shell integration (development headers) Lomiri Operating Environment is a convergent work shell designed for use cases on phone, tablet or desktop devices. . Lomiri API Library for integrating with the Lomiri shell. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblomiri-api-doc Description-md5: 8977359cdf9241a9e01c5c7c05ea324d Description-sl: API for Lomiri shell integration (documentation) Lomiri Operating Environment is a convergent work shell designed for use cases on phone, tablet or desktop devices. . Lomiri API Library for integrating with the Lomiri shell. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: liblomiri-api0 Description-md5: bff3a859ed4b5419ec0e545542f91ab4 Description-sl: API for Lomiri shell integration (shared library) Lomiri Operating Environment is a convergent work shell designed for use cases on phone, tablet or desktop devices. . Lomiri API Library for integrating with the Lomiri shell. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblouis-bin Description-md5: cae9b467847bea41b21fa26bea4352d3 Description-sl: Knjižnica Brailovih prevodov - pripomočki Liblouis is a braille translator and back-translator. It features support for computer and literary braille, supports contracted and uncontracted translation for many languages and has support for hyphenation. Liblouis also supports math braille (Nemeth and Marburg). New languages can easily be added through tables that support a rule- or dictionary based approach. Included are also tools for testing and debugging tables. . This package contains a few tools to test tables and translate text. Package: liblouisxml-bin Description-md5: f1f8297f6799a4be129e53ce59168471 Description-sl: Pripomočki prevoda Brailovega XML Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. . This package contains xml2brl which translates an xml or text file into an embosser-ready braille file, and msword2brl which translates an ms-word file into an embosser-ready braille file. . In combination with ooo2dbk, it can also translate 1 documents. Package: liblouisxml-data Description-md5: f1698552972b3e49ac6803768bc8c1d6 Description-sl: Braille XML translation library - data Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne podatke. Package: liblouisxml1t64 Description-md5: 84e59cb1f8e15c150d918fed9f884e56 Description-sl: Braille XML translation library - shared libs Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: liblowdown1 Description-md5: 01029a5c394303086acabf6ccdae1f15 Description-sl: Simple markdown translator (shared library) Lowdown is a Markdown translator producing HTML5, roff documents in the ms and man formats, LaTeX, gemini, and terminal output. . Beyond traditional Markdown syntax support, lowdown supports the following Markdown features and extensions: * autolinking * fenced code * tables * superscripts * footnotes * disabled inline HTML * “smart typography” * metadata * commonmark (in progress) * definition lists * extended attributes * task lists . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno izvajalno knjižnico. Package: liblqr-1-0 Description-md5: caca505b25486b882b6fcc545521f19e Description-sl: converts plain array images into multi-size representation The LiquidRescale (lqr) library provides a C/C++ API for performing non- uniform resizing of images by the seam-carving technique. . The library takes images in plain array format as input and converts them to a multi-size representation. . Following is a list of features: . * Areas in the image can be marked for preservation or discard * Once the image has been fully processed, the scaling can be done in real-time. In fact, the information can be saved and read out later without any further processing * The resizing is done with a single function which automatically performs all the necessary operations; it can also work in successive steps without wasting computational time * Possibility to tune the carving operation by letting the seams be less connected, or more rigid, or both * Can export and import the visibility map (the seams) * Other images can be attached and undergo the same carving process as the parent image * The automatic feature detection algorithm can be tuned by selecting among different energy gradient functions * Reports progress through a customizable interface * A signalling system permits one to cleanly handle errors . The library implements the algorithm described in the paper "Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing" by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir, which can be found at . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblqr-1-0-dev Description-md5: a79caf5f9e129f98c43a469f894d841d Description-sl: converts plain array images into multi-size representation (developments files) The LiquidRescale (lqr) library provides a C/C++ API for performing non- uniform resizing of images by the seam-carving technique. . The library takes images in plain array format as input and converts them to a multi-size representation. . Following is a list of features: . * Areas in the image can be marked for preservation or discard * Once the image has been fully processed, the scaling can be done in real-time. In fact, the information can be saved and read out later without any further processing * The resizing is done with a single function which automatically performs all the necessary operations; it can also work in successive steps without wasting computational time * Possibility to tune the carving operation by letting the seams be less connected, or more rigid, or both * Can export and import the visibility map (the seams) * Other images can be attached and undergo the same carving process as the parent image * The automatic feature detection algorithm can be tuned by selecting among different energy gradient functions * Reports progress through a customizable interface * A signalling system permits one to cleanly handle errors . The library implements the algorithm described in the paper "Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing" by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir, which can be found at . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblrcalc-dev Description-md5: 6247532eb425e5443c58cbb0c27fe82c Description-sl: library for calculating Littlewood-Richardson coefficients - development files The "Littlewood-Richardson Calculator" is a package of C programs for computing Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, providing fast calculation of single LR coefficients, products of Schur functions, and skew Schur functions. Its interface uses the same notation as the SF package of John Stembridge, to make it easier to use both packages at the same time. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: liblrcalc1t64 Description-md5: 14aa2ad4875f6a3eadc4b1fa034a7c75 Description-sl: library for calculating Littlewood-Richardson coefficients The "Littlewood-Richardson Calculator" is a package of C programs for computing Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, providing fast calculation of single LR coefficients, products of Schur functions, and skew Schur functions. Its interface uses the same notation as the SF package of John Stembridge, to make it easier to use both packages at the same time. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblrdf0-dev Description-md5: 029af0a2e269a85ac3874e9fd3fdc473 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke liblrdf0 Liblrdf can read RDF/XML and N3 files and export N3 files. It also has a light taxonomic inference capablility. . It can also be used for general RDF manipulation. . This package holds static libraries and headers needed by developers who wish to use liblrdf0 in their programs. Package: liblrs2 Description-md5: 9920fe6a50b69ee0b84e21fc99b9a2e7 Description-sl: package to enumerate vertices and extreme rays (shared libraries) A convex polyhedron is the set of points satisfying a finite family of linear inequalities. The study of the vertices and extreme rays of such systems is important and useful in e.g. mathematics and optimization. In a dual interpretation, finding the vertices of a (bounded) polyhedron is equivalent to finding the convex hull (bounding inequalities) of an (arbitrary dimensional) set of points. Lrs (lexicographic reverse search) has two important features that can be very important for certain applications: it works in exact arithmetic, and it consumes memory proportional to the input, no matter how large the output is. . Ta paket vsebuje (zahtevano) souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblsofui9 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libltc11 Description-md5: 0c3e518ac9ebfefd908e0a00c7bd1add Description-sl: linear timecode library Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libluabind-doc Description-md5: 114ffc2d5d7b0b916ec599ac62becd8f Description-sl: luabind c++ binding for Lua: documentation files Luabind is a library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua. It has the ability to expose functions and classes, written in C++, to Lua. It will also supply the functionality to define classes in Lua and let them derive from other Lua classes or C++ classes. Lua classes can override virtual functions from their C++ baseclasses. It is written towards Lua 5.0, and does not work with other Lua versions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo luabind. Package: liblucene++-dev Description-md5: 4519492e24b3a040f229b0fc6b8f39db Description-sl: Development files for Lucene++ Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblucene++0t64 Description-md5: d589a4bd4bc8ae15b105cb8e241bfcc2 Description-sl: Shared library for Lucene++ Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libluksde-dev Description-md5: bf6d34e235ccfa3b1b20d823ad0109dd Description-sl: library to access LUKS Disk Encryption volumes -- development files libluksde is a library to access LUKS Disk Encryption volumes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libluksde1t64 Description-md5: 7761ec54caa764feb8741d2932656b9c Description-sl: library to access LUKS Disk Encryption volumes libluksde is a library to access LUKS Disk Encryption volumes. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libluksmeta-dev Description-md5: c8d87f22a65df79819fda91d27d20b56 Description-sl: library to access metadata in the LUKSv1 header - development files LUKSMeta is a simple library for storing metadata in the LUKSv1 header. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblv2dynparamplugin1-0t64 Description-md5: 63ebd6e92ec4c301794af4659b01d6bc Description-sl: Razširitev vstavka vmesnika LV2 - vstavek Library that enables plugin parameters to appear and disappear (i.e. number of voices). It also allows nested grouping of parameters. Groups can be used for things like ADSR abstraction, i.e. group of 4 float parameters. . This package contains the shared library for liblv2dynparamplugin1-0. Package: liblwip-dev Description-md5: 83e8f83a2223ef39b614b5dc3de5fd5c Description-sl: small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite - development files lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IPv4/IPv6 protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). . The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblwip-doc Description-md5: f2e8125bf9f947e56bf0a9a21627d02f Description-sl: small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite - documentation lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IPv4/IPv6 protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). . The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: liblwip0t64 Description-md5: 7a1d321ce7433276e56e6a396d612583 Description-sl: small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite - shared library lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IPv4/IPv6 protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). . The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblwipv6-dev Description-md5: 3481b819111ba206552d606560a3225a Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico LWIPv6 LWIPv6 is a user level TCP/IP stack with the following features: . Physical layer: ARP support, TUN/TAP/VDE drivers support. . Network layer: IP forwarding, fragmentation, NAT, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, Router Advertising support. . Transport layer: TCP: congestion control, RTT estimation, fast recovery, fast retransmit; UDP. . Berkeley Socket API: Protocol families PF_INET, PF_INET6, PF_PACKET, partial PF_NETLINK support; Socket types SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW support. . LWIPv6 is used, for instance, by a UMView module to support user level networking and configuration, usually together with VDE. . LWIPv6, along with UMView, is part of the View-OS project: . This package contains the files needed to compile applications that link LWIPv6. Package: liblwjgl-java Description-md5: fd86496bdfeb39a5bd9164d83e87afd7 Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica iger Java The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a solution aimed directly at professional and amateur Java programmers alike to enable commercial quality games to be written in Java. LWJGL provides developers access to high performance crossplatform libraries such as OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) and OpenAL (Open Audio Library) allowing for state of the art 3D games and 3D sound. Additionally LWJGL provides access to controllers such as Gamepads, Steering wheel and Joysticks. All in a simple and straight forward API. Package: liblwjgl-java-doc Description-md5: 64990d53a8a49e3abeb73d545612bcde Description-sl: Lightweight Java Game Library (javadoc) The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a solution aimed directly at professional and amateur Java programmers alike to enable commercial quality games to be written in Java. LWJGL provides developers access to high performance crossplatform libraries such as OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) and OpenAL (Open Audio Library) allowing for state of the art 3D games and 3D sound. Additionally LWJGL provides access to controllers such as Gamepads, Steering wheel and Joysticks. All in a simple and straight forward API. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API za lwjgl. Package: liblwp-authen-oauth-perl Description-md5: 60938a78de4990f07bd5c65041113861 Description-sl: Vstavek overitve OAuth za LWP This is the CPAN Perl module LWP::Authen::OAuth. . LWP::Authen::OAuth is an easy to use OAuth authentication plugin for LWP, that should work transparent in almost all cases. Furthermore it reduces the amount of code that needs to be written for an OAuth authentication. Package: liblwp-protocol-socks-perl Description-md5: 34ae667a3e0123776fbae823ef9a55f6 Description-sl: Podpora posredniškega strežnika SOCKS za LWP LWP::Protocol::socks implements the SOCKS protocol for Perl WWW library. It provides the essential hooks into the LWP system to add the capability to setup a LWP::UserAgent to use a SOCKS proxy the same way as already possible for a HTTP proxy. Package: liblwt-log-ocaml Description-md5: bd007b69ca5fd9052a018c510d5256c9 Description-sl: optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 (runtime) Lwt_log is a Lwt-friendly logging library. The library is split into two ocamlfind packages. The "basic" lwt_log includes Unix log destination support, such as files and syslog, and Lwt_daemon. lwt_log.core is the pure-OCaml part of lwt_log, suitable for targeting JavaScript in the browser, or elsewhere where Unix is not available. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: liblwt-log-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 319ff0c1a2833f92ed6387c90bb61690 Description-sl: Lwt-friendly logging library (development) Lwt_log is a Lwt-friendly logging library. The library is split into two ocamlfind packages. The "basic" lwt_log includes Unix log destination support, such as files and syslog, and Lwt_daemon. lwt_log.core is the pure-OCaml part of lwt_log, suitable for targeting JavaScript in the browser, or elsewhere where Unix is not available. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblwt-ssl-ocaml Description-md5: de93671d346106c017868705b6e8c740 Description-sl: OCaml OpenSSL binding with concurrent I/O (runtime) An Lwt-enabled wrapper around OCaml-SSL, that performs I/O concurrently. Ocaml-SSL, in turn, is a binding to the much-used OpenSSL. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: liblwt-ssl-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 8a188c3a36d2786f0b0fb104acdc3119 Description-sl: OCaml OpenSSL binding with concurrent I/O (dev) An Lwt-enabled wrapper around OCaml-SSL, that performs I/O concurrently. Ocaml-SSL, in turn, is a binding to the much-used OpenSSL. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liblxc1t64 Description-md5: 1e0f601ab32a2567bee52c30378f862a Description-sl: Linux Containers userspace tools (library) Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liblz-dev Description-md5: a084d46963a96b29cebe664999d6a5f6 Description-sl: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (development) The lzlib compression library provides in-memory LZMA compression and decompression functions, including integrity checking of the uncompressed data. The compressed data format used by the library is the lzip format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libm4api0.3t64 Description-md5: 45c788480b46c832475a4f4cd0effda1 Description-sl: access Mini-Box M4-ATX power supplies (library) The m4api is a tool for monitoring and configuring Mini-Box M4-ATX power supplies. . Ta paket zagotavlja datoteke knjižnice. Package: libm4ri-dev Description-md5: 030bd5d8b65bd75b686c09309aec2b1b Description-sl: Method of the Four Russians Inversion library, development files M4RI is a library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2. The name M4RI comes from the first implemented algorithm: The "Method of the Four Russians" inversion algorithm. This algorithm in turn is named after the "Method of the Four Russians" multiplication algorithm which is probably better referred to as Kronrod's method. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libm4ri. Package: libmadlib Description-md5: 92c0ed7d320e7f0c18c8e3e41c87cb30 Description-sl: Knjižnica prilagoditve mrež Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice za MAdLib. . MAdLib is a library that performs global node repositioning and mesh adaptation by local mesh modifications on tetrahedral or triangular meshes. It is designed to frequently adapt the mesh in transient computations. MAdLib is written in C++. . The adaptation procedure is driven by two objectives: . - make the edge lengths as close as possible to a (non-homogenous) prescribed length, . - maintain a satisfying element quality everywhere. . MAdLib can be used in transient computations in order to maintain a satisfying element quality (moving boundaries, multiphase flows with interface tracking, ...) or/and to apply selective refinements and coarsenings (error estimators based, interface capturing: shocks, free surfaces, ...). Package: libmadlib-dev Description-md5: d9dbf7e5d40c245e09c9bc55cb4632e6 Description-sl: Knjižnica prilagoditve mrež This package contains the development files (headers, so and static libraries) for MAdLib. . MAdLib is a library that performs global node repositioning and mesh adaptation by local mesh modifications on tetrahedral or triangular meshes. It is designed to frequently adapt the mesh in transient computations. MAdLib is written in C++. . The adaptation procedure is driven by two objectives: . - make the edge lengths as close as possible to a (non-homogenous) prescribed length, . - maintain a satisfying element quality everywhere. . MAdLib can be used in transient computations in order to maintain a satisfying element quality (moving boundaries, multiphase flows with interface tracking, ...) or/and to apply selective refinements and coarsenings (error estimators based, interface capturing: shocks, free surfaces, ...). Package: libmagic-mime-ocaml Description-md5: 2637a5440d2c1a76d669299079f889fa Description-sl: OCaml library to map filenames to common MIME types (runtime files) This library contains a database of MIME types that maps filename extensions into MIME types suitable for use in many Internet protocols such as HTTP or e-mail. It is generated from the mime.types file found in Unix systems, but has no dependency on a filesystem since it includes the contents of the database as an ML datastructure. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libmagic-mime-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 354e401485e904e1c61c9b84d4274e2c Description-sl: OCaml library to map filenames to common MIME types (dev files) This library contains a database of MIME types that maps filename extensions into MIME types suitable for use in many Internet protocols such as HTTP or e-mail. It is generated from the mime.types file found in Unix systems, but has no dependency on a filesystem since it includes the contents of the database as an ML datastructure. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmagpie-0-dev Description-md5: 936d932c9887dec04d02f10eb9169970 Description-sl: Development files for the magpie window manager magpie is a X11 window manager and compositor library. It contains functionality related to, among other things, window management, window compositing, focus tracking, workspace management, keybindings and monitor configuration. . Magpie is a soft-fork of GNOME mutter v43.x tailored for the requirements of the budgie-desktop. . Internally it uses a fork of Cogl, a hardware acceleration abstraction library used to simplify usage of OpenGL pipelines, as well as a fork of Clutter, a scene graph and user interface toolkit. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmail-box-perl Description-md5: 651d98c98f8ccfaa3760f7dfd8825b72 Description-sl: Modul upravljanja map-sporočil Mail::Box is the base-class for accessing various types of mail-folder organizational structures in a uniform way. The various folder types vary on how they store their messages. For example, a folder may store many messages in a single file, or store each message in a separate file in a directory. Similarly, there may be different techniques for locking the folders. Package: libmail-pop3client-perl Description-md5: 37dd5f7e696d36afb7b09e6afc0230a1 Description-sl: Modul odjemalca POP3 za perl Mail::POP3Client provides an object-oriented interface to a POP3 server. It can be used to write perl-based biff clients, mail readers, or whatever. Package: libmail-verify-perl Description-md5: d2fc7a250659f32ec251cff90f66a5d8 Description-sl: Pripomoček za preverjanje naslova e-pošte Mail::Verify provides a function CheckAddress function for verifying email addresses. First the syntax of the email address is checked, then it verifies that there is at least one valid MX server accepting email for the domain. Using Net::DNS and IO::Socket a list of MX records (or, falling back on a hosts A record) are checked to make sure at least one SMTP server is accepting connections. Package: libmailio1 Description-md5: adac219480de2efc005fba16ac12a90d Description-sl: cross platform C++ library for email support (library) mailio is a cross platform C++ library for MIME format and SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols. . It is based on the standard C++ 17 and Boost library. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libmailutils9t64 Description-md5: 3a19b102336d5639c842ef925f5fa286 Description-sl: Knjižnica abstrakcije GNU Mail GNU Mailutils is a rich and powerful protocol-independent mail framework. It contains a series of useful mail libraries, clients, and servers. . This is GNU's Mail abstraction library. This library allows programs to hook into a single library for many different types of mail backends. The following backend stores are currently provided: mbox, mh, maildir, dotmail, pop3, imap4. Package: libmapcache1t64 Description-md5: 4fc54d3ae76fdbcec473dad35147ef08 Description-sl: tile caching server - shared library Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. . MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable, while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile caching solution. Package: libmapserver2t64 Description-md5: b1a0e7b7cf78d706db342cfe372ebbfe Description-sl: Shared library for MapServer Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: libmarble-dev Description-md5: 98d446a5b223b2b403ecbbf11613e987 Description-sl: development files for the Marble globe widget library Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . This package contains development files for building software that uses the Marble globe widget library. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libmarblewidget-qt5-28 Description-md5: 2a9945efd67150389c70c7f1b8d76e97 Description-sl: Marble globe widget library Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . This package contains shared libraries for the Marble globe widget. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: libmarco-dev Description-md5: 88b205f6c74893832a5b077c4bca9018 Description-sl: library for Marco window manager (development files) Marco is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. It is developed mainly for the MATE Desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmarco-private2 Description-md5: 8d8d482e47ca934ede42f00ce29f81b7 Description-sl: library for Marco window manager Marco is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. It is developed mainly for the MATE Desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libmassivethreads0 Description-md5: 9e6039c225eee611784e12f27cea6047 Description-sl: Lightweight Thread Library for High Productivity Languages - libs This provides a multithreaded processing library to achieve dynamic load balancing within compute nodes. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmatchbox-dev Description-md5: 996b1cb852ac4f0ca6b6348d9d6c0aab Description-sl: shared library for Matchbox Project applications [development] Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . libmatchbox provides core functionality used by several Matchbox project applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke libmatchbox. Package: libmatchbox-doc Description-md5: 005ef41912cfb29d498f6efb5272faf8 Description-sl: shared library for Matchbox Project applications [documentation] Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . libmatchbox provides core functionality used by several Matchbox project applications. . This package contains the libmatchbox documentation. Package: libmatchbox1 Description-md5: 43f7e83b7704824f6044bb370492d2a9 Description-sl: shared library for Matchbox Project applications [runtime] Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . libmatchbox provides core functionality used by several Matchbox project applications. . This package contains the libmatchbox runtime library. Package: libmate-desktop-doc Description-md5: 85f62c1094850474d17679faeb2b838a Description-sl: Library with common API for various MATE modules (documentation files) The MATE component mate-desktop contains the libmate-desktop library, the mate-about program, as well as some desktop-wide documents. . The libmate-desktop library provides an API shared by several applications on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libmate-menu-dev Description-md5: 05611ad044fe143fff049c88b81bba0c Description-sl: implementation of the freedesktop menu specs for MATE (development files) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmatekbd-common Description-md5: 53b275bca5c7b0f568c8d001b53babd1 Description-sl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (common files) libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: libmatekbd-dev Description-md5: e93ff714a09bcc1f566662d5ddbcdc7a Description-sl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (development files) libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmatekbd4 Description-md5: 9a1c8c8e2f16cc90311d6a8a0e172942 Description-sl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libmatemixer-common Description-md5: 6e955858d8f287ee6e129c78756630e0 Description-sl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (common files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: libmatemixer-dev Description-md5: 7526072c404dcc017d8a08fd6825ab48 Description-sl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (development files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmatemixer-doc Description-md5: 8531d121ec18147407f6c941c4ffbc42 Description-sl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (documentation files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libmatemixer0 Description-md5: c57ac9885ede64f133c8d56c665bf7f8 Description-sl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libmateweather-common Description-md5: 9b1f8dc5a0ae5b5a23a35bcf93001f27 Description-sl: MateWeather shared library (common files) libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: libmateweather-dev Description-md5: 044d4a59ee16ee9c8ff70692d143b78d Description-sl: MateWeather shared library (development files) libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmateweather1t64 Description-md5: 018883b44fead614d635fdbc4535af89 Description-sl: MateWeather shared library libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmath-basecalc-perl Description-md5: 3de8e14b12b71729d063143569be90e8 Description-sl: Modul za pretvarjanje številčnih sistemov Math::BaseCalc is a Perl module for converting numeric values between various bases. It provides several predefined digit sets (Hexadecimal, Base64, etc.) and allows custom digit sets to be defined for base conversion. Package: libmath-calculus-differentiate-perl Description-md5: f0366d02a8bd1a0586738137883e5365 Description-sl: Programnik algebrskega odvajanja Math::Calculus::Differentiate can take an algebraic expression, parse it into a tree structure, modify the tree to give a representation of the differentiated function, simplify the tree and turn the tree back into an output of the same form as the input. . It supports differentiation of expressions including the +, -, *, / and ^ (raise to power) operators, bracketed expressions to enable correct precedence and the functions ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, sec, cosec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, cosech, coth, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh and atanh. Package: libmath-calculus-newtonraphson-perl Description-md5: 984da4bd93093cd67a805d62a30542a4 Description-sl: Algebraic Newton Raphson Implementation The Math::Calculus::NewtonRaphson module takes an algebraic expression, parses it and then uses the Newton Raphson method to solve it. The Newton Raphson method relies on the fact that the expression you pass in evaluates to zero where there is a solution. That is, to solve:- . x^2 = 5 . Geslo bi potrebovali v:- . x^2 - 5 . It understands expressions containing any of the operators +, -, *, / and ^ (raise to power), bracketed expressions to enable correct precedence and the functions ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, sec, cosec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, cosech, coth, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh and atanh. Package: libmath-round-perl Description-md5: 8e626959e9f6daa79e7541e3465093ea Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za zaokroževanje števil Math::Round supplies functions that will round numbers in different ways. Package: libmath-symbolic-perl Description-md5: 0c7aa4fb6da74faa2a168e95db3ade8d Description-sl: Modul za izvajanje simbolnih izračunov Math::Symbolic is a Perl module for performing symbolic calculations, similar to Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) like Maxima, Maple and Mathematica. Using this software, algebraic expressions can be parsed from strings, manipulated in Perl and even compiled into code references. Package: libmathic0v5 Description-md5: edf83d13ca7fcc48c0dd91f19ccc66be Description-sl: C++ library for Groebner basis computation (runtime library) Mathic is a C++ library of fast data structures designed for use in Groebner basis computation. This includes data structures for ordering S-pairs, performing divisor queries and ordering polynomial terms during polynomial reduction. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libmathicgb0t64 Description-md5: 16d258a1c64b6d42cbc8dd32996526eb Description-sl: Compute Groebner bases (runtime library) Mathicgb is a program for computing Groebner basis and signature Groebner bases. Mathicgb is based on the fast data structures from mathic. . The paper "Practical Groebner Basis Computation" describes the algorithms in Mathicgb from a high level. It was presented at ISSAC 2012 and is available at . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libmatthew-debug-java Description-md5: d02e378111bbd284ea565f7c4b1b5af9 Description-sl: Razhroščevalna knjižnica za Javo This package provides a debugging library for Java, including a generic utility class for providing nicely formatted dumps of byte arrays (similar to the hexdump utility). Package: libmaven-antrun-plugin-java Description-md5: a354687f97ea55457740f044d731a6ab Description-sl: Vstavek AntRun Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven Antrun Plugin runs Ant scripts embedded in the POM Package: libmaven-archiver-java Description-md5: bdec6d4ffe8126c56248f6f412064d1c Description-sl: Sestavni del arhivirnika za Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven Archiver is mainly used by Maven plugins to handle packaging. Package: libmaven-assembly-plugin-java Description-md5: 91957d82ba3ff7b25308b5805cef2463 Description-sl: Vstavek Assembly Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven Assembly plugin is used to create archives of your project's sources, classes, dependencies etc. from flexible assembly descriptors. Package: libmaven-clean-plugin-java Description-md5: 639fc29fea24cf397149809a95684734 Description-sl: Vstavek clean Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships the maven clean plugin which is used to remove files generated at build-time in a project's directory. Package: libmaven-dependency-analyzer-java Description-md5: 2f728058db3209de74f9539a5aaf49f8 Description-sl: Preučevalnik odvisnosti Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships a shared library for analysing dependencies. Package: libmaven-dependency-tree-java Description-md5: 7d206b04cad7972c178523d08b7718ff Description-sl: Drevo odvisnosti Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships a shared library for analysis dependencies. Package: libmaven-ejb-plugin-java Description-md5: b8eb55c83266c028e46a62a2f390b7a6 Description-sl: Vstavek EJB Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven EJB plugin generates a J2EE Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) file as well as the associated client JAR. Package: libmaven-filtering-java Description-md5: 7adb0ae6c841a338cd86c73e45d2190b Description-sl: Filtriranje Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package provides a shared component for all Maven plugins which needs to filter resources. Package: libmaven-install-plugin-java Description-md5: 92b01fcb00f36673ef4e6421b881b1a6 Description-sl: Vstavek namestitve Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships the maven install plugin which is used to install the built artifact into the local repository. Package: libmaven-invoker-java Description-md5: 4630c9a9073a931071de4debcb50f6f0 Description-sl: Program za priklic Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package provides a component to programmatically invoke Maven. Package: libmaven-invoker-plugin-java Description-md5: 996739448953bd57d0d95a7dc8ddf2ae Description-sl: Vstavek programa za priklic Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven Invoker Plugin is used to run a set of Maven projects. The plugin can determine whether each project execution is successful, and optionally can verify the output generated from a given project execution. Package: libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java Description-md5: 70c0543dcc6effb9a18d9d11b0f52b8b Description-sl: Vstavek Javadoc Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven Javadoc Plugin is a plugin that uses the javadoc tool for generating javadocs for the specified project. Package: libmaven-plugin-testing-java Description-md5: b84a3d1b76b0423f13f103778be0a77f Description-sl: Preizkušanje vstavkov Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships the necessary modules to be able to test Maven Plugins. Package: libmaven-reporting-impl-java Description-md5: 199d447b295430cc7a0b510cd2394c9e Description-sl: Izvedba API-ja poročanja Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package implements the Maven Reporting API. Package: libmaven-repository-builder-java Description-md5: 96812f716576b3d8de23703ffead5b08 Description-sl: Izgrajevalnik skladišča Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven Repository builder is a shared library used by Maven. Package: libmaven-resources-plugin-java Description-md5: e7cc6fef7fc280ca1b11542ba8e1c198 Description-sl: Vstavek virov Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Resources Plugin handles the copying of project resources to the output directory. Package: libmaven-shade-plugin-java Description-md5: d74a4ccc7ba5c603eb34e5b37309303b Description-sl: Vstavek sence Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships the Maven shade plugin which is used to build an Uber- JAR from the current project, including dependencies. Package: libmaven-shared-io-java Description-md5: 4e791301504af276bac7fb2d9e50a785 Description-sl: API Maven za podporo V/I Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This package ships the I/O support API like logging, download or file scanning. Package: libmaven-verifier-java Description-md5: 2b00534712de3f7b539e4e403064dfba Description-sl: Sestavni del programa za potrjevanje veljavnosti Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . Maven Verifier is a shared library for Maven and it provides a test harness for Maven integration tests. Package: libmaven-war-plugin-java Description-md5: 47bd766c27436fa5b1c3ba038fa365cb Description-sl: Vstavek Maven WAR Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . The Maven WAR plugin builds a Web Application Archive (WAR) file from the project output and its dependencies. Package: libmbedtls-doc Description-md5: d7efa3d44eed7295a7ef4eab9e9c1e43 Description-sl: lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - documentation mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) is a lean open source crypto library for providing SSL and TLS support in your programs. It offers an intuitive API and documented header files, so you can actually understand what the code does. It features: - Symmetric algorithms, like AES, Blowfish, Triple-DES, DES, ARC4, Camellia and XTEA - Hash algorithms, like SHA-1, SHA-2, RIPEMD-160 and MD5 - Entropy pool and random generators, like CTR-DRBG and HMAC-DRBG - Public key algorithms, like RSA, Elliptic Curves, Diffie-Hellman, ECDSA and ECDH - TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 - Abstraction layers for ciphers, hashes, public key operations, platform abstraction and threading . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libmceliece-dev Description-md5: 842b57d22b3b93fc11c46819a701b69a Description-sl: Classic McEliece microlibrary - development files libmceliece is a Classic McEliece microlibrary. libmceliece has a very simple stateless API based on the SUPERCOP API, with wire-format inputs and outputs, providing functions that directly match the KEM operations provided by Classic McEliece, such as functions . mceliece6960119_keypair mceliece6960119_enc mceliece6960119_dec for the mceliece6960119 KEM. . Internally, libmceliece is based on the official Classic McEliece software, specifically the vec implementation (designed to work portably across CPUs) and he avx implementation (designed for higher performance on Intel/AMD CPUs with AVX2 instructions). libmceliece includes automatic run-time selection of implementations. . libmceliece is intended to be called by larger multi-function libraries (such as traditional cryptographic libraries), including libraries in other languages via FFI. The idea is that libmceliece takes responsibility for the details of Classic McEliece computation, including optimization, timing-attack protection, and (in ongoing work) verification, freeing up the calling libraries to concentrate on application-specific needs such as protocol integration. Applications can also call libmceliece directly. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: libmceliece1 Description-md5: 84486f605dd26a0b1186adc19b8ad83e Description-sl: Classic McEliece microlibrary - shared library libmceliece is a Classic McEliece microlibrary. libmceliece has a very simple stateless API based on the SUPERCOP API, with wire-format inputs and outputs, providing functions that directly match the KEM operations provided by Classic McEliece, such as functions . mceliece6960119_keypair mceliece6960119_enc mceliece6960119_dec for the mceliece6960119 KEM. . Internally, libmceliece is based on the official Classic McEliece software, specifically the vec implementation (designed to work portably across CPUs) and he avx implementation (designed for higher performance on Intel/AMD CPUs with AVX2 instructions). libmceliece includes automatic run-time selection of implementations. . libmceliece is intended to be called by larger multi-function libraries (such as traditional cryptographic libraries), including libraries in other languages via FFI. The idea is that libmceliece takes responsibility for the details of Classic McEliece computation, including optimization, timing-attack protection, and (in ongoing work) verification, freeing up the calling libraries to concentrate on application-specific needs such as protocol integration. Applications can also call libmceliece directly. . Souporabljena knjižnica. Package: libmcpp-dev Description-md5: b54ee1320257f6ea0d2704922300ce56 Description-sl: Nadomestni predopravilnik C/C++ (razvojne datoteke) This package installs the development files for the library version of mcpp. Package: libmcpp0 Description-md5: 50d35e9f6b87fff3c47b700d85bb7bc0 Description-sl: Nadomestni predopravilnik C/C++ (souporabljena knjižnica) This package installs the shared library version of mcpp. Package: libmcrypt-dev Description-md5: b481039d4729ba8de2b97d7b32c5a2e4 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnice od-/šifriranja libmcrypt is the library which implements all the algorithms and modes found in mcrypt. . libmcrypt supports the algorithms: BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, DES, TripleDES, 3-WAY, SAFER-sk64, SAFER-sk128, SAFER+, LOKI97, GOST, RC2, RC6, MARS, IDEA, RIJNDAEL-128, RIJNDAEL-192, SERPENT, RIJNDAEL-256, CAST-128 (known as CAST5), CAST-256, ARCFOUR, ENIGMA, PANAMA, XTEA and WAKE. Block algorithms can be used in: CBC, ECB, CFB and OFB (8 bit and n bit, where n is the size of the algorithm's block length). . More information can be found at the libmcrypt homepage . Package: libmcrypt4 Description-md5: 6c2f8744885be952f09a0205099c134f Description-sl: Knjižnica od-/šifriranja libmcrypt is the library which implements all the algorithms and modes found in mcrypt. . libmcrypt supports the algorithms: BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, DES, TripleDES, 3-WAY, SAFER-sk64, SAFER-sk128, SAFER+, LOKI97, GOST, RC2, RC6, MARS, IDEA, RIJNDAEL-128, RIJNDAEL-192, SERPENT, RIJNDAEL-256, CAST-128 (known as CAST5), CAST-256, ARCFOUR, ENIGMA, PANAMA, XTEA and WAKE. Block algorithms can be used in: CBC, ECB, CFB and OFB (8 bit and n bit, where n is the size of the algorithm's block length). . More information can be found at the libmcrypt homepage . Package: libmctc-lib-dev Description-md5: 3a299d57c1159cfb20cbe3a3a3d89bf3 Description-sl: modular computation tool chain library (development files) Common tool chain for working with molecular structure data in various applications. This library provides a unified way to perform operations on molecular structure data, like reading and writing to common geometry file formats. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmdc-dev Description-md5: 53a2aab93f8109ef0a25825d34ccb705 Description-sl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool (development) Projekt pomeni pretvorba medicinskih slik. Izdaj je pod (L)GPL, vsebuje polno izvorno kodo C knjižnice, prilagodljiv pripomoček ukazne vrstice in lepo grafično začelje, ki uporablja zbirko orodij GTK+. Trenutno podprte vrste so: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 in PNG. . Static library, include files and documentation for developers. Package: libmdc3t64 Description-md5: b860f64f5e205b878e90adc7e37cbc41 Description-sl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool (library) Projekt pomeni pretvorba medicinskih slik. Izdaj je pod (L)GPL, vsebuje polno izvorno kodo C knjižnice, prilagodljiv pripomoček ukazne vrstice in lepo grafično začelje, ki uporablja zbirko orodij GTK+. Trenutno podprte vrste so: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 in PNG. . This is the central library needed by medcon, xmedcon and derived programs. Package: libmed-dev Description-md5: 6247a3e8f3474ac1927444ea6172c773 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libmed MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. Package: libmed-doc Description-md5: 22ea389dbc51d700f3dec52e96ca96de Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico MED-fichier MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. . This package provides the documentation for the MED-fichier library (in French). Package: libmedc-dev Description-md5: 9f91a0945dddc9dc6c190f9a667c2941 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libmedc MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libmedC. Package: libmedialibrary0 Description-md5: 69cb6a71455a20746399ee1d22b00732 Description-sl: library for managing media files in a media library (shared library) Medialibrary provides tools for media applications to manage their media libraries. It supports media discovery, metadata handling, and a database backend. The latter provides ways to easily search and browse the media library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmediastreamer-data Description-md5: e6decf8ce97434d7181ee0fb5be2cec0 Description-sl: Voice and video streaming engine for telephony (data files) Mediastreamer2 is a powerful and lightweight streaming engine specially designed for voice/video telephony applications. . This open source library is responsible for all receiving and sending of multimedia streams in Linphone, including voice/video capture, encoding, decoding, and rendering. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: libmediastreamer13t64 Description-md5: 6950a75e17c619fb9e02b5860d73831d Description-sl: Voice and video streaming engine for telephony (base) Mediastreamer2 is a powerful and lightweight streaming engine specially designed for voice/video telephony applications. . This open source library is responsible for all receiving and sending of multimedia streams in Linphone, including voice/video capture, encoding, decoding, and rendering. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libmedimport-dev Description-md5: b52f0c78ed2124ddf544e253cf42161e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libmedimport0 MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libmedimport, including C++ applications. Package: libmeep-dev Description-md5: dedac53a17bfec0a01c3a5f2a3afeec9 Description-sl: Razvojna knjižnica za uporabo meep Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. . Its features include: * Free and open-source software under the GNU GPL. * Complete scriptability via Python, Scheme, or C++ APIs. * Simulation in 1d, 2d, 3d, and cylindrical coordinates. * Distributed memory parallelism on any system supporting MPI. * Arbitrary anisotropic electric permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ, along with dispersive ε(ω) and μ(ω) including loss/gain, nonlinear (Kerr & Pockels) dielectric and magnetic materials, electric/magnetic conductivities σ, and saturable gain/absorption. * Perfectly-matched layer (PML) absorbing boundaries as well as Bloch-periodic and perfect-conductor boundary conditions. * Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size, including even/odd mirror planes and 90°/180° rotations. * Arbitrary current sources including a guided-mode launcher. * Frequency-domain solver for finding the response to a continuous-wave (CW) source. * ε/μ and field import/export in the HDF5 data format. * GDSII file import for planar geometries. * Materials library containing predefined broadband, complex refractive indices. * Field analyses including Poynting flux, mode decomposition, near to far transformations, frequency extraction, local density of states (LDOS), modal volume, Maxwell stress tensor, arbitrary functions; completely programmable. . This package contains some files for developing software. Package: libmeep30 Description-md5: cdb0c5171d5203cc457d88e8ce3274bb Description-sl: Knjižnica za uporabo meep Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. . Its features include: * Free and open-source software under the GNU GPL. * Complete scriptability via Python, Scheme, or C++ APIs. * Simulation in 1d, 2d, 3d, and cylindrical coordinates. * Distributed memory parallelism on any system supporting MPI. * Arbitrary anisotropic electric permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ, along with dispersive ε(ω) and μ(ω) including loss/gain, nonlinear (Kerr & Pockels) dielectric and magnetic materials, electric/magnetic conductivities σ, and saturable gain/absorption. * Perfectly-matched layer (PML) absorbing boundaries as well as Bloch-periodic and perfect-conductor boundary conditions. * Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size, including even/odd mirror planes and 90°/180° rotations. * Arbitrary current sources including a guided-mode launcher. * Frequency-domain solver for finding the response to a continuous-wave (CW) source. * ε/μ and field import/export in the HDF5 data format. * GDSII file import for planar geometries. * Materials library containing predefined broadband, complex refractive indices. * Field analyses including Poynting flux, mode decomposition, near to far transformations, frequency extraction, local density of states (LDOS), modal volume, Maxwell stress tensor, arbitrary functions; completely programmable. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libmemkind0 Description-md5: ee4ae8e10d5f73748fafb84663b58044 Description-sl: user-extensible heap manager for heterogeneous memory platforms The memkind library is a user extensible heap manager built on top of jemalloc which enables control of memory characteristics and a partitioning of the heap between kinds of memory. While arbitrary user control is possible, built-in characteristics include NUMA and page size. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libmems1t64 Description-md5: c60c05b4ca212f4f7c319570e75ba1d3 Description-sl: library to support DNA string matching and comparative genomics libMems is a freely available software development library to support DNA string matching and comparative genomics. Among other things, libMems implements an algorithm to perform approximate multi-MUM and multi-MEM identification. The algorithm uses spaced seed patterns in conjunction with a seed-and-extend style hashing method to identify matches. The method is efficient, requiring a maximum of only 16 bytes per base of the largest input sequence, and this data can be stored externally (i.e. on disk) to further reduce memory requirements. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libmemtailor0 Description-md5: 9a6736b1608b67887a364e9298fc3c59 Description-sl: C++ library of special purpose memory allocators (shared library) Memtailor is a C++ library of special purpose memory allocators. It currently offers an arena allocator and a memory pool. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmenhir-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 477c47ea99fa9e825953cf0002c2609d Description-sl: Knjižnica Menhir za OCaml Menhir is a LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml programming language. It is mostly compatible with the ocamlyacc parser generator provided with OCaml, and has a number of enhancements over ocamlyacc. . This package contains the Menhir library for the OCaml programming language. It gives access to, among others, the following modules: * InfiniteArray: implements infinite arrays, that is, arrays that grow transparently upon demand. * RowDisplacement: compresses a two-dimensional table, where some values are considered insignificant, via row displacement. * Engine: LR parsing engine. Package: libmenu-cache-dev Description-md5: 9176db60f0bc3d4cc5dea61f3800257e Description-sl: LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache (devel) Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the access to defined application menus. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmeschach-dev Description-md5: 0ebca0d1c27b5eb2f5823cf1eaab080f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za meschach These are files necessary for compiling programs with the meschach linear algebra library. Package: libmetacity-dev Description-md5: 2870632925f93a4879c6dd6207016ddb Description-sl: development files for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmetacity3 Description-md5: a636d9a504b8d22465fdf467b4819178 Description-sl: library for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmetadata-extractor-java Description-md5: 2d715b7fe2f3b1a84b2c8be5b3ec5f89 Description-sl: Ogrodje izvleke metapodatkov JPEG Java based metadata extraction library for JPEG images with support for Exif and Iptc metadata segments, including manufacturer specific metadata of several digital camera models. Package: libmfx-dev Description-md5: 702176fd78633300296bae38c7a2df2a Description-sl: Intel Media SDK -- development files Intel® Media SDK provides an API to access hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering on Intel® platforms with integrated graphics. . Supported video encoders: HEVC, AVC, MPEG-2, JPEG Supported Video decoders: HEVC, AVC, VP8, MPEG-2, VC1, JPEG Supported video pre-processing filters: Color Conversion, Deinterlace, Denoise, Resize, Rotate, Composition . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libmfx-gen1.2 Description-md5: 1128b0ffa9f8bfc9695cdbbf995eed61 Description-sl: Intel VPL GPU Runtime -- shared library Intel Video Processing Library GPU Runtime is a Runtime implementation of Intel VPL API for Intel Gen GPUs. Runtime provides access to hardware- accelerated video decode, encode and filtering. . Supported video encoders: HEVC, AVC, MPEG-2, JPEG, VP9 Supported video decoders: HEVC, AVC, VP8, VP9, MPEG-2, VC1, JPEG, AV1, VVC Supported video pre-processing filters: Color Conversion, Deinterlace, Denoise, Resize, Rotate, Composition . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmfx1 Description-md5: 464136395447a9703a4fd31233e63687 Description-sl: Intel Media SDK -- shared library Intel® Media SDK provides an API to access hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering on Intel® platforms with integrated graphics. . Supported video encoders: HEVC, AVC, MPEG-2, JPEG Supported Video decoders: HEVC, AVC, VP8, MPEG-2, VC1, JPEG Supported video pre-processing filters: Color Conversion, Deinterlace, Denoise, Resize, Rotate, Composition . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmgl-data Description-md5: 72a1e314d7edd0e8da326b2891f7a2c6 Description-sl: library for scientific graphs (data files) A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave. . Ta paket vsebuje od podatkovne datoteke MathGL. Package: libmgl-dev Description-md5: 441e5bcf090e9cc82c7c471500af5e51 Description-sl: library for scientific graphs (development files) A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmicroba-java-doc Description-md5: 9cc99d5a647870c51068b137865d5160 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libmicroba-java Microba is a set of finely crafted & feature rich JFC (Swing) components. Keywords: jfc, swing, java, date picker, datepicker, date-picker, calendar, gradient editor, marker, slider, palette editor . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libmicrodns-dev Description-md5: cebbbf6d16d4838b4eb57e275e981e21 Description-sl: minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (development files) Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a zero-configuration service that allows one to resolve host names to IP addresses in local networks. libmicrodns provides a minimal implementation of a mDNS resolver as well as an announcer. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmicrodns1 Description-md5: 7ff63dfd32843593c000687651e46e93 Description-sl: minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (shared library) Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a zero-configuration service that allows one to resolve host names to IP addresses in local networks. libmicrodns provides a minimal implementation of a mDNS resolver as well as an announcer. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmicrohttpd-dev Description-md5: 086a03adbfa00b9ffca631a67418ab82 Description-sl: library embedding HTTP server functionality (development) GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmicroprofile-dev Description-md5: d7beb45cc5f54ebe819becca0c8cbe0e Description-sl: embeddable CPU/GPU profiler - development Microprofile is an embeddable CPU/GPU profiler with an in-app and HTML visualizers, written in C++. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmicroprofile4 Description-md5: 727cdeb4fd9a8129982598de97a56936 Description-sl: embeddable CPU/GPU profiler Microprofile is an embeddable CPU/GPU profiler with an in-app and HTML visualizers, written in C++. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmimalloc-dev Description-md5: 40d14bc1bf6167cbbf5637bba27be327 Description-sl: compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance (devel files) This is a general purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics. Initially developed by Daan Leijen for the run-time systems of the Koka and Lean languages. . It is a drop-in replacement for malloc and can be used in other programs without code changes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmime-base32-perl Description-md5: 2a82d236fc39b10d2cbbb5e62d33159e Description-sl: Kodirnik odkodirnik na osnovi32 Similar to Base64, Base32 encodes arbitrary (binary) data in ASCII text. The difference to Base64 is that Base32 encoding is case insensitive. . Base32 is defined in rfc3548 using the characters [A-Z2-7], but this module by default uses [0-9A-V] for compatibility with older versions of MIME::Base32. An RFC compliant mode is also provided, though. Package: libmimetic-dev Description-md5: 68c15515a9d7bb98ff22d92473d63da4 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ MIME (razvoj) mimetic is a MIME library written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. . mimetic has been built around the standard lib. This means that you'll not find yet another string class or list implementation and that you'll feel comfortable in using this library from the very first time. . mimetic doesn't use exceptions but it heavily uses templates so a mostly standard compliant C++ compiler is required. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libmimetic-doc Description-md5: d761973d51ff525a30f73641210aaf53 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ MIME (dokumentacija) mimetic is a MIME library written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. . mimetic has been built around the standard lib. This means that you'll not find yet another string class or list implementation and that you'll feel comfortable in using this library from the very first time. . mimetic doesn't use exceptions but it heavily uses templates so a mostly standard compliant C++ compiler is required. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libmimetic0t64 Description-md5: 5c4c04016c81bdb53a48f8013fcf4342 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ MIME (izvajanje) mimetic is a MIME library written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. . mimetic has been built around the standard lib. This means that you'll not find yet another string class or list implementation and that you'll feel comfortable in using this library from the very first time. . mimetic doesn't use exceptions but it heavily uses templates so a mostly standard compliant C++ compiler is required. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice. Package: libmina-java Description-md5: 2aea1c5ceb93d2b37c2707648ca2a53c Description-sl: Ogrodje omrežnih programov Java Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily. It provides an abstract - event-driven - asynchronous API over various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP via Java NIO. . Some of the features of Apache Mina are: - Unified API for various transport types: TCP/UDP/RS232/In-VM - Filter interface as an extension point; similar to Servlet filters - Low-level and high-level API - Highly customizable thread model - Out-of-the-box SSL / TLS and StartTLS support using Java 5 SSLEngine - Overload shielding & traffic throttling - Unit testability using mock objects - JMX managability - Stream-based I/O support via StreamIoHandler . This package contains Apache Mina 1.X release Package: libmina2-java Description-md5: 942cb6b5af6993c01aa8bf4460071872 Description-sl: Ogrodje omrežnih programov Java Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily. It provides an abstract - event-driven - asynchronous API over various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP via Java NIO. . Some of the features of Apache Mina are: - Unified API for various transport types: TCP/UDP/RS232/In-VM - Filter interface as an extension point; similar to Servlet filters - Low-level and high-level API - Highly customizable thread model - Out-of-the-box SSL / TLS and StartTLS support using Java 5 SSLEngine - Overload shielding & traffic throttling - Unit testability using mock objects - JMX managability - Stream-based I/O support via StreamIoHandler . This package contains Apache Mina 2.X release. Package: libmini18n1 Description-md5: e8438317a3e577bf670410b7f4b96887 Description-sl: Najmanjša knjižnica mednarodne jezikovne podpore mini18n is a small and non-intrusive translation library, designed for small memory and (non-)GNU systems. . Features: * Overrideable system-locale support * Full UTF-8 support * Converters for systems not using UTF-8 Package: libminini-dev Description-md5: 0ad3a01ef3a922e3aa6991a32943fad8 Description-sl: minimal INI file parser - development headers minIni is a programmer's library to read and write "INI" files in embedded systems. minIni takes little resources, has a deterministic memory footprint and can be configured for various kinds of file I/O libraries. The principal purpose for minIni is to be used on embedded systems that run on an RTOS (or even without any operating system). minIni requires that such a system provides a kind of storage and file I/O system, but it does not require that this file I/O system is compatible with the standard C/C++ library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libminpack1 Description-md5: 26a32cc8b7faa989a6a4b9ebb1be080f Description-sl: nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares shared library Minpack includes software for solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems. Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an easy-to-use driver. The algorithms proceed either from an analytic specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly from the problem functions. The paths include facilities for systems of equations with a banded Jacobian matrix, for least squares problems with a large amount of data, and for checking the consistency of the Jacobian matrix with the functions. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmirage-clock-ocaml Description-md5: c44fca0eb07c719f92f4c1c32e8f6c9e Description-sl: libraries and module types for portable clocks (runtime) This library implements portable support for an operating system timesource that is compatible with the MirageOS library interfaces. . It implements an MCLOCK module that represents a monotonic timesource since an arbitrary point, and PCLOCK which counts time since the Unix epoch. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libmirage-clock-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 534101f179868fb175f91684efce2c64 Description-sl: libraries and module types for portable clocks (dev) This library implements portable support for an operating system timesource that is compatible with the MirageOS library interfaces. . It implements an MCLOCK module that represents a monotonic timesource since an arbitrary point, and PCLOCK which counts time since the Unix epoch. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmirage-crypto-ocaml Description-md5: 592614841e50dec730bb2ce61f97fe48 Description-sl: simple symmetric cryptography for the modern age (runtime) Mirage-crypto provides symmetric ciphers (DES, AES, RC4, ChaCha20/Poly1305), and hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2). . Mirage-crypto-rng provides a random number generator interface, and implementations: Fortuna, HMAC-DRBG, getrandom/getentropy based (in the unix sublibrary). . Mirage-crypto-pk provides public-key cryptography (RSA, DSA, DH). . Mirage-crypto-ec provides an implementation of key exchange (ECDH) and digital signature (ECDSA/EdDSA) algorithms using code from Fiat ( The curves P224 (SECP224R1), P256 (SECP256R1), P384 (SECP384R1), P521 (SECP521R1), and 25519 (X25519, Ed25519) are implemented by this package. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libmirage-crypto-ocaml-dev Description-md5: eeb78e422b88d8f8bed2e34e22d2eb9b Description-sl: cryptography in OCaml for the modern age (dev) Mirage-crypto provides symmetric ciphers (DES, AES, RC4, ChaCha20/Poly1305), and hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2). . Mirage-crypto-rng provides a random number generator interface, and implementations: Fortuna, HMAC-DRBG, getrandom/getentropy based (in the unix sublibrary). . Mirage-crypto-pk provides public-key cryptography (RSA, DSA, DH). . Mirage-crypto-ec provides an implementation of key exchange (ECDH) and digital signature (ECDSA/EdDSA) algorithms using code from Fiat ( The curves P224 (SECP224R1), P256 (SECP256R1), P384 (SECP384R1), P521 (SECP521R1), and 25519 (X25519, Ed25519) are implemented by this package. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmirisdr-dev Description-md5: 5ba07644c184ce726698a18ca30a1571 Description-sl: Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (development files) Software for the Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR platform . The hardware part of MiriSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmirisdr4 Description-md5: 1daf67ef471d1dfebd5e792abc6825a1 Description-sl: Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (library) Software for the Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR platform . The hardware part of MiriSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmjpegtools-dev Description-md5: 36202d3a50477c3c07aa5acf4beb6788 Description-sl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (development) The mjpeg programs are a set of tools that can do recording of videos and playback, simple cut-and-paste editing and the MPEG compression of audio and video under Linux. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmkcal-qt5-dev Description-md5: cd040ac05068733c23c6ee5a4210b066 Description-sl: SQlite storage backend for KCalendarCore development files Extends KDE calendar core library and provides an SQlite backend. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmkdoc-xml-perl Description-md5: d10c023700b04bda94a70d529fdd6dea Description-sl: Zbirka orodij MKDoc XML MKDoc is a web content management system written in Perl which focuses on standards compliance, accessiblity and usability issues, and multi-lingual websites. Package: libmlpcap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a5eac13d299e0fdf07305ba98c02d49f Description-sl: Vezava za libpcap za OCaml MLpcap implements OCaml stubs to libpcap. It allows one to call almost all function of libpcap from OCaml. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: libmlpost-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 509e61867830c36e51f91be45359cc66 Description-sl: OCaml interface to Metapost (library) Mlpost is an OCaml library for scientific drawing. It relies on Metapost, giving the possibility to include (La)TeX fragments. Mlpost users can use the full power of OCaml to generate their diagrams, including static typing and the possibility to use any OCaml library. Moreover, Mlpost promotes a declarative style quite different from existing tools. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libmlpost-ocaml-doc Description-md5: f36265c83c23574bbab096c6c49e1311 Description-sl: Objective Caml interface to Metapost (doc) Mlpost is an OCaml library for scientific drawing. It relies on Metapost, giving the possibility to include (La)TeX fragments. Mlpost users can use the full power of OCaml to generate their diagrams, including static typing and the possibility to use any OCaml library. Moreover, Mlpost promotes a declarative style quite different from existing tools. . Ta paket vsebuje sklic API za knjižnico. Package: libmlrisctools-smlnj Description-md5: 0d24329346bff9f7ec34be3dd4b38321 Description-sl: Knjižnica za ustvarjanje modulov MLRISC The MLRISC system allows an easy way to create a back-end to convert SML into machine code. These tools provide an easy way to generate MLRISC modules from machine descriptions. Package: libmlt-data Description-md5: b51503d2acd3e514d41cada40a978ea6 Description-sl: Ogrodje predstavnosti (podatki) MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an assortment of ready to use tools, xml authoring components, and an extendible plug-in based API. . This package contains the data files for the MLT multimedia framework. Package: libmlt-dev Description-md5: 560d6021b000ad5387abd7a319907b74 Description-sl: Ogrodje predstavnosti (razvoj) MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an assortment of ready to use tools, xml authoring components, and an extendible plug-in based API. . This package contains the static libraries and headers for developing applications that use the MLT multimedia framework. Package: libmlt7 Description-md5: eafc70788fe70ed5740aa0a320784b9c Description-sl: Predstavnostno ogrodje (izvajanje) MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an assortment of ready to use tools, xml authoring components, and an extendible plug-in based API. . This package contains the files necessary for running applications that use the MLT multimedia framework. Package: libmm-dev Description-md5: 8bdc2dd04706caf12a5940813c3bc8d1 Description-sl: Souoprabljena knjižnica pomnilnika - razvojne datoteke OSSP mm is a two layer abstraction library which simplifies the use of shared memory between forked (and therefore closely related) processes. It hides all platform-dependent aspects of the process from the user and provides a malloc(3)-style API. . This package contains the development files required to compile programs that use mm. Package: libmm14 Description-md5: fd39b9e2ef5b012984147eecb02586ce Description-sl: Souoprabljena knjižnica pomnilnika - izvajanje OSSP mm is a two layer abstraction library which simplifies the use of shared memory between forked (and therefore closely related) processes. It hides all platform-dependent aspects of the process from the user and provides a malloc(3)-style API. . This package contains the runtime libraries required to run programs dynamically linked against mm. Package: libmmap-ocaml Description-md5: 6819ab93aba77d04dc317339c25b2fcd Description-sl: file mapping functionality in OCaml (runtime) This project provides a Mmap.map_file function for mapping files in memory. This function is the same as the Unix.map_file function added in OCaml >= 4.06. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libmmap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: c152208aa281cbafcb15a0eb54eb4d06 Description-sl: file mapping functionality in OCaml (development) This project provides a Mmap.map_file function for mapping files in memory. This function is the same as the Unix.map_file function added in OCaml >= 4.06. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmmb-dev Description-md5: 7ac0094cc444f665ecdd800d309d94fa Description-sl: development files of MacroMoleculeBuilder MacroMoleculeBuilder, previously known as RNABuilder, can be used for morphing, homology modeling, folding (e.g. using base pairing contacts), redesigning complexes, fitting to low-resolution density maps, predicting local rearrangements upon mutation, and many other applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmmb4.0t64 Description-md5: d4e2aa704070661228555b94f83240c4 Description-sl: shared library of MacroMoleculeBuilder MacroMoleculeBuilder, previously known as RNABuilder, can be used for morphing, homology modeling, folding (e.g. using base pairing contacts), redesigning complexes, fitting to low-resolution density maps, predicting local rearrangements upon mutation, and many other applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmmlib1t64 Description-md5: a0bec47006ef04a2076e66f43dca40e4 Description-sl: mmlib library (shared lib) mmlib is the general purpose library providing helper functions to other module. It provides a cross-platform OS abstaction layer as well as facilities like logging or error reporting. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmms-dev Description-md5: 62bfa1d7651879a27e6bbeac3d60d0ce Description-sl: MMS stream protocol library - development files LibMMS is a common library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams. These are commonly used to stream Windows Media Video content over the web. LibMMS itself is only for receiving MMS stream, it doesn't handle sending at all. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmms0 Description-md5: f0d8b772e6cf9505dde2b805a2408997 Description-sl: MMS stream protocol library - shared library LibMMS is a common library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams. These are commonly used to stream Windows Media Video content over the web. LibMMS itself is only for receiving MMS stream, it doesn't handle sending at all. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmng-dev Description-md5: fdb8e2a268bfbd4c9984a39c4e1aa7eb Description-sl: M-N-G library (Development headers) The libmng library supports decoding, displaying, encoding, and various other manipulations of the Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) format image files. It uses the zlib compression library, and optionally the JPEG library by the Independent JPEG Group (IJG) and/or lcms (little cms), a color-management library by Marti Maria Saguar. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libmodbus-dev Description-md5: 319ed6ee1d4051d730fb32bd227a21ca Description-sl: development files for the Modbus protocol library A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an Ethernet connection. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmodbus5 Description-md5: c6ad0aa78fc2b26d475235f37a7cbbff Description-sl: library for the Modbus protocol A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an Ethernet connection. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmodsecurity-dev Description-md5: 4ea364f415fa1f3a1042e49f9f70bcbb Description-sl: ModSecurity v3 library component (development files) Libmodsecurity is one component of the ModSecurity v3 project. The library codebase serves as an interface to ModSecurity Connectors taking in web traffic and applying traditional ModSecurity processing. In general, it provides the capability to load/interpret rules written in the ModSecurity SecRules format and apply them to HTTP content provided by your application via Connectors. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libmodulemd2 Description-md5: 133150da5ee076301387e98f7c0d6b1c Description-sl: C Library for handling module metadata files The libmodulemd API provides an interface for handling metadata files describing the modular repositories introduced in the Fedora project and RedHat Enterprise Linux. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmojolicious-perl Description-md5: c5246a296b06051e6ccc13560c65eaf4 Description-sl: Enostavno a zmogljivo ogrodje spletnih programov Mojolicious is a Perl Web Application Framework built around the familiar Model-View-Controller philosophy. It supports a simple single file mode via Mojolicious::Lite, RESTful routes, plugins, Perl-ish templates, session management, signed cookies, a testing framework, internationalization, first class Unicode support, and more. . The package also provides the morbo and hypnotoad (development) web servers and the mojo command line script. Package: libmongoclient-dev Description-md5: 833edf20ba45ead2addba2c7b3391651 Description-sl: MongoDB C++ Driver (development) This package provides C++ development file to interact with MongoDB. This is the legacy C++ driver and currently supports MongoDB 2.4, 2.6, 3.0 and 3.2. . Ta paket vsebuje od razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libmongoclient0t64 Description-md5: eb40943b02fc97fefbff705e6ede8c92 Description-sl: MongoDB C++ Driver (runtime) This package provides C++ development file to interact with MongoDB. This is the legacy C++ driver and currently supports MongoDB 2.4, 2.6, 3.0 and 3.2. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmongodb-perl Description-md5: eb5a91f2d0eaa13c9c3ff715b169370b Description-sl: Gonilnik Mongo za Perl MongoDB is a high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented data store. The MongoDB module provides an interface to easily access it from Perl. . As of August 13, 2020, the MongoDB Perl driver and related libraries are no longer supported by MongoDB. Package: libmono-cecil-cil Description-md5: 21204068f21588e11e8c399d633a8225 Description-sl: library to generate and inspect CIL assemblies Cecil is a library under development to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. . In simple English, with Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, browse all the contained types, modify them on the fly and save back to the disk the modified assembly. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Cecil Package: libmono-profiler Description-md5: ea7923bb590dd0f96c9a33145568a361 Description-sl: Knjižnice profilirnika mono Profiler libraries for Mono, used for profiling applications running on Mono. For details how to use them, please take a look at the mono manpage. . Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Xamarin. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. Package: libmoosex-insideout-perl Description-md5: 9641c707c7a3d0e4842091a6db00f65c Description-sl: Razširitev Moose za nemoteče ustvarjanje podrazredov MooseX::InsideOut is a Perl module that enables non-intrusive subclassing of non-Moose classes with Moose. By setting up attribute slot storage somewhere other than $self, you can extend classes whose internals are not hash-based. Package: libmoosex-params-validate-perl Description-md5: e775b245149a47c21ca222c0ce69d02d Description-sl: Razširitev Moose za potrjevanje veljavnosti parametrov načina MooseX::Params::Validate is a Perl module that enables Moose programs to validate method parameters, ensuring that incoming parameters are of the appropriate Moose types and roles. . This module is one of many developing options to do this sort of thing; See MooseX::Method::Signatures (libmoosex-method-signatures-perl) and MooseX::Declare (libmoosex-declare-perl) for others. Package: libmorph Description-md5: b196f7a62101a6f8b5bca107b1d501b4 Description-sl: Knjižnica ovijanja digitalnih slik libmorph warps images; the warping technique was invented and first used by Industrial Light and Magic, and is commonly called "morphing." libmorph also contains utilities to handle control meshes, that are line grids that are used to design an image warp. Package: libmousepad-dev Description-md5: 540a021acaddf29cc595839dbb4bba98 Description-sl: development files for libmousepad Mousepad je grafični urejevalnik besedila za Xfce, ki je osnovan na Leafpad. . This package contains the development files for libmousepad, library to be used for Mousepad plugins. Package: libmousepad0 Description-md5: 4d7aa79389a13ff2cad6e3e31150e147 Description-sl: mousepad plugins library Mousepad je grafični urejevalnik besedila za Xfce, ki je osnovan na Leafpad. . This package contains the libmousepad library, used for Mousepad plugins. Package: libmousex-getopt-perl Description-md5: ed9ea4e2a5a4300ee8ddd69d83a2d4df Description-sl: Vloga miške za obdelovanje možnosti ukazne vrstice MouseX::Getopt is a role which provides an alternate constructor for creating objects using parameters passed in from the command line. . MouseX::Getopt attempts to DWIM as much as possible with the command line params by introspecting your class's attributes. It will use the name of your attribute as the command line option, and if there is a type constraint defined, it will configure Getopt::Long to handle the option accordingly. . You can use the trait MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait or the attribute metaclass MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute to get non-default commandline option names and aliases. . You can use the trait MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoGetopt or the attribute metaclass MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt to have MouseX::Getopt ignore your attribute in the commandline options. Package: libmpd1 Description-md5: f68285677e81099625f7602eb71ee49e Description-sl: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to Music Player Daemon (mpd). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libmpdclient-dev Description-md5: aa72ed3bbb87ac52789de78f949a1781 Description-sl: client library for the Music Player Daemon (development files) libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libmpdclient-doc Description-md5: d7dc349499fbc57204a2fe76c3a281ee Description-sl: client library for the Music Player Daemon (API documentation) libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libmpdclient2t64 Description-md5: 78173fe783f2412444a570648f780872 Description-sl: client library for the Music Player Daemon libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmpeg2-4 Description-md5: db91ac1224d061812f67e50854741652 Description-sl: MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decoder library libmpeg2 is a library which can decode MPEG1 and MPEG2 video streams. . The main features in libmpeg2 are: . * Conformance - libmpeg2 is able to decode all mpeg streams that conform to certain restrictions. For streams that follow these restrictions, libmpeg2 is probably 100% conformant to the mpeg standards - and there's a pretty extensive test suite to check this. . * Speed - there has been huge efforts there, and libmpeg2 is probably the fastest library around for what it does. . * Portability - most of the code is written in C, and when platform-specific optimizations are used, there always is a generic C routine to fall back on. This should be portable to all architectures - at least it is known people run this code on x86, ppc, sparc, arm and sh4. . * Reuseability - libmpeg2 is not intended to include any project-specific code, but it should still include enough features to be used by very diverse projects. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice libmpeg2. Package: libmpeg2-4-dev Description-md5: 6409bb41bb30b8b0aa5e75e68f50776b Description-sl: Razvojne knjižnice in glave libmpeg2 libmpeg2 is a library which can decode MPEG1 and MPEG2 video streams. . This package contains the libraries and headers required to compile programs which use libmpeg2. Package: libmpeg3-2t64 Description-md5: ea30d5d0217b04417f1fba5194a70b52 Description-sl: Knjižnica odkodiranja pretokov MPEG LibMPEG3 is a versatile and high-performance library capable of decoding both audio and video from many different MPEG formats. . LibMPEG3 decodes several MPEG standards into uncompressed data suitable for editing and playback. It currently decodes: . - MPEG-2 video - MPEG-1 video - mp3 audio - mp2 audio - ac3 audio - MPEG-2 transport streams - MPEG-2 program streams - MPEG-1 program streams - IFO files Package: libmpfi0 Description-md5: 062409ab526856212342ab4f10dcb533 Description-sl: multiple precision floating-point interval computation library -- lib This package provides a C library of functions for interval arithmetic computations with arbitrary precision. . The basic principle of interval arithmetic consists in enclosing every number by an interval containing it and being representable by machine numbers: for instance it can be stored as its lower and upper endpoints and these bounds are machine numbers, or as a centre and a radius which are machine numbers. . The arithmetic operations are extended for interval operands in such a way that the exact result of the operation belongs to the computed interval. . The purpose of an arbitrary precision interval arithmetic is on the one hand to get guaranteed results, thanks to interval computation, and on the other hand to obtain accurate results, thanks to multiple precision arithmetic. The MPFI library is built upon MPFR in order to benefit from the correct roundings provided by MPFR. Further advantages of using MPFR are its portability and compliance with the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libmpris-qt5-dev Description-md5: 6b066fbfa93914732b728f9bd4dbe2c9 Description-sl: Qt MPRIS interface and adaptor (development files) qtmpris is a library which implement the MPRIS v.2 specification. . The MPRIS ( Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification ) is a standard D-Bus interface which aims to provide a common programmatic API for controlling media players. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libmrss0-dev Description-md5: 021c7ce3022f6890a219973284d750a7 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke libmrss libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0) files or streams. . This package provides a static library and C header files. Package: libmrss0t64 Description-md5: 388c19f32b006fa0ccf750fb76a91a9a Description-sl: C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0) files or streams. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libmruby-dev Description-md5: 6bddf1a81d2ccb06577675e9dd117322 Description-sl: lightweight implementation of the Ruby language (development files) mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language complying to the ISO standard. This can be linked and embedded within your application. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmsgpack-dev Description-md5: 635a93bcd1440d16621693fe064c2aa9 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package, it can be safely removed. Package: libmshr2019.2 Description-md5: 98e1c2d6b1d51adfc8932768e0d1f845 Description-sl: Shared libraries for mshr mshr generates simplicial DOLFIN meshes in 2D and 3D from geometries described by Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) or from surface files, utilizing CGAL and Tetgen as mesh generation backends. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libmsi-1.0-0 Description-md5: c3107717249ea3478ae89c661ff1bcd9 Description-sl: Windows Installer file manipulation library libmsi provides functions to manipulate Windows Installer (.msi) files, both for reading and writing their contents and querying their databases. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libmsiecf-dev Description-md5: 51a72abfbec3c08d9578db4a08f812ae Description-sl: Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library -- development files libmsiecf is a library to access the Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Cache File (index.dat) files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libmsiecf1t64 Description-md5: 618c14c263bf713f588eb80e2b1b3176 Description-sl: Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library libmsiecf is a library to access the Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Cache File (index.dat) files. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmsolve-dev Description-md5: bc9ae04f529d2279f474dcbcc02b5475 Description-sl: computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (development) msolve is an open source C library implementing computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (with rational coefficients or coefficients in a prime field). . Currently, with msolve, you can basically solve multivariate polynomial systems. This encompasses: . * the computation of Groebner bases * real root isolation of the solutions to polynomial systems * the computation of the dimension and the degree of the solution set * and many other things you can do using msolve. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libmsolve0 Description-md5: 77c644a57b7aa365a1d8d5aa5d8d2c76 Description-sl: computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (shared library) msolve is an open source C library implementing computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (with rational coefficients or coefficients in a prime field). . Currently, with msolve, you can basically solve multivariate polynomial systems. This encompasses: . * the computation of Groebner bases * real root isolation of the solutions to polynomial systems * the computation of the dimension and the degree of the solution set * and many other things you can do using msolve. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmsv-dev Description-md5: 438d531872d307d4473b7465316824fe Description-sl: Knjižnica potrjevanja veljavnosti Monkeysphere (razvojne datoteke) libmsv provides a C API to the Monkeysphere Validation Agent using the Validation Agent Protocol . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnico. Package: libmsv1 Description-md5: 60ea2cac789af91189aec05849c97c54 Description-sl: Knjižnica potrjevanja veljavnosti Monkeysphere libmsv provides a C API to the Monkeysphere Validation Agent using the Validation Agent Protocol Package: libmtime-ocaml Description-md5: 41f48143c22ec9d29e39d6de1d4e1625 Description-sl: monotonic wall-clock time for OCaml (runtime) Mtime has platform independent support for monotonic wall-clock time in pure OCaml. This time increases monotonically and is not subject to operating system calendar time adjustments. The library has types to represent nanosecond precision timestamps and time spans. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libmtime-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a031637f7535850f100bacff852cdf14 Description-sl: monotonic wall-clock time for OCaml (development) Mtime has platform independent support for monotonic wall-clock time in pure OCaml. This time increases monotonically and is not subject to operating system calendar time adjustments. The library has types to represent nanosecond precision timestamps and time spans. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmuffin-dev Description-md5: d928b101f71b9d4630ab309e6bd9ffa7 Description-sl: window and compositing manager (development files) Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmuffin0t64 Description-md5: 1e178c92317a2bd556fb60b23ea5cef1 Description-sl: window and compositing manager (shared library) Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmujoco-dev Description-md5: 9e914efff8ad7ed7c096a9182b7dd289 Description-sl: Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator. MuJoCo stands for Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. It is a general purpose physics engine that aims to facilitate research and development in robotics, biomechanics, graphics and animation, machine learning, and other areas which demand fast and accurate simulation of articulated structures interacting with their environment. . MuJoCo has a C API and is intended for researchers and developers. The runtime simulation module is tuned to maximize performance and operates on low-level data structures that are preallocated by the built-in XML compiler. The library includes interactive visualization with a native GUI, rendered in OpenGL. MuJoCo further exposes a large number of utility functions for computing physics-related quantities. We also provide Python bindings and a plug-in for the Unity game engine. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmulticobex1-dev Description-md5: fc557dab11a648bd7bc0ae7a690c4a50 Description-sl: multi-protocol cable OBEX library - development files This library add support for making use of several ways to use OBEX over serial lines. Phones from several vendors are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmulticobex1t64 Description-md5: 3babf24a5b7263db42a893bdebe1a3d5 Description-sl: multi-protocol cable OBEX library This library add support for making use of several ways to use OBEX over serial lines. Phones from several vendors are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libmuparser-dev Description-md5: faf54a2506b453eacbe6f5a65f6f52e6 Description-sl: fast mathematical expressions parse library (development) muParser is a high performance mathematical parser library, written in pure C++. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and precalculating constant parts of it. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmuparserx4.0.11 Description-md5: f9600d06e7690140f675958918a85ff3 Description-sl: mathematical expression parser library The evaluation of a mathematical expression is a standard task required in many applications. It can be solved by either using a standard math expression parser such as muparser or by embedding a scripting language such as Lua. There are however some limitations: Although muparser is pretty fast it will only work with scalar values and although Lua is very flexible it does neither support binary operators for arrays nor complex numbers. So if you need a math expression parser with support for arrays, matrices and strings muparserx may be able to help you. It was originally based on the original muparser engine but has since evolved into a standalone project with a completely new parsing engine. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmupdf-dev Description-md5: 1971a9536574a0bc27560d5c80c49a3f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za pregledovalnik MuPDF MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. It also reads XPS, OpenXPS and ePub documents. . This package contains the static library and headers. Package: libmuscle1 Description-md5: ff9ed9e8164b525907c7ee17683c733a Description-sl: multiple alignment library for protein sequences MUSCLE is a multiple alignment program for protein sequences. MUSCLE stands for multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation. In the authors tests, MUSCLE achieved the highest scores of all tested programs on several alignment accuracy benchmarks, and is also one of the fastest programs out there. . This library was derived from the original MUSCLE and turned into a library. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libmusic1t64 Description-md5: c929caad0761ce3cedba865a3aa1b814 Description-sl: Multi-Simulation Coordinator for MPI -- Runtime library MUSIC allows spike events and continuous time series to be communicated between parallel applications within the same MPI job in a cluster computer. Typical usage cases are connecting models developed for different simulators and connecting a parallel simulator to a post- processing tool. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico MUSIC. Package: libmusicbrainz5-dev Description-md5: 26e3704f92ddc6e02a31ac849916b02c Description-sl: Library to access the database (development files) MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmusicbrainz5cc2v5 Description-md5: 3c5224bed9739024ea5815be8194f3a9 Description-sl: Library to access the database MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmxml-dev Description-md5: 057e9b9a0ef1f5841fe4566b991d7bf1 Description-sl: small XML parsing library (development) Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML and XML-like data files in your application without requiring large non- standard libraries. . Mini-XML provides the following functionality: * Reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 and writing of UTF-8 encoded XML files and strings. * Data is stored in a linked-list tree structure, preserving the XML data hierarchy. * Supports arbitrary element names, attributes, and attribute values with no preset limits, just available memory. * Supports integer, real, opaque ("cdata"), and text data types in "leaf" nodes. * Functions for creating, indexing, and managing trees of data. * "Find" and "walk" functions for easily locating and navigating trees of data. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Mini-XML. Package: libmygpo-qt-dev Description-md5: 5544e17a28911618b0b4407d9b827dd0 Description-sl: Razvojne glave za knjižnico mygpo-qt C++/Qt Library wrapping the Webservice . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave za knjižnico mygpo-qt Package: libmygpo-qt5-1 Description-md5: 64f869e36dd4beba0386c55ad0beec67 Description-sl: Paket knjižnice mygpo-qt C++/Qt Library wrapping the Webservice . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico myqpo-qt. Package: libmypaint-1.5-1 Description-md5: 067cae648726d4484ef91f7cfb45446a Description-sl: brush library for mypaint MyPaint is a pressure- and tilt-sensitive painting program which works well with Wacom graphics tablets and other similar devices. It comes with a large brush collection including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes and with not-quite-natural painting. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libmypaint-dev Description-md5: 7eb8ecd83685415681ee6bd4168f1cc6 Description-sl: brush library for mypaint - development files MyPaint is a pressure- and tilt-sensitive painting program which works well with Wacom graphics tablets and other similar devices. It comes with a large brush collection including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes and with not-quite-natural painting. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libmysql++-dev Description-md5: fc9a037d745318a9210658320f325d92 Description-sl: Vezave knjižnice C++ MySQL (razvoj) MySQL++ is a complex C++ API for MySQL (and other SQL databases soon). The goal of this API is to make working with Queries as easy as working with other STL containers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojno podporo. Package: libmysql++3t64 Description-md5: 1fb45f774499d200041215cee05918a3 Description-sl: Vezave knjižnice C++ MySQL (izvajalne) MySQL++ is a complex C++ API for MySQL (and other SQL databases soon). The goal of this API is to make working with Queries as easy as working with other STL Containers. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno podporo. Package: libmysqlcppconn7t64 Description-md5: 3e05a8a275438c98cfe5d5c6ef4a7d9f Description-sl: Povezovalnik MySQL za C++ (knjižnica) MySQL Connector/C++ is a MySQL database connector for C++. . It mimics the JDBC 4.0 API. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libnabrit-dbg Description-md5: 2746b896d6b68197ee282f3e4b6836a9 Description-sl: Knjižnica pomočnika povezovanja z mostom LV2 (razhroščevalni simboli) NASPRO Bridge it is a little helper library to develop insert-your-API- here to LV2 bridges. . Ta paket zagotavlja razhroščevalne simbole. Package: libnabrit-dev Description-md5: 21d1e1d12a91f9e6b4b92e30a83dab6e Description-sl: Knjižnica pomočnika povezovanja z mostom LV2 (razvojne datoteke) NASPRO Bridge it is a little helper library to develop insert-your-API- here to LV2 bridges. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libnabrit3 Description-md5: 908386c535efdbc76c587495ea565a21 Description-sl: Knjižnica pomočnika povezovanja z mostom LV2 NASPRO Bridge it is a little helper library to develop insert-your-API- here to LV2 bridges. . As of now, it basically offers a few utility functions and Turtle/RDF serialization for LV2 dynamic manifest generation, supporting the following LV2 specifications/extensions: * LV2 revision 4.0; * LV2 Dynamic Manifest revision 1.0; * Extended Port Information draft revision 3 (only for the logarithmic port property); * LV2 Events revision 1.0; * LV2 MIDI Events revision 1.0. . It is written in C99 and is almost entirely reentrant and thread-safe. . This package includes the shared library object. Package: libnacore-dev Description-md5: 285524e77ef892bcb4dfa89921a257ff Description-sl: Osnovna knjižnica NASPRO (razvojne datoteke) A tiny convenience library containing useful code to implement LV2 dynamic manifest plugins and especially bridges from other APIs to LV2. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojna orodja. Package: libnacore-doc Description-md5: e4266314a2a44915d55bfcffa6533592 Description-sl: Osnovna knjižnica NASPRO (dokumentacija) A tiny convenience library containing useful code to implement LV2 dynamic manifest plugins and especially bridges from other APIs to LV2. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libnacore5 Description-md5: 315aed0618ef545a04f96a5c8a468b06 Description-sl: Osnovna knjižnica NASPRO A tiny convenience library containing useful code to implement LV2 dynamic manifest plugins and especially bridges from other APIs to LV2. . It provides: * LV2 dynamic manifest and descriptor generation; * OS-independent path scanning; * OS-independent environment variables retrieving; * OS-independent dynamic loading; * AVL trees. . It supports the LV2 core specification and the following specifications/extensions: * LV2 Dynamic Manifest (; * LV2 Units (; * LV2 URI Map (; * LV2 Events (; * LV2 MIDI Events (; * LV2 Extended Port Information ( (only the epp:logarithmic property is supported). . This package includes the shared library object. Package: libnanoxml2-java-doc Description-md5: 1adf7a4968bd97deae5202e9d934dcc2 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libnanoxml2-java NanoXML is a small XML parser for Java. This is the javadoc for it (the Java packages net.n3.nanoxml.*, net.n3.nanoxml.sax.* and nanoxml.*) and some examples. Package: libnbd-dev Description-md5: 177999def0eb7c9610d511b838c14b91 Description-sl: Network Block Device client library -- development files NBD — Network Block Device — is a protocol for accessing Block Devices (hard disks and disk-like things) over a Network. . This is the NBD client library in userspace, a simple library for writing NBD clients. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libnbd0 Description-md5: da99f9821cdc8826ed7d870a6201d13b Description-sl: Network Block Device client library -- shared library NBD — Network Block Device — is a protocol for accessing Block Devices (hard disks and disk-like things) over a Network. . This is the NBD client library in userspace, a simple library for writing NBD clients. . The key features are: . * Synchronous and asynchronous APIs, both for ease of use and for writing non-blocking, multithreaded clients. . * High performance. . * Minimal dependencies for the basic library. . * Well-documented, stable API. . * Bindings in several programming languages. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libncap44t64 Description-md5: ac503e38f51d2dce652990c7a73274ae Description-sl: Knjižnica zajemanja omrežja ncap is a network capture library like libpcap (on which it is based) and tcpdump. It produces binary data in its own ncap format, which can be stored in a dump file or transmitted over a UDP socket. Unlike libpcap, it discards data link headers and only supports IPv4 and IPv6 packets, but it can perform reassembly of IP datagrams. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libncrystal-data Description-md5: 71d408b035b8c9b0dce57501442b61fd Description-sl: Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons in crystals (data files) This is a source distribution of NCrystal, a library and associated tools which enables calculations for Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutrons in crystals. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libncrystal-dev Description-md5: e2da209c39e3e5f8164a946a421c8cb6 Description-sl: Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons in crystals (dev files) This is a source distribution of NCrystal, a library and associated tools which enables calculations for Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutrons in crystals. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libncrystal1t64 Description-md5: b5ee1ef09f20c2a7dc684451e6343a7a Description-sl: Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons in crystals (library) This is a source distribution of NCrystal, a library and associated tools which enables calculations for Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutrons in crystals. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libndpi4.2t64 Description-md5: 6e2821da8a7bf2aa3eeb62f5026f3a73 Description-sl: extensible deep packet inspection library - shared library nDPI is a ntop-maintained superset of the popular OpenDPI library. Released under the LGPL license, its goal is to extend the original library by adding new protocols that are otherwise available only on the paid version of OpenDPI. . nDPI has also been modified to be suitable for traffic monitoring applications, by disabling specific features that slow down the DPI engine while being them un-necessary for network traffic monitoring. . With nDPI, it is possible to both detect known protocols on non-standard ports (e.g. detect http non ports other than 80), and also the opposite. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libneatvnc0 Description-md5: 21feeedd6102ec748c3b4719961eb5ad Description-sl: Fast and neat VNC server library (shared library) Neatvnc is a liberally licensed VNC server library that's intended to be fast and neat. It comes with the goal of speed, clean interface and interoperability with the ecosystem. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libnet-frame-perl Description-md5: 4d0c290846fe1764bb7a54cfadbcbcf7 Description-sl: Ogrodje za ustvarjanje novih surovih sličic Net::Frame is a Perl framework for crafting raw frames (Layers 2 through 7). Out of the box, it can be used to produce ARP, Ethernet, IPv4, PPP, TCP and UDP frames. It has an extensible design for new frame implementations. . This module only creates frames; Net::Write (see libnet-write-perl) can be used to write frames directly to wire. Package: libnet-freedb-perl Description-md5: 97aed50209e0c43e0e4a0e0e338a0d69 Description-sl: Vmesnik Perl do strežnikov freedb Net::FreeDB was inspired by Net::CDDB. And in-fact was designed as a replacement in-part by Net::CDDB's author Jeremy D. Zawodny. Net::FreeDB provides an OOP interface to the FreeDB servers as well as some basic CDROM functionality like determining disc ids, track offsets, etc. Package: libnet-github-perl Description-md5: 7efb519b012d73012796c1673e0958ad Description-sl: Vmesnik Perl za GitHub GitHub,, is a service for hosting Git source code repositories and managing projects using Git. The Net::GitHub module provides a Perl interface that implements V3 and V4 of the GitHub API, described at . Package: libnet-hotline-perl Description-md5: ff133c5a8801bc69d0ca05f735b7177c Description-sl: Modul vmesnika hitre povezave za Perl Net::Hotline contains an interface to write programs that connect to Hotline servers. Hotline is a set of protocols allowing chat, news, and file transfers. Any user can run his/her own server and register it with a public tracker, which is a meta-server that users can access to obtain a list of registered servers and connect to them. Package: libnet-mac-perl Description-md5: 367dc4912ff382c4ed63de5447844645 Description-sl: Modul za predstavljanje in upravljanje z naslovi MAC Net::Mac is a module that allows you to store a MAC address in a Perl object, find out information about a stored MAC address and convert a MAC address into a specified format and easily compare two MAC addresses for string or numeric equality. Package: libnet-managesieve-perl Description-md5: c536c86a2cd66ba154745e2b41a8a2b5 Description-sl: Modul odjemalca Perl za ManageSieve Net::ManageSieve is a Perl module that provides a client interface to the ManageSieve protocol. It manipulates scripts on a host running a ManageSieve service; this module does not perform, validate or do anything else like the Sieve scripts themselves. Package: libnet-nbname-perl Description-md5: 8829ba288c0e1298101d5f018cf98a20 Description-sl: Zahteve storitve imen NetBIOS This is the Net::NBName Perl module, for resolving the NetBIOS host names used by Windows/Samba. It can be used 1. to resolve NetBIOS names to IP addresses 2. to determine registered NetBIOS names on a host A pure Perl module, using the Socket core module. Package: libnet-openid-server-perl Description-md5: a632df1b503094240408009162563ea3 Description-sl: library for servers of OpenID identities This is the Perl API for (the server half of) OpenID, a distributed identity system based on proving you own a URL, which is then your identity. More information is available at: . Package: libnet-sip-perl Description-md5: de7fe871394bdf284756a821ce6613ae Description-sl: Ogrodja za module SIP Net::SIP is a Perl framework that provides many useful tools with which to write software for SIP endpoints (e.g phones, answer machines), SIP proxies and registrars. It contains no GUI and no real code for working with video or audio, though it does have some support for RTP (no RTCP) and working with PCMU/8000 and PCMA/8000 data. Package: libnet-ssh-perl Description-md5: b024edd244261a7f0e89b447433841e3 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za varno lupino Net::SSH provides simple wrappers around the "ssh" command. It can be called in batch mode to launch remote commands or interactively. Package: libnet-ssh2-perl Description-md5: 3ea5531d51cdeb379015a8d9804127d6 Description-sl: Modul Perl za protokol SSH 2 Net::SSH2 is a perl interface to the libssh2 ( library. It supports the SSH2 protocol (there is no support for SSH1) with all of the key exchanges, ciphers, and compression of libssh2. Package: libnet-twitter-lite-perl Description-md5: 586b461994d84b41297447257798a10a Description-sl: Vmesnik do API-ja Twitter Net::Twitter::Lite is a lightweight Perl implementation of the Twitter API. It uses the same definitions as Net::Twitter (see libnet-twitter- perl), but without the extra bells and whistles. Same great taste, less filling. . This module is related to, but is not part of, Net::Twitter. Its API methods and documentation are derived from Net::Twitter's internals. It exists for those who cannot, or prefer not to install Moose and its dependencies. . If you need additional functionality, finer-grained control over features, backwards compatibility with older versions and additional error handling options, you should using Net::Twitter instead. Package: libnet-upnp-perl Description-md5: 4acfc62d46217e2bdaec9e7efd23fcde Description-sl: Razširitve Perl za UPnP Net::UPnP provides support for applications that contact other devices via UPnP protocols. . The following modules are supported: - Net::UPnP::AV::Container - Net::UPnP::AV::Content - Net::UPnP::AV::Item - Net::UPnP::AV::MediaServer - Net::UPnP::ActionResponse - Net::UPnP::ControlPoint - Net::UPnP::Device - Net::UPnP::GW::Gateway - Net::UPnP::HTTP - Net::UPnP::HTTPResponse - Net::UPnP::QueryResponse - Net::UPnP::Service Package: libnet-vnc-perl Description-md5: fb56036fa0b278fd3a3a6f88d3db23c8 Description-sl: Modul Perl, ki podpira enostaven odjemalec VNC. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a desktop sharing system which uses the RFB (Remote FrameBuffer) protocol to remotely control another computer. Net::VNC acts as a VNC client and communicates to a VNC server using the RFB protocol, allowing you to capture the screen of the remote computer. . This module dies upon connection errors (with a timeout of 15 seconds) and protocol errors. . This implementation is based largely on the RFB Protocol Specification, That document has an error in the DES encryption description, which is clarified via Package: libnet-xmpp-perl Description-md5: 5f02cb8ce817ad0de370c6a2336138aa Description-sl: Knjižnica XMPP Perl Net::XMPP is a convenient tool to use for any perl script that would like to utilize the XMPP Instant Messaging protocol. While not a client in and of itself, it provides all of the necessary back-end functions to make a CGI client or command-line perl client feasible and easy to use. Package: libnetclasses-dev Description-md5: 0975fdf5406762df471f8edcd72eca31 Description-sl: Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep (devel) Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP (opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for redesigning applications to use it. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libnetclasses0 Description-md5: cab12597d7e61497934c6479ca1ae1b2 Description-sl: Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep (libs) Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP (opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for redesigning applications to use it. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnice. Package: libnetconf2-2t64 Description-md5: 977e77fb7f361e11ce296dfad9660d02 Description-sl: NETCONF protocol library [C library] NETCONF library in C intended for building NETCONF clients and servers. NETCONF is the NETwork CONFiguration protocol introduced by IETF. . libnetconf2 is a NETCONF library in C handling NETCONF authentication and all NETCONF RPC communication both server and client-side. Note that NETCONF datastore implementation is not a part of this library. The library supports both NETCONF 1.0 (RFC 4741) as well as NETCONF 1.1 (RFC 6241). The main features include: . * NETCONF over SSH (RFC 4742, RFC 6242), using libssh. * NETCONF over TLS (RFC 7589), using OpenSSL. * DNSSEC SSH Key Fingerprints (RFC 4255) * NETCONF over pre-established transport sessions (using this mechanism the communication can be tunneled through sshd(8), for instance). * NETCONF Call Home (RFC 8071). * NETCONF Event Notifications (RFC 5277), . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico C. Package: libnetconf2-doc Description-md5: 047f770d52fb788d47c1307ecc4e479e Description-sl: NETCONF protocol library [docs] NETCONF library in C intended for building NETCONF clients and servers. NETCONF is the NETwork CONFiguration protocol introduced by IETF. . libnetconf2 is a NETCONF library in C handling NETCONF authentication and all NETCONF RPC communication both server and client-side. Note that NETCONF datastore implementation is not a part of this library. The library supports both NETCONF 1.0 (RFC 4741) as well as NETCONF 1.1 (RFC 6241). The main features include: . * NETCONF over SSH (RFC 4742, RFC 6242), using libssh. * NETCONF over TLS (RFC 7589), using OpenSSL. * DNSSEC SSH Key Fingerprints (RFC 4255) * NETCONF over pre-established transport sessions (using this mechanism the communication can be tunneled through sshd(8), for instance). * NETCONF Call Home (RFC 8071). * NETCONF Event Notifications (RFC 5277), . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libnetfilter-log-dev Description-md5: 978d91328b5a12e4b7f2c6aec2972231 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libnetfilter-log1 libnetfilter_log is a userspace library providing interface to packets that have been logged by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that deprecates the old syslog/dmesg based packet logging. . This package provides development files and static libraries. Package: libnetfilter-queue-dev Description-md5: 482010785b18f843898bee125996e9a2 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libnetfilter-queue1 libnetfilter_queue is a userspace library providing an API to packets that have been queued by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that deprecates the old ip_queue / libipq mechanism. . This package provides development files and static libraries. Package: libnetx-java Description-md5: 65d842b6c094ca98620389032b82eef6 Description-sl: Odprtokodni odjemalec JNLP Netx is a high-quality implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP). It downloads code over the network for applications and applets, caches it, and runs it in a secure environment. . General Features of netx and JNLP: * Quality: Highest quality open-source JNLP client. * Modular: Easily add JNLP capabilities to any applications. * Security: Run code in a sandbox or log its activities. * Small Size: Loads from a ~130K JAR file. * Auto-Update: No special code needed to auto-update apps. * Fast startup: Runs code from a cache for fast starting. * Saves Memory: Supports running apps in a shared JVM. * No Browser: Runs apps and applets without a browser. * Web Based: No installers needed to deploy an application Package: libnewmat10ldbl Description-md5: 547d97745a4aaefafc82afa00e942f0d Description-sl: Knjižnica upravljanja matrik (C++) Newmat library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is on the kind of operations needed in statistical calculations such as least squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues. . Newmat supports matrix types: Matrix (rectangular matrix); UpperTriangularMatrix; LowerTriangularMatrix; DiagonalMatrix; SymmetricMatrix; BandMatrix; UpperBandMatrix; LowerBandMatrix; SymmetricBandMatrix; IdentityMatrix; RowVector; ColumnVector. . Only one element type (float or double) is supported (default is double). . The library includes the operations *, +, -, *=, +=, -=, Kronecker product, Schur product, concatenation, inverse, transpose, conversion between types, submatrix, determinant, Cholesky decomposition, QR triangularisation, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix, sorting, fast Fourier and trig. transforms and printing. Package: libnfo-doc Description-md5: ab0e1b65e53893910e3f3cb1248379c8 Description-sl: Razvojna dokumentacija za libnfo libNFO is a small library to parse and write NFO files. NFO files are used to store metadata information on many multimedia files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo za libnfo. Package: libnghttp3-9 Description-md5: 122144adc62606797e67b0254dda32e4 Description-sl: HTTP/3 library with QUIC and QPACK (library) nghttp3 implements HTTP/3 functions in C. For now it supports several HTTP actions like request, response and server push. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libnghttp3-dev Description-md5: d3cea917495264e2ca1a0de4160ad7c8 Description-sl: HTTP/3 library with QUIC and QPACK (development) nghttp3 implements HTTP/3 functions in C. For now it supports several HTTP actions like request, response and server push. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libnginx-mod-http-ndk-dev Description-md5: d5bfb575bac18bb8782020a118890ca0 Description-sl: Nginx Development Kit module - development files The NDK is an Nginx module that is designed to extend the core functionality of the excellent Nginx webserver in a way that can be used as a basis of other Nginx modules. . This package provides development headers and necessary config scripts for the Nginx development kit module, useful to develop and link third party additions to the Debian nginx web/proxy server packages using Nginx development kit module. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: libnglib-6.2t64 Description-md5: 749dde83fc8c0f63e018605be247d718 Description-sl: Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator shared library NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libngtcp2-16 Description-md5: 56db2111df33e922517e5625b3bbfef6 Description-sl: implementation of QUIC protocol (library) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libngtcp2-crypto-gnutls-dev Description-md5: 0bf11bc6aff855fcd041b3a424c4c274 Description-sl: implementation of QUIC protocol (development) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libngtcp2-crypto-gnutls8 Description-md5: 56db2111df33e922517e5625b3bbfef6 Description-sl: implementation of QUIC protocol (library) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libngtcp2-dev Description-md5: 0bf11bc6aff855fcd041b3a424c4c274 Description-sl: implementation of QUIC protocol (development) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libnids-dev Description-md5: 3327917b5c1b90867914281272dc4bf3 Description-sl: IP defragmentation TCP segment reassembly library (development) Libnids is a library that provides the functionality of one of the NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) components, namely E-component. Libnids code watches all local network traffic, cooks received datagrams a bit, and provides convenient information about them to the NIDS analyzing modules. Libnids performs assembly of TCP segments into TCP streams, IP defragmentation, and TCP port scan detection. . To je razvojni paket. Package: libnifti-doc Description-md5: 99231d2938c80d5fae677e20b580fbb1 Description-sl: Knjižnica NIfTI dokumentacije API Niftilib is a set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the NIfTI-1 data format. NIfTI-1 is a binary file format for storing medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) brain images. . This package provides the library API reference documentation. Package: libnini-doc Description-md5: 3f6dfcb81b159a05981bf02e22b19c12 Description-sl: CLI library for managing configuration files (Documentation) Nini is an uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library designed to help build highly configurable applications quickly. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za Nini Package: libnini1.1-cil Description-md5: 1a838236b89f25548708b26f2dcaa6be Description-sl: CLI library for managing configuration files Nini is an uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library designed to help build highly configurable applications quickly. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Niny Package: libnjb5 Description-md5: 865edd41a29231bc3cd9f385ae6e95a8 Description-sl: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) are not supported. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libnng1 Description-md5: f2e865e7a6e1d42209aa49e7e0aecb36 Description-sl: Lightweight Messaging Library - shared library Lightweight, broker-less library, offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems, such as publish/subscribe, RPC-style request/reply, or service discovery. The API frees the programmer from worrying about details like connection management, retries, and other common considerations, so that they can focus on the application instead of the plumbing. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libnova-dev Description-md5: 126c47badf2d98da18365f95cc27ad82 Description-sl: development files for libnova astronomical library libnova is a general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libns3.42 Description-md5: b7ee6eaa287b7316a4ad8b00fbd1c4a0 Description-sl: shared libraries of ns-3 ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam” derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and NAM (network animator). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libntl-dev Description-md5: c44da408ceecbf12d4a613a7e3f3c5f7 Description-sl: Knjižnica teorije števil, razvojne datoteke NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za NTL. Package: libntl44 Description-md5: 383c92c19d092a80953746295da6b389 Description-sl: Knjižnica številske teorije, souporabljena knjižnica NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields. . This package contains the NTL shared library. Package: libntru-0.5-dev Description-md5: 0375a6426e0627d1e7fe9cd55a4da7d1 Description-sl: C implementation of the public-key encryption scheme NTRUEncrypt This library is an implementation of the NTRU encryption scheme in C. The NTRUEncrypt public key cryptosystem, also known as the NTRU encryption algorithm, is a lattice-based alternative to RSA and ECC and is based on the shortest vector problem in a lattice (which is not known to be breakable using quantum computers). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libnum-ocaml Description-md5: c7645f0ae07e788a4922176c3460f5c1 Description-sl: library for arbitrary-precision and rational arithmetic (runtime) This OCaml library implements arbitrary-precision arithmetic on big integers and on rationals. . This is a legacy library. It used to be part of the core OCaml distribution (in otherlibs/num) but is now distributed separately. New applications that need arbitrary-precision arithmetic should use the Zarith library ( instead of the Num library, and older applications that already use Num are encouraged to switch to Zarith. Zarith delivers much better performance than Num and has a nicer API. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libnum-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 8762f0ab01f1b1ec32e62aa775f7fd59 Description-sl: library for arbitrary-precision and rational arithmetic (development) This OCaml library implements arbitrary-precision arithmetic on big integers and on rationals. . This is a legacy library. It used to be part of the core OCaml distribution (in otherlibs/num) but is now distributed separately. New applications that need arbitrary-precision arithmetic should use the Zarith library ( instead of the Num library, and older applications that already use Num are encouraged to switch to Zarith. Zarith delivers much better performance than Num and has a nicer API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libnumber-recordlocator-perl Description-md5: e1870a4e7db75729ea89837602123094 Description-sl: Perl module that encodes integers into a short "locator string" Number::RecordLocator encodes integers into a 32 character "alphabet" designed to be short and easy to read and pronounce. The encoding maps: . 0 za O 1 za I S za F B za P . With a 32 bit encoding, you can map 33.5 million unique ids into a 5 character code. Package: libnumbertext-data Description-md5: 4a3c6c068a6e286614bd70df53f6d2eb Description-sl: Number to number name and money text conversion library -- data files libnumbertext provides easy to configure, lightweight open source C++, Java, JavaScript, Python libraries and a LibreOffice Spreadsheet extension for number to number name conversion, including cardinal and ordinal numbers, ordinal indicators and money amounts with currencies in more than 30 languages and numeral systems. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: libnunit-doc Description-md5: fdf7244a91a49443b8b0613153c38fe2 Description-sl: Unit test framework for CLI - Documentation NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages. It serves the same purpose as JUnit does in the Java world. It supports test categories, testing for exceptions and writing test results in plain text or XML. . NUnit targets the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and supports Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API in primere. Package: libnuspell-dev Description-md5: 8297ddee02233b536d2361494f6b3218 Description-sl: spell checker (development) Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker that is written in modern C++. It is designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding. . Main features are: - Full unicode support backed by ICU - Backward compatibility with Hunspell dictionary file format - Twofold affix stripping (for agglutinative languages, like Azeri, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.) - Support complex compounds (for example, Hungarian, German and Dutch) - Support language specific features (for example, special casing of Azeri and Turkish dotted i, or German sharp s) - Handle conditional affixes, circumfixes, fogemorphemes, forbidden words, pseudoroots and homonyms. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libnuspell5 Description-md5: 3021fd1d2880e64681b2514fad7c7140 Description-sl: spell checker (shared library) Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker that is written in modern C++. It is designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding. . Main features are: - Full unicode support backed by ICU - Backward compatibility with Hunspell dictionary file format - Twofold affix stripping (for agglutinative languages, like Azeri, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.) - Support complex compounds (for example, Hungarian, German and Dutch) - Support language specific features (for example, special casing of Azeri and Turkish dotted i, or German sharp s) - Handle conditional affixes, circumfixes, fogemorphemes, forbidden words, pseudoroots and homonyms. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libnxml0t64 Description-md5: 98a4e996c4c183c28a668167e60ef135 Description-sl: C library for parsing, writing and creating xml 1.0/1.1 files or streams libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files or streams. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16be and UTF-16le, UCS-4 (1234, 4321, 2143, 2312). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: liboam-dev Description-md5: 1eb5e107c285a53e4390e8ac4e9e2c36 Description-sl: Datacenter flavor of a GPU system-management API headers OCP Accelerator Module (OAM), is an Open Compute Project (OCP) hardware standard, used in datacenters and high-performance-computing (HPC) clusters. This library is the sibling of the ROCm System Management Interface (SMI) Application Programming Interface (API), targeted at OAMs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: liboasis-ocaml-doc Description-md5: 0db33e744e19f74233e5ddc10f34716d Description-sl: Arhitektura za izgradnjo knjižnic in programov OCaml OASIS generates a full configure, build and install system for your application. It starts with a simple `_oasis` file at the toplevel of your project and creates everything required. . It uses external tools like OCamlbuild and it can be considered as the glue between various subsystems that do the job. It should support the following tools: . - OCamlbuild - OMake (todo) - OCamlMakefile (todo), - ocaml-autoconf (todo) . It also features a do-it-yourself command line invocation and an internal configure/install scheme. Libraries are managed through findlib. It has been tested on GNU Linux and Windows. . OASIS supports standard entry points and descriptions. It helps to integrates your libraries and software with third parties tools like GODI. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: liboauth-dev Description-md5: 5df69f4fcc6724ea580ccea728759d0f Description-sl: C library implementing OAuth Core 1.0a API (development files) OAuth (Open Authorization) is an authentication protocol that allows users to approve a client (such as a Twitter third-party app) to act on their behalf without sharing their password. liboauth provides basic functions to escape and encode parameters according to the OAuth Core 1.0a API, and offers high-level functions to sign requests or verify signatures. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liboauth0 Description-md5: 96ba9de36483859b32e6d2d29813b5ca Description-sl: C library implementing OAuth Core 1.0a API (runtime) OAuth (Open Authorization) is an authentication protocol that allows users to approve a client (such as a Twitter third-party app) to act on their behalf without sharing their password. liboauth provides basic functions to escape and encode parameters according to the OAuth Core 1.0a API, and offers high-level functions to sign requests or verify signatures. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libobexftp0-dev Description-md5: 445e4aea9a4954325a2cc4bacf4c0c59 Description-sl: object exchange file transfer library - development files OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimized for ad-hoc links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard) over bluetooth, IrDA, USB and serial cable links. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libobexftp0t64 Description-md5: 3f630006616157ef1d82f6e3b75bdfd0 Description-sl: object exchange file transfer library OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimized for ad-hoc links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard) over bluetooth, IrDA, USB and serial cable links. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libobjcryst0 Description-md5: 4a81a813b9e68be4849cff61d9d70c3b Description-sl: Object-Oriented Crystallographic Library for C++ libobjcryst expands the ObjCryst++ source to make it easier to use as a system shared lirbary but does not include GUI related files from ObjCryst++. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libobject-event-perl Description-md5: 7531170760f70d2190fd1c5b1f7c1414 Description-sl: Vmesnik povratnega klicanja dogodkov Perl Object::Event is a Perl module that provides a consistent interface for registering and emitting events. You can register callbacks for events, trigger events and even stop the current event from running further callbacks. Package: libobject-id-perl Description-md5: 10bd3de9662ae97c7d07719760dc9fbd Description-sl: Edinstveno določilo za katerikoli predmet Object::ID is a unique identifier for any object, regardless of its type, structure or contents. Its features are: . * Works on ANY object of any type * Does not modify the object in any way * Does not change with the object's contents * Is O(1) to calculate (ie. doesn't matter how big the object is) * The id is unique for the life of the process * The id is always a true value Package: libobrender32v5 Description-md5: bdd80e6a0bfc7f451e19916277d01495 Description-sl: Knjižnica za izrisovanje tem openbox Openbox works with your applications, and makes your desktop easier to manage. This is because the approach to its development was the opposite of what seems to be the general case for window managers. Openbox was written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Only when that was in place did the team turn to the visual interface. . Openbox je polno delujoč kot samostojno delovno okolje, mogoče pa ga je uporabiti kot spustno zamenjavo za privzet okenski upravljalnik v namiznih okoljih GNOME ali KDE. . Openbox 3 is a completely new breed of window manager. It is not based upon any existing code base, although the visual appearance has been based upon that of Blackbox. Openbox 2 was based on the Blackbox 0.65.0 codebase. . This package contains the libobrender library files used by openbox for theme rendering. Package: libobs-dev Description-md5: 225773aeb3e625b11d710d9b8c43c078 Description-sl: recorder and streamer for live video content (development files) OBS Studio is designed for efficiently recording and streaming live video content. It supports live RTP streaming to various streaming sites. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libobt2v5 Description-md5: c6c89fc6e3fd0e035c3b5033ac8de758 Description-sl: Knjižnica razčlenjevanja za openbox Openbox works with your applications, and makes your desktop easier to manage. This is because the approach to its development was the opposite of what seems to be the general case for window managers. Openbox was written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Only when that was in place did the team turn to the visual interface. . Openbox je polno delujoč kot samostojno delovno okolje, mogoče pa ga je uporabiti kot spustno zamenjavo za privzet okenski upravljalnik v namiznih okoljih GNOME ali KDE. . Openbox 3 is a completely new breed of window manager. It is not based upon any existing code base, although the visual appearance has been based upon that of Blackbox. Openbox 2 was based on the Blackbox 0.65.0 codebase. . This package contains the libobt library files used by openbox to load and parse configuration and theme files of openbox. Package: libocaml-intrinsics-kernel-ocaml Description-md5: 050e99444d20c893a1612caad4dc7b96 Description-sl: library of intrinsics for OCaml (runtime) The ocaml_intrinsics_kernel library provides an OCaml interface to operations that have dedicated hardware instructions on some micro- architectures. Currently, it provides the following operations: . * conditional select . ocaml_intrinsics_kernel can be used by programs compiled to javascript. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocaml-intrinsics-kernel-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a55f8915214c4ffc14f09d215bbd84cb Description-sl: library of intrinsics for OCaml (dev) The ocaml_intrinsics_kernel library provides an OCaml interface to operations that have dedicated hardware instructions on some micro- architectures. Currently, it provides the following operations: . * conditional select . ocaml_intrinsics_kernel can be used by programs compiled to javascript. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocaml-version-ocaml Description-md5: c4df8c2f2aece531879ea7285a828a8c Description-sl: handle OCaml compiler version strings (runtime) This library provides facilities to parse version numbers of the OCaml compiler, and enumerates the various official OCaml releases and configuration variants. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocaml-version-ocaml-dev Description-md5: c688a66ba19bdb2d7ea1d17078e10e79 Description-sl: handle OCaml compiler version strings (dev) This library provides facilities to parse version numbers of the OCaml compiler, and enumerates the various official OCaml releases and configuration variants. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocamlgraph-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 0d52e56efde08d1b966456e1b27134b5 Description-sl: Knjižnica grafov za OCaml Ocamlgraph is a graph library for OCaml. Its contribution is three-fold: . * It provides an easy-to-use graph data structure together with several operations and algorithms over graphs. It is a reasonably efficient imperative data structure for directed graphs with vertices and edges labeled with integers. . * Then ocamlgraph provides several other graph implementations for those not satisfied with the one above. Some are persistent (imutable) and other imperative (mutable). Some are directed and other are not. Some have labels for vertices, or labels for edges, or both. Some have abstract types for vertices. etc. These implementations are written as functors: you give the types of vertices labels, edge labels, etc. and you get the data structure as a result. . * Finally, ocamlgraph provides several classic operations and algorithms over graphs. They are also written as functors i.e. independently of the data structure for graphs. One consequence is that you can define your own data structure for graphs and yet re-use all the algorithms from this library -- you only need to provide a few operations such as iterating over all vertices, over the successors of a vertex, etc. Package: libocamlgsl-ocaml Description-md5: ccd28f9b94a165186d5499b5ed15d8a1 Description-sl: Znanstvena knjižnica GNU za OCaml This is an interface to GSL (GNU scientific library), for the Objective Caml language. . See the libgsl2 package for more details. Package: libocamlgsl-ocaml-dev Description-md5: ccd28f9b94a165186d5499b5ed15d8a1 Description-sl: Znanstvena knjižnica GNU za OCaml This is an interface to GSL (GNU scientific library), for the Objective Caml language. . See the libgsl2 package for more details. Package: libocamlviz-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 506bb15b67187f8a0fe34dc1c8652c75 Description-sl: real-time profiling tools for Objective Caml (library) Ocamlviz gives the ability to instrument an existing code, in real time, with lightweight monitoring annotations. Ocamlviz can also be used as a debugging tool. . Here are a few possibilities provided by Ocamlviz: * observe details about the garbage collector * observe how many times the program goes through a point * make a set of values (any) and count its cardinal number and its size in the heap * observe how much time passed between two points of the program * observe the value of integers, floating-point numbers, booleans and strings * observe details about hash tables, like the number of empty buckets, or the filling rate * etc . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Ocamlviz. Package: libocas-tools Description-md5: d0708ea67d3481622667210aecfd4ca6 Description-sl: Standalone applications implementing the OCAS solver This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs. . Ta paket vsebuje samostojne programe. Package: libocas0 Description-md5: 04f2824e0277572b50b051dfb91c0e1b Description-sl: OCAS solver for training linear SVM classifiers This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libocct-doc Description-md5: 233099350946d7c2cf0c50910f9f2245 Description-sl: Open CASCADE Technology CAE platform documentation Open CASCADE Technology is a suite for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development. It is an excellent platform for development of numerical simulation software including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM applications. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libocp-indent-ocaml Description-md5: d3852e0bb1bcaa46b117432658960a42 Description-sl: OCaml indentation tool for emacs and vim - libraries ocp-indent is a command-line tool that allows one to indent a whole OCaml source code file (or parts of it) either to standard output or in-place. A configuration file allows user defaults as well as per-project parameters. The ratio of correctly indented lines is comparable with emacs tuareg mode while being an order of magnitude faster. . Ta paket vključuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libocplib-endian-ocaml Description-md5: f3685f572c85ded0e532c2ceab8efe8e Description-sl: optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 (runtime) Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings, bytes and bigarrays, based on primitives added in version 4.01. . The library implements three modules: * EndianString works directly on strings, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBytes works directly on bytes, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBigstring works on bigstrings (Bigarrays of chars), and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocplib-endian-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4bc79cd531e25770b7d4767aa913caf3 Description-sl: optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 (development) Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings, bytes and bigarrays, based on primitives added in version 4.01. . The library implements three modules: * EndianString works directly on strings, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBytes works directly on bytes, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBigstring works on bigstrings (Bigarrays of chars), and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocrad-dev Description-md5: 5d6dc17f69ab81875b40715fa732a7cd Description-sl: optical character recognition library GNU Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program based on a feature extraction method. It reads a bitmap image in pgm/pbm format and produces text in byte (8-bit) or UTF-8 formats. . Ocrad includes a layout analyzer able to separate the columns or blocks of text normally found on printed pages. . Ta paket vključuje statično knjižnico. Package: libocsigenserver-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a67c331d7c29c9ca274305599b26f3c7 Description-sl: web server of the Ocsigen project (dev libraries) The Ocsigen project is aimed at proposing clean and safe tools for developing and running client/server Web 2.0 applications. . Ocsigen Server is a full featured Web server. It implements most features of the HTTP protocol, and has a very powerful extension mechanism that make very easy to plug your own OCaml modules for generating pages. Many extensions are available, like a reverse proxy, content compression, access control, authentication, etc. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne knjižnice. Package: libocsipersist-lib-ocaml Description-md5: 0d26099a6ff5afca0cbcc1028abd5805 Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen (support library) (runtime) This library defines signatures and auxiliary tools for defining backends for the Ocsipersist frontend. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. Implementations of the following backends currently exist: PostgreSQL, SQLite. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-lib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 6e08cbcc8cd11537175e86a3a6d048bb Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen (support library) (dev) This library defines signatures and auxiliary tools for defining backends for the Ocsipersist frontend. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. Implementations of the following backends currently exist: PostgreSQL, SQLite. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-ocaml Description-md5: 9c97f02ba7e1041116ed8006143e7a80 Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen (runtime) This is an virtual library defining a unified frontend for a number of key/value storage implementations. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. Implementations of the following backends currently exist: PostgreSQL, SQLite. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 345575b881edc56701b3eeeaf10615c2 Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen (dev) This is an virtual library defining a unified frontend for a number of key/value storage implementations. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. Implementations of the following backends currently exist: PostgreSQL, SQLite. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-pgsql-ocaml Description-md5: 0e90149a060df5c6b2963821e18aab97 Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen using PostgreSQL (runtime) This library provides a PostgreSQL backend for the unified key/value storage frontend as defined in the ocsipersist package. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-pgsql-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 924d121c7f4d5699fbe73d281e331cfb Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen using PostgreSQL (dev) This library provides a PostgreSQL backend for the unified key/value storage frontend as defined in the ocsipersist package. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-sqlite-ocaml Description-md5: 307632a4b33af3cfadc30a2b36ee0abe Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen using SQLite (runtime) This library provides a SQLite backend for the unified key/value storage frontend as defined in the ocsipersist package. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libocsipersist-sqlite-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f307adc69b6bb3ad6f5743b3149b5da3 Description-sl: persistent key/value storage for Ocsigen using SQLite (dev) This library provides a SQLite backend for the unified key/value storage frontend as defined in the ocsipersist package. Ocsipersist is used pervasively in Eliom/Ocsigen to handle sessions and references. It can be used as an extension for ocsigenserver or as a library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libocxl-doc Description-md5: f88369c64d004158b113b46860031ede Description-sl: Documentation files for development with libocxl LibOCXL provides an access library which allows the user to implement a userspace driver for an OpenCAPI accelerator. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libode-dev Description-md5: 3dff7c471911c9afc8d17588d6f76185 Description-sl: Open Dynamics Engine - razvojne datoteke ODE is a free, industrial quality library for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics - for example ground vehicles, legged creatures, and moving objects in VR environments. It is fast, flexible, robust and platform independent, with advanced joints, contact with friction, and built-in collision detection. . This package provides the header files and static libraries built with double precision, default in 64 bits platforms. In 32 bits platforms default is single precision. Package: libodil-dev Description-md5: 60a3d1b088d03e7c5d9517e072327c9b Description-sl: C++11 library for the DICOM standard (development files) Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libodil-doc Description-md5: e170551c412c074db16012936c15516c Description-sl: C++11 library for the DICOM standard (documentation) Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libodil0t64 Description-md5: e2d4d5529d9b8f2f8199d67a281dfb8e Description-sl: C++11 library for the DICOM standard Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Odil also provides conversion to and from DCMTK data structures. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libodoc-ocaml Description-md5: c335bf33ba137a409ce130f6b46f3777 Description-sl: documentation generator for OCaml (runtime libraries) Odoc is a documentation generator for the OCaml programming language. It reads doc comments contained in OCaml source code, delimited with (** ... *), and produces HTML. . Odoc's main advantage over ocamldoc is an accurate cross-referencer, which handles the complexity of the OCaml module system. Odoc also offers a good opportunity to improve HTML output compared to ocamldoc. . Furthermore, odoc can be used by dune to generate documentation of OCaml projects using dune as a build-system. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libodoc-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 28311ef57783319966135be82ce8f6c9 Description-sl: documentation generator for OCaml (development libraries) Odoc is a documentation generator for the OCaml programming language. It reads doc comments contained in OCaml source code, delimited with (** ... *), and produces HTML. . Odoc's main advantage over ocamldoc is an accurate cross-referencer, which handles the complexity of the OCaml module system. Odoc also offers a good opportunity to improve HTML output compared to ocamldoc. . Furthermore, odoc can be used by dune to generate documentation of OCaml projects using dune as a build-system. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libodoc-parser-ocaml Description-md5: 5045ce3e5215810caa2488c52a3e4c1a Description-sl: parser for OCaml documentation comments (runtime files) Odoc_parser is a library for parsing the contents of OCaml documentation comments, formatted using 'odoc' syntax, an extension of the language understood by ocamldoc. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libodoc-parser-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a0b73de42ea945fd0138474ce757944d Description-sl: parser for OCaml documentation comments (dev files) Odoc_parser is a library for parsing the contents of OCaml documentation comments, formatted using 'odoc' syntax, an extension of the language understood by ocamldoc. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libodsstream0 Description-md5: 60169ab21e2254cc02d9117a7310d2d3 Description-sl: C++ library to read or write ODS files libodsstream provides a simple way to read and write Open Document Spreadsheet files. The hight memory efficiency comes from the fact that only streams are used for the read/write operations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libofa0 Description-md5: 35279c75f95c9f7e6182e0e9ce7c44b3 Description-sl: library for acoustic fingerprinting LibOFA (Library Open Fingerprint Architecture) is a library for generating acoustic fingerprints that can be used to identify music files using the MusicDNS service. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libofapi0 Description-md5: c69354475e87dc4612d643ecc77111f3 Description-sl: OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library - runtime oflib is a library designed to make the parsing of POWER and SPARC device- tree's (OpenFirmware) simple and fast. . It is useful for querying the hardware of the current system in applications for Apple, IBM and SUN machines. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libogg-vorbis-decoder-perl Description-md5: 0affa8304ecd77f33d6a5cf503b197a4 Description-sl: Modul za odkodiranje pretokov Ogg Vorbis Ogg::Vorbis::Decoder is a Perl module for decoding Ogg Vorbis files, based on the Vorbisfile interface (see libvorbis-dev for details). It can read data in Pulse-code Modulation (PCM) format from a file or stream, seek by raw bytes, PCM samples, or time. Package: liboglappth-dev Description-md5: ab8f62aba2e96e9c1326b1dee056f31c Description-sl: Knjižnica Oglappth (razvojne datoteke) A library for creating portable OpenGL applications with easy-to-code scene setup and selection operations. . This package provides the development and header files and the static library. Package: liboglappth2 Description-md5: f140101ad2cef2c62fcd281f92d2261d Description-sl: Knjižnica Oglappth A library for creating portable OpenGL applications with easy-to-code scene setup and selection operations. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libognl-java Description-md5: 48b49286f4645eb23dac7280ff44af94 Description-sl: Jezik izrazov Java OGNL stands for Object-Graph Navigation Language; it is an expression language for getting and setting properties of Java objects. You use the same expression for both getting and setting the value of a property. Package: libognl-java-doc Description-md5: 60ea7d96c7ae7292dadb9e27bde2b8dc Description-sl: Jezik izrazov Java - dokumentacija OGNL stands for Object-Graph Navigation Language; it is an expression language for getting and setting properties of Java objects. You use the same expression for both getting and setting the value of a property. . This package contains Language, Developer Documentation and API of OGNL software. Package: libogre-1.12-dev Description-md5: c6016e4d1e7a57e4d04758e982fcc7c0 Description-sl: Programnik izrisovanje 3D usmerjene grafike (razvojne datoteke) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje glave, ki so zahtevane za razvoj z OGRE. Package: libogre-1.9-dev Description-md5: c6016e4d1e7a57e4d04758e982fcc7c0 Description-sl: Programnik izrisovanje 3D usmerjene grafike (razvojne datoteke) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje glave, ki so zahtevane za razvoj z OGRE. Package: libogre-1.9.0t64 Description-md5: ce83dd986432adba1100139c0d09fa07 Description-sl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico in vstavke. Package: libogre-next-dev Description-md5: 6b9b323f4e3cf6b84b16ee7bcc34531d Description-sl: Programnik izrisovanje 3D usmerjene grafike (razvojne datoteke) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . This package contains the headers needed to develop with OGRE-Next. Package: libogre1.12.10t64 Description-md5: ce83dd986432adba1100139c0d09fa07 Description-sl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico in vstavke. Package: libohex-ocaml Description-md5: 7f63043da24314bac112affcb25a5e96 Description-sl: OCaml library for hexadecimal encoding and decoding (runtime) ohex is an OCaml library to encode and decode hexadecimal byte sequences. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libohex-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 22baf3aed9be1226e268578daccd1fec Description-sl: OCaml library for hexadecimal encoding and decoding (dev) ohex is an OCaml library to encode and decode hexadecimal byte sequences. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libois-dev Description-md5: e7f238c605de249f41ef35fc0bc18774 Description-sl: Object Oriented Input System library (C++ development headers) Object Oriented Input System (OIS) is meant to be a cross platform, simple solution for using all kinds of Input Devices (KeyBoards, Mice, Joysticks, etc) and feedback devices (e.g. forcefeedback) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libokular6core1 Description-md5: 43c22bdb4061c61963c0d307cf1a600a Description-sl: libraries for the Okular document viewer This package contains libraries used by the Okular document viewer. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: libolecf-dev Description-md5: b300117978cb8f81881f283db6143b08 Description-sl: OLE2 Compound File format access library -- development files libolecf is a library to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libolecf1t64 Description-md5: a5330b1030a39c8b32613af8d0567b4c Description-sl: OLE2 Compound File format access library libolecf is a library to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libomd-ocaml Description-md5: a1b504dc15b8e21a808c55d3333da3e9 Description-sl: Markdown frontend in pure OCaml (runtime) This Markdown library is implemented using only pure OCaml (including I/O operations provided by the standard OCaml compiler distribution). OMD is meant to be as faithful as possible to the original Markdown. Additionally, OMD implements a few Github markdown features, an extension mechanism, and some other features. Note that the opam package installs both the OMD library and the command line tool `omd`. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libomd-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 81e5b143b9945b290e19dff351756d73 Description-sl: Markdown frontend in pure OCaml (development) This Markdown library is implemented using only pure OCaml (including I/O operations provided by the standard OCaml compiler distribution). OMD is meant to be as faithful as possible to the original Markdown. Additionally, OMD implements a few Github markdown features, an extension mechanism, and some other features. Note that the opam package installs both the OMD library and the command line tool `omd`. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libomemo-c-dev Description-md5: 27747fc12916213184c47571a12470cb Description-sl: OMEMO encryption library - development files This is a fork of libsignal-protocol-c, an implementation of Signal's ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging. The fork adds support for OMEMO as defined in XEP-0384 versions 0.3.0 and later. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libomemo-dev Description-md5: 759cc9c418f6bec773824eb63cb69b25 Description-sl: Library implementing OMEMO (XEP-0384) (development headers) OMEMO is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure multi-client end-to- end encryption. It is based on Double Ratched and PEP. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libomemo0 Description-md5: 3a141df0ef663ba1a9b0e274e7578a43 Description-sl: Library implementing OMEMO (XEP-0384) OMEMO is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure multi-client end-to- end encryption. It is based on Double Ratched and PEP. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libomniorb4-3t64 Description-md5: da969910988d77327fd08022e55d7c9e Description-sl: Jedrne knjižnice omniORB omniORB4 is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . This includes libomniorb4, libomnicodesets4, libomnidynamic4 and libomnissltp4. Package: libomnithread4 Description-md5: a3dd18f844eda9e9672e35fcafeac7cf Description-sl: Knjižnice nitenja C++ omniORB4 is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . This includes libomnithread4. Package: libomnithread4-dev Description-md5: a852499e39385b9cf4750887bef93978 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnice nitenja C++ omniORB4 is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . This includes developer files libomnithread4. Package: libonemind-commons-invoke-java Description-md5: 06505aaa8e3c818b091bac971aba280e Description-sl: Knjižnica ogrodja priklica Java The OneMind commons-invoke framework is a complimentary framework to the reflection. While reflection allow discovery/invocation of the java object through JVM kernel, the invocation framework allows programmatic help for method lookup and invocation. Package: libonnx-dev Description-md5: 665d15b57bf5a0586e4708b9d70c2818 Description-sl: Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) (dev) Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is the first step toward an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Initially onnx focuses on the capabilities needed for inferencing (evaluation). . Caffe2, PyTorch, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, Apache MXNet and other tools are developing ONNX support. Enabling interoperability between different frameworks and streamlining the path from research to production will increase the speed of innovation in the AI community. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libonnxruntime1.16.3 Description-md5: 552d4cb5b759776d4c1e450cf6be2235 Description-sl: cross-platform inference and training ML accelerator (shared lib) ONNX Runtime is a performance-focused complete scoring engine for Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) models, with an open extensible architecture to continually address the latest developments in AI and Deep Learning. ONNX Runtime stays up to date with the ONNX standard with complete implementation of all ONNX operators, and supports all ONNX releases (1.2+) with both future and backwards compatibility. Please refer to this page for ONNX opset compatibility details. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liboobs-1-5 Description-md5: 46d753586494084fa55addf746c12fa1 Description-sl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - shared library Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liboobs-1-5-dbg Description-md5: 8890ab519a96eb2f282cd69a9dd13e66 Description-sl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - debug symbols Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: liboobs-1-dev Description-md5: 9db16df14687e70477f29ac1737c7214 Description-sl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - dev files Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopam-0install-cudf-ocaml Description-md5: 5b5690c2657074fbb8b49db5e3831d89 Description-sl: Opam solver using 0install backend using the CUDF interface (runtime) Opam's default solver is designed to maintain a set of packages over time, minimising disruption when installing new programs and finding a compromise solution across all packages. . In many situations (e.g. CI, local roots or duniverse builds) this is not necessary, and we can get a solution much faster by using a different algorithm. . This package uses 0install's solver algorithm with opam packages using the CUDF interface. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libopam-0install-cudf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d245acfebcc924fa28c558f660534431 Description-sl: Opam solver using 0install backend using the CUDF interface (dev) Opam's default solver is designed to maintain a set of packages over time, minimising disruption when installing new programs and finding a compromise solution across all packages. . In many situations (e.g. CI, local roots or duniverse builds) this is not necessary, and we can get a solution much faster by using a different algorithm. . This package uses 0install's solver algorithm with opam packages using the CUDF interface. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopamgt0 Description-md5: d0dd89464c0f3b0238a11a0a06a908b0 Description-sl: Omni-Path fabric management API library libopamgt is the library necessary to build applications that interface with an Omni-Path fabric manager. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libopasadb1 Description-md5: edd3e8241c3dc9430a8b4619f2ea7dd9 Description-sl: Omni-Path dsap API library libopasadb is a library for easy access to the Omni-Path shared memory SA cache exported by the ibacm distributed SA provider (dsap). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libopenaptx-dev Description-md5: 65039cf7c87123ad222c66cfa11a30b6 Description-sl: Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX), development headers Support for aptX and aptX HD codec variants; they both operate on raw 24-bit signed stereo audio sample; at 6:1 fixed compress ratio for aptX; at 4:1 fixed compress ratio for aptX HD. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libopenaptx0 Description-md5: 5fec29aeb61395a7313b8452e621d825 Description-sl: Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX), shared libraries Support for aptX and aptX HD codec variants; they both operate on raw 24-bit signed stereo audio sample; at 6:1 fixed compress ratio for aptX; at 4:1 fixed compress ratio for aptX HD. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libopenbabel-doc Description-md5: 0fab4d74aecda6153f6001ea00c04b00 Description-sl: Chemical toolbox library (documentation) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats Open Babel supports include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC and MPQC. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: libopenbabel7 Description-md5: 9b073686beba43d7febfa498b6b90bf2 Description-sl: Chemical toolbox library Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats Open Babel supports include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC and MPQC. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libopenconnect5 Description-md5: 11288ae2b30d8692b397a2108e8dd9f6 Description-sl: open client for various network vendors SSL VPNs - shared library OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN. It has since been extended to support the Pulse Connect Secure VPN (formerly known as Juniper Network Connect or Junos Pulse), the Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect SSL VPN, F5 Big-IP SSL VPN, Fortinet Fortigate SSL VPN and Array Networks AG SSL VPN. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libopencore-amrnb-dev Description-md5: 671a2e2b8b441777bcf55f971b9296b8 Description-sl: Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - development files This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.073 specification for the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google Android project. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libopencore-amrwb-dev Description-md5: 6e53d2e9b8679f91cd6d47cdc8fe3307 Description-sl: Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - development files This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.173 specification for the Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech decoder. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google Android project. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libopencryptoki-dev Description-md5: 5ccede4e52f23a23ec6f510afbb7738e Description-sl: PKCS#11 implementation (development) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopencryptoki0 Description-md5: 8feafc6f1695544c5f562059012b0d01 Description-sl: PKCS#11 implementation (library) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libopencsd-doc Description-md5: ac0804d174296d8c0430ecfaa00a9a31 Description-sl: ARM CoreSight trace decode library documentation This library provides an API suitable for the decode of ARM(r) CoreSight(tm) trace streams. It supports ETMv3 data & instruction trace, ETMv4 instruction trace, PTM (v1.1) instruction trace, STM (v1.1) software trace, and support for external/custom decoders. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: libopencsg1 Description-md5: fdde7d18a8c2636768085ea13ba79f81 Description-sl: image-based CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) library using OpenGL OpenCSG is a library for CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) that can combine geometric primitives to more complex objects, for example the difference between two primitives. Instead of explicitly calculating the shape of the resulting object, it uses OpenGL's z-buffer to render the image. . OpenCSG implements both the Goldfeather and the SCS algorithm. . Ta paket vsebuje od souporabljene datoteke knjižnic. Package: libopendbx1-mysql Description-md5: b323633ef284576959a44e5ac082f4ca Description-sl: MySQL backend for OpenDBX OpenDBX provides a simple and lightweight API for interfacing native relational database APIs in a consistent way. By using the OpenDBX API you don't have to adapt your program to the different database APIs by yourself. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje MySQL. Package: libopendbx1-pgsql Description-md5: c0e2d86f4caf23f7173c3ba4791d0060 Description-sl: PostgreSQL backend for OpenDBX OpenDBX provides a simple and lightweight API for interfacing native relational database APIs in a consistent way. By using the OpenDBX API you don't have to adapt your program to the different database APIs by yourself. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje PostgreSQL. Package: libopendrim0 Description-md5: 410b4eec94e9d67d707dd17f64871b29 Description-sl: Skupna knjižnica ponudnika OpenDRIM Library providing common functionalities needed by all the OpenDRIM providers. Package: libopendsp-dev Description-md5: 3d7d44a4598e46ea83126a973103a970 Description-sl: OpenDSP signal processing library - development files OpenDSP is an open source signal processing library. It contains methods and routines for signal processing in imaging and radio astronomy. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopendsp3t64 Description-md5: f383559e92ab6b618e1742a383b06058 Description-sl: OpenDSP signal processing library OpenDSP is an open source signal processing library. It contains methods and routines for signal processing in imaging and radio astronomy. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libopenfec1 Description-md5: d39b501f1051225cd12d7b9479957214 Description-sl: Application-Level Forward Erasure Correction codes (shared library) Application-Level Forward Erasure Correction codes, or AL-FEC (also called UL-FEC, for Upper-Layers FEC). The idea is to add redundancy in order to be able to recover from erasures. Because of their position in the communication stack, these codes are implemented as software codecs, and they find many applications in robust transmission and distrituted storage systems. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libopengv-doc Description-md5: 35dba6a1e6a79ae4d086c504cfa4a056 Description-sl: Computer vision methods for solving geometric vision problems. Contains absolute-pose, relative-pose, triangulation, and point-cloud alignment methods for the calibrated case. All problems can be solved with central or non-central cameras, and embedded into a random sample consensus or nonlinear optimization context. Matlab and Python interfaces are implemented as well . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: libopenh264-dev Description-md5: b30f15f79c44d28782ebe4c1a41c64a9 Description-sl: OpenH264 Video Codec - development files OpenH264 is a codec library which supports H.264 encoding and decoding. It is suitable for use in real time applications such as WebRTC. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopenhmd0 Description-md5: 4f245a94c3c301ef8ed19f4292bb76f9 Description-sl: API and drivers for immersive technology (shared library) OpenHMD aims to provide a Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology, such as head mounted displays with built in head tracking. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libopenigtlink1.11 Description-md5: 0d29bb6317701140ce005ec15b67e475 Description-sl: Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol - runtime Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol intended for trackers, robots and other devices to send data to the main application. Some devices might also accept commands. . For example applications may include: * Stereotactic surgical guidance using optical position sensor and medical image visualization software. * Intraoperative image guidance using real-time MRI and medical image visualization software * Robot-assisted intervention using robotic device and surgical planning software . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnice za OpenIGTLink. Package: libopenobex2-dev Description-md5: 4d31e157f562dcd3c965f79792a8e0a6 Description-sl: OBEX protocol library - development files The Object Exchange protocol can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimised for ad-hoc wireless links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard). . OBEX is builtin in devices like PDA's like the Palm Pilot, and mobile phones like the Ericsson R320, Siemens S25, Siemens S45, Siemens ME45, Nokia NM207 and Nokia 9110 Communicator. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopenraw-dev Description-md5: 458ed959fe93b05b3fa8b78b8cd6b38b Description-sl: free implementation for RAW decoding - development files libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reason is that dcraw is not suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an easy to use API to build free software digital image processing application. . It also has the goal to address missing feature from dcraw like meta-data decoding and easy thumbnail extraction. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libopenrawgnome-dev Description-md5: 4fd33ea5af277080af87718cfb838683 Description-sl: GNOME integration for libopenraw - development files libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reason is that dcraw is not suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an easy to use API to build free software digital image processing application. . It also has the goal to address missing feature from dcraw like meta-data decoding and easy thumbnail extraction. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libopenscap-dev Description-md5: f76ac5f81832cc16b9a91ca175461b88 Description-sl: libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards - Development files OpenSCAP is a set of open source libraries providing an easier path for integration of the SCAP line of standards. SCAP is a line of standards managed by NIST with the goal of providing a standard language for the expression of Computer Network Defense related information. . The intended scope of this project is to implement working interface wrappers for parsing and querying SCAP content including: * Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) * Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE) * Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) * Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) * Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) * Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za OpenSCAP. Package: libopenscenegraph-dev Description-md5: a64373fee457d50bacc3205834dad47b Description-sl: 3D scene graph, development files A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libopenscenegraph161 Description-md5: a75df68b0adcf71b7736ef2a388be345 Description-sl: 3D scene graph, shared libs A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libopenshot-audio-dev Description-md5: 3fd7dc237b3e5ed2601c94a4040cf1bd Description-sl: development files for the OpenShot audio library The OpenShot audio library is a program which allows high-quality editing and playback of audio based on the JUCE library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libopenshot-audio-doc Description-md5: 16f42549fa26d965998b4a7457618efa Description-sl: documentation for the OpenShot audio library The OpenShot audio library is a program which allows high-quality editing and playback of audio based on the JUCE library. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libopenshot-audio9t64 Description-md5: ee5da53019df3890000816b7b9043907 Description-sl: library for high-quality audio editing The OpenShot audio library is a program which allows high-quality editing and playback of audio based on the JUCE library. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libopenshot-dev Description-md5: 93fddc73323bce69c0e452cdccaf4bfd Description-sl: development files for the OpenShot video library OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. The API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libopenshot-doc Description-md5: 184778abfcf426ff5ebb574b3ed7583b Description-sl: documentation for the OpenShot video library OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. The API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libopenshot25t64 Description-md5: 9a6752fee7d26667c4090bff9b2449fd Description-sl: library for high-quality video editing OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. The API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libopenthreads-dev Description-md5: 7c4c372fddd0511ee9bcb2eaf36abcad Description-sl: Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, development files This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++ programmers, used primarily in OpenSceneGraph. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread API, and the POSIX Threads standards. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libopenthreads21 Description-md5: 8d3858e711ae2275fd118fff05f23ee7 Description-sl: Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, shared libs This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++ programmers, used primarily in OpenSceneGraph. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread API, and the POSIX Threads standards. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libopenturns-dev Description-md5: 3837ca75f87543fa90c482c2636a4887 Description-sl: Glave in razvojne knjižnice za OpenTURNS OpenTURNS is a powerful and generic tool to treat and quantify uncertainties in numerical simulations in design, optimization and control. It allows both sensitivity and reliability analysis studies: * defining the outputs of interest and decision criterion; * quantify and model the source of uncertainties; * propagate uncertainties and/or analyse sensitivity and * rank the sources of uncertainty . Targeted users are all engineers who want to introduce the probabilistic dimension in their so far deterministic studies. . This package contains development files needed to build OpenTURNS applications. Package: libopenturns0.24 Description-md5: 07b004be9c64714f05783e44ad0efa7e Description-sl: Dinamične knjižnice za OpenTURNS OpenTURNS is a powerful and generic tool to treat and quantify uncertainties in numerical simulations in design, optimization and control. It allows both sensitivity and reliability analysis studies: * define the outputs of interest and decision criteria; * quantify and model the source of uncertainties; * propagate uncertainties and/or analyse sensitivity * rank the sources of uncertainty . Targeted users are all engineers who want to introduce the probabilistic dimension in their so far deterministic studies. . Ta paket zagotavlja dinamične knjižnice. Package: libopenvlbi-dev Description-md5: d937a438b40dd8d8a65aa7760449b62e Description-sl: OpenVLBI Correlator library - development files OpenVLBI is an open source library for astronomical interferometers. with OpenVLBI astronomers can join together more telescopes to observe celestial objects at great resolution. OpenVLBI can be used with radio antennas or optical sensors. A test and multi-contextual client/server applications are included into openvlbi-bin, and libopenvlbi contains the correlator library. An INDI client is included into openvlbi-bin which connects to one or more INDI servers that observe in realtime. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libopenvlbi-doc Description-md5: ef05d8d1f87d7d8f1b778daed15fcca8 Description-sl: OpenVLBI Correlator - documentation OpenVLBI is an open source correlator for astronomical interferometers. with OpenVLBI astronomers can join together more telescopes to observe celestial objects at great resolution. OpenVLBI can be used with radio antennas or optical sensors. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libopenvlbi3t64 Description-md5: 52d226f3f92d012694223d3abb9b6e48 Description-sl: OpenVLBI Correlator library OpenVLBI is an open source library for astronomical interferometers. with OpenVLBI astronomers can join together more telescopes to observe celestial objects at great resolution. OpenVLBI can be used with radio antennas or optical sensors. A test and multi-contextual client/server applications are included into openvlbi-bin, and libopenvlbi contains the correlator library. An INDI client is included into openvlbi-bin which connects to one or more INDI servers that observe in realtime. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libopenwsman-dev Description-md5: ea659a1a43a24fe018142b77dd1eb544 Description-sl: Open Web Services Manager library development files Openwsman is a project intended to provide an open-source implementation of the Web Services Management specification (WS-Management) and to expose system management information on the Linux operating system using the WS- Management protocol. WS-Management is based on a suite of web services specifications and usage requirements that exposes a set of operations focused on and covers all system management aspects. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave knjižnice. Package: liboping0 Description-md5: d2f37fbfb9564fb0ca5231e5a1530efc Description-sl: C/C++ library to generate ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs liboping features pinging multiple hosts in parallel using IPv4 or IPv6 transparently. The interface is object oriented. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libopsin-java Description-md5: 50ed6d8909ab2c61d44d66b51df2dd2f Description-sl: Chemical name to structure converter OPSIN (Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomenclature) converts IUPAC compound names to semantic chemical information and outputs a structure either as CML (Chemical Markup Language), SMILES, or InChI. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Java. Package: liboptions-java-doc Description-md5: 3ac1ac2ff012281d9691e7a684d8792f Description-sl: command line option parsing library for Java (documentation) Generic Java API to * Check whether the syntax used is valid and supported * Retrieve the actual data required for the application The Options class implements a generic approach to easily handle the most complex situations. The class allows for a simple definition of the required options and data arguments, and provides thorough syntax checks and easy access to the results of these checks. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico Package: liborcania-dev Description-md5: 6a6789fd530d0c38b3118edf5c3df136 Description-sl: library for angharad programs, development files Potluck with different functions for different purposes that can be shared among C programs . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liborigin2-dev Description-md5: a8874cef4caff152b4168ea9a89d50e7 Description-sl: library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (development) liborigin2 is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab Origin 7.5 plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive scientific graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several new tools that simplify common operations. . See for more information about OriginLab Origin. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libortp-dev Description-md5: 491be54d6f8bf5d7d33c535279fda3c1 Description-sl: Development files for the ortp RTP library This library implements RFC 3550 (RTP) and offers an easy to use API with high-level and low-level access. It is part of Linphone. . The main features are support for multiple profiles (AV profile RFC 3551 being the default one); an optional packet scheduler for synchronizing RTP recv and send; blocking or non-blocking IO for RTP sessions; multiplexed IO; some of RFC 4733 for telephone events over RTP. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liboscpack-dev Description-md5: d1348173256b52c57c382c604b671eaf Description-sl: C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets - dev files Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for Windows and POSIX which are sufficient for writing many OSC applications and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework, it doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other transport methods (eg serial). . Ključni cilji knjižnice oscpack so: . - to be a simple and complete implementation of OSC - to be portable to a wide variety of platforms - to allow easy development of robust OSC applications (for example it should be impossible to crash a server by sending it malformed packets, and difficult to create malformed packets.) . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: liboscpack1 Description-md5: cfbf8bf91d37054849d8eb344911405a Description-sl: C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for Windows and POSIX which are sufficient for writing many OSC applications and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework, it doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other transport methods (eg serial). . Ključni cilji knjižnice oscpack so: . - to be a simple and complete implementation of OSC - to be portable to a wide variety of platforms - to allow easy development of robust OSC applications (for example it should be impossible to crash a server by sending it malformed packets, and difficult to create malformed packets.) . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosd-dev Description-md5: c8e8c491e7abda9c09069de691efd6e4 Description-sl: high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library - development OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming subdivs with static topology at interactive framerates. The resulting limit surface matches Pixar's Renderman to numerical precision. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libosd-doc Description-md5: beef9877dc0872688f3a2195dc7d569b Description-sl: high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library - documentation OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming subdivs with static topology at interactive framerates. The resulting limit surface matches Pixar's Renderman to numerical precision. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libosinfo-1.0-0 Description-md5: f876c13a2dc71fac563bc3ec3984a9df Description-sl: Library for managing information about operating systems and hypervisors libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system on a hypervisor. . Via the GObject Introspection, the API is available in all common programming languages. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosip2-15t64 Description-md5: 9454bb2a1f7c80ec7523f5320f771242 Description-sl: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) library oSIP je izvedba SIP. . SIP stands for the Session Initiation Protocol and is described by the RFC3261. This library aims to provide multimedia and telecom software developers an easy and powerful interface to initiate and control SIP based sessions in their applications. . SIP is the IETF replacement for the ITU's H323. Example programs using this library are partysip and linphone. Package: libosip2-dev Description-md5: ef14d53b803c1fafcb006f23cd99803c Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico SIP libosip2 header files and static libraries to assist in development of programs wishing to use SIP. . The oSIP library is written in C, is thread safe and has no dependencies except the standard C library. . oSIP could be used to implement an IP soft-phone as well as embedded SIP software. oSIP is not limited to endpoint agents implementations and can also be used to implement SIP proxies or registration services. . oSIP currently provides an API for the SIP message parser, SDP message parser, and library to handle "SIP transactions" as defined by the SIP standards (RFC3261). Package: libosl-dev Description-md5: 4e93264df8e1f4c2a0e4e566aa40d52a Description-sl: Knjižnice za predvajanje programov Shogi OpenShogiLib (OSL) provides following features of Shogi playing programs, especially for Shogi programming study. Shogi is a Japanese two-player board game like Chess. 1. Board: reading/writing records, generating legal moves etc. 2. Evaluation function: piece values and a lot of features 3. Hash table: hashing boards etc. 4. Checkmate search: concurrent df-pn+ etc. 5. Search framework: full-depth search, realization probability etc. 6. Move category: mate, illegal moves etc. 7. Opening book 8. Gaming: search time control etc. . This package contains header files and static libraries for developers. Package: libosl-doc Description-md5: a0ffe8c7925e6f58707d4a070b490a5e Description-sl: Knjižnice za predvajanje programov Shogi OpenShogiLib (OSL) provides following features of Shogi playing programs, especially for Shogi programming study. Shogi is a Japanese two-player board game like Chess. 1. Board: reading/writing records, generating legal moves etc. 2. Evaluation function: piece values and a lot of features 3. Hash table: hashing boards etc. 4. Checkmate search: concurrent df-pn+ etc. 5. Search framework: full-depth search, realization probability etc. 6. Move category: mate, illegal moves etc. 7. Opening book 8. Gaming: search time control etc. . This package contains documents that Doxygen generates from OSL source files. Package: libosl1v5 Description-md5: c72051bdbc2bd1c10693f2d0ef57c111 Description-sl: Knjižnice za predvajanje programov Shogi OpenShogiLib (OSL) provides following features of Shogi playing programs, especially for Shogi programming study. Shogi is a Japanese two-player board game like Chess. 1. Board: reading/writing records, generating legal moves etc. 2. Evaluation function: piece values and a lot of features 3. Hash table: hashing boards etc. 4. Checkmate search: concurrent df-pn+ etc. 5. Search framework: full-depth search, realization probability etc. 6. Move category: mate, illegal moves etc. 7. Opening book 8. Gaming: search time control etc. . OSL works only on Pentium4 or later compatible CPUs due to using the SSE2 instruction set. Package: libosmo-fl2k-dev Description-md5: 74b9d387cd65e5db102df25fe36b9ac7 Description-sl: use a VGA USB adapter as DAC and SDR transmitter - development This software allows one to use USB 3.0 to VGA adapters based on the Fresco Logic FL2000 chip as general purpose DACs and SDR transmitter generating a continuous stream of samples by avoiding the HSYNC and VSYNC blanking intervals. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libosmo-fl2k0 Description-md5: f3629df4c2bd4d367c47bb581d28fc6c Description-sl: use a VGA USB adapter as DAC and SDR transmitter - library This software allows one to use USB 3.0 to VGA adapters based on the Fresco Logic FL2000 chip as general purpose DACs and SDR transmitter generating a continuous stream of samples by avoiding the HSYNC and VSYNC blanking intervals. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosmo-gsup-client-dev Description-md5: ab18f5c718d71bd46c201bb098bfc26f Description-sl: Development headers of Osmocom GSUP client library This is a shared library that can be used to implement client programs for the GSUP protocol. The typical GSUP server is OsmoHLR, with OsmoMSC, OsmoSGSN and External USSD Entities (EUSEs) using this library to implement clients. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libosmo-hnbap-dev Description-md5: 520bf0fb5c70706dc949b7d9f72adc48 Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (HNBAP), development HNBAP is a control protocol found in Home Node B networks on the Iu-h interface. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libosmo-hnbap0t64 Description-md5: efde1ec6382d043c741908bcde20017c Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (HNBAP), library HNBAP is a control protocol found in Home Node B networks on the Iu-h interface. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosmo-mslookup-dev Description-md5: 7b41c4afe7cdc8bb8c844c3bb2f1fb07 Description-sl: Development headers of Osmocom MS lookup library The shared library libosmo-mslookup contains routines for looking up mobile subscribers. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libosmo-mslookup1 Description-md5: b432f9c306bdcbf5c01765e3413643a5 Description-sl: Osmocom MS lookup library This shared library contains routines for looking up mobile subscribers. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libosmo-ranap-dev Description-md5: ab5e814c5815ff53397df9ceffcd33c8 Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (RANAP), development RANAP (an acronym for Radio Access Network Application Part) is a protocol specified by 3GPP in TS 25.413 and used in UMTS for signaling between the Core Network, which can be a MSC or SGSN, and the UTRAN. RANAP is carried over Iu-interface. . HNBAP is a control protocol found in Home Node B networks on the Iu-h interface. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libosmo-ranap7 Description-md5: 43499175bb29c5a1b1cbddeb5d529cd5 Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (RANAP), library RANAP (an acronym for Radio Access Network Application Part) is a protocol specified by 3GPP in TS 25.413 and used in UMTS for signaling between the Core Network, which can be a MSC or SGSN, and the UTRAN. RANAP is carried over Iu-interface. . HNBAP is a control protocol found in Home Node B networks on the Iu-h interface. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosmo-rua-dev Description-md5: 0abce0e3033cd254f4841ea5833bc136 Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (RUA), development RUA is an acronym for RANAP User Adaption. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libosmo-rua0t64 Description-md5: 37945eec533d4e4bccc0254370d7816e Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (RUA), library RUA is an acronym for RANAP User Adaption. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosmo-sabp-dev Description-md5: 74dba58136807a1fffbd614501c8735a Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (SABP), development SABP is an acronym for Service Area Broadcast Protocol. . It permits user data (so-called SMS-CB data) to be broadcast by the network in a way that can be received by all phones in the coverage area of the given Service Area (group of cells) simultaneously. . Service Area Broadcast is the UMTS successor of the GSM Cell_Broadcast. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libosmo-sabp1t64 Description-md5: a65ba88d9eacbe8f8e1070262576063c Description-sl: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (SABP), library SABP is an acronym for Service Area Broadcast Protocol. . It permits user data (so-called SMS-CB data) to be broadcast by the network in a way that can be received by all phones in the coverage area of the given Service Area (group of cells) simultaneously. . Service Area Broadcast is the UMTS successor of the GSM Cell_Broadcast. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosmosdr-dev Description-md5: ced59cc23791e11ee054cd868ffa08c1 Description-sl: Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (development files) OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. . The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libosmosdr0 Description-md5: 7ca0e25e4381b1a49425468e74f6e817 Description-sl: Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (library) OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. . The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosmpbf-java Description-md5: a26476a39a3b93968f0b29cec9f3d944 Description-sl: Knjižnica dostopa Java za vrsto datotek OpenStreetMap PDF Osmpbf is a Java/C library to read and write OpenStreetMap PBF files. PBF (Protocol buffer Binary Format) is a binary file format for OpenStreetMap data that uses Google Protocol Buffers as low-level storage. . This package provides a Java library. Package: libosmpbf1 Description-md5: 51154ac426df00280068f5585e45cec9 Description-sl: OpenStreetMap PBF file format library Osmpbf is a Java/C library to read and write OpenStreetMap PBF files. PBF (Protocol buffer Binary Format) is a binary file format for OpenStreetMap data that uses Google Protocol Buffers as low-level storage. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libosptk4t64 Description-md5: 7f3a18fa0a46ba0f24d90eb1098ffe7f Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica zbirke orodij OSP The Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) standard defined by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI TS 101 321) . The OSP Toolkit is an open source implementation of the OSP peering protocol and is freely available from It enables applications for secure multi-lateral peering. . libosptk run-time shared library needed by OSP client end applications that use OSP Toolkit. Package: libossp-uuid16 Description-md5: 4e2b73242022da7d4b05222407c9042f Description-sl: OSSP uuid ISO-C and C++ - shared library OSSP uuid is an ISO-C and Perl application programming interface (API) and corresponding command line interface (CLI) for the generation of DCE 1.1 and ISO/IEC 11578:1996 compliant Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based) and version 4 (random number based). . UUIDs are 128 bit numbers which are intended to have a high likelihood of uniqueness over space and time and are computationally difficult to guess. They are globally unique identifiers which can be locally generated without contacting a global registration authority. UUIDs are intended as unique identifiers for both mass tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime and to reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libostree-1-1 Description-md5: 7f070d279b2cc988d078b2a019548640 Description-sl: content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries (library) libostree is a library for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees. It is like git in that it checksums individual files and has a content-addressed object store; unlike git, it "checks out" the files using hardlinks into an immutable directory tree. This can be used to provide atomic upgrades with rollback, history and parallel- installation, particularly useful on "fixed purpose" systems such as embedded devices. It is also used by the Flatpak application runtime system. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libotcl1 Description-md5: c3dd0d2212218425fcc3f9171bca36e4 Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica za OTcl OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension to Tcl/Tk for object- oriented programming. It shouldn't be confused with the IXI Object Tcl extension by Dean Sheenan. (Sorry, but both of them like the name and have been using it for a while.) . Some of OTcl's features as compared to alternatives are: designed to be dynamically extensible, like Tcl, from the ground up builds on Tcl syntax and concepts rather than importing another language compact yet powerful object programming system fairly portable implementation (2000 lines of C, without core hacks) . OTcl was created by David Wetherall as part of the VUsystem project at MIT. Since 1997, OTcl has been maintained as part of the Mash and VINT/ns efforts (with David's blessing). . This package contains shared library file. Package: libotcl1-dev Description-md5: 942af1efba4cbffbaa73dc7a0c627b50 Description-sl: Statična knjižnica za OTcl OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension to Tcl/Tk for object- oriented programming. It shouldn't be confused with the IXI Object Tcl extension by Dean Sheenan. (Sorry, but both of them like the name and have been using it for a while.) . Some of OTcl's features as compared to alternatives are: designed to be dynamically extensible, like Tcl, from the ground up builds on Tcl syntax and concepts rather than importing another language compact yet powerful object programming system fairly portable implementation (2000 lines of C, without core hacks) . OTcl was created by David Wetherall as part of the VUsystem project at MIT. Since 1997, OTcl has been maintained as part of the Mash and VINT/ns efforts (with David's blessing). . This package contains static library and header files. Package: libots-dev Description-md5: 25affcebbb8ab1dd3a634d5212fb816c Description-sl: Open Text Summarizer (razvoj) OTS reads a text and decides which sentences are important and which are not. Then it creates a short summary or will highlight the main idea in the text (the output can be HTML). OTS is m17n'd and works with UTF-8 encoding. . This package contains files used for development with ots. Package: libots0 Description-md5: 25297800d6cba6545a5a518c52b09a3e Description-sl: Open Text Summarizer (knjižnica) OTS reads a text and decides which sentences are important and which are not. Then it creates a short summary or will highlight the main idea in the text (the output can be HTML). OTS is m17n'd and works with UTF-8 encoding. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libouch-perl Description-md5: 8614d07344e802c3d99e90e9e73d054f Description-sl: Modul upravljanja izjem The Ouch module ("exceptions that don't hurt") provides a class for exception handling that doesn't require a lot of boilerplate, nor any up front definition. It is fast, easy to use, requires few typing, and has no prereqs, but still provides much of that same functionality as e.g. Exception::Class. Package: libounit-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 54f3333853eca18a12402e076f6959bc Description-sl: Ogrodje preizkusa enot za OCaml OUnit is a unit testing framework for OCaml, imspired by the JUnit tool for Java and the HUnit tool for Haskell. . OUnit is designed to provide a convenient way for you to write tests for your OCaml code. Tests can be aggregated into test suites, making it easy to both write tests close to the code being examined and execute a comprehensive aggregate set of tests -- or any subset of it. Package: libp4est-2.3 Description-md5: e80a50e228ca07830a64dd22d30e1642 Description-sl: Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement - shared library The p4est software library enables the dynamic management of a collection of adaptive octrees, conveniently called a forest of octrees. p4est is designed to work in parallel and scale to hundreds of thousands of processor cores. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libp4est-dev Description-md5: 1eb998be717d04c1faca5373d8c4b2f0 Description-sl: Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement - development files The p4est software library enables the dynamic management of a collection of adaptive octrees, conveniently called a forest of octrees. p4est is designed to work in parallel and scale to hundreds of thousands of processor cores. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpackage-pkg-perl Description-md5: 6b80757b499d987653c928a7376b5bb1 Description-sl: Zbirka pripomočkov za upravljanje paketov Package::Pkg is a Perl module that provides several utility functions useful for manipulating packages and their subroutines. You can install arbitrary code references as functions in a given namespace, alias functions from one package to another, and set up an exporter. . In many respects, this package provides functionality similar to Sub::Install (see libsub-install-perl) and Sub::Exporter (see libsub- exporter-perl). Package: libpagmo9t64 Description-md5: 39743f3d32f4f018ddcbbdcba90a0645 Description-sl: library for massively parallel optimisation (shared library) pagmo is a C++ scientific library built around the idea of providing an unified interface to optimization algorithms and to optimization problems and to make their deployment in massively parallel environments easy. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpaho-mqttpp-dev Description-md5: ee583be87c7a6ab11bba1740c7e2fc89 Description-sl: Eclipse Paho MQTT C++ Client Library - development files This library enables C++11 applications to connect to an MQTT broker, publish messages to the broker, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpaho-mqttpp3-1 Description-md5: 783c4a3237d0e2c067f666154cf57387 Description-sl: Eclipse Paho MQTT C++ Client Library - shared libraries This library enables C++11 applications to connect to an MQTT broker, publish messages to the broker, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpal-java-doc Description-md5: 626f3545e35af7dabad6f4385dadb93c Description-sl: Phylogenetic Analysis Library - documentation The PAL project is a collaborative effort to provide a high quality Java library for use in molecular evolution and phylogenetics. At present PAL consists of approximately 200 public classes/interfaces in 16 packages Please refer to the API documentation for a detailed description of all classes and methods available, and to the release history for an overview of the development history of PAL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libpam-kwallet-common Description-md5: 83901c676405d783d765926c75eeb5d5 Description-sl: KWallet integration with PAM (common files) Sistem KDE Wallet zagotavlja varen način za shranjevanje gesel in drugih skritih podatkov, ki uporabnikom omogoča pomnjenje le posameznega gesla KDE Wallet namesto številnih različnih gesel in poveril. . This package provides a the common files needed by all versions of the PAM integration. Package: libpam-kwallet5 Description-md5: b9991a72056e3b17b4a318ff96389d7f Description-sl: KWallet integration with PAM Sistem KDE Wallet zagotavlja varen način za shranjevanje gesel in drugih skritih podatkov, ki uporabnikom omogoča pomnjenje le posameznega gesla KDE Wallet namesto številnih različnih gesel in poveril. . This package provides a simple PAM integration for KWallet, so you can log in to open a KWallet. Package: libpam-otpw Description-md5: a43d1a9a348a59e88243400409ecdfdc Description-sl: Uporabite overitev OTPW za PAM OTPW is a one-time password system which is robust against the password list being stolen and race for the last digit attacks. . This package contains the PAM library to use OTPW in any program which uses PAM. Package: libpam-ssh Description-md5: e2ea543179c66edee8eaa84324a8a08e Description-sl: Overitev z uporabo ključev SSH This pluggable authentication module (PAM) provides single sign-on using secure shell (SSH) keys: - during authentication, the user types a SSH passphrase and is authenticated if the passphrase successfully decrypts the user's SSH private keys; - in session phase, a ssh-agent process is started and decrypted keys are added, and thus the user can SSH to other hosts that accept key authentication without typing more passwords for the entire session. Package: libpamtest0 Description-md5: d54bfb88023db48b3242de0be6fe5242 Description-sl: Library to test PAM modules This component of cwrap allows you to test your PAM (Linux-PAM and OpenPAM) module. . For testing a PAM module you can use the pamtest library, which simplifies testing of modules. You can combine it with the cmocka unit testing framework or you can use the provided Python bindings to write tests for your module in Python. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libpamtest0-dev Description-md5: 0ea864991f8cf0e1af4829833896c343 Description-sl: Development files for library to test PAM modules This component of cwrap allows you to test your PAM (Linux-PAM and OpenPAM) module. . For testing a PAM module you can use the pamtest library, which simplifies testing of modules. You can combine it with the cmocka unit testing framework or you can use the provided Python bindings to write tests for your module in Python. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libpano13-3t64 Description-md5: c861c2b47e497ed444fd1bf7445a1b37 Description-sl: Knjižnica orodij panorama This package contains the panoramatools library. It provides basic algorithmic tools to generate, edit and transform many kinds of panoramic images. Package: libpano13-bin Description-md5: f85e3b9bbb28f19ea0656b70963cf71e Description-sl: Pripomočki orodij panorama This package contains the following tools, all part of the Panorama Tools library, and supposed to make it easy to work with panoramic images: * panoinfo - List details about the libpano13 library * PTblender - Colour and brightness correction of panoramas * PTcrop - Crop TIFF images * PTinfo - Display information about a panotools-generated image * PTmasker - Compute stitching masks * PTmender - Replacement for PTStitcher * PToptimizer - Wrapper around control point optimization routines * PTroller - Merge several images into a single one * PTtiff2psd - Convert a set of TIFF files into a Photoshop PSD file * PTtiffdump - Compare two TIFF images * PTuncrop - Uncrop TIFF images Package: libpano13-dev Description-md5: e56d37fef5d1428c47e6d73b1971d612 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnice orodij panorama This package contains the panoramatools library. It provides basic algorithmic tools to generate, edit and transform many kinds of panoramic images. . This package holds static libraries and headers needed by developers who wish to use libpano13 in their programs. Package: libpantomime-dev Description-md5: 74dfb4bfa9a02e506f6aa24963857b53 Description-sl: GNUstep framework for mail handling (development files) Pantomime provides a GNUstep framework that models a mail system. Pantomime can be seen as a JavaMail 1.2 clone written in Objective-C. . Pantomime zagotavlja naslednje zmožnosti: . * A full MIME encoder and decoder * A "folder view" to POP3 accounts, local (Berkeley Format) or IMAP mailboxes * A powerful API to work on all aspects of Message objects * A local mailer and a SMTP conduit for sending messages * APOP and SMTP AUTH support * IMAP and POP3 URL Scheme support * iconv and Core Foundation support * maildir support * SSL support for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP * and more! . This package contains the files required to develop applications that use Pantomime. Package: libpantomime1.4 Description-md5: 22fd0bc0523de50eeb1777efdf4670ed Description-sl: GNUstep framework for mail handling (runtime library) Pantomime provides a GNUstep framework that models a mail system. Pantomime can be seen as a JavaMail 1.2 clone written in Objective-C. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libpapi7.1t64 Description-md5: cd2258548a79264446b7c7ff4e485011 Description-sl: PAPI runtime (shared libraries) Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) provides the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events. . In addition Component PAPI provides access to a collection of components that expose performance measurement opportunites across the hardware and software stack. . Accessing performance counters from userspace may require reducing the paranoia level in /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid, see README.Debian for details. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libparany-ocaml Description-md5: fadb30b58e91535352223d616e17ecc0 Description-sl: Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (runtime) Parallelize any kind of computation. Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (not distributed computing). Can process a very large file in parallel on a multicore computer; provided there is a way to cut your file into independent blocks (the "demux" function). Can process in parallel an infinite stream of elements. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libparany-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b4ecf775e854ff8ebcdec5c6008be8a8 Description-sl: Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (development) Parallelize any kind of computation. Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (not distributed computing). Can process a very large file in parallel on a multicore computer; provided there is a way to cut your file into independent blocks (the "demux" function). Can process in parallel an infinite stream of elements. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libparmap-ocaml Description-md5: 280ac6c07f9640a6d90a8cd6d74b62df Description-sl: small OCaml library allowing to exploit multicore architectures (runtime) Parmap is a minimalistic library allowing to exploit multicore architectures for OCaml programs with minimal modifications. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libparpack2t64 Description-md5: bc61facdca0e5843df473acefb3f632d Description-sl: Parallel subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. . Pomembne zmožnosti: . * Reverse Communication Interface. * Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, Non-symmetric, * Standard or Generalized Problems. * Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. * Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. . This package provides parpack: the MPI implementation of arpack. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libparsexp-ocaml Description-md5: b2e450c6d9eb683030fbbe0643134a84 Description-sl: S-expression parsing library (runtime) This library provides generic parsers for parsing S-expressions from strings or other medium. . The library is focused on performances but still provide full generic parsers that can be used with strings, bigstrings, lexing buffers, character streams or any other sources effortlessly. . It provides three different class of parsers: * the normal parsers, producing [Sexp.t] or [Sexp.t list] values; * the parsers with positions, building compact position sequences so that one can recover original positions in order to report properly located errors at little cost; * the Concrete Syntax Tree parsers, produce values of type [Parsexp.Cst.t] which record the concrete layout of the s-expression syntax, including comments. . This library is portable and doesn't provide IO functions. To read s-expressions from files or other external sources, you should use parsexp_io. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libparsexp-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9631efb231c6ce739dc96e15e811e910 Description-sl: S-expression parsing library (development) This library provides generic parsers for parsing S-expressions from strings or other medium. . The library is focused on performances but still provide full generic parsers that can be used with strings, bigstrings, lexing buffers, character streams or any other sources effortlessly. . It provides three different class of parsers: * the normal parsers, producing [Sexp.t] or [Sexp.t list] values; * the parsers with positions, building compact position sequences so that one can recover original positions in order to report properly located errors at little cost; * the Concrete Syntax Tree parsers, produce values of type [Parsexp.Cst.t] which record the concrete layout of the s-expression syntax, including comments. . This library is portable and doesn't provide IO functions. To read s-expressions from files or other external sources, you should use parsexp_io. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libparsington-java-doc Description-md5: 0894f833c1a6523baf41a7f3078fa74f Description-sl: documentation for parsington Parsington is an infix-to-postfix (or infix-to-syntax-tree) expression parser for mathematical expressions written in Java. It is simple yet fancy, handling (customizable) operators, functions, variables and constants in a similar way to what the Java language itself supports. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libpbkdf-ocaml Description-md5: 16ff13cd38142590aa8543d2828f897d Description-sl: password based key derivation functions from PKCS#5 (runtime) An implementation of PBKDF 1 and 2 as defined by PKCS#5. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libpbkdf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 3aeadbd0743956df310be57de312fcdb Description-sl: password based key derivation functions from PKCS#5 (dev) An implementation of PBKDF 1 and 2 as defined by PKCS#5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpcre3 Description-md5: 554ac784f7314cb2c59649814e330d34 Description-sl: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files This is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. . New packages should use the newer pcre2 packages, and existing packages should migrate to pcre2. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libpcscada-dev Description-md5: 7373678593c74fe493ca5bd4b299167c Description-sl: Ada bindings to PC/SC middleware (development) PCSC/Ada provides thin- and thick-bindings to PC/SC-middleware for the Ada programming language. The library allows applications written in Ada to communicate with smart cards using the SCard API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpdfbox-java Description-md5: 1b5fbf856ba2ed472930b083b1a34915 Description-sl: Knjižnica PDF za Javo The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Package: libpdfbox2-java Description-md5: f9b6e1a97ce4e85fefde2532a63c9e89 Description-sl: Knjižnica PDF za Javo The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. . This package contains version 2 of the library which is backwards incompatible. Package: libpdl-netcdf-perl Description-md5: 2e8917065cb4ab6e2677394fb303f065 Description-sl: Netcdf-VI za PDL PDL::NetCDF provides the PDL interface to the Unidata NetCDF library. It uses the netCDF version 3 library to make a subset of netCDF functionality available to PDL users in a clean, object-oriented interface. . The NetCDF standard allows N-dimensional binary data to be efficiently stored, annotated and exchanged between many platforms. . When one creates a new netCDF object, this object is associated with one netCDF file. Package: libpeas-2-0 Description-md5: a9cffb3101ac5efc8a2c201f22101852 Description-sl: Knjižnica vstavka programov libpeas-2 is a library that allows applications to support plugins. Package: libpeas-2-dev Description-md5: ae02fbe23b23855b1bca6b8b7e3528c6 Description-sl: Knjižnica vstavka programa (razvojne datoteke) libpeas-2 is a library that allows applications to support plugins. . This package contains the headers files required for developing software that uses libpeas-2. Package: libpeas-2-doc Description-md5: 84513e9d4c30e02aaa4d6332c6c81014 Description-sl: Knjižnica vstavka programa (dokumentacija) libpeas is a library that allows applications to support plugins. . This package contains the API reference for libpeas-2. Package: libperformance0.6 Description-md5: 305c48e9a7728aa2e9018ffc30dcd5c8 Description-sl: GNUstep performance library (runtime library) The GNUstep performance library implements various classes intended to be used in high-performance libraries and applications. Available are classes for caching objects in memory for rapid access, managing FIFO queues, thread pools for performing methods which need to make use of a runloop for I/O and/or timers, for objects in parallel in other threads, linked list functionality, timing information, statistics about the number of events or the duration of operations, uniqued objects and more. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpersalys-dev Description-md5: 9eccf9a0a92fb4d27c16f30e64679731 Description-sl: GUI for uncertainty treatment (development files) Persalys is a graphical user interface for OpenTURNS, dedicated to the treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. The software is a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data sciences. The interface is available in French or in English. . Persalys allows one to: - create mathematical models: analytical, coupling with an external model (finite elements, ...), FMU; - analyse the variability of one's parameters thanks to many methods and visualisation tools; - statistically analyse one's measuring data, infer probability distributions or create metamodels. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpersalys0 Description-md5: f2f0de45f0d51d4a7bcaa36827144220 Description-sl: GUI for uncertainty treatment (shared libraries) Persalys is a graphical user interface for OpenTURNS, dedicated to the treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. The software is a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data sciences. The interface is available in French or in English. . Persalys allows one to: - create mathematical models: analytical, coupling with an external model (finite elements, ...), FMU; - analyse the variability of one's parameters thanks to many methods and visualisation tools; - statistically analyse one's measuring data, infer probability distributions or create metamodels. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libpff-dev Description-md5: 7c6799e13fd19c9b3ac50d16ac36f3b9 Description-sl: library to access various ms outlook files formats (development) Libpff is a library to access Personal Folder File (PFF) and Offline Folder File (OFF) formats. Those files formats are used by MS Outlook in PAB (Personal Address Book), PST (Personal Storage Table) and OST (Offline Storage Table) files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpfm4 Description-md5: 0bcc80034d18de9750e5f9ac06aedd9b Description-sl: Library to program the performance monitoring events Libpfm4 helps convert from an event name, expressed as a string, to the event encoding. The encoding can then be used with specific OS interfaces. Libpfm4 also provides OS-specific interfaces to directly setup OS-specific data structures to be passed to the kernel. The current libpfm4, for instance, provides support for the perf_events interface which was introduced in Linux v2.6.31. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpfqueue-dev Description-md5: 951262b723c14a141f2f71824c1ca358 Description-sl: interactive console-based tool to control MTA queues (development) pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpfqueue0 Description-md5: f626991f04c863055a13f1da97df27f8 Description-sl: interactive console-based tool to control MTA queues (library) pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice. Package: libpfs2 Description-md5: 3f4fb3b66eeb1617b63ec44b7ac6de83 Description-sl: C++ library to read and write pfs files PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can be used to exchange data between applications. This library can be used to write custom applications that can integrate with the existing pfstools programs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpgf-dev Description-md5: a941972740fd627952445e0807ed0611 Description-sl: Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - development files libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling PGF (Progressive Graphic File) format files. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libpgm-5.3-0t64 Description-md5: 46e778aa0963aa92ffc1db02a8b200a9 Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica OpenPGM OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at PGM is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand. . To je izvajalni paket za programe, ki uporabljajo knjižnico OpenPGM. Package: libpgm-dev Description-md5: c37f162932a99cac3ff26b9610f4fc78 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke OpenPGM OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at PGM is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand. . To je razvojni paket, ki vsebuje glave in statične knjižnice za knjižnico OpenPGM. Package: libpgm2asc0.52t64 Description-md5: a25a594f2c4ccb7e93a591e0a4720d9a Description-sl: Command line OCR - shared library This is a multi-platform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program. . It can read pnm, pbm, pgm, ppm, some pcx and tga image files. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpgocaml-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 8ce3441ca051da9d82af3217ad79aac9 Description-sl: OCaml type-safe bindings for PostgreSQL (development) PG'OCaml provides an interface to PostgreSQL databases for OCaml applications. It uses Camlp4 to extend the OCaml syntax, enabling one to directly embed SQL statements inside the OCaml code. Moreover, it uses the describe feature of PostgreSQL to obtain type information about the database. This allows PG'OCaml to check at compile-time if the program is indeed consistent with the database structure. This type-safe database access is the primary advantage that PG'OCaml has over other PostgreSQL bindings for OCaml. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za PG-jev OCaml. Package: libphodav-3.0-dev Description-md5: 5ad2db8c16d269c859893e2ac42fc93b Description-sl: WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (development files) phởdav is a WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libphp-snoopy Description-md5: 3a02ec47f93e21ecdc36bb18df024463 Description-sl: Snoopy is a PHP class that simulates a web browser It automates the task of retrieving web page content and posting forms, for example. . Nekatere zmožnosti Snoopy: . * easily fetch the contents of a web page * easily fetch the text from a web page (strip html tags) * easily fetch the links from a web page * supports proxy hosts * supports basic user/pass authentication * supports setting user_agent, referer, cookies and header content * supports browser redirects, and controlled depth of redirects * expands fetched links to fully qualified URLs (default) * easily submit form data and retrieve the results * supports following html frames (added v0.92) * supports passing cookies on redirects (added v0.92) Package: libphpy1 Description-md5: 69ba5c748527074b13ead900f5367ce3 Description-sl: phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels (shared library) Phonopy is an open source package for phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libphysfs-dev Description-md5: 78f64f68fcaa03166671767c2a500825 Description-sl: filesystem abstraction library for game programmers (development headers) The PhysicsFS filesystem abstraction library provides a simple C interface to aid game programmers in utilizing game assets packaged in many different types of archive files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: libplacebo-dev Description-md5: 8573a0e9eaebdc417a110d8bbb759598 Description-sl: GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (development files) The library provides useful GPU-accelerated image processing primitives based on GLSL. It includes shader routines for decoding and transforming colors, tone mapping, dithering, and for various algorithms that sample from images, such as debanding and scaling. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libplacebo349 Description-md5: 6e6253382a0be31062c18fbf3b6b6b29 Description-sl: GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (shared library) The library provides useful GPU-accelerated image processing primitives based on GLSL. It includes shader routines for decoding and transforming colors, tone mapping, dithering, and for various algorithms that sample from images, such as debanding and scaling. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libplanarity-dev Description-md5: f28d30077e69f473f522fe3b08e90130 Description-sl: Library of planarity-related graph algorithms (devel files) This library contains the reference implementation of the Edge Addition Planarity Algorithm, which is the best linear-time method to embed a planar graph and isolate planarity obstructions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libplanarity0t64 Description-md5: d31262e485eaa6bd82908930866cb7b9 Description-sl: Library of planarity-related graph algorithms This library contains the reference implementation of the Edge Addition Planarity Algorithm, which is the best linear-time method to embed a planar graph and isolate planarity obstructions. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libplank-common Description-md5: 462b91fa57341b181d80c9f35097cd07 Description-sl: Library to build an elegant, simple, clean dock (shared files) Plank is a dock enabling you to start applications and manage your windows. . Plank is meant to be the simplest dock on the planet. The goal is to provide just what a dock needs and absolutely nothing more. It is, however, a library which can be extended to create other dock programs with more advanced features. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: libplank-doc Description-md5: c8e90359fedd364bea31f640687637bc Description-sl: Library to build an elegant, simple, clean dock (documentation) Plank is a dock enabling you to start applications and manage your windows. . Plank is meant to be the simplest dock on the planet. The goal is to provide just what a dock needs and absolutely nothing more. It is, however, a library which can be extended to create other dock programs with more advanced features. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libplasma5support6 Description-md5: 7c55a3b389c419735d0a06a3b8cd31de Description-sl: support components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6 - shared library Plasma5Support Framework providing migration aids for KF5 -> KF6 migrations. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libplayerctl-dev Description-md5: 9ec8d36255707e984445c1289509efc5 Description-sl: utility to control media players via MPRIS (development files) Playerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Compatible players include audacious, cmus, mopidy, mpd, mpv, quod libet, rhythmbox, spotify, and vlc. . Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. Playerctl also provides an introspectable library accessible in many popular scripting languages that allows more detailed control like the ability to subscribe to media player events or get metadata such as artist and title for the playing track. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libplayerctl-doc Description-md5: ef554a94090d8a13f61d9cd10b911f0a Description-sl: utility to control media players via MPRIS (documentation) Playerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Compatible players include audacious, cmus, mopidy, mpd, mpv, quod libet, rhythmbox, spotify, and vlc. . Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. Playerctl also provides an introspectable library accessible in many popular scripting languages that allows more detailed control like the ability to subscribe to media player events or get metadata such as artist and title for the playing track. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libplayerctl2 Description-md5: 6d436a3521eb4958e82fc09c5053a53b Description-sl: utility to control media players via MPRIS (library) Playerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Compatible players include audacious, cmus, mopidy, mpd, mpv, quod libet, rhythmbox, spotify, and vlc. . Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. Playerctl also provides an introspectable library accessible in many popular scripting languages that allows more detailed control like the ability to subscribe to media player events or get metadata such as artist and title for the playing track. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libplexus-ant-factory-java Description-md5: 491fa6e367170a7646f32d103b3ac978 Description-sl: Tovarna Plexus Ant The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . This package provides a factory for instantiating Ant with Plexus. Package: libplexus-bsh-factory-java Description-md5: 4c57369165168db5fb166101644f57b0 Description-sl: Tovarna Plexus Beanshell The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . This package provides a factory for instantiating BeanShell with Plexus. Package: libplexus-interactivity-api-java Description-md5: b441762a2ca3051905ed4c2a1a0bcc46 Description-sl: API vzajemnosti za ogrodje Plexus The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. Package: libplexus-interpolation-java Description-md5: e9e3f6c11680506bc02d0f0adfc349a1 Description-sl: API interpolacije Plexus The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . Plexus interpolator is focused on providing a more modular, flexible interpolation framework for the expression language style commonly seen in Maven, Plexus, and other related projects. Package: libplexus-io-java Description-md5: 255685e278b935c1cd682eb1695edc57 Description-sl: Sestavni deli Plexus VI Plexus IO is a set of plexus components, which are designed for use in I/O operations. These I/O operations are doing nothing spectacular. For example, Apache Commons IO is a much more powerful library in the same area. However, the implementation as a plexus component allows reuse in Maven. . The following component groups are currently available: * File Mappers * File Selectors Package: libplexus-utils2-java Description-md5: 91283a426628f7c19e4d2d1314fef1d3 Description-sl: Pripomočki za ogrodje Plexus The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. Package: libplexus-velocity-java-doc Description-md5: 706626d74e1316fa8a32061404f15a8a Description-sl: Dokumentacija API za plexus-velocity The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . This package contains the API documentation for plexus-velocity. Package: libplib-dev Description-md5: 311b4175473525ac027f57d49600af6c Description-sl: Knjižnice prenosljivosti: razvojni paket Provides a Joystick interface, a simple GUI built on top of OpenGL, some standard geometry functions, a sound library and a simple scene graph API built on top of OpenGL. . This package provides the static libraries, the header files and the development links to the shared libraries. You need this package if you want to compile software which needs plib. Package: libplib-doc Description-md5: 14fafb3ed99eb96fea9fd86b5eef813b Description-sl: Knjižnice prenosljivosti: dokumentacija in primeri The Portability Libraries plib provide a Joystick interface, a simple GUI built on top of OpenGL, some standard geometry functions, a sound library and a simple scene graph API built on top of OpenGL. . This package contains HTML documentation and examples for plib. The documentation is a copy of the documentation which can be found online at Package: libpll0 Description-md5: cabc80f806b90e2b49087e0912cd8201 Description-sl: Phylogenetic Likelihood Library PLL is a highly optimized, parallelized software library to ease the development of new software tools dealing with phylogenetic inference. . Among the functions included in PLL are parsing multiple sequence alignments (MSA) from PHYLIP and FASTA files, reading Newick trees, performing topological moves such as SPR and NNI, model optimization, likelihood evaluation and partitioned analysis by assigning different substitution models to each partition of the MSA. PLL fully implements the GTR nucleotide substitution model for DNA data and a number of models for aminoacid data. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libploticus0-dev Description-md5: e77316437e6b542f3fb53ae4992bcfb7 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico ploticus libploticus is not a function or mathematical plotting package like gnuplot, nor would it be a good choice for applications where mathematical formulas or scientific notations are to be rendered as an integral part of the data display. libploticus is also not intended as a "marketing" graphics package. Its goal is to display data crisply without extra decoration and distracting "dingbats" that cloud the picture. Package: libplplot-dev Description-md5: a4f560488d2925922a3a95d234e764b1 Description-sl: Knjižnica izrisovanja znanstvenih grafov (razvojne datoteke) PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use, virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable. . This package contains all that is needed for doing development in C, C++ and Fortran with PLplot. For development in Tcl/Tk, Python and Java, install the plplot-tcl-dev, python3-plplot and libplplot-java packages, respectively. This package also includes the OCaml and Lua examples. To use one of these languages you will also need to install the libplplot-xxx package for that language. Package: libplplot17 Description-md5: c3f3527bdbadd832ddea1189dc9fba15 Description-sl: Knjižnica znanstvenega risanja grafov PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use, virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable. . This package contains the PLplot library for C. Package: libplplotcxx15 Description-md5: f12263a92a75c6e7dc6362bac29d5c6f Description-sl: Knjižnica izrisovanja znanstvenih grafov (vezava C++) PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use, virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable. . Ta paket vsebuje vezavo C++ za PLplot. Package: libpnglite0 Description-md5: 7797b3fd26f6aef084eb4796eb64aef2 Description-sl: lightweight C library for loading and writing PNG images It was created as a substitute for libpng in situations when libpng is more than enough. It currently requires zlib for inflate and crc checking and it can read the most common types of PNG images. The library has a small and simple to use interface. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpod-elemental-perlmunger-perl Description-md5: c3c2384d55f8dc77b44cc607508dada2 Description-sl: Modul Perl, ki znova napiše dokumentacijo Perl Pod::Elemental::PerlMunger is a role to be included in classes that rewrite the documentation of a Perl document, stripping out all the Pod, munging it, and replacing it into the Perl. Package: libpod2-base-perl Description-md5: 55516e5141e51f5ef1140411f1176076 Description-sl: Modul za prevode dokumentacije Perl POD2::Base is an abstraction of the code in POD2::IT and POD2::FR. These modules belong to the Italian and the French translation projects of core Perl pods. . Once a translation package had been installed, the translated documentation can be accessed with: . $ perldoc POD2::<lang>::<podname> Or $ perldoc -L IT <podpage> Package: libpodofo-dev Description-md5: 6fca5148ee2f292cc2afba75a0839028 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke PoDoFo The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo. . This package contains the header development files used for building PoDoFo-enabled applications. Package: libpodofo-utils Description-md5: 4d9de53690690c97777dfcb5a257b598 Description-sl: Pripomočki PoDoFo The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo. . This package contains tools for working with PDF files. Package: libpoe-component-client-mpd-perl Description-md5: 6092cff107cb7e827f8d2f20161309b9 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca za MPD (ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe) POE::Component::Client::MPD is a Perl POE component module that provides a clear message passing interface for talking to and controlling Music Player Daemon (MPD) servers. A connection to the MPD server is established as soon as a new object is created. Commands are then sent to the server as messages are passed. Package: libpoe-component-server-simplehttp-perl Description-md5: b474a6b22607f4de58bb30ce2d580fcc Description-sl: Enostaven HTTP strežnik za POE POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP is Perl extension to easily serve HTTP requests within the POE framework. It also includes support for secure connections via SSL if POE::Component::SSLify (libpoe-component-sslify- perl), and pre-forking if IPC::Shareable (libipc-shareable-perl) are available. Package: libpoe-filter-ircd-perl Description-md5: a313bd66483397b96c814b036e6a06cb Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik za protokol IRC POE::Filter::IRCD is a Perl module that provides a convenient way of creating and parsing Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol commands using the Perl Object Environment (POE) framework. . This module provides the basic parsing engine for various modules, including POE::Component::IRC and POE::Component::Server::IRC. A standalone version is available as Parse::IRC. Package: libpoe-filter-stomp-perl Description-md5: 3970b6f89dbfaba13f15fcd466c9b06b Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za okolje POE za zagotavljanje filtra Stomp POE::Filter::Stomp is a filter for the POE environment. It will translate the input buffer into Net::Stomp::Frame objects and serialize the output buffer from said objects. For more information an the STOMP protocol, please refer to: . Package: libpolylib64-8t64 Description-md5: b9a887acc4a438765955b94fcde43136 Description-sl: Knjižnica Polyhedral - dolga različica int Polylib is a free C library for doing computations on polyhedra. The library is operating on objects like vectors, matrices, lattices, polyhedra, Z-polyhedra, unions of polyhedra and other intermediary structures. It provides functions for all important operations on these structures. This package provides the version for operations on long integers. Package: libpolymake4.12 Description-md5: bab29e1d36a27516ec3e107e360f035a Description-sl: Tool for algorithmic discrete geometry -- library package Polymake started out as a tool for the algorithmic treatment of convex polyhedra. By now it also deals with finite simplicial complexes, tight spans of finite metric spaces, polyhedral surfaces, and other discrete mathematical objects. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libpomp-dev Description-md5: 462dac45625fb4a3c4bf1827c2a30113 Description-sl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpomp0 Description-md5: 0086375d9ce71a51b049c4eacc96e93d Description-sl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - shared library OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpomp2-dev Description-md5: 05d40f81c1245cde8f9dfdaf6a3e6f33 Description-sl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files OPARI2 is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . This is the successor of opari (1), with a completely reworked API . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpopplerkit-dev Description-md5: b0eeb9a84bc1a995bae5b9f772f8269e Description-sl: GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (development files) PopplerKit is a GNUstep framework for accessing and rendering PDF content. It is based on the poppler library. . Its features are: - Render PDF content. - Extract text from a PDF document. - Access a PDF document's outline. - Search in PDF documents. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpopplerkit0 Description-md5: 07702e6643fbfe38be725a27b99f1528 Description-sl: GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (library files) PopplerKit is a GNUstep framework for accessing and rendering PDF content. It is based on the poppler library. . Its features are: - Render PDF content. - Extract text from a PDF document. - Access a PDF document's outline. - Search in PDF documents. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libportaudio2 Description-md5: a71bbbd00a98fe093b85cc97ff79e9ae Description-sl: Prenosljiv V/I zvoka - souporabljena knjižnica PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libportsmf-dev Description-md5: 9397c31b165890b13d8080d249f55866 Description-sl: Portable Standard Midi File Library (development files) Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files. . Zmožnosti: . - input and output of Standard MIDI Files - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks o track structure consisting of multiple events o events contain note and control data o extensible attribute-value property lists o tempo track and time signature representation - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libportsmf0t64 Description-md5: 3447fc91d252aad27e8609d6417968d9 Description-sl: Prenosljiva standardna knjižnica midi datotek Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files. . Zmožnosti: . - input and output of Standard MIDI Files - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks o track structure consisting of multiple events o events contain note and control data o extensible attribute-value property lists o tempo track and time signature representation - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc. Package: libpostgresql-jdbc-java-doc Description-md5: cfe48f9a4b076311baccc0cb35fa2b40 Description-sl: Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL (documentation) PostgreSQL JDBC Driver allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database (8.4 or later) using standard, database independent Java code. It is an open source JDBC driver written in Pure Java (Type 4), and communicates in the PostgreSQL native network protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libpostproc-dev Description-md5: 6db719e99d6d383cd3dae3c2fe7581d0 Description-sl: FFmpeg library for post processing - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides video post processing. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpostproc58 Description-md5: c6ed7c9917aafdc1ed5ecc1810e6f056 Description-sl: FFmpeg library for post processing - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides video post processing. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libpotrace-dev Description-md5: abd121465afda9b39bd9e184a0586e97 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico potrace potrace is a utility for tracing a bitmap, which means, transforming a bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. . libpotrace-dev contains header file needed to compile programs that utilize the potrace library. Package: libpotrace0 Description-md5: 64e073d4ed763198ef6c64366f39e670 Description-sl: Knjižnice za sledenje bitnih slik potrace is a utility for tracing a bitmap, which means, transforming a bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. . libpotrace0 contains files needed to run programs that utilize the potrace library. Package: libpowerdevilcore2 Description-md5: 3864b9803b772a3210d572794662ce28 Description-sl: Global power saver settings ui library Power Devil allows you to define your all power settings. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnice. Package: libpowerman0-dev Description-md5: 78e6d7a42ba7b35667ffbb96bd3853c6 Description-sl: Development files for Powerman - Centralized PDU management PowerMan is a tool for manipulating Power Distribution Units (PDUs) from a central location. It is suitable for remote operation in data centers or compute cluster environment. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpp-ocaml Description-md5: 90d2a677e873b6fa755fa3adbc9e3aaa Description-sl: pretty printing for OCaml applications (runtime files) This package provides a lean alternative to the standard library's Format module. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libpp-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a944d46498b27cab8ee608a077fe9b4c Description-sl: pretty printing for OCaml applications (dev files) This package provides a lean alternative to the standard library's Format module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppl-c4 Description-md5: 3c87365d9c2bd2105b6021fbbfa6cdf0 Description-sl: Knjižnica Parma Polyhedra (vmesnik C) The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a C++ library for the manipulation of (not necessarily closed) convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. The applications of convex polyhedra include program analysis, optimized compilation, integer and combinatorial optimization and statistical data-editing. The Parma Polyhedra Library is user friendly (you write `x + 2*y + 5*z <= 7' when you mean it), fully dynamic (available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything), written in standard C++, exception-safe, rather efficient and thoroughly documented. . Ta paket zagotavlja vmesnik C. Package: libppl-dev Description-md5: 4fa45d1b24bb1abf6f705e66d3cc4f4a Description-sl: Knjižnica Parma Polyhedra (razvoj) The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a C++ library for the manipulation of (not necessarily closed) convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. The applications of convex polyhedra include program analysis, optimized compilation, integer and combinatorial optimization and statistical data-editing. The Parma Polyhedra Library is user friendly (you write `x + 2*y + 5*z <= 7' when you mean it), fully dynamic (available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything), written in standard C++, exception-safe, rather efficient and thoroughly documented. . This package provides the header files and static libraries for the C and C++ interfaces. Package: libppl-doc Description-md5: e029bc6a5a70f3c124b8771f1c1acfb5 Description-sl: Parma Polyhedra Library: Documentation The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a C++ library for the manipulation of (not necessarily closed) convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. The applications of convex polyhedra include program analysis, optimized compilation, integer and combinatorial optimization and statistical data-editing. The Parma Polyhedra Library is user friendly (you write `x + 2*y + 5*z <= 7' when you mean it), fully dynamic (available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything), written in standard C++, exception-safe, rather efficient and thoroughly documented. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libppl14 Description-md5: 5bfdb37d7ebe77449accec15da9c6faa Description-sl: Knjižnica Parma Polyherda (izvajalna knjižnica) The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a C++ library for the manipulation of (not necessarily closed) convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. The applications of convex polyhedra include program analysis, optimized compilation, integer and combinatorial optimization and statistical data-editing. The Parma Polyhedra Library is user friendly (you write `x + 2*y + 5*z <= 7' when you mean it), fully dynamic (available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything), written in standard C++, exception-safe, rather efficient and thoroughly documented. Package: libpprint-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 24b27a23638e1998691b55dc4e759728 Description-sl: Pretty printing toolbox for OCaml (dev files) OCaml library for pretty-printing textual documents. It takes care of indentation and line breaks, and is typically used on code. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libppx-assert-ocaml Description-md5: ad4136b56fceda86891156861c11fc06 Description-sl: provide assertions in OCaml (runtime files) This package provides extension nodes to compare values and raise useful errors if they differ. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-assert-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 0bd6986610ebe757d8ebb5f79e17c2c4 Description-sl: provide assertions in OCaml (dev files) This package provides extension nodes to compare values and raise useful errors if they differ. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-base-ocaml Description-md5: b61a253a2aa8b329e49935d066cb1a1f Description-sl: base set of ppx rewriters (runtime files) This package provides the base set of ppx rewriters, used to build various other Jane Street packages. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-base-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 72dc262a5bc37b1637571feb65d965e7 Description-sl: base set of ppx rewriters (dev files) This package provides the base set of ppx rewriters, used to build various other Jane Street packages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-bin-prot-ocaml Description-md5: 4897be9d7a13546e54c4ade605b07315 Description-sl: generation of bin_prot readers and writers from types (runtime) This package provides a ppx rewriter that generates binary serialization and deserialization functions from type definitions, using Jane Street's bin_prot library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-bin-prot-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f74af02f6013f9a6f3e82a147bc18603 Description-sl: generation of bin_prot readers and writers from types (development) This package provides a ppx rewriter that generates binary serialization and deserialization functions from type definitions, using Jane Street's bin_prot library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-cold-ocaml Description-md5: b86fa7443711f557de82fe1cc770bb57 Description-sl: provide the @cold annotation for OCaml (runtime files) This package provides the @cold annotation to program in OCaml to disable a closure optimisation. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-cold-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 659edc78b6846840db3f7072ede466c2 Description-sl: provide the @cold annotation for OCaml (dev files) This package provides the @cold annotation to program in OCaml to disable a closure optimisation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-compare-ocaml Description-md5: 3f17cb47e6da3ca3e7b90d4c68df765c Description-sl: generation of comparison functions from OCaml types (runtime) Ppx_compare is a ppx rewriter that derives comparison and equality functions from type representations. The scaffolded functions are usually much faster than ocaml's and Pervasives.(=). Scaffolding functions also gives you more flexibility by allowing you to override them for a specific type and more safety by making sure that you only compare comparable values. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-compare-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 806b25c8a40645f87dec90f4ee28dac4 Description-sl: generation of comparison functions from OCaml types (development) Ppx_compare is a ppx rewriter that derives comparison and equality functions from type representations. The scaffolded functions are usually much faster than ocaml's and Pervasives.(=). Scaffolding functions also gives you more flexibility by allowing you to override them for a specific type and more safety by making sure that you only compare comparable values. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-custom-printf-ocaml Description-md5: 2ab5185e4d0c30d2b7b5525607659bc9 Description-sl: printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion (runtime) ppx_custom_printf is a ppx rewriter that allows the use of user-defined string conversion functions in format strings (that is, strings passed to printf, sprintf, etc.). . No new syntax is introduced. Instead a previously ill-typed use of the ! operator is re-purposed. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-custom-printf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: fd363fe67f50a2dcc3969e0c4029b640 Description-sl: printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion (dev) ppx_custom_printf is a ppx rewriter that allows the use of user-defined string conversion functions in format strings (that is, strings passed to printf, sprintf, etc.). . No new syntax is introduced. Instead a previously ill-typed use of the ! operator is re-purposed. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-deriving-ocaml Description-md5: 78e04260955cc64c48f886d479237c56 Description-sl: type-driven code generation for OCaml (runtime files) Ppx_deriving provides common infrastructure for generating code based on type definitions, and a set of useful plugins for common tasks. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-deriving-ocaml-dev Description-md5: edb671db6b10ed6c0cce6f7f80f75a61 Description-sl: type-driven code generation for OCaml (dev files) Ppx_deriving provides common infrastructure for generating code based on type definitions, and a set of useful plugins for common tasks. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-enumerate-ocaml Description-md5: 662945793d708e813b47d0201e8e7ab9 Description-sl: list all values of a finite type (runtime files) This package generates a list with all possible values of a finite type. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-enumerate-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 38e3f765a2e39fd6210c2f8be0379def Description-sl: list all values of a finite type (dev files) This package generates a list with all possible values of a finite type. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-expect-ocaml Description-md5: be9074fcadd2ae297e5c47dddf9a5529 Description-sl: testing framework for OCaml (runtime files) This package provides a testing framework similar to Python's cram framework for OCaml programming. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-expect-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b369f5322a66253ea7e2e9b9909e64cc Description-sl: testing framework for OCaml (dev files) This package provides a testing framework similar to Python's cram framework for OCaml programming. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-fields-conv-ocaml Description-md5: 80945b1cda76e83930aa161dec93ddaa Description-sl: generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml records (runtime) ppx_fields_conv is a ppx rewriter that can be used to define first class values representing record fields, and additional routines, to get and set record fields, iterate and fold over all fields of a record and create new record values. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-fields-conv-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 656bfd81649f55026933dec85d8f1b8c Description-sl: generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml records (dev) ppx_fields_conv is a ppx rewriter that can be used to define first class values representing record fields, and additional routines, to get and set record fields, iterate and fold over all fields of a record and create new record values. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-globalize-ocaml Description-md5: 862a6763f3e835d638e66985c670b9d6 Description-sl: copy local values to the global heap (runtime files) This package provides a ppx rewriter to copy local values to the global heap. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-globalize-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 369093f44344c66bfeea8b20157af592 Description-sl: copy local values to the global heap (dev files) This package provides a ppx rewriter to copy local values to the global heap. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-hash-ocaml Description-md5: 36a0837fca90ea4746c94af6f0850cb1 Description-sl: ppx writer generating hash functions (runtime) This package provides a ppx writer generating hash functions from type expressions and definitions . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-hash-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 716c02f4d66aa89c07ba4aea43666b79 Description-sl: ppx writer generating hash functions (development) This package provides a ppx writer generating hash functions from type expressions and definitions . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-here-ocaml Description-md5: 9800a6c317705da5fcb1941143e0c8b6 Description-sl: OCaml extension node whose value is its source position (runtime) This package provides a ppx rewriter that defines an extension node whose value is its source position. This is normally used so exceptions can contain better positions. It can also be used in cases where stack traces are useless (for instance in monads with a complicated control flow). . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-here-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 65e859aa2515de47c0b598123a3b462c Description-sl: OCaml extension node whose value is its source position (development) This package provides a ppx rewriter that defines an extension node whose value is its source position. This is normally used so exceptions can contain better positions. It can also be used in cases where stack traces are useless (for instance in monads with a complicated control flow). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-import-ocaml Description-md5: f96f7525f882db68c98c579826d5548a Description-sl: OCaml extension to import declarations (runtime) This package provides a ppx rewriter to import declarations from interface files. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-import-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 6245a05e2a73ffff223065b65339c03e Description-sl: OCaml extension to import declarations (development) This package provides a ppx rewriter to import declarations from interface files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-inline-test-ocaml Description-md5: 89a2140884abd69986f82e8fd53fd5ed Description-sl: syntax extension for in-line tests in OCaml (runtime files) This package provides a syntax extension to write in-line tests in OCaml code. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-inline-test-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7411564e95cd755cc331cdf476e233a1 Description-sl: syntax extension for in-line tests in OCaml (dev files) This package provides a syntax extension to write in-line tests in OCaml code. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-optcomp-ocaml Description-md5: dfb1020181fcc0b7bb913f4c146736dc Description-sl: optional compilation for OCaml (runtime files) ppx_optcomp stands for Optional Compilation. It is a tool used to handle optional compilations of pieces of code depending of the word size, the version of the compiler, ... . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-optcomp-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 992a4a6997b984aa47e3ef18c16e08f4 Description-sl: optional compilation for OCaml (dev files) ppx_optcomp stands for Optional Compilation. It is a tool used to handle optional compilations of pieces of code depending of the word size, the version of the compiler, ... . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-sexp-conv-ocaml Description-md5: 8250a2d8b74e423443b3fceeeb14252f Description-sl: generation of S-expressions from type definitions (runtime files) ppx_sexp_conv is a PPX syntax extension that generates code for converting OCaml types to and from S-expressions, as defined in the sexplib library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-sexp-conv-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 8306bf1b08d1d1dc6c1d6dcff4dfcb1a Description-sl: generation of S-expressions from type definitions (dev files) ppx_sexp_conv is a PPX syntax extension that generates code for converting OCaml types to and from S-expressions, as defined in the sexplib library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-stable-witness-ocaml Description-md5: 20fa5af7561b2e96663f6a1ecc99f68b Description-sl: stable witness derivation (runtime) Ppx extension for deriving a witness that a type is intended to be stable. In this context, stable means that the serialization format will never change. This allows programs running at different versions of the code to safely communicate. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-stable-witness-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 0fb1dc27e4bbeeb9edc4ee7d4b635b15 Description-sl: stable witness derivation (development) Ppx extension for deriving a witness that a type is intended to be stable. In this context, stable means that the serialization format will never change. This allows programs running at different versions of the code to safely communicate. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-string-ocaml Description-md5: cc168273ce2f76e9267fd992bcb20493 Description-sl: string interpolation (runtime) Ppx extension for string interpolation. Part of the Jane Street's PPX rewriters collection. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-string-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 270aa35649e732436620f313cea7bee3 Description-sl: string interpolation (development) Ppx extension for string interpolation. Part of the Jane Street's PPX rewriters collection. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppx-variants-conv-ocaml Description-md5: 113f656b761163041088b6e7243c4d47 Description-sl: generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml variants (runtime) ppx_variants_conv is a ppx rewriter that can be used to define first class values representing variant constructors, and additional routines to fold, iterate and map over all constructors of a variant type. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppx-variants-conv-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f77ab6b5924394377e3724e5c33a4c33 Description-sl: generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml variants (dev) ppx_variants_conv is a ppx rewriter that can be used to define first class values representing variant constructors, and additional routines to fold, iterate and map over all constructors of a variant type. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libppxlib-jane-ocaml Description-md5: 516e7b382fbb05325d6489f88fe7e61e Description-sl: utilities to work on AST of the Jane Street OCaml compiler (runtime) This library can be used to work with Abstract Syntax Trees corresponding to the augmented parse tree recognized by the Jane Street OCaml compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libppxlib-jane-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 109d985ccfd5be89b5f721e8ac689da6 Description-sl: utilities to work on AST of the Jane Street OCaml compiler (development) This library can be used to work with Abstract Syntax Trees corresponding to the augmented parse tree recognized by the Jane Street OCaml compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpqtypes0t64 Description-md5: 51042daf917aa6b5210158e6c4e155bf Description-sl: parameterized queries libpq extension - shared library libpqtypes is a libpq extension that offers a new way of handling parameterized queries and getting result field values. Both putting parameters and getting values use a printf/scanf style interface, with consistent specifiers for both. . * Full support for binary and text format. (parameter and result) * Full support for composites, arrays and composite arrays. (binary format only) * printf style interface to libpq's binary parameterized API. (PQputf) * scanf style interface for getting values: PQgetvalue extension. (PQgetf) * Ability to register user-defined types, aliases and data type sub-classes for use with printf style interfaces: ex. "%mytype". * Per-thread global error message. (PQgeterror) * Online docs as well as man pages. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpqxx-7.9 Description-md5: 784597ab0014e8e4c4a387e759d0a7b4 Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ za povezavo s PostgreSQL C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the PostgreSQL database back-end. The database back-end can be local or it may be on another machine, accessed via TCP/IP. This package obsoletes the libpqpp package. Package: libpqxx-doc Description-md5: c99836c2f5cd6fe2ab85438cc219add8 Description-sl: C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (documentation) C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the PostgreSQL database back-end. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libpragmatic-perl Description-md5: 90a291ac55700615d0bece220aeceaa0 Description-sl: Doda pragmata v Exporter Pragmatic implements a default import method for processing pragmata before passing the rest of the import to Exporter. . Perl automatically calls the import method when processing a use statement for a module. Modules and use are documented in perlfunc and perlmod. . (Do not confuse Pragmatic with pragmatic modules, such as less, strict and the like. They are standalone pragmata, and are not associated with any other module.) Package: libprelude-dev Description-md5: 690200baf98a592ce26413fad4f65ff1 Description-sl: Security Information and Events Management system [ Development files ] The Prelude Library is a collection of generic functions providing communication between the Prelude SIEM suite components. It provides a convenient interface for sending alerts to Prelude Manager with transparent SSL, failover and replication support, asynchronous events and timer interfaces, an abstracted configuration API (hooking at the commandline, the configuration line, or wide configuration, available from the Manager), and a generic plugin API. It allows you to easily turn your favorite security program into a Prelude sensor. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za sestavne dele Prelude. Package: libpreludedb-dev Description-md5: 46e44402cd45e3c0e8792554069b3edc Description-sl: Security Information and Events Management System [ Development files ] The PreludeDB Library provides an abstraction layer upon the type and the format of the database used to store IDMEF alerts. It allows developers to use the Prelude IDMEF database easily and efficiently without worrying about SQL, and to access the database independently of the type/format of the database. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za sestavne dele PreludeDB. Package: libpresage-dev Description-md5: 0d2b5291a9f240b3d78b305f84fdce14 Description-sl: intelligent predictive text entry platform (development files) Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. . This package contains the header files needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libpresage. Package: libpresage1v5 Description-md5: da65d13c0bcd366f8d981d4cdf6b2091 Description-sl: intelligent predictive text entry platform (shared library) Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. . A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next. The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most probable tokens. . Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libprimecount7 Description-md5: 5db19285a2ad03659bf7785e53409d4b Description-sl: fast prime number counter C/C++ library -- lib primecount is a free software program and C/C++ library that counts the primes below an integer x <= 10^31 using highly optimized implementations of the combinatorial prime counting algorithms. . See for more information. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libprimesieve12 Description-md5: 0b1d98bef2f55f2d610f176744a73674 Description-sl: fast prime number generator C/C++ library -- lib primesieve is a free software program and C/C++ library that generates primes using a highly optimized sieve of Eratosthenes implementation. primesieve can generate primes and prime k-tuplets up to nearly 2^64. . See for more information. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libproc-daemon-perl Description-md5: b2a69902691abc084a95a049775658ec Description-sl: Modul za poganjanje skriptov kot ozadnjih programov Proc::Daemon can be used by a Perl program to initialize itself as a daemon (a background process with no controlling terminal). You can also check the status of the daemon (alive or dead) and you can kill the daemon. Package: libproc-invokeeditor-perl Description-md5: 00c6eeb8c8182cb9a5a128efc160df8d Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za začenjanje urejevalnika besedil Proc::InvokeEditor module provides the ability to supply some text to an external text editor, have it edited by the user, and retrieve the results. . The File::Temp module is used to provide secure, safe temporary files, and File::Temp is set to its highest available level of security. This may cause problems on some systems where no secure temporary directory is available. . When the editor is started, no subshell is used. Your path will be scanned to find the binary to use for each editor if the string given does not exist as a file, and if a named editor contains whitespace, for example if you try to use the editor 'xemacs -nw', then the string will be split on whitespace and anything after the editor name will be passed as arguments to your editor. A shell is not used but this should cover most simple cases. Package: libprocesscore9 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libprocessing-core-java Description-md5: c44fcead9e7ea01acbabb0ec7399a98b Description-sl: Knjižnica sporazumevanja in animacije Java Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico, ki je zahtevana za poganjanje takšnih animacij. Package: libprocessui9 Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: libproj-dev Description-md5: 40d0d1a33cba08b9ef61eeeefba902f5 Description-sl: Knjižnica projekcije kartografije (razvojne datoteke) Proj and invproj perform respective forward and inverse transformation of cartographic data to or from Cartesian data with a wide range of selectable projection functions (over 100 projections). . Geod and invgeod perform geodesic (Great Circle) computations for determining latitude, longitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given a initial point latitude, longitude, azimuth and distance (direct) or the forward and back azimuths and distance between an initial and terminus point latitudes and longitudes (inverse). . This package provides the PROJ development files. Package: libproj25 Description-md5: 63723d6b8c6f0bed598df07b06bf4614 Description-sl: Knjižnica kartografske projektcije Proj and invproj perform respective forward and inverse transformation of cartographic data to or from Cartesian data with a wide range of selectable projection functions (over 100 projections). . Geod and invgeod perform geodesic (Great Circle) computations for determining latitude, longitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given a initial point latitude, longitude, azimuth and distance (direct) or the forward and back azimuths and distance between an initial and terminus point latitudes and longitudes (inverse). . This package provides the PROJ shared library used by tools and third parties programs. Package: libprojectm-dev Description-md5: ec11a3d8caf0253b1a2991da68657b5c Description-sl: Advanced Milkdrop-compatible music visualization library - dev libprojectm is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libpsm-infinipath1 Description-md5: f14abc291eb95080b3ab5e3c76a2cc89 Description-sl: PSM Messaging library for Intel Truescale adapters The PSM Messaging API, or PSM API, is Intel's (formerly QLogic's) low- level, user-level communication interface for the Truescale family of products. PSM users can use mechanisms necessary to implement higher-level communication interfaces in parallel environments. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libpsurface-dbg Description-md5: 1bd4e59d366d353c915853804c8c2a1a Description-sl: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- debug symbols Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: libpsurface-dev Description-md5: 316a40ae2f948cbae4a8d50e913a833d Description-sl: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- development files Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . There are two main uses for psurface. When doing adaptive finite element simulations on grids with parametrized boundaries, psurface can store the parametrization. Boundary parametrizations are practically mappings from the coarse grid boundary to the actual boundary, and if that actual boundary is a triangulated surface then psurface can handle it. This is implemented, for example, in the dune-grid module of Dune. . Secondly, when doing domain decomposition methods with nonconforming interfaces, you need to relate the two interface grids to each other. Psurface can do this for you, even if your interfaces do not match geometrically. Such is the case, e.g., in contact problems. This second functionality is also available for 1d surfaces in 2d space. . The easiest way to use psurface for domain decomposition is to get the dune-grid-glue module and use it to drive psurface. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpsurface0t64 Description-md5: a3a8666696f210a2df80c060accf194b Description-sl: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- shared library Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libpth-dev Description-md5: ad14fcee422f923d02639de74f138d92 Description-sl: GNU Portable Threads (development) Pth is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution ("multithreading") inside server applications. All threads run in the same address space of the server application, but each thread has its own individual program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpthread-workqueue-dev Description-md5: 595d8df224965dfe788dbbaa06059984 Description-sl: Knjižnica zaloge niti (razvojne datoteke) The pthread_workqueue library allows you to create one or more workqueues and submit work items for processing. The workqueues are serviced by a thread pool that is automatically created and dynamically managed by the library. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave datoteke, ki so zahtevane za uporabo knjižnice pthread_workqueue. Package: libpthread-workqueue0 Description-md5: e21ceb75abbce69ccecfe5c1f0568660 Description-sl: Knjižnica zaloge niti The pthread_workqueue library allows you to create one or more workqueues and submit work items for processing. The workqueues are serviced by a thread pool that is automatically created and dynamically managed by the library. . The API is based on the pthread_workqueue API in FreeBSD 8.0, which was designed to be compatible with the API developed by Apple Inc to support the Grand Central Dispatch concurrency framework. Package: libpthreadpool-dev Description-md5: a3741cc8a315ec15b9c38d4645a0e2ee Description-sl: pthread-based thread pool for C/C++ (development) pthreadpool is a portable and efficient thread pool implementation. It provides similar functionality to #pragma omp parallel for, but with additional features. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libptime-ocaml Description-md5: 34437bd4eec361b86446dae69f9fa2dc Description-sl: POSIX time for OCaml (runtime) Ptime has platform independent POSIX time support in pure OCaml. It provides a type to represent a well-defined range of POSIX timestamps with picosecond precision, conversion with date-time values, conversion with RFC 3339 timestamps and pretty printing to a human-readable, locale- independent representation. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libptime-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9b2e9217050fa70d0f080b42a652f23a Description-sl: POSIX time for OCaml (development) Ptime has platform independent POSIX time support in pure OCaml. It provides a type to represent a well-defined range of POSIX timestamps with picosecond precision, conversion with date-time values, conversion with RFC 3339 timestamps and pretty printing to a human-readable, locale- independent representation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libptl-dev Description-md5: 8c5b262a9f5b7d00d9b42f5645db1d0c Description-sl: parallel tasking library - development files PTL is a lightweight C++11 multithreading tasking system featuring a thread-pool, task-groups, and a lock-free task queue. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libptmap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: cd8e0c6d8cb743b6f96dd83037c97b9c Description-sl: Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees (Development package) OCaml implementation of an efficient maps over integers, from a paper by Chris Okasaki. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpugl-dev Description-md5: 8001406c338d66c7afc444e74ff0f4d4 Description-sl: portable API for OpenGL graphical interfaces (headers) Pugl is a minimal portable API for OpenGL GUIs which supports embedding and is suitable for use in plugins, but can also be used for programs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libpulse-ocaml Description-md5: 67dfe8157396c17e4c3a6e4e4188ce3b Description-sl: OCaml interface to the PulseAudio sound server This package provied an interface to the PulseAudio sound server for OCaml programmers. . PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libpulse-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9e2259125ae5b278fbc09b72f345294d Description-sl: OCaml interface to the pulseaudio library This package provied an interface to the PulseAudio sound server for OCaml programmers. . PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use ocaml-pulseaudio. Package: libpulsedsp Description-md5: 4d14e4e65420d03adc0822289f18a007 Description-sl: PulseAudio OSS pre-load library PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This package provides the pre-load library used to redirect applications using OSS through pulseaudio. Package: libpuzzle-dev Description-md5: 3cf50754184ea1b780fbcc5e579f28d0 Description-sl: quick similar image finder - development files The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images (GIF, PNG, JPG), even if they have been resized, recompressed, recolored or slightly modified. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpuzzle1 Description-md5: 9f331cf6c5254793a9b82427a8f349fc Description-sl: quick similar image finder - shared library The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images (GIF, PNG, JPG), even if they have been resized, recompressed, recolored or slightly modified. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico C. Package: libpyml-ocaml Description-md5: 75781ed5ab8d751c1b8d516d698185ca Description-sl: OCaml bindings for Python (runtime) provides OCaml bindings for Python. This library subsumes the pycaml library. Bindings are split in three modules: * Py provides the initialization functions and some high-level bindings, with error handling and naming conventions closer to OCaml usages; * Pycaml provides a signature close to the old Pycaml module, so as to ease migration; * Pywrappers provides low-level bindings, which follow closely the conventions of the C bindings for Python. Submodules Pywrappers.Python2 and Pywrappers.Python3 contain version-specific bindings. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libpyml-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b9b2eeaf97518f7cba904432cb7a63a3 Description-sl: OCaml bindings for Python (development) provides OCaml bindings for Python. This library subsumes the pycaml library. Bindings are split in three modules: * Py provides the initialization functions and some high-level bindings, with error handling and naming conventions closer to OCaml usages; * Pycaml provides a signature close to the old Pycaml module, so as to ease migration; * Pywrappers provides low-level bindings, which follow closely the conventions of the C bindings for Python. Submodules Pywrappers.Python2 and Pywrappers.Python3 contain version-specific bindings. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpyside2-dev Description-md5: 3fd49dfef4a775c4bb740908d914d395 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 (development files) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the development headers for the libpyside2 library. Package: libpyside2-py3-5.15t64 Description-md5: 8456aeaea18f36be3927a7fa18eee016 Description-sl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (base files) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python3 base file used by all modules. Package: libpyside6-dev Description-md5: 6f39d1d6fbbde4789375173e2e664100 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 (development files) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the development headers for the libpyside6 library. Package: libpyside6-py3-6.6 Description-md5: 7b685c0cf1aa3b6d0ac27ac8e238f2fa Description-sl: Python 3 bindings for Qt 6 (base files) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python3 base file used by all modules. Package: libpystring0 Description-md5: 4835253532de0c5d1db9558f0e0d6771 Description-sl: collection of C++ functions for Python's string class methods - runtime Pystring is a collection of C++ functions which match the interface and behavior of Python's string class methods using std::string. Implemented in C++, it does not require or make use of a Python interpreter. It provides convenience and familiarity for common string operations not included in the standard C++ library. It's also useful in environments where both C++ and Python are used. . Overlapping functionality (such as index and slice/substr) of std::string is included to match Python interfaces. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libpyzy-1.0-0v5 Description-md5: 759302988bd5715f90ab45ee9e6d9859 Description-sl: Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library Algorithm library of ibus-pinyin. It is separated from ibus-pinyin to convenient other programs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt5-0 Description-md5: 7abeac7425a3b377ac1176d6f7d1e699 Description-sl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt5-dev Description-md5: 762347af976a8f9abb38d101828ff820 Description-sl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier -- development Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt6-0 Description-md5: 7abeac7425a3b377ac1176d6f7d1e699 Description-sl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt6-dev Description-md5: 762347af976a8f9abb38d101828ff820 Description-sl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier -- development Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libqalculate-data Description-md5: b4a9d85057a1a9f8aef5146972590a3a Description-sl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - data Qalculate! je majhen in enostaven za uporabo, je zmogljiv in raznovrsten. Zmožnosti vključujejo prilagodljive funkcije, enote, poljubno natančnost, izrisovanje grafov in grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki uporablja enovrstičen vnos strpen do napak (čeprav podpira izbirne gumbe). . This package contains the data files needed by libqalculate. Package: libqalculate-dev Description-md5: f539c1ac1488eeb06b0232761399ea2e Description-sl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - development Qalculate! je majhen in enostaven za uporabo, je zmogljiv in raznovrsten. Zmožnosti vključujejo prilagodljive funkcije, enote, poljubno natančnost, izrisovanje grafov in grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki uporablja enovrstičen vnos strpen do napak (čeprav podpira izbirne gumbe). . This package contains the development files needed to build the frontends. Package: libqalculate-doc Description-md5: 02fc32ed83533c6b69ef67af7a10ef00 Description-sl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - documentation Qalculate! je majhen in enostaven za uporabo, je zmogljiv in raznovrsten. Zmožnosti vključujejo prilagodljive funkcije, enote, poljubno natančnost, izrisovanje grafov in grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki uporablja enovrstičen vnos strpen do napak (čeprav podpira izbirne gumbe). . This package contains the libqalculate documentation for developers. Package: libqalculate23 Description-md5: d259e364d39e86d2ec2ec0bbf8522e97 Description-sl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - library Qalculate! je majhen in enostaven za uporabo, je zmogljiv in raznovrsten. Zmožnosti vključujejo prilagodljive funkcije, enote, poljubno natančnost, izrisovanje grafov in grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki uporablja enovrstičen vnos strpen do napak (čeprav podpira izbirne gumbe). . This package contains the shared library used by all Qalculate! frontends. Package: libqcow-dev Description-md5: 2877f7b721886c2ee0e85e11eae61928 Description-sl: QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library -- development files libqcow is a library to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libqcow1t64 Description-md5: ad2e480029d6e2c25ba681d44b0d5b79 Description-sl: QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library libqcow is a library to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqdbm-dev Description-md5: 8ecbc97abdf57fa7e815a175033d8000 Description-sl: Knjižnice podatkovne zbirke QDBM [razvoj] This is the development package which contains headers and static libraries for the QDBM database library. Package: libqdjango-dev Description-md5: 268832bf47a300255aadeb06b460e55e Description-sl: Development files for the QDjango framework QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libqdjango-doc Description-md5: 67a73c0aa314bdafc22e16390d437963 Description-sl: Documentation for the QDjango framework QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: libqfits-dev Description-md5: 5a6ab3ed000aacbd5051dffb20ec3ba0 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libqfits This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use qfits. Package: libqglviewer-doc Description-md5: 8aea14fc852d7c54eccb8c83bfa02ae6 Description-sl: OpenGL 3D viewer library - documentation and examples libqglviewer (also known as libQGLViewer) is a free C++ library based on Qt that enables the quick creation of OpenGL 3D viewers. It features a powerful camera trackball and simple applications simply require an implementation of the draw() function. It is a tool of choice for OpenGL beginners and assignments. It provides screenshot saving, mouse manipulated frames, stereo display, interpolated keyFrames, object selection, and much more. It is fully customizable and easy to extend to create complex applications, with a possible Qt GUI. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: libqhttpengine-doc Description-md5: c2211cf7c5380ee4f7906a989b9ec895 Description-sl: HTTP server for Qt applications - documentation QHttpEngine provides a set of classes that enable Qt applications to create an HTTP server capable of serving static files and exposing a public API. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico. Package: libqhull-doc Description-md5: ed72d4dbd9f8831237fbd8d3972d71ec Description-sl: calculate convex hulls and related structures (documentation files) Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za Qhull. Package: libqhull8.0 Description-md5: 96612986fdccf608bfe0f94682a4bcef Description-sl: calculate convex hulls and related structures (shared library) Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico C. Package: libqmath3d-dev Description-md5: e2a563cccbdc302c1b566e57f337da6e Description-sl: Useful 3dmaths functions from Qt3d v1.0 Qt3d v1.0 is long-dead, but part of it remains useful. This library collects those math3d functions in standalone form. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libqmobipocket-dev Description-md5: e1efa022b8f642ab2ad167fd68c5b353 Description-sl: development files for the QMobipocket library QMobipocket is a Qt5 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: libqmobipocket2 Description-md5: 1d3e6513038cecac30dd4ef9ad0e9310 Description-sl: Qt5 library for reading Mobipocket documents QMobipocket is a Qt5 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: libqmobipocket6-2 Description-md5: 6e1f11472a4c1e45e95acde8d0643226 Description-sl: Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents QMobipocket6 is a Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: libqmobipocket6-dev Description-md5: c4550682628d76716853670e1e2e7213 Description-sl: development files for the QMobipocket6 library QMobipocket6 is a Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: libqofonoext-dev Description-md5: c2378eb621cadcec4054c24c8bd68571 Description-sl: Qt bindings for ofono extensions development files A library for accessing ofono extensions, and a declarative plugin for it. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za vezave Qt. Package: libqpx-dev Description-md5: 69202bcd331a8cb5f44f0087faccbba3 Description-sl: CD/DVD quality checker (development files) QPxTool gives you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. . Ta paket vsebuje glave in razvojne datoteke. Package: libqpx0t64 Description-md5: 130412cb6e95d3415de81a09a42577b8 Description-sl: CD/DVD quality checker (shared libraries) QPxTool gives you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice za QPxTool. Package: libqqc2breezestyle-dev Description-md5: 3aef9cf21865351d89968cc8db978e54 Description-sl: development files for Breeze inspired QQC2 Style This is a pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style. Unlike QQC2-Desktop-Style, it does not depend on Qt Widgets and the system QStyle. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libqqwing2v5 Description-md5: 6c6c1444b2c16b4ce8cf5a70817d8f74 Description-sl: tool for generating and solving Sudoku puzzles (library) Sudoku puzzle generator and solver. It offers the following features: *Can solve 1000 puzzles in 1 second and generate 1000 puzzles in 25 seconds. *Uses logic. Uses as many solve techniques as possible when solving puzzles rather than guessing. *Rates puzzles. Most generators don't give an indication of the difficulty of a Sudoku puzzle. QQwing does. *Can print solve instructions for any puzzle. *Customizable output style, including a CSV style that is easy to import into a database. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqrencode4 Description-md5: 48371ea383ae6451a3476de34561f67c Description-sl: Knjižnica kodiranja QR Core Libqrencode is a library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol, a kind of 2D symbology that can be scanned by handy terminals such as a mobile phone with CCD. The capacity of QR Code is up to 7000 digits or 4000 characters, and has high robustness. . Libqrencode supports QR Code model 2, described in JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) X0510:2004 or ISO/IEC 18004. . This package contains runtime libraries of libqrencode. Package: libqrupdate-dev Description-md5: 8a17c9337da889f37ebe36d5879be1fb Description-sl: Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions -- static library qrupdate is a Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions. It is most notably used by Octave. . Ta paket vsebuje statično knjižnico. Package: libqrupdate1 Description-md5: 362cd8c45e0cb27993e05f8be51c697c Description-sl: Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions qrupdate is a Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions. It is most notably used by Octave. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqsopt-ex2t64 Description-md5: bfb6524d22a683f6001b800f6e89962e Description-sl: Exact linear programming solver -- shared library QSopt-ex is an implementation of a simplex-based algorithm that returns exact rational solutions, taking advantage of the speed of floating-point calculations and attempting to minimize the operations performed in rational arithmetic. . Ta paket vsebuje glavno knjižnico. Package: libqt53danimation5 Description-md5: 5050ed32aab215826d624fdb5caafd57 Description-sl: Qt 3D animation module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Animation module. Package: libqt53dcore5 Description-md5: ee495a574921a5d1d1f90ea143d45ddc Description-sl: Qt 3D module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Core module. Package: libqt53dextras5 Description-md5: c7ee3f73a666eebfc6e61461f2184c11 Description-sl: Qt 3D extras Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D extras module. Package: libqt53dinput5 Description-md5: 1a557218f50ec9b60ace8e757d4e7f90 Description-sl: Qt 3D Input module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Input module. Package: libqt53dlogic5 Description-md5: 80a3c2698ef0b31b111a85e5f9e9e070 Description-sl: Qt 3D logic module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Logic module. Package: libqt53dquick5 Description-md5: 92cddc09c5eb6302149a2a59faad487b Description-sl: Qt 3D Quick module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick module. Package: libqt53dquickanimation5 Description-md5: 3da2672f34e164c92e131106cd66a27b Description-sl: Qt 3D Quick animation module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Animation module. Package: libqt53dquickextras5 Description-md5: 77128f5a97149574fd4abf61c3c8e997 Description-sl: Qt 3D Quick extras Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick extras module. Package: libqt53dquickinput5 Description-md5: b72fdb2aa4706cfe8b64b600546af444 Description-sl: Qt 3D Quick input Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick input module. Package: libqt53dquickrender5 Description-md5: 95d6b01f6d987adc09c14cfed1ef7298 Description-sl: Qt 3D Quick Renderer module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick Renderer module. Package: libqt53dquickscene2d5 Description-md5: f50896d9ab3e2716932c24f8ec04f825 Description-sl: Qt 3D Quick scene module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 2D module. Package: libqt53drender5 Description-md5: f3866e0412da852779aa86dda563febb Description-sl: Qt 3D Renderer module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D Renderer module. Package: libqt5bluetooth5 Description-md5: 5cadd27323ff460e7d13ee8ef4cc8850 Description-sl: Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Bluetooth part of the Qt Connectivity module. Package: libqt5bluetooth5-bin Description-md5: b3c02af40a23b56b4bf2c3c1a3ecb884 Description-sl: Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module helper binaries Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Bluetooth helper binaries. Package: libqt5concurrent5t64 Description-md5: e0df68f337531f2bfba6d9963eebfc16 Description-sl: Qt 5 concurrent module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtConcurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code. Package: libqt5contacts5a Description-md5: 2f48c07bace2d6691360fbae8783a306 Description-sl: Qt PIM module, Contacts library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Contacts library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5core5t64 Description-md5: 75c9109eafc0c1da6d6b6ca7b292f133 Description-sl: Qt 5 core module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtCore module contains core non-GUI functionality. Package: libqt5ct-common-dev Description-md5: 3eadee1ca79e6dc8d7ef5aba954a4aae Description-sl: development files for Qt5 Configuration Utility This utility allows users to configure Qt5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration. . Qt5ct will only be active on environments other than Plasma. Default configuration have switch to disable running on Plasma. . Qt5ct could use qt5 gtk theme, KDE breeze theme, the fusion theme, QtCurve theme and many more. Each style could be customized further by changing the color schema. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice. Package: libqt5datavisualization5 Description-md5: aa5d7092ff3d5b729c96ae40bd0ac156 Description-sl: Qt 5 Data Visualization module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of APIs to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs. Package: libqt5datavisualization5-dev Description-md5: cdd98ae58ec93447bbdc3570f65bef0d Description-sl: APIs for data visualization functionality - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using the Qt Data Visualization library. Package: libqt5dbus5t64 Description-md5: 66ed2fe869611cd7a269446bd63f9400 Description-sl: Qt 5 D-Bus module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter- Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol. . Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties. Package: libqt5designer5 Description-md5: 7ffa0bb5842adb966c1c5b7e69997c4a Description-sl: Qt 5 designer module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtDesigner module provides classes that allow you to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer, and classes that enable you to access Qt Designer's components. Package: libqt5designercomponents5 Description-md5: 7de8dd34c7de96d3b41df25cec62de7e Description-sl: Qt 5 Designer components module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package includes components for the Qt 5 Designer module. Package: libqt5feedback5 Description-md5: 7d98eb01d172caa82a3359049f18ad7e Description-sl: Qt Feedback module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt Feedback module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5gamepad5 Description-md5: c840362b43a598f14ab594c4d753ff46 Description-sl: Qt 5 gamepad module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains he gamepad module library. Package: libqt5gamepad5-dev Description-md5: 2dbd6e967ba8429d342acd5dc0835699 Description-sl: Qt 5 gamepad module - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files for the gamepad module. Package: libqt5gui5-gles Description-md5: 03224169253711c70efe99c16927c87c Description-sl: Qt 5 GUI module — OpenGL ES variant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. . This package provides a version of Qt GUI library built against OpenGL ES, for use on embedded/mobile devices. Package: libqt5gui5t64 Description-md5: 9dadc5c1f0624a1be05b1ff4f1c6cd6d Description-sl: Qt 5 GUI module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. Package: libqt5help5 Description-md5: dc0f2e17602f253ba78a2ab8bbb8d543 Description-sl: Qt 5 help module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtHelp module provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. Package: libqt5location5 Description-md5: faf8936a8aaae73be369efa5286a805a Description-sl: Qt Location module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt Location module. Package: libqt5location5-plugin-mapboxgl Description-md5: 00ad2798f5ea004513fbd3b05d520dff Description-sl: Qt Location module - Mapbox GL plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Mapbox GL plugin for Qt Location. Package: libqt5location5-plugins Description-md5: 5b7150af1f4ab09b41ff2138b17c5b41 Description-sl: Qt Location module - geolocation plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt Location plugins: ESRI, Items Overlay, Mapbox, HERE/Nokia and Open Street Map. Package: libqt5multimedia5 Description-md5: 0fd4e386c6bde062c12b013340fc2cae Description-sl: Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt5multimedia5-plugins Description-md5: 871e5673651571ab7438746185ff6654 Description-sl: Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of plugins for supporting m3u, pulseaudio and GStreamer. Package: libqt5multimediagsttools5 Description-md5: 9a134dca24de2bf35c9ac74b753148dd Description-sl: GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module. Package: libqt5multimediaquick5 Description-md5: 10cd066c6217162123930b6485245e89 Description-sl: Qt 5 Multimedia Quick module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content with the Quick module. Package: libqt5multimediawidgets5 Description-md5: a85511daf2fe288583ce79f752671d86 Description-sl: Qt 5 Multimedia Widgets module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of widgets to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt5network5t64 Description-md5: 267676193dcb13e33a5c3f9c219b1838 Description-sl: Qt 5 network module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtNetwork module offers classes that allow you to write TCP/IP clients and servers. It provides classes to make network programming easier and portable. Package: libqt5nfc5 Description-md5: dd537692b1adfade44d5f65724e44cc3 Description-sl: Qt Connectivity NFC module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the NFC part of the Qt Connectivity module. Package: libqt5opengl5-dev Description-md5: 76f1fd5b0a241ef67384ff7dfbd93542 Description-sl: Qt 5 OpenGL library development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 5 applications using QtOpenGL library. Package: libqt5opengl5t64 Description-md5: 0966e72b3545e5c76ba7176064c64965 Description-sl: Qt 5 OpenGL module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. OpenGL only deals with 3D rendering and provides little or no support for GUI programming issues. Package: libqt5organizer5a Description-md5: ed8d300fc6b3a1af43a5d3e844504189 Description-sl: Qt PIM module, Organizer library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Organizer library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5positioning5 Description-md5: e4fae679fe1460e90893909931d9dc74 Description-sl: Qt Positioning module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt Positioning module. Package: libqt5positioning5-plugins Description-md5: 8e8ffe67e4c7e99862ec2c75f7616f13 Description-sl: Qt Positioning module - position plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt Positioning plugins. Package: libqt5positioningquick5 Description-md5: 909d37bbf15e9b3d1e42c3b67d16253d Description-sl: Qt Positioning module - Qt Quick module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contain the Qt Quick interface for the Qt Positioning module. Package: libqt5printsupport5t64 Description-md5: ad2a0dcae2a6addab1c4c4b7c64b6a4e Description-sl: Qt 5 print support module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtPrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable. Package: libqt5publishsubscribe5t64 Description-md5: b3e50d9b59fd7e165b714f2920ab4f07 Description-sl: Qt Systems module - publish subscribe Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Publish Subscribe part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5qml5 Description-md5: a738ffdd7112e97f1f00381ee382723b Description-sl: Qt 5 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt QML module provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. It defines and implements the language and engine infrastructure, and provides an API to enable application developers to extend the QML language with custom types and integrate QML code with JavaScript and C++. Package: libqt5qmlmodels5 Description-md5: bdc7e9b476499ec1ea13a9c5477ededf Description-sl: Qt 5 QML Models library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt QML Models support library. Package: libqt5qmlworkerscript5 Description-md5: b3f2c36ce8517dffb933ee68f894f688 Description-sl: Qt 5 QML Worker Script library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt QML Worker Script support library. Package: libqt5quick5 Description-md5: b007eea137d3d44d7f8ffa1d25ab7526 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. Package: libqt5quick5-gles Description-md5: 70395f664bd188ac9751f21120d0d22c Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick library — OpenGL ES variant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. . This package provides a version of Qt Quick library built against OpenGL ES, for use on embedded/mobile devices. Package: libqt5quickcontrols2-5 Description-md5: dc63dc18ef3dc5ab1ac25e9f4869da46 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library. Package: libqt5quickparticles5 Description-md5: 938aa93447dd78ea7f9aad01a0de0dc4 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick particles module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Particles support library. Package: libqt5quickparticles5-gles Description-md5: 4831f260b13683231de1e649d4262600 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick particles module — OpenGL ES variant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides a version of the Qt Quick Particles support library built against OpenGL ES, for use on embedded/mobile devices. Package: libqt5quickshapes5 Description-md5: 92a5771fca0a1dad6f1ec898f473be2c Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Shapes module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Shapes support library. Package: libqt5quicktemplates2-5 Description-md5: 0a1cdb4ffdd64f222b7f3c56f65e9476 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Templates 2 library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 5 Quick Templates 2 library. Package: libqt5quicktest5 Description-md5: 62d336fbf0430511d8db72f806e6fba5 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Test library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Test library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt5quickwidgets5 Description-md5: 361283124e954f5db8ff11d3fb23121e Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Widgets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Widgets library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt5script5 Description-md5: d3c4a0e8070a26c56f291248544e83a5 Description-sl: Qt 5 script module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtScript module provides classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Package: libqt5scripttools5 Description-md5: 0514b920233acecc79cd86b47fb195a3 Description-sl: Qt 5 script tools module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtScriptTools module provides additional components for applications that use Qt Script. . This package contains the Qt Script debugger, a tool for debugging script execution in Qt applications that use Qt Script. Package: libqt5sensors5 Description-md5: 41282d0d6f2d4c83b25b30273ba0058c Description-sl: Qt Sensors module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt Sensors module. Package: libqt5sensors5-dev Description-md5: dd848e0ce5cb3cf7836fc859c55e581f Description-sl: Qt 5 Sensors development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Sensors library. Package: libqt5serialport5 Description-md5: 495baaf3e432acf5b4e4136a5d0e645a Description-sl: Qt 5 serial port support Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package includes the library to use serial ports from within Qt 5. Package: libqt5serialport5-dev Description-md5: ec6e5c3fc91d00795e2fd511b16872a7 Description-sl: Qt 5 serial port development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package includes the development headers for the serial port library. Package: libqt5serviceframework5t64 Description-md5: 36e51796b18106e33c0803efe6aef6f3 Description-sl: Qt Systems module - service framework Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Service Framework part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5sql5t64 Description-md5: 0713fa3e9592ca24526ad333118f8889 Description-sl: Qt 5 SQL module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSql module helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications. Package: libqt5svg5 Description-md5: 0e98bb6ccd1201f38567cb67caec74ad Description-sl: Qt 5 SVG module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Package: libqt5svg5-dev Description-md5: aa60a505d0dba59e0a5d3f03ca43c3c7 Description-sl: Qt 5 SVG module development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtSvg library. Package: libqt5systeminfo5t64 Description-md5: a6d640a60aed9ec0f2f5dd8e987f72b4 Description-sl: Qt Systems module - system info Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the System Info part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5test5t64 Description-md5: 439bbed1193cb169575d82d618b4c6c1 Description-sl: Qt 5 test module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtTest module provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. Package: libqt5versit5a Description-md5: d194430a054da7d8130a932e9b854f78 Description-sl: Qt PIM module, Versit library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Versit library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5versitorganizer5a Description-md5: 39cdd38dea099ca0a10ccc81648a08ba Description-sl: Qt PIM module, Versit Organizer library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Versit Organizer library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5websockets5 Description-md5: b84696a3848a9bbf8128e1a90e113caa Description-sl: Qt 5 Web Sockets module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a Qt library that implements WebSockets, both client and server. Package: libqt5websockets5-dev Description-md5: 2f8b2b13fe269de8796213253310c05e Description-sl: Qt 5 Web Sockets module - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: libqt5widgets5t64 Description-md5: d3e73eff3b63455d65d61db3b685f693 Description-sl: Qt 5 widgets module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtWidgets module extends QtGui with C++ widget functionality. Package: libqt5x11extras5 Description-md5: 2574e8fb23c97454c12c4db6cefe9fa2 Description-sl: Qt 5 X11 extras Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package includes the library to access X11 stuff from within Qt 5. Package: libqt5x11extras5-dev Description-md5: 983dd8be836bae64e10eefe9a7ac8668 Description-sl: Qt 5 X11 extras development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package includes the development headers for the X11 extras library. Package: libqt5xml5t64 Description-md5: c3b1596533c67529df54c353807c6cae Description-sl: Qt 5 XML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtXml module provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM. Package: libqt5xmlpatterns5 Description-md5: d15f85c7e8471f230227f226e1113d01 Description-sl: Qt 5 XML patterns module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtXmlPatterns is a XQuery and XPath engine for XML and custom data models. Package: libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev Description-md5: 854381d5c52ed80e7e72ec7e04934402 Description-sl: Qt 5 XML patterns development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtXmlPatterns library. Package: libqt63danimation6 Description-md5: 971a546fcf02967ab31d5304e6ef9af9 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Animation library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Animation library. Package: libqt63dcore6 Description-md5: c5161ef1d7c5239b98ce48521bc15ce8 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Core library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D Core library. Package: libqt63dextras6 Description-md5: 5a752ae5155942a121ef32ba0e12ff3e Description-sl: Qt 6 3D extras library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D extras library. Package: libqt63dinput6 Description-md5: c498735a1bda09ce9031a379df754fed Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Input library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D Input library. Package: libqt63dlogic6 Description-md5: 6c9d2f30615ea38150efb74aaa0f6966 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Logic library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D Logic library. Package: libqt63dquick6 Description-md5: 80b1c5d7aa3bfa51d3c5ebf60656b5b3 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D Quick library. Package: libqt63dquickextras6 Description-md5: 084fa17c5c743745533c78fd4a3ace43 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Quick extras library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D Quick extras library. Package: libqt63dquickscene2d6 Description-md5: 6d00ac99554e035a9806ed9c9291c6e9 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Quick Scene 2D library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick Scene 2D library. Package: libqt63drender6 Description-md5: a830b0874790994d910e7ceca50dfb63 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Renderer library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D Renderer library. Package: libqt6bluetooth6 Description-md5: 1b791f6634f562d215263306e7014d68 Description-sl: Qt 6 Connectivity Bluetooth library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Bluetooth part of the Qt 6 Connectivity library. Package: libqt6bluetooth6-bin Description-md5: a912531a8c9292af84269fad0b3ebf81 Description-sl: Qt 6 Connectivity Bluetooth module helper binaries Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Bluetooth helper binaries. Package: libqt6bodymovin6 Description-md5: 30a972e953b83e04a0e28263ae4de4f3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Lottie Bodymovin library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a plugin created/exported directly from After Effects. Package: libqt6charts6 Description-md5: 03108703a3dd98ba18e9897fbc85fc1e Description-sl: Qt 6 Charts library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. . This package contains the shared library for Qt 6 Charts. Package: libqt6concurrent6 Description-md5: 9cec83c0f4093047ba7e32ad593d5a17 Description-sl: Qt 6 concurrent module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtConcurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code. Package: libqt6core5compat6 Description-md5: 383698706d38a045fd920bc29b9951f7 Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt5Compat library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Core5Compat library. Package: libqt6core6t64 Description-md5: ed80e594b46abbc607aba1af415d15fe Description-sl: Qt 6 core module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtCore module contains core non-GUI functionality. Package: libqt6datavisualization6 Description-md5: a9a25069499b1485a8ead59e6f089ec7 Description-sl: Qt 6 Data Visualization library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of APIs to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs. Package: libqt6dbus6 Description-md5: 20382f17c87d23906db49d6aff3e0465 Description-sl: Qt 6 D-Bus module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter- Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol. . Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties. Package: libqt6designer6 Description-md5: 986f432bbff60ff52a603b9e2cf94ec0 Description-sl: Qt 6 Designer library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtDesigner library provides classes that allow you to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer, and classes that enable you to access Qt Designer's components. Package: libqt6designercomponents6 Description-md5: 71732d16c67ecd5566b66caf890a822a Description-sl: Qt 6 Designer Components library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package includes components for the Qt 6 Designer library. Package: libqt6grpc6 Description-md5: 548998f62ff5468f3abe553569e7f2cf Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 gRPC. Package: libqt6gui6 Description-md5: f07aad264aff41f35affdd7048a48ba2 Description-sl: Qt 6 GUI module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. Package: libqt6help6 Description-md5: dd03e86544d1ff010af726d093f219ef Description-sl: Qt 6 Help library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtHelp library provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. Package: libqt6httpserver6 Description-md5: 0eb419b6bae25041bb661a6e2551ab9e Description-sl: Qt 6 HTTP Server library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 HTTP Server library. Package: libqt6jsonrpc6 Description-md5: 04b3fcca380b3e411efb4a780ff1e3af Description-sl: Qt 6 JSON RPC library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt JSON RPC support library. Package: libqt6languageserver6 Description-md5: 4232ddc03b536198ec5ec54a478e853c Description-sl: Qt 6 Language Server library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Language Server module provides an implementation of the Language server protocol; see: protocol/specification Package: libqt6location6 Description-md5: 44946b0446850b3d7c1db03db9064daa Description-sl: Qt 6 Location library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Location library. Package: libqt6multimedia6 Description-md5: b8886e830b3a216c39918a3b4d5bc34e Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt6multimediawidgets6 Description-md5: 3e8ca6cb11a3716022cbd462a48465bc Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia Widgets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of widgets to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt6network6 Description-md5: d7dc5b8f2c46f21b15001c31c8361c8a Description-sl: Qt 6 network module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtNetwork module offers classes that allow you to write TCP/IP clients and servers. It provides classes to make network programming easier and portable. Package: libqt6networkauth6 Description-md5: fb8883324f70d5b0cd4cea9760ea1e48 Description-sl: Qt 6 NetworkAuth library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Network Authorization provides a set of APIs that enable Qt applications to obtain limited access to online accounts and HTTP services without exposing users' passwords. . This package contains the Qt 6 NetworkAuth libraries. Package: libqt6nfc6 Description-md5: cfeb1a8b25bea7ece0df841a99cf0486 Description-sl: Qt 6 Connectivity NFC library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the NFC part of the Qt 6 Connectivity library. Package: libqt6opengl6 Description-md5: ab5139665c337d66ad0eee00d9dc3f85 Description-sl: Qt 6 OpenGL module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. OpenGL only deals with 3D rendering and provides little or no support for GUI programming issues. Package: libqt6openglwidgets6 Description-md5: fda40a8dcce2f181f56eb4d655f044b5 Description-sl: Qt 6 OpenGL widgets module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. OpenGL only deals with 3D rendering and provides little or no support for GUI programming issues. . The OpenGL widgets module provides the widget for rendering OpenGL graphics. Package: libqt6pdf6 Description-md5: 9e93846359b72d728a876966127d4f0f Description-sl: Qt 6 PDF library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 PDF library. Package: libqt6pdfquick6 Description-md5: 9e7d33b08d5bfc93fe9ebbbdca248f65 Description-sl: Qt 6 PDF Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 PDF Quick library. Package: libqt6pdfwidgets6 Description-md5: e1f9338f5a102f7799e4115fb42cc9ba Description-sl: Qt 6 PDF Widgets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 PDF Widgets library. Package: libqt6positioning6 Description-md5: 3cf36c29b87c8350c2f5ef70076f5d85 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Positioning library. Package: libqt6positioning6-plugins Description-md5: 7725251458ed6b3617a958ffd05e2fd6 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning module - position plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Positioning plugins. Package: libqt6positioningquick6 Description-md5: aef800aa9a002a54cadea1826c7460a7 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning library - Qt Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contain the Qt Quick interface for the Qt 6 Positioning library. Package: libqt6printsupport6 Description-md5: dcb2db28fa663896211cb6e41decc68c Description-sl: Qt 6 print support module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtPrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable. Package: libqt6protobuf6 Description-md5: 956c707828ebc9ddc03d9515a19ab23e Description-sl: Qt 6 protocol buffers library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffers. Package: libqt6protobufqtcoretypes6 Description-md5: bc7359f64c817e3be4861e333e577b39 Description-sl: Qt 6 protocol buffers Qt Core types library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffers Qt Core types. Package: libqt6protobufqtguitypes6 Description-md5: feeee207fde21910d2f4b3a330e04497 Description-sl: Qt 6 procotol buffers Qt GUI types library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffers Qt GUI types. Package: libqt6protobufwellknowntypes6 Description-md5: ce35f87a202b31c6ea50f93ec067e525 Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC protocol buffers Well Known types library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffer Well Known types. Package: libqt6qml6 Description-md5: 9e821bae74d9c630c5c1bbd309c8915d Description-sl: Qt 6 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt QML module provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. It defines and implements the language and engine infrastructure, and provides an API to enable application developers to extend the QML language with custom types and integrate QML code with JavaScript and C++. Package: libqt6qmlcompiler6 Description-md5: 7c399dad5212c1282ecac1644a98525c Description-sl: Qt 6 QML Compiler library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt QML Compiler library. Package: libqt6qmlmodels6 Description-md5: 11d07bf5cec96ccbf30583e2f7e170a9 Description-sl: Qt 6 QML Models library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt QML Models support library. Package: libqt6qmlworkerscript6 Description-md5: bcc0f0d893d9ca241d5c55038759b573 Description-sl: Qt 6 QML WorkerScript library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt QML WorkerScript support library. Package: libqt6quick3d6 Description-md5: 4895322e2841afa45c49ca682ae2e77f Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D library. Package: libqt6quick3dassetimport6 Description-md5: 0460c8c6c78e25bc82438569fda3e629 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Import library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Import library. Package: libqt6quick3dassetutils6 Description-md5: 7555ac1a9b8f642c1b61385fed19f5eb Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Utils library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Utils library. Package: libqt6quick3dglslparser6 Description-md5: 0bd48f182001de4ebbfa882ebd57272d Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D GLS Parser library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D GLS Parser library. Package: libqt6quick3diblbaker6 Description-md5: f08760f2ac66e6f9cbd301ba27540e2e Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D IblBaker library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D IblBaker library. Package: libqt6quick3dphysics6 Description-md5: 0136ff6730be09198bd4f33d393bf374 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics library. Package: libqt6quick3druntimerender6 Description-md5: 7968ee0ab02aae4e574b58745842a271 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Runtime Renderer library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Runtime Renderer library. Package: libqt6quick3dutils6 Description-md5: 8a878d2b052f67a5bf697e65175d9b33 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Utils library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Utils library. Package: libqt6quick6 Description-md5: 5a6117382d335f1384293dead42fd8de Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. Package: libqt6quickcontrols2-6 Description-md5: 8836d2ddb12c61d29938412dd3bd224e Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Controls 2 library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 support library. Package: libqt6quickshapes6 Description-md5: d624e23b18487f8e5c538b3e85c0f7c3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Shapes library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Shapes support library. Package: libqt6quicktemplates2-6 Description-md5: 1769134644a834e2569b0dc2785ea1bb Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Templates 2 library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Templates 2 support library. Package: libqt6quicktest6 Description-md5: 892ace3716699467cf464afdafebb5b3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Test library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Test library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt6quickwidgets6 Description-md5: 418d01bb487412fce92b8e7c0aac5b1c Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Widgets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Widgets library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt6remoteobjects6 Description-md5: 6de2f12ca838bc15fafb5968a12940f4 Description-sl: Qt 6 Remote Objects library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . This package contains the shared library for Qt Remote Objects. Package: libqt6remoteobjects6-bin Description-md5: f1a684789edace4207e3b0343cdfbf68 Description-sl: Qt 6 Remote Objects - the Replica Compiler (repc) Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . The Replica Compiler (repc) generates QObject header files based on an API definition file. Package: libqt6scxml6 Description-md5: 26bdf2302f07c729d239a8689ca64420 Description-sl: Qt 6 SCXML library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 SCXML. Package: libqt6scxml6-bin Description-md5: 2689519dea08a13c0119dc272248f5f3 Description-sl: Qt 6 SCXML helper binaries Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the helper binary for Qt 6 SCXML. Package: libqt6sensors6 Description-md5: c32d67dbb991f47e3a9e68e1e4de53d9 Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Sensors library. Package: libqt6serialbus6 Description-md5: 4c5cd03296a939557e8b39ab56031738 Description-sl: Qt 6 Serial Bus library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt 6 Serial Bus module provides the Qt module for general purpose serial bus access, support for CAN and potentially other serial buses. . This package contains the shared library for Qt 6 Serial Bus. Package: libqt6serialbus6-bin Description-md5: ab8bb0b1aafb74f0b93239ba19c41efe Description-sl: Qt 6 Serial Bus helper binaries Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt 6 Serial Bus module provides the Qt module for general purpose serial bus access, support for CAN and potentially other serial buses. . This package contains helper binaries for the Qt 6 Serial Bus module. Package: libqt6serialport6 Description-md5: ddc17c7527f4cef20d6d618886833627 Description-sl: Qt 6 serial port support library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 Serial ports. Package: libqt6shadertools6 Description-md5: ca473c82ae3e7e5f7d02c12b50bc7b2b Description-sl: Qt 6 shader tools module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QTShaderTools module contains APIs and tools to provide functionality for the shader pipeline used by QtQuick. Package: libqt6spatialaudio6 Description-md5: 7643f5f795328c54852e03b86db640de Description-sl: Qt 6 Spatial Audio library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a rich set of QML types and C++ classes to implement sound fields in 3D space. Package: libqt6sql6 Description-md5: 57e79d838a6fcee7447f0e8d47e77121 Description-sl: Qt 6 SQL module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSql module helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications. Package: libqt6statemachine6 Description-md5: e34f8e3a75a77b839a27b5fad17cb77c Description-sl: Qt 6 State Machine library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 State Machine. Package: libqt6svg6 Description-md5: 5844f0be7c0f88ea38f4fbc4d462ac2c Description-sl: Qt 6 SVG library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. . This package contains Qt 6 SVG library. Package: libqt6svgwidgets6 Description-md5: 73bf4421d651b6d185e6024a0e4d7e4f Description-sl: Qt 6 SVG Widgets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML . This package contains Qt 6 SVG Widgets library. Package: libqt6test6 Description-md5: 04fef6f2638f7e52d1818d6708483554 Description-sl: Qt 6 test module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtTest module provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. Package: libqt6texttospeech6 Description-md5: d7cdfd5980f9123a38aaac4c5b08efa3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick Timeline library. Package: libqt6uitools6 Description-md5: 271cde670b39650fa4419c16bd52aba0 Description-sl: Qt 6 UI tools library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The package provides classes to handle forms created with Qt Designer. Package: libqt6virtualkeyboard6 Description-md5: 3eb5af4ef494525f20c8633640ba68dc Description-sl: Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 6 on Linux Desktop/X11, Windows Desktop, and Boot2Qt targets. . This package contains the Qt Virtual Keyboard library. Package: libqt6waylandclient6 Description-md5: 30a8af942cc525f464197e2120885f0f Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland Client library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the Qt 6 Wayland Client library. Package: libqt6waylandcompositor6 Description-md5: caa2f97d75e9e7d3851511e109c9d6b8 Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland Compositor library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the Qt 6 Wayland Compositor library. Package: libqt6webchannel6 Description-md5: 0ca86750d90acef19cb2ad8855e57df1 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (QML/C++ application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebChannel library. Package: libqt6webchannelquick6 Description-md5: f44fc0852871dfc25ed5fb643dfac08d Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (QML/C++ application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebChannel Quick library. Package: libqt6webengine6-data Description-md5: b935a676ba526c7f340df6421336baf6 Description-sl: Qt 6 Web content engine library - data Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the arch independent parts of Qt WebEngine libraries. Package: libqt6webenginecore6 Description-md5: a2e570d6ccb599f68586a29a46577a68 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine Core library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Core library. Package: libqt6webenginecore6-bin Description-md5: f04a2fb25e4a8f7682c8cc89cc3758cf Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine Core binaries Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Core binaries. Package: libqt6webenginequick6 Description-md5: 36e25c0df42f958fd519dc93dbdbbef8 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine Quick library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Quick library. Package: libqt6webenginewidgets6 Description-md5: d089185bff7c549185a1b4349061f421 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine Widgets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Widgets library. Package: libqt6websockets6 Description-md5: c8b23c1ae85f4255bc861820d2091b5d Description-sl: Qt 6 WebSockets library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a Qt library that implements WebSockets, both client and server. Package: libqt6webview6 Description-md5: 35c4afdf6aadcf441fcf74ef3c30188f Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebView library. Package: libqt6widgets6 Description-md5: dee1fa987803bb779f9789877ed5e2c5 Description-sl: Qt 6 widgets module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtWidgets module extends QtGui with C++ widget functionality. Package: libqt6wlshellintegration6 Description-md5: f78988f27b46d10a0bf7b8e54c55dc3f Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland ShellIntegration library Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the Qt 6 Wayland ShellIntegration library. Package: libqt6xdg4 Description-md5: 682beb74b0058e6395eb1a9511e2158e Description-sl: Implementation of the XDG Specifications for Qt (shared lib) This library implements functions of the XDG Specifications in Qt. It is part of LXQt. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqt6xdgiconloader4 Description-md5: f52ca23c74d3bb1788b5787d10a785b4 Description-sl: Implementation of the XDG Iconloader for Qt (shared lib) This library implements the backend to load icons which are handled according to the XDG Icon Theme Specification in Qt. It is part of LXQt. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqt6xml6 Description-md5: cc74db0521d7ab3d5dd5db432fb38e34 Description-sl: Qt 6 XML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtXml module provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM. Package: libqtdbusmock1 Description-md5: c36609046c2e0f8cc642d28ddef53461 Description-sl: Library for mocking DBus interactions using Qt A simple library for mocking DBus services with a Qt API. The software is relevant for unit testing DBus services based on Qt API. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqtdbustest1 Description-md5: 89514a0eea9498fefc9b16ea3212239e Description-sl: Library for testing DBus interactions using Qt A simple library for testing Qt based DBus services and clients. This library is relevant for running unit tests against DBus for Qt applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqtermwidget6-2 Description-md5: b7b7dff364093cfafdc7668119ac67b8 Description-sl: Terminal emulator widget for Qt 6 (shared libraries) QTermWidget is a Unicode-enabled, embeddable Qt widget that can be used as built-in console or terminal emulation widget. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libqtermwidget6-2-dev Description-md5: 03023ee354c20507e7ff1f327b96a77d Description-sl: Terminal emulator widget for Qt 6 (development files) QTermWidget is a Unicode-enabled, embeddable Qt widget that can be used as built-in console or terminal emulation widget. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libqtqmlmodels-dev Description-md5: 2bd08d3c61023a53aa25593edfed2847 Description-sl: Additional list-type data models for QML apps This package adds 2 C++ data models to the qml back end, for use by QML applications. . QQmlObjectListModel : a much nicer way to expose C++ list to QML than the quick & dirty QList<QObject*> property. Supports all the strong model features of QAbstractListModel while having the simple and well know API of QList. . QQmlVariantListModel : a dead-simple way to create a dynamic C++ list of any type and expose it to QML, much better than using a QVariantList property. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libquantlib0v5 Description-md5: 09d28e349b363281814e483fe7b60419 Description-sl: Finančna knjižnica Quantitative - paket knjižnice The QuantLib project aims to provide a comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance. The goal is to provide a standard free/open source library to quantitative analysts and developers for modeling, trading, and risk management of financial assets. . This package provides the shared libraries required to run programs compiled with QuantLib. Package: libquantum8 Description-md5: 98137356779534c23753d1368f0d39fa Description-sl: library for the simulation of a quantum computer libquantum is a C library for the simulation of a quantum computer. Based on the principles of quantum mechanics, it provides an implementation of a quantum register. Basic operations for register manipulation such as the Hadamard gate or the Controlled-NOT gate are available through an easy-to- use interface. Measurements can be performed on either single qubits or the whole quantum register. . Features: * Simulation of arbitrary quantum algorithms is possible * High performance and low memory consumption * Decoherence support for realistic quantum computation * Interface for quantum error correction (QEC) * Supports the density operator formalism * Implementations of Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's search algorithm are included . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libquazip5-dev Description-md5: 90f03f0ef7b0288d2a8b723cf04f7e86 Description-sl: C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files) QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. . QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. . QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libquickcharts-dev Description-md5: af657cb9239f3807960f0c37547a2946 Description-sl: Quick Charts - development files A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts (GPU-accelerated). . It supports three different chart types: pie, line and bar, which can be fed from multiple types of data sources. There is also support for axis labels, an axis grid and a legend. Additionally, there is a submodule that contains some convenience items. . The pie and line charts are rendered using a technique called signed distance fields, which allows efficient GPU-accelerated rendering of 2D shapes without loss of quality. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libquickcharts1 Description-md5: 5bf7e27312162cb056fd24ad1be3e499 Description-sl: Quick Charts A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts (GPU-accelerated). . It supports three different chart types: pie, line and bar, which can be fed from multiple types of data sources. There is also support for axis labels, an axis grid and a legend. Additionally, there is a submodule that contains some convenience items. . The pie and line charts are rendered using a technique called signed distance fields, which allows efficient GPU-accelerated rendering of 2D shapes without loss of quality. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libquickflux1 Description-md5: 4cf11c833f2e82087379a8ec2260d2d1 Description-sl: Flux implementation for QML An implementation of Flux Application Architecture Framework from Facebook. It turns your QML application into a more modern and structured way. . Ta paket vsebuje od souporabljene datoteke knjižnice. Package: libquickjs Description-md5: 3cc7719e53eba3df3ca926fcb19b5376 Description-sl: small and embeddable Javascript engine library QuickJS is a small and embeddable Javascript engine. It supports the ES2020 specification, including modules, asynchronous generators, proxies and BigInt. . It supports mathematical extensions such as big decimal float numbers (BigDecimal), big binary floating point numbers (BigFloat), and operator overloading. . To je paket knjižnice. Package: libquicktime-dev Description-md5: d267680c6a1ab57536dc5a4e4fc20ab6 Description-sl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (development) libquicktime je knjižnica za branje in pisanje datotek QucikTime na sistemih UNIX. Ta knjižnica podpira video kodeke OpenDivX, MJPA, fotografije JPEG, PNG, RGB, stiskanje YUV 4:2:2 in YUV 4:2:0. Podprti zvočni kodeki so Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw in katerokoli linearno vrsto PCM. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libquicktime-doc Description-md5: 77eb32321123d2bd2a7cf01397f3715a Description-sl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (documentation) libquicktime je knjižnica za branje in pisanje datotek QucikTime na sistemih UNIX. Ta knjižnica podpira video kodeke OpenDivX, MJPA, fotografije JPEG, PNG, RGB, stiskanje YUV 4:2:2 in YUV 4:2:0. Podprti zvočni kodeki so Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw in katerokoli linearno vrsto PCM. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo html API-ja libquicktime. Package: libquicktime2 Description-md5: a733d5535b74f7f426e16427135e6348 Description-sl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files libquicktime je knjižnica za branje in pisanje datotek QucikTime na sistemih UNIX. Ta knjižnica podpira video kodeke OpenDivX, MJPA, fotografije JPEG, PNG, RGB, stiskanje YUV 4:2:2 in YUV 4:2:0. Podprti zvočni kodeki so Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw in katerokoli linearno vrsto PCM. Package: libqwtplot3d-doc Description-md5: 0d6756dbb87a7944eefe019a6c23d423 Description-sl: 3D plotting library based on Qt/OpenGL (documentation) QwtPlot3D is a feature rich Qt/OpenGL-based C++ programming library, providing essentially a bunch of 3D-widgets for programmers. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo html in primere programov. Package: libqxmpp-doc Description-md5: 6d121c3fdcde483c6c25e97a22d7b3ba Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnica QXmpp QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: libqxmppqt5-4t64 Description-md5: 2918ea70a02995fa5b48f49929eff7c1 Description-sl: QXmpp library for XMPP client and server applications QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libqxmppqt5-dev Description-md5: 8945352ac346a9f60fbb923da035a50b Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico QXmpp QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libqzxing3 Description-md5: 78bd45c94c4c29ce238f4320d26b3daf Description-sl: QZXing library Qt wrapper for the ZXing 1D/2D barcode image decoder. . Supports barcode decoding for the following types: . UPC-A UPC-E EAN-8 EAN-13 ITF Code 39 Code 93 Code 128 (GS1) Codabar QR Code Data Matrix Aztec (beta) PDF 417 . Supports barcode encoding for the following types: . QR Code . Ta paket vsebuje od souporabljene datoteke knjižnice. Package: libradare2-5.0.0t64 Description-md5: dfda815bd836af96da187e64c68ee2b1 Description-sl: Knjižnice za zbirko radare2 The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture, unix- like toolchain for reverse engineering. . It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm) for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax), shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based hash utility called rahash. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice iz radare2. Package: libradare2-dev Description-md5: 662bda1d8b9ba8523cf11b2c4ab9abe5 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za zbirko radare2 The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture, unix- like toolchain for reverse engineering. . It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm) for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax), shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based hash utility called rahash. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke iz radare2. Package: libradcli4 Description-md5: 28cec154abd08ba5e3a42f3cd64c2fc2 Description-sl: Izboljšana knjižnica odjemalca RADIUS radcli is an enhanced version of the freeradius-client, libradius1 and it's successor radiusclient-ng, the RADIUS client library. radcli contains vastly improved API and many additional bug fixes. The library is also more efficient than the original version. Package: librandombytes-dev Description-md5: c49556fb8aa646852c77c88ec1465430 Description-sl: Library generating fresh randomness - development files librandombytes is a public-domain library providing a simple API for applications generating fresh randomness: include <randombytes.h>, call randombytes(x, xbytes) whenever desired to generate fresh random bytes x[0], x[1], ..., x[xbytes-1], and link with -lrandombytes. . Random bytes are often used directly in applications. Random bytes are also the foundation of more complicated random objects, such as random integers in a limited interval, random floating-point numbers from a (nearly) normal distribution, and random keys used in public-key cryptosystems. librandombytes is dedicated to obtaining fresh random bytes in the first place, and leaves it to higher-level libraries to convert those bytes into other types of random objects. . librandombytes aims for the following stringent randomness goal: no feasible computation will ever be able to tell the difference between the output bytes and true randomness (independent uniformly distributed random bytes). This makes the randombytes() output suitable for use in applications ranging from simulations to cryptography. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: librandombytes1 Description-md5: d3b5190c1a9601e1208c9e6ffecd61a6 Description-sl: Library generating fresh randomness - shared library librandombytes is a public-domain library providing a simple API for applications generating fresh randomness: include <randombytes.h>, call randombytes(x, xbytes) whenever desired to generate fresh random bytes x[0], x[1], ..., x[xbytes-1], and link with -lrandombytes. . Random bytes are often used directly in applications. Random bytes are also the foundation of more complicated random objects, such as random integers in a limited interval, random floating-point numbers from a (nearly) normal distribution, and random keys used in public-key cryptosystems. librandombytes is dedicated to obtaining fresh random bytes in the first place, and leaves it to higher-level libraries to convert those bytes into other types of random objects. . librandombytes aims for the following stringent randomness goal: no feasible computation will ever be able to tell the difference between the output bytes and true randomness (independent uniformly distributed random bytes). This makes the randombytes() output suitable for use in applications ranging from simulations to cryptography. . Souporabljena knjižnica. Package: librandomconv-ocaml Description-md5: 8fadd651d3bd5a546bd7f304054cb886 Description-sl: convert from random byte vectors to random native numbers (runtime files) Given a function which produces random byte vectors, convert it to a number of your choice (int8/int16/int32/int64/int/float). . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: librandomconv-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 1efbb0db1d589bb8fcb3cffff8b7044c Description-sl: convert from random byte vectors to random native numbers (dev files) Given a function which produces random byte vectors, convert it to a number of your choice (int8/int16/int32/int64/int/float). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librasterlite2-1 Description-md5: 12bc70dfe5821a821556377783558fe6 Description-sl: library for huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. . It is intended to completely replace and supersede librasterlite. The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librasterlite2-dev Description-md5: a085e2bbdd262e8b3abe1a312b9f9d4d Description-sl: library for huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS - headers librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. . It is intended to completely replace and supersede librasterlite. The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libratpoints-2.1.3 Description-md5: 1e579f92341608bffa5aa192daecd2e7 Description-sl: library for finding rational points on hyperelliptic curves This program tries to find all rational points within a given height bound on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized quadratic sieve algorithm. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libratpoints-dev Description-md5: 9f93640ce0beb1e168af73f3377adbac Description-sl: development files for libratpoints This program tries to find all rational points within a given height bound on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized quadratic sieve algorithm. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: librav1e-dev Description-md5: 8d7c2cbd10e02bf8895ed474e03e2c34 Description-sl: Fastest and safest AV1 encoder - development files rav1e is a encoder for the AV1 video codec. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librav1e0.7 Description-md5: 6913a3c85d2bfe3cb57b219aecf84dd7 Description-sl: Fastest and safest AV1 encoder - shared library rav1e is a encoder for the AV1 video codec. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librcsb-core-wrapper-doc Description-md5: dec5fecdc5c8f6fb38d9df030e2ca881 Description-sl: documentation for librcsb-core-wrapper0t64 The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo html. Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0t64 Description-md5: 76b14fd0ad75ca5a0807b9f83a3a33db Description-sl: C++ library providing OO API to information in mmCIF format The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librdata-dev Description-md5: 9439c7ea02a08eb4e6d60e9f025fab46 Description-sl: Read and write R data frames from C (dev files) Originally part of ReadStat, librdata is a small C library for reading and writing R data frames. . Zmožnosti: . - Read both RData and RDS formats - Read compressed files (requires bzip2, zlib, and lzma) - Write factors, timestamps, logical vectors, and more . This package distributes development files. Package: librdata0t64 Description-md5: f000c2aed252898a66ca412b6fba95bf Description-sl: Read and write R data frames from C (runtime files) Originally part of ReadStat, librdata is a small C library for reading and writing R data frames. . Zmožnosti: . - Read both RData and RDS formats - Read compressed files (requires bzip2, zlib, and lzma) - Write factors, timestamps, logical vectors, and more . This package distributes the shared object runtime library. Package: librdf-helper-properties-perl Description-md5: 8ef4aa26c312fdfec59a5c920c0b91da Description-sl: Bližnjice za pridobivanje določenih podatkov Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDF::Helper::Properties provides some convenience routines for handling RDF data. Package: librdf-rdfa-parser-perl Description-md5: 9ea81c95384bf125c0fc3e364affa41a Description-sl: Prilagodljiv razčlenjevalnik RDFa Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDFa is a collection of attributes and processing rules for extending XHTML to support RDF. . RDF::RDFa::Parser is a Perl library providing a flexible RDFa parser for e.g....: * working with an RDF::Trine::Model that can be queried with SPARQL * dealing with local data * working with Open Graph Protocol data Package: librdf-storage-mysql Description-md5: 9e7a87dd310e5dc60d6b8be80c6fead7 Description-sl: Knjižnica RDF, zaledje MySQL Redland is a library that provides a high-level interface for RDF (Resource Description Framework) implemented in an object-based API. It is modular and supports different RDF/XML parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements. Redland is designed for applications developers to provide RDF support in their applications as well as for RDF developers to experiment with the technology. . This package contains the MySQL storage backend. Package: librdf-storage-postgresql Description-md5: 58e18e8a427a3c6c6fe6c8734c45a383 Description-sl: Knjižnica RDF, zaledje PostGreSQL Redland is a library that provides a high-level interface for RDF (Resource Description Framework) implemented in an object-based API. It is modular and supports different RDF/XML parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements. Redland is designed for applications developers to provide RDF support in their applications as well as for RDF developers to experiment with the technology. . This package contains the PostGreSQL storage backend. Package: librdf-storage-sqlite Description-md5: dbcdbb49f20f64309855accc1cf62c8d Description-sl: Knjižnica RDF, zaledje SQLite Redland is a library that provides a high-level interface for RDF (Resource Description Framework) implemented in an object-based API. It is modular and supports different RDF/XML parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements. Redland is designed for applications developers to provide RDF support in their applications as well as for RDF developers to experiment with the technology. . This package contains the SQLite storage backend. Package: librdf-trin3-perl Description-md5: 29416646f9d99266532659b6989c8076 Description-sl: Razširitve notation3 za RDF::Trine Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDF::TriN3 extends RDF::Trine in three ways: . * Adds a Notation 3 parser. * Adds a Notation 3 serializer. * Provides a subclass of literals to represent Notation 3 formulae. . In addition, a parser is provided for Notation 3 extended with ShorthandRDF notation - <>. Package: librdf-trine-perl Description-md5: 3a9fbefeea5088f3902a358b65fc6f2c Description-sl: Ogrodje RDF za Perl Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDF::Trine provides an RDF framework with an emphasis on extensibility, API stability, and the presence of a test suite. The package consists of several components: . * RDF::Trine::Model - RDF model providing access to a triple store. * RDF::Trine::Parser - Native RDF parsers (RDF/XML, RDFa, Turtle, RDF/JSON, TriG, N-Triples, and N-Quads). * RDF::Trine::Serializer, a set of native RDF serializers for RDF/XML, Turtle, RDF/JSON, N-Triples, Canonical N-Triples, and N-Quads. * RDF::Trine::Store::DBI - A triple store for MySQL and SQLite, based on the Redland schema. * RDF::Trine::Iterator - Iterator classes for variable bindings and RDF statements, used by RDF::Trine::Store, RDF::Trine::Model, and RDF::Query. * RDF::Trine::Namespace - A convenience class for easily constructing RDF node objects from URI namespaces. . RDFa parser requires the package librdf-rdfa-parser-perl. . DBI backends other than SQLite require either of packages libdbd-pg-perl libdbd-mysql-perl. . Redis store requires the package libredis-perl. Package: librdkafka-dev Description-md5: 2f47faef9806ae0190670ff71b24dbc4 Description-sl: library implementing the Apache Kafka protocol (development headers) librdkafka is a C library implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol, providing Producer, Consumer and Admin clients. It was designed with message delivery reliability and high performance in mind, current figures exceed 1 million msgs/second for the producer and 3 million msgs/second for the consumer. . More information about Apache Kafka can be found at . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: librdkit-dev Description-md5: cadf4e2d9818548292d31eade9e00bca Description-sl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (development files) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. Features Include: . * Chemical reaction handling and transforms * Substructure searching with SMARTS * Canonical SMILES * Molecule-molecule alignment * Large number of molecular descriptors, including topological, compositional, EState, SlogP/SMR, VSA and Feature-map vectors * Fragmentation using RECAP rules * 2D coordinate generation and depiction, including constrained depiction * 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding * UFF and MMFF94 forcefields * Chirality support, including calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes * 2D pharmacophore searching * Fingerprinting, including Daylight-like, atom pairs, topological torsions, Morgan algorithm and MACCS keys * Calculation of shape similarity * Multi-molecule maximum common substructure * Machine-learning via clustering and information theory algorithms * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, PDB, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit binary format. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: librdkit1t64 Description-md5: f3b5688fc64de582110322df8c0d19da Description-sl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (shared libraries) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. Features Include: . * Chemical reaction handling and transforms * Substructure searching with SMARTS * Canonical SMILES * Molecule-molecule alignment * Large number of molecular descriptors, including topological, compositional, EState, SlogP/SMR, VSA and Feature-map vectors * Fragmentation using RECAP rules * 2D coordinate generation and depiction, including constrained depiction * 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding * UFF and MMFF94 forcefields * Chirality support, including calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes * 2D pharmacophore searching * Fingerprinting, including Daylight-like, atom pairs, topological torsions, Morgan algorithm and MACCS keys * Calculation of shape similarity * Multi-molecule maximum common substructure * Machine-learning via clustering and information theory algorithms * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, PDB, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit binary format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libre-dev Description-md5: 9604d48c426480305fce6177d057a6d8 Description-sl: generic library for real-time communications (development files) Libre is a portable and generic library for real-time communications with async IO support and a complete SIP stack with support for protocols such as SDP, RTP/RTCP, STUN/TURN/ICE, BFCP, HTTP and DNS Client. . The current features are: . * SIP Stack (RFC 3261) * SDP * RTP and RTCP * SRTP and SRTCP (Secure RTP) * DNS-Client * STUN/TURN/ICE stack * BFCP * HTTP-stack with client/server * Websockets * Jitter-buffer * Async I/O (poll, epoll, select, kqueue) * UDP/TCP/TLS/DTLS transport * JSON parser * RTMP and RTMPS (Real Time Messaging Protocol) . Design goals: . Portable POSIX source code (ANSI C89 and ISO C99 standard) Robust, fast, low memory footprint RFC compliance IPv4 and IPv6 support . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libreact-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 027bb3795cb7c55ed4e12cdb0f8b0c2e Description-sl: functional reactive programming in OCaml React is an OCaml module for functional reactive programming. It provides support to program with time varying values: applicative events and signals. React doesn't define any primitive event or signal, this lets the client chooses the concrete timeline. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke React. Package: libreadosm-dev Description-md5: 15541fd6f144da0f81a6da425b14d498 Description-sl: simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - headers ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an OpenStreetMap input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats, .osm (XML) and .pbf. . Some of the design goals of ReadOSM are: - to be simple and lightweight - to be stable, robust and efficient - to be easily and universally portable - making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .osm.pbf files completely transparent from the application own perspective. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za razvoj. Package: libreadosm-doc Description-md5: 6da3bead18ac5d6df9324fe11fedd351 Description-sl: simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - documentation ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an OpenStreetMap input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats, .osm (XML) and .pbf. . Some of the design goals of ReadOSM are: - to be simple and lightweight - to be stable, robust and efficient - to be easily and universally portable - making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .osm.pbf files completely transparent from the application own perspective. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: libreadstat-dev Description-md5: c4c9405a2ebe7495b26e0924d68c367d Description-sl: development files for libreadstat library ReadStat is a command-line tool and MIT-licensed C library for reading files from popular stats packages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libreadstat1t64 Description-md5: 8f01b54ee7ce1af25a9e61a28b6a44e4 Description-sl: read/write data sets from SAS, Stata, and SPSS - shared library ReadStat is a command-line tool and MIT-licensed C library for reading files from popular stats packages. Supported data formats include: . - SAS: SAS7BDAT (binary file) and XPORT (transport file) - Stata: DTA (binary file) versions 104-119 - SPSS: POR (portable file), SAV (binary file), and ZSAV (compressed binary) . Supported metadata formats include: . - SAS: SAS7BCAT (catalog file) and .sas (command file) - Stata: .dct (dictionary file) - SPSS: .sps (command file) . There is also write support for all the data formats, but not the metadata formats. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librec-dev Description-md5: fdac18b8688e25fb6b422e2cb1caf49a Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke recutils librec is a library containing many useful C routines that applications can use to access recfiles. . This package contains header files and the library needed to develop applications. Package: librec1 Description-md5: ffa49bf8375a16291b077e2800f007f8 Description-sl: Knjižnica za dostopanje do datotek rec. librec is a library containing many useful C routines that applications can use to access recfiles. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: librecad Description-md5: d9135c95b7b340a7d52e6f02c873080e Description-sl: Sistem za risanje z računalniško pomočjo (CAD) LibreCAD je program za CAD v dveh dimenzijah (2D). Z LibreCAD lahko ustvarite tehnične risbe, kot so načrti za zgradbe, notranjost, mehanične dele ali sheme in diagrame. Package: libregexp-common-net-cidr-perl Description-md5: 397cd3ecc532f38554e519db368db88c Description-sl: provide patterns for CIDR blocks Ta modul vsebuje vzorce logičnega izraza za spletne bloke CIDR. Package: libregexp-ipv6-perl Description-md5: 8e7590c55287ef79687d6f6408e0318c Description-sl: Logični izrazi za naslove IPv6 Regexp::IPv6 exports the $IPv6_re regular expression that matches any valid IPv6 address as described in "RFC 2373 - 2.2 Text Representation of Addresses" but ::. Any string not compliant with such RFC will be rejected. Package: libregexp-reggrp-perl Description-md5: e246cfa2372453b1893cd595b76dcbf6 Description-sl: Modul Perl za združevanje logičnih izrazov Regexp::RegGrp is a pure Perl library providing an object-oriented API for grouping regular expressions into a single group of regular expressions. Package: libregf-dev Description-md5: d5c35feba69b190eaad6aedec3bec75f Description-sl: Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format access library -- development files libregf is a library to access the Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libregfi-dev Description-md5: 2aed8bca746e6c7f0c3aadaeb08a57c0 Description-sl: utility to analysis for Windows NT-based registry (devel files) RegLookup is a system to direct analysis of Windows NT-based registry files providing command line tools, a C API, and a Python module for accessing registry data structures. The project has a focus on providing tools for digital forensics investigations (though is useful for many purposes), and includes algorithms for retrieving deleted data structures from registry hives. . Currently the program allows one to read an entire registry and output it in a (mostly) standardized, quoted format. It also provides features for filtering of results based on registry path and data type. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libregfi1t64 Description-md5: 166686126ff450d9d34a781f46c10fba Description-sl: utility to analysis for Windows NT-based registry (shared library) RegLookup is a system to direct analysis of Windows NT-based registry files providing command line tools, a C API, and a Python module for accessing registry data structures. The project has a focus on providing tools for digital forensics investigations (though is useful for many purposes), and includes algorithms for retrieving deleted data structures from registry hives. . Currently the program allows one to read an entire registry and output it in a (mostly) standardized, quoted format. It also provides features for filtering of results based on registry path and data type. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libregina3 Description-md5: 51946d705e2913f3a41eda1981946218 Description-sl: Regina REXX interpreter, run-time library Regina is an ANSI compliant REXX interpreter for multiple platforms. . REXX is a procedural language that allows programs and algorithms to be written in a clear and structured way, it is also designed to be used as a macro language by arbitrary application programs. . Vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libreins-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d43e920bf4e5640d6dfaedecc1cfcd31 Description-sl: Knjižnica podatkovne strukture za OCamml The OCaml Reins data structure library consists of the following persistent implementations: * Lists (singly, O(1) catenable, Acyclic doubly linked, random access) * Sets/Maps (AVL, Red/Black, Patricia, Splay) * Heaps (Binomial, Skew-Binomial) . All of the implementations conform to a unified signature for each data type. Also, each data types include zipper style cursor interfaces and persistent, bi-directional cursor based iterators. The library also includes a set of standard modules to hoist the base typs into the module level (Int, Bool, etc...) as well as a collection of functor combinators to minimize boilerplate (e.g., for constructing compare or to_string functions). Finally, a quickcheck-like random testing framework is included and each data type supports the necessary "gen" function to generate a random instance of the type. Package: librelative-perl Description-md5: ea46719379f0c218d7d9cc7c49d78b7a Description-sl: Load modules with relative names This module allows you to load modules using only parts of their name, relatively to the current module or to a given module. Module names are by default searched below the current module, but can be searched upper in the hierarchy using the ..:: syntax. . In order to further loosen the namespace coupling, import returns the full names of the loaded modules, making object-oriented code easier to write: . uporabi relativno; . my ($Maker, $Publisher) = import relative qw(Create Publish); my $report = $Maker->new; my $publisher = $Publisher->new; Package: librelaxng-datatype-java Description-md5: 6472d8159e6cd83f4c61b390da41e060 Description-sl: Vmesnik vrste podatkov Java za RELAX NG RELAX NG is a schema language for XML. This library is a Java interface for describing datatypes within RELAX NG. Package: librenaissance0-dev Description-md5: 7971ec80544bb2684acfdf5f61ef479d Description-sl: Ogrodje grafičnega vmesnika GNUstep - razvojne datoteke Renaissance is a GNUstep develoment framework which runs on top of the GNUstep libraries. It also works on top of the Apple Mac OS X Cocoa libraries, providing an opaque layer to write portable applications. . GNUstep Renaissance allows you to describe your user interface in simple and intuitive XML files, using an open, standard format describing the logic of the interface. At run-time, GNUstep Renaissance will then generate the user interfaces (using the native host OpenStep-like libraries) by reading the XML files. The connections between the objects created from the XML files, and the other objects in the application are done via outlets (as traditionally in OpenStep); a new quick and intuitive syntax has been developed to make creating outlets as easy as possible. Package: libreoffice-writer2latex Description-md5: 01a36593183c136a4133e917d239c25b Description-sl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX converter extension for LibreOffice Writer2LaTeX is a java utility to convert documents – in particular documents containing formulas – into other formats. It is actually a collection of four converters, i.e.: 1) Writer2LaTeX converts documents into LaTeX 2e format for high quality typesetting. 2) Writer2BibTeX extracts bibliographic data from a document and stores it in BibTeX format (works together with Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converts documents into XHTML 1.0 or XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 with CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml is a companion to Writer2xhtml that converts Calc documents to XHTML 1.0 with CSS2 to display your spreadsheets on the web. . Ta paket vsebuje razširitev, ki zagotavlja writer2latex za LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-writer2xhtml Description-md5: db68508b3db03d26eca489282f55f27a Description-sl: Writer/Calc to XHTML converter extension for LibreOffice Writer2LaTeX is a java utility to convert documents – in particular documents containing formulas – into other formats. It is actually a collection of four converters, i.e.: 1) Writer2LaTeX converts documents into LaTeX 2e format for high quality typesetting. 2) Writer2BibTeX extracts bibliographic data from a document and stores it in BibTeX format (works together with Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converts documents into XHTML 1.0 or XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 with CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml is a companion to Writer2xhtml that converts Calc documents to XHTML 1.0 with CSS2 to display your spreadsheets on the web. . Ta paket vsebuje razširitev, ki zagotavlja writer2xhtml za LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-zemberek Description-md5: 6609beab52ffc09d95070076e6b1fb65 Description-sl: Razširitev turškega črkovalnika za LibreOffice Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . Ta paket vsebuje razširitev turškega črkovalnika za LibreOffice. Package: librep-dev Description-md5: 6aa328f204caf7cb7af4dea16a22f72d Description-sl: Razvojne knjižnice in glave za librep rep is a dialect of Lisp, designed to be used both as an extension language for applications and as a general purpose programming language. . It was originally written to be mostly-compatible with Emacs Lisp, but has subsequently diverged markedly. Its aim is to combine the best features of Scheme and Common Lisp and provide an environment that is comfortable for implementing both small and large scale systems. It tries to be a "pragmatic" programming language. . This package contains the files needed to embed the rep interpreter in an application. Package: libreplaygain1 Description-md5: 64fb9bf5746ccf4e399883febf805e4d Description-sl: Calculate ReplayGain information - library libreplaygain calculates the perceived loudness of audio and suggests dB adjustments according to the ReplayGain standard. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librepository-java-doc Description-md5: 03e444117f8753d871c3ab62d2b6a5f8 Description-sl: abstraction library for accessing hierachic bulk content -- documentation LibRepository provides a simple abstraction layer to access bulk content that is organized in a hierarchical layer. . Unlike the JSR-000170, this library does not aim to solve all problems associated with content storages. The main purpose of LibRepository is to give users an abstract view over an filesystem like structure so that content generator and content consumer do no longer have to make assumptions about where to store the generated content. . The repositories described here should not be used to store other things than BLOBs. . Ta paket vsebuje Javadoc. Package: libresample1 Description-md5: 51260b75085a8f1c470a61c4e1e22a10 Description-sl: real-time audio resampling library - shared libraries A real-time library for audio sampling rate conversion providing several useful features relative to resample-1.7 on which it is based: * More portable (source includes autoconf script and Visual C++ project file, packaging adds CMake script with shared library support). * Memory-based (no need to read or write external files). * Floating-point computations (not fixed-point). * Faster and more accurate results (filter table increased by a factor of 32). * Supports variable resampling ratio (data can be processed in small chunks). * Easily applied to any number of simultaneous data channels * LGPL-licensed (libsamplerate, a GPL-licensed alternative, is considered by the libresample author to be technically superior). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice za ponovno vzorčenje. Package: libresult-ocaml Description-md5: 82da4fa6173bde41fa5083d4cd8b1a88 Description-sl: compatibility Result module (runtime files) Projects that want to use the new result type defined in OCaml >= 4.03 while staying compatible with older version of OCaml should use the Result module defined in this library. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libresult-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bb9223510251cb87d7063cee34f09e94 Description-sl: compatibility Result module (dev files) Projects that want to use the new result type defined in OCaml >= 4.03 while staying compatible with older version of OCaml should use the Result module defined in this library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libreswan Description-md5: 85f11a75b91fd863b98f3e219668ec8a Description-sl: Ozadnji program internetne izmenjave ključev Libreswan is an IPsec implementation for Linux. It has support for most of the extensions (RFC + IETF drafts) related to IPsec, including IKEv2, X.509 Digital Certificates, NAT Traversal, and many others. . Libreswan has been forked from Openswan 2.6.38, which was forked from FreeS/WAN 1.99. . The Libreswan IKE daemon is named pluto. It was inherited from the FreeS/WAN project, but provides improved X.509 certificate support and other features. Package: librheolef1 Description-md5: 1b80165773fd20d001546830b210c8f7 Description-sl: efficient Finite Element environment - shared library Rheolef is a computer environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for computations in applied mathematics involving finite element-like methods. It provides a set of commands and C++ algorithms and containers. . Most basically, containers cover the classic graph data structure for sparse matrix formats and finite element meshes. At a higher level of abstraction, they can handle approximate finite element spaces, discrete fields. Flexible and powerful expressions are used to specify bilinear forms. . Current applications include: * massively distributed memory finite element environment, based on MPI; * elasticity, Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems in 2D and 3D; * complex fluids applications: viscoplasticity, viscoelasticity, wall slip; * nonlinear problems with fixed-point, Newton and continuation methods; * high order polynomials, mixed elements and discontinuous Galerkin methods; * auto-adaptive mesh approaches; * axisymmetric problems; * multi-regions and variable coefficient problems. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librhonabwy-dev Description-md5: e5f569124a9026722d3a10317a8a06aa Description-sl: JWK, JWKS, JWS, JWE and JWT library - development Rhonabwy - JWK, JWKS, JWS, JWE and JWT library . - Create, modify, parse, import or export JSON Web Keys (JWK) and JSON Web Keys Set (JWKS) - Create, modify, parse, validate or serialize JSON Web Signatures (JWS) - Create, modify, parse, validate or serialize JSON Web Encryption (JWE) limited and experimental! - Create, modify, parse, validate or serialize JSON Web Token (JWT) . JWT Relies on JWS and JWE functions, so it supports the same functionnalities as the other 2. JWT functionnalities also support nesting serilization (JWE nested in a JWS or the opposite). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libripoff-dev Description-md5: 321ebfbc99bd8204fdf07165fd34e586 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za ripoff RipOff je na GTK+ osnovan zajemalnik CD za Linux, ki vključuje enostaven vmesnik, poizvedbe CDDB in na vstavkih osnovano arhitekturo kodiranja. . This package contains the development files distributed with ripoff. Package: libripoff0 Description-md5: cdb16e556ddd4a632f4509f19fac06e8 Description-sl: Knjižnica ripogg RipOff je na GTK+ osnovan zajemalnik CD za Linux, ki vključuje enostaven vmesnik, poizvedbe CDDB in na vstavkih osnovano arhitekturo kodiranja. . This package contains the shared library for ripoff framework. Package: librist4 Description-md5: 0bf2f47b5cbee6438a188bd12233e1bc Description-sl: Reliable Internet Stream Transport -- shared library Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) is a transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video over lossy networks (including the Internet) with low latency and high quality. . RIST is intended as a more reliable successor to Secure Reliable Transport (SRT), and as an open alternative to proprietary commercial options such as Zixi, VideoFlow, QVidium, and DVEO (Dozer). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librobottestingframework-dev Description-md5: 3834250a96050de4a61e9f8544d652ec Description-sl: Robot Testing Framework - development files It is a generic and multi-platform testing framework for the test driven development (TDD) which is initially designed for the robotic systems. However, it can be used for any TDD system. The framework provides functionalities for developing and running unit tests in a language and middleware independent manner. The test cases are developed as independent plug-ins (i.e., using scripting languages or built as dynamically loadable libraries) to be loaded and executed by an automated test runner. Moreover, a fixture manager prepares the setup (e.g., running robot interfaces, simulator) and actively monitors that all the requirements for running the tests are satisfied during the execution of the tests. These functionalities along with other facilities such as the test result collector, result formatter and remote interface allow for rapid development of test units to cover different levels of system testing. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librobottestingframework-doc Description-md5: a37a120c5436f147b45cd0c54bb445ab Description-sl: Robot Testing Framework - documentation It is a generic and multi-platform testing framework for the test driven development (TDD) which is initially designed for the robotic systems. However, it can be used for any TDD system. The framework provides functionalities for developing and running unit tests in a language and middleware independent manner. The test cases are developed as independent plug-ins (i.e., using scripting languages or built as dynamically loadable libraries) to be loaded and executed by an automated test runner. Moreover, a fixture manager prepares the setup (e.g., running robot interfaces, simulator) and actively monitors that all the requirements for running the tests are satisfied during the execution of the tests. These functionalities along with other facilities such as the test result collector, result formatter and remote interface allow for rapid development of test units to cover different levels of system testing. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in datoteke primerov. Package: librocm-smi-dev Description-md5: ef23fc9e0a6805ffd424d1d6162bbc2c Description-sl: ROCm System Management Interface (ROCm SMI) library headers ROCm SMI is part of the ROCm software stack. It is a C library for Linux that provides a user-space interface for applications to monitor and control GPU applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: librostlab-blast0v5 Description-md5: 0393081ba7d558876c2bb0f10e1bbcee Description-sl: very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs This package provides a very fast library for parsing the default output of NCBI BLAST programs into a C++ structure. . libzerg is faster, but it provides only lexing (i.e. it only returns pairs of token identifiers and token string values). librostlab-blast uses a parser generated with bison on top of a flex-generated lexer very similar to that of libzerg. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librostlab-doc Description-md5: 7e50dbd605ed7f0d13ab87ed7fa79830 Description-sl: C++ library for computational biology (documentation) This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products. . The library provides the following facilities: * current working directory resource * exception with stack backtrace * file lock resource * passwd and group structures for C++ * effective uid and gid resource * rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format * umask resource . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo html. Package: librostlab3t64 Description-md5: 76dc5ccc01952c4a4563b99c6cbbc880 Description-sl: C++ library for computational biology This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products. . The library provides the following facilities: * current working directory resource * exception with stack backtrace * file lock resource * passwd and group structures for C++ * effective uid and gid resource * rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format * umask resource . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librscode1 Description-md5: 81acf4c1026e1284d9edf654b47ab293 Description-sl: library implementing a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm The RSCODE project is an implementation of a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm. It provides a byte-sized block coding which is convenient for adding protection to data which is stored as eight-bit bytes (i.e., most common computer data). . The Reed-Solomon code is the same one used for encoding of data on Audio CD's and CD-ROM disks, as well as many magnetic and optical disk controllers. You basically want to use Reed-Solomon coding in any situation where "forward error correction" is needed, i.e., the decoder will not have the option of requesting retransmission of bad blocks. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librsskit0d Description-md5: c94429a21401d8438dbba4f7c6a4461f Description-sl: GNUstep RSS framework (runtime library) RSSKit is a GNUstep library (framework) for parsing and reading various RSS file formats. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: librsskit0d-dbg Description-md5: c81e355ededbf3015c475422360baf1c Description-sl: GNUstep RSS framework (debugging symbols) RSSKit is a GNUstep library (framework) for parsing and reading various RSS file formats. . Ta paket vsebuje odpete razhroščevalne simbole. Package: librsyntaxtextarea-java Description-md5: e7a944bf42a62d761ae4107622d0a17b Description-sl: Sestavni del knjižnice Java za za poudarjanje skladnje besedila RSyntaxTextArea extends JTextComponent so it integrates completely with the standard javax.swing.text package. It is fast and efficient, and can be used in any application that needs to edit or view source code. . Some of RSyntaxTextArea's features include: * Syntax highlighting for over 25 programming languages * Find/Replace with standard options * Loading and saving of local or remote files * User-defined macros * Code templates * Unlimited undo/redo * Drag and drop * Edit with multiple fonts simultaneously * Bracket matching * Current line highlighting * Clickable hyperlinks (only certain languages) Package: librtaudio-dev Description-md5: dd73f8e0509286e46be77e27a5193600 Description-sl: C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput (development files) RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: librtaudio-doc Description-md5: 82643beb135fa458533e14f7752ca2f0 Description-sl: C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput (documentation files) RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: librtaudio7 Description-md5: cd307f18f1ef80990a830eb091c020bf Description-sl: C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. It was designed with the following objectives: . * object-oriented C++ design * simple, common API across all supported platforms * only one source and two header files for easy inclusion in programming projects * allow simultaneous multi-api support * support dynamic connection of devices * provide extensive audio device parameter control * allow audio device capability probing * automatic internal conversion for data format, channel number compensation, (de)interleaving, and byte-swapping . RtAudio incorporates the concept of audio streams, which represent audio output (playback) and/or input (recording). Available audio devices and their capabilities can be enumerated and then specified when opening a stream. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librtf-writer-perl Description-md5: d869e2bc51e65f24623e1ec66991e83b Description-sl: Modul za ustvarjanje datotek RTF RTF::Writer is for generating documents in Rich Text Format. . This module is a class; an object belonging to this class acts like an output filehandle, and calling methods on it causes RTF text to be written. . Incidentally, this module also optionally exports a few functions, particularly related to length. . The following documentation assumes some familiarity with the RTF Specification. Users not already intimately familiar with RTF should look at RTF::Cookbook and/or the book "RTF Pocket Guide" from O'Reilly. Package: librtimulib-dev Description-md5: 036fd154cb8143dcfb3674ea47eae823 Description-sl: Versatile C++ and Python 9-dof, 10-dof and 11-dof IMU library (dev files) The simplest way to connect a 9-dof, 10-dof or 11-dof IMU to an embedded Linux system and obtain Kalman-filtered quaternion or Euler angle pose data. Basically, two simple function calls (IMUInit() and IMURead()) are pretty much all that's needed to integrate RTIMULib. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: librtklib-dev Description-md5: 68faa49de7f900a8fa34192c35812083 Description-sl: RTK and other advanced GNSS positioning techniques -- Development RTKLIB is an open source program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). RTKLIB consists of a portable program library and several APs (Application Programs) utilizing the library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librtlsdr-dev Description-md5: 80add2321bdda28a25cb030cf0c28f7f Description-sl: Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (development) rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librtlsdr0 Description-md5: 29f2fdb7d8f0b96a1c1915fd8793a197 Description-sl: Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (library) rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librtmidi-dev Description-md5: 54fd0b82fc9ca8bd591d66ee5342b772 Description-sl: C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput (development files) RtMidi is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: librtmidi-doc Description-md5: 1b1c666717aabc2056f67495c496b2f9 Description-sl: C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput (documentation files) RtMidi is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: librtmidi7 Description-md5: 0143a1c3acbdb045e4fcaab0d8657b11 Description-sl: C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput RtMidi is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. It was designed with the following objectives: . * object-oriented C++ design * simple, common API across all supported platforms * only one source and two header files for easy inclusion in programming projects * MIDI device enumeration . MIDI input and output functionality are separated into two classes, RtMidiIn and RtMidiOut. Each class instance supports only a single MIDI connection. RtMidi does not provide timing functionality (i.e., output messages are sent immediately). Input messages are timestamped with delta times in seconds (via a double floating point type). MIDI data is passed to the user as raw bytes using an std::vector<unsigned char>. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librtr-dev Description-md5: d888b6962e4265bfaa0638a6787430ac Description-sl: Small extensible RPKI-RTR-Client C library - development files RTRlib is an open-source C implementation of the RPKI/Router Protocol client. The library allows one to fetch and store validated prefix origin data from a RTR-cache and performs origin verification of prefixes. It supports different types of transport sessions (e.g., SSH, unprotected TCP) and is easily extendable. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librttopo-dev Description-md5: 8eef3f18ed202897263edf1c83073c18 Description-sl: Tuscany Region topology library - Development files The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores. . The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release cycles. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librttopo1 Description-md5: 28d084e05e252c790a1717a903a1c453 Description-sl: Tuscany Region topology library The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores. . The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release cycles. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librttr-core0.9.6t64 Description-md5: 3021af7e7b903da8172f6cb9674dfb40 Description-sl: C++ reflection library RTTR stands for Run Time Type Reflection. It describes the ability of a computer program to introspect and modify an object at runtime. It is also the name of the library itself, which is written in C++ and released as open source library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librttr-dev Description-md5: db911358866aa2e86d6168220e36f0bd Description-sl: C++ reflection library (development headers) RTTR stands for Run Time Type Reflection. It describes the ability of a computer program to introspect and modify an object at runtime. It is also the name of the library itself, which is written in C++ and released as open source library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: librulexdb-dev Description-md5: ac6ad7fd9adfc947ebfb73c98aed66e5 Description-sl: Russian pronunciation dictionary access library (development) RuLex database is primarily intended for use along with the Ru_tts speech synthesizer in order to improve its pronunciation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: librulexdb0 Description-md5: a5606473e216a1b29f0eee97637c727d Description-sl: Russian pronunciation dictionary access library (runtime) RuLex database is primarily intended for use along with the Ru_tts speech synthesizer in order to improve its pronunciation. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librutts-dev Description-md5: 7152874b99cdc8156556f47997827144 Description-sl: Software Russian TTS engine (development library) This is a Russian speech synthesizer. it takes Russian text in koi8-r charset as an input and produces digital sound stream in the raw linear signed 8-bit 10 kHz format for the output. It doesn't actually play this sound. You should use some player for it like sox for example. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: librutts7 Description-md5: 15cffaf36b3096fa0f6dad1b4e42da19 Description-sl: Software Russian TTS engine (shared library) This is a Russian speech synthesizer. it takes Russian text in koi8-r charset as an input and produces digital sound stream in the raw linear signed 8-bit 10 kHz format for the output. It doesn't actually play this sound. You should use some player for it like sox for example. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: librw-dev Description-md5: e7c19bacded08e67a1ecb7fde93f2041 Description-sl: Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions of graphs (development) Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions of graphs. It is based on ideas from "Computing rank-width exactly" by Sang-il Oum, "Sopra una formula numerica" by Ernesto Pascal, "Generation of a Vector from the Lexicographical Index" by B.P. Buckles and M. Lybanon and "Fast additions on masked integers" by Michael D. Adams and David S. Wise. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: librw0 Description-md5: e73dd12308fc723bf08d56fee8acf4c8 Description-sl: Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions of graphs Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions of graphs. It is based on ideas from "Computing rank-width exactly" by Sang-il Oum, "Sopra una formula numerica" by Ernesto Pascal, "Generation of a Vector from the Lexicographical Index" by B.P. Buckles and M. Lybanon and "Fast additions on masked integers" by Michael D. Adams and David S. Wise. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: librxp-dev Description-md5: b3ea4cb1f6086a2d3a24d28b66d7803e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za librxp XML is a metalanguage to let you design your own markup language. librxp is a library that can be used to parse and validate XML documents. . This package contains the static library and header files used in development. Package: librxp0t64 Description-md5: 6b578b61060b3620a45d134694a43e55 Description-sl: Souporabljna knjižnica razčlenjevanja in potrjevanja veljavnosti XML XML is a metalanguage to let you design your own markup language. This library can be used to parse and validate XML documents. Package: librxtx-java Description-md5: 5574a55ba7d39c43255d9020bc086491 Description-sl: Polna izvedba Java CommAPI RXTX is a full implementation of the Java CommAPI from Sun. It contains native libraries providing serial and parallel communication for the Java Development Toolkit. Package: libs3dw2 Description-md5: a9f5ee155f06905bbf77787b4ea5491f Description-sl: 3d network display server widget library s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Ta paket zagotavlja knjižnico gradnikov. Package: libs6-2.13 Description-md5: b55e6190c8eb81d2d82b379960df40e1 Description-sl: small and secure supervision software suite (shared library) s6 is a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision (a.k.a service supervision), in the line of daemontools and runit, as well as various operations on processes and daemons. It is meant to be a toolbox for low-level process and service administration, providing different sets of independent tools that can be used within or without the framework, and that can be assembled together to achieve powerful functionality with a very small amount of code. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libsaclib0t64 Description-md5: 9ef64b4379b08a178e30a6a24481ecc5 Description-sl: library of C programs for computer algebra (shared library) SACLIB is a library of C programs for computer algebra derived from the SAC2 system. It includes algorithms for list processing, arithmetic of integers, rational numbers, and polynomials, modular arithmetic, linear algebra, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsaga-dev Description-md5: 69520bc61abdf28171f5f6cba9362535 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke SAGA GIS SAGA GIS (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) is a geographic information system used for editing and analysing spatial data. . This package contains the header files for developing with SAGA. Install this package if you wish to develop software that uses the SAGA API. Package: libsail-common0t64 Description-md5: a7b42e3f0a94810c906656062f6c7c2f Description-sl: SAIL common client library (shared library) SAIL is a fast and lightweight cross-platform image decoding and encoding library providing multi-leveled APIs from one-liners to complex use-cases with custom I/O sources. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsail-manip0t64 Description-md5: 7877af661f2ab7bf44fc6ff5884e0e3e Description-sl: SAIL image manipulation library (shared library) SAIL is a fast and lightweight cross-platform image decoding and encoding library providing multi-leveled APIs from one-liners to complex use-cases with custom I/O sources. . This package provides image manipulation functions. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsail0t64 Description-md5: 65412b6a2040da2e8eaeb66b3037deb8 Description-sl: SAIL client library (shared library) SAIL is a fast and lightweight cross-platform image decoding and encoding library providing multi-leveled APIs from one-liners to complex use-cases with custom I/O sources. . This package provides high-level SAIL client libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsavitar5t64 Description-md5: 15afd437d1a2fdc09439ae14a6aeefc1 Description-sl: 3MF file handling library (shared library) Savitar is a C++ library with Python 3 bindings for reading and writing 3MF files. . 3MF is an interchange format for sharing 3D models and other 3D printing data between related software and 3D printers. It is XML based and standardised by the 3MF consortium. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsbjson-dev Description-md5: 80c527e6f229ee2b5ab89ed93b8d0408 Description-sl: Objective-C JSON library (development files) A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible APIs are also provided for added control. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsbjson2.3t64 Description-md5: e893ac05eae51ee3ea62fa0080ebd353 Description-sl: Objective-C JSON library A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible APIs are also provided for added control. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsbsms-dev Description-md5: da4c5f38e978e8518fc894111e1455f0 Description-sl: Subband Sinusoidal Modeling Synthesis (development files) libsbsms is a C++ library for high quality time stretching and pitch scaling of audio. It uses octave subband sinusoidal modeling. . The audio is fed into a FIFO, which takes the STFT of the input. Each frame is high-pass filtered in the Fourier domain, and then written to a frame FIFO which does quadratic interpolating peak detection and track continuation. The tracks are resynthesized with a quadratic phase preserving oscillator bank at an arbitrary time scale. . The subbands are fed from the low-pass filtered frames, which are decimated by two and reconstructed in a half rate time domain. The subbands perform the same process as the parent band, only the data is at half the audio frequency, and at half the rate. There are typically 6 bands. The point of subbands is to allow high time resolution for high frequencies and at the same time high frequency resolution for low frequencies. . Pitch scaling is performed in a post-processing resampling step. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsc7v5 Description-md5: 88ca78ea3677618b0d71ba23c0a35753 Description-sl: Scientific Computing Toolkit (library) The Scientific Computing toolkit (SC) provides C++ class libraries for scientific computation. Included are classes for managing memory, saving and restoring the state of objects, reading objects from an input file, parallel communication, matrix algebra, among others. . Class libraries supporting quantum chemistry applications are provided with this distribution of SC. . Ta paket vključuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libscamperfile0-dev Description-md5: 106ac3a584d9095b3087f7ecc2808f66 Description-sl: Razvojne glave za scamperjev binaren izpis knjižnice dostopa datoteke scamper is a program that is able to conduct Internet measurement tasks to large numbers of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, in parallel, to fill a specified packets-per-second rate. Currently, it supports the well-known ping and traceroute techniques, as well as MDA traceroute, alias resolution, some parts of tbit, sting, and neighbour discovery. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in druge pomožne datoteke za knjižnico libscamperfile. Package: libscca-dev Description-md5: e5dd7deb9cff0cd8262e0b776fce3d29 Description-sl: Windows Prefetch File access library -- development files libscca is a library to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libscca1t64 Description-md5: 2f678b98ca09e74729ffbf3ad42cc6f1 Description-sl: Windows Prefetch File access library libscca is a library to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libscim-dev Description-md5: c9bf5cfadf4afe76b9bf5e7c1924af63 Description-sl: Razvojne knjižnice za okolje SCIM SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . This package provides development libraries on SCIM platform, including the header files and static libraries. The development documentations can be found in the scim-dev-doc package. . SCIM can be used as a dynamically loaded library on a single machine, or as a server/client model through socket in a network environment. As a component of the system, SCIM can work with existing IM framework such as XIM or IIIMF (in progress), as well as using client specific IM interface, such as GTK+ IM module. SCIM provides an IM application, scim, which use various IM engines to provide input methods for many languages, either by native modules (such as scim-pinyin and scim-hangul) or interfaces to other IM libraries (such as scim-anthy, scim-uim, scim-m17n, and scim- chewing). . For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim package. Package: libscim8v5 Description-md5: f9a06fa2b07c6caf7e9ed8147b60c58d Description-sl: Knjižnica za okolje SCIM SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . This package provides runtime libraries for SCIM platform. . For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim package. Package: libsciplot1t64 Description-md5: 44ff3dfceaf495ed9c41f1c9d35c52b6 Description-sl: Gradnik za izrisovanje znanstvenih grafov The SciPlot Widget is a widget capable of plotting Cartesian or polar graphs, including logarithmic axes in Cartesian plots. The widget is subclassed directly from the Core widget class, which means that it does not depend upon any other widget set. It may be freely used with Athena, Motif, or the Open Look/Xview widget sets. (There is optional Motif support that causes the widget to be subclassed from XmPrimitive. See the man page.) . Features provided in the widget include automatic scaling, legend drawing, axis labeling, PostScript output, multiple plotted lines, color support, user font specification, dashed lines, symbols drawn at points, logarithmic scales on one or both axes in Cartesian plots, and degrees or radians as angles in polar plots. Package: libscope-guard-perl Description-md5: 0ab1354db485ee56de877e8d97c7296e Description-sl: Leksikalno upravljanje virov Scope::Guard is a Perl module that provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or other forms of resource management at the end of a scope. It is particularly useful when dealing with exceptions. . For more information, see: <URL:> Package: libscrypt-kdf-dev Description-md5: 51e40e2f3b1c05220ad1d6129b59fa3e Description-sl: Development library for encryption using scrypt for key derivation A simple password-based encryption utility which demonstrates the scrypt key derivation function. On modern hardware and with default parameters, the cost of cracking the password on a file encrypted by scrypt enc is approximately 100 billion times more than the cost of cracking the same password on a file encrypted by openssl enc; this means that a five- character password using scrypt is stronger than a ten-character password using openssl. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libscrypt-kdf1 Description-md5: 6fd3fcde499f770d8d2cb067fecd610f Description-sl: Shared library for encryption using scrypt for key derivation A simple password-based encryption utility which demonstrates the scrypt key derivation function. On modern hardware and with default parameters, the cost of cracking the password on a file encrypted by scrypt enc is approximately 100 billion times more than the cost of cracking the same password on a file encrypted by openssl enc; this means that a five- character password using scrypt is stronger than a ten-character password using openssl. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdbus-c++-dev Description-md5: 93d00c99dbc3ffcc8b9933c21d6ee6a8 Description-sl: High-level C++ D-Bus library for Linux in modern C++ (development files) sdbus-c++ is a high-level C++ D-Bus library for Linux designed to provide expressive, easy-to-use API in modern C++. It adds another layer of abstraction on top of sd-bus, a nice, fresh C D-Bus implementation by systemd. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdbus-c++-doc Description-md5: 76bf9a24192c6d80e794171e3d107fbc Description-sl: High-level C++ D-Bus library for Linux in modern C++ (documentation) sdbus-c++ is a high-level C++ D-Bus library for Linux designed to provide expressive, easy-to-use API in modern C++. It adds another layer of abstraction on top of sd-bus, a nice, fresh C D-Bus implementation by systemd. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libsde1t64 Description-md5: 676d64e6baa8178038af5c3f8e942520 Description-sl: PAPI software defined events runtime (shared libraries) Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) provides the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events. . Software Defined Events (SDEs) allow arbitrary custom performance metrics to be defined by applications or performance tools that can be measured by PAPI via the sde component. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-gfx1.2-dev Description-md5: 49354076c310a0009ed60e3961f93c21 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za SDL_gfx The SDL_gfx library is an extension to the SDL library which provides basic antialiased drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons, an interpolating rotozoomer for SDL surfaces, framerate control and MMX image filters. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use SDL_gfx. Package: libsdl-image1.2 Description-md5: b04046f8d6efcac7094eea4596dd127a Description-sl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-image1.2-dev Description-md5: 88e45ebbfade6fd5cc266ca8c5364641 Description-sl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl-kitchensink-dev Description-md5: 666585a0c6e65434efa813a54c80bbc5 Description-sl: FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback - Development files It provides FFmpeg-based audio and video playback for SDL which features: - Decoding video & audio via FFmpeg - Dumping video data on SDL_textures - Dumping audio data in the usual mono/stereo interleaved formats - Automatic audio and video conversion to SDL2 friendly formats - Synchronizing video & audio to clock - Seeking forwards and backwards - Bitmap & libass subtitle support . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl-kitchensink1 Description-md5: 953a996c93f273e40b62268379679c08 Description-sl: FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback It provides FFmpeg-based audio and video playback for SDL which features: - Decoding video & audio via FFmpeg - Dumping video data on SDL_textures - Dumping audio data in the usual mono/stereo interleaved formats - Automatic audio and video conversion to SDL2 friendly formats - Synchronizing video & audio to clock - Seeking forwards and backwards - Bitmap & libass subtitle support . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-mixer1.2 Description-md5: 6365dd710480410f247a015e3bf6e992 Description-sl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-mixer1.2-dev Description-md5: c9cb3ce99772b1ad82e3e483c57b44c2 Description-sl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl-net1.2 Description-md5: d9a5c0da6adf42bc40db5f9ca3c36408 Description-sl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-net1.2-dev Description-md5: a16ffa7eccf37321735f330935ce44ed Description-sl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl-sge Description-md5: 6cf065bddd65a1ec6ba47d0e681917ac Description-sl: extension of graphic functions for SDL multimedia libraries SGE is a layer over the SDL multimedia library which provides common graphics operations such as clipping, block copies, drawing of lines, circles and primitives, rotation and scaling of surfaces, pixel operations, palette functions and many more. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-sound1.2 Description-md5: 02f3434922f761b0483d433986a93ea1 Description-sl: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple Directmedia Layer library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-sound1.2-dev Description-md5: 757b1c478ca9ef83deab4980576bbe6c Description-sl: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple Directmedia Layer library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-0 Description-md5: 757b4624c2c48994a058634a99e0b456 Description-sl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-dev Description-md5: a13657785db12ed4c42ce57872ede102 Description-sl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl2-image-2.0-0 Description-md5: e5b1016aaab8f0b7659c8933fad826b0 Description-sl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl2-image-dev Description-md5: 69d53403a68162ef7e95a3a08bcf3861 Description-sl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 Description-md5: 34f4d1cbb2b9046174dc41bffcfcdaa0 Description-sl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD, FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl2-mixer-dev Description-md5: 55b455dd6a9944b2e8ba9695b8456358 Description-sl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD, FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl2-net-2.0-0 Description-md5: 0e252144b4b100ffba0cf7c7abc24e53 Description-sl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl2-net-dev Description-md5: dfd3cc3d913384bda90efc6a0f7e822a Description-sl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 Description-md5: d1d11e371518d26e6e4ae98dff649ad4 Description-sl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsdl2-ttf-dev Description-md5: dbc0a7ada44359d9c3ee7bc8d63ba702 Description-sl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsdo-api-java-doc Description-md5: 1cf53c3cd49b0854c804bceee6689437 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libsdo-api-java Documentation for SDO that is a framework for data application development, which includes an architecture and API. SDO does the following: . - Simplifies the J2EE data programming model - Abstracts data in a service oriented architecture (SOA) - Unifies data application development - Supports and integrates XML - Incorporates J2EE patterns and best practices . With SDO, you do not need to be familiar with a technology-specific API in order to access and utilize data. You need to know only one API, the SDO API, which lets you work with data from multiple data sources, including relational databases, entity EJB components, XML pages, Web services, the Java Connector Architecture, JavaServer Pages pages, and more. . This package contains only a Java API of SDO 2.1 spec. EclipseLink is a implementation of this spec. Package: libsdp0 Description-md5: 50c34f38f7b1e8a5d227bfea5e74fe53 Description-sl: Software package for semidefinite programming (library) CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl, Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the constraint matrices. . CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libsendmail-pmilter-perl Description-md5: bcaab656aec36389739734474fc8cf52 Description-sl: Izvedba Perl za protokol poštnega filtra Sendmail PMilter is an attempt to reimplement Sendmail's milter (mail filter) protocol in pure Perl. There are many reasons for this, including independence from Sendmail's libmilter, as well as freedom from POSIX threads (helps stability for Perl filters), etc. . Most of PMilter's Sendmail::Milter interface is a clone of the frontend functions in PMilter::Server. However, this compatibility package also includes some methods specific to the Sendmail MTA, which are deliberately not included in PMilter::Server. Package: libsep0 Description-md5: 605beb4fc7345849f097c7ce95815d09 Description-sl: C library for source extraction and photometry SEP makes the core algorithms of Source Extractor available as a library of stand-alone functions and classes. These operate directly on in-memory arrays (no FITS files or configuration files). The code is derived from the Source Extractor code base (written in C) and aims to produce results compatible with Source Extractor whenever possible. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libserd-0-0 Description-md5: bd369f9d79094ee5fb84979d4917e214 Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica skladnje RDF Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. . Serd is not intended to be a swiss-army knife of RDF syntax, but rather is suited to resource limited applications, or situations where a simple reader/writer with minimal dependencies is ideal (e.g. in LV2 hosts or plugins). . Serd is: * small: Serd is implemented in under 2500 lines1 of standard C code. * portable and dependency-free: Serd uses only the C standard library, and has no external dependencies, making it a lightweight dependency in every sense. * fast and lightweight: Serd (and the included serdi tool) can be used to stream abbreviated Turtle (unlike many other tools which can not stream since they must first build an internal model to abbreviate). In other words, Serd can re-serialise an unbounded amount of Turtle using a fixed amount of memory, preserving the abbreviations in the input. * conformant and well-tested: Serd is written to the Turtle, NTriples and URI specifications, and includes a comprehensive test suite which includes all the normative examples from the Turtle specification, all the "normal" examples from the URI specification, and additional tests added specifically for Serd. The test suite has over 96% code coverage (by line), and runs with zero memory errors or leaks. Package: libserd-dev Description-md5: 2f89c23569eb34b99cbefbdff1ea5390 Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica skladnje RDF - razvojne datoteke Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za Serd. Package: libserd-doc Description-md5: e8aadcdff55df352860e3f2d599ca011 Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica skladnje RDF - dokumentacija Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko referenco za serd. Package: libserf-dev Description-md5: 1d5e42006c42271fcb2927cdcd32b348 Description-sl: high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library headers serf library is a C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. It multiplexes connections, running the read/write communication asynchronously. Memory copies and transformations are kept to a minimum to provide high performance operation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave za serf. Package: libserial-dev Description-md5: ee95edf4acf2fda26a155c4284803616 Description-sl: Serial port programming in C++ -- development files A collection of C++ classes which allow the serial port on POSIX systems to be accessed like an iostream object. Special functions are provided for setting various parameters of the serial port such as the baud rate, character size, flow control and other. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne knjižnice in glave Package: libserial1 Description-md5: 74e8478d2a9bf955147ef52c8b26b2a3 Description-sl: Serial port programming in C++ under POSIX operating system A collection of C++ classes which allow the serial port on POSIX systems to be accessed like an iostream object. Special functions are provided for setting various parameters of the serial port such as the baud rate, character size, flow control and other. . Zagotavlja knjižnico libserial Package: libserialdv-dev Description-md5: 6eb30d2fe7330bfa1122d15aab963a8d Description-sl: encode and decode audio with AMBE3000 devices (headers) SerialDV is a C++ minimal interface to encode and decode audio with AMBE3000 based devices in packet mode over a serial link. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libserialport0 Description-md5: 6ff69924a185f7208c4a743671869971 Description-sl: Crossplatform serial port handling library - shared library libserialport is a minimal, cross-platform shared library that is intended to take care of the OS-specific details when writing software that uses serial ports. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libseriousproton0 Description-md5: 8122784210141e52ac7b687994a43e2e Description-sl: C++ game engine -- shared library SeriousProton is implemented atop SFML, from scratch. . "There will be dragons and undocumented stuff in here." . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libserp-java-doc Description-md5: c0a4397d96bdc193799f11def6182fec Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libserp-java Documentation of the serp bytecode framework that has as goal to tap the full power of bytecode modification while lowering its associated costs. . The framework provides a set of high-level APIs for manipulating all aspects of bytecode, from large-scale structures like class member fields to the individual instructions that comprise the code of methods. . While in order to perform any advanced manipulation, some understanding of the class file format and especially of the JVM instruction set is necessary, the framework makes it as easy as possible to enter the world of bytecode development. Package: libsexplib-ocaml Description-md5: 5d7e08d0ce493f6c16c25ace815374a7 Description-sl: automated conversions between OCaml-values and S-expressions (runtime) Sexplib library contains functionality for parsing and pretty-printing S-expressions. . Another module contained in Sexplib you to extract and replace sub- expressions in S-expressions. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libsexplib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 115a9b4782d29dc2708535a3211c31f2 Description-sl: automated conversions between OCaml-values and S-expressions (dev files) Sexplib library contains functionality for parsing and pretty-printing S-expressions. . Another module contained in Sexplib you to extract and replace sub- expressions in S-expressions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsexplib0-ocaml Description-md5: d9d155c0358960b746dd028814bee35a Description-sl: S-expression library (runtime) Part of Jane Street's Core library. The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libsexplib0-ocaml-dev Description-md5: f60a0745bfc56c156dd10c66193344d3 Description-sl: S-expression library (development) Part of Jane Street's Core library. The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsfcgal-dev Description-md5: 919dd9da004d2326cc5d43dcd247d649 Description-sl: Library for ISO 19107:2013 and OGC SFA 1.2 for 3D operations (development) SFCGAL is a C++ wrapper library around CGAL with the aim of supporting ISO 19107:2013 and OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations. . SFCGAL provides standard compliant geometry types and operations, that can be accessed from its C or C++ APIs. PostGIS uses the C API, to expose some SFCGAL's functions in spatial databases (cf. PostGIS manual). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libsfcgal1t64 Description-md5: ba920888b0d3478a43c333f82749e116 Description-sl: Library for ISO 19107:2013 and OGC SFA 1.2 for 3D operations SFCGAL is a C++ wrapper library around CGAL with the aim of supporting ISO 19107:2013 and OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations. . SFCGAL provides standard compliant geometry types and operations, that can be accessed from its C or C++ APIs. PostGIS uses the C API, to expose some SFCGAL's functions in spatial databases (cf. PostGIS manual). . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsfst1-1.4 Description-md5: b8c061b645e2f827a98a8eadb3e8074a Description-sl: Souporabljna knjižnica za SFST Contains shared library for SFST. SFST is a toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on finite state transducer technology. Package: libsfst1-1.4-dev Description-md5: 7ad55eb21335f65eb1fe0ac3c0ebed8a Description-sl: Razvojna knjižnica SFST Contains development files for SFST. SFST is a toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on finite state transducer technology. Package: libsha-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 50b24e46ead600a8fb2bdd28b1b5dfd9 Description-sl: Zmožnosti razprševanja šifriranja za OCaml (razvojne datoteke) SHA-1 produces a 160-bit digest from its input. SHA-256 and SHA-512 produce 256-bit and 512-bit digests from their inputs, respectively. . This package contains the files needed to compile OCaml programs that use the SHA library. Package: libshaderc1 Description-md5: 51ebede95924a39b8b344b079dcc316c Description-sl: Library API for accessing glslc functionality - shared libraries glslc wraps around core functionality in glslang and SPIRV-Tools. glslc and its library aims to provide: - a command line compiler with GCC- and Clang-like usage, for better integration with build systems; - an API where functionality can be added without breaking existing clients; - an API supporting standard concurrency patterns across multiple operating systems; - increased functionality such as file #include support. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libsharp0 Description-md5: 69bd5cbd96034f709fee36ea9de1a561 Description-sl: fast spherical harmonic transforms - C/C++ development library libsharp is a library for spherical harmonic transforms (SHTs), which evolved from the libpsht library, addressing several of its shortcomings, such as adding MPI support for distributed memory systems and SHTs of fields with arbitrary spin, but also supporting new developments in CPU instruction sets like the Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) or fused multiply-accumulate (FMA) instructions. The library is implemented in portable C99 and provides an interface that can be easily accessed from other programming languages such as C++, Fortran, Python etc. Generally, libsharp's performance is at least on par with that of its predecessor; however, significant improvements were made to the algorithms for scalar SHTs, which are roughly twice as fast when using the same CPU capabilities. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libshhmsg1 Description-md5: 62a52a7b059ed1686e85df91f81689cd Description-sl: Knjižnica za prikaz sporočil - izvajanje This is Sverre H. Huseby's library for displaying messages in terminal based programs. It can treat the verbosity level and prepend the program name if necessary. . This package contains what you need to run programs that use this library. Package: libshhmsg1-dev Description-md5: 552f87d6a57ce125bb6190062d480250 Description-sl: Knjižnica za prikaz sporočil - razvoj This is Sverre H. Huseby's library for displaying messages in terminal based programs. It can treat the verbosity level and prepend the program name if necessary. . This package contains what you need for compiling sources that use this library and docs for using it in your own code. Package: libshhopt1 Description-md5: 893605ceef8e39723580c9ed0e8dc370 Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik možnosti ukazne vrstice - izvajalna datoteka This is Sverre H. Huseby's library for parsing command line options. . Both traditional one-character options and GNU-style --long-options are supported. This library does a little more than standard getopt. . This package contains what you need to run programs that use this library. Package: libshhopt1-dev Description-md5: 5b4075fafcef600fb519390823ce1e53 Description-sl: Razčlenjevalnik možnosti ukazne vrstice - razvoj This is Sverre H. Huseby's library for parsing command line options. . Both traditional one-character options and GNU-style --long-options are supported. This library does a little more than standard getopt. . This package contains what you need for compiling sources that use this library. Package: libshout-idjc-dev Description-md5: d797877ae989976ee4bddf756728b122 Description-sl: broadcast streaming library with IDJC extensions (development) A library for communicating with and sending data to Icecast and Icecast 2 streaming audio servers. It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data transmission, and prevents bad data from getting to the server. . This package provides the libshout library with IDJC extensions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libshout-ocaml Description-md5: 89687ea21bf9e4d804856b76b91a81c0 Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico shout This OCaml library interfaces the shout C library which can be used for communicating with and sending data to Icecast and Icecast 2 streaming audio servers (they currently support Ogg Vorbis and MP3 audio streams). It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data transmission, and prevents bad data from getting to the server. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libshout-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 6ef0b02c21472109ef163c9e4a336e9a Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico shout This OCaml library interfaces the shout C library which can be used for communicating with and sending data to Icecast and Icecast 2 streaming audio servers (they currently support Ogg Vorbis and MP3 audio streams). It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data transmission, and prevents bad data from getting to the server. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use ocaml- shout in your programs. Package: libshp-dev Description-md5: 41ad100b73927b68333859b14c59c512 Description-sl: Library for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles - development files The Shapefile format is a working and interchange format promoted by ESRI for simple vector data with attributes. It is apparently the only file format that can be edited in ARCView 2/3, and can also be exported and imported in ArcGis. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libshp4 Description-md5: 27308df3bd0a5b2c491e8c49163628f0 Description-sl: Library for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles The Shapefile format is a working and interchange format promoted by ESRI for simple vector data with attributes. It is apparently the only file format that can be edited in ARCView 2/3, and can also be exported and imported in ArcGis. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsidutils-dev Description-md5: 674947a7f6511ac306712c88ac79ed97 Description-sl: utility functions for SID players This library contains various things deemed useful to all SID players (Emulations of the C64's SID chip (MOS 6581) and CPU (6510)), and currently every player seems to be re-inventing. It is used by several "player" applications, e.g. sidplay. . Trenutno je podprto: . * INI file reader. * MD5 key creation. * Song length database parser. * Sid filter file parser. . Prihaja kmalu: . * Playlist parser (load and save). * STIL parser. Package: libsidutils0 Description-md5: 674947a7f6511ac306712c88ac79ed97 Description-sl: utility functions for SID players This library contains various things deemed useful to all SID players (Emulations of the C64's SID chip (MOS 6581) and CPU (6510)), and currently every player seems to be re-inventing. It is used by several "player" applications, e.g. sidplay. . Trenutno je podprto: . * INI file reader. * MD5 key creation. * Song length database parser. * Sid filter file parser. . Prihaja kmalu: . * Playlist parser (load and save). * STIL parser. Package: libsieve2-dev Description-md5: 7c881cca899d97b9d1029b169cf699d5 Description-sl: library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail This code is a standalone library based upon code which had been distributed with the Cyrus Mail Server. Currently libSieve implements two APIs: one that is based upon, and compatible with, the Sieve API as built into the Cyrus Mail Server, as well as a new API which is very well suited to be incorporated into other programs and is reasonably extensible. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsight-dev Description-md5: 5c8c66562eaa9901e7a0d492014b954c Description-sl: Sight header files The Surgical Image Guidance and Healthcare Toolkit aims to ease the creation of applications based on medical imaging. It includes various features such as 2D and 3D digital image processing, visualization, augmented reality and medical interaction simulation. It runs on many different environments (Windows, Linux, macOS), is written in C++, and features rapid interface design using XML files. . Sight was formerly known as FW4SPL. It was renamed in 2018, firstly to make its purpose clearer, and secondly as part of a major change in design and in the governance of the development team. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsignal-protocol-c-dev Description-md5: 5d3ef45e92ac682f94687bf547c324de Description-sl: ratcheting forward secrecy protocol for synchronous and asynchronous messaging This is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsigrok4t64 Description-md5: 2e43895a132fca24faea76a0d1152887 Description-sl: sigrok hardware driver library - shared library libsigrok is a shared library which provides basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers, as well as input/output file format support. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsigscan-dev Description-md5: 3b0d629263820416d1137aac869c9574 Description-sl: binary signature scanning library -- development files libsigscan is a library for binary signature scanning, using simple offset/string-based signatures. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libsigscan1t64 Description-md5: 2ac42ed06538e167efe0ea8718660fc4 Description-sl: binary signature scanning library libsigscan is a library for binary signature scanning, using simple offset/string-based signatures. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsilly Description-md5: 63963aa98956f88d8f7f5bc4ef9c93e7 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za enostavno knjižnico nalaganja slik The aim of Simple Image Loading LibrarY is to provide a simple library for loading image in the context of CEGUI. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave knjižnice silly in razvojne datoteke. Package: libsilly-dev Description-md5: 468304dde50d6b707db84b41c93237a9 Description-sl: Enostavna knjižnica nalaganja slik The aim of Simple Image Loading LibrarY is to provide a simple library for loading image in the context of CEGUI. . The library supports only the most common image format. The project was initialy launch in order to provide an MIT based replacement of DevIL with less image format supported and focused on loading image only. Package: libsilly-doc Description-md5: 3c0d1ff87e04c0d1f7833c33c8da98ae Description-sl: Enostavna knjižnica nalaganja slik (dokumentacija) The aim of Simple Image Loading LibrarY is to provide a simple library for loading image in the context of CEGUI. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za libsilly. Package: libsimgear-dev Description-md5: 9b164b410bdf60b8b719956079b10549 Description-sl: Simulator Construction Gear -- development files SimGear is a collection of libraries useful for constructing simulation and visualization applications such as FlightGear or TerraGear. . Ta paket zagotavlja glave in statične knjižnice. Package: libsimgrid3.35t64 Description-md5: f56d5c55629c5218ec3098e55a423076 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za raztegljivo simulacijo distribuiranih programov SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core functionalities for the simulation of distributed applications in heterogeneous distributed environments. SimGrid can be used as a Grid simulator, a P2P simulator, a Cloud simulator, a MPI simulator, or a mix of all of them. The typical use-cases of SimGrid include heuristic evaluation, application prototyping, and real application development and tuning. . This package contains the dynamic libraries and runtime. Package: libsimpleini-dev Description-md5: a784ec5940251ed9ae300d0a42b28334 Description-sl: C++ library for INI-style configuration files (development files) A cross-platform library that provides a simple API to read and write INI- style configuration files. It supports data files in ASCII, MBCS and Unicode. It is designed explicitly to be portable to any platform and has been tested on Windows, WinCE and Linux. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libsimtkmolmodel-dev Description-md5: a94aa39a9fa202916155c6b6e98edbd0 Description-sl: C++ API for creating molecular models for SimTK (development files) Provides C++ API for creating molecular models whose dynamics can be simulated using the SimTK Simbody library. Molmodel is a programmer's toolkit for building reduced-coordinate, yet still all-atom, models of large biopolymers such as proteins, RNA, and DNA. One can control the allowed mobility. By default, Molmodel builds torsion-coordinate models in which bond stretch and bend angles are rigid while bond torsion angles are mobile. But one is able to rigidify or free any subsets of the atoms, such as the rigid benzene ring. . Molmodel is a C++ API for biochemist-friendly molecular modeling that extends the Simbody API to simplify construction of high-performance articulated models of molecules. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsingular4m4n0 Description-md5: e36adf6a0c8b8624187f7014148ba639 Description-sl: Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations -- library package SINGULAR is a Computer Algebra System (CAS) for polynomial computations with emphasis on the special needs of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libsitemesh-java-doc Description-md5: 63c8650112700a21d70e9b5cf89a79b9 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libsitemesh-java Documentation for SiteMesh which is a framework that aids in creating large sites consisting of many web pages and applications for which a consistent look/feel, navigation and layout scheme is required. Package: libskarnet2.14t64 Description-md5: 2c9bf95082267dbab8cd3dc4e15abcba Description-sl: library used for building software at skalibs is a package centralizing the free software / open source C development files used for building all software at it contains essentially general-purpose libraries. You will need to install skalibs if you plan to build software. The point is that you won't have to download and compile big libraries, and care about portability issues, every time you need to build a package: do it only once. . skalibs can also be used as a sound basic start for C development. There are a lot of general-purpose libraries out there; but if your main goal is to produce small and secure C code with a focus on system programming, skalibs might be for you. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libskk0 Description-md5: 6ec6e9c23a0efdd5ce604f2c40184fa5 Description-sl: library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method Libskk is a library that provides GObject-based interface of Japanese input methods. Currently it supports SKK (Simple Kana Kanji) with various typing rules including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, ACT, TUT-Code, T-Code, and NICOLA. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libslang2-modules Description-md5: 1e964ad8c008b4e87762d66b0066a7b5 Description-sl: Souporabljeni moduli za jezik S-Lang S-Lang is a C programmer's library that includes routines for the rapid development of sophisticated, user friendly, multi-platform applications. . This package contains dynamically-loaded modules for S-Lang applications. Package: libslopy-dev Description-md5: 5d80b8d4f984b66c3e757ace7151b64c Description-sl: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libslopy7.6 Description-md5: 52d8c62a1a1dc295339b9113b3a34cdd Description-sl: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsmacker1 Description-md5: f0f6ebc9a7677fcca2141928733dd70e Description-sl: C library for decoding .smk video files libsmacker is a cross-platform C library which can be used for decoding Smacker Video files produced by RAD Game Tools. The library supports all features of both v2 and v4 files, except that Bink Audio Compression (lossy perceptual coding) is unsupported. For most use cases of libsmacker, this is not a serious limitation. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsmdev-dev Description-md5: d5fc58fd0cf576b05bbfe8d8e0a2258a Description-sl: storage media device access library -- development files libsmdev is a library to access to storage media devices. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libsmdev1t64 Description-md5: 03d08de27e40f9b053bad466dba6c5b4 Description-sl: storage media device access library libsmdev is a library to access to storage media devices. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsmf-dev Description-md5: e6f329b6f933e4161b9819cd7f6cd14a Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico smf LibSMF is a BSD-licensed C library for handling SMF ("*.mid") files. . This package contains the development libraries, header files needed by programs that want to compile with LibSMF Package: libsmi2-dev Description-md5: 79d7c1c39b88b25dafd14e07f3327e69 Description-sl: library to access SMI MIB information - development files These are the files needed to compile programs using libsmi. . The purpose of libsmi is to * give network management applications a concise programmer-friendly interface to access MIB module information, * separate the knowledge on SMI from the main parts of management applications, * allow one to add new kinds of MIB repositories without the need to adapt applications that make use of libsmi. . In this context, MIB is "Management Information Base" and SMI stands for "Structure and identification of Management Information". See RFC1902 and others for details. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico libsmi. Package: libsmithwaterman0 Description-md5: aefb07a7cba8c668dbfd9aa090996f07 Description-sl: determine similar regions between two strings or genomic sequences (lib) The Smith–Waterman algorithm performs local sequence alignment; that is, for determining similar regions between two strings or nucleotide or protein sequences. Instead of looking at the total sequence, the Smith–Waterman algorithm compares segments of all possible lengths and optimizes the similarity measure. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libsmpp34-dev Description-md5: e5de94a40fd36bc8a044139c1a1f6eee Description-sl: Development files for libsmpp34 This library is an implementation for providing the PDU handling of the SMPP-3.4 protocol. SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) is an open industry standard protocol designed to provide a flexible data communication interface for the transfer of short message data between External Short Messaging Entities, Routing Entitites and Message Centres. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libsmraw-dev Description-md5: 1ef02f84dcf59426ebbb6e47d53f6403 Description-sl: split RAW image format access library -- development files libsmraw is a library to access the (split) RAW image format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libsmraw1t64 Description-md5: dee097554f2b6d28429406de6f137733 Description-sl: split RAW image format access library libsmraw is a library to access the (split) RAW image format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsnap7-dev Description-md5: 93e0eed9a59273a2502684613ee36c71 Description-sl: Siemens S7 PLCs communications library -- dev files The new CPUs 1200/1500 and SINAMICS Drives are also partially supported. Although it has been designed to overcome the limitations of OPC servers when transferring large amounts of high speed data in industrial facilities, it scales well down to small Linux based arm boards such as Raspberry PI, BeagleBone Black, pcDuino and CubieBoard. . Three specialized components, Client, Server and Partner, allow you to definitively integrate your PC based systems into a PLC automation chain.\ . Main features: * Native multi-architecture design (32/64 bit). * Platform independent, currently are supported Windows (from NT 4.0 up to Windows 8), Linux, BSD, Oracle Solaris 11. * Fully scalable, starting from blade servers down to Raspberry PI board. * No dependence on any third-party libraries, no installation needed, zero configuration. * Three Different native thread models for performance optimization: Win32 threads/ Posix threads / Solaris 11 threads. * Two data transfer models: classic synchronous and asynchronous. * Two data flow models: polling and unsolicited (PLC transfers data when it wants to). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsnapd-qt-dev Description-md5: 52a4591df68465c7b093955419f9a46e Description-sl: Qt snapd library (development files) snapd-glib is a library to allow GLib based applications access to snapd, the daemon that controls Snaps. . Snaps are 'universal' packages that work across many different Linux systems, enabling secure distribution of the latest apps and utilities for cloud, servers, desktops and the internet of things. . snapd-qt is a wrapper library for snapd-glib for Qt applications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsndobj-dev Description-md5: 744a496c94d68da32b0221b041795ce4 Description-sl: Knjižnica zvočnega predmeta (razvojne datoteke) The Sound Object Library is an object-oriented audio processing library. It provides objects for synthesis and processing of sound that can be used to build applications for computer-generated music. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsndobj2t64 Description-md5: 795eff0a0cbdc67712549f1868e83508 Description-sl: Knjižnica zvočnega predmeta The Sound Object Library is an object-oriented audio processing library. It provides objects for synthesis and processing of sound that can be used to build applications for computer-generated music. Package: libsnowball-norwegian-perl Description-md5: 16b4a74769c3893c5c4bf153e23965a4 Description-sl: Algoritem tvorjenja korenov besed za norveščino The stem function takes a scalar as a parameter and stems the word according to Martin Porters Norwegian stemming algorithm, which can be found at the Snowball website: . It also supports caching if you pass the use_cache option when constructing a new L:S:S:N object. Package: libsnowball-swedish-perl Description-md5: b3a66d1af0681a1ad9ba5eafad4a3e1a Description-sl: Algoritem tvorjenja korenov besed za švedščino The stem function takes a scalar as a parameter and stems the word according to Martin Porters Swedish stemming algorithm, which can be found at the Snowball website: . It also supports caching if you pass the use_cache option when constructing a new L:S:S:S object. Package: libsnpeff-java Description-md5: 89a169657fa3803e7bf6ee76392617b4 Description-sl: genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - lib SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid changes). . The inputs are predicted variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions and MNPs). The input file is usually obtained as a result of a sequencing experiment, and it is usually in variant call format (VCF). . SnpEff analyzes the input variants. It annotates the variants and calculates the effects they produce on known genes (e.g. amino acid changes). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libsnpsift-java Description-md5: 0d188edd72ea4636cec6d43d2985d850 Description-sl: tool to annotate and manipulate genome variants - lib SnpSift is a toolbox that allows one to filter and manipulate annotated files. Once the genomic variants have been annotated, one needs to filter them out in order to find the "interesting / relevant variants". Given the large data files, this is not a trivial task (e.g. one cannot load all the variants into XLS spreadsheet). SnpSift helps to perform this VCF file manipulation and filtering required at this stage in data processing pipelines. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libsoap-wsdl-perl Description-md5: 819df8956767ad16c3ebfd38c8f3dcbe Description-sl: Modul Perl za SOAP s podporo WSDL SOAP::WSDL provides easy access to Web Services with WSDL descriptions. . The WSDL is parsed and stored in memory. Your data is serialized according to the rules in the WSDL. The only transport mechanisms currently supported are http and https. Package: libsoapysdr-dev Description-md5: 000beecb516bda457a33049681d77947 Description-sl: SoapySDR library development files SoapySDR is a library providing a common interface to SDR (software defined radio) hardware. Support for different hardware is added through external modules. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libsoapysdr0.8 Description-md5: d14a42c7597dbb32defcaa0f0d64ec7f Description-sl: software defined radio interface library SoapySDR is a library providing a common interface to SDR (software defined radio) hardware. Support for different hardware is added through external modules. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsoci-core4.0 Description-md5: 31c75454fb08d2899ddf5ddaddc23bea Description-sl: C++ Database Access Library Database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within Standard C++. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsoci-dev Description-md5: af48496b5d02d9dd016c9162e9313719 Description-sl: Knjižnica dostopa podatkovne zbirke C++ (razvoj) Database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within Standard C++. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave. Package: libsoci-mysql4.0 Description-md5: d56ed898ca3bc24b5f6c9ad4ed4fe6f0 Description-sl: C++ Database Access Library (MySQL backend) Database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within Standard C++. . Ta paket zagotavlja zaledje MySQL. Package: libsoci-postgresql4.0 Description-md5: f74e7fcc9bb1989880ee8955850927bb Description-sl: C++ Database Access Library (PostgreSQL backend) Database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within Standard C++. . Ta paket zagotavlja zaledje PostgreSQL. Package: libsoci-sqlite3-4.0 Description-md5: d39063d2a310c8118e255043a03bf1cd Description-sl: C++ Database Access Library (SQLite3 backend) Database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within Standard C++. . Ta paket zagotavlja zaledje SQLite3 Package: libsofia-sip-ua-dev Description-md5: eea423e4e1b42614202f89598835c7c0 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižice Sofia-SIP Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. . This package provides the headers and libraries needed to build applications against the Sofia-SIP library. Package: libsofia-sip-ua0t64 Description-md5: e921b85f67d50b90ca35d41ec1c1571f Description-sl: Izvajalna knjižnica Sofia-SIP Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. . The library is implemented in ANSI C, and provides an extensive set of features for implementing SIP/SIMPLE User-Agents. Highlights include full UDP/TCP/TLS support, IPv4/6 support, SIMPLE presence and messaging support, SIP offer/answer engine and numerous mechanisms for NAT/FW traversal. . This package provides the main library runtime files. Package: libsofthsm2 Description-md5: a797f31f4ecb146a2b0f6391d1a0e1c5 Description-sl: cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS #11 OpenDNSSEC is a complete DNSSEC zone signing system which is very easy to use with stability and security in mind. There are a lot of details in signing zone files with DNSSEC and OpenDNSSEC covers most of it. . SoftHSM 2 is a software implementation of a generic cryptographic device with a PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsoil1 Description-md5: 592ac35975852881dc92c461ea847d2b Description-sl: Enostavna knjižnica slik OpenGL SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. It supports loading BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS, PSD and HDR files as well as saving into TGA, BMP and DDS Files. . It is also able to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures. . This is the shared library potentially needed for some other software to work. Package: libsollya8 Description-md5: 4f765cece06abd03700012a3eb9c8547 Description-sl: library for safe floating-point code development -- lib Sollya is both a tool environment and a library for safe floating-point code development. It offers a convenient way to perform computations with multiple precision interval arithmetic. It is particularly targeted to the automated implementation of mathematical floating-point libraries. . Initially, Sollya was intended more specifically for people implementing numerical functions in mathematical libraries (e.g., exp, arccos, tanh, etc.). Since then, the tool has evolved and has now become interesting not only to developers of mathematical libraries, but also to everyone who needs to perform numerical experiments in an environment that is safe with respect to round-off errors. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično knjižnico. Package: libsombok-dev Description-md5: 52846f6cd13fba1ac5d444a677039181 Description-sl: Knjižnica segmentacije besedila Unicode (razvojne datoteke) Sombok library performs Line Breaking Algorithm described in Unicode Standards Annex #14 (UAX #14). East_Asian_Width informative properties defined by Annex #11 (UAX #11) may be concerned to determin breaking positions. This library also implements “default” Grapheme Cluster segmentation described in Annex #29 (UAX #29). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsombok3 Description-md5: d47198dbbd36aed7c8bd57135d739f6f Description-sl: Knjižnica segmentacije besedila Unicode Sombok library performs Line Breaking Algorithm described in Unicode Standards Annex #14 (UAX #14). East_Asian_Width informative properties defined by Annex #11 (UAX #11) may be concerned to determin breaking positions. This library also implements “default” Grapheme Cluster segmentation described in Annex #29 (UAX #29). Package: libsope-dev Description-md5: c10883bbcc0d0514ed87f5d63e340068 Description-sl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (development files) An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsope1 Description-md5: 003bea550b2dd06ebf538363d970d82b Description-sl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (shared libraries) An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libsopt-dev Description-md5: ba9b7754a5bac80355a0263f4fdce0f7 Description-sl: Development package for Sparse OPTimisation library SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm. . SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion open- source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also written by the authors of SOPT. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsopt3.0t64 Description-md5: 11e0e4aea8c231f5fc9490981eadcc74 Description-sl: Sparse OPTimisation shared library SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm. . SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion open- source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also written by the authors of SOPT. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsord-dev Description-md5: 47256121e704a2789bb89b1b7f2cfc7a Description-sl: library for storing RDF data in memory (development files) Sord is a lightweight C library for storing Resource Description Framework (RDF) data in memory. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave. Package: libsoundio-dev Description-md5: 82d84138360d06d496c0429a66a34be2 Description-sl: cross platform audio input and output library (development files) libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead exposing the raw power of the underlying backend. . libsoundio is appropriate for games, music players, digital audio workstations, and various utilities. . libsoundio is serious about robustness. It even handles out of memory conditions correctly. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsoundio2 Description-md5: ab38558e8bf6559fc68033726b1fdff0 Description-sl: cross-platform audio input and output library libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead exposing the raw power of the underlying backend. . libsoundio is appropriate for games, music players, digital audio workstations, and various utilities. . libsoundio is serious about robustness. It even handles out of memory conditions correctly. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsoundtouch1 Description-md5: 967fc4942a648592b436d29b2f8dbae3 Description-sl: Knjižnica raztegovanja zvoka SoundTouch is a library that can be used to change pitch and time of soundfiles independently. . This package contains the SoundTouch shared library. Package: libsoup2.4-doc Description-md5: 30d16c4ef5565770edbdc3a8882b7f92 Description-sl: HTTP library implementation in C -- API Reference It was originally part of a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation called Soup, but the SOAP and non-SOAP parts have now been split into separate packages. . libsoup uses the Glib main loop and is designed to work well with GTK+ applications. This enables GNOME applications to access HTTP servers on the network in a completely asynchronous fashion, very similar to the GTK+ programming model (a synchronous operation mode is also supported for those who want it). . Features: * Both asynchronous (GMainLoop and callback-based) and synchronous APIs * Automatically caches connections * SSL Support using GnuTLS * Proxy support, including authentication and SSL tunneling * Client support for Digest, NTLM, and Basic authentication * Server support for Digest and Basic authentication * Basic client-side SOAP and XML-RPC support . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libsox-dev Description-md5: 1795496664ecb4ebe868dbf0c76aeb58 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico SoX SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This library allow you to convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats. It also allows you to apply various effects to sound files. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico SoX. Package: libsox-fmt-all Description-md5: 433da23d25d1e75a0272ef414fa2e58a Description-sl: Knjižnice vseh oblik SoX SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This is a metapackage depending on all free SoX format libraries. Package: libsox-fmt-alsa Description-md5: 8120e471784ca59326086ba50837fa08 Description-sl: Knjižnica oblike V/I SoX alsa SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This package contains the SoX alsa format I/O library. . alsa: Package: libsox-fmt-ao Description-md5: 626acb286100ef6209c143332b34cabd Description-sl: Knjižnica V/I oblike SoX Libao SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This package contains the SoX Libao format I/O library. . libao: Package: libsox-fmt-oss Description-md5: b981fecb01084261f95f8975db7405a5 Description-sl: Knjižnica V/I vrste Sox OSS SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This package contains the SoX Open Sound System (OSS) format I/O library. . Open Sound System: Package: libsox-fmt-pulse Description-md5: 3f3a17c292ca5183b4b986a5bd679f73 Description-sl: Knjižnica V/I vrste Sox PulseAudio SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This package contains the SoX PulseAudio format I/O library. . PulseAudio: Package: libsoxr-dev Description-md5: 4e469fcf562dfd88d6ed1f3567fa556d Description-sl: High quality 1D sample-rate conversion library (development files) The SoX Resampler library `libsoxr' performs one-dimensional sample-rate conversion - it may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio. . It aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant (rational or irrational) resampling ratio. Phase-response, preserved bandwidth, aliasing, and rejection level parameters are all configurable; alternatively, simple `preset' configurations may be selected. . A simple API is provided that allows interfacing using commonly-used sample formats and buffering schemes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libspandsp2t64 Description-md5: acf1c7e090e21e8270204a3eecfaa217 Description-sl: Telephony signal processing library spandsp is a low-level signal processing library that modulate and demodulate signals commonly used in telephony, such as the "noise" generated by a fax modem or DTMF touchpad. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libspatialaudio-dev Description-md5: 4b21283857d8215b7be0df183aeec23d Description-sl: library for ambisonic encoding and decoding (development files) libspatialaudio is an open-source and cross-platform C++ library for Ambisonic encoding and decoding, filtering and binaural rendering. It is targeted to render High-Order Ambisonic (HOA) and VR/3D audio samples in multiple environments, from headphones to classic loudspeakers. Its binaural rendering can be used for classical 5.1/7.1 spatial channels as well as Ambisonics inputs. It supports Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) and ACN/SN3D Ambisonics audio streams following the Google spatial audio specification and the IETF codec Ambisonics specification. . The library allows you to encode, decode, rotate, zoom HOA Ambisonics audio streams up to the 3rd order. It can output to standard and custom loudspeakers arrays. To playback with headphones, the binauralizer applies an HRTF (either a SOFA file or the included MIT HRTF) to provide a spatial binaural rendering effect. The binauralization can also be used to render multichannels streams (5.1, 7.1...). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libspatialaudio0t64 Description-md5: 11fa3f0afe937b05aac37a66cbcdaf1f Description-sl: library for ambisonic encoding and decoding (runtime files) libspatialaudio is an open-source and cross-platform C++ library for Ambisonic encoding and decoding, filtering and binaural rendering. It is targeted to render High-Order Ambisonic (HOA) and VR/3D audio samples in multiple environments, from headphones to classic loudspeakers. Its binaural rendering can be used for classical 5.1/7.1 spatial channels as well as Ambisonics inputs. It supports Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) and ACN/SN3D Ambisonics audio streams following the Google spatial audio specification and the IETF codec Ambisonics specification. . The library allows you to encode, decode, rotate, zoom HOA Ambisonics audio streams up to the 3rd order. It can output to standard and custom loudspeakers arrays. To playback with headphones, the binauralizer applies an HRTF (either a SOFA file or the included MIT HRTF) to provide a spatial binaural rendering effect. The binauralization can also be used to render multichannels streams (5.1, 7.1...). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libspdx-licenses-ocaml Description-md5: 62d2ff2a2ed2fd42ffa01339e9afd9ac Description-sl: library providing a strict SPDX License Expression parser (runtime) An OCaml library aiming to provide an up-to-date and strict SPDX License Expression parser. It implements the format described in: See for more details. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libspdx-licenses-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 39f16d66e51c9d4a48d8df8b4b9ec6e5 Description-sl: library providing a strict SPDX License Expression parser (dev) An OCaml library aiming to provide an up-to-date and strict SPDX License Expression parser. It implements the format described in: See for more details. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libspectrum-dev Description-md5: 8c0165fe0df07cb34ea2b31b7fab0596 Description-sl: Knjižnica posnemovalnika ZX Spectrum - razvojne datoteke libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libspectrum8 Description-md5: 69091c33a109e292f11ebdc04b73b56e Description-sl: Knjižnica posnemovalnika ZX Spectrum - souporabljene knjižnice libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libspelling-1-dev Description-md5: 1a950069655ddd0c3748a54cd5353d7d Description-sl: Development files for libspelling A spellcheck library for GTK 4 heavily based upon GNOME Text Editor and GNOME Builder's spellcheck implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libspfft-dev Description-md5: e7bb9ee3cc0f030191b92177326bed6d Description-sl: Sparse 3D FFT library with MPI, OpenMP, CUDA / ROCm support (development files) SpFFT was originally intended for transforms of data with spherical cutoff in frequency domain, as required by some computational material science codes. For distributed computations, SpFFT uses a slab decomposition in space domain and pencil decomposition in frequency domain (all sparse data within a pencil must be on one rank). If desired, the library can be compiled without any parallelization (MPI, OpenMP, CUDA / ROCm). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libspglib-f08-2 Description-md5: ec9e99cc09aa61f032f62ec75d87225e Description-sl: C library for crystal symmetry determination (Fortran interface) Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Identify space-group type * Find symmetry operations * Find a primitive cell * Search irreducible k-points * Refine crystal structure * Wyckoff position assignment . This package contains Fortran interface. Package: libspglib-f08-dev Description-md5: 7e1f3d45f667f32cdc798683393fa2bf Description-sl: C library for crystal symmetry determination (Fortran development files) Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Identify space-group type * Find symmetry operations * Find a primitive cell * Search irreducible k-points * Refine crystal structure * Wyckoff position assignment . This package contains development files for Fortran interface. Package: libsphinxbase3t64 Description-md5: 5fa18029a988cb1711f32f78d8c5b5e3 Description-sl: Speech recognition tool - shared library CMU Sphinx is a large vocabulary, speaker-independent continuous speech recognition engine. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libspin-java-doc Description-md5: f5f239c498c235877131aa4b3349f773 Description-sl: transparent threading solution for non-freezing Swing applications (docs) Swing is the standard component architecture for developing Java desktop applications. Its exhaustive collection of widgets is the foundation for easy development of rich graphical user interfaces (GUI). . Alas every non trivial GUI sooner or later encounters the problem of "freeze". This annoying behaviour is experienced by users every time the application performs extensive calculations or blocks for network or disk I/O. . Spin offers a revolutionary new approach. It offers transparent thread handling with minimal impact on your application code. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libspiro1 Description-md5: a7edff0618138d488d9920a2328b7169 Description-sl: library for curve design This library provides a mechanism for drawing smooth contours with constant curvature at the spline joins. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libspirv-cross-c-shared0 Description-md5: 0f1320e3deba2a46b1489e2b787d4796 Description-sl: Convert SPIR-V to other shader languages (shared library) SPIRV-Cross is a tool designed for parsing and converting SPIR-V to other shader languages: * Convert SPIR-V to readable, usable and efficient GLSL * Convert SPIR-V to readable, usable and efficient MSL * Convert SPIR-V to readable, usable and efficient HLSL * Reflection API to simplify the creation of Vulkan pipeline layouts * Reflection API to modify and tweak OpDecorations * Supports "all" of vertex, fragment, tessellation, geometry and compute shaders . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libspnav0 Description-md5: 7bfbe40fbae628f97b4c03a34aeda9c7 Description-sl: Library to access 3D-input-devices (development files) The spacenav project provides a free, compatible alternative to the proprietary 3Dconnexion SDK for their 3D input devices (called "space navigator", "space pilot", "space traveller", etc). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libspng-doc Description-md5: 95ed4e9d7e4b6b77688ec6dbebc49a9c Description-sl: simple, modern libpng alternative - documentation libspng is a C library for reading and writing Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format files with a focus on security and ease of use. . The simple API allows decoding a PNG file in just a few function calls, and no raw pointers or callback functions are involved. . Following good security practises, code is written according to the rules of the CERT C Coding Standard. All integer arithmetic is checked for overflow and all error conditions are handled gracefully. The library is also continuously fuzzed, scanned by static analyzers and features over 1000 test cases. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libspoa7.0.0 Description-md5: d776046e84f6d77f898ca0be06ae8262 Description-sl: SIMD partial order alignment library Spoa (SIMD POA) is a c++ implementation of the partial order alignment (POA) algorithm (as described in 10.1093/bioinformatics/18.3.452) which is used to generate consensus sequences (as described in 10.1093/bioinformatics/btg109). It supports three alignment modes: local (Smith-Waterman), global (Needleman-Wunsch) and semi-global alignment (overlap). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libspooles-dev Description-md5: 74ac75a522d72c2e2cb1e666c6eed0bc Description-sl: SPOOLES SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver development files SPOOLES is a library for solving sparse real and complex linear systems of equations, written in the C language using object oriented design. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke SPOOLES. Package: libspooles2.2t64 Description-md5: d1ed9410d9ecb29a734fad3393746354 Description-sl: SPOOLES SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver shared library SPOOLES is a library for solving sparse real and complex linear systems of equations, written in the C language using object oriented design. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico SPOOLES. Package: libsprng2 Description-md5: 11d3fc20f81a74689bbdb69b37ad9811 Description-sl: Knjižnica raztegljivega vzporednega RNG SPRNG -- paket knjižnice The SPRNG (Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator) library provides several RNGs that are suitable for use in parallel computing. . URL: . This package provides the shared libraries needed to execute programs built with SPRNG. Package: libsprng2-dev Description-md5: 4e8b2b28afb1e85c9a43b7f40f7f0fbf Description-sl: Knjižnica raztegljivega vzporednega RNG SPRNG -- razvojni paket The SPRNG (Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator) library provides several RNGs that are suitable for use in parallel computing. . URL: . This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic links that are need to compile programs using the SPRNG library. Package: libsprng2-doc Description-md5: 0ed4422ae45cbd518a74a51e043c9d2f Description-sl: Knjižnica raztegljivega vzporednega RNG SPRNG -- paket dokumentacije The SPRNG (Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator) library provides several RNGs that are suitable for use in parallel computing. . URL: . This package contains files from the docs, examples and tests directories included in the source distribution. Package: libsql-abstract-limit-perl Description-md5: 3157a47e261bc8d8e8469f4ad1559c46 Description-sl: Posnemanje prenosljivega LIMIT SQL::Abstract::Limit is a portability layer for SQL LIMIT emulation. Package: libsql-translator-perl Description-md5: 483fa12513542208d480de6217db873c Description-sl: Knjižnica prevodov SQL SQL::Translator (also known as SQL Fairy) is a collection of Perl modules for manipulating structured data definitions (mostly database schemas). It can perform tasks like converting between different SQL data definition language (DDL) dialects, visualizations of schemas (pseudo-ER diagrams created with GD or GraphViz), converting non-RDBMS files to SQL schemas (xSV text files, Excel spreadsheets), serializing parsed schemas (via Storable, YAML and XML), creating documentation, and more. Package: libsqlite3-tcl Description-md5: cb33fef2641311d660662ee9d18d437c Description-sl: Vezave SQLite 3 Tcl SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Tcl. Package: libsquizz Description-md5: a1e8ed765be9b15be7b838d9a7a93962 Description-sl: Conversion libs used by squizz genetic sequence converter Squizz is a sequence/alignment format checker, but it has some conversion capabilities too. Most common sequence and alignment formats are supported : - EMBL, FASTA, GCG, GDE, GENBANK, IG, NBRF, PIR (codata), RAW, and SWISSPROT. - CLUSTAL, FASTA, MEGA, MSF, NEXUS, PHYLIP (interleaved and sequential) and STOCKHOLM. . Ta paket vsebuje zahtevano knjižnico za binarno datoteko squizz Package: libsquizz-dev Description-md5: 589915a772125bf4a896737d450265e0 Description-sl: development tools for squizz genetic sequence converter Squizz is a sequence/alignment format checker, but it has some conversion capabilities too. Most common sequence and alignment formats are supported : - EMBL, FASTA, GCG, GDE, GENBANK, IG, NBRF, PIR (codata), RAW, and SWISSPROT. - CLUSTAL, FASTA, MEGA, MSF, NEXUS, PHYLIP (interleaved and sequential) and STOCKHOLM. . Ta paket vsebuje zahtevane statične knjižnice in datoteke glave za squizz Package: libsrm0 Description-md5: 92ad90c19a9057168a572856ca509f73 Description-sl: Simple Rendering Manager (shared library) SRM is a C library that simplifies the development of Linux DRM/KMS applications. SRM allows you to use multiple GPUs simultaneously and automatically finds the most efficient configuration. It also offers functions for creating OpenGL textures, which are automatically shared among GPUs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsrpc-dev Description-md5: 96c278ce28a2f62737bfc12604223d92 Description-sl: Sogou RPC Library (SRPC) SRPC is an enterprise-level RPC framework widely used by Tencent, Sogou and many small and medium-sized companies. It handles hundreds of millions of requests every day, mainly from search engines. It supports two common IDLs: protobuf and thrift, and implements several commonly used rpc protocols. It is also an open source version of Tencent's enterprise- level RPC protocol, tRPC. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libsrpc0t64 Description-md5: ed74668c111aeffec09b9914c15148fb Description-sl: Sogou RPC (SRPC) Runtime Library SRPC is an enterprise-level RPC framework widely used by Tencent, Sogou and many small and medium-sized companies. It handles hundreds of millions of requests every day, mainly from search engines. It supports two common IDLs: protobuf and thrift, and implements several commonly used rpc protocols. It is also an open source version of Tencent's enterprise- level RPC protocol, tRPC. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libsrtp2-1 Description-md5: 54f09a32b6009291f468860d6047c45e Description-sl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - shared library SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libsrtp2-dev Description-md5: 429b917196c5c4250aec4def90599b22 Description-sl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - development files SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave in statične knjižnice. Package: libsrtp2-docs Description-md5: f140aa6ec8ebf3dbda1a6ea438542c64 Description-sl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - documentation SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libss7-dev Description-md5: efa312dd2913f1c1f8e1dcc42dced2de Description-sl: Sistem za signaliziranje 7 (ss7) razvojne datoteke A userspace library that provids SS7 protocol services to applications. It has a working MTP2, MTP3, and ISUP for ITU and ANSI style SS7, however it was written in a manner that will easily allow support for other various national specific variants in the future. For a working reference implementation, see the various link test programs, as well as the Asterisk Open Source PBX. . Development files for the C implementation of the Signalling System 7 (ss7) telephony protocol. Package: libssl-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 350b176ea61c15ea1b7f264b4f2ca2df Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za OpenSSL OCaml library for communicating through SSL/TLS encrypted connections using the OpenSSL library. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use the ssl OCaml library in your programs. Package: libssu0 Description-md5: 78561b5d7e783826731a6a643f820317 Description-sl: high-performance phylogenetic diversity calculations (lib) The de facto repository for high-performance phylogenetic diversity calculations. The methods in this repository are based on an implementation of the Strided State UniFrac algorithm which is faster, and uses less memory than Fast UniFrac. Strided State UniFrac supports Unweighted UniFrac, Weighted UniFrac, Generalized UniFrac, Variance Adjusted UniFrac and meta UniFrac. This repository also includes Stacked Faith (manuscript in preparation), a method for calculating Faith's PD that is faster and uses less memory than the Fast UniFrac-based reference implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libst-dev Description-md5: 1767b42fb9f91cb231466a9dece0a4bc Description-sl: Knjižnica niti stanja - razvojne datoteke The State Threads library has an interface similar to POSIX threads. . However, the threads are actually all run in-process. This type of threading allows for controlled schedualing points. It is highly useful for designing robust and extremely scalable internet applications since there is no resource contention and locking is generally unnecessary. . It can be combined with traditional threading or multiple process parallelism to take advantage of multiple processors. . Ta pakete vsebuje razvojne datoteke za kodno prevajanje programov. Package: libst1t64 Description-md5: 1b96e9d6ca2fafd1b653007782ae07f7 Description-sl: Knjižnica niti stanj The State Threads library has an interface similar to POSIX threads. . However, the threads are actually all run in-process. This type of threading allows for controlled schedualing points. It is highly useful for designing robust and extremely scalable internet applications since there is no resource contention and locking is generally unnecessary. . It can be combined with traditional threading or multiple process parallelism to take advantage of multiple processors. . This package provides the library required by dependent programs. Package: libstaden-read-dev Description-md5: 15cfe00340abc3feace01b3777be2c6c Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libstaden-read This package contains the header and development files needed to build programs and packages using the Staden io_lib. . The io_lib from the Staden package is a library of file reading and writing code to provide a general purpose trace file (and Experiment File) reading interface. It has been compiled and tested on a variety of unix systems, MacOS X and MS Windows. Package: libstarlink-pal-dev Description-md5: 2fcebae6660cb5fb5c51bac9c69c931a Description-sl: Positional Astronomy Library (development files) This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA library with code from NOVAS and ERFA. . Where possible the API is similar to the C SLA API except for the use of a "pal" prefix. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libstaroffice-doc Description-md5: 87bebe27e28e1c7ad21346afeb4af24c Description-sl: Import filter library to import all StarOffice documents -- documentation The purpose of libstaroffice is to build a filter for old StarOffice's documents (.sdc, .sdw, ...) based on librevenge (see and ). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libstarpu-1.4-5t64 Description-md5: 6e4e8db53b47fb942bef212def2a1e22 Description-sl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje glavno knjižnico StarPU. Package: libstarpu-dev Description-md5: 967c103c8b3cf3662ee291f422fa5be6 Description-sl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines - dev StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libstarpufft-1.4-1t64 Description-md5: a1e84fcd5b7aa1a04d6c8089b0a0ecef Description-sl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje hibridno knijžnico CPE+GPE FFT. Package: libstarpumpi-1.4-3t64 Description-md5: a7034f989f1ae2e40b4db1b5bb58bd47 Description-sl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje razširitve MPI za StarPU. Package: libstatgen1 Description-md5: 55ae60427beffdb36962b828f3883bac Description-sl: processing and analyzing next generation sequencing and genotyping data library libStatGen is a library for statistical genetic programs. It includes some: A. General Operation Classes including: File/Stream I/O, String processing and Parameter Parsing. B. Statistical Genetic Specific Classes including: Handling Common file formats (Accessors to get/set values, Indexed access to BAM files) and some utility classes, including: 1. Cigar: interpretation and mapping between query and reference. 2. Pileup: structured access to data by individual reference position. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libstb-dev Description-md5: 1f721b420ac6009c34bb41c899078f93 Description-sl: single-file image and audio processing libraries for C/C++ - development headers libstb is a set of single-file libraries for C/C++. The files are dual- licensed under public domain and the MIT license. . It includes the following modules: * stb_vorbis.c: decode ogg vorbis files from file/memory to float/16-bit signed output * stb_image.h: image loading/decoding from file/memory: JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC * stb_truetype.h: parse, decode, and rasterize characters from truetype fonts * stb_image_write.h: image writing to disk: PNG, TGA, BMP * stb_image_resize.h: resize images larger/smaller with good quality * stb_rect_pack.h: simple 2D rectangle packer with decent quality * stb_sprintf.h: fast sprintf, snprintf for C/C++ * stretchy_buffer.h: typesafe dynamic array for C (i.e. approximation to vector<>), doesn't compile as C++ * stb_textedit.h: guts of a text editor for games etc implementing them from scratch * stb_voxel_render.h: Minecraft-esque voxel rendering "engine" with many more features * stb_dxt.h: Fabian "ryg" Giesen's real-time DXT compressor * stb_perlin.h: revised Perlin noise (3D input, 1D output) * stb_easy_font.h: quick-and-dirty easy-to-deploy bitmap font for printing frame rate, etc * stb_tilemap_editor.h: embeddable tilemap editor * stb_herringbone_wang_tile.h: herringbone Wang tile map generator * stb_c_lexer.h: simplify writing parsers for C-like languages * stb_divide.h: more useful 32-bit modulus e.g. "euclidean divide" * stb_connected_components.h: incrementally compute reachability on grids * stb.h: helper functions for C, mostly redundant in C++; basically author's personal stuff * stb_leakcheck.h: quick-and-dirty malloc/free leak-checking . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libstdcompat-ocaml Description-md5: ed4bf9d8df50ea74cb4cd6e98272349a Description-sl: compatibility module for OCaml standard library (runtime) Stdcompat is a compatibility layer allowing programs to use some recent additions to the OCaml standard library while preserving the ability to be compiled on former versions of OCaml. . The module Stdcompat provides some definitions for values and types introduced in recent versions of the standard library. These definitions are just aliases to the matching definition of the standard library if the latter is recent enough. Otherwise, the module Stdcompat provides an alternative implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libstdcompat-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 41ae184409cbfb093a5a96424cb69777 Description-sl: compatibility module for OCaml standard library (development) Stdcompat is a compatibility layer allowing programs to use some recent additions to the OCaml standard library while preserving the ability to be compiled on former versions of OCaml. . The module Stdcompat provides some definitions for values and types introduced in recent versions of the standard library. These definitions are just aliases to the matching definition of the standard library if the latter is recent enough. Otherwise, the module Stdcompat provides an alternative implementation. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libstdio-ocaml Description-md5: 5913a53b8efd1b5afee5ea5b91c3721c Description-sl: standard IO library for OCaml (runtime) Stdio implements simple input/output functionalities for OCaml. . It re-exports the input/output functions of the OCaml standard libraries using a more consistent API. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libstdio-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a74cfb8f752ad94a96b700361f9bcdcf Description-sl: standard IO library for OCaml (development) Stdio implements simple input/output functionalities for OCaml. . It re-exports the input/output functions of the OCaml standard libraries using a more consistent API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libsteptalk-dev Description-md5: 861dcdd2dd95c4e24044f4f7357b8c35 Description-sl: GNUstep Scripting Framework (development files) StepTalk is a scripting framework for creating scriptable servers or applications. StepTalk, when combined with the dynamism of the Objective-C language, goes way beyond mere scripting. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke in glave. Package: libsteptalk0d Description-md5: 55bb8932d619b5f245c90da8442fcf99 Description-sl: GNUstep Scripting Framework (library files) StepTalk is a scripting framework for creating scriptable servers or applications. StepTalk, when combined with the dynamism of the Objective-C language, goes way beyond mere scripting. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libstfl-dev Description-md5: 15b3e9d29849c03fd6930a7d0ac21393 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libstfl stfl is a library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals. . This package contains the development files required to build software that uses libstfl. Package: libstk-5.0.0 Description-md5: 14523bee3924b22788cb838b40178948 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij sinteze zvoka The Sound Synthesis Toolkit is a C++ library with implementations of several sound synthesis algorithms, starting from Frequency Modulation, over Physical Modelling and others. It can be used as a library, but it also provides some nice software synthesizers. Package: libstk-dev Description-md5: 766dd07d3c57b5161412b34877275814 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij sinteze zvoka (razvojne datoteke) The Sound Synthesis Toolkit is a C++ library with implementations of several sound synthesis algorithms, starting from Frequency Modulation, over Physical Modelling and others. It can be used as a library, but it also provides some nice software synthesizers. . This package provides the development files for the sound synthesis toolkit. Package: libstringext-ocaml Description-md5: a1816e0f1c5533837a39cd17b2b02f5f Description-sl: extra string functions for OCaml (runtime files) Extra string functions for OCaml. Mainly splitting. All functions are in the Stringext module. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libstringext-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 2126974300ab01c6a8fca5ce1c06be92 Description-sl: extra string functions for OCaml (dev files) Extra string functions for OCaml. Mainly splitting. All functions are in the Stringext module. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libstroke0 Description-md5: 56f1e49c95c1067ca8442f0e7bfe8b20 Description-sl: Knjižnica miškinih kretenj - izvajalne datoteke libstroke is a stroke interface library. Strokes are motions of the mouse that can be interpreted by a program as a command. Strokes are common in CAD software such as gEDA and Mentor Graphics. fvwm can use mouse strokes to cause certain actions, just like button clicks. Package: libstroke0-dev Description-md5: f0273d39a5d089397e758871124c1834 Description-sl: Knjižnica miškinih kretenj - razvojne datoteke libstroke is a stroke interface library. Strokes are motions of the mouse that can be interpreted by a program as a command. Strokes are common in CAD software such as gEDA and Mentor Graphics. fvwm can use mouse strokes to cause certain actions, just like button clicks. . This package contains the header files needed for developing with this library. Package: libstrophe-dev Description-md5: 6cd25cbb495f967c8648ecdc7dad08f2 Description-sl: Library for writing XMPP clients - development files libstrophe is a lightweight XMPP client library written in C. It has minimal dependencies and is configurable for various environments. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libstrophe0 Description-md5: 51b3da4908c7956a5002a69e692bd220 Description-sl: Library for writing XMPP clients - shared library libstrophe is a lightweight XMPP client library written in C. It has minimal dependencies and is configurable for various environments. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libstropt0 Description-md5: ee92d2a0bd33819639111a14afb7b918 Description-sl: parse options from a string (supports quotation, arguments - library) This small library parses a list of options from a string. Options can be separated by spaces, commas, semicolons, tabs or new line. Options may have arguments. It is possible to protect symbols and spaces using quote, double quote and backslash. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libstxxl-dev Description-md5: a744779e7a8787f613d0915361538a7e Description-sl: Razvojne knjižnice za STXXL STXXL provides an STL replacement using an abstraction layer to storage devices to allow for the optimal layout of data structures. This allows for multi-terabyte datasets to be held and manipulated in standard C++ data structures, whilst abstracting the complexity of managing this behaviour efficiently. STXXL utilises multi-disk I/O to speed up I/O bound calculations. STXXL has been developed at the University of Karlsruhe. . Development libraries for STXXL, required for building programs that utilise the STXXL library Package: libstxxl-doc Description-md5: ceda35b18e5c6736429687f3705adc72 Description-sl: Dokumentcija za STXXL STXXL provides an STL replacement using an abstraction layer to storage devices to allow for the optimal layout of data structures. This allows for multi-terabyte datasets to be held and manipulated in standard C++ data structures, whilst abstracting the complexity of managing this behaviour efficiently. STXXL utilises multi-disk I/O to speed up I/O bound calculations. STXXL has been developed at the University of Karlsruhe. . Dokumentacija za knjižnico STXXL. Package: libsub-exporter-globexporter-perl Description-md5: 347f44df1445efd393b907a8a3070bd7 Description-sl: Modul za izvažanje souporabljenih primerkov ujemanja Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter is a Perl module that enables packages to share glob references with other modules. This allows your module to be subclassed, for the subclass to re-use the same glob when exporting, or to export a new one. This scheme provides extensibility by returning a collection validator, allowing arbitrary options to be passed to the globref locator. Package: libsub-wrappackages-perl Description-md5: a9c98f73e0aafeacf37d1e7dadc34c86 Description-sl: Modul za ovijanje podrutin v paketih Sub::WrapPackages is a Perl module that can add pre- and post-execution code wrappers around some given subroutines. It is mostly a wrapper around Damian Conway's Hook::LexWrap module. Instead of exporting a wrap function, magic happens when you load the module via the "use" keyword. Package: libsubtitleeditor-dev Description-md5: d99453baefd1fef4be7dc7d337b36425 Description-sl: Knjižnica subtitleeditor - razvojne datoteke Subtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles. It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing subtitles. . Ta program pokaže tudi zvočne valove, kar naredi usklajevanje podnapisov z glasovi enostavnejše. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: libsubtitleeditor0 Description-md5: 31e80a3d2ed546c0512558cc27adcfb5 Description-sl: Knjižnica subtitleeditor - izvajalne datoteke Subtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles. It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing subtitles. . Ta program pokaže tudi zvočne valove, kar naredi usklajevanje podnapisov z glasovi enostavnejše. . Izvajalne datoteke. Package: libsubunit0 Description-md5: 5666feecff2c3a72a59413c9acaa579c Description-sl: Unit testing protocol - C/C++ shared library subunit is a protocol for test activity reporting. This permits executing tests remotely, or saving the result of test runs for later introspection. . Paket libsubunit0 vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico C. Package: libsugarext0 Description-md5: c698f638c917aa91eaf95e3c5085ee52 Description-sl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit runtime library Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional "office-desktop" software. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libsuil-0-0 Description-md5: 163d266b88454ded939330a72a600851 Description-sl: library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs written with that toolkit (Suil performs its magic at runtime using dynamically loaded modules). The API is designed such that hosts do not need to explicitly support particular toolkits whatsoever - if Suil supports a particular toolkit, then all hosts that use Suil will support that toolkit "for free". Suil currently supports Gtk3 and Qt5. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsuma1 Description-md5: cbd973a52cd110dc439c68e87a82b77f Description-sl: shared library for sumatra and sumaclust Sumatra is a tool for fast and exact comparison and clustering of sequences and sumaclust can be used for fast and exact clustering of genomic sequences. Both tools are using this common library. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libsundials-kinsol6 Description-md5: f267dbe7489f2eb95d1c6b5d83f7182e Description-sl: Reševalnik KINSOL (knjižnica SUNDIALS) This package contain the library for KINSOL (nonlinear algebraic systems) system solver from SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers). Package: libsunflow-java-doc Description-md5: d76308d2b6be1ddce7faaea5789b5224 Description-sl: rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis (javadoc) Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models. . To je API dokumentacija za sunflow Package: libsunpinyin3v5 Description-md5: 2097d4efba2fbcf7f271d3f42eb068be Description-sl: Simplified Chinese Input Method from SUN (runtime) Sunpinyin is a statistical language model (SLM) based input method engine for Simplified Chinese, it features full sentence input. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libsvg-tt-graph-perl Description-md5: 02581abf19da0e38cf3ef68198cb40e8 Description-sl: Modul za ustvarjanje vektorskih grafov SVG::TT::Graph is a Perl module that allows you to easily create Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for a variety of graph types, including Pie, Line, Bar and Time Series. You can also create extend existing types to make your own. Package: libsvgsalamander-java Description-md5: 595336718590d3d9828920fef64dcaa3 Description-sl: Programnik SVG za Java SVG Salamander is an SVG engine for Java that's designed to be small, fast, and allow programmers to use it with a minimum of fuss. . It's in particular targeted for making it easy to integrate SVG into Java games and making it much easier for artists to design 2D game content - from rich interactive menus to charts and graphcs to complex animations. Package: libsvm-dev Description-md5: 48d7d425fdb518dcb32d734698116832 Description-sl: LIBSVM header files LIBSVM, a machine-learning library, is an easy-to-use package for support vector classification, regression and one-class SVM. It supports multi- class classification, probability outputs, and parameter selection. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libsvn-dump-perl Description-md5: 13302c75a579c07fbdf7f5ab046a5655 Description-sl: Modul za razčlenjevanje izpisov Subversion SVN::Dump is a collection of Perl modules for loading a Subversion dump file and representing its contents as a collection of node objects. It creates a tree of records, headers, text blocks and other nodes. Package: libsvn-notify-perl Description-md5: 8bddc3f743fd219b2d108f8209bb2101 Description-sl: Obvestilo dejavnosti Subversion SVN::Notify provides a class and an interface to notify by email Subversion repository changes. . It is able to inform about the files changed in a commit and send the appropriate diff files. . An additional class (SVN::Notify::HTML) is provided to manage HTML formatted emails. . Please, consider installing a MTA if you are planning to use sendmail instead of --smtp-* options. Package: libsvnclientadapter-java Description-md5: 4cda7d717b3c93e32d3b4bf2d1eed5d0 Description-sl: High-level Java API for Subversion (library) SVNClientAdapter is a high-level Java API for Subversion. It can use one of 3 low-level svn client implementations to provide access to the Subversion API: - JavaHL native (JNI) Subversion library <> - JavaSVN (pure Java) Subversion API implementation <> - svn command line client wrapper . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico SvnClientAdapter. Package: libsvnclientadapter-java-doc Description-md5: ed24c2f1fdc9575a6e529e777b9c85c2 Description-sl: API JAVA visoke ravni za Subversion (dokumentacija) SVNClientAdapter is a high-level Java API for Subversion. It can use one of 3 low-level svn client implementations to provide access to the Subversion API: - JavaHL native (JNI) Subversion library <> - JavaSVN (pure Java) Subversion API implementation <> - svn command line client wrapper . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libsvnkit-java-doc Description-md5: ca4c2b968b7344371e82707e2f06b614 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libsvnkit-java Documentation for SVNKit, which is a Java library that provides APIs to work with Subversion repositories and working copies. SVNKit features direct repository access as well as support for all high level Subversion operations that are available via the command-line Subversion client. Package: libswami-dev Description-md5: 468f367402d96d438b1ad713c47567b2 Description-sl: MIDI instrument editor - development files Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. A programming API is also provided for integration with other applications. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libswami1t64 Description-md5: cb2e5adf36e600769454fa1b3499724b Description-sl: MIDI instrument editor - shared library Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. A programming API is also provided for integration with other applications. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libswhid-core-ocaml Description-md5: 478058d025607e408532ef043de76524 Description-sl: OCaml library to work with swhids (runtime) swhid_core is an OCaml library to with with Software Heritage persistent identifiers (swhids). This is the core library, for most use cases you should use the swhid library instead. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libswhid-core-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d1f81b5996ad3b687cdb42bff6a52dba Description-sl: OCaml library to work with swhids (dev) swhid_core is an OCaml library to with with Software Heritage persistent identifiers (swhids). This is the core library, for most use cases you should use the swhid library instead. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libswing-layout-java Description-md5: 9d64b74fb19b7826577616b20449d3e6 Description-sl: Razširitve za razporeditev Swing The goal of Swing Layout Extensions is to make it easy to create professional cross platform layouts with Swing. This project has an eye towards the needs of GUI builders, such as NetBeans. This package provides the following functionality: . Ability to get the baseline for components. . Ability to get the preferred gap between components. . A new LayoutManager that utilizes both of these concepts and is tuned toward a free-form drag and drop layout model as can be provided by GUI builders. Package: libswing-layout-java-doc Description-md5: e73aa258813adff22fa622448b4da6c4 Description-sl: Extensions to Swing layout - contains Javadoc API documentation The goal of Swing Layout Extensions is to make it easy to create professional cross platform layouts with Swing. This project has an eye towards the needs of GUI builders, such as NetBeans. This package provides the following functionality: . Ability to get the baseline for components. . Ability to get the preferred gap between components. . A new LayoutManager that utilizes both of these concepts and is tuned toward a free-form drag and drop layout model as can be provided by GUI builders. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API Javadoc. Package: libsword-dev Description-md5: 626d1f4f7f82b6723dda2b44a0b1000e Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libsword The SWORD Project is an open source, cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Solaris, MacOSX etc.) API/library for Bible software with a constantly growing list of front-ends (GUI, textmode, web-based, etc.) and a library of over 200 text modules. . This package contains the static libraries and headers for developing applications that use the SWORD library. Package: libswresample-dev Description-md5: 756e0f4df4398b9100298535b7db8417 Description-sl: FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Resampling is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available. * Rematrixing is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing. Various other audio conversions (e.g. stretching and padding) are enabled through dedicated options. * Format conversion is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout (all samples belonging to distinct channels interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same channel stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libswresample5 Description-md5: a5f44d6a5d5b1cee3363537952d0e2cb Description-sl: FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Resampling is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available. * Rematrixing is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing. Various other audio conversions (e.g. stretching and padding) are enabled through dedicated options. * Format conversion is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout (all samples belonging to distinct channels interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same channel stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libswscale-dev Description-md5: 0d8e27afb61d9773ce9b37356a71de28 Description-sl: FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Rescaling is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. This is usually a lossy process. * Pixel format conversion is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image, for example from planar YUV420P to RGB24 packed. It also handles packing conversion, that is converts from packed layout (all pixels belonging to distinct planes interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same plane stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). This is usually a lossy process in case the source and destination colorspaces differ. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libswscale8 Description-md5: 5ab1f77fb1b78fa767ca99e4a7a7a9ea Description-sl: FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Rescaling is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. This is usually a lossy process. * Pixel format conversion is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image, for example from planar YUV420P to RGB24 packed. It also handles packing conversion, that is converts from packed layout (all pixels belonging to distinct planes interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same plane stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). This is usually a lossy process in case the source and destination colorspaces differ. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libsx0 Description-md5: 0e690da2f4c98931585a8bed53b40d8a Description-sl: Enostavna knjižnica X Libsx (the Simple X library) is a library of code that sits on top of and to the side of the Athena widget set. Its purpose is to make writing X applications *much* easier. Package: libsymspg-dev Description-md5: 311000890c3ecb3c4ea3a6e470e6e772 Description-sl: C library for crystal symmetry determination (development files) Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Identify space-group type * Find symmetry operations * Find a primitive cell * Search irreducible k-points * Refine crystal structure * Wyckoff position assignment . This package contains static library and header files. Package: libsymspg2 Description-md5: 645a484e4ecc5cc5fbced1554e727036 Description-sl: C library for crystal symmetry determination Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Identify space-group type * Find symmetry operations * Find a primitive cell * Search irreducible k-points * Refine crystal structure * Wyckoff position assignment Package: libsynfig-dev Description-md5: 2a9b378cf611313a54c64ddcec63afaa Description-sl: Razvojna datoteka knjižnice synfig synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. . This package contains headers and other files needed to develop applications using the shared library and plugin modules. Package: libsyntax-keyword-gather-perl Description-md5: 41e20205fff9023ddb09c5620f6bf044 Description-sl: Razširitev skladnje za ključno besedo "gather" Syntax::Keyword::Gather is a Perl syntax extension (see libsyntax-perl) that provides the "gather" control structure, which was inspired by Perl 6. It allows lists to be constructed procedurally, without the need for a temporary variable, by managing an implicit array within a closure. Package: libsys-mmap-perl Description-md5: 345611db10314ff64e17db9dfb4ec388 Description-sl: Modul za uporabo mmap POSIX The Mmap module uses the POSIX mmap call to map in a file as a Perl variable. Memory access by mmap may be shared between threads or forked processes, and may be a disc file that has been mapped into memory. Sys::Mmap depends on your operating system supporting UNIX or POSIX.1b mmap, of course. . Note that PerlIO now defines a :mmap tag and presents mmap'd files as regular files, if that is your cup of joe. . Several processes may share one copy of the file or string, saving memory, and concurrently making changes to portions of the file or string. When not used with a file, it is an alternative to SysV shared memory. Unlike SysV shared memory, there are no arbitrary size limits on the shared memory area, and sparce memory usage is handled optimally on most modern UNIX implementations. Package: libsyslog-ocaml Description-md5: c184c16b5087ad4b4649163cf57c0d22 Description-sl: Rutine syslog za OCaml (izvajanje) This library provides syslog client functions for OCaml programs. These functions are implemented almost entirely in OCaml, not as bindings to the standard C library. . This package contains the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libsyslog-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b92dd8cb956ea15684a4bbb35d8e65f0 Description-sl: Rutine syslog za OCaml (razvojne datoteke) This library provides syslog client functions for OCaml programs. These functions are implemented almost entirely in OCaml, not as bindings to the standard C library. . This package contains the files needed to compile OCaml programs that use the syslog library. Package: libsystemc Description-md5: 6ce85d52a129da2cc8933ab680139ed9 Description-sl: SystemC library SystemC is an HDL (High Definition Language) based on a C++ class library intended for simulations using standard C++ tools. This library also includes TLM (Transaction Level Modeling) code, . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libtagsoup-java-doc Description-md5: e7e9d07ddcb2ef2b49d5eaa49599a677 Description-sl: API dokumentacija za TagSoup Documentation for TagSoup, a SAX-compliant parser written in Java that instead of parsing well-formed or valid XML, parses HTML as it is found in the wild: poor, nasty and brutish, though quite often far from short. TagSoup is designed for people who have to process this stuff using some semblance of a rational application design. Package: libtaktuk-1-dev Description-md5: eeffe9ee4f6be3d742dc19d253e0b5de Description-sl: Vezave C za taktuk (razvojne datoteke) TakTuk allows one to execute commands in parallel on a potentially large set of remote nodes (using ssh to connect to each node). It is typically used inside high performance computing clusters and grids. It uses an adaptive algorithm to efficiently distribute the work and sets up an interconnection network to transport commands and perform I/Os multiplexing. It doesn't require any specific software on the nodes thanks to a self-propagation algorithm. . This package provides development files for libtaktuk3t64, the C bindings for the taktuk communication layer. Package: libtaktuk-perl Description-md5: f2a17f77704e0f6a39c1afd121cc6ec0 Description-sl: Vezave Perl za taktuk TakTuk allows one to execute commands in parallel on a potentially large set of remote nodes (using ssh to connect to each node). It is typically used inside high performance computing clusters and grids. It uses an adaptive algorithm to efficiently distribute the work and sets up an interconnection network to transport commands and perform I/Os multiplexing. It doesn't require any specific software on the nodes thanks to a self-propagation algorithm. . This package provides perl bindings to the TakTuk API. It also provides TakTuk::Pilot, a perl module that allows one to manage a TakTuk instance from a perl program. Package: libtaktuk3t64 Description-md5: e6bc7c982d0aed9f1beca281f0112ca6 Description-sl: Vezave C za taktuk TakTuk allows one to execute commands in parallel on a potentially large set of remote nodes (using ssh to connect to each node). It is typically used inside high performance computing clusters and grids. It uses an adaptive algorithm to efficiently distribute the work and sets up an interconnection network to transport commands and perform I/Os multiplexing. It doesn't require any specific software on the nodes thanks to a self-propagation algorithm. . This package provides libtaktuk3t64, the C bindings for the taktuk communication layer. Package: libtamuanova-0.2 Description-md5: ea2fd2f5bec81bf6dfb00e7a81fb08d7 Description-sl: Knjižnica za izračun ANOVA Knjižnica C za eno in dvofaktorsko ANOVA. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libtamuanova-dev Description-md5: cd577afd0e0c4f5248fcb61e1937e489 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico TAMU ANOVA Knjižnica C za eno in dvofaktorsko ANOVA. . Ta paket vsebuje glavo in razvojne datoteke za knjižnico tamuanova. Package: libtango-dev Description-md5: e618df7940f0a511812d4eccd49a78b7 Description-sl: Distribuiran sistem za nadzor različic TANGO - razvojna knjižnica TANGO is an object-oriented distributed control system using CORBA. In TANGO all objects are representations of devices, which can be on the same computer or distributed over a network. Communication between devices uses CORBA and can be synchronous, asynchronous or event driven. . The object model in TANGO supports methods, attributes and properties. TANGO provides an API which hides all the details of network access and provides object browsing, discovery, and security features. Permanent data is stored in a MySQL/MariaDB database. . TANGO is being actively developed as a collaborative effort between the ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (, and Elettra institutes ( . This package contains the tango9 development files. Package: libtango-doc Description-md5: 27a38e435bbfd0ae4e29357b6b2337be Description-sl: Distribuiran sistem za nadzor različic TANGO - dokumentacija TANGO is an object-oriented distributed control system using CORBA. In TANGO all objects are representations of devices, which can be on the same computer or distributed over a network. Communication between devices uses CORBA and can be synchronous, asynchronous or event driven. . The object model in TANGO supports methods, attributes and properties. TANGO provides an API which hides all the details of network access and provides object browsing, discovery, and security features. Permanent data is stored in a MySQL/MariaDB database. . TANGO is being actively developed as a collaborative effort between the ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (, and Elettra institutes ( . This package contains the documentation for the libtango95t64 library. Package: libtango95t64 Description-md5: 07b63e916b41f8d54e9fbf0df09a98a0 Description-sl: Distribuiran sistem za nadzor različic TANGO - souporabljena knjižnica TANGO is an object-oriented distributed control system using CORBA. In TANGO all objects are representations of devices, which can be on the same computer or distributed over a network. Communication between devices uses CORBA and can be synchronous, asynchronous or event driven. . The object model in TANGO supports methods, attributes and properties. TANGO provides an API which hides all the details of network access and provides object browsing, discovery, and security features. Permanent data is stored in a MySQL/MariaDB database. . TANGO is being actively developed as a collaborative effort between the ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (, and Elettra institutes ( . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke, ki so zahtevane za poganjanje programov TANGO. Package: libtaningia-dev Description-md5: 6c303135f73171909626c4f5af1d6073 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za lib taningia Taningia is a simple and modern communication library that provides tools to write software based on XMPP. . In this library you will find a XMPP client abstraction, some pubsub helpers, an implementation of the Atom Syndication Format, a (incomplete) abstraction to the RFC3987 (IRI), a logging system among other things. . This package provides headers, static linked library and other development stuff. Package: libtap-parser-sourcehandler-pgtap-perl Description-md5: 78c9e8c3407ecf5ab3d21f9cc18aa027 Description-sl: Orodja preizkušanja enot za pgTAP TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP is a set of tools for PostgreSQL unit testing. It contains the pg_prove and pg_tapgen scripts, which allows running and harnessing pgTAP tests on command-line, and summarizing the results. . The corresponding PostgreSQL extension is contained in the postgresql- pgtap package. . TAP is the Test Anything Protocol ( Package: libtar-dev Description-md5: b4d48192bf584b3b3037d0a9dcbe315a Description-sl: Knjižnica C za upravljanje arhivov tar (razvojne datoteke) Contains static library, headers, example code and development manpages for libtar Package: libtatsu-dev Description-md5: f9fb15627b2c1634a7e931166fdcce50 Description-sl: Library handling communication with Apple Tatsu Signing Server This library provides functionality to handle the communication with Apple's Tatsu Signing Server (TSS). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtbb-dev Description-md5: 9ab4f6fe21833733598b00121416094f Description-sl: Knjižnica vzporednosti za C++ - razvojne datoteke TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability. . (Note: if you are a user of the i386 architecture, i.e., 32-bit Intel or compatible hardware, this package only supports Pentium4-compatible and higher processors.) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke TBB. Package: libtbb-doc Description-md5: a314fa5d7add4a337abfe779cd40aedd Description-sl: Knjižnica vzporednosti za C++ - dokumentacija TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability. . This package includes the TBB documentation files and examples. Package: libtbb12 Description-md5: 597d0e658709781286f685402350c986 Description-sl: Knjižnica vzporednosti za C++ - izvajalne datoteke TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability. . (Note: if you are a user of the i386 architecture, i.e., 32-bit Intel or compatible hardware, this package only supports Pentium4-compatible and higher processors.) . This package includes the TBB runtime files. Package: libtbbbind-2-5 Description-md5: 597d0e658709781286f685402350c986 Description-sl: Knjižnica vzporednosti za C++ - izvajalne datoteke TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability. . (Note: if you are a user of the i386 architecture, i.e., 32-bit Intel or compatible hardware, this package only supports Pentium4-compatible and higher processors.) . This package includes the TBB runtime files. Package: libtclcl1 Description-md5: b335d3fb92a199511d469563b769aa0c Description-sl: Souporabljena knjižnica TclCL TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play, and nsnam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtclcl1-dev Description-md5: f6b8cc6175ccfa940dd42df08fa75d58 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za TclCL TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play, and nsnam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl. . This package contains static file and header files. Package: libtcod-dev Description-md5: 286c0f28579e2f5e43d8eedf286de061 Description-sl: development files for the libtcod roguelike library Libtcod offers a free, fast, portable and uncomplicated API for roguelike developers providing an advanced true color console, input and lots of other utilities frequently used in roguelikes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtd-dev Description-md5: 18f7ca5b9eae7c1f3cb44b06e848fc7d Description-sl: telegram database library (development headers) TDLib (Telegram Database Library) is a cross-platform, fully functional Telegram client. This library helps third-party developers create their own custom apps using the Telegram platform. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtd-doc Description-md5: 323a6f19bac0e0a896c666b22472dde2 Description-sl: telegram database library (development documentation) TDLib (Telegram Database Library) is a cross-platform, fully functional Telegram client. This library helps third-party developers create their own custom apps using the Telegram platform. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libtecla-dev Description-md5: 090ad5b88962d749ea242a4ea020b194 Description-sl: vzajemni pripomočki urejanje ukazne vrstice (razvoj) The tecla library provides UNIX and LINUX programs with interactive command line editing facilities, similar to those of the UNIX tcsh shell. In addition to simple command-line editing, it supports recall of previously entered command lines, TAB completion of file names or other tokens, and in-line wild-card expansion of filenames. The internal functions which perform file-name completion and wild-card expansion are also available externally for optional use by programs. . In addition, the library includes a path-searching module. This allows an application to provide completion and lookup of files located in UNIX style paths. Although not built into the line editor by default, it can easily be called from custom tab-completion callback functions. This was originally conceived for completing the names of executables and providing a way to look up their locations in the user's PATH environment variable, but it can easily be asked to look up and complete other types of files in any list of directories. . Note that special care has been taken to allow the use of this library in threaded programs. The option to enable this is discussed in the Makefile, and specific discussions of thread safety are presented in the included man pages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke in dokumentacijo za razvoj programov z uporabo knjižnice tecla. Package: libtecla1t64 Description-md5: 550fd5029b3b03d2dcc601bba3712aaa Description-sl: vzajemni pripomočki urejanje ukazne vrstice The tecla library provides UNIX and LINUX programs with interactive command line editing facilities, similar to those of the UNIX tcsh shell. In addition to simple command-line editing, it supports recall of previously entered command lines, TAB completion of file names or other tokens, and in-line wild-card expansion of filenames. The internal functions which perform file-name completion and wild-card expansion are also available externally for optional use by programs. . In addition, the library includes a path-searching module. This allows an application to provide completion and lookup of files located in UNIX style paths. Although not built into the line editor by default, it can easily be called from custom tab-completion callback functions. This was originally conceived for completing the names of executables and providing a way to look up their locations in the user's PATH environment variable, but it can easily be asked to look up and complete other types of files in any list of directories. . Note that special care has been taken to allow the use of this library in threaded programs. The option to enable this is discussed in the Makefile, and specific discussions of thread safety are presented in the included man pages. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libtelepathy-farstream-dev Description-md5: 7059845522da2433f9e336314529f605 Description-sl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (development files) A helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. . Farstream is a framework for media streaming in audio/video conferences. . This package contains development files for the telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtelepathy-farstream-doc Description-md5: 0ad7276522e83b70c5bb63c4dd3ba6f8 Description-sl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (documentation) A helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. . Farstream is a framework for media streaming in audio/video conferences. . This package contains HTML documentation for the telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtelepathy-farstream3 Description-md5: 1487c1b6d888d475ae70862d26313c1f Description-sl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream Telepathy-farstream is a helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. . Farstream is a framework for media streaming in audio/video conferences. . This package contains the core telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtelepathy-farstream3-dbg Description-md5: c5e1ddfe74dd7235319cd0e5accd797c Description-sl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (debug symbols) Telepathy-farstream is a helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. . Farstream is a framework for media streaming in audio/video conferences. . This package contains debugging symbols for the telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtelepathy-glib-dev Description-md5: cecc48489d9277257f3e75f69d84e5a8 Description-sl: GLib Telepathy connection manager library (headers) This package contains development files for telepathy-glib, a GLib-based library for Telepathy components. . Vala bindings are also included; the Vala bindings are currently considered to be experimental by the maintainers of telepathy-glib, and might receive incompatible changes until at least telepathy-glib 0.14.0. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-glib-doc Description-md5: 4a02941f4dc85c9b62b0b5e012eeb814 Description-sl: GLib Telepathy library (documentation) This package contains HTML documentation for telepathy-glib, a GLib-based library for Telepathy components. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-glib0t64 Description-md5: bbae6d3ff9e905985fa54ab934ff329f Description-sl: Telepathy framework - GLib library This package contains telepathy-glib, a GLib-based library for Telepathy components. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-logger-dev Description-md5: 7423195bf5dc867605a3c6aa1b016cad Description-sl: Telepathy logger service -- utility library (headers) This package contains development files for the Telepathy logger utility library . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-logger-doc Description-md5: f4e7b201a3b235288c458398442ffb10 Description-sl: Telepathy logger service -- documentation This package contains HTML documentation for the Telepathy logger utility library. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-logger3 Description-md5: 2cfae4fc7dd895b9280f68c4b8dd2025 Description-sl: Telepathy logger service - utility library This package contains a utility library to access Telepathy log files . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-qt5-0 Description-md5: dacff9664347699bb76fe688c7f19ca2 Description-sl: Telepathy framework - Qt 5 library This package contains telepathy-qt5, a Qt-based library for Telepathy components. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-qt5-dev Description-md5: 699a3a38718c4f8c6cc31c4b67521a07 Description-sl: Qt 5 Telepathy library (headers and static library) This package contains development files for telepathy-qt5, a Qt-based library for Telepathy components. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0 Description-md5: 5dbfede9b048d543a72c1c05878cf6e0 Description-sl: Telepathy/Farsight integration - Qt 5 library telepathy-qt5-farstream provides telepathy-qt5 integration with telepathy- farstream, which implements media streaming using GStreamer and Farsight. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: libtemplate-glib-1.0-dev Description-md5: 106c2cd31e746fb9439c9a02f173b74e Description-sl: templating library for GLib - development files Template-GLib includes a simple template format along with integration into GObject Introspection for properties and methods. It separates the parsing of templates and the expansion of templates for faster expansion. You can also define scope, custom functions, and more with the embedded expression language. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtemplate-provider-encoding-perl Description-md5: efc1c69a04ecad00bbf551481560a494 Description-sl: Vstavek predlog za določanje kodiranja Template::Plugin::encoding is a Template plugin to declare the encoding of template files. This plugin doesn't actually do anything but Template::Provider::Encoding scans the usage of this module to find the encoding of templates. As a bonus, you can use encoding variable in the template to specify file encoding, which might be useful for XML or HTML meta tag. Package: libtemplate-tiny-perl Description-md5: 5c31d6c8de109d248ec98e152d0a9452 Description-sl: Lahko izvedba zbirke orodij predlog Template::Tiny is a reimplementation of a partial subset of the Template Toolkit, in as few lines of code as possible. . It is intended for use in light-usage, low-memory, or low-cpu templating situations, where you may need to upgrade to the full feature set in the future, or if you want the familiarity of TT-style templates. . Note: This module is experimental and subject to change without notice. Package: libtensorpipe-dev Description-md5: 6b4397dd30e29fe70ebb4ea9c71ececf Description-sl: tensor-aware point-to-point communication primitive for machine learning The TensorPipe project provides a tensor-aware channel to transfer rich objects from one process to another while using the fastest transport for the tensors contained therein (e.g., CUDA device-to-device copy). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtepl-6-dev Description-md5: 229c2c35e2eab7f0d35d11558c906984 Description-sl: Text editor library for GTK - development files Tepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs. Tepl is the acronym for “Text editor product line”. It serves as an incubator for GtkSourceView. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave in knjižnice. Package: libterm-progressbar-perl Description-md5: 2cec77ebf671483f55c632fe332c4172 Description-sl: Perl module to print a progress bar This is the CPAN Perl module Term::ProgressBar. . This module displays progress bar for things that take a while. It looks like: . 50% [===== ] . and is as long as the terminal. Linear estimation of the time left for the process to run is available. Package: libterm-readline-perl-perl Description-md5: d1e0da404146e7415d9733526f4c456b Description-sl: Izvedba Perl knjižnic Readline Term::ReadLine::Perl is a quick implementation of the minimal interface to Readline libraries. The implementation is made in Perl (mostly) by Jeffrey Friedl. The only thing this library does is to make it conformant (and add some minimal changes, like using Term::ReadKey if present, and correct work under xterm). Package: libterm-readpassword-perl Description-md5: e055fc6b883fbd20defad7daef657e47 Description-sl: Pozove uporabnika za geslo Term::ReadPassword lets you ask the user for a password in the traditional way, from the keyboard, without echoing. . The read_password function prompts for input, reads a line of text from the keyboard, then returns that line to the caller. The line of text doesn't include the newline character, so there's no need to use chomp. Package: libterraces0 Description-md5: 58848a5de9317c68beb9509927001af4 Description-sl: enumerate terraces in phylogenetic tree space (shared lib) Terraphast takes a .nkw file in Newick format and a genes/sites file, which denotes whether (1) or not (0) gene i is present in species j. . Program output states some imput data properties, the species whose leaf edge is used as a new tree root, and the resulting supertree in compressed newick format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libterralib-dev Description-md5: 30f1b6433775de0813b88f16a2578be3 Description-sl: C++ library for Geographical Information Systems -- development package TerraLib enables quick development of custom-built geographical applications using spatial databases. As a research tool, TerraLib is aimed at providing a rich and powerful environment for the development of GIS research, enabling the development of GIS prototypes that include new concepts such as spatio-temporal data models, geographical ontologies and advanced spatial analysis techniques. TerraLib defines a geographical data model and provides support for this model over a range of different DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORACLE and ACCESS), and is implemented as a library of C++ classes and functions, written in ANSI-C++. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za terralib. Package: libtest-dir-perl Description-md5: faa575b6818b0f06ff442aba244edf94 Description-sl: Modul za preizkušanje atributov map Test::Dir is a Perl test module that provides functions to verify various characteristics of directories: existence, emptiness, permissions (readable, writable and/or executable), and more. Package: libtest-email-perl Description-md5: 8456b80a6b05edcea619b72d1c037b46 Description-sl: Modul preizkusa vsebine e-pošte Test::Email provides tests for email contents; it is a subclass of MIME::Entity with header_is, body_is, or _ok or _like and part_ok, mime_type_ok methods. Tests for equality remove trailing newlines from strings before testing. Some mail messages have newlines appended to them during the mailing process, which could cause unnecessary confusion. . This package also provides Test::POP3 to automate email delivery tests. Package: libtest-file-contents-perl Description-md5: cdd058b1a3a00c3b2d67c68114d0da4f Description-sl: Modul Perl za preizkušanje vsebine datotek Test::File::Contents provides a set of routines useful to construct tests that examine the content of files. . It can check for an exact match and for a regexp match against the file's contents, but also if the file's contents do not match a string or a regexp and whether a file matches or not a given md5sum. Package: libtest-image-gd-perl Description-md5: a3bcdb0e0377925021801c3a7b15f3f2 Description-sl: Modul za preizkušanje odtisov z uporabo GD Test::Image::GD is meant to be used for testing custom graphics, it attempts to "visually" compare the images, this means it ignores invisible differences like color palettes and metadata. It also provides some extra functions to check the size of the image. Package: libtest-pod-content-perl Description-md5: 069836f91179faaad509cc3847d07f57 Description-sl: Modul Perl za preizkušanje vsebine POD Test::Pod::Content is a very simple module for testing Perl's Plain Old Documentation (POD) format's content, not just the markup syntax. It is mainly intended for testing the content of generated POD - that is, the POD included in Perl modules generated by some mechanism. Package: libtest-taint-perl Description-md5: 0e2bb932059cfe03c64c2916c6d37a98 Description-sl: Modul za preizkus omadeževanosti The Test::Taint module provides tools to test taintedness. Tainted data is data that comes from an unsafe source, such as the command line, or, in the case of web apps, any GET or POST transactions. Read the perlsec man page for details on why tainted data is bad, and how to untaint the data. . When you're writing unit tests for code that deals with tainted data, you'll want to have a way to provide tainted data for your routines to handle, and easy ways to check and report on the taintedness of your data, in standard Test::More style. Package: libtest-www-mechanize-mojo-perl Description-md5: d06e80ba0d85ebea3fb4b40300ffb375 Description-sl: Modul za preizkušanje spletnih programov, ki so bili izgrajeni z Mojolicious Test::WWW::Mechanize::Mojo is a Perl framework for testing web applications based on Mojolicious (see libmojolicious-perl). It extends the functionality of Test::WWW::Mechanize (see libtest-www-mechanize-perl) by enabling testing without requiring a web server. Package: libtest-www-mechanize-perl Description-md5: 8211ca0238052ec50d300bfc76306f9d Description-sl: Modul za preizkušanje spletnih programov Test::WWW::Mechanize is a Perl module framework for testing web applications. It extends the functionality of WWW::Mechanize (see libwww- mechanize-perl) by subclassing it, providing additional features for testing web applications. In particular, it provides much nicer diagnostics upon failure. Package: libtext-engine-dev Description-md5: 77c75336d3df5908a253244f3e7005bb Description-sl: Rich-text editing framework for GTK 4 - development files Text Engine is a rich-text editing framework for GTK 4. The primary user of this library is bluetype but it can be used wherever rich text display and editing is needed. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtext-german-perl Description-md5: c0ceabbc617802b190c97ecab5a023c0 Description-sl: Zmanjšanje nemške oblike grund This is a rather incomplete implementation of work done by Gudrun Putze- Meier <>. Package: libtext-lorem-perl Description-md5: 0e3611a13f798c0acc7be141c66fb207 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik naključnih lažnih latinskih besedil Often when developing a website or other application it's important to have placeholders for content. Text::Lorem generates prescribed amounts of fake Latin text. Package: libtext-microtemplate-perl Description-md5: 6c864cd4adc781b4413c9446aab32c26 Description-sl: Programnik predlog Micro z jezikom Perl5 Text::MicroTemplate is a standalone, fast, intelligent, extensible template engine with following features. . standalone Text::MicroTemplate does not rely on other CPAN modules. . fast Based on Mojo::Template, expressions in the template is perl code. . intelligent Text::MicroTemplate automatically escapes variables when and only when necessary. . extensible Text::MicroTemplate does not provide features like template cache or including other files by itself. However, it is easy to add you own (that suites the most to your application), by wrapping the result of the module (which is a perl expression). . The module only provides basic building blocks for a template engine. Refer to Text::MicroTemplate::File for higher-level interface. Package: libtext-simpletable-perl Description-md5: 8bde03fa9f31ae7d16c7ac3be1597be1 Description-sl: Perl module for creating simple eyecandy ASCII Tables Text::SimpleTable is a replacement for the Text::ASCIITable module. . If you need to create text tables like . .-------+------------. | foob- | yadayaday- | | arbaz | ada | '-------+------------' . Ta modul je za vas. Package: libtexttools-doc Description-md5: 18fae2cf806eac17ad20b8516264dea5 Description-sl: Ada library for writing console applications: documentation The Texttools packages are a GPL, ncurses-based library for the Linux console. Texttools contain more than 600 procedures and functions to create windows, draw scroll bars, handle the mouse and keyboard events, play sounds, and much more. The Texttools package also provides a thick binding to Linux kernel calls. You can create a wide variety of application programs using Texttools alone. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libtgl- Description-md5: d44ebdba13334b771cc60f1e03d40ede Description-sl: telegram API library (development headers) Telegram is an instant messaging application with a focus on speed, it is super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time - your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers. This library handles Telegram API and protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtheschwartz-perl Description-md5: 7c535edfca2eb57ce10ec55aab04007f Description-sl: Zanesljiva čakalna vrsta poslov TheSchwartz is a reliable job queue system. Your application can put jobs into the system, and your worker processes can pull jobs from the queue atomically to perform. Failed jobs can be left in the queue to retry later. . Abilities specify what jobs a worker process can perform. Abilities are the names of TheSchwartz::Worker subclasses, as in the synopsis: the MyWorker class name is used to specify that the worker script can perform the job. When using the TheSchwartz client's work functions, the class- ability duality is used to automatically dispatch to the proper class to do the actual work. . TheSchwartz clients will also prefer to do jobs for unused abilities before reusing a particular ability, to avoid exhausting the supply of one kind of job while jobs of other types stack up. Package: libthunarx-3-0 Description-md5: a776999a1a1d1cd89b141fe9303e683d Description-sl: Knjižnica razširitev za thunar This package contains the Thunar extension library which permits adding new features to the Thunar file manager. Package: libthunarx-3-dev Description-md5: 0d4661e4e1e07c636d1d14b457e9e7f0 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libthunarx This package contains the headers and the static library for libthunarx, the extension library used by thunar Package: libticables2-8 Description-md5: 10b075c6ad389659691bf6e82fb8215e Description-sl: Texas Instruments link cables library The libticables is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators link cables. All link cables are supported read/write. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libticalcs2-13 Description-md5: c3d4a6204e7b4c43a8e7eb1009e3335e Description-sl: Texas Instruments calculator communication library The libticalcs is a library providing support for communication with Texas Instruments calculators. It implements the TI protocol for each type of calculator, independently of the link cable used to establish the link. . All graphing calculators from Texas Instruments are supported. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libticonv9 Description-md5: c1b376f0a1f24b15e3bffbbc11579a6f Description-sl: Texas Instruments calculators charsets library The libticonv is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators charsets. All charsets for all calculators are supported; the library is also able to convert from/to UTF-8/UTF-16. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtie-cphash-perl Description-md5: 236c65cfc0ded61b21188cdd541a9a92 Description-sl: module for managing a case preserving but case insensitive hash table Tie::CPHash provides a hash table that is case preserving but case insensitive. This means that . $cphash{KEY} $cphash{key} $cphash{Key} $cphash{keY} . all refer to the same entry. Also, the hash remembers which form of the key was last used to store the entry. The keys and each functions will return the key that was used to set the value. Package: libtie-persistent-perl Description-md5: 2fe06c51a314faf9194623e3a36153a0 Description-sl: Vmesnik zvezan da stalno datoteko Tie::Persistent makes working with persistent data real easy by using the tie interface. It works by storing data contained in a variable into a file (not unlike a database). The primary advantage is speed, as the whole datastructure is kept in memory (which is also a limitation), and, of course, that you can use arbitrary data structures inside the variable (unlike DB_File). Note that it is most useful if the data structure fits into memory. Package: libtifiles2-11 Description-md5: d68e7ab1aef4daa78beac198f192274b Description-sl: Texas Instruments calculator files library The libtifiles is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators files. All formats for all calculators are supported read/write ; the library is also able to manipulate the group files, which means it is able to group and ungroup variables into such group files. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtimbl-dev Description-md5: c4673c04563465053d0d2454fc45e3ae Description-sl: Tilburg Memory Based Learner - development The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for Natural Language Processing research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. It is an efficient implementation of k-nearest neighbor classifier. . TiMBL is a product of the Centre of Language and Speech Technology (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave TiMBL zahtevane za kodno prevajanje progrmaov C++, ki uporabljajo TiMBL. Package: libtimbl7 Description-md5: 669112d8948aa34cb30fd3a9016fea3e Description-sl: Tilburg Memory Based Learner - runtime The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for Natural Language Processing research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. It is an efficient implementation of k-nearest neighbor classifier. . TiMBL is a product of the Centre of Language and Speech Technology (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke, ki so zahtevane za poganjanje programov, ki uporabljajo TiMBL. Package: libtime-now-ocaml Description-md5: c9c4ccf46488eb1e89f082f380427252 Description-sl: current time for OCaml (runtime files) This package provides a single function to report the current time in nanoseconds since the start of the Unix epoch. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libtime-now-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9aff5c4d1b78d83c6dbb691762edd490 Description-sl: current time for OCaml (dev files) This package provides a single function to report the current time in nanoseconds since the start of the Unix epoch. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtimingframework-java Description-md5: c4a5c11888bb6cfbdd145574e12ffcd2 Description-sl: Ogrodje Java za merjenje časa in animacije The code serves as a tutorial on how to use timers, as well as a framework for doing more powerful things with timers. Package: libtimingframework-java-doc Description-md5: 528f1349f47c5a55ed703832bff00e02 Description-sl: Ogrodje Java za merjenje časa in animacije (dokumentacija) The code serves as a tutorial on how to use timers, as well as a framework for doing more powerful things with timers. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libtinyframe-dev Description-md5: baca2f9cfc87cd507a0e88fb2f544572 Description-sl: Minimalistic Frame Streams library (development) tinyframe is a minimalistic library for reading and writing the Frame Streams protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtinyxml-dev Description-md5: d3a5e9025bee380a7662ecd28c91ffff Description-sl: Knjižnica TinyXml - glava in statična knjižnica This package contains the header file and a static version of the TinyXml library. . TinyXml is a simple and small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. It reads XML and creates C++ objects representing the XML document. The objects can be manipulated, changed, and saved again as XML. Package: libtinyxml-doc Description-md5: e7b00bf95436a184d0cca665d87ffa1a Description-sl: Knjižnica TinyXml - datoteke dokumentacije This package contains the documentation to program with the TinyXml library. . TinyXml is a simple and small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. It reads XML and creates C++ objects representing the XML document. The objects can be manipulated, changed, and saved again as XML. Package: libtinyxml2-10 Description-md5: f7a6d9c81bce6e3c6808f3a7af25b07c Description-sl: Knjižnica razčlenjevanja XML C++ This package contains the shared version of the TinyXML2 library. . TinyXML2 is a simple and small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. It reads XML and creates C++ objects representing the XML document. The objects can be manipulated, changed, and saved again as XML. . TinyXML2 supersedes the previous TinyXML library, with various improvements: - Fewer memory allocations (1% - 10% compared to TinyXML) - Uses less memory (about 40% of that used by TinyXML) - Faster - No STL requirement - More modern C++, including a proper namespace - Proper and useful handling of whitespace Package: libtinyxml2.6.2v5 Description-md5: 68d44c9a512e85616444081383cca452 Description-sl: Knjižnica razčlenjevanja XML C++ This package contains the shared version of the TinyXml library. . TinyXml is a simple and small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. It reads XML and creates C++ objects representing the XML document. The objects can be manipulated, changed, and saved again as XML. Package: libtk-img Description-md5: 107dce53010b14040034953c08c90092 Description-sl: Extended image format support for Tcl/Tk (runtime) Img is a package to enhance Tk by providing support for various image formats such as XPM, GIF (transparency supported, but not LZW), PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and PostScript. . The libimg library can be loaded dynamically into Tcl/Tk scripts to provide the image handling functions. . Ta paket vključuje izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libtkrzw-dev Description-md5: 0f6d6956ccc56137e938d49986398366 Description-sl: set of implementations of DBM - development headers Tkrzw is a C++ library implementing DBM (Database Manager) with various algorithms. It features high degrees of performance, concurrency, scalability and durability. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libtkrzw1t64 Description-md5: ed015833fb6e58a23f2707a81d33456d Description-sl: set of implementations of DBM - shared library Tkrzw is a C++ library implementing DBM (Database Manager) with various algorithms. It features high degrees of performance, concurrency, scalability and durability. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtntdb-dev Description-md5: b810e0735cea34c7543eee1ddb6df2af Description-sl: Razvojne glave za tntdb This library provides a thin, database independent layer over an SQL database. It lacks complex features like schema queries or wrapper classes like active result sets or data bound controls. Instead you get to access the database directly with SQL queries. The library is suited for application programming, not for writing generic database handling tools. . Currently has support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. . This package contains files for development. Package: libtntdb5 Description-md5: ce8e04883eb796ee3a0852667ae345dd Description-sl: C++ class library for easy database access This library provides a thin, database independent layer over an SQL database. It lacks complex features like schema queries or wrapper classes like active result sets or data bound controls. Instead you get to access the database directly with SQL queries. The library is suited for application programming, not for writing generic database handling tools. . Currently has support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libtntnet-dev Description-md5: a8473066e71c5597d044b54bce8e2602 Description-sl: Razvojne glave knjižnice Tntnet Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . Because the web applications are compiled into native code, they are very fast and compact. . Components can call other components. So you can create building blocks of HTML parts and call them in other pages like subprocesses. . Requests are parsed by tntnet and the request information is easily accessible to the components. It supports GET and POST parameters and MIME multipart requests for file upload. . The template language has also support for internationalized applications. You can easily create web applications for different languages. . Other features are: cookies, HTTP upload, automatic request parameter parsing and conversion, automatic session management, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation and keep-alive. . Logging is done through cxxtools, which provides a unique API for log4cpp, log4cxx or simple logging to files or console. . Tntnet is fully multithreaded and much work has been gone into making it scalable. It uses a dynamic pool of worker threads, which answer requests from HTTP clients. . This package contains files for development. Package: libtntnet13t64 Description-md5: 918451e8fe82a50619c2fc0074aad2fb Description-sl: Knjižnice Tntnet Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . Because the web applications are compiled into native code, they are very fast and compact. . Components can call other components. So you can create building blocks of HTML parts and call them in other pages like subprocesses. . Requests are parsed by tntnet and the request information is easily accessible to the components. It supports GET and POST parameters and MIME multipart requests for file upload. . The template language has also support for internationalized applications. You can easily create web applications for different languages. . Other features are: cookies, HTTP upload, automatic request parameter parsing and conversion, automatic session management, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation and keep-alive. . Logging is done through cxxtools, which provides a unique API for log4cpp, log4cxx or simple logging to files or console. . Tntnet is fully multithreaded and much work has been gone into making it scalable. It uses a dynamic pool of worker threads, which answer requests from HTTP clients. . Thos package contains the library. Package: libtokyocabinet-perl Description-md5: 8e8548c69e98d20aa0a690f53a545619 Description-sl: Vezave Perl za Tokyo Cabinet Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table, B+ tree, or fixed-length array. Package: libtomcat10-java Description-md5: 60284344ac82e1109283126424ad4acd Description-sl: Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovne razrede Tomcat, ki jih lahko drugi programi Java uporabljajo za vključitev Tomcat. Package: libtomcat9-java Description-md5: 00d5ea98b1d596ecf9152383a3eafc0d Description-sl: Apache Tomcat 9 - Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovne razrede Tomcat, ki jih lahko drugi programi Java uporabljajo za vključitev Tomcat. Package: libtoml11-dev Description-md5: 584d10763138e759de4a5ce8e2f63bed Description-sl: TOML parser/encoder toml11: It is compatible to the latest version of TOML v1.0.0. It is one of the most TOML standard compliant libraries, tested with the language agnostic test suite for TOML parsers by BurntSushi. It shows highly informative error messages. You can see the error messages about invalid files at CircleCI. It has configurable container. You can use any random- access containers and key-value maps as backend containers. It optionally preserves comments without any overhead. It has configurable serializer that supports comments, inline tables, literal strings and multiline strings. It supports user-defined type conversion from/into toml values. It correctly handles UTF-8 sequences, with or without BOM, both on posix and Windows. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libtomlplusplus-dev Description-md5: 9757de7c70d6c71671adc7db1b805a6b Description-sl: TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 - development files tomlplusplus is a TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 supporting the following features: . - Supports the latest TOML release (v1.0.0), plus optional support for some unreleased TOML features - Passes all tests in the toml-test suite - Supports serializing to JSON and YAML - Proper UTF-8 handling (incl. BOM) - C++17 (plus some C++20 features where available) - Doesn't require RTTI - Works with or without exceptions . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtomlplusplus3t64 Description-md5: a042281cdba2642e00e60d1663ddb762 Description-sl: TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 tomlplusplus is a TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 supporting the following features: . - Supports the latest TOML release (v1.0.0), plus optional support for some unreleased TOML features - Passes all tests in the toml-test suite - Supports serializing to JSON and YAML - Proper UTF-8 handling (incl. BOM) - C++17 (plus some C++20 features where available) - Doesn't require RTTI - Works with or without exceptions . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtonezone-dev Description-md5: ac6918413755537822c2a45291c1e97c Description-sl: Knjižnica tonezone (razvoj) A library for generating tones to be sent through the DAHDI telephony interface. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtonezone2.0 Description-md5: 2eb90ac649a5faf8646cdcfd503e6640 Description-sl: Knjižnica tonezone (izvajalna) A library for generating tones to be sent through the DAHDI telephony interface. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libtoolkit-perl Description-md5: 2c6598028db0ebca2fc5126eee53d722 Description-sl: Keep your handy modules organized The Toolkit module provides a standard location to store modules that you use all the time, and then loads them for you automatically. For example, instead of always writing: . use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Smart::Comments; . in every program/module, you can just write: . Uporabi zbirko orodij . and put all your favorite modules in a file. Package: libtopcom0t64 Description-md5: 3b8263d16b9ad92055b8ebeb86926088 Description-sl: Triangulations Of Point Configs and Oriented Matroids (library) TOPCOM is a collection of clients to compute Triangulations Of Point Configurations and Oriented Matroids, resp. . The algorithms use only combinatorial data of the point configuration as is given by its oriented matroid. Some basic commands for computing and manipulating oriented matroids can also be accessed by the user. . It was very much inspired by the maple program PUNTOS, which was written by Jesus de Loera. TOPCOM is entirely written in C++, so there is a significant speed up compared to PUNTOS. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libtorrent-dev Description-md5: f80a46b339a0f082a22024cbd602e1e7 Description-sl: C++ BitTorrent knjižnica Rakshase (razvojne datoteke) LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix. It is designed to avoid redundant copying and storing of data that other clients and libraries suffer from. . This package contains the files needed to compile and link programs which use LibTorrent. Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-dev Description-md5: 705ada813b82d11c67efa98c9c4ca92d Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libtorrent-rasterbar Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . This package contains header files and static version of the library. Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-doc Description-md5: 73e12f09fdc69aff638cb9fc1456982b Description-sl: Dokumentacija za libtorrent-rasterbar Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in datoteke primerov. Package: libtorrent21t64 Description-md5: f64558ce33a3049640e3f325f06f8671 Description-sl: Knjižnica BitTorrent C++ razijalca Rakshasa LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix. It is designed to avoid redundant copying and storing of data that other clients and libraries suffer from. Package: libtoxcore-dev Description-md5: e8276e2938eaac81f43bee33c1d6c73a Description-sl: Distributed, secure messenger - development headers Tox provides an encrypted, distributed, and extensible peer-to-peer platform that can be used for various forms of communication. Tox is intended to be used as a multimedia messenger, but many people have shown that Tox can be used for a lot more than just instant messaging. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libtpl-dev Description-md5: eeeedfd104c9953f3f0064e684f26a53 Description-sl: Učinkovita knjižnica dajanja v zaporedje C - razvojne datoteke Tpl is a library for serializing C data. The data is stored in its natural binary form. The API is small and tries to stay "out of the way". Tpl can serialize many C data types, including structures. . Tpl makes a convenient file format. For example, suppose a program needs to store a list of user names and ids. This can be expressed using the format string "A(si)". If the program needs two such lists (say, one for regular users and one for administrators) this could be expressed as "A(si)A(si)". It is easy to read and write this kind of structured data using tpl. . Tpl can also be used as an IPC message format. It handles byte order issues and deframing individual messages off of a stream automatically. Package: libtpl0 Description-md5: bebb25ac947bb62a12fdbc3247d027b3 Description-sl: Učinkovita knjižnica dajanja v zaporedje C Tpl is a library for serializing C data. The data is stored in its natural binary form. The API is small and tries to stay "out of the way". Tpl can serialize many C data types, including structures. . Tpl makes a convenient file format. For example, suppose a program needs to store a list of user names and ids. This can be expressed using the format string "A(si)". If the program needs two such lists (say, one for regular users and one for administrators) this could be expressed as "A(si)A(si)". It is easy to read and write this kind of structured data using tpl. . Tpl can also be used as an IPC message format. It handles byte order issues and deframing individual messages off of a stream automatically. Package: libtpm-unseal-dev Description-md5: 74e97a1a1239066889dcbd333c3c02fa Description-sl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (development) tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtpm-unseal1t64 Description-md5: aef77e92adc6d98676ff39e73a8f4102 Description-sl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (library) tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libtracy-dev Description-md5: 885273523d7a997f2bc84499c1122b17 Description-sl: Hybrid frame and sampling profiler (development files) Tracy is a real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler for games and other applications . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtracyclient0.11.0 Description-md5: 3dc98164acf24e0a54fb9003240ce0dd Description-sl: Hybrid frame and sampling profiler (library) Tracy is a real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler for games and other applications . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtrang-java Description-md5: 6813b85bdcf4bcb8fa3e99cb0e15923e Description-sl: XML schema converter - Java library Trang converts between different schema languages for XML. It supports the following languages: - RELAX NG (XML syntax) - RELAX NG compact syntax - XML 1.0 DTDs - W3C XML Schema . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico Java. Package: libtrexio0 Description-md5: 397c117470e2c5e1919649ee3f94e545 Description-sl: TREX I/O library for efficient data I/O in quantum chemistry. Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico C. Package: libtrident-java Description-md5: 823cb2d0f39f91cb940c9fa64aa92f15 Description-sl: Knjižnica animacije za programe Java The main goal of Trident project is to provide a general purpose animation library for Java applications. Animations are a natural fit for modern client applications, and Trident has special built-in support for Java based UI toolkits such as Swing and SWT. The classes for the Android are not included. Package: libtrident-java-doc Description-md5: 441eac6f28803850b43357df15cb7d99 Description-sl: Knjižnica animacije za programe Java (dokumentacija) The main goal of Trident project is to provide a general purpose animation library for Java applications. Animations are a natural fit for modern client applications, and Trident has special built-in support for Java based UI toolkits such as Swing and SWT. . This package contains API documentation (Javadoc) for libtrident-java. Package: libtrilinos-amesos-13.2 Description-md5: ecdf604e928f8a2c48753ae3dceaf38f Description-sl: direct sparse solver package - runtime files Amesos is the Direct Sparse Solver Package in Trilinos. The goal of Amesos is to make AX=B as easy as it sounds, at least for direct methods. Amesos provides clean and consistent interfaces to a number of third-party libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-amesos2-13.2 Description-md5: 25ff7db1c75a65dd8b01ec2985ffd52a Description-sl: next generation direct sparse solver package - runtime files Amesos2 is a package for solving sparse linear systems using direct solvers. It differs from Amesos in that it is templated on the scalar and index types. KLU2 is the only native solver. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-anasazi-13.2 Description-md5: c8716b04d6c68195db1d18505c6c8cc5 Description-sl: large-scale eigenvalue algorithms - runtime files Anasazi is an extensible and interoperable framework for large-scale eigenvalue algorithms. The motivation for this framework is to provide a generic interface to a collection of algorithms for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems. Anasazi is interoperable because both the matrix and vectors (defining the eigenspace) are considered to be opaque objects -- only knowledge of the matrix and vectors via elementary operations is necessary. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-aztecoo-13.2 Description-md5: 62bd827b6fb3f1df93d48d5b802a60fd Description-sl: object-oriented interface to the Aztec solver - runtime files AztecOO provides an object-oriented interface to the well-known Aztec solver library. Furthermore, it allows flexible construction of matrix and vector arguments via Epetra matrix and vector classes. Finally, AztecOO provide additional functionality not found in Aztec and any future enhancements to the Aztec package will be available only through the AztecOO interfaces. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-belos-13.2 Description-md5: a626c1ed63fbc92794142bc07f6bed71 Description-sl: iterative linear solvers - runtime files Belos provides next-generation iterative linear solvers and a powerful linear solver developer framework. This framework includes abstract interfaces to linear algebra using traits mechanisms, abstract interfaces to orthogonalization, abstract interfaces to iteration kernels, powerful solver managers, and a basic linear problem class. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-epetra-13.2 Description-md5: b1fb505913c86233acd15a07de1fe65e Description-sl: basis package for linear algebra - runtime files Epetra provides the fundamental construction routines and services function that are required for serial and parallel linear algebra libraries. Epetra provides the underlying foundation for all Trilinos solvers. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-epetraext-13.2 Description-md5: 262e737ffd9445222a1f58e9454d1064 Description-sl: extensions to the Epetra toolkit - runtime files EpetraExt provides tools and functions that make it easier to work with Epetra. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-galeri-13.2 Description-md5: 30e8a69aca2e319dbcfc0dc5dd684a31 Description-sl: generation of distributed linear systems - runtime files The Trilinos package Galeri contains a suite of utilities and classes to generate a variety of (distributed) linear systems. Galeri's functionalities are very close to that of the MATLAB's gallery() function. Several well-known finite element and finite difference matrices can be generated using only a few simple code lines. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-ifpack-13.2 Description-md5: 43d4bcb24b48a33134f96791290b0571 Description-sl: algebraic preconditioners - runtime files IFPACK provides a suite of object-oriented algebraic preconditioners for the solution of preconditioned iterative solvers. IFPACK constructors expect an Epetra_RowMatrix object for construction. IFPACK is part of the Trilinos Solver Project and IFPACK object interact well with other Trilinos classes. In particular, IFPACK can be used as a preconditioner for AztecOO. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-ifpack2-13.2 Description-md5: 0fec478c269aa8bcdf3a1c3288f8467a Description-sl: next generation algebraic preconditioners - runtime files Ifpack2 provides incomplete factorizations, relaxations, and domain decomposition operators for linear algebra objects (sparse matrices, operators, and dense vectors and multivectors) provided by the Tpetra package. You may use these operators however you wish: for example as preconditioners in an iterative solver, or as smoothers for algebraic multigrid. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-intrepid-13.2 Description-md5: 2cb0943c4089f37303ed77429c4cb558 Description-sl: compatible discretizations of PDEs - runtime files Intrepid is a library of interoperable tools for compatible discretizations of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Intrepid is intended primarily for application developers who want to reuse large parts of their existing code frameworks such as I/O, data structures, assembly routines, etc. while gaining access to advanced discretization capabilities provided by Intrepid. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-intrepid2-13.2 Description-md5: f50e9a51c57c2f6bc1c4b6136615dcd8 Description-sl: next generation compatible discretizations of PDEs - runtime files Intrepid2 is an extension of Intrepid, a library of interoperable tools for compatible discretizations of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Intrepid2 utilizes Kokkos dynamic rank views as the default multidimensional array type, which enables the use of Intrepid2 on heterogeneous architectures. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-isorropia-13.2 Description-md5: 759585b2ca72a2d4b925d697e84c37b3 Description-sl: partitioning, load balancing, coloring of sparse matrices - runtime files Isorropia is a package for combinatorial scientific computing, with focus on partitioning and load balancing, but also supports coloring and ordering of sparse matrices. Its main purpose is to assist with redistributing objects such as matrices and graphs in a parallel execution setting, to allow for more efficient computations. Isorropia partitions matrices by rows, and produces good maps for Epetra matrices (graphs). . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-kokkos-13.2 Description-md5: b16d4305e8001b6f3f9e125266bea0a8 Description-sl: Trilinos Kokkos programming model - runtime files Kokkos implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use OpenMP, Pthreads and CUDA as backend programming models. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-kokkos-kernels-13.2 Description-md5: 75eaedb213964c7524d00bc1aaf9e78b Description-sl: Kokkos local computational kernels - runtime files KokkosKernels implements local computational kernels for linear algebra and graph operations, using the Kokkos shared-memory parallel programming model. "Local" means not using MPI, or running within a single MPI process without knowing about MPI. "Computational kernels" are coarse-grained operations; they take a lot of work and make sense to parallelize inside using Kokkos. KokkosKernels can be the building block of a parallel linear algebra library like Tpetra that uses MPI and threads for parallelism, or it can be used stand-alone in your application. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-komplex-13.2 Description-md5: 5aed6e50f4f545275681e85aa496dbc4 Description-sl: complex linear solver package - runtime files Komplex is a complex linear solver package. Solves complex-valued linear systems via equivalent real formulations. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-ml-13.2 Description-md5: b88aa6a669e8bb97a7bbb0c5625bc371 Description-sl: multigrid preconditioning - runtime files ML is Sandia's main multigrid preconditioning package. ML is designed to solve large sparse linear systems of equations arising primarily from elliptic PDE discretizations. ML is used to define and build multigrid solvers and preconditioners, and it contains black-box classes to construct highly-scalable smoothed aggregation preconditioners. ML preconditioners have been used on thousands of processors for a variety of problems, including the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with heat and mass transfer, linear and nonlinear elasticity equations, the Maxwell equations, semiconductor equations, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-moertel-13.2 Description-md5: 0a2ca0759713f843f16e65a32a6af4dc Description-sl: mortar methods package - runtime files This package supplies capabilities for nonconforming mesh tying and contact formulations in 2 and 3 dimensions using Mortar methods. Mortar methods are a type of Lagrange Multiplier constraint that can be used in contact formulations and in non-conforming or conforming mesh tying as well as in domain decomposition techniques. Originally introduced as a domain decomposition method for spectral elements, Mortar methods are used in a large class of nonconforming situations such as the surface coupling of different physical models, discretization schemes or non-matching triangulations along interior interfaces of a domain. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-muelu-13.2 Description-md5: 1b6fe2ab7b4dd2e7cfb06338396aaeac Description-sl: next generation multilevel preconditioner capabilities - runtime files MueLu is designed to solve large sparse linear systems of equations arising from PDE discretizations. MueLu provides easy-to-use multigrid solvers and preconditioners based on smoothed aggregation algorithms. As a multigrid framework, MueLu supports the design of highly application specific multigrid preconditioners. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-nox-13.2 Description-md5: 84147d2c99a7e04b6197c942303b5678 Description-sl: robust solution of nonlinear equations - runtime files NOX robustly solves and analyzes large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. NOX is short for Nonlinear Object-Oriented Solutions, and its objective is to enable the robust and efficient solution of the equation: F(x)=0 using globalized Newton methods such as line search and trust region methods. NOX is designed to work with any linear algebra package and to be easily customized. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-pamgen-13.2 Description-md5: 24018a956741af0bdb06d842369e49c6 Description-sl: hexahedral and quadrilateral mesh generator - runtime files PAMGEN creates hexahedral or quadrilateral (in 2D) finite element meshes of simple shapes (cubes and cylinders) in parallel. When linked to an application as a library, it allows each process of a parallel simulation to generate its finite element domain representation at execution time. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-phalanx-13.2 Description-md5: 8d4d86ab36bd7b99e17022143208692b Description-sl: local field evaluation kernel - runtime files Phalanx is a local field evaluation kernel specifically designed for general partial differential equation solvers. The main goal of Phalanx is to decompose a complex problem into a number of simpler problems with managed dependencies to support rapid development and extensibility of the PDE code. Through the use of template metaprogramming concepts, Phalanx supports arbitrary user defined data types and evaluation types. This allows for unprecedented flexibility for direct integration with user applications and provides extensive support for embedded technology such as automatic differentiation for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-pike-13.2 Description-md5: 028d242e6fa5a7a55130f06630eef83d Description-sl: physics integration kernels - runtime files Pike is a software library for coupling and solving multiphysics applications. It provides basic interfaces and utilities for performing code-to-code coupling. It provides simple black-box Picard iteration methods for solving the coupled system of equations including Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel solvers. The Pike library contains no physics and just provides interfaces and utilities for coupling codes. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-piro-13.2 Description-md5: 2c5df5f06241cb98823c1f208ac99c84 Description-sl: embedded nonlinear analysis package - runtime files Piro is the top-level, unifying package of the Embedded Nonlinear Analysis Capability area. The main purpose of the package is to provide driver classes for the common uses of Trilinos nonlinear analysis tools. These drivers all can be constructed similarly, with a ModelEvaluator and a ParameterList, to make it simple to switch between different types of analysis. They also all inherit from the same base classes (reponse-only model evaluators) so that the resulting analysis can in turn driven by non-intrusive analysis routines. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-pliris-13.2 Description-md5: 7b1ac89e1e6deb3c6d6742558056d4f0 Description-sl: Trilinos dense solvers package - runtime files Pliris is an object-oriented interface to a LU solver for dense matrices on parallel platforms. These matrices are double precision real matrices distributed on a parallel machine. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-rol-13.2 Description-md5: bcbc9028cbefb8d1da09705428984a4d Description-sl: rapid optimization library - runtime files The Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) is a package for large-scale optimization. It is used for the solution of optimal design, optimal control and inverse problems in large-scale engineering applications. Other uses include mesh optimization and image processing. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-rtop-13.2 Description-md5: c7e1a0d26c9ab3d057077e5d2e582efe Description-sl: reductions/transformation operators - runtime files RTOp (reduction/transformation operators) provides the basic mechanism for implementing vector operations in a flexible and efficient manner. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-rythmos-13.2 Description-md5: 55b9da2d6371d462bc1768fade246305 Description-sl: Trilinos transient integrator - runtime files Rythmos is a transient integrator for ordinary differential equations and differential-algebraic equations with support for explicit, implicit, one- step and multi-step algorithms. The fundamental design of Rythmos is aimed at supporting operator-split algorithms, multi-physics applications, block linear algebra, and adjoint integration. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-sacado-13.2 Description-md5: e573e2f11ad50b059ceb99385bbb5c23 Description-sl: automatic differentiation for C++ applications - runtime files Sacado is a set of automatic differentiation tools for C++ applications. It provides templated classes for forward, reverse and Taylor mode automatic differentiation. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-shards-13.2 Description-md5: cff1a471a7cb51a5d01b6a6647559b25 Description-sl: interoperability tools for PDE solving - runtime files The purpose of Shards is to provide a suite of common tools for numerical and topological data that facilitate interoperability between typical software modules used to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) by finite element, finite volume and finite difference methods. Shards comprises of two categories of tools: methods to manage and access information about cell topologies used in mesh-based methods for PDEs, and methods to work with multi-dimensional arrays used to store numerical data in corresponding computer codes. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-shylu-13.2 Description-md5: 7f6152a0c3aea1ee1ae965f3a301d521 Description-sl: solving sparse linear systems - runtime files ShyLU is a package for solving sparse linear systems. It can be used either as a preconditioner, or as a solver. Currently, it is recommended as an Ifpack preconditioner. ShyLU uses a hybrid direct/iterative approach based on Schur complements. The goal is to provide robustness similar to sparse direct solvers, but memory usage more similar to preconditioned iterative solvers. ShyLU was designed as a node-level solver. It can use both MPI and threads in several ways. ShyLU was designed (a) to solve difficult but medium-size problems, and (b) to be used as a subdomain solver or smoother for very large problems within an iterative scheme. It is a purely algebraic method so can be used as a black-box solver. ShyLU has been particularly successful in electrical circuit simulation (Xyce). . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-stokhos-13.2 Description-md5: dd98bcdc88721f7d7fc9bc9bb57188dd Description-sl: Trilinos uncertainty quantification package - runtime files Stokhos is a package for intrusive stochastic Galerkin uncertainty quantification methods. It provides methods for computing well-known intrusive stochastic Galerkin projections such as Polynomial Chaos and Generalized Polynomial Chaos, interfaces for forming the resulting nonlinear systems, and linear solver methods for solving block stochastic Galerkin linear systems. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-stratimikos-13.2 Description-md5: 9b9a424ee10589fa507414119216b8bb Description-sl: wrappers for linear solvers and preconditioners - runtime files The package Stratimikos contains a unified set of Thyra-based wrappers to linear solver and preconditioner capabilities in Trilinos. The Stratimikos package is also a place where unified testing of linear solvers and preconditioners can be performed. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-teko-13.2 Description-md5: d2659146cd5356db3094f0fba942f099 Description-sl: block preconditioners - runtime files Teko is a package for development and implementation of block preconditioners. This includes support for manipulation and setup of block operators. Furthermore tools exist to support decomposition of a fully coupled operator. Additionally, facilities that allow the construction of approximate inverse operators using the full complement of available preconditioners and solvers are available in Teko. Finally, a small number of generic block preconditioners has been implemented in Teko, including block Jacobi, and block Gauss-Seidel. For the Navier-Stokes equation, Teko has implementations of SIMPLE, PCD and LSC. For details on these methods see Stabilization and Scalable Block Preconditioning for the Navier-Stokes Equations and the references therein. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-teuchos-13.2 Description-md5: 02f6f14f418b4563934bfa0a5f63b3a1 Description-sl: common tools for Trilinos - runtime files Teuchos provides a suite of common tools for Trilinos for developers to use. These tools include BLAS/LAPACK wrappers, smart pointers, parameter lists, XML parsers, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-thyra-13.2 Description-md5: 63514e2c64fc7c346b4900926c0aeacb Description-sl: interoperability layer for numerical software - runtime files The Thyra package contains a set of interfaces and supporting code that defines basic interoperability mechanisms between different types of numerical software. The foundation of all of these interfaces are the mathematical concepts of vectors, vector spaces, and linear operators. All other interfaces and support software is built on the basic operator/vector interfaces. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-tpetra-13.2 Description-md5: 62f003ec14216ff6e3e970700d8cf549 Description-sl: templated numerical linear algebra package - runtime files Next-generation, templated version of Petra, taking advantage of the newer advanced features of C++. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-trilinoscouplings-13.2 Description-md5: 15e0ee09bdc616e68b98c0bbaf4bf8c8 Description-sl: combining Trilinos packages - runtime files TrilinosCouplings provides a location for multiple Trilinos packages to be combined for testing integrated package capabilities. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-trilinosss-13.2 Description-md5: 41f57ad99dc5722a8557c5c10a1c08cd Description-sl: suitesparse with adaptations for Amesos - runtime files A suite of sparse matrix algorithms with adaptations for Amesos. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-triutils-13.2 Description-md5: 19e6a6a6ea210a63419368db7e720de6 Description-sl: utilities for Trilinos - runtime files TriUtils a package of utilities for other Trilinos packages. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-xpetra-13.2 Description-md5: 69fe700c08df14ddb5bcebd7e24f5108 Description-sl: conversion between Epetra and Teuchos objects - runtime files Xpetra a lightweight wrapper to both Epetra and Tpetra. The Xpetra syntax mirrors that of Tpetra. Xpetra enables algorithm developers to write to a single interface but be able to use either Epetra or Tpetra. Xpetra can also be introduced into existing code to allow for gradual migration. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-zoltan-13.2 Description-md5: 185fbc84a1ace421cb4bdc14dc861ae4 Description-sl: parallel dynamic load balancing - runtime files Zoltan is a toolkit of parallel services for dynamic, unstructured, and/or adaptive simulations. Zoltan provides parallel dynamic load balancing and related services for a wide variety of applications, including finite element methods, matrix operations, particle methods, and crash simulations. Zoltan also provides parallel graph coloring, matrix ordering, unstructured communication tools, and distributed data directories. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtrilinos-zoltan2-13.2 Description-md5: 8c46c722aa1a58352f3583ccf4195e7b Description-sl: Trilinos next generation load balancing package - runtime files Zoltan2 is a package for load balancing and combinatorial scientific computing. It may be viewed as a successor to the popular Zoltan and Isorropia packages. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice. Package: libtritonus-java Description-md5: 5c608d3b82e98f360df309df237edc3f Description-sl: Izvedba zvočnega API-ja Java Tritonus is a clean room open source implementation of the Java Sound 1.0 API for Linux. . Ta paket vsebuje zahtevane datoteke jar. Package: libtrove-java-doc Description-md5: 5e28b4ff47f06d668df5f2427384b43e Description-sl: high performance collections for java GNU Trove is a fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable replacements for their JDK equivalents. . Whenever possible, GNU Trove provide the same collections support for primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using the "wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.) with Object- based collections. For most applications, however, collections which store primitives directly will require less space and yield significant performance gains. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libtrove3-java-doc Description-md5: 5e28b4ff47f06d668df5f2427384b43e Description-sl: high performance collections for java GNU Trove is a fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable replacements for their JDK equivalents. . Whenever possible, GNU Trove provide the same collections support for primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using the "wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.) with Object- based collections. For most applications, however, collections which store primitives directly will require less space and yield significant performance gains. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libtspi-dev Description-md5: 7151dc43aab94706e767892365045c17 Description-sl: open-source TCG Software Stack (development) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libtspi1 Description-md5: b46c696c49355b278d5160ca11e77907 Description-sl: open-source TCG Software Stack (library) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libtss2-tcti-tabrmd0 Description-md5: e3acac38c75a3ceb3e593075031fb3c9 Description-sl: TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Management - shared libraries It is intended for use with the SAPI library (libsapi) like any other TCTI. The initialization function for this library is hard coded to connect to the tabrmd on the system bus as this is the most common configuration. . Paket vsebuje zahtevane souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libtty-dev Description-md5: c7c7479db09a1dbdd39fda677a485082 Description-sl: terminal/ttyrec library -- development libtty is a library for handling terminal output. It is kind of "reverse curses" -- it is on the receiving end of tty data, accepting vt100 codes and managing a virtual terminal. It lacks input handling thus is unfit for a real terminal emulator, but includes functions for storing a history of frames to handle a "video" recording. . A second part of the library provides ways to read/write/edit ttyrec/-like files, including transparent compression or streaming them from network. . Ta paket vsebuje glave knjižnice. Package: libtumbler-1-0t64 Description-md5: 4323f73e4ec816c00add5357207eae1b Description-sl: library for tumbler, a D-Bus thumbnailing service Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management D-Bus specification described on . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libtumbler-1-dev Description-md5: d25e72effb48a6edc4d5030260e5074a Description-sl: library for tumbler, a D-Bus thumbnailing service (development) Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management D-Bus specification described on . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene razvojne knjižnice. Package: libturbojpeg-java Description-md5: 14f35c7c61cd2a2a1847d86aa35c89ee Description-sl: Java bindings for the TurboJPEG library The libjpeg-turbo JPEG library is a library for handling JPEG files. . libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, NEON) to accelerate baseline JPEG compression and decompression on x86, x86-64, and ARM systems. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Java. Package: libtwatch-perl Description-md5: 82454b46fd35e5fdb3a129a7a8e6ba18 Description-sl: oglejte si sledilnike torrentov in samodejno prejmite nov torrente twatch is a simple and flexible watcher torrent trackers, based on regular expressions. It can download new torrent files and information about them by customizable filters. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice za twatch Package: libtwitter-api-perl Description-md5: 9435f54bfbf8d1edbdca21434614f9fe Description-sl: Twitter REST API library for Perl Twitter::API provides an interface to the Twitter REST API for perl. . Zmožnosti: . * full support for all Twitter REST API endpoints * not dependent on a new distribution for new endpoint support * optionally specify access tokens per API call * error handling via an exception object that captures the full request/response context * full support for OAuth handshake and Xauth authentication . Additional features are available via optional traits: . * convenient methods for API endpoints with simplified argument handling via ApiMethods * normalized booleans (Twitter likes 'true' and 'false', except when it doesn't) via NormalizeBooleans * automatic decoding of HTML entities via DecodeHtmlEntities * automatic retry on transient errors via RetryOnError * "the whole enchilada" combines all the above traits via Enchilada * app-only (OAuth2) support via AppAuth * automatic rate limiting via RateLimiting Package: libtyperep-ocaml Description-md5: c7607c758e00f72cd4ffd48789c7896e Description-sl: runtime types for OCaml (runtime) Library for creating runtime representation of OCaml types and computing functions from these. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libtyperep-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 33b3fac5160ec432d0e28804cf4326f3 Description-sl: runtime types for OCaml (development) Library for creating runtime representation of OCaml types and computing functions from these. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libu1db-qt5-3 Description-md5: 86873426557b1e1ac37ceaad0f59ad6b Description-sl: Qt5 binding for U1DB - shared library Simple Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB ( . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libucimf-dev Description-md5: 7f0c82ccba63bcd6b633e4ee249cad6e Description-sl: Unicode console input method framework - development files Ucimf provides an input method framework for the Linux Unicode frame buffer console. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libucimf0 Description-md5: 6a97a4c9da9967655a1c34207b9371aa Description-sl: Unicode console input method framework - library Ucimf provides an input method framework for the Linux Unicode frame buffer console. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libucl-dev Description-md5: 00a0a2df13701c2349300d0604e792d6 Description-sl: Prenosljiva knjižnica stiskanja - razvoj UCL is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C, implementing a number of compression algorithms that achieve an excellent compression ratio while allowing *very* fast decompression. . Ta paket vsebuje od razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libucl1 Description-md5: 305d9f4fbeae07df4577e6af524e4d70 Description-sl: Prenosljiva knjižnica stiskanja - izvajalna datoteka UCL is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C, implementing a number of compression algorithms that achieve an excellent compression ratio while allowing *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no additional memory. Package: libucommon-dev Description-md5: 63af00b1c01943f007da720666ec31e2 Description-sl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - development files GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave in statične knjižnice. Package: libucommon8t64 Description-md5: 64722b65b91a51d0c92f3e4c85215b16 Description-sl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - shared libraries GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libudis86-0 Description-md5: ef96158de30c3f909edb6fba44518e17 Description-sl: Disassembler for x86 and x86-64 class ISA (library) Udis86 is a disassembler for the x86 and x86-64 class of instruction set architectures. It consists of a C library called libudis86 which provides a clean and simple interface to decode and inspect a stream of raw binary data as disassembled instructions in a structured manner, and a command line tool called udcli that incorporates the library. . Ta paket vsebuje glavno knjižnico. Package: libudisks2-qt5-0 Description-md5: 12ac3db5f0872f4461cf60c20df6a7b4 Description-sl: UDisks2 library with Qt5 Udisks2-qt5 provides the UDisks2 DBus interfaces binding of Qt5. . Ta paket zagotavlja datoteke knjižnice. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). Package: libudisks2-qt5-dev Description-md5: 6043758708bc49b12d1c59cf69777067 Description-sl: UDisks2 library with Qt5 (development files) Udisks2-qt5 provides the UDisks2 DBus interfaces binding of Qt5. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke knjižnice. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). Package: libudt-dev Description-md5: 35e484884975cf669f825b50aa1e7f30 Description-sl: Na UDP osnovan protokol prenosa podatkov - razvojne datoteke UDT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications over wide area high-speed networks. UDT uses UDP to transfer bulk data with its own reliability control and congestion control mechanisms. The new protocol can transfer data at a much higher speed than TCP does. UDT is also a highly configurable framework that can accommodate various congestion control algorithms. . Install this package if you wish to develop your own programs using the UDP-based data transfer protocol library. Package: libudt0v5 Description-md5: 7bb76e3a39a5fee2007702a132beb27e Description-sl: Na UDP osnovan protokol prenosa podatkov UDT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications over wide area high-speed networks. UDT uses UDP to transfer bulk data with its own reliability control and congestion control mechanisms. The new protocol can transfer data at a much higher speed than TCP does. UDT is also a highly configurable framework that can accommodate various congestion control algorithms. Package: libuemf-dev Description-md5: bb95966ed95831c778998eb2c21b64cf Description-sl: Read/write EMF, EMF+, WMF files (development files) libUEMF is a portable C99 implementation for reading/writing Enhanced Metafile (EMF), Enhanced Metafile Format Plus (PMF), and Windows Metafile (WMF) files. libUEMF avoids collisions with Microsoft defined functions and values, so portable programs which use it and have a Windows version, do not require any conditional logic to separate the native GDI support from the WMF/EMF/PMF support provided by libUEMF. To accomplish this libUEMF does not implement GDI calls. Instead, for each WMR/EMR/PMR record type, and each object type incorporated into such a record, it provides corresponding *_set, *_print, and *_swap functions. For PMF and WMF there are also *_get functions, see below. For example, for the U_EMRBITBLT record there are corresponding functions: U_EMRBITBLT_set, U_EMRBITBLT_print, and U_EMRBITBLT_swap. A few additional functions are provided for assembling the EMF in memory, debugging, and converting the EMF file to/from Little Endian representation. (EMF files' internal data representation is always Little Endian.) . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libuima-tools-java Description-md5: 5b2e3a94ec8dfa7aa0896889bb91d90b Description-sl: Knjižnica UIMA za orodja UIMA Apache UIMA is an implementation of the OASIS-UIMA specifications. . OASIS UIMA Committee: <>. . Unstructured Information Management applications are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. . An example UIM application might ingest plain text and identify entities, such as persons, places, organizations; or relations, such as works-for or located-at. . This library implements in Java the classes for the tools provided with the Apache UIMA framework. Package: libukui-menu-dev Description-md5: 86370f44f2ee3e87a04214a9532b7d0d Description-sl: implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for UKUI (dev) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libukwm-1-dev Description-md5: 317c675071c45ac284af1ad06bcc4eca Description-sl: Development files for the Ukwm window manager Ukwm is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything. . Ukwm is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libulfius-dev Description-md5: a211182ebfc67e9d494dc96551bd3a7a Description-sl: Web Framework for REST Applications in C - development Based on GNU Libmicrohttpd for the backend web server, Jansson for the json manipulation library, and Libcurl for the http/smtp client API. . Used to facilitate creation of web applications in C programs with a small memory footprint, as in embedded systems applications. . One can create webservices in HTTP or HTTPS mode, stream data, or implement server websockets. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libunibreak-dev Description-md5: 4eed694f39896b42f5ce022c707de3a1 Description-sl: line breaking library for Unicode (development files) libunibreak is an implementation of the Unicode line breaking algorithm described at . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke razvojnih glav. Package: libunibreak-doc Description-md5: 1ffee49bce61017651620e606fec4466 Description-sl: line breaking library for Unicode (documentation) libunibreak is an implementation of the Unicode line breaking algorithm described at . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libunicap-doc Description-md5: 09c3c1675ce25d9754fcc8ff81280b8a Description-sl: unified interface to video capture devices - documentation Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. . Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even on low-speed architectures. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libunicap2 Description-md5: ddd4f7e30a6520061a0a2cb197f951b2 Description-sl: unified interface to video capture devices - shared libraries Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. . Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even on low-speed architectures. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libunicap2-dev Description-md5: b63ef7b87ebd61fb8e1a0f2f88863027 Description-sl: unified interface to video capture devices - development files Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. . Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even on low-speed architectures. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave in statične knjižnice. Package: libuninameslist1 Description-md5: 7a72092a2f6b5a9c8f83138a239c1f62 Description-sl: library of Unicode annotation data The library contains a large array with one entry for each unicode code point (U+0000 - U+10FFFF). Each entry contains two strings, a name and an annotation. The library also contains a list of all the Unicode blocks. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libuninum-dev Description-md5: 6754fae98acea3485658c5cd129be13f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico Libuninum Libuninum is a library for converting Unicode strings to numbers and numbers to Unicode strings. Standard functions like strtoul, strtod, and sprintf do this for numbers written in the usual Western number system using the Indo-Arabic numerals, but they do not handle other number systems. . Libuninum can handle them properly. . This package contains files needed if you wish to use the libstatgrab library in your own programs. Package: libunique-1.0-0 Description-md5: c9a904ea2ae3ba5f0fdfe69ab466dfaa Description-sl: Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. . Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libunirest-java-java Description-md5: 78034e335cc8025eac37359ce1b60c60 Description-sl: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages . Zmožnosti: . * Make GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS requests * Both synchronous and asynchronous (non-blocking) requests * It supports form parameters, file uploads and custom body entities * Easily add route parameters without ugly string concatenations * Supports gzip * Supports Basic Authentication natively * Customizable timeout, concurrency levels and proxy settings * Customizable default headers for every request (DRY) * Customizable HttpClient and HttpAsyncClient implementation * Automatic JSON parsing into a native object for JSON responses * Customizable binding, with mapping from response body to java Object Package: libunity-java-doc Description-md5: 97885ab02490d030d53c06840b726ec4 Description-sl: Parse scientific unit specifications with Java (javadocs) This is the unity library, which is able to parse scientific unit specifications using a variety of syntaxes. It is not a goal for this library to do any processing of the resulting units, such as unit conversion or arithmetic. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: libunity-misc-doc Description-md5: 7c6b11eb68d32f1b14e41a9bb4ed9262 Description-sl: Miscellaneous functions for Unity - documentation libunity-misc is a shared library that provides miscellaneous functions for Unity. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libuniversal-can-perl Description-md5: 46763af6a14849d13af2a51929626a04 Description-sl: Varnejša različica UNIVERSAL::can The UNIVERSAL class provides a few default methods so that all objects can use them. Object orientation allows programmers to override these methods in subclasses to provide more specific and appropriate behavior. . Some authors call methods in the UNIVERSAL class on potential invocants as functions, bypassing any possible overriding. This is wrong and one should not do it. Unfortunately, not everyone heeds this warning and their bad code can break good code. . This module replaces UNIVERSAL::can() with a method that checks to see if the first argument is a valid invocant (whether an object -- a blessed referent -- or the name of a class). If so, and if the invocant's class has its own can() method, it calls that as a method. Otherwise, everything works as you might expect. . If someone attempts to call UNIVERSAL::can() as a function, this module will emit a lexical warning (see perllexwarn) to that effect. You can disable it with no warnings; or no warnings 'UNIVERSAL::isa';, but don't do that; fix the code instead. Package: libuniversal-isa-perl Description-md5: 1e2b6a7742ac60a13bdbc6b7326845de Description-sl: Varnejša različica UNIVERSAL::isa UNIVERSAL is base class for ALL classes in Object Oriented Perl. UNIVERSAL::isa (isa stands for "is a") is method which can tell You if object is blessed in package or inherits from package. . This module overloads UNIVERSAL::isa with a version that makes sure that, when called as a function on objects which override isa, isa will call the appropriate method on those objects . In all other cases, the real UNIVERSAL::isa gets called directly. Package: libuniversal-require-perl Description-md5: 771864c7ee165cbba2cb798e6584c859 Description-sl: Load modules from a variable (deprecated) This works exactly like the standard require in Perl, except without the bareword restriction, and it does not die. Since require() is placed in the UNIVERSAL namespace, it will work on any module. You just have to use UNIVERSAL::require somewhere in your code. . Če ste to morali kadarkoli storiti ... . eval "require $module"; . to get around the bareword caveats on require(), this module is for you. It creates a universal require() class method that will work with every Perl module and it is secure. So instead of doing some arcane eval() work, you can do this: . $module->require; . It does not save you much typing, but it will make a lot more sense to someone who is not a ninth level Perl acolyte. . Also provided is a use() method which works in a similar way. . NOTE that UNIVERSAL::require is considered deprecated by its author, who suggestest to look at a number of better suited and more actively maintained alternatives discussed in the POD's "SEE ALSO" section. Package: libunshield-dev Description-md5: f53a2ef1fdc7f66e30b0fc65a88111c5 Description-sl: Razvojna polja za libunshield This are libraries to create applications extracting CAB files from InstallShield installers used to be installed on Windows CE devices or Windows desktop machines. . This package contains the development files needed to link applications against libunshield. Package: libunwind-setjmp0 Description-md5: a2ad087672aa604c7e2e5e0dee1676a0 Description-sl: libunwind-based non local goto - runtime The unwind-setjmp library offers a libunwind-based implementation of non- local gotos. This implementation is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the normal, system-provided routines of the same name. The main advantage of using the unwind-setjmp library is that setting up a non- local goto via one of the setjmp() routines is very fast. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico Package: libunwind-setjmp0-dev Description-md5: 099a990a984e4f0a5487014e58a269b8 Description-sl: libunwind-based non local goto - development The unwind-setjmp library offers a libunwind-based implementation of non- local gotos. This implementation is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the normal, system-provided routines of the same name. The main advantage of using the unwind-setjmp library is that setting up a non- local goto via one of the setjmp() routines is very fast. . Ta paket vsebuje podporne razvojne datoteke. Package: liburdfdom-headers-dev Description-md5: 9632d95def16d2866a394d6232d41955 Description-sl: URDF DOM - header files The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library provides core data structures and a simple XML parsers for populating the class data structures from an URDF file. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: liburi-ocaml Description-md5: 3d7708800d9e9fcdf1a07c57a704246a Description-sl: RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library in OCaml (runtime) This is an OCaml implementation of the RFC3986 specification for parsing URI or URLs. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: liburi-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 05954522de974e1d72f7a5640852ce0f Description-sl: RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library in OCaml (dev) This is an OCaml implementation of the RFC3986 specification for parsing URI or URLs. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: liburiparser-dev Description-md5: 7c19dfa07f254b32160e3463004a5798 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za uriparser This package provides the development files for uriparser, a library to parse Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). Install it if you want to compile a program that makes use of this library. Package: liburiparser1 Description-md5: 3e5858ee07d918323487df71ddecd78b Description-sl: URI parsing library compliant with RFC 3986 uriparser is a library that parses Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), strictly adhering to RFC 3986 where syntax for URIs is defined. URIs are used to identify resources, like or urn:isbn:0-395-36341-1. . Uriparser ima naslednje zmožnosti: . * strictly compliant to RFC 3986, implementing: + parsing + reference resolution + reference creation + recomposition + syntax-based normalization * fast (linear input length time complexity) * unicode support Package: libusb-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 023b491c31d22274d979468eb2a148fc Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za libusb-1.0 OCaml-USB is a binding to libusb-1.0, a userspace USB programming library. It uses Lwt to ease use of asynchronous IO features of libusb-1.0. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za OCaml-USB. Package: libusb3380-0t64 Description-md5: fb7ed75175a42dba6509fcda8e999f5a Description-sl: USB3380 abstraction layer for libusb The USB 3380 is a PCI Express Gen 2 to USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Peripheral Controller. It features one PCI Express Gen 2 x1 port and one USB 3.0 SuperSpeed client port. The USB 3380 provides a matching bandwidth at 5 GT/s between the PCI Express Gen 2 bus and the USB 3.0 SuperSpeed bus. . The library is developed for XTRX SDR which is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high- performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libusb3380-dev Description-md5: dfd66e291d21b5b1945c8dddb8d3de7e Description-sl: USB3380 abstraction layer for libusb: development The USB 3380 is a PCI Express Gen 2 to USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Peripheral Controller. It features one PCI Express Gen 2 x1 port and one USB 3.0 SuperSpeed client port. The USB 3380 provides a matching bandwidth at 5 GT/s between the PCI Express Gen 2 bus and the USB 3.0 SuperSpeed bus. . The library is developed for XTRX SDR which is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high- performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libusbauth-configparser1 Description-md5: a3f7181a61a5669a989d21cae82b3d84 Description-sl: Library for USB Firewall including flex/bison parser It is a firewall against BadUSB attacks. A config file describes in which way USB interfaces would be accepted or denied. To the kernel an interface authorization was developed with this firewall. The firewall sets the authorization mask according to the rules. . The library is used to read the usbauth config file into data structures and is used by usbauth and YaST . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libusbguard1 Description-md5: 2bff5ae0e088d48bdf6421c1659b6aaa Description-sl: USB device authorization policy framework - shared library The USBGuard software framework helps to protect your computer against rogue USB devices (a.k.a. BadUSB) by implementing basic allow- and blocklisting capabilities based on device attributes. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libuserbindmount0 Description-md5: 916af7fba71317146c8413c187f851f2 Description-sl: bind-mount in user namespaces (library) Bind mount files and create user namespaces where bind mount is allowed as users. It does not need root access or specific capabilities to run (provided user-namespaces are supported) . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libuu-dev Description-md5: b8176280537096db2cd1f4d25c5fab00 Description-sl: Library for de/encoding several popular file encodings - development Libuu is a library of functions for decoding and encoding files in the following formats: uuencode, xxencode, BASE64, yEncoding, quoted printable, and BinHex. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libuu0 Description-md5: 28cfd7c41cdca190d19fad31737a147e Description-sl: Library for de/encoding several popular file encodings - runtime Libuu is a library of functions for decoding and encoding files in the following formats: uuencode, xxencode, BASE64, yEncoding, quoted printable, and BinHex. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvala-0.56-0 Description-md5: 77cfb8d2a0f3e59618630e2a604740e0 Description-sl: C# podoben jezik za sistem GObject - knjižnica Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C. . This library contains the parser used by valac. It can be used for building tools around Vala. Package: libvanessa-adt1 Description-md5: 2d4387d7a1d07681e4c6c57abdd440f6 Description-sl: Knjižnica abstraktnih vrst podatkov Abstract Data Types (ADT) Library. Includes queue, dynamic array and key value ADT. Package: libvanessa-logger0 Description-md5: 722b5b5870846e0240ef24b3cad206e9 Description-sl: Splošna knjižnica beleženja Generic logging layer that may be used to log to one or more of syslog, an open file handle or a file name. Though due to limitations in the implementation of syslog opening multiple syslog loggers doesn't makes sense. Includes the ability to limit which messages will be logged based on priorities. Package: libvariantslib-ocaml Description-md5: 8400bb1bb635b31e7d9302b27d61542b Description-sl: OCaml syntax extension for supporting variants as first class values (runtime) Variantslib generates code to support variants as first class by adding "with variants" suffix to variants definition, e.g., . type t = | First | Second | Third . with variants . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libvariantslib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: dae0b6bd15b27fad1f4053fb754f10a6 Description-sl: OCaml syntax extension for supporting variants as first class values (dev) Variantslib generates code to support variants as first class by adding "with variants" suffix to variants definition, e.g., . type t = | First | Second | Third . with variants . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvarnishapi-dev Description-md5: 9c15761c354c732b35ffb9837d7b1ea0 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za Varnish Development files for the Varnish HTTP accelerator. Package: libvarnishapi3 Description-md5: b62e58460782f2fccf788b20917cd377 Description-sl: Souporabljene knjižnice za Varnish Shared libraries for the Varnish HTTP accelerator. Package: libvbz-hdf-plugin-dev Description-md5: 9cf3886b4780366e2800d12e4dd5ee1a Description-sl: VBZ compression plugin for nanopore signal data (devel) VBZ Compression uses variable byte integer encoding to compress nanopore signal data. . The performance of VBZ is achieved by taking advantage of the properties of the raw signal and therefore is most effective when applied to the signal dataset. Other datasets you may have in your Fast5 files will not be able to take advantage of the default VBZ settings for compression. VBZ will be used as the default compression scheme in a future release of MinKNOW. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libvc-dev Description-md5: ffd2d4dbdedbdcb132b5aecd2878dade Description-sl: Knjižnica vCard - razvojne datoteke vCard is an Electronic Business Card format, as specified by the versit Consortium, useful for storing personal data. libvc handles scanning a vCard file, parsing the vCard file into a data storage structure, manipulating the data storage structure, and writing back to file. It was originally written for `rolo', but has been split-off as a generic library for general use. . This package contains static library, headers, and the development manpage for libvc. Package: libvcs-lite-perl Description-md5: be6677a1f2c9d7d5afba6349fd24dac0 Description-sl: Najmanjša različica sistema za nadzor različic The VCS::Lite module provides the functions normally associated with a version control system, but without needing or implementing a version control system. Applications include wikis, document management systems and configuration management. . It makes use of the module Algorithm::Diff. It provides the facility for basic diffing, patching and merging. Package: libvde-dev Description-md5: aa2b8ef5bfc1b2448704d9a8c6451369 Description-sl: Virtual Distributed Ethernet - support libraries development files VDE is a virtual switch that can connect multiple virtual machines together, both local and remote. . Components of the VDE architecture are VDE switches (virtual counterpart of ethernet switches) and VDE cables (virtual counterpart of a crossed- cable used to connect two switches). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libvde Package: libvdeplug-dev Description-md5: 6d25e5993b27e3905c46be1618624c38 Description-sl: Virtual Distributed Ethernet - Plug development files VDE provides a versatile support to create Ethernet compliant virtual networks. The vdeplug library, like an ethernet plug, can be used to connect virtual machines, namespaces, IoTh (Internet of Threads) processes or VDE utility commands to virtual networks. . This library uses plug-ins to support several VDE implementations and to be open to new developments in virtual networking. . Several plugins are included as standard extensions of the library, e.g.: - vde: connect to legacy vde_switch (provided by vde2) or to virtual networking sockets, see below - vxvde: this plug-in implements distributed virtual switches (implementation of a Local Area Cloud) - tap: connect to a tuntap interface - udp: udp tunnelling - ptp: point to point connection - vxlan: the plug becomes a vxlan's VTEP - cmd: stream the network flow to a command A plug can provide virtual networking sockets where other plug can be connected (using the vde plugin) - hub: the plug implements a hub - switch: the plug implements a switch . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za libdeplug. Package: libventrilo-dev Description-md5: 6ca523a1a425c66a017242d427843001 Description-sl: Knjižnica za sporazumevanje s strežniki Ventrilo (razvoj) libventrilo is a networking library for communicating with Ventrilo servers. It performs audio encoding/decoding, signal processing and network communications. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libverbiste-0.1-0v5 Description-md5: ef8b0541bd47af9937f37f81e4995178 Description-sl: French and Italian conjugator - shared library Verbsite je program, ki daje celotna sklanjanja za francoske in italijanske glagole. Zbirka znanja vsebuje več kot 6800 glagolov. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libverbiste-dev Description-md5: 71f172ff99c36c1008b0630ad54e47ea Description-sl: French and Italian conjugator - development files Verbsite je program, ki daje celotna sklanjanja za francoske in italijanske glagole. Zbirka znanja vsebuje več kot 6800 glagolov. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libversion-next-perl Description-md5: 33ba6256c54133bf1937fa0fad7eafbe Description-sl: Modul Perl za enostavno povečanje številk različic modulov Perl Version::Next provides a simple, correct way to increment a Perl module version number. It does not attempt to guess what the original version number author intended, it simply increments in the smallest possible fashion. Decimals are incremented like an odometer. Dotted decimals are incremented piecewise and presented in a standardized way. . If more complex version manipulation is necessary, you may wish to consider Perl::Version. Package: libversion-perl Description-md5: 44a0962212c1709025ede485e9f3bcd5 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za predmete različice The version module implements version objects for older version of Perl and provides the version object API for all versions of Perl. . There are two different types of version objects supported by this modules, corresponding to the two different styles of versions in use: * Decimal Versions - The classic floating-point number $VERSION. * Dotted Decimal Versions - The more modern form of version assignment, with 3 (or potentially more) integers separated by decimal points (e.g. v1.2.3). Package: libvhdi-dev Description-md5: f66e6c0f010ebb393bd9a3af43bc0ea1 Description-sl: Virtual Hard Disk image format access library -- development files libvhdi is a library to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libvhdi1 Description-md5: bf23cbdc8c2736a515e0c3d7fffbd54a Description-sl: Virtual Hard Disk image format access library libvhdi is a library to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvidstab1.1 Description-md5: ef3c3c93c6f6188ee6028f40c9a20929 Description-sl: video stabilization library (shared library) Imagine you captured a nice video with your camcorder, compact camera or even cell phone while skiing, cycling or whatever sports and the video is basically just jiggled. . Modern cameras come along with hardware stabilisation, however this does not work if you have really strong vibrations - rather the contrary - sometimes this mechanism starts to oscillate. . Vid.Stab is your friend in this matter. It is designed to stabilize even strongly jiggled clips. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvirt-ocaml Description-md5: f043fc0d3c0142c5f4ded5b178b96768 Description-sl: OCaml bindings for libvirt (runtime) This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvirt-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4cbf2a655416969788baed546ad2ec29 Description-sl: OCaml bindings for libvirt (development files) This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvirtualpg-dev Description-md5: 9aeb7fb9672349c68d9988da9e093cfa Description-sl: VirtualPG development files VirtualPG is a loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite. . Its intended scope is supporting direct SQL access to PostgreSQL and PostGIS tables, to make any possible kind of data exchange between these two popular open source Spatial DBMSes as straightforward and simple as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvirtualpg0t64 Description-md5: 58515309f22ceb5e3d4b87798f6b298b Description-sl: VirtualPG shared library VirtualPG is a loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite. . Its intended scope is supporting direct SQL access to PostgreSQL and PostGIS tables, to make any possible kind of data exchange between these two popular open source Spatial DBMSes as straightforward and simple as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvisa-dev Description-md5: 6f73b1cf2f10fcfa02b00a43da5d562e Description-sl: Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (development files) The VISA API provides a common interface to test and measurement equipment that can be accessed via GPIB, USB or VXI-11 interfaces. . Ta paket zagotavlja razvojne glave in statične knjižnice. Package: libvisa0 Description-md5: 7e05d2326b24d699efeea2be5b0e016a Description-sl: Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (runtime files) The VISA API provides a common interface to test and measurement equipment that can be accessed via GPIB, USB or VXI-11 interfaces. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libvisual-projectm Description-md5: 5b3871daba66194dd9b564e66e7c8964 Description-sl: Modul libvisual za projectM projectM is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . This package contains a module for libvisual enabling support for projectM. Package: libvisualvm-jni Description-md5: c86105b40e0d4206c927b80393a1caa6 Description-sl: All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool (JNI libraries) VisuamVM je vidno orodje, ki vključuje več orodij JDK ukazne vrstice in lahke zmožnosti profiliranja. Zasnovano je tako za uporabo v delovnem in razvojnem okolju in izboljša zmožnost nadziranja in preučevanja zmogljivosti okolja Java SE. . VisualVM is designed for - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps, browse heap dumps. - System Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications across the entire network. - Java Application Users: Create bug reports containing all the necessary information. . This package contains the architecture specific Java native interface part. Package: libvixl-dev Description-md5: 9621b6a03690d7d32af2702682d129fb Description-sl: ARMv8 Runtime Code Generation Library - develop Vixl is an AArch32 and AArch64 Runtime Code Generation Library. . It contains three components: assemblers to generate ARM code at runtime, disassemblers that can print any instruction emitted by the assemblers and a simulator that can simulate any instruction emitted by the A64 assembler. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvixl5 Description-md5: 5c68ca9cdd173ea29a75ed6b94f66402 Description-sl: ARMv8 Runtime Code Generation Library Vixl is an AArch32 and AArch64 Runtime Code Generation Library. . It contains three components: assemblers to generate ARM code at runtime, disassemblers that can print any instruction emitted by the assemblers and a simulator that can simulate any instruction emitted by the A64 assembler. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvlc-bin Description-md5: 06cd16e155538e2ee49a354477f87189 Description-sl: tools for VLC's base library VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the vlc-cache-gen binary. Package: libvlc-dev Description-md5: 12dd7b707396cd811cd0c9fd70dd8122 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libvlc This package contains headers and a static library required to build standalone applications that use VLC features. . VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. Package: libvlc5 Description-md5: aa50eb20ebe126a4c5f468a6be6f8f8d Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer library VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the shared library required by applications using VLC features. Package: libvlccore-dev Description-md5: 2a56521a556c4ea31988a96ec2901955 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libvlccore VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains headers and a static library required to build plugins for VLC. Package: libvlccore9 Description-md5: c0a034effd010ff692cde9da58320cb4 Description-sl: Osnovna knjižnica za VLC in njeni moduli VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the shared library required by VLC modules and libvlc. Package: libvmdk-dev Description-md5: e4299caeab198dde8473a10aa1972b20 Description-sl: VMWare Virtual Disk format access library -- development files libvmdk is a library to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libvmdk1 Description-md5: 9515a1d6230845100408642fb273944d Description-sl: VMWare Virtual Disk format access library libvmdk is a library to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvo-aacenc-dev Description-md5: 16af85f8a8bdbb236541355025d5941e Description-sl: Knjižnica kodirnika VisualON AMR-WB (razvojne datoteke) This library contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvo-aacenc0 Description-md5: 026f2170174a130fa6cbf7a25e2a5fa2 Description-sl: Knjižnica kodirnika VisualON AMR-WB This library contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. Package: libvo-amrwbenc-dev Description-md5: 863a5d4fa17e275e8d1861946c7b1ab8 Description-sl: Knjižnica kodirnika VisualON AMR-WB (razvojne datoteke) This library contains an encoder implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. Package: libvo-amrwbenc0 Description-md5: 72e8e4fbe4617ee58cc3d3ca604c5b95 Description-sl: Knjižnica kodirnika VisualON AMR-WB This library contains an encoder implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvolatilestream0 Description-md5: d9ea145d6ada6c83d71dd3e8cc84b990 Description-sl: stdio stream as volatile memory buffers (library) A volatile stream is a stdio FILE* stream as a temporary dynamically allocated (and deallocated) memory buffer. The volstream_open function opens a stdio stream as a temporary memory buffer. The buffer is dynamically allocated, grows as needed and it is automatically deallocated when the stream is closed. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvolpack1 Description-md5: fe92f6fd8ced6c6348c5db94930a06a0 Description-sl: Knjižnica hitrega izrisovanja nosilcev VolPack is a software library for fast, high-quality volume rendering with this features: * Renders data sampled on a regular, three-dimensional grid. * Supports user-specified transfer functions for both opacity and color. * Provides a shading model with directional light sources, multiple material types with different reflective properties, depth cueing, and shadows. * Produces color (24 bits/pixel) or grayscale (8 bits/pixel) renderings, with or without an alpha channel. * Supports arbitrary affine view transformations. * Supports a flexible data format that allows an arbitrary C structure to be associated with each voxel. Package: libvolpack1-dev Description-md5: 83dadf1197da620bc3f04a05dfe55f8b Description-sl: fast volume rendering library (development package) VolPack is a software library for fast, high-quality volume rendering with this features: * Renders data sampled on a regular, three-dimensional grid. * Supports user-specified transfer functions for both opacity and color. * Provides a shading model with directional light sources, multiple material types with different reflective properties, depth cueing, and shadows. * Produces color (24 bits/pixel) or grayscale (8 bits/pixel) renderings, with or without an alpha channel. * Supports arbitrary affine view transformations. * Supports a flexible data format that allows an arbitrary C structure to be associated with each voxel. . To je razvojni paket. Package: libvorbis-ocaml Description-md5: 097f7cff7cf33103de13173786457bd5 Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico vorbis This OCaml library interfaces the vorbis C library. It can be used to decode from or encode to the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format as well as to get information about an Ogg Vorbis file. . Ogg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channel. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libvorbis-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 89b04d19d46079a012f9ec3b76d6be2d Description-sl: Vezave OCaml za knjižnico vorbis This OCaml library interfaces the vorbis C library. It can be used to decode from or encode to the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format as well as to get information about an Ogg Vorbis file. . Ogg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channel. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use ocaml- vorbis in your programs. Package: libvorbisidec-dev Description-md5: 1680a5cad977f07783da79c6efd826e5 Description-sl: Integer-only Ogg Vorbis decoder, AKA "tremor" (Development Files) libvorbisidec is an Ogg Vorbis audio decoder (also known as "tremor"), implemented with no floating point arithmetic. This makes it particularly amenable to use on systems which lack floating point hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libvoro++1 Description-md5: 67df776f5ee286109a8f8fd48a44149c Description-sl: library for the computation of the Voronoi diagram (shared library) Voro++ is a software library for carrying out three-dimensional computations of the Voronoi tessellation. A distinguishing feature of the Voro++ library is that it carries out cell-based calculations, computing the Voronoi cell for each particle individually. It is particularly well- suited for applications that rely on cell-based statistics, where features of Voronoi cells (eg. volume, centroid, number of faces) can be used to analyze a system of particles. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvpoll0 Description-md5: aaa9fe85f072103d6291a6764c52039a Description-sl: generate synthetic events for poll/select/ppoll/pselect/epoll (library) This library uses eventfd/VPOLL if provided by the kernel or the vpoll device otherwise it implements an emulator (providing only `EPOLLIN`, `EPOLLOUT` and a non standard version of EPOLLHUP/EPOLLRDHUP). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvshadow-dev Description-md5: 0e08f2f1d13939f048f8d2b0a5cf94f1 Description-sl: Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library -- development files libvshadow is a library to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format. The VSS format is used by Windows, as of Vista, to maintain copies of data on a storage media volume. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libvshadow1t64 Description-md5: 892d66090c89bbe8dc811491c33751b3 Description-sl: Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library libvshadow is a library to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format. The VSS format is used by Windows, as of Vista, to maintain copies of data on a storage media volume. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvslvm-dev Description-md5: 9239b7d592176083efcd95265475a470 Description-sl: Linux LVM volume system format access library -- development files libvslvm is a library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system format. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne podporne datoteke. Package: libvslvm1t64 Description-md5: 723321fdaa621e28305116eaff443fc5 Description-sl: Linux LVM volume system format access library libvslvm is a library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system format. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libvulkan-memory-allocator-dev Description-md5: e9b8532d05b66db8fa965520d1502734 Description-sl: vulkan memory allocation library (development package) Easy to integrate Vulkan memory allocation library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libwaei-dev Description-md5: cfb56b0f7a295120d5039d3c35bee69c Description-sl: Japonsko-angleški slovar za GNOME gWaei is an easy to use and yet powerful full-featured dictionary program for Japanese to English translation. It organizes results by relevance, supports regex searches, tabs, spell checking, kanji handwriting recognition and an accompanying console version for searches through the terminal. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libwaei2t64 Description-md5: 7774d11f33fac2ef18e29651704cb263 Description-sl: Japonsko-angleški slovar za GNOME gWaei is an easy to use and yet powerful full-featured dictionary program for Japanese to English translation. It organizes results by relevance, supports regex searches, tabs, spell checking, kanji handwriting recognition and an accompanying console version for searches through the terminal. . This package contains the shared library libwaei. Package: libwbxml2-dev Description-md5: b64f0a6d2ebc3b0df0119c297ae74aa6 Description-sl: Razvojna datoteka knjižnice WBXML The WBXML Library (aka libwbxml) contains a library and its associated tools to Parse, Encode and Handle WBXML documents. The WBXML format is a binary representation of XML, defined by the Wap Forum, and used to reduce bandwidth in mobile communications. . Install this package if you wish to develop your own programs using WBXML. Package: libwbxml2-utils Description-md5: bf1a4c4eb0bf64400c8de6bf7780537b Description-sl: Binarni pripomočki XML The WBXML Library (aka libwbxml) contains a library and its associated tools to Parse, Encode and Handle WBXML documents. The WBXML format is a binary representation of XML, defined by the Wap Forum, and used to reduce bandwidth in mobile communications. . This package contains wbxml2xml and xml2wbxml utils to convert xml files to wbxml and back. Package: libwcstools1t64 Description-md5: 8ae2b91faabf34befb5234ae69f0ba4c Description-sl: Handle the WCS of a FITS image (shared library) WCSTools is a set of software utilities, written in C, which create, display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF image, using specific keywords in the image header which relate pixel position within the image to position on the sky. Auxiliary programs search star catalogs and manipulate images. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libweb-simple-perl Description-md5: 6bfb2ef45ca49bf77d892ba4584cc42a Description-sl: Enostavno spletno ogrodje Web::Simple provides a bare minimum system for writing web applications that don't need a full-fledged web framework. . The philosophy of Web::Simple is to keep to an absolute bare minimum, for everything. It is not designed to be used for large scale applications; the Catalyst web framework already works very nicely for that and is a far more mature, well supported piece of software. . However, if you have an application that only does a couple of things, and want to not have to think about complexities of deployment, then Web::Simple might be just the thing for you. Package: libwebsocketpp-dev Description-md5: 9627826d2d93f50ab737667a7007ac8a Description-sl: C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library. Dev package WebSocket++ is a header only C++ library that implements RFC6455 The WebSocket Protocol. It allows integrating WebSocket client and server functionality into C++ programs. It uses interchangeable network transport modules including one based on C++ iostreams and one based on Boost Asio. . Major Features: * Full support for RFC6455 * Partial support for Hixie 76 / Hybi 00, 07-17 draft specs (server only) * Message/event based interface * Supports secure WebSockets (TLS), IPv6, and explicit proxies. * Flexible dependency management (C++11 Standard Library or Boost) * Interchangeable network transport modules (iostream and Boost Asio) * Portable/cross platform (Posix/Windows, 32/64bit, Intel/ARM/PPC) * Thread-safe . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libwerken.xpath-java Description-md5: 314d80a3b601a46b37a6ea87fd251f28 Description-sl: Programnik JDOM XPath A XPath Engine for JDOM, created by the Werken & Sons Company. . It's not overly useful by itself, but rather needs an (currently in development) implementation of XPointer, XSLT, or other XPath-based specification. werken.xpath is merely an engine which can parse XPaths, and walk JDOM <> trees. Package: libwildmidi2 Description-md5: 534c672dd90e44b0df67b16144744570 Description-sl: Knjižnica programskega predvajalnika MIDI MIDI streaming library designed to process a MIDI file using sound patches and stream the results as stereo audio data through a buffer which an external program can then process further. Package: libwim-doc Description-md5: 5eaffacfad4f76126b76cd3e39b7f6af Description-sl: Library for manipulating Windows Imaging files - API documentation wimlib is a C library for extracting, creating, modifying, and mounting WIM (Windows Imaging) files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libwin-hivex-perl Description-md5: 3e474899bbf5728b3679672f4e5830c6 Description-sl: Vezave Perl za hivex Perl bindings for libhivex, a library for reading and writing Windows Registry "hive" binary files. . This package also contains hivexregedit, a low-level command-line tool for manipulating and dumping registry hives. Package: libwireshark-data Description-md5: c97c84748e457d000a383c101c74e67e Description-sl: Knjižnica razseka omrežnih paketov -- podatkovne datoteke The libwireshark library provides the network packet dissection services developed by the Wireshark project. . Ta paket vsebuje od sistema neodvisne datoteke. Package: libwireshark-dev Description-md5: 25ccc1e5a9f0de13127d7669433e7838 Description-sl: Knjižnica razseka omrežnih paketov -- razvojne datoteke The "libwireshark" library provides the network packet dissection services developed by the Wireshark project. . This package contains the static library and the C header files that are needed for applications to use libwireshark services. Package: libwireshark17t64 Description-md5: ab8eca3dff7b66974ed95f1142899d51 Description-sl: Knjižnica zajema omrežnih paketov -- souporabljena knjižnica The libwireshark library provides the network packet dissection services developed by the Wireshark project. Package: libwiretap-dev Description-md5: a4b3626aeba85265e850e80dbf470c9e Description-sl: Knjižnica zajema omrežnih paketov -- razvojne datoteke Wiretap, part of the Wireshark project, is a library that allows one to read and write several packet capture file formats. . Supported formats are: * Libpcap * Sniffer * LANalyzer * Network Monitor * "snoop" * "iptrace" * Sniffer Basic (NetXRay)/Windows Sniffer Pro * RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzers * Lucent/Ascend access products * HP-UX nettl * Toshiba ISDN Router * ISDN4BSD "i4btrace" utility * Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection System iplogging facility * pppd logs (pppdump-format files) * VMS TCPTRACE * DBS Etherwatch (text format) * Catapult DCT2000 (.out files) . Wiretap's shortcomings are: no filter capability and no support for packet capture. . This package contains the static library and the C header files. Package: libwiretap14t64 Description-md5: c47b22d9617f547351ca36c045296943 Description-sl: Knjižnica zajema omrežnega paketa -- souporabljena knjižnica Wiretap, part of the Wireshark project, is a library that allows one to read and write several packet capture file formats. . Supported formats are: * Libpcap * Sniffer * LANalyzer * Network Monitor * "snoop" * "iptrace" * Sniffer Basic (NetXRay)/Windows Sniffer Pro * RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzers * Lucent/Ascend access products * HP-UX nettl * Toshiba ISDN Router * ISDN4BSD "i4btrace" utility * Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection System iplogging facility * pppd logs (pppdump-format files) * VMS TCPTRACE * DBS Etherwatch (text format) * Catapult DCT2000 (.out files) . Wiretap's shortcomings are: no filter capability and no support for packet capture. Package: libwlroots-dev Description-md5: c7a4b9055b0a676c7df760c666327101 Description-sl: Modular wayland compositor library - development headers wlroots is a set of pluggable, composable modules to build a Wayland compositor. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libwlroots12t64 Description-md5: 97e3959e8e2847e5055f1ef3ac6eb8f3 Description-sl: Modular wayland compositor library - shared library wlroots is a set of pluggable, composable modules to build a Wayland composior. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libwnn0t64 Description-md5: 3c76edcc52cd23198413f82dc742a69f Description-sl: FreeWnn library for Wnn (FreeWnn jserver) FreeWnn jserver (Wnn) is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system. It was jointly developed and released by the Software Research Group of Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Science, OMRON Corporation and Astec, Inc. and now maintained by the FreeWnn Project. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamične knjižnice za Wnn. Package: libwnn6-1 Description-md5: 32ff2b479fe6b3ebd89fc782255660a3 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca Wnn6 Wnn6 is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system based on the original version of Wnn developed by Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (KURIMS), OMRON Corporation and ASTEC Inc. . This package contains the open source Wnn6 client library from OMRON SOFTWARE. Package: libwolfssl-dev Description-md5: 11fa13e000d19178678f2bd021a81224 Description-sl: Development files for the wolfSSL encryption library wolfSSL is a small, portable, embedded SSL/TLS programming library targeted for use by embedded systems developers. It was formerly known as CyaSSL. . It is an open source, dual licensed implementation of SSL/TLS (SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, DTLS 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3) written in the C language. wolfSSL includes both a client and server implementation, progressive cipher support, key and certificate generation, OCSP and CRL, access to the underlying cryptography modules, and more. . wolfSSL also includes an OpenSSL compatibility interface with the most commonly used OpenSSL functions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. . wolfSSL is solely provided as an alternative to OpenSSL for packages whose licenses are incompatible to Apache 2.0. For details, please see Bug#1023697. Package: libworkflow-dev Description-md5: cb298aa0e1221a9c7715f07238c15111 Description-sl: Parallel computing and asynchronous web server engine development files Workflow can be used as a scalable web server to handle a variety of server workflows. It can be used to orchestrate complex relationships between computing and networking. Workflow currently supports protocols for HTTP, Redis, MySQL, and Kafka. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke glave. Package: libworkflow0t64 Description-md5: add69be7b3e24451e5c1e31004a23ed5 Description-sl: Parallel computing and asynchronous web server engine Workflow can be used as a scalable web server to handle a variety of server workflows. It can be used to orchestrate complex relationships between computing and networking. Workflow currently supports protocols for HTTP, Redis, MySQL, and Kafka. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libwreport-dev Description-md5: 8983898b408867e44e2550fd21006dd7 Description-sl: library for working with weather reports libwreport is a C++ library for working with weather reports. . The main feature of libwreport is a powerful decoder and encoder for the BUFR and CREX formats. . It also provides a useful abstraction to handle values found in weather reports, with awareness of significant digits, measurement units, variable descriptions, unit conversion and attributes on variables. . Vsebovane zmožnosti: . * Read and write BUFR version 2, 3, and 4 * Read and write CREX * Unit conversion * Handling of physical variables Package: libwriter2latex-java Description-md5: 6ccc68cf7be97fbca02fc9a0f5b76740 Description-sl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- library Writer2LaTeX is a java utility to convert documents - in particular documents containing formulas - into other formats. It is actually a collection of four converters, i.e.: 1) Writer2LaTeX converts documents into LaTeX 2e format for high quality typesetting. 2) Writer2BibTeX extracts bibliographic data from a document and stores it in BibTeX format (works together with Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converts documents into XHTML 1.0 or XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 with CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml is a companion to Writer2xhtml that converts Calc documents to XHTML 1.0 with CSS2 to display your spreadsheets on the web. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico java Package: libwriter2latex-java-doc Description-md5: 22570a951559fc83308307185ff161a5 Description-sl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- javadoc Writer2LaTeX is a java utility to convert documents – in particular documents containing formulas – into other formats. It is actually a collection of four converters, i.e.: 1) Writer2LaTeX converts documents into LaTeX 2e format for high quality typesetting. 2) Writer2BibTeX extracts bibliographic data from a document and stores it in BibTeX format (works together with Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converts documents into XHTML 1.0 or XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 with CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml is a companion to Writer2xhtml that converts Calc documents to XHTML 1.0 with CSS2 to display your spreadsheets on the web. . Ta paket vsebuje javadoc za knjižnico writer2latex. Package: libwsdl4j-java-doc Description-md5: 207bc7d08e5a40aba0d0d18e2528388c Description-sl: Documentation for Java Web Services Library The Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit (WSDL4J) allows the creation, representation, and manipulation of WSDL documents. Is the reference implementation for JSR110 'JWSDL' ( . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libwv-1.2-4t64 Description-md5: 6f5ae85042e05ce57c1778e4366f01c3 Description-sl: Knjižnica za dostopanje do dokumentov Microsoft Word wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.) . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libwv-dev Description-md5: 11aa48280cf0ad1068373c4e1d2f0c42 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico wvWare wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.) . This package contains the static library and header files. Package: libwww-curl-perl Description-md5: d9504a04d1e1883dc119c35d469694c5 Description-sl: Vezave Perl za libcurl WWW::Curl is a collection of Perl modules which contain Perl bindings to libcurl. In Debian, more information on how the curl library can be used in your applications is available in the libcurl4-doc Debian package. Package: libwww-facebook-api-perl Description-md5: 756c3c49552c131e05b5a0feec1ec915 Description-sl: Izvedba Facebook API WWW::Facebook::API is a Perl implementation of the Facebook API, working off of the canonical Java and PHP implementations. By default it uses JSON::Any to parse the response returned by Facebook's server. There is an option to return the raw response in either XML or JSON. Package: libwww-opensearch-perl Description-md5: 04754a046b1ba3b2410a1c98176f5737 Description-sl: Iskanje po z OpenSearch združljivih spletiščih WWW::OpenSearch is a perl module to search web sites that provide an OpenSearch description and handle responses in Atom or RSS. . Za več podrobnosti si oglejte za OpenSearch. Package: libwww-youtube-download-perl Description-md5: 58571ebea019997fe3d8ea622cff524a Description-sl: Modul za prejmanje videoposnetkov zYouTube WWW::YouTube::Download is a Perl module that provides a basic interface to YouTube's video sharing service. It enables developers to programmatically retrieve information (titles and format information), and more importantly, to download arbitrary videos. Package: libwx-perl-datawalker-perl Description-md5: e05dd29118601d223a132090780e99f9 Description-sl: Brskalnik podatkovne strukture Prel Wx::Perl::DataWalker implements a Wx::Frame subclass that shows a relatively simple Perl data structure browser. After opening such a frame and supplying it with a reference to an essentially arbitrary data structure, you can visually browse it by double-clicking references. . So far, there is no tree view but only a display of the current level of the data structure. You can traverse back up the structure with a back button. . Optionally, Wx::Perl::DataWalker displays the (approximate!) size of the data structure using Devel::Size. Package: libwxgtk-gl3.2-1t64 Description-md5: 57189c94c99e06503aab548243354f8b Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 gl library runtime) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides the media shared libraries needed to run programs linked against libwx_gtk3u_gl. Package: libwxgtk-media3.2-1t64 Description-md5: ecc1c5fca9ad287c17510c92b811f9f2 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 media library runtime) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides the media shared libraries needed to run programs linked against libwx_gtk3u_media. Package: libwxgtk-media3.2-dev Description-md5: 3d962ee1ab7f78a21f653515d062bb7a Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 media library development) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides files needed to compile wxWidgets programs using the wxMediaCtrl class. Package: libwxgtk-webview3.2-1t64 Description-md5: 4093ef60b236a28c6b4bbca33d58a287 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 webview library runtime) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides the media shared libraries needed to run programs linked against libwx_gtk3u_webview. Package: libwxgtk-webview3.2-dev Description-md5: 4e6c8b3a86552dccae05e1bdd676e7cb Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 webview library development) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides files needed to compile wxWidgets programs using the wxWebView class. Package: libwxgtk3.2-1t64 Description-md5: 64135311844b4037159e36564d99f7b2 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 runtime) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides the shared libraries needed to run programs linked against wxWidgets. To use the (optional) glcanvas library you will need to have Mesa or OpenGL installed. Package: libwxgtk3.2-dev Description-md5: d534ededd8815f9352ef62488eb48d1b Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK 3 development) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides files needed to compile wxWidgets programs. If you want to compile apps using the (optional) glcanvas library you will need to have Mesa or OpenGL installed too. . This package also provides the wx-config script. Package: libwxsqlite3-3.2-dev Description-md5: 247356d40b303ec0106a717906b12bee Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za wxSQLite3 wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets 3.0 library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za wxSQLite3. Package: libwxsvg-dev Description-md5: bf92691646fd55a30563b32ef48f4555 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za wxSVG wxSVG is a C++ library to create, manipulate and render Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files with the wxWidgets toolkit. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libwxsvg3t64 Description-md5: eb1284effdbbec0d3df224214bb5c395 Description-sl: Knjižnica SVG za zbirko orodij wxWidgets wxSVG is a C++ library to create, manipulate and render Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files with the wxWidgets toolkit. . This package contains the shared library built using gtk2 Package: libx264-164 Description-md5: 26cb82f3b1d51b9e59d296e836c5d5ea Description-sl: Knjižnica video kodiranja x264 libx264 is an advanced encoding library for creating H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) video streams. . This package contains the libx264 shared library. Package: libx264-dev Description-md5: c388be3f239b40b3671f263fd2b72600 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libx264 libx264 is an advanced encoding library for creating H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) video streams. . This package contains the static library and headers used to build programs that use libx264. Package: libx265-209 Description-md5: 9a85cf11805d7cd3e922b7e2ad8ea348 Description-sl: H.265/HEVC video stream encoder (shared library) libx265 is an encoding library for creating H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) video streams. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libx509-ocaml Description-md5: fee45084578ef8666b8eb6c2f85dc8eb Description-sl: X.509 PKI purely in OCaml (runtime) X.509 is a public key infrastructure used mostly on the Internet. It consists of certificates which include public keys and identifiers, signed by an authority. Authorities must be exchanged over a second channel to establish the trust relationship. This library implements most parts of RFC5280 and RFC6125. The Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) defines encoding and decoding (in ASN.1 DER and PEM format), which is also implemented by this library - namely PKCS 1, PKCS 5, PKCS 7, PKCS 8, PKCS 9, PKCS 10, and PKCS 12. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libx509-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a3fefeb264b64fa6143b83652c7a00a7 Description-sl: X.509 PKI purely in OCaml (dev) X.509 is a public key infrastructure used mostly on the Internet. It consists of certificates which include public keys and identifiers, signed by an authority. Authorities must be exchanged over a second channel to establish the trust relationship. This library implements most parts of RFC5280 and RFC6125. The Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) defines encoding and decoding (in ASN.1 DER and PEM format), which is also implemented by this library - namely PKCS 1, PKCS 5, PKCS 7, PKCS 8, PKCS 9, PKCS 10, and PKCS 12. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libx52pro-dev Description-md5: fb54c04a8b59868d284f8d4f149f19c8 Description-sl: MFD and LED library for Saitek X52pro joysticks - dev files libx52pro is a library designed to support Saitek X52 and X52pro HOTAS joystick. Library does not deal with the HID part of the joystick since this feature is already fully supported by the Linux kernel 2.6.x . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libx86-1 Description-md5: 1f1d01fce5eb3b4aedab0103a3f4bcdc Description-sl: x86 real-mode library A library to provide support for making real-mode calls x86 calls. On x86 hardware, vm86 mode is used. On other platforms, x86 emulation is provided. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libx86emu-dev Description-md5: ec2c3ae18ccfaeb5aa86ac8fcb0be6a7 Description-sl: x86 emulation library (development files) Small x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions. The library features an API to create emulation objects for x86 architecture. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libx86emu3 Description-md5: 8d59e1cbebe9ecb31b641ea874fd2a2f Description-sl: x86 emulation library Small x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions. The library features an API to create emulation objects for x86 architecture. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libxbae-dev Description-md5: c4a69bfcf652ba2f60477e159a06e7a2 Description-sl: Xbae Matrix Widget development package XbaeMatrix is a free Motif table widget which presents an editable array of string data to the user in a scrollable table similar to a spreadsheet. The rows and columns of the Matrix may optionally be labelled. A number of "fixed" and "trailing fixed" rows or columns may be specified. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojno knjižnico in glave. Package: libxbean-java-doc Description-md5: 994474fe84ee10a73f0bc495ee8a3b03 Description-sl: Dokumentacija API za XBean The goal of XBean project is to created a plugin based server analogous to Eclipse being a plugin based IDE. XBean will be able to discover, download and install server plugins from an Internet based repository. In addition, it include support for multiple IoC systems, support for running with no IoC system, JMX without JMX code, lifecycle and class loader management, and a rock solid Spring integration. . This package contains the API documentation for libxbean-java Package: libxbyak-dev Description-md5: 69e297e9f1fc6d7edfc77f72b06d5dfa Description-sl: JIT assembler for x86(IA32), x64(AMD64, x86-64) Xbyak is a C++ header library that enables dynamically to assemble x86(IA32), x64(AMD64, x86-64) mnemonic. . The library supports any compiler supporting C++03 or later. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libxcomp-dev Description-md5: 43a042e61e714cf0eb43b333d5430db2 Description-sl: NX compression library (development headers) NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X applications over a network, especially a slow one. . Ta paket zagotavlja knjižnico stiskanja. . This package contains the development headers for this library. Package: libxcomp3t64 Description-md5: 4c74a78bb6e9350290b346de36b2cbff Description-sl: NX compression library NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X applications over a network, especially a slow one. . Ta paket zagotavlja knjižnico stiskanja. Package: libxcompshad3t64 Description-md5: 8c553b25dba2dbcfab51648e90c6f00d Description-sl: Knjižnica senčenja NX NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X applications over a network, especially a slow one. . This package provides a library for shadow session support. Package: libxdelta2-dev Description-md5: 2fb1212a99b86eab177f67119f3eea2f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke Xdelta Xdelta is an application program designed to compute changes between files. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the "diff" program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes between files. However, unlike diff, the output of Xdelta is not expressed in a human-readable format--Xdelta can also apply these deltas to a copy of the original file. Xdelta uses a fast, linear algorithm and performs well on both binary and text files. . This is are the development files for the runtime library. Package: libxdelta2t64 Description-md5: 0075b546e0ac9c34575120ccb0a42a20 Description-sl: Izvajalna knjižnica Xdelta Xdelta is an application program designed to compute changes between files. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the "diff" program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes between files. However, unlike diff, the output of Xdelta is not expressed in a human-readable format--Xdelta can also apply these deltas to a copy of the original file. Xdelta uses a fast, linear algorithm and performs well on both binary and text files. . To je izvajalna knjižnica. Package: libxdg-basedir1-dbg Description-md5: 4c86f6ed90d29e42a57a98fc1ffe9610 Description-sl: Implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specifications (debugging symbols) The XDG Base Directory Specification defines where should user files be looked for by defining one or more base directories relative in with they should be located. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za knjižnico. Package: libxeddsa-dev Description-md5: 2ff2625ec31a28bff34876455cbbf2e2 Description-sl: toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs - development files A toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs, with a focus on conversion between the two. Offers: . - Conversion between Curve25519 and Ed25519 public keys - Extraction of private keys from seeds - Ed25519 digital signing using seeds or private keys - Ed25519 digital signature verification - X25519 Diffie-Hellman key agreement . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxeddsa2t64 Description-md5: 3264f1b0276ca8d7be02f66975daf4e4 Description-sl: toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs - shared library A toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs, with a focus on conversion between the two. Offers: . - Conversion between Curve25519 and Ed25519 public keys - Extraction of private keys from seeds - Ed25519 digital signing using seeds or private keys - Ed25519 digital signature verification - X25519 Diffie-Hellman key agreement . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxeus-python0 Description-md5: 13af88d26d0bcbacb82fb09fa67280ed Description-sl: Native jupyter kernel for python (library) xeus-python uses the xeus library to provide a high-performance, native kernel for running python code in the jupyter notebook, or other frontends using the jupyter messaging protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libxeus-zmq2 Description-md5: 2666756e1b741120391db2040636086c Description-sl: ZeroMQ middleware for xeus (library) xeus-zmq provides the ZMQ transport for the Jupyter kernel protocol. This was formerly part of libxeus but was split into a separate library for xeus >= 3 . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxeus9 Description-md5: c9b0fc6f37086ac6ad0e12a58cd3e07d Description-sl: C++ Implementation of the Jupyter Kernel protocol (library) xeus enables custom kernel authors to implement Jupyter kernels more easily. It takes the burden of implementing the Jupyter Kernel protocol so developers can focus on implementing the interpreter part of the Kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxfce4util-bin Description-md5: 5f496a257e598e4e92335a2f12cb9152 Description-sl: Orodja za libxfce4util This package contains binaries used by Xfce basic utility library. At the moment, the following programs are included: - xfce4-kiosk-query: query Xfce kiosk capabilities. Package: libxfce4util-common Description-md5: 42e1b497a950bde1e1a7336b5f6c3d81 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za libxfce4util This package contains various infrastructure-independent common files for libxfce4util, the Xfce utility library. Package: libxfconf-0-dev Description-md5: 4eb280c2fc0b59b9fbb5d66e4b9e2a2d Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za libxfconf This package contains the development files libxfconf which are the main part of the Xfce4 configuration system. If you want to develop applications that use this library, you want to install this package. . The libxfconf Reference Manual is also included and it can be consulted with Devhelp or a web browser. Package: libxml-atom-fromowl-perl Description-md5: 261b38f02a759a4471a55de7b8c543b8 Description-sl: Izvozi podakte RDF za Atom The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a family of knowledge representation languages for authoring ontologies. . Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . XML::Atom::FromOWL reads RDF and writes Atom feeds. It does the reverse of XML::Atom::OWL. Package: libxml-feed-perl Description-md5: b190c94c785cee86158a9287e4e84c8f Description-sl: syndication feed parser and auto-discovery Perl module XML::Feed is a syndication feed parser for both RSS and Atom feeds. It also implements feed auto-discovery for finding feeds, given a URI. . XML::Feed supports the following syndication feed formats: . * RSS 0.91 * RSS 1.0 * RSS 2.0 * Atom . The goal of XML::Feed is to provide a unified API for parsing and using the various syndication formats. Package: libxml-libxml-debugging-perl Description-md5: 2bc23ff4d4a4dc20f33d7f210ca2fd3a Description-sl: Dobi razhroščevalne podatke iz XML::LibXML XML::LibXML::Debugging is a Perl library which adds a couple of additional methods to XML::LibXML::Node objects which are mostly aimed at helping figure out what's going on with the DOM's namespaces and structure. "toClarkML" produces a string of XML-like markup with explicit namespaces. The following XML: . <foo xmlns="" xmlns:bar="" bar:baz="quux" /> . Mogoče ga je predstaviti kot: . <{}foo {}XMLNS="" {}bar="" {}baz="quux" /> . Another method "toDebuggingHash" returns a hashref suitable for dumping using Data::Dumper. Package: libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl Description-md5: 30b2ec40a028ab355435b353eb128e40 Description-sl: easy and lazy way to create XML documents for XML::LibXML XML::LibXML je vmenik Perl do knjižnice GNOME libxml2. . XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder This module significantly abridges the overhead of working with XML::LibXML by enabling developers to write concise, nested structures that evaluate into XML::LibXML objects. Package: libxml-light-ocaml Description-md5: 1f10af7ed10814413d5b286e6ecbef45 Description-sl: mininal XML parser and printer for OCaml (runtime package) This is a XML parser and printer, designed to help parsing basic XML document into OCaml data structures and printing it back to a XML document. . Podpira tudi DTD. Package: libxml-light-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bebbd435614b9cfa50065280ec499e1e Description-sl: mininal XML parser and printer for OCaml (development package) This is a XML parser and printer, designed to help parsing basic XML document into OCaml data structures and printing it back to a XML document. . Podpira tudi DTD. Package: libxml-namespace-perl Description-md5: a81280378b9fd4ac24d34767b9457b26 Description-sl: Enostavna podpora imenskih prostorov XML XML::Namespace is a Perl module implementing a simple object for representing XML Namespaces. It provides little more than some syntactic sugar for your Perl programs, saving you the bother of typing lots of long-winded URIs. Package: libxml-parser-lite-tree-perl Description-md5: 49e880561dda7c8717911ecdf4105343 Description-sl: Lahek izgrajevalnik dreves XML XML::Parser::Lite::Tree is a singleton class for parsing XML into a tree structure. It differs from other XML tree generators because it is based on XML::Parser::Lite, which is a Pure Perl XML parser. Using this module you can tree-ify simple XML without having to compile any C. Package: libxml-sax-expat-incremental-perl Description-md5: 8006e8666d9005b5a3ad42b299d4a17c Description-sl: XML::SAX::Expat subclass for non-blocking (incremental) parsing Most XML parsers give a callback interface within an encapsulated loop and eventually, when the XML source is depleted by the parser, the parse function will return. . Sometimes you don't want the parser to control the loop for you. For example, if you need to retrieve your XML in chunks in a funny way, you might need to use a kind of iterator to get your XML data. . Ta modul zagotavlja to možnost. Package: libxml-security-c-dev Description-md5: 9e881e3de40c45532f8422e7dad950d2 Description-sl: C++ library for XML Digital Signatures (development) Apache XML Security for C++ is a library for the XML Digital Security specification. It provides processing and handling of XML Key Management Specifications (XKMS) messages. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke varnosti Apache XML za C++. Package: libxml-semanticdiff-perl Description-md5: 21ef52ab9d73ac8b09f9412f21fb5158 Description-sl: Razširitev Perl za primerjanje dokumentov XML This Perl module, XML::SemanticDiff, provides a library to semantically compare two XML files for equivalence. This is done while ignoring whitespace variations in the text as well as several permutations in the order of the tags. Package: libxml-tokeparser-perl Description-md5: 4f647667d4e4e69f9091cec055606a53 Description-sl: Poenostavljen vmesnik do XML::Parser XML::TokeParser provides a procedural ("pull mode") interface to XML::Parser in much the same way that Gisle Aas' HTML::TokeParser provides a procedural interface to HTML::Parser. XML::TokeParser splits its XML input up into "tokens", each corresponding to an XML::Parser event. . A token is a bless'd reference to an array whose first element is an event-type string and whose last element is the literal text of the XML input that generated the event, with intermediate elements varying according to the event type. . Each token is an object of type XML::TokeParser::Token. Read XML::TokeParser::Token in the XML::TokeParser(3pm) manpage to learn what methods are available for inspecting the token, and retrieving data from it. Package: libxml-validate-perl Description-md5: 76973e6d96720d5798c999657dfb93a8 Description-sl: Tovarna programa za preverjanje xml XML::Validate is a generic interface to different XML validation backends. For a list of backend included with this distribution see the README. . If you want to write your own backends, the easiest way is probably to subclass XML::Validate::Base. Look at the existing backends for examples. Package: libxml-writer-simple-perl Description-md5: c95be297ccb1ac0029df25c5201ce51c Description-sl: Enostaven API za ustvarjanje datotek XML XML::Writer::Simple takes some ideas from CGI to make easier the life for those who need to generated XML code. Package: libxml-xslt-perl Description-md5: 22907c769434059721a21651df640167 Description-sl: Modul Perl za obdelovanje XSLT The XML::XSLT module parses XSL Transformational sheets. For a description of the XSLT, see Currently, it uses XML::Parser and XML::DOM, but an effort is being made to use XML::XPath. Package: libxmlbird-dev Description-md5: db5a29fe64b9359cd3e32d95648b2c8b Description-sl: XML parser written in Vala (development files) XML Bird is a library for parsing documents written in the Exensible Markup Language (XML). This parser is written in Vala and has support for Vala iterators. This makes it possible to loop over all tags and attributes in the document using the foreach statement. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxmlgraphics-commons-java-doc Description-md5: b0068e0c04986cd51ea594e707592bfb Description-sl: Reusable components used by Batik and FOP (documentation) Apache XML Graphics Commons is a library that consists of several reusable components used by Apache Batik and Apache FOP. Many of these components can easily be used separately outside the domains of SVG and XSL-FO. You will find components such as a PDF library, an RTF library, Graphics2D implementations that let you generate PDF & PostScript files, and much more. . Ta paket vključuje dokumentacijo. Package: libxmlm-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 26bca4f8eb5299fab2018076125f3d23 Description-sl: Modul upravljanja xml OCaml Xmlm allows the OCaml programmer to manipulate xml data. Its complexity is half-way between the easy xml-light module and a full parsing of xml data. . It is also very simple to upgrade existing code using xml-light in order to use xmlm. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use xmlm. Package: libxmlplaylist-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b8e317c40a607e94643f7ea6b9f691e8 Description-sl: Playlist parser for various xml formats This module implements basic playlist parsing for various xml formats. . Trenutno so podrte vrste: * podcast (rss) * xspf * smil * asx Package: libxmltok1-dev Description-md5: 0d1149b4ca0729bc066709ca4a3c27ee Description-sl: XML Parser Toolkit, developer libraries Libraries for XML parsing in C. It aims to be fully conforming. It is currently not a validating XML processor. . The library libxmltok contains a low-level library for tokenizing XML. The library libxmlparse contains an XML parser library which is built on top of the xmltok library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libxmmsclient++4v5 Description-md5: 1ab742b3c2fe3036a606a3f847f6325d Description-sl: XMMS2 - knjižnica odjemalca za c++ XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains a client library written in c++. Package: libxmmsclient-dev Description-md5: de8d0fa20abef6f948a0aefb29e812c2 Description-sl: XMMS2 - razvojne datoteke knjižnice odjemalca XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains files for developing XMMS2 clients using libxmmsclient6. Package: libxmmsclient-glib1 Description-md5: 161c9c06c3f7459673c1ede64ba6c568 Description-sl: XMMS2 - knjižnica odjemalca glib XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains a glib based client library written in c. Package: libxmmsclient6 Description-md5: bf89ab3a94632143ad0f135cd4b8476e Description-sl: XMMS2 - knjižnica odjemalca XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains a client library written in c. Package: libxneur Description-md5: 333e1ca754a49e6f62fa76a295c74c69 Description-sl: Knjižnica xneur This package provides libraries needed for XNeur backend and frontends to work. Package: libxnnpack-dev Description-md5: f064c03339a957a624bfd901ed00b487 Description-sl: High-efficiency floating-point neural network inference operators (dev) XNNPACK is a highly optimized library of floating-point neural network inference operators for ARM, WebAssembly, and x86 platforms. XNNPACK is not intended for direct use by deep learning practitioners and researchers; instead it provides low-level performance primitives for accelerating high-level machine learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow.js, PyTorch, and MediaPipe. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxosd-dev Description-md5: bd6c55707710bab1a3d8eb4320ea7e68 Description-sl: Knjižnica X zaslonskega prikaza - razvoj A library for displaying a TV-like on-screen display in X. . This package contains the development headers needed for compiling programs against libxosd. Package: libxosd2 Description-md5: 22e55163bc8526e00e8f3aae58b47a17 Description-sl: Knjižnica X zaslonskega prikaza - izvajanje A library for displaying a TV-like on-screen display in X. It is from the pre-composing-window-manager area and only supports displaying simple text and a graphical slider. Package: libxpa1 Description-md5: ced41d497e96ae2c6579ba64235bac1e Description-sl: Seamless communication between Unix programs (shared library) The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also provides an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled programs by executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing such commands in scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level and the shell level, it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis environment: users and programmers have great flexibility in choosing the best level or levels at which to access XPA services, and client access can be extended or modified easily at any time. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxrl-dev Description-md5: faaae289681522ccb8f7b73b39e10058 Description-sl: library for interactions of X-rays with matter (headers) Quantitative estimate of elemental composition by spectroscopic and imaging techniques using X-ray fluorescence requires the availability of accurate data of X-ray interaction with matter. Although a wide number of computer codes and data sets are reported in literature, none of them is presented in the form of freely available library functions which can be easily included in software applications for X-ray fluorescence. This work presents a compilation of data sets from different published works and an xraylib interface in the form of callable functions. Although the target applications are on X-ray fluorescence, cross sections of interactions like photoionization, coherent scattering and Compton scattering, as well as form factors and anomalous scattering functions, are also available. . xraylib provides access to some of the most respected databases of physical data in the field of X-rays. The core of xraylib is a library, written in ANSI C, containing over 40 functions to be used to retrieve data from these databases. This C library can be directly linked with any program written in C, C++ or Objective-C. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave. Package: libxsettings-dev Description-md5: b4fa1490f23adbb89ee86c121c30f4e5 Description-sl: Protokol Xsettings (razvojne datoteke) Provides a mechanism to allow the configuration of settings such as double click timeout, drag-and-drop threshold, and default foreground and background colors for all applications running within a desktop. . This package contains the development files for building applications using libxsettings. . Used by the GPE Palmtop Environment. Package: libxsimd-doc Description-md5: 5388ae8e1b37a3f6dff431e51c9c3fd1 Description-sl: Documentation for xsimd SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) is a feature of microprocessors that has been available for many years. SIMD instructions perform a single operation on a batch of values at once, and thus provide a way to significantly accelerate code execution. However, these instructions differ between microprocessor vendors and compilers. . xsimd provides a unified means for using these features for library authors. Namely, it enables manipulation of batches of numbers with the same arithmetic operators as for single values. It also provides accelerated implementation of common mathematical functions operating on batches. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libxslthl-java Description-md5: e33dedf6a890bcb6b3f40eef7ab25e92 Description-sl: XSLT poudarjanje skladnje This is an implementation of syntax highlighting as an extension module for XSLT processors . Article about programming written in DocBook, code examples can be automatically syntax highlighted during the XSLT processing phase. . This version of xslthl provides extensions of the Apache Xalan and Saxon XSLT processors. Package: libxtb-dev Description-md5: 4cd944c18f5a34b1d1830297f9225eee Description-sl: development files for xtb xtb program performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations. The underlying effective Hamiltonian is derived from density functional tight binding (DFTB). This implementation of the xTB Hamiltonian is currently compatible with the zeroth, first and second level parametrisation for geometries, frequencies and non-covalent interactions (GFN) as well as with the ionisation potential and electron affinity (IPEA) parametrisation of the GFN1 Hamiltonian. The generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface area (SASA) is also available available in this version. Ground state calculations for the simplified Tamm-Danceoff approximation (sTDA) with the vTB model are currently not implemented. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxtb6 Description-md5: 8dcc0ea045b461c7ff4e3cba5b516a74 Description-sl: shared library for xtb xtb program performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations. The underlying effective Hamiltonian is derived from density functional tight binding (DFTB). This implementation of the xTB Hamiltonian is currently compatible with the zeroth, first and second level parametrisation for geometries, frequencies and non-covalent interactions (GFN) as well as with the ionisation potential and electron affinity (IPEA) parametrisation of the GFN1 Hamiltonian. The generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface area (SASA) is also available available in this version. Ground state calculations for the simplified Tamm-Danceoff approximation (sTDA) with the vTB model are currently not implemented. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxtrx-dev Description-md5: ac253ce9875124a1e6af72e914e60971 Description-sl: High-level XTRX API library: development This package is part of the library set for XTRX support. . XTRX is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high-performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxtrxdsp-dev Description-md5: 9a8262d936dc1d74dd4dfba545c828ca Description-sl: Library of DSP functions, developed for XTRX SDR: development This package is part of the library set for XTRX support. . XTRX is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high-performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxtrxll-dev Description-md5: ce569786edeee955ee425fcec5d98fef Description-sl: Low-level XTRX hardware abstraction library: development This package is part of the library set for XTRX support. . XTRX is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high-performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxvidcore-dev Description-md5: 4334df429fbd041981686e5d8ab2f2b4 Description-sl: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (development) Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass compression for storage and archival purposes. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libxvidcore4 Description-md5: 58b566ad678c3db3fe24389f5d39143d Description-sl: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (library) Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass compression for storage and archival purposes. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxy-bin Description-md5: 816eaf5498ab99cae20249169dfdea09 Description-sl: xylib - pripomočki xylib is a C++ library for reading files that contain x-y data from powder diffraction, spectroscopy and other experimental methods. . This package contains a small program xyconv that converts files supported by the xylib library to TSV (tab-separated values). Package: libxy-dev Description-md5: 07f6a1b506b6ca9bbbeadb693071cce2 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke xylib Razvojne datoteke za xylib. . xylib is a C++ library for reading files that contain x-y data from powder diffraction, spectroscopy and other experimental methods. Package: libyade Description-md5: 094a93abd368dd9c2399f2085503f40c Description-sl: Platform for discrete element modeling. Libraries Še en dinamičen programnik. . Extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written in c++ using flexible object model, allowing independent implementation of new algorithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging. . This package contains yade`s libraries. Package: libyang3 Description-md5: e5af2b726dd72ca12f90031fa161b6c3 Description-sl: parser toolkit for IETF YANG data modeling language (library) YANG is a data modeling language for the definition of data sent over network management protocols (RFC 6020/7950). It can be used to model both configuration data as well as state data of network elements and is primarily used by larger network equipment like routers and switches. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libyang3-dev Description-md5: e195fd2f4eb1baf9a539b2c7c7333f9e Description-sl: parser toolkit for IETF YANG data modeling language (development) YANG is a data modeling language for the definition of data sent over network management protocols (RFC 6020/7950). It can be used to model both configuration data as well as state data of network elements and is primarily used by larger network equipment like routers and switches. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libyaramod-dev Description-md5: a2864d41eb09e6a52e9eb7f2d7ffc9e2 Description-sl: YARA parser for C++ (development headers) yaramod is a library that provides parsing of YARA rules into AST and a C++ programming interface to build new YARA rulesets. yaramod also comes with Python bindings and can be installed using pip. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: libyaramod0 Description-md5: 9f432a4e1bd1303f52f3e9de75699b64 Description-sl: YARA parser for C++ yaramod is a library that provides parsing of YARA rules into AST and a C++ programming interface to build new YARA rulesets. yaramod also comes with Python bindings and can be installed using pip. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libyazpp-doc Description-md5: 7c89b19a601414d7ac795985c672d49c Description-sl: Dokumentacija za YAZ++ YAZ++ is an application programming interface (API) to YAZ which supports the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU client and server applications using C++. Like YAZ, it supports Z39.50-2003 (version 3) as well as SRW/SRU version 1.1 in both the client and server roles. YAZ++ includes an implementation of the ZOOM C++ binding and a generic client/server API based on the Observer/Observable design pattern. . This package includes the YAZ++ User's Guide and Reference. Package: libyazpp6 Description-md5: 3cb90adcd5d4653c11d81c8997e88ecc Description-sl: Knjižnica YAZ++ in ZOOM YAZ++ is an application programming interface (API) to YAZ which supports the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU client and server applications using C++. Like YAZ, it supports Z39.50-2003 (version 3) as well as SRW/SRU version 1.1 in both the client and server roles. YAZ++ includes an implementation of the ZOOM C++ binding and a generic client/server API based on the Observer/Observable design pattern. . Ta paket vključuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: libyder-dev Description-md5: 3f5855c0f77ceef14bea4852505605a0 Description-sl: logging library written in C - development Simple and easy to use logging library. You can log messages to the console, a file or syslog. . Yder is mono-thread, which mean that you can use only one instance of yder log at the same time in your program. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libygl4-dev Description-md5: 6cc9379026151ad1aa71c6d49894a25d Description-sl: Graphics library that emulates SGI's GL routines under X11 (headers) Ygl is an graphics library that emulates the routines of SGI's GL (sometimes called IRIS GL). Please note that GL is different from OpenGL. Ygl is very simple to use, and very fast. The 2D routines are built around the standard X11 libraries and reported to be faster than GL itself. This release will also work with FORTRAN code and has been built with 3D support. The library therefore requires the use of the OpenGL libraries. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libygl4t64 Description-md5: e37d5b307c87432e3c05a3f7d858e213 Description-sl: Graphics library that emulates SGI's GL routines under X11 (lib) Ygl is an graphics library that emulates the routines of SGI's GL (sometimes called IRIS GL). Please note that GL is different from OpenGL. Ygl is very simple to use, and very fast. The 2D routines are built around the standard X11 libraries and reported to be faster than GL itself. This release will also work with FORTRAN code and has been built with 3D support. The library therefore requires the use of the OpenGL libraries. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libykclient-dev Description-md5: 712a0c042724b0675b5994249fa4bbfa Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke knjižnice odjemalca Yubikey YubiKeys are USB tokens that act like keyboards and generate one-time passwords (OTPs). The tokens are produced and sold by Yubico. . This library is used for talking to an online validation server such as yubikey-server-c, yubikey-server-php or yubikey-server-j. . This package contains the necessary files for developers, and a command line tool "ykclient" to perform OTP queries from the shell. Package: libykclient3 Description-md5: d5a161dc2ec6d671e1ad6a8cdd77e67b Description-sl: Izvajalna knjižnica odjemalca Yubikey Yubikeys are USB tokens that act like keyboards and generate one-time passwords (OTPs). The tokens are produced and sold by Yubico. . This library is used for talking to an online validation server such as yubikey-server-c, yubikey-server-php or yubikey-server-j. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libykpers-1-dev Description-md5: d9135124815a3a6ac4ef02b8723140b0 Description-sl: Development files for the YubiKey OTP personalization library YubiKeys are USB tokens that act like keyboards and generate one-time or static passwords. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libykpiv-dev Description-md5: c05d08fe15f0558898f0eb816f712894 Description-sl: Development files for the YubiKey PIV Library The Yubico PIV tool is used for interacting with the Personal Identity Verification Card (PIV) application on a YubiKey. With it you may generate keys on the device, import keys and certificates, create certificate requests, and other operations. A shared library, a PKCS#11 module a command-line tool are included. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libyojson-ocaml Description-md5: 087e81c59e57b7cc511a5d9247ed7aee Description-sl: JSON library for OCaml - runtime package Yojson is an optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format. It addresses a few shortcomings of json-wheel including 3x speed improvement, polymorphic variants and optional syntax for tuples and variants. . It is a replacement for json-wheel (libjson-wheel-ocaml-dev). . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene izvajalne knjižnice. Package: libyubikey-dev Description-md5: 0df7e42a5e35ddbbca9a77f179ac2266 Description-sl: Knjižnica OTP Yubikey razvojne datoteke Yubikeys are USB tokens that act like keyboards and generate one-time passwords. The tokens are produced and sold by Yubico . This library is used for decrypting the one-time passwords into their various components. . This package contains the necessary files for developing using libyubikey. Package: libyuv-dev Description-md5: 4fb6c8c77a38449a213487a2b38dede9 Description-sl: Library for YUV scaling (development files) libyuv is an open source project that includes YUV scaling and conversion functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libyuv0 Description-md5: f898a81e191b47ca7cbbbddfc01012fe Description-sl: Library for YUV scaling (shared library) libyuv is an open source project that includes YUV scaling and conversion functionality. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libyyjson0 Description-md5: 414a44306623876345cf57d506e1bc73 Description-sl: high performance JSON library written in ANSI C Some features of the library are: . - Fast: can read or write gigabytes per second JSON data on modern CPUs. - Portable: complies with ANSI C (C89) for cross-platform compatibility. - Strict: complies with RFC 8259 JSON standard, ensuring strict number format and UTF-8 validation. - Extendable: offers options to allow comments, trailing commas, NaN/Inf, and custom memory allocator. - Accuracy: can accurately read and write int64, uint64, and double numbers. - Flexible: supports unlimited JSON nesting levels, \u0000 characters, and non null-terminated strings. - Manipulation: supports querying and modifying using JSON Pointer, JSON Patch and JSON Merge Patch. - Developer-Friendly: easy integration with only one .h and one .c file. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libz80ex-dev Description-md5: 8592d7c96e7df7cceca7d77eddb4c0f9 Description-sl: Knjižnice posnemanja z80x, razvojne datoteke libz80ex is a portable ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator designed as a library. Goals include: precise opcode emulation (documented & undocumented), exact timings for each opcode (including I/O operations) and multiple CPU contexts. A disassembler is included as well. This package contains the development files. Package: libzarchive-dev Description-md5: 5ca5acd449f48061ae9c87bed0196301 Description-sl: library for creating and reading zstd-compressed files - development files ZArchive is yet another file archive format. Think of zip, tar, 7z, etc. but with the requirement of allowing random-access reads and supporting Zstandard compression. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzarchive0.1 Description-md5: bfe2f167b11e07c6118a4ecf5d2838bf Description-sl: library for creating and reading zstd-compressed files ZArchive is yet another file archive format. Think of zip, tar, 7z, etc. but with the requirement of allowing random-access reads and supporting Zstandard compression. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzbar-dev Description-md5: cbc904d6567674a270736247dc1af038 Description-sl: QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (development) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzbar0t64 Description-md5: 884ba70891ca72e3a115e297844f0b93 Description-sl: QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (library) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: libzbargtk-dev Description-md5: 291197a42e4cccab6fa51274a99b94de Description-sl: QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (GTK+ bindings development) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za vezave GTK+. Package: libzbargtk0t64 Description-md5: abe72f8e1fd5755f8adcc6d43da9a812 Description-sl: QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (GTK+ bindings) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave GTK+. Package: libzbd2t64 Description-md5: 9aaceae0409fb381030c124e7bebbbc2 Description-sl: Library to manipulate zoned block devices (shared library) libzbd uses the kernel provided zoned block device interface based on the ioctl() system call. It provides functions for discovering and managing the state of zones of zoned block devices. Read and write accesses to the devices can be done using standard standard I/O system calls. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzc-dev Description-md5: 73540c8d24c65154378f07416e297770 Description-sl: fast password cracking library for zip archives (dev) libzc is a fast, portable and high-quality zip password cracking library. It is entirely written in C and uses POSIX threads for faster password recovery. A command line utility, yazc, also comes with the library as the default client. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libzck1 Description-md5: c39cc5931b69ed5fa38f742498f57759 Description-sl: compress a file into independent chunks - shared library zchunk is a compressed file format that splits the file into independent chunks. This allows one to only download changed chunks when downloading a new version of the file, and also makes zchunk files efficient over rsync. . zchunk files are protected with strong checksums to verify that the file downloaded is, in fact, the file desired. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libze-intel-gpu-dev Description-md5: 6cc4654da2aab2691df3930af42eac8e Description-sl: Intel oneAPI L0 support implementation for Intel GPUs -- shared library Implementation for the Intel GPUs of the oneAPI L0 specification - which provides direct-to-metal interfaces to offload accelerator devices. Its programming interface can be tailored to any device needs and can be adapted to support broader set of languages features such as function pointers, virtual functions, unified memory, and I/O capabilities. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libze-intel-gpu1 Description-md5: 6cc4654da2aab2691df3930af42eac8e Description-sl: Intel oneAPI L0 support implementation for Intel GPUs -- shared library Implementation for the Intel GPUs of the oneAPI L0 specification - which provides direct-to-metal interfaces to offload accelerator devices. Its programming interface can be tailored to any device needs and can be adapted to support broader set of languages features such as function pointers, virtual functions, unified memory, and I/O capabilities. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzeitgeist-1.0-1 Description-md5: 5f36f890b2fde009f3c657c743aacc4e Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - shared library Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications. Package: libzeitgeist-1.0-1-dbg Description-md5: fe23cb66d3ff2d9bf1f3dd68bab85e55 Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - debugging symbols Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: libzeitgeist-2.0-0 Description-md5: 4e21d365e9b78e295a900a61410f4c8b Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - shared library Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications. Package: libzeitgeist-2.0-dev Description-md5: 45d62a6a0aef9fdc2e1249d8efdd1ee2 Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - development files Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libzeitgeist-2.0-doc Description-md5: f302eeee2827f5a0a292f04d480119e1 Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - documentation Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libzeitgeist-dev Description-md5: fd5d7b8d40b9c9f711482b8a95928b06 Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - development files Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libzeitgeist-doc Description-md5: 6c5611aea56bd3880c45d1ce5940048a Description-sl: library to access Zeitgeist - documentation Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: libzemberek-java Description-md5: ffc7865643584da3bbc7c8496cbe2493 Description-sl: Spell checker library for Turkic languages Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno knjižnico. Package: libzemberek-java-doc Description-md5: a36566328981a6df3bb15b008c515244 Description-sl: Dokumentacija Zemberek Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: libzemberek-tk-java Description-md5: 9414ad13814094c1a0895c1941a4d7f1 Description-sl: Turkmenistanski črkovalnik Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . This package contains Turkmen dictionary (under development). Package: libzemberek-tr-java Description-md5: 5cbc67208d782cd9635060890c5379bc Description-sl: Turški črkovalnik Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . Ta paket vsebuje turški slovar. Package: libzerg0 Description-md5: 6b8213ad68f80f10fea73b8c72357f6f Description-sl: C library for lexically scanning the output of NCBI BLAST programs Zerg is a C library for lexing - lexically scanning - the output of NCBI BLAST programs. . Based on a GNU Flex-generated lexical scanner, it runs extremely fast, being especially useful for processing large volumes of data. Benchmark tests show that Zerg is over two orders of magnitude faster than some widely used BLAST parsers. . If you need a parser and not only a lexer, check out librostlab-blast. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzim-dev Description-md5: 25f1bac9662f7e49147f291a5505befc Description-sl: library implementation of ZIM specifications (development) ZIM (Zeno IMproved) is an open file format for storing the contents of wiki for offline usage. This file format is primarily focused on providing the contents of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects for offline use. . libzim is the standard implementation of ZIM specification, which implements the read and write method for ZIM files. . ZIM is a file format created with focus on extracting and encoding data from Mediawiki for offline use. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzimg-dev Description-md5: cfa77a686e5d5de659dcf6a0c4a14a80 Description-sl: scaling, colorspace, depth conversion library (development files) The "z" library implements the commonly required image processing basics of scaling, colorspace conversion, and depth conversion. A simple API enables conversion between any supported formats to operate with minimal knowledge from the programmer. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzinnia-dev Description-md5: b5b990e98e1be7a710983ccde0e5065a Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za knjižnico zinnia Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines. . Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly efficient handwriting recognition models. . This package is needed to compile programs against libzinnia0, as only it includes the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling. Package: libzinnia0 Description-md5: 022f08051be677d36fcb5ea510579f1f Description-sl: online handwriting recognition system with machine learning Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines. . Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly efficient handwriting recognition models. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene knjižnice. Package: libzip-ocaml Description-md5: 93bbca4cf779b63adcc43e93ccab9e39 Description-sl: Knjižnice stiskanja OCaml (izvajalne knjižnice) This Objective Caml library provides easy access to compressed files in ZIP and GZIP format, as well as to Java JAR files. It provides functions for reading from and writing to compressed files in these formats. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libzipios++0v5 Description-md5: 8af6a33d1733f8bf50bfbe8b69a7a72b Description-sl: small C++ library for reading zip files (library) Zipios++ is a C++ library for reading and writing Zip files. Access to individual entries is provided through standard C++ iostreams. A simple read-only virtual file system that mounts regular directories and zip files is also provided. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzita-resampler1 Description-md5: 314309211d3de1f5e109ba92bac3bbdd Description-sl: Knjižnica C++ za ponovno vzorčenje zvočnih signalov Zita resampler is a C++ library for resampling audio signals. It is designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and to provide high-quality sample rate conversion. . The library operates on signals represented in single-precision floating point format. For multichannel operation both the input and output signals are assumed to be stored as interleaved samples. . The API allows a trade-off between quality and CPU load. For the latter a range of approximately 1:6 is available. Even at the highest quality setting libzita-resampler will be faster than most similar libraries, e.g. libsamplerate. . This package contains the shared library for libzita-resampler. Package: libzix-0-0 Description-md5: d2bd00921e3466a8e953e92f187b2a2d Description-sl: library of portability wrappers and data structures (shared library) Zix provides a lightweight library of portability wrappers and data structures. Components of Zix include bump allocator, B-tree, hash table, and binary tree implementations. The wrappers include filesystem and threading abstractions. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzix-dev Description-md5: 998779d41a3fedf63572e1d61b35cfb8 Description-sl: library of portability wrappers and data structures (development files) Zix provides a lightweight library of portability wrappers and data structures. Components of Zix include bump allocator, B-tree, hash table, and binary tree implementations. The wrappers include filesystem and threading abstractions. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libzlcore-dev Description-md5: 754c996908799085964077e836cb3f75 Description-sl: ZLibrary cross-platform development library (development files) Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za jedro ZLibrary. . ZLibrary is a cross-platform library to build applications running on desktop Linux, Windows, different Linux-based PDAs using this library. Package: libzmf-doc Description-md5: fcff642b637aca85716a94b6c63a91f2 Description-sl: Zoner Draw/Zebra file reading/converting library -- documentation libzmf is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting Zoner Draw and Zebra file formats. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: libzmq3-dev Description-md5: 7b2c1e47f6d305566aebc0e65e04f5ee Description-sl: lightweight messaging kernel (development files) ØMQ is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. . ØMQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice ZeroMQ in datoteke glave. Package: libzn-poly-dev Description-md5: 997b5d77ae66234144ff69e9edc830af Description-sl: development files for libzn-poly zn_poly is a C library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x], where n is any modulus that fits into an unsigned long. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke za knjižnico. Package: libzookeeper-java Description-md5: 9d8746036f857b6258f6cc81bcc7fbb8 Description-sl: Core Java libraries for zookeeper ZooKeeper is a centralized, reliable, service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications. . Ta paket vsebuje java datoteke .jar. Package: libzthread-2.3-2t64 Description-md5: 07cd9ed79c6c21be879a6594e9db8a3b Description-sl: Object-oriented synchronization library for C++ (dev files) Zthreads is an advanced platform-independent, object-oriented threading and synchronization library. Designed and tested under POSIX & Win32 systems. . It provides several structures for concurrent programming like PoolExecutor, MonitoredQueue, Barriers and much more. Furthermore, structures like Task and Thread are provided for creating threading applications in C++ easier. . This library wraps and interfaces with pthreads, so it is fully compliant. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke Package: libzthread-dev Description-md5: e9a5228818afc6ba92ecadac05b4d8ba Description-sl: Object-oriented synchronization library for C++ (runtime lib) Zthreads is an advanced platform-independent, object-oriented threading and synchronization library. Designed and tested under POSIX & Win32 systems. . It provides several structures for concurrent programming like PoolExecutor, MonitoredQueue, Barriers and much more. Furthermore, structures like Task and Thread are provided for creating threading applications in C++ easier. . This library wraps and interfaces with pthreads, so it is fully compliant. . Ta paket zagotavlja izvajalno knjižnico. Package: libzug-dev Description-md5: 7893746982429099812022a69b36d621 Description-sl: C++ library providing transducers -- development files zug is a C++ library providing transducers. Transducers are composable sequential transformations independent of the source. They are extremely lightweight, and can be used to express algorithms over pull-based sequences (iterators, files) but also push based sequences (signals, events, asynchronous streams) in a generic way. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzvbi-common Description-md5: 45a184b948cd46e1228c58d6416f7280 Description-sl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - common files The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field. . The vertical blanking interval can be used to carry data, since anything sent during the VBI would naturally not be displayed; various test signals, closed captioning, and other digital data can be sent during this time period. These include information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings. . The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL. Some features: * Captures raw VBI samples from V4L, V4L2 and FreeBSD BKTR devices, sliced VBI data from Linux DVB devices; * Implements a VBI Proxy to share one VBI device between multiple applications; * Has a robust and versatile bit slicer which handles a wide range of data services; * Functions to capture multiple data services at once, such as Closed Caption (both NTSC and PAL), Teletext, VPS, WSS, XDS; * Level 3.5 Teletext decoder with support for all Teletext character sets, graphics, 4096 colors, with built-in page cache including search functions; * Closed Caption decoder which supports roll-up, pop-up and paint-on style caption, color, expanded character set, text attributes and free text placement; * Renders Teletext and Caption pages, can export to HTML, PNG and other formats. * Can determine network names; * Can find Teletext subtitle and program pages; * Functions to extract data transmissions in Teletext streams (currently Page Format Clear and Independent Data Line Format A); * Can multiplex and demultiplex DVB VBI PES and TS streams. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke mednarodne jezikovne podpore. Package: libzvbi-dev Description-md5: 1ed5341cec401cff19793f7fc7afc618 Description-sl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - development files The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field. . The vertical blanking interval can be used to carry data, since anything sent during the VBI would naturally not be displayed; various test signals, closed captioning, and other digital data can be sent during this time period. These include information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings. . The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL. Some features: * Captures raw VBI samples from V4L, V4L2 and FreeBSD BKTR devices, sliced VBI data from Linux DVB devices; * Implements a VBI Proxy to share one VBI device between multiple applications; * Has a robust and versatile bit slicer which handles a wide range of data services; * Functions to capture multiple data services at once, such as Closed Caption (both NTSC and PAL), Teletext, VPS, WSS, XDS; * Level 3.5 Teletext decoder with support for all Teletext character sets, graphics, 4096 colors, with built-in page cache including search functions; * Closed Caption decoder which supports roll-up, pop-up and paint-on style caption, color, expanded character set, text attributes and free text placement; * Renders Teletext and Caption pages, can export to HTML, PNG and other formats. * Can determine network names; * Can find Teletext subtitle and program pages; * Functions to extract data transmissions in Teletext streams (currently Page Format Clear and Independent Data Line Format A); * Can multiplex and demultiplex DVB VBI PES and TS streams. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzvbi-doc Description-md5: 02b22f1be385c8d8a4eaa85cf8dc0afe Description-sl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - documentation files The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field. . The vertical blanking interval can be used to carry data, since anything sent during the VBI would naturally not be displayed; various test signals, closed captioning, and other digital data can be sent during this time period. These include information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings. . The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL. Some features: * Captures raw VBI samples from V4L, V4L2 and FreeBSD BKTR devices, sliced VBI data from Linux DVB devices; * Implements a VBI Proxy to share one VBI device between multiple applications; * Has a robust and versatile bit slicer which handles a wide range of data services; * Functions to capture multiple data services at once, such as Closed Caption (both NTSC and PAL), Teletext, VPS, WSS, XDS; * Level 3.5 Teletext decoder with support for all Teletext character sets, graphics, 4096 colors, with built-in page cache including search functions; * Closed Caption decoder which supports roll-up, pop-up and paint-on style caption, color, expanded character set, text attributes and free text placement; * Renders Teletext and Caption pages, can export to HTML, PNG and other formats. * Can determine network names; * Can find Teletext subtitle and program pages; * Functions to extract data transmissions in Teletext streams (currently Page Format Clear and Independent Data Line Format A); * Can multiplex and demultiplex DVB VBI PES and TS streams. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: libzycore-dev Description-md5: f2b2ef5077bc606ab5d62f1f53fc3651 Description-sl: Zyan Core Library for C - development Zyan Core is an internal library providing platform independent types, macros and a fallback for environments without LibC. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzycore1.4t64 Description-md5: 56d95480aac4180c76a397e2b6373369 Description-sl: Zyan Core Library for C Zyan Core is an internal library providing platform independent types, macros and a fallback for environments without LibC. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libzydis-dev Description-md5: cd146b3030171ffc7d7aeb77ed08f39a Description-sl: fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library - development Zydis is a fast x86/x86-64 disassembler library. It supports all x86 and AMD64 instructions and many vendor extensions, doesn't perform dynamic memory allocations, is thread safe by design and has no third party dependency - not even libc. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libzydis4.0t64 Description-md5: 25571d09615a33dd53c200a5d2b3d39b Description-sl: fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library Zydis is a fast x86/x86-64 disassembler library. It supports all x86 and AMD64 instructions and many vendor extensions, doesn't perform dynamic memory allocations, is thread safe by design and has no third party dependency - not even libc. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: liece-dcc Description-md5: ebd9cdb742901354032a022704fc3c15 Description-sl: DCC program za liece This program is DCC(Direct Client Connection) program for liece. Dcc is implemented not with EmacsLisp, but with C, so dcc package has been divided. And included "ltcp" which is connection support program, can use IPv6. Package: lifelines Description-md5: f2620cad3b7577eeffaee2d6dfbc8335 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan program genealogije LifeLines is a genealogy program that runs on UNIX systems in text mode. It maintains genealogical records (persons, families, sources, events and others) in a database, and generates reports from those records. . There are no practical limits on the number of records that can be stored in a LifeLines database, nor on the amounts or kinds of data that can be kept in the records. . LifeLines does not contain built-in reports. Instead it provides a programming subsystem that you use to program your own reports and charts. Some standard report files are included in the lifelines-reports package. . The programming subsystem also lets you query your databases and process your data in any way. LifeLines uses the terminal independent features of UNIX to provide a screen and menu based user interface. . The program is able to read and write GEDCOM files, the de facto standard for genealogical data exchange. Package: lifelines-doc Description-md5: af9451a953c722c1f813ad7d7b3ea68d Description-sl: dokumentacija za lifelines, programski sistem genealogije This package contains the full documentation for lifelines genealogy software (text, HTML, XML and PDF formats). Package: lifeograph Description-md5: 17cac9c69b056185a003616bafb764d7 Description-sl: Zasebni digitalni dnevnik Lifeograph je nepovezan program pisanja zasebnega dnevnika in zapiskov za svojo oceno življenja. Package: lightdm Description-md5: a04ec89b09d7becf8ba288295841fad0 Description-sl: Upravljalnik zaslona LightDM is a X display manager that: * Has a lightweight codebase * Is standards compliant (PAM, ConsoleKit, etc) * Has a well defined interface between the server and user interface * Cross-desktop (greeters can be written in any toolkit) Package: lightsoff Description-md5: 441c444039acb6bbd1edace4ee50ddea Description-sl: Lahko ugankarska igra Ugankarska igra, kjer je treba izklopiti vse luči. Package: lighttpd-mod-webdav Description-md5: 50e71fca16a2374627879656f6a14337 Description-sl: Modul WebDAV za lighttpd The WebDAV module is an implementation of RFC 4918. . Currently supports: GET POST HEAD PROPFIND PROPPATCH OPTIONS MKCOL COPY MOVE DELETE PUT LOCK UNLOCK Package: lightyears Description-md5: a8049184a5cf5ee6383c6c200d27eac9 Description-sl: realnočasovna strategijska igra za enega igralca s steampunk znanstveno-fantastiko Izgraditi in vzdrževati morate ormežje distribucije pare na planetu nezemljanov medtem ko vas napadajo nezemljani in druge težave. Igra ima tri težavnostne stopnje, vzajemni vodnik in sistem točkovanja. . "20.000 Light Years Into Space" is written in Python using pygame. It was rewarded with the second place in the Pyweek March 2006 Individual Entries category. Package: lincity-ng Description-md5: f4b47b8691c6ba8798f6b66a19f1e6d3 Description-sl: Igra simulatorja mesta s spolirano grafiko LinCity-NG je igra simulacije mesta. Je spolirana in izboljšana različica stare igre LinCity: morate izgraditi in vzdrževati mesto. Svoje vzdrževalce morate nahraniti, jih zagotoviti stanovanja, službe in dobrine. Izgradite lahko vzdržno ekonomijo s pomočjo obnovljive energije in recikliranja ali pa propadete in izgradite rakete za pobeg iz onesnaženega planeta z izropanimi naravnimi virvi. Zaradi končnih sredstev na enem mestu to ni igra, ki jo lahko pustite za daljši čas. Igra je podobna komercialni igri simulacije s podobnim imenom. Package: lincity-ng-data Description-md5: 1617b8d400aeff6557730435cbdb24a6 Description-sl: Media files for the city simulator game LinCity-NG LinCity-NG je igra simulacije mesta. Je spolirana in izboljšana različica stare igre LinCity: morate izgraditi in vzdrževati mesto. Svoje vzdrževalce morate nahraniti, jih zagotoviti stanovanja, službe in dobrine. Izgradite lahko vzdržno ekonomijo s pomočjo obnovljive energije in recikliranja ali pa propadete in izgradite rakete za pobeg iz onesnaženega planeta z izropanimi naravnimi virvi. Zaradi končnih sredstev na enem mestu to ni igra, ki jo lahko pustite za daljši čas. Igra je podobna komercialni igri simulacije s podobnim imenom. . This package contains the architecture independent game media files. Package: lingot Description-md5: 0165179d1dc2f17e5bf0e0df031d8e26 Description-sl: uglaševalnik glasbenih inštrumentov, ki je natančen in preprost za uporabo Lingot je program za uglaševanje glasbenih instrumentov. Je natančen, enostaven za uporabo in visoko nastavljiv. Izvirno je bil narejen za uglaševanje električnih kitar, vendar lahko sedaj uglasi katerikoli instrument. . Videti je kot analogni uglaševalnik z merilnikom, ki nakazuje relativen zamik do določene note, ki kaže na noto in njeno frekvenco. Package: linguist-qt6 Description-md5: 5c91a7232e5aa73e31131ac79af1a3d9 Description-sl: Qt 6 Linguist Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Linguist is a tool for adding translations to Qt applications. Package: link-grammar Description-md5: d9d09a2d58fa8aa2ee5f8695b9b95a71 Description-sl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . Ta paket vsebuje uporabniško izvedljivo binarno datoteko. Package: link-grammar-dictionaries-en Description-md5: 920c6580f5691c78e6aeeda1b9275a8a Description-sl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (English dictionary) In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . Ta paket vsebuje angleške slovarje. Package: links2 Description-md5: 9a74b5001abe6d9597ea0d0eb9b7e17d Description-sl: Spletni brskalnik, ki teče tako v grafičnem kot besedilnem načinu Links je spletni brskalnik podoben Lynx. Prikaže preglednice, okvirje, prejeme v ozadju in uporablja povezave HTTP/1.1 keepalive. V grafičnem načinu prikazuje slike PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF in XBM, zaganja zunanje vezave na drugih vrstah in vsebuje glajeno pisavo, gladko približanje slik, 48-bitno razprševanje in popravljanje game in razmerja velikosti. Package: linphone-cli Description-md5: 182591eee3e2e23b6f780536fba3050b Description-sl: SIP softphone - console-only client Linphone je zvočni in video internetni telefon, ki uporablja protokol SIP. Ima konzolski in vmesnik GTK+, vključuje številne zvočne in video kodeke in zagotavlja zmožnosti hipnega sporočanja. . This package contains the console version of linphone. Package: linphone-common Description-md5: e8f0bd525e910718b4254080d72b90b0 Description-sl: Shared components of the linphone SIP softphone Linphone je zvočni in video internetni telefon, ki uporablja protokol SIP. Ima konzolski in vmesnik GTK+, vključuje številne zvočne in video kodeke in zagotavlja zmožnosti hipnega sporočanja. . This package contains the resource files of linphone (the rings). Package: linphone-desktop Description-md5: b9aaaa8aa96f5ad727be6db80341bfde Description-sl: SIP programski telefon - grafični odjemalec Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. . Glavne zmožnosti linphone so: - lep grafični vmesnik, - vključuje zelo različne kodeke z različnimi kakovostmi / pasovnimi širinami. - uporablja dobro znan in standardiziran protokol SIP. . This package includes the Qt/QML based graphical desktop client. Package: linssid Description-md5: 8be2d9ad5c3ab626d1af44fb520ccecc Description-sl: graphical wireless scanner LinSSID is a graphical program that displays locally receivable 802.11 wireless attach points and ad hoc networks. . A table is displayed with various parameters such as MAC address, channel, and signal strength. Graphs are also displayed with signal strength by channel and signal strength over time. . LinSSID is graphically and functionally similar to inSSIDer (for Microsoft Windows) and Wi-Fi Analyzer (for Android). . LinSSID can be used to measure the local performance or to search for an interference free channel to be set in a wireless router (access point or AP). The wireless established link won't be affected by these operations because LinSSID needn't set the monitor mode in network interface. . Nekatere zmožnosti: . - Table of locally receivable attach points with many columns of different information and sortable and movable columns. - Adjustable speed, real-time update. - Graphs of signal strength by channel and over time. - AP bandwidth displayed. - Works on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channels. Package: linuxinfo Description-md5: 9b8e0f9d63fd661b2d92f574c9670d77 Description-sl: Prikaže razširjene sistemske podrobnosti Displays system info, such as kernel revision, glibc version, processor type and memory size, in general by parsing /proc/cpuinfo. Package: linuxlogo Description-md5: 4ff236e1b90452d1559dc8591bbc187a Description-sl: Barvni logo sistema ANSI A Color ANSI Logo with some system information that can be displayed at system boot time or, with some local configuration, at the login prompt. Four different Logos are available: . * Debian Swirl(default) * Debian Banner * Tux Classic and Banner . The Classic and Banner Logos are based on Larry Ewing's Penguin. Monochrome ASCII versions of all the logos are included. Package: liquidwar Description-md5: 38cc06e2a01081999729ef90e9a8cdc0 Description-sl: resnično izvirna večigralska vojna igra Liquid War je izvirna večigralska vojna igra. Na voljo ni orožij, edina stvar, ki jo morate narediti, je premikati kazalec po 2-D bojišču. Kazalcu sledi vaša vojska, ki je sestavljena iz majhnih bojevnikov, ki jih predstavljajo majhni obarvani kvadratki. Ko se bojevniki različnih ekip srečajo, se pojedo med seboj. . Na voljo je način za enega igralca, vendar je igra zagotovo zasnovana za več igralcev in ima omrežno podporo. Package: liquidwar-data Description-md5: 2faccb4155ec9162a564680786c628b3 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za Liquid War Liquid War je izvirna večigralska vojna igra. Na voljo ni orožij, edina stvar, ki jo morate narediti, je premikati kazalec po 2-D bojišču. Kazalcu sledi vaša vojska, ki je sestavljena iz majhnih bojevnikov, ki jih predstavljajo majhni obarvani kvadratki. Ko se bojevniki različnih ekip srečajo, se pojedo med seboj. . This package holds the data files necessary to play Liquid War, an original multiplayer wargame. Package: liquidwar-server Description-md5: ef13dcde9823fa4ca0c4f9a998ce3cf7 Description-sl: Strežnik Liquid war Liquid War je izvirna večigralska vojna igra. Na voljo ni orožij, edina stvar, ki jo morate narediti, je premikati kazalec po 2-D bojišču. Kazalcu sledi vaša vojska, ki je sestavljena iz majhnih bojevnikov, ki jih predstavljajo majhni obarvani kvadratki. Ko se bojevniki različnih ekip srečajo, se pojedo med seboj. . Liquid War is an original multiplayer wargame. This package contains the server for Liquid War game. Package: lisaac-doc Description-md5: cc1d8329d78829818d35278c25e7dd0f Description-sl: Dokumentacija za lisaac Lisaac is a small prototype-based programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki html. Vsebuje tudi pametno in celotno dokumentacijo pdf. Package: litl-doc Description-md5: bf9c332395443a82cc1786bf5b1800c1 Description-sl: Lightweight Trace Library - documentation LiTL is a lightweight tool for recording events during the execution of scientific high-performance applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: littlewizard Description-md5: d73cd2f949aa5867fee46c47f98b8c50 Description-sl: Razvojno okolje za otroke Little Wizard is created especially for primary school children. It allows one to learn using main elements of present computer languages, including: variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element of language is represented by an intuitive icon. Little Wizard can be used without using keyboard, only mouse. Package: littlewizard-data Description-md5: 3ac2eefdee14773eeade90e5611e8c84 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke littlewizard Little Wizard is a development environment created especially for primary school children. It allows one to learn using main elements of present computer languages, including: variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element of language is represented by an intuitive icon. Little Wizard can be used without using keyboard, only mouse. . This package has the icons and locale files that littlewizard uses. Package: live-boot-doc Description-md5: c25cb573de771f941b768f16c0707918 Description-sl: Live System Boot Components (documentation) The Debian Live project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-boot contains the components to configure a live system during the boot process (early userspace). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: live-config-doc Description-md5: 9339260261922af162a6f8ee78ee0259 Description-sl: Live System Configuration Components (documentation) live-config contains the components that configure a live system during the boot process (late userspace). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: live-manual-epub Description-md5: 636c25461149bce486dab513efea85c6 Description-sl: Live Systems Documentation (epub) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-manual contains the documentation for the Live Systems project. . Ta paket vsebuje izhod epub. Package: live-manual-html Description-md5: 15deaa3772f6c042ea90d0848776a4f6 Description-sl: Live Systems Documentation (html) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-manual contains the documentation for the Live Systems project. . Ta paket vsebuje izhod html. Package: live-manual-odf Description-md5: c24c536523b35ba39a577816bd9d96ec Description-sl: Live Systems Documentation (odf) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-manual contains the documentation for the Live Systems project. . Ta paket vsebuje izhod odf. Package: live-manual-pdf Description-md5: d3f18fc1ec535e43baa8a2f2d85c11aa Description-sl: Live Systems Documentation (pdf) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-manual contains the documentation for the Live Systems project. . Ta paket vsebuje izhod pdf. Package: live-manual-txt Description-md5: efede4de4336caf6c418ba6850d24d38 Description-sl: Live Systems Documentation (txt) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-manual contains the documentation for the Live Systems project. . Ta paket vsebuje besedilni izhod. Package: liwc Description-md5: f6ca0c5669117abc48d99819f51e9a3b Description-sl: Orodja za upravljanje z izvorno kodo C Includes programs for converting C++ comments to C comments, removing C comments, print out string literals, and converting characters to trigraphs and trigraphs to characters. Package: llvm-14-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice in glave za razvoj programov, ki uporabljajo llvm. Package: llvm-14-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vso dokumentacijo (obširno). Package: llvm-14-runtime Description-md5: a2e425ebfc2fcd56b539f44a28559b4a Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje najmanj, kar je zahtevano za izvajanje programov v obliki LLVM. Package: llvm-15-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice in glave za razvoj programov, ki uporabljajo llvm. Package: llvm-15-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vso dokumentacijo (obširno). Package: llvm-15-runtime Description-md5: a2e425ebfc2fcd56b539f44a28559b4a Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje najmanj, kar je zahtevano za izvajanje programov v obliki LLVM. Package: llvm-16-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice in glave za razvoj programov, ki uporabljajo llvm. Package: llvm-16-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vso dokumentacijo (obširno). Package: llvm-16-runtime Description-md5: a2e425ebfc2fcd56b539f44a28559b4a Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje najmanj, kar je zahtevano za izvajanje programov v obliki LLVM. Package: llvm-17-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice in glave za razvoj programov, ki uporabljajo llvm. Package: llvm-17-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vso dokumentacijo (obširno). Package: llvm-17-runtime Description-md5: a2e425ebfc2fcd56b539f44a28559b4a Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje najmanj, kar je zahtevano za izvajanje programov v obliki LLVM. Package: llvm-18-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice in glave za razvoj programov, ki uporabljajo llvm. Package: llvm-18-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vso dokumentacijo (obširno). Package: llvm-18-runtime Description-md5: a2e425ebfc2fcd56b539f44a28559b4a Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje najmanj, kar je zahtevano za izvajanje programov v obliki LLVM. Package: llvm-19-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice in glave za razvoj programov, ki uporabljajo llvm. Package: llvm-19-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje vso dokumentacijo (obširno). Package: llvm-19-runtime Description-md5: a2e425ebfc2fcd56b539f44a28559b4a Description-sl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Ta paket vsebuje najmanj, kar je zahtevano za izvajanje programov v obliki LLVM. Package: lm-sensors Description-md5: 491418ae94ae096e9d6b05b0cf47c351 Description-sl: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux. It allows you to access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. It works with most newer systems. . Ta paket vsebuje programe, ki vam pomagajo nastaviti in brati podatke iz lm-sensors. Package: lmms Description-md5: 816cb06c4ea6fb223d96de245d4d63a3 Description-sl: Linux večpredstavnostni studio LMMS poskuša biti prost nadomestek priljubljenim (a komercialnim in zaprtokodnim) programom kot so FruityLoops, Cubase in Logic in vam daje zmožnost proizvajanja glasbe z vašim računalnikom z ustvarjanjem zank, sintetizacije in mešanja zvokov, razporejanja vzorcev, zabavanjem z vašo tipkovnico MIDI in veliko več .... . LMMS združuje zmožnosti programa sledilnika/sekvenčnika (upravljanje vzorcev/kanalov/vzorcev/skladb/učinkov) in zmogljivih sintetizatorjev in vzročevalnikov v modernem, uporabniku prijaznem uporabniškem vmesniku, ki je enostaven za uporabo. Package: lmms-common Description-md5: bb2954ca4155147592c95219e7105a80 Description-sl: Linux Multimedia Studio - common files LMMS poskuša biti prost nadomestek priljubljenim (a komercialnim in zaprtokodnim) programom kot so FruityLoops, Cubase in Logic in vam daje zmožnost proizvajanja glasbe z vašim računalnikom z ustvarjanjem zank, sintetizacije in mešanja zvokov, razporejanja vzorcev, zabavanjem z vašo tipkovnico MIDI in veliko več .... . LMMS združuje zmožnosti programa sledilnika/sekvenčnika (upravljanje vzorcev/kanalov/vzorcev/skladb/učinkov) in zmogljivih sintetizatorjev in vzročevalnikov v modernem, uporabniku prijaznem uporabniškem vmesniku, ki je enostaven za uporabo. . This package contains the platform independent files such as samples, presets and some example projects. Package: lmod-doc Description-md5: 6e856020a37078796e81e9c3c861744a Description-sl: Lua based environment modules (documentation) Lmod is a Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH Hierarchical problem. Environment Modules provide a convenient way to dynamically change the users' environment through modulefiles. This includes easily adding or removing directories to the PATH environment variable. Modulefiles for Library packages provide environment variables that specify where the library and header files can be found. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: lnpd Description-md5: afc3ad67b0e96f5d966c5dd8e059616b Description-sl: daemon for LNP communication with BrickOS The lnpd package provides a daemon capable of being started at boot time that enables communication with a LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX which is running BrickOS. This package also provides a library so that you can build client programs which talk via LNP to applications running under brickOS on the RCX. See the examples provided. . For posts to/from other users: . (LEGO(r) je blagovna znamka skupine LEGO.) Package: loggerhead-doc Description-md5: ed782269f77488d4e6792641c4fb178f Description-sl: Web viewer for Breezy (documentation) This is a web viewer for projects in the Breezy version control system. It can be used to navigate a branch history, annotate files, view patches and perform searches. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: logtop Description-md5: 2379dcce3976070637baa3a01ab7c323 Description-sl: Realnočasnovni preučevalnik hitrosti vrstic dnevnikov logtop is a System Administrator tool to analyze line rate taking log file as input. It reads on stdin and print a constantly updated result using curses, displaying in columns: Line number, count, frequency, and the actual line. . $ tail -f FILE | logtop is the friendly version of: $ watch 'tail FILE | sort | uniq -c | sort -gr' Package: lomiri-action-doc Description-md5: 13f732cd50879e9524cb40dd7117f5ba Description-sl: Lomiri Action API - documentation Lomiri Common Action API. Allow applications to export actions in various forms to the Lomiri Shell. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: lomiri-connectivity-doc Description-md5: 96087399c43032f29d630130503096cb Description-sl: Lomiri Connectivity API - documentation Lomiri Connectivity API. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: lomiri-ui-toolkit-doc Description-md5: c7860f4a24cdafbbc371bdf1f9295c30 Description-sl: Qt Components for Lomiri - documentation Qt Components for Lomiri offers a set of reusable user interface components for Qt Quick 2 / QML. . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: looktxt Description-md5: ea3d454c51d62dfa59c50c3938a06a2e Description-sl: Convert free format text file into scientific data formats Search and export numerics from any text/ascii file. Data sets (scalar, vector, matrix) are given unique names, based on file content. Results can be generated for e.g. Matlab, YAML, IDL, Scilab, Octave, XML, HTML, and NeXus/HDF5. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: love Description-md5: 4f24e64a361db187391602e346a2e02f Description-sl: razvojno ogrodje za 2D igre, osnovano na Lua in OpenGL LÖVE was created to be a user-friendly engine in which simple (or complicated) games could be made without having extensive knowledge of system or graphics functions and without having to dedicate time towards developing the same engine features time and time again. . Razvit je bil z izvedbo na več sistemih v mislih in uporablja najnovejše odprtokodne knjižnice za dostavljanje podobne izkušnje iger neodvisno od operacijskega sistema. Z zanašanjem na skriptni jezik Lua za programiranje za igro celo novim ustvarjalcem iger omogoča hiter in učinkovit razvoj ideje v polno delujočo igro. Package: lpe Description-md5: 8f994a83d900489a32bc3b02db151de4 Description-sl: Lahek programerjev urejevalnik lpe stands for "lightweight programmer's editor", and is exactly that. It is designed to provide at the same time all the features that might be required in a decent code editor and a light, intuitive feel that makes it a pleasure to work with, making all necessary commands accessible as easily as possible. Package: lsdvd Description-md5: c9f263736f6ccd41c0223d38bd63a516 Description-sl: Preberite podrobnosti o vsebini DVD-ja An application for reading the contents of a DVD and printing the contents to your terminal or in more machine readable formats. Package: lshw-gtk Description-md5: 5db6f64eacd69eb948a83477966cd1db Description-sl: Grafični podatki o nastavitvah strojne opreme Majhno orodje, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o nastavitvah strojne opreme za napravo. Poroča lahko natančno nastavitev pomnilnika, različico programske strojne opreme, nastavitev matične plošče, različico in hitrost CPE, nastavitev predpomnilnika, hitrost vodil, itd. na DMI-zmožnih sistemih x86, na nekaterih napravah PowerPC (PowerMac G4 deluje) in AMD64. . Ta paket vsebuje lshw-gtk (različica GTK+) Package: lskat Description-md5: 3ab7f03930c7679d3d693ba3432cfa0b Description-sl: Lieutnant Skat card game Lieutenant Skat (from German "Offiziersskat") is a fun and engaging card game for two players, where the second player is either live opponent, or a built in artificial intelligence. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: lswm Description-md5: e8b7b09d4e73830e23a5f013b5160c13 Description-sl: Pripomoček odkrivanja wiimote CWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomoček za odkrivanje novih naprav wiimote. Package: ltris Description-md5: ba5974efd7c79972f5f5422957b41085 Description-sl: zelo dodelan klon Tetrisa z nasprotniki CPE LTris je zelo spoliran klon igre tetris, ki ponuja tri vrste iger. Običajni način, način liki, kjer se na vsaki stopnji pojavijo drugačni liki in večigralski način. LTris lahko močno nastavite s sistemom menijev. Package: lua-cosmo Description-md5: bde6e4328fd41f081949b96243adec9d Description-sl: Template library for the Lua language The cosmo library defines a textual template language and provides functions to instantiate such templates filling variable with their actual values. . Ta paket vsebuje tudi dokumentacijo. Package: lua-coxpcall Description-md5: de4d22d66d3ca41f2bad78b9dc1c712e Description-sl: Protected function calls across coroutines for Lua This package contains coxpcall, a Lua library that extends the protected call mechanism typical of Lua (xpcall and pcall) allowing it to cross coroutines boundaries. . Ta paket vsebuje tudi dokumentacijo. Package: lua-dbi-mysql Description-md5: 18966a711d55306753ffd6a556b55200 Description-sl: DBI library for the Lua language, MySQL backend Lua DBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholders and bind parameters for all database operations. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje MySQL. . Lua DBI is a better alternative to lua-sql since it supports prepared statements. Package: lua-dbi-postgresql Description-md5: 9fb07bef29054567fce10ef799a3fbe3 Description-sl: DBI library for the Lua language, PostgreSQL backend Lua DBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholders and bind parameters for all database operations. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje PostgreSQL. . Lua DBI is a better alternative to lua-sql since it supports prepared statements. Package: lua-dbi-sqlite3 Description-md5: f52d2bec3476081e5c35e00ccd3bce5d Description-sl: DBI library for the Lua language, sqlite3 backend Lua DBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholders and bind parameters for all database operations. . Ta paket vsebuje zaledje sqlite3. . Lua DBI is a better alternative to lua-sql since it supports prepared statements. Package: lua-doc Description-md5: 6c412786e264ac54150c55be8c4148ba Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik dokumentacija za lua LuaDoc is a documentation generator tool for Lua source code. It parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of Lua source files and produces a set of XHTML pages describing the commented declarations and functions. . The output is not limited to XHTML. Other formats can be generated by implementing new doclets. The format of the documentation comments is also flexible and can be customized by implementing new taglets. . This package also contains the documentation for luadoc, describing the supported syntax and how to customize the tool input (taglets) and output (doclets). Package: lua-ldap Description-md5: a7723a05f46b606e49686db915abfe7e Description-sl: LDAP library for the Lua language This package contains the Lua LDAP library to: * Connect to an LDAP server (OpenLDAP or ADSI/WinLDAP); * Execute any operation (search, add, compare, delete, modify and rename); * Retrieve entries and references of the search result. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalno knjižnico. Package: lua-leg-dev Description-md5: f10fca9be11f49ab68ded404b5eac0a7 Description-sl: Leg development files for the Lua language Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico leg. Package: lua-luaossl-dev Description-md5: 0b12a5902211c7fcc55693acc5b91681 Description-sl: OpenSSL bindings for Lua (development package) luaossl is a comprehensive binding to OpenSSL for Lua 5.1, 5.2, and later. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: lua-markdown Description-md5: 7526f257a096b2d3844219a4d98f0847 Description-sl: Pure Lua 5.1 implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup This package contains markdown, a Lua library to translate the markdown syntax to HTML. . Ta paket vsebuje tudi dokumentacijo. Package: lua-orbit Description-md5: 3265694a95130fcd21ca1e83e0af5530 Description-sl: Spletno ogrodje MVC za Lua Orbit is a library for developing web applications according to the Model- View-Controller paradigm in Lua. . Orbit also includes a basic OR mapper that currently only works with lua- sql SQLite3 driver. . This package also contains the documentation and some sample applications for the orbit MVC framework. Package: lua-sql-doc Description-md5: 68f2d3fde19ad44e544002fcb296f404 Description-sl: Dokumentacija luasql Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico luasql. Package: lua-wsapi-doc Description-md5: fc67ef5d4a8ebe151655b63983e59c9b Description-sl: wsapi documentation files for the Lua language Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za knjižnico wsapi. Package: lubuntu-artwork Description-md5: 78fc3d73c79834b9ab4d867905a100ab Description-sl: Grafična podoba za Lubuntu Artwork for Lubuntu which contains the default wallpaper and default theming. Package: lubuntu-default-settings Description-md5: fa16d1e92dc9882e82f32b641d494e9f Description-sl: Privzeta nastavitve za Lubuntu Various system settings tailored for Lubuntu's default session. This includes default settings, applications, and themes. Package: lubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 79e7324dd021f9bbeaa3b32f3186ebb2 Description-sl: Namizno okolje Lubuntu This metapackage depends on all components which make up the Lubuntu Desktop. . It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, but it can be safely removed if you want to remove some applications installed by default. Package: luckybackup Description-md5: fd0f69559bcf16aed1e4eb4f30ad8662 Description-sl: Na rsync osnovan pripomoček varnostnih kopij z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom luckyBackup je program, ki ustvari varnostne kopije in/ali uskladite katerekoli mape z močjo rsync. Njegove glavne zmožnosti so: varnostne kopije, varnost, usklajevanje, možnosti izključi/vključi le, omogoča možnosti rsync po meri, oddaljene povezave, opravila obnove, razporejanje, profili in način ukazne vrstice. . Je enostaven za uporabo, hiter (prenese le spremembe in ne vseh podatkov), varen (pred obdelavo podatkov preveri vse naštete mape), je zanesljiv in polno prilagodljiv. Package: luckybackup-data Description-md5: 3465d2647531757f62bab445c711fa6b Description-sl: Na rsync osnovan pripomoček varnostnih kopij z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom (podatkovne datoteke) luckyBackup je program, ki ustvari varnostne kopije in/ali uskladite katerekoli mape z močjo rsync. Njegove glavne zmožnosti so: varnostne kopije, varnost, usklajevanje, možnosti izključi/vključi le, omogoča možnosti rsync po meri, oddaljene povezave, opravila obnove, razporejanje, profili in način ukazne vrstice. . Je enostaven za uporabo, hiter (prenese le spremembe in ne vseh podatkov), varen (pred obdelavo podatkov preveri vse naštete mape), je zanesljiv in polno prilagodljiv. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: luminance-hdr Description-md5: d942bd08d26ad50d79260b51bc57b172 Description-sl: grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki poskrbi za potek dela predočenja HDR Zmožnosti: * ustvarjanje datotek HDR iz zbirke slik (vrste JPEG, 8 in 16 bitni TIFF, RAW) iste scene zajete pri različnih časih osvetlitve. * shranjevanje in nalaganje slik HDR. * vrtenje in spreminjanje velikosti slik HDR. * spreminjanje tonov slik HDR * kopiranje podatkov exif med zbirkami slik. . Podprte vrste HDR: * OpenEXR (pripona: exr). * Radiance RGBE (pripona: hdr) * Vrste Tiff: 16 bitna, 32 bitna (plavajoča vejica) in LogLuv (pripona: tiff). * Vrste surovih slik (različne pripone). * Lastna vrsta PFS (pripona pfs). . Podprte vrste LDR: JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM, TIFF (8 bitov). Package: luola Description-md5: e1ccfa499c44a58d88b92ddd5c129e36 Description-sl: Večigralska igra letenja po jamah Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different kinds of levels. . Luola's genre "Luolalentely", or cave-flying, has been very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying games are. Package: luola-data Description-md5: 4c180ac769378accf92e0664d3b5dd2b Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za luola Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different kinds of levels. . Luola's genre "Luolalentely", or cave-flying, has been very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying games are. . This package contains sound and image files for luola. Package: luola-levels Description-md5: 0995466b1b155ca52b86d00046ce3a69 Description-sl: Datoteke stopenj za luola Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different kinds of levels. . Luola's genre "Luolalentely," or cave-flying, has been very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying games are. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke stopenj za luola. Package: luola-nostalgy Description-md5: b1a861663320f927caaa21ff354ef545 Description-sl: Datotek stopenj nostalgy za luola Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different kinds of levels. . Luola's genre "Luolalentely," or cave-flying, has been very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying games are. . This package contains (unofficial) remakes of the old V-Wing levels. Package: Description-md5: a691ad219cc75a0527475e5e421386d2 Description-sl: Bralnik novic za GNUstep LuserNET is an NNTP based news reader for GNUstep. Although it's at an early version, it's already quite usable. The following features are available: . * Coloring of messages based on quoting depth. * Background read-ahead. * Intelligent scrolling. * Handles multiple servers. * Completely asynchronous. * Good MIME conformance and handling. Package: lutefisk-doc Description-md5: 39eac65daab9f2d0509fd6689dde0255 Description-sl: De novo interpretation of peptide CID spectra - documentation Lutefisk performs a de novo interpreation of collision-induced decay (CID) spectra, providing the user with a file containing all the possible sequence candidates corresponding to the CID data. . Ta paket vsebuje priročnik v obliki HTML. Package: lv Description-md5: 50944e913954e28c6199155395734a63 Description-sl: Zmogljiv večjezikovni upravljalnik datotek lv is a powerful file viewer like less. lv can decode and encode multilingual streams through many coding systems: ISO-8859, ISO-2022, EUC, SJIS, Big5, HZ, Unicode. . It recognizes multi-bytes patterns as regular expressions, lv also provides multilingual grep. In addition, lv can recognize ANSI escape sequences for text decoration. Package: lv2-dev Description-md5: 31b7d6551bd5ed2a3f77a4c69d15176d Description-sl: Določilo zvočnega vstavka LV2 LV2 is a simple but extensible successor of LADSPA plugins, intended to address the limitations of LADSPA which many applications have outgrown. . This package contains the LV2 audio plugin specification, with all the official extension packages, as well as example plugins, and additional data. . Implementations are encouraged to abandon the “copy paste headers” practice and depend on this package instead. Package: lv2vocoder Description-md5: 3fe6543675586f23424116d94f3e0c50 Description-sl: Vstavek vocoder LV2 Perhaps you don't know what a vocoder is, but I'm sure you have heard one before. Vocoders are often used to add a robotic effect to vocals in music. Happy robots use Linux and LV2! . This vocoder plugin has 2 AUDIO inputs and 1 OUTPUT. The first INPUT is the "Formant" signal which is usually someone's voice. The second INPUT is the "Carrier" signal which is some sort of continuous synth sound. The "Carrier" signal is modulated to the "Formant". . There are a number of controls ports. The first one is the "Number of bands" which is how many frequency bands to use (current maximum is 16). The rest of the controls set the level of each individual band and should have a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The lower numbered bands are lower in frequency the higher numbered bands are higher in frequency. Package: lwm Description-md5: 1b696759ed46632c04cce161d36f49b0 Description-sl: Lahek okenski upravljalnik Low resource Window manager ideal for older PCs. It uses a minimum of external libraries, and thus very little memory. It allows new xterms to be spawned by clicking the middle mouse button but does not itself include icons, button bars or root menus. Package: lxappearance Description-md5: 241e2402ebe121f057152a0afd056987 Description-sl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . It is a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher able to change GTK+ themes, icon themes, and fonts used by applications. GNOME/KDE/Xfce user may use build-in theme, this works for GTK+ based lightweight desktop Environment. . Zmožnosti: . * Choose GTK+ theme * Choose icon theme * Install new icon theme * Choose their favorite font * Choose toolbar style * See changes immediately in preview area Package: lxc-dev Description-md5: c719178b7e79ce1ed39519707c589961 Description-sl: Linux Containers userspace tools (development) Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: lxde-core Description-md5: 9c57d74e560c1ac5ab7d9304ac26ee04 Description-sl: metapackage for the LXDE core The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) is a project aimed to provide a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. . This package is a metapackage which depends on minimal LXDE components set required to get a working desktop - pcmanfm, lxpanel, and lxde-session. This package also recommends few the most useful applications such as terminal emulator, notification-daemon, and xscreensaver. . V primeru da želite sami izbrati osnovne sestavne dele lahko ta paket odstranite. Package: lxhotkey-data Description-md5: d2a1d4d8cf6f614e2891e0d2fd1f4b80 Description-sl: LXHotkey keyboard shortcuts configurator (data files) LXHotkey is an universal application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) which allows view and change global keyboard shortcuts for Window Manager actions, including ones to start applications. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke mednarodne jezikovne podpore. Package: lxpanel Description-md5: 2e53ffa5892fc75758683aa25ec06f3f Description-sl: Pult LXDE LXPanel je grafični program za lahko namizno okolje X11 (LXDE). . Lxpanel je izpeljan iz fbpanel in vsebuje naslednje zmožnosti: . * Uporabniku prijazen meni programov, ki je samodejno ustvarjen iz datotek .destkop na sistemu. * Vrstica zaganjalnika (majhne ikone na katere lahko kliknete za zagon programa). * Podpora vrstice opravil s podporo 'nujnega' namiga ICCCM/EWWH (okna Pidgin lahko pobliskajo ob novih dohodnih sporočilih). * Pogovorno okno izvajanja (vnesite ukaz za izvajanje brez odpiranja terminala). * Vstavek ikone stanja omrežja (izbirno). * Vstavek nadzora glasnosti (izbirno). * Obvestilno področje (sistemska vrstica). * Digitalna ura. * Vstavek LED tipkovnice (prikaže zaklepa caps/num). * lxpanelctrl: nadzor lxpanel iz drugih programov. Na primer "lxpanelctrl run" bo v lxpanel prikazal pogovorno okno zagona in "lxpanelctl menu" bo prikazal meni programov. To je uporabno v kombinaciji s tipkovnimi bližnjicami okenskega upravljalnika. Package: lxpanel-data Description-md5: 336b99407bedeeda571fc3766b1c2c41 Description-sl: LXDE panel (data files) LXPanel je grafični program za lahko namizno okolje X11 (LXDE). . This package contains the data required for panel. Package: lxpanel-dev Description-md5: cd04b5d8e1ae716d3ba6a7588e2ac078 Description-sl: LXDE panel (plugins development files) LXPanel je grafični program za lahko namizno okolje X11 (LXDE). . This package contains header files required for plugins development and depends on other relevant packages for such task. Package: lxterminal Description-md5: 6884daf53d9b2a2ab2e0f2b994874dfc Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala LXDE LXTerminal je na VTE-osnovan posnemovalnik terminala za namizno okolje LXDE. . Podpira več zavihkov in ima le najmanjše odvisnosti, zato je popolnoma neodvisen od namizja. Za zmanjšanje porabe pomnilnika in povečanje hitrosti, si vsi primerki terminala delijo eno opravilo. Package: lybniz Description-md5: 11bbb064f3dd452f1d4ab923d15f71ad Description-sl: izrisevalnik grafov matematičnih funkcij Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot. Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation. Package: lyricue Description-md5: de7205151a71a3fbaf16eafef408bd83 Description-sl: Sistem prikaza GNU Lyric This application is used to edit/display song lyrics on a second screen/projector for use at singing events such as church services. Features * User access controls * Networkable (ie run interface and server on different machines) * Multiple Playlists * Copyright info for songs * Automatic Page advance * Re-orderable playlist * Playlist entries to change background * All songs kept in a database and so screens are dynamically generated, allowing you to easily change the backdrop, font etc without having to change all the songs * Can automatically create screens for bible verses * Quick searching for songs Package: lyskom-elisp-client Description-md5: 9923af4deac75c14d1c74871af83ab72 Description-sl: Odjemalec emacs za LysKOM A LysKOM client implemented in Emacs LISP. This client is the most used and developed one. Package: lyx Description-md5: cce420c1c680aedda2cc2d6457c68fe5 Description-sl: Urejevalnik dokumentov LyX je skoraj začelje WYSIWYG za LaTeX. Moč in kakovost stavljenja LaTeX naredi na voljo za ljudi, ki so navajeni urejevalnikov besedila. Ker LyX podpira LaTeXov koncept splošnih označevanj, je ustvarjanje dokumentov profesionalne kakovosti še hitreje in lažje kot z običajnimi urejevalniki besedila. Ukaze LaTeX je mogoče uporabiti v LyX zato moč LaTeX-a ni izgubljena. . You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * gnumeric: import spreadsheats * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * lilypond: support for musical sheets * maxima: integrated CAS support for equation evaluation * mythes-*: use the Thesaurus * noweb, r-cran-knitr: use literate programming * rcs, cvs, svn, git: integrated version control * texlive-xetex/luatex: use the XeTeX/LuaTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents * xsltproc (or saxon with openjdk-17-jre), docbook-xsl: ePub export Package: lyx-common Description-md5: 05751d4518079e93eb479a02877c43a8 Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za LyX This package contains LyX's common files which are not architecture- dependent. See the lyx package for a description of LyX itself. Package: macchanger Description-md5: b3958cf2d904ea6ecdbefc5cd46ec519 Description-sl: utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces GNU MAC Changer is an utility that makes the maniputation of MAC addresses of network interfaces easier. MAC addresses are unique identifiers on networks, they only need to be unique, they can be changed on most network hardware. MAC addresses have started to be abused by unscrupulous marketing firms, government agencies, and others to provide an easy way to track a computer across multiple networks. By changing the MAC address regularly, this kind of tracking can be thwarted, or at least made a lot more difficult. . Zmožnosti: . * set specific MAC address of a network interface * set the MAC randomly * set a MAC of another vendor * set another MAC of the same vendor * set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card) * display a vendor MAC list (today, 6200 items) to choose from Package: madbomber-data Description-md5: ef9b11ad0c454d88dcefb20907cff6ed Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za madbomber "Mad Bomber" is a clone of Activision's classic Atari 2600 console game, "Kaboom!," by Larry Kaplan, with spruced-up graphics and sound effects, and music. . The Mad Bomber is loose in the city and he's dropping bombs everywhere! It's your job to catch them before they hit the ground and explode. Luckily, you have a set of trusty buckets to extinguish the bombs with. . This package contains sound and image files for madbomber Package: madlib-doc Description-md5: 270844bce506ad31875ae4b183b1f182 Description-sl: Knjižnica prilagoditve mrež This package contains the documentation, Examples and tutorial for MAdLib. . MAdLib is a library that performs global node repositioning and mesh adaptation by local mesh modifications on tetrahedral or triangular meshes. It is designed to frequently adapt the mesh in transient computations. MAdLib is written in C++. . The adaptation procedure is driven by two objectives: . - make the edge lengths as close as possible to a (non-homogenous) prescribed length, . - maintain a satisfying element quality everywhere. . MAdLib can be used in transient computations in order to maintain a satisfying element quality (moving boundaries, multiphase flows with interface tracking, ...) or/and to apply selective refinements and coarsenings (error estimators based, interface capturing: shocks, free surfaces, ...). Package: magicfilter Description-md5: 4602f5be0ea998ef88b0a0a804cb9dfb Description-sl: Samodejni filter tiskalnika Magicfilter is a customizable, extensible automatic printer filter. . It translates the files that you send to a printer to a "language" that your printer can "understand". To accomplish this goal, it determines the type of the file that is to be printed and uses its "knowledge" to convert the file to something that is printable. . This is done by use of magicfilter's own magic database (a la file(1)) to decide how to print out a given print job. Package: magics++ Description-md5: 9b068543ba030016602d8d95ac8a603d Description-sl: Izvedljive datoteke za knjižnico magics++ Magics++ is the latest generation of the ECMWF's Meteorological plotting software MAGICS. Although completely redesigned in C++, it is intended to be as backwards-compatible as possible with the Fortran interface. Besides its programming interfaces (Fortran and C), Magics++ offers MagML, a plot description language based on XML aimed at automatic web production. . This package contains the MagcML binary that may be used with magics++. Package: magpie-common Description-md5: d59474ce6e2bf5a505eb8d5d9c8fb76a Description-sl: shared files for the magpie window manager magpie is a X11 window manager and compositor library. It contains functionality related to, among other things, window management, window compositing, focus tracking, workspace management, keybindings and monitor configuration. . Magpie is a soft-fork of GNOME mutter v43.x tailored for the requirements of the budgie-desktop. . Internally it uses a fork of Cogl, a hardware acceleration abstraction library used to simplify usage of OpenGL pipelines, as well as a fork of Clutter, a scene graph and user interface toolkit. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene datoteke. Package: mah-jong Description-md5: 822830fc091ce9f29cecc60a3fbfa6d1 Description-sl: Original Mah-Jong game To je nabor programov za igranje izvirne igre Mah-Jong: en strežnik, en odjemalec za človeškega igralca in en odjemalec za robota. Zato se igra lahko igra z enim ali 4 igralci. . Zapomnite si, da izvirna igra Mah-Jong nima ničesar opraviti z dobro poznano igro Pasjansa. (Ta uporablja le isti nabor ploščic.) . If you like the game, please consider making a donation to the (upstream) author. Read /usr/share/doc/mah-jong/README.Debian for details. Package: mailio-dev Description-md5: f4df09838cabb60431e30bbffd5731a4 Description-sl: cross platform C++ library for email support (development) mailio is a cross platform C++ library for MIME format and SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols. . It is based on the standard C++ 17 and Boost library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: mailsync Description-md5: 4d9916db20f51e8da001d25799ad4b3e Description-sl: Uskladite poštne predale IMAP Mailsync is a tool for synchronizing a collection of mailboxes. The mailboxes may be on the local filesystem or on an IMAP server. Package: maint-guide-fr Description-md5: 9bf396a02564a3bd3f9fc24352e241dc Description-sl: Debian New Maintainers' Guide (French) This package contains the Debian New Maintainers' Guide. . This document tries to describe the building of a Debian package to ordinary Debian users and prospective developers. It uses fairly non- technical language, and it's well covered with working examples. . The document contains these chapters: * 1 Getting started The Right Way * 2 First steps * 3 Modifying the source * 4 Required files under debian directory * 5 Other files under debian directory * 6 Building the package * 7 Checking the package for errors * 8 Uploading the package * 9 Updating the package . To je francoski prevod. Package: maint-guide-ja Description-md5: 256b515270daba9c2929a815b5a10f14 Description-sl: Debian New Maintainers' Guide (Japanese) This package contains the Debian New Maintainers' Guide. . This document tries to describe the building of a Debian package to ordinary Debian users and prospective developers. It uses fairly non- technical language, and it's well covered with working examples. . The document contains these chapters: * 1 Getting started The Right Way * 2 First steps * 3 Modifying the source * 4 Required files under debian directory * 5 Other files under debian directory * 6 Building the package * 7 Checking the package for errors * 8 Uploading the package * 9 Updating the package . To je japonski prevod. Package: mairix Description-md5: 29e3a29f8b58f49286bc01f0c530bcd6 Description-sl: indexes and searches locally-stored email mairix is a program for indexing and searching email messages stored offline on your computer. mairix supports the Maildir, MH folders, and mbox formats. . Nekatere zmožnosti: . * Indexing is fast. It runs incrementally on new messages - any particular message only gets scanned once in the lifetime of the index file. . * Searching is fast. . * The search mode populates a "virtual" maildir folder with symlinks which point to the real messages. This folder can be opened as usual in your mail program. . * Indexing and searching is based on words. The index file tabulates which words occur in which parts (particular headers + body) of which messages. Package: makepasswd Description-md5: db9b7bbb21321e183aa4f60b01bb1376 Description-sl: Ustvarite in šifrirajte gesla Generates true random passwords using /dev/urandom, with the emphasis on security over pronounceability. It can also encrypt plaintext passwords given in a temporary file. Package: man2html-base Description-md5: bc43f7e0e6c0b67277f5e881daf264e5 Description-sl: Pretvorite strani man v obliko HTML Ta paket vsebuje orodje ukazne vrstice za pretvarjanje strani man v obliko HTML. . man2html-base is a stripped-down package containing only a man to HTML converter, useful for users who do not need any CGI interface, provided in the man2html package. Package: manaplus-data Description-md5: 84561c2e0bad9f1d7f04d0b41a6863e9 Description-sl: Extended client for Evol Online and The Mana World (data files) ManaPlus is an extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World, and similar servers based on a fork of eAthena. Evol Online is a 2D fantasy- style game which aims to create a friendly environment for interacting with others where people can escape reality and enjoy themselves. The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: mangler Description-md5: d1bb6d400edcf92ba52142bac3e0c9d5 Description-sl: Z Ventilo združljiv odjemalec za Linux Mangler is an open source VOIP client capable of connecting to Ventrilo 3.x servers. It is capable of performing almost all standard user functionality found in a Windows Ventrilo client. Package: manila-doc Description-md5: 4d147df8dfa9e761161b0fd3ac138385 Description-sl: OpenStack shared file system as a service - Doc Manila is an OpenStack project to provide Shared Filesystems as a service. It provides coordinated access to shared or distributed file systems. While the primary consumption of file shares would be across OpenStack Compute instances, the service is also intended to be accessible as an independent capability in line with the modular design established by other OpenStack services. Manila is extensible for multiple backends (to support vendor or file system specific nuances / capabilities) and accommodates any of a variety of shared or distributed file system types. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: manpages-de-dev Description-md5: 1deaa46dc16b1a25115a2a013f8c6852 Description-sl: Nemške strani razvojnega priročnika This package contains the Linux development manual pages translated into German. . The following sections are included: * 2 = Linux system calls. * 3 = Libc calls (note that a more comprehensive source of information may be found in one of the libc-doc packages). . The English package manpages-dev contains additional manual pages which have not been translated yet. Package: manpages-es Description-md5: 5d6f3e5926aa4a47e5f0e4587b6a5511 Description-sl: Španske strani priročnika This package contains manual pages translated into Spanish, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set. . The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. . The original (software) packages contain additional manual pages which have not been translated yet. Package: manpages-pl Description-md5: 3c700c20fdf6144ff05e9e2fe41e33ee Description-sl: Poljske strani priročnika This package contains manual pages translated into Polish, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set. . The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. . The original (software) packages contain additional manual pages which have not been translated yet. Package: manpages-tr Description-md5: ada07752ef1fd01aa0ba5c3f8e12acc9 Description-sl: Turška različica strani priročnika This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Turkish. The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 2 = Linux system calls (e.g. exit, fork, open) * 3 = Library functions (e.g. malloc, printf) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. Package: manpages-zh Description-md5: f82c6563e01b4f535c4f8221dff686ba Description-sl: Kitajske strani priročnika This package contains the Chinese manual pages translated by the Chinese Man Pages Project (CMPP). Both zh_CN and zh_TW (Simplified and Traditional Chinese) versions are provided. Package: mapnik-doc Description-md5: d06247ada0040cba76336a7ee57adeb6 Description-sl: C++ toolkit for developing GIS applications (doc) Mapnik is an OpenSource C++ toolkit for developing GIS (Geographic Information Systems) applications. At the core is a C++ shared library providing algorithms/patterns for spatial data access and visualization. . Essentially a collection of geographic objects (map, layer, datasource, feature, geometry), the library doesn't rely on "windowing systems" and is intended to work in multi-threaded environments . Ta paket vsebuje razvijalsko dokumentacijo. Package: mapserver-bin Description-md5: bf4ecb739dece0bece0844d415b0e77a Description-sl: Pripomočki MapServer This package provides command-line utilities for MapServer. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: mapserver-doc Description-md5: c1eb586d0c9b03f7e3cc0dea2d9d92ff Description-sl: Dokumentacija za MapServer This package provides some brief documentation for MapServer. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: maptool Description-md5: 6b531df465cbc6764b843616f8e98f86 Description-sl: Converts OpenStreetMap maps to Navit Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja. . Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov. . This package contains maptool, a tool to convert OpenStreetMap maps to the Navit format. . Note that maptool is only built on 64bit architectures. Package: maqview Description-md5: b67a08902647452b367b5b63bddf0779 Description-sl: Grafični pregledovalnik branja poravnav za kratka zaporedja genov Maqview is graphical read alignment viewer. It is specifically designed for the Maq alignment file and allows you to see the mismatches, base qualities and mapping qualities. Maqview is nothing fancy as Consed or GAP, but just a simple viewer for you to see what happens in a particular region. . In comparison to tgap-maq, the text-based read alignment viewer written by James Bonfield, Maqview is faster and takes up much less memory and disk space in indexing. This is possibly because tgap aims to be a general- purpose viewer but Maqview fully makes use of the fact that a Maq alignment file has already been sorted. Maqview is also efficient in viewing and provides a command-line tool to quickly retrieve any region in an Maq alignment file. Package: marble Description-md5: 1f126a4752fd8384e6c2471b34c0cba7 Description-sl: gradnik oble in zemljevida Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: marble-data Description-md5: 7ed75411766d39c37afa00e8c22391ab Description-sl: podatkovne datoteke za Marble Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za oblo namizja Marble. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: marble-maps Description-md5: 5ffb66de74b67fa9ac2b8427c33f3045 Description-sl: globe and map widget for mobile form factors Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: marble-plugins Description-md5: 94cc6f96b770964058cd35411cc0d773 Description-sl: vstavki za Marble Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . Ta paket vsebuje različne vstavke za namizno oblo Marble. Knjižnica gradnikov oble Marble ne no uporabna, če ta paket ni nameščen. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: marble-qt Description-md5: 3723681799383a47085e649e82c35bed Description-sl: globe and map widget (no KDE dependencies) Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: marble-qt-data Description-md5: 9606a6cd2b8e7884fffb1cc5f9277491 Description-sl: Qt-only data files for Marble Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za oblo namizja Marble. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: marco-common Description-md5: da780534a11dab2e3dfc2b3db4eace95 Description-sl: lightweight GTK+ window manager for MATE (common files) Marco is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. It is developed mainly for the MATE Desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: maria-doc Description-md5: 84b28f8694b5388994b9e4c3b09f447e Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Maria This package contains the documentation of Maria, a reachability analyzer for algebraic system nets, both in the formats info and html. Package: mariadb-server Description-md5: ae76dbcde4bf3e79b8228e6dad967834 Description-sl: MariaDB database server binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke strežnika. Package: matchbox-common Description-md5: 64d37d4a4c16636243d93d49d02be542 Description-sl: common files for Matchbox Project applications This package contains files used by several Matchbox Project applications. . Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. Package: matchbox-desktop Description-md5: 4a1fc3c7dd1e2658c673568d2acfe4b8 Description-sl: desktop application launcher for resource-limited systems matchbox-desktop uses the desktop background to provide an application launcher. It reads the standard desktop entry specification files also used by GNOME and KDE to discover the applications available on the system. . matchbox-desktop allows modules to be loaded for additional functionality. This package includes modules for a task switcher and simple file browser. . Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. Package: matchbox-keyboard Description-md5: edcc71ae6e4e88ffe597589c133f0b69 Description-sl: Zaslonska tipkovnica Matchbox-keyboard je zaslonska 'navidezna' ali 'programska' tipkovnica, zasnovana za naprave z zaslonom na dotik, ki poganjajo X. . Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. Package: matchbox-keyboard-im Description-md5: 94f8f1856f4cb05fe918b268cb196632 Description-sl: GTK+ input module for on-screen keyboard Matchbox-keyboard je zaslonska 'navidezna' ali 'programska' tipkovnica, zasnovana za naprave z zaslonom na dotik, ki poganjajo X. . Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . This package provides a GTK+ input module for use with Matchbox-keyboard or other on-screen keyboards. Package: matchbox-panel Description-md5: f4963bc9814aa371d21e6f1e29438b33 Description-sl: desktop panel for resource-limited systems Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . This package contains the Matchbox desktop panel. Package: matchbox-panel-manager Description-md5: e1d93f7d4cf7437f5801342e8e5bbcc2 Description-sl: Upravljalnik pultov za matchbox-panel Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . This package contains a utility to manage the Matchbox panel. Package: matchbox-themes-extra Description-md5: 10b0ef9849e5867c71aba28da23f5576 Description-sl: extra themes for matchbox-window-manager Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . This package contains some extra themes for the Matchbox window manager. Package: matchbox-window-manager Description-md5: f87b15fbd6f82a3cce31fa8cabd171c5 Description-sl: window manager for resource-limited systems Matchbox je osnovno okolje za okenski sistem X, ki se izvaja na ne namiznih vstavljenih sistemih kot so kioski, set-top škatle, dlančniki in karkoli drugega za kar so prostor na zaslonu, vnosni načini ali sistemska sredstva omejena. . This package contains the Matchbox window manager. Package: mate-applets-common Description-md5: 724c9035376c2f74eed25cdf2d46c372 Description-sl: Various applets for the MATE panel (common files) accessx-status: indicates keyboard accessibility settings, including the current state of the keyboard, if those features are in use. . Battstat: monitors the power subsystem on a laptop. . Character palette: provides a convenient way to access non-standard characters, such as accented characters, mathematical symbols, special symbols, and punctuation marks. . MATE CPUFreq Applet: CPU frequency scaling monitor . Drivemount: lets you mount and unmount drives and file systems. . Geyes: pair of eyes which follow the mouse pointer around the screen. . Keyboard layout switcher: lets you assign different keyboard layouts for different locales. . Netspeed: network traffic monitor applet. . System monitor: CPU, memory, network, swap file and resource. . Trash: lets you drag items to the trash folder. . Weather report: downloads weather information from the U.S National Weather Service (NWS) servers, including the Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN). . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-calc-common Description-md5: 8d90c04726a34ba8d3ae5997bafd1f5a Description-sl: MATE desktop calculator (common files) mate-calc is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-desktop-common Description-md5: 3c4dd3089c4f97cce3d7794d690fd498 Description-sl: Library with common API for various MATE modules (common files) The MATE component mate-desktop contains the libmate-desktop library, the mate-about program, as well as some desktop-wide documents. . The libmate-desktop library provides an API shared by several applications on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-indicator-applet-common Description-md5: 954fc958fafab75b0fdf79c4b81e2379 Description-sl: MATE panel indicator applet (common files) A small applet to display information from various applications consistently in the panel. . The indicator applet exposes Ayatana Indicators in the MATE Panel. Ayatana Indicators are an initiative by Canonical to provide crisp and clean system and application status indication. They take the form of an icon and associated menu, displayed (usually) in the desktop panel. Existing indicators include the Message Menu, Battery Menu and Sound menu. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-media-common Description-md5: 199afd5d28de60c689480fe1d82e08fa Description-sl: MATE media utilities (common files) MATE media utilities are the audio mixer and the volume control applet. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: mate-netbook-common Description-md5: 6f1bca578b639d0389f31b16c247b70c Description-sl: MATE utilities for netbooks (common files) MATE utilities for netbooks are an applet and a daemon to maximize windows and move their titles on the panel. . Installing these utilities is recommended for netbooks and similar devices with low resolution displays. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-notification-daemon-common Description-md5: 2a8dd81dd552468e296c7f5e9a92ed2f Description-sl: daemon to display passive popup notifications (common files) mate-notification-daemon displays passive popup notifications, as per the Desktop Notifications Specification. . The Desktop Notifications Specification provides a standard way of doing passive popup notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box that they must close. Passive popups can automatically disappear after a short period of time, as per the Desktop Notifications spec. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-panel-common Description-md5: ac092d00f5038537486fea12cd254f89 Description-sl: launcher and docking facility for MATE (common files) The MATE Panel is an essential part of the MATE Desktop, providing toolbar-like “panels” which can be attached to the sides of your desktop. They are used to launch applications and embed a number of other functions, such as quick launch icons, the clock, the notification area, volume controls and the battery charge indicator, and utilities ranging from weather forecast to system monitoring. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-power-manager-common Description-md5: 27f2d2c53b0b50720396f6b33b4a90ba Description-sl: power management tool for the MATE desktop (common files) MATE Power Manager is a session daemon for the MATE desktop that takes care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and only show some settings important to the user. . The MATE power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all integrated to other components of the MATE desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-screensaver-common Description-md5: d44b2330b9b1c87e5203c9cdb17d5a0e Description-sl: MATE screen saver and locker (common files) mate-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple, sane and secure defaults, and be well integrated with the MATE desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-sensors-applet-common Description-md5: e4c76cc2aa83bdb03da567c8b9533dda Description-sl: Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel (common files) MATE Sensors Applet is an applet for the MATE panel that displays readings from hardware sensors, including temperatures, fan speeds and voltage readings. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-settings-daemon-common Description-md5: 45308d8cd59887f565e9e87163d3bc72 Description-sl: daemon handling the MATE session settings (common files) This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a MATE session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Keyboard: layout, accessibility options, shortcuts, media keys * Clipboard management * Theming: background, icons, GTK+ applications * Cleanup of unused files * Mouse: cursors, speed, accessibility options * Startup of other daemons: screensaver, sound daemon * Typing break . It also sets various application settings through X resources and XSETTINGS. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-system-monitor-common Description-md5: c19cddf128aaa2627a6f9d9fb0b9d28f Description-sl: Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE (common files) MATE system monitor allows you to graphically view and manipulate the running processes on your system. It also provides an overview of available resources such as CPU and memory. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-terminal-common Description-md5: 2ee8873670dcb4240b2f2c969aa2a68b Description-sl: MATE terminal emulator application (common files) MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . MATE Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-user-share-common Description-md5: e55474a17e6a4865e1cd35bad922bd10 Description-sl: User level public file sharing via WebDAV (common files) MATE user share is a small tool that binds together various free software projects to bring easy to use user-level file sharing to the masses. . The program is meant to run in the background when the user is logged in, and when file sharing is enabled a webdav server is started that shares the $HOME/Public folder. The share is then published to all computers on the local network using mDNS/rendezvous, so that it shows up in the Network location in GNOME. . The dav server used is Apache, so you need that installed. Avahi or Howl is used for mDNS support, so you need to have that installed and mDNSResolver running. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mate-utils-common Description-md5: 1fc47aa11d89c0b7e77b924a022b7093 Description-sl: MATE desktop utilities (common files) This package contains all the tools bundled as MATE utilities: - mate-disk-usage-analyzer, a disk usage analyser - mate-dictionary, a program which can look up the definition of words over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same) - mate-search-tool, with which one can find files by name or content - mate-system-log, a log viewing application - mate-screenshot, a tool to take desktop screenshots and save them into a file . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: mathomatic Description-md5: a30609609270c510bc17e844762b2aaa Description-sl: prenosljiv sistem računalniške algebre (CAS) Mathomatic podpira večino pravil algebra za matematične operatorje +, -, *, /, % (modul) in potenca (vključno s koreni). . Mathomatic lahko simbolično: . * combine and solve equations, * completely simplify and compare expressions and equations, * do simple calculus transformations and series, * do standard, complex number, modular, and polynomial arithmetic, * generate optimized C, Java, and Python language code from simplified equations, * plot expressions with gnuplot in two or three dimensions, * do quick calculations, colorize expressions, etc. Package: maxima Description-md5: a893a8f17245868a395fc5e31ea49aa5 Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- base system Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . This package contains the main executables and base system files. Package: maxima-doc Description-md5: 8c9a5773f96e544e207d2a5e77bbe247 Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- documentation Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . Ta paket vsebuje večino dokumentacije. Package: maxima-emacs Description-md5: 97f2cd7a6f54bf76ae929a9db126bb3f Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- emacs interface Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . This package contains a tradition emacs interface, together with a newer imaxima interface supporting inline imaging and HTML export under a specialized imath mode. Package: maxima-share Description-md5: 10025b2a7fd84792c7aa21066f9874b0 Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- extra code Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . This package contains a set of contributed routines and add-on packages. Package: maxima-src Description-md5: 70f88d0896858f9e362ad270cbbfc8c6 Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- source code Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . This package contains the lisp source code. Package: maxima-test Description-md5: 4eff62415cb0cab4865c1d9a27afcbb2 Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- test suite Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . Ta paket vsebuje vgrajeno preizkusno zbirko. Package: mazeofgalious Description-md5: 1b19fa32b997787ba111848b43d533d6 Description-sl: Labirint Galious This is a very addictive game where you have to kill thousands of enemies, collect items in order to obtain new powers, and defeat some really great guys at the end of each level. You are free to go everywhere you want from the beginning of the game. You have to choose very carefully the order in which you visit all the rooms in the huge map if you want to keep your character alive. The map is structured in a main map (called the castle), and 10 submaps (called the worlds). Initially you are in the castle, and you have to find the keys that open the doors that go to each of the worlds. To complete the game, you have to defeat the boss at the end of each one of the 10 worlds. You are free to revisit each world as often as you want, in order to see if you have missed something. To defeat all 10 beasts, you control two characters: Popolon and Aphrodite, and each one has special abilities, i.e. Popolon has a greater ability to jump and Aphrodite is able to dive. Package: mazeofgalious-data Description-md5: 40e92f843552340aeb706896f2bf8947 Description-sl: Labirint Galious This package contains graphics, leveldata, sounds, and music needed for the game. Package: mbmon Description-md5: ebe1c0968691216eacbbdebb50367025 Description-sl: Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (text client) (x)mbmon allows you to monitor hardware status using your motherboard's sensors. This information can be: temperatures, voltages and/or fan speeds. . Ta paket vsebuje odjemalec konzole. Package: mboxgrep Description-md5: 2ec63bc43e4fd5386e80fef6d9970998 Description-sl: Grep skozi poštne predale mboxgrep is a small utility that scans either standard Unix mailboxes, Gnus nnml or nnmh mailboxes, MH mailboxes or Maildirs, and displays messages matching a basic, extended, or Perl-compatible regular expression. Package: mc Description-md5: 252a5c5aeeb7425db45357d4ab8aa55f Description-sl: Midnight Commander - zmogljiv upravljalnik datotek GNU Midnight Comamnder je celozaslonski upravljalnik datotek, ki dela v besedilnem načinu. Uporablja vmesnik dveh pladnjem in podlupino za izvajanje ukazov. Vključuje notranji urejevalnik s poudarjanjem skladnje in notranji pregledovalnik s podporo za binarne datoteke. Vključen je tudi navidezni datotečni sistem (VFS), ki omogoča upravljanje datotek na oddaljenih sistemih (npr. strežniki FTP, SSH) in v arhivih tako, kot upravljanje pravih datotek. Package: mc-data Description-md5: a1815081eaa82c881147140e5d7479f3 Description-sl: Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager -- data files GNU Midnight Comamnder je celozaslonski upravljalnik datotek, ki dela v besedilnem načinu. Uporablja vmesnik dveh pladnjem in podlupino za izvajanje ukazov. Vključuje notranji urejevalnik s poudarjanjem skladnje in notranji pregledovalnik s podporo za binarne datoteke. Vključen je tudi navidezni datotečni sistem (VFS), ki omogoča upravljanje datotek na oddaljenih sistemih (npr. strežniki FTP, SSH) in v arhivih tako, kot upravljanje pravih datotek. . This package provides architecture independent files Package: mce-dev Description-md5: a729fdff01a0377e398be3774e48ce9a Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za mce This package contains headers defining the D-Bus method calls provided by the Mode Control Entity, and the signals emitted by it. Package: mcl-doc Description-md5: ece7f161b28adefed3b99effb6a3ac64 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za mcl The MCL package is an implementation of the Markov Cluster algorithm, for manipulating sparse matricess and conducting cluster experiments. . This is documentation for mcl: the MCL FAQ, some examples as well as manpages in HTML and PostScript format. Package: mcpp Description-md5: e38c26d61f373761177b9d1d2964a759 Description-sl: Nadomestni predopravilnik C/C++ C/C++ preprocessor defines and expands macros and processes '#if', '#include' and some other directives. . mcpp is an alternative C/C++ preprocessor with the highest conformance. It supports multiple standards: K&R, ISO C90, ISO C99, and ISO C++98. mcpp is especially useful for debugging a source program which uses complicated macros and also useful for checking portability of a source. . Though mcpp could be built as a replacement of GCC's resident preprocessor or as a stand-alone program without using library build of mcpp, this package installs only a program named 'mcpp' which links shared library of mcpp and behaves independent from GCC. Package: mcpp-doc Description-md5: c3bb10a3f1d3a5502ce7d7bdb2f86139 Description-sl: Nadomestni predopravilnik C/C++ (ročno) Ta paket vsebuje vodnik. Package: mcstas-manuals Description-md5: 80bec7f39951b6ab5d2599f84612033b Description-sl: Neutron ray-trace simulation - documentation McStas is a tool for carrying out Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of neutron scattering instruments with high complexity and precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of instruments and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis. . McStas is based on a unique design where an automatic compilation process translates high-level textual instrument descriptions into efficient ISO-C code. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: mcstas-mcgui Description-md5: 76ab8e6abe133553a4f2b1742898afc8 Description-sl: Neutron ray-trace simulation - GUI McStas is a tool for carrying out Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of neutron scattering instruments with high complexity and precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of instruments and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis. . McStas is based on a unique design where an automatic compilation process translates high-level textual instrument descriptions into efficient ISO-C code. . Ta paket vsebuje grafični vmesnik. Package: mcxtrace-manuals Description-md5: 9817413db1594e6f086cc531fdf5059b Description-sl: X-ray ray-trace simulation - documentation McXtrace is a tool for carrying out highly complex Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of X-ray beamlines to high precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of beamlines and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis. . McXtrace is based on a unique design, inhereted from its sister McStas, where an automatic compilation process translates high-level textual instrument descriptions into efficient ANSI-C code. This design makes it simple to set up typical simulations and also gives essentially unlimited freedom to handle more unusual cases. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: mcxtrace-mxgui Description-md5: c4f2d4119a901f625d6a102b85bb8045 Description-sl: X-ray ray-trace simulation - GUI McXtrace is a tool for carrying out highly complex Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of X-ray beamlines to high precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of beamlines and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis. . McXtrace is based on a unique design, inhereted from its sister McStas, where an automatic compilation process translates high-level textual instrument descriptions into efficient ANSI-C code. This design makes it simple to set up typical simulations and also gives essentially unlimited freedom to handle more unusual cases. . Ta paket vsebuje grafični vmesnik. Package: mdk Description-md5: 72577aa40766d13388d45f87f62d52bc Description-sl: Razvojna zbirka MIX MDK stands for MIX Development Kit, and provides tools for developing and executing, in a MIX virtual machine, MIXAL programs. . The MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer, described in the first volume of The Art of Computer Programming, which is programmed using MIXAL, the MIX assembly language. . MDK includes a MIXAL assembler (mixasm) and a MIX virtual machine (mixvm) with a command line interface. In addition, a GTK+ GUI to mixvm, called gmixvm, and a Guile interpreter with an embedded MIX virtual machine called mixguile, are provided. . Using these interfaces, you can debug your MIXAL programs at source code level, and read/modify the contents of all the components of the MIX computer (including block devices, which are simulated using the file system). Package: med-statistics Description-md5: f9065e016421cc663f80b4aeb77dbcf7 Description-sl: Statistika Debian Med This metapackage will install packages which are helpful to do statistics with a special focus on tasks in medical care. Package: medcon Description-md5: 06576e7dcc31c6ed74b250627939542b Description-sl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool Projekt pomeni pretvorba medicinskih slik. Izdaj je pod (L)GPL, vsebuje polno izvorno kodo C knjižnice, prilagodljiv pripomoček ukazne vrstice in lepo grafično začelje, ki uporablja zbirko orodij GTK+. Trenutno podprte vrste so: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 in PNG. . The program also allows one to read unsupported files without compression, to print pixel values or to extract/reorder specified images. It is possible to retrieve the raw binary/ascii image arrays or to write PNG for desktop applications. . This is the command line tool for batch processing. Package: mediainfo-gui Description-md5: ad7df2c5586cbcf55af18383b9b5c092 Description-sl: graphical utility for reading information from audio/video files MediaInfo is a utility used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files. . A non-exhaustive list of the information MediaInfo can retrieve from media files include: - General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... - Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... - Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... - Text: language of subtitle - Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters . MediaInfo supports the following formats: - Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... - Video Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) - Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... - Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... . Ta paket vsebuje grafični vmesnik. Package: meep Description-md5: 684bc85e134e63461d18af5de507f4fa Description-sl: software package for FDTD simulation Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. . Its features include: * Free and open-source software under the GNU GPL. * Complete scriptability via Python, Scheme, or C++ APIs. * Simulation in 1d, 2d, 3d, and cylindrical coordinates. * Distributed memory parallelism on any system supporting MPI. * Arbitrary anisotropic electric permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ, along with dispersive ε(ω) and μ(ω) including loss/gain, nonlinear (Kerr & Pockels) dielectric and magnetic materials, electric/magnetic conductivities σ, and saturable gain/absorption. * Perfectly-matched layer (PML) absorbing boundaries as well as Bloch-periodic and perfect-conductor boundary conditions. * Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size, including even/odd mirror planes and 90°/180° rotations. * Arbitrary current sources including a guided-mode launcher. * Frequency-domain solver for finding the response to a continuous-wave (CW) source. * ε/μ and field import/export in the HDF5 data format. * GDSII file import for planar geometries. * Materials library containing predefined broadband, complex refractive indices. * Field analyses including Poynting flux, mode decomposition, near to far transformations, frequency extraction, local density of states (LDOS), modal volume, Maxwell stress tensor, arbitrary functions; completely programmable. . Ta paket vsebuje program. Package: meld Description-md5: a4f31a7bbb6825ffc38b4c9867a20df4 Description-sl: Grafično orodje za prikaz razlike in združevanje datotek Meld is a graphical diff viewer and merge application for the GNOME desktop. It supports 2 and 3-file diffs, recursive directory diffs, diffing of directories under version control (Bazaar, Codeville, CVS, Darcs, Fossil SCM, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion), as well as the ability to manually and automatically merge file differences. Package: mencoder Description-md5: 3e0b1c03e45777592769ce1aa7a30c28 Description-sl: MPlayerjev kodirnik filmov MPlayer predvaja večino datotek MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA, ki jih podpira več lastnih, XAnim, RealPlayer, in Win32 DLL kodekov. Predvaja lahko tudi filme VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, in DivX. . This package contains mencoder, a simple movie encoder, designed to encode MPlayer-playable movies (AVI/ASF/OGG/DVD/VCD/VOB/MPG/MOV/VIV/FLI/RM/NUV/NET) to other MPlayer- playable formats. It can encode with various codecs, like DivX4 (1 or 2 passes), libavcodec, PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 audio. Also has stream copying and video resizing capabilities. Package: menhir Description-md5: eb72870474ecd3a5b03e7e1f8f3c8a41 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik razčlenjevalnikov za OCaml Menhir is a LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml programming language. It is mostly compatible with the ocamlyacc parser generator provided with the OCaml system, and has the following enhancements over ocamlyacc: * it accepts LR(1) grammars, * it offers parameterized nonterminal symbols as well as a library of standard definitions, * it explains conflicts in terms of the grammar, * it allows grammar specifications to be split over multiple files and parametrized by OCaml modules, * it produces reentrant parsers. Package: mercurial Description-md5: 01f62ef3bd1477c40a17577e8dcc5e14 Description-sl: easy-to-use, scalable distributed version control system Mercurial is a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects. . Its features include: * O(1) delta-compressed file storage and retrieval scheme * Complete cross-indexing of files and changesets for efficient exploration of project history * Robust SHA1-based integrity checking and append-only storage model * Decentralized development model with arbitrary merging between trees * High-speed HTTP-based network merge protocol * Easy-to-use command-line interface * Integrated stand-alone web interface * Small Python codebase . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture odvisne datoteke. Package: merkaartor Description-md5: e39f2cb9c5a6aad4c102eaeb73b2abfb Description-sl: urejevalnik zemljevidov za Merkaartor je urejevalnik zemljevidov za, prostega zemljevida vsega sveta, ki ga je mogoče urejati. . Features: * download from and upload to the OpenStreetMap server * open .osm and .gpx files * create and move trackpoints, ways, and areas * add tags, delete features * reverse, split and join ways * visualize some leisure/landuse areas and road types * displaying GPS information Package: meshlab Description-md5: 95ccde5bf094296bd5f1ba72cd396516 Description-sl: Sistem za obdelovanje in urejanje triangularnih mrež This is an open source, portable, and extendible system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes. The system is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, providing a set of tools for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering and converting this kind of meshes. . Meshlab lahko bere te vrste datotek: PLY, STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, COLLADA in PTX. Zapisuje lahko v PLY, STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, COLLADA, VRML in DXF. Package: metacity Description-md5: f151d15465b54378e38e11dff00a05f0 Description-sl: lightweight GTK window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje jedrne binarne datoteke. Package: metacity-common Description-md5: 344ddbeacffa94a670243e2455c7f6cb Description-sl: shared files for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene datoteke. Package: metapixel Description-md5: e21789994eab123d697c18d19185099c Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik fotomozaikov Metapixel is a program for generating photomosaics. It can generate classical photomosaics, in which the source image is viewed as a matrix of equally sized rectangles for each of which a matching image is substitued, as well as collage-style photomosaics, in which rectangular parts of the source image at arbitrary positions (i.e. not aligned to a matrix) are substituted by matching images. Package: meterbridge Description-md5: f5c5fa68a3f6bfe3e80688bb9f67884e Description-sl: Collection of Audio meters for the JACK audio server Meterbridge podpira različne merilnike za zbirko zvočnih povezav JACK. Primeri razpoložljivih vrst so: * PPM merilnik vrha ravni programa, * VU merilnik volumna enote, * DPM digitalni merilnik vrhov, * JF merilnik meduz * SCO obseg Package: mew-bin Description-md5: 882dfcaf0c13611876946b7e24109c7f Description-sl: Zunanji ukazi za Mew The mew-bin package contains external commands for the mew package. . - mewencode: encode/decode MIME objects - mewl: extract necessary fields from messages stored in folders - incm: incorporate new mails from maildir or mbox to Mew's inbox folder - mewest: update indexes of Hyper Estraier - mew-pinentry: front end of gpg-agent to ask a passphrase to a user - mewstunnel: wrapper script for using stunnel - cmew: create Mew's database file - smew: search related messages from Mew's database file Package: mgdiff Description-md5: f78746dc01c69d02ac475640e8922303 Description-sl: Klon xdiff mgdiff is modeled after xdiff and provides a nice graphical interface for comparing the contents of two text files. rmgdiff recurses down two directories collating difference information and invoking mgdiff whenever two text files differ. Package: mgetty-docs Description-md5: 80492847bae7e22d384214d1bad1ff11 Description-sl: Paket dokumentacija za mgetty Sample files and lots of documentation for mgetty. Additional source code for programs included that allow to set up a user interface for mgetty. Package: mgetty-fax Description-md5: 9d149b8c3ab687e4d875ba8146ecf3ca Description-sl: Orodja faksiranja za mgetty Podsistem faksa za paket mgetty. . This subsystems has the enhancements that are needed to send and receive faxes with mgetty and a Class 2 faxmodem. . The program 'mgetty' allows you to use a fax modem for receiving faxes and handling external logins without interfering with outgoing calls. Package: mgetty-voice Description-md5: 5240e80a89de6c65cd5eb2f5b5cb3cbd Description-sl: Ročnik glasovne pošte za mgetty Vgetty allows you to add answering machine / voicemail capability to all the other normal mgetty functions. . The program 'mgetty' allows you to use a voice modem as an answering machine and handling external logins without interfering with outgoing calls. . To create and manipulate voice messages, you need the mgetty-pvftools package. Package: mhonarc Description-md5: db4e4aed44f9287bf9fc66e7db5782ce Description-sl: Pretvornik iz pošte v HTML MHonArc is a Perl mail-to-HTML converter. MHonArc provides HTML mail archiving with index, mail thread linking, etc; plus other capabilities including support for MIME and powerful user customization features. Package: mhwaveedit Description-md5: b7cdcd79f3648192bea18f2b80812e4d Description-sl: Preprost in hiter zvočni urejevalnik GTK2 mhWaveEdit je grafični program za urejanje zvočnih datotek. Namenjen je, da bi bil uporabniku prijazen in robusten. Ne zahteva hitrega računalnika. . Podpira JACK, ALSA, OSS in PulseAudio. Package: micro-httpd Description-md5: 99c5bca2bdac366fb2a39cb9669e8fb8 Description-sl: Zelo majhen strežnik HTTP A very small HTTP server implemented in 150 lines of code. Program can be used to serve HTTPS by wrapping it with stunnel. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP server, including: . * Security against ".." filename snooping * The common MIME types * Trailing-slash redirection * index.html * Directory listings Package: microcom Description-md5: 758d7ccafadf72b5ede7b15d4894282a Description-sl: Minimalističen program terminala microcom is a minimalistic terminal program for accessing devices (e.g. switches) via a serial connection. It features connection via RS232 serial interfaces (including setting of transferrates) as well as in "telnet mode" as specified in rfc2217. Package: micropolis Description-md5: 87fc62c1fb5475dcc4392f5c459a388c Description-sl: realno-časovni simulator upravljanja mesta This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other actions, in order to enhance the city. . Micropolis je GPL licencirana različica igre SimCity. Package: micropolis-data Description-md5: 2279b5c1a01ec0cae6282375c045c28e Description-sl: realno-časovni simulator upravljanja mesta - podatki This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other actions, in order to enhance the city. . This package installs the data, like graphics and sounds, for the game. Package: midge Description-md5: fb9884fae75ee01b669993690559a47e Description-sl: Program besedilo v MIDI Midge generates MIDI files from text input. Most General MIDI features are supported, and there are some basic methods of randomly generating sequences. Also included is a decompiler and an emacs mode. Package: migrationtools Description-md5: 52ab4aa53012d242b26992954349483b Description-sl: Skripti migracije za LDAP The MigrationTools are a set of Perl scripts for migrating users, groups, aliases, hosts, netgroups, networks, protocols, RPCs, and services from existing nameservices (flat files, NIS, and NetInfo) to LDAP. Package: mikmod Description-md5: 4390b2a96206a4d8c512adfc5860a9bf Description-sl: Prenosljiv sleden predvajalnik glasbe Mikmod is a very portable tracked music player which supports a wide variety of module formats including compressed sample Impulse Tracker modules. It also supports many archive formats, as well as on the fly decompression. Package: milkytracker Description-md5: 7bb311f88f8a6b4b9afee2ffe0596e3d Description-sl: Orodje za ustvarjanje glasbe, ki ga je navdihnil program Fast Tracker 2 To je urejevalnik za glasbo s "sledmi", na primer zvočnimi vzorci višine inštrumentov, ki so zamaknjeni glede na podatke not. . It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X. . Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV. . Podprte vrste vzorcev in inštrumentov: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT Package: milter-greylist Description-md5: e2bcfcf12d0c831c8d6900b5c70a65f7 Description-sl: Milter sivega seznama za sendmail milter-greylist is a stand-alone milter written in C that implements the greylist filtering method, as proposed by Evan Harris. . Greylisting works by assuming that unlike legitimate MTA, spam engines will not retry sending their junk mail on a temporary error. The filter will always temporarily reject mail on a first attempt, and to accept it after some time has elapsed. . If spammers ever try to resend rejected messages, we can assume they will not stay idle between the two sends (if they do, the spam problem would just be solved). Odds are good that the spammer will send a mail to an honey pot address and get blacklisted in several real-time distributed black list before the second attempt. Package: mimedefang Description-md5: e22a57a2cca6b9b051158a39372e2f84 Description-sl: Program filtriranje e-pošte za sendmail MIMEDefang is an e-mail filter program which processes all messages sent via Sendmail. It splits multi-part MIME messages into their components and can delete or modify those parts before reassembling the message and sending it on its way. Package: mingetty Description-md5: 0ab16e61804b3e3dd3d05fa683c9ef0b Description-sl: Le-konzolski getty Mingetty is a small, efficient, console-only getty for Linux. . "getty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command. It is normally invoked by init(8)." . mingetty is a minimal getty for use on virtual consoles. Unlike the getty in the util-linux or mgetty packages, mingetty is not suitable for serial lines, which is why it's smaller. Package: mini-buildd-doc Description-md5: 00350207982834c553ce16421b90f56a Description-sl: minimal build daemon - manual Mini-buildd is an easy-to-configure autobuilder and repository for deb packages. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: minihtcondor Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: minisat Description-md5: 638e185d46cca4091c1f6ba3a13b4c28 Description-sl: Hiter in lahek reševalnik SAT Despite the NP completeness of the satisfiability problem of Boolean formulas (SAT), SAT solvers are often able to decide this problem in a reasonable time frame. As all other NP complete problems are reducible to SAT, the solvers have become a general purpose tool for this class of problems. . MiniSat is a minimalistic, open-source SAT solver, developed to help researchers and developers alike to get started on SAT. Winning all the industrial categories of the SAT 2005 competition, MiniSat is a good starting point both for future research in SAT, and for applications using SAT. Package: minitube Description-md5: 67b323f7cbbea921a639bc57d81077e9 Description-sl: Lastni odjemalec YouTube Minitube je lasten odjemalec YouTube. Z njim si lahko ogledate videoposnetke YouTube na nov način: vtipkajte ključno besedo in Minitube vam bo dal brezkončen pretok videoposnetkov. . Minitube ne zahteva predvajalnika Flash. . Minitube ne poskuša klonirati izvirnega spletnega vmesnika YouTube, ampak poskuša ustvariti novo, TV podobno izkušnjo. Package: mirage Description-md5: df5c907c431e9842efe25c6390832a4c Description-sl: Hiter in enostaven pregledovalnik slik GTK+ Mirage je idealen za uporabnike, ki želijo svoj računalnik obdržati hiter in še vedno imeti čist pregledovalnik slik. . Zmožnosti: * podpira png, jpg, svg, xpm, gif, bmp, tiff in druge, * predhodno nalaganje za hitrejše krmarjenje med slikami (izbirno), * pladenj sličic za hitro krmarjenje, * način predstavitve in celozaslonski način, * vrtenje, približanje, zrcaljenje, spreminjanje velikosti in obrezovanje, * dejanja uporabnika po meri, * zaslonska slika Package: miredo Description-md5: d7cc95ff4950e05ed1b41e6607fe2698 Description-sl: Teredo tuneliranje IPv6 skozi NATe Protokol tuneliranja IPv6 Teredo vstavi pakete IPv6 v datagrame UDP/IPv4, kar gostiteljem za napravam NAT omogoča dostop do Interneta IPv6. . Miredo je odjemalec Teredo (kot v RFC 4380). Zagotavlja lahko povezljivost IPv6/IPv4 tudi, če je za NAT. Deluje lahko tudi kot rele Teredo, ki posreduje pakete IPv6 med Internetom IPv6 in oddaljenimi odjemalci Teredo. Package: miredo-server Description-md5: 3ddcba4c15378c2864c2a2c88b8dbd69 Description-sl: Strežnik tuneliranja IPv6 Teredo Protokol tuneliranja IPv6 Teredo vstavi pakete IPv6 v datagrame UDP/IPv4, kar gostiteljem za napravam NAT omogoča dostop do Interneta IPv6. . Miredo-server provides a Teredo server. Teredo servers help Teredo clients determine their NAT configuration, maintain their NAT binding, and perform hole punching when transmitting IPv6 packets to other Teredo clients and/or Teredo relays. Package: mirmon Description-md5: 11fd30dc8f5873cc6fea361d5e8eba98 Description-sl: Nadziranje stanja zrcalnih strežnikov Mirmon helps administrators in keeping an eye on the mirror sites. In a concise graphic format, mirmon shows each site's status history of the last two weeks. It is easy to spot stale or dead mirrors. Package: mirrormagic Description-md5: 680310b4fc4c148c1de5270db5be3318 Description-sl: Shoot around obstacles to collect energy using your beam. A game like "Deflektor" (C 64) or "Mindbender" (Amiga). The goal is to work out how to get around obstacles to shoot energy containers with your beam, enabling the path to the next level to be opened. Included are many levels known from the games "Deflektor" and "Mindbender". . Nekatere zmožnosti: - stereo zvočni učinki in glasba - podpora glasbenega modula za različico SDL (Unix/Win32) - podpora celega zaslona za različico SDL (Unix/Win32) - vključena je celotna izvorna koda, ki je izdana pod GNU GPL Package: mirrormagic-data Description-md5: f3c0b6210584b99ca7036b84783ab4af Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za mirrormagic This package provides the architecture-independent data files (images, levels, sound samples) for mirrormagic. Package: mit-scheme Description-md5: 092cd7e0ce27e329e2f76b047e32adda Description-sl: MIT/GNU Scheme development environment MIT/GNU Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, providing an interpreter, compiler, source-code debugger, integrated Emacs-like editor, and a large runtime library. MIT/GNU Scheme is best suited to programming large applications with a rapid development cycle. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojno okolje. Package: mit-scheme-doc Description-md5: b082521dde213f32de1268662e272017 Description-sl: Dokumentacija sheme MIT/GNU MIT/GNU Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, providing an interpreter, compiler, source-code debugger, integrated Emacs-like editor, and a large runtime library. MIT/GNU Scheme is best suited to programming large applications with a rapid development cycle. . This package contains documentation in Info, HTML, and PDF formats. Package: mixxx Description-md5: d491a99ebd0dc954a099371a444cc98a Description-sl: Vmesnik digitalnega DJ-ja Mixxx je sistem digitalnega DJ-ja, kjer je mogoče datoteke Wave, Ogg, FLAC in MP3 mešati na računalniku za uporabo na živih nastopih. Zagotovljeni so filtri, postopni prehodi in nadzor hitrosti. Mixxx lahko samodejno uskladi 2 pretoka in uporablja algoritem za zaznavanje ritma. . Mixxx deluje z Jack ali OSS in ga je mogoče nadzorovati iz grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika ali zunanjih nadzornikov vključno z napravami MIDI in igralnimi ploščami. Mixxx podpira preobleke. Package: mixxx-data Description-md5: cc2934c524bc4f3bee30372e77eef3aa Description-sl: Vmesnik digitalnega DJ-ja -- podatkovne datoteke Mixxx je sistem digitalnega DJ-ja, kjer je mogoče datoteke Wave, Ogg, FLAC in MP3 mešati na računalniku za uporabo na živih nastopih. Zagotovljeni so filtri, postopni prehodi in nadzor hitrosti. Mixxx lahko samodejno uskladi 2 pretoka in uporablja algoritem za zaznavanje ritma. . Mixxx deluje z Jack ali OSS in ga je mogoče nadzorovati iz grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika ali zunanjih nadzornikov vključno z napravami MIDI in igralnimi ploščami. Mixxx podpira preobleke. . This package provides images and skin configuration files required for mixxx. Package: mkcue Description-md5: 41de6a809c9e81798b902efe2cde7011 Description-sl: Ustvari list CUE iz CD-ja mkcue generates CUE sheets from a CD TOC (Table Of Contents). . It is a perfect companion for abcde to generate backups of your audio CDs using the FLAC codec and the single track option. Package: mkdocs-doc Description-md5: 70522a720dc77ecde9d1d2a25aaf9027 Description-sl: Static site generator (documentation) MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: mkdocs-literate-nav-doc Description-md5: 33559c663075139c064d5fd48c8ad0ae Description-sl: MkDocs extension to specify the navigation in Markdown (Documentation) MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. . This core binary package contains the mkdocs-literate-nav extension, which allows one to use Markdown instead of YAML to define a navigation structure within your MkDocs based documentation files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: mkdocs-material Description-md5: d9c874ebbea234b600ca781049b1354c Description-sl: Material Design theme for MkDocs Create a branded static site from a set of Markdown files to host the documentation of your Open Source or commercial project – customizable, searchable, mobile-friendly, 40+ languages. Set up in 5 minutes. . Zmožnosti: . * It's just Markdown — write your technical documentation in plain Markdown – no need to know HTML, JavaScript, or CSS. Material for MkDocs will do the heavy lifting and convert your writing to a beautiful and functional website. . * Responsive by design — built from the ground up to work on all sorts of devices – from mobile phones to widescreens. The underlying fluid layout will always adapt perfectly to the available screen space. . * Static, yet searchable — almost magically, your technical documentation website will be searchable without any further ado. Material for MkDocs comes with built-in search – no server needed – that will instantly answer your users' queries. . * Many configuration options — change the color palette, font families, language, icons, favicon and logo. Add a source repository link, links to your social profiles, Google Analytics and Disqus - all with a few lines of code. . * Truly international — thanks to many contributors, Material for MkDocs includes translations for more than 40 languages and offers full native RTL uright-to-left) support for languages such as Arabic, Persian (Farsi) and Hebrew. . * Accessible — Material for MkDocs provides extensible keyboard navigation and semantic markup including role attributes and landmarks. Furthermore, the layout is entirely based on rem values, respecting the user's default font size. . * Beyond GitHub Markdown — integrates natively with Python Markdown Extensions, offering additional elements like callouts, tabbed content containers, mathematical formulas, critic markup, task lists, and emojis. . * Modern architecture — Material for MkDocs's underlying codebase is built with TypeScript, RxJS, and SCSS, and is compiled with Webpack, bringing excellent possibilities for theme extension and customization. Package: mksh Description-md5: 4931f730b48566d2590b67efc22e6b63 Description-sl: Lupin Korn MirBSD mksh is the successor of the Public Domain Korn shell (pdksh), a Bourne/POSIX compatible shell which is largely similar to the original AT&T Korn Shell (ksh88/ksh93). It includes bug fixes and feature improvements, in order to produce a modern, robust shell good for interactive and especially script use. mksh has UTF-8 support (in string operations and the Emacs editing mode). The code has been cleaned up and simplified, bugs fixed, standards compliance added, and several enhancements (for extended compatibility to other modern shells, as well as a couple of its own) are available. This shell is Debian Policy 10.4 compliant and works as /bin/sh on Debian systems (use the /bin/lksh executable) and is a good rescue and initrd shell (consider the /bin/mksh- static executable). . The mksh binary is a complete, full-featured shell. It provides a “consistent across all platforms” guarantee, using 32-bit integers for arithmetics, possibly deviating from POSIX. . The mksh-static binary is a version of mksh, linked against klibc, musl, or dietlibc (if they exist for that Debian architecture and are usable) and optimised for small code size, for example for use on initrd or initramfs images, installation or rescue systems. Except for omitting some features to be smaller, it is similar to the mksh binary otherwise. Note the exact feature set may differ depending on which C library was used to compile it. . The lksh binary is a script shell based on mksh intended to run old ksh88 and pdksh scripts, but not for interactive use. When used as /bin/sh it follows POSIX most closely, including use of the host’s “long” C data type for arithmetics. It also contains kludges so it can run as /bin/sh on Debian beyond what Policy dictates, to work around bugs in maintainer scripts and LSB init scripts shipped by many packages, such as including a rudimentary printf(1) builtin, permitting a shell function to be named stop overriding the default alias, more loose interpretation of shell extglobs, etc. . A sample ~/.mkshrc is included in /usr/share/doc/mksh/examples and provided as /etc/mkshrc conffile, which is sourced by another file /etc/skel/.mkshrc users are recommended to copy into their home. Package: mkvtoolnix-gui Description-md5: 1951bc306d2e05c9c5f61916cc9d3e2b Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za delo z datotekami Matroska - začlje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika Matroska je nova vrsta vsebnika predstavnosti, ki je osnovana na EBM (razširljiv binarni metajezik), ki je neke vrste binarni XML . The mmg tool is a graphical user interface for the mkvmerge program, which allow one to create Matroska files from other formats. . This package also contains a graphical version of the mkvinfo tool, which allow one to get information about a Matroska file. Package: mlock Description-md5: afe8a4d97e103642cba447a9323f0878 Description-sl: Program za zaklep poštnih predalov IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a method of accessing electronic messages kept on a (possibly shared) mail server. . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail- handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains a program to lock mailbox files to avoid corruption. Package: mlterm Description-md5: 344a7672990ee06ff67716bffa92a42a Description-sl: Večjezikovni terminal This is a terminal emulator for X Window System, which supports various encodings including ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, TIS-620 (same as ISO-8859-11), KOI8-{R,U,T}, CP{1251,1255}, GEORGEAN-PS, EUC-JP, EUC- JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, EUC-CN (aka GB2312), GBK, ISO-2022-CN, Big5, EUC-TW, HZ, UTF-8, and GB18030. . Doublewidth characters for east Asian, combining characters for Thai, Vietnamese, and other diacritics, BiDi (bi-directionality) for Arabic and Hebrew as well as Arabic shaping are all supported. Though mlterm supports Indic complex languages such as Hindi, this Debian package is not compiled with Indic support. . Since mlterm checks the current locale and selects appropriate encoding, you don't need to configure mlterm to display your language and encoding. . mlterm also supports unique features such as scrollbar API, multiple windows, multiple XIM, anti-alias using FreeType and Xft, and so on. Package: mlterm-common Description-md5: 6c4111c276af77faa0c71a1d79d48752 Description-sl: Večjezikovni TERMinal, skupne datoteke mlterm is a terminal emulator for X Window System, which supports various encodings, doublewidth characters, BiDi, Arabic shaping, and so on. . This package contains necessary files which are common for mlterm and mlterm-tiny packages. Package: mlterm-tiny Description-md5: 66b7b5eb8dc1342743d0e39203115140 Description-sl: Večjezikovni terminal, drobcena različica This is a terminal emulator for X Window System, which supports various encodings including ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, TIS-620 (same as ISO-8859-11), KOI8-{R,U,T}, CP{1251,1255}, GEORGEAN-PS, EUC-JP, EUC- JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, EUC-CN (aka GB2312), GBK, ISO-2022-CN, Big5, EUC-TW, HZ, UTF-8, and GB18030. . Doublewidth characters for east Asian, combining characters for Thai, Vietnamese, and other diacritics, BiDi (bi-directionality) for Arabic and Hebrew as well as Arabic shaping are all supported. Though mlterm supports Indic complex languages such as Hindi, this Debian package is not compiled with Indic support. . Since mlterm checks the current locale and selects appropriate encoding, you don't need to configure mlterm to display your language and encoding. . mlterm also supports unique features such as scrollbar API, multiple windows, multiple XIM, anti-alias using FreeType and Xft, and so on. . This tiny version does not support fancy features such as background image and so on, except for i18n-related features. Package: mlterm-tools Description-md5: 910b0b310112a693b82e13230a41c984 Description-sl: Večjezikovni TERMinal, dodatna orodja mlterm is a terminal emulator for X Window System, which supports various encodings, doublewidth characters, BiDi, Arabic shaping, and so on. . This package contains configuration tools and so on for mlterm. Package: mm3d Description-md5: 3a94b2fa98027b873e9b85d9547978ba Description-sl: Urejevalnik 3-D modelov osnovan na OpenGL To je urejevalnik 3-D modelov osnovan na OpenGL, ki deluje na trikotno osnovanih modelih. Podpira razveljavitev več ravni, skeletno animacijo, preprosto teksturiranje, pisanje skript, paketno obdelovanje z ukazno vrstico in sistem vstavkov za dodajanje novih modelov in filtrov slik. Vključena je popolna spletna pomoč. Zasnovan je za lahko uporabo in lahko razširljivost z vstavki in skripti. . Podpira naslednje 3d datoteke: MilkShape (ms3d), Wavefront (obj), LightWave 3d Object (lwo), Quake 2 model (md2), Quake 3 model (md3), Caligari trueSpace (cob), in AutoCAD (dxf). Package: mnemosyne Description-md5: f8dc4f1b5caa9054661148320e158a74 Description-sl: Program flash kartic za pomnenje z razširjenim pogledom Program Mnemosyne je podoben tradicionalnemu programu kartic, ki vam pomagajo pomnjenje parov vprašanja/odgovori s pomembnim dodatkom. Različni izrazi, ki jih pogosto pozabite, bodo pogosteje prikazani, hkrati pa Mnemosyne ne bo zapravil vašega časa na izrazih, ki ste si jih dobro zapomnili. Package: moc Description-md5: a7ebfc6625444b03b15690a956d2deeb Description-sl: ncurses based console audio player moc (music on console) is a full-screen player designed to be powerful and easy to use. . Supported file formats are: MP3, OGG Vorbis, FLAC, OPUS, WAVE, SPEEX, Musepack (MPC), AIFF, AU (and other less popular formats supported by libsndfile). New formats support is under development. . Druge zmožnosti: enostaven mešalnik, barvne teme, iskanje v meniju (seznam predvajanja ali mapa) kot M-s v programu Midnight Commander, način ustvarjanja naslovov iz oznak je nastavljiv, izbirna pretvorba naborov znakov za oznake datotek, ki uporabljajo izhod iconv(), OSS ali ALSA. Package: mod-musicindex-common Description-md5: c8484f0e688f4640a2ba04828fef8f9b Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za mod-musicindex mod_musicindex is aimed at being a C alternative to the Perl module Apache::MP3 ( It allows nice displaying of directories containing MP3 or Ogg Vorbis and FLAC files, including sorting them on various fields, streaming/downloading them, constructing playlists and searching. . This package includes platform independent data for libapache2-mod- musicindex and is useless without it. Package: modem-manager-gui-help Description-md5: 5f879eed9f510c9e12903bb146d91d81 Description-sl: GUI front-end for ModemManager / Wader / oFono - documentation Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: monajat-applet Description-md5: 8d6e10fd36396596887ec23199fe7b25 Description-sl: Islamic supplications tray applet Monajat je majhen program, ki prikaže islamske prošnje (azkar) ob določenih časih. . This package contains the desktop tray applet. Package: monajat-data Description-md5: ea73e58bd61e3a4cb01bf572bb4afb06 Description-sl: Podatkovna zbirka Islamske podpore Monajat je majhen program, ki prikaže islamske prošnje (azkar) ob določenih časih. . This contains the database of Islamic supplications. Package: monajat-mod Description-md5: 7f3ef7120463ca8204b6329dda445a33 Description-sl: Islamic supplications console utility Monajat je majhen program, ki prikaže islamske prošnje (azkar) ob določenih časih. . This package contains a console application that can be used in motd or in the profile. Package: monajat-screenlet Description-md5: 792fc9b28fbd8b32677b35bc38e2875c Description-sl: Gradnik islamskih prošenj Monajat je majhen program, ki prikaže islamske prošnje (azkar) ob določenih časih. . Ta paket vsebuje screenlet. Package: monopd Description-md5: 3f210f59d68fe320e97d62383358ca9b Description-sl: Omrežni strežnik igre monopoly monopd is a dedicated game server daemon for playing Monopoly-like board games. Clients such as gtkAtlantic connect to the server, which manages the game. Note that you do not need to install this server unless you want to use one of the clients offline, or play custom game types. . Currently supported board games are Monopoly(R) and Atlantic, a variation on Monopoly(R). Package: monsterz Description-md5: 700248a49145f9632dd5a45854b9ccfe Description-sl: Arkadna ugankarska igra Monsterz je podobna igram Bejeweled, Zookeeper ali Zooo. Cilj je zamenjati sosednje ploščice in ustvariti zaporedja in povzročiti verižne reakcije in s tem dobiti še več točk. Package: mopac7-bin Description-md5: 4851a4dbba2aee29e7d0c35716f2acb5 Description-sl: Semi-empirical Quantum Chemistry Library (binaries) MOPAC provides routines to solve the electronic structure of molecules on a semi-empirical level. Available methods include MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1 and PM3. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke MOPAC7. Package: moreutils Description-md5: fe92b00292d03dc58e79fc3733a6db2b Description-sl: Dodatni pripomočki Unix This is a growing collection of the Unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago, when Unix was young. . So far, it includes the following utilities: - chronic: runs a command quietly unless it fails - combine: combine the lines in two files using boolean operations - errno: look up errno names and descriptions - ifdata: get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output - ifne: run a program if the standard input is not empty - isutf8: check if a file or standard input is utf-8 - lckdo: execute a program with a lock held - mispipe: pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first - parallel: run multiple jobs at once - pee: tee standard input to pipes - sponge: soak up standard input and write to a file - ts: timestamp standard input - vidir: edit a directory in your text editor - vipe: insert a text editor into a pipe - zrun: automatically uncompress arguments to command Package: morse-x Description-md5: e32224ce067eea97ad0c41768c0b8866 Description-sl: morse orodje "vaje" za X morse-x offers you a window to put dits and daws into - by pressing any key (except q = quit). On the console it prints each character you morsed in. (So start it in an x-terminal-emulator.) On the first execution you have to calibrate the length of dits and daws, so just follow the instructions on the console. Package: morty Description-md5: b73ad6ce55466f9d958bad385fda3dfa Description-sl: Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service Morty Web content sanitizer proxy as a service . Morty rewrites web pages to exclude malicious HTML tags and attributes. It also replaces external resource references to prevent third party information leaks. . The main goal of morty is to provide a result proxy for searx, but it can be used as a standalone sanitizer service too. . Zmožnosti: . - HTML sanitization - Rewrites HTML/CSS external references to locals - JavaScript blocking - No Cookies forwarded - No Referrers - No Caching/Etag - Supports GET/POST forms and IFrames - Optional HMAC URL verifier key to prevent service abuse Package: mousepad Description-md5: 564a844cb82919302c57e74a6ea93345 Description-sl: Enostaven v Xfce usmerjen urejevalnik besedila Mousepad je grafični urejevalnik besedila za Xfce, ki je osnovan na Leafpad. . Začetni vzrok za Mousepad je bila zagotovitev podpore tiskanja, ki bi bila v Leafpad težko izvedljiva zaradi različnih vzrokov. . Nekatere zmožnosti so še v razvoju, trenutno pa ima Mousepad naslednje zmožnosti: * popolna podpora za besedilo UTF-8 * izrez/kopiranje/lepljenje in izbira celotnega besedila * išči in zamenjaj * prelom besed * izbira znakovnega kodiranja * samodejno zaznavanje znakovnega kodiranja (UTF-8 in znakovni nizi) * ročno nastavljanje kodnih nizov * neskončni razveljavi/uveljavi po besedi * samodejno zamakni * večvrstičen zamik * prikaži številke vrstic * povleci in spusti * tiskanje Package: mpb Description-md5: e6e6b632eb6f65526d43f604bd090b37 Description-sl: MIT fotonski pasovi The MIT Photonic-Bands package is a free program for computing the band structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of periodic dielectric structures, on both serial and parallel computers. It was developed by Steven G. Johnson at MIT in the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group, and designed to study photonic crystal structures. Package: mpb-doc Description-md5: fd8ceff9271c3e1ad609dcd16137a435 Description-sl: Dokumentacija MIT Photonic-Bands The MIT Photonic-Bands package is a free program for computing the band structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of periodic dielectric structures, on both serial and parallel computers. It was developed by Steven G. Johnson at MIT in the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group, and designed to study photonic crystal structures. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: mpd Description-md5: f318c4a927bba8215d5caa973656c5e7 Description-sl: Ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files (Ogg-Vorbis, FLAC, MP3, Wave, and AIFF), streams (Ogg- Vorbis, MP3) and managing playlists. Gapless playback, buffered output, and crossfading support is also included. The design focus is on integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for music playback over a TCP/IP network. The goals are to be easy to install and use, to have minimal resource requirements (it has been reported to run fine on a Pentium 75), and to remain stable and flexible. . The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on. The separate client and server design allows users to choose a user interface that best suites their tastes independently of the underlying daemon (this package) which actually plays music. Package: Description-md5: a6f8ab9f5698188393e4b3bf57880557 Description-sl: Nadzornik MPD za GNUstep MPDCon is a simple GNUstep controller for MPD (Music Player Daemon). It has minimalistic graphical interface, although it provides the basic features an MPD client is supposed to offer. Package: mpeg2dec Description-md5: 971098941c894dd085b359f97a159eb6 Description-sl: Enostaven program za dekodiranje videa libmpeg2 Simple libmpeg2 application which can decode and play ES, PS, and TS video streams. Includes extract_mpeg2 demuxer and various output drivers. . This package provides the mpeg2dec and extract_mpeg2 tools. Package: mpg123 Description-md5: 5ebabad0916ebd65863379ea1316b415 Description-sl: MPEG plast 1/2/3 predvajalnik zvoka mpg123 is a real time MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 audio player/decoder for layers 1, 2 and 3 (MPEG 1.0 layer 3 also known as MP3). . This package contains output plugins for several audio systems, including OSS4, the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA), JACK, PortAudio, PulseAudio, OpenAL and the Network Audio System (NAS). Package: mpg321 Description-md5: cf61479ef1985640113a399b6eef8973 Description-sl: Enostaven in lahek predvajalnik MP3 iz ukazne vrstice mpg321 is a clone of the popular mpg123 command-line mp3 player. It should function as a drop-in replacement for mpg123 in many cases. While some of the functionality of mpg123 is not yet implemented, mpg321 should function properly in most cases for most people, such as for frontends such as gqmpeg. . mpg321 is based on the mad MPEG audio decoding library. It therefore is highly accurate, and also uses only fixed-point calculation, making it more efficient on machines without a floating-point unit. It is not as fast as mpg123 on systems which have a floating point unit. Package: mplayer Description-md5: c9e593924320b08f7fb621a51f8530a6 Description-sl: Predvajalnik filmov za Unixu podobne sisteme MPlayer predvaja večino datotek MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA, ki jih podpira več lastnih, XAnim, RealPlayer, in Win32 DLL kodekov. Predvaja lahko tudi filme VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, in DivX. . Another big feature of MPlayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but also SDL. . Not all of the upstream code is distributed in the source tarball. See the README.Debian and copyright files for details. Package: mplayer-doc Description-md5: c6fcbec0e0667e19084785de6460e973 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za MPlayer This package contains the HTML documentation for MPlayer, a movie player for Unix-like systems. It is available in several languages. . You only need this package if you want to read the MPlayer manual. The manpages are included in the regular MPlayer package. Package: mplayer-gui Description-md5: 6175eb67f2c0c60eae5b5f33ee88311e Description-sl: movie player for Unix-like systems (GUI variant) MPlayer predvaja večino datotek MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA, ki jih podpira več lastnih, XAnim, RealPlayer, in Win32 DLL kodekov. Predvaja lahko tudi filme VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, in DivX. . Another big feature of MPlayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but also SDL. . This package includes the GUI variant of MPlayer. Package: mpop Description-md5: a0e4e54203d55f522aff52fb10d9f3eb Description-sl: Program za pridobivanje pošte POP3 mpop is a fast and simple fetchmail replacement to retrieve mail from POP3 servers. Its main features are header based mail filtering, multiple authentication methods, TLS encrypted connections or delivery. . There are a few things mpop can do that fetchmail can't or that it does better: - mpop never ever tries to parse mail information except for the envelope-from address, which is the bare minimum that it has to do. - mpop never ever alters mail messages except for adding a "Received" header, which is the bare minimum that it has to do. - mpop uses several techniques (including pipelining) to reduce the POP3 protocol overhead. It is therefore much faster than fetchmail. - By default, mpop stores the mail UIDs (unique ids) in one file per account. You can poll different mail accounts in parallel. - The progress output is nicer ;-) - You can pipe the headers of a mail through a filter that decides if the mail should be downloaded, skipped, or deleted. This allows one to delete junk mail from a POP3 server without downloading the entire message. - mpop can deliver mails directly to mbox and maildir mail folders. Package: mppenc Description-md5: 679725ac8c316836ca699e0fa88229ad Description-sl: Musepack lossy audio codec encoder Musepack is a lossy audio codec specifically optimized for transparent compression of stereo audio at bitrates of 160-180 kbit/s. . This package contains the encoder, for decoding see libmpcdec3. . Domača stran: Package: mricron-data Description-md5: 733d979d632578e6ef0b1b8f93b651ba Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za MRIcron This is a GUI-based visualization and analysis tool for (functional) magnetic resonance imaging. MRIcron can be used to create 2D or 3D renderings of statistical overlay maps on brain anatomy images. Moreover, it aids drawing anatomical regions-of-interest (ROI), or lesion mapping, as well as basic analysis of functional timeseries (e.g. creating plots of peristimulus signal-change). . This package provides data files for MRIcron, such as brain atlases, anatomy, and color schemes. Package: mricron-doc Description-md5: 3757990d326a111a4217213a231a6817 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za MRIcron This is a GUI-based visualization and analysis tool for (functional) magnetic resonance imaging. MRIcron can be used to create 2D or 3D renderings of statistical overlay maps on brain anatomy images. Moreover, it aids drawing anatomical regions-of-interest (ROI), or lesion mapping, as well as basic analysis of functional timeseries (e.g. creating plots of peristimulus signal-change). . This package provides documentation for MRIcron in HTML format. Package: mrtrix3-doc Description-md5: 43141bc0c06a72ae1568c49a6998d092 Description-sl: documentation for mrtrix3 Set of tools to perform diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography of the brain in the presence of crossing fibres, using Constrained Spherical Deconvolution, and a probabilisitic streamlines algorithm. Magnetic resonance images in DICOM, ANALYZE, or uncompressed NIfTI format are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: mspdebug Description-md5: 41d7dafcbd0b3d2419f5b15784729e75 Description-sl: Razhroščevalno orodje za mikrokontrollerje MSP430 MSPDebug is a free debugger for use with MSP430 MCUs. It supports FET430UIF, eZ430, RF2500 and Olimex MSP-JTAG-TINY programmers. It can be used as a proxy for gdb or as an independent debugger with support for programming, disassembly and reverse engineering. Package: mtink Description-md5: a6075e7a554314cb54f1580a53fe6b21 Description-sl: Orodje za nadzor stanja pri brizgalnih tiskalnikih Epson This is a printer status monitor which enables to get the remaining ink quantity, to print test patterns, to reset printer and to clean nozzles. . Although it mainly targets Epson printers, certain HP and Canon models are supported. Package: mtink-doc Description-md5: 955c80ecdc60ef0fcf867c3bb8aeb616 Description-sl: Status monitor tool for Epson inkjet printers - documentation This is a printer status monitor which enables to get the remaining ink quantity, to print test patterns, to reset printer and to clean nozzles. . Although it mainly targets Epson printers, certain HP and Canon models are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: mtpaint Description-md5: ce8e9f6731be72e086065d1e2f5c3518 Description-sl: program za risanje umetnosti točk in upravljanje digitalnih fotografij mtPaint je prost odprtokoden program za urejanje grafike, ki uporablja zbirko orodij GTK+. Namenjen je za ustvarjanje slik indeksirane palete in točkasto umetnost. . Zaradi svoje učinkovite zasnove lahko deluje na starejši strojni opremi (na primer 200MHz CPE in 32 MB RAMa). Ureja lahko indeksirano paleto 24 bitnih RGB sli in ponuja osnovana orodja slikanja in upravljanja s paletami. . Poskuša biti enostaven za uporabo. Upravlja lahko datoteke JPEG, GIF, TIFF, XPM in XBM. Package: mueller7-dict Description-md5: d0d6c343af3bd2bd56d50abf1577b2b1 Description-sl: Mueller English/Russian dictionary in dict format Electronic version of the English/Russian dictionary by V. K. Mueller, release 7. . Ta paket vsebuje mapo v obliki dict. Package: muffin Description-md5: c2578888eaa4782e6998bf561b152036 Description-sl: window and compositing manager Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje jedrne binarne datoteke. Package: muffin-common Description-md5: 6ebfc92c0032f230458a934b41a08f5b Description-sl: window and compositing manager (data files) Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene datoteke. Package: multex-base Description-md5: 2457c1c9f225f9952e29813d9f3d6644 Description-sl: Osnovne datoteke knjižnice MulTeX MulTeX is a TeX implementation for Multilingual text processing including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Package: multiboot Description-md5: ae273904c0661984177ea9a25cb22051 Description-sl: Določilo Multiboot This specification, created in 1995, describes a method of loading various multiboot kernels using a single compliant boot loader (such as GNU GRUB) on i386-based computers. . It is used by a variety of kernel images, such as the Hurd, Xen, or NetBSD kernels. . An example implementation of a Multiboot kernel is provided. . For an example implementation of a Multiboot loader, check GRUB Legacy (grub-legacy package), or GRUB 2 (grub-pc package, and others). Package: mummer-doc Description-md5: a71c59e44d1a5d0e3305ea5e8201c358 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za MUMmer MUMmer is a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes, whether in complete or draft form. For example, MUMmer 3.0 can find all 20-basepair or longer exact matches between a pair of 5-megabase genomes in 13.7 seconds, using 78 MB of memory, on a 2.4 GHz Linux desktop computer. MUMmer can also align incomplete genomes; it handles the 100s or 1000s of contigs from a shotgun sequencing project with ease, and will align them to another set of contigs or a genome using the NUCmer program included with the system. If the species are too divergent for DNA sequence alignment to detect similarity, then the PROmer program can generate alignments based upon the six-frame translations of both input sequences. . This package contains the documentation for MUMmer, a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes. Package: munin-libvirt-plugins Description-md5: 9adf7ff0d2652df4cbf55e3209a31a6a Description-sl: Vstavki Munin, ki uporabljajo libvirt This package contains munin plugins using libvirt: . * libvirt-cputime: cputime used by virtual machines * libvirt-bklstat: block I/O of virtual machines * libvirt-ifstat: network I/O of virtual machines * libvirt-mem: memory used by virtual machines Package: mupdf Description-md5: c39de9e446896353a76c6956ae23bdd2 Description-sl: Lahek pregledovalnik PDF MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. It also reads XPS, OpenXPS and ePub documents. . The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality anti-aliased graphics. It renders text with metrics and spacing accurate to within fractions of a pixel for the highest fidelity in reproducing the look of a printed page on screen. Package: murano-doc Description-md5: ee9f468c518f47b0d49556b4335db84c Description-sl: cloud-ready application catalog - doc Murano Project introduces an application catalog, which allows application developers and cloud administrators to publish various cloud-ready applications in a browsable categorised catalog, which may be used by the cloud users (including the inexperienced ones) to pick-up the needed applications and services and composes the reliable environments out of them in a "push-the-button" manner. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: muse Description-md5: 5b4810084f7773f266323a9073f5b6e8 Description-sl: Qt-based audio/MIDI sequencer MuSE je sekvenčnik MIDI/zvoka z zmožnostma snemanja in urejanja. Nekatere od zmožnosti so: . * Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LV2/DSSI/LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop. Package: musepack-tools Description-md5: 027e5fe69aaac4605515ccbf248a289f Description-sl: Pripomočki ukazne vrstice MusePack Musepack is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality. It's not lossless, but it is designed for transparency, so that you won't be able to hear differences between the original wave file and the much smaller MPC file. . It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code. . This package contains various commandline utilities for MusePack files: - mpcenc (encoder) - mpcdec (decoder) - mpccut (cut MPC files without reencoding) - mpcgain (gain calculation) - mpc2sv8 (conversion to MusePack SV8 from older SV) Package: music-doc Description-md5: bfb6ac479d00a2ef9f046a882e5fa4db Description-sl: Multi-Simulation Coordinator for MPI -- Manual MUSIC allows spike events and continuous time series to be communicated between parallel applications within the same MPI job in a cluster computer. Typical usage cases are connecting models developed for different simulators and connecting a parallel simulator to a post- processing tool. . Ta paket vsebuje priročnik MUSIC. Package: mussh Description-md5: a9348b4f704577a2042f34dade87b99f Description-sl: Ovijalnik večgostiteljskih SSH Mussh is a shell script that allows you to execute a command or script over ssh on multiple hosts with one command. When possible mussh will use ssh-agent and RSA/DSA keys to minimize the need to enter your password more than once. . Unlike clusterssh or mssh, mussh is just a shell script wrapper for ssh with concurrency support. It is intended to make running identical commands or scripts on almost any number of hosts possible with minimal overhead. There is no GUI and the only language used is bash. Package: mustang Description-md5: 9fdf717437f6f16fc1e715e6a609aaa6 Description-sl: Poravnava več stuktur proteinov Mustang is an algorithm to align multiple protein structures. Given a set of PDB files, the program uses the spatial information in the Calpha atoms of the set to produce a sequence alignment. Based on a progressive pairwise heuristic the algorithm then proceeds through a number of refinement passes. Mustang reports the multiple sequence alignment and the corresponding superposition of structures. Package: muttprint Description-md5: ff1b7f608788878b2c11058981e226de Description-sl: Lepo tiskanje pošte Muttprint formats the printing of Mutt and other mail clients to be as pretty as the printing of Mozilla or Kmail. . It can print a little penguin -- or the Debian logo -- on the first page (suitable pictures can be found in the ospics package) and a headline on every page. Furthermore, it only prints the most important headers, but not the whole plethora of them. Finally, it can even print two pages on one page in landscape format. Package: muttprint-manual Description-md5: e99e33571862a7144eac8f0db6685b35 Description-sl: Priročnik za muttprint Muttprint formats the printing of Mutt and other mail clients to be as pretty as the printing of Mozilla or Kmail. . Ta paket vsebuje vodnik. Package: mypaint Description-md5: ad32506829ca6057a6e8d0d7165ea727 Description-sl: paint program for use with graphics tablets MyPaint is a pressure- and tilt-sensitive painting program which works well with Wacom graphics tablets and other similar devices. It comes with a large brush collection including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes and with not-quite-natural painting. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: mypy-doc Description-md5: 90ecb0fecb59e09596684d6f30a5022c Description-sl: documentation for mypy Add type annotations to your Python programs, and use mypy to type check them. Mypy is essentially a Python linter on steroids, and it can catch many programming errors by analyzing your program, without actually having to run it. Mypy has a powerful type system with features such as type inference, gradual typing, generics and union types. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: myspell-bg Description-md5: acf781d38aaee8d59610366837c1b64d Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package to smooth transition to hunspell-bg. It can safely be removed. Package: myspell-fr-gut Description-md5: 35c58d9f930c04198a25e774670f18c5 Description-sl: French dictionary for myspell (GUTenberg version) This is a French dictionary, to be used with myspell. . To je različica GUTenberg Package: mysql-source-8.0 Description-md5: 88f58941059fab032315a68e3122ac60 Description-sl: Vir MySQL MySQL is a fast, stable, and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the MySQL source code as configured before building - but after the arch specific configuration. This is currently required for building plugins. Package: mysql-testsuite-8.0 Description-md5: ccc32250aefb33a80993be5dab467ee4 Description-sl: MySQL 8.0 testsuite MySQL is a fast, stable, and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and ease of use. . Ta paket vključuje preizkusno zbirko MySQL. Package: mysqltuner Description-md5: d079bed656ffe89a06c680dc18513f56 Description-sl: high-performance MySQL tuning script High-performance MySQL tuning script written in perl that will provide you with a snapshot of a MySQL server?s health. Based on the statistics gathered, specific recommendations will be provided that will increase a MySQL server's efficiency and performance. The script gives you automated MySQL tuning that is on the level of what you would receive from a MySQL DBA. . Zmožnosti: . * Memory Usage: Calculates MySQL memory usage at max load and makes recommendations for increasing or decreasing the MySQL memory footprint. Per-thread and server-wide buffer data is calculated separately for an accurate snapshot of the server?s configuration. * Slow Queries: Reviews the amount of slow queries relative to the total queries. Slow query time limits are also analyzed and recommendations are made. * Connections: Current and historical connection counts are reviewed. * Key Buffer: Takes configuration data and compares it to the actual indexes found in MyISAM tables. Key cache hit rates are calculated and variable adjustments are suggested. * Query Cache: Query cache hit rates and usage percentages are used to make recommendations for the query cache configuration variables. * Sorting & Joins: Per-thread buffers that affect sorts and joins are reviewed along with the statistics from the queries run against the server. * Temporary Tables: Variable recommendations are made to reduce temporary tables that are written to the disk. * Table Cache: Compares total tables opened to the currently open tables. Calculates the table cache hit rate in order to make suggestions. * Open Files: Determines if the server will approach or run into the open file limit set by the operating system or the MySQL server itself. * Table Locks: Finds table locking that forces queries to wait and makes suggestions for reducing locks that require a wait. * Thread Cache: Calculates how many times MySQL must create a new thread to respond to a query. * Aborted Connections: Finds applications that are not closing connections to MySQL properly. * Read/Write Ratios: Calculates the percentage of read and write operations on your MySQL installation. Package: mythtv-status Description-md5: 866f6509b1119d1b7ceb82ad1aba9319 Description-sl: Pokaže stanje zaledja MythTV Shows the current status of a local or remote MythTV backend and up to the next 10 recordings for today and tomorrow. . Also provides functionality for updating the MOTD with this information, this can provide a good heads up on when you should avoid heavy CPU or I/O work on your MythTV backend. Package: n2n Description-md5: 361d10f6d5e899332c45f448acb34919 Description-sl: Ozadnji program omrežja VPN od soležnika do soležnika n2n is an open source VPN application which utilizes a Peer-to-peer architecture for network membership and routing. Package: nagios-nrpe-plugin Description-md5: c19ebd7d65521f48328173d45f828471 Description-sl: Vstavek oddaljenega izvajalca vstavkov Nagios Nagios is a host/service/network monitoring and management system. . The purpose of this addon is to allow you to execute Nagios plugins on a remote host in as transparent a manner as possible. . This is a plugin that is run on the Nagios host and is used to contact the NRPE process on remote hosts. Package: nagios-snmp-plugins Description-md5: e1e73e012981b5c9469a1191807ed8f5 Description-sl: Vstavki SNMP za nagios A set of Nagios plugins to check hosts/devices using snmp protocol . The general idea of these scripts is to check as many things as possible with snmp (how do you install NRPE on Cisco or AS/400 ?) : disks, memory, load, interface, running procsses, etc... . The other idea is to select disks, interfaces, process using regular expressions Package: nagios4 Description-md5: 4128cee634c4cbec9a839e94c1046245 Description-sl: host/service/network monitoring and management system Nagios is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and networks. This is a metapackage installing both the monitoring daemon and the web interface. . Zmožnosti Nagios vključujejo: . * Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) * Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks * Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) * Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) * Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) Package: nagios4-cgi Description-md5: 7bec888b595817756e3670fd7b893cad Description-sl: cgi files for nagios4 Nagios is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and networks. This package contains the web interface. . Zmožnosti Nagios vključujejo: . * Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) * Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks * Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) * Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) * Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) Package: nagios4-common Description-md5: b6d077682f7747dbe80a9ba6dc41bec1 Description-sl: support files for nagios4 Nagios is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and networks. This package contains files needed by both the daemon and web interface. . Zmožnosti Nagios vključujejo: . * Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) * Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks * Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) * Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) * Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) Package: nagios4-core Description-md5: ebdb18192e195fe62d5a416ba502b5c4 Description-sl: host/service/network monitoring and management system core files Nagios is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and networks. The package contains the nagios4 monitoring daemon. . Zmožnosti Nagios vključujejo: . * Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) * Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks * Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) * Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) * Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) Package: nagzilla Description-md5: 1a58bf759230fec733228b2bf911a479 Description-sl: Jabber rele robot Nagzilla was designed to be a Jabber relay "bot" in that it sits quietly in a room until it gets a message to relay to either a chatroom or a person. It is split into two programs: * nagzillad - the daemon that sits in the room and sends the messages, and * nagzillac - the client that gets the messages and hands them to the daemon Package: nam-examples Description-md5: f64781f40ee43a20a309e38945239b4a Description-sl: Primeri nam NAM is a Tcl/TK based animation tool for viewing network simulation traces and real world packet traces. It supports topology layout, packet level animation, and various data inspection tools. NAM began at LBL. It has evolved substantially over the past few years. The NAM development effort was an ongoing collaboration with the VINT project. Currently, it is being developed at ISI as part of the SAMAN and Conser projects. . Ta paket vsebuje primere. Package: nautilus-script-debug Description-md5: a6d82d298ee3c9c8ad9d7ad90e73642b Description-sl: Enostavn skript za razhroščevanje nautilusa This simply shows you the environment variables that would be passed to a nautilus script for the currently selected files. Package: nautilus-scripts-manager Description-md5: c0069ba1d65576f0541540c656848ad5 Description-sl: Enostavno orodje za upravljanje skriptov nautilus nautilus-script-manager je majhen in enostaven program, ki uporabniku omogoča omogočitev, onemogočitev ali le ogled skriptov Nautilus, ki so nameščeni na sistemu. . Skripti Nautilus so običajni skripti, ki jih lahko po omogočitvi zaženete neposredno iz menija desnega klika upravljalnika datotek GNOME. . Ta program lahko uporabljate z intuitivnim uporabniškim vmesnikom ali z zbirko možnosti ukazne vrstice. Program lahko prozorno zamenja pripomoček ukazne vrstice nautilus-script-manager (v besedi script manjka "s"). . Ko je nameščen, se bo pojavil med pripomočki uporabniških nastavitev (običajno v meniju "Možnosti"). Package: navit Description-md5: 783e456ea628a6c205c86789c03eec11 Description-sl: Sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja. . Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov. . Uporabniška vmesnika GTK+ ali SDL sta zasnovana za dobro delo z zasloni na dotik. Zanimivosti v različnih oblikah so prikazane na zemljevidu. . Trenuten položaj vozila je prebran iz gpsd ali neposredno iz senzorjev GPS NMEA. . Programnik usmerjanja ne le izračuna optimalno pot do vašega cilja ampak tudi ustvari smeri in celo govori z vami z uporabo programa speech- dispatcher. . Pakiranje Debian za navit ne zagotavlja zemljevida. Za ogled kje lahko dobite zemljevide si oglejte <http://wiki.navit->. Package: navit-data Description-md5: a97d8f857d2e846ef7e02bb355a200c6 Description-sl: Sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja - podatkovne datoteke Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja. . Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov. . Uporabniška vmesnika GTK+ ali SDL sta zasnovana za dobro delo z zasloni na dotik. Zanimivosti v različnih oblikah so prikazane na zemljevidu. . Trenuten položaj vozila je prebran iz gpsd ali neposredno iz senzorjev GPS NMEA. . Programnik usmerjanja ne le izračuna optimalno pot do vašega cilja ampak tudi ustvari smeri in celo govori z vami z uporabo programa speech- dispatcher. . This package contains the architecture independent files - mainly translation files and images - for navit. Package: navit-graphics-gtk-drawing-area Description-md5: 1837b5e747b802c091352d912b743429 Description-sl: Sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja - grafični vstavek GTK+ Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja. . Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov. . Uporabniška vmesnika GTK+ ali SDL sta zasnovana za dobro delo z zasloni na dotik. Zanimivosti v različnih oblikah so prikazane na zemljevidu. . Trenuten položaj vozila je prebran iz gpsd ali neposredno iz senzorjev GPS NMEA. . Programnik usmerjanja ne le izračuna optimalno pot do vašega cilja ampak tudi ustvari smeri in celo govori z vami z uporabo programa speech- dispatcher. . This package contains the graphic gtk-drawing-area plugin to use with GTK+ aware GUIs plugins. Package: navit-gui-gtk Description-md5: 0a235c9ef0c8378d7c7dfa9b06b6171e Description-sl: Sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja - grafični uporabniški vmesnik GTK+ Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja. . Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov. . Uporabniška vmesnika GTK+ ali SDL sta zasnovana za dobro delo z zasloni na dotik. Zanimivosti v različnih oblikah so prikazane na zemljevidu. . Trenuten položaj vozila je prebran iz gpsd ali neposredno iz senzorjev GPS NMEA. . Programnik usmerjanja ne le izračuna optimalno pot do vašega cilja ampak tudi ustvari smeri in celo govori z vami z uporabo programa speech- dispatcher. . This package contains the GTK+ GUI plugin. Package: navit-gui-internal Description-md5: c66cdd6a9343846105342185cdf44171 Description-sl: Sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja - notranji grafični uporabniški vmesnik Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja. . Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov. . Uporabniška vmesnika GTK+ ali SDL sta zasnovana za dobro delo z zasloni na dotik. Zanimivosti v različnih oblikah so prikazane na zemljevidu. . Trenuten položaj vozila je prebran iz gpsd ali neposredno iz senzorjev GPS NMEA. . Programnik usmerjanja ne le izračuna optimalno pot do vašega cilja ampak tudi ustvari smeri in celo govori z vami z uporabo programa speech- dispatcher. . This package contains the internal GUI plugin. Package: ncaptool Description-md5: 4cba9a5efbf20073f6e624046a50354d Description-sl: Orodje za zajemanje omrežja ncap is a network capture library like libpcap (on which it is based) and tcpdump. It produces binary data in its own ncap format, which can be stored in a dump file or transmitted over a UDP socket. Unlike libpcap, it discards data link headers and only supports IPv4 and IPv6 packets, but it can perform reassembly of IP datagrams. . This package contains the ncaptool command line program. Package: ncbi-tools-x11 Description-md5: da0a1e531a27990083791b777b4af54f Description-sl: knjižnice NCBI za programe v povezavi z biologijo (na X osnovani pripomočki) This package includes some X-based utilities distributed with the NCBI C SDK: Network Entrez, Sequin, ddv, and udv. These programs are not part of ncbi-tools-bin because they depend on several additional library packages. Package: ncdt Description-md5: 78deba6dd910c63e3e413540c99ce23c Description-sl: Prikaz drevesa map NcdT displays directory tree, much like standard tree(1), but with few improvements: - it prints summary info instead of directory special file size - it prints MP3 file info It's particularly useful for indexing CDs. Package: ncdu Description-md5: 32e56c5ac2dc286e0ebd524deff823ec Description-sl: Pregledovalnik uporabe diska ncurses Ncdu is a ncurses-based du viewer. It provides a fast and easy-to-use interface through famous du utility. It allows one to browse through the directories and show percentages of disk usage with ncurses library. Package: ncmpc Description-md5: 9537c06b8dcf9b5389fdd75d1aa0934b Description-sl: Na ncurses osnovan predvajalnik zvoka This package contains a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. . Features: - full Unicode and wide character support - music database browser, database search, media library - audio output configuration - lyrics - LIRC support - customizable key bindings and colors - tiny memory footprint, smaller than any other interactive MPD client Package: ndisc6 Description-md5: ba6c17592116c7e5556bd55e6fec4795 Description-sl: Diagnostična orodja IPv6 ndisc6 gathers a few diagnostic tools for IPv6 networks including: - ndisc6, which performs ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery in userland, - rdisc6, which performs ICMPv6 Router Discovery in userland, - rltraceroute6, a UDP/ICMP IPv6 implementation of traceroute, - tcptraceroute6, a TCP/IPv6-based traceroute implementation, - tcpspray6, a TCP/IP Discard/Echo bandwidth meter, - name2addr/addr2nme, easy script interface for hostname and address resolution, - dnssort, DNS sorting script. Package: nedit Description-md5: 8079f5497fe891722f4ff602bd699fbd Description-sl: Zmogljiv, prilagodljiv na Motif osnovan urejevalnik besedila NEdit is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System, which combines a standard, easy to use, graphical user interface with the thorough functionality and stability required by users who edit text eight hours a day. It provides intensive support for development in a wide variety of languages, text processors, and other tools, but at the same time can be used productively by just about anyone who needs to edit text. . Because of its mature age, NEdit does not support UTF-8 text files, nor will that be implemented. Package: neko-dev Description-md5: ddc48674b253d9a7a80c7a9ac1d09bb5 Description-sl: Lahek navidezni stroj - glave Neko provides a common runtime for several different languages, including JavaScript and haXe. . The virtual machine is both very lightweight and well optimized. It can be easily embedded into other applications, and libraries are directly accessible using the C foreign function interface. . This package includes the header files for development using the Neko virtual machine. . Neko was written by Nicolas Cannasse. Package: netcdf-doc Description-md5: c3453d557cd4511b4ac9a0c1f0f42bae Description-sl: Dokumentacija za NetCDF NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for scientific data access and a freely-distributed software library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. . This package contains documentation for the NetCDF library in a variety of formats. Package: netmaze Description-md5: 98ce5c6acfca23158e0ee011892482fa Description-sl: 3D večigralska igra bojevanja This is a 3-D multiplayer game for X. You can play by yourself, use computerized players ("bots"), or you can use a TCP/IP network and play against other players. . Be sure to read the documentation that will be installed in /usr/share/doc/netmaze/README.Debian Package: netpanzer-data Description-md5: ed6499021d3e1c5ab8c05b1020c988be Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro netPanzer netPanzer is an online multiplayer tactical warfare game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems. One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za netPanzer. Package: netplug Description-md5: 872f145fce68f64230e9913f9a8d7f28 Description-sl: Ozadnji program nadziranja omrežne povezave This daemon monitors the link status of network cards and configures the network on plug- and un-plug-events. . It's similar to ifplugd, but uses NETLINK instead of regularly polling the link status. This improves power-consumption with laptops, but does not work with all network card. And it can't be configured to ignore short unplugged or plugged periods like ifplugd. Package: netwag Description-md5: d0d05f8c1d12f0140e82649c3502e1b0 Description-sl: Grafično začelje za netwox Netwag is a graphical front end for netwox which contains more than 200 tools. Netwag permits one to easily: . - search amongst tools proposed in netwox - construct command line - run tools - keep an history of commands Package: netwag-doc Description-md5: babbbdcdea2b398b1906e5375cd4ee17 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za začelje netwag Netwag is a graphical front end for netwox which contains more than 200 tools. Netwag permits one to easily: . - search amongst tools proposed in netwox - construct command line - run tools - keep an history of commands . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za netwag. Package: network-manager-fortisslvpn Description-md5: f78a696714b7e5461d10e9fd4bb1a5f2 Description-sl: network management framework (Fortinet SSLVPN plugin core) NetworkManager je sistemska storitev omrežja, ki upravlja vaše omrežne naprave in povezave, ki poskuša obdržati dejavno omrežno povezavo, ko je ta na voljo. Upravlja naprave eternet, WiFi, mobilnega širokopasovnega omrežja in PPPoE ter zagotavlja vključitev VPN s številnimi storitvami VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for Fortinet SSLVPN. Package: network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome Description-md5: 290f772ef315306502f1e3e3c238454e Description-sl: network management framework (Fortinet SSLVPN plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager je sistemska storitev omrežja, ki upravlja vaše omrežne naprave in povezave, ki poskuša obdržati dejavno omrežno povezavo, ko je ta na voljo. Upravlja naprave eternet, WiFi, mobilnega širokopasovnega omrežja in PPPoE ter zagotavlja vključitev VPN s številnimi storitvami VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's Fortinet SSLVPN plugin. Package: network-manager-iodine Description-md5: 6ae890d206a4e62ca2a3af16dbd0068a Description-sl: network management framework (iodine plugin core) NetworkManager je sistemska storitev omrežja, ki upravlja vaše omrežne naprave in povezave, ki poskuša obdržati dejavno omrežno povezavo, ko je ta na voljo. Upravlja naprave eternet, WiFi, mobilnega širokopasovnega omrežja in PPPoE ter zagotavlja vključitev VPN s številnimi storitvami VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for iodine. Package: network-manager-iodine-gnome Description-md5: 5b8d8861e58b3d20f3ba888a95d87d6b Description-sl: network management framework (iodine plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager je sistemska storitev omrežja, ki upravlja vaše omrežne naprave in povezave, ki poskuša obdržati dejavno omrežno povezavo, ko je ta na voljo. Upravlja naprave eternet, WiFi, mobilnega širokopasovnega omrežja in PPPoE ter zagotavlja vključitev VPN s številnimi storitvami VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's iodine plugin. Package: network-manager-sstp Description-md5: 6a5c6b13f879cef9e2b74bf314ed194d Description-sl: network management framework (SSTP plugin core) NetworkManager je sistemska storitev omrežja, ki upravlja vaše omrežne naprave in povezave, ki poskuša obdržati dejavno omrežno povezavo, ko je ta na voljo. Upravlja naprave eternet, WiFi, mobilnega širokopasovnega omrežja in PPPoE ter zagotavlja vključitev VPN s številnimi storitvami VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for SSTP, commonly used for connecting to Microsoft VPN servers. Package: network-manager-sstp-gnome Description-md5: e4beac8fee2fc789ed33ca2bfbae6b4c Description-sl: network management framework (SSTP plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager je sistemska storitev omrežja, ki upravlja vaše omrežne naprave in povezave, ki poskuša obdržati dejavno omrežno povezavo, ko je ta na voljo. Upravlja naprave eternet, WiFi, mobilnega širokopasovnega omrežja in PPPoE ter zagotavlja vključitev VPN s številnimi storitvami VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's SSTP plugin. Package: network-manager-strongswan Description-md5: d5f9a35e1e6495ea14e01b891e4dc2eb Description-sl: network management framework (strongSwan plugin) Upravljalnik omrežij poskuša vedno obdržati razpoložljivo dejavno omrežno povezavo. Namenjen je predvsem za prenosnike, kjer omogoča enostaven preklop med krajevnimi brezžičnimi omrežij. Uporaben je tudi na namizjih z izbiro različnih vmesnikov za uporabo. Ni namenjen za uporabo na strežnikih. . This package provides a VPN plugin for strongSwan, providing easy access to IKEv2 IPSec VPN's. Package: network-manager-vpnc Description-md5: 04d34ead8fa7ac84d259b3a1860b027d Description-sl: Ogrodje upravljanja omrežja (jedro vstavka VPNC) NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when available. It manages ethernet, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services. . This package provides a VPN plugin for vpnc, providing easy access to Cisco Concentrator based VPN's. Package: netwox Description-md5: ff7f45453726007f90367811722db8ad Description-sl: Pripomočki omrežja Toolbox netwox helps to find and solve network problems. . It provides more than 200 tools : - sniff, spoof - clients, servers - DNS, FTP, HTTP, IRC, NNTP, SMTP, SNMP, SYSLOG, TELNET, TFTP - scan, ping traceroute - etc. . Those tools can be used to quickly spot a problem in a complex network. They are oriented towards network administrators and security auditors. Package: netwox-doc Description-md5: 3c8845eeb8610eea151361eb14587441 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za zbirko orodij netwox Toolbox netwox helps to find and solve network problems. . It provides more than 200 tools : - sniff, spoof - clients, servers - DNS, FTP, HTTP, IRC, NNTP, SMTP, SNMP, SYSLOG, TELNET, TFTP - scan, ping traceroute - etc. . Those tools can be used to quickly spot a problem in a complex network. They are oriented towards network administrators and security auditors. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za netwox. Package: neverball Description-md5: b94aa86b07b67dcb2d22e683facaa5bc Description-sl: 3D igra nagibanja tal V tradiciji iger Marble Madness in Super Monkey Ball morate v Neverball voditi vrtečo se žogo skozi nevarna območja. Za doseganje cilja so potrebni ravnotežje na ozkih mostovih, krmarjenje skozi labirinte, vožnja na premikajočih se ploščadih in izogibanje oviram. Dirkajte proti uri in zberite kovance ter si prislužite dodatne žoge. Package: neverball-data Description-md5: f8afc204b36d3878e85d8d692f07dc14 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za Neverball V tradiciji iger Marble Madness in Super Monkey Ball morate v Neverball voditi vrtečo se žogo skozi nevarna območja. Za doseganje cilja so potrebni ravnotežje na ozkih mostovih, krmarjenje skozi labirinte, vožnja na premikajočih se ploščadih in izogibanje oviram. Dirkajte proti uri in zberite kovance ter si prislužite dodatne žoge. . This package contains the data files needed to play Neverball. Package: neverputt Description-md5: 8cbf5e127006c5da416b312a59981ff1 Description-sl: 3D igra miniaturnega golfa Neverputt je večigralska igra miniaturnega golfa za od 1 do 4 igralce. Igrišče z 18 luknjami izkorišča vse elemente, ki izzivajo igralce Neverball, vključno s premikajočimi se preprekami, teleporterji, rampami in spusti. Vsebuje tudi enostaven vmesnik udarjanja žog in sistem točkovanja. Package: neverputt-data Description-md5: bce4ce12a148fcb2d947fb41f80ecb74 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za Neverputt Neverputt je večigralska igra miniaturnega golfa za od 1 do 4 igralce. Igrišče z 18 luknjami izkorišča vse elemente, ki izzivajo igralce Neverball, vključno s premikajočimi se preprekami, teleporterji, rampami in spusti. Vsebuje tudi enostaven vmesnik udarjanja žog in sistem točkovanja. . This package contains the data files needed to play Neverputt. Package: newmail Description-md5: 49b0168ce625e668ce3031036ad2f541 Description-sl: Obvestilnik za dohodno pošto The newmail program usually puts itself in the background and watches mailbox files in order to report when new mail has been arrived. The originator and subject will then be reported on the terminal it was started. The output can also be integrated in graphical programs. . This package is inspired by the newmail program from the Elm mail system. Package: nextcloud-desktop-doc Description-md5: 955b00c281370289ce9148cab9517532 Description-sl: Nextcloud folder synchronization - documentation The Nextcloud desktop app lets you always have your latest files wherever you are. Just specify one or more folders on the local machine to and a server to synchronize to. You can configure more computers to synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will silently and reliably flow across to every other. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: nexuiz Description-md5: 5743b73a409007cbb4aff1a6f5d837dd Description-sl: Fast-paced 3D first-person shooter Nexuiz Classic is a fast-paced 3D deathmatch game with high-end and complex graphics effects. It is intended to be played over the Internet or over a local network. Several different game types, such as classic deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag are available. It also supports a single-player mode and playing against the computer. . Ta igra prinese nazaj osnove tekmovanja v ubojih s perfektno uravnoteženimi orožji in hitro akcijo v nasprotju s trendom realističnih strelskih iger. . Ta paket namesti odjemalec za igranje igre. . This game was originally released as "Nexuiz", but is now referred to as "Nexuiz Classic" since the Nexuiz name was re-used for a non-free game for consoles. Package: nexuiz-data Description-md5: 0dd86ddc96cab2e5a1d1e461c099d6cf Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke igre Nexuiz Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . This package contains only data files like levels and sounds. If you want to play the game you need to install the package "nexuiz". Package: nexuiz-music Description-md5: 7c7df399a58674bff5511067d6eaf50f Description-sl: Glasbene datoteke Nexuiz Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . This package contains only the in-game music files. If you want to play the game you need to install the package "nexuiz". Package: nexuiz-server Description-md5: 145e41b6987089b1c1a1fddb809580c1 Description-sl: Standalone server for Nexuiz Classic Nexuiz Classic is a fast-paced 3D deathmatch game with high-end and complex graphics effects. It is intended to be played over the Internet or over a local network, though it also supports a single-player mode. . Ta igra prinese nazaj osnove tekmovanja v ubojih s perfektno uravnoteženimi orožji in hitro akcijo v nasprotju s trendom realističnih strelskih iger. . Ta paket namesti samostojni strežnik. . This game was originally released as "Nexuiz", but is now referred to as "Nexuiz Classic" since the Nexuiz name was re-used for a non-free game for consoles. Package: nexuiz-textures Description-md5: 1d5897bbd4a067ea00867ef85ace0a72 Description-sl: Teksture za Nexuiz Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . This package contains only the textures for maps, models and so on. If you want to play the game you need to install the package "nexuiz". Package: nfdump Description-md5: 4fa77d0d490891adcde185fa1cc34138 Description-sl: Ozadnji program zajemanja netflow Collects and processes netflow data with command line tools. Collected netflow data is stored in filesystem and is limited by available storage space only. Tools are optimized for speed and filtering. nfcapd reads netflow v5, v7, v9 and IPFIX flows transparently. You need one nfcapd process for each netflow stream. Package: ngrep Description-md5: 8a3f8312388527a9d518e8ed9294e2ba Description-sl: Grep za omrežni promet ngrep strives to provide most of GNU grep's common features, applying them to the network layer. ngrep is a pcap-aware tool that will allow you to specify extended regular expressions to match against data payloads of packets. It currently recognizes TCP, UDP and ICMP across Ethernet, PPP, SLIP and null interfaces, and understands bpf filter logic in the same fashion as more common packet sniffing tools, such as tcpdump and snoop. Package: nickle Description-md5: e74e3f8e1a10529c636a806fe87cb981 Description-sl: Program računala mize Nickle is a language with powerful programming and scripting capabilities. Nickle supports a variety of datatypes, especially arbitrary precision integers, rationals, and imprecise reals. The input language vaguely resembles C. Some things in C which do not translate easily are different, some design choices have been made differently, and a very few features are simply missing. Package: nim-doc Description-md5: c720387a7d762b52c23fdf73ebffedb3 Description-sl: Nim programming language - documentation Nim is a statically typed, imperative programming language that generates native code via compilation to C. It provides a non-tracing GC, high level datatypes and local type inference, and bindings to a lot of C libraries. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: njplot Description-md5: 8475cd4a0146132aeafe2fa0b4f9a35b Description-sl: phylogenetic tree drawing program NJplot lahko nariše dendogram izražen v vrsti standardnih filogenetskih dreves Newick (na primer vrste, ki jo uporablja paket Phylip). NJplot je še posebno priročen za sajenje neposajenih dreves izgrajenih z načini izgranje dreves parsimony, razdalje ali največje verjetnosti. Package: nmapsi4 Description-md5: 0b53779fa69d66d48a285fa2f5aa08b8 Description-sl: grafični vmesnik za nmap, omrežni optični bralnik NmapSI4 je celoten na Qt osnovan grafični uporabniški vmesnik s ciljem zagotoviti celoten vmesnik nmap za uporabnike za upravljanje vseh možnosti tega zmogljivega preiskovalnika omrežne varnosti. Package: nodau Description-md5: 306eea8533c79c654406e1e329b0d126 Description-sl: Enostaven konzolski program za pisanje sporočilc Nodau is a simple console based note taking program. It allows you to easily create, edit, and view notes, and search them by name or date. Package: node-bignumber Description-md5: db8f7c554c023ae7775179e9c4f36faa Description-sl: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic for Node.js Zmožnosti: . - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of Java's BigDecimal - 5 KB minified and gzipped - Simple API but full-featured - Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36 inclusive - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of Javascript's Number type - Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format - No dependencies - Comprehensive documentation and test set . If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration options of this library. . This package provides bignumber support to Node.js. Package: node-pg Description-md5: 5cad2a896c3a3e634317a818cd276ea7 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca PostgreSQL za Node Node is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. . node-postgres is a non-blocking (async) pure JavaScript PostgreSQL client library for Node. Package: node-vows Description-md5: d8dbaad9646ff8fc7a1edfd588ff27b9 Description-sl: asynchronous BDD & continuous integration for Node Node is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. . Vows je z obnašanjem vodeno ogrodje razvoja za Node. . Vows was built from the ground up to test asynchronous code. It executes your tests in parallel when it makes sense, and sequentially when there are dependencies. . Emphasis was put on speed of execution, clarity and user experience. . skyskTa paket vsebuje knjižnico vows za Node in skript vows za poganjanje preizkusov iz ukazne vrstice. Package: node-xterm Description-md5: fb5b7a68aaf8c158f85c5db47e4be578 Description-sl: terminal front-end component for the browser - NodeJS modules Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that works in the browser. . It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users and create great development experiences. . Zmožnosti: . - **Text-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `bash`, `git` etc. - **Curses-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `vim`, `tmux` etc. - **Mouse events support**: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process - **CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support**: Xterm.js renders CJK characters seamlessly - **IME support**: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME input with your keyboard - **Self-contained library**: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require any external libraries like jQuery or React to work - **Modular, event-based API**: Lets you build addons and themes with ease . This package contains the unpacked individual xterm CommonJS modules. Package: nodm Description-md5: d7ccc859e60a6f9000df9fcbcf5931c2 Description-sl: Samodejni zaslonski upravljalnik This package prepares the system to automatically start an X session at system boot. It is meant for devices like smartphones, but can be used on a regular computer as well, if the security implications are acceptable. Package: noiz2sa Description-md5: 51a659ee8e6f78a8081264874708fca0 Description-sl: Abstraktna arkadna strelska igra A classical vertical arcade shooter with an abstract theme and matching electronic music Package: nordugrid-arc-dev Description-md5: 5434707519d14230bb80c0de6395941f Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke ARC NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and support of the middleware, known as the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC). . Header files and libraries needed to develop applications using ARC. Package: nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed Description-md5: 65439e257c63108c957dc1132030d440 Description-sl: Vstavki ARC base NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and support of the middleware, known as the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC). . ARC base plugins. This includes the Message Chain Components (MCCs) and Data Manager Components (DMCs). Package: ns2-doc Description-md5: e4cf772cbc09f76ebfad4ce3eb92e3d3 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za ns2 Provides substantial support for simulation of TCP, routing, and multicast protocols over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks. Ns-2 is written in C++ and an Object oriented version of Tcl called OTcl. . Ns began as a variant of the REAL network simulator in 1989 and has evolved substantially over the past few years. In 1995 ns development was supported by DARPA through the VINT project at LBL, Xerox PARC, UCB, and USC/ISI. Currently ns development is support through DARPA with SAMAN and through NSF with CONSER, both in collaboration with other researchers including ACIRI. Ns has always included substantal contributions from other researchers, including wireless code from the UCB Daedelus and CMU Monarch projects and Sun Microsystems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za ns2 Package: ns2-examples Description-md5: 9324570cc0a99a66d6b098c5827029c3 Description-sl: Primeri ns2 Provides substantial support for simulation of TCP, routing, and multicast protocols over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks. Ns-2 is written in C++ and an Object oriented version of Tcl called OTcl. . Ns began as a variant of the REAL network simulator in 1989 and has evolved substantially over the past few years. In 1995 ns development was supported by DARPA through the VINT project at LBL, Xerox PARC, UCB, and USC/ISI. Currently ns development is support through DARPA with SAMAN and through NSF with CONSER, both in collaboration with other researchers including ACIRI. Ns has always included substantal contributions from other researchers, including wireless code from the UCB Daedelus and CMU Monarch projects and Sun Microsystems. . Ta paket vsebuje primere ns2 Package: ns3-doc Description-md5: f605df70f414a0af6bdc70d3bf97e546 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za ns3 ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam” derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and NAM (network animator). . This package contains manual, modules, tutorial and doxygen. Package: nsca Description-md5: 016d2968e47ea354efa57ff7f55e2bc0 Description-sl: Nagios service monitor agent This addon allows you to send service check results to a central monitoring server running Nagios in a reasonably secure manner. . Nagios is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and networks. . Zmožnosti Nagios vključujejo: . - Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) - Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks - Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) - Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) - Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) . Nagios was written in C and is designed to be easy to understand and modify to fit your own needs. Package: nsca-client Description-md5: b339e21c7e30cccff85552c8baf5ba64 Description-sl: Nagios service monitor agent - client package This package contains only the client part of nsca and is thus suitable for installation on systems that only report passive service checks to a central server. . Nagios is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and networks. . Zmožnosti Nagios vključujejo: . - Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) - Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks - Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) - Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) - Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) . Nagios was written in C and is designed to be easy to understand and modify to fit your own needs. Package: nsxiv Description-md5: 860c4a405c01d96bd0a327bcf4cca01c Description-sl: neo simple X image viewer nsxiv (the Neo Simple X Image Viewer) is a fork of the now-unmaintained sxiv project, with the purpose of being a drop-in replacement for sxiv, maintaining its interface, and adding simple, sensible features. nsxiv aims to be easy to modify and customise, and works nicely with tiling window managers. . Zmožnosti: . - Basic image operations, e.g. zooming, panning, rotating - Customizable key and mouse button mappings - Scriptable via configuration files - Thumbnail mode: grid of selectable previews of all images - Ability to cache thumbnails for fast re-loading - Basic support for animated/multi-frame images (GIF/WebP) - Display image information in status bar - Display image name/path in X title Package: nted Description-md5: eccb14fd7802bce7e814bd3631bce034 Description-sl: Urejevalnik rezultatov glasbe NtEd je urejevalnik rezultatov GTK+. Poskuša biti resnično WYSIWYG: na tiskalniku dobite natanko to, kar vidite na zaslonu. Podpira do 4 glasove na osebo, note bobnov, 5 vrstic besedila, N-Tuples, spremembe vsebine, ponovitve z nadomestki, nastavljivi glasbeni inštrumenti za osebo, uvoz MIDI /MusicXML, izvoz PS /PDF / SVG / PNG / Liylpond / MIDI. Rezultate lahko predvajate skozi sekvenčnik ALSA. Package: nted-doc Description-md5: c452c34c7ec45604f70bcd4268199523 Description-sl: Dokumentacija NtEd NtEd is a WYSIWYG GTK+ score editor. . This package contains the accompanying HTML documentation. It is available online through the nted application provided that yelp is available. Package: numba-doc Description-md5: c0dcfd237d66973e0d104bb73c082a8e Description-sl: native machine code compiler for Python (docs) Numba compiles native machine code instructions from Python programs at runtime using the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Just-in-time compilation with Numba could be easily employed by decorating individual computation intensive functions in the Python code. Numba could significantly speed up the performance of computations, and optionally supports compilation to run on GPU processors through Nvidia's CUDA platform. It integrates well with the Python scientific software stack, and especially recognizes Numpy arrays. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: nuttcp Description-md5: 89b21c7f70c896e749456d4f61fc51c9 Description-sl: Orodje za merjenje hitrosti delovanja ormežja nuttcp is a network performance measurement tool intended for use by network and system managers. Its most basic usage is to determine the raw TCP (or UDP) network layer throughput by transferring memory buffers from a source system across an interconnecting network to a destination system, either transferring data for a specified time interval, or alternatively transferring a specified number of bytes. Package: nxproxy Description-md5: 535efe982dd954a773c0924b9bd58a62 Description-sl: NX proxy NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X applications over a network, especially a slow one. . Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko (odjemalca) posredniškega strežnika NX. Package: oasis Description-md5: ba097297129a850fb305e2c0b6623270 Description-sl: Build-system generation for OCaml projects -- binaries OASIS generates a full configure, build and install system for your application. It starts with a simple `_oasis` file at the toplevel of your project and creates everything required. . It uses external tools like OCamlbuild and it can be considered as the glue between various subsystems that do the job. It should support the following tools: . - OCamlbuild - OMake (todo) - OCamlMakefile (todo), - ocaml-autoconf (todo) . It also features a do-it-yourself command line invocation and an internal configure/install scheme. Libraries are managed through findlib. It has been tested on GNU Linux and Windows. . OASIS supports standard entry points and descriptions. It helps to integrates your libraries and software with third parties tools like GODI. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja ukazne vrstice. Package: oathtool Description-md5: d984121e7ec1e8e81c5eb05708fd6f3d Description-sl: Orodje ukazne vrstice Zbirke orodij OATH oathtool OATH Toolkit provide components to build one-time password authentication systems. It contains shared C libraries, command line tools and a PAM module. Supported technologies include the event-based HOTP algorithm (RFC 4226), the time-based TOTP algorithm (RFC 6238), and Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC, RFC 6030) to manage secret key data. OATH stands for Open AuTHentication, which is the organization that specify the algorithms. . Ta paket vsebuje orodje ukazne vrstice Zbirka orodij OATH "oathtool". Package: obconf Description-md5: 6dcb61a6c983937a39ae77717f98f7e6 Description-sl: preferences manager for Openbox window manager ObConf je majhen grafični pripomoček, ki sproti nastavlja možnosti in nastavitve okenskega upravljalnika Openbox. . V primeru da ste uporabnik Openbox, boste verjetno želeli ta paket. Package: obs-scene-as-transition Description-md5: 88c26da33748bf3bb23236407e00fbdc Description-sl: plugin for OBS Studio to use a Scene as a Transition This plugin can be used to create all kinds of transitions. It is recommended to get the most out of this plugin that you use other powerful plugins such as obs-move-transition to create advanced movements. . Is possible to make the transitions dynamic by passing information from other ways. An example would be putting a text source on the transition scene and having it updated with the name of the scene or game you are transitioning to. . Nekatere zmožnosti: . - Choose a scene to use as a transition. - Set the total transition duration. - Set a what point the scene changes (Time or Percentage). - Choose a filter to trigger on the transition scene when the transition starts. Package: ocaml-core Description-md5: 7040e27026310b4307dc6463f97f0656 Description-sl: Jedrna orodja OCaml (metapaket) A metapackage containing dependencies on, and suggestions of packages useful for developing in the Objective Caml (OCaml) programming language. . Includes dependencies on various tools related to OCaml like compiler and preprocessor, tuareg mode for the emacs editor, package manager, documentation tool and more. Package: ocaml-source Description-md5: 3e4d34b4c1b472bafed56141a9ad7a45 Description-sl: Izvorna koda za Objective Caml Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML. . This package contains the sources needed to build some packages which build depend on the OCaml source. Notice that if you want to rebuild OCaml, these will not work, consider using the source package instead. Package: ocaml-tools Description-md5: 2b87a5232e01a1d14faf94951ded1484 Description-sl: Orodja za razvijalce OCaml This package collects various tools to help developing Objective Caml (OCaml) programs; in particular it contains: . * ocaml-autoconf: autoconf macros for OCaml * omlet: a better OCaml indentation mode for vim * a and template * ocamldot: generate program dependency graphs for OCaml programs Package: ocrad Description-md5: fc39bf0314a34942956b23b481ad19d8 Description-sl: optical character recognition program GNU Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program based on a feature extraction method. It reads a bitmap image in pgm/pbm format and produces text in byte (8-bit) or UTF-8 formats. . Ocrad includes a layout analyzer able to separate the columns or blocks of text normally found on printed pages. . Ta paket vsebuje orodje ukazne vrstice. Package: ocrfeeder Description-md5: 366687e89d544981c3515fd2c7e7e58d Description-sl: Sistem za preučevanje razporeditve dokumentov in optično prepoznavo znakov. OCRFeeder je sistem za preučevanje razporeditve dokumentov in optično prepoznavo znakov. . Given the images it will automatically outline its contents, distinguish between what's graphics and text and perform OCR over the latter. It generates multiple formats being its main one ODT. . It features a complete GTK+ graphical user interface that allows the users to correct any unrecognized characters, defined or correct bounding boxes, set paragraph styles, clean the input images, import PDFs, save and load the project, export everything to multiple formats, etc. Package: ocsinventory-agent Description-md5: 985d7c6a819d5adecbca957131518643 Description-sl: Hardware and software inventory tool (client) Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed to help a network or system administrator to keep track of the hardware and software configurations of computers that are installed on the network. It also allows deploying software, scripts and files on client computers. . Ta paket vsebuje odjemalec. Package: octave-communications Description-md5: 38e85a3f8dfb0c75f007c9a8afb39609 Description-sl: Paket komunikacije za Octave This package provides functions for Octave, a numerical computation software, to perform error analysis on communication signals, convert between analog and digital signals, and many more functions pertaining to signal analysis. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octave-econometrics Description-md5: 77d19b3670c180afc92ddabb5d6ac797 Description-sl: Funkcije econometrije za Octave This package provides functions to work with econometrics in Octave, a numerical computation software. The functions include methods to do maximum likelihood (mle_estimate) and general method of moments (gmm_estimate) based estimations. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octave-gdf Description-md5: d7e17ef14839d528b5bbe1b56d64790a Description-sl: Knjižnica VI za GDF -- vmesnik Octave GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Octave za libspf. Package: octave-gsl Description-md5: baae6a89a99bc471c70ac16055639245 Description-sl: Vezava GSL za Octave This package provides bindings to the GNU Scientific Library for Octave, a numerical computation software. The GSL is a collection of routines for numerical analysis. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octave-image Description-md5: cb3f73f74fdb27b78faf30e3a0c8756e Description-sl: Upravljanje slik za Octave This package provides functions for processing images. The package also provides functions for feature extraction, image statistics, spatial and geometric transformations, morphological operations, linear filtering, and much more. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octave-miscellaneous Description-md5: ae355b1517c7562ea62f66aa419429bd Description-sl: Različna orodja za Octave This package provides miscellaneous tools for Octave, a numerical computation program. Included are functions to create a LaTeX file from a comma separated data file (csv2latex), map matrices and cells (map), a match filter that resembles the filter in Python (match) and many more. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octave-pfstools Description-md5: e70318b67b9c2f5a91a7931e373082d1 Description-sl: Vezave octave za pfstools PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can be used to exchange data between applications. . This package contains octave bindings to read and write PFS files. Package: octave-symbolic Description-md5: 79f50f3adee6962841ce3f86737a2279 Description-sl: Simbolni paket za Octave Adds symbolic calculation features to GNU Octave. These include common Computer Algebra System tools such as algebraic operations, calculus, equation solving, Fourier and Laplace transforms, variable precision arithmetic and other features. Compatibility with other symbolic toolboxes is intended. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octave-vrml Description-md5: 69177de5218eb00b5455d4e5d631ee99 Description-sl: Funkcije VRML za Octave This package provides functions to do 3D graphics using VRML in Octave a numerical computation software. It allows the visualization of sets of 3D points, 3D curves, surfaces, etc using Octave, in conjunction with the VRML browser FreeWRL. . This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project. Package: octavia-api Description-md5: 01e546b6b69faa22a522b17e196818f6 Description-sl: OpenStack Load Balancer as a Service - API frontend Openstack Load Balancer as a Service, codenamed Octavia was borne out of the Neutron LBaaS project. Its conception influenced the transformation of the Neutron LBaaS project, as Neutron LBaaS moved from version 1 to version 2. Starting with the Liberty release of OpenStack, Octavia has become the reference implementation for Neutron LBaaS version 2. . Octavia accomplishes its delivery of load balancing services by managing a fleet of virtual machines, containers, or bare metal servers—collectively known as amphorae— which it spins up on demand. This on-demand, horizontal scaling feature differentiates Octavia from other load balancing solutions, thereby making Octavia truly suited “for the cloud.”. . Ta paket zagotavlja začelje API. Package: odbc-postgresql Description-md5: ca9991df6514508e654fa440ff1560cd Description-sl: Gonilnik ODBC za PostgreSQL This package provides a driver that allows ODBC-enabled applications to access PostgreSQL databases. ODBC is an abstraction layer that allows applications written for that layer to access databases in a manner that is relatively independent of the particular database management system. . You need to install this package if you want to use an application that provides database access through ODBC and you want that application to access a PostgreSQL database. This package would need to be installed on the same machine as that client application; the PostgreSQL database server can be on a different machine and does not need any additional software to accept ODBC clients. . If you want to write software that can access a database through the ODBC abstraction layer, you need to install the unixODBC driver manager development package unixodbc-dev, and possibly additional packages for language bindings. This driver package is only used at run time. Package: ofono Description-md5: 424c82f98ad60ebfb090dca93af81717 Description-sl: Sklad mobilne telefonije (ozadnji program) oFono is a stack for mobile telephony devices on Linux. oFono supports speaking to telephony devices through specific drivers, or with generic AT commands. . oFono also includes a low-level plug-in API for integrating with other telephony stacks, cellular modems and storage back-ends. The plug-in API functionality is modeled on public standards, in particular 3GPP TS 27.007 "AT command set for User Equipment (UE)." . Ta paket vsebuje jedrni ozadnji program. Package: ofono-dev Description-md5: 144644b11747a939d416d7c282e0e0e5 Description-sl: Sklad mobilne telefonije (razvojne datoteke) oFono is a stack for mobile telephony devices on Linux. oFono supports speaking to telephony devices through specific drivers, or with generic AT commands. . oFono also includes a low-level plug-in API for integrating with other telephony stacks, cellular modems and storage back-ends. The plug-in API functionality is modeled on public standards, in particular 3GPP TS 27.007 "AT command set for User Equipment (UE)." . This package includes the header files for building oFono plugins. Package: ogamesim Description-md5: 7304ed073eb6c164f99342aeac7f4640 Description-sl: Konzolski simulator Ogame Console battles simulator for the online MMORG Ogame (strategic space simulation game): It allows to perform the battles simulation between one player and another one player (Multi-combat mode is not supported). The simulator can integrate in a script bot or can be used just for the battle result calculation. Package: ogamesim-www Description-md5: 68576e9e32bd2062f078e6c7aad1f4ca Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik WWW za ogamesim CGI frontend for the console battles simulator. Contains: * The probe report parser for the automatical input form filling; * The task editor for the simulator; * The calculation results report parser; * The multilanguage interface. Package: oggvideotools Description-md5: a9f83dd17ba224a7185cd41f45fc4a7d Description-sl: toolbox for manipulating and creating Ogg video files Vsebuje naslednja orodja ukazne vrstice: . * oggCat - concatenates two ogg video files * oggCut - extracts parts of an ogg file * oggDump * oggJoin - multiplexes ogg streams * oggLength * oggTranscode - resizes ogg files in multiple ways * oggScroll * oggSilence * oggSlideshow - creates slideshows from pictures * oggSplit - demultiplexes ogv files * oggThumb - creates thumbnails from an ogg video file Package: ogre-1.12-doc Description-md5: b592ab3f09cd7be17a51bdfdd2b45a0c Description-sl: Programnik 3D predmetno usmerjene grafike (dokumentacija) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: ogre-1.12-tools Description-md5: 584c8d5813c6f43723ee55303096a361 Description-sl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (tools) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja za pretvorbo iz in v ORGE-ovo lastno obliko mrež. Package: ogre-1.9-doc Description-md5: b592ab3f09cd7be17a51bdfdd2b45a0c Description-sl: Programnik 3D predmetno usmerjene grafike (dokumentacija) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: ogre-1.9-tools Description-md5: 584c8d5813c6f43723ee55303096a361 Description-sl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (tools) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja za pretvorbo iz in v ORGE-ovo lastno obliko mrež. Package: ogre-next-doc Description-md5: b592ab3f09cd7be17a51bdfdd2b45a0c Description-sl: Programnik 3D predmetno usmerjene grafike (dokumentacija) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: ogre-next-tools Description-md5: 584c8d5813c6f43723ee55303096a361 Description-sl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (tools) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja za pretvorbo iz in v ORGE-ovo lastno obliko mrež. Package: ohcount Description-md5: e187d8d164da42616f03e955eb4e690d Description-sl: Števec vrstic izvorne kode Ohcount supports over 70 popular programming languages. Ohcount does more than just count lines of code. It can also detect popular open source licenses such as GPL within a large directory of source code. It can also detect code that targets a particular programming API, such as Win32 or KDE. Ohcount is the line counter which powers Package: ohcount-doc Description-md5: 48239a7db26bcc2dc61ea929e6a460f9 Description-sl: Source code line counter - Documentation Ohcount supports over 70 popular programming languages. Ohcount does more than just count lines of code. It can also detect popular open source licenses such as GPL within a large directory of source code. It can also detect code that targets a particular programming API, such as Win32 or KDE. Ohcount is the line counter which powers . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: oidentd Description-md5: 65a257a29a6dffd112177197d356192b Description-sl: Ozadnji program zamenjave ident An ident (rfc1413) daemon for IPv4 and IPv6. . Oidentd allows users, given the proper permission, to specify the identd response that the server will output when a successful lookup is completed. Oidentd also allows for pseudo-random strings (either a prefix, such as "user," followed by a number between 0 and 99999, or 10 pseudo-random characters of the set 0-9A-Za-z) to be returned upon the completion of a successful lookup instead of a username or a UID. . Oidentd supports IPv4 masqueraded connections, including netfilter. Package: oinkmaster Description-md5: af45601e05b758779d7fdc0675c6f7f5 Description-sl: Upravljalnik pravil Snort A simple script to manage and update Snort rules with the capability of disabling, modifying and enabling specific rules after an update. Oinkmaster will tell you exactly what has changed since your last update, giving you good control of your rules. It also can be used to manage updates from both the official provider ( and from other rulesets ( Package: okular Description-md5: 85b8505bf18481fba446ca13d4571473 Description-sl: splošen pregledovalnik dokumentov Okular je splošen pregledovalnik dokumentov s podporo za napredne zmožnosti dokumentov kot so zabeležke, obrazci ali vstavljene datoteke. . This package provides the document viewer application, plus plugins for a wide variety of document formats such as: * PostScript (PS) * Portable Document Format (PDF) * TeX Device independent file format (DVI) * XML Paper Specification (XPS) * G3 fax * various electronic book formats: ComicBook, FictionBook, and Plucker . Additional document formats are in the okular-extra-backends package. . The Calligra suite provides Okular plugins for OpenDocument formats that can be found in the okular-backend-odt and okular-backend-odp packages. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: okular-data Description-md5: 7cf575534c9317529f5d9148cda2510f Description-sl: splošen pregledovalnik dokumentov Okular je splošen pregledovalnik dokumentov s podporo za napredne zmožnosti dokumentov kot so zabeležke, obrazci ali vstavljene datoteke. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: okular-dev Description-md5: d9fdff4db8a819b1e47db69dd4a8064e Description-sl: development files for the Okular libraries This package contains development files for building Okular document format backends. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: okular-doc Description-md5: e1e40e81341bb03c8172aa239b4002e1 Description-sl: universal document viewer - manual Okular je splošen pregledovalnik dokumentov s podporo za napredne zmožnosti dokumentov kot so zabeležke, obrazci ali vstavljene datoteke. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: okular-extra-backends Description-md5: c5f2bb22c08f72f083bc4e5b1ab62497 Description-sl: dodatna podpora vrst dokumentov za Okular These plugins allow Okular to view additional document formats: * DeJaVu Format * TIFF Image Format * EPUB * Markdown . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: okular-mobile Description-md5: 65677af865dc93d2f252e201e97e8e1e Description-sl: mobile support for Okular These plugins allow Okular to view additional document formats for mobile: * Portable Document Format (PDF) * PostScript * Device Independent Format (DVI) * DeJaVu Format * Comic Books * Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, and many more) * TIFF Image Format * FictionBook Format * Plucker Format * OpenDocument Text Format * Microsofts XML Document Format . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: omake-doc Description-md5: 3154c1b0b8dcfca4b2337648b0dc5b2f Description-sl: Dokumentacija za OMake OMake is a build system designed to scale from small projects to very large projects spanning many directories. OMake uses a syntax similar to GNU make, with many additional features. It contains specifications for easily building C, OCaml, and LaTeX programs, but can be used to build projects with other languages as well. . This package contains documentation for OMake in html and pdf formats. Package: omegat Description-md5: 2bd50a76402079ac13a1c2ab4aef2931 Description-sl: Orodje za prevajanje s pomočjo računalnika (CAT) Glavne zmožnosti programa OmegaT' so - upravljanje več izvirnih besedil in vzdrževanje zapletene hierarhije map - ohlapno ujemanje z drugimi odseki izvornih datotek ali datotek TMX iz prehodnih projektov - enostavno upravljanje izrazov slovarja - prilagodljivo ustvarjanje odsekov na osnovi logičnih izrazov (z uproabo SRX podobnega načina) - zmogljiva iskanja na osnovni logičnih izrazov skupaj s pripomočki za uveljavitev filtra za prikaz rezultatov iskanja v urejevalniku - zmožnost paketnega obdelovanja dokumentov iz ukazne vrstice - razširjena statistika paketa - dokumentacija in vodnik, enostavna kot razumevanje - arhitektura vstavkov z ločenim programom za korenjenje Lucene (prepoznavanje sklanjatev) in vstavkov LanguageTool (preverjanje sloga in slovnice) - vključitev s Hunspell za preverjanje črkovanja - enostaven API za dostop do besedilnih podatkov vira/cilja/izbire . OmegaT podpira 24 vrst, vključno z vrstami dokumentacije kot so OpenDocument, Opem XML (MS Office 2007), DocBook in (x)HTML in tudi vrste za prevajanje kot so lastnosti Java in datoteke PO. Vstavek Okapi lahko še bolj poveča število podprtih vrst, na primer za vključitev TTX (TradosTag). Package: omniidl Description-md5: c2104e81d9f4649ada071c0ed508ae7c Description-sl: omniORB IDL to C++ and Python3 compiler omniORB4 is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . To vključuje kodni prevajalnik idl. Package: omniorb-idl Description-md5: 122028cc6ec172f0d83311cf803dd3fb Description-sl: omniORB CORBA services idl files omniORB is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . To vključuje datoteke idl. Package: omniorb-nameserver Description-md5: bbb43248de37b94cbfb0aea4ee67baf8 Description-sl: Storitev poimenovanja omniORB omniORB is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . To vključuje imenski strežnik CORBA. Package: onak Description-md5: b07ee0944ed64e74989d68180a00ef17 Description-sl: Strežnik ključa OpenPGP onak is an OpenPGP compatible keyserver which supports multiple subkeys, photo ids and path finding between keys. It can provide an HKP compatible interface for use with the --keyserver option of gnupg as well as including a command line tool for querying the key database. Package: oneisenough Description-md5: 5a0551e9ed45f1f0093bdad9112291f7 Description-sl: 2D ploščadna igra o epskem boju krogljic One Is Enough je 2D ploščadna igra v kateri mora komunistična žoga kapitalistične žoge spreobrniti v komunistične. Na obali se poraja več in več kapitalističnih žog - novih sovražnikov. Package: ooo-thumbnailer Description-md5: a4b011e02bad67ce711dfcdd5da8a8d8 Description-sl: Izdelovalnik sličic za dokumente ooo-thumbnailer is a lightweight document thumbnailer that can be used by Nautilus to create thumbnails for your documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawings. Package: opal-utils Description-md5: 823cb617c843f8ab7056ef7c0a68c0be Description-sl: OPAL firmware utilities Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke. . The 'gard' utility, can read, parse and clear hardware gard partitions on OpenPower platforms. Package: open-invaders Description-md5: 596552563f3a709637aec0174720f716 Description-sl: Klon igre Space invaders Space Invaders is one of the earliest arcade shoot 'em up games. The player can move horizontally across the bottom of the screen and must shoot at an incoming wave of aliens before they reach the bottom. . Open Invaders is a clone of the legendary 70's classic, but with completely new graphics, several bonus levels, etc. Package: open3d-doc Description-md5: d61069d73e247fb2e7b0cf7b6e034147 Description-sl: Library for 3D data processing - API documentation Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data. The Open3D frontend exposes a set of carefully selected data structures and algorithms in both C++ and Python. The backend is highly optimized and is set up for parallelization. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: openarena Description-md5: 5c88c938032f434f395e780475e66fe0 Description-sl: Hitra 3D prvoosebna strelska igra OpenArena je paket odprtokodne vsebine za ioQuake3, ki je licenciran pod GPL, kar ustvari prosto samostojno igro. Čeprav je OpenArena zamenjava za Quake 3 Arena podjetja id Software Inc., NI združljiva z lastniško igro. . OpenArena je morda neprimerna za otroke. . Ta paket namesti odjemalec OpenArena. Package: openarena-088-data Description-md5: b0b25c5fd2e52ea60b787c39eb3306cc Description-sl: Podatki igre OpenArena OpenArena is an open-source content package for the Quake III engine, effectively creating a free stand-alone game similar to Quake III Arena. . In Debian, OpenArena game data are divided into several packages. This package contains the non-code parts of the OpenArena 0.8.8 update. It is ignored by older OpenArena packages. Package: openarena-data Description-md5: 3d3f4a2095b70047ebd6b197e5149a9a Description-sl: Podatki igre OpenArena OpenArena is an open-source content package for the Quake III engine, effectively creating a free stand-alone game similar to Quake III Arena. . In Debian, OpenArena game data are divided into several packages. This package contains the basic game content from OpenArena 0.8.1, and depends on the rest of the game data from OpenArena 0.8.1 and 0.8.5. Package: openarena-server Description-md5: b5aee37b93113cab3fd625b8fc9b2625 Description-sl: server and game logic for the game OpenArena OpenArena je paket odprtokodne vsebine za ioQuake3, ki je licenciran pod GPL, kar ustvari prosto samostojno igro. Čeprav je OpenArena zamenjava za Quake 3 Arena podjetja id Software Inc., NI združljiva z lastniško igro. . This package installs the OpenArena dedicated server and its init script. Package: openbabel Description-md5: 9d391ce1a3230895a2568f94e8575839 Description-sl: Pripomočki kemične zbirke orodij (cli) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats Open Babel supports include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC and MPQC. . This package includes the following utilities: * obabel: Convert between various chemical file formats * obenergy: Calculate the energy for a molecule * obminimize: Optimize the geometry, minimize the energy for a molecule * obgrep: Molecular search program using SMARTS pattern * obgen: Generate 3D coordinates for a molecule * obprop: Print standard molecular properties * obfit: Superimpose two molecules based on a pattern * obrotamer: Generate conformer/rotamer coordinates * obconformer: Generate low-energy conformers * obchiral: Print molecular chirality information * obrotate: Rotate dihedral angle of molecules in batch mode * obprobe: Create electrostatic probe grid Package: openbox Description-md5: a149da1397ca2f3f11e63c95dce5ef4d Description-sl: standards-compliant, fast, light-weight and extensible window manager Openbox works with your applications, and makes your desktop easier to manage. This is because the approach to its development was the opposite of what seems to be the general case for window managers. Openbox was written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Only when that was in place did the team turn to the visual interface. . Openbox je polno delujoč kot samostojno delovno okolje, mogoče pa ga je uporabiti kot spustno zamenjavo za privzet okenski upravljalnik v namiznih okoljih GNOME ali KDE. . Openbox 3 is a completely new breed of window manager. It is not based upon any existing code base, although the visual appearance has been based upon that of Blackbox. Openbox 2 was based on the Blackbox 0.65.0 codebase. . Stvari, ki jih lahko najdete v Openbox so: . * združljivost z ICCCM in EWMH! * zelo hiter * vezljive tipkovne bližnjice key bindings * prilagodljiva dejanja miške * odpornost oken * več glavna podpora Xinerama! * cevni meniji Package: openbox-dev Description-md5: c4c1c6dc43a98aaed1a0c4558280f752 Description-sl: development files for the openbox window manager Openbox works with your applications, and makes your desktop easier to manage. This is because the approach to its development was the opposite of what seems to be the general case for window managers. Openbox was written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Only when that was in place did the team turn to the visual interface. . Openbox je polno delujoč kot samostojno delovno okolje, mogoče pa ga je uporabiti kot spustno zamenjavo za privzet okenski upravljalnik v namiznih okoljih GNOME ali KDE. . Openbox 3 is a completely new breed of window manager. It is not based upon any existing code base, although the visual appearance has been based upon that of Blackbox. Openbox 2 was based on the Blackbox 0.65.0 codebase. . This package contains the development headers for building openbox stuff. Package: openbox-lxde-session Description-md5: 5475097460208980d4b5d0d46ed3a34c Description-sl: LXDE session manager and configuration files LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a project aimed to provide a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. . It's not designed to be powerful and bloated, but to be usable and slim enough, and keep the resource usage low. Different from other desktop environments, LXDE doesn't tightly integrate every component. Instead, LXDE tries to make all components independent, and each of them can be used independently with fewer dependencies. . Zmožnosti: . * Lightweight, runs with reasonable memory usage * Fast, runs well even on older machines produced in 1999 * Good-looking, GTK+ 2 internationalized user interface * Easy-to-use, the user interface is simple, but usable enough * Desktop independent (surprise! Every component can be used without LXDE) * Standard compliant, follows the specs on . This package depends on minimal set of components (lxsession, openbox, and lxde-screenlock.desktop file), and contains all the session-specific configuration files required to start a LXDE desktop session from a display manager such as GDM. Package: opencc Description-md5: e1eea6dcca0142c8716dad48b07bb04c Description-sl: simplified-traditional Chinese conversion tool opencc is a library for converting character between traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. . Ta paket vključuje orodje pretvorbe. Package: opencity Description-md5: 086e2a882c755dca20287a78dfaea7e9 Description-sl: 3D city simulator game OpenCity je 3D simulator izgradnje mesta. Izgradite lahko področja hiš, trgovanja in industrije, elektrarno in ceste. Poleg tega lahko teren tudi zvišate in znižate. OpenCity je v duhu podoben drugim igram izgradnje mest, nagiba se občutku igre SimCity z nekaj dodatnimi zmožnostmi. Vendar ne poskuša biti klon te igre. Package: opencity-data Description-md5: b62db9f1f20228874e43fdc3b5d2684e Description-sl: data for opencity, a 3D city simulator game OpenCity je 3D simulator izgradnje mesta. Izgradite lahko področja hiš, trgovanja in industrije, elektrarno in ceste. . This package contains the architecture-independent data for opencity. For more information, see the opencity package. Package: openclipart Description-md5: 072611e96db6eed945e4f9d401d4eb8b Description-sl: Knjižnica Open Clip Art The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . This package is a metapackage installing both the SVG and PNG (converted from SVG) versions. Package: openclipart-libreoffice Description-md5: b87a847e071a5b73e68c308e327cb508 Description-sl: sličice za galerijo The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke info Galerije Package: openclipart-png Description-md5: fa5bc7a53cee03b29481ca9973d6d22f Description-sl: Sličice v PNG zapisu The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . This package contains the images in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. Package: openclipart-svg Description-md5: 92c04cc70d1d7f8b16be82aae8b39eb8 Description-sl: Sličice v obliki SVG The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . This package contains the images in Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) format, which is an XML format approved by the W3C. Package: openclonk-data Description-md5: e03ab98c63678a4a11d15210f934ca95 Description-sl: multiplayer game of strategy, action and skill - data OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke igre. Package: opencryptoki Description-md5: 56b253ffe8e457a6f3acbdd3c6a66a12 Description-sl: PKCS#11 implementation (daemon) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: opencv-doc Description-md5: ee64a89ad004eac0997a2fd96a5627e5 Description-sl: Dokumentacija in primeri OpenCV This package contains the OpenCV documentation and example programs. . The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP (Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance. . OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction. Package: openhpi-clients Description-md5: f50a229b5fcd87c08636dd0aef02ebe5 Description-sl: Primeri programov odjemalca OpenHPI OpenHPI is an implementation of the Service Availability Forum's Hardware Platform Interface specification. (See As such, OpenHPI facilitates the development of computer manageability applications which are not tied to a single hardware vendor's products. . Ta paket vsebuje program primere programov odjemalcev, ki so del OpenHPI. Package: openhpi-plugin-ipmi Description-md5: 3919845529b0a339678c0b2561f298d7 Description-sl: Modul vstavka OpenHPI za OpenIPMI OpenHPI is an implementation of the Service Availability Forum's Hardware Platform Interface specification. (See As such, OpenHPI facilitates the development of computer manageability applications which are not tied to a single hardware vendor's products. . This package contains a plugin module that accesses hardware information through the OpenIPMI library. Package: openhpi-plugin-sysfs Description-md5: 2ba6bbad7cf90a7cb7b3f71e9fb02c68 Description-sl: Vstavek OpenHPI za datotečni sistem sysfs OpenHPI is an implementation of the Service Availability Forum's Hardware Platform Interface specification. (See As such, OpenHPI facilitates the development of computer manageability applications which are not tied to a single hardware vendor's products. . This package contains a plugin module that accesses hardware information presented through the sysfs filesystem. Package: openigtlink-doc Description-md5: 1224078a23f02542f4e2f2e1c52c9503 Description-sl: Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol - documentation Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol intended for trackers, robots and other devices to send data to the main application. Some devices might also accept commands. . For example applications may include: * Stereotactic surgical guidance using optical position sensor and medical image visualization software. * Intraoperative image guidance using real-time MRI and medical image visualization software * Robot-assisted intervention using robotic device and surgical planning software . Ta pakete vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije za OpenIGTLink. Package: openjade Description-md5: b35e1d7af5f6e1c8a8527523612f49d2 Description-sl: Izvedba jezika DSSSL OpenJade is an implementation of the ISO/IEC 10179:1996 standard DSSSL language. It is based on James Clark's Jade software. . The OpenJade processor, in conjunction with a DSSSL style sheet, is capable of translating SGML documents into other formats. Output formats currently supported are RTF, HTML, MIF, JadeTeX, or an XML representation of the flow object tree. Using its own non-standard system, it is also capable of transforming one SGML or XML DTD to another. . Author: The OpenJade Team <> Package: openjdk-11-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-11-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-11-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-11-jdk Description-md5: b9e7f4837238c34971e4a8b72ab7d045 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. Package: openjdk-11-jre Description-md5: 13097853553de1ab39cc189225a9cbaa Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. Package: openjdk-11-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-17-crac-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-17-crac-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-17-crac-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-17-crac-jdk Description-md5: ee71f81171ced61af628e54160c7c700 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. This package also provides the "Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint" capability. Package: openjdk-17-crac-jre Description-md5: 3b9db7fd0bd9c229d129535b6bd8dc63 Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. This package also provides the "Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint" capability. Package: openjdk-17-crac-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-17-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-17-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-17-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-17-jdk Description-md5: b9e7f4837238c34971e4a8b72ab7d045 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. Package: openjdk-17-jre Description-md5: 13097853553de1ab39cc189225a9cbaa Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. Package: openjdk-17-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-21-crac-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-21-crac-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-21-crac-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-21-crac-jdk Description-md5: ee71f81171ced61af628e54160c7c700 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. This package also provides the "Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint" capability. Package: openjdk-21-crac-jre Description-md5: 3b9db7fd0bd9c229d129535b6bd8dc63 Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. This package also provides the "Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint" capability. Package: openjdk-21-crac-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-21-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-21-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-22-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-22-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-22-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-22-jdk Description-md5: b9e7f4837238c34971e4a8b72ab7d045 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. Package: openjdk-22-jre Description-md5: 13097853553de1ab39cc189225a9cbaa Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. Package: openjdk-22-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-23-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-23-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-23-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-23-jdk Description-md5: b9e7f4837238c34971e4a8b72ab7d045 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. Package: openjdk-23-jre Description-md5: 13097853553de1ab39cc189225a9cbaa Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. Package: openjdk-23-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-24-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: openjdk-24-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK Package: openjdk-24-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: openjdk-24-jdk Description-md5: b9e7f4837238c34971e4a8b72ab7d045 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. Package: openjdk-24-jre Description-md5: 13097853553de1ab39cc189225a9cbaa Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. Package: openjdk-24-source Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. Package: openjdk-8-dbg Description-md5: 62cbbd2d3e6bc94279f18db4f735142b Description-sl: Izvajanje java osnovano na OpenJDK (razhroščevalni simboli) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-demo Description-md5: c2a5624aa60e4de3025a249886fa82d7 Description-sl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Izvajanje Java OpenJDK . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-doc Description-md5: c1aebd5e8058a6cce0d5690571eddb7b Description-sl: Zbirka orodij za razvoj OpenJDK (JDK) dokumentacija OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jdk Description-md5: 675290db0de49757986666504c33f9b2 Description-sl: Zbirka razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This binary package extends the headless JDK with GUI-specific utilities, libraries and, as necessary, package dependencies. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jre Description-md5: adca808a02a80aed4051cc95b7fe5f37 Description-sl: Izvajalna datoteka Java OpenJDK z uporabo Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-source Description-md5: 328263bb6fbf81f04f5d459d67244ea0 Description-sl: Izvorne datoteke zbirke razvojnih orodij OpenJDK (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openmsx-catapult Description-md5: 630a46e975f360d336cd0148ca5c90a6 Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik za openMSX OpenMSX catapult is a graphical frontend for starting the openMSX emulator. Package: openmsx-debugger Description-md5: 9fad2e46b2af933859fe71fa9eee6892 Description-sl: Grafični razhroščevalnik za openMSX The openMSX debugger is a separate program that interfaces with openMSX and controls its debugger from within a graphical user interface. Package: openntpd Description-md5: 4e4924a4bc4b10b5f382ae2c8b1824c5 Description-sl: Ozadnji program OpenBSD NTP NTP, the Network Time Protocol, is used to keep the computer clocks synchronized. It provides the ability to sync the local clock to remote NTP servers and can act as NTP server itself, redistributing the local clock. . This is an alternative implementation of the NTP software, made by the OpenBSD Project. It makes use of privilege separation, only implements a subset of the NTP protocol, adjusting the rate of the clock to synchronize the local clock. . Alternative packages which provide similar functionality are ntp and chrony. Package: openpaperwork-core-doc Description-md5: 06b1acb4f0093888809e9c418f210883 Description-sl: OpenPaperwork plugins manager - core plugins manager documentation The core manages Plugins, Callbacks and Interfaces. This package also provide some basic plugins that may be used in any kind of application. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: openpaperwork-gtk-doc Description-md5: ffa79bbbfa2cbeff40ad2bb0cceab2b3 Description-sl: OpenPaperwork Glib/GTK plugins manager - documentation This package extends the openpaperwork-core with GLib/GTK plugins that may be used in any GUI application. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: openscap-doc Description-md5: 167e5230ffede344e4e64bb4bfffae12 Description-sl: libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards - Documentation OpenSCAP is a set of open source libraries providing an easier path for integration of the SCAP line of standards. SCAP is a line of standards managed by NIST with the goal of providing a standard language for the expression of Computer Network Defense related information. . The intended scope of this project is to implement working interface wrappers for parsing and querying SCAP content including: * Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) * Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE) * Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) * Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) * Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) * Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: openscenegraph-doc Description-md5: 4331c0bf73a1158c62d9f2f247402d5e Description-sl: 3D scene graph, documentation A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: openscenegraph-examples Description-md5: 07eed8e92dbd876b829ff3687c6e11a8 Description-sl: 3D scene graph, examples (sources) A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Ta paket vsebuje primere (viri). Package: openttd Description-md5: e232f316a3798721d600f2bdc3d37b17 Description-sl: Ponovna izvedba igre Transport Tycoon Deluxe z izboljšavami OpenTTD je ponovna izvedba igre "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" z veliko novimi zmožnostmi in izboljšavami. . OpenTTD is playable with the free graphics files from the openttd-opengfx package and optional sound and music files from the openttd-opensfx and openttd-openmsx packages Alternatively, OpenTTD can use the graphics files from the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe game (See README.Debian on how to set this up). Package: openuniverse Description-md5: 393ccb0f77edc9401d3c6305619b9ee7 Description-sl: 3D simulator vesolja OpenUniverse (krajše OU) je zabaven, hiter in prost simulator vesolja v OpenGL. Trenutno se osredotoča na sončni sistem in vam omogoča obisk vseh njegovih planetov, večino večjih lun in veliko zbirko manjših teles v barvitem, slovitem in realnočasovnem 3D. Če ste že kdaj obiskali Merkur ali asteroid Geographos, jih boste tukaj našli natanko enakega videza. Sledila bosta isti poti kot takrat, ko ste ju zapustili. . OpenUniverse se ne vzdržuje več. Uporabnikom priporočamo uporabo programa Celestia. Package: openvanilla-imgeneric Description-md5: 43e39edf68db3603c2136c4063b80b78 Description-sl: Knjižnice vnosnega načina openvanilla OpenVanilla is a collection of popular CJK and symbol input methods and language tools. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke knjižnica openvanilla. Package: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ja Description-md5: dcf72b402deb6286e5a9813c9e5d951e Description-sl: libraries of openvanilla input method - Japanese data files OpenVanilla is a collection of popular CJK and symbol input methods and language tools. . Ta paket vsebuje japonske podatkovne datoteke openvanilla. Package: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ko Description-md5: 9050bebfe014d7166e33954cb4208ce6 Description-sl: libraries of openvanilla input method - Korean data files OpenVanilla is a collection of popular CJK and symbol input methods and language tools. . Ta paket vsebuje korejske podatkovne datoteke openvanilla. Package: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-th Description-md5: ad62cfbd148829b067a587bee1d9b0b3 Description-sl: libraries of openvanilla input method - Thai data files OpenVanilla is a collection of popular CJK and symbol input methods and language tools. . Ta paket vsebuje tajske podatkovne datoteke openvanilla. Package: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-vi Description-md5: 4de6997bbeeab7444e8b2029ab0d41b9 Description-sl: libraries of openvanilla input method - Vietnamese data files OpenVanilla is a collection of popular CJK and symbol input methods and language tools. . Ta paket vsebuje vietnamske podatkovne datoteke openvanilla. Package: openvpn-auth-ldap Description-md5: e1e09ddd84686d578add3979f29be545 Description-sl: Modul overitve OpenVPN LDAP A plugin that implements username/password authentication via LDAP for OpenVPN 2.x. It features: . * Simple Apache-style configuration file. * LDAP group-based access restrictions. * Will authenticate against any LDAP server that supports LDAP simple binds -- including Active Directory. Package: openvpn-auth-radius Description-md5: b921300e532e25170ff387519a03bf6b Description-sl: Modul overitve OpenVPN RADIUS A plugin for OpenVPN 2.x that implements authentication of users against a RADIUS server. It features: * RADIUS authentication and accounting support for OpenVPN * analysis of RADIUS attributes: o framed ip address o framed routes o acct interim interval o vendor specific attributes by additional scripts Package: openwsman Description-md5: f8201248a0493602de7cc25be9fff901 Description-sl: Upravljalnik storitev Open Web Openwsman is a project intended to provide an open-source implementation of the Web Services Management specification (WS-Management) and to expose system management information on the Linux operating system using the WS- Management protocol. WS-Management is based on a suite of web services specifications and usage requirements that exposes a set of operations focused on and covers all system management aspects. . This package provides a basic WS Manager daemon. Package: opt Description-md5: 2febe217b921608e897447070314bbcf Description-sl: Knjižnica orodja razčlenjevanja možnosti opt is a subroutine library which facilitates the convenient input of parameters to a C program. Parameters are parsed from a command line, with further facilities for reading options from files, from environment strings, or from an interactive environment. The aim of the opt package is to permit programs to be both user- and programmer- friendly. The package attempts to on the one hand provide a direct and relatively full-featured input interface to the ultimate user of the program, and at the same time impose a minimal amount of work on the programmer to "attach" the package to his or her software. It is similar to GNU's (and AT&T's old) getopts package, but with a different interface that might be easier to use. Package: orage Description-md5: 28c052fed7c9a56336bef38b89e46ec7 Description-sl: Koledar za namizno okolje Xfce Ta paket vsebuje koledar za namizno oklje Xfce4. Lepo se vključi v namizno okolje, je visoko nastavljiv in podpira alarme osnovane na datumu. V primeru da iščete dober grafičen koledar, preizkusite orage. Podatke shrani v vrsti iCal. Package: orpie Description-md5: 48b89e891aa76f9b82dc00be32d84fe8 Description-sl: Računalo RPN za terminal Orpie is a fullscreen RPN calculator for the console. Its operation is similar to that of modern HP calculators, but data entry has been optimized for efficiency on a PC keyboard. Features include: . * real and complex numbers and matrices * extensive function library * command completion of function names * base conversions * units and conversion factor handling * exact integer arithmetic, with unlimited integer size * visible stack, with browsing/modification capability * user-defined variables * user-configurable keybindings, via a Mutt-like rcfile * context-sensitive help Package: osdclock Description-md5: 596edb8f87aa42092920c892cfd20f89 Description-sl: Ura, ki uporablja knjižnico XOSD A clock which uses the X On-Screen Display library to display itself. . It supports a strftime(3)-style format parameter and can be configured to show up only at specific intervals. Package: osmo Description-md5: 5c5b27d85c5a365939379323a1f30993 Description-sl: Osebni organizator za GTK+ Osmo je osebni organizator, ki vključuje modul koledarja, upravljalnika nalog in imenika. Poskuša biti enostaven za uporabo in nastavljiv za ustrezanje željam uporabnika. Package: oss4-base Description-md5: 0d56cd4a203c4dc1e4fd1d26c1be5b38 Description-sl: Open Sound System - osnovni paket Open Sound System (OSS) is an attempt in unifying the digital audio architecture for UNIX. . This package contains various utilities for configuring and using OSS . For OSS to work on a system with a given sound card, there must be an OSS driver for that card in the kernel. For Linux, a custom oss4-modules package can be built from the sources in the oss4-source package using the module-assistant utility. Package: oss4-dev Description-md5: b51bd9a3e28e7022064236c66cd80481 Description-sl: Open Sound System - razvojne datoteke This package provides the header for OSS 4.x development. You need this file if you want to build programs which use the OSS 4.x API. Package: otcl-shells Description-md5: adb208cec28af470cf7a0bbd7fca514e Description-sl: MIT Object Tcl shells OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension to Tcl/Tk for object- oriented programming. It shouldn't be confused with the IXI Object Tcl extension by Dean Sheenan. (Sorry, but both of them like the name and have been using it for a while.) . Some of OTcl's features as compared to alternatives are: designed to be dynamically extensible, like Tcl, from the ground up builds on Tcl syntax and concepts rather than importing another language compact yet powerful object programming system fairly portable implementation (2000 lines of C, without core hacks) . OTcl was created by David Wetherall as part of the VUsystem project at MIT. Since 1997, OTcl has been maintained as part of the Mash and VINT/ns efforts (with David's blessing). . Ta paket vsebuje dve binarni datoteki. Package: packagesearch Description-md5: 1f85f884193a2bc4b9c2e1a1bbc4a376 Description-sl: grafični uporabniški vmesnik za iskanje paketov in pregledovanje podrobnosti o paketih To orodje je namenjeno za pomoč pri iskanju paketov, ki jih potrebujete. Iskanje paketov bo naredilo prijetno. . Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system) * files * installed status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including screenshots and the files within a package. . Pakete lahko namestite ali odstranite. Package: packaging-tutorial Description-md5: 3fc7e477d7af7935c21078aeb2dc6c45 Description-sl: Uvod v pakiranje Debian This tutorial is an introduction to Debian packaging. It teaches prospective developers how to modify existing packages, how to create their own packages, and how to interact with the Debian community. In addition to the main tutorial, it includes three practical sessions on modifying the 'grep' package, and packaging the 'gnujump' game and a Java library. Package: packeth Description-md5: 8565fab2846dfa0483d3c7276e742c5f Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik paketov Eternet packeth is a packet generator tool for Ethernet. It allows you to create and send any possible packet or sequence of packets via Ethernet. It also supports the PCAP format, so you can load packets from any other program (i.e. wireshark). . Ustvarite in pošljete lahko katerikoli paket Ethernet. Podprti protokoli so: Ethernet II, Ethernet 802.3, 802.1q, QinQ, ARP, IPv4, UDP, TCP, ICMP, IGMP, RTP. Package: pacman Description-md5: e8ad66b84567c64aa92c6c4ab220eefe Description-sl: Lovite pošasti v labirintu Vi ste Pacman, ki mora za napredovanje na naslednjo stopnjo pojesti vse majhne pike. Hkrati se morate izogibati duhovom. Če vas ujamejo, izgubite življenje, razen v primeru da pojeste veliko piko, ki vam za omejen čas omogoča lovljenje in hranjenje z duhovi. Omejeno količino časa je na voljo tudi bonus. X da samo dodatne točke, majhen pacman pa da dodatno življenje. Package: palapeli Description-md5: 9b5055f9646035d40c1947dfd313f8dd Description-sl: jigsaw puzzle game Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. . Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: palapeli-data Description-md5: 2811626a70f5a6f6a7203531a31dea98 Description-sl: data files for palapeli jigsaw puzzle game Data files (puzzles) for the palapeli puzzle game. . Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. . Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: pan Description-md5: d64048085ca52ff59f129c51acdc7f74 Description-sl: newsreader based on GTK3, which looks like Forte Agent Pan je bralnik novic, ki je rahlo osnovan na programih Agent in Gravity in poskuša biti prijeten za uporabo tako za nove kot za napredne uporabnike. Ima vse značilne zmožnosti, ki podpirajo nepovezano branje novic, izpopolnjeno filtriranje, več povezav in številne dodatne zmožnosti za napredne uporabnike in oboževalce alt.binaries. Package: pandoc Description-md5: 87fcdb949ba2beef0d387bf1fbf03d43 Description-sl: Splošno pretvornik označevanja. Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. The formats it can handle include * light markup formats (many variants of Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, Org-mode, Muse, Textile, txt2tags) * HTML formats (HTML 4 and 5) * Ebook formats (EPUB v2 and v3, FB2) * Documentation formats (GNU TexInfo, Haddock) * Roff formats (man, ms) * TeX formats (LaTeX, ConTeXt) * Typst * XML formats (DocBook 4 and 5, JATS, TEI Simple, OpenDocument) * Outline formats (OPML) * Bibliography formats (BibTeX, BibLaTeX, CSL JSON, CSL YAML, RIS) * Word processor formats (Docx, RTF, ODT) * Interactive notebook formats (Jupyter notebook ipynb) * Page layout formats (InDesign ICML) * Wiki markup formats (MediaWiki, DokuWiki, TikiWiki, TWiki, Vimwiki, XWiki, ZimWiki, Jira wiki, Creole) * Slide show formats (LaTeX Beamer, PowerPoint, Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, DZSlides) * Data formats (CSV and TSV tables) * PDF (via external programs such as pdflatex or wkhtmltopdf) . Pandoc can convert mathematical content in documents between TeX, MathML, Word equations, roff eqn, typst, and plain text. It includes a powerful system for automatic citations and bibliographies, and it can be customized extensively using templates, filters, and custom readers and writers written in Lua. . This package contains the pandoc tool. . Some uses of Pandoc require additional packages: * SVG content in PDF output requires librsvg2-bin. * YAML metadata in TeX-related output requires texlive-latex-extra. * *.hs filters not set executable requires ghc. * *.js filters not set executable requires nodejs. * *.php filters not set executable requires php. * *.pl filters not set executable requires perl. * *.py filters not set executable requires python. * *.rb filters not set executable requires ruby. * *.r filters not set executable requires r-base-core. * LaTeX output, and PDF output via PDFLaTeX, require texlive-latex-recommended. * XeLaTeX output, and PDF output via XeLaTeX, require texlive-xetex. * LuaTeX output, and PDF output via LuaTeX, require texlive-luatex. * ConTeXt output, and PDF output via ConTeXt, require context. * PDF output via wkhtmltopdf requires wkhtmltopdf. * Roff man and roff ms output, and PDF output via roff ms, require groff. * MathJax-rendered equations require libjs-mathjax. * KaTeX-rendered equations require node-katex. * option --csl may use styles in citation-style-language-styles. Package: pangzero Description-md5: 5bba78b5e1f9e2b31d9b8c2c87ea5543 Description-sl: akcijska igra, ki vključujejo pokanje balonov s harpuno Pang Zero je klon in izboljšanje hitre akcijske igre Super Pang, ki vključuje pokanje balonov s harpuno. . Namen je ustvariti zabavno, odprtokodno igro, ki jo lahko igra veliko igralcev (trenutno do 6) skupaj. Igro Pang Zero lahko igrate sami, vendar je veliko bolj zabavna, če jo igrate s prijatelji. Package: paperwork-backend-doc Description-md5: 8863a01d709d3a1abc023bc628c6d82f Description-sl: Paperwork is a personal document manager - backend documentation This is the backend part of Paperwork. It manages: The work directory / Access to the documents, Indexing, Searching, Suggestions, Import, Export. . Paperwork is a personal document manager. It manages scanned documents and PDFs. It's designed to be easy and fast to use. The idea behind Paperwork is "scan & forget": You can just scan a new document and forget about it until the day you need it again. In other words, let the machine do most of the work for you. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: paprefs Description-md5: 42f00216f7a81cc0e4548a67a7dd6802 Description-sl: Možnosti PulseAudio PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . Možnosti PulseAudio (paprefs) je enostavno nastavitveno okno osnovano na GTK+ za zvočni strežnik PulseAudio. Package: par Description-md5: 71660063a9c5d8d7c0aae26ef5f56aeb Description-sl: Preoblikovalnik odstavkov Greatly enhanced fmt type program by Adam M. Costello. . Can be used within vi or other editor to automatically reformat text in a variety of ways. . Perfect for use with email & usenet messages as it correctly handles multiple levels of quoting characters. . This version includes a patch allowing multi-byte and multi-width character encodings. Package: paraview Description-md5: 5c47a88e770ddcce5a6db0dc85eef2b5 Description-sl: Vzporedni program predočenja ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets of size varying from small to very large. The goals of the ParaView project include the following: . * Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application. * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards. . ParaView runs on distributed and shared memory parallel as well as single processor systems and has been successfully tested on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and various Unix workstations, clusters and supercomputers. Under the hood, ParaView uses the Visualization Toolkit as the data processing and rendering engine and has a user interface written using Qt. Package: parcellite Description-md5: df6ebfddce8a12472826bff39f539d99 Description-sl: Lahek upravljalnik odložišča GTK+ Parcellite je okrnjen upravljalnik odložišča z le osnovnimi zmožnostmi z majhnim odtisom pomnilnika za tiste, ki jim je všeč enostavnost. . Zmožnosti: . * Obdrži zgodovino odložišča. * Različne možnosti ogleda za prikaz predmetov tako kot vam je všeč. * Način ozadnjega programa, varujte vsebino svojega odložišča, ko zaprete programe. * Izvedite ukaze po meri z uporabo vsebine odložišča. Package: pari-gp Description-md5: f3f3e19e97fc49d96307dd88d802d215 Description-sl: PARI/GP Computer Algebra System binaries PARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory, elliptic curves...), but also contains a large number of other useful functions to compute with mathematical entities such as matrices, polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers etc., and a lot of transcendental functions. PARI is also available as a C library to allow for faster computations. . Originally developed by Henri Cohen and his co-workers (University Bordeaux I, France), PARI is now under the GPL and maintained by Karim Belabas with the help of many volunteer contributors. . Ta paket vsebuje računalo GP. Package: parley Description-md5: 769f928bdf87f6769769af5f59fd623f Description-sl: vocabulary trainer Parley is a utility to help train vocabulary when learning a foreign language. It is intended as a replacement for flash cards. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: parley-data Description-md5: 614ae2eaf246ab60c755f198acd7f30e Description-sl: data files for the Parley vocabulary trainer This package contains architecture-independent data files for the Parley vocabulary trainer. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: parole Description-md5: 4483a597da4d512da23e2a9ae41ea0f8 Description-sl: predvajalnik predstavnosti, ki je osnovan na ogrodju GStreamer Parole je predvajalnik predstavnosti za namizno okolje Xfce, ki je bil napisan z ogrodje GStreamer. . Parole podpira predvajanje krajevnih predstavnih datotek, vključno z videom s podporo podnapisov, DVD/CD in žive pretoke. Njegove zmožnosti lahko razširite z vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje predvajalnik predstavnosti Parole. Package: parole-dev Description-md5: 858cb60f4abee31b03b1cf9f24e32d60 Description-sl: development files for Parole media player Parole je predvajalnik predstavnosti za namizno okolje Xfce, ki je bil napisan z ogrodje GStreamer. . Parole podpira predvajanje krajevnih predstavnih datotek, vključno z videom s podporo podnapisov, DVD/CD in žive pretoke. Njegove zmožnosti lahko razširite z vstavki. . This package contains development files for Parole's plugin interface. Package: parsec47 Description-md5: 79eed1b32dafd00093aa08a51c47ce46 Description-sl: retromodern hispeed shmup PARSEC47 is a retromodern hi-speed shoot 'em up where you get to defeat retro enemies modernly. The player must destroy enemies while avoiding their projectiles and collecting green clusters of boxes for points. . PARSEC47 je en od številnih draguljev Kenta Choja. Package: parsec47-data Description-md5: 0ccbd9154db9a79384ed6dacdcf1804e Description-sl: retromodern hispeed shmup - game data PARSEC47 is a retromodern hi-speed shoot 'em up where you get to defeat retro enemies modernly. The player must destroy enemies while avoiding their projectiles and collecting green clusters of boxes for points. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za igro PARSEC47. Package: parser3-dev Description-md5: a725a0bc7f47f404c259fd0acf1acc7e Description-sl: Datoteke za razvoj modula Parser 3 This package provides the files from the Parser 3 source needed for compiling additional modules. . Parser 3 - simple and convenient object-oriented language which allows creating good sites in short time. . Available features: * XML, XSL, XPath and DOM support * Available in documented source code * Uniformed database support * Support of object-oriented programmers * Detailed language documentation (160 pages!) * UTF-8 support Package: parser3-mysql Description-md5: d75b039dd00d2183a76eef0a76a72fcc Description-sl: Gonilnik MySQL za Parser 3 This package provides driver for MySQL database connections directly from Parser 3 scripts. . Parser 3 - simple and convenient object-oriented language which allows creating good sites in short time. . Available features: * XML, XSL, XPath and DOM support * Available in documented source code * Uniformed database support * Support of object-oriented programmers * Detailed language documentation (160 pages!) * UTF-8 support Package: partimage-doc Description-md5: 6e664af0e30047ee3cf42f3a8aa90f82 Description-sl: Uporabniška dokumentacija Partition Image This package contains documentation about Partition Image. . Partition Image is a partition imaging utility. It has support for the following file systems: * Ext2/3, the Linux standard * ReiserFS, a journalised and powerful file system * FAT16/32, DOS and Windows file systems * HPFS, IBM OS/2 file system * JFS, journalised file system, from IBM, used on AIX * XFS, another journalised and efficient file system, from SGI, used on Irix * UFS (beta), Unix file system * HFS (beta), MacOS File system * NTFS (experimental), Windows NT, 2000 and XP Only used blocks are copied and stored into an image file. The image file can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied onto removable media (ZIP for example), burned on a CD-R, etc. Package: password-gorilla Description-md5: 02b42779ed4ded489b8a75ef40143e3c Description-sl: Upravljalnik gesel, ki podpira več sistemov Program Password Gorilla vam pomaga upravljati vaše prijave. Shrani vsa vaša uporabniška imena in gesla skupaj s podatki o prijavi in drugimi opombami v varno šifrirani datoteki. Za zaščito datoteke se uporablja eno "glavno geslo". Tako si morate za veliko prijav zapomniti le eno geslo. . Ko se želite prijaviti na storitev ali spletišče, Password Gorilla kopira vaše uporabniško ime in geslo na odložišče tako da ga lahko enostavno prilepite v svoj spletni brskalnik ali drug program. Ker se geslo ne pojavi na zaslonu, lahko program Password Gorilla varno uporabite ob prisotnosti drugih. . Priročnost programa Password Gorilla vam omogoča izbiro različnih, neintuitivnih gesel za vsako storitev. Vključen ustvarjalnik naključnih gesel lahko zagotavlja enkratna gesla, prilagodljiva na pravila različnih storitev. . Password Gorilla je program tcl/tk, ki ga lahko poganjate na Linux ali Windows. Vse zapisane datoteke naj bi bile združljive med obema sistema. To je pomembno za sodelovanje v heterogenih okoljih. Package: passwordmaker-cli Description-md5: c05311ad93aa7a22f18a4e90afbe5659 Description-sl: creates unique, secure passwords - CLI version One Password to Rule Them All! . A small, lightweight, free, extension for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Flock, and Yahoo! Widgets which creates unique, secure passwords that are very easy for you to retrieve but no one else. Nothing is stored anywhere, anytime, so there's nothing to be hacked, lost, or stolen. . To je različica ukazne vrstice. . Other versions are at Package: pathological Description-md5: 00cf1d2d4996e78e1622536cf6e20a2d Description-sl: ugankarska igra, ki vključje poti in frnikole Pathological je izboljšan klon igre "Logical" podjetja Rainbow Arts. Za rešitev stopnje zapolnite vsako kolo s štirimi frnikolami enake barve. Različni predmeti kot so teleporterji, stikala, filtri, itd. naredijo igranje zanimivo in v izziv. Nove stopnje lahko ustvarite s svojim priljubljenim urejevalnikom besedila. Package: patroni-doc Description-md5: ba8197d3956a299b4dae037bf2de7967 Description-sl: PostgreSQL High Availability (documentation) Patroni is a template for a customized, high-availability PostgreSQL solution using Python and a distributed configuration store (ZooKeeper, etcd or Consul), or Kubernetes. It provides a REST API on each Postgres node of the cluster allowing for remote management and monitoring. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: pavucontrol Description-md5: c43956d9d08801fbaa1a405d7b6a9e6b Description-sl: Nadzor glasnosti PulseAudio PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) je enostavno orodje nadzora glasnosti (mešalnik) osnovan na GTK+ za zvočni strežnik PulseAudio. Za razliko od orodij običajnega mešalnika vam to orodje omogoča nadzor tako glasnosti naprav strojne opreme in vsakega pretoka predvajanja ločeno. Omogoča vam tudi preusmeritev pretoka predvajanja na drugo izhodno napravo brez prekinitve predvajanja. Package: pavumeter Description-md5: 01f0ddd12753fe52f4b6bbdc3c3e9b61 Description-sl: Merilnik glasnosti PulseAudio PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . A simple volume meter for the PulseAudio sound server. Package: pax-britannica Description-md5: 27ba094ab5975acf4cd3f182ad6f0d5b Description-sl: one-button multi-player real-time strategy game Pax Britannica is a one-button real-time strategy game by No Fun Games. Up to four players battle it out underwater, struggling to be the last one standing! . Each player uses one button to spawn ships that fight automatically using the latest in artificial aquatelligence technology. Gamepads are also supported. The player who keeps their factory ship alive wins! . Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko igre. Package: pbzip2 Description-md5: dff6f148708c0a74546b0e7ad93ddf40 Description-sl: Vzporedna izvedba bzip2 pbzip2 is a parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor that uses pthreads and achieves near-linear speedup on SMP machines. The output of this version is fully compatible with bzip2 v1.0.2 (ie: anything compressed with pbzip2 can be decompressed with bzip2). Package: pcaputils Description-md5: 6acccad0677b2c8241797f17da053203 Description-sl: Specializirani pripomočki libpcap pcaputils includes the following libpcap-based utilities: - pcapip: filters an input pcap file based on a file containing IP addresses - pcappick: picks specific frames out of a pcap by number - pcapuc: prints unique src IPs, dst IPs, or {src, dst} IP pairs witnessed - pcapdump: a dedicated packet capture utility similar to dumpcap, but with these features: * logs packet dump and drop rates * can run as a daemon * can dynamically reload its configuration without dropping packets * can be signalled to immediately rotate its capture output file * can partition its output based on time intervals (e.g., start of hour or start of day) * can strip application data from the trace file (output headers only) * can sample the packet stream (e.g., only dump every 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 packets) Package: pcmanfm Description-md5: 771afbcda12ceeee164ea2b0f50c6901 Description-sl: izjemno hiter in lahek upravljalnik datotek Upravljalnik datotek PCMan je na GTK+ osnovan upravljalnik datotek, ki vsebuje: . * Extremely fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices Package: pcsc-tools Description-md5: 9d0d30be77f76fda6a8e2b6a43c6d748 Description-sl: Nekaj orodij za uporabo s pametnimi karticami in PC/SC Ta arhiv vsebuje nekaj orodij, ki so uporabna za uporabnika PC/SC. Vsebovana orodja so: . pcsc_scan(1) preišče razpoložljive čitalnike pametnih kartic in izpiše zaznane dogodke: vstavitev kartice z ATR, odstranitev kartice. . ATR_analysis(1) preuči ATR pametne kartice (odgovor za ponastavitev) . scriptor(1) skript Perl za pošiljanje ukazov na čitalec pametnih kartic z uporabo paketne datoteke ali stdin, . gscriptor(1) enaka ideja kot z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Perl-Gtk. Package: pcsxr Description-md5: a807c86d8c63129ed19641e951f5a0da Description-sl: Posnemovalnik Sony PlayStation PCSX is an advanced PlayStation (PSX) emulator, which uses a plugin architecture to provide full support for all components of the PSX. It has full emulation support for gamepads, videos, sound, memory cards, and other important PSX components, and is able to play many games without problems. . This package contains PCSX-Reloaded, which is based on PCSX-df 1.9 which is in turn based on the original PCSX. Package: pd-pdp Description-md5: 5f682db80e1182f66964fb1e138a7e53 Description-sl: Grafični sistem za Pd PDP is an extension library for Pd that allows you to manipulate movies and live video data in realtime. PDP stands for Pd Packet, the data container that is used for images in PDP. Package: pdb2pqr-doc Description-md5: d29c98b9ae193cb062bcdc32f7f32d4b Description-sl: Datoteke primerov, ki spremljajo pdb2pqr Files containing protein structures tend to become large very quickly and most users of this package will refrain from their installation, particularly on larger clusters. Package: pdf2djvu Description-md5: 1b5c4ea408188ed5e228f2fc36acbc58 Description-sl: Pretvornik iz PDF v DjVu pdf2djvu creates DjVu files from PDF files. It's able to extract: - graphics, - text layer, - hyperlinks, - document outline (bookmarks), - metadata (including XMP metadata). Package: pdfarranger Description-md5: 569aad641415877efcad85a755e5878d Description-sl: Združite, razdelite in preuredite strani iz dokumentov PDF PDF Arranger is a small application which allows one to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. . PDF Arranger was formerly known as PDF-Shuffler. Package: pdfchain Description-md5: 0832d7e1b46b657b6326faabaa941a23 Description-sl: graphical user interface for the PDF Tool Kit Ta paket vključuje zmožnosti, ki so zasnovane za enostavno upravljanje datotek PDF. Lahko združi, razdeli, doda ozadja ali žige in priloge. Obstajajo tudi orodja za razširjene potrebe. . Grafični vmesnik je napisan v GTKmm, knjižnici C++ za GTK+. Package: pdfgrep Description-md5: 8c8a5397f782d81d957740280eb8f352 Description-sl: search in pdf files for strings matching a regular expression Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files. It works similar to `grep'. . Zmožnosti: - iskanje logičnih izrazov - podpora za pomembne možnosti grep, vključno z: + izhodom imena datotek + izhodom številke strani + izbirno občutljivostjo na velikost črk + štetjem ponavljanja - in najpomembnejša zmožnost: barvni izhod! Package: pdfsam Description-md5: 91b6582b463e9d90cd973f46a1e383ba Description-sl: Razdeljevanje in združevanje PDF-jev PDF Split and Merge je zelo enostaven, enostaven, prost, odprtokoden pripomoček za razdelitev in združevanje datotek pdf. Ima enostaven grafični vmesnik v katerem lahko uporabniki izberejo, razdelijo ali združijo datoteke pdf. Package: pdftoipe Description-md5: 8dcdde8db214b83e252eccdae579db8d Description-sl: converts arbitrary PDF file to XML file readable by Ipe lpe je urejevalnik risanja za ustvarjanje slik, ki jih zagotavlja paket ipe. . This package contains a tool to convert drawings in PDF format to XML that can be used by ipe editor. Package: pdlzip Description-md5: 78478e887ec110c115f7c08db4266a0f Description-sl: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (simple version) Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. . Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data archiving. . Ta paket vsebuje enostavnejšo izvedbo, postavite ga v javno domeno. Package: pdns-backend-ldap Description-md5: 4377905e3dbcdb557368f97cf2ebd506 Description-sl: Začelje LDAP za PowerDNS PowerDNS is a versatile nameserver which supports a large number of different backends ranging from simple zonefiles to relational databases and load balancing/failover algorithms. PowerDNS tries to emphasize speed and security. . This package contains the LDAP backend for the PowerDNS nameserver. Package: peace-gdm-theme Description-md5: 6a516dd657561ac969351b32875f81e9 Description-sl: Videz Peace - tema GDM Tema Peace. . Ta paket vsebuje temo GDM. Package: peace-look Description-md5: 86bddcca1868d9a66fde9e0617fe7ab2 Description-sl: Videz Peace - metapaket Tema Peace. . To je metapaket. Package: peace-session-splashes Description-md5: 8b5eb95a3a1300bdf9cc2a2f4d29c081 Description-sl: Peace look - Session splashes Tema Peace. . This package contains the Peace Session splashes. Package: peace-theme Description-md5: 2ba320f2de634e73e0233f8b30f92b45 Description-sl: Peace look - GTK and Metacity theme Tema Peace. . This package contains the GTK and Metacity configuration for the Peace look. Package: peace-wallpapers Description-md5: 310b56a640f79e32a78f52058e10946b Description-sl: Videz Peace - tapete Tema Peace. . Ta paket vsebuje slike ozadja Mir. Package: peg-e Description-md5: 645008265e3eff59144ae937c4de65f4 Description-sl: Igra pasjanse odstranjevanja klinov Peg-E is a peg solitaire game in which you jump over pieces in order to remove them from the board, ultimately trying to eliminate all but one. The boards are randomly generated, with 100 levels of difficulty. The game auto-saves, and has undo-redo capability. Pieces can move horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Package: pekwm-themes Description-md5: a9bdce16e285a5f1bb0781460a5e6010 Description-sl: Teme za okenski upravljalnik pekwm This package contains various themes for the pekwm window manager, including several that mimic popular themes for Xfce, KDE, and GNOME. The themes support tab separators, shadows, and hover events on the title buttons. Package: peony-common Description-md5: c2cdc7cc8e01984455c7ac570a8ab0a3 Description-sl: file manager for the UKUI desktop (common files) Peony is the official file manager for the UKUI desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the UKUI desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: perforate Description-md5: f12c66d8427be49df567b504dc826195 Description-sl: Pripomočki za varčevanje s prostorom na disku GNU cp used to detect files that contain 0-filled holes and save disk space by skipping them with lseek when writing a file and thus not allocating disk blocks. Unfortunately it does no longer. So here is program to make holes in existing files. . Also there are some scripts that help cleaning up the hard disk (finding duplicated and/or unstripped files). Package: performous Description-md5: f1215dccc406e8ddb584eb942c3f7637 Description-sl: igra karaok, ki omogoča od uporabnika vnešene pesmi Igra karaok, glasbene skupine in plesa, kjer en ali več igralcev izvajajo pesem in igra oceni njihovo izvedbo. Podpira skladbe v vrstah UltraStar, Frets on Fire in StepMania. Mikrofoni in inštrumenti podjeti SingStar, Guitar Hero in Rock Band kot tudi nekatere plesene plošče so samodejno zaznani. Package: perlprimer Description-md5: 6fd3f0ffca7f9984532cb92d18ed7340 Description-sl: Grafično oblikovanje začetnic za PCR PerlPrimer je prost, odprtokodni program grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki zasnuje primere za običajno PCR, bisulfitno PCR, realnočasovno PRC (QPCR) in sekveniranje. Poskuša olajšati zasnovo primerov. . V primeru da z njo delate na spletu se orodje lepo sporazumeva s projektom Ensembl za nadaljnji vpogled v strukturo gena, kar omogoča upoštevati položaj eksonov in intronov za zasnovo primerov. Pridobite lahko tudi sama zaporedja. Package: perlprimer-doc Description-md5: ba2f0490e5ab1cd8ec2c69359d1db48e Description-sl: Vodnik za perlprimer PerlPrimer je prost, odprtokodni program grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki zasnuje primere za običajno PCR, bisulfitno PCR, realnočasovno PRC (QPCR) in sekveniranje. Poskuša olajšati zasnovo primerov. . V primeru da z njo delate na spletu se orodje lepo sporazumeva s projektom Ensembl za nadaljnji vpogled v strukturo gena, kar omogoča upoštevati položaj eksonov in intronov za zasnovo primerov. Pridobite lahko tudi sama zaporedja. . An HTML tutorial explaining the use of the user interface and utilisation of online resources. Package: petsc3.20-doc Description-md5: ae4464fa2ff3f037b80344bf66c3d34b Description-sl: Dokumentacija in primeri za PETSc PETSc is the "Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation", a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It employs the MPI standard for all message-passing communication. Several sample scientific applications, as well as various papers and talks, demonstrate the features of the PETSc libraries. . This package contains documentation for developing with PETSc 3.20. Package: pexec Description-md5: 8f7182200bb0a546b2c00fb7cd09e9a0 Description-sl: Izvajanje vzporednih ukazov The main purpose of pexec is to execute the given command in parallel on the local host or on remote hosts, while some of the execution parameters, namely the redirected standard input, output or error and environmental variables can be varied. The capabilities of the program are extended with additional features, such as allowing to define mutual exclusions, do atomic command executions and implement higher level resource and job control. The maximum number of simultaneous tasks can be controlled by a hypervisor daemon: with such a daemon, concurrent pexec instances can be launched without an unexpectedly high load. Package: pflogsumm Description-md5: fe4b1891c7ec5b6fea14a57ba9ec28e4 Description-sl: Vnos obnavljanja dnevnika Postfix pflogsumm is designed to provide an over-view of postfix activity, with just enough detail to give the administrator a "heads up" for potential trouble spots. Package: pfstmo Description-md5: 4355e6f7c5362c117e8861b80c91e40d Description-sl: Niz operatorje preslikave tonov This package contains a set of state-of-the-art tone mapping operators. Tone mapping is a technique used to approximately map the appearance of high-dynamic range (HDR) images to media with more limited dynamic range. The operators are suitable for processing of both static images and animations. . The operators are embedded in a flexible framework (pfstools) which provides a unified input/output mechanism and a modular architecture for the filtering of the image data. Various file formats for static images and video are transparently supported and the High Dynamic Range data are processed modularly through a Unix piping mechanism. Package: pgbouncer Description-md5: 0b1bf3d05307e54c6f4216824d19f9c1 Description-sl: Lahek Strežnik povezave zaloge vrednosti za PostgreSQL PgBouncer je lahek strežnik povezave zaloge vrednosti za PostgreSQL, ki zagotavlja naslednje zmožnosti: . * Several different methods of pooling connections: session pooling, transaction pooling, statement pooling. * Low memory requirements. * It is not tied to one backend server, the destination databases can reside on different hosts. * Supports online reconfiguration for most of the settings. * Supports online restart/upgrade. Package: pgpdump Description-md5: 39148b4f72637f69982d6426857cf7e9 Description-sl: Predočilnik paketov PGP pgpdump displays the sequence of OpenPGP or PGP version 2 packets from a file. . The output of this command is similar to the one of GnuPG's `list packets' command, however, pgpdump produces a more detailed and easier to understand. Package: phalanx Description-md5: 909ed67cb7e8de223d222acf2e98619e Description-sl: Program za igranje šaha Phalanx is a simple chess playing program of conventional design. It is xboard compatible. The main aim is to write a slow thinker with a lot of chess specific knowledge. Current version plays risky, active chess and shows quite good tactical performance. Package: phlipple-data Description-md5: aa54e3cbed089c042c20c52f197dbbbf Description-sl: reduce 3D shapes to a single square - game data Phlipple is a unique puzzle game. The goal of every level is to reduce a 3D shape to a single square. Elimination of squares is done by flipping edges around just like in a cardboard box. It starts off relatively easy to teach the basics just to later on serve hours of brain tickling fun. It's a great way to train memory as well as orientation in 3D. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke igre. Package: phosh-dev Description-md5: 598a93b7537c41cdc2095aea59599865 Description-sl: Pure Wayland shell for mobile devices - development files Phosh is a graphical shell for Wayland compositors speaking the layer- surface protocol and aimed at mobile devices like smart phones and tablets using touch based inputs and small screens. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: php-codeigniter-framework-doc Description-md5: 4463ba0c5b17b53db15ba2868a10531e Description-sl: Documentation for CodeIgniter 3 Framework CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: php-geshi Description-md5: b01c47c321dcd61237be94e13be85faa Description-sl: Poudarjalnik splošne skladnje GeSHi aims to be a simple but powerful highlighting class, with the following goals: . * Support for a wide range of popular languages * Easy to add a new language for highlighting * Highly customisable output formats . GeSHi aims to do this all as quickly as possible. Many customisable features of GeSHi facilitate speed increases, and you can easily find a balance between the amount of highlighting done and the speed in which it is done. Package: php-guestfs Description-md5: 27d330490f3db93326f4e4b662bfef56 Description-sl: guest disk image management system - PHP bindings The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave PHP. Package: php-league-uri Description-md5: a30781b98a2a09264aee6a4cf70071e4 Description-sl: URI manipulation library The `Uri` package provides simple and intuitive classes to manage URIs in PHP. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * parse, build and resolve URIs; * create URIs from different sources (string, PHP environment, base URI, URI template, etc.); * handle internalisation; * infer properties and features from URIs; Package: php-net-imap Description-md5: a67e5899443f908aced70513c4334be0 Description-sl: Zagotavlja izvedbo protokola IMAP Provides an implementation of the IMAP4Rev1 protocol using PEAR's Net_Socket and the optional Auth_SASL class. Package: php-xdebug Description-md5: c9916aba6b73ea3792beef1690918354 Description-sl: Xdebug Module for PHP The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: . * stack traces and function traces in error messages with: - full parameter display for user defined functions - function name, file name and line indications - support for member functions * memory allocation * protection for infinite recursions . Xdebug zagotavlja tudi: . * profiling information for PHP scripts * script execution analysis * capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client . This is empty package that depends on default PHP version. Package: php-xdebug-all-dev Description-md5: e8fabc433440c3eb5114a98b2d7f8afa Description-sl: Xdebug Module for PHP The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: . * stack traces and function traces in error messages with: - full parameter display for user defined functions - function name, file name and line indications - support for member functions * memory allocation * protection for infinite recursions . Xdebug zagotavlja tudi: . * profiling information for PHP scripts * script execution analysis * capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client . This is empty package that depends on all PHP versions. Package: php8.3-xdebug Description-md5: 0f0798e7431f8c626ceea9d500b3e977 Description-sl: Xdebug Module for PHP The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: . * stack traces and function traces in error messages with: - full parameter display for user defined functions - function name, file name and line indications - support for member functions * memory allocation * protection for infinite recursions . Xdebug zagotavlja tudi: . * profiling information for PHP scripts * script execution analysis * capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client Package: phpmyadmin Description-md5: b9abac2fce7719799e194516b6640871 Description-sl: Spletno skrbniško orodje za MySQL This package allows administering of MySQL or MariaDB with a web interface. . It allows administrators to: - browse through databases and tables; - create, copy, rename, alter and drop databases; - create, copy, rename, alter and drop tables; - perform table maintenance; - add, edit and drop fields; - execute any SQL-statement, even multiple queries; - create, alter and drop indexes; - load text files into tables; - create and read dumps of tables or databases; - export data to SQL, CSV, XML, Word, Excel, PDF and LaTeX formats; - administer multiple servers; - manage MySQL users and privileges; - check server settings and runtime information with configuration hints; - check referential integrity in MyISAM tables; - create complex queries using Query-by-example (QBE), automatically connecting required tables; - create PDF graphics of database layout; - search globally in a database or a subset of it; - transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, such as displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link; - manage InnoDB tables and foreign keys; and is fully internationalized and localized in dozens of languages. Package: picard Description-md5: 60376330ff6f72c884fe95e026c80dbe Description-sl: Označevalnik glasbenih datotek MusicBrainz naslednje generacije Picard je program označevanja MusicBrainz nove generacije. . Nov koncept označevanja je albumsko usmerjen za razliko od drugih označevalnikov, ki so usmerjeni v skladbe. Package: picmi Description-md5: 6ec9e7a67931cf897558804bce00caf1 Description-sl: Number logic game Picmi is a number logic game in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: picocom Description-md5: 8388ab286473c706d22cd40ec72a12a3 Description-sl: majhen program, ki posnema terminal picocom was designed to serve as a simple, manual, modem configuration, testing, and debugging tool. It has also served (quite well) as a low-tech "terminal-window" to allow operator intervention in PPP connection scripts (something like the ms-windows "open terminal window before / after dialing" feature). It could also prove useful in many other similar tasks. It is ideal for embedded systems since its memory footprint is minimal. Package: picolisp Description-md5: ee1fa4eee1dc69a94b657c564ce6888a Description-sl: Tolmač Lisa in ogrodje strežnika programov Pico Lisp can be viewed from two different aspects: As a general purpose programming language, and a dedicated application server framework. . As a programming language, Pico Lisp provides a 1-to-1 mapping of a clean and powerful Lisp derivate, to a simple and efficient virtual machine. It supports persistent objects as a first class data type, resulting in a database system of Entity/Relation classes and a Prolog-like query language tightly integrated into the system. . As an application server framework, Pico Lisp provides for database management (including multi-user synchronization, DB garbage collection journalling and replication), web interface integrated (and generated from) the application data model, and an application server. Package: pidgin-audacious Description-md5: c1b8392a25da8a37942874a4fa667df5 Description-sl: Vgraditev pidgin z Audacious pidgin-audacious is a plugin for pidgin which provides integration with Audacious. . It supports features like updating your userinfo with your currently playing track, and adding your currently playing track to your MSN friendly name. Package: pidgin-guifications Description-md5: de783711ab59c8ce7b5b5be1e6e1f682 Description-sl: Pojavna okna toaster za pidgin Guifications are notifications windows styled after those found in msn, deadaim, and newer version of aim, yahoo instant messenger, and a lot of other applications. The notifications are user customizable/themable and a few example themes ship in the package. Package: pidgin-lastfm Description-md5: c068f2aa440d311f6fe3c63019a9d9bb Description-sl: Vstavek za Pidgin This Pidgin plugin displays information from your / Audioscrobbler profile in your user info on the various IM networks Pidgin supports. The most important information might be the most recently scrobbled song. Package: pidgin-nateon-dbg Description-md5: ae67bf2873277475f58e6ae5647f37e7 Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za pidgin-nateon This is a plugin for Pidgin which provides connections to NateOn instant messaging service by SK Communications, Inc. ( . This package contains the debugging symbols. Most people will not need this package. Package: pidgin-plugin-pack Description-md5: 18577dbe1fca6f6bed00a946e5d8c8f2 Description-sl: Zbirka vstavkov Pidgin Paket vstavkov je zbirka veliko enostavnih, a uporabnih vstavkov za Pidgin. Kratek opis vsakega je spodaj. . /exec: izvedite ukaze in izbirno pošljite njihov izhod v okno klepeta hipnega sporočanja. . AutoProfile: uporabniški profil in ustvarjalnik vsebine sporočila stanja. . Album: arhivira vse ikone prijateljev, ki so na seznamu prijateljev. . Auto Reply: samodejno odgovori na kateremukoli protokolu. Lahko je tudi določen za vsakega prijatelja. . zagotavlja povezave do naključnih ali izbranih citatov na in . Buddy List Options: možnosti za skritje seznama prijateljev ob ustvarjanju in skritje menija v njem. . Colorize: obarva odhodno besedilo. . Conversation Bange: v vrstici menija pogovora prikaže ikono protokola. . DeWYSIWYGification: omogoča tipkanje v HTML, ne da bi bil izrisan. . Kocka: simulira met kocke . DiffTopic: pokaže spremembe, ko se tema v klepetalnici spremeni. . Magic 8 ball: prikaže naključne izraze iz igračke Magic 8 Ball. . Enhanced history: izboljšana različica vstavka zgodovine . Flip: vrže kovanec in v trenutnem pogovoru prikaže rezultat. . gRIM: nadlegujte svoje prijatelje z časovno določenim zaporedjem sporočil. . Google: zapiše rezultate iskanja "Klik na srečo" v pogovor. . Group IM: pošljite hipno sporočilo skupini prijateljev . Highlight: doda podporo za poudarjanje uporabniško določenih besed. . Ignore: prezre vso komunikacijo ali le komunikacijo klepeta od določene osebe. . InfoPane: uporabite različne poglede za "podrobnosti" v pogovorih. . IRC Helper: Upravlja grobe robove protokola IRC. . IRC More: protokolu IRC doda nekaj možnosti: - Prilagojena privzeta sporočila končanja/odhoda. - Odgovor različice CTCP. . Irssi Features: podpre številne zmožnosti irssi: - obvestile ob spremembi dneva - ukazi /window, /layout, /lastlog - samodejno oblikovanje besedila . List Handler: uvozite in izvozite sezname prijateljev v različnih oblikah. . Chat User List Logging: beleži seznam uporabnikov v klepetu po vaši pridružitvi. . My Status Box: izbirniki stanja za račun z drugimi zmožnostmi. . Napster: vstavek protokola NAPSTER . Nick Said: za skok na mesto, kjer je bilo izrečeno vaše ime ali katere druge besede. . Old Logger: shrani dnevnike prijateljev v ploske datoteke (stara vrsta datotek). . Plonkers: oznanite svoj seznam prezrtih stikov v klepetalnici in druge zmožnosti zasebnosti. . Purple Schedule: nastavite opomnike ob določenih časih. . Separate and Tab: doda dva nova načina postavljanja oken. . Sim Fix: popravi sporočila, ki ste jih prejeli od stikov, ki uporabljajo pokvarjene odjemalce SIM. . Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP): omogoča pošiljanje strežnikom pager (kot je sendpage ali qpage) preko SNPP. . Message Splitter: razdeli sporočila v manjša sporočila določene velikosti. . SSL Info: doda predmet menija za prikaz podrobnosti o vstavku SSL v uporabi. . Switch Spell: omogoča spremembo jezika preverjanja črkovanja za vsak pogovor. . Timelog: ogled dnevnikov Pidgin, ki so bili ustvarjeni v določenih časovnih obsegih. . XChat Chats: v Pidginu uporabi pogled programa XChat. . XMPP Priority: doda možnosti računa, ki uporabnikom omogočajo določitev prednosti, ki se uporabljajo za razpoložljive in odsotne račune XMPP. Package: pidgin-privacy-please Description-md5: 200e4e9511ce5e58f6953381b4a4aa9e Description-sl: Vstavek pidgin za izboljšano zasebnost pidgin privacy please is a pidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying you. You can block messages from certain users, block messages from people who are not on your contact list and suppress repeated authorization requests. Optionally, senders of blocked messages can be notified with an auto-reply. Package: pigz Description-md5: fd286a4db2d19ea76a5ee0f4ee8ce912 Description-sl: Vzporedbna izvedba GZip pigz, which stands for Parallel Implementation of GZip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores when compressing data. Package: pike8.0-bzip2 Description-md5: f0372c31f533b6349ea2716f6f1b0961 Description-sl: Bzip2 modul za Pike This Pike module enables one to use the Bzip2 compression algorithm from within the Pike programs. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pike8.0-core Description-md5: 0f8998147978a31877de1aeb93aa5ac5 Description-sl: Zmogljiv tolmačen programski jezik Pike is an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C. It includes many powerful data types and a module system that, for instance, provides image manipulation together, with support for graphics formats like SVG, JPG, PNG, GIF, XCF and many others, database connectivity, advanced cryptography, XML/HTML parsers and others. To learn more about pike, please visit Note that some of the Pike features are found in other pike8.0-* packages (image processing, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SANE and more). Package: pike8.0-gdbm Description-md5: fd3aceb023733b5b9c1893a235179cc6 Description-sl: Gdbm modul za Pike This Pike module provides access to gdbm databases. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pike8.0-sane Description-md5: 69879b8ca8642c9d0382473f6277242d Description-sl: SANE modul za Pike This Pike module provides access to SANE. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pike8.0-sdl Description-md5: ad7aaf66b99e264294bd0c9d3af1968a Description-sl: SDL modul za Pike This module provides the Pike interface to the SDL library. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pike8.0-sqlite Description-md5: 9cf320f1ffba8643ea505b5188a7bfa4 Description-sl: SQLite modul za Pike This Pike module enables one to use the SQLite embedded database library. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pinball Description-md5: f63c26c19a0309f27df7abc9ae871fdd Description-sl: Emilia posnemovalnik pinball The Emilia Pinball Project is a pinball simulator for GNU/Linux and other Unix systems. There are only two levels to play with, but they are very addictive. . You can play with two types of boards and keep high scores. . Works with OpenGL and needs hardware acceleration. See requeriments on README file. Package: pinball-data Description-md5: 448d789f2ef91b8e8208fd4c7b5be0fd Description-sl: Data files for the Emilia Pinball Emulator Emilia Pinball je simulator pinballa za Linux in druge sisteme Unix. Obstajata le dva načina za igranje, vendar sta zelo zasvojljiva. . This package contains various data files used by the pinball emulator. Package: pinball-dev Description-md5: 98260b37513cf164e8c9b798499b92fd Description-sl: Development files for the Emilia Pinball Emulator Emilia Pinball je simulator pinballa za Linux in druge sisteme Unix. Obstajata le dva načina za igranje, vendar sta zelo zasvojljiva. . This package contains header files and configuration for creating new levels. Package: pingus Description-md5: 8f187cbdfe37306cb6fe8e7d8b3c02a6 Description-sl: Prost klon igre Lemmings(TM) Pingus je prost klon priljubljene igre Lemmings. . Vaš cilj je voditi hordo pingvinov skozi svet poln pasti in pasti za pingvine na varno. Čeprav pingvini (za razliko od lemingov) niso neumni, jih včasih manjka pregled nad stanjem in potrebujejo vašo pomoč. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: pingus-data Description-md5: f91ae05891fb77aaf8c6a1ce8ca5ea6a Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za pingus, prost klon igre Lemmings(TM) Pingus je prost klon priljubljene igre Lemmings. . Vaš cilj je voditi hordo pingvinov skozi svet poln pasti in pasti za pingvine na varno. Čeprav pingvini (za razliko od lemingov) niso neumni, jih včasih manjka pregled nad stanjem in potrebujejo vašo pomoč. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: pioneers Description-md5: deeb6cf8e3c8fc54acce260d013c3e88 Description-sl: Settlers of Catan board game Pioneers je računalniška izvedba namizne igre Naseljenci Katana. Igrate jo lahko preko interneta. . The game includes a server, a client, a computer player, an editor and (in a separate package) a metaserver (for locating running servers). Package: pioneers-console Description-md5: d291846b09ef1f42eb672853f619feb3 Description-sl: Settlers of Catan board game - console parts Pioneers je računalniška izvedba namizne igre Naseljenci Katana. Igrate jo lahko preko interneta. . This package contains the console-parts of the game: the computer player and console server. Package: pioneers-console-data Description-md5: 079afffd5dc952d542022658d6e48f3a Description-sl: Settlers of Catan board game - data files for console parts Pioneers je računalniška izvedba namizne igre Naseljenci Katana. Igrate jo lahko preko interneta. . This package contains architecture independent data for the console parts of the game. Package: pioneers-data Description-md5: cd26634bce69b5d3e7eb33c1b3adb462 Description-sl: Settlers of Catan board game - data files Pioneers je računalniška izvedba namizne igre Naseljenci Katana. Igrate jo lahko preko interneta. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatke za igro. Package: pioneers-metaserver Description-md5: abac44689de978bad79879d08d519346 Description-sl: Settlers of Catan board game - metaserver Pioneers je računalniška izvedba namizne igre Naseljenci Katana. Igrate jo lahko preko interneta. . This package contains a metaserver, which can be used to locate running servers. Most people will use a central metaserver, and do not need this package. Package: pithos Description-md5: 54e28eb5517f3d5d7ba624c393e40012 Description-sl: Odjemalec Pandora Radio za namizje GNOME Pithos is a cross-platform desktop client for the personalized web radio Pandora, supporting all important features the official Flash™ client has. . Pithos was based on pianobar, a console client for Pandora. In addition to sporting a GTK+ GUI, Pithos has feature-parity with pianobar. . Out of concern for the longevity of Pandora Media Inc., the software authors would recommend subscribing to Pandora One. . Use of this application requires a Pandora account; one can be created for free at Package: pitivi Description-md5: 23faa5d2e5b4845d687103b38e1a43fd Description-sl: non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . PiTiVi allows users to easily edit audio/video projects based on the GStreamer framework. PiTIVi provides several ways of creating and modifying a timeline. Ranging from a simple synopsis view (a-la iMovie) to the full-blown editing view (aka Complex View) which puts you in complete control of your editing. Package: pkgsync Description-md5: 845dd00e142dcfdcf8a3483a14c8997f Description-sl: Samodejno usklajevanje seznama paketov pkgsync is a tool for keeping multiple machines reasonably similar and clean. Packages can either be in a `must be installed', `may be installed' or `must not be installed' list (which is presumed to be distributed separately using a tool such as rdist or cfengine). pkgsync will take care of meeting the demands put down in the lists, and then removing everything that is not in the `must' or `may' list and is not necessary for their operations (as determined by aptitude). Package: plait Description-md5: f82bd5e32374776b53337679e9668f86 Description-sl: Glasbena skrinja ukazne vrstice Plait (pronounced "play") is a command-line jukebox and music player front end. It understands brief, easy to type queries that pick a single song, mix queries that combine works from multiple artists, stream queries that find Shoutcast radio streams, and everything in between. . A variety of filters are available to pick just the music you want to hear. In order to actually play the music it finds, Plait automatically hands off a play list to one of the supported music players (or you can use it manually with any player that supports .m3u playlists). Package: plakativ Description-md5: d98ea6bcb377c86637b26ba477375069 Description-sl: create posters and banners from multiple glued-together pages This program is for situations when you want to create a large poster or banner but do not have a printer that supports large sheets of paper. Plakativ allows one to enlarge and split a PDF across multiple pages, creating another PDF with pages of the desired printable size. After printing, the pages can be glued together to form a larger poster. Features: . - lossless operation - no pixel artifacts when upscaling if PDF contains vector graphics - GUI with preview functionality - complex layouter to save paper - optimize by number of pages, output poster size or multiple of input area . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: planets Description-md5: 75d0cf86e6d669c54b5cf707b7412bb7 Description-sl: Simulacija gravitacije planetarnih teles Planets je enostaven vzajemni program s simulacijami sistemov planetov. Odličen je za učenje gravitacije na ravni planetov. . The user interface is aimed at being simple enough for a fairly young kid to enjoy it, there is a special kid-mode for this purpose. Package: planner Description-md5: f14cfbad3f7f65dece03c4f5fa5a93eb Description-sl: Program za upravljanje projektov Planner jr program upravljanja projektov, ki podpira grafe Gantt, dodeljevanje sredstev in vključitev v druge programe GNOME. . Planner je bil včasih znan kot Mr.Project. Package: planner-data Description-md5: 53069077e17fce80a5213ddb3a4b1885 Description-sl: Data files for planner Planner jr program upravljanja projektov, ki podpira grafe Gantt, dodeljevanje sredstev in vključitev v druge programe GNOME. . This package contains data files for planner like images, icons, and arch- independent files. Package: planner-doc Description-md5: ad5cd5745fb9892499aaff8b1b9c705b Description-sl: Documentation for planner Planner jr program upravljanja projektov, ki podpira grafe Gantt, dodeljevanje sredstev in vključitev v druge programe GNOME. . This package contains the html documentation for planner. Package: plasma-marble Description-md5: 64ac054df03b0c07871f8b256bb40e74 Description-sl: Plasma integration for Marble Marble je splošen gradnik in ogrodje geografskega zemljevida za programe KDE. Gradnik Marble prikazuje zeljo kot kroglo, vendar ne potrebuje strojnega pospeševanja. Najmanjša količina geografskih podatkov je vključena, zato ga je mogoče uporabiti brez internetne povezave. . This package contains the Marble integration with Plasma: * the Plasma runner * the World Clock widget * the Plasma wallpaper . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: plasma-workspace-dev Description-md5: 665dca80456b3aad7efb45c8ece53aa6 Description-sl: Plasma Workspace for KF6 devel files Plasma Workspace for KF6. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: playmidi Description-md5: 9135ed3601d5c99370821cda493e6649 Description-sl: Predvajalnik MIDI Playmidi is a MIDI file player that will play back using FM, GUS, SoundBlaster or external MIDI. It also supports Creative Music Files (CMF), Microsoft RIFF (RMI) files and large MIDI archives from games such as Ultima 7. . The player may be used with a text interface or a graphical interface. Package: plee-the-bear Description-md5: 35a6096681b76a4cb1ad31db7fb6a242 Description-sl: 2D ploščadna igra Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90's. The basis of the scenario fit in few lines: . 4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty. "One more trick of that kid", he thinks. "I'm going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will remember". . Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game. . Trenutna različica je preizkusna Package: plee-the-bear-data Description-md5: e8e4e7996a4db54a3f19447eafa12994 Description-sl: Podatki za Plee the Bear Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90's. The basis of the scenario fit in few lines: . 4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty. "One more trick of that kid", he thinks. "I'm going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will remember". . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro. Package: Description-md5: f7edc043f9c9c111defc2961dcfe0814 Description-sl: Osebna nadzorna plošča za GNUstep This is a free replacement of Serence's proprietary KlipFolio application. PlopFolio supports Klips available from KlipFarm ( PlopFolio is developed using the Objective-C language and works well with GNUstep (on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and more) and Cocoa on Mac OS X. Package: plplot-doc Description-md5: 4a6b489e8519d3fe689a5aeb6bfefc16 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za PLplot, knjižnico izrisovanja grafov PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use, virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable. . This package contains the HTML, PDF, PostScript and info forms of the PLplot documentation. It also contains the man pages for the API functions. Package: plplot-tcl-dev Description-md5: af6ec3fcc4b6ff2bd34cd40254aa5889 Description-sl: Tcl/Tk development support for PLplot, a plotting library PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use, virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke za razvoj Tcl/Tk za PLplot: datoteke glav, povezave souporabljenih knjižnic in primere. Package: pluma-common Description-md5: 2522f81317853f0db52190c38dc3bb03 Description-sl: official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (common files) Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. Pluma is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . Pluma fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . Pluma is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: pluma-doc Description-md5: 82265c5ad0f12b304bc427b86cb456d4 Description-sl: official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (documentation files) Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. Pluma is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . Pluma fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . Pluma is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: plume-creator-dbg Description-md5: 1f5e622824b0f882e4bdd1ce22e69c09 Description-sl: open-source tool for novelists - debug Plume Creator helps you to write your stories in chapters and scenes, write fullscreen, edit notes and synopses, export in html and odt formats, edit in rich text, and manage characters, places and items. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo Description-md5: aedf875177338c1c2f6e0bdec8aeaec6 Description-sl: Tema playmouth za Lubuntu This package contains a Lubuntu theme for Plymouth, which displays the Lubuntu logo on boot. Package: plymouth-theme-sabily Description-md5: 3cfb48cbb27da5ed6a8db7973a35007a Description-sl: Tema plymouth za Sabily (grafična tema) Sabily is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It includes Islamic software (prayer times tool, Quran study tool, Hijri calendar etc.) and has a custom design. . This package contains a specific Sabily theme for plymouth. Package: plymouth-theme-sabily-text Description-md5: 6980b5cb641f90ac395154a6c23be67d Description-sl: Tema plymouth za Sabily (besedilna tema) Sabily is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It includes Islamic software (prayer times tool, Quran study tool, Hijri calendar etc.) and has a custom design. . This package contains the default sabily-text text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio Description-md5: 46cb6fb91f552d975611b37668e232e9 Description-sl: Plymouth tema Ubuntu Studio Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Plymouth boot splash theme Package: pmtools Description-md5: 4e84dd77cd7327ce45109b69fbdeea57 Description-sl: Orodja modula Perl Perl module tools is a suite of small tools that help manage and inspect perl modules, perl Plain Old Documentation files, and perl programs. . Some of the things these tools can do include: - show the full path to a module - show the version and description of a module - list all installed modules with descriptions - show what files a given program or module loads at compile time - show what symbols a module exports - list the methods of a class - display the source code of a function of a module Package: pmw Description-md5: 42943f516cb5a1625af9ccddb5d244d7 Description-sl: Filipov pisalnik glasbe PMW is a computer program for high quality music typesetting. It was originally written for Acorn RISC OS computers (where it was called PMS) . PMW operates by reading an input file containing an encoded description of the music; such a file can be constructed using any text editor or word processor. The music encoding is very straightforward and compact, and quick to enter. The input encoding is designed to be easy for a musician to remember, and tries to make use of as many familiar musical notations as possible within the limitations of an ASCII character set. . PMW can output PostScript files for printing, and basic MIDI files for proof-hearing. Package: pmw-doc Description-md5: e5dbeef6194013d4ee7fdfba9cfcffe4 Description-sl: Filipov pisalnik glasbe - dokumentacija Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki PDF ali pmw in tudi številne primere. Package: png-definitive-guide Description-md5: e9671abaf0fb40232d822ba34ed16de3 Description-sl: PNG: The Definite Guide A free book about the PNG image format. . This book was published by O'Reilly and it has three parts: . - Part I, Using PNG, consists of six chapters and covers the main categories of PNG-supporting applications: image editors, viewers, converters, web browsers and servers, and 3D apps. - Part II, The Design of PNG, also consists of six chapters and looks in more detail at PNG as a file format. It covers not only PNG's fundamental chunk structure and compression technology but also its history, its animated cousin MNG, and some of the intricacies of cross-platform gamma and color correction. - Part III, Programming with PNG, steps the reader through the design of three functional demo programs based on the free libpng C library: rpng, a very simple PNG viewer; rpng2, a progressive PNG viewer such as might be found in a web browser; and wpng, a basic program to convert RGB image data from binary PBMPLUS / NetPBM format into PNG format. The final chapter in this section lists a number of other PNG-supporting programming toolkits for various languages, including C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, tcl/tk, and Visual Basic. Package: png2html Description-md5: ba258c8d2c17d952b326d77262aa3a8a Description-sl: Pretvori PNG sliko v spletno stran Png2html takes a PNG image and transforms it pixel by pixel to a web page, encoding each pixel as an appropriately coloured letter. It is decided which letter to encode each pixel as by using a text file supplied by the user. An example can be found on the project's homepage. Package: pnopaste Description-md5: 6217b21efb0c59a55787f052817c2c02 Description-sl: Pastebin s poudarjanjem skladnje Perl Nopaste is a Pastebin written in Perl using MySQL as backend. It features syntax highlighting for more than 120 languages, badword and IP address blacklists with hit counter, expiration date on postings, raw download of posted files, automatic multilanguage support and more. . Ta paket vsebuje sestavni del strežnika. Package: pnopaste-cli Description-md5: 9f5e43f871a9047298976233bc4749fe Description-sl: Pastebin with syntax highlighting (cli tool) Perl Nopaste is a Pastebin written in Perl using MySQL as backend. It features syntax highlighting for more than 120 languages, badword and IP address blacklists with hit counter, expiration date on postings, raw download of posted files, automatic multilanguage support and more. . Ta paket vsebuje orodje cli za dodajanje lepljenje z uporabo vmesnika ukazne vrstice na oddaljenih strežnikih. Package: Description-md5: 2ec44f3223883983cc8d83f88ab68d7f Description-sl: Urejevalnik opomb Vorbis Poe is a vorbis comment editor for GNUstep. It tries to follow the vorbis comment header specification closely, while being convenient and flexible to use. Package: poedit Description-md5: 62cc240f4683bb172c7c691d3651c4f0 Description-sl: Urejevalnik gettext katalogov Poedit je urejevalnik katalogov gettex (datotek .po). Poskuša zagotoviti priročen dostop za urejanje katalogov. Zagotavlja podporo UTF-8, poudarjanje nejasnih in neprevedenih nizov, poudarjanje presledkov, brskalnik sklicev, urejanje glav. Uporabiti ga je mogoče za ustvarjanje novih katalogov ali za posodobitev obstoječih katalogov z enim klikom. Izgrajen je z zbirko orodij wxWidgets. Package: poedit-common Description-md5: d3895f4e4ef6fb58df3da62e9ce26c0d Description-sl: Common files for poedit Poedit je urejevalnik katalogov gettex (datotek .po). Poskuša zagotoviti priročen dostop za urejanje katalogov. Zagotavlja podporo UTF-8, poudarjanje nejasnih in neprevedenih nizov, poudarjanje presledkov, brskalnik sklicev, urejanje glav. Uporabiti ga je mogoče za ustvarjanje novih katalogov ali za posodobitev obstoječih katalogov z enim klikom. Izgrajen je z zbirko orodij wxWidgets. . This package includes documentation, examples and locale files for the Debian poedit packages that are common for all architectures. Package: pokerth Description-md5: b9120a1a42426cbec7afb2f62bdb8780 Description-sl: Igra Texas hold'em Pokerth je prosta izvedba igre Texas hold'em poker, ki se igra v kazinojih in z naraščajočo priljubljenostjo po vsem svetu. Texas hold'em se lahko hitro naučite, vendar za zmago zahteva dobro strategijo in veliko sreče. Ta paket vam pomaga pri vadbi ali igranju le za zabavo. Package: pokerth-data Description-md5: b19f8df925241c90b1a938776b4e54bd Description-sl: Igra Texas hold'em - pogoste podatkovne datoteke Pokerth je prosta izvedba igre Texas hold'em poker, ki se igra v kazinojih in z naraščajočo priljubljenostjo po vsem svetu. Texas hold'em se lahko hitro naučite, vendar za zmago zahteva dobro strategijo in veliko sreče. Ta paket vam pomaga pri vadbi ali igranju le za zabavo. . This package contains arch-independent data files for pokerth (card images, sounds, translations, etc). Package: pokerth-server Description-md5: a108584468dc6296850ef0a2bf4b2e25 Description-sl: Igra Texas hold'em - strežnik Pokerth je prosta izvedba igre Texas hold'em poker, ki se igra v kazinojih in z naraščajočo priljubljenostjo po vsem svetu. Texas hold'em se lahko hitro naučite, vendar za zmago zahteva dobro strategijo in veliko sreče. Ta paket vam pomaga pri vadbi ali igranju le za zabavo. . This package contains the server, which is needed for hosting an own multi- player, multigame server. You don't need this package if you want to play a multiplayer game with one table over LAN or Internet. Package: polygen-data Description-md5: 9e62973741c407eb448aece5cd698aea Description-sl: Definicije slovnice za PolyGen PolyGen is a program for generating random sentences according to a grammar definition, that is following custom syntactical and lexical rules. . Formally, it is an interpreter of a language itself designed to define languages, where to interpret means executing a source program in real time and eventually outputting its result. . Here a source program is a grammar definition, the execution consists in the exploration of such grammar by selecting a random path and the result is the sentence built on the way. . This package contains various grammar files suited for polygen. Package: polylib-utils Description-md5: e79b4b57a574189d3708394cc1ecfdd2 Description-sl: Različna orodja, ki uporabljajo libpolylib Polylib is a free C library for doing computations on polyhedra. The library is operating on objects like vectors, matrices, lattices, polyhedra, Z-polyhedra, unions of polyhedra and other intermediary structures. It provides functions for all important operations on these structures. . This package contains various utilities to perform polyhedral operations. Package: popa3d Description-md5: 61843b2fcfb89d8f6bcc09ed21531191 Description-sl: Tiny POP3 daemon, designed with security as the primary goal popa3d is fast, small and secure pop3 daemon. It's written from scratch by Solar Designer for Owl (Openwall GNU/*/Linux). . Popa3d can work both in standalone or inetd mode. . Za več podrobnosti si oglejte datoteko DESIGN. Package: popfile Description-md5: 6b4e29575f208b95de8636d5af948891 Description-sl: Orodje za razvrščanje e-pošte POPFile is an tool to classify email with a Naive Bayes classifier, a POP3 proxy and a web interface. It runs on most platforms and with most email clients. It's not only useful to filter spam, but also to sort legitimate mail into different folders. POPFile can be trained to recognize and sort mails even when no regular mail rules based on header can be made. POPFile can be used also for IMAP. It will move messages into folders and re- classify mails after they have been moved. Package: portaudio19-dev Description-md5: 040df2bde13015a2b8b419ac2975c974 Description-sl: Prenosljiv V/I zvoka - razvojne datoteke PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: portaudio19-doc Description-md5: 75f3491c545fe83bd2d291a84a8851e3 Description-sl: Prenosljiv V/I zvoka - dokumentacija PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: portsentry Description-md5: ff8ecc87ed516a7095261180d5556efa Description-sl: Ozadnji program zaznavanja preiskovanja vrat PortSentry has the ability to detect portscans(including stealth scans) on the network interfaces of your machine. Upon alarm it can block the attacker via hosts.deny, dropped route or firewall rule. It is part of the Abacus program suite. . Note: If you have no idea what a port/stealth scan is, It's recommended to have a look at before installing this package. Otherwise you might easily block hosts you'd better not (e.g. your NFS-server, name-server, etc.). Package: postgresql-16-pgrouting-doc Description-md5: a8d18212b7c8fc9f2da1c5661a9d1c02 Description-sl: Routing functionality support for PostgreSQL/PostGIS (Documentation) pgRouting extends the PostGIS/PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing and other network analysis functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: postgrey Description-md5: 441f663c8b671c35a058be05ae5b4e09 Description-sl: Izvedba sivih seznamov za Postfix This package provides a policy server for Postfix to implement "greylisting". . Greylisting is a spam filtering method that rejects email from external servers on the first try. Spammers don't usually retry sending their messages, whereas legitimate mail servers do. . While Postgrey is designed for use with Postfix, it can also be used with Exim. Package: postmark Description-md5: 2ec4caba691d107084b3dd174767661b Description-sl: Merjenje hitrosti datotečnega sistema iz NetApp Benchmark that's based around small file operations similar to those used on large mail servers and news servers. Has been ported to NT so should be good for comparing OSs. "Postmark: a new file system benchmark", Jeffrey Katcher, Network Appliance Technical Report TR-3022, October 1997 Package: powerdevil-dev Description-md5: 38db8770b73352c67ccc19586eb83d0c Description-sl: Global power saver settings Power Devil allows you to define your all power settings. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: powermanga Description-md5: c26dbbdb58a9d236c3cede10eb9efe76 Description-sl: strelska igra iz navpične perspektive v bogati barvni 3-D grafiki Powermanga je strelska igra s 60 različnimi nasprotniki, 40 meteorjev, številnimi orožji veliko koncev stopenj, nadgradnjami vesoljske ladje in veliko drugimi presenečenji. Package: powermanga-data Description-md5: d83df5c11fee81f43cee1ee1fb92b342 Description-sl: graphics and audio data for powermanga Powermanga je strelska igra s 60 različnimi nasprotniki, 40 meteorjev, številnimi orožji veliko koncev stopenj, nadgradnjami vesoljske ladje in veliko drugimi presenečenji. . This package contains the architecture-independent data for powermanga. For more information, see the powermanga package. Package: pppoe Description-md5: b3d04783084fc7cdb649ce3379a14704 Description-sl: Gonilnik PPP preko Eterneta PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a protocol used by many ADSL Internet service providers. This package allows you to connect to those PPPoE service providers. Package: praat Description-md5: 23727ffe44584d3f5e0e6d37fcc6273c Description-sl: program za preučevanje in sintezo govora Avtorji programa pravijo, da Praat "dela fonetiko z računalnikom". Skozi grafični vmesnik je na voljo več zmožnosti analize govora: spektrogrami, kokleogrami in izvleka višine in formantov. Na voljo sta tudi sinteza artikulacije in tudi sinteza iz glasnosti, formanta in intenzitete. Druge zmožnosti so segmentacija, oznaka s fonetično abecedo in izračun statistike. Praat je mogoče nastaviti in razširiti s svojim lastnim skriptnim jezikom in vsebuje način za sporazumevanje z drugimi programi. Package: prctl Description-md5: 69bdc3a6f93f79fac7ba97cb9669f970 Description-sl: Opravila nadzora opravil prctl is a tool to query and modify process behavior. Supported process behavior is handling of unaligned memory access, handling of floating point software assist faults and machine check memory corruption kill policy. Some of this functionality is supported by the kernel only on a subset of architectures. Package: preload Description-md5: e192f5d7089c86a7332913c20a574513 Description-sl: Prilagodljiv ozadnji program readahead preload monitors applications that users run, and by analyzing this data, predicts what applications users might run, and fetches those binaries and their dependencies into memory for faster startup times. . Note that installing preload will not make your system boot faster and that preload is a daemon that runs with root privileges. Package: Description-md5: 922ea2a413133e8168b236b6ae7aa184 Description-sl: Splošno namenski pregledovalnik slik za GNUstep Preview je program, ki ga lahko uporabite za prikaz slik. Zasnovan je, da bi bil enostaven za uporabo in podpira vse zmožnosti GNUstep (podpora zasnove slike, karton/storitve, tiskanje in razporeditve ...). Poskuša slediti duhu NeXTSTEP. Package: Description-md5: 94c107931f23ebf15b5a432696b16293 Description-sl: Filtriranje in obdelava slik z uporabo GNUstep PRICE lahko odpre več vrst slikovnih datotek in uveljavi visoko kakovostne filtre in druge izboljšave. Package: privoxy Description-md5: 6ec5aaf09f151e319fd41d430dbd5eca Description-sl: Posredniški strežnik HTTP, ki izboljša varnost Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a very flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. Privoxy has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks. . Privoxy is based on Internet Junkbuster (tm). Package: procmeter3 Description-md5: 480118c1ca2b05aaca4d18837792f8ef Description-sl: Nadzornik stanja grafičnega sistema ProcMeter displays constantly updating graphs of system information. Many different graphs are supported, including: . APM and ACPI information. Mailbox monitoring. Date, time, uptime. Amount of free and used disk space. Size, number of lines, rate of growth of log files. Amount of used and free memory and swap. Traffic on network devices. Load average, number of processes running and starting. Low level system statistics like CPU usage, disk usage and swapping. CPU clock speed. Wireless network link quality. . As if all that wasn't enough, procmeter is designed to be easily extendable via plugins. . Procmeter can use either the Athena or the GTK+ widgets. It also supports display on small LCD screens using the Linux lcdproc driver. Package: proda Description-md5: a4af9732493dab9dac9eed761a23a635 Description-sl: Večkratna poravna proteinskih zaporedij ProDA is a system for automated detection and alignment of homologous regions in collections of proteins with arbitrary domain architectures. Given an input set of unaligned sequences, ProDA identifies all homologous regions appearing in one or more sequences, and returns a collection of local multiple alignments for these regions. Package: proftpd-doc Description-md5: 734d933b7bfe84385058699eb8ca818e Description-sl: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - documentation ProFTPD is a powerful modular FTP/SFTP/FTPS server. This File Transfer Protocol daemon supports also hidden directories, virtual hosts, and per- directory ".ftpaccess" files. It uses a single main configuration file, with a syntax similar to Apache. . Because of the advanced design, anonymous-FTP directories can have an arbitrary internal structure (bin, lib, etc, and special files are not needed). Advanced features such as multiple password files and upload/download ratios are also supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo programov. Package: proj-bin Description-md5: 4bbae817af68639fdf53f931d03c29cc Description-sl: Katrografska projekcijska knjižnica (orodja) Proj and invproj perform respective forward and inverse transformation of cartographic data to or from Cartesian data with a wide range of selectable projection functions (over 100 projections). . Geod and invgeod perform geodesic (Great Circle) computations for determining latitude, longitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given a initial point latitude, longitude, azimuth and distance (direct) or the forward and back azimuths and distance between an initial and terminus point latitudes and longitudes (inverse). . This package provides the PROJ binary tools. Package: project-x Description-md5: dac355e0e821d2e5c1e7c3d42a84bafb Description-sl: Orodje razvijanja DVB Evropski digitalni radio in televizija za prenašanje svojih podatkov uporabljata standard DVB. Project X vam da pogled za prenose in poskuša upravljati in popraviti veliko vrst pretokov in pokaže kaj je bilo narobe ob sprejemu. Package: Description-md5: 81013719da2a050097edb12d679b16fb Description-sl: Enovito razvojno okolje za razvoj GNUstep ProjectCenter is an integrated development environment (IDE) for GNUstep systems. It is a clone of the ProjectBuilder application for NextStep, which became popular for its ease of use and speed of development. Package: projectl Description-md5: b90906ee9834816f321286534cd6d646 Description-sl: Akcijsko streljanje sword The sword mechanics are everything in this game. Your sword rotates away from the direction your ship moves, and in doing so slices through the various enemies. Package: prometheus-cpp-dev Description-md5: 38223cbfc9ca7fd9d86b3cd9f8484371 Description-sl: Prometheus Client Library for Modern C++ (development files) This library aims to enable Metrics-Driven Development for C++ services. It implements the Prometheus Data Model, a powerful abstraction on which to collect and expose metrics. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: proxsmtp Description-md5: 389351b21c04ea291ba17d1690f4adbd Description-sl: Večnamenski posredniški strežnik SMTP ProxSMTP is a flexible tool that allows you to reject, change or log email based on arbitrary critera. It accepts SMTP connections and forwards the SMTP commands and responses to another SMTP server. The 'DATA' email body is intercepted and filtered before forwarding. . You need to be able to write the filtering scripts that integrate it with your particular needs. If you're looking for something that does virus filtering, take a look at ClamSMTP which behaves similarly and uses a similar code base. . You do not need a local mail-transport-agent installed, since this server can forward to a remote one. Package: proxychains Description-md5: 040457b770c0fda03ec53238fc3e3cb4 Description-sl: proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers Proxy chains force any tcp connection made by any given tcp client to follow through proxy (or proxy chain). It is a kind of proxifier. It acts like sockscap / premeo / eborder driver ( intercepts TCP calls ) . This version supports SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and HTTP CONNECT proxy servers. Different proxy types can be mixed in the same chain. . Features * Access Internet from behind restrictive firewall. * Source IP masquerade. * SSH tunneling and forwarding. * Dynamic LAN-to-LAN VPN channel. * Servers and daemons friendly (works fine with sendmail MTA). . Package: psad Description-md5: e3992a132756dd53e418757efcf09239 Description-sl: Program za zaznavanje napadov preiskovanja vrat PSAD is a collection of four lightweight system daemons (in Perl and C) designed to work with iptables to detect port scans. It features: * a set of highly configurable danger thresholds (with sensible defaults provided); * verbose alert messages that include the source, destination, scanned port range, beginning and end times, TCP flags, and corresponding Nmap options; * reverse DNS information; * alerts via email; * automatic blocking of offending IP addresses via dynamic firewall configuration. . When combined with fwsnort and the iptables string match extension, PSAD is capable of detecting many attacks described in the Snort rule set that involve application layer data. Package: psensor Description-md5: 9d44a379ff734923f2e0c2450baa4716 Description-sl: prikaže grafe za nadzor temperature strojne opreme Psensor je program GTK+ za nadzor senzorjev strojne opreme, vključno s temperaturo in hitrostjo ventilatorjev. . Za vsak senzor prikaže krivuljo in ob previsoki temperaturi obvesti uporabnika z namiznimi obvestili in kazalnikom programov. . It can monitor: * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors). * the temperature of the NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl). * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using atasmart lib). * the rotation speed of the fans (using lm-sensors). * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server). Package: psensor-common Description-md5: f6a61d9818ff052f2ccd6d0868a9e66d Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za Psensor in strežnik Psensor It contains: * the languages packs, * the README, * and the FAQ. This package is required by psensor and psensor-server packages. Package: psgml Description-md5: b2c9b27f4900c636147820686129e7b3 Description-sl: Glavni način Emacs za urejanje dokumentov SGML PSGML is a major mode for the editor Emacs used for editing SGML documents. It contains a simple SGML parser and can work with any DTD. (The most popular nowadays are the HTML DTDs. This package turns your emacs into the one of most powerful HTML editors and will be ultimately flexible as well, since you could upgrade your editor by just installing new DTDs). Functions provided includes menus and commands for inserting tags with only the contextually valid tags, identification of structural errors, editing of attribute values in a separate window with information about types and defaults, and structure based editing. . Since psgml parses the DTD to allow you to edit SGML documents, you do need to have the DTDs installed in order to use psgml. Since psgml installs itself as an HTML mode in Emacs, it depends on sgml-data. Some other packages which also provide SGML DTDs are suggested, like debiandoc- sgml and linuxdoc-sgml. . SGML, a language for encoding the structure of a document, is an ISO standard: ISO 8879:1986 "Information processing - Text and office systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)". . Psgml is a standard package for XEmacs, and thus this package does not install itself for XEmacsen. . The official home page has not been updated since 2005. The latest version of this package was built from an unofficial version at <URL:> Package: psi-plus-common Description-md5: 093f47ee593d3874cbbcf8479c54fd01 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za Psi+ Ta paket vsebuje skupne datoteke za Psi+. . Psi IM is a capable XMPP client aimed at experienced users. There are keybindings for just about everything, Unicode is supported throughout, contacts are cached offline. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi IM provides it for both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO). . Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM. Project purposes are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and plugins for transferring them to Psi IM. . List of supported XEPs you may found at: im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs . Full list of Psi+ features you may found at: https://psi- Package: psi-plus-plugins Description-md5: a0da2c7fd2acf94b7acd1d41b81d7b47 Description-sl: Vstavki za Psi+ This package contains main plugins for Psi+: \* Attention Plugin \* Autoreply Plugin \* Birthday Reminder Plugin \* Chess Plugin \* Cleaner Plugin \* Client Switcher Plugin \* Conference Logger Plugin \* Content Downloader Plugin \* Enum Messages Plugin \* Extended Menu Plugin \* Extended Options Plugin \* GnuPG Plugin \* Gomoku Game Plugin \* History Keeper Plugin \* HTTP Upload Plugin \* ICQ Must Die Plugin \* Image Plugin \* Image Preview Plugin \* Jabber Disk Plugin \* Juick Plugin \* Message Filter Plugin \* OMEMO Plugin \* Off-the-Record Plugin \* PEP Change Notify Plugin \* QIP X-Statuses Plugin \* Screenshot Plugin \* Skins Plugin \* Stop Spam Plugin \* Storage Notes Plugin \* Translate Plugin \* Video Status Plugin \* Watcher Plugin . Psi IM is a capable XMPP client aimed at experienced users. There are keybindings for just about everything, Unicode is supported throughout, contacts are cached offline. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi IM provides it for both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO). . Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM. Project purposes are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and plugins for transferring them to Psi IM. . List of supported XEPs you may found at: im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs . Full list of Psi+ features you may found at: https://psi- Package: psi-plus-skins Description-md5: ec8a489a233233c09cca1ae7f93c319c Description-sl: Preobleke za Psi+ Ta paket vsebuje preobleke za Psi+. . Psi IM is a capable XMPP client aimed at experienced users. There are keybindings for just about everything, Unicode is supported throughout, contacts are cached offline. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi IM provides it for both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO). . Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM. Project purposes are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and plugins for transferring them to Psi IM. . List of supported XEPs you may found at: im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs . Full list of Psi+ features you may found at: https://psi- Package: psignifit Description-md5: 23afccbc27de025335ca0a749f756089 Description-sl: Fitting and testing hypotheses about psychometric functions Psignifit allows fitting of psychometric functions to datasets while maintaining full control over a large number of parameters. Data can either be read from text files or passed through a pipe. . Psignifit performs the calculation of confidence intervals as well as goodness-of-fit tests. . To je različica ukazne vrstice. . Please note: This is the legacy version 2.x of psignifit. Package: pslib-dev Description-md5: d97d01950d6885914a7c049f18e894ea Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za pslib pslib is a library to create PostScript files Package: pslib1 Description-md5: 854c269b8a035dc30f8f8f550f42b682 Description-sl: Knjižnica za ustvarjanje datotek PostScript pslib is a library to create PostScript files. It offers many drawing primitives, image output and very sophisticated text rendering. It can read external Type1 fonts and embed them into the output file. It supports pdfmarks which makes it in combination with ghostscript's pdfwriter an alternative for libraries creating PDF. Package: pspp Description-md5: 507b12633a61b872fb9b0ece95e70c26 Description-sl: Orodje za statistično analizo PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS. . PSPP supports T-tests, ANOVA, GLM, factor analysis, non-parametric tests, and other statistical features. PSPP produces statistical reports in plain text, PDF, PostScript, CSV, HTML, SVG, and OpenDocument formats. . PSPP has both text-based and graphical user interfaces. The PSPP user interface has been translated into a number of languages. Package: pssh Description-md5: 96edb48513ef8de3cf30806135912399 Description-sl: Parallel versions of SSH-based tools pssh provides a number of commands for executing against a group of computers, using SSH. It's most useful for operating on clusters of homogenously-configured hosts. . Paket vsebuje: . - Parallel ssh (parallel-ssh, upstream calls it pssh), executes commands on multiple hosts in parallel - Parallel scp (parallel-scp, upstream calls it pscp), copies files to multiple remote hosts in parallel - Parallel rsync (parallel-rsync, upstream calls it prsync), efficiently copies files to multiple hosts in parallel - Parallel nuke (parallel-nuke, upstream calls it pnuke), kills processes on multiple remote hosts in parallel - Parallel slurp (parallel-slurp, upstream calls it pslurp), copies files from multiple remote hosts to a central host in parallel . These tools are good for controlling large collections of nodes, where faster alternatives such as gexec and pcp are not available. . This package contains the tools itself. Package: pterm Description-md5: 0fdfa7cada5930e860db2a7f8a244dac Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala PuTTY To je posnemovalnik terminala X, ki je osnovan na priljubljenem SSH odjemalcu za Windows, PuTTY. Podpira ubežna zaporedja xterm in nekatera zaporedja konzole Linux za nastavitev barvne palete in nekaj zaporedij DECterm za nadzor nazivne vrstice. S primerno pisavo podpira kodiranje UFF-8. Ima tudi nekaj lepih zmožnosti kot sta pravokotna izbira in način številčne tipkovnice NetHack. Package: ptex-base Description-md5: 12375b40ef5f5aec3a9f022573a8628a Description-sl: basic ASCII pTeX library files ASCII pTeX is a Japanized TeX distribution. . Together with ptex-bin you have a complete installation. . Vključuje: platex Package: ptpd Description-md5: fd740987e3f4c9fe577ac7996364e26a Description-sl: Ozadnji program protokola natančnega časa Implements the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) as defined by the IEEE 1588-2008 standard. PTP was developed to provide very precise time coordination of LAN connected computers. . PTPd is a complete implementation of the IEEE 1588 specification for a standard (non-boundary) clock. PTPd has been tested with and is known to work properly with other IEEE 1588 implementations. The source code for PTPd is freely available under a BSD-style license. Thanks to contributions from users, PTPd is becoming an increasingly portable, interoperable, and stable IEEE 1588 implementation. . For more information, see Package: publib-dev Description-md5: 9b9aab474954f6422cc5f7a4a5bf35b7 Description-sl: Knjižnica raznih C funkcij This library contains functions for memory allocation, bit arrays, comparing standard C types for qsort and bsearch, error messages, filenames, hash tables, integer sets, log files, NNTP, priority queues, normal queues, editor buffers, stacks, and strings. Package: puf Description-md5: 4ad3565303016d26bdee9d37b11f5217 Description-sl: Program za vzporedno pridobivanje URL-jev puf is a download tool for UNIX-like systems. You may use it to download single files or to mirror entire servers. It is similar to GNU wget (and has a partly compatible command line), but has the ability to do many downloads in parallel. This is very interesting, if you have a high- bandwidth internet connection. Package: pugixml-doc Description-md5: cc17ddb4079b2e01a827793d582f5807 Description-sl: Light-weight C++ XML processing library (documentation) pugixml is a lightweight C++ XML processing library with XPath support. It features: * DOM like interface with rich traversal/modification capabilities * Extermely fast non-validating XML parser which constructs the DOM tree from an XML file/buffer. * XPath 1.0 implementation for complex data-driven tree queries * Full Unicode support with Unicode interface variants and automatic encoding conversions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: pulseaudio Description-md5: 15c158aa11824c8a768e4d670919d02d Description-sl: PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . These are some of PulseAudio's features: . * High quality software mixing of multiple audio streams with support for more than one sink/source. May be used to combine multiple sound cards into one (with sample rate adjustment). . * Wide range of supported client libraries. ESD, ALSA, oss, libao and GStreamer client applications are supported as-is. Native PulseAudio plug-ins are also available for xmms and mplayer. . * Good low latency behaviour and very accurate latency measurement for playback and recording. Ability to fully synchronize multiple playback streams. . * Network transparency, allowing an application to play back or record audio on a different machine than the one it is running on. . * Extensible plug-in architecture with plug-ins for jackd, multicast-rtp lirc and avahi, just to name a few. . This package contains the daemon and basic module set. Package: pulseaudio-equalizer Description-md5: 5402a1f4cf8652b508501dd29d402735 Description-sl: Equalizer sink module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This package provides an equalizer sink and an interface to configure the equalizer, qpaeq. . The module is called module-equalizer-sink. Package: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth Description-md5: 76e05b466d11ac60deff61d94d607904 Description-sl: Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This module enables PulseAudio to work with bluetooth devices, like headset or audio gateway. . The module is called module-bluetooth Package: pulseaudio-module-gsettings Description-md5: 14044f42c060d3a3ae926251cf78c26b Description-sl: GSettings module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This module enables PulseAudio to store additional configuration in GSettings. . The module is called module-gsettings. Package: pulseaudio-module-jack Description-md5: a45f4943771fb4ccf89a76a36f7f6f13 Description-sl: jackd modules for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . These modules enables PulseAudio to connect to a jackd daemon. . The modules are called module-jack-sink, module-jack-source. Package: pulseaudio-module-lirc Description-md5: 476ebc36bd51c387e0a12a54352ae162 Description-sl: lirc module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This module enables the volume of a PulseAudio sink to be controlled when buttons of an infrared remote control are pressed (through LIRC). . The module is called module-lirc. Package: pulseaudio-module-raop Description-md5: f443b32abfa3073d1874fa9b76cf88b1 Description-sl: RAOP module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This module enables PulseAudio to stream audio to an Apple Airport Express. Package: pulseaudio-module-zeroconf Description-md5: bccd0c2eacb18c71f7d829db12f93aae Description-sl: Zeroconf module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . This module enables PulseAudio to publish available sinks and sources via zeroconf (aka. Avahi, mdns). . The module is called module-zeroconf-publish. Package: pulseaudio-utils Description-md5: d8d6ff926bb9214bc0212fd3318ba0e6 Description-sl: Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, prej znan kot Polypaudio je zvočni strežnik za sisteme POSIX in WIN32. Je zamenjava za zvočni strežnik ESD z veliko boljšo zakasnitvijo, kakovostjo mešanja/prevzročenja in splošno arhitekturo. . These tools provide command line access to various features of the PulseAudio sound server. Included tools are: . paplay - Playback a WAV file via a PulseAudio sink. pacat - Cat raw audio data to a PulseAudio sink. parec - Cat raw audio data from a PulseAudio source. pacmd - Connect to PulseAudio's built-in command line control interface. pactl - Send a control command to a PulseAudio server. padsp - /dev/dsp wrapper to transparently support OSS applications. pax11publish - Store/retrieve PulseAudio default server/sink/source settings in the X11 root window. Package: puppet Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: puredata Description-md5: 14fc184a0ca11977c12f0d2e85458e7c Description-sl: Realnočasoven sistem računalniške glasbe in grafike Pure Data (znan tudi kot Pd) je realnočasovno okolje grafičnega programiranja za obdelovanje zvoka in grafike. Zmožnosti zvoka Pd so vgrajene. Grafične zmožnosti zahtevajo ločene pakete kot sta gem ali pd- pdp. . This is a metapackage that depends on all components of the core of Pd. Package: puredata-core Description-md5: f20faf9925954d850883bbd603153e29 Description-sl: Realnočasoven sistem računalniške glasbe in grafike - osnovni sestavni deli Pure Data (also known as Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphics processing. . This package only provides the core infrastructure of Pure Data. Most likely you will want to install "puredata-gui" (or even the full "puredata") as well. Package: puredata-dev Description-md5: fdaf86f853cc58ce32170f4ae289ac5d Description-sl: Sistem relanočasovne računalniške glasbe in grafike - razvojne datoteke Pure Data (also known as Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphics processing. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke glave za kodno prevajanje zunanjih vstavkov za puredata. Package: puredata-doc Description-md5: 51a4c33ab1c15769e81a6a9e874ac2aa Description-sl: Sistem relanočasovne računalniške glasbe in grafike - dokumentacija Pure Data (also known as Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphics processing. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za Pure Data. Verjetno boste želeli namestiti tudi "puredata". Package: puredata-extra Description-md5: cfd2137b07d9db2a81f24f68a06c88e5 Description-sl: Realnočasoven sistem računalniške glasbe in grafike - dodatne datoteke Pure Data (also known as Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphics processing. . This package provides extra objects that come with Pd, e.g. for signal analysis (fiddle~, sigmund~, bonk~) and more. . The objects for expression evaluation (expr~) have been included into puredata-core, so they are no longer part of this package. Package: puredata-gui Description-md5: 8d219983e2157002c021696009de2629 Description-sl: Realnočasoven sistem računalniške glasbe in grafike - grafični uporabniški vmesnik Pure Data (also known as Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphics processing. . This package provides the graphical user-interface for Pure Data. Most likely you will want to install "puredata-core" (or even "puredata") as well. Installing this package without the accompanying puredata-core is only useful if you want to run the GUI and the DSP on different machines. Package: puredata-utils Description-md5: f710137bec19ae01e5c49694229610ab Description-sl: Realnočasoven sistem računalniške glasbe in grafike - programi pripomočkov Pure Data (also known as Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphics processing. . This package provides utility applications for puredata, namely pdsend and pdreceive, for sending and receiving FUDI over the net. Package: puredata64 Description-md5: e778fbbed9efc8725ee60f24382ce2bf Description-sl: realtime computer music and graphics system (double precision) Pure Data (znan tudi kot Pd) je realnočasovno okolje grafičnega programiranja za obdelovanje zvoka in grafike. Zmožnosti zvoka Pd so vgrajene. Grafične zmožnosti zahtevajo ločene pakete kot sta gem ali pd- pdp. . This is a metapackage that depends on all core components of double precision Pd. Package: putty Description-md5: 66d775d58e68e927fea5c45675a7cf4a Description-sl: Odjemalec Telnet/SSH za X To je predelava Unix priljubljenega odjemalca SSH za Windows, PuTTY. Podpira prilagodljivo nastavitev terminala, ponovno nastavitev med sejo z uporabo Ctrk-desni klik, več protokolov overitve X11 in različne druge zanimive stvari, ki jih ssh v xterm ne zagotavlja. . Pageant is an SSH authentication agent, and a tool for communicating with an already-running agent. Package: putty-doc Description-md5: ed28516dea967b46064d63c144b74e5c Description-sl: PuTTY HTML dokumentacija Full HTML documentation for the PuTTY suite of programs (PuTTY, pterm, Plink, PSCP, PSFTP, and PuTTYgen). Package: pxfw Description-md5: 3e45fba63c90b2f230d5170a60b26807 Description-sl: Program za posodabljanje strojne programske opreme Plextor QPxTool gives you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. . This package contains pxfw, a firmware flash program for Plextor optical drives. Package: pybind11-doc Description-md5: ad1f8255e000b1f4d921201326c0e401 Description-sl: documentation for pybind11 pybind11 is a lightweight header library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent Boost.Python library by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditional extension modules by inferring type information using compile-time introspection. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: pychess Description-md5: 595768e2264e963948941e4bf3c117a3 Description-sl: Fully featured, nice looking, easy to use Chess Client Cilj pychess je zagotoviti polno zmožen odjemalec šaha lepega videza, ki je enostaven za uporabo za namizje gnome. . Odjemalec bi moral biti uporaben tako za tiste, ki so novi pri šahu in za tiste, ki želijo uporabiti računalnik za nadaljnjo izboljšavo svoje igre. . Features include: Tabbed interface pgn+epd read/write support Hints and spymode xboard/cecp engine support Builtin Python based engine Openingbook using sqlite Clean interface and dialogs Builtin move validator Legal move highlighting Supports drag'n'drop. Package: pydf Description-md5: a4bf8f0eba6954cc38a3c34a478012bc Description-sl: Obarvan klon df(1) pydf is all-singing, all-dancing, fully colourised df(1)-clone written in Python. Package: pylint Description-md5: 0679fee9f0edb953df8134bc754de169 Description-sl: Python 3 code static checker and UML diagram generator Pylint is a Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells (as defined in Martin Fowler's Refactoring book) . Pylint can be seen as another PyChecker since nearly all tests you can do with PyChecker can also be done with Pylint. However, Pylint offers some more features, like checking length of lines of code, checking if variable names are well-formed according to your coding standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented, and much more. . Additionally, it is possible to write plugins to add your own checks. . Ta paket vsebuje tudi naslednje dodatne ukaze: . * pyreverse: an UML diagram generator * symilar: an independent similarities checker * epylint: Emacs and Flymake compatible Pylint Package: pymca-data Description-md5: 5da38d00dc03a6088bac6de7ca535619 Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za PyMca PyMca is set of applications and Python libraries for analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectra. . This package contains the architecture independent data files for PyMca. Package: pymol Description-md5: bfc8e8676a87c0058529a662aef95313 Description-sl: Molekularni grafični sistem PyMOL is a molecular graphics system targeted at medium to large biomolecules like proteins. It can generate high-quality publication-ready molecular graphics images and animations. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: * predočenje molekul, molekulskih trajektorij in površin kristalografskih podatkov ali oribatl * izgrajevalnik in kipar molekul * notranji sledilnik žarkov in ustvarjalnik filmov * polno razširljiv in skriptljiv preko vmesnika Python . Vrste datotek, ki jih lahko PyMOL bere, vključujejo PDB, XYZ, CIF, MDL, Molfile, ChemDraw, zemljevide CCP4, zemljevide XPLOR in zemljevide gausovskih kubov. Package: pympress-doc Description-md5: e65b88033df1588da2a71580d71b5345 Description-sl: Pympress documentation Pympress is a little PDF reader written in Python using Poppler for PDF rendering and GTK+ for the GUI. . It is designed to be a dual-screen reader used for presentations and public talks, with two displays: the *Content window* for a projector, and the *Presenter window* for your laptop. . It comes with many great features: - supports embedded videos - text annotations displayed in the presenter window - natively supports beamer's *notes on second screen*! . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: pysatellites Description-md5: 5abbfec6d6fc52491ae8c16dfeaf205f Description-sl: Posnema izstrelitev satelitov This program can be used to train people to spatial mechanics at an elementary level. You are given the power to launch a satellite, from outside the atmosphere, around a handful of predefined planets, or around any special object you may imagine. Input the initial velocity vector of the satellite, and you will get the simulated trajectory, as well as some information like the plots of variation of speed. As an extra, you can compute a movie, which represents the planet seen from the satellite's point of view during its orbital period. Package: pyside2-tools Description-md5: 5f5f4a325f837305e90e4ff34ca2265a Description-sl: development tools for PySide2 (lupdate) Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . PySide2 ships Python bindings for the Qt5 framework. This package ships the following accompanying tools: * pyside2-lupdate - update Qt Linguist translation files for PySide Package: pyside6-tools Description-md5: 27389a5abdaac3f59555518153e3f33d Description-sl: development tools for PySide6 (lupdate) Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . PySide6 ships Python bindings for the Qt 6 framework. This package ships the following accompanying tools: * pyside6-lupdate - update Qt Linguist translation files for PySide Package: pysolfc Description-md5: 3afbc300829f65f3b377983f89b16e58 Description-sl: Zbirka več kot 1000 iger pasjanse To so igre, ki uporabljajo mednaroden komplet 52 kart, igre za komplet kart za Tarok iz 78 kart, osem in deset zbirk iger Ganjifa, igre Hanafuda, igre Matrix, igre Mahjongg in igre za izvirni na šestnajstiškem sistemu osnovan komplet. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo moderen videz (uporablja zbirko gradnikov Ttk), več kompletov kart in ozadij, zvok, neomejeno razveljavitev, statistiko igralca, sistem namigov, preizkusne igre, čarovnik iger, podporo za uporabniško napisane vstavke, vgrajen brskalnik pomoči HTML in veliko dokumentacije. . PySolFC je razvejitev programa PySol Solitaire. Package: python-acme-doc Description-md5: f49a01b1dca8b6f0113bea17543ca6cf Description-sl: ACME protocol library for Python 3 - Documentation This is a library used by the Let's Encrypt client for the ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment). The ACME protocol is designed as part of the Let's Encrypt project, to make it possible to setup an HTTPS server and have it automatically obtain a browser-trusted certificate, without any human intervention. This library implements the protocol used for proving the control of a domain. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-agate-doc Description-md5: fb28ad1ce267934386875e944bb9aa0e Description-sl: documentation for agate Agate is a Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines. It is an alternative to numpy and pandas that solves real-world problems with readable code. . Why agate? . - A readable and user-friendly API. - A complete set of SQL-like operations. - Unicode support everywhere. - Decimal precision everywhere. - Exhaustive user documentation. - Pluggable extensions that add SQL integration, Excel support, and more. - Designed with iPython, Jupyter and atom/hydrogen in mind. - Pure Python. No C dependencies to compile. - Exhaustive test coverage. - MIT licensed and free for all purposes. - Zealously zen. - Made with love. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-agatedbf-doc Description-md5: 57b3fff7aec0fe9b37767b9dc5df8064 Description-sl: documentation for agate-dbf Agate-dbf adds read support for dbf files to agate. It uses a monkey patching pattern to add read methods for dbf files to all agate.Table instances after import of the corresponding agatedbf module. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-agateexcel-doc Description-md5: 2d282d74384adca5c41c7ba9239455fd Description-sl: documentation for agate-excel Agate-excel adds read support for Excel files (xls and xlsx) to agate. It uses a monkey patching pattern to add read methods for xls and xlsx files to all agate. Table instances after import of the corresponding agateexcel module. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-agatesql-doc Description-md5: 6d19ed0df72119a7ae1e548de653f468 Description-sl: documentation for agate-sql Agate-sql adds read/write support for SQL to agate. It uses a monkey patching pattern to add read and write methods for SQL to all agate.Table instances after import of the corresponding agatesql module. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-aioamqp-doc Description-md5: 06c3d779efa29c6f8ca1562d016453a6 Description-sl: AMQP implementation using asyncio (Documentation) aioamqp library is a pure-Python implementation of the AMQP 0.9.1 protocol. . Built on top on Python's asynchronous I/O support introduced in PEP 3156, it provides an API based on coroutines, making it easy to write highly concurrent applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-aiohappyeyeballs-doc Description-md5: 5e52a232567088c4c39c11f0120b2d44 Description-sl: Happy Eyeballs connection helper for asyncio (Documentation) Implements the Happy Eyeballs algorithm for asyncio, facilitating rapid connection establishment by attempting both IPv4 and IPv6 connections simultaneously. This approach ensures that the connection is established quickly and efficiently, even if one protocol is slower or unavailable. . Happy Eyeballs, also known as Fast Fallback, addresses the problem of connectivity issues in dual-stack applications (supporting both IPv4 and IPv6). By attempting both protocols in parallel and preferring IPv6, it minimizes delays caused by IPv6 brokenness and enhances user experience by promptly selecting the most responsive connection. . This library is particularly useful when using DNS caching or resolving names through methods other than traditional DNS, such as zeroconf. It allows for creating connections using pre-resolved addrinfo, bypassing the limitations of the standard `loop.create_connection()` method which requires unresolved names. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-aioitertools-doc Description-md5: c8d54a385174739c74261a997527fbd5 Description-sl: Python itertools, builtins and more for AsyncIO (documentation) This Python module shadows the standard library whenever possible to provide asynchronous versions of itertools, builtins and other familiar functions. It's fully compatible with standard iterators and async iterators alike, providing a single unified, familiar interface for interacting with iterable objects. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-aiorpcx-doc Description-md5: 9328cc18c1035d85e766a3b31336dd2d Description-sl: generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC (documentation) Transport, protocol and framing-independent async RPC client and server implementation. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-altgraph-doc Description-md5: adba40aa8ea7b122408c68a6006190a6 Description-sl: Python graph (network) package - API documentation altgraph is a fork of graphlib: a graph (network) package for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, shortest paths, etc. with graphviz output. . altgraph includes some additional usage of Python 2.6+ features and enhancements related to modulegraph and macholib. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-amqplib-doc Description-md5: ab48c00eb1de2601274d9385fe6f1ac3 Description-sl: simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library (Documentation) Python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 0-8, featuring basic messaging functionality and SSL support. . python-amqplib provides synchronous API unlike other (event-driven) implementations. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-apsw-doc Description-md5: 03a6927dbc4f135d6f8dd116f09cfac0 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za python-apsw APSW (Another Python SQLite Wrapper) is an SQLite 3 wrapper that provides the thinnest layer over SQLite 3 possible. Everything you can do from the C API to SQLite 3, you can do from Python. Although APSW's API looks vaguely similar to Python's DB-API, it is not compliant with that API and instead works the way SQLite 3 does. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-asdf-doc Description-md5: e9d5c1f1266604458dbade9c436a7efc Description-sl: Python library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format (documentation) ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) is a proposed next generation interchange format for scientific data. ASDF aims to exist in the same middle ground that made FITS so successful, by being a hybrid text and binary format: containing human editable metadata for interchange, and raw binary data that is fast to load and use. Unlike FITS, the metadata is highly structured and is designed up-front for extensibility. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python-async-property-doc Description-md5: fc897ca29ac4aaa928495836b3b0dfde Description-sl: decorator for async properties (Documentation) Python decorator for async properties. You can use @async_property just as you would with @property, but on an async function. . Features: * Both regular and cached property. * Cached properties can be accessed multiple times without repeating function call. * Uses asyncio.Lock to ensure cached functions are called only once. * Full test coverage with py.test. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-azure-doc Description-md5: 434aa33f783e0f4183e1379ca32c3739 Description-sl: Microsoft Azure SDK for Python - Documentation The Azure SDK provides a set of Python packages that make it easy to access the Microsoft Azure components such as ServiceManagement, Storage, and ServiceBug. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-bashate-doc Description-md5: f9152aedd430d3c8bc072b46eb51d851 Description-sl: bash script style guide checker - doc This program attempts to be an automated style checker for bash scripts to fill the same part of code review that pep8 does in most OpenStack projects. It started from humble beginnings in the DevStack project, and will continue to evolve over time. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-behave-doc Description-md5: 09d43a8ee10632e65b442d90670f0712 Description-sl: behaviour-driven development, documentation Behavior-driven development (or BDD) is an agile software development technique that encourages collaboration between developers, QA, and non- technical or business participants in a software project. . behave uses tests written in a natural language style, backed up by Python code. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-betamax-doc Description-md5: 53ffbe62b02e2dbbf998b30c163434cb Description-sl: VCR imitation designed only for python-requests - Documentation Betamax records HTTP interactions and replay them allowing fast, deterministic and accurate tests and it's designed to be used with python- requests. If you are not using python-requests, you should checkout . Betamax comes with integrations for py.test and unittest and supports third party packages that provide extra request matchers and cassette serializers. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: python-bidi-doc Description-md5: 3545c41fb61d9fb6c444dacb3daf8d55 Description-sl: bi-directional layout implementation, documentation Bi-directional (BiDi) layout implementation in pure python. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-bidict-doc Description-md5: b73d63f56eee8d0e409172405de03c7a Description-sl: Bidirectional map data structures and related functionality - documentation Features: - has carefully designed APIs for safety, simplicity, flexibility, and ergonomics - has extensive test coverage (including property-based tests and benchmarks) run continuously on all supported Python versions and OSes - integrates natively with Python’s collections interfaces - is implemented in concise, well-factored, well-documented pure Python that leverages a number of advanced language features . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-billiard-doc Description-md5: b0aba88f799c7680898d639f8974020c Description-sl: Multiprocessing Pool Extensions for Python (Documentation) This package contains extensions to the multiprocessing Pool. It extends the multiprocessing.Pool with a billiard.pool.DynamicPool that can grow in size. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-biopython-doc Description-md5: 6fcf72d1f7092b01a396411a2821eb9c Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico Biopython Documentation and examples about how to use the Biopython library. . This package also contains the unit tests of the test suite to enable reproducing the test results. Package: python-bitmath-doc Description-md5: 066066d55352ba2b3a9c34a5eb82bb25 Description-sl: handle file sizes with different prefix notations (Documentation) bitmath simplifies many facets of interacting with file sizes in various units. Originally focusing on file size unit conversion, functionality now includes: * Converting between SI and NIST prefix units (kB to GiB) * Converting between units of the same type (SI to SI, or NIST to NIST) * Automatic human-readable prefix selection (like in hurry.filesize) * Basic arithmetic operations (subtracting 42KiB from 50GiB) * Rich comparison operations (1024 Bytes == 1KiB) * bitwise operations (<<, >>, &, |, ^) * Reading a device's storage capacity (Linux/OS X support only) * argparse integration as a custom type * click integration as a custom parameter type * progressbar integration as a better file transfer speed widget * String parsing * Sorting . In addition to the conversion and math operations, bitmath provides human readable representations of values which are suitable for use in interactive shells as well as larger scripts and applications. The format produced for these representations is customizable via the functionality included in stdlibs string.format. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-bleak-doc Description-md5: 9e5713e4b3814c6b48fa1bc3e52f158c Description-sl: Bluetooth Low Energy platform agnostic client (Documentation) Bleak is an acronym for Bluetooth Low Energy platform Agnostic Klient. . Bleak is a GATT client software, capable of connecting to BLE devices acting as GATT servers. It is designed to provide a asynchronous, cross- platform Python API to connect and communicate with e.g. sensors. . Bleak supports reading, writing and getting notifications from GATT servers, as well as a function for discovering BLE devices. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-blosc-doc Description-md5: 9df7a0f00400b55db0472b7a00772b32 Description-sl: Python bindings for the Blosc meta-compressor (docs) Blosc ( is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. It has been designed to transmit data to the processor cache faster than the traditional, non-compressed, direct memory fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-bottle-doc Description-md5: b3873fcb5309821277d2fc4bd23328bd Description-sl: fast and simple WSGI-framework for Python - documentation Bottle is a fast and simple WSGI-framework for the Python programming language. It offers request dispatching with url parameter support (routes), templates, key/value databases, a built-in HTTP server and adapters for many third party WSGI/HTTP-server and template engines. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo modula Python. Package: python-brian-doc Description-md5: b2060b2f00ee78d5f2e8f55f92acc6ed Description-sl: Simulator za pikajoča živčna omrežja - dokumentacija Brian is a clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks. It is designed with an emphasis on flexibility and extensibility, for rapid development and refinement of neural models. Neuron models are specified by sets of user-specified differential equations, threshold conditions and reset conditions (given as strings). The focus is primarily on networks of single compartment neuron models (e.g. leaky integrate-and-fire or Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons). . Ta paket vsebuje uporabnipki priročnik v obliki HTML, primere in prikaze. Package: python-caja-common Description-md5: 186f661a5677212ba94f2c26184e65b2 Description-sl: Python binding for Caja components (common files) Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . The Python binding for Caja allows one to write Caja property page and menu item extensions in Python. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: python-can-doc Description-md5: c328511e83fc8ac0036036057d417b07 Description-sl: Controller Area Network (CAN) interface module - API documentation The Controller Area Network (CAN, aka "CAN bus") is a bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other. It has priority based bus arbitration, reliable deterministic communication. It is used in cars, trucks, boats, wheelchairs and more. . The 'can' package provides controller area network support for Python developers; providing "common abstractions to different hardware devices", and a suite of utilities for sending and receiving messages on a can bus. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: python-case-doc Description-md5: 23c4ea830a2780bd7db334d36921eff9 Description-sl: Python unittest Utilities (documentation) Python unittest Utilities. Includes: . * * case.skip * case.mock * case.utils . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-ceilometermiddleware-doc Description-md5: a76b9e0ca822a30a2a6e8d7d82ae1f9b Description-sl: OpenStack Telemetry middleware for generating metrics - doc This library provides middleware modules designed to enable metric and event data generation to be consumed by Ceilometer. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-celery-doc Description-md5: 95fc6dff7380be4c62fe3af0892bcc80 Description-sl: async task/job queue based on message passing (Documentation) Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well. . The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or more worker nodes. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready). . Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any language. It can also operate with other languages using webhooks. . The recommended message broker is RabbitMQ, but limited support for Redis, Beanstalk, MongoDB, CouchDB, and databases (using SQLAlchemy or the Django ORM) is also available. Celery is easy to integrate with Django, using the python-django-celery package. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-certbot-doc Description-md5: c921886ee1b2b199ff3083306791f0a8 Description-sl: client documentation for certbot The objective of Certbot, Let's Encrypt, and the ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment) protocol is to make it possible to set up an HTTPS server and have it automatically obtain a browser-trusted certificate, without any human intervention. This is accomplished by running a certificate management agent on the web server. . This agent is used to: . - Automatically prove to the Let's Encrypt CA that you control the website - Obtain a browser-trusted certificate and set it up on your web server - Keep track of when your certificate is going to expire, and renew it - Help you revoke the certificate if that ever becomes necessary. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-chameleon-doc Description-md5: b751c0f310b3b14c3a76684bb13031af Description-sl: XML-based template compiler - doc Chameleon compiles templates to Python byte-code. It includes a complete implementation of the Zope Page Templates (ZPT) language. . The engine itself performs 10-15 times better than the reference implementation and real-world benchmarks show an overall performance improvement in complex applications of 30-50%. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-charset-normalizer-doc Description-md5: 367a8d4994b5bb37780527b1efe97ed1 Description-sl: charset, encoding and language detection for Python (Documentation) charset-normalizer is a library for detection of charsets, encodings, and languages in Python programs. It can be compared to chardet, with a different approach, which intends to make it faster and more reliable. charset-normalizer can also detect natural languages. . All IANA character set names for which the Python core library provides codecs are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-circuits-doc Description-md5: 4bb0d498c500a9ce6a7863ce1ee783d6 Description-sl: event-driven framework with a component architecture (Documentation) circuits is an event-driven framework with a focus on Component Software Architectures where System Functionality is defined in Components. Components communicate with one another by propagating events throughout the system. Each Component can react to events and expose events to other parts of the system Components are able to manage their own events and can also be linked to other Components. . Circuits has a clean architecture and has no external dependencies on any other library. It's simplistic design is unmatchable but yet delivers a powerful framework for building large, scalable, maintainable applications and systems. Circuits was a core integral part of the pymills library developed in 2006 and was partly inspired by the Trac architecture. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: python-cloudkittyclient-doc Description-md5: c9661b4254e32b0c61bd2d4a69d9de50 Description-sl: API client for Rating as a Service project - doc CloudKitty aims at filling the gap between metrics collection systems like ceilometer and a billing system. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-cloup-doc Description-md5: 077703dcb5d0c507b392405e14421002 Description-sl: Click with option groups (documentation) Cloup enriches Click with several features that make it more expressive and configurable: * option groups and an (optional) help section for positional arguments * constraints, like mutually_exclusive, that can be applied to option groups or to any group of parameters, even conditionally subcommand aliases * subcommands sections, i.e. the possibility to organize the subcommands of a Group in multiple help sections * a themeable HelpFormatter that: - has more parameters for adjusting widths and spacing, which can be provided at the context and command level use a different layout when the terminal width is below a certain threshold in order to improve readability - suggestions like "did you mean <subcommand>?" when you mistype a subcommand Moreover, Cloup improves on IDE support providing decorators with detailed type hints and adding the static methods Context.settings() and HelpFormatter.settings() for creating dictionaries of settings. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: python-cogent-doc Description-md5: c500b1c82c580b2eec9f3cdab53c4831 Description-sl: docs for python3-cogent3 PyCogent is a software library for genomic biology. . It is distinguished by many unique built-in capabilities (such as true codon alignment) and the frequent addition of entirely new methods for the analysis of genomic data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: python-contextily-doc Description-md5: 3e37d16fbb29e384b551adf13e5fdf21 Description-sl: Context geo-tiles in Python - doc Contextily is a package to retrieve tile maps from the internet. It can add those tiles as basemap to matplotlib figures or write tile maps to disk into geospatial raster files. Bounding boxes can be passed in both WGS84 (EPSG:4326) and Spheric Mercator (EPSG:3857). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-cookiecutter-doc Description-md5: abb99bca8062e52b094dbf0d2420ab2c Description-sl: create projects from project templates (documentation) Cookiecutter is command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. . It can also be used as a Python module. It supports local and remote templates. The templating is done with Jinja2 and there is no limitation on the language used by the templated projects (Python, Ruby, Javascript, C, HTML, Postscript...). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-cssselect2-doc Description-md5: 43c406f0c0868002a020249bf540affe Description-sl: implementation of CSS3 Selectors (Documentation) cssselect2 is a straightforward implementation of CSS3 Selectors for markup documents (HTML, XML, etc.) that can be read by ElementTree-like parsers (including cElementTree, lxml, html5lib, etc.) . Unlike cssselect, it does not translate selectors to XPath and therefore does not have all the correctness corner cases that are hard or impossible to fix in cssselect. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-custodian-doc Description-md5: 16e43abd093a1b30c8a3fca411c6f227 Description-sl: flexible just-in-time job management framework in Python (doc) Custodian is a simple, robust and flexible just-in-time (JIT) job management framework written in Python. Using custodian, you can create wrappers that perform error checking, job management and error recovery. It has a simple plugin framework that allows you to develop specific job management workflows for different applications. . Error recovery is an important aspect of many high-throughput projects that generate data on a large scale. When you are running on the order of hundreds of thousands of jobs, even an error-rate of 1% would mean thousands of errored jobs that would be impossible to deal with on a case- by-case basis. . The specific use case for custodian is for long running jobs, with potentially random errors. For example, there may be a script that takes several days to run on a server, with a 1% chance of some IO error causing the job to fail. Using custodian, one can develop a mechanism to gracefully recover from the error, and restart the job with modified parameters if necessary. . The current version of Custodian also comes with several sub-packages for error handling for Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package (VASP), NwChem, QChem, FEFF, Lobster and CP2K calculations. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-cxxheaderparser-doc Description-md5: 432c88e37a6eabb471eb4a32ca0b9192 Description-sl: pure Python C++ header parser - documentation The cxxheaderparser library is used to parse syntactically valid C++ code and operate on the results. It provides both a visitor-style interface to process the results as they are being parsed or the option of a single data structure containing all parsed information. . This is a complete rewrite of the CppHeaderParser library. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: python-cyborgclient-doc Description-md5: e19c5cf5dc94ab7aafdd17033934f67c Description-sl: Python client for cyborg API - doc Python-cyborgclient is a Python bindings to the OpenStack Cyborg API. There's a Python API (the cyborgclient module), and a command-line script (cyborg). Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Cyborg API. . Cyborg provides a general management framework for accelerators such as FPGA, GPU, SoCs, NVMe SSDs, CCIX caches, DPDK/SPDK, pmem and so forth. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-dbfread-doc Description-md5: e280980f90eed2f71dbf61ed23db8db9 Description-sl: documentation for dbfread DBF is a file format used by databases such dBase, Visual FoxPro, and FoxBase+. This library reads DBF files and returns the data as native Python data types for further processing. It is primarily intended for batch jobs and one-off scripts. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-dipy-doc Description-md5: 76349f09501f428a0a83ec425c718e39 Description-sl: Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets -- documentation DIPY is a library for the analysis of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python-django-allauth-doc Description-md5: 9e37c5c818840474ed1a8b7ea5464032 Description-sl: Django app for local and social authentication (Documentation) Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication with the following supported providers: . * Amazon (OAuth2) * AngelList (OAuth2) * Bitly (OAuth2) * Dropbox (OAuth) * Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK) * Feedly (OAuth2) * Github (OAuth2) * Google (OAuth2) * Instagram (OAuth2) * LinkedIn (OAuth, OAuth2) * OpenId * Paypal (OAuth2) * Persona * QuickBooks * SoundCloud (OAuth2) * Stack Exchange (OAuth2) * Telegram * Twitch (OAuth2) * Twitter (OAuth) * Vimeo (OAuth) * VK (OAuth2) * Weibo (OAuth2) . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-analytical-doc Description-md5: 7276836c876aeba97981de3ec0fd40fc Description-sl: Integrate analytics services into a Django (Documentation) The django-analytical application integrates analytics services into a Django project. . Using an analytics service with a Django project means adding Javascript tracking code to the project templates. Of course, every service has its own specific installation instructions. Furthermore, you need to include your unique identifiers, which then end up in the templates. . This application hides the details of the different analytics services behind a generic interface, and keeps personal information and configuration out of the templates. Its goal is to make the basic set-up very simple, while allowing advanced users to customize tracking. Each service is set up as recommended by the services themselves, using an asynchronous version of the Javascript code if possible. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-assets-doc Description-md5: d0508a9a8415d563d225d729ed39389f Description-sl: integrate webassets into Django applications (Documentation) django-assets will automatically merge and compress bundle’s source files the first time a template including them is rendered, and will automatically update the compressed file every time a source file changes. If debugging is enabled, each source file will be outputted individually instead. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-auth-ldap-doc Description-md5: 4fd2db8c39843015dd5fe0c48d806f55 Description-sl: Django LDAP authentication backend (documentation) Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template, but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups, and permissions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-babel-doc Description-md5: 5fe9095603ad119f0a1fb2e3c17e53b0 Description-sl: Utilities for using Babel in Django - doc This package contains various utilities for integration of Babel into the Django web framework: * A message extraction plugin for Django templates. * A middleware class that adds the Babel Locale object to requests. * A set of template tags for date and number formatting. . Babel provides a message extraction framework similar to GNU xgettext, but more extensible and geared towards Python applications. While Django does provide wrapper scripts for making the use of xgettext more convenient, the extraction functionality is rather limited. For example, you can't use template files with an extension other than .html, and everything needs to be in your project package directory. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-bootstrapform-doc Description-md5: 5320dc0557d3a847a2e0a7f5ea0b8c5b Description-sl: generate twitter-bootstrap form output for django form - doc Django bootstrap form generates twitter-bootstrap form output for django form. A simple Django template tag to work with twitter bootstrap. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-braces-doc Description-md5: 923f1b56e665440207d00e77d39f7bca Description-sl: reusable, generic mixins for Django class based views (Documentation) Django-braces provides a set of reusable, generic mixins for the Django class based views system. The mixins can be used for access control, form handling and other purposes. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-captcha-doc Description-md5: 6d2e32bf90201ea44a43a9aa25fd3ec5 Description-sl: Simple Captcha Django application (Documentation) Django Simple Captcha is an extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add captcha images to any Django form. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-celery-beat-doc Description-md5: 5a96fef0950a64679390ba6f16953aa5 Description-sl: Database-backed Periodic Tasks (Documentation) This extension enables you to store the periodic task schedule in the database. . The periodic tasks can be managed from the Django Admin interface, where you can create, edit and delete periodic tasks and how often they should run. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-celery-results-doc Description-md5: fd2803ccf77ef40b298b1075e6766b27 Description-sl: Celery result backends for Django (Documentation) This extension enables you to store Celery task results using the Django ORM. . It defines a single model (django_celery_results.models.TaskResult) used to store task results, and you can query this database table like any other Django model. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-channels-doc Description-md5: 0f70bba9b5a1c5509cbf62b0aa5bdca6 Description-sl: Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django (Documentation) Channels is a project to make Django able to handle more than just plain HTTP requests, including WebSockets and HTTP2, as well as the ability to run code after a response has been sent for things like thumbnailing or background calculation. . It’s an easy-to-understand extension of the Django view model, and easy to integrate and deploy. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-classy-tags-doc Description-md5: 98b8e3278f3cf3613e3c18af32b975ee Description-sl: Class based template tags for Django projects (Documentation) django-classy-tags is an approach at making writing template tags in Django easier, shorter and more fun. It provides an extensible argument parser which reduces most of the boiler plate code you usually have to write when coding custom template tags. . django-classy-tags does no magic by design. Thus you will not get automatic registering/loading of your tags like other solutions provide. You will not get automatic argument guessing from function signatures but rather you have to declare what arguments your tag accepts. There is no magic in your template tag class either, it’s just a subclass of django.template.Node which invokes a parser class to parse the arguments when it’s initialized and resolves those arguments into keyword arguments in it’s render method and calls its render_tag method with those keyword arguments. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-constance-doc Description-md5: 5d3ceb908fa8fc5e6777ab6c4689757f Description-sl: Dynamic Django settings (Documentation) A Django app for storing dynamic settings in pluggable backends (Redis and Django model backend built in) with an integration with the Django admin app. . Features: * Easily migrate your static settings to dynamic settings. * Edit the dynamic settings in the Django admin interface. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-contrib-comments-doc Description-md5: e3cb73cea33b2d61f1a39535b42506ef Description-sl: Django comments framework (Documentation) Django used to include a comments framework; since Django 1.6 it's been separated to a separate project. This framework can be used to attach comments to any model, so you can use it for comments on blog entries, photos, book chapters, or anything else. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-crispy-forms-doc Description-md5: f7f3fb11e3bf8a309ff7a14f2edfa9d2 Description-sl: app for Django providing elegant form rendering (Documentation) django-crispy-forms provides you with a |crispy filter and {% crispy %} tag that will let you control the rendering behavior of your Django forms in a very elegant and DRY way. Have full control without writing custom form templates. All this without breaking the standard way of doing things in Django, so it plays nice with any other form application. . Django-crispy-forms supports several frontend frameworks, such as Twitter Bootstrap (versions 2, 3 and 4), Uni-form and Foundation. You can also easily adapt your custom company's one, creating your own, see the docs for more information. You can easily switch among them using CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting variable. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-crispy-forms-foundation-doc Description-md5: e981954e45864cf01eb8543e81d2a174 Description-sl: Django-crispy-forms layout objects for Foundation for sites (Documentation) This is a Django application to add django-crispy-forms layout objects for the CSS framework Foundation for sites. It depends on the python3-crispy- forms library. . django-crispy-forms provides you with a |crispy filter and {% crispy %} tag that will let you control the rendering behavior of your Django forms in a very elegant and DRY way. Have full control without writing custom form templates. All this without breaking the standard way of doing things in Django, so it plays nice with any other form application. . django-crispy-forms supports several frontend frameworks, such as Twitter Bootstrap (versions 3 and 4), Uni-form and Foundation. You can also easily adapt your custom company's one, creating your own, see the docs for more information. You can easily switch among them using CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting variable. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-csp-doc Description-md5: 1ea49a658e2785322fbc9c6810efca07 Description-sl: Content Security Policy for Django (Documentation) django-csp adds Content-Security-Policy headers to Django applications. It provides a middleware that takes care of setting the correct header values and has several configuration settings to create custom policies. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-dirtyfields-doc Description-md5: 19f7ef4d161e91791218fe5dce2ddcad Description-sl: package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (documentation) django-dirtyfields is a package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance, where dirty means that field in-memory and database values are different. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-django-dynamic-fixture-doc Description-md5: d5709f5f7d20c75e71be0e131120482d Description-sl: create dynamic model instances for testing purposes (Documentation) Django Dynamic Fixture (DDF) is a complete and simple library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes. . It lets you focus on your tests, instead of focusing on generating some dummy data which is boring and pollutes the test source code. . It exists to solve the anti-pattern of Static Fixtures and Factory objects. . Features: * Highly customizable: you can customize fields recursively * Deals with unique=True * Deals with cyclic dependencies (including self references) * Deals with many to many relationship (common M2M or M2M with additional data, i.e. through=’table’) * Deals with custom fields (especially if the custom field inherits from a django field) * Support for parallel tests * Deals with auto calculated attributes * It is easy to debug errors . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-extensions-doc Description-md5: 4dd9dde798711d4bc958039ae3825cbf Description-sl: Useful extensions for Django projects (Documentation) This is a collection of useful third-party tools for projects that use the Django web development framework. It provides the management commands: . * runserver_plus - a "runserver" that uses the interactive Werkzeug debugger * runprofileserver - starts runserver with profiling tools enabled * shell_plus - similar to the built-in "shell" but autoloads all models * graph_models - creates a GraphViz dot file of your model arrangement * describe_form - generate template form definitions for a model * export_emails - export the addresses of your users in many formats * print_user_for_session - print the user information from a session key * create_jobs/runjob/runjobs - manage scheduled maintenance jobs * (plus many more) . python-django-extensions also includes a number of custom fields and abstract models, including ones that manage created and updated times automatically. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-extra-views-doc Description-md5: 0526eaf35eb95c9e51eac14f4039ec7b Description-sl: Complementary class-based generic views for Django (Documentation) Django Extra Views provides a number of additional class-based generic views to complement those provide by Django itself. . Features: * FormSet and ModelFormSet views - The formset equivalents of FormView and ModelFormView. * InlineFormSetView - Lets you edit formsets related to a model (uses inlineformset_factory). * CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView - Lets you edit a model and its relations. * GenericInlineFormSetView, the equivalent of InlineFormSetView but for GenericForeignKeys. * Support for generic inlines in CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView. * Support for naming each inline or formset with NamedFormsetsMixin. * SortableListMixin - Generic mixin for sorting functionality in your views. * SearchableListMixin - Generic mixin for search functionality in your views. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-filters-doc Description-md5: 90eca80637b4fd33c48b31ac2583c338 Description-sl: filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Documentation) Django-filter is a generic, reusable application to alleviate some of the more mundane bits of view code. Specifically allowing the users to filter down a queryset based on a model’s fields and displaying the form to let them do this. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-formtools-doc Description-md5: 521893d64719b9044c7731571506305b Description-sl: set of high-level abstractions for Django forms - doc Django's formtools is a set of high-level abstractions for Django forms. Currently for form previews and multi-step forms. . This code used to live in Django proper: in django.contrib.formtools. But it was separated into a standalone package in Django 1.8 to keep the framework's core clean. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-graphene-doc Description-md5: 6bed6ad5ab623c07d059a8a80cf77d1c Description-sl: Django integration for Graphene (Documentation) Graphene-Django is built on top of Graphene. Graphene-Django provides some additional abstractions that make it easy to add GraphQL functionality to your Django project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: python-django-guardian-doc Description-md5: e3036e2f8908bc5e03d1a25c9805a62c Description-sl: per object permissions of django (documentation) Implementation of per object permissions as authorization backend which is supported since Django 1.2. It provides features as followings; - Object permissions for Django_ - AnonymousUser support - High level API - Heavely tested - Django's admin integration - Decorators . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-django-haystack-doc Description-md5: 91fc6075e31521bcb2a592aaf4791f28 Description-sl: modular search for Django (Documentation) Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr, Elasticsearch, Whoosh, Xapian, etc.) without having to modify your code. . It plays nicely with third-party app without needing to modify the source and supports advanced features like faceting, More Like This, highlighting, spatial search and spelling suggestions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-imagekit-doc Description-md5: 9507ea41a78f4ab83751fef61db2c6b3 Description-sl: Automated image processing for Django (Documentation) ImageKit is a Django app for processing images. Need a thumbnail? A black- and-white version of a user-uploaded image? ImageKit will make them for you. If you need to programmatically generate one image from another, you need ImageKit. . ImageKit comes with a bunch of image processors for common tasks like resizing and cropping, but you can also create your own. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-mptt-doc Description-md5: 518c0f77627805824bf01464df7429fa Description-sl: Modified Preorder Tree Traversal Django application (documentation) Django MPTT is a reusable/standalone Django application which aims to make it easy for you to use Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your own Django models in your own applications. . It takes care of the details of managing a database table as a tree structure and provides tools for working with trees of model instances. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-oauth-toolkit-doc Description-md5: cd2e8fa7024bd248f5037ded6209f93a Description-sl: OAuth2 capabilities for Django projects (Documentation) Django OAuth Toolkit can help you providing out of the box all the endpoints, data and logic needed to add OAuth2 capabilities to your Django projects. Django OAuth Toolkit makes extensive use of OAuthLib, so that everything is rfc-compliant. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-otp-doc Description-md5: 3544288adf29f97b2a72145c6d3a8d59 Description-sl: pluggable framework for two-factor authentication (Documentation) This project makes it easy to add support for one-time passwords (OTPs) to Django. It can be integrated at various levels, depending on how much customization is required. It integrates with django.contrib.auth, although it is not a Django authentication backend. The primary target is developers wishing to incorporate OTPs into their Django projects as a form of two-factor authentication. . This project includes several simple OTP plugins and more are available separately. This package also includes an implementation of OATH HOTP and TOTP for convenience, as these are standard OTP algorithms used by multiple plugins. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-parler-doc Description-md5: 816112f12d36440e4ce573a7b8701aa5 Description-sl: Django model translations (Documentation) Simple Django model translations without nasty hacks. Features: * Nice admin integration. * Access translated attributes like regular attributes. * Automatic fallback to the default language. * Separate table for translated fields, compatible with django-hvad. * Plays nice with others, compatible with django-polymorphic and django-mptt. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-pgschemas-doc Description-md5: bc9b9448342c724ca8ffa32cb58c38ee Description-sl: Django multi-tenancy using PostgreSQL schemas (Documentation) This app uses PostgreSQL schemas to support data multi-tenancy in a single Django project. It is a fork of django-tenants with some conceptual changes: . * There are static tenants and dynamic tenants. Static tenants can have their own apps and urlconf. * Tenants can be simultaneously routed via subdomain and via subfolder on shared subdomain. * Public is no longer the schema for storing the main site data. Public should be used only for true shared data across all tenants. Table "overriding" via search path is no longer encouraged. * Management commands can be run on multiple schemas via wildcards - the multiproc behavior of migrations was extended to just any tenant command. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-pgtrigger-doc Description-md5: fdf6394fd660412200313766a942cea4 Description-sl: Write Postgres triggers for your Django models (Documentation) django-pgtrigger helps you write Postgres triggers for your Django models. Triggers can solve a variety of complex problems more reliably, performantly, and succinctly than application code. . For example: * Protecting operations on rows or columns (pgtrigger.Protect). * Making read-only models or fields (pgtrigger.ReadOnly). * Soft-deleting models (pgtrigger.SoftDelete). * Snapshotting and tracking model changes (django-pghistory). * Enforcing field transitions (pgtrigger.FSM). * Keeping a search vector updated for full-text search (pgtrigger.UpdateSearchVector). * Building official interfaces (e.g. enforcing use of User.objects.create_user and not User.objects.create). * Versioning models, mirroring fields, computing unique model hashes. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-phonenumber-field-doc Description-md5: a07845de241ee886c6c77219ff245835 Description-sl: Model and form field for normalised phone numbers (Documentation) A Django library which interfaces with python-phonenumbers to validate, pretty print and convert phone numbers. python-phonenumbers is a port of Google's libphonenumber library, which powers Android's phone number handling. . Included are: . * PhoneNumber, a pythonic wrapper around python-phonenumbers' PhoneNumber class * PhoneNumberField, a model field * PhoneNumberField, a form field * PhoneNumberField, a serializer field * PhoneNumberPrefixWidget, a form widget for selecting a region code and entering a national number. Requires the Babel package be installed. * PhoneNumberInternationalFallbackWidget, a form widget that uses national numbers unless an international number is entered. A PHONENUMBER_DEFAULT_REGION setting needs to be added to your Django settings in order to know which national number format to recognize. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-pint-doc Description-md5: 5c4c2e5e34b42a91bb63ab0e8185791a Description-sl: Django Quantity Field (Documentation) A small Django field extension allowing you to store quantities in certain units and perform conversions easily. Uses pint behind the scenes. Also contains a form field class and form widget that allows a user to choose alternative units to input data. The cleaned_data will output the value in the base_units defined for the field, eg: you specify you want to store a value in grams but will allow users to input either grams or ounces. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-polymorphic-doc Description-md5: 529cf171fe6cf45b791912ec8a669a47 Description-sl: Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models (Documentation) Django-polymorphic simplifies using inherited models in Django projects. When a query is made at the base model, the inherited model classes are returned. . Features: * Full admin integration. * ORM integration: + Support for ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField descriptors. + Support for proxy models. + Filtering/ordering of inherited models (ArtProject___artist). + Filtering model types: instance_of(...) and not_instance_of(...) + Combining querysets of different models (qs3 = qs1 | qs2) + Support for custom user-defined managers. * Uses the minimum amount of queries needed to fetch the inherited models. * Disabling polymorphic behavior when needed. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-postgres-extra-doc Description-md5: a92e2eb857964b191fc1ed6dd5ea5a2b Description-sl: Extended PostgreSQL for Django (Documentation) This provides extended functionality for PostgreSQL databases to Django. Currently supported are: * Native upserts (single query, concurrency safe and bulk support) * Extended support for HStoreField (unique or null constraints, selecting individual keys) * Extra signals for updates * MIN and MAX expressions for multiple value fields such as hstore and array * Custom indexes with conditions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-ratelimit-doc Description-md5: f83a5b22bd2591309682aaa118da4cae Description-sl: Cache-based rate-limiting for Django (Documentation) Django Ratelimit is a ratelimiting decorator for Django views, storing rate data in the configured Django cache backend. It requires a Django cache backend that supports atomic increment operations. The Memcached and Redis backends do, but the database backend does not. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-recurrence-doc Description-md5: f56a81829a030845e0df4905bf65adb6 Description-sl: Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule (documentation) django-recurrence is a utility for working with recurring dates in Django. . It provides: * Recurrence/Rule objects using a subset of rfc2445 (wraps dateutil.rrule) for specifying recurring date/times * RecurrenceField for storing recurring datetimes in the database * a JavaScript widget . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-registration-doc Description-md5: c273f1a83ae40abfc6acec0229253f64 Description-sl: User-registration application for Django (Documentation) This is a fairly simple user-registration application for Django, designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible. . Its main feature over Django's standard user-registration application is the support of email confirmation. . This application enables a fairly common workflow for user signups: 1. User signs up for an account. 2. User gets emailed an activation link. 3. User clicks the activation link before it expires. 4. User becomes a happy and productive contributor to your site. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-django-reversion-doc Description-md5: 47ed876f733fa71e6a914af8521bdce9 Description-sl: Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django (Documentation) Reversion is an extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities. . Features: * Roll back to any point in a model's history - an unlimited undo facility! * Recover deleted models - never lose data again! * Admin integration for maximum usability. * Group related changes into revisions that can be rolled back in a single transaction. * Automatically save a new version whenever your model changes using Django's flexible signalling framework. * Automate your revision management with easy-to-use middleware. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-sekizai-doc Description-md5: baac8bfae3b2a588742d0720f66f267b Description-sl: template blocks for Django projects (Documentation) Sekizai means “blocks” in Japanese, and that’s what this app provides. A fresh look at blocks. With django-sekizai you can define placeholders where your blocks get rendered and at different places in your templates append to those blocks. This is especially useful for css and javascript. Your subtemplates can now define css and javscript files to be included, and the css will be nicely put at the top and the javascript to the bottom, just like you should. Also sekizai will ignore any duplicate content in a single block. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-sitetree-doc Description-md5: 2a4be86ec56ff9b160ff99583231c230 Description-sl: site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation for Django (Documentation) django-sitetree is a reusable application for Django, introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements. Site structure in django- sitetree is described through Django admin interface in a so called site trees. Every item of such a tree describes a page or a set of pages through the relation of URI or URL to human-friendly title. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-split-settings-doc Description-md5: 4cd15409f25bc38a7485c02c280157d8 Description-sl: Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories (Documentation) Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards in settings file paths and mark settings files as optional. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-storages-doc Description-md5: 4934b5a091fc98bbca027aea7c83ca4b Description-sl: storage backends in Django (Documentation) django-storages is a collection of custom storage backends for Django. Each storage backend has its own unique settings you will need to add to your file. Read the documentation for your storage engine(s) of choice to determine what you need to add. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-structlog-doc Description-md5: 8295731d86fca4304a2e40b718c60dca Description-sl: Structured Logging for Django (Documentation) django-structlog is a structured logging integration for Django project using structlog. Logging will then produce additional cohesive metadata on each logs that makes it easier to track events or incidents. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-tables2-doc Description-md5: 5068d9adb6d49a3dd673e82bcee3570c Description-sl: Table/data-grid framework for Django (Documentation) django-tables2 simplifies the task of turning sets of data into HTML tables. It has native support for pagination and sorting. It does for HTML tables what ``django.forms`` does for HTML forms. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-tagging-doc Description-md5: e6606da43c47fa2f00de36666b7f579d Description-sl: Generic tagging application for Django projects (Documentation) This is a generic tagging application for Django, which allows association of a number of tags with any Model instance and makes retrieval of tags simple. . Models can be expanded with a new TagField; web templates can easily include tag clouds and dedicated views are available to browse objects by tag. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-taggit-doc Description-md5: a91d474e332919a67595465061f769cb Description-sl: simple tagging for Django (Documentation) This is a generic tagging application for Django, which allows association of a number of tags with any Model instance and makes retrieval of tags simple. . django-taggit a simpler approach to tagging with Django. Add "taggit" to your INSTALLED_APPS then just add a TaggableManager to your model. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-tree-queries-doc Description-md5: fb47d551936f3d352cc5308c100a8459 Description-sl: Adjacency-list trees for Django (Documentation) Query Django model trees using adjacency lists and recursive common table expressions. Supports PostgreSQL, sqlite3 and MariaDB and MySQL. . Features and limitations: * Supports only integer and UUID primary keys (for now). * Allows specifying ordering among siblings. * Uses the correct definition of depth, where root nodes have a depth of zero. * The parent foreign key must be named "parent" at the moment. * The fields added by the common table expression always are tree_depth, tree_path and tree_ordering. The names cannot be changed. tree_depth is an integer, tree_path an array of primary keys and tree_ordering an array of values used for ordering nodes within their siblings. * Besides adding the fields mentioned above the package only adds queryset methods for ordering siblings and filtering ancestors and descendants. * Little code, and relatively simple when compared to other tree management solutions for Django. No redundant values so the only way to end up with corrupt data is by introducing a loop in the tree structure (making it a graph). The TreeNode abstract model class has some protection against this. * Supports only trees with max. 50 levels on MySQL/MariaDB, since those databases do not support arrays and require a maximum length for the tree_path and tree_ordering upfront. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-treebeard-doc Description-md5: 8f56a7428da1a4638b0d630df55a4aad Description-sl: Efficient implementations of tree data structures for Django (documentation) Django Treebeard is a library that implements efficient data structures for storing hierarchical data in a database using the Django web development framework. . It currently includes 3 different tree implementations: adjacency list, materialized path and nested sets. Each one has it's own strengths and weaknesses but share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML po kateri je mogoče iskati. Package: python-django-uwsgi-ng-doc Description-md5: 1e80f57581829d4fe226e8495d448808 Description-sl: uWSGI related tools for Django (Documentation) django-uwsgi provides several features for Django projects deployed to uWSGI: . * Admin page with uWSGI stats (options to reload/stop uWSGI, clear uWSGI cache) * uWSGI Cache Backend for Django * uWSGI Email Backend for Django(send emails via uWSGI's spooler) * Debug Panel for django-debug-toolbar (offers same functions as admin page) * Django template loader for embedded into uWSGI files * Django Management Command runuwsgi (with live autoreload when DEBUG is True) * uWSGI config generator * Django CBV Mixins based on uWSGI decorators . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-django-waffle-doc Description-md5: 12906a66bdde2e3acd8e9389c30d9e44 Description-sl: feature flipper for Django (Documentation) Django Waffle is feature flipper for Django. You can define the conditions for which a flag should be active, and use it in a number of ways. Feature flags are a critical tool for continuously integrating and deploying applications. . Waffle aims to * provide a simple, intuitive API everywhere in your application; * cover common use cases with batteries-included; * be simple to install and manage; * be fast and robust enough to use in production; and * minimize dependencies and complexity. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-djangorestframework-api-key-doc Description-md5: 2c829d5f96574400f73678569954bea7 Description-sl: API key permissions for Django REST Framework (documentation) Django REST Framework API Key is a powerful library for allowing server- side clients to safely use your API. . These clients are typically third-party backends and services (i.e. machines) which do not have a user account but still need to interact with your API in a secure way. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-djangorestframework-doc Description-md5: 4dea31ff21fc8a5257161af02b37128b Description-sl: Web APIs for Django, made easy (documentation) powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs. Some reasons you might want to use REST framework: * The Web browseable API is a huge useability win for your developers. * Authentication policies including OAuth1a and OAuth2 out of the box. * Serialization that supports both ORM and non-ORM data sources. * Customizable all the way down - just use regular function-based views if you don't need the more powerful features. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-djangorestframework-simplejwt-doc Description-md5: 326a8a07ec52e00ab02207dd1c700c1f Description-sl: JSON Web Token authentication for Django REST Framework (Documentation) Simple JWT provides a JSON Web Token authentication backend for the Django REST Framework. It aims to cover the most common use cases of JWTs by offering a conservative set of default features. It also aims to be easily extensible in case a desired feature is not present. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-djangorestframework-spectacular-doc Description-md5: edd17127af244cee4332e61cbcac7c6d Description-sl: OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework (Documentation) Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework. The code is a heavily modified fork of the DRF OpenAPI generator, which is/was lacking all of the below listed features: . * Serializers modelled as components (arbitrary nesting and recursion supported) * Authentication support (DRF natives included, easily extendable) * Custom serializer class support * Tags extraction * Description extraction from docstrings * Sane fallbacks where no Serializer is available * Sane operation_id naming (based on path) * Easy to use hooks for extending the AutoSchema class * Optional schema serving with SpectacularAPIView . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-djantic-doc Description-md5: e010898a74047f5a6dedbb40b8c9ad0e Description-sl: Pydantic model support for Django (Documentation) Djantic is a library that provides a configurable utility class for automatically creating a Pydantic model instance for any Django model class. It is intended to support all of the underlying Pydantic model functionality such as JSON schema generation and introduces custom behaviour for exporting Django model instance data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-djvu-doc Description-md5: 425d3dfd19840443036753e98505212a Description-sl: Python support for the DjVu image format (documentation) python-djvulibre is a set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an open source implementation of DjVu. This image format is designed primarily for scanned documents, it includes advanced techniques like image layer separation and arithmetic coding compression. . Ta paket vsebuje tehnično dokumentacijo. Package: python-dm-tree-doc Description-md5: d930b4cd20c87e23a418fc7f01db9f74 Description-sl: library for working with nested data structures (Documentation) A library for working with nested data structures. In a way, tree generalizes the builtin map function which only supports flat sequences, and allows one to apply a function to each "leaf" preserving the overall structure. . It is backed by an optimized C++ implementation suitable for use in demanding applications, such as machine learning models. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-doc8-doc Description-md5: a70ab6997ee4cac17475daf6d7a024b4 Description-sl: style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation - doc Doc8 is an opinionated style checker for rst (with basic support for plain text) styles of documentation. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-dracclient-doc Description-md5: d9cbe836bafdc7369dec2076184d1d42 Description-sl: Library for managing machines with Dell iDRAC cards - doc This package is a library for managing machines with Dell iDRAC cards. Besides normal IPMI stuff, it has BIOS settings list, set, RAID management, CPU list, and more. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-drizzle-doc Description-md5: 3c110b47e3e3368fbff093fdfa4e132a Description-sl: Dithered image combination for Python (API documentation) The drizzle library is a Python package for combining dithered images into a single image. This library is derived from code used in drizzlepac. Like drizzlepac, most of the code is implemented in the C language. The biggest change from drizzlepac is that this code passes an array that maps the input to output image into the C code, while the drizzlepac code computes the mapping by using a Python callback. Switching to using an array allowed the code to be greatly simplified. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python-dtcwt-doc Description-md5: 1acdff6c54e8b82aacb1a018de5747d0 Description-sl: documentation for dtcwt The dtcwt library provides a Python implementation of the 1, 2 and 3-D dual-tree complex wavelet transform along with some associated algorithms. It contains a pure CPU implementation which makes use of NumPy along with an accelerated GPU implementation using OpenCL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-ebooklib-doc Description-md5: e547d43abefbd14d63147cf03ff9ea97 Description-sl: E-book library for handling EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle formats - documentation EbookLib is a Python library for managing EPUB2/EPUB3 and Kindle files. It's capable of reading and writing EPUB files programmatically (Kindle support is under development). . The API is designed to be as simple as possible, while at the same time making complex things possible too. It has support for covers, table of contents, spine, guide, metadata and more. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-elasticsearch-doc Description-md5: 33f03e12c0d9f4389933d9f454147b44 Description-sl: Python client for Elasticsearch (Documentation) Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. Its goal is to provide common ground for all Elasticsearch-related code in Python; because of this it tries to be opinion-free and very extendable. . The client's features include: * translating basic Python data types to and from json (datetimes are not decoded for performance reasons) * configurable automatic discovery of cluster nodes * persistent connections * load balancing (with pluggable selection strategy) across all available nodes * failed connection penalization (time based - failed connections won't be retried until a timeout is reached) * thread safety * pluggable architecture . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-enmerkar-doc Description-md5: 0764b4ca27309f6c62bbb778baf579b8 Description-sl: Utilities for using Babel in Django - doc This package contains various utilities for integration of Babel into the Django web framework: * A message extraction plugin for Django templates. * A middleware class that adds the Babel Locale object to requests. * A set of template tags for date and number formatting. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-etcd3-doc Description-md5: 114cc086252e0b2be872737e64c6d510 Description-sl: client for the etcd3 API - doc This package contains the python-etcd3 library, which is a module to connect to an Etcd cluster. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-etcd3gw-doc Description-md5: 4a3610bc746b44c3a55137936a0797d0 Description-sl: client for etcd3 grpc-gateway v3 API - doc A python client for etcd3 grpc-gateway v3alpha API. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-evdev-doc Description-md5: c113f7e96d91538bf8450538b7ef6a26 Description-sl: Python bindings for the Linux input subsystem (docs) This package provides bindings to the generic input event interface in Linux. The evdev interface serves the purpose of passing events generated in the kernel directly to userspace through character devices that are typically located in /dev/input/. . This package also comes with bindings to uinput, the userspace input subsystem. Uinput allows userspace programs to create and handle input devices that can inject events directly into the input subsystem. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-factory-boy-doc Description-md5: 1e87634cfa5418961a22f59a814c5cc7 Description-sl: test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - doc factory_boy is a fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_girl. Like factory_girl it has a straightforward definition syntax, support for multiple build strategies (saved instances, unsaved instances, attribute dicts, and stubbed objects), and support for multiple factories for the same class, including factory inheritance. . Django support is included, and support for other ORMs can be easily added. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-fitbit-doc Description-md5: c48de13d816cb9358f967f6fe27bdef0 Description-sl: FitBit REST API Client Implementation - Documentation A Python module containing an implementation of a client for the FitBit REST API. It uses OAuth for authentication, it supports both US and SI units. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flask-babel-doc Description-md5: d9cc4438593ba6eb884d0cb9d8c360cd Description-sl: internationalization and localization support for Flask (documentation) Flask-Babel is an extension to Flask that adds internationalization and localization support. It has a friendly interface to gettext translations and supports date formatting with timezones. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flask-bcrypt-doc Description-md5: 01ddb612fc1b9255786576c702ab85d2 Description-sl: Flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities (Documentation) Due to the recent increased prevelance of powerful hardware, such as modern GPUs, hashes have become increasingly easy to crack. A proactive solution to this is to use a hash that was designed to be "de-optimized". Bcrypt is such a hashing facility; unlike hashing algorithms such as MD5 and SHA1, which are optimized for speed, bcrypt is intentionally structured to be slow. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-flask-login-doc Description-md5: 7f3f19c34dba187185664cb10386d779 Description-sl: user session management for Flask -- documentation Flask-Login provides user session management for Flask. It handles the common tasks of logging in, logging out, and remembering your users' sessions over extended periods of time. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flask-openid-doc Description-md5: 3bfa81416c75d66890e830fede4d6526 Description-sl: OpenID support for Flask applications (documentation) Flask-OpenID is an extension to Flask to add OpenID based authentication. It supports OpenID 2.x and has basic support for the Simple Registration (SReg) and Attribute Exchange (AX) extensions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flask-restful-doc Description-md5: dbc5f23371a47a0ddb59a3cd8d27f2f7 Description-sl: REST API framework for Flask applications (Documentation) Flask-RESTful is an extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. It is a lightweight abstraction that works with your existing ORM/libraries. Flask-RESTful encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTful should be easy to pick up. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flask-security-doc Description-md5: 8649c1f8b9aba21be34fe9c6f5df73cd Description-sl: Simple security for Flask apps (Documentation) Flask-Security allows you to quickly add common security mechanisms to your Flask application. They include: . * Session based authentication * Role management * Password encryption * Basic HTTP authentication * Token based authentication * Token based account activation (optional) * Token based password recovery / resetting (optional) * User registration (optional) * Login tracking (optional) * JSON/Ajax Support . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flask-silk-doc Description-md5: dea2d94b51e21278adfc7da0baa11ddb Description-sl: FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications (documentation) Flask-Silk is a Flask extension that provides the icons from the FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications, blueprints and other extensions. It also allows one to serve custom icons replacing or extending those from the FamFamFam Silk icon set. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-flufl.lock-doc Description-md5: 42f5b33d7d2e2077aee7579444a77219 Description-sl: NFS-safe file-based lock with timeouts (common documentation) This package provides an NFS-safe file-based locking algorithm influenced by the GNU/Linux open(2) manpage, under the description of the O_EXCL option. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-freezerclient-doc Description-md5: be6702e855ae5c45820577d0e39a5ed8 Description-sl: OpenStack backup restore and disaster recovery service - doc files Freezer is a distributed backup restore and disaster recovery as a service platform. It is designed to be multi OS (Linux, Windows, OSX, *BSD), focused on providing efficiency and flexibility for block based backups, file based incremental backups, point-in-time actions, jobs synchronization (i.e. backup synchronization over multiple nodes) and many other features. It is aimed at being useful for all environments, including large ephemeral Clouds. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-fsspec-doc Description-md5: ea9d8a2899f28b59aabe1b3fd2d28f33 Description-sl: specification that Python filesystems should adhere to (documentation) The package produce a template or specification for a file-system interface, that specific implementations should follow, so that applications making use of them can rely on a common behaviour and not have to worry about the specific internal implementation decisions with any given backend. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-funcsigs-doc Description-md5: 623a50b4d4214cc6b737376e622a1148 Description-sl: function signatures from PEP362 - doc funcsigs is a backport of the PEP 362 function signature features from Python 3.3's inspect module. The backport is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7 as well as 3.2 and up. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-funcy-doc Description-md5: e82d82e869a1cb4f3bda4c9cce2118e2 Description-sl: Collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality (Documentation) Funcy is designed to be a layer of functional tools over Python. It provides some possible often wanted functionality like: * Merge collections of same type (works for dicts, sets, lists, tuples, iterators and even strings). * Walk through collection, creating its transform (like map but preserves type). * Select a part of collection. * Manipulate sequences. * And functions. * CreAbstract control flowate decorators easily. * Abstract control flow. * Ease debugging. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-future-doc Description-md5: 9d4047c4023597caeda30dfa7fc68906 Description-sl: Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 - doc Future is the missing compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3. It allows one to use a single, clean Python 3.x-compatible codebase to support both Python 2 and Python 3 with minimal overhead. . The imports have no effect on Python 3. On Python 2, they shadow the corresponding builtins, which normally have different semantics on Python 3 versus 2, to provide their Python 3 semantics. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-gabbi-doc Description-md5: b233d93e3d90756691ae42db084c3e6d Description-sl: declarative HTTP testing library - doc Gabbi is a tool for running HTTP tests where requests and responses are represented in a declarative form. . Gabbi works to bridge the gap between human readable YAML files that represent HTTP requests and expected responses and the obscured realm of Python-based, object-oriented unit tests in the style of the unittest module and its derivatives. . Each YAML file represents an ordered list of HTTP requests along with the expected responses. This allows a single file to represent a process in the API being tested. For example: . * Create a resource. * Retrieve a resource. * Delete a resource. * Retrieve a resource again to confirm it is gone. . At the same time it is still possible to ask gabbi to run just one request. If it is in a sequence of tests, those tests prior to it in the YAML file will be run (in order). In any single process any test will only be run once. Concurrency is handled such that one file runs in one process. . These features mean that it is possible to create tests that are useful for both humans (as tools for improving and developing APIs) and automated CI systems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-geoalchemy2-doc Description-md5: 89b71141135da0a0407ba6421dfcd359 Description-sl: SQLAlchemy extension for spatial databases using PostGIS (Documentation) GeoAlchemy 2 provides extensions to SQLAlchemy for working with spatial databases. . The only SQL dialect supported by GeoAlchemy 2 is PostgreSQL/PostGIS. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-gevent-doc Description-md5: 2f6fe5f40177f771d33e8780ad6dd898 Description-sl: gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library - documentation gevent uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of libevent event loop. . To je dokumentacija za gevent. Package: python-git-doc Description-md5: 4f9d3ab3f0e4823078820c01248d22be Description-sl: Python library to interact with Git repositories - docs The GitPython project provides object model access to a Git repository, so Python can be used to manipulate it. Repository objects can be opened or created, which can then be traversed to find parent commit(s), trees, blobs, etc. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-glareclient-doc Description-md5: 2b7a7a4f7c94a30adb0473c9b1141ebb Description-sl: client library for the OpenStack GLare Artifact REpository API - doc Glare (from GLare Artifact REpository) is a service that provides access to a unified catalog of structured meta-information as well as related binary data (these structures are also called 'artifacts'). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-graphene-doc Description-md5: 0a9bd3fc8f542b07b58ab4c884ffc209 Description-sl: GraphQL Framework for Python (Documentation) Graphene is a Python library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast and easily. . * Easy to use: Graphene helps you use GraphQL in Python without effort. * Relay: Graphene has builtin support for Relay. * Data agnostic: Graphene supports any kind of data source: SQL (Django, SQLAlchemy), NoSQL, custom Python objects, etc. Upstream believes that by providing a complete API you could plug Graphene anywhere your data lives and make your data available through GraphQL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: python-graphql-core-doc Description-md5: ba3fbd21f046c592a1d5e3f1658787b2 Description-sl: GraphQL implementation for Python (Documentation) GraphQL-core 3 is a Python 3.6+ port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL, a query language for APIs created by Facebook. GraphQL-core provides a reference implementation for the GraphQL specification but is also a useful utility for operating on GraphQL files and building sophisticated tools. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-greenlet-dev Description-md5: 732237700918b05962305d8ea440ee79 Description-sl: Lightweight in-process concurrent programming - development files The greenlet package is a spin-off of Stackless, a version of CPython that supports micro-threads called "tasklets". Tasklets run pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads) and are synchronized with data exchanges on "channels". . greenlet is the standalone package derived from the py lib, and is used by several non-blocking IO packages as a more flexible alternative to Python's built in coroutines. . To je razvojni paket za greenlet. Package: python-h5py-doc Description-md5: 1662e5d2c9d77e3f74e46e64439c1344 Description-sl: documentation for h5py HDF5 for Python (h5py) is a general-purpose Python interface to the Hierarchical Data Format library, version 5. HDF5 is a versatile, mature scientific software library designed for the fast, flexible storage of enormous amounts of data. . From a Python programmer's perspective, HDF5 provides a robust way to store data, organized by name in a tree-like fashion. You can create datasets (arrays on disk) hundreds of gigabytes in size, and perform random-access I/O on desired sections. Datasets are organized in a filesystem-like hierarchy using containers called "groups", and accessed using the tradional POSIX /path/to/resource syntax. . H5py provides a simple, robust read/write interface to HDF5 data from Python. Existing Python and Numpy concepts are used for the interface; for example, datasets on disk are represented by a proxy class that supports slicing, and has dtype and shape attributes. HDF5 groups are presented using a dictionary metaphor, indexed by name. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-hacking-doc Description-md5: 0c2add9e058039c50ce39021c2d7f381 Description-sl: Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - doc Hacking is a set of flake8 plugins that test and enforce the OpenStack Style Commandments. It checks that your code matches the coding style which is mandatory for contributing to OpenStack. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-haproxyadmin-doc Description-md5: 563e2bad1b99684bf25cdd58aa933f4b Description-sl: work with HAProxy via the stats socket - doc Haproxyadmin is a Python library for interacting with HAProxy load balancer to perform operations such as enabling/disabling servers. It does that by issuing the appropriate commands over the stats socket provided by HAProxy. It also uses that stats socket for retrieving statistics and changing settings. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-hardware-doc Description-md5: 9c91f576a9f2e7b4b27a5d9009689cd3 Description-sl: hardware detection and classification utilities - doc Detect hardware features of a Linux systems: * RAID * hard drives * IPMI * network cards * DMI infos * memory settings * processor features . Filter hardware according to hardware profiles. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-hypercorn-doc Description-md5: d5ccbf66f8bf4f495569f706cb3aae27 Description-sl: ASGI Server based on Hyper (Documentation) Hypercorn is an ASGI web server based on the sans-io hyper, h11, h2, and wsproto libraries and inspired by Gunicorn. Hypercorn supports HTTP/1, HTTP/2, WebSockets (over HTTP/1 and HTTP/2), ASGI/2, and ASGI/3 specifications. Hypercorn can utilise asyncio, uvloop, or trio worker types. . Hypercorn can optionally serve the current draft of the HTTP/3 specification using the aioquic library. . Hypercorn was initially part of Quart before being separated out into a standalone ASGI server. Hypercorn forked from version 0.5.0 of Quart. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-imageio-doc Description-md5: 3f0c16a793af1fb513fb079df17a4061 Description-sl: documentation for imageio Imageio is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, video, volumetric data, and scientific formats. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-imapclient-doc Description-md5: a3180845484f17c6bcda54c8cf64fbfc Description-sl: Easy-to-use Python IMAP client library (documentation) IMAPClient is a high-level Python library to access mailboxes via the IMAP protocol. It relieves the user of many low-level tasks like parsing server responses, encoding of unicode strings used as folder names, optional translation of timestamps into local time of the client and more. The information is delivered in handy Python data structures that can be easily used for further processing. To help with code development or for quick inspections IMAPClient also offers easy-to-use interactive sessions. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-imexam-doc Description-md5: bac506c86741da2285a0f3c45ec1c5d8 Description-sl: Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting (Doc) Imexam is an affiliated package of AstroPy. It was designed to be a lightweight library which enables users to explore data using common methods which are consistent across viewers. It can be used from a command line interface, through a Jupyter notebook or through a Jupyter console. It can be used with multiple viewers, such as DS9 or Ginga, or without a viewer as a simple library to make plots and grab quick photometry information. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python-ipython-doc Description-md5: 35fe46090474b1ed75e6d8627c67beaa Description-sl: Enhanced interactive Python shell (documentation) IPython lahko uporabite kot zamenjavo za običajno lupino Python ali pa jo uporabite kot celovito delovno okolje za znanstvene izračune (kot je Matlab ali Methematica), če ga uporabite skupaj z običajnimi znanstvenimi in numeričnimi orodji Python. Podpira dinamično samoopazovanje predmetov, številčene pozive vhoda/izhoda, sistem makrov, beleženje seje, obnovitev seje, popoln dostop do sistemske lupine, izčrpna in obarvana povratna poročila, samodejne oklepaje, samodejno citiranje in ga je mogoče vstaviti v druge programe Python. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-itemloaders-doc Description-md5: 4960692deb017d8fed5ada4fc113e099 Description-sl: Library to populate items using XPath and CSS (documentation) itemloaders is a library that helps you collect data from HTML and XML sources. . It comes in handy to extract data from web pages, as it supports data extraction using CSS and XPath Selectors. . It's specially useful when you need to standardize the data from many sources. For example, it allows you to have all your casting and parsing rules in a single place. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-jellyfish-doc Description-md5: 692defbb1bc3262fd1d346fed7a18508 Description-sl: Library for approximate and phonetic matching of strings (documentation) Jellyfish is a Python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings. Includes algorithms for string comparison (Levenshtein Distance, Damerau-Levenshtein Distance, Jaro Distance, Jaro-Winkler Distance, Match Rating Approach Comparison, Hamming Distance) and phonetic encoding (American Soundex, Metaphone, NYSIIS, Match Rating Codex). . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-jenkins-doc Description-md5: 9f61aaa839e7922dca3a5136742be163 Description-sl: bindings for the Jenkins Remote API - doc This package provides Python bindings for the Jenkins Remote API. It current supports management of: . * Project configuration * Build control * Slave node configuration . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-jsonpickle-doc Description-md5: f6b9072178d2b0f805379df493d7da8b Description-sl: Serialize any Python object to JSON (documentation) jsonpickle is a Python library for serialization and deserialization of complex Python objects to and from JSON. The standard Python libraries for encoding Python into JSON, such as the stdlib’s json, simplejson, and demjson, can only handle Python primitives that have a direct JSON equivalent (e.g. dicts, lists, strings, ints, etc.). jsonpickle builds on top of these libraries and allows more complex data structures to be serialized to JSON. jsonpickle is highly configurable and extendable–allowing the user to choose the JSON backend and add additional backends. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-jsonrpc-doc Description-md5: a5af49a4e83eb679e4f75efb0f122d79 Description-sl: documentation for json-rpc JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this specification defines several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is transport agnostic in that the concepts can be used within the same process, over sockets, over http, or in many various message passing environments. It uses JSON (RFC 4627) as data format. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-jupyter-client-doc Description-md5: 5058f6e40ef297e35759f74a7c03ec41 Description-sl: Jupyter protocol client APIs (documentation) This software component contains the reference implementation of the Jupyter protocol. It also provides client and kernel management APIs to work with kernels, the "jupyter kernelspec" entry point to install kernelspecs for use with Jupyter frontends and the "jupyter run" command to execute a script on a jupyter kernel. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-jupyter-core-doc Description-md5: 5c3f010fb196ad3138b05a8f93341f37 Description-sl: Core common functionality of Jupyter projects (documentation) This software component contains the base framework (application classes and configurations) for the rest of the Jupyter projects ; it doesn't do much by itself. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-jupyter-events-doc Description-md5: 352be4b0cc8a246c5198ebbc72427270 Description-sl: Event system for Jupyter applications and extensions (documentation) Jupyter Events is a configurable event system that enables Jupyter Python Applications (e.g. Jupyter Server, JupyterLab Server, JupyterHub, etc.) to emit events-structured data describing things happening inside the application. Other software (e.g. client applications like JupyterLab) can listen and respond to these events. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-k8sclient-doc Description-md5: 6e75afedf0362460600daf710b76467a Description-sl: Kubernetes API Python client code - doc K8sclient is the Kubernetes API Python client code. This code is generated by swagger-codegen. Kubernetes provide swagger-spec to generate client code for different versions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-kafka-doc Description-md5: 5dedae74adb0fe6b63c0dbf9e8d67f39 Description-sl: Pure Python client for Apache Kafka - doc This module provides low-level protocol support for Apache Kafka as well as high-level consumer and producer classes. Request batching is supported by the protocol as well as broker-aware request routing. Gzip and Snappy compression is also supported for message sets. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-kajiki-doc Description-md5: 4f66235d8e9b315732fb369026065da8 Description-sl: Really fast well-formed xml templates - doc Are you tired of the slow performance of Genshi? But you still long for the assurance that your output is well-formed that you miss from all those other templating engines? Do you wish you had Jinja's blocks with Genshi's syntax? Then look no further, Kajiki is for you! Kajiki quickly compiles Genshi-like syntax to *real Python bytecode* that renders with blazing- fast speed! Don't delay! Pick up your copy of Kajiki today! . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-latexcodec-doc Description-md5: 8351ba96ad86619ff4197726fee32316 Description-sl: LaTeX lexer and codec library for Python (docs) latexcodec is a Python library for converting from and into LaTeX encoding. It includes a codec module which contains classes and functions for LaTeX code translation, and a module for lexing LaTeX code, which includes general purpose base classes for incremental LaTeX decoders and encoders. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-leather-doc Description-md5: 41e726908e54015016d48156e3efa7ac Description-sl: documentation for leather Leather is the Python charting library for those who need charts now and don’t care if they’re perfect. . Why leather? . - A readable and user-friendly API. - Optimized for exploratory charting. - Produces scale-independent SVG charts. - Completely type-agnostic. Chart your data, whatever it is. - Designed with iPython, Jupyter and atom/hydrogen in mind. - Pure Python. No C dependencies to compile. - MIT licensed and free for all purposes. - Zealously zen. - Made with love. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-levenshtein-doc Description-md5: 54fcf48f8c3ba4d1dc955b52f212abf2 Description-sl: extension for computing string similarities and edit distances (Documentations) The Levenshtein module computes Levenshtein distances, similarity ratios, generalized medians and set medians of Unicode or non-Unicode strings. Because it's implemented in C, it's much faster than the corresponding Python library functions and methods. . The Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of single-character insertions, deletions, and substitutions to transform one string into another. . It is useful for spell checking, or fuzzy matching of gettext messages. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-listparser-doc Description-md5: b579fdad25b57c8b7edec49d871b96b8 Description-sl: Parse OPML, RDF+FOAF, and iGoogle subscription lists (documentation) listparser is a Python module that parses subscription lists (also called reading lists) and returns a dictionary in OPML structured format. It supports OPML, RDF+FOAF, and the iGoogle exported settings format, and runs in Python 2.7, Python 3.3 and up, PyPy, and Jython. . The OPML specification defines an outline as a hierarchical, ordered list of arbitrary elements. The specification is fairly open which makes it suitable for many types of list data, like RSS feeds. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-logbook-doc Description-md5: d97b74bf3c1eaec6ad3f7bf3a4825b41 Description-sl: logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's module (doc) Logbook is a logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's logging module. It was designed with both complex and simple applications in mind and the idea to make logging fun . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python-ly-doc Description-md5: d69d4be2e0b9c9a48c7f8e3f82441b4b Description-sl: Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond files (documentation) python-ly provides a Python library "ly" containing various Python modules to parse, manipulate or create documents in LilyPond format. A command line program "ly" is also provided that can be used to do various manipulations with LilyPond files. . The python-ly package is Free Software, licensed under the GPL. This package is written by the Frescobaldi developers and is used extensively by the Frescobaldi project. The main author is Wilbert Berendsen. . The LilyPond format is a plain text input format that is used by the GNU music typesetter LilyPond ( . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-m2crypto-doc Description-md5: 308a7a3baa80f49f1b193f14c4501d4d Description-sl: Python wrapper for the OpenSSL library (docs) m2crypto features the following: * RSA, DSA, DH, HMACs, message digests, symmetric ciphers (including AES). * SSL functionality to implement clients and servers. * HTTPS extensions to Python's httplib, urllib, and xmlrpclib. * Unforgeable HMAC'ing AuthCookies for web session management. * FTP/TLS client and server. * S/MIME. * ZServerSSL: A HTTPS server for Zope. * ZSmime: An S/MIME messenger for Zope. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-macholib-doc Description-md5: 4a93df4bb3ebe0d04e751660136f030f Description-sl: module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (API documentation) This module can be used to analyze and edit Mach-O headers, the executable format used by Mac OS X. It's typically used as a dependency analysis tool, and also to rewrite dylib references in Mach-O headers to be @executable_path relative. Though this tool targets a platform specific file format, it is pure Python code that is platform and endian independent. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-markdown-callouts-doc Description-md5: 04370984a9e32452be74eb60132d5f62 Description-sl: Python-Markdown extension adding a new block-level syntax (Documentation) This package extends the functionality of Python Markdown by turning a paragraph of text into a block that's specially highlighted and set apart from the rest of the text. . This extension produces the same results as the admonition extension, but with a syntax that is much less intrusive and has a very reasonable fallback look for "vanilla" renderers. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-matplotlib-doc Description-md5: 31a271717e9e602afdf4f05257e04008 Description-sl: Python based plotting system (documentation package) Matplotlib is a pure Python plotting library designed to bring publication quality plotting to Python with a syntax familiar to Matlab users. All of the plotting commands in the pylab interface can be accessed either via a functional interface familiar to Matlab users or an object oriented interface familiar to Python users. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za python-matplotlib. Package: python-matridge-doc Description-md5: 11070240cd27b4736f85c0ba7759f2de Description-sl: feature-rich Matrix/XMPP gateway (documentation) Matridge is a puppeteering gateway with fancy IM features, such as (emoji) reactions, replies, and retractions. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-mbed-ls-doc Description-md5: c7282916408ad632b95e987c819ba319 Description-sl: mbed-ls library documentation This module detects and lists "Mbed Enabled" devices connected to the host computer. . mbedls provides the following information for all connected boards using console (terminal) output: . - Mbed OS platform name - mount point (MSD or disk) - serial port . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: python-measurement-doc Description-md5: f590e5a2c444f651bdb3c34395e0f233 Description-sl: unit-aware measurement objects (Documentation) Easily use and manipulate unit-aware measurement objects in Python. . django.contrib.gis.measure has these wonderful Distance objects that can be used not only for storing a unit-aware distance measurement, but also for converting between different units and adding/subtracting these objects from one another. . This module not only provides those Distance and Area measurement objects (courtesy of Django), but also other measurements including Weight, Volume, and Temperature. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-mergedeep-doc Description-md5: 66753bf06231281b37f911398cbf4fa2 Description-sl: Deep merge function for Python (Documentation) This library can help if you need to do some deep merge without mutating the source dicts or while you want to deep merging into an existing dict. It provides various merge strategies (Replace, Additive, Typesafe replace, or Typesafe additive). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-meshplex-doc Description-md5: cc618b86dd4275bc36e4e6fd1243e6dd Description-sl: fast tools for simplex meshes (documentation) Compute all sorts of interesting points, areas, and volumes in triangular and tetrahedral meshes, with a focus on efficiency. Useful in many contexts, e.g., finite-element and finite-volume computations. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-migrate-doc Description-md5: 7386b08fc2e61553dad27598be894931 Description-sl: Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy - doc Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy projects. . SQLAlchemy-migrate is build on top of SQLAlchemy and provides a changeset and a versioning API for database schemas as well as a script utilizing these APIs. The database change sets are managed in a file based repository allowing upgrades and downgrades of database schema versions. The change sets may consist of Python code facilitating the changeset API or SQL scripts. . SQLAlchemy-migrate has support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Oracle databases. The support for Oracle is not as well tested as the support for the other database systems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-milter-doc Description-md5: 46c4d22eaefe30ac9f680a91421830a6 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za razširitev Python Milter Python milter provides Python extensions for the Milter protocol traditionally used by Sendmail and now also used by Postfix. It provides a thin layer of Python over the Milter protocol. . This package provides HTML and LaTeX documentation for python3-milter. Package: python-mintpy-doc Description-md5: 565a64c85eb5eb06d27dbf3714a6a8a7 Description-sl: Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon -- documentation The Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon (MintPy as /mInt paI/) is an open-source package for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series analysis. It reads the stack of interferograms (coregistered and unwrapped) in ISCE, ARIA, FRInGE, HyP3, GMTSAR, SNAP, GAMMA or ROI_PAC format, and produces three dimensional (2D in space and 1D in time) ground surface displacement in line-of-sight direction. It includes a routine time series analysis (``) and some independent toolbox. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-mistral-lib-doc Description-md5: ce1011a1b9da665ac38688dac3183f74 Description-sl: Mistral shared routings and utilities - doc This library contains data types, exceptions, functions and utilities common to Mistral, python-mistralclient and mistral-extra repositories. This library also contains the public interfaces for 3rd party integration (e.g. Actions API, YAQL functions API, etc.) . If you want to use OpenStack in your custom actions or functions, you will also need to use . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-mock-doc Description-md5: ce49c633ce1424a156e31d54d2c8050a Description-sl: Mocking and Testing Library (Documentation) mock provides a core mock.Mock class that is intended to reduce the need to create a host of trivial stubs throughout your test suite. After performing an action, you can make assertions about which methods / attributes were used and arguments they were called with. You can also specify return values and set specific attributes in the normal way. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-mockito-doc Description-md5: 6c6e1cefc54636308bf87b5c3b66ff6c Description-sl: Spying framework for Python - documentation This is a spying framework for Python, similar to Java's Mockito. For example: . when(os.path).exists('/foo').thenReturn(True) . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-mockldap-doc Description-md5: e9ad9934fd2c83512632fac3d483b07b Description-sl: simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Documentation) This project provides a mock replacement for python-ldap. It’s useful for any project that would like to write unit tests against LDAP code without relying on a running LDAP server. . The goal of mockldap is to provide a mock instance of LDAPObject in response to any call to ldap.initialize. In the general case, you would register return values for all LDAPObject calls that you expect the code under test to make. Your assertions would then verify that the tested code behaved correctly given this set of return values from the LDAP APIs. . As a convenience, the mock LDAPObject isn’t just a dumb mock object. The typical way to use mockldap is to provide some static directory content and then let LDAPObject generate real return values. This will only work for simple LDAP operations–this obviously isn’t a complete Python LDAP server implementation–but those simple operations tend to cover a lot of cases. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-momepy-doc Description-md5: edc90c93b99bc09bdd765f64dc80cf29 Description-sl: Urban Morphology Measuring Toolkit - doc Momepy is a library for quantitative analysis of urban form - urban morphometrics. It is part of PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library) and is built on top of GeoPandas, other PySAL modules, and networkX. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-monasca-statsd-doc Description-md5: 1fe228d8eab977fec9f786e86c6234ee Description-sl: Monasca Statsd documentation Monasca is an open-source multi-tenant, highly scalable, performant, fault-tolerant monitoring-as-a-service solution that integrates with OpenStack. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-mongoengine-doc Description-md5: 8ab143b7be6974dc592ea4ed8959449d Description-sl: Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB (documentation) MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python. It uses a simple declarative API, similar to the Django ORM. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-mpd-doc Description-md5: fc0451f4a4e1c041a42551fd44a729bb Description-sl: Python MPD client library (documentation) Fast MPD (Music Player Daemon) client library written in pure Python. It was written to be a replacement for python-mpdclient which is a bit outdated and does not perform good in many situations. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-mpi4py-doc Description-md5: bb9dc654964860074ddc267a1cb16282 Description-sl: Vezave do standarda MPI -- dokumentacija MPI for Python (mpi4py) provides bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard for the Python programming language, allowing any Python program to exploit multiple processors. . mpi4py is constructed on top of the MPI-1/MPI-2 specification and provides an object oriented interface which closely follows MPI-2 C++ bindings. It supports point-to-point (sends, receives) and collective (broadcasts, scatters, gathers) communications of any picklable Python object as well as optimized communications of Python object exposing the single-segment buffer interface (NumPy arrays, builtin bytes/string/array objects). . Ta paket vsebuje izrisovanje HTML uporabniškega priročnika. Package: python-mpmath-doc Description-md5: d338629e7c2421c1961c35170d8b2fb8 Description-sl: library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic - Documentation Mpmath is a pure-Python library for multiprecision floating-point arithmetic. It provides an extensive set of transcendental functions, unlimited exponent sizes, complex numbers, interval arithmetic, numerical integration and differentiation, root-finding, linear algebra, and much more. Almost any calculation can be performed just as well at 10-digit or 1000-digit precision, and in many cases mpmath implements asymptotically fast algorithms that scale well for extremely high precision work. . If available, mpmath will (optionally) use gmpy to speed up high precision operations. If matplotlib is available, mpmath also provides a convenient plotting interface. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Fair performance -- typically 10-100x faster than Python's decimal library * Transcendental functions -- all functions from Python's math and cmath modules, plus a few more like gamma, factorial, erf * Complex numbers -- with support for transcendental functions * Directed rounding -- floor, ceiling, down, up, half-down, half-up, half-even * Unlimited exponents -- no overflow or underflow . This package contains the documentation for mpmath Python module. Package: python-murano-pkg-check-doc Description-md5: 06017ceda213d655d15b43c3df94400e Description-sl: murano package validator tool - doc This package provide a way to validate Murano APPs. It checks packages against a list of known files and directories, the APP manifest consistency, and many other things. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-nbclient-doc Description-md5: b6c3b0c82bb8485aa257117ffd81a62c Description-sl: Client to execute jupyter notebooks (documentation) nbclient is a client library for programmatic execution of jupyter notebook files in different execution contexts. It was previously part of nbconvert (ExecutePreprocessor). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-nibabel-doc Description-md5: 3436bfe76cbda3f40f40154fed9dadce Description-sl: Dokumentacija za NiBabel NiBabel provides read and write access to some common medical and neuroimaging file formats, including: ANALYZE (plain, SPM99, SPM2), GIFTI, NIfTI1, MINC, as well as PAR/REC. The various image format classes give full or selective access to header (meta) information and access to the image data is made available via NumPy arrays. NiBabel is the successor of PyNIfTI. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python-nipy-doc Description-md5: a5fefa6cda8dc84e415971f1a1efc3cc Description-sl: Dokumentacija in primeri za NiPy This package contains NiPy documentation in various formats (HTML, TXT) including * User manual * Developer guidelines * API documentation Package: python-nitime-doc Description-md5: cd3ddd901500245fee648bc664b3b27e Description-sl: Analiza zaporedja časa za podatke nevroznanosti (nitime) -- dokumentacija Nitime is a Python module for time-series analysis of data from neuroscience experiments. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python-notebook-doc Description-md5: 5193dd9d2354e8ca81574eb5f5933104 Description-sl: Jupyter interactive notebook (documentation) The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. The Notebook has support for multiple programming languages, sharing, and interactive widgets. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-nox-doc Description-md5: 1a1ddc38c133a5a4b7985bf265802818 Description-sl: Flexible test automation (Documentation) Nox is a command-line tool that automates testing in multiple Python environments, similar to tox. Unlike tox, Nox uses a standard Python file for configuration. It will automatically create virtualenv with the appropriate interpreter, install the specified dependencies, and run the commands in order. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-nvchecker-doc Description-md5: 172dde8bce0fc75c86a9b05b0e6a5029 Description-sl: new version checker (documentation) nvchekcer (short for new version checker) is a Python library and CLI for checking if a new version of some software has been released. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python-objgraph-doc Description-md5: 04a01095057c0c94d95ddf3db61dadc7 Description-sl: Module for exploring Python object reference graphs (Documentation) objgraph is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs. . It can be used for counting and statistics, finding root references responsible for large object trees and export the object reference graphs in graphviz format. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za objgraph. Package: python-openapi-core-doc Description-md5: 597fddb46b1b1d5d4119b84a27ca64d9 Description-sl: Client- and server-side support for OpenAPI specification (documentation) This Python library adds client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI v3.0 and v3.1 specification. It offers: . * validation and unmarshalling of request and response data (including webhooks) * integration with popular libraries (Requests and Werkzeug) and frameworks (Django, Falcon, Flask, Starlette) * customization with media type deserializers and format unmarshallers * security data providers (API keys, Cookie, Basic and Bearer HTTP authentications) . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-openapi-schema-validator-doc Description-md5: 85fb07066dcea38371bb488b595137fa Description-sl: Validate schema against the OpenAPI Schema Specifications (documentation) This Python module validates schema against the OpenAPI Schema Specification version 3.0 or 3.1. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-openapi-spec-validator-doc Description-md5: 9410e3842ce1f59b74f04fa6e1f27e9e Description-sl: Validates OpenAPI Specs against 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 standards (documentation) This is a Python module that validates OpenAPI Specs against the OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger), OpenAPI 3.0 and OpenAPI 3.1 specifications. The validator aims to check for full compliance with the Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-openpyxl-doc Description-md5: ae9e076b59dd668da5a51d090c6e2e97 Description-sl: Python module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files - docs Openpyxl is a pure Python 3 module to read/write Excel 2007 (OpenXML) xlsx/xlsm files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-os-api-ref-common Description-md5: 2a28e20b2f2cb5bd7aab4ebb256cea5e Description-sl: Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack - common This project is a collection of sphinx stanzas that assist in building an API Reference site for an OpenStack project in RST. RST is great for unstructured English, but displaying semi structured (and repetitive) data in tables is not it's strength. This provides tooling to insert semi- structured data describing request and response parameters, and turn those into nice tables. . The project also includes a set of styling (and javascript) that is expected to layer on top of an oslosphinx theme base. This provides a nice set of collapsing sections for REST methods and javascript controls to expand / collapse all sections. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: python-os-faults-doc Description-md5: 508f1a3e573537ad0bbeeaae6c57f146 Description-sl: OpenStack fault-injection library - doc The library does destructive actions inside an OpenStack cloud. It provides an abstraction layer over different types of cloud deployments. The actions are implemented as drivers (e.g. DevStack driver, Fuel driver, Libvirt driver, IPMI driver). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-os-testr-doc Description-md5: 98ea3d50edee65a447ae559afd051372 Description-sl: Utility wrappers for testrepository for OpenStack projects - doc A number of small wrappers to support use of testrepository across OpenStack projects. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-oslosphinx-common Description-md5: 077c763ddff7d336f7cc46d0273fda78 Description-sl: theme and extension support for openstack - common Theme and extension support for Sphinx documentation from the OpenStack project. To use the theme, symply add 'oslosphinx' to the extensions list in the file in your Sphinx project. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: python-oslotest-doc Description-md5: 642f60227f5ddb02e38b92ff631fe354 Description-sl: OpenStack test framework - doc OpenStack test framework that provides base classes and fixtures for creating unit and functional tests. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pamqp-doc Description-md5: 7ee7c2cb5559e7493628dff229eabfec Description-sl: RabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library (Documentation) pamqp is a low level AMQP 0-9-1 frame encoding and decoding library for Python. It is not a end-user client library for talking to RabbitMQ but rather is used by client libraries for marshaling and unmarshaling AMQP frames. . AMQP class/method command class mappings can be found in the pamqp.specification module while actual frame encoding and encoding should be run through the pamqp.frame module. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pandas-doc Description-md5: 7a749591db25bd458e01e853e9fcd291 Description-sl: data structures for "relational" or "labeled" data - documentation pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with "relational" or "labeled" data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. pandas is well suited for many different kinds of data: . - Tabular data with heterogeneously-typed columns, as in an SQL table or Excel spreadsheet - Ordered and unordered (not necessarily fixed-frequency) time series data. - Arbitrary matrix data (homogeneously typed or heterogeneous) with row and column labels - Any other form of observational / statistical data sets. The data actually need not be labeled at all to be placed into a pandas data structure . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-panoramisk-doc Description-md5: 771525b6279682855a9327ffaeca2fc6 Description-sl: asyncio based library to play with asterisk (doc) Panoramisk is a library based on python’s AsyncIO to play with Asterisk’s manager. It uses the TCP manager server to listen to events and send actions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-parsel-doc Description-md5: 184a81e3b16f4b8f1c7a7181bae1dcff Description-sl: Python 3 library to extract HTML/XML data (documentation) Parsel is a Python library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors . This module is used to, for example: - Extract text using CSS or XPath selectors - Regular expression helper methods . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pathvalidate-doc Description-md5: 60e15eb478c24ef2a45704f1683aa4c7 Description-sl: sanitize/validate filenames/file-paths/etc (Documentation) pathvalidate is a Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc. . Features: * Sanitize/Validate a string as a file name or file path * file name/path argument validator/sanitizer for argparse and click * Multi platform support: sanitize/validate file names/paths for a specific platform (Linux/Windows/macOS/Posix) or universal (platform independent) * Multibyte character support . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-periphery-doc Description-md5: 868564a2da8f6f5bb5dff6b7292e41e3 Description-sl: Peripheral I/O (Documentation) A pure Python library for GPIO, LED, PWM, SPI, I2C, MMIO, and Serial peripheral I/O interface access in userspace Linux. It is useful in embedded Linux environments (including Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, etc. platforms) for interfacing with external peripherals. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-picobox-doc Description-md5: f6773c5bd9f19c0e91afab89b555111a Description-sl: Opinionated Python dependency injection framework (documentation) Picobox is designed to be clean, pragmatic and with Python in mind. No complex graphs, no implicit injections, no type bindings - just picoboxes and explicit demands. . It is a small, thread-safe, pure Python library with no dependencies. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-pint-doc Description-md5: 99900a3127c3671bcad7e5d6ff2ea4b3 Description-sl: define, operate and manipulate physical quantities - doc Pint is Python module/package to define, operate and manipulate physical quantities: the product of a numerical value and a unit of measurement. It allows arithmetic operations between them and conversions from and to different units. . It is distributed with a comprehensive list of physical units, prefixes and constants. Due to its modular design, you can extend (or even rewrite!) the complete list without changing the source code. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-procset-doc Description-md5: 3825e35720835395b34e4471688037d5 Description-sl: Pure Python implementation of the interval set data structure (doc) An interval set (provided as the ProcSet class) is a memory-efficient representation of closed-interval sets. A ProcSet is an hybrid between a set and a list of indexes. More precisely, a ProcSet object is an ordered collection of unique non-negative int. It supports most of set operations: notably membership testing, mathematical operations such as intersection, union, and (symmetric) difference; with the additional ability to access its elements by position. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-proliantutils-doc Description-md5: 22038f7dac5fd6c2094b7308df91ee9d Description-sl: client lib interfacing various devices in HP Proliant Servers - doc Proliant Management Tools provides Python libraries for interfacing and managing various devices(like iLO) present in HP Proliant Servers. Currently, this module offers a library to interface to iLO4 using RIBCL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-prov-doc Description-md5: 55b31bda911cccc5d87f1cadc4ecf72d Description-sl: documentation for prov A library for W3C Provenance Data Model supporting PROV-JSON and PROV-XML import/export. . Features: * An implementation of the W3C PROV Data Model in Python. * In-memory classes for PROV assertions, which can then be output as PROV-N. * Serialization and deserializtion support: PROV-JSON and PROV-XML. * Exporting PROV documents into various graphical formats (e.g. PDF, PNG, SVG). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-ptk-doc Description-md5: cb86cc1cf8b5eb934cf5c55b5416b6f9 Description-sl: parser for Python with support for asynchronous input (documentation) PTK implements LR(1) parsing in Python. Compared to compiled tools like Bison, it attempts to spare programmer's time. Python sources describe both the grammar and the callbacks, avoiding code generation. Various inputs are accepted: Python 3 asynchronous streams, PyZipFile archives, Twisted Deferred objects. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyasn1-lextudio-doc Description-md5: 547f2cd6b0fee01c2f24cf8ba451e243 Description-sl: ASN.1 types and codecs - doc This package provides an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP) but then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols based on the ASN.1 specification. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pybtex-doc Description-md5: 53f3b09c9dd2fd1de96dbc30de9b70db Description-sl: BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor - documentation Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. BibTeX style files are supported. Alternatively it is possible to write styles in Python. . Pybtex currently understands the following bibliography formats: * BibTeX * BibTeXML * YAML-based format . The resulting bibliography may be output in one of the following formats: * LaTeX * HTML * plain text . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pybtex-docutils-doc Description-md5: a3ffad9dcf1c077bf01b423c2b6d5b7f Description-sl: documentation for pybtex-docutils Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. Pybtex-docutils provides a plugin which brings support for docutils to pybtex. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pycryptodome-doc Description-md5: 8cf12158719ae094f9e7960edf87cd94 Description-sl: cryptographic Python library (documentation) PyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives. . PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto. It brings several enhancements with respect to the last official version of PyCrypto (2.6.1), for instance: . * Authenticated encryption modes (GCM, CCM, EAX, SIV, OCB) * Accelerated AES on Intel platforms via AES-NI * Elliptic curves cryptography (NIST P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves only) * Better and more compact API (`nonce` and `iv` attributes for ciphers, automatic generation of random nonces and IVs, simplified CTR cipher mode, and more) * SHA-3 (including SHAKE and cSHAKE XOFs), truncated SHA-512 and BLAKE2 hash algorithms * Salsa20 and ChaCha20/XChaCha20 stream ciphers * Poly1305 MAC * ChaCha20-Poly1305 and XChaCha20-Poly1305 authenticated ciphers * scrypt, bcrypt and HKDF derivation functions * Deterministic (EC)DSA * Password-protected PKCS#8 key containers * Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme * Random numbers get sourced directly from the OS (and not from a CSPRNG in userspace) * Cleaner RSA and DSA key generation (largely based on FIPS 186-4) * Major clean ups and simplification of the code base . PyCryptodome is not a wrapper to a separate C library like *OpenSSL*. To the largest possible extent, algorithms are implemented in pure Python. Only the pieces that are extremely critical to performance (e.g. block ciphers) are implemented as C extensions. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-pydicom-doc Description-md5: 2e10d6fad426d3118542fde6a4ea6971 Description-sl: DICOM medical file reading and writing (documentation) pydicom is a pure Python module for parsing DICOM files. DICOM is a standard ( for communicating medical images and related information such as reports and radiotherapy objects. . pydicom makes it easy to read DICOM files into natural pythonic structures for easy manipulation. Modified datasets can be written again to DICOM format files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pydotplus-doc Description-md5: adf854bf9afacea08fe13c853bae4e5e Description-sl: interface to Graphviz's Dot language - doc PyDotPlus is an improved version of the old pydot project that provides a Python Interface to Graphviz's Dot language. . Differences with pydot: * Compatible with PyParsing 2.0+. * Python 2.7 - Python 3 compatible. * Well documented. * CI Tested. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyeapi-doc Description-md5: f07b39d8ec6b8bc3d3597505ddb6fe5c Description-sl: Python API to interact with EOS network devices - docs The Python Client for eAPI (pyeapi) is a native Python library wrapper around Arista EOS eAPI. It provides a set of Python language bindings for configuring Arista EOS nodes. It can be used either on a local node (running EOS) or on a remote node. . This library also provides an API layer for building native Python objects to interact with the destination nodes. The API layer is a convenient implementation for working with the EOS configuration and is extensible for developing custom implementations. For example, it allows one to list VLAN or configure a BGP session. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyepsg-doc Description-md5: b243d8e8f3ca46972ae3e63280ff46c0 Description-sl: documentation for pyepsg A simple interface to ( . simplifies the discovery of coordinate reference systems utilized all over the world for creating maps and geodata and for identifying geo- position. It is a practical tool for anybody interested in cartography and digital map making, who needs to know exact latitude and longitude values for numerical coordinates in different spatial reference systems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyftpdlib-doc Description-md5: a62a08198cc8ed014e31232eb20e5ae2 Description-sl: documentation for Python FTP server library Python FTP server library provides a high-level portable interface to easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. . pyftpdlib is currently the most complete RFC-959 FTP server implementation available for Python programming language. It is used in projects like Google Chromium and Bazaar. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pygccxml-doc Description-md5: 4d256369115de867d77b87af9aca8e8c Description-sl: specialized XML reader reads the output from gccxml - documentation The purpose of pygccxml is to read a generated file and provide a simple framework to navigate C++ declarations using Python classes. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: python-pygit2-doc Description-md5: e0c67780f3a551165a6c96945a4a5151 Description-sl: Python bindings for libgit2 (Documentation) The Pygit2 module provides a set of Python bindings to the libgit2 shared library. libgit2 implements the core of Git. Pygit2 works with Python 2.7, 3.x and pypy. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyinotify-doc Description-md5: aa3352838440cc12a693f57d3079e80d Description-sl: simple Linux inotify Python bindings -- documentation pyinotify is a simple wrapper for the Linux inotify mechanism. . inotify is a Linux Kernel feature available since 2.6.13. inotify makes it possible for applications to easily be notified of filesystem changes. . Ta paket vsebuje primere. Package: python-pylatexenc-doc Description-md5: c90908242a6f4f3537bdca73c8ecdc31 Description-sl: Simple LaTeX parser providing conversion to/from unicode (Documentation) Provides a "unicode_to_latex()" function which converts a unicode string into LaTeX text and escape sequences, and a module with a series of routines that parse the LaTeX structure of given LaTeX code and return a logical structure of objects suitable for converting into another format such as plain text. The functionality is also exposed via command-line scripts (latexencode, latex2text, latexwalker). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pylibmc-doc Description-md5: 3e95a8643a0db188fbc9f501113da5f1 Description-sl: libmemcached wrapper (Documentation) Pylibmc is a Python wrapper around the accompanying C Python extension _pylibmc, which is a wrapper around libmemcached from TangentOrg. It also manages pooling in a multi-threading environment. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pylibsrtp-doc Description-md5: 23180deffc50973d477dc04ac6e139dc Description-sl: Python wrapper around libsrtp (documentation) pylibsrtp is a Python wrapper around libsrtp, making it possible to encrypt and decrypt Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) packets from Python code. . SRTP is a profile of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) which provides confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection. It is defined by RFC 3711. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyluach-doc Description-md5: 9a45659fcfa15b3eae5009e51ea6a9b1 Description-sl: Hebrew dates and Hebrew-Gregorian conversions (Documentation) Pyluach is a Python package for manipulating Hebrew (Jewish) calendar dates and Hebrew-Gregorian conversions. . Features: * Conversion between Hebrew and Gregorian dates * Finding the difference between two dates * Finding a date at a given duration from the given date * Rich comparisons between dates * Finding the weekday of a given date * Finding the weekly Parsha reading of a given date . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pylxd-doc Description-md5: 89ba55a8bb0f2c207ecc2b92bd61244a Description-sl: Python library for interacting with LXD REST API - doc LXD offers a REST API to remotely manage containers over the network, using an image based workflow and with support for live migration. . pylxd is a small Python library for interacting the with the LXD REST API. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pymeasure-doc Description-md5: 860ce39ecd7e7766000198d4e9bcff5d Description-sl: documentation for PyMeasure PyMeasure makes scientific measurements easy to set up and run. . The package contains a repository of instrument classes and a system for running experiment procedures, which provides graphical interfaces for graphing live data and managing queues of experiments. Both parts of the package are independent, and when combined provide all the necessary requirements for advanced measurements with only limited coding. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyomop-doc Description-md5: a0476a52a925963da6305821460e252f Description-sl: OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model tools (Documentation) The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases. This is a Python library to use the CDM v6 compliant databases using SQLAlchemy as the ORM. pyomop also supports converting query results to a pandas dataframe (see below) for use in machine learning pipelines. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pyside2-doc Description-md5: aeccbe94637d165f6b5fbe21e7718e42 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 (common documentation) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the common documentation package. Package: python-pyside6-doc Description-md5: f9de714b6555fa249f4b13b35dd3b1ad Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 (common documentation) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the common documentation package. Package: python-pysmi-doc Description-md5: 2377f1a0f25be8d321d9195d0ecec41c Description-sl: SNMP SMI/MIB Parser (documentation) PySMI is a pure-Python implementation of SNMP SMI MIB parser. This tool is designed to turn ASN.1 MIBs into various formats. As of this moment, JSON and pysnmp modules can be generated from ASN.1 MIBs. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: python-pysmi-lextudio-doc Description-md5: faadfb8c07a0752bd56e41e31324060a Description-sl: SNMP/SMI MIB parsing and conversion library - doc PySMI is a pure-Python implementation of SNMP SMI MIB parser. This tool is designed to turn ASN.1 MIBs into various formats. As of this moment, JSON and pysnmp modules can be generated from ASN.1 MIBs. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pysnmp-lextudio-doc Description-md5: 9e6a246031c51eb478a7f19a0e935225 Description-sl: SNMP library v.1/v.2c/v.3 for agents and managers - doc This is a Python implementation of SNMP v.1/v.2c/v.3 engine. Its general functionality is to assemble/disassemble SNMP messages from/into given SNMP Object IDs along with associated values. PySNMP also provides a few transport methods specific to TCP/IP networking. . PySNMP is written entirely in Python and is self-sufficient in terms that it does not rely on any third party tool (it isn't a wrapper). . This version is a fork of Ilya Etingof's project etingof/pysnmp. Ilya sadly passed away on 10-Aug-2022. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pysnmp4-doc Description-md5: d51d19f60cc12488a30bdf72c339658f Description-sl: Python SNMP library for agents and managers (unstable branch) This is a Python implementation of SNMP v.1/v.2c/v.3 engine. Its general functionality is to assemble/disassemble SNMP messages from/into given SNMP Object IDs along with associated values. PySNMP also provides a few transport methods specific to TCP/IP networking. . PySNMP is written entirely in Python and is self-sufficient in terms that it does not rely on any third party tool (it isn't a wrapper). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za PySNMP. Package: python-pytest-djangoapp-doc Description-md5: 9b87bc9a32f485f85b817550c7f7e937 Description-sl: Django pluggable application testing (Documentation) Nice pytest plugin to help you with Django pluggable application testing. . This exposes some useful tools for Django applications developers to facilitate tests authoring, including: . * Settings overriding * Template tags testing * User creation * Request object creation * Management command calls * Mailing * Messages * DB queries audit . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pytest-trio-doc Description-md5: bac8b8d245a28bf1024f81a0a136757a Description-sl: Pytest plugin for trio (Documentation) This is a pytest plugin to help you test projects that use Trio, a friendly library for concurrency and async I/O in Python. . Features include: * Async tests without the boilerplate: just write async def test_whatever(): .... * Useful fixtures included: use autojump_clock for easy testing of code with timeouts, or nursery to easily set up background tasks. * Write your own async fixtures: set up an async database connection or start a server inside a fixture, and then use it in your tests. * If you have multiple async fixtures, pytest-trio will even do setup/teardown concurrently whenever possible. * Integration with the fabulous Hypothesis library, so your async tests can use property-based testing: just use @given like you’re used to. * Support for testing projects that use Trio exclusively and want to use pytest-trio everywhere, and also for testing projects that support multiple async libraries and only want to enable pytest-trio’s features for a subset of their test suite. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pytest-xprocess-doc Description-md5: 1c6c2912273183776db8435d43fe3c14 Description-sl: pytest plugin for managing processes across test runs - doc Pytest has for objective to allow the developers to limit the boilerplate code around the tests, promoting the use of built-in mechanisms such as the assert keyword. . Pytest-xprocess is a pytest plugin for managing processes across test runs. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pytestqt-doc Description-md5: 23bcccd371ad498db6d7fd8ec166b65d Description-sl: documentation for pytest-qt Pytest-qt is a pytest plugin that allows programmers to write tests for PySide and PyQt applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pythran-doc Description-md5: 19d09db5b45d2dbe5e6f0e94c2a4986e Description-sl: ahead of time compiler for Python (Documentation) Pythran is an ahead of time compiler for a subset of the Python language, with a focus on scientific computing. It takes a Python module annotated with a few interface descriptions and turns it into a native Python module with the same interface, but (hopefully) faster. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-pywt-doc Description-md5: 11e0dfd610ae48bce74255bca59d7973 Description-sl: Python extension implementing of wavelet transformations (Documentation) PyWavelets implements the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) popular in numerical harmonic analysis for numerous families of wavelets, including Haar, Daubechies, Symlet, Coiflet, biorthogonal wavelets in one and two dimensions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: python-qinlingclient-doc Description-md5: eabbe120a9465709483fe5109fb1d628 Description-sl: client for Function as a Service for OpenStack - doc Qinling (is pronounced "tʃinliŋ") refers to Qinling Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province in China. The mountains provide a natural boundary between North and South China and support a huge variety of plant and wildlife, some of which is found nowhere else on Earth. . Qinling is Function as a Service for OpenStack. This project aims to provide a platform to support serverless functions (like AWS Lambda). Qinling supports different container orchestration platforms (Kubernetes/Swarm, etc.) and different function package storage backends (local/Swift/S3) by nature using plugin mechanism. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-qtconsole-doc Description-md5: db525f0555fc995b5859e9fe66934cc3 Description-sl: Jupyter - Qt console (documentation) IPython lahko uporabite kot zamenjavo za običajno lupino Python ali pa jo uporabite kot celovito delovno okolje za znanstvene izračune (kot je Matlab ali Methematica), če ga uporabite skupaj z običajnimi znanstvenimi in numeričnimi orodji Python. Podpira dinamično samoopazovanje predmetov, številčene pozive vhoda/izhoda, sistem makrov, beleženje seje, obnovitev seje, popoln dostop do sistemske lupine, izčrpna in obarvana povratna poročila, samodejne oklepaje, samodejno citiranje in ga je mogoče vstaviti v druge programe Python. . This package contains the qtconsole library documentation. Package: python-quart-doc Description-md5: 607306823762ff9cfd15e7065b3d5c4d Description-sl: Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask (Documentation) Quart is a Python ASGI web microframework. It is intended to provide the easiest way to use asyncio functionality in a web context, especially with existing Flask apps. This is possible as the Quart API is a superset of the Flask API. . Quart aims to be a complete web microframework, as it supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and websockets. Quart is very extendable and has a number of known extensions and works with many of the Flask extensions. . Quart supports the full ASGI 3.0 specification as well as the websocket response and HTTP/2 server push extensions. For those of you familiar with Flask, Quart extends the Flask API by adding support for: . * HTTP/1.1 request streaming * Websockets * HTTP/2 server push . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: python-qwt3d-doc Description-md5: 089451c8b73f122e3258a05b3f337a12 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico Python-qwt3d PyQwt3D is a set of Python bindings for the QwtPlot3D C++ class library which extends the Qt framework with widgets to visualize 3-dimensional data. This package contains documentation and examples for both Qt3 and Qt4. The examples show how easy it is to make a 3D plot and how to save a 3D plot to an image or an (E)PS/PDF file. Package: python-rapidjson-doc Description-md5: c4bdba63a3318767fcccc30895c88a17 Description-sl: Python wrapper around rapidjson - doc RapidJSON is an extremely fast C++ JSON parser and serialization library: this module wraps it into a Python 3 extension, exposing its serialization/deserialization (to/from either bytes, str or file-like instances) and JSON Schema validation capabilities. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-rcon-doc Description-md5: bc24669bba7555f2ae7289f73e887651 Description-sl: client implementation for RCON protocol (Documentation) Python 3 library, which provides a client to interact with RCON servers. The RCON protocol is used to remotely control a game server, i.e. execute commands on a game server and receive the respective results. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-reno-doc Description-md5: 62296afddb9dbbc9fe1f35a8f9106884 Description-sl: RElease NOtes manager - doc Reno is a release notes manager for storing release notes in a git repository and then building documentation from them. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-rpaths-doc Description-md5: 82f87974b4dc7a7703f7bcf9382b4df9 Description-sl: documentation for rpaths rpaths is another path manipulation library for Python. It is heavily inspired by Unipath and pathlib and provides a total Python 2/3 and Windows/POSIX compatibility. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-scciclient-doc Description-md5: 82eeb249293f3f4f68473489fde18485 Description-sl: Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library - doc This package provides the Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library, which support FUJITSU iRMC S4 integrated Remote Management Controller. This Python module may be helpful if you want to use Ironic to manage a FUJITSU server that has this hardware. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-searchlightclient-doc Description-md5: 20afbfae268a11763b874a4d55373b55 Description-sl: OpenStack Indexing and Search API Client Library - doc The Searchlight project provides indexing and search capabilities across OpenStack resources. Its goal is to achieve high performance and flexible querying combined with near real-time indexing. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sensor-state-data-doc Description-md5: 174cf07d3c3e7d5de81302058f69e291 Description-sl: Models for storing and converting Sensor Data state (Documentation) Provides models for storing and converting sensor data state in Python applications. This package facilitates handling sensor data, including storage, conversion, and manipulation, making it easier to work with sensor data in a structured and consistent manner. . The package includes various models and utilities to manage sensor data efficiently, ensuring compatibility and ease of use across different projects and applications. It supports integration with other tools and libraries for a seamless experience. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sentry-sdk-doc Description-md5: 93f8f6b3f9388aa9bdd10161b57ac5f1 Description-sl: New Python SDK for (Documentation) Python client for Sentry. It provides full out-of-the-box support for many of the popular frameworks, including Django, and Flask. Raven also includes drop-in support for any WSGI-compatible web application. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-serial-asyncio-doc Description-md5: a37054b447afc73e52517383be49486a Description-sl: Async I/O extension package for pyserial (documentation) Async I/O extension package for the Python Serial Port Extension for OSX, Linux, BSD. It depends on pySerial and is compatible with Python 3.5 and later. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-simplejson-doc Description-md5: 398ec131e56423c6c68081cdec73fdf5 Description-sl: simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python - documentation simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON <> encoder and decoder. . The encoder may be subclassed to provide serialization in any kind of situation, without any special support by the objects to be serialized (somewhat like pickle). . The decoder can handle incoming JSON strings of any specified encoding (UTF-8 by default). . simplejson is the externally maintained development version of the json library included with Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, but maintains backwards compatibility with Python 2.5. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-skbuild-doc Description-md5: e1ec3a853f0d9f467ac77f8ff19d581f Description-sl: skbuild (documentation) Better support is available for additional compilers, build systems, cross compilation, and locating dependencies and determining their build requirements. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-slidge-doc Description-md5: fbb0f4ccc83de8039ad9f5586bdef54e Description-sl: XMPP puppeteer gateway library in Python (documentation) Slidge makes writing gateways to other chat networks (legacy modules) as frictionless as possible. It supports fancy IM features, such as (emoji) reactions, replies, and retractions. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-slixmpp-doc Description-md5: d0261afb971945f941393fb0743724b6 Description-sl: Threadless, event-based XMPP Python library (documentation) Slixmpp is a (friendly) fork of SleekXMPP, which goal is to “improve” the core of the library by entirely removing all threads from the library and using an event-based approach instead. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-sniffio-doc Description-md5: 317d6785a84336ebc6b87f8ca4b2549d Description-sl: detect which async Python library is in use (Documentation) Python library that support multiple async packages (like Trio, asyncio, etc) need to know which is in use. This library provides this information. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-snimpy-doc Description-md5: b470d3830ddbf34e60b56f604ec0a7a7 Description-sl: interactive SNMP tool with Python (documentation) Snimpy is a Python-based tool providing a simple interface to build SNMP queries. This interface aims at being the most Pythonic possible: you grab scalars using attributes and columns are like dictionaries. . Snimpy can either be used interactively through its console (derived from Python own console or from IPython if available) or by writing snimpy scripts which are just Python scripts with some global variables available. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sorl-thumbnail-doc Description-md5: 26ea99ca2adaa46a87775b741fb45c73 Description-sl: thumbnail support for the Django framework (Documentation) sorl-thumbnail provides a convenient way to create and manage image thumbnails in a Django project. It offers integration into several parts of Django like the admin system by showing thumbnails for ImageFields or through a ImageField that also takes care of deleting thumbnail files when the referencing object is removed. . Other features include: * Django storage support * Pluggable Engine support (PIL, pgmagick, ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, or Wand) * Pluggable Key Value Store support (Django cache, redis) * Pluggable Backend support (i.e. different thumbnail filename schema) * Dummy generation (placeholders) * Flexible, simple syntax, generates no html * CSS style cropping options * Margin calculation for vertical positioning . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-soundfile-doc Description-md5: e89f9a590874876a6682725d2ff1cebe Description-sl: Python audio module based on libsndfile - documentation PySoundFile can read and write sound files in a variety of formats and eases the application of signal processing algorithms. File reading/writing is supported through libsndfile. By default, PySoundFile represents audio data as NumPy arrays, but ordinary Python buffers are supported as well. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: python-sphinx-code-include-doc Description-md5: fecc72f74a2df74d161b8e8854a87f74 Description-sl: include source code from any Sphinx project using only its import path - doc Sphinx-code-include is an extension for Sphinx that lets you render source-code of any class or function directly into your Sphinx documentation using only as string. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sphinx-feature-classification-doc Description-md5: 5d168aa96860d4e3dedc53143e8b2749 Description-sl: generate a matrix of pluggable drivers and their support to an API - doc This package contains a Sphinx directive that allows creating matrices of drivers a project contains and which features they support. The directive takes an INI file with specific syntax explained in the usage documentation to generate the matrices, in which projects have the authority to say what is supported within their own repository. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sphinx-mdinclude-doc Description-md5: d425de0bf0d9ddfd3c7cb27a9b80ea04 Description-sl: Sphinx extension for including or writing pages in Markdown (documentation) This is a Sphinx extension that enables including Markdown documents from within reStructuredText. It provides the `.. mdinclude::` directive, to automatically convert the content of Markdown documents to reStructuredText format. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.bibtex-doc Description-md5: f60104235e3b99402571a06b2b298e9e Description-sl: documentation for sphinxcontrib-bibtex This extension allows BibTeX citations to be inserted into documentation generated by Sphinx, via a bibliography directive, and a cite role, which work similarly to LaTeX’s thebibliography environment and \cite command. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.django-doc Description-md5: 7db14f4c05cc174fcd6fe95ac5ce64bf Description-sl: improves the documentation of Django apps (Documentation) This is a sphinx extension which improves the documentation of Django apps. . Improvements for the output of Sphinx's autodoc for Django classes: * List all model and form fields as class parameters * Improve model field representations * Link related and reverse related fields to the referenced class * Hide irrelevant runtime information like declared_fieldsets, fieldsets and Meta from classes * Add information about autogenerated methods * Fix intersphinx mappings to Django modules * Custom text roles to cross-reference the documentations of Django and Sphinx . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.openapi-doc Description-md5: 97b562157a67a4fee2dc966e7ae5b350 Description-sl: Sphinx extension to generate API docs from OpenAPI spec (documentation) This extension generates API documentation for reStructuredText documentation using the Sphinx system. It also depends on `sphinxcontrib.httpdomain` that provides an HTTP domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.programoutput-doc Description-md5: a3bee351992b4c964c3dd692776323b7 Description-sl: insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - doc sphinxcontrib-programoutput is a Sphinx extension to literally insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents, helping you to keep your command examples up to date. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.spelling-doc Description-md5: 619ef3e89fb23be4ab351e9af32afcbf Description-sl: Sphinx "spelling" extension (documentation) This package contains the spelling extension for the Sphinx documentation system. The extension enables a spelling checker which uses PyEnchant to produce a report showing misspelled words. . The extension also: - Supports multiple source languages using the standard enchant dictionaries. - Supports project-specific dictionaries for localized jargon and other terminology that may not appear in the global dictionaries. - Suggests alternatives to words not found in the dictionary, when possible. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-srt-doc Description-md5: 608d530543889783790b51ef56e95b24 Description-sl: Python library to handle SRT subtitle files (documentation) srt is a tiny but featureful Python library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT subtitle files. It has a very robust parser that can deal with many broken SRT files, and needs no dependencies beyond the Python Standard Library. . Ta paket zagotavlja dokumentacijo API Package: python-stestr-doc Description-md5: ddf9f7d1c036e02ace1cce9fe2640fc7 Description-sl: test runner similar to testrepository - doc Stestr stands for Slim/Super Test Repository. It is a fork of the testrepository that concentrates on being a dedicated test runner for Python projects. The generic abstraction layers which enabled testr to work with any subunit emitting runner are gone. Stestr hard codes python- subunit-isms into how it works. The code base is also designed to try and be explicit, and to provide a Python API that is documented and has examples. . While stestr was originally forked from testrepository it is not 100% backwards compatible with testrepository. At a high level the basic concepts of operation are shared between the 2 projects but the actual usage between the 2 is not exactly the same. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sushy-cli-doc Description-md5: eaa930f05e0051edff86f1ca2d8283e0 Description-sl: Redfish CLI tool based on sushy Redfish client library - doc Sushy CLI tool is intended to help human beings to communicate with Redfish based baseboard management controllers (BMC). . BMCs offer powerful means of controlling bare metal machines. For example, one can flip machine power, change BIOS configuration or even flash the firmware. . The sushycli tool offers a friendly command-line interface to some of the BMC features. It's main audience include software developers working on bare metal management automation and system administrators handling the raw iron with bare hands. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sushy-doc Description-md5: 01682ddc991ab50692f4d143c7d5a86a Description-sl: small library to communicate with Redfish based systems - doc Sushy is a Python library to communicate with Redfish based systems. The goal of the library is to be extremely simple, small, have as few dependencies as possible and be very conservative when dealing with BMCs by issuing just enough requests to it (BMCs are very flaky). . Therefore, the scope of the library has been limited to what is supported by the OpenStack Ironic project. As the project grows and more features from Redfish are needed Sushy will expand to fulfil those requirements. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-swagger-spec-validator-doc Description-md5: 97d293c248262c57bf413f522a733f18 Description-sl: Validation of Swagger specifications (Documentation) Swagger Spec Validator is a Python library that validates Swagger Specs against the Swagger 1.2 ( spec/blob/master/versions/ or Swagger 2 ( specification. The validator aims to check for full compliance with the Specification. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-sybil-doc Description-md5: b9932a2cbb32037f31cb4a23cc1d9e13 Description-sl: Automated testing for the examples in your documentation (documentation) This library provides a way to test examples in your documentation by parsing them from the documentation source and evaluating the parsed examples as part of your normal test run. Integration is provided for the three main Python test runners. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-symmetrize-doc Description-md5: 01f3eab10f3c45e0c824159452705b81 Description-sl: Symmetrization and centering of 2D pattern - documentation Symmetrization of 2D pattern using nonrigid landmark registration with symmetry constraints. Implemented registration methods include projective transform and thin plate spline. Details are given in the publication associated with the package. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tablib-doc Description-md5: f2d6dfba544feec35397d8c2d20a2af3 Description-sl: format agnostic tabular dataset library (Documentation) Tablib is a format agnostic tabular dataset library, written in Python. It allows you to import, export, and manipulate tabular data sets. Advanced features include, segregation, dynamic columns, tags & filtering, and seamless format import & export. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tango-doc Description-md5: 13956e45a5367529bb9dbeb988fbe63e Description-sl: API za nadzorni sistem TANGO TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system using CORBA, mainly developed by the Controls Section of the ALBA Synchrotron. PyTango provides bindings for its client- and server-side C++ APIs. With PyTango, you can write TANGO device servers and TANGO applications (scripts, CLIs, GUIs) that access TANGO device servers in pure Python. . This package contains the documentation for the python-tango library. Package: python-taskflow-doc Description-md5: 61552451ac8817a14440fa5600f02ae8 Description-sl: Taskflow structured state management library - doc TaskFlow, is a library to do [jobs, tasks, flows] in a HA manner using different backends to be used with OpenStack projects. More information at . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tds-doc Description-md5: 992e942f7ff92329b98b93dbdfff914a Description-sl: Python DBAPI driver for MSSQL using pure Python TDS (documentation) A platform independent Python DBAPI driver for Microsoft SQL Server using pure Python TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol implementation. It doesn't depend on ADO or FreeTDS. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-term-image-doc Description-md5: 5a37ab2804ec85644a254fef4bff16c0 Description-sl: Display images in the terminal with Python term-image is a library and program to display images on compatible terminals. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-testfixtures-doc Description-md5: 125777eee06138b39ebb1e80aa6151cd Description-sl: Collection of helpers and mock objects (Documentation) TestFixtures is a collection of helpers and mock objects that are useful when writing unit tests or doc tests. It includes tools for a wide range of tasks: . * Comparing objects and sequences * Mocking out objects and methods * Mocking dates and times * Testing logging * Testing output to streams * Testing with files and directories * Testing exceptions * Testing warnings * Testing use of the subprocess package * Testing with zope.component . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tinycss-doc Description-md5: 1a8b7a8704ec3ee50709e69677001479 Description-sl: complete yet simple CSS parser (Documentation) tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules: . * CSS Color 3 * CSS Fonts 3 * CSS Paged Media 3 . It is designed to be easy to extend for new CSS modules and syntax, and integrates well with cssselect for Selectors 3 support. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tinycss2-doc Description-md5: 5e21f26fc1ab21654e14408604e16d40 Description-sl: Low-level CSS parser (Documentation) tinycss2 is a rewrite of tinycss with a simpler API, based on the more recent CSS Syntax Level 3 specification. . tinycss2 is low-level in that it doesn’t parse all of CSS: it doesn't know about the syntax of any specific properties or at-rules. Instead, it provides a set of functions that can be composed to support exactly the parts of CSS you're interested in, including new or non-standard rules or properties, without modifying tinycss or having a complex hook/plugin system. . In many cases, parts of the parsed values (such as the content of a AtRule) is given as component values that can be parsed further with other functions. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tooz-doc Description-md5: 4affabcfc8c714fb3e59285d2591b9c4 Description-sl: Coordination library for distributed systems. - doc The Tooz project centralizes the most common distributed primitives like group membership protocol, lock service and leader election by providing a coordination API helping developers to build distributed applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-tosca-parser-doc Description-md5: ef576e17309b490338f12f024f3729f7 Description-sl: parser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML - doc The TOSCA Parser is an OpenStack project. It is developed to parse TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML. It reads the TOSCA templates and creates an in- memory graph of TOSCA nodes and their relationship. . TOSCA stands for: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Application. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-traitlets-doc Description-md5: 7271462490aa48cdf4d2e83c12f985c8 Description-sl: Lightweight Traits-like package for Python (documentation) A lightweight pure-Python derivative of Enthought Traits, used for configuring Python objects. . It powers the config system of IPython and Jupyter. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-transliterate-doc Description-md5: 8d424a8af6a67a9241974c000b9ab2bb Description-sl: Bi-directional transliterator for Python (Documentation) Transliterates strings according to the rules specified in one of the following the language packs. . * Armenian * Bulgarian (beta) * Georgian * Greek * Macedonian (alpha) * Mongolian (alpha) * Russian * Ukrainian (beta) . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-transmissionrpc-doc Description-md5: a5dacb1e417820e2cf59340a201f762a Description-sl: Transmission RPC client module for Python (documentation) transmissionrpc is a Python module implementing the JSON-RPC client protocol for the Bittorrent client Transmission. All Transmission features implemented up to version 1.93. . Also, package includes Python script, with CLI and interactive interfaces, which demonstrates transmissionrpc module usage. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-treq-doc Description-md5: 49fd4ff71008adcf44515ed5a1d41313 Description-sl: Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (doc) Treq is a HTTP library inspired by requests written on top of Twisted. It provides a simple, higher level API for making HTTP requests when using Twisted. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-trie-doc Description-md5: 1f4bd666dc3b01f5ac41ef7b8fa1ffd7 Description-sl: Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure (doc) A trie is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a mapping where the keys are sequences, usually strings over an alphabet. In addition to implementing the mapping interface, tries allow finding the items for a given prefix, and vice versa, finding the items whose keys are prefixes of a given key. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python-trio-doc Description-md5: 156bb7cb99e5a435eb6fddb656cab49c Description-sl: Python async concurrency and I/O library (Documentation) Trio is a Python async concurrency and I/O library like Twisted or the asyncio standard library, but with an API rethink following lessons learned from asyncio and Dave Beazley's Curio. The author claims that the resulting design is radically simpler than older competitors like asyncio and Twisted, yet just as capable. . This project is young and still somewhat experimental. The API has not yet been declared stable. If you need more mature or with a more stable API, then Python's asyncio library, or the older Twisted, are probably better bets. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-txaio-doc Description-md5: 5ee61f3f6f885f1143a3c9238982cc90 Description-sl: compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius - doc Txaio is a helper library for writing code that runs unmodified on both Twisted and asyncio. . This is like six , but for wrapping over differences between Twisted and asyncio so one can write code that runs unmodified on both (aka "source code compatibility"). In other words: users can choose if they want asyncio or Twisted as a dependency. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-ufl-doc Description-md5: 2e82d7e3c3437c3fbf708e1faa08e6d6 Description-sl: Dokumentacija in preizkusi za UFL UFL (Unified Form Language) is a unified language for definition of variational forms intended for finite element discretization. More precisely, it defines a fixed interface for choosing finite element spaces and defining expressions for weak forms in a notation close to mathematical notation. The form compilers FFC and SyFi use UFL as their end-user interface, producing UFC implementations as their output. . This package contains documentation and demos for UFL. Package: python-uncertainties-doc Description-md5: 285c19ece94684e75071ae1c367e94ba Description-sl: Python3 module for calculations with uncertainties: documentation uncertainties is a Python3 module, which allows calculations such as . (0.2 +/- 0.01) * 2 = 0.4 +/- 0.02 . to be performed transparently; much more complex mathematical expressions involving numbers with uncertainties can also be evaluated transparently. . Correlations between expressions are correctly taken into account; x-x is thus exactly zero, for instance. The uncertainties produced by this module are what is predicted by error propagation theory. . This package contains documentation for the python3-uncertainties package Package: python-uvicorn-doc Description-md5: fc0e15835e9aa31309830294a4ce8f36 Description-sl: ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools (Documentation) Uvicorn is a fast ASGI server, built on uvloop and httptools. It currently supports HTTP/1.1 and WebSockets. . Uvicorn is designed with particular attention to connection and resource management, in order to provide a robust server implementation. It aims to ensure graceful behavior to either server or client errors, and resilience to poor client behavior or denial of service attacks. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-vcr-doc Description-md5: e7d84c34fc58f4205b40c8edd08ed48a Description-sl: record and replay HTML interactions (Documentation) records all interactions that take place through the HTML libraries it supports and writes them to flat files, called cassettes (YAML format by default). These cassettes could be replayed then for fast, deterministic and accurate HTML testing. . supports the following Python HTTP libraries: - urllib2 (stdlib) - urllib3 - http.client (Python3 stdlib) - Requests - httplib2 - Boto (interface to Amazon Web Services) - Tornado's HTTP client . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-vitrageclient-doc Description-md5: 990cf1d68df93379140f64814f7c8211 Description-sl: OpenStack root cause analysis as a Service doc. Vitrage is the OpenStack RCA (Root Cause Analysis) Service for organizing, analyzing and expanding OpenStack alarms & events, yielding insights regarding the root cause of problems and deducing the existence of problems before they are directly detected. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-watcherclient-doc Description-md5: 3f3c7dee6cf2b1e351cc62017cf2446f Description-sl: OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - client doc OpenStack Watcher provides a flexible and scalable resource optimization service for multi-tenant OpenStack-based clouds. Watcher provides a complete optimization loop-including everything from a metrics receiver, complex event processor and profiler, optimization processor and an action plan applier. This provides a robust framework to realize a wide range of cloud optimization goals, including the reduction of data center operating costs, increased system performance via intelligent virtual machine migration, increased energy efficiency-and more! . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-webassets-doc Description-md5: 220673a2aee21e9bc5eba74e8042f9a3 Description-sl: Asset management application for Python web development - doc Assets helps you merge and compress any JavaScript and CSS files on your web development project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python-webpy-doc Description-md5: dcc3e1e9cc136b061832e1aa0daf89ee Description-sl: Spletno ogrodje za programe Python by Aaron Swartz offers a clean and well designed API for Python web applications. . The philosophy behind is to: "Think about the ideal way to write a web app. Write the code to make it happen." . Implementations using this library have resulted in: * less code * code that ran faster * code that is easier to read and maintain. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-webvtt-doc Description-md5: ec76d1a94edf9d044ccea56c46169a43 Description-sl: Read, write and segment WebVTT caption files (Documentation) Python module for reading/writing WebVTT caption files. It also features caption segmentation useful when captioning HLS videos. . Converting captions from other formats is supported for: * SubRip (.srt) * YouTube SBV (.sbv) . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-ws4py-doc Description-md5: 56668c86b2168c8399500e563c6d2707 Description-sl: WebSocket library (docs) Python library providing an implementation of the WebSocket protocol defined in RFC 6455. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-wsproto-doc Description-md5: b5dd9b609b75f3c436c5d10af9a834ab Description-sl: WebSockets state-machine based protocol implementation (Documentation) Pure-Python implementation of a WebSocket protocol stack. It's written from the ground up to be embeddable in whatever program you choose to use, ensuring that you can communicate via WebSockets, as defined in RFC6455, regardless of your programming paradigm. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-xarray-doc Description-md5: 339ce566fd52e78ec265b192fec88195 Description-sl: documentation for xarray xarray (formerly xray) is an open source project and Python package that aims to bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical sciences, by providing N-dimensional variants of the core pandas data structures. . It provides a pandas-like and pandas-compatible toolkit for analytics on multi-dimensional arrays, rather than the tabular data for which pandas excels. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-xlib-doc Description-md5: 08b2ec36b5a4cc579c5005d8e2c2a8a4 Description-sl: interface for Python 3 to the X11 protocol (docs) python-xlib is a 100% pure Python 3 implementation of the X11 protocol. It currently implements client-side X11R6 fully, supports the resource database, ICCM, and the Shape extension. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-xlrd-docs Description-md5: 6ff1fd453c18737b1aa40f377915340b Description-sl: extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (documentation) xlrd is a Python library to Extract data from new and old Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. It supports both .xls and .xlsx files (from Excel 2007). . xlrd is a pure Python module and does not require any dependency outside of the standard Python distribution. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-xlwt-doc Description-md5: 1a7b0cff9588a23081309bbc93016edc Description-sl: module for writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files - doc This package provides a pure Python module for writing spreadsheet files readable by Excel 97/2000/XP/2003, Calc, and Gnumeric. Excel spreadsheets can be generated on any platform without needing Excel or a COM server. . Xlwt is a fork of the unmaintained pyExcelerator module with several bugfixes and enhancements. For the functionality previously provided by the parse_xls function, see the python-xlrd package. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-xstatic-doc Description-md5: f35da77177795fd831aecaf5f118d6d5 Description-sl: XStatic base package with minimal support code - doc XStatic is a Python web development tool for handling required static data files from external projects, such as CSS, images, and JavaScript. It provides a lightweight infrastructure to manage them via Python modules that your app can depend on in a portable, virtualenv-friendly way instead of using embedded copies. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python-yapsy-doc Description-md5: 78c0c2588acbc1f30544ffffa0fa3e8f Description-sl: simple plugin system for Python applications - doc Yapsy, or Yet Another Plugin SYstem, is a small library implementing the core mechanisms needed to build a plugin system into a wider application. . The main purpose is to depend only on Python's standard libraries and to implement only the basic functionalities needed to detect, load and keep track of several plugins. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python-yoyo-doc Description-md5: 1f164d37fd9175eaa230589f69add59d Description-sl: database schema migration tool (documentation) Yoyo is a database schema migration tool. You write database migrations as Python scripts containing raw SQL statements or Python functions. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python-zunclient-doc Description-md5: 69e02025f359fc8fc64adf9cb2169ec3 Description-sl: OpenStack container management service API client - doc Zun (ex. Higgins) is a Container Management service for OpenStack. It aims to provide an OpenStack API for launching and managing containers backed by different container technologies. . This is a client library for Zun built on the Zun API. It provides a Python API (the zunclient module) and a command-line tool(zun). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python3-absl Description-md5: 97f3d2d30a067680a7c5d929de552e52 Description-sl: Abseil Python Common Libraries A collection of Python library code for building Python applications. The code is collected from Google's own Python code base, and has been extensively tested and used in production. . Nekatere zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Simple application startup . * Distributed commandline flags system . * Custom logging module with additional features . * Testing utilities Package: python3-aioruuvigateway Description-md5: 21e660a51243393af2763e9e63005a4f Description-sl: asyncio-native library for Ruuvi Gateway data requests An asyncio-native library designed to request data from a Ruuvi Gateway. It supports bearer token authentication and allows for efficient data retrieval and parsing. . The Ruuvi Gateway is a device that allows you to remotely access your Ruuvi sensors from anywhere in the world. . This library offers both an API and a command-line interface for accessing and displaying data from the Ruuvi Gateway. . Primer uporabe: . from aioruuvigateway.api import get_gateway_history_data . async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: history = await get_gateway_history_data( client=client, host="", bearer_token="your_token_here", ) print(history) . Command-line interface example: . python -m aioruuvigateway --host --token bearbear --parse --json . This will output data from the gateway in JSON format, printing changed information every 10 seconds. Package: python3-asgi-csrf Description-md5: bf8af49d588460eba38c77bda09aa0dc Description-sl: ASGI middleware for protecting against CSRF attacks The asgi-csrf package is a Python library that provides Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection for ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) applications. It helps secure web applications from CSRF attacks by adding middleware that validates and protects against unauthorized requests. . Zmožnosti: . - Adds CSRF protection to ASGI applications. - Supports popular ASGI frameworks like FastAPI and Starlette. - Integrates seamlessly into existing ASGI application pipelines. - Provides configurable settings for token generation and validation. - Allows for exclusion of specific routes or URLs from CSRF protection. - Ensures stateless and secure CSRF protection in asynchronous web environments. . CSRF attacks are a common security concern for web applications, and the asgi-csrf library aims to provide a straightforward solution for adding protection to ASGI-based applications, ensuring that users' interactions are safe and authenticated. Package: python3-async-generator-doc Description-md5: 9b84dd9b9757b3e7056f37ea048bc22b Description-sl: extensions to asynchronous generators for Python3 (documentation) The python3 language provides some structures to process streaming data with an interface similar to the iteration structures. This module adds some convenient features like the yield from construct or context managers. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python3-async-timeout Description-md5: 02717b94af0633086c3d33fb2d1073cd Description-sl: timeout context manager for asyncio programs in Python The context manager is useful in cases when you want to apply timeout logic around block of code or in cases when asyncio.wait_for() is not suitable. Also it's much faster than asyncio.wait_for() because timeout doesn't create a new task. . Primer: . with timeout(1.5): yield from inner() Package: python3-avahi Description-md5: 093e21cc6d98e14410050c8edd9d6fe2 Description-sl: Python utility package for Avahi Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . This package contains utility modules to talk to Avahi with Python easier. Package: python3-awesomeversion Description-md5: b1e8e07737c2a9be22aca0675db2b2d7 Description-sl: Version parsing and comparison library for Python Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Represent a version number as an object and compare with other versions. * Parse a version number like 2.12.0 into the components major, minor and patch. * Identify that 1.2.3b0 represents a beta version. Package: python3-bonsai-doc Description-md5: a8fd558cfc6b2e9439ed320aa341fa88 Description-sl: Asyncio/gevent/tornado-compatible LDAP library (documentation) Bonsai is library for handling LDAP operations in Python. LDAP entries are mapped to a special Python case-insensitive dictionary, tracking the changes of the dictionary to modify the entry on the server easily. . Supports only Python 3.6 or newer, and LDAPv3. . Uses LDAP libraries written in C for faster processing. . Simple pythonic design. . Implements an own dictionary-like object for mapping LDAP entries that makes easier to add and modify them. . Works with various asynchronous libraries (like asyncio, gevent). . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python3-breathe Description-md5: 07ce8e17e1ebd8c4e5d9b09929f6dd87 Description-sl: Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (Python 3) Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and doxygen documentation systems. It enables Sphinx to generate autodoc for languages other than Python with the help of doxygen. It also allows one to embed reStructuredText in doxygen markup. . Ta paket vsebuje modul za Python 3. Package: python3-build-doc Description-md5: b1c3a8b917e4647ca572a7f2b33063fb Description-sl: Simple, correct PEP517 package builder (documentation) python-build will invoke the PEP 517 hooks to build a distribution package. It is a simple build tool and does not perform any dependency management. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python3-chameleon Description-md5: cbb9bf2233b8ad702cf1b218f5622119 Description-sl: Na XML osnovan kodni prevajalnik predlog Chameleon compiles templates to Python byte-code. It includes a complete implementation of the Zope Page Templates (ZPT) language. . The engine itself performs 10-15 times better than the reference implementation and real-world benchmarks show an overall performance improvement in complex applications of 30-50%. . This is the Python 3 version of the package. Package: python3-changelog Description-md5: e7f32501b217ce65c5453ceaf8250e6d Description-sl: Sphinx extension to generate changelog files (Python 3) This package provides simple Sphinx markup to render changelog displays (this is the Python 3 version of the extension). . Primer: . ==================== Changelog for 1.5.6 ==================== . .. changelog:: :version: 1.5.6 :released: Sun Oct 12 2008 . .. change:: :tags: general :tickets: 27 . Improved the frobnozzle. . .. change:: :tags: rendering, tests :pullreq: 8 :changeset: a9d7cc0b56c2 . Rendering tests now correctly render. Package: python3-clevercsv-doc Description-md5: 18f985cd3293aa2f88399953300d6ac7 Description-sl: Drop-in replacement for the CSV module (documentation) CleverCSV provides a drop-in replacement for the Python csv package with improved dialect detection for messy CSV files. . It also provides a handy command line tool that can standardize a messy file or generate Python code to import it. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python3-cloudkitty Description-md5: e459ca09b2764b322e6793f13d961706 Description-sl: OpenStack Rating as a Service - Python library CloudKitty aims at filling the gap between metrics collection systems like ceilometer and a billing system. . Every metrics are collected, aggregated and processed through different rating modules. You can then query CloudKitty's storage to retrieve processed data and easily generate reports. . Most parts of CloudKitty are modular so you can easily extend the base code to address your particular use case. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice Python. Package: python3-colour Description-md5: 767a856b2801a7820f84a0c6a71f5861 Description-sl: converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X Converts and manipulates common color representation (RGB, HSL, web, ...) . Zmožnosti: . * Damn simple and pythonic way to manipulate color representation * Full conversion between RGB, HSL, 6-digit hex, 3-digit hex, human color * One object (Color) or bunch of single purpose function (rgb2hex, hsl2rgb, ...) * web format that use the smallest representation between 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb), fully spelled color (e.g. white), following W3C color naming for compatible CSS or HTML color specifications. * smooth intuitive color scale generation choosing N color gradients. * can pick colors for you to identify objects of your application. Package: python3-convertertools Description-md5: a04d253a71d69581e74f4b145c61699a Description-sl: Tools for converting Python data types This library provides tools for manipulating Python data structures efficiently. It includes functions for deleting and popping elements in dictionaries using sets or tuples. These tools help in avoiding repetitive code by offering predefined methods for common operations on Python dictionaries. . Note that specific types are required for maximum performance. . Primer uporabe: . from convertertools import (del_dict_tuple, del_dict_set, pop_dict_tuple, pop_dict_set) . # del_dict* raise KeyError on missing keys del_dict_tuple(d, ("a", "b")) del_dict_set(d, {"a", "b"}) . # pop_dict* ignores missing keys pop_dict_tuple(d, ("a", "b")) pop_dict_set(d, {"a", "b"}) Package: python3-crontab Description-md5: dfc946083ccce9025861de23af5a87c1 Description-sl: Python3 module for reading and writing crontab files python-crontab is a Python module for reading and writing crontab files and accessing the system crontabs automatically and simply using a direct API. This package includes the module for python3. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . - Displaying and modifying system and user crontab files - Adding comments to be displayed with jobs - Validating jobs - Searching for jobs Package: python3-csb43 Description-md5: 192574b8206b0675304abc214fddb1f6 Description-sl: Spanish banks' CSB/AEB norm 43 converter (Python) This Python module provides tools for converting from the Spanish banks' format *CSB/AEB norm 43* to other file formats. . Podprte oblike: . - OFX v1.0.3 (SGML) & v2.1.1 (XML) - HomeBank CSV <> - HTML - JSON - ODS: OpenDocument spreadsheet - CSV, TSV: comma- or tab-separated values - XLS: Microsoft Excel spreadsheet - XLSX: OOXML spreadsheet - YAML Package: python3-csound Description-md5: 9055467498d33b4325644e40923f2b65 Description-sl: Python vezave za Csound This is the Python binding for the Csound API. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: python3-curtsies Description-md5: ced8bc7db1052dc6e3ae1b5d87d1156d Description-sl: library for terminal interaction (Python 3) Curtsies is a library for interacting with the terminal. It features string-like objects which carry formatting information, per-line fullscreen terminal rendering, and keyboard input event reporting. . Ta paket vsebuje modul za Python 3. Package: python3-customidenticon Description-md5: de533ec5e0ffb09f8bb519c21c80fa17 Description-sl: Python library for generate a variety of identicons This library includes support for 3 different types of identicons. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . - change the final image size (size of elements, number of elements) - change border size - change background color - change the transparency of elements - change the output format (PNG, JPEG, etc.) - choice of hashing algorithm (including your own) Package: python3-cwcwidth Description-md5: e9e89cfdcdff22c6c4c4a7e2a6f0fdeb Description-sl: Python bindings for wc(s)width (Python 3) This module provides functions to compute the printable length of a unicode character/string on a terminal. It leverages the wcwidth(3) and wcswidth(3) functions as defined in POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008. This module provides the same functions as the pure Python implementation found in python3-wcwidth. . Ta paket vsebuje modul za Python 3. Package: python3-cwiid Description-md5: 3aded0998c08a9d152480917adbe7be7 Description-sl: Knjižnica do vmesnika z wiimote CWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality. . This package provides the Python cwiid module. Package: python3-cxxheaderparser Description-md5: a62f772b9906ec322cf5c7d45491c92e Description-sl: pure Python C++ header parser The cxxheaderparser library is used to parse syntactically valid C++ code and operate on the results. It provides both a visitor-style interface to process the results as they are being parsed or the option of a single data structure containing all parsed information. . This is a complete rewrite of the CppHeaderParser library. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnico. Package: python3-django-axes-doc Description-md5: 43cba31ce5df991b78936a4201d0db2f Description-sl: Keep track of failed login attempts in Django - documentation django-axes is a very simple way for you to keep track of failed login attempts, both for the Django admin and for the rest of your site. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo modula Python. Package: python3-django-crum-doc Description-md5: 302f05967f707608c744a473631e8741 Description-sl: Current request user capture middleware for Django (doc) This Python library enables apps to check permissions, capture audit trails or access the current request and user without requiring the request object to be passed directly. . Django is a high-level Python web development framework. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python3-django-guid-doc Description-md5: e49c75742a2849bd09500342e00c59d4 Description-sl: Identify Django request logs (doc) This library allows one to attach a unique ID to all log outputs for every request, making debugging more simple. . Django is a high-level Python web development framework. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python3-django-jinja Description-md5: 611ab1eacc13ebe80d423778729edd19 Description-sl: Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django (Python 3 version) Jinja2 provides certain advantages over the native system of Django, for example, explicit calls to callable from templates, has better performance and has a plugin system . Zmožnosti: . * Auto-load templatetags compatible with Jinja2 the same way as Django. * Django templates can coexist with Jinja2 templates without any problems. It works as middleware, intercepts Jinja templates by file path pattern. * Django template filters and tags can mostly be used in Jinja2 templates. * I18n subsystem adapted for Jinja2 (makemessages now collects messages from Jinja templates) * jinja2 bytecode cache adapted for using django's cache subsystem. * Support for django context processors. Package: python3-django-pagination Description-md5: c82785d27cb49e1661e883bdc551d242 Description-sl: Pripomočki za ustvarjanje oken pagination za Django A set of utilities for creating robust pagination tools throughout a Django application. . It supports quickly create nice-looking paginated lists without altering your views, multiple lists per page, and support for using custom templates for each pagination. Package: python3-django-render-block Description-md5: 9dbd0d84dc4b049f347d41d84ad81299 Description-sl: Render the content of a specific block tag from a Django template Render the content of a specific block tag from a Django template. Works for arbitrary template inheritance, even if a block is defined in the child template but not in the parent. Generally it works like render_to_string from Django, but allows you to specify a block to render. . Zmožnosti: . * Render a specific block from a template * Fully supports the Django templating engine * Partially supports the Jinja2 engine: it does not currently process the extends tag Package: python3-djangorestframework-yaml-doc Description-md5: 90c5227fd854801e871f63f9f575c861 Description-sl: YAML parser and renderer for Django REST Framework (doc) This library exports a parser class and a renderer for the Django REST Framework, allowing YAML parsing et serialization. . Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: python3-dolfin-real Description-md5: cd25943676baf8079740fbee38d5cb3a Description-sl: Python vmesnik za DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . This package contains the Python interface for DOLFIN (Python 3) build against the default version of PETSc (with 32-bit indexing) . This is the legacy version of DOLFIN, you may want to install the next- generation python3-dolfinx (DOLFIN-X) instead. Package: python3-dotty-dict Description-md5: 40ba6bb6b94151aa2e7918d0b12faa52 Description-sl: Dictionary wrapper for quick access to deeply nested keys Zmožnosti: . * Simple wrapper around Python dictionary and dict like objects * Two wrappers with the same dict are considered equal * Access to deeply nested keys with dot notation: dot['deeply.nested.key'] * Create, read, update and delete nested keys of any length * Access dicts in lists by index dot['parents.0.first_name'] * Support for setting value in multidimensional lists * Support for accessing lists with slices Package: python3-easyprocess Description-md5: d4f8bff81e3105538f8e9714c0d1eb88 Description-sl: easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 3.X Zmožnosti: . * layer on top of subprocess_ module * easy to start, stop programs * easy to get standard output/error, return code of programs * command can be list or string * logging * timeout * global config file with program aliases * shell is not supported * pipes are not supported * stdout/stderr is set only after the subprocess has finished * stop() does not kill whole subprocess tree * unicode support * Method chaining . This package contains the python 3 version of easyprocess Package: python3-enlighten-doc Description-md5: 66808d7da9d9da02fa39146bb27fa885 Description-sl: console progress bar module for Python3 (documentation) Enlighten progress bar is a console progress bar module for Python3 which allows writing for stdout and stderr without any redirection. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python3-envisage Description-md5: 65df8e484af129a194889a1774442a23 Description-sl: Razširljivo ogrodje programov Envisage is a Python-based framework for building extensible applications, that is, applications whose functionality can be extended by adding "plug- ins". Envisage provides a standard mechanism for features to be added to an application, whether by the original developer or by someone else. In fact, when you build an application using Envisage, the entire application consists primarily of plug-ins. In this respect, it is similar to the Eclipse and Netbeans frameworks for Java applications. Package: python3-espeak Description-md5: 8fa9a62634571ff57803f31fc8795ee2 Description-sl: Python vezave za eSpeak eSpeak je programski sintetizator govora za angleščino in nekatere druge jezike. . eSpeak proizvaja angleški govor dobre kakovosti. Uporablja drug način kot drugih odprtokodni programniki TTS (besedilo v govor), zato je slišati precej drugače. Morda ni slišati tako naravno ali "gladko", vendar se vam bo morda zdela artikulacija jasnejša in po daljših obdobjih lažja za poslušanje. . This package contains bindings to use eSpeak from within Python applications. . Be aware that python-espeak is still in an early state; it's incomplete and the API may change in future versions. Package: python3-extractor Description-md5: b51235972018a5f1f2c2df7b8f6046b3 Description-sl: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (Python bindings) GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta- data about files. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python. Package: python3-find-libpython Description-md5: a16286897e98a021d2660dbe6f10cb51 Description-sl: library to find libpython associated with your environment The library is designed to find the path to the libpython dynamic library for the current Python environment. It should work with many types of installations, whether it be conda-managed, system-managed, or otherwise. And it should function on Windows, Mac OS/OS X, and any Linux distribution. . This code is useful in several contexts, including projects that embed a Python interpreter into another process, or Python library build systems. . Ta paket vsebuje modul Python. Package: python3-flickrapi Description-md5: 461e82d63e8578a4b93bfa00165d21f4 Description-sl: Flickr API wrapper for Python 3 Python-flickrapi is a complete and easy to use Python module for interfacing with the Flickr API (see for details on the Flickr API). . Glavne zmožnosti so: . - keeping track of authentication credentials (no need to pass them on every Flickr API call) - caching of API calls - support for uploading and replacing photos - support for different XML parsers Package: python3-fltk Description-md5: 680694f8995b7e983b1a252ebc5d69d4 Description-sl: Python wrapper for the Fast Light Toolkit pyFltk provides a Python wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross- platform graphical user-interface library ( . Ta paket vsebuje ovijalnik. Package: python3-fltk-doc Description-md5: ddd1aec1fc45269ac27623a0ae7ec4f9 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za pyFltk pyFltk provides a Python wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross- platform graphical user-interface library ( . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo pyFltk. Package: python3-fs Description-md5: dd602105ff3a6c7f5bc6eed14c9ee01f Description-sl: Python abstrakcija datotečnega sistema Pyfilesystem is a Python module that provides a common interface to many types of filesystem, and provides some powerful features such as exposing filesystems over an internet connection, or to the native filesystem. Package: python3-gdcm Description-md5: e7d1dd5a1c511a0ce2a4b259beed61b3 Description-sl: Vezave Python DICOM Grasroots Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM medical files. It is automatically wrapped to python/C#/Java (using swig). It supports RAW,JPEG (lossy/lossless),J2K,JPEG-LS, RLE and deflated. . Python bindings to the GDCM DICOM library. Package: python3-gemmi Description-md5: 72455493c66e856e80b75116d2d313e2 Description-sl: library for structural biology - Python module Library for macromolecular crystallography and structural bioinformatics. For working with coordinate files (mmCIF, PDB, mmJSON), refinement restraints (monomer library), electron density maps (CCP4), and crystallographic reflection data (MTZ, SF-mmCIF). It understands crystallographic symmetries, it knows how to switch between the real and reciprocal space and it can do a few other things. . Ta paket vsebuje modul Python. Package: python3-geneagrapher Description-md5: d3c111a61ec0beee589dbddde35081e7 Description-sl: Create tree from Mathematics Genealogy Project (module) The Mathematics Genealogy Grapher (Geneagrapher) is a software tool to gather the information for building math genealogy trees with data from the Mathematics Genealogy Project. The information extracted is stored in dot file format, which can then be passed to Graphviz to generate a graph. . Ta paket vsebuje modul Python. Package: python3-gevent-websocket Description-md5: 581bf4c44fee91950001ae66007c9b71 Description-sl: websocket library for the gevent networking library (Python 3) gevent-websocket is a WebSocket library for the gevent networking library. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Integration on both socket level or using an abstract interface. * RPC and PubSub framework using WAMP (WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol). * Easily extendible using a simple WebSocket protocol plugin API. . This package contains the Python 3 module. Package: python3-git-big-picture Description-md5: aee47fa61e64b0effd21412a4da83ac1 Description-sl: Visualization tool for Git repositories (module) git-big-picture is a visualization tool for Git repositories. You can think of it as a filter that removes uninteresting commits from a DAG modelling a Git repository and thereby exposes the big picture: for example the hierarchy of tags and branches. git-big-picture supports convenience output options and can filter different classes of commits. It uses the Graphviz utility to render images that are pleasing to the eye. . Ta paket vsebuje modul Python. Package: python3-git-delete-merged-branches Description-md5: 20a095b551d77d4b1bfdfb66aded71de Description-sl: command-line tool to delete merged git branches (Python module) A convenient command-line tool helping you keep repositories clean. . Features: * Supports deletion of both local and remote branches * Detects multiple forms of de-facto merges (rebase merges, squash merges (needs --effort=3), single or range cherry-picks… leveraging git cherry) * Supports workflows with multiple release branches, e.g. only delete branches that have been merged to all of master, dev and staging * Quick interactive configuration * Provider agnostic: Works with GitHub, GitLab, Gitea and any other Git hosting * Takes safety seriously . Ta paket vsebuje modul Python. Package: python3-gmsh Description-md5: b8894f4be0d9d8096f498cea62846ec0 Description-sl: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator Python 3 wrapper Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . Oglejte si priročnik Gmash za bolj podroben pregled zmožnosti Gmsh. . This package contains the Python 3 wrapper for gmsh. Package: python3-gnucash Description-md5: 0159a1bd740fb6c78f4da3876f98da1f Description-sl: Gnucash interface for Python Gnucash ponuja zmožnosti računovodstva, ki bodo uporabne za majhna podjetja in posameznike. Sledi lahko financam na več računih, ter sledi tekočim in spravljenim računom. Ima grafični uporabniški vmesnik X, dvojne vnose, hierarhijo računov, račune stroškov (kategorije) in lahko uvozi datoteke Quicken QIF in QFX. . This package contains the Python bindings for Gnucash which allow you to read and manipulate Gnucash data files. Package: python3-gst-1.0 Description-md5: 0010fdd48915098a7ea5bb58f2d0e137 Description-sl: GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3) GStreamer je ogrodje pretakanja predstavnosti, ki je osnovano na grafih filtrov, ki upravljajo s podatki predstavnosti. Programi, ki uporabljajo ta odjemalec, lahko naredijo karkoli od realnočasovne obdelave zvoka do predvajanja videov in karkoli povezanega z predstavnostjo. Njegova arhitektura, osnovana na vstavkih, pomeni, da je nove vrste podatkov ali zmožnosti obdelave mogoče dodati z enostavno namestitvijo novih vstavkov. . This package contains GObject Introspection overrides for Python that can be used by Python applications using GStreamer. Package: python3-html2text Description-md5: 5f069457d18a9521dea2d1f5a6f19736 Description-sl: Python module for converting HTML to Markdown text (Python3 version) html2text is a Python module that converts a page of HTML into clean, easy-to-read plain ASCII text. Better yet, that ASCII also happens to be valid Markdown (a text-to-HTML format). . Ta paket vsebuje različico knjižnice Python 3 in skript, html2markdown. Package: python3-in-place Description-md5: 24cf658a229463277dd6f5ad091e2cc6 Description-sl: In-place file processing The in-place package is a Python library that provides an intuitive and efficient way to edit files in-place. It allows developers to perform in- place modifications to text files without the need for temporary files or manual handling of file I/O operations. . Zmožnosti: . - Simplifies in-place editing of text files in Python. - Provides a convenient API for performing modifications directly on files. - Supports operations such as replacing text, appending or deleting lines, and more. - Handles file I/O operations and modifications efficiently. - Offers flexibility in choosing how modifications are applied (e.g., line by line or in bulk). . In-place editing can be useful in various scenarios, including log file processing, configuration file updates, and data transformations. The in- place library streamlines the process by abstracting away the complexities of file handling and allows developers to focus on the actual modifications. Package: python3-indigo Description-md5: e09afc9c84e49887e5a88d1b5efaed79 Description-sl: Organic Chemistry Toolkit (Python module) Indigo is a C++ based organic chemistry and cheminformatics software environment. Features Include: . * Molecule and reaction rendering including SVG support * Automatic layout for SMILES-represented molecules and reactions * Canonical (isomeric) SMILES computation * Exact matching, substructure matching, SMARTS matching * Matching of tautomers and resonance structures * Molecule fingerprinting, molecule similarity computation * Fast enumeration of SSSR rings, subtrees, and edge sugraphs * Molecular weight, molecular formula computation * R-Group deconvolution and scaffold detection * Computation of the exact maximum common substructure for an arbitrary amount of input structures * Combinatorial chemistry * Plugin support in the API . File formats Indigo support include MDL Mol, SDF, RDF, CML, SMILES and SMARTS. . Ta paket vsebuje module Python. Package: python3-inject Description-md5: 1086e750501a3550a14611d217057851 Description-sl: Python dependency injection framework The inject package is a Python library that provides a lightweight dependency injection framework. It simplifies the management of dependencies in your Python projects, allowing for decoupled and modular code design. . Zmožnosti: . - Facilitates the injection of dependencies into Python classes and functions. - Supports various dependency injection patterns, including constructor injection and attribute injection. - Allows for the configuration of dependency bindings and scopes. - Promotes code reusability, testability, and maintainability through loose coupling. - Supports both runtime and compile-time dependency injection. - Provides integration with popular frameworks and tools. . Dependency injection is a powerful design pattern that helps manage complex dependencies between components. The inject library offers an elegant and straightforward way to implement dependency injection in Python, promoting better separation of concerns and easier unit testing. Package: python3-iowait Description-md5: fc59bde767ae328033150148ba8a18de Description-sl: Platform-independent module for I/O completion events Different operating systems provide different ways to wait for I/O completion events: there's select(), poll(), epoll() and kqueue(). For cross-platform applications it can be a pain to support all this system functions, especially because each one provides a different interface. . IOWait solves this problem by providing a unified interface and using always the best and faster function available in the platform. Its only limitation is that, on Windows, it only works for sockets. . Ta paket vsebuje modul za Python 3. Package: python3-ipython Description-md5: 0e78173741a89e44c6c0babc81b3f10a Description-sl: Enhanced interactive Python shell (Python 3 version) IPython lahko uporabite kot zamenjavo za običajno lupino Python ali pa jo uporabite kot celovito delovno okolje za znanstvene izračune (kot je Matlab ali Methematica), če ga uporabite skupaj z običajnimi znanstvenimi in numeričnimi orodji Python. Podpira dinamično samoopazovanje predmetov, številčene pozive vhoda/izhoda, sistem makrov, beleženje seje, obnovitev seje, popoln dostop do sistemske lupine, izčrpna in obarvana povratna poročila, samodejne oklepaje, samodejno citiranje in ga je mogoče vstaviti v druge programe Python. . This package contains the backend terminal shell for Python 3: for the actual frontend install ipython3. Package: python3-ixion Description-md5: c2eee1b6be4cdad805ad4aef37f777ef Description-sl: general purpose formula parser & interpreter library -- Python module Ixion is a general purpose formula parser & interpreter that can calculate multiple named targets, or “cells”. . Ta paket vsebuje modul Python. Package: python3-klaus Description-md5: 0c1a20913b5931c15092161b801858c5 Description-sl: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer Zmožnosti: . * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required * Syntax highlighting * Git Smart HTTP support . This package contains the Python 3.x version. Package: python3-locust Description-md5: 911e441f2a6793c9ab945f6dce380f04 Description-sl: Developer friendly load testing framework Locust is an easy to use, scriptable and scalable performance testing tool. You define the behaviour of your users in regular Python code, instead of using a clunky UI or domain specific language. This makes Locust infinitely expandable and very developer friendly. . Zmožnosti: . * Write user test scenarios in plain-old Python -- If you want your users to loop, perform some conditional behaviour or do some calculations, you just use the regular programming constructs provided by Python. Locust runs every user inside its own greenlet (a lightweight process/coroutine). This enables you to write your tests like normal (blocking) Python code instead of having to use callbacks or some other mechanism. Because your scenarios are “just python” you can use your regular IDE, and version control your tests as regular code (as opposed to some other tools that use XML or binary formats). * Distributed & Scalable - supports hundreds of thousands of users -- Locust makes it easy to run load tests distributed over multiple machines. It is event-based (using gevent), which makes it possible for a single process to handle many thousands concurrent users. While there may be other tools that are capable of doing more requests per second on a given hardware, the low overhead of each Locust user makes it very suitable for testing highly concurrent workloads. * Web-based UI -- Locust has a user friendly web interface that shows the progress of your test in real-time. You can even change the load while the test is running. It can also be run without the UI, making it easy to use for CI/CD testing. * Can test any system -- Even though Locust primarily works with web sites/services, it can be used to test almost any system or protocol. Just write a client for what you want to test, or explore some created by the community. Package: python3-mapscript Description-md5: ce80a1e608ad656e3a782c28ae112af8 Description-sl: Knjižnica Python za MapServer Python MapScript provides MapServer functions for Python scripts. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Package: python3-mock-open Description-md5: 7149bafe17385c10552283d2318d8c6f Description-sl: Better mock for file I/O The MockOpen class should work as a stand-in replacement for mock.mock_open with some added features (though it tries to conform to how the builtin 'open' works where the two differ). . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Multiple file support, including a mapping-like access to file mocks by path. * Persistent file contents between calls to `open`. * All the regular file operations: 'read', 'readline', 'readlines', 'write', 'writelines', 'seek', 'tell'. Package: python3-monajat Description-md5: 3af6d0c82137b5610e4e959e12a63e2c Description-sl: Zaledje Islamske podpore Monajat je majhen program, ki prikaže islamske prošnje (azkar) ob določenih časih. . This is the Python monajat library needed by monajat front ends. Package: python3-mpmath Description-md5: 1fe0defc6bc8924e23914d13b987ed7a Description-sl: library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (Python3) Mpmath is a pure-Python library for multiprecision floating-point arithmetic. It provides an extensive set of transcendental functions, unlimited exponent sizes, complex numbers, interval arithmetic, numerical integration and differentiation, root-finding, linear algebra, and much more. Almost any calculation can be performed just as well at 10-digit or 1000-digit precision, and in many cases mpmath implements asymptotically fast algorithms that scale well for extremely high precision work. . If available, mpmath will (optionally) use gmpy to speed up high precision operations. If matplotlib is available, mpmath also provides a convenient plotting interface. . Njegove zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Fair performance -- typically 10-100x faster than Python's decimal library * Transcendental functions -- all functions from Python's math and cmath modules, plus a few more like gamma, factorial, erf * Complex numbers -- with support for transcendental functions * Directed rounding -- floor, ceiling, down, up, half-down, half-up, half-even * Unlimited exponents -- no overflow or underflow . This package contains the Python 3 version of mpmath. Package: python3-musicpd Description-md5: eeea05b1153fed112851b8a57e33ea2a Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca Python MPD An MPD (Music Player Daemon) client library written in pure Python. . python-musicpd is actually a fork of python-mpd . While python-mpd runs only with python2, this fork intends to support python3 only. Package: python3-nordugrid-arc Description-md5: fc38f2862c8e98451ce06ede3bdd3c95 Description-sl: Ovijalnik Python ARC NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and support of the middleware, known as the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC). . Python bindings for ARC. Package: python3-openbabel Description-md5: aa2a39e7aee58768c87aec68f06497d6 Description-sl: Chemical toolbox library (Python bindings) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats Open Babel supports include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC and MPQC. . Ta paket vsebuje vezavo Python. Package: python3-orderedset Description-md5: 15b2ddf2f1d4b2d6bc2f94b8bc03665b Description-sl: Ordered Set implementation in Cython. An Ordered Set implementation in Cython. . Zmožnosti: . * Works like a regular set, but remembers insertion order; * Is approximately 5 times faster than the pure Python implementation overall (and 5 times slower than `set`); * Compatible with Python 2.7 through 3.8; * Supports the full set interface; * Supports some list methods, like `index` and `__getitem__`. * Supports set methods against iterables. Package: python3-primecountpy-doc Description-md5: 212114b13e1a6df14fa8989be7b2ca68 Description-sl: Python interface to primecount -- documentation This is a Cython interface to the C++ library primecount. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: python3-pwquality Description-md5: 04483db006f6aa03b924da3534406479 Description-sl: Python bindings for libpwquality libpwquality's purpose is to provide common functions for password quality checking and also scoring them based on their apparent randomness. The library also provides a function for generating random passwords with good pronounceability. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python. Package: python3-pyfribidi Description-md5: bb097103548de01a24f5220a37f15646 Description-sl: Python vezave FriBidi FriBiDi is a bidirectional algorithm implementation for Hebrew and/or Arabic languages. . This package contains the Python module for the FriBidi C library. Package: python3-pyipmi Description-md5: d01606fd9a99f9fd5ee7cd972addcf81 Description-sl: Pure Python IPMI library The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a set of computer interface specifications for an autonomous computer subsystem that provides management and monitoring capabilities independently of the host system’s CPU, firmware (BIOS or UEFI) and operating system. The python- ipmi library provides an application programming interface (API) for using IPMI protocol within the Python environment. This library supports IPMI version 2.0 as described in the IPMI standard. . There are two ways to communicate with a server using IPMI interface: 1. IPMI over Local Area Network (LAN) using Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP) packet datagrams 2. Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) is an I2C-based bus . Zmožnosti: . * native RMCP interface (using Python libraries only) * legacy RMCP interface (requires ipmitool to be installed) * IPMB interface (using the Total Phase Aardvark) Package: python3-pymol Description-md5: e5a2b9068361785e2f5b405d53d41b3f Description-sl: Molecular Graphics System (Python 3 modules) PyMOL is a molecular graphics system targeted at medium to large biomolecules like proteins. It can generate high-quality publication-ready molecular graphics images and animations. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: * predočenje molekul, molekulskih trajektorij in površin kristalografskih podatkov ali oribatl * izgrajevalnik in kipar molekul * notranji sledilnik žarkov in ustvarjalnik filmov * polno razširljiv in skriptljiv preko vmesnika Python . Vrste datotek, ki jih lahko PyMOL bere, vključujejo PDB, XYZ, CIF, MDL, Molfile, ChemDraw, zemljevide CCP4, zemljevide XPLOR in zemljevide gausovskih kubov. . This package contains the Python 3 modules. Package: python3-pyode-doc Description-md5: bcc99ef4ea091505966735743af3fddb Description-sl: Documentation for pyode This package contains relevant documentation for PyODE which is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an open-source physics engine. PyODE also includes an XODE parser. . Ta paket vsebuje primere za PyODE. Package: python3-pyscard Description-md5: 29641833d26c0ac602ab2e7f6a49329f Description-sl: Python3 wrapper above PC/SC API This package contains a wrapper to use PC/SC from a Python 3 program. PC/SC (or winscard or pcsc) is an API to communicate with smart cards and smart card readers. . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj primerov kode. Package: python3-pyside2.qt3danimation Description-md5: 2030e91e527a6a5e3a4b662f9dd977c9 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 3DAnimation module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DAnimation module. Package: python3-pyside2.qt3dcore Description-md5: 1ddf4c64ca6077fb48c5670d7a9ae822 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 3DCore module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DCore module. Package: python3-pyside2.qt3dextras Description-md5: 1d2bb8d3a0ccc72f8c923baaf32c0b07 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 3DExtras module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DExtras module. Package: python3-pyside2.qt3dinput Description-md5: ee3c839cec7fd2d2a1ef24d7570ac78b Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 3DInput module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DInput module. Package: python3-pyside2.qt3dlogic Description-md5: b7593ae0c0668f7c90c4fd2fede5dba0 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 3DLogic module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DLogic module. Package: python3-pyside2.qt3drender Description-md5: 810bfdcdb19c1182deb167d82c8fc857 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 3DRender module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DRender module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtcharts Description-md5: e5ef61c559f4377296c80b8278cfba2b Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Charts module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtCharts module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtconcurrent Description-md5: 9b2149017f5bc63fb97bfa50b20ac887 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Concurrent module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtConcurrent module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtcore Description-md5: 9197ea7b8fa82989ba06601f4499b725 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 core module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtCore module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtdatavisualization Description-md5: e110ca0423b7cba11c843e62cdca9282 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Data Visualization (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtDataVisualization module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtgui Description-md5: dd9055443c0b03a68fd4ee741ff60eff Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Gui module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtGui module. Package: python3-pyside2.qthelp Description-md5: 1c2d3e9b1cf0f241bbcb138b437ab06f Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Help module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtHelp module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtlocation Description-md5: 52247d12627ff7ff14f40b00f87e6131 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Location module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtLocation module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtmultimedia Description-md5: 25abce2188ac7e19fd41bae430cc4fae Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Multimedia module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtMultimedia module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets Description-md5: d180643be2db92f9aa4f80d871349616 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 MultimediaWidgets module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtMultimediaWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtnetwork Description-md5: b348523278cd82965af96479eb3637a3 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Network module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtNetwork module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtopengl Description-md5: 9364f7232c9b3cc2ce167a687d989e5a Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 OpenGL module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtOpenGL module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtopenglfunctions Description-md5: f00dc3902dfc1fe381f8209b57230b10 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Open GL Functions (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the OpenGLFunctions module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtpositioning Description-md5: 8c9d8c03f959c05cc56a15ea281965d0 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Positioning module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtPositioning module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtprintsupport Description-md5: 2a6f43cfac608bb3d40b34ffa41e771d Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 PrintSupport module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtPrintSupport module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtqml Description-md5: 305eb414c0fa83633f3b52ede98ac5a8 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Qml module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQml module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtquick Description-md5: a07da6d625d30e709207227d1b6f0375 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Quick module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuick module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtquickcontrols2 Description-md5: acb6240249d4985480e9dbd4ec6d7dcd Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 QuickControls2 (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuickControls2 module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtquickwidgets Description-md5: 2b07ada1406638ae90d54d631cc49dbf Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 QuickWidgets module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuickWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtremoteobjects Description-md5: 4875d31a0c2bf301f8d742bf4d5a3a4e Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 RemoteObjects (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtRemoteObjects module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtscript Description-md5: e634cbdc79d6ba678f4af1ae0fba2304 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Script module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtScript module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtscripttools Description-md5: b73ba480f17cc00a04fcfbaa6934c0ee Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 ScriptTools module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtScriptTools module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtscxml Description-md5: ae0a74f15424fa9f6e6d7f77ccd9ac94 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Scxml (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Scxml module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtsensors Description-md5: 8fb399a17497de97a555f3847ca84290 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Sensors module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSensors module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtserialport Description-md5: f0ebc4663bb4eb244c6e701d6ada1bd5 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 SerialPort (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSerialPort module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtsql Description-md5: 8eb8c82051ebd310aef498ecf7cc9648 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Sql module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSql module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtsvg Description-md5: bcd27a00e908a695e3700002cdfe5bcd Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Svg module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSvg module. Package: python3-pyside2.qttest Description-md5: 2ffcb77819c5ae0a044159e54e04f9bc Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Test module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtTest module. Package: python3-pyside2.qttexttospeech Description-md5: 26a753a8a22337568123eb6af1a59be7 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 TextToSpeech module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtTextToSpeech module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtuitools Description-md5: 666a2ea7b502ce8e833777ce34815541 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 UiTools module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtUiTools module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtwebchannel Description-md5: bc34f29baa831a1ddd249822c7b7bc46 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 WebChannel module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebChannel module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtwebengine Description-md5: 5ae63a0a1b6ff6a8aec7a10108850430 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Web Engine (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebEngine module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtwebenginecore Description-md5: b49501646b1fc0b1b992bd69aa5db392 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineCore module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebEngineCore module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets Description-md5: 0dbdba5af2acaffa24c07524549e60a3 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineWidgets module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebEngineWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtwebsockets Description-md5: 025cc1303259f18c3cd1e2410b5f15a1 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 WebSockets module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebSockets module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtwidgets Description-md5: 1105945a5bf4a0cb469a8fe1d62a0600 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Widgets module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtx11extras Description-md5: db51ca9a9c11085b658a05c072639ee5 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 X11Extras module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtX11Extras module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtxml Description-md5: e3cdb176a3e4e16cf94c02128de7be71 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 Xml module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtXml module. Package: python3-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns Description-md5: e28d2bccca76d57dabfa6a4f47008e15 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt5 XmlPatterns module (Python 3) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtXmlPatterns module. Package: python3-pyside6.qt3danimation Description-md5: 7174d2a9e4dbbdfc6dfdf26253c9461b Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 3DAnimation module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DAnimation module. Package: python3-pyside6.qt3dcore Description-md5: cea7f75bb83737d35e53197f2da36c8d Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 3DCore module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DCore module. Package: python3-pyside6.qt3dextras Description-md5: 1e2340fa2669d48c148ea71549283f71 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 3DExtras module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DExtras module. Package: python3-pyside6.qt3dinput Description-md5: bb86be7cde30b55129ae7fe8d139227f Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 3DInput module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DInput module. Package: python3-pyside6.qt3dlogic Description-md5: 4cc95a55138c1a53d349cbd69d1c0bbe Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 3DLogic module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DLogic module. Package: python3-pyside6.qt3drender Description-md5: 23377cc11aa3ad6b184362334fad06fe Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 3DRender module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Qt3DRender module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtasyncio Description-md5: e2d7615aaf30d47c7ceb2b978f87c122 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 ASyncIO (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtAsyncio module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtbluetooth Description-md5: 65199779c7a0392e659bb1993034c3bb Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Bluetooth (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtBluetooth module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtcharts Description-md5: 977a3b93ccbfae09b7d074c0440e2b96 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Charts module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtCharts module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtconcurrent Description-md5: 9a490a8c4dc75e3b98e221d7dfb15114 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Concurrent module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtConcurrent module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtcore Description-md5: ddd9b8d5a606eb07952fb5c036fef828 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 core module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtCore module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtdatavisualization Description-md5: d7fb3a420ab9c504921466d9477cef47 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Data Visualization (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtDataVisualization module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtdbus Description-md5: 60316ae2d1ac96e48561cabde121126e Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 DBus (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtDBus module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtdesigner Description-md5: c2704a771374e9fb86c63f5a9f8f1129 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Desginer (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtDesigner module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtgui Description-md5: 2260cf22d28b534405d064ad05754f72 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Gui module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtGui module. Package: python3-pyside6.qthelp Description-md5: 23eefbba86ece3b366a4fa1d13751e1d Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Help module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtHelp module. Package: python3-pyside6.qthttpserver Description-md5: cac9d404da4cd5f4b8ce2af5b7a381af Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 HttpServer (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtHttpServer module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtlocation Description-md5: 4b7924e97068e1e381ee00d6832ec146 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Location module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtLocation module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtmultimedia Description-md5: d883d8b3cd9da2640bfb73fe39f05432 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Multimedia module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtMultimedia module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtmultimediawidgets Description-md5: b5043f6a89616cca53e29069ce80905e Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 MultimediaWidgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtMultimediaWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtnetwork Description-md5: a55280c992263f4fe9725cc156cf52bc Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Network module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtNetwork module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtnetworkauth Description-md5: e70eb24db824d791066d2d1b9d3f171d Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 NetworkAuth (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtNetworkAuth module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtnfc Description-md5: 0e9ce474d168b0c0f9861e0a3c097325 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 NFC (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtNfc module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtopengl Description-md5: da578d7fcabfbe5e5d1f18b6c12435f7 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 OpenGL module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtOpenGL module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtopenglwidgets Description-md5: 14e9aa2908555117dfdf8aadc0e63447 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 OpenGLWidgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtOpenGLWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtpdf Description-md5: 9f485261a98c723d5cc30b88d8a09efb Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 PDF module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtPdf module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtpdfwidgets Description-md5: 4bddbf785e07165533da1296e8b947d9 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 PDF Widgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtPdfWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtpositioning Description-md5: 89fada84351f8a927417b14b5dc1eaa6 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Positioning module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtPositioning module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtprintsupport Description-md5: 538456441c7b7f7899a592d6da459a59 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 PrintSupport module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtPrintSupport module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtqml Description-md5: c6e9945a9c5498e35ff403e9eec358d0 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Qml module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQml module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtquick Description-md5: cb43d4bba810d1c67b6571c29f824af0 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Quick module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuick module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtquick3d Description-md5: 59417264955a60a1c07b172c93057adb Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Quick3D (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuick3D module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtquickcontrols2 Description-md5: af73ac06bdd197212ef14bf5689d01c4 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 QuickControls2 (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuickControls2 module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtquickwidgets Description-md5: 12af432c0f6a29ff43abfe99acece9ea Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 QuickWidgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtQuickWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtremoteobjects Description-md5: d90b94fa2357ff1d3a287f1f7e3a318b Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 RemoteObjects (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtRemoteObjects module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtscxml Description-md5: 459f1920f5b8c813729dc5f59297d6bc Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Scxml (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the Scxml module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtsensors Description-md5: bbfeee07412bb8fe2c18227a8b94c0c6 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Sensors module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSensors module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtserialbus Description-md5: 1d4ad4c7836c504ae1e58b13ef438bdd Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 SerialBus (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSerialBus module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtserialport Description-md5: 645d0cf79c8b08479e313c838702af6c Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 SerialPort (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSerialPort module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtspatialaudio Description-md5: af1f69a4fbd5a7edc445c6ad3630e6ad Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Spatial Audio (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSpatialAudio module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtsql Description-md5: aea51482b5909a47f2f7045b80147a9e Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Sql module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSql module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtstatemachine Description-md5: 1ae1e0308244696afc95eb878e133141 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 State Machine (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtStateMachine module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtsvg Description-md5: 8afc978defd189cb6cbe202d15a4f4b3 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Svg module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSvg module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtsvgwidgets Description-md5: ebe3103c50983c59dccc22191207b300 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 SvgWidgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtSvgWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qttest Description-md5: abcf5d4e217cd3b36601cc030c299b92 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Test module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtTest module. Package: python3-pyside6.qttexttospeech Description-md5: 74582c01b1839f7a25370436a2f744eb Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 TextToSpeech module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtTextToSpeech module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtuitools Description-md5: 019ae86c1bee51f84456766a238a7494 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 UiTools module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtUiTools module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtwebchannel Description-md5: 1b47cfb77c3e6a5ce48522471c014b63 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 WebChannel module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebChannel module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtwebenginecore Description-md5: 3505a0af5cd71af1eaed08f6c676cd54 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 WebEngineCore module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebEngineCore module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtwebenginequick Description-md5: 9621c1ace70ff196662e81a48cd237eb Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 WebEngineQuick module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebEnginequick module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtwebenginewidgets Description-md5: d60cb7ffdb10eea5ab906ff6f79f33b7 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 WebEngineWidgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebEngineWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtwebsockets Description-md5: 41e86f0c58ce801559dd3aef14e1daae Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 WebSockets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWebSockets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtwidgets Description-md5: 7616fdb0fb924f76cdc58d8a56d7d490 Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Widgets module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtWidgets module. Package: python3-pyside6.qtxml Description-md5: cdd59076644d2eefbe3a0d48a619425f Description-sl: Python bindings for Qt 6 Xml module (Python 3) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Python 3 bindings for the QtXml module. Package: python3-pysnmp4-apps Description-md5: 48f4459f9591a899685a3e0eeff3464a Description-sl: Programi za knjižnico Python SNMP This package contains a set of SNMP applications written on top of the PYSNMP v4 package, which is written entirely in Python and is self- sufficient in terms that it does not rely on any third party tool. Package: python3-pytest-recording Description-md5: 5ee85061b6a3022a7a44fefd9905ec86 Description-sl: pytest plugin that allows recording of network interactions A pytest plugin that records network interactions in your tests via . Zmožnosti: . * Straightforward `pytest.mark.vcr`, that reflects `VCR.use_cassettes` API; * Combining multiple VCR cassettes; * Network access blocking; * The ``rewrite`` recording mode that rewrites cassettes from scratch. Package: python3-pyxid Description-md5: 538fb0f7b19d930f35c9e18d6adeabfd Description-sl: Vmesnik za naprave Cedrus XID in StimTracker pyxid is a Python library for interfacing with Cedrus XID (eXperiment Interface Device) and StimTracker devices. XID devices are used in software such as SuperLab, Presentation, and ePrime for receiving input as part of stimulus/response testing experiments. . pyxid handles all of the low level device handling for XID devices in Python projects. Package: python3-qgis Description-md5: eac6b5d8a42af672ca4dbe96022e9e8e Description-sl: Python bindings to QGIS QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke za podporo Python. Package: python3-qtconsole Description-md5: 34d52e3162ef39c9a573e85f6fdae535 Description-sl: Jupyter - Qt console (Python 3) IPython lahko uporabite kot zamenjavo za običajno lupino Python ali pa jo uporabite kot celovito delovno okolje za znanstvene izračune (kot je Matlab ali Methematica), če ga uporabite skupaj z običajnimi znanstvenimi in numeričnimi orodji Python. Podpira dinamično samoopazovanje predmetov, številčene pozive vhoda/izhoda, sistem makrov, beleženje seje, obnovitev seje, popoln dostop do sistemske lupine, izčrpna in obarvana povratna poročila, samodejne oklepaje, samodejno citiranje in ga je mogoče vstaviti v druge programe Python. . This package contains the qtconsole library for the Python 3 interpreter. Package: python3-qwt3d-qt5 Description-md5: 841a90ed0f724a0bb0c93c61d5a54b8f Description-sl: Vezave Python za knjižnico QwtPlot3D PyQwt3D is a set of Python bindings for the QwtPlot3D C++ class library which extends the Qt framework with widgets to visualize 3-dimensional data. . This package contains the Python3 Qt5 bindings Package: python3-reflink Description-md5: 6b46e04f6d4ce969ebc24e933eb62915 Description-sl: Python Library wrapping platform-specific reflink implementations Python wrapper around the ``reflink`` system calls. . Zmožnosti: . * Btrfs, XFS, OCFS2 ``reflink`` support. Btrfs is tested the most. * Apple macOS APFS ``clonefile`` support. Little testing, be careful. It might eat data. * A convenience method that checks support for reflinks within a specific directory. Package: python3-requests-file Description-md5: babcf46924d2f06e381950dc20627456 Description-sl: File transport adapter for Requests - Python 3.X Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs. . Zmožnosti: . * Will open and read local files * Might set a Content-Length header * That's about it . No encoding information is set in the response object, so be careful using Response.text: the chardet library will be used to convert the file to a unicode type and it may not detect what you actually want. . EACCES is converted to a 403 status code, and ENOENT is converted to a 404. All other IOError types are converted to a 400. . This package contains the Python 3 version of the library. Package: python3-requests-futures Description-md5: 264acfe2b4fb9e7e65eb69fdd00de607 Description-sl: library for asynchronous HTTP requests (Python 3) Requests-futures is a small add-on for python-requests that allows one to create asynchronous HTTP requests. . Ta paket vsebuje modul za Python 3. Package: python3-rpyc-doc Description-md5: ddb6d76a68ce814be3bcc7281da2f075 Description-sl: Python 3 library for remote procedure calls (documentation) RPyC (pronounced as are-pie-see), or Remote Python Call, is a transparent Python library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering and distributed-computing. RPyC makes use of object-proxying, a technique that employs Python’s dynamic nature, to overcome the physical boundaries between processes and computers, so that remote objects can be manipulated as if they were local. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: python3-sahara Description-md5: 3afea65bac81981a0af8ae709667f1ea Description-sl: OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - library The Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack. It's the ex Savanna project, renamed due to potential trademark issues. . Ta paket vsebuje knjižnice Python. Package: python3-sendfile Description-md5: 0f012b71dde3fdbf6ae5e06400bd325d Description-sl: Vmesnik Python do sendfile(2) Python library which provides a "zero-copy" way of copying data from one file descriptor to another (a socket). The phrase "zero-copy" refers to the fact that all of the copying of data between the two descriptors is done entirely by the kernel, with no copying of data into userspace buffers. This is particularly useful when sending a file over a socket (e.g. FTP). Package: python3-setools Description-md5: ce6271967f5950a3a5fe018bf43e4471 Description-sl: Vezave Python SETools SETools is a collection tools for analysing security policyon SELinux systems. Package: python3-spglib Description-md5: 436e34035462634fac747b0b17acd827 Description-sl: C library for crystal symmetry determination - Python3 bindings Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Identify space-group type * Find symmetry operations * Find a primitive cell * Search irreducible k-points * Refine crystal structure * Wyckoff position assignment . This package contains the Python3 bindings. Package: python3-sphinx-paramlinks Description-md5: f25608875c6bf71d2410506a9f858bc0 Description-sl: Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 3 version) Sphinx extension which allows :param: directives within Python documentation to be linkable. . Zmožnosti: . * :param: directives within Sphinx function/method descriptions will be given aparagraph link so that they can be linked to externally. * a new text role :paramref: is added, which works like :meth:, :func:, etc. . This package contains Python 3.x version of sphinx_paramlinks module. Package: python3-sptag Description-md5: b1c2efe140f2cf8daadc74021efa9716 Description-sl: Python distributed approximate nearest neighborhood search (ANN) A distributed approximate nearest neighborhood search (ANN) library which provides a high quality vector index build, search and distributed online serving toolkits for large scale vector search scenario. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python. Package: python3-sqlitedict Description-md5: df106283ec4ce9ff765fcd409eba5a95 Description-sl: Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe A lightweight wrapper around Python's sqlite3 database with a simple, Pythonic dict-like interface and support for multi-thread access: . By default, sqlitedict's exception handling favors verbosity over efficiency. It extracts and outputs the outer exception stack to the error logs. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Values can be any picklable objects (uses 'pickle' with the highest protocol). * Support for multiple tables (=dicts) living in the same database file. * Support for access from multiple threads to the same connection (needed by e.g. Pyro). * Support for custom serialization or compression: Package: python3-starlette Description-md5: 97e426dcd54d67f5b2f64d7d9535faef Description-sl: ASGI library ideal for building high performance asyncio services Starlette is a lightweight ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) framework/toolkit, which is ideal for building high performance asyncio services. . It is production-ready, and gives you the following: . * Seriously impressive performance. * WebSocket support. * In-process background tasks. * Startup and shutdown events. * Test client built on `httpx`. * CORS, GZip, Static Files, Streaming responses. * Session and Cookie support. * 100% test coverage. * 100% type annotated codebase. * Zero hard dependencies. . Primer: . from starlette.applications import Starlette from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from starlette.routing import Route . async def homepage(request): return JSONResponse({'hello': 'world'}) . app = Starlette(debug=True, routes=[ Route('/', homepage), ]) Package: python3-telethon-doc Description-md5: 44e5ddc0ef74314c2d1bb9796b33c9c2 Description-sl: Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library - documentation Telethon is an asyncio Python 3 MTProto library to interact with Telegram's API as a user or through a bot account (bot API alternative). . Telegram is a popular messaging application. This library is meant to make it easy for you to write Python programs that can interact with Telegram. Think of it as a wrapper that has already done the heavy job for you, so you can focus on developing an application. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: python3-transaction Description-md5: b36ac5f482f791c47a0eddd117346a07 Description-sl: Upravljanje prenosov za Python This package contains a generic transaction implementation for Python. Package: python3-ukui-menu Description-md5: 23a304a750e38851536e6b78080d2ec9 Description-sl: implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for UKUI (Python bindings) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python. Package: python3-ulid-transform Description-md5: e59a70cd9dd3e357a7570101462ea429 Description-sl: Fast ULID transformations Provides functionalities for creating and transforming ULIDs (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers). Utilises a Cython-based implementation for optimal performance, with a fallback to pure Python if Cython is unavailable. . Primer uporabe: . >>> import ulid_transform >>> ulid_transform.ulid_hex() '01869a2ea5fb0b43aa056293e47c0a35' >>> ulid_transform.ulid_now() '0001HZX0NW00GW0X476W5TVBFE' >>> ulid_transform.ulid_at_time(1234) '000000016JC62D620DGYNG2R8H' >>> ulid_transform.ulid_to_bytes('0001HZX0NW00GW0X476W5TVBFE') b'\x00\x00c\xfe\x82\xbc\x00!\xc0t\x877\x0b\xad\xad\xee' Package: python3-uncertainties Description-md5: 856baa0f5d5e32fcf792450eeed19033 Description-sl: Python3 module for calculations with uncertainties uncertainties is a Python3 module, which allows calculations such as . (0.2 +/- 0.01) * 2 = 0.4 +/- 0.02 . to be performed transparently; much more complex mathematical expressions involving numbers with uncertainties can also be evaluated transparently. . Correlations between expressions are correctly taken into account; x-x is thus exactly zero, for instance. The uncertainties produced by this module are what is predicted by error propagation theory. Package: python3-venusian Description-md5: a429ecfc172d2f0933c73dbda07bb269 Description-sl: Knjižnica za zamik dejanj okraskov Venusian is a library which allows framework authors to defer decorator actions. Instead of taking actions when a function (or class) decorator is executed at import time, you can defer the action usually taken by the decorator until a separate "scan" phase. . This is the Python 3 version. Package: python3-vtk9 Description-md5: 607f6e2cea47851cd2f36d2226862577 Description-sl: Vezave Python za VTK The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. . This package provides the python3 bindings for VTK. Package: python3-web-cache Description-md5: e38f4125b78580cd404e257efbdb11aa Description-sl: Simple Python key-value storage backed up by sqlite3 database Python module for simple key-value storage backed up by sqlite3 database. The typical use case is a URL to HTTP data cache, but it can also be used for non web ressources. . Zmožnosti: . * Simple dict interface allows natural usage (if key in cache, value = cache[key], etc.) * Optional Zlib (deflate), BZIP2, LZMA or ZSTD (Zstandard) compression, with configurable compression level * FIFO or LRU cache eviction strategies * Optional thread safe interface to work around Python Sqlite3 'same thread' limitation * Provides cache hit rate statistics Package: python3-webpy Description-md5: a5789156e370ce7a3b093aac44c5c50c Description-sl: Spletno ogrodje za programe Python by Aaron Swartz offers a clean and well designed API for Python web applications. . The philosophy behind is to: "Think about the ideal way to write a web app. Write the code to make it happen." . Implementations using this library have resulted in: * less code * code that ran faster * code that is easier to read and maintain. . This package provides the Python 3.x module. Package: python3-websocketd-doc Description-md5: ad2245ed5d2779b0b2db7ecf66c88892 Description-sl: API documentation for python3-websocketd This module uses the network module to create a server, and implements http(s) and WebSockets over those connections. With only 6 lines of code you have a working system. You only have to add what you want your server to do. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: python3-wxgtk-media4.0 Description-md5: 1a255aa5296100e4e82a55301e087388 Description-sl: Python 3 interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit ( wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides a Python 3 interface to wxMediaCtrl. This is the Phoenix reimplementation of wxPython. Package: python3-wxgtk-webview4.0 Description-md5: 39d807e3525e21686e1c51b1e5f100bd Description-sl: Python 3 interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wx.html2) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides a Python 3 interface to wxWebView. This is the Phoenix reimplementation of wxPython. Package: python3-wxgtk4.0 Description-md5: fd6b23b671871c5575873be97987d989 Description-sl: Python 3 interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides a Python 3 interface to the wxGTK library and the wxPython runtime support libraries. This is the Phoenix reimplementation of wxPython. Package: python3-xraylib Description-md5: 137486d4767cb74b96d3a39fed42f4ab Description-sl: library for interactions of X-rays with matter (Python bindings) Quantitative estimate of elemental composition by spectroscopic and imaging techniques using X-ray fluorescence requires the availability of accurate data of X-ray interaction with matter. Although a wide number of computer codes and data sets are reported in literature, none of them is presented in the form of freely available library functions which can be easily included in software applications for X-ray fluorescence. This work presents a compilation of data sets from different published works and an xraylib interface in the form of callable functions. Although the target applications are on X-ray fluorescence, cross sections of interactions like photoionization, coherent scattering and Compton scattering, as well as form factors and anomalous scattering functions, are also available. . xraylib provides access to some of the most respected databases of physical data in the field of X-rays. The core of xraylib is a library, written in ANSI C, containing over 40 functions to be used to retrieve data from these databases. This C library can be directly linked with any program written in C, C++ or Objective-C. . Ta paket vsebuje vezve Python. Package: python3-yade Description-md5: 0035d61bd86e1d689dfd955df66583fb Description-sl: Platform for discrete element modeling. Python bindings Še en dinamičen programnik. . Extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written in c++ using flexible object model, allowing independent implementation of new algorithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging. . This package contains python bindings for yade. Package: python3-zbar Description-md5: 8272ee7fa80948fb8c16580efa1c8410 Description-sl: QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (Python bindings) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python. Package: python3-zeitgeist Description-md5: 567887d940fca2dcf8145268e90d08ec Description-sl: event logging framework - Python 3 bindings Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . This package contains the Python 3 API. Package: python3-zookeeper Description-md5: feeb7d7052e9b061c9f307890c4924ef Description-sl: Python bindings for zookeeper ZooKeeper is a centralized, reliable, service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications. . Ta paket vsebuje vezave Python. Package: python3-zope.component Description-md5: b8b6c0f1411557f41117bf9a7b994f3a Description-sl: Arhitektura sestavnih delov Zope The core of the Zope Component Architecture. Together with the zope.interface package, it provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components. . This is the Python 3 version. Package: python3-zope.hookable Description-md5: e399f577682edc931cbd6e93ccae9254 Description-sl: Podpora predmetov s kljukami This package supports the efficient creation of "hookable" objects, which are callable objects that are meant to be optionally replaced. . This is the Python 3 version. Package: Description-md5: e9f54e364b11459c8fb9ffe7642eb3bf Description-sl: Ogrodje varnosti Zope The Security framework provides a generic mechanism to implement security policies on Python objects. . This is the Python 3 version. Package: python3-zzzeeksphinx Description-md5: 4962df4616848b30ee5a37634ce6b7cc Description-sl: Zzzeek's Sphinx layout and utilities This layout is first and foremost pulled in for the SQLAlchemy documentation builds (and possibly other related projects), but is also usable as a standalone theme / utility set for any project. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * uses Mako templates instead of Jinja, for more programmatic capabilities inside of templates * layout includes an independently scrollable sidebar * unique (to Sphinx) “contextual” sidebar contents that shows the current page in context with all sibling pages * modifications to autodoc which illustrate inherited classes, bases, method documentation illustrates if a method is only inherited from the base or overridden * “dynamic base” feature that will, under ReadTheDocs, pull in optional .mako and .py files from the website of your choice that will serve as an alternate base template and a source of extra config setup, respectively, allowing the layout to be integrated into the layout of an external site when viewing on the web * “viewsource” extension that can provide highlighted sourcecode to any Python file arbitrarily * SQLAlchemy-specific stuff, like the [SQL] popups, the dialect info directives * scss support using libsass Package: pyzor-doc Description-md5: afdfcfafcd504ca4f6ddb9fe01cc83d8 Description-sl: spam-catcher using a collaborative filtering network (documentation) Pyzor is a collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam using identifying digests of messages. . Package contains both client and server. . The client can check if an email is a known spam against a pyzor server or report new spam digests to that server. . The server holds the digests database, and handle the client requests. . Pyzor is a reimplementation of Razor in Python. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: qalc Description-md5: 759f73c3d3ead9fd33f3314e15defaf8 Description-sl: Powerful and easy to use command line calculator Qalculate! je majhen in enostaven za uporabo, je zmogljiv in raznovrsten. Zmožnosti vključujejo prilagodljive funkcije, enote, poljubno natančnost in grafični vmesnik, ki uporablja enovrstičen vnos, ki je strpen do napak. . This package contains the command line version of Qalculate!. Package: qalculate-gtk Description-md5: 1c25166fe186825d4ce912c96ffb5202 Description-sl: Zmogljivo računalo, ki je enostavno za uporabo - različica GTK+ Qalculate! je majhen in enostaven za uporabo, je zmogljiv in raznovrsten. Zmožnosti vključujejo prilagodljive funkcije, enote, poljubno natančnost, izrisovanje grafov in grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki uporablja enovrstičen vnos strpen do napak (čeprav podpira izbirne gumbe). . Ta paket vsebuje uporanbniški vmesnik GTK+ za qalculate. Package: qbittorrent Description-md5: 8b7198cba2f29588a45a5b59210f9f32 Description-sl: bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt5 GUI BitTorrent client written in C++ and based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt5 user interface. qBittorrent is a feature rich but lightweight client that is very similar to uTorrent. Its main features are: . * lep uporabniški vmesnik podoben programu uTorrent * dobro vključen in razširljiv programnik iskanja * oddaljen nadzor skozi spletni uporabniškim vmesnikom * z Vuze združljivo šifriranje protokola * z uTorrent združljiv Peer eXchange (PeX) * podpora DHT (brez sledilnika) * posredovanje vrat UPnP/NAT-PMP * združljiv z IPv6 * podpora RSS z naprednimi filtri prejemov * napreden nadzor vsebine in sledilnikov torrent * filtriranje IP (filtri eMule /Peer Guardian) * čakalne vrste in prednosti Torrentov * dobri prevodi (podprtih je ~25 jezikov) * podpora Unicode Package: qbrew Description-md5: f6821411e2d755d2cbb298227c8a7d38 Description-sl: Računalo receptov za domače varilce piva QBrew is a recipe calculator for homebrewed beers. It uses Qt for creating its graphical user interface and provides facilities for creating own beer recipes. It even has a manual describing how to brew your first beer yourself! Package: qdbm-doc Description-md5: e629a03377a5c222476c82a9b51586c5 Description-sl: Dokumentacija podatkovne zbirke QDBM Documentation for all of the API's and utilities provided by QDBM. Package: qdbm-util Description-md5: db6090cf1ba7c6a0f55e30fae7d0dc37 Description-sl: Pripomočki podatkovne zbirke QDBM QDBM is an embedded database library compatible with GDBM and NDBM. It features hash database and B+ tree database and is developed referring to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API. This is the QDBM Database utilities package. Package: qdbus-qt5 Description-md5: 385d02ce00e31ee751a87b6cd61b25e6 Description-sl: Qt 5 D-Bus tool Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains qdbus, a command-line tool interface to D-Bus that uses the QtDBus library. Package: qdbus-qt6 Description-md5: 75e0dc257371bf8c34c4954524a1ae26 Description-sl: Qt 6 D-Bus application Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . qdbus is a tool for listing D-Bus services and its properties. Package: qdoc-qt5 Description-md5: f92f788cb99290d206293deda65024bf Description-sl: Qt 5 qdoc tool Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains qdoc, a command-line tool for generating HTML documentation from .cpp and .qdoc files. Package: qelectrotech Description-md5: 24bd754f3d7146ac176990fc5c580851 Description-sl: Urejevalnik električnih shem QElectroTech is a Qt5 application written in C++ . This program helps you to design electrical schematic diagrams. It includes a schematic editor, an element editor, and a titleblock editor. It uses XML files to store the produced contents. Package: qelectrotech-data Description-md5: bd2542e2ad9a24a54f3c7dc4a673b9d0 Description-sl: Simboli zahtevani za qelectrotech QElectroTech is a Qt5 application written in C++ . This program helps you to design electrical schematic diagrams. It includes a schematic editor, an element editor, and a titleblock editor. It uses XML files to store the produced contents. . This package provide symbols needed for qelectrotech. Package: qelectrotech-examples Description-md5: ba57b19d516d9bba6941c18931606cf8 Description-sl: Datoteke primerov za qelectrotech QElectroTech is a Qt5 application written in C++ . This program helps you to design electrical schematic diagrams. It includes a schematic editor, an element editor, and a titleblock editor. It uses XML files to store the produced contents. . This package provide examples files for qeletrotech. Package: qemubuilder Description-md5: 31513dff9e10e1a3f94a0a85286a99bc Description-sl: pbuilder using QEMU as backend Izvedba pbuilder za QEMU. . qemubuilder create -- builds QEMU cow base image. . qemubuilder update -- updates QEMU cow base image. . qemubuilder build -- builds package inside QEMU cow base image. . Gives a pbuilder interface for emulated cross-building environments using qemu. . pbuilder is a tool for building and testing Debian package inside a clean chroot, and qemubuilder implements similar experience over emulated CPUs. This tool allows building package inside emulated Debian environment for different CPU architectures supported by qemu. Package: qfits-tools Description-md5: 67c16a384ac53f9213d7b8bf914ecef6 Description-sl: Orodja za upravljanje FITS qfits is a stand-alone library written in C to interact with files complying with the FITS format, which is a data format most used in astronomy. . This package includes tools for simple manipulations of FITS files. Package: qgis Description-md5: 49f76973cc4c2bd4a16872b7a79659ad Description-sl: Sistem geografskih podatkov (GIS) A Geographic Information System (GIS) manages, analyzes, and displays databases of geographic information. QGIS supports shape file viewing and editing, spatial data storage with PostgreSQL/PostGIS, projection on-the- fly, map composition, and a number of other features via a plugin interface. QGIS also supports display of various georeferenced raster and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) formats including GeoTIFF, Arc/Info ASCII Grid, and USGS ASCII DEM. Package: qgit Description-md5: c8858a28936cee46b50707664d773e65 Description-sl: Qt program za prikaz drevesne strukture GIT S programom qgit boste lahko brskali po drevesu predelav z vsebino popravkov in spremenjenimi datotekami ter grafično sledili različnim razvojnim vejam. Glavne zmožnosti: - ogled predelav, razlik, zgodovine datotek, zabeležk datotek, drevesa arhivov, - uveljavitev ali oblikovanje zaporedja popravkov iz izbranih uveljavitev. uveljavitve povleci in spusti med dvema primerkoma qgit. - qgit podpira grafični vmesnik za najbolj pogoste ukaze StGIT kot so potisni/poči in uveljavi/oblikuj popravke. Ustvarite lahko tudi nove popravke ali osvežite trenutno najvišjega z uporabo iste semantike uveljavitve git, odbiro posameznih spremenjenih datotek. Package: qgnomeplatform-qt5 Description-md5: 875cc6599dab4f24be8827d198fc93fb Description-sl: Qt 5 extra widget styles - GNOME Platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the GNOME style and platform theme for QT5. Export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gnome to enable it for all Qt5 applications. Package: qgnomeplatform-qt6 Description-md5: 462127d04c606d598c05f41db4e64f11 Description-sl: Qt 6 extra widget styles - GNOME Platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the GNOME style and platform theme for QT6. Export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gnome to enable it for all Qt6 applications. Package: qgo Description-md5: 8b632fe985ddb638bda51b59e470b46d Description-sl: Odjemalec Go in polno zmožen urejevalnik SGF qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files, and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies. . See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game. Package: qhelpgenerator-qt5 Description-md5: 1a7684da0703e7546655bc3dff2f9881 Description-sl: Qt 5 qhelpgenerator tool Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains qhelpgenerator, a command-line tool for packaging the HTML documentation generated by qdoc into .qch files. Package: qiv Description-md5: 677ec7248b16bd6e6ca9e49afc56cd7a Description-sl: Hiter pregledovalnik slik za X Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very small and pretty fast GDK/Imlib image viewer. Features include zoom, maxpect, scale down, fullscreen, brightness/contrast/gamma correction, slideshow, pan with keyboard and mouse, rotate left/right, flip, delete (move to .qiv-trash/), jump to image x, jump forward/backward x images, filename filter, and you can use qiv to set your X11-Desktop background. . qiv also supports the assignment of external commands (like metacam) to unused keys. Package: qjackctl Description-md5: e4eff5b412e02d2dab4dcd699f0351f6 Description-sl: Uporabniški vmesnik za nadzor zvočnega strežnika JACK Qjackctl ponuja uporabniški vmesnik za nadziranje ozadnjega programa zvočnega strežnika JACK. Hkrati služi kot zaliv popravkov JACK in orodje za nadzor. Package: qlcplus-data Description-md5: 5297322757b8f920537bc2cc624c43cd Description-sl: Control DMX or analog lighting systems (data files) Q Light Controller Plus is a software lighting desk for controlling DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners. . This project is a fork of the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila that aims to continue the QLC development and to introduce new features. The primary goal is to bring QLC+ at the level of other lighting control commercial software. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: qmake6 Description-md5: a1a8171d50e63c6336f4e0e02e481f00 Description-sl: Qt 6 qmake Makefile generator tool Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 qmake, a tool that helps simplify the build process for development project across different platforms. qmake automates the generation of Makefiles so that only a few lines of information are needed to create each Makefile. qmake can be used for any software project, whether it is written using Qt or not. . Qt 6 qmake requires a platform and a compiler description file which contains many default values used to generate appropriate Makefiles. . This package contains also these platform specifications. Package: qmake6-bin Description-md5: 7bce87133b1389c453ddd624bdcce8f7 Description-sl: Qt 6 qmake Makefile generator tool — binary file Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the binary file for the qmake buildsystem. Do not install this package directly, use qmake6 instead. Package: qmapshack Description-md5: 6bd4b049066038463f1cc2535c52c8eb Description-sl: GPS preslikava (GeoTiff in vektorska) in upravljanje GPSr This package provides a versatile tool for GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format. You can also view and edit your GPX tracks. QMapShack is the successor of QLandkarteGT. . Main features: - Use of several workspaces. - Use several maps on a workspace. - Handle data project-oriented. Package: qml Description-md5: 8b8d9b44541027d34f3e6871e88ff6d3 Description-sl: Qt 5 QML viewer Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the new QML viewer for Qt Quick 2, called simply 'qml'. Package: qml-module-lomiri-onlineaccounts-doc Description-md5: 46aad3142c94aa8a842180ae04338376 Description-sl: Online Accounts API, HTML documentation This module provides access to the new Online Accounts API from QML applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: qml-module-org-kde-analitza Description-md5: 01edccf0ccef447e85d8695698668660 Description-sl: library to work with mathematical expressions - QML library This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the QML components for some of the UI widgets. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: qml-module-org-kde-games-core Description-md5: 62257cc6e190d31d693ad0fe9345ed3c Description-sl: kde-games-core QtDeclarative QML support Contains a plugin for QtDeclarative that provides support for using KDE- games-core to components written in QML. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: qml-module-org-kde-ksysguard Description-md5: 0653b652cfface3fd5a5958115993627 Description-sl: library for system monitoring - utilities Prehodni preizkusni paket Package: qml-module-org-kde-runnermodel Description-md5: a28635792296d2e6d3a8dfe5f59ec05a Description-sl: Used to write plugins loaded at runtime called "Runners". Launcher built into the Plasma desktop. While its basic function is to launch programs from a sort of mini-command-line, its functionality can be extended by "runners" to assist the user to accomplish a lot of tasks. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-animation Description-md5: 22578dbe8c1a64c5aafb288b2c344bc5 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt.labs.animation QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains experimental QML types related to animation. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-calendar Description-md5: 1007156640cc7eccdd8fa89c0d706215 Description-sl: Qt 5 qt.labs.calendar QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the QML qt.labs.calendar module, which is part of Qt Quick Controls 2. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel Description-md5: 203c24a871916a8ab106c719f21dc506 Description-sl: Qt 5 folderlistmodel QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-location Description-md5: b08c5f9b451968e9cc0ebe130b120c26 Description-sl: Qt Location Labs module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Positioning labs plugin for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-platform Description-md5: f2219a55ee29e79f4d169c8a28b64b19 Description-sl: Qt 5 qt.labs.platform QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the experimental Qt Labs Platform module that provides platform integration: native dialogs, menus and menu bars, and tray icons. It falls back to Qt Widgets when a native implementation is not available. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-qmlmodels Description-md5: e79312879184c15d55d88eb3261103ae Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt.labs.qmlmodels QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains experimental QML types related to data models. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-settings Description-md5: e44b06a5fdc411c26b6d54c6262fe739 Description-sl: Qt 5 settings QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the settings QML module for Qt declarative. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-sharedimage Description-md5: 8aef95f1014434d2db13c78e0c721f84 Description-sl: Qt 5 SharedImage QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Shared Image plugin. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-wavefrontmesh Description-md5: cbe143ca8d005db27e6977db8faaa265 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt.labs.wavefrontmesh QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module provides a mesh based on a Wavefront .obj file. Package: qml-module-qt-websockets Description-md5: 728aed2d0d0e12ab64da390a3970324a Description-sl: Qt 5 Web Sockets compatibility QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the compatibility Qt.WebSockets QML module. Do not use it, use QtWebSockets module instead (in qml-module-qtwebsockets package). Package: qml-module-qt3d Description-md5: 134da009b84fc00183042b541e94ebbe Description-sl: Qt 5 3D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 3D QML module. Package: qml-module-qtaudioengine Description-md5: 178a9ecfbb1dbdd0efb1c149c88b3ee5 Description-sl: Qt 5 AudioEngine QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the AudioEngine QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml-module-qtbluetooth Description-md5: 19153f8b42b736e4c6ebc6101b2c05ae Description-sl: Qt Connectivity module - Bluetooth QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Bluetooth QML module from the Qt Connectivity module. Package: qml-module-qtcontacts Description-md5: f7edd9bf5988945887cf1f220ca93d44 Description-sl: Qt 5 Contacts QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Contacts QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtdatavisualization Description-md5: 57fd9c4d2feaac89db0b1bfc5c722d2d Description-sl: Qt 5 Data Visualization QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Data Visualization QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml-module-qtfeedback Description-md5: f9488a8531350313f20a2c5eb9abef16 Description-sl: Qt 5 Feedback QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Feedback QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtgamepad Description-md5: 9d612145fd00d2cebc81d7fe263903ce Description-sl: Qt 5 Gamepad QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Gamepad module provides QML types that can be used to access the state of gamepad hardware that may be available on a system. Package: qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects Description-md5: cb163b459a459bfd1e6a46aee931dc92 Description-sl: Qt 5 Graphical Effects module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Graphical Effects contains ready to use visual effects for OpenGL QML applications. Package: qml-module-qtlocation Description-md5: 437b7ed062fc5546f4268576a55d840f Description-sl: Qt Location QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Location QML plugin for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qtmultimedia Description-md5: f9a0bf61080fc4f014c435881efaa4fd Description-sl: Qt 5 Multimedia QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Multimedia QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml-module-qtnfc Description-md5: 67fb317d12bc6eea8645b38b48bc752f Description-sl: Qt Connectivity module - NFC QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the NFC QML module from the Qt Connectivity module. Package: qml-module-qtorganizer Description-md5: 91b2976fddd5d0b19a6e28dee5a5c406 Description-sl: Qt 5 Organizer QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Organizer QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtpositioning Description-md5: 70232876aa05db306af504bc23f4e6df Description-sl: Qt Positioning QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Positioning QML plugin for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qtpublishsubscribe Description-md5: 4b09de9366a6800a29c0be0e37c2076c Description-sl: Qt 5 Publish Subscribe QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Publish Subscribe QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtqml Description-md5: 56e377a39381292bec7990f4da16eac0 Description-sl: Qt 5 QtQml QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains basic QML types. Package: qml-module-qtqml-models2 Description-md5: 18092df8fbb5da0f1f9c55090cc57c99 Description-sl: Qt 5 Models2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Models provides types previously found in Qt Quick module. Package: qml-module-qtqml-statemachine Description-md5: 270a6273523332da7756d0400a49f989 Description-sl: Qt 5 State Machine QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The State Machine QML module. Package: qml-module-qtqml-workerscript2 Description-md5: 72d29ba5f1fa11171b52b6d27cfc7b88 Description-sl: Qt 5 QML Worker Script 2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains types for using worker scripts. Package: qml-module-qtquick-controls Description-md5: 9069fcb191c7d2bc8d4d3affc755c6d0 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of controls that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-controls2 Description-md5: f84bd37eb316704c70d0979649ace1c7 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Controls 2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-dialogs Description-md5: 370d162673a8241d17c7d381d77a52d8 Description-sl: Qt 5 Dialogs QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides various dialogs that can be used in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-extras Description-md5: dbc9d9bceb6d3e80afde3289ce1df90d Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Extras QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Quick Extras module provides a set of extra components that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-layouts Description-md5: bd89c15244f52e9c0bb51284f75a6d15 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Layouts QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Quick Layouts modules provides a set of layouts that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-localstorage Description-md5: 011ac4e60cfff53b48c1a8eec1a90a15 Description-sl: Qt 5 localstorage QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This is a singleton type for reading and writing to SQLite databases. Package: qml-module-qtquick-particles2 Description-md5: c2270a2aa81580e8c68f2df857c5065e Description-sl: Qt 5 particles 2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-privatewidgets Description-md5: 0fd7e1df5ca169208d9315cc4a52b99e Description-sl: Qt 5 Private Widgets QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Private Widgets module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-scene2d Description-md5: 97bef7084ae58b2b884ad40c418e6b45 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Scene 2D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 2D QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-scene3d Description-md5: 79b4cafb22a9777d67a6252905021586 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Scene 3D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 3D QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-shapes Description-md5: c0f37fba17235c5d388efc393770c6c3 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Shapes QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Shapes plugin allows adding stroked and filled paths composed of lines, quadratic curves, cubic curves, and arcs into Qt Quick scenes. Package: qml-module-qtquick-templates2 Description-md5: 5c48f96b06987729630ba73f4cf8f3d2 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Templates 2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Templates 2 QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-window2 Description-md5: f63654b55de42c6ff2851c7334ecd97f Description-sl: Qt 5 window 2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains types for creating top-level windows and accessing screen information. Package: qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel Description-md5: 5d41da89ea9b1ae0b77130647b663a85 Description-sl: Qt 5 xmllistmodel QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains types for creating models from XML data. Package: qml-module-qtquick2 Description-md5: 49f1d62f90c134f695813922d23e7f44 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt Quick 2 QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick 2 QML module for Qt declarative. Package: qml-module-qtsensors Description-md5: 8097e47619b4fdd5da07c92ca779cba4 Description-sl: Qt 5 Sensors QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Sensors QML module for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qtserviceframework Description-md5: a450e727567219ff99f5e544c281fbb4 Description-sl: Qt 5 Service Framework QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Service Framework QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtsysteminfo Description-md5: e86405edd28e36f304dccc95558fd9c7 Description-sl: Qt 5 System Info QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt System Info QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qttest Description-md5: de51386018eb9b6b3cf4c57846ee5e6f Description-sl: Qt 5 test QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the test QML module for Qt declarative. Package: qml-module-qtwayland-client-texturesharing Description-md5: ee756eedcdf81ec1e65302d93fa5e5a5 Description-sl: Qt 5 Wayland Shared Texture Provider QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This module allows Qt Wayland clients to use graphical resources exported by the compositor, without allocating any graphics memory in the client. Package: qml-module-qtwayland-compositor Description-md5: f204a14668a161661dbe36c9fae374c7 Description-sl: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Wayland Compositor modules provide QML types that can be used to create custom display servers supporting the Wayland protocol. Package: qml-module-qtwebsockets Description-md5: c4bb4c834f804c7760ee51a9add9b568 Description-sl: Qt 5 Web Sockets QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Web Sockets QML module. Package: qml-qt6 Description-md5: ea5ef79aa0bda46dd40a3817a66bed5a Description-sl: Qt 6 QML viewer Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the new QML viewer for Qt Quick 2, called simply 'qml'. Package: qml6-module-org-kde-newstuff Description-md5: bc553b9f458467b23c381e950a8922ff Description-sl: Support for downloading application assets from the network Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data. . Ta paket vsebuje izvajalne datoteke. Package: qml6-module-org-kde-okular Description-md5: cc94e4febfe2ed0d8808aa34cf32c8d3 Description-sl: mobile support for Okular - QML modules This package contains the QML module for interfacing with the Okular core library. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: qml6-module-qmltime Description-md5: 5a3568251f5a82c46d52374cc1d932c6 Description-sl: Qt 6 QmlTime QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains QML types related to timers. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-animation Description-md5: 88a22bf856e6c6e377577cbd37a07a6b Description-sl: Qt 6 Animation QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains experimental QML types related to animation. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel Description-md5: a58d4d7108bc2389f520b0c9754c3007 Description-sl: Qt 6 FolderListModel QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-lottieqt Description-md5: 3bbadd3d73b79863ab105bd66c303e79 Description-sl: Qt 6 Lottie QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a QML API for rendering graphics and animations that are exported in JSON format by the Bodymovin plugin for Adobe After Effects. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-platform Description-md5: a098dfd0412b89a972b2182f633e38c1 Description-sl: Qt 6 Platform QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The experimental Qt Labs Platform module provides QML types for native platform extensions. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-qmlmodels Description-md5: 200809963ee9d7a1858d4982f28f7a0e Description-sl: Qt 6 QML Models QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains types for defining data models in QML. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-settings Description-md5: d20bfe43cea00a96f2045b279ad0360e Description-sl: Qt 6 Settings QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module provides persistent platform-independent application settings. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-sharedimage Description-md5: 608119f50f07209abea1606a406f9253 Description-sl: Qt 6 Shared Image Provider QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This module provides functionality to save memory in use cases where several Qt Quick applications use the same local image files. Package: qml6-module-qt-labs-wavefrontmesh Description-md5: 81a29ba2e5d33c08a22023178d58ece4 Description-sl: Qt 6 WavefrontMesh QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module provides a mesh based on a Wavefront .obj file. Package: qml6-module-qt3d-animation Description-md5: aec9d9990ef39f1b0117fe192bc9ae91 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Animation QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 3D Animation QML module. Package: qml6-module-qt3d-core Description-md5: db22b34b7fc9c36ff599f66b60b6df1b Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Core QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 3D Core QML module. Package: qml6-module-qt3d-extras Description-md5: 8850bd282dd16619081060469a963031 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Extras QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 3D Extras QML module. Package: qml6-module-qt3d-input Description-md5: b0f55ca9de1035df89be7bae7b0568bf Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Input QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 3D Input QML module. Package: qml6-module-qt3d-logic Description-md5: 192c4a31f3bfb2e668d0de686cedd14d Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Logic QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 3D Logic QML module. Package: qml6-module-qt3d-render Description-md5: 1785e8f9f186deeba3bc8e736f4dd8d4 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Renderer QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 3D Renderer QML module. Package: qml6-module-qt5compat-graphicaleffects Description-md5: 63b0f5d80691c6b6dfb71d6f91658e57 Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt5Compat QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Core5Compat QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtcharts Description-md5: 4f3dfdb5455f86c4a75ccf5e176e1a5f Description-sl: Qt 6 Charts QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. . This package provides the QML module for Qt 6 Charts. Package: qml6-module-qtcore Description-md5: 5d8b5719489037c37bbf1e36769de0f4 Description-sl: Qt 6 QML Core QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module provides access to the standard system paths. Package: qml6-module-qtdatavisualization Description-md5: 25a1da282c2a49a5fe7d68782896c36c Description-sl: Qt 6 Data Visualization QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Data Visualization QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml6-module-qtlocation Description-md5: 94c16cf5972af74bf7281dfbc4460ae5 Description-sl: Qt 6 Location QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains the Qt 6 Location QML types. Package: qml6-module-qtmultimedia Description-md5: a749bb4fc4d7125741c20a32f197c95c Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Multimedia QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml6-module-qtpositioning Description-md5: 54a6702cddbf5e45cf171ed35909cc64 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Positioning QML plugin for Qt Declarative. Package: qml6-module-qtqml Description-md5: 57410044362fdac5c59866c9c17ff07d Description-sl: Qt 6 QtQml QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains basic QML types. Package: qml6-module-qtqml-base Description-md5: ababb9a278c91600b5afde629ec1d174 Description-sl: Qt 6 QtQml Base QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains QML base types. Package: qml6-module-qtqml-models Description-md5: 766a46fb084cd772a711d956645581e3 Description-sl: Qt 6 QtQml Models QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Models provides types previously found in Qt Quick module. Package: qml6-module-qtqml-statemachine Description-md5: b72096b485d03be69070ed37c85f811c Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt QML State Machine module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package provides a QML module for the Qt State Machine. Package: qml6-module-qtqml-workerscript Description-md5: 78c42a460e65a68599290315226eab0b Description-sl: Qt 6 QtQml Workerscript QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains types for using worker scripts. Package: qml6-module-qtqml-xmllistmodel Description-md5: 051dd71d892b38b05bcbc01e79c178a0 Description-sl: Qt 6 QtQml XmlListModel QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module is used to create a read-only model from XML data. Package: qml6-module-qtquick Description-md5: ca3e235f698c1843b573fefcd3f8f1a5 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick QML module for Qt Declarative. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-controls Description-md5: 135c542d4176d4909bd85ba73ddfaa67 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Controls QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-dialogs Description-md5: 362791c4c31a71a33e8956926018924f Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Dialogs QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides various dialogs that can be used in Qt Quick. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-effects Description-md5: 4c785fe23b9d7710edf81a7be9f47ec3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Effects QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides various graphical effects for Qt Quick items. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-layouts Description-md5: c33a3b1da8342f4df6a980d49e5a2b38 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Layouts QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Quick Layouts modules provides a set of layouts that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-localstorage Description-md5: c31b62a3344ff313b1f6fdbc7f0e73d2 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Local Storage QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This is a singleton type for reading and writing to SQLite databases. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-nativestyle Description-md5: 6caa3137c6a111c23f4f3856a2bb9cc5 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Native Style QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides components to let controls appear in a native style. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-particles Description-md5: 9a6d938d87bf9ea5f1e63b835e33c59a Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Particle QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-pdf Description-md5: bfac95ed3a51dbce89ed48b98fb4d649 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick PDF QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick PDF QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-scene2d Description-md5: fe1ab2698d839aa9a5c1cd3f73a8d850 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Scene 2D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick Scene 2D QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-scene3d Description-md5: c89c32f38fe7ec81f82367cc3223ffa5 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Scene 3D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick Scene 3D QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-shapes Description-md5: 897a5660d8ae241ee97add669669ac47 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Shapes QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Shapes plugin allows adding stroked and filled paths composed of lines, quadratic curves, cubic curves, and arcs into Qt Quick scenes. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-templates Description-md5: 5abc6ca499e5792049c04db725e2137c Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Templates QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Templates QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-timeline Description-md5: 674b888d5fb50c881891094acbbf3081 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Timeline QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the QML module for Qt 6 Quick Timeline. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-tooling Description-md5: e51a0edecb399794bf50543abd788000 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Tooling QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Tooling QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-virtualkeyboard Description-md5: c96a710dc163fbfa6999e270962b4100 Description-sl: Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 6 on Linux Desktop/X11, Windows Desktop, and Boot2Qt targets. . This package contains the QML module for thw Qt Virtual Keyboard. Package: qml6-module-qtquick-window Description-md5: a4d3f784ca48d3374e0bd52215e4d8f3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Window QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This QML module contains types for creating top-level windows and accessing screen information. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d Description-md5: bbac1d75fa738adc5783b46eabc5d827 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-assetutils Description-md5: 8c2389b415585fc1533fe53a61c3453d Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Utils QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Utils QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-effects Description-md5: fae97bcfd2b78902d1795f39b6721cda Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Effects QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D Effects QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-helpers Description-md5: 6dc956f235952a8f38104292be8afe33 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Helpers QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D Helpers QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-materialeditor Description-md5: 16ebc779e0d2bab6db780cf376a7f411 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Material Editor QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D Material Editor QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-particleeffects Description-md5: b1f8a69fadcb0cbc0753e739fb1825e8 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Particle Effects QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D Particle Effects QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-particles3d Description-md5: 95555033d9cec7ea0512d93a21c91f6f Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Particles 3D QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick 3D Particles 3D QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-physics Description-md5: 933136002db42ab4cc183ab9411e5ed0 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the QML module for Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics. Package: qml6-module-qtquick3d-spatialaudio Description-md5: 183b541a0624e7430865f313e3307dc3 Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia QML spatial audio module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Multimedia QML spatial audio module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml6-module-qtremoteobjects Description-md5: 4e0d3105aac0b9fd9e4682bb6bf9a372 Description-sl: Qt 6 Remote Objects QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . This package provides the QML module for Qt Remote Objects. Package: qml6-module-qtscxml Description-md5: 06b4cb24db2cf8c820889cbf2196dc2c Description-sl: Qt 6 SCXML QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package provides a QML module for Qt SCXML. Package: qml6-module-qtsensors Description-md5: bbfa6f23a000668d4508c8284f5f822b Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Sensors QML module for Qt Declarative. Package: qml6-module-qttest Description-md5: de6551241fb6afc3aedd3c150f0c3f9d Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Test QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Test QML module for Qt Declarative. Package: qml6-module-qttexttospeech Description-md5: a91292297394dd59ebb6d3754d46d36a Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 6 Speech QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtwayland-client-texturesharing Description-md5: 75301b7d54689708d21e777d997f05fd Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland Shared Texture Provider QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This module allows Qt Wayland clients to use graphical resources exported by the compositor, without allocating any graphics memory in the client. Package: qml6-module-qtwayland-compositor Description-md5: 9708f994429666e43081627be20d4d73 Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland Compositor QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Wayland Compositor modules provide QML types that can be used to create custom display servers supporting the Wayland protocol. Package: qml6-module-qtwebchannel Description-md5: 282583493d7f6683b82f9a074f1d98c1 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (QML/C++ application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine. . This package contains the Qt WebChannel QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtwebengine Description-md5: bd750b3abd05c141f5360466a2808ff4 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine QML module for Qt 6 Declarative. Package: qml6-module-qtwebengine-controlsdelegates Description-md5: 90773847a3af92c773d64eb563cf9f33 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine Controls Delegates QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Controls Delegates QML module for Qt 6 Declarative. Package: qml6-module-qtwebsockets Description-md5: 07a076a8c25d98454f70cb8e138a4e1b Description-sl: Qt 6 WebSockets QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Web Sockets QML module. Package: qml6-module-qtwebview Description-md5: 8525f42f44bb5292a8d9152499405ac1 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView QML module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebView QML module. Package: qmlscene Description-md5: a67138f4ecf886d0813d21f0a39bad26 Description-sl: Qt 5 QML scene viewer Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the older QML viewer for Qt Quick 2. See qml package for the newer one. Package: qmlscene-qt6 Description-md5: 4b49daf0c6061324755a5d06ba49c9bb Description-sl: Qt 6 QML scene viewer Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the older QML viewer for Qt Quick 2. See the qml-qt6 package for the newer one. Package: qmmp Description-md5: 555e7bdd0f6894cb8057fac96ee84926 Description-sl: Z zmožnostmi bogat predvajalnik zvoka s podporo za številne vrste zvoka Qmmp je z zmožnostmi bogat predvajalnik zvoka s podporo za številne vrste zvoka. Napisan je v Qt. . Supported formats: - MPEG1 layer 2/3 - Ogg Vorbis - Ogg Opus - Native FLAC, Ogg FLAC - Musepack - WavePack - tracker modules (mod, s3m, it, xm, etc) - ADTS AAC - CD Audio - WMA, Monkey's Audio (and other formats provided by FFmpeg library) - PCM WAVE (and other formats provided by libsndfile library) - midi - SID - chiptune formats (AY, GBS, GYM, HES, KSS, NSF, NSFE, SAP, SPC, VGM, VGZ, VTX) . DSP effects: - BS2B effect - sample rate converter - LADSPA effects - extra stereo - crossfade . Visual effects: - projectM visualization - spectrum analyzer . Audio output through: - ALSA - OSS - Pulse Audio - PipeWire - JACK - QTMultimedia - Icecast . Other features: - XMMS and Winamp 2.x skins support - alternative user interface based on standard widgets set - 10-band equalizer - MP3, Vorbis, AAC, AAC+ streams support - mms support - MPRIS - removable device detection (via UDisks) - video playback via Mplayer - lyrics - cover art support - CUE sheet support - embedded CUE support (for FLAC, WavPack and Monkey's Audio) - multiple playlists - automatic charset detection for cue files and ShoutCast metadata - playlist formats: m3u, pls, xspf - ReplayGain support - sending listening history to, and ListenBrainz - CDDB support - audio converter - stream browser - audio formats converter - external programs execution on track change - ReplayGain scanner - archive reader (RAR and 7z) - audio recording - listening history - media library Package: qmmp-plugin-projectm Description-md5: 56b2941bfc6b927574362598f69faaab Description-sl: Predvajalnik zvoka qmpp -- vstavek predočenja projectM Qmmp je z zmožnostmi bogat predvajalnik zvoka s podporo za številne vrste zvoka. Napisan je v Qt. . See 'qmmp' package for full description. . This package contains projectM visualization plugin for qmmp. Package: qnapi Description-md5: 9fb7752cefd8ffc09e5a9010654e060d Description-sl: program, ki prejema poljske podnapise iz QNapi is a graphical downloader of subtitles from and sites. Subtitles may be fetched in many different languages. . QNapi's capabilities are similar to's original client. New subtitles may be added to both, and databases. Also bugs may be reported against existing subtitles. Package: qpxtool Description-md5: f5271cd5f1b86d634c48b81ad36cf1c0 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje kakovosti CD/DVD QPxTool gives you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. . QPxTool depends on the used drive, not all drives are able to read the Q-Checks and not all of them are supported by QPxTool. Currently, most newer drives of LiteOn, NEC, Pioneer and Plextor are supported. Package: qstat Description-md5: cd72f5f5bd143601ea357630a77d2643 Description-sl: Orodje ukazne vrstice za poizvedbo strežnikov quake in drugih strežnikov. Qstat zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik za poizvedbo strežnikov za število iger, vključno a ne omejeno na quake, quakeworld, quake2, quake3arena, unreal tournament ali half-life. Package: qsynth Description-md5: d80b0a76ed0e03225c565a6df2d90f5f Description-sl: Začelje sintetizatorja zvoka MIDI fluidsynth QSynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt toolkit. Eventually it may evolve into a softsynth management application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line softsynths but for the moment it wraps FluidSynth ( . FluidSynth je sintetizator zvoka v ukazni vrstici, ki je osnovan na določilu Soundfont. Package: qt3d-assimpsceneimport-plugin Description-md5: 2a05ac745dc930590e92cec4e1417f67 Description-sl: Qt 3D GL Assimp scene import plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D's Assimp scene import plugin. Package: qt3d-defaultgeometryloader-plugin Description-md5: 9f5a892bbf29b0759b8648c9e0f9411b Description-sl: Qt 3D default geometry loader plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D's default geometry loader plugin. Package: qt3d-gltfsceneio-plugin Description-md5: 2c92c88178a25ffa9d5e0c9f32477381 Description-sl: Qt 3D GL Transmission Format scene IO plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D's GLTF geometry loader, and scene import and export plugins. Package: qt3d-scene2d-plugin Description-md5: 292675534fc3073abfb9d139e86ba0a5 Description-sl: Qt 3D Scene 2D plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 3D's Scene 2D plugin. Package: qt3d5-dev Description-md5: 50108e7863483c64d55d6a1b48c63fcb Description-sl: Qt 5 3D development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt 3D library. Package: qt3d5-doc Description-md5: cd1ee49b98124583811f0d0ec43c5e66 Description-sl: Qt 3D documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 3D libraries. Package: qt3d5-doc-html Description-md5: bb9d1f7b05a2fbbe10c61919a3717a7c Description-sl: Qt 3D HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 3D libraries. Package: qt3d5-examples Description-md5: 3d9eaa8bffdd071294f152f072f8a99c Description-sl: Qt 5 3d examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 3D examples. Package: qt5-assistant Description-md5: e02b0032d23d018a06ab8636684c6004 Description-sl: Qt 5 Assistant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Assistant is a tool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format. Package: qt5-doc Description-md5: 78cdf74e61c1fb4856b84f4cc9548006 Description-sl: Qt 5 API Documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Documentation contains the offline documentation for Qt 5. This package contains the complete Qt 5 API documentation (Qt's help format). . The documentation is provided in the Qt's help format. It can be viewed with Qt Assistant from qt5-assistant package. Package: qt5-doc-html Description-md5: 401134c798839b5cf5c42579a8b785d6 Description-sl: Qt 5 API documentation (HTML format) Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the complete Qt 5 API documentation (HTML format). . Dokumentacija je v obliki HTML. Package: qt5-gtk-platformtheme Description-md5: 39eaf682438c89ae84a301289473e806 Description-sl: Qt 5 GTK+ 3 platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the GTK+ 3 platform theme, which makes Qt use native icon themes, fonts, and dialogs on GTK-based environments. Package: qt5-gtk2-platformtheme Description-md5: ef1693ba95d672e741307c28468993a2 Description-sl: Qt 5 extra widget styles - GTK+ 2 Platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the GTK+ 2 style and platform theme. Export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 to enable it for all Qt applications. Package: qt5-image-formats-plugins Description-md5: 30fd0955510c2d95c63eb508d0a30b5d Description-sl: Qt 5 Image Formats module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains plugins for adding support for ICNS, MNG, TGA, TIFF, WBMP and WEBP image formats. Package: qt5-qmake Description-md5: d22e820ccda7e109fc6cf2c171df093e Description-sl: Qt 5 qmake Makefile generator tool Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt 5 qmake, a tool that helps simplify the build process for development project across different platforms. qmake automates the generation of Makefiles so that only a few lines of information are needed to create each Makefile. qmake can be used for any software project, whether it is written using Qt or not. . Qt 5 qmake requires a platform and compiler description file which contains many default values used to generate appropriate Makefiles. . This package contains also these platform specifications. Package: qt5-qmake-bin Description-md5: 86cdde8a3c4de9597f2460df4811e75d Description-sl: Qt 5 qmake Makefile generator tool — binary file Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the binary file for qmake buildsystem. Do not install this package directly, use qt5-qmake instead. Package: qt5-qmltooling-plugins Description-md5: aaeee20ac4d952bf08fbfef5a579c9a2 Description-sl: Qt 5 qmltooling plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the qmltooling plugins. Package: qt5-quick-demos Description-md5: 6e1d3008c926f8f5a44f95d38a0babae Description-sl: Qt Quick demo applications Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains demo applications developed using Qt Quick technologies: calqlatr, clocks, maroon, photosurface, rssnews, samegame, stocqt, tweetsearch. Package: qt5-style-plugin-cleanlooks Description-md5: da9f3292382353bd577b4e418a19249d Description-sl: Qt 5 extra widget styles - Cleanlooks Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Cleanlooks widget style. Package: qt5-style-plugin-motif Description-md5: 0b3cf6ea14ecb6cfe945aa8ea193d1f2 Description-sl: Qt 5 extra widget styles - Motif Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Motif widget style. Package: qt5-style-plugin-plastique Description-md5: dd2368e19e0152b06e9060a9bf0cf705 Description-sl: Qt 5 extra widget styles - Plastique Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Plastique widget style. Package: qt5-style-plugins Description-md5: ae1cbdc1591db53d2305365a71975f23 Description-sl: Qt 5 extra widget styles Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This is a metapackage which pulls in all available styles and the GTK+ 2 platform theme. Package: qt5-xdgdesktopportal-platformtheme Description-md5: 0a5ddb5371f4cf42243bc780d020c01f Description-sl: Qt 5 XDG Desktop Portal platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the XDG Desktop portal platform theme, which makes Qt use native file dialogs on Flatpak/Snap based environments. Package: qt5serialport-examples Description-md5: 78804e58657de830d288a2dd0eede30d Description-sl: Qt 5 serial port examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package constains the serial port submodule's examples. Package: qt6-3d-assimpsceneimport-plugin Description-md5: 0da1cf0a3e6b0dd07c104cf5ccca686a Description-sl: Qt 6 3D GL Assimp Scene Import plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D's Assimp Scene Import plugin. Package: qt6-3d-defaultgeometryloader-plugin Description-md5: bac819e40d49c48f25a7ec2fcf7c320e Description-sl: Qt 3D default geometry loader plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D's default geometry loader plugin. Package: qt6-3d-dev Description-md5: 4d122262877a55706d5ce34927bccffe Description-sl: Qt 6 3D - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt 3D library. Package: qt6-3d-doc Description-md5: 9435f55e0743a44f65f4059290356991 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 3D. Package: qt6-3d-doc-dev Description-md5: 961d37f68929735d57783e82d729dfa5 Description-sl: Qt 6 3d tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt 3D documentation. Package: qt6-3d-doc-html Description-md5: 822f524e767eb862b10dbd9d96f78c81 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 3D. Package: qt6-3d-examples Description-md5: aa766340eeec0e487a056fb9f0167f27 Description-sl: Qt 6 3D examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt 3D submodule. Package: qt6-3d-gltfsceneio-plugin Description-md5: ea91a41b42d0d7286568f03c2882429f Description-sl: Qt 6 3D GL Transmission Format Scene IO plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D's GLTF geometry loader, and scene import and export plugins. Package: qt6-3d-scene2d-plugin Description-md5: 4a3888c6c6c6120193ab142c46dc9a6a Description-sl: Qt 6 3D Scene 2D plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 3D's Scene 2D plugin. Package: qt6-5compat-dev Description-md5: 97b7ff583ebe799030959acc78d9d8de Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt5Compat - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using the Core5Compat library. Package: qt6-5compat-doc Description-md5: 478e34a6a8e40754437ef7cd9192c2b8 Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt5Compat documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 Qt5Compat. Package: qt6-5compat-doc-html Description-md5: 86f5eb980dccdffd4cf3d64e9188672a Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt5Compat HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 Qt5Compat. Package: qt6-5compat-examples Description-md5: 303017cf45147c6e9c138ac7008a0be6 Description-sl: Qt 6 Qt5Compat examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt 6 Qt5Compat submodule. Package: qt6-base-dev Description-md5: 5de122fb49a6530449cd0ff824832a0e Description-sl: Qt 6 base development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications. . If you are interested in packaging Qt 6 stuff please take a look at Package: qt6-base-dev-tools Description-md5: 03c8816affbc4104348354220270f2af Description-sl: Qt 6 base development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 6 applications, such as moc, qdbuscpp2xml, qdbusxml2cpp, rcc, syncqt and uic. . We do not recommend depending on this package directly. Please depend on qt6-base-dev instead. Package: qt6-base-doc Description-md5: 76107c1190520417580e10be9f4e45dd Description-sl: Qt 6 base documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 base libraries. Package: qt6-base-doc-dev Description-md5: b180c0f10e4c9efc1ca628f3b6e41399 Description-sl: Qt 6 base tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qtbase documentation. Package: qt6-base-doc-html Description-md5: f37b5cc6b38c704f84079a36718f1441 Description-sl: Qt 6 base HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 base libraries. Package: qt6-base-examples Description-md5: 4b5e726afe2ac264c3297e7686da6c78 Description-sl: Qt 6 base examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt base submodule. Package: qt6-base-private-dev Description-md5: 9c080a5ddebf3c0e2f58a5440a9ec5dc Description-sl: Qt 6 base private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 6 applications like the Qt Creator QML Designer plugin. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-charts-dev Description-md5: 92b6de215ee7013a145fcfaa34004627 Description-sl: Qt 6 Charts - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt Charts. Package: qt6-charts-doc Description-md5: e778c49aa8f88284f40d6c7e324a9612 Description-sl: Qt 6 Charts documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 Charts. Package: qt6-charts-doc-html Description-md5: 213cd6f4416e7fdca21cb2b0d19f23a0 Description-sl: Qt 6 Charts HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 Charts. Package: qt6-charts-examples Description-md5: 719231e94d4111e8fc51453fb4cc7b18 Description-sl: Qt 6 Charts examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Charts submodule. Package: qt6-connectivity-dev Description-md5: 44377db9ab9bafd0a2fef044738a555d Description-sl: Qt 6 Connectivity - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 Connectivity libraries. Package: qt6-connectivity-doc Description-md5: c51d2ef2ea5000612f32ff6753a2ff15 Description-sl: Qt 6 connectivity documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 connectivity. Package: qt6-connectivity-doc-html Description-md5: f652b34080ecb68efe04dfbc84a19054 Description-sl: Qt 6 connectivity HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 connectivity. Package: qt6-connectivity-examples Description-md5: 17c8dae1e96e3ca92c15536fed54bd9c Description-sl: Qt 6 connectivity examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt connectivity submodule. Package: qt6-datavis3d-dev Description-md5: bd323db0707837d8e170ca774b53077e Description-sl: Qt 6 Data Visualization - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using the Qt Data Visualization library. Package: qt6-datavis3d-doc Description-md5: 00f2b1ee31e15c32c1ff454449d615a6 Description-sl: Qt 6 data visualization 3D documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 data visualization 3D. Package: qt6-datavis3d-doc-html Description-md5: c8b00f1c1d11af8545ebd51172f16cce Description-sl: Qt 6 data visualization 3D HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 data visualization 3D. Package: qt6-datavis3d-examples Description-md5: 8b77b304f0ae22893466f56b43a87580 Description-sl: Qt 6 data visualization 3D examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt data visualization 3D submodule. Package: qt6-declarative-dev Description-md5: 309b0082bb6dffe2e364b9a4eeae920a Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 declarative headers. Package: qt6-declarative-dev-tools Description-md5: 4b5b58d1f6fb7317490e512791d34db1 Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 6 declarative applications. Package: qt6-declarative-doc Description-md5: c288214d351880747908057021686de5 Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 declarative. Package: qt6-declarative-doc-dev Description-md5: e9f800535fdf9bc6aa7635de44cc3738 Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt declarative documentation. Package: qt6-declarative-doc-html Description-md5: dd360328d66c61f1980a28f399c0892c Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 declarative. Package: qt6-declarative-examples Description-md5: e960942d55983e280dc3bebafadba832 Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt declarative submodule. Package: qt6-declarative-private-dev Description-md5: 74d76fb08dab3d1b3a939e28dea8cadf Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 declarative private headers. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-documentation-tools Description-md5: 8e0db0c4cc2bc44c4aa7661eed4e3469 Description-sl: Qt 6 documentation tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains tools like qdoc, qtattributionsscanner and qhelpgenerator. . qdoc is a command-line tool for generating HTML documentation from .cpp and .qdoc files. . qtattributionsscanner is a command-line tool that scans the source code for qt_attribution.json file and outputs JSON or qdoc files describing the copyright attributions for third party code. . qhelpgenerator is a command-line tool for packaging the HTML documentation generated by qdoc into .qch files. Package: qt6-grpc-dev Description-md5: 8f937b72f59a7d62323f368d35dbf0f0 Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development headers for the gRPC library. Package: qt6-grpc-doc Description-md5: f8933ed14a12aac90e48a9eeae2c2cd9 Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 gRPC. Package: qt6-grpc-doc-dev Description-md5: b869a351e5c2084cb1b8d39f21e1c917 Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the Qt gRPC documentation. Package: qt6-grpc-doc-html Description-md5: 211801a5794d028b2aa1b1aed68efbf6 Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 gRPC. Package: qt6-grpc-examples Description-md5: f1051bde9e6ed469237c8084c452a69b Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt gRPC submodule. Package: qt6-grpc-tools Description-md5: e031ad30a724239b2bbfb0ed6c11fae2 Description-sl: Qt 6 gRPC tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains binaries required for gRPC/protobuf generation. Package: qt6-gtk-platformtheme Description-md5: d29e94f2ccff167a87b09a3efec61ae5 Description-sl: Qt 6 GTK+ 3 platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the GTK+ 3 platform theme, which makes Qt use native icon themes, fonts, and dialogs on GTK-based environments. Package: qt6-httpserver-dev Description-md5: c5e0d08ca4a07651903ace98810ed4a4 Description-sl: Qt 6 HTTP Server - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 HTTP Server headers. Package: qt6-httpserver-doc Description-md5: 59a0e17b83bfd8e73e367cb6b89550b4 Description-sl: Qt 6 HTTP Server documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 HTTP Server. Package: qt6-httpserver-doc-html Description-md5: a3370f734c35d6a30eb997d7fab5ed04 Description-sl: Qt 6 HTTP Server HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 HTTP Server. Package: qt6-httpserver-examples Description-md5: 27e939a1563aee7ac7ba399372a379a5 Description-sl: Qt 6 HTTP Server examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt HTTP Server submodule. Package: qt6-image-formats-plugin-pdf Description-md5: 5d1ec09cc35475b4e7fbb0ea66e413f9 Description-sl: Qt 6 PDF image format plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package provides an image plugin that allows image-viewing applications to view PDF files (the first page of PDF will be shown). Package: qt6-image-formats-plugins Description-md5: 4c5d0d6005abcb19e90c5de3985ded59 Description-sl: Qt 6 Image Formats plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains plugins for adding support for ICNS, MNG, TGA, TIFF, WBMP and WEBP image formats. Package: qt6-imageformats-doc Description-md5: 52a1b5559dfadf3085361b02067dea35 Description-sl: Qt 6 image formats documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 image formats plugins. Package: qt6-imageformats-doc-html Description-md5: e16b413acaef0840599073cbea4d4b73 Description-sl: Qt 6 image formats HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 image formats plugins. Package: qt6-l10n-tools Description-md5: 4e1800deec964efd9bcc88077b7c7db6 Description-sl: Qt 6 translation tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains tools to create translation files. Package: qt6-languageserver-dev Description-md5: 806de24a005bdab0c4a489a9ae11f0fb Description-sl: Qt 6 Language Server development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 language server headers. Package: qt6-languageserver-private-dev Description-md5: 86dd305a00112adf696073b93b41e6d9 Description-sl: Qt 6 Language Server private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 language server private headers. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-location-dev Description-md5: 309b0082bb6dffe2e364b9a4eeae920a Description-sl: Qt 6 declarative development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 declarative headers. Package: qt6-location-doc Description-md5: f7d51d823e64843cbc61e176cbddf589 Description-sl: Qt 6 Location documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 Location. Package: qt6-location-doc-dev Description-md5: 09b0c1d93afc0de029361d82311493db Description-sl: Qt 6 Location tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the Qt Location documentation. Package: qt6-location-doc-html Description-md5: f9b756b1f5c5ae640e006e56ccbb6f4f Description-sl: Qt 6 Location HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 Location. Package: qt6-location-examples Description-md5: d4cdec9b6c5915ee7386c9f5b323014b Description-sl: Qt 6 Location examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Location submodule. Package: qt6-location-plugins Description-md5: 7ea8666a7a618528a98893cb72d16135 Description-sl: Qt 6 Location plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains various plugins for the Qt 6 Location module. Package: qt6-lottie-dev Description-md5: 8918c6fbbcd4ea805fa75bb4d43592d6 Description-sl: Qt 6 Lottie - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt Lottie libraries. Package: qt6-multimedia-dev Description-md5: b301070ab9082b0caddd1b11940fb132 Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt Multimedia libraries. Package: qt6-multimedia-doc Description-md5: 24b94abfd964157d94c4f1072b05cc9d Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 Multimedia. Package: qt6-multimedia-doc-html Description-md5: 755fd994d28f77379a6aa681bf85f3d5 Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 Multimedia. Package: qt6-multimedia-examples Description-md5: ecc28814dc6acb8ba86665f340009dd7 Description-sl: Qt 6 Multimedia examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Multimedia submodule. Package: qt6-networkauth-dev Description-md5: 3e59f1b6b6de0a30eb1c6260acfa22a6 Description-sl: Qt 6 NetworkAuth - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Network Authorization provides a set of APIs that enable Qt applications to obtain limited access to online accounts and HTTP services without exposing users' passwords. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using the Qt 6 NetworkAuth library. Package: qt6-networkauth-doc Description-md5: 06b4b55824241918bbaef00e749305a3 Description-sl: Qt 6 network auth documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 network auth. Package: qt6-networkauth-doc-dev Description-md5: e8e6c3e068be4c50190f4320c8399a67 Description-sl: Qt 6 networkauth tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt network auth documentation. Package: qt6-networkauth-doc-html Description-md5: b2649e2f56f3e44d8a2d6305a9c41de2 Description-sl: Qt 6 network auth HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 network auth. Package: qt6-networkauth-examples Description-md5: b419b8b8b52c7329b94f87b221a2473f Description-sl: Qt 6 network auth examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt network auth submodule. Package: qt6-pdf-dev Description-md5: 013a2b21b60bec9f7f2a4f8e78e83df2 Description-sl: Qt 6 PDF library - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using Qt PDF library. Package: qt6-positioning-dev Description-md5: c6e642dec29505ae5f028e3f3ac129c2 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 Positioning library. Package: qt6-positioning-doc Description-md5: a29532042460d0f14948cd2a61ca7c77 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 Positioning. Package: qt6-positioning-doc-dev Description-md5: 75930192cbb608c96b23bc6174c57fc6 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the Qt Positioning documentation. Package: qt6-positioning-doc-html Description-md5: 5633e4f38b741029f02df74543744309 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 Positioning. Package: qt6-positioning-examples Description-md5: fe339c28d5c5a8bba1b1525913745c5e Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Positioning submodule. Package: qt6-positioning-private-dev Description-md5: ec4ad40206110cfb5156f14ff21f9085 Description-sl: Qt 6 Positioning - private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 Positioning library. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-qmllint-plugins Description-md5: 582756639b81fed45a760dd9af3c60c1 Description-sl: Qt 6 qmllint plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the qmllint plugins. Package: qt6-qmltooling-plugins Description-md5: 91e46e3d6389e23b48007a7b3e468099 Description-sl: Qt 6 qmltooling plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the qmltooling plugins. Package: qt6-qmltooling-quick3dprofiler-plugin Description-md5: 63b7c0ab69783814123d8334def25474 Description-sl: Qt 6 qmltooling Quick3D profiler plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the qmltooling Quick3D profiler plugin. Package: qt6-qpa-plugins Description-md5: 9fe363e9294190c67fdee748c29adca2 Description-sl: Qt 6 QPA plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the following plugins: * uioTouch Plugin * VNC Plugin Package: qt6-quick3d-assetimporters-plugin Description-md5: db718ab0d5c26f76fd0999898ea95d25 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Assimp Import plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D's Assimp Import plugin. Package: qt6-quick3d-dev Description-md5: 0933463d91e9648177f3c4307d91fe8c Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt Quick 3D library. Package: qt6-quick3d-dev-tools Description-md5: 9b447d66ce2a8f6dbd1f8286d3703e74 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 6 Quick 3D applications. Package: qt6-quick3d-doc Description-md5: 43b8fbe1c5833f639f198eaec994b754 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 Quick 3D. Package: qt6-quick3d-doc-dev Description-md5: 6a50adf95b2b101c6d20cef1d52d7126 Description-sl: Qt 6 quick3d tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt Quick 3D documentation. Package: qt6-quick3d-doc-html Description-md5: 1cd4d45ba328761d4c01fa05e7709cd7 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 Quick 3D. Package: qt6-quick3d-examples Description-md5: 0c3e0d8227798871847d33143d99a586 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Quick 3D submodule. Package: qt6-quick3d-private-dev Description-md5: 851d3f50ea6ffe23f581fed737cdf427 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using the Qt 6 Quick 3D private headers. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-quick3dphysics-dev Description-md5: 9d9ce311e65587e294325800b9ffa99c Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt Quick 3D Physics library. Package: qt6-quick3dphysics-dev-tools Description-md5: 3bac61847e6531266c48d51905098d4b Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics applications. Package: qt6-quick3dphysics-examples Description-md5: 557b29d1a879539638fb7b114d686848 Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick 3D physics examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Quick 3D physics submodule. Package: qt6-quicktimeline-dev Description-md5: 8a1d361705204ee38092acb93fca44ad Description-sl: Qt 6 Quick Timeline - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 6 applications using Qt 6 Quick Timeline headers. Package: qt6-remoteobjects-dev Description-md5: 13d858edff530aa9f68091a9e9934009 Description-sl: Qt 6 Remote Objects - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . This package contains the development files for Qt Remote Objects. Package: qt6-remoteobjects-doc Description-md5: ddb8168edb08315c1be32ac13c55fcf3 Description-sl: Qt 6 remote objects documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 remote objects. Package: qt6-remoteobjects-doc-dev Description-md5: 3d1d55af949f96be4e039c7054185b61 Description-sl: Qt 6 remoteobjects tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt remote objects documentation. Package: qt6-remoteobjects-doc-html Description-md5: b8fc49021bbcdc5c021befc333ebe341 Description-sl: Qt 6 remote objects HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 remote objects. Package: qt6-remoteobjects-examples Description-md5: e46fa1a50540e21812a8a2c8363eecaa Description-sl: Qt 6 remote objects examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt remote objects submodule. Package: qt6-scxml-dev Description-md5: ab38d4697b3cc345482f703ae32464b9 Description-sl: Qt 6 SCXML - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the development files for Qt 6 SCXML. Package: qt6-scxml-doc Description-md5: e05942883044b93a5ca8cef62e5ec73d Description-sl: Qt 6 scxml documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 scxml. Package: qt6-scxml-doc-dev Description-md5: 44451aa0d7e5e9535694718a0ee56962 Description-sl: Qt 6 scxml tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt scxml documentation. Package: qt6-scxml-doc-html Description-md5: 5e3e3ca51e396d3f0488a201dcb28ad8 Description-sl: Qt 6 scxml HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 scxml. Package: qt6-scxml-examples Description-md5: f8027ba0c90f1f109ebb94499565855c Description-sl: Qt 6 scxml examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt scxml submodule. Package: qt6-sensors-dev Description-md5: cc51598b216c2da2650d30b45e5e3ac7 Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using Qt Sensors library. Package: qt6-sensors-doc Description-md5: b013c18d78993ce86d329a33b28da014 Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 Sensors. Package: qt6-sensors-doc-dev Description-md5: 8d3d4fa8284e2c784880cac456e9dc89 Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the Qt Sensors documentation. Package: qt6-sensors-doc-html Description-md5: 756f12b8ab58b97b0bc75bbba5b0144d Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 Sensors. Package: qt6-sensors-examples Description-md5: 6cb1feb7af85a9299082f6b099393e85 Description-sl: Qt 6 Sensors examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Sensors submodule. Package: qt6-serialbus-dev Description-md5: 0bfac4ec5a56ccee1f62ddd24f71c10c Description-sl: Qt 6 Serial Bus development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt 6 Serial Bus module provides the Qt module for general purpose serial bus access, support for CAN and potentially other serial buses. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using qtserialbus. Package: qt6-serialbus-doc Description-md5: c631609b1580b8e0addcd968c83abaf5 Description-sl: Qt 6 serial bus documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 serial bus. Package: qt6-serialbus-doc-dev Description-md5: 85c821459b12c7d64dee87b19f5a1298 Description-sl: Qt 6 serialbus tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt serial bus documentation. Package: qt6-serialbus-doc-html Description-md5: f0b2e0d93384afc6710921eab2ae4839 Description-sl: Qt 6 serial bus HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 serial bus. Package: qt6-serialbus-examples Description-md5: 79b0846d20b3242ffd902d914010e04d Description-sl: Qt 6 serial bus examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt serial bus submodule. Package: qt6-serialport-dev Description-md5: 907980f4bc30a8347bc0c7fb2958e0cb Description-sl: Qt 6 serial port development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development headers for the serial port library. Package: qt6-serialport-doc Description-md5: 0ff85415b75a1f609d72d5ff4bad2e36 Description-sl: Qt 6 serial port documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 serial port. Package: qt6-serialport-doc-html Description-md5: 9abb9856f1f1776699c89285eb012a9d Description-sl: Qt 6 serial port HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 serial port. Package: qt6-serialport-examples Description-md5: 526e45194206ab0fd0365e87caf698fc Description-sl: Qt 6 serial port examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt serial port submodule. Package: qt6-shader-baker Description-md5: ae182f11da5d060bdca03adbab3a952b Description-sl: Qt 6 shader baker Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Shader Baker tool. Package: qt6-shadertools-dev Description-md5: 3aa2fd319eb37150820cc8d968a15788 Description-sl: Qt 6 shader tools module - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using the QtShaderTools library. Package: qt6-shadertools-doc Description-md5: 2c1acd9d33cdcdd83a2860d35b473d1c Description-sl: Qt 6 shader tools documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 shader tools. Package: qt6-shadertools-doc-dev Description-md5: 0e4ad9693d6aeec4d1358afcceadcce6 Description-sl: Qt 6 shadertools tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt shader tools documentation. Package: qt6-shadertools-doc-html Description-md5: 85055e8698f752ad4fd430c0061592a6 Description-sl: Qt 6 shader tools HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 shader tools. Package: qt6-speech-dev Description-md5: 16f9f065a80338f5279279424c1264d8 Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech library - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using the Qt 6 Speech library. Package: qt6-speech-doc Description-md5: a08f2b74d1a5ffefc176732d411d60d0 Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 Speech. Package: qt6-speech-doc-html Description-md5: 1097d85fac442b58d7287d85255a2b85 Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 Speech. Package: qt6-speech-examples Description-md5: c2d00a70a05e252281e8e686fbf150f4 Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt Speech submodule. Package: qt6-speech-flite-plugin Description-md5: aa993c2d0ef01b7617efb3cdccc9f7fb Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech library - Flite plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtSpeech provides support for text-to-speech and speech recognition in Qt applications. . This package contains the plugin for Flite speech synthesis engine. Package: qt6-speech-speechd-plugin Description-md5: 653f94847b7962e7c21847ca7e7dd937 Description-sl: Qt 6 Speech library - speechd plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtSpeech provides support for text-to-speech and speech recognition in Qt applications. . This package contains the plugin for speechd speech synthesis engine. Package: qt6-svg-dev Description-md5: 210b7729a7a1da6eea382f2b714ad41d Description-sl: Qt 6 SVG - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications using QtSvg library. Package: qt6-svg-doc Description-md5: 8295de8aa1e5d3291c139b4d46275ab4 Description-sl: Qt 6 SVG documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 SVG. Package: qt6-svg-doc-dev Description-md5: 8f2986a5ee3641b135ef01499f537d02 Description-sl: Qt 6 svg tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt SVG documentation. Package: qt6-svg-doc-html Description-md5: 82181a07448709ec88576db28950e230 Description-sl: Qt 6 SVG HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 SVG. Package: qt6-svg-examples Description-md5: f474e7a73ee101d92ac9ff6cd86bdcfe Description-sl: Qt 6 SVG examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt SVG submodule. Package: qt6-tools-dev Description-md5: 4e77d7d2dc5e1a0ad46ec8f27012386a Description-sl: Qt 6 Tools - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 6 applications. Package: qt6-tools-dev-tools Description-md5: c2881d86cd824f94de8094ccb2ff707d Description-sl: Qt 6 development tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of applications to browse the documentation, translate applications, generate help files and other stuff that helps in Qt development. These tools are among others: * pixeltool * qdbusviewer Package: qt6-tools-doc Description-md5: de3c06ede1e09d22ae3fe90234d33846 Description-sl: Qt 6 tools documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 tools. Package: qt6-tools-doc-dev Description-md5: c4feb6853dade3750ea50edb981e7118 Description-sl: Qt 6 tools tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt tools documentation. Package: qt6-tools-doc-html Description-md5: 203b73127218b7585e5a06a0e347588e Description-sl: Qt 6 tools HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 tools. Package: qt6-tools-examples Description-md5: ea2300388f63a6cd5c9ea0bc9790df22 Description-sl: Qt 6 tools examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt tools submodule. Package: qt6-tools-private-dev Description-md5: 33648141564883b76c08fc34717c5130 Description-sl: Qt 6 Tools - private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains private header development files. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-translations-l10n Description-md5: a877edd252e6cdba3821754d3cd7730a Description-sl: translations for Qt 6 Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides translation files for Qt itself and some base apps, such as Qt Linguist, Qt Assistant and Qt Designer. Package: qt6-virtualkeyboard-dev Description-md5: 375c2745a67a9dbc157dff2f399c9638 Description-sl: Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 6 on Linux Desktop/X11, Windows Desktop, and Boot2Qt targets. . This package contains the development files needed to implement input methods for virtual keyboards. Package: qt6-virtualkeyboard-doc Description-md5: 853ea3556d45080979a25d2aba8cb89f Description-sl: Qt 6 virtual keyboard documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 virtual keyboard. Package: qt6-virtualkeyboard-doc-html Description-md5: 0c12dd73f509c4742b5bae8e923d11ae Description-sl: Qt 6 virtual keyboard HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 virtual keyboard. Package: qt6-virtualkeyboard-examples Description-md5: 9a8202fb557729ee7e9d1a716a9110ce Description-sl: Qt 6 virtual keyboard examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt virtual keyboard submodule. Package: qt6-virtualkeyboard-plugin Description-md5: 309ced2836a70afc8a700f056d5675cf Description-sl: Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 5 on Linux Desktop/X11, Windows Desktop, and Boot2Qt targets. . This package contains the Qt Virtual Keyboard plugin. Package: qt6-wayland Description-md5: e36e9124ba30ba3a226211bc194d5e7f Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland platform plugin Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the QtWayland platform plugin, which allows users to run Qt 6 applications under Wayland, and the qtwaylandscanner binary. Package: qt6-wayland-dev Description-md5: e7515b71d729becc4dd75cb1b14d9b13 Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the development files for QtWayland client and compositor libraries. Package: qt6-wayland-dev-tools Description-md5: 6d755d81b2ddff86ca90b5557a3db31c Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland developer tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the QtWayland developer tools. At the moment there is only qtwaylandscanner tool here. Package: qt6-wayland-doc Description-md5: e04618447b52b5c73ed49fcbcc2058ca Description-sl: Qt 6 wayland documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 wayland. Package: qt6-wayland-doc-html Description-md5: e58e8795005112f1671450b27708ad40 Description-sl: Qt 6 wayland HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 wayland. Package: qt6-wayland-examples Description-md5: 621e6f90e34f40895959b10a476a1c52 Description-sl: Qt 6 wayland examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt wayland submodule. Package: qt6-wayland-private-dev Description-md5: f0923ff40d3f6278e32044fee2e53b6d Description-sl: Qt 6 Wayland - private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the private header development files for QtWayland client and compositor libraries. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-webchannel-dev Description-md5: 99c46f5e06eb708c66f8978072da38e3 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel library - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (QML/C++ application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using the Qt WebChannel library. Package: qt6-webchannel-doc Description-md5: f71f6123dc8089286fb7b461caa7b0f1 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 WebChannel. Package: qt6-webchannel-doc-dev Description-md5: 43a225a5e38b57a86e71f1f80559478e Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the Qt WebChannel documentation. Package: qt6-webchannel-doc-html Description-md5: 1a54573fb378118ee6da0247a3234cc6 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 WebChannel. Package: qt6-webchannel-examples Description-md5: 054a63d26886d6c806382cb4d0f786af Description-sl: Qt 6 WebChannel examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt WebChannel submodule. Package: qt6-webengine-dev Description-md5: efabf3c56d015c5d07d5af636472e3cb Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine library - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using Qt WebEngine libraries. Package: qt6-webengine-dev-tools Description-md5: c859aeb9171bf8b0fbe5ee6926311c2c Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the qwebengine_convert_dict tool which converts hunspell 'dic' dictionaries to binary 'bdic' format, which is required by spellchecker in Qt 6 WebEngine. The package provides the convert-bdic virtual package so that Hunspell dictionaries can depend on it at build time without having to adjust for future Qt releases. . Non-Qt packages using convert-bdic are not supported! Package: qt6-webengine-doc Description-md5: 7ad14d4ef9ac6ddfbf914876b5d0429c Description-sl: Qt 6 web engine documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 web engine. Package: qt6-webengine-doc-dev Description-md5: 2b6793d9563c591094fee0c9a5e695b5 Description-sl: Qt 6 webengine tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt web engine documentation. Package: qt6-webengine-doc-html Description-md5: 748ced6053ae083fc7a81b8c431b03f1 Description-sl: Qt 6 web engine HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 web engine. Package: qt6-webengine-examples Description-md5: e352e4967b7f8be04c929f9c4198a9d4 Description-sl: Qt 6 web engine examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt web engine submodule. Package: qt6-webengine-private-dev Description-md5: f40bc4a8c82a4a5d3bb8e6ef1a75f889 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebEngine library - private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the private development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using Qt WebEngine libraries. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-websockets-dev Description-md5: 0a39adda67a78b6a4710a76b8067b930 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebSockets library - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt 6 WebSockets library. Package: qt6-websockets-doc Description-md5: bba667b88898c94d7df0ba102a202549 Description-sl: Qt 6 web sockets documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 6 web sockets. Package: qt6-websockets-doc-dev Description-md5: 7f9defa0953d0734464f7b006d252d14 Description-sl: Qt 6 websockets tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qt web sockets documentation. Package: qt6-websockets-doc-html Description-md5: 9d48edddcb18e49689d42f19fd7cf669 Description-sl: Qt 6 web sockets HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 6 web sockets. Package: qt6-websockets-examples Description-md5: 72b8854b16ea95073f19178427a18cdb Description-sl: Qt 6 web sockets examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt web sockets submodule. Package: qt6-websockets-private-dev Description-md5: 8227881f08aafe10062cc7e45e4b4afc Description-sl: Qt 6 WebSockets library - private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private development header files needed to build Qt applications using Qt 6 WebSockets library. . Use at your own risk. Package: qt6-webview-dev Description-md5: aa3213d65292ef87bacbf8d021e0cd80 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 6 applications using the Qt WebView library. Package: qt6-webview-doc Description-md5: d92772b9a7cda6fb62397d23f94b62b4 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for Qt 6 WebView. Package: qt6-webview-doc-html Description-md5: 32de4d20995e0e32f88326821079f8d3 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for Qt 6 WebView. Package: qt6-webview-examples Description-md5: 2afa3a39d9bd6ec8f0ec1708e0e6916d Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for the Qt WebView submodule. Package: qt6-webview-plugins Description-md5: 243dd883d0fb8a52fc6576f632f81973 Description-sl: Qt 6 WebView plugins Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . Qt WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense. . This package contains Qt 6 WebView plugins. Package: qt6-xdgdesktopportal-platformtheme Description-md5: 70b7a21f40d6760f8c17fc0359260b87 Description-sl: Qt 6 XDG Desktop Portal platform theme Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides the XDG Desktop portal platform theme, which makes Qt use native file dialogs on Flatpak/Snap based environments. Package: qtattributionsscanner-qt5 Description-md5: ca038d19e026ed197a93de7f7d4c9014 Description-sl: Qt 5 qtattributionsscanner tool Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains qtattributionsscanner, a command-line tool that scans the source code for qt_attribution.json file and outputs JSON or qdoc files describing the copyright attributions for third party code. Package: qtbase5-dev Description-md5: eb1a5e244bfc7327cfdf56f6aff9cab9 Description-sl: Qt 5 base development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications. . If you are interested in packaging Qt 5 stuff please take a look at Package: qtbase5-dev-tools Description-md5: 389ab33cc35e6afecee8a8240f83313f Description-sl: Qt 5 base development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 5 applications, such as moc, qdbuscpp2xml, qdbusxml2cpp, rcc, syncqt and uic. . We do not recommend depending on this package directly. Please depend on qtbase5-dev instead. Package: qtbase5-doc Description-md5: ca14ee36d3a7fc0206bfcbb35e2be024 Description-sl: Qt 5 base documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 base libraries. Package: qtbase5-doc-dev Description-md5: 5f103459e351d7b7e73520be6c3de13a Description-sl: Qt 5 base tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qtbase documentation. Package: qtbase5-doc-html Description-md5: 2e4adf9de7ccece9e0fe9efb81d70fe6 Description-sl: Qt 5 base HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 base libraries. Package: qtbase5-examples Description-md5: ac043eae380c0dcd4bce5d40a835f3e4 Description-sl: Qt 5 base examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt base 5 examples. Package: qtbase5-gles-dev Description-md5: 4fdf443e356e888330d213cd4044caff Description-sl: Qt 5 base development files — OpenGL ES variant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications. . Normally you should use the qtbase5-dev package. Use this one only if your software supports only OpenGL ES or if you want to make use of some OpenGL ES specific API. . If you are interested in packaging Qt 5 stuff please take a look at Package: qtbase5-private-dev Description-md5: b388fd86350adaeeb21580f32ba12fcc Description-sl: Qt 5 base private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 5 applications like Qt Creator QML Designer plugin. . Use at your own risk. Package: qtbase5-private-gles-dev Description-md5: 3f69e1451d39171cf694987582ebaf32 Description-sl: Qt 5 base private development files — OpenGL ES variant Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 5 applications like Qt Creator QML Designer plugin. . Normally you should use qtbase5-dev or qtbase5-private-dev package. Use this one only if your software supports only OpenGL ES or if you want to make use of some OpenGL ES specific API. Use at your own risk. Package: qtcharts5-doc-html Description-md5: c2124e9288e7269c665cb965e0773625 Description-sl: Qt charts HTML documentation Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: qtchooser Description-md5: d900725ad836083db9e384f749d0f401 Description-sl: Wrapper to select between Qt development binary versions Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . The Qt Chooser provides a wrapper to switch between versions of Qt development binaries when multiple versions like 4 and 5 are installed or local Qt builds are to be used. Package: qtconnectivity5-dev Description-md5: e7a0cda2b9a0a03a3a55b9f79ffe37f6 Description-sl: Qt Connectivity development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Connectivity libraries. Package: qtconnectivity5-doc Description-md5: 06a5218c5737ae2d9bb9c22135a8e1a9 Description-sl: Qt 5 Connectivity documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Connectivity modules (Qt Bluetooth and Qt NFC). Package: qtconnectivity5-doc-html Description-md5: 42ba671944aa1cf583ea81a09441ac3b Description-sl: Qt 5 Connectivity HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Connectivity modules (Qt Bluetooth and Qt NFC). Package: qtconnectivity5-examples Description-md5: bd59fdaf1912acc136b06a7520e550f0 Description-sl: Qt 5 Connectivity examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 Connectivity examples. Package: qtdatavisualization5-doc Description-md5: c62b5388d54e3d76af796821cc0e232d Description-sl: Qt 5 Data Visualization documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Data Visualization library. Package: qtdatavisualization5-doc-html Description-md5: b49a9784cdeb11a92e0af7b3ffb4e00e Description-sl: Qt 5 Data Visualization HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Data Visualization library. Package: qtdatavisualization5-examples Description-md5: 20e018c5a742adf0fc82eed222b490fa Description-sl: Examples for Qt 5 Data Visualization module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for Qt5 data visualization application development. Package: qtdeclarative5-dev Description-md5: 957c332e0d189c34d9a632e0f21bca92 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 5 applications using Qt 5 declarative headers. Package: qtdeclarative5-dev-tools Description-md5: 384db51b9ca50d630409949145f8f5c0 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 5 declarative applications. Package: qtdeclarative5-doc Description-md5: 2ec916802abb12173521f9426462cb19 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 declarative libraries. Package: qtdeclarative5-doc-dev Description-md5: 7a200be7809fdb2f0fc1992f40a08fc0 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the qtdeclarative documentation. Package: qtdeclarative5-doc-html Description-md5: c4e1002a33f34eaadd0aebbf2f0751c6 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 declarative libraries. Package: qtdeclarative5-examples Description-md5: 9395b1f087c5d56a350f56068c95f914 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 declarative examples. Package: qtdeclarative5-private-dev Description-md5: 650de6f02e126414bf75eaf5bab88505 Description-sl: Qt 5 declarative private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 5 applications using Qt 5 declarative private headers. . Use at your own risk. Package: qtfeedback5-dev Description-md5: c743bd21441efe85cb49d0719f6fa040 Description-sl: Qt 5 Feedback development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Feedback library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtfeedback5-doc Description-md5: a940f05b9c8e4ae58319174298b9e0c2 Description-sl: Qt 5 Feedback documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Feedback module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtfeedback5-examples Description-md5: d900c14f2160cfcadd501a7751e31d97 Description-sl: Qt 5 Feedback examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for Qt 5 Feedback. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtgamepad5-doc-html Description-md5: c005b0dc0798f383ab992c4c61bbea1e Description-sl: Qt 5 Gamepad HTML documentation Qt Gamepad is an add-on library that enables Qt applications to support the use of gamepad hardware and in some cases remote control equipment. The module provides both QML and C++ interfaces. The primary target audience are embedded devices with fullscreen user interfaces, and mobile applications targeting TV-like form factors. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: qtgamepad5-examples Description-md5: af5ce3f1915e59eeb09b52a30ec7be31 Description-sl: Qt 5 Gamepad examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 Gamepad module's examples. Package: qtgraphicaleffects5-doc Description-md5: 44762d5cc2f29a033a8292663c6968f6 Description-sl: Qt 5 graphical effects documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 graphical effects libraries. Package: qtgraphicaleffects5-doc-html Description-md5: a144478b1aa0dd0251a4f115a8f6d6d1 Description-sl: Qt 5 graphicaleffects HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 graphical effects libraries. Package: qtgstreamer-doc Description-md5: f2ff645d039c406b67934cc7511e5d6b Description-sl: API dokumentacija za QtGStreamer QtGStreamer provides C++ bindings for GStreamer with a Qt-style API, plus some helper classes for integrating GStreamer better in Qt applications. . This package contains API documentation for the QtGStreamer library in html format, generated from the sources with doxygen. Package: qtlocation5-dev Description-md5: 7427c1fc236f1dd3f2ac4a9882d8a6ab Description-sl: Qt 5 Location development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Location library. Package: qtlocation5-doc Description-md5: b7e190bd7ccc89ea6c92da289b92eeeb Description-sl: Qt 5 Location and Positioning QCH documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Location and Positioning modules in QCH format, which can be viewed using Qt Assistant from qt5-assistant package. Package: qtlocation5-doc-dev Description-md5: 25fe50d08c12de98703e06d7c5b91d95 Description-sl: Qt 5 Location and Positioning tags files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the doxygen tags files for the Qt Location and Qt Positioning documentation. Package: qtlocation5-doc-html Description-md5: bc5107d742dcaa6da3307645c4a159d0 Description-sl: Qt 5 Location and Positioning HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Location and Positioning modules in HTML format. Package: qtlocation5-examples Description-md5: f1678e4b1dd2a8154f42ef8ef6c0548c Description-sl: Qt 5 Location and Positioning examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 Location and Positioning examples. Package: qtmultimedia5-dev Description-md5: d66c7302b817d2d8a6eeed52062a5950 Description-sl: APIs for multimedia functionality - development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt Multimedia libraries. Package: qtmultimedia5-doc Description-md5: 9aa5cda04caafcdcf8c9cc892a45d227 Description-sl: Qt 5 multimedia documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 multimedia libraries. Package: qtmultimedia5-doc-html Description-md5: cef6f70d1283a688309a1ab73b3b1371 Description-sl: Qt 5 multimedia HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 multimedia libraries. Package: qtmultimedia5-examples Description-md5: 49d9bf07b867f8f8f5fef95670514ed0 Description-sl: Examples for Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for Qt5 multimedia application development. Package: qtpdf5-doc-html Description-md5: 6c71058873c13f3bbfc3c45b6cfa19c1 Description-sl: Qt 5 PDF HTML documentation The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: qtpim5-dev Description-md5: 7cc457e1f7210119b1a0ff2f23406872 Description-sl: Qt 5 PIM development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt PIM libraries. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpim5-doc Description-md5: 657ce324fdca6ac0e83344cc3f53d4e8 Description-sl: Qt 5 PIM documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 PIM module, including Contacts, Organizer and Versit. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpim5-doc-html Description-md5: 6682fcf18dd4fef4696359b016585c11 Description-sl: Qt 5 PIM HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 PIM module, including Contacts, Organizer and Versit. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpim5-examples Description-md5: 7e514d37892db61ac9bda4dac22f5d64 Description-sl: Qt 5 PIM HTML examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for Qt 5 PIM. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpim5-private-dev Description-md5: e56c4ab2661a56ac0916d0559a5aebe3 Description-sl: Qt 5 PIM private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt PIM libraries. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpositioning5-dev Description-md5: 6b9276dc70755398fd080b95764c828d Description-sl: Qt 5 Positioning development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Positioning library. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-dev Description-md5: 02f0e9c820acf30cec64bc5ce8477956 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 development files. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-doc Description-md5: dca348d0305c0f563aa74f0c06f55f01 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 documentation in qch format. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-doc-html Description-md5: b386834d214f69ff4512d3757c2749cd Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 documentation in HTML format. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-examples Description-md5: 17846daf82096b518ee509cfbacd3190 Description-sl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Templates 2 examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for Qt Quick Controls 2. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-private-dev Description-md5: 052025dd90a21f413d6f7725060aa99c Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 private development files. Package: qtquickcontrols5-doc Description-md5: 17d0d724b744d8caaf73b2eeac698c6e Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Quick Controls module. Package: qtquickcontrols5-doc-html Description-md5: d80ebab7574c25715338b151256c2668 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Quick Controls module. Package: qtquickcontrols5-examples Description-md5: 4633fc1621736416d5af46203684f324 Description-sl: Qt 5 Quick Controls examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 Quick Controls examples. Package: qtractor Description-md5: 59cb7218e33df7e0335e161a080bf8d1 Description-sl: Program z MIDI/zvočnim večslednim sekvenčnikom This is a MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer application written in C++, with LV2, VST3, CLAP, VST2, DSSI, & LADSPA hosting capabilities. . Glavni infrastrukturi za grafični uporabniški vmesnik delovne postaje zvoka namizja Linux sta JACK za zvok in ALSA za MIDI. Package: qtremoteobjects5-doc-html Description-md5: f493b33024bdac4d3f9d05dae3b5cf5b Description-sl: Qt Remote Objects HTML documentation The Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: qtscript5-dev Description-md5: 9c895e1d9010a1b23470d0c0eed496d9 Description-sl: Qt 5 script development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtScript and QtScriptTools libraries. Package: qtscript5-doc Description-md5: a6434dbb2e0c5b961b87e5875be7cf17 Description-sl: Qt 5 script documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 script libraries. Package: qtscript5-doc-html Description-md5: bd7b8b04024dae6cc194a09439eab845 Description-sl: Qt 5 script HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 script libraries. Package: qtscript5-examples Description-md5: 4bffca6cd623049a22e5f67763708da7 Description-sl: Qt 5 script examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 script examples. Package: qtscxml5-doc-html Description-md5: b9f64a60e653633ea1fd56cb9206b6b5 Description-sl: Qt SCXML HTML documentation The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: qtsensors5-doc Description-md5: e4cc03e5d28e974e34ec86b9c8e3d973 Description-sl: Qt 5 Sensors documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Sensors library and binaries. Package: qtsensors5-doc-html Description-md5: 342bcf5efb62d5afa3b81dcba6cd5f45 Description-sl: Qt 5 Sensors HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Sensors libraries and binaries. Package: qtsensors5-examples Description-md5: bfd5d874c1703d4e4276facf6340aed7 Description-sl: Qt 5 sensors examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 Sensors examples. Package: qtserialbus5-doc-html Description-md5: 53cb6e715993f30ca27dd66c5c20c5c0 Description-sl: Qt serialbus serial bus access HTML documentation Qt serialbus module provides Qt module for general purpose serial bus access. Support for CAN and potentially other serial buses. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: qtserialport5-doc Description-md5: 18fad513dced03cb54fd9ea10e922605 Description-sl: Qt 5 serial port documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 serial port library and binaries. Package: qtserialport5-doc-html Description-md5: 0fdd83a904db5f5b36c721264818ee80 Description-sl: Qt 5 serial port HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 serial port libraries and binaries. Package: qtspeech5-doc-html Description-md5: ff5673bde6d1a89d6c3bcba4b7ec28c0 Description-sl: Speech library for Qt - HTML documentation QtSpeech provides support for text-to-speech and speech recognition in Qt applications. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML. Package: qtsvg5-doc Description-md5: 13c2621857e60a1440611ff4c69c1c23 Description-sl: Qt 5 SVG documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 SVG libraries. Package: qtsvg5-doc-html Description-md5: 8f027e5df3b023d0a76f2c2f4714ef08 Description-sl: Qt 5 SVG HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 SVG libraries. Package: qtsvg5-examples Description-md5: 4e15e00778893792347b511f92e58128 Description-sl: Qt 5 SVG examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 SVG examples. Package: qtsystems5-dev Description-md5: 63ca2b58d8499aefb3a3d90df1627527 Description-sl: Qt 5 Systems development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Systems libraries. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-examples Description-md5: 11b3d1ff4420f78f1ec2a7891044e6b0 Description-sl: Qt 5 Systems examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the examples for Qt 5 Systems. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-private-dev Description-md5: 75b625b2898d099659a74934cad8bd6e Description-sl: Qt 5 Systems private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 5 applications using systems private headers. . Use at your own risk. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-tools Description-md5: 56b897ad10ad0d7df5dc5853abd1ae44 Description-sl: Qt 5 Systems tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the sfwlisten and servicefw tools for Qt 5 Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qttools5-dev Description-md5: 2c7b573d705950feb78131e46ada5b45 Description-sl: Qt 5 tools development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications. Package: qttools5-dev-tools Description-md5: e609c4b4a7418340b35a73897442b163 Description-sl: Qt 5 development tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains a set of applications to browse the documentation, translate applications, generate help files and other stuff that helps in Qt development. These tools are among others: * designer * linguist * pixeltool * qdbusviewer Package: qttools5-doc Description-md5: cadd8f42b0252861fb7f42f03b26d605 Description-sl: Qt 5 tools documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 tools libraries and binaries. Package: qttools5-doc-html Description-md5: de3ad18252fe274f74794fbca72d70df Description-sl: Qt 5 tools HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 tools libraries and binaries. Package: qttools5-examples Description-md5: 2e5c31e03a2be53eb1d8b348eb9afe48 Description-sl: Qt 5 tools examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains examples of the Qt 5 tools module. Package: qttools5-private-dev Description-md5: 73752fe859df40a7d51d49f7871d7f09 Description-sl: Qt 5 tools private development files Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains private header development files. . Use at your own risk. Package: qttranslations5-l10n Description-md5: a96d68060141293142683da7e81731e2 Description-sl: translations for Qt 5 Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package provides translation files for Qt itself and some base apps, such as Qt Linguist, Qt Assistant and Qt Designer. Package: qtvirtualkeyboard5-doc Description-md5: 712a5b891b5f86f19137b462095e6c66 Description-sl: Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard plugin. Package: qtvirtualkeyboard5-doc-html Description-md5: 9141932494cefd71704ac91833b1481a Description-sl: Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard plugin. Package: qtwayland5-doc Description-md5: 845188d84e2efcbea9d09d11833efd36 Description-sl: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Wayland Compositor library. Package: qtwayland5-doc-html Description-md5: ec27009b1898839a2647c24a30124402 Description-sl: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Wayland Compositor library. Package: qtwayland5-examples Description-md5: 9d1a5581339856847fa7882028e14e95 Description-sl: Qt 5 Wayland examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains examples of the Qt 5 Wayland module. Package: qtwebengine5-dev-tools Description-md5: aec58b81e1ee18d26952b894f61836f5 Description-sl: Qt WebEngine tools Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains qwebengine_convert_dict tool which converts hunspell 'dic' dictionaries to binary 'bdic' format, which is required by spellchecker in Qt WebEngine. Package: qtwebengine5-doc Description-md5: aea2e434617e522bf114f4b91dbb4826 Description-sl: Qt 5 webengine documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 webengine libraries. Package: qtwebengine5-doc-html Description-md5: bc301e7f0979f34ca40e0c8c2d6e387a Description-sl: Qt 5 webengine HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 webengine libraries. Package: qtwebsockets5-doc Description-md5: d711da2e4b9fb3e05a1aec0ea0025ee7 Description-sl: Qt 5 Web Sockets documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: qtwebsockets5-doc-html Description-md5: c0030607fd7687badc3bf3b355a8fa88 Description-sl: Qt 5 Web Sockets HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: qtwebsockets5-examples Description-md5: 21ae1128d7751369e646ff512d3e10e0 Description-sl: Examples for Qt 5 Web Sockets module Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains examples for the Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: qtx11extras5-doc Description-md5: 658a17892b1d328f31fb4da891d36de5 Description-sl: Qt 5 X11 extras documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 X11 extras libraries and binaries. Package: qtx11extras5-doc-html Description-md5: c3ea7cc87b3cca27c484da9eeb4eff6a Description-sl: Qt 5 X11 extras HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 X11 extras libraries and binaries. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-dev-tools Description-md5: f8f258f271e45f3b6a9763f598aa10c5 Description-sl: Qt 5 XML patterns development programs Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the development programs such as xmlpatterns and xmlpatternsvalidator. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-doc Description-md5: dffb05c2430e5b9b0e84f4ae3bdd4e63 Description-sl: Qt 5 XML patterns documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 XML patterns libraries. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-doc-html Description-md5: d0e96581f1d7d7d4eb2ec82108fd5d5c Description-sl: Qt 5 XML patterns HTML documentation Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 XML patterns libraries. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-examples Description-md5: 6a50b08931740af2a542a4e2833edb99 Description-sl: Qt 5 XML patterns examples Qt je ogrodje programov C++, ki deluje na več sistemih. Osnovna zmožnost Qt so bogati gradniki, ki zagotavljajo običajno zmožnost grafičnega vmesnika. . This package contains Qt 5 XML patterns examples. Package: quadrapassel Description-md5: 8bf2558b07fadf3d91eb63fd2583d7d8 Description-sl: priljubljena ruska igra, podobna Tetrisu Quadrapassel je nastal iz klasične igre padajočih blokov, Tetrisa. Cilj igre je ustvariti polne vodoravne vrstice blokov, ki bodo izginile. Package: quicktime-utils Description-md5: cbd5af54db23762e0fd8ed5e16b2dfd6 Description-sl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (utilities) libquicktime je knjižnica za branje in pisanje datotek QucikTime na sistemih UNIX. Ta knjižnica podpira video kodeke OpenDivX, MJPA, fotografije JPEG, PNG, RGB, stiskanje YUV 4:2:2 in YUV 4:2:0. Podprti zvočni kodeki so Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw in katerokoli linearno vrsto PCM. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne pripomočke. Package: quicktime-x11utils Description-md5: 969ac83482c42e16383433074dcd28dc Description-sl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (x11 utilities) libquicktime je knjižnica za branje in pisanje datotek QucikTime na sistemih UNIX. Ta knjižnica podpira video kodeke OpenDivX, MJPA, fotografije JPEG, PNG, RGB, stiskanje YUV 4:2:2 in YUV 4:2:0. Podprti zvočni kodeki so Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw in katerokoli linearno vrsto PCM. . This package contains additional utilities for the X window system. Package: quilt-el Description-md5: 33b64b7af1e105ad475292ad7223b7a2 Description-sl: Enostaven vmesnik Emacs za quilt This is an Emacs minor mode for quilt. By using this, it becomes easy to edit files controlled by quilt. The main features are as follows: . - Automatically detects files that are in a quilt hierarchy and enables itself. - Only files in topmost patch can be writable. - Some handy shortcut keys of quilt commands. Package: quitcount Description-md5: 555bdd6809e0ee3095c79481e8dc8650 Description-sl: Small tool which may help yourself quit smoking QuitCount je enostaven števec, ki prikaže koliko ste prihranili odkar ste nehali s kajenjem. Ko poveste datum končanja kajenja, koliko ste pred tem kadili in koliko vas je stalo, vam bo povedal koliko cigaret od takrat niste pokadili in koliko to znaša v denarju, katranu in pričakovani življenjski dobi. Package: quodlibet Description-md5: d068ae7136aceccd3a4e7a4be8346045 Description-sl: audio library manager and player for GTK3 Quod Libet je program upravljanja glasbe. Zagotavlja več različnih načinov za ogled vaše zvočne knjižnice kot tudi podpore za internetni radio in zvočne vire. Ima zelo prilagodljivi zmožnosti urejanja metapodatkov in iskanja, ki uporabljata enak vmesnik kot Ex Falso. . Podprte vrste vključujejo MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Musepack (MPC), WavPack in MOD/XM/IT. Package: qweborf Description-md5: 4ca3e76717ae55c2969586fa774cef2d Description-sl: Souporablja datoteke s protokolom HTTP Qweborf provides an easy to use graphical interface to share local files using the HTTP protocol. It can enable writing on the server, webdav, authentication and sending directories as tar.gz. It can try to work across NAT. Package: r-base Description-md5: 5787ca79ed716232c4cc2087ed9b425b Description-sl: GNU R statistical computation and graphics system R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package is a metapackage which eases the transition from the pre-1.5.0 package setup with its larger r-base package. Once installed, it can be safely removed and apt-get will automatically upgrade its components during future upgrades. Providing this package gives a way to users to then only install r-base-core if they so desire. Package: r-base-core Description-md5: 49185484f9628e672027078b83df963d Description-sl: GNU R jedro sistema za statistične izračune in grafiko R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovni sistem GNU R iz katerega so bili izbirni paketi dokumentacije r-base-html, r-doc-html, r-doc-pdf in r-doc-info odstranjeni, da bi bila velikost paketa manjša. Package: r-base-dev Description-md5: 1a1267651faee382ef4781870ce94812 Description-sl: Namestitev GNU R za pomožne programe GNU R R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package ensures that other Debian packages needed for installation of some auxiliary R packages are installed. Package: r-base-html Description-md5: f571f4afe641faf52e91ea25f9cd2145 Description-sl: GNU R html docs for statistical computing system functions R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package provides html documentation suitable for browsing with a web- browser for the libraries included in the r-base package. It is not a required package as the same documentation is already included for on-line browsing. Package: r-bioc-biobase Description-md5: 04c833c97d98c692f26e5b1652aef738 Description-sl: Osnovne funkcije za Biocnductor Biobase is part of the Bioconductor project, and is used by many other packages. Biobase contains standardized data structures to represent genomic data, and functions that are needed by many other packages or which replace R functions. . Bioconductor is a project to develop innovative software tools for use in computational biology. It is based on the R language. You should already be quite familiar with R before using Bioconductor. Bioconductor packages provide flexible interactive tools for carrying out a number of different computational tasks. Package: r-cran-class Description-md5: fb6521462034373b8e8d6949601fd7a0 Description-sl: Paket za razvrstitev GNU R The class package provides functions and datasets to support chapter 12 on 'Classification' in the book 'Modern Applied Statistics with S' (4th edition) by W.N. Venables and B.D. Ripley. The following URL provides more details about the book: URL: Package: r-cran-colorspace Description-md5: 62154da264a98f4225bd3138e8bdbb8d Description-sl: Upravljanje barvnega prostora GNU R Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL (polar CIELUV), CIELAB and polar CIELAB. Qualitative, sequential, and diverging color palettes based on HCL colors are provided. Package: r-cran-combinat Description-md5: 366c067840a107758e2dcb87d634b0b9 Description-sl: GNU R package with utilities for combinatorics Knjižnica R zagotavlja rutine za kombinatoriko. Package: r-cran-epi Description-md5: 1c65fa6a367b5dbc008481efa234d725 Description-sl: Analiza epidemije GNU R Functions for demographic and epidemiological analysis in the Lexis diagram, i.e. register and cohort follow-up data, including interval censored data and representation of multistate data. Also some useful functions for tabulation and plotting. Contains some epidemiological datasets. . The Epi package is mainly focused on "classical" chronic disease epidemiology. The package has grown out of the course Statistical Practice in Epidemiology using R (see . There is A short introduction to R for Epidemiology available at Beware that the pages 38-120 of this is merely the manual pages for the Epi package. . Epi is not the only R-package for epidemiological analysis, a package with more affinity to infectious disease epidemiology is the epitools package which is also evailable in Debian. . Epi is used in the Department of Biostatistics of the University of Copenhagen. Package: r-cran-epicalc Description-md5: 68de0447def63c0a0e70c4d75368d041 Description-sl: Računalo epidemije GNU R Functions making R easy for epidemiological calculation. . Datasets from Dbase (.dbf), Stata (.dta), SPSS(.sav), EpiInfo(.rec) and Comma separated value (.csv) formats as well as R data frames can be processed to do make several epidemiological calculations. Package: r-cran-genabel Description-md5: 1e3024d52450ff5fdf0bd698020dac07 Description-sl: Paket GNU R za preučevanje povezav SNP na celemu genomu The package offers the R library GenABEL for the hunt of genetic contributions to a disease (or any other pheonypical trait) by so called genome-wide association analysis. Additional input commonly comes from DNA mircoarray experiments, performed on every individual, that determine differences (polymorphisms) in the population. GenABEL finds associations between quantitative or binary traits and single-nucleiotide polymorphisms (SNPs). . Package 'GenABEL’ was removed from the CRAN repository. The code was obtained from the archive. Package: r-cran-plotrix Description-md5: 0d796a7902a7b571b54846c288e6be0e Description-sl: GNU R package providing various plotting functions This R package provides lots of plots, various labeling, axis and color scaling functions. Some of them are: . arctext: prikaže besedilo na krožne oboku. barhier: prikaže zbirko hierarhično povezanih spremenljivk barp: rutina izrisovanja stolpičnih grafov bin.wind.records: razporedi smeri vetra in rekorde hitrosti. centipede.plot: prikaže graf centipede clock24.plot: izriše grafe vrednosti na površini 24 urne ure. color.legend: ujemanje kategorij legende ali vrednosti z barvami dotplot.mtb: pikčasti grafi v slogu mini zavihkov. gantt.chart: prikaže graf Gantt intersectDiagram: prikaže nastavljene preseke multhist: izriše večkratni histogram kot stolpični graf polar.plot: izriše vrednosti na krožni mreži od 0 do 360 stopinj. vectorField: prikaže vektorje velikosti/smeri weighted.hist: prikaže utežen histogram . and many more. Read more about this package at Package: r-cran-psy Description-md5: 69298c93d172ae11351d45f755244135 Description-sl: Postopki za psihometrijo GNU R This package includes several procedures used in psychometrics and scaling, including: . * Cohen's Kappa and weighted Kappa (two-rater agreement tests) * Cronbach's Alpha (an item-reliability test) * Focused Principal Components Analysis * Intraclass correlation coefficients * Light's Kappa (an N-rater agreement test) * Screeplots and graphical representations of principal components Package: r-cran-rcmdr Description-md5: 6b4dec750a3203f4810dfe6d2309580f Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik GNU R - od okolja neodvisna osnovna statistika Ta paket vsebuje enostaven grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki je osnovan na vmesniku GNU za Tcl/Tk in je primeren za učenje uvoda v statistiko. Package: r-cran-spc Description-md5: bcbf481d39c9c4f72eca58e8e04768ec Description-sl: Nadzor statističnih opravil GNU R Evaluation of control charts by means of the zero-state, steady-state ARL (Average Run Length). Setting up control charts for given in-control ARL and plotting of the related figures. The control charts under consideration are one- and two-sided EWMA and CUSUM charts for monitoring the mean of normally distributed independent data. Now, the ARL calculation of EWMA-S^2 control charts is added. Other charts and parameters are in preparation. Further SPC areas will be covered as well (sampling plans, capability indices ...). Package: r-cran-stabledist Description-md5: d0cfec5a0638dcb78f08e6fce0f80acb Description-sl: Paket GNU R za stabilne funkcije distribucije This package provides density, probability and quantile functions, and random number generation for (skew) stable distributions, using the parametrizations of Nolan. Package: r-doc-html Description-md5: 915d39f623bffdcd57d9a67a9e4f756a Description-sl: GNU R html manuals for statistical computing system R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package provides the R manuals in html format. The sibling packages r-doc-pdf and r-doc-info provides the same manuals. Package: r-doc-info Description-md5: 473a7b2c67dab81cd13f242acf3f1254 Description-sl: GNU R info manuals statistical computing system R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package provides the R manuals in info format. The sibling packages r-doc-html and r-doc-pdf provide the same manuals. Package: r-doc-pdf Description-md5: 5726be4a4c2028d1d2bd9ee6122a0612 Description-sl: GNU R pdf manuals for statistical computing system R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package provides the R manuals in pdf format. The sibling packages r-doc-html and r-doc-info provides the same manuals. Package: r-mathlib Description-md5: fda173ca22c9952d304064d107a71c22 Description-sl: GNU R standalone mathematics library R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This package provides the libRmath shared and static libraries which can be called from standalone C or C++ code. Package: r-recommended Description-md5: fa7931c821d7f86d0b3420906f4ab9a1 Description-sl: GNU R collection of recommended packages [metapackage] R je sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Sestavljen je iz jezika in izvajalnega okolja z grafiko, razhroščevalnikom, dostopom do določenih sistemskih funkcij in zmožnostjo izvajanja programov, shranjenih v skriptnih datotekah. . Na zasnovo R sta močno vplivala dva obstoječa jezika: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S in Sussmanova shema. Nastali jezik je po videzu zelo podoben S, spodaj ležeča izvedba in semantika pa sta izpeljani iz sheme. . Jedro R je tolmačen računalniški jezik, ki omogoča razvejitve, zanke kot tudi modularno programiranje s funkcijami. Večina uporabniško vidnih funkcij napisanih v R je napisanih v R. Uporabniki lahko uporabijo tudi postopke napisane v jezikih C, C++ ali FORTRAN. Distribucija R vključuje zmožnosti za številne statistične postopke in matematične izračune. Obstaja tudi velika zbirka funkcij, ki zagotavljajo prilagodljivo grafično okolje za ustvarjenje različnih vrst predstavitev podatkov. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . This Debian package is now a metapackage that depends on a set of packages that are recommended by the upstream R core team as part of a complete R distribution, and distributed along with the source of R itself, as well as directly via the CRAN network of mirrors. This set comprises the following packages (listed in their upstream names): - KernSmooth: Functions for kernel smoothing for Wand & Jones (1995) - Matrix: Classes and methods for dense and sparse matrices and operations on them using Lapack and SuiteSparse - MASS, class, nnet and spatial: packages from Venables and Ripley, `Modern Applied Statistics with S' (4th edition). - boot: Bootstrap R (S-Plus) Functions from the book "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications" by A.C. Davison and D.V. Hinkley (1997). - cluster: Functions for clustering (by Rousseeuw et al.) - codetools: Code analysis tools for R - foreign: Read data stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, ... - lattice: Implementation of Trellis (R) graphics - mgcv: Multiple smoothing parameter estimation and GAMs by GCV - nlme: Linear and nonlinear mixed effects models - rpart: Recursive partitioning and regression trees - survival: Survival analysis, including penalised likelihood. Package: rabbitvcs-cli Description-md5: fbdc07dbc43e7e5f473a0235a97f8600 Description-sl: Vmesnik ukazne vrstice za RabbitVCS RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems SVN (Subversion) and Git. This is the command-line interface. Package: rabbitvcs-core Description-md5: d3c7a4e0d7c1131f5a95e40ac6746a94 Description-sl: Enostaven nadzor različic RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems SVN (Subversion) and Git. There are extensions for Nautilus and gedit, and a simple command- line interface. Package: rabbitvcs-gedit Description-md5: 82c13f5f8547fb03f1250e9c188ab6e1 Description-sl: Razširitev gedit za RabbitVCS RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems SVN (Subversion) and Git. This is the extension for gedit text editor. Package: rabbitvcs-nautilus Description-md5: 53542ac9518bfbc2081f313bdc22c94f Description-sl: Razširitev Nautilus za RabbitVCS RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems SVN (Subversion) and Git. This is the extension for the Nautilus file manager. Package: racket-common Description-md5: eddfae380d66d0d6282d095190b257be Description-sl: extensible programming language in the Scheme family (shared files) Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za Racket (vendar ne dokumentacije, oglejte si racket-doc). Package: racket-doc Description-md5: 4701f37256db778b16798cb33a31683c Description-sl: extensible programming language in the Scheme family (documentation) Ta paket vključuje vso dokumentacijo za Racket. Package: radicale Description-md5: e06a9fee6f2fca76f9660c260728428b Description-sl: simple calendar and addressbook server - daemon Radicale is a CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server. . Calendars and address books are available for both local and remote access, possibly limited through authentication policies. They can be viewed and edited by calendar and contact clients on mobile phones or computers. . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program radicale. . Creating encrypted password files require the package apache2-utils. . Stronger password hashes require the packages python3-passlib and python3-bcrypt. . Serving directly with uWSGI requires the packages uwsgi and uwsgi-plugin- python3. Serving with Apache as front-end and uWSGI only as middleware additionally requires the packages apache2 and libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi. Package: radio Description-md5: 296f7c3be896551261ad589dc0e99f06 Description-sl: Na ncurses osnovan program radia XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . This package provides a ncurses-based radio application. It supports the video4linux API. Package: raincat-data Description-md5: 685685929fd4d8733303195d83685df7 Description-sl: 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat - data files Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path! . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: rakarrack Description-md5: 910366108575727a50de7023154566db Description-sl: Enostaven obdelovalnik učinkov kitare za GNU/Linux Rakarrack je obdelovalnik učinkov kitare za GNU/Linux, ki je enostaven za uporabo, vendar vsebuje zmožnosti, ki ga naredijo edinstvenega med to vrsto programov. . Trenutno vsebuje 17 učinkov: * linearni izenačevalnik * parametrični izenačevalnik * stiskalnik * popoačenje * prehod * odmev * zbor * fazirnik * flanger * odmev * WahWah * Alienwah * harmonizator * vrata šume * zamik glasbe * kabinet * dodatni stereo . Rakarrack vključuje uglaševalnik in pretvorniki MIDI. Upravlja ga lahko tudi zunanji nadzorniki MIDI. Nastavitve, ki jih je zasnoval uporabnik, je mogoče shraniti, jih narediti prednastavljene in uporabiti za ustvarjanje bank učinkov. Package: rasmol Description-md5: 75ecf7c6def681e41739672da198600e Description-sl: visualization of biological macromolecules RasMol je program molekulske grafike, ki je namenjen za predočenje proteinov, nukleinskih kislin in majhnih molekul. Ta program je namenjen za prikaz, učenje in ustvarjanje slik kakovosti za objavo. . Program prebere datoteko koordinat molekul in vzajemno prikaže molekulo na zaslonu v različnih barvnih shemah in predstavitvah molekule. Trenutno so na voljo predstavitve žičnega ogrodja, paličice, prostor zapolnjujoče krogle, kroglice in paličice, polni in vrvasti biomolekulski trakovi, oznake atomov in pikčaste površine. . Podprte vhodne vrste datotek vključujejo Protein Data Bank (PDB), Alchemy Tripos Associates, Sybyl Mol2, MDL Mol, Minnesota Supercomupter Center (MSC) XYZ (XMol), CHARMm, CIF in mmCIF. . Ta paket namesti dve različici RasMol. rasmol-gtk ima moderen uporabniški vmesnik osnovan na GTK in rasmol-classic je različica s starim grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Xlib. Package: ratmenu Description-md5: 9b0f734d36305afa286fae1a2c153028 Description-sl: Ustvari menije X iz lupine This is ratmenu, a simple program that allows you to create X menus from the shell. Although designed for ratpoison, it will work with any ICCCM compliant window manager. . It was forked from 9menu version 1.5, to provide specific support for the ratpoison window manager. Where 9menu only responds to the mouse, and ignores the keyboard, ratmenu has all mouse sensitivity taken out, and only responds to the keyboard. Since then it has evolved nifty features and behaviors of its own. The source code was also cleaned up and old cruft weeded out. Package: ratpoison Description-md5: 372760a7563dbda00db6b1be9b905c40 Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik le s tipkovnico ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence. It is largely modelled after GNU Screen. . The screen can be split into non-overlapping frames. All windows are kept maximized inside their frames to take full advantage of your precious screen real estate. . All interaction with the window manager is done through keystrokes. ratpoison has a prefix map to minimize key clobbering. Package: rawtherapee-data Description-md5: 817186c046a43f15305ad676c5e8e334 Description-sl: raw image converter and digital photo processor (data files) RawTherapee is an advanced program for developing raw photos and for processing non-raw photos. It is non-destructive, makes use of OpenMP, supports all the cameras supported by dcraw and carries out its calculations in a high precision 32bit floating point engine. RawTherapee supports JPEG, PNG, and TIFF as output format for processed photos. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: rbootd Description-md5: a6e4118566eae8c98e37cf847e892eb1 Description-sl: Oddaljen ozadnji program zagona The rbootd daemon is used for booting some HP workstations over the network (such as the 9000/300 and 9000/400 series). It can also boot some PA RISC workstations (such as the 9000/730). It handles the first stage of the boot sequence and can be used to start booting Linux, NetBSD or HPUX. Package: rcs Description-md5: 15e816a3413cbf988f8fe2207c3d11df Description-sl: GNU sistem na nadzor predelav The Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging, identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised frequently, for example programs, documentation, graphics, papers, and form letters. . Note: this package contains certain general-purpose commands (such as merge or ident) which may used by other programs installed on your system. Package: rdfind Description-md5: c6c9ecb679ba4f0ba5d52f6f541c9eae Description-sl: Pripomoček iskanja podvojenih datotek rdfind is a program to find duplicate files and optionally list, delete them or replace them with symlinks or hard links. It is a command line program written in c++, which has proven to be pretty quick compared to its alternatives. Package: rdiff-backup Description-md5: f0d05d9b77697c469e8b0b53030e2a32 Description-sl: Oddaljene koračne varnostne kopije rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff- backup also preserves subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership, modification times, extended attributes, acls, and resource forks. . Also, rdiff-backup can operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted. Finally, rdiff-backup is easy to use and settings have sensible defaults. Package: rdkit-doc Description-md5: f66c7299bc3ae5f8a56ac2defc65028c Description-sl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (documentation) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: rdmacm-utils Description-md5: 591c8e65f0c2aa1a783439356379e1b5 Description-sl: Primeri za knjižnico librdmacm librdmacm is a library that allows applications to set up reliable connected and unreliable datagram transfers when using RDMA adapters. It provides a transport-neutral interface in the sense that the same code can be used for both InfiniBand and iWARP adapters. The interface is based on sockets, but adapted for queue pair (QP) based semantics: communication must use a specific RDMA device, and data transfers are message-based. . librdmacm only provides communication management (connection setup and tear-down) and works in conjunction with the verbs interface provided by libibverbs, which provides the interface used to actually transfer data. . This package contains useful librdmacm example programs such as rping and udaddy. Package: rdtool Description-md5: 3e50332f9d70a1a430858e8def2f9a42 Description-sl: Oblikovalnik dokumentov RD RD is multipurpose documentation format created for documentating Ruby and output of Ruby world. . You can embed RD into Ruby script. And RD have neat syntax which help you to read document in Ruby script. On the other hand, RD have a feature for class reference. . RDtool is one of frontends of formatter for RD. This package provides rd2 command. Package: re Description-md5: 2ed7d604e7694bd8b55c5f54e770682c Description-sl: Russian Anywhere -- pretvornik ruskega besedila Russian Anywhere is a Russian character decoding program. It allows one to transfer Russian characters between different codepages. Main purpose is to convert damaged Russian e-mail messages to readable form and it also may be used to convert files from/to known and unknown codepages. Package: recoll Description-md5: 97a16581f4d01e705c30286f9ce44f08 Description-sl: Personal full text search package Ta paket je osebni paket polnega iskanja besedila, ki je osnovan na zelo močnem zaledju (Xapian) za katerega zagotavlja enostaven in z zmožnostmi bogat vmesnik. . Features: * Qt-based GUI. * Supports the following document types (and their compressed versions). - Natively: text, html, OpenOffice files, maildir and mailbox (Mozilla and IceDove mail) with attachments, pidgin log files. - With external helpers: pdf (pdftotext), postscript (ghostscript), msword (antiword), excel, rtf (unrtf). * Powerful query facilities, with boolean searches, phrases, filter on file types and directory tree. * Support for multiple charsets, Internal processing and storage uses Unicode UTF-8. * Stemming performed at query time (can switch stemming language after indexing). * Easy installation. No database daemon, web server or exotic language necessary. * An indexer which runs either as a thread inside the GUI or as an external, cron'able program. . This metapackage installs recoll GUI and commandline tools. Package: redir Description-md5: 2089a3403d126a5a0bcf29b22b68406d Description-sl: Preusmerjanje povezav TCP It can run under inetd or stand alone (in which case it handles multiple connections). It is 8 bit clean, not limited to line mode, is small and light. Supports transparency, FTP redirects, http proxying, NAT and bandwidth limiting. . redir is all you need to redirect traffic across firewalls that authenticate based on an IP address etc. No need for the firewall toolkit. The functionality of inetd/tcpd and "redir" will allow you to do everything you need without screwy telnet/ftp etc gateways. (I assume you are running IP Masquerading of course.) Package: redshift Description-md5: 63097b90fc4b0f93c181ccd92c47b673 Description-sl: Adjusts the color temperature of your screen The color temperature is set according to the position of the sun. A different color temperature is set during night and daytime. During twilight and early morning, the color temperature transitions smoothly from night to daytime temperature to allow your eyes to slowly adapt. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovni program. Package: renaissance-doc Description-md5: e993f2175725cd9c2496859cfe6d380d Description-sl: Ogrodje grafičnega vmesnika GNUstep - dokumentacija Renaissance is a GNUstep develoment framework which runs on top of the GNUstep libraries. . This package include the Renaissance manual, tutorial and various examples. Package: renattach Description-md5: d467f7645de54f85c5066dbf2b3b5c21 Description-sl: Sprotno preimenovanje prilog Renattach is a small, efficient and surprisingly effective filter designed primarily to offer an additional level of safety to Windows users whose e-mails pass through a UNIX-like mail server. Many modern viruses are spread through e-mail, and renattach combats such viruses by filtering e-mail attachments based on file extension. The idea is to rename potentially dangerous attachments (executable ones) so that the user, or the user's poorly written e-mail software, does not accidentally execute the attachment. Package: render-bench Description-md5: 3b95d34acaa1d10239db777c0a5a0d70 Description-sl: Meritev zmogljivosti za razširitev XRender A program that performs a series of tests to benchmark the XRender X11 extension. It also performs the same tests using the Imlib2 library to provide a base for comparing performance. Package: rep Description-md5: 902f579f55694d6fa5c9e1aa16b0f49f Description-sl: Tolmač ukazov lisp rep is a dialect of Lisp, designed to be used both as an extension language for applications and as a general purpose programming language. . It was originally written to be mostly-compatible with Emacs Lisp, but has subsequently diverged markedly. Its aim is to combine the best features of Scheme and Common Lisp and provide an environment that is comfortable for implementing both small and large scale systems. It tries to be a "pragmatic" programming language. Package: rep-doc Description-md5: eb01d7a11bea02855ea2537c29562596 Description-sl: documentation for the lisp command interpreter rep is a dialect of Lisp, designed to be used both as an extension language for applications and as a general purpose programming language. . It was originally written to be mostly-compatible with Emacs Lisp, but has subsequently diverged markedly. Its aim is to combine the best features of Scheme and Common Lisp and provide an environment that is comfortable for implementing both small and large scale systems. It tries to be a "pragmatic" programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo jezika v obliki info. Package: rep-gtk Description-md5: fd03440f4f856227cef8c49bafd98928 Description-sl: GTK+ vezava za librep This package provides an interface to the GTK+ graphical toolkit for the librep lisp interpreter. Package: request-tracker4 Description-md5: 45f6d028566ef897aa68ffee230a1af1 Description-sl: extensible trouble-ticket tracking system Request Tracker (RT) is a ticketing system which enables a group of people to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests submitted by a community of users. It features web, email, and command- line interfaces (see the package rt4-clients). . RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization, assignment, resolution, and notification required by enterprise-critical applications, including project management, help desk, NOC ticketing, CRM, and software development. . This package provides the 4 series of RT. It can be installed alongside the 5 series without any problems. . Ta paket zagotavlja jedro za RT. . This package supports three database types out of the box: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. In order to support a zero-configuration install, SQLite will be used by default, but is not recommended for production use. Please see /usr/share/doc/request-tracker4/NOTES.Debian for more details and consider installing rt4-db-postgresql or rt4-db-mysql at the same time as this package. Package: request-tracker5 Description-md5: cc637b64181d8b990856c5a0955b2e2e Description-sl: extensible trouble-ticket tracking system Request Tracker (RT) is a ticketing system which enables a group of people to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests submitted by a community of users. It features web, email, and command- line interfaces (see the package rt5-clients). . RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization, assignment, resolution, and notification required by enterprise-critical applications, including project management, help desk, NOC ticketing, CRM, and software development. . This package provides the 5 series of RT. It can be installed alongside the 3.8 and 4 series without any problems. . Ta paket zagotavlja jedro za RT. . This package supports three database types out of the box: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. In order to support a zero-configuration install, SQLite will be used by default, but is not recommended for production use. Please see /usr/share/doc/request-tracker5/NOTES.Debian for more details and consider installing rt5-db-postgresql or rt5-db-mysql at the same time as this package. Package: rheolef-doc Description-md5: a6de61386e8246ab8112aaa779db5bc9 Description-sl: efficient Finite Element environment - documentation Rheolef is a computer environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for computations in applied mathematics involving finite element-like methods. It provides a set of commands and C++ algorithms and containers. . Most basically, containers cover the classic graph data structure for sparse matrix formats and finite element meshes. At a higher level of abstraction, they can handle approximate finite element spaces, discrete fields. Flexible and powerful expressions are used to specify bilinear forms. . Current applications include: * massively distributed memory finite element environment, based on MPI; * elasticity, Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems in 2D and 3D; * complex fluids applications: viscoplasticity, viscoelasticity, wall slip; * nonlinear problems with fixed-point, Newton and continuation methods; * high order polynomials, mixed elements and discontinuous Galerkin methods; * auto-adaptive mesh approaches; * axisymmetric problems; * multi-regions and variable coefficient problems. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: rhinote Description-md5: ab13017a38ea6c4c8c2d494b32592fea Description-sl: Navidezna lepljiva sporočilca za vaše namizje Rhinote is a small program that provides virtual sticky-notes. It's handy for jotting down quick notes or holding copied text that you plan to paste elsewhere later. . Notes can be saved as plain text for later viewing/editing with Rhinote or any other text editor. . Rhinote is designed to be "keyboard friendly", that is, every single action is bound to a specific keystroke. Package: rig Description-md5: da93263d97056c0b5d5007f57e8dfe5b Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik naključnih identitet RIG (Random Identity Generator) is a free replacement for a shareware program out there called 'fake'. It generates random, yet real-looking, personal data. It is useful if you need to feed a name to a Web site, BBS, or real person, and are too lazy to think of one yourself. Also, if the Web site/BBS/person you are giving the information to tries to cross-check the city, state, zip, or area code, it will check out. Package: rinse Description-md5: ae6296a6b2a2c1b24f6bdf19f81b7efc Description-sl: Namestitveno okolje RPM This is a tool for bootstrapping a basic RPM-based distribution of GNU/Linux. . It is comparable in purpose to the standard Debian debootstrap utility, but works upon RPM-based distributions instead. . Rinse can setup 32 and 64-bit installations of: * Rocky Linux * CentOS * Fedora * OpenSUSE Package: ripit Description-md5: 97fda908aaec471ab8b638a6294429f3 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan zajemalnik zvočnih Cd-jev ripit runs in text mode (no fancy GUI here) and does everything required to produce a set of mp3, ogg, flac, m4a files without any user- intervention. . ripit does the following with an Audio CD: - Get the audio CD Album/Artist/Tracks information from CDDB - Get the audio CD Album/Artist/Tracks information from Musicbrainz - Rip the audio CD Tracks (using cdparanoia or other cdrippers) - Encode the files (using lame, oggvorbis flac and/or faac) - ID3 tag them (v1 & v2) - Optional: creates a playlist (M3U) file (lists MP3s created, used by various MP3 players) - Optional: Prepares and sends a CDDB submission. - Optional: Saves the CDDB file. Package: ripoff Description-md5: c5417963cd9c410c58c794605c60fc4d Description-sl: modularen in spoznaven na GTK+ osnovani zajemalnik CDjev RipOff je na GTK+ osnovan zajemalnik CD za Linux, ki vključuje enostaven vmesnik, poizvedbe CDDB in na vstavkih osnovano arhitekturo kodiranja. . Ta različica ne vsebuje podpore MP3. Za zajemanje v mp3 namestite paket ripoff-mp3-plugin. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko ripoff. Package: ripperx Description-md5: cdeabf4ef72c33d57aecc4b4e2fd5952 Description-sl: GTK-based audio CD ripper/encoder ripperX is a graphical interface for ripping CD audio tracks (using cdparanoia) and then encoding them into the Ogg, FLAC, or MP2/3 formats using the vorbis tools, FLAC, toolame or other available MP3 encoders. . Vključuje podporo za iskanja CDDB in oznake ID3v2. Package: ristretto Description-md5: 99d1eb901a80a6f11af6489eb7ae9121 Description-sl: Lahek pregledovalnik slik za namizno okolje Xfce Risretto je hiter in lahek pregledovalnik slik za namizno okolje Xfce. Package: rkward Description-md5: e8a3cbd610e4eb795ccc0b8f8601ff5f Description-sl: KDE začelje za statistični jezik R RKWard poskuša biti enostavno za uporabo, prozorno začelje za R, zmogljiv sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Poleg priročnega grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za najpomembnejše statistične funkcije bodo prihodnje različice zagotavljale gladko vključitev s pisarniško zbirko. Package: rkward-data Description-md5: 21cb2f4d9b19a1aaec0241b160b3b363 Description-sl: KDE frontend to the R statistics language - data files RKWard poskuša biti enostavno za uporabo, prozorno začelje za R, zmogljiv sistem za statistične izračune in grafiko. Poleg priročnega grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za najpomembnejše statistične funkcije bodo prihodnje različice zagotavljale gladko vključitev s pisarniško zbirko. . This package provides the architecture independent data files for rkward. Package: rlvm Description-md5: 02d441becace68d9ad9f698de2566534 Description-sl: Klon navideznega stroja RealLive rlvm is a Free Software reimplementation of VisualArt's KK's RealLive interpreter. RealLive is a game engine used to write visual novels, used in the games Kanon, Air, CLANNAD, Planetarian, Tomoyo After and Little Busters, among many others. Package: rmagic Description-md5: a2207252401a27a3ae1b73df8aff4f82 Description-sl: Report Magic za Analog With Report Magic for Analog, anyone can create great looking website statistics reports. Report Magic for Analog uses the Computer Readable Output format created by Analog, the most popular logfile analyser in the world. Using this and some simple settings you provide, Report Magic formats beautiful reports with tables, descriptions and graphs. . Using Report Magic for Analog, you can easily maintain a consistent company image with all your reports. By designing the report format to mimic your site's colors and graphics, you can have Analog's statistics reports seem to "fit-in" with the rest of your website. Report Magic for Analog lets you set things like font, foreground and background colors, background images, color themes, and more, thus ensuring a perfect fit with your already designed site. Package: rocs Description-md5: 4630339f2ebf0d533f4893ee0b27c1bd Description-sl: graph theory IDE Rocs aims to be a Graph Theory IDE for helping professors to show the results of a graph algorithm and also helping students to do the algorithms. . Rocs has a scripting module, done in Qt Script, that interacts with the drawn graph and every change in the graph with the script is reflected on the drawn one. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: rosegarden Description-md5: 5c65f29c7ed569642ec74021c668bc22 Description-sl: Urejevalnik glasbe in sekvenčnik MIDI/zvoka Rosegarden je program Qt, ki zagotavlja mešani sekvenčnik zvoka/MIDI (za predvajanje in snemanje), urejevalnik več sledi, urejanje glasbe tako z zapisom klavirja in rezultata, VI datoteke MIDI, lilypond in izvoz datotek Csound, itd. Package: rrdcached Description-md5: 4d8a85234e5733e4bc3e4f2b629e4f4c Description-sl: Ozadnji program predpomnilnika za RRDtool RRDCacheD is a daemon that receives updates to existing RRD files, accumulates them and, if enough have been received or a defined time has passed, writes the updates to the RRD file. The daemon was written with big setups in mind. Those setups usually run into I/O related problems. RRDCacheD's goal is to alleviate these problems. Package: rrootage-data Description-md5: 31bdc3386453bd56eb673d3900f62c11 Description-sl: Igra vesoljskega streljanja - podatkovne datoteke Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro rRootage. Package: rs Description-md5: d97e4ed404dbab37fcffe56d166d4370 Description-sl: Preoblikujte podatkovno polje rs reads the standard input, interpreting each line as a row of blank- separated entries in an array, transforms the array according to the options, and writes it on the standard output. Numerous options control input, reshaping and output processing; the simplest usage example is "ls -1 | rs", which outputs the same (on an 80-column terminal) as the modern "ls" with no "-1" argument. Package: rsplib-registrar Description-md5: c0449b67d74ba2e139636c1fbb17122e Description-sl: Storitev registratorja RSerPool Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool. . This package provides the registrar, which is the management component for RSerPool-based server pools. You need at least one registrar in a setup, but for redundancy reasons, you should have at least two. Package: rsplib-services Description-md5: c48ab74fc7e55337f67db0dade52fae7 Description-sl: Primeri storitev RSerPool Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool. . This package provides the rsplib RSerPool example services: Echo, Discard, Daytime, CharGen, CalcApp, FractalGenerator and ScriptingService. Package: rsplib-tools Description-md5: f43a5e01497f04375a2652a5a077b908 Description-sl: Orodja preizkusov RSerPool Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool. . Ta paket zagotavlja nekatera preizkusna orodja za nastavitve RSerPool. Package: rss-glx Description-md5: b313ffb26b564475e632e629b6226cc8 Description-sl: Zelo lepi ohranjevalniki zaslona - predelava GLX rss-glx je GLX predelava zbirke Really Slick Screensavers, ki jo je ustvaril Terry Welsh ( Vključenih je tudi več drugih ohranjevalnikov zaslona OpenGL, ki so bili preneseni z drugih okolij. . Ohranjevalnike zaslona lahko izvajate kot samostojne programe ali vključene v seznam dejavnih ohranjevalnikov zaslona programa XScreenSaver. Več podrobnosti o uporabi skupaj s xscreensaver lahko najdete v /usr/share/doc/rss-glx. . Ohranejvalniki zaslona, ki so vključeni v ta paket, so: Biof, Busy Spheres, Colorfire, Cyclone, Drempels, Euphoria, Feedback, Fieldlines, Flocks, Flux, Helios, Hufo's Smoke, Hufo's Tunnel, Hyperspace, Lattice, Lorenz Attractor, MatrixView, Plasma, Pixel City, Skyrocket, Solarwinds, SpirographX in Sundancer2. Package: rss2email Description-md5: 657c015717dd2608972773cde5e54408 Description-sl: prejmite vire RSS preko e-pošte rss2email is a simple program which you can run in your crontab. It watches RSS (or Atom) feeds and sends you a nicely formatted email message for each new item. Package: rstat-client Description-md5: e990ee2decd660442859182a9fb1669a Description-sl: Odjemalec za rstatd This package contains rup(1) and rsysinfo(1), clients for rstatd. Package: rsyncrypto Description-md5: 62fc22a358759065da4970932087f254 Description-sl: rsync prijateljsko šifriranje Rsyncrypto allows you to encrypt a file or a directory structure, such that they can later be synchronized to another machine using rsync. This means that local changes to the plain text file result in local changes to the cipher text file. . rsyncrypto compresses the plain text file prior to encrypting it. Package: rttool Description-md5: 056b9539677deafdeb18f69f064b9e59 Description-sl: Oblikovalnik preglednice RT RT is simple human-readble table format. RTtool is a converter form RT into various formats. RTtool is one of frontends of formatter for RT. . You can embed RT into Ruby script, and RD documents. . RTtool is one of frontends of formatter for RT. This package provides rt2 command. Package: rubberband-vamp Description-md5: 7805229eee0ff008d19e713793dd4c63 Description-sl: Vamp plugins using Rubber Band Rubber Band is a library and utility program that permits you to change the tempo and pitch of an audio recording independently of one another. . Ta paket vsebuje naslednje vstavke Vamp: . * increments (Output Increments): Output time increment for each input step . * aggregate_increments (Accumulated Output Increments): Accumulated output time increments . * divergence (Divergence from Linear): Difference between actual output time and the output time for a theoretical linear stretch . * phaseresetdf (Phase Reset Detection Function): Curve whose peaks are used to identify transients for phase reset points . * smoothedphaseresetdf (Smoothed Phase Reset Detection Function): Phase reset curve smoothed for peak picking . * phaseresetpoints (Phase Reset Points): Points estimated as transients at which phase reset occurs . * timesyncpoints (Time Sync Points): Salient points which stretcher aims to place with strictly correct timing Package: ruby-amazon-ec2 Description-md5: 7de9890935c08198a022caf6734e0bc2 Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za dostopanje do Amazon EC2 A Ruby library for accessing the Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs like: * Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): provides resizable compute capacity via virtual machine set up and allocation. * Autoscaling: automatically scale your Amazon EC2 capacity up or down * Elastic Load Balancing (ELB): distributes application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances * Relational Database Service (RDS): set up, operate, and scale MySQL instance * CloudWatch: provides monitoring for AWS like Amazon EC2. Package: ruby-barby Description-md5: 2dc28989cf6b4e324993ade0aca751de Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za ustvarjanje črtnih kod This is a pure-Ruby library for generating various kinds of barcodes, including all the standard 1D and 2D barcodes, and meant to be easily extensible. . Barby separates the concerns of barcode generation and graphical representations, so not only the barcodes' format can be extended, but also the way they are output. Package: ruby-bsearch Description-md5: 42c9300f44e163ea8184ec1a0f1831f7 Description-sl: Knjižnica binarnega iskanja za Ruby It can search the FIRST or LAST occurrence in an array with a condition given by a block. Package: ruby-coderay Description-md5: 6a1b8a7df1ec39af6cefc22d55164494 Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za poudarjanje skladnje CodeRay is a Ruby library that can scan an input file or text in a web page and encode it as syntax highlighted HTML output. . CodeRay supports many input languages including: C, C++, CSS, Delphi, diff, Groovy, HTML, RHTML (Erb+HTML), Nitro-XHTML, Java, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL and YAML. . CodeRay can output to HTML, JSON, XML, Yaml. Package: ruby-daemons Description-md5: ffdbda476bf474265916f1fecdd3ee33 Description-sl: Knjižnica ozadnjih programov Ruby Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. daemons can also run and control blocks of Ruby code in a daemon process. Package: ruby-debian Description-md5: 981b9f96e474966d2cfa46834a23612b Description-sl: Vmesnik ruby za dpkg This package provides Debian::Dpkg and Debian::DpkgDeb modules and Debian::Deb, Debian::Dsc, Debian::Archives, Debian::Sources, Debian::Packages and Debian::Status classes for ruby. . It also provides two scripts, dpkg-ruby (a dpkg-awk clone) and dpkg- checkdeps (a utility to check for deb dependency problems). Package: ruby-dnsruby Description-md5: f2d87a0da4fc79c434f5a2ba12217017 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca DNS in DNSSEC Dnsruby is a pure Ruby DNS client library. It provides a complete DNS client implementation, including full DNSSEC support. Dnsruby is currently used in projects such as OpenDNSSEC and ISC's DLV service. Package: ruby-fcgi Description-md5: 8d7d812a7b0352a71f8b0f412607d0c3 Description-sl: Knjižnica FastCGI za Ruby FastCGI is a language independent, scalable, open extension to CGI that provides high performance without the limitations of server specific APIs. For more information, see . This merges matz's C version( & Eli's pure ruby version(fastcgi.rb) Package: ruby-fftw3 Description-md5: a3fd08754b40b131518f1b4b62b88cfe Description-sl: Vmesnik Ruby do knjižnice FFTW raz. 3 Ruby-FFTW3 is the Ruby interface to the FFTW Ver.3 library. Features: - Use NArray, which is an efficient multi-dimensional numeric array class for Ruby - Multi-dimensional complex FFT.(Real data are coerced to complex) - Supports both double and single float transforms. - Not normalized as in FFTW Package: ruby-getspg Description-md5: ce2056606a98ae56c7be1339d5438938 Description-sl: C library for crystal symmetry determination - Ruby bindings Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Identify space-group type * Find symmetry operations * Find a primitive cell * Search irreducible k-points * Refine crystal structure * Wyckoff position assignment . This package contains the Ruby bindings. Package: ruby-git Description-md5: 8d92ce404f5bbcb4919d4faf2921e520 Description-sl: Vmesnik Ruby za nadzorni sistem različic Git Ruby/Git allows Ruby applications to access and manipulate Git repositories. It provides an object-oriented interface to Git’s data storage system and is capable of reading from and writing to the index, managing branches, or obtaining information about the history of a project. Package: ruby-hdfeos5 Description-md5: 5e477f9f2a35d5fdaf53825a7cba6b94 Description-sl: Vmesnik Ruby do knjižnice HDF-EOS5 HDF-EOS5 is a software library designed built on HDF5 to support EOS- specific data structures, namely Grid, Point, and Swath. . This package provides Ruby interface to the HDF-EOS5 library built on the NArray library, which is an efficient multi-dimensional numeric array class for Ruby. Package: ruby-hmac Description-md5: 0091391c46e3a713d6a8c5d3e724918a Description-sl: Vmesnik Ruby za algoritem HMAC This module provides common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of "Message Authentication Code" (MAC) algorithm whose standard is documented in RFC2104. Namely, a MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret key. Package: ruby-httpclient Description-md5: 2d5d10560b14be8f0837dab59c56c6d9 Description-sl: Knjižnica odjemalca HTTP za ruby httpclient gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby. . Features: * methods like GET/HEAD/POST/* via HTTP/1.1. * HTTPS(SSL), Cookies, proxy, authentication(Digest, NTLM, Basic), etc. * asynchronous HTTP request, streaming HTTP request. * by contrast with net/http in standard distribution; - Cookies support - MT-safe - streaming POST (POST with File/IO) - Digest auth - Negotiate/NTLM auth for WWW-Authenticate (requires net/htlm module) - NTLM auth for WWW-Authenticate/Proxy-Authenticate (requires win32/sspi module) - extensible with filter interface - you don't have to care HTTP/1.1 persistent connection (httpclient cares instead of you). Package: ruby-json Description-md5: 580962466871607374425ac53965b45b Description-sl: Knjižnica JSON za Ruby This library implements the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) specification in Ruby, allowing the developer to easily convert data between Ruby and JSON. You can think of it as a low fat alternative to XML, if you want to store data to disk or transmit it over a network rather than use a verbose markup language. Package: ruby-libvirt Description-md5: a7d1a9e27136846efcead6abb45fa6bf Description-sl: Vezave Ruby za libvirt This library provides Ruby bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. Package: ruby-ncurses Description-md5: f4a56cf1042c6542f050b7dc33da672e Description-sl: Razširitev ruby za knjižnico ncurses C All C functions are wrapped by module functions of the module "Ncurses", with exactly the same name. Additionally, C functions expecting a WINDOW* as their first argument can also be called as methods of the "Ncurses::WINDOW" class. . The panel library (for support of overlapping windows) is also wrapped, in the module "Ncurses::Panel". . This module is built with wide character support. Package: ruby-necromancer Description-md5: fbd73e98c72232dc97bd2ea9b76359a3 Description-sl: Library offering conversion from one object type to another Necromancer provides independent type conversion component for TTY toolkit. . Conversion between Ruby core types frequently comes up in projects but is solved by half-baked solutions. This library aims to provide an independent and extensible API to support a robust and generic way to convert between core Ruby types. . Zmožnosti: . * Simple and expressive API * Ability to specify own converters * Ability to compose conversions out of simpler ones * Support conversion of custom defined types * Ability to specify strict conversion mode Package: ruby-net-sftp Description-md5: 90796a3bdaee3b9508db98420d9fa9f3 Description-sl: Izvedba Ruby protokola SFTP Net::SFTP is a pure-Ruby implementation of the SFTP protocol (specifically, versions 1 through 6 of the SFTP protocol). Note that this is the "Secure File Transfer Protocol", typically run over an SSH connection, and has nothing to do with the FTP protocol. Package: ruby-net-ssh Description-md5: 55972a1a305eed01d7d977b082acfbf5 Description-sl: Izvedba Ruby za protokol SSH Net::SSH is a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH protocol. It allows you to write programs that invoke and interact with processes on remote servers, via SSH. Package: ruby-netcdf Description-md5: 5dda80abccdd7cdbe0569336d5f4bd6a Description-sl: Vmensik Ruby za knjižnico netCDF RubyNetCDF is a Ruby interface of netCDF library built on the NArray library, which is an efficient multi-dimensional numeric array class for Ruby. Package: ruby-password Description-md5: 29d7ffb0ecf8a7a3ef72ab893bdb7b53 Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za upravljanje gesel This package is a suite of password handling methods. Specifically, it handles manual entry of passwords from the keyboard in both buffered and unbuffered modes, password strength checking, random password generation, phonemic password generation, and encryption of passwords. . The common CrackLib library is used to perform password strength checking. Package: ruby-pg Description-md5: 5d27f486d8d3919d33cc283d173af5da Description-sl: Vmesnik PostgreSQL za Ruby ruby-pg module allows Ruby programs to interface with the PostgreSQL database engine. . It supports the functions defined in libpq library. Package: ruby-rchardet Description-md5: 22c54b0e53f5a2c8dcff988858379ff9 Description-sl: Samodejno zaznavanje kodiranja znakov za Ruby CharDet is a library to automatically detect character encoding 'as smart as your browser'. Package: ruby-redcloth Description-md5: f9e34e2b4a834595803a5f00d928e6fa Description-sl: Modul Textile za Ruby Textile is a very simple text format, intended for making readable text that can be converted to HTML, and used in docs, blogs, and Wiki pages. . RedCloth is a Ruby module for converting Textile to HTML. Package: ruby-rmagick Description-md5: 393bf835e37efeb55b6c8c6360451be5 Description-sl: API ImageMagick za Ruby RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the ImageMagick image processing library. Package: ruby-rmagick-doc Description-md5: 0ce2581c0fbd70d22e3556e5bfc3d594 Description-sl: API ImageMagick za Ruby (dokumentacija) RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the ImageMagick image processing library. . This package contains the documentation and some example scripts. Package: ruby-romkan Description-md5: 26fcd312f95e9c798f1e6703782450d9 Description-sl: Knjižnica pretvarjanja Romaji <-> Kana za Ruby Ruby/Romkan is a Romaji <-> Kana conversion library for Ruby. It can convert a Japanese Romaji string to a Japanese Kana string or vice versa. Package: ruby-rubymail-doc Description-md5: fc19fc79cdd73b94a98954fdbceaeed3 Description-sl: MIME mail parsing and generation library (documentation) RMail is a lightweight mail library containing various utility classes and modules that allow ruby scripts to parse, modify, and generate MIME mail messages. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: ruby-rubytorrent Description-md5: e66ce9f2e8571499ff298d4f70f99e0a Description-sl: Knjižnica BitTorrent v Rubyu BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the Internet. . RubyTorrent is a pure-Ruby BitTorrent peer library and toolset. You can use it to download or serve files over BitTorrent from any Ruby program. Package: ruby-sdl Description-md5: e42a3cf3ad4eb4cde23f1d35a61bcfe6 Description-sl: Vmesnik Ruby/SDL za Ruby Ruby/SDL is the ruby extension library to use SDL. SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide fast access to the graphics framebuffer and audio device. Package: ruby-sqlite3 Description-md5: bb1e1c8ac644e7c247c4f09bf4d5a87e Description-sl: Vmesnik SQLite3 za Ruby This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine. . Note that this module is only compatible with SQLite 3.6.16 or newer. Package: ruby-text-format Description-md5: c279133fdc1c70f6d74651b946ec7745 Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za oblikovanje besedila Text::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge of the writable space (number of columns), margins, and indentation settings. Text::Format can work with either TeX::Hyphen or Text::Hyphen to hyphenate words when formatting. Package: ruby-tioga Description-md5: bb68dd87dc1f67a0f650aaa50d2d0e1e Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za znanstvene grafe Tioga is a blend of PDF, pdfTex and ruby into a library to make scientific graphs of high quality. It is fairly complete and extensive, and comes with examples and (online) complete documentation. . Tioga is useful for scripting the generation of graphs, and comes with a configuration file for irb for interactive plotting of pictures. . A PDF viewer is strongly recommended if you want to make use of the tioga script, a wrapper around some of the library functionalities. Package: ruby-tioga-doc Description-md5: 0747d3b514d6cd4b02fd2f1a76c6c61a Description-sl: Knjižnica Ruby za znanstvene grafe Tioga is a blend of PDF, pdfTex and ruby into a library to make scientific graphs of high quality. It is fairly complete and extensive, and comes with examples and (online) complete documentation. . Tioga is useful for scripting the generation of graphs, and comes with a configuration file for irb for interactive plotting of pictures. . This package provides the rdoc documentation generated from tioga's source. It includes a complete API reference and a fairly extensive tutorial. Package: ruby-uuidtools Description-md5: dc06ac6c22190c05cbd9f3ba1673a72f Description-sl: Knjižnica za ustvarjanje UUID-jev za Ruby UUIDTools was designed to be a simple library for generating any of the various types of UUIDs (or GUIDs if you prefer to call them that). It conforms to RFC 4122 whenever possible. Package: ruby-will-paginate Description-md5: 0d5d96dea84126620ec37388e900d858 Description-sl: Pagination for Rails The will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for pagination and rendering of pagination links in ActionView templates. . Pagination is just limiting the number of records displayed, showing a subset of them at any given view, and allowing you to move the displayed window. This plugin makes the whole process a breeze. . Although this package is aimed at being used from the Ruby on Rails framework, any Enumerable class can include WillPaginate, giving it this functionality. Package: ruby-xmmsclient Description-md5: ef452a2ad26e2c16f84cb7ef39e4fe03 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vezave Ruby XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains a Ruby library that allows you to write XMMS2 clients. It's a language binding of libxmmsclient0. Package: runit Description-md5: eb15553874e0d9d776a0d1b31885eca3 Description-sl: Nadzor storitev na ravni sistema runit is a collection of tools to provide system-wide service supervision and to manage services. Contrary to sysv init, it not only cares about starting and stopping services, but also supervises the service daemons while they are running. Amongst other things, it provides a reliable interface to send signals to service daemons without the need for pid- files, and a log facility with automatic log file rotation and disk space limits. . runit service supervision can run under sysv init, systemd or replace the init system completely. Complete init replacement is provided by 'runit- init' package. Users that want to take advantage of runit supervision under systemd or sysv init can directly install the 'runit-run' package. Package: rusersd Description-md5: 7e7257b73a1544846657c9e06bd4af29 Description-sl: Prijavljeni v strežnik uporabnikov This is a server which returns information about users currently logged in to the system. Package: rwhod Description-md5: bbd85ec40111b12fc3615b107b219c70 Description-sl: Strežnik sistemskega stanja Rwhod is the server which maintains the database used by the rwho(1) and ruptime(1) programs. Its operation is predicated on the ability to broadcast messages on a network. Package: rygel-preferences Description-md5: 59a375a7fcca9a417886f1c174b36fd0 Description-sl: Storitve GNOME UPnP/DLNA - orodje možnosti Rygel is a home media solution that allows you to easily share audio, video and pictures, and control of media player on your home network. In technical terms it is both a UPnP AV MediaServer and MediaRenderer implemented through a plug-in mechanism. Interoperability with other devices in the market is achieved by conformance to very strict requirements of DLNA and on the fly conversion of media to format that client devices are capable of handling. . This package provides a graphical tool to configure Rygel and set custom preferences. Normally you'd configure your sharing preferences with GNOME Control Center and not need this tool. Package: s3d Description-md5: 51563c72776d53d2d64d5b5ad600406d Description-sl: 3d omrežni zaslonski strežnik s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Ta paket zagotavlja zaslonski strežnik. Package: s3d-data Description-md5: c84fa931ea31691a25bc876b279e3911 Description-sl: 3d network display server data files s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: s3d-doc Description-md5: 54b66bd159f86c4179217ea2a6e5440f Description-sl: Dokumentacija za s3d s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za s3d. Package: s3dfm Description-md5: 53542bee183962919cab0166e5dfc984 Description-sl: Upravljalnik datotek s3d s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . This package provides a file manager for s3d. Package: s3dvt Description-md5: 53f881ec3064e38f3b4786e675dfc778 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik 3d terminala za s3d s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . This package provides a 3d terminal emulator for s3d. Package: s5 Description-md5: 7d0edfd286b967a335ccab4e4b5d5598 Description-sl: Enostavem sistem predstavitve osnovan na HTML S5 is a slide show format based entirely on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With one file, you can run a complete slide show and have a printer- friendly version as well. The markup used for the slides is very simple, highly semantic, and completely accessible. Anyone with even a smidgen of familiarity with HTML or XHTML can look at the markup and figure out how to adapt it to their particular needs. Anyone familiar with CSS can create their own slide show theme. It's totally simple, and it's totally standards-driven. . The name S5 stands for "Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System". Package: s6-doc Description-md5: 4f7c84512a4e83a3388cff1ee2f30fb5 Description-sl: small and secure supervision software suite (documentation) s6 is a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision (a.k.a service supervision), in the line of daemontools and runit, as well as various operations on processes and daemons. It is meant to be a toolbox for low-level process and service administration, providing different sets of independent tools that can be used within or without the framework, and that can be assembled together to achieve powerful functionality with a very small amount of code. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: sa-exim Description-md5: d5d03f13cf30db0236c2402f3465de01 Description-sl: SpamAssassin filter za Exim SA-Exim integrates SpamAssassin filtering at SMTP time with the Exim v4 MTA. It may be used to reject incoming mails before they arrive, or even to tie up the sender's resources by slowing down the connection ("teergrubing"). . Most of the functionality of this package can also be achieved using the exiscan ACL conditions built into the "heavy" Exim daemon, exim-daemon- heavy. Use this package if you need SpamAssassin's report_safe feature, or if you want to have easier control over the header fields added, without using the report template to add multiple fields. Package: sabily-gdm-themes Description-md5: 56f6c172472429cbbc8f5505c9375a56 Description-sl: GDM teme Sabily The default GDM themes for Sabily. At the moment the package contains: * HumanME * Sabily-green * Shahada Package: sabily-grub-artwork Description-md5: 58e4da5ab862dac8573ab69ae8dcb73c Description-sl: Grafična podoba Sabily za GRUB2 Sabily is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It includes Islamic software (prayer times tool, Quran study tool, Hijri calendar etc.) and has a custom design. . This package contains Sabily artwork used by GRUB2 bootloader. Package: sabily-themes Description-md5: 5c74ae4437c39748aea02a57511ff2cf Description-sl: Teme Sabily The default HumanME theme. At the moment the package contains: * The theme definitions * Metacity theme elements * The icon theme * green-human and HumanME GTK+ themes * Animated cursor themes . Package: sabily-xsplash-artwork Description-md5: 45465e834169833eb3883f90ed52638b Description-sl: Grafična podoba Sabily za xsplash Sabily artwork used by xsplash, a userspace application that uses the X interface to draw a splash screen at boot. Package: sagan-rules Description-md5: 9a71019afb085798538636d7822b70d5 Description-sl: Real-time System & Event Log Monitoring System [rules] Sagan is a multi-threaded, real time system- and event-log monitoring system, but with a twist. Sagan uses a “Snort” like rule set for detecting malicious events happening on your network and/or computer systems. If Sagan detects a potentially bad event, that event can be stored to a Snort database (MySQL/PostgreSQL), send it to a SIEM tool like Prelude, or send an email. . Ta paket vsebuje pravila za Sagan. Package: sagcad Description-md5: f417c5194418949cb3ba9e68d8b6a1af Description-sl: 2D program za CAD/CAM Enostaven program 2D CAD in modeliranja z naslednjimi zmožnostmi: * 2D CAD * odpiranje/shranjevanje/ustvarjanje datotek * razveljavi/uveljavi * uporaba pisave Qcad cxf * izreži/kopiraj/prilepi * izhod SGY/DXF/IGES/NC * vhod SGY/DXF/NC * izhod datotek ps(PostScript) * CAM * elipsa in poličrte Package: sagcad-doc Description-md5: 3fc9c99e6ffd1c30e1a8e71725c77e59 Description-sl: Dokumentacija sagCAD Enostaven program 2D CAD in modeliranja z naslednjimi zmožnostmi: * 2D CAD * odpiranje/shranjevanje/ustvarjanje datotek * razveljavi/uveljavi * uporaba pisave Qcad cxf * izreži/kopiraj/prilepi * izhod SGY/DXF/IGES/NC * vhod SGY/DXF/NC * izhod datotek ps(PostScript) * CAM * elipsa in poličrte . This package contains a set of documents and tutorial web pages which helps you to learn and practise with sagCAD system. Package: sahara-common Description-md5: 4f372deb7e7a306db444ad0a666d4157 Description-sl: OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - common files The Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack. It's the ex Savanna project, renamed due to potential trademark issues. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: sahara-doc Description-md5: b7a994cf63d66faed880f2ae23bc98a0 Description-sl: OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - doc The Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack. It's the ex Savanna project, renamed due to potential trademark issues. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: sailcut-doc Description-md5: 786642f7265741a9ff7a5c67e8957c6f Description-sl: Dokumentacija Sailcut CAD Sailcut CAD is a sail design and plotting software which allows you to design and visualise your own sails and compute the accurate development of all panels in flat sheets. You can export the sails you create to DXF, plaintext or Carlson plotter files. . This package provides the documentation for Sailcut CAD. Package: salliere Description-md5: 57b0f570369399e9657291fe0cb4678a Description-sl: Dodeljevalnik rezultatov podvajanja mostov Salliere is a scoring program for duplicate bridge. It will take a file of pair numbers and contracts then score and match point them for duplicate bridge. It will then produce nicely tabulated overall results and board-by-board results. Package: sane Description-md5: 2f448d14f906e21875602c8f002bcd5d Description-sl: Grafična začelja preiskovalnika This package includes : o xscanimage, a scanner graphical frontend with GIMP 2.0 support o scanadf, a command-line frontend for scanners with Automatic Document Feeder o xcam, for acquiring images continuously from cameras. . An alternative to xscanimage called xsane is packaged separately. . SANE pomeni "Dostop do optičnih bralnikov zdaj enostaven" in je programski vmesnik programov (API), ki zagotavlja standardiziran dostop do katerekoli strojne opreme rastrske slike (namizni optični bralnik, ročni optični bralnik, kamere in fotoaparate, itd.).Standard SANE je prost in razprava o njem in njegov razvoj sta odprta vsem. Trenutna izvorna koda je napisana za podporo več operacijskih sistemov, vključno z GNU/LInux, OS/2, Win32 in različnimi Unixi in je na voljo pod licenco GNU General Public Licence (vendar so dobrodošli tudi komercialni programi in zaledja). Package: sasview-doc Description-md5: a9e38c579f83f335fcba3466c7b9f7a4 Description-sl: Small Angle Scattering Analysis (documentation) SasView is software for the analysis of Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) data. . It fits analytic functions describing different types of material microstructure to experimental data in order to determine the shape, size and degree of ordering. . SasView also includes tools for calculating scattering length densities, slit sizes, resolution, fringe thicknesses/d-spacings, the (Porod) invariant ('total scattering'), and distance distribution functions. . SasView is a Small Angle Scattering Analysis Software Package, originally developed as part of the NSF DANSE project under the name SansView, now managed by an international collaboration of facilities. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: sawfish-data Description-md5: adc0ffa90860c9c7ea01d385cb8db9af Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisni podatki sawfish This package contains the architecture independent lisp compiled files and other data, such as theme pixmaps. It is unlikely to be of any use without the sawfish window manager. . The lisp source files are in the sawfish-lisp-source package. Package: sawfish-lisp-source Description-md5: 2f94d36dc3e03838bc3e3e0a7e6f06c3 Description-sl: Datoteke sawfish lisp This package contains the lisp source files in case you want to modify, study or debug the behaviour of the window manager. . It is not required for normal use of sawfish and not installing it will save space in small systems. Package: sawfish-themes Description-md5: ce903570a3ae281b31a3a7f4587ca8c4 Description-sl: Teme za okenski upravljalnik Sawfish This package contains contributed themes for Sawfish; they can be used to alter the appearance and some behavioral aspects of your Sawfish windows. . After installation, sawfish themes may be selected from the "Appearance" section of the Sawfish configurator, or from the "Frame Style" submenu of any particular window menu. Package: sbcl-source Description-md5: ee91a0cda511e6d9ca51542b0320b384 Description-sl: Datoteke izvorne kode za SBCL This package provides the source code for SBCL -- a development environment for the ANSI Common Lisp language. . The source code is useful in conjunction with development environments and debuggers like SLIME, that allow macro expansion and lookup of source definitions. . Installing this package enables your source browser to dig deeply into the core of Steel Bank Common Lisp. Package: sblim-cmpi-base Description-md5: e28a9ce19aebee430cd10db75bd1fec5 Description-sl: SBLIM osnovni ponudnik CMPI The SBLIM base provider is a CMPI provider offering CIM access to base OS data, like Computer System, Operating System, Base Board, Processor and Unix Processes. Package: scamper Description-md5: e135693807d56206a09098977b723260 Description-sl: Pripomoček za vzporedno merjenje interneta scamper is a program that is able to conduct Internet measurement tasks to large numbers of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, in parallel, to fill a specified packets-per-second rate. Currently, it supports the well-known ping and traceroute techniques, as well as MDA traceroute, alias resolution, some parts of tbit, sting, and neighbour discovery. . scamper can do ICMP-based Path MTU discovery. scamper starts with the outgoing interface's MTU and discovers the location of Path MTU bottlenecks. scamper performs a PMTUD search when an ICMP fragmentation required message is not returned to establish the PMTU to the next point in the network, followed by a TTL limited search to infer where the failure appears to occur. Package: scanbd Description-md5: d74871c46cb6f52c5de388d68a7032a4 Description-sl: Ozadnji program gumba preiskovalnika It polls the scanner buttons looking for buttons pressed or function knob changes or other scanner events as paper inserts / removals and at the same time allows also scan-applications to access the scanners. If buttons are pressed, etc., various actions can be submitted (scan, copy, email, ...) via action scripts. The function knob values are passed to the action-scripts as well. . Scan actions are also signaled via D-Bus. This can be useful for foreign applications. Scans can also be triggered via D-Bus from foreign applications. . On platforms which support signaling of dynamic device insertion / removal (libudev, D-Bus, hal) scanbd supports this as well. scanbd can use all sane-backends or some special backends from the (old) scanbuttond project. . This package is a successor of scanbuttond. Package: scantv Description-md5: 86b5b6933624b4ff0aa5c45634161953 Description-sl: Preiskovalnik televizijskih kanalov XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . This package provides a utility that can scan a channel set for TV stations and write the ones found in an xawtv configuration file (which is also read by some other utilities such as fbtv). It attempts to extract the station names from inter-frame (VBI) data as well. Package: schism Description-md5: 1e66d5e86c11251a589c716a6a34790d Description-sl: ImpulseTracker clone aiming at providing the same look&feel To je urejevalnik za glasbo s "sledmi", na primer zvočnimi vzorci višine inštrumentov, ki so zamaknjeni glede na podatke not. . The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular "tracker" programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch. Package: scid Description-md5: 5da8bb3a7be4b2839e6412d28d11d134 Description-sl: chess database with play and training functionality Shane's Chess Information Database is a chess database application with a graphical user interface. You can browse databases of chess games, edit them and search for games by various criteria. Scid uses its own compact and fast database format, but can convert to and from PGN. Its also possible to play live on the internet and practice tactical knowledge. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: science-biology Description-md5: 59633f821572a37f2f07d2231a8d2300 Description-sl: Paketi biologije Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Biology. You might also be interested in the field::biology debtag. . This metapackage makes use of the packages med-bio and med-bio-dev (for development of biological applications) which are maintained by Debian Med - another Debian Pure Blend. If you are a biologist you are most probably interested in the Debian Med project which deals with biology and medicine in much more detail then the more general Debian Science. Package: science-chemistry Description-md5: 9277c2851998d90846d1e6ab4e1a86b0 Description-sl: Paketi kemije Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Chemistry. You might also be interested in the field::chemistry debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-chemistry metapackage. Package: science-distributedcomputing Description-md5: 727df4bf2091a0832d0620bd7d5354e2 Description-sl: Paketi distribuiranega računalništva Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages useful for various types of distributed computing, such as grid-, cloud-, cluster- and parallel-computing. Package: science-electrophysiology Description-md5: ba960a78d9c5942a13c981e35e9ade59 Description-sl: Paketi Debian Science za elektrofiziologijo This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful for scientists doing electrophysiology-based neuroscience research. . The selection of packages is targeting the application of analysis techniques. Methods developers are referred to the science-statistics, science-imageanalysis, science-numericalcomputation, med-imaging, and med- imaging-dev metapackages for a variety of additional software that might be useful for electrophysiology research. Package: science-engineering Description-md5: 3ff49da9cd140839d1f263ec2e8537f2 Description-sl: Inženirski paketi Debian Science This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and installs packages related to Engineering. . Please note that there is an additional package engineering-dev which depends from packages which are useful to develop engineering related software. Package: science-geography Description-md5: fba06c418ed266efef128294178e8b31 Description-sl: Zemljepisni paketi Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Geography. You might also be interested in the field::geography debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-geography metapackage. Package: science-linguistics Description-md5: e979816874a5c7f8eecd154411537ae5 Description-sl: Jezikovni paketi Debian Science This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and installs packages related to Linguistics. Package: science-mathematics Description-md5: 9fee3b99223e690652e284417cf1ffe0 Description-sl: Paketi matematike Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Mathematics. You might also be interested in the field::mathematics debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-mathematics metapackage. Package: science-meteorology Description-md5: 47e2050a5f3d2382eaa9138d3bef1a1e Description-sl: Paketi vremenoslovja Debian Science This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and installs packages related to Meteorology and Climate. Package: science-physics Description-md5: 673b149dddb600171f4a9edd22d38210 Description-sl: Paketi fizike Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Physics. You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on your focus, in education-physics metapackage. Package: science-psychophysics Description-md5: ab7c4d338cce5ad11e126d14864c6ffc Description-sl: Paketi Debian Science za psihofiziko This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful for carrying out any experiment relating physical stimuli and their psychological effects. . The selection of packages is targeting software for stimuli delivery. For additional software related to the analysis of the acquired data refer to science-neuroscience-cognitive, med-imaging depending on the domain of application. Additionally look into science-bci since those often provide a complete loop frameworks including stimuli delivery. Package: science-robotics Description-md5: d50fef0e45adee17027409096f24dd18 Description-sl: Paketi Debian Robotics This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and installs packages related to Robotics. . You might also be interested in the science-engineering metapackage. Package: science-statistics Description-md5: 4c16eed7d6171fc6aef34ec40682c218 Description-sl: Statistični paketi Debian Science This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and installs packages related to statistics. This task is a general task which might be useful for any scientific work. It depends from a lot of R packages as well as from other tools which are useful to do statistics. Moreover the Science Mathematics task is suggested to optionally install all mathematics related software. Package: science-typesetting Description-md5: 6d2d4814e042c2ca9ea683a02d565bff Description-sl: Paketi črkovnega oblikovanja Debian Science This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to typesetting. You might also be interested in the use::typesetting debtag. Package: scilab Description-md5: 36b280660db0e407caf724c273ac9413 Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket za numerične izračune Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . Za najmanjšo različico scilab namestite paket "scilab-cli". Package: scilab-data Description-md5: fa23f61e370b384e580df50863a46510 Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket za numerične izračune (podatkovne datoteke) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . Paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za Scilab. Package: scilab-doc Description-md5: 2d806e94ea03a4e506f4847044eb9d9f Description-sl: Scientific software package (English documentations) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . This package contains demos, examples and help pages. Package: scilab-doc-fr Description-md5: 8acc7c8fa2dd47083e2bc10e25801da3 Description-sl: Scientific software package (French documentation) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . Ta paket vsebuje strani pomoči v francoščini. Package: scilab-doc-ja Description-md5: 0c3a3d350093b95707f5bb9e59b96779 Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket (japonska dokumentacija) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . Ta paket vsebuje strani pomoči v japonski dokumentaciji. Package: scilab-doc-pt-br Description-md5: 6d55faf50c912a6a3b84f5bd8291ae6e Description-sl: Scientific software package (Brazilian Portuguese documentation) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . This package contains help pages in Brazilian Portuguese documentation. Package: scilab-full-bin Description-md5: 30d04f61ad2b7de2e03b85cf2b5ba6c6 Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket za numerične izračune (vse binarne datoteke) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing ... . This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. . Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided. . Ta paket vsebuje arhitekturno določene binarne datoteke. Package: scilab-include Description-md5: 4fac92985e7799483e0d96922456d1f4 Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket za numerične izračune (datoteke include) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . This package contains the include files for Scilab (used in the dynamic link). Package: scilab-minimal-bin Description-md5: 019d4762370977bc7990af8b542c30a3 Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket za numerične izračune (najmanjše binarne datoteke) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . This package contains the architecture specific binary files. All mandatory libraries for scilab-cli are shipped in this package. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features. Package: scilab-test Description-md5: 4054ca8da6df5bad9f6366dc2b0079ed Description-sl: Znanstveni programski paket za numerične izračune (preizkusne datoteke) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica. . This package contains the test files (unitary, non regression, performance ...) for Scilab. . See Scilab function 'test_run' for usage. Package: scim Description-md5: 10bc2342ad086acb0461986705697160 Description-sl: Pameten skupni sistem vnosnih načinov Skupni pameten vnosni način (SCIM) je okolje vnosnega načina (IM). Vnosni načini so zahtevani za vnos zapletenih znakov v veliko ne-latiničnih jezikih. SCIM zagotavlja skupno okolje za različne module vstavkov in neodvisne programe IM kot tudi kot zbirko modulov in programov. Je visoko moduliziran in izpostavi abstraktne vmesnike zato da se lahko moduli vstavkov z različnimi funkcijami enostavno sporazumevajo med seboj. Trenutno podprte vrste modulov so nastavitev, programnik IM, začelje, filter in grafični vmesnik nastavitev. . SCIM achieves the communication between IM engines and front ends through both shared library linking and server/client mode. It supports XIM protocol, as well as GTK+ IM module. . Ta paket je glavni binarni paket SCIM. Vključuje: glavni program scim (osnovan na GTK+) in druge podporne programe, enostaven modul nastavitev, modul začelja X11, modul programnika IM rawcode, modul filtra pretvorbe tradicionalne/poenostavljene kitajščine, njihove module grafičnega vmesnika nastavitev, pult GTK+ in njegov modul grafičnega vmesnika nastavitev in na GTK+ osnovano orodje nastavitev. . SCIM je dobro sprejeto okolje in vsebuje različne programnike za načine vnosa za številne jezike. V Debianu lahko najdete naslednje ločno pakirane načine vnosa: scim-tables-{additional,ja,ko,zh}, scim-pinyin, scim-uim, scim-m17n, scim-chewing, scim-anthy, scim-canna, scim-prime in scim-skk. Za uporabnike GTK+ bo uporaben tudi paket scim-gtk-immodule, ki zagotavlja podporo za GTK+. . Za razvoj na okolju SCIM si oglejte opis paketa scim-dev. Package: scim-anthy Description-md5: 248904f810be0c862510b14e98cf6ffe Description-sl: SCIM IMEngine module for Anthy Pameten skupni sistem vnosnih načinov (SCIM) je strežnik vnosnih načinov in razvojno okolje za lažje življenje razvijalcev vnosnih načinov. . Anthy is a simple and secure input method in Japanese. scim-anthy connects Anthy to SCIM. Package: scim-dev Description-md5: d2c1f13303b65ddee6ba9df222b092b1 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za sistem SCIM SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . This package is a metapackage to provide development libraries and documentations for SCIM platform. . For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim package. Package: scim-dev-doc Description-md5: d14e2f5c6284d23b3aa6120f158c06d5 Description-sl: Razvojna dokumentacija zs sistem SCIM SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . This package contains doxygen-generated HTML development documentation for SCIM APIs. . For more information about SCIM and SCIM development, please see the description of scim and scim-dev packages. Package: scim-modules-socket Description-md5: 068e48e97d5cb3f527acf38c6cf41d35 Description-sl: Modul vtičev za sistem SCIM SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . This package provides the socket modules for SCIM. SCIM can use a local or inet socket as the front end and connect to the configuration and IM engine modules. Then other computers and/or environments can share these input methods by connecting to the socket with socket IM engine module and socket configure module. . For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim package. Package: scim-skk Description-md5: 6a5778822d3198c71fa53ea7e48a4097 Description-sl: SCIM IMEngine module like SKK input method Pameten skupni sistem vnosnih načinov (SCIM) je strežnik vnosnih načinov in razvojno okolje za lažje življenje razvijalcev vnosnih načinov. skk je enostaven in varen vnosni način v japonščini. scim-skk je zmožen vnosa kot skk. Package: sciteproj Description-md5: f64c3647a879e61b9a2bc66f52003ec9 Description-sl: Upravljalnik projektov za urejevalnik SciTE Project manager for SciTE, used to group a bunch of files into a project for easy access in SciTE giving the possibility to group files in folders, using the director interface in SciTE to open them. Package: scorched3d Description-md5: 6dcd210eaa13f271d3ae444175db563d Description-sl: Topniška igra v 3D, podobna Scorched Earth Scorched3D je igra, ki je mogočno osnovana na klasični igri DOS Scorched Earth. Scorched3D poleg drugih novih zmožnosti doda okolje 3D otoka in igranje preko LAN-a in interneta. Package: scorched3d-data Description-md5: 22d268a2b086d0ca156c7bbf28d038e3 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro Scorched3D Scorched3D je igra, ki je mogočno osnovana na klasični igri DOS Scorched Earth. Scorched3D poleg drugih novih zmožnosti doda okolje 3D otoka in igranje preko LAN-a in interneta. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro Scorched3D. Package: screenruler Description-md5: 983113ec8a34327d28c1fa241ee39e16 Description-sl: izberite predmete na zaslonu z različnimi metrikami ScreenRuler bo na zaslonu prikazal ravnilo, ki omogoča merjenje predmetov na zaslonu. Ima naslednje zmožnosti: * vodoravna in navpična meritev v 6 različnih enotah: točke, centimetri, inče, pike, točke in kot odstotek dolžine ravnila. * prilagodljive barve in pisave. * nadzor s tipkovnico za natančen položaj. * možnost, da ravnilo vedno ostane na vrhu drugih oken. Package: scribus-data Description-md5: 4f4399752d6f867f77c34ba3fc459efb Description-sl: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - data files Scribus is an open source desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. . Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT5. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: scribus-template Description-md5: 18c1e284e3b4fda433cd1c1d7c44fbc6 Description-sl: Dodatne predloge scribus These templates are distributed in addition to the three example templates present in the main scribus package. Some of them were prepared by members of the core Scribus development team and some were contributions by the community members. Package: sctk-doc Description-md5: 3227278667e7ecadbcbdeed22836ea06 Description-sl: speech recognition scoring toolkit (documentation) This software can be used to test quality performance of speech recognition software. . It includes the SCLITE, ASCLITE, tranfilt, hubscr and utf_filt scoring tools. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: scummvm Description-md5: fef78cb5d2135ebe38a742f7edcc4c3e Description-sl: Programnik za več grafičnih pustolovskih iger ScumVM je 'navidezni stroj' za več klasičnih grafičnih pustolovskih iger pokaži in klikni. Zasnovan je za poganjanje iger Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 in 2, Beneath a Steel Sky podjetja Revolution in igre osnovane na sistemu SCUMM podjetja LucasArts. SCUMM se uporablja za veliko iger vključno z Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max in več. Za poln seznam podprtih iger si oglejte uradni seznam združljivosti na <>. . The game data of four games compatible with ScummVM is included in Debian. These are: . - Beneath a Steel Sky (package: beneath-a-steel-sky) - Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back (package: drascula) - Flight of the Amazon Queen (package: flight-of-the-amazon-queen) - Lure of the Temptress (package: lure-of-the-temptress) . Za dejansko uporabo ScummVM boste morali namestiti enega od teh ali pridobiti podatke lastniške igre za drugo podprto igro od nekod drugod. Package: scummvm-data Description-md5: 4387e2781b809212c27376c76bb03fc4 Description-sl: Programnik za več grafičnih pustolovskih iger (podatkovne datoteke) ScumVM je 'navidezni stroj' za več klasičnih grafičnih pustolovskih iger pokaži in klikni. Zasnovan je za poganjanje iger Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 in 2, Beneath a Steel Sky podjetja Revolution in igre osnovane na sistemu SCUMM podjetja LucasArts. SCUMM se uporablja za veliko iger vključno z Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max in več. Za poln seznam podprtih iger si oglejte uradni seznam združljivosti na <>. . The game data of four games compatible with ScummVM is included in Debian. These are: . - Beneath a Steel Sky (package: beneath-a-steel-sky) - Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back (package: drascula) - Flight of the Amazon Queen (package: flight-of-the-amazon-queen) - Lure of the Temptress (package: lure-of-the-temptress) . Za dejansko uporabo ScummVM boste morali namestiti enega od teh ali pridobiti podatke lastniške igre za drugo podprto igro od nekod drugod. . These packages provides data files needed to run some engines supported by ScummVM. Package: sdcc Description-md5: e36909237d933ff69d28ff29bca0681c Description-sl: Majhen kodni prevajalnik naprav C SDCC is a C compiler for the Intel MCS51 family, HC08, PIC, GameBoy Z80, DS80S390, Z80, Z180 and STM8 microcontrollers. . This package includes the compiler, assemblers and linkers. Package: sdcc-doc Description-md5: f2f09ed8d5ab9c982e68a06235b7e451 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik C majhnih naprav (dokumentacija) SDCC is a C compiler for the Intel MCS51 family, HC08, PIC, GameBoy Z80, DS80S390, Z80, Z180 and STM8 microcontrollers. . This package provides the documentation and examples for the SDCC compiler. Package: sdcc-libraries Description-md5: 2396c2f02be9304e208b0b8f67e4e33e Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik majhnih naprav C (knjižnice) SDCC is a C compiler for the Intel MCS51 family, HC08, PIC, GameBoy Z80, DS80S390, Z80, Z180 and STM8 microcontrollers. . This package contains the core library for SDCC. Package: sdcv Description-md5: 2fceb6d6af5dbfbb73fb86abc18a92c6 Description-sl: Različica konzole StarDict sdcv is simple text-based utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's format. . It supports command line interaction as well as interactive mode using readline. Package: sdf Description-md5: 65eb1315794ec8133dd1a14b0e8db243 Description-sl: Enostaven razčlenjevalnik dokumentov SDF (Simple Document Format) is a freely available document development system which generates high quality outputs in a variety of formats from a single source. The output formats supported include PostScript(tm), PDF, HTML, plain text, POD, man pages, LaTeX, MIF, SGML, Windows(tm) help, RTF, MIMS F6 help and MIMS HTX help. If the idea of specifying documents in a logical manner via a simple markup language sounds appealing, SDF may be useful to you. Package: sdl-ball Description-md5: 4d90f1e650a89c4bfccb0ba376d647f4 Description-sl: igra razbijanja opek, podobna DX-Ball/Arkanoid Vaša misija: hoditi skozi zaporedje čedalje težjih in zapletenih stopenj. Vaša orodja: ultrakinetične žoge iz titana in vaš Gruntmazer-3000-Paddle. Package: sdl-ball-data Description-md5: 0ec5787a9f1aebbb44b2e7aa001d11db Description-sl: igra razbijanja opek, podobna DX-Ball/Arkanoid - podatkovne datoteke Vaša misija: hoditi skozi zaporedje čedalje težjih in zapletenih stopenj. Vaša orodja: ultrakinetične žoge iz titana in vaš Gruntmazer-3000-Paddle. . This package contains arch-independent data files for sdl-ball (images, sounds, levels, etc). Package: sdop Description-md5: 94e505dbaf94081148051f9a47ddde60 Description-sl: Poenostavljen urejevalnik DocBook SDoP (Simple DocBook Processor) reads a Simplified DocBook XML file, processes it into typeset pages, and outputs the result as PostScript (which can easily be converted to a PDF). It is "simple" because it supports only a subset of DocBook, and also because it does not make use of a DTD or stylesheets or any other heavyweight apparatus. It is a single program. SDoP is used to format the Exim reference manual. Package: search-ccsb Description-md5: 2bcbae3ddc85c98591818375fd58e26b Description-sl: Orodje za iskanje BibTeX Search-ccsb is a Perl script that connects to "The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies"[1], and performs a keyword search query. The result is a set of BibTeX entries that matches the query. . 1. . If you use some emacsen application, this package will install the search- ccsb.el script on it. Package: search-citeseer Description-md5: 576c48c005e047143bb7e8e508b50219 Description-sl: Orodje za iskanje BibTeX Search-Citeseer is a Perl script that connects to Citeseer (, and performs a keyword search query. The result is a set of BibTeX entries that matches the query. . If you use some emacsen application, this package will install the search- citeseer.el script on it. Package: searchandrescue-common Description-md5: 4ced87b93ca74ec2586ebe683ca41989 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke in dokumentacija za searchandrescure Tired of scores indicating things destroyed or lives snuffed? Try something different -- fly a helicopter around and rescue people in distress. If you were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to rescue you? . This package contains the documentation and architecture independent (common) files. Package: searchandrescue-data Description-md5: cbeac033971308e0adb322a1d6c069c7 Description-sl: Skupne podatkovne datoteke za searchandrescure Tired of scores indicating things destroyed or lives snuffed? Try something different -- fly a helicopter around and rescue people in distress. If you were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to rescue you? . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: searchmonkey Description-md5: 77c2de301151119f6fa431c7b6554eff Description-sl: orodja za iskanje datotek z uporabo logičnih izrazov z namenom zamenjave orodij iskanja/ponovnega iskanja SearchMonkey je lahek program Gtk, ki poskuša zamenjati find/grep z lepim uporabniškim vmesnik, ki prikaže mesta in količino zadetkov besedila. Cilj je zagotoviti enostavno in dostopno orodje za končne uporabnike in razvijalce programov. Package: sec Description-md5: 9b593aab566f083db7a8368d97258098 Description-sl: Enostaven program za korelacijo dogodkov SEC is a simple event correlation tool that takes input and executes actions based on rules. It is very flexible and can be used with anything that can write out to a file stream. Package: secilc-doc Description-md5: 5b7d19c93a5d6e63b5305364f489150d Description-sl: documentation for the SELinux CIL Compiler Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. . The SELinux CIL Compiler is a compiler that converts the CIL language as described on the CIL design wiki into a kernel binary policy file. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: secpanel Description-md5: bfbcafb8000df614f2c4b0b1e75514c2 Description-sl: grafični uporabniški vmesnik za SSH in SCP SecPanel je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za upravljanje povezav varne lupine (ssh) in varne omrežne kopije (scp) preko OpenSSH. Olajša distribucijo ključev in druge naloge povezave z uporabo teh programov. Package: selinux-basics Description-md5: dca2ca41603c7b932fd8870763cff243 Description-sl: Osnovna podpora SELinux This package will pull in basic SELinux stuff to ease installation, as well as provide scripts and helpers to work around common problems. Package: selinux-policy-doc Description-md5: 5ace31fba5708e250b88f928fce9e1b1 Description-sl: Documentation for the SELinux reference policy The SELinux Reference Policy (refpolicy) is a complete SELinux policy, as an alternative to the existing strict and targeted policies available from The goal is to have this policy as the system policy, be and used as the basis for creating other policies. Refpolicy is based on the current strict and targeted policies, but aims to accomplish many additional goals: + Strong Modularity + Clearly stated security Goals + Documentation + Development Tool Support + Forward Looking + Configurability + Flexible Base Policy + Application Policy Variations + Multi-Level Security . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za pravila sklicev. Package: selinux-utils Description-md5: 0dfe4ba09954ecdcb854ff898167f98b Description-sl: Programi pripomočka SELinux This package provides various utility programs for a Security-enhanced Linux system. Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. This package provides utility programs to get and set process and file security contexts and to obtain security policy decisions. Package: sendfile Description-md5: 544c219ea9ea2e5464e79b350c4ef1a4 Description-sl: Enostaven asinhron prenos datotek Sendfile is an asynchronous file transfer service for the Internet, like the sendfile facility in Bitnet: Any user A can send files to another user B without B being active in any way. . The existing standard file transfer (ftp) is a synchronous service: The user must have access to an account on the sending and on the receiving site, too. . Sendfile for Unix, which is an implementation of the SAFT protocol (Simple Asynchronous File Transfer) now offers you a true asynchronous file transfer service for the Internet. Virtually any form of file can be sent, including encrypted ones. The SAFT protocol will be submitted as an RFC in the near future. Package: sensible-mda Description-md5: bea515eec8582f9eac6796d823698ba5 Description-sl: Ovijalnik agneta dostavljanja pošte Sensible-mda is a Debian addition in the sendmail package and has been split out in hopes that it might be useful for other MTA packages. . Sensible-mda is called by the MTA, and will in turn call whichever of the following MDAs that it finds (in this order): procmail, maildrop, deliver, mail.local Package: sepia Description-md5: 1330fbe338d6e20da5a36c9eb06d4e30 Description-sl: Enostavno sporazuemvanje Emacs-Perl Sepia is a set of features to make Emacs a better tool for Perl development, including: . * an interactive prompt (REPL) for evaluating code; * cross-referencing to find and navigate between function and variable definitions and uses; * variable- and function-name completion. * eldoc support to echo function arguments in the minibuffer * functions to simplify POD browsing with Emacs-w3m Package: seqmagick Description-md5: e95ea82bff0bcb456ddd034e47497452 Description-sl: imagemagick-like frontend to Biopython SeqIO Seqmagick is a little utility to expose the file format conversion in BioPython in a convenient way. . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Modifying sequences: - Remove gaps - Reverse & reverse complement - Trim to a range of residues - Change case - Sort by length or ID * Displaying information about sequence files * Subsetting sequence files by: - Position - ID - Deduplication * Filtering sequences by quality score * Trimming alignments to a region of interest defined by the forward and reverse primers Package: serdi Description-md5: 7422b25fbd724db63b98451c8a76d0e8 Description-sl: Lahka knjižnica skladnje RDF - orodje serdi Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomoček 'serd'. Package: seyon Description-md5: 72ea6905ece01cb70c02e9875dca33fb Description-sl: Full-featured native X11 communications program Seyon je celoten polno zmožen paket sporazumevanja modema za okenski sistem X. Nekatere od njegovih zmožnosti so: - mapa klicev - posnemanje terminala (DEC VT02, Tektronix 4014 in ANSI) - skriptni jezik - Zmodem Package: sfront Description-md5: 866ac3c4808d6c84bdc2c0884c652034 Description-sl: MPEG 4 strukturirani dekodirnik zvoka Sfront compiles MPEG 4 Structured Audio (MP4-SA) bitstreams into efficient C programs that generate audio when executed. It supports real-time, low- latency audio input/output, MIDI input from soundcards, and Network Musical Performance. . MP4-SA is a standard for normative algorithmic sound, that combines an audio signal processing language (SAOL) with score languages (SASL, and the legacy MIDI File Format). . This package includes the sfront application, the sfront manual and "The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Book", a book on sound modeling and sequencing using MP4-SA. Package: sgml-base-doc Description-md5: b5c6491c66dbf62f81c12c7540aade6a Description-sl: Dokumentacija za sgml-base This package contains the documentation for sgml-base, providing the SGML infrastructure directories and catalog file support, in HTML, PDF and plain text format. Package: sgt-puzzles Description-md5: b3827e9d8912b6118023d92e0a6f1801 Description-sl: Zbirka prenosljivih ugank Simona Tathama - ugankarske igre za 1 igralca Zbirka prenosljivih ugank Simona Tathama vsebuje številne priljubljene ugankarske igre za enega igralca. Trenutno je sestavljena iz teh iger: . * Black Box, ball-finding puzzle * Bridges, bridge-placing puzzle * Cube, rolling cube puzzle * Dominosa, domino tiling puzzle * Fifteen, sliding block puzzle * Filling, polyomino puzzle * Flip, tile inversion puzzle * Flood, flood-filling puzzle * Galaxies, symmetric polyomino puzzle * Guess, combination-guessing puzzle * Inertia, gem-collecting puzzle * Keen, arithmetic Latin square puzzle * Light Up, light-bulb placing puzzle * Loopy, loop-drawing puzzle * Magnets, magnet-placing puzzle * Map, map-colouring puzzle * Mines, mine-finding puzzle * Mosaic, grid-filling puzzle * Net, network jigsaw puzzle * Netslide, toroidal sliding network puzzle * Palisade, grid-division puzzle * Pattern, pattern puzzle * Pearl, loop-drawing puzzle * Pegs, peg solitaire puzzle * Range, visible-distance puzzle * Rectangles, rectangles puzzle * Same Game, block-clearing puzzle * Signpost, square-connecting puzzle * Singles, number-removing puzzle * Sixteen, toroidal sliding block puzzle * Slant, maze-drawing puzzle * Solo, number placement puzzle * Tents, tent-placing puzzle * Towers, tower-placing Latin square puzzle * Tracks, path-finding railway track puzzle * Twiddle, rotational sliding block puzzle * Undead, monster-placing puzzle * Unequal, Latin square puzzle * Unruly, black and white grid puzzle * Untangle, planar graph layout puzzle Package: shiki-colors Description-md5: 4677951f9cbf30400d71096d994c59c8 Description-sl: Zbirka tem Metacity/GTK-2+ Shiki-Colors is a set of Metacity/GTK-2+ themes which mix the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme, resulting in a hybrid theme. . This package provides seven variations of the Shiki-Colors (Murrine) theme: . Shiki-Brave (Blue), Shiki-Dust (Chocolate), Shiki-Human (Orange), Shiki- Illustrious (Pink), Shiki-Noble (Purple), Shiki-Wine (Red), and Shiki-Wise (Green) Package: shiki-colors-metacity-theme Description-md5: 85657e2dc14bab7958eede853b8cf9b4 Description-sl: Zbirka tem Metacity Shiki-Colors is a set of Metacity/GTK-2+ themes which mix the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme, resulting in a hybrid theme. . This package provides the common Metacity themes. Package: shishi-common Description-md5: e8da2c65cef9852105819ce24938c032 Description-sl: Od sistema neodvisne datoteke za Shishi Shishi is an implementation of the kerberos v5 network authentication system. . This package contains configuration files and translation of diagnostic messages. Package: shishi-doc Description-md5: 55510abea3e97ecd29d470df89570020 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Shishi Shishi is an implementation of the kerberos v5 network authentication system. . This package contain the user, reference and developers manual in HTML, PDF and Info formats, and API reference as man pages, GTK-DOC and Devhelp. Package: shorewall-doc Description-md5: 3437aa3cc20531006b60c135ba0a414f Description-sl: documentation for Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall) Shorewall is an iptables based firewall that can be used on a dedicated firewall system, a multi-function masquerade gateway/server or on a standalone Linux system. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo shorewall v obliki HTML. Package: shorewall-init Description-md5: d44718ef1b7b7854657f6a4f04a23cd8 Description-sl: Začenjanje Shorewall This package provides two related features: . a) It allows the firewall to be closed prior to bringing up network devices. This insures that unwanted connections are not allowed between the time that the network comes up and when the firewall is started. . b) It integrates with NetworkManager and distribution ifup/ifdown systems to allow for 'event-driven' startup and shutdown. . The two facilities can be enabled separately. . When Shorewall-init is first installed, it does nothing until you configure it. Package: shorewall6 Description-md5: dc297ddbeac567f8ccdd4d6e755793ab Description-sl: Shoreline Firewall (IPv6 version), netfilter configurator Shorewall6 allows firewall/gateway requirements to be described using entries in a set of configuration files. It reads those configuration files and, with the help of the iptables utility, configures netfilter to match these requirements. . Shorewall6 supports a wide range of router/firewall/gateway applications, traffic shaping and almost every type of VPN. . Ta paket vsebuje podporo IPv6. Package: shorewall6-lite Description-md5: 0bfffbe58f12dfa8f9d6842d47fc37f3 Description-sl: Shorewall (lite version with IPv6 support) Shorewall6 allows you to describe your firewall/gateway requirements using entries in a set of configuration files. It reads those configuration files and, with the help of the iptables utility, configures Netfilter to match your requirements. . Shorewall6 supports a wide range of router/firewall/gateway applications, traffic shaping and almost every type of VPN. . The shorewall6-lite package is designed to allow you to maintain all Shorewall configuration information on a single system within your network. . Ta paket vsebuje podporo IPv6. Package: shush Description-md5: 07f83147e8da5456419a57f2ccbc2767 Description-sl: runs a command and optionally reports its output by mail shush was written to be a generic wrapper around cron jobs so that it can be applied to any command without having to modify it or create a custom wrapper for it. In a sense, it solves a fairly simple problem, but it also brings some powerful features making it a useful tool beyond cron jobs. . Glavne zmožnosti: . * Multiple reports (for the output) may be defined * Decision to send a report (or not) is configurable based on: - Output content analysis (using regular expressions) - Command exit code - Size of output - Command execution duration * Support for plain text, enriched text and HTML report formatting. (The latter two allow rendering part of the output in bold.) * Various timeout actions such as notification and command termination * Locking support * Progress report logging via syslog * Automatic crontab file updating based on shush's configuration Package: shutter Description-md5: 02af88a8a1ab9d18f357823a2612e22a Description-sl: Z zmožnostmi bogat program za zajemanje zaslonskih slik Shutter je z zmožnostmi bogat program za zajemanje zaslonskih slik. Zajamete lahko zaslonsko sliko določenega področja, okna, svojega celotnega zaslona ali celo spletišča - nanj lahko uveljavite različne učinke, rišete na njem za poudarjanje točk in nato pošljete na spletišče gostovanja slik, vse v enem oknu. . Features: * take a screenshot of your complete desktop, a rectangular area * take screenshot directly or with a specified delay time * save the screenshots to a specified directory and name them in a convenient way (using special wild-cards) * Shutter is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop (TrayIcon etc.) * generate thumbnails directly when you are taking a screenshot and set a size level in % * Shutter session collection o keep track of all screenshots during session o copy screeners to clipboard o print screenshots o delete screenshots o rename your file * upload your files directly to Image-Hosters (e.g., retrieve all the needed links and share them with others * edit your screenshots directly using the embedded drawing tool Package: sic Description-md5: 7995bd867e4ee66e576cb10611b00009 Description-sl: Enostaven odjemalec irc (sic) sic is an extremely fast, small and simple irc client. It reads commands from standard input and prints all server output to standard output. It also multiplexes all channel traffic into one output. That way you don't have to switch different channel buffers. So that's actually a feature. Package: sieve-connect Description-md5: fd0b72ff91b6675d0558634b27827df8 Description-sl: Odjemalec za protokol MANAGESIEVE This is sieve-connect. A client for the MANAGESIEVE protocol, as implemented by timsieved in Cyrus IMAP. . sieve-connect is designed to be both a tool which can be invoked from scripts and also a decent interactive client. It should also be a drop-in replacement for "sieveshell", as supplied with Cyrus IMAP. Package: siggen Description-md5: afe8a48e09daf18861821c47a0278cf9 Description-sl: Orodja za ustvarjanje valovnih oblik a set of tools for imitating a laboratory Signal Generator, generating audio signals out of Linux's /dev/dsp audio device. There is support for mono and/or stereo and 8 or 16 bit samples. The tools include: . * soundinfo: display some of the programming capabilities of the sound system support for the mixer device /dev/mixer and the DSP device. Also shows some of the ioctl calls in action. . * signalgen: a command line signal generator where details are specified from the command line for generating sine, cos, square, triangle, sawtooth, pulse, noise waves. Frequency, sample rate, relative amplitude etc. can be specified through command line options. The signal is played continuously until the program is stopped. There are options to save the basic raw digital samples raw to file or to a WAVE format file. . * swgen: a command line sweep generator. Both the sweeping and swept waveforms can be specified, along with the sweeping frequency and the swept frequency range. Otherwise similar to sgen above. . * siggen: an Ncurses screen based Signal Generator for two separate channels. On stereo audio cards the two channels are played on separate outputs. On mono cards the two channels are digitally mixed onto the one output. Type of waveform, frequency, amplitude, sample rate etc are specified/changed via a screen menu. It plays continuously. Changes to parameters take effect nearly immediately. . * sweepgen: an Ncurses screen based Sweep generator (see swgen and siggen above). . * tones: a command line program to generate several successive tones of varying frequency, and optional differing waveforms, durations and intensities. The sequence of tones can be either played once, or repetitively or the samples can be written to a file in raw or WAV format. This could make the basis of an auto-dialer for tone phones. . * smix: a simple command line program for getting and setting the mixer settings. . * fsynth: an Ncurses based fourier synthesis realtime generator. Package: sigil Description-md5: 88d7047856e5e6d5edbe1b6fc1c0482f Description-sl: multi-platform ebook editor Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format. . Zmožnosti: . * Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned. Package: sigil-data Description-md5: d697fcd1e7b4df79b24c90d3e49f5642 Description-sl: multi-platform ebook editor - data files Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format. . Zmožnosti: . * Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned. . This package provides the architecture-independant files. Package: signing-party Description-md5: 4e57b8bac73707bf9f015c2d22e04e3a Description-sl: Različna orodja povezana z OpenPGP signing-party is a collection for all kinds of PGP/GnuPG related things, including tools for signing keys, keyring analysis, and party preparation. . * caff: CA - Fire and Forget signs and mails a key * pgp-clean: removes all non-self signatures from key * pgp-fixkey: removes broken packets from keys * gpg-mailkeys: simply mail out a signed key to its owner * gpg-key2ps: generate PostScript file with fingerprint paper slips * gpgdir: recursive directory encryption tool * gpglist: show who signed which of your UIDs * gpgsigs: annotates list of GnuPG keys with already done signatures * gpgparticipants: create list of party participants for the organiser * gpgwrap: a passphrase wrapper * keyanalyze: minimum signing distance (MSD) analysis on keyrings * keylookup: ncurses wrapper around gpg --search * sig2dot: converts a list of GnuPG signatures to a .dot file * springgraph: creates a graph from a .dot file * keyart: creates a random ASCII art of a PGP key file * gpg-key2latex: generate LaTeX file with fingerprint paper slips Package: simplebackup Description-md5: 7a86b18991ec4c2aa4f1901df2cea4a0 Description-sl: Enostavno orodje varnostnih kopij The included script performs a nice and easy file based backup. It can easily be extended to include database dumps or save the output from `fdisk -L` and other things as well. Package: simpleproxy Description-md5: df90d17ba3792463ed98517f2afe2512 Description-sl: Enostaven posredniški strežnik TCP simpleproxy acts as a simple TCP proxy. It opens a listening socket on the local machine and forwards any connection to a remote host. It can be run as a daemon or through inetd. Package: simplescreenrecorder Description-md5: cddf7fe0ef2c2d228de95967189f4a1d Description-sl: Feature-rich screen recorder for X11 and OpenGL Simple Screen Recorder is, despite its name, an actually feature-rich screen recorder. The name reflects the fact that it is simple to use unlike many other free screen recording applications available. It can be easily configured to start recording from an intuitive wizard-like interface. . It can record the entire screen or part of it directly. The recording can be paused and resumed at any time. Many different file formats and codecs are supported. To perform an X11 recording, all it takes is selecting an area on the root window with the mouse, choosing an output file and pressing record, either by using the mouse or using a hotkey. . It has a Qt-based graphical user interface. . Its complexity becomes apparent in its powerful features. It allows one to record X11 screen areas and fullscreen OpenGL applications including sound supporting both ALSA, PulseAudio, JACK and OSS. It uses libavformat to encode the recorded material into a variety of video formats. Scaling the recorded video is possible as well as configuring the encoding quality for the codec chosen directly from the user interface. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program. Package: simplyhtml-doc Description-md5: 70339323c6a03011657ec8c315eae2f6 Description-sl: Dokumentacija API za simplyhtml The javadoc for SimplyHTML, a Java word processor based on HTML and CSS. . You need this package if you want to include simplyhtml in your (Java) application. Package: simulavr Description-md5: 7ee50919da3e89022440c72f01f1a6fb Description-sl: Simulator Amtel AVR simulavr simulates the Atmel AVR family of micro-controllers, emulates a gdb remote target, and displays register and memory information in real time. Package: simutrans Description-md5: 8d66155bcabd9bfd04ff85ccb2634987 Description-sl: Simulator prevoza Simutrans je prost simulator transporta: igralec upravlja s transportnim podjetjem in mora prevažati dobrine in potnike med tovarnami in različnimi mesti. Package: simutrans-data Description-md5: 00fd9cfaf129060943b68e89e7bf49f9 Description-sl: Simulator prenosa (osnovni podatki) Simutrans je prost simulator transporta: igralec upravlja s transportnim podjetjem in mora prevažati dobrine in potnike med tovarnami in različnimi mesti. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovne podatke. Package: simutrans-makeobj Description-md5: ab96eceda95ed779f862bf08b80baf38 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik podatkovnih datotek za Simutrans Simutrans je prost simulator transporta: igralec upravlja s transportnim podjetjem in mora prevažati dobrine in potnike med tovarnami in različnimi mesti. . This package contains the makeobj program needed to integrate new objects in Simutrans. Package: simutrans-pak64 Description-md5: ce7fd9f3062b8980e6e064e9e7b574f5 Description-sl: Simulator transporta (podatkovne datoteke) Simutrans je prost simulator transporta: igralec upravlja s transportnim podjetjem in mora prevažati dobrine in potnike med tovarnami in različnimi mesti. . Ta paket vsebuje zbirko podatkov PAK64. Package: sipcrack Description-md5: 197c4bfc7eead0914cda23ef0e804621 Description-sl: Program za izpis/vlom v prijavo SIP The tools contained in this package offer support for pcap files, wordlists and many more to extract all needed information and bruteforce the passwords for the sniffed accounts. . * sipdump - Dump SIP digest authentications to a file. * sipcrack - Bruteforce the user password using the dump file generated by sipdump. Package: sisu-complete Description-md5: 99a4c5f14697a832b9f3e1be0cf6fe2c Description-sl: installs all SiSU related packages SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search framework for document collections. . This package installs SiSU and related packages that enable sisu to produce pdf and to populate PostgreSQL and sqlite databases. . Za opis paketa si oglejte sisu. Package: skalibs-doc Description-md5: 99be50b752e23017489f18f9d49d9a12 Description-sl: documentation of skalibs skalibs is a package centralizing the free software / open source C development files used for building all software at it contains essentially general-purpose libraries. You will need to install skalibs if you plan to build software. The point is that you won't have to download and compile big libraries, and care about portability issues, every time you need to build a package: do it only once. . skalibs can also be used as a sound basic start for C development. There are a lot of general-purpose libraries out there; but if your main goal is to produce small and secure C code with a focus on system programming, skalibs might be for you. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke dokumentacije. Package: skanpage Description-md5: 3ee0379151650239dfe4f1b71b2d85a7 Description-sl: Multi-page scanning and saving of documents and images Skanpage is a simple scanning application designed for multi-page scanning and saving of documents and images. . Zmožnosti: . - Scanning from flatbed and ADF scanners - Configurable options for scanning device - Reordering, rotation and deletion of scanned pages - Saving to multi-page PDF documents and image files Package: skkdic Description-md5: cce1167a72ec339c98c4009c2e06e0d8 Description-sl: Običajna datoteka slovarja za SKK This package provides `SKK-JISYO', the standard dictionary file for SKK Japanese input systems. Currently, this package contains the large size dictionary file `SKK-JISYO.L' as the standard dictionary file. . For faster access, install the skkdic-cdb package which provides the constant database (cdb) file of this dictionary. Other dictionary files, such as zipcode, personal names, small size, are provided by the skkdic- extra package. . To merge or edit dictionaries, install the skktools package. To use dictionaries more conveniently, several SKK dictionary servers are available, such as dbskkd-cdb and skksearch. Package: skktools Description-md5: 08f0717c9dfe44fb012437206dd2b8ae Description-sl: Orodja za vzdrževanje slovarjev SKK This package provides tools to maintain dictionary files for SKK Japanese input systems. . SKK dictionary files are provided by the skkdic package and the skkdic- extra package. You can make a local dictionary file from them. . If you want to convert a dictionary file to cdb (DJB's constant database), install the tinycdb package. To use the optional scripts, install the required tools, such as gawk, ruby, gauche, etc. Package: skrooge Description-md5: ef4f185f38336e4cc2f0e21b250417a0 Description-sl: osebni upravljalnik financ za KDE Skrooge vam omogoča upravljanje vaših osebnih financ. Namenjen je za posameznike, ki želijo slediti svojim prihodkom, stroškom in investicijam. Njegova filozofija je ostani enostaven in intuitiven. . Glavne zmožnosti Skrooge so: * QIF, CSV, KMyMoney, Skrooge, uvoz/izvoz * uvoz OFX, QFX, GnuCash, Grisbi, HomeBank * napredna grafična poročila * več zavihkov za pomoč pri organizaciji vašega dela * neomejen razveljavi/uveljavi * hipno filtriranje operacij in poročil * neskončno število ravni kategorij * obsežna posodobitev operacij * časovno načrtovane operacije * sledenje povračil vaših stroškov * samodejno obdelovanje operacij na osnovi iskalnih pogojev * več enot * pregledna plošča Package: skrooge-common Description-md5: dda6028dbc12d8e0e3bab2023c25e1e7 Description-sl: Neodvisne datoteke arhitekture Skrooge Skrooge vam omogoča upravljanje vaših osebnih financ. Namenjen je za posameznike, ki želijo slediti svojim prihodkom, stroškom in investicijam. Njegova filozofija je ostani enostaven in intuitiven. . This package contains architecture independent files needed for Skrooge to run properly. It also provides Skrooge documentation. Therefore, unless you have 'skrooge' package installed, you will hardly find this package useful. Package: sks Description-md5: 9e4be188631c05e0a9ddc4551d2f852b Description-sl: Usklajevanje strežnika ključev OpenPGP SKS is an OpenPGP key server that correctly handles all OpenPGP features defined in RFC2440 and RFC4880, including photoID packages and multiple subkeys. . This key server implementation uses an efficient and reliable reconciliation algorithm to keep the database in sync with other SKS servers. Additionally it can both send and receive PKS style sync emails. Package: skyview-java-doc Description-md5: eb69ef097dce659c11797dfa4c963693 Description-sl: Image generation from a range of remote databases (API doc) SkyView is a "virtual" observatory dynamically generating images of the sky in different wavelength regimes from a static image database. SkyView is intended as a quick look facility to see the heavens. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: slay Description-md5: fc1ab6dd5e3d3338e130378f33942374 Description-sl: Uniči vsa opravila uporabnika Slay provides you with a way to quickly get rid of all processes a particular user owns. Very useful if you want to harm somebody. Package: slbackup Description-md5: 54c93146034426d7c9aa5bf87e6d8da2 Description-sl: Sistem varnostnih kopij Skolelinux A backup system designed to back up multiple clients to a server. slbackup uses rdiff-backup as the underlying backup software. . Clients can be the host installing this package, or other hosts reachable via a SSH connection (using SSH keys). The host storing the backup data can be the host installing this package or another host reachable via a SSH connection (also using SSH keys). Package: sleepenh Description-md5: 7763132c6d166a1aea20272c7b5c1d69 Description-sl: Sleep until a given date with subsecond resolution sleepenh is a sleep program for shell scripts that need to perform a loop that repeats at a regular time interval, without cumulative errors. . Podpira ločljivost mikrosekund. . You can also specify the time you need between two calls of sleepenh. . Here follows an usage example to clarify its purpose. This example sends 'A' to ttyS0 every 1.2 seconds. #!/bin/sh # does not wait (or wait 0), just to get initial timestamp TIMESTAMP=$(sleepenh 0) while true; do # send the byte to ttyS0 echo -n "A" > /dev/ttyS0; # wait until the required time TIMESTAMP=$(sleepenh $TIMESTAMP 1.200); done . For more details, please read the manpage. Package: slimevolley-data Description-md5: 07069baf0788c3fd3a3ff96ad4ac9021 Description-sl: Nerealistična simulacija 2D odbojke - podatkovne datoteke Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit of some Java games of the same name. Two teams, 1-3 players each, try to be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the floor on the other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game. Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one for changing its skin. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke, ki so zahtevane za poganjanje Slime Volley. Package: slimit Description-md5: 91ebfa6e70f259ea63fc14b7651907c3 Description-sl: JavaScript minifier/parser in Python SlimIt is a JavaScript minifier written in Python. It compiles JavaScript into more compact code so that it downloads and runs faster. . SlimIt also provides a library that includes a JavaScript parser, lexer, pretty printer and a tree visitor. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: slony1-2-doc Description-md5: 75e372d25ef877e709a35237fb730bb7 Description-sl: Dokumentacija Slony-I Slony-I is an asynchronous master-to-multiple-slaves replication system for PostgreSQL with cascading and slave promotion. . This package contains the documentation for the Slony-I system. It is not required for normal operation. Package: slop Description-md5: b6be29fa551e770f482aba9739129e15 Description-sl: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout. . Zmožnosti: . * Hovering over a window will cause a selection rectangle to appear over it. * Clicking on a window makes slop return the dimensions of the window. * Clicking and dragging causes a selection rectangle to appear, renders pretty well (compared to scrot). And will return the dimensions of that rectangle in absolute screen coords. * On startup it turns your cursor into a crosshair, then adjusts the cursor into angles as you drag the selection rectangle. * Supports simple arguments: * Change selection rectangle border size. * Select X display. * Set padding size, even negative padding sizes! * Set click tolerance for if you have a shaky mouse. * Set the color of the selection rectangles to match your theme! (Even supports transparency!) * Remove window decorations from selections. * Supports OpenGL hardware acceleration. * Supports textured themes. * Supports programmable shaders. * Supports a magnifying glass. Package: slsh Description-md5: da03b0012d9ccb8fd3c332515567d184 Description-sl: Tolmač za jezik S-Lang S-Lang is a C programmer's library that includes routines for the rapid development of sophisticated, user friendly, multi-platform applications. . This package contains a stand-alone interpreter for scripts written in the S-Lang language. Package: sludge-doc Description-md5: 6723c9d3b37acb41fdeea91cf2a99f9a Description-sl: Dokumentacija za SLUDGE SLUDGE is an open source adventure game engine. It combines a scripting language with IDE tools. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo vključno s primerom projekta. Package: slurm Description-md5: 9de2dc2c21c49c21c4927427ac792369 Description-sl: Realnočasovni nadzornik vmesnika omrežja Slurm has the following features: * realtime traffic statistics divided into incoming and outgoing * optional combined view * can monitor any kind of network interface * shows detailed statistics about the interface. * it's themeable Package: sm Description-md5: 91fe8f689d157fbba591713d7e201f4d Description-sl: Prikaže kratko besedilo v celotnem zaslonu Screen Message will display a given multi-line message as large as possible, fullscreen and black on white. You can specify the text either when launching sm, or edit it while the program is running. . It is useful to send messages across a room, e.g. during an university lecture. For fast startup, it is recommended to bind it to a key in your Desktop Environment. Package: sma Description-md5: 76ba18e18aecad8f99f7369db8c3a35a Description-sl: Preučevalnik dnevnikov Sendmail SMA is a program that analyses Sendmail log entries. . Zmožnosti: . - Support for all recent Sendmail versions - Flexible output formatting - HTML, ASCII and a custom log - Regular expression filtering of messages - Multiple hosts in the same report Package: smb-nat Description-md5: ae0a43e75deff6d9f4fbca242f4b558b Description-sl: Orodje varnostne presoje Netbios This tool can perform various security checks on remote servers running NetBIOS file sharing services. It is capable of enumerating shares and make break-in attempts using a (user-provided) list of users and passwords. Package: smem Description-md5: e37a899172f5351924f50d6d1d183a9b Description-sl: Orodje za poročanje pomnilnika Tool that can give numerous reports on memory usage on Linux systems. Unlike existing tools, smem can report proportional set size (PSS), which is a more meaningful representation of the amount of memory used by libraries and applications in a virtual memory system. . This package contains main tool which can also process data collected by smemcap. Package: smplayer-l10n Description-md5: bb8616c8f89ae79b656f54a488df20e4 Description-sl: Complete front-end for MPlayer and mpv - translation files Qt5 front-end for mplayer and forks, with basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters and more. One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will resume at the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track, subtitles, volume... . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke prevodov. Package: smplayer-themes Description-md5: b0d44c8c24e97b47940503c74254de0b Description-sl: celotno začelje za MPlayer - teme ikon Qt Mplayer front-end, with basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters and more. One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will resume at the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track, subtitles, volume... . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne teme ikon. Package: sms4you Description-md5: c8693484c9105a4075a15f5b30733cda Description-sl: Personal gateway connecting SMS to XMPP or email sms4you forwards messages from and to SMS and connects either with sms4you-xmpp or sms4you-email to choose the other mean of communication. Nice for receiving or sending SMS, independently from carrying a SIM card. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: sms4you-doc Description-md5: 78adeb550d4dd3f24c69ab7c3ccad0e9 Description-sl: Personal gateway connecting SMS to XMPP or email - documentation sms4you forwards messages from and to SMS and connects either with sms4you-xmpp or sms4you-email to choose the other means of communication. Nice for receiving or sending SMS, independently from carrying a SIM card. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: smuxi-engine Description-md5: 852f7019098aaa83d4761668db2e3476 Description-sl: Engine libraries for Smuxi (IRC, Twitter, XMPP, Campfire, JabbR) Smuxi je prilagodljiv, uporabniku prijazen odjemalec IRC, ki deluje na več sistemih. Namenjen je za napredne uporabnike in cilja na namizje GNOME. . Smuxi is based on the client-server model: The core application (engine) can be placed onto a server which is connected to the Internet around-the- clock; one or more frontends then connect to the core. This way, the connection to IRC can be kept up even when all frontends have been closed. The combination of screen and irssi served as example for this architecture. . Smuxi also supports the regular single application mode. This behaves like a typical IRC client; it doesn't need separate core management and utilizes a local engine that is used by the local frontend client. . This package contains all Smuxi engines and the standalone server. . The standalone server of Smuxi named smuxi-server doesn't need any GUI. The Smuxi frontends can connect to a running server via the network. . The following Smuxi engines are included in this package: * IRC engine * Twitter engine - receive and post tweets to the Twitter microblogging service. - friends timeline, replies view, and direct messages. * XMPP engine - receive and send messages on XMPP, Jabber, GTalk and the Facebook chat. * Campfire engine * JabbR engine Package: snd-doc Description-md5: dc0729dcd1cf6a5a80efaea0abf172ad Description-sl: Urejevalnik zvočnih datotek (dokumentacija) Snd is a powerful sound file editor that can be customized and extended using the Scheme programming language. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za snd. Package: snowflake-client Description-md5: dfd6c1ccb33f02f8a27af99842b1c15a Description-sl: WebRTC pluggable transport for Tor (client) Snowflake helps users circumvent censorship by making a WebRTC connection to volunteer proxies. These proxies relay Tor traffic to a Snowflake bridge and then to through the Tor network. . Ta paket vsebuje odjemalec. Package: soapyremote-server Description-md5: b32dc2d56496d9f935242b62c0ed244d Description-sl: Use SoapySDR devices over network (server) The SoapyRemote project provides a client module and a server that make it possible on the client side to list and access hardware supported by SoapySDR modules on the server as if they were local modules. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: socket Description-md5: 286dc3011950982c9923a6a69c875ca9 Description-sl: Večnamensko orodje vtičev The socket program is a simple tool for socket based connections. It can be used to create simple daemons (in both standalone and inetd mode), to connect to other daemons or to redirect ports. Package: sofia-sip-bin Description-md5: 204c7b657e4a61ffc86836b00cdb7014 Description-sl: Pripomočki knjižnica Sofia-SIP Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. . This package provides a set of console tools and helper applications for use in scripts, testing and other uses. All the tools utilize the Sofia- SIP library. Package: sofia-sip-doc Description-md5: 6871d4c1529b334f783f90ff6d1eb82b Description-sl: Sofia-SIP library documentation Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo reference knjižnice. Package: software-properties-qt Description-md5: eb3becbd911332ae11d34cbea3577b25 Description-sl: manage the repositories that you install software from (Qt) Ta program zagotavlja abstrakcijo uporabljenih odložišč apt. Omogoča vam enostavno upravljanje programskih virov vaše distribucije in neodvisnih proizvajalcev programov. . This package contains a Qt-based graphical interface. Package: solfege Description-md5: 3a0caa4565914a21e39a8ac8be5b8692 Description-sl: Program za treniranje ušes GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file format. . Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music. . To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory. Package: sonata Description-md5: d8eddc7f98946112ed3baba65d04362d Description-sl: Odjemalec GTK+ za Music Player Daemon (MPD) Sonata je lahek odjemalec glasbe GTK+ za ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe (MPD). Poskuša biti učinkovit (brez orodne vrstice, glavnega menija ali vrstice stanja), uporabniku prijazen in čist. Package: songwrite Description-md5: 2549b441feea385d3c599aeda6f1b0af Description-sl: urejevalnik in predvajalnik kitarskih tablatur Songwrite je urejevalnik in predvajalnik kitarskih tablatur (zapis s prsti), ki je precej podoben TablEdit. Poleg tablatur podpira tudi palice, besedilo in bobne. . Podpora tiskanja in predvajanja sta na voljo z zunanjimi programi. . Songwrite je bil včasih znan kot GTablature. Package: sooperlooper Description-md5: 8d868f7c1eefa173d8803174f2b3b605 Description-sl: Zankasti vzorčevalnik SnooperLooper je vzorčevalnik živih zank, ki je zmožen tako snemanja zank, dodatnega snemanja, pomnoževanja, obračanja in več. Omogoča več hkratnih večkanalnih zank, ki so omejene samo z razpoložljivim pomnilnikom vašega računalnika. . Ta program je samostojen odjemalec JACK s programnikom, ki ga je mogoče nadzorovati preko OSC in MIDI. Vključuje tudi grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki se preko OSC (tudi preko omrežja) sporazumeva z OSC za uporabniku prijazen nadzor namizja. Package: sound-juicer Description-md5: aa06b67a4ebcf215db26abef45bb5ab4 Description-sl: GNOME zajemalnik CD-jev Zajemalnik CD-jev za GNOME, ki poskuša imeti enostaven, čist vmesnik, ki je enostaven za uporabo. . Ta paket privzeto vsebuje podporo za datoteke vrste Vorbis in FLAC. Za podporo drugih vrst datotek potrebujete naslednje pakete: * gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly za kodiranje MP2, * gstreamer1.0-lame (ni na voljo v arhivu Debian) za kodiranje v MP3, * gstreamer1.0-plugins-really-bad (ni na voljo v Debianu) za kodiranje v AAC. Package: soundconverter Description-md5: df64ec8695eb6d4a89ca29f2bff306ee Description-sl: Program GNOME za pretvorbo zvočnih datotek v druge vrste SoundConverter je enostaven pretvornik zvoka za okolje GNOME. Prebere zvočne datoteke v katerikoli vrsti, ki jo podpira GStreamer in jih pretvori v vrsto Ogg Vorbis, FLAC ali WAV ali MP3, če imate vstavek GStreamer LAME. Package: soundkonverter Description-md5: 5feaa999e0289f4f91087d2a8c72f280 Description-sl: Začelje pretvornika zvoka za KDE soundKonverter je začelje do različnih pretvornikov zvoka. . Ključne zmožnosti so: - pretvorba zvoka - izračun Replay Gain - zajemanje CD-jev . Program soundKonverter podpira branje in zapisovanje oznak za veliko vrst datotek, zato se oznake med pretvorbo datotek ohranijo. . Za več podrobnosti o podprtih vrstah si oglejte README.Debain. Package: spaln-data Description-md5: 5459c407f99ac7bad4d9ef8beacd9ad4 Description-sl: splicing-aware transcript-alignment to genomic DNA (data) Spaln (space-efficient spliced alignment) is a stand-alone program that maps and aligns a set of cDNA or protein sequences onto a whole genomic sequence in a single job. It also performs spliced or ordinary alignment after rapid similarity search against a protein sequence database, if a genomic segment or an amino acid sequence is given as a query. . spaln supports a combination of protein sequence database and a given genomic segment and performs rapid similarity searches and (semi-)global alignments of a set of protein sequence queries against a protein sequence database. Spaln adopts multi-phase heuristics that makes it possible to perform the job on a conventional personal computer. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: spamprobe Description-md5: 4c86dc393b8ffa49b11331c486532f47 Description-sl: Bayezianski filter neželene pošte This package provides a spam filter based on the article 'A Plan for Spam' by Paul Graham. It uses a database (either BerkeleyDB or a simpler hash file) to store one- and two-word phrases. Only certain headers are analyzed and HTML tags are ignored to prevent false positives of legitimate HTML emails. Image attachments are considered as words that can signal spam. It can be simply integrated with procmail or maildrop to filter spam on incoming mail. Package: spatialite-gui Description-md5: 6f5da7b02910d2d7150aa5e682b4c8cb Description-sl: Uporabniku prijazen grafični uporabniški vmesnik za spatialite spatialite-gui is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for SpatiaLite. . SpatiaLite is a SQLite extension that enables support of spatial (geometry) data in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications, with both WKT and WKB formats. . Spatialite also includes Virtualshape and Virtualtext to enable accessing shapefiles and csv/text files as virtual tables. Package: spectools Description-md5: 66410b8dd846bcd71b35ab1c7fbb5f86 Description-sl: Pripomočki za uporabo strojne opreme spekterskega preučevalnika Wi-Spy USB Spectrum-Tools je zbirka pripomočkov za uporabo orodij preučevanja spektrov Wi-Spy USB podjetja Metageek LLC. Vključujejo gonilnike uporabniškega prostora za strojno opremo (podprti preko libusb), uporabniški vmesnik izrisovanja grafov izgrajen na GTK/Cairo, omrežne strežnike za oddaljene naprave in enostavne pripomočke za razvoj dodatnih orodij. Package: spectrwm Description-md5: cb02b8bd798019f3f611ba3120917b28 Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik z dinamičnim razpostavljanjem spectrwm is a small dynamic tiling window manager for X11. . It tries to stay out of the way so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more important stuff. It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a language to do any configuration. . It is written by hackers for hackers and it strives to be small, compact and fast. Package: speech-dispatcher-festival Description-md5: 91fc9a72e7823873db91972bc6eaa0be Description-sl: Podpora Festival za odpravnik govora Speech Dispatcher provides a device independent layer for speech synthesis. It supports various software and hardware speech synthesizers as backends and provides a generic layer for synthesizing speech and playing back PCM data via those different backends to applications. . Various high level concepts like enqueueing vs. interrupting speech and application specific user configurations are implemented in a device independent way, therefore freeing the application programmer from having to yet again reinvent the wheel. . This package contains dependencies on packages necessary for running Speech Dispatcher with Festival. Package: speex Description-md5: 30acf610b7bb12b7f7c8d43f2518349b Description-sl: Orodja ukazne vrstice kodeka Speex Speex is an audio codec especially designed for compressing voice at low bit-rates for applications such as voice over IP (VoIP). In some senses, it is meant to be complementary to the Vorbis codec which places a greater emphasis on high-quality music reproduction. . This package contains the encoder and decoder command-line applications. Package: spek Description-md5: 8cfef49bc5bafec8c8e872d06787ec14 Description-sl: Preučevalnik zvočnih spektrov Spek helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. It supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file formats. . Zmožnosti: . * Ultra-fast signal processing, uses multiple threads to further speed up the analysis * Shows the codec name and the audio signal parameters * Can save the spectrogram as an image file * Drag-and-drop support; associates with common audio file formats * Auto-fitting time, frequency and spectral density rulers * Adjustable spectral density range Package: spip Description-md5: 9164b16e6be7baea731f39dceca115b4 Description-sl: Programnik spletišča za objavljanje SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet in which great importance is attached to collaborative working, to multilingual environments, and to simplicity of use for web authors. . SPIP's benefit consists in: . * managing a magazine type site i.e. made up mainly of articles and news items inserted in an arborescence of sections nested in each others. * completely separating and distributing three kinds of tasks over various players: the graphic design, the site editorial input through the submission of articles and news items and the site editorial management. * spare the webmaster and all the participants to the life of the site, a number of tedious aspects of web publishing as well as the need to learn lengthy technical skills. SPIP allows you to start creating your sections and articles straight away. Package: spooles-doc Description-md5: 5e713060d748756ce03744f19c4510f5 Description-sl: SPOOLES numerical simulation pre- and post-processor documentation SPOOLES is a library for solving sparse real and complex linear systems of equations, written in the C language using object oriented design. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za SPOOLES. Package: spout Description-md5: 94d75747720c4d414efa06e2444a69b7 Description-sl: Majhna abstraktna črnobela 2D jamska strelska igra This is a small, abstract shooting game from Japanese developer Kuni. It is a 'caveflier' in which the exhaust from the engine also serves as a tool to erode the cave walls. . Vaš cilj je leteti navzgor dokler lahko brez zadetja zidov jame in robov oken. Package: spring Description-md5: b19d83a711f89edba8c3a45789408e6f Description-sl: modern full-3D RTS game engine Spring je moderna polna 3D RTS (realno časovno strateška) igra, ki je bila ustvarjena, da bi prinesla izkušnjo igranja igre Total Annihilation v 3D. Igre se igrajo z eno od številnih predelav. . Ta paket vsebuje le programnik igre in privzeto uporabniško inteligenco brez zemljevidov ali bogate uporabniške izkušnje. Package: spring-common Description-md5: f9836717e75f09938ecab640e76b8b39 Description-sl: modern full-3D RTS game engine (common files) Spring je moderna polna 3D RTS (realno časovno strateška) igra, ki je bila ustvarjena, da bi prinesla izkušnjo igranja igre Total Annihilation v 3D. Igre se igrajo z eno od številnih predelav. . This package just includes the game engine's arch independent files, with no maps, mods or rich user interface. Package: spring-javaai Description-md5: 06f23455da6916ab67ade559b10c550d Description-sl: modern full-3D RTS game engine (Java AIs) Spring je moderna polna 3D RTS (realno časovno strateška) igra, ki je bila ustvarjena, da bi prinesla izkušnjo igranja igre Total Annihilation v 3D. Igre se igrajo z eno od številnih predelav. . This package contains Java based AIs and the spring interface libraries these require. Package: spring-mods-kernelpanic Description-md5: 21fb68f3970a4f4fb8fc9b498db2afe5 Description-sl: Igra Kernel Panic za programnik Spring, hiter RTS brez ekonomije Kernel Panic je igra o računalnikih. Sistemi, Hekerji in Omrežja se spopadejo v matriki DOOM!. Edini omejitvi sta prostor in čas. Za razliko od drugih realnočasovnih strateških iger v Kernel Panic ne obstaja ekonomija virov. . Vse enote v tej igri so brezplačne in vse izgrajene tovarne bodo ves čas proizvajale enote. Izgradite lahko več tovarn, vendar le na določenih področjih (geotermalnih ventilih). Vse preostalo je čista strategija in taktika. . Kernel Panic je frantično hitra, akcijsko usmerjena igra z zelo edinstvenim grafičnim slogom. Package: springlobby Description-md5: 8e9f7f4ee8419bba7a9457f03ad13fb2 Description-sl: enoigralska/večigralska igra s programnikom Spring RTS Ta paket zagotavlja enoigralski način in večigralski lobi za Spring. Druge zmožnosti vključujejo sistem P2P za prejemanje zemljevidov in predelav in vgrajen IRC-u podoben odjemalec klepeta. Package: sqlgrey Description-md5: 0af64c474ae764d696b9ed13836af1bd Description-sl: Strežnik pravil sivega seznama Postfix A policy server for Postfix implementing greylisting. . Could be configured to use MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite. PostgreSQL is recommended by author. Package: sqlite-utils Description-md5: 88b31762908d024ebab09a2e9b879d43 Description-sl: CLI tool and Python utility functions for manipulating SQLite Glavne zmožnosti: . - Pipe JSON (or CSV or TSV) directly into a new SQLite database file, automatically creating a table with the appropriate schema - Run in-memory SQL queries, including joins, directly against data in CSV, TSV or JSON files and view the results. - Configure SQLite full-text search against your database tables and run search queries against them, ordered by relevance - Run transformations against your tables to make schema changes that SQLite `ALTER TABLE` does not directly support, such as changing the type of a column - Extract columns into separate tables to better normalize your existing data Package: sqlitebrowser Description-md5: 4c95f94ef68715256356f5c1413d7045 Description-sl: Grafični urejevalnik za podatkovne zbirke SQLite Brskalnik podatkovnih zbirk SQLite je vidno orodje, ki se uporablja za ustvarjanje, snovanje in urejanje datotek podatkovnih zbirk, ki so združljive s SQLite. Njegov vmesnik je osnovan na Qt in je namenjen za uporabnike in razvijalce, ki želijo ustvariti podatkovne zbirke, urejati in iskati podatke s poznanim, preglednici podobnem vmesniku brez potrebe po učenju zapletenih ukazov SQL. Nadzorniki in čarovniki uporabnikom omogočajo: - ustvarjanje stisnjenih datotek podatkovne zbirke - ustvarjanje, določanje, spreminjanje in izbris preglednic - ustvarjanje, določanje in izbris kazal - brskanje, urejajte, dodajte in izbrišite zapise - iskanje zapisov - uvozi in izvozi zapise kot besedila - uvozi in izvozi preglednice v/iz datotek CSV - uvozi in izvozi podatkovne zbirke v/iz datotek izpisa SQL - izdaja poizvedbe SQL in preuči rezultate - preuči dnevnim vseh ukazov SQL, ki jih je izdal program . Brskalnik po podatkovnih zbirkah SQLite ni vidna lupina za orodje ukazne vrstice sqlite. Ne zahteva poznavanja ukazov SQL. Package: squeak-vm Description-md5: 50fd9a9de6f5daf980b94fd1d1ef93f7 Description-sl: virtual machine for Smalltalk Squeak je polno zmožna podpora programskega jezika Smalltalk in okolja osnovanega (in večinoma združljivega) z izvirnim sistemom Smalltalk-80. . This package contains just the Unix Squeak virtual machine. You will likely need also an image file containing a "snapshot" of a live Squeak session - e.g. one of the Debian packages etoys or scratch. Package: squidtaild Description-md5: 388fd808636d30fa53e2cab953f2d9dc Description-sl: Program za nadziranje dnevnikov Squid Squidtaild is a very fast, highly configurable Perl program that will dynamically create html pages that display the violations that people have made against one or more of the filters you have applied to the squid proxy logging system. Package: srf-doc Description-md5: e47fa56a6b58593710a869e036ed88de Description-sl: specification documents for the SRF format DNA sequence data SRF (sort for Sequence Read Format) is a generic format capable of storing data generated by any DNA sequencing technology. Hence it has sufficient flexibility to store data from current and future DNA sequencing technologies at minimal cost of implementation. Benefits include a single input file format for all downstream applications and a read lookup index enabling downstream formats to reference reads without duplication of all of the read specific information. . Ta paket vsebuje različico določila 1.3.2. Package: ssft Description-md5: 3b6674aec857a976f85052ce3a0e5786 Description-sl: Orodje začelja lupinskih skriptov Shell function library useful to build shell script frontends. . The library defines a set of functions to display messages and read values from the user on X (using zenity or kdialog) or console (using dialog or plain text) and has been designed to be used by sourcing the library code from other scripts. . The library supports L10N if is installed. Package: ssmping Description-md5: 6870207729acd34d0e4e0a87bb14c074 Description-sl: Preverite svojo povezljivost večsmernega oddajanja Tools to check whether you can receive Source Specific Multicast (SSM) or Any Source Multicast (ASM) via either IPv4 or IPv6 . If a host runs ssmpingd, users on other hosts can use the ssmping client to test whether they can receive SSM from the host. Another program called asmping is also provided to check whether can receive ASM. Package: ssvnc Description-md5: 45edf0c14d9a00afb75317ff745ed84b Description-sl: Izboljšan pregledovalnik TightVNC s pomočnikom tunelov SSL/SSH VNC pomeni navidezno omrežno računalništvo. To je oddaljen namizni sistem, ki vam omogoča ogled `namiznega' okolja ne le na napravi, kjer teče, ampak kjerkoli na Internetu z različnih računalniških arhitektur. . SSVNC sta dve stvari: . * izboljšana različica odjemalca TightVNC s podporo za več kodiranj in barvnih načinov, podpora za razširitve x11vnc in UltraVNC, dinamično spreminjanje velikosti zaslona, izboljšan pojavi meni, itd. . * grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki pomaga nastaviti SSL (s stunnel) ali SSH tunel za povezavo s strežnikom VNC kot tudi za posredovanje vrat za zvok (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS, itd. Package: stardict-tools Description-md5: 5e0dbb20d97917237ba51de2508ecf25 Description-sl: Orodja pretvorbe slovarja za stardict StarDict is a cross-platform international dictionary lookup program. . Main features: * Glob-style pattern matching search * Fuzzy search * Working from system tray * Scanning mouse selection and showing pop-up windows with translation of selected words * Pronouncing of the translated words * Plugins support * ..and more . This package contains the dictionary conversion tools which can convert dictionaries of DICT, wquick, mova and pydict to stardict format. Package: starlink-array-java-doc Description-md5: eca16eeb9e3b5a603a258972b903cabb Description-sl: N-dimensional array manipulation and I/O in Java (javadoc) Provide n-dimensional array manipulation and I/O classes in Java as part of the Starjava project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-auth-java-doc Description-md5: 9e895a73af27b9269e6b244c8c372676 Description-sl: IVOA standard conform resource authentication (API docs) This package manages authentication for HTTP(S) resources in accordance with standards of the IVOA. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-cdf-java-doc Description-md5: 7cd2688e2605f6a5ec3373509600a90d Description-sl: CDF table support for Starjava (Javadoc) CDF (Common Data Format) is a self-describing data format defined by NASA for the storage of scalar and multidimensional data in a platform- and discipline-independent way. This package adds CDF support for tables to the Starjava library. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-connect-java-doc Description-md5: ba1b2af4352dc5934220d322a27d4cf0 Description-sl: Abstract classes for persistent connections (javadoc) Classes related to persistent connections to remote services. Currently the main service provided by the connections defined here is access to some kind of filesystem which is modelled as a simple tree structure library, implemented in pure Java. Connection implementations are supplied by classes in other packages . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-datanode-java-doc Description-md5: 815fe17c807475bf016279babaa4576e Description-sl: Classes for hierarchical browsing of data structures (documentation) Using the classes available in this package, hierarchical data structures can be viewed interactively. . The GUI side is based on a Swing JTree component, and the underlying data model is supplied by classes conforming to the package's DataNode interface. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-dpac-java-doc Description-md5: 1f8bd989ed88afdc6903f8cf53f20639 Description-sl: Java classes to process GAIA data (Javadoc) This package contains classes to process and display GAIA data with STIL, STILTS, and TOPCAT. GAIA is an ESA satellite with the mission to measure positions and distances of about 1 billion astronomical objects. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-ecsv-java-doc Description-md5: 5602c0836ac88e42b57c48697ec8dfa4 Description-sl: Parser for the metadata and data of an ECSV file (documentation) The Enhanced Character Separated Values format was developed within the Astropy project and is described at APE6. It is composed of a YAML header followed by a CSV-like body, and is intended to be a human-readable and maybe even human-writable format with rich metadata. Most of the useful per-column and per-table metadata is preserved when de/serializing to this format. The version supported by this reader is currently ECSV 1.0. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-fits-java-doc Description-md5: 7ba6cf5e10335a0b212959a9807c4560 Description-sl: Classes for general FITS handling (javadoc) Classes for general FITS handling, including NDX, NDArray and StarTable implementations. . Some of these classes use the nom.tam.fits package (libfits-java) for low- level FITS access, though several of them do most of the handling in customised ways themselves for efficiency reasons. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-pal-java-doc Description-md5: a6557c7f025c85f4cef58dea363d9d8a Description-sl: Starlink Positional Astronomy Library (Java version) - documentation This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA library, implemented in pure Java. . Note that differently from the starlink-ast package, only the most important functions are implemented. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-registry-java-doc Description-md5: 43fb60bab29a9e65cee188b2cbf57309 Description-sl: Starlink IVOA registry access (API docs) This package provides a set of classes which can be used to make lightweight queries of an RI 1.0-compliant IVOA registry. In the Virtual Observatory (VO), registries provide a means for discovering useful resources, i.e., data and services. Individual publishers offer the descriptions for their resources ("resource records") in publishing registries. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-table-java-doc Description-md5: c1af858111df4c7f5fc74ddca6003666 Description-sl: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library (documentation) STIL is a pure Java library for generic input, output and processing of tabular data. It presents to the application programmer a view of a table which looks the same regardless of whether it came from a FITS file, a VOTable, an ASCII text file, a query on a relational database, or whatever. Thus the application doesn't have to worry about the storage format of tables either when reading or writing them, it can concentrate on doing processing. STIL's idea of a table is rich enough to include table and column metadata, and table cells which contain scalar or single- or multi-dimensional array data of numerical, string or other types. This is well suited to astronomical data, though it can be of use in other fields as well. . STIL comes with a range of supported input and output formats (including VOTable, FITS, SQL, ASCII, CSV, CDF, GBIN) and can be extended to cope with others. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-task-java-doc Description-md5: f9d03f2d2b546c66d508abb5065a1723 Description-sl: Java framework for invoking user-level tasks (javadoc) This package provides the necessary infrastructure for writing tasks that do things for users, along the same lines as ADAM A-tasks. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-tfcat-java-doc Description-md5: 31aae7cb2a6673f8c1fdd701ae4db2b2 Description-sl: Java classes to parse Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues This package contains a parser and validator for the Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues standard, defined at It currently implements v1.0 of the standard. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-tjoin-java-doc Description-md5: 25cda98169f99b4e9ecf6530c6e02269 Description-sl: Join subclasses for Starjava table class (Javadoc) Classes for performing table joins by matching rows to each other. The matching is done in an entirely configurable and pluggable way by defining a MatchEngine which defines what counts as a match between two tuples (rows) and can be used to work out what counts as a near miss too. Matching is (except in pathological cases) an O(N ln N) process, where N is the total number of rows in all the tables participating in a match. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-topcat-java-doc Description-md5: e7c8ca3a7233e4a07d3ee6507d37442d Description-sl: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables (JavaDoc) TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-util-java-doc Description-md5: 5730e2481388f1c415bc5b26bc9c8e90 Description-sl: Miscellaneous utilities for the Starjava classes (documentation) This package is a helper function for the other Starjava packages. It contains a number of helper and utility classes that don't fit elsewhere. . Classes include some basic functionality like lists for Java primitives, input/output classes, gui classes, DTD and xsd etc. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-vo-java-doc Description-md5: 677e65b228ee65a868da15595ff53cc6 Description-sl: Virtual Observatory access classes (javadoc) The Virtual Observatory (VO) is the vision that astronomical datasets and other resources should work as a seamless whole. This package provides Java classes to access VO services within the Starlink context. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starlink-votable-java-doc Description-md5: b07a3c4a07d4d89e620fe61829b87a77 Description-sl: Classes for VOTable input and output (javadoc) The VOTable format is an XML standard for the interchange of data represented as a set of tables. In this context, a table is an unordered set of rows, each of a uniform structure, as specified in the table description (the table metadata). VOTable was designed to be close to the FITS Binary Table format. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo paketa JavaDoc. Package: starman Description-md5: c44c03a2ade52fec8a1e8f965248b395 Description-sl: Visoko zmogljiv spletni strežnik predrazvejitve PSGI/Plack Starman is a PSGI perl web server that has unique features such as: * High Performance - Uses the fast XS/C HTTP header parser * Preforking - Spawns workers preforked like most high performance UNIX servers do. Starman also reaps dead children and automatically restarts the worker pool. * Signals - Supports HUP for graceful restarts, and TTIN/TTOU to dynamically increase or decrease the number of worker processes. * Superdaemon aware - Supports Server::Starter for hot deploy and graceful restarts. * Multiple interfaces and UNIX Domain Socket support - Able to listen on multiple intefaces including UNIX sockets. * Small memory footprint - Preloading the applications with --preload-app command line option enables copy-on-write friendly memory management. Also, the minimum memory usage Starman requires for the master process is 7MB and children (workers) is less than 3.0MB. * PSGI compatible - Can run any PSGI applications and frameworks * HTTP/1.1 support - Supports chunked requests and responses, keep-alive and pipeline requests. Package: starpu-examples Description-md5: 601fd3c318d53962421cdbdd364f312b Description-sl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines - exs StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje primere programov. Package: starpu-tools Description-md5: eb2ba87d4cd88833bc91b0cf6b977279 Description-sl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines - tools StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Ta paket vsebuje orodja StarPU. Package: starvoyager Description-md5: b4ae40c2f4a8f098c987e0844aaf5620 Description-sl: 2D space arcade game, themed around 'Star Trek' - binary Star Voyager is a Frontier/Elite class game in a more arcade style 2D environment, themed to the 'Star Trek' universe. It utilizes the SDL library for portability. . Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko igre. Package: statsvn Description-md5: 1e17c642b31f2828a87f74d289a815f2 Description-sl: Statistike odložišč SVN StatSVN retrieves information from a Subversion repository and generates various tables and charts describing the project evolution, e.g. the lines of code over time, contribution of each developer, the evolution of modules, directories, files, the time and days when most checkins happen, etc. It also shows the commit logs and integrates out of the box with ViewVc, BugZilla, Chora and others. . StatSVN generates a static suite of HTML or XDoc documents containing tables and chart images. Package: stealth Description-md5: 5bc700bb5b7b5d6ee7d8fdc9665b6a25 Description-sl: Skrit program za preverjanje celovitosti datotek The STEALTH program performs File Integrity Checks on (remote) clients. It differs from other File Integrity Checkers by not requiring baseline integrity data to be kept on either write-only media or in the client's file system. In fact, clients will hardly contain any indication suggesting that they are being monitored, thus improving the stealthiness of the integrity scans. . STEALTH uses standard available software to perform file integrity checks (like find(1) and sha1sum(1)). Using individualized policy files, it is highly adaptable to the specific characteristics of its clients. . In production environments STEALTH should be run from an isolated computer (called the `STEALTH monitor'). In optimal configurations the STEALTH monitor should be a computer not accepting incoming connections. The account used to connect to its clients does not have to be `root'; usually read-access to the client's file system is enough to perform a full integrity check. Instead of using `root' a more restrictive administrative or ordinary account might offer all necessary requirements for the desired integrity check. . STEALTH itself must communicate with the computers it should monitor. It is essential that this communication is secure. STEALTH configurations therefore normally specify SSH as the command-shell to use for connecting to clients. STEALTH may be configured so as to use but one SSH connection per client, even if integrity scans are to be performed repeatedly. Apart from this, the STEALTH monitor is commonly allowed to send e-mail to remote client systems' maintainers. . STEALTH-runs itself may start randomly within specified intervals. The resulting unpredicability of STEALTH-runs further increases STEALTH's stealthiness. . STEALTH's acronym is expanded to `Ssh-based Trust Enforcement Acquired through a Locally Trusted Host': the client's trust is enforced, the locally trusted host is the STEALTH monitor. Package: stellarium Description-md5: ee62de66fb5b3319c81294a9100bca29 Description-sl: Realno časovni foto realističen ustvarjalnik neba Stellarium izriše 3D foto realistično nebo v realnem času. S programom Stellarium boste videli kaj lahko vidite s prostim očesom, daljnogledom ali majhnim teleskopom. . Nekatere zmožnosti: - privzeti katalog zvez z več kot 600 tisoč zvezdami, - podatki o najsvetlejših zvezdah (vrsta spektra, razdalja, itd.), - prejmete lahko razširitve kataloga zvezd z do 210 milijoni zvezd, - vsi predmeti iz New General Catalogue (NGC), - slike skoraj vseh Messierjevih predmetov in Mlečne ceste, - realnočasovni položaji predmetov in njihovih satelitov, - 13 različnih kultur z njihovimi ozvezdji, - umetniške slike 88 zahodnih ozvezdij, - celo realistična atmosfera, sončni vzhod in zahod, - 7 panoramskih razgledov (več jih lahko prejemete s spletišča), - skriptanje z ECMAScript, - podpora vstavkov: Stellarium privzeto vsebuje 8 vstavkov, vključno z: - vstavek umetnih satelitov (posodablja se iz spletne podatkovne zbirke TLE), - vstavek simulacije okularja (pokaže, kako so predmeti videti v danem okularju), - vstavek urejevalnika osončja (uvozi podatke o kometih in asteroidih iz MPC), - vstavek nadzora teleskopa (združljiv z Meade LX200 in Celestron NexStar). . Stellariuma ne uporabljajte za zelo natančne izračune, kot so napovedi mrkov. Vendar pa je idealen program za pripravljanje na večer opazovanja s prostim očesom, daljnogledom ali majhnim teleskopom. Package: stellarium-data Description-md5: abb0e128a19de6802f33b1e1384d5593 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke Stellarium Stellarium izriše 3D foto realistično nebo v realnem času. S programom Stellarium boste videli kaj lahko vidite s prostim očesom, daljnogledom ali majhnim teleskopom. . This package contains data files required by Stellarium. They include textures, star catalogues and translations. Package: step Description-md5: 41b9209e3ba293cc51da9daac61a2e20 Description-sl: interactive physical simulator for KDE With Step you can not only learn but feel how physics works. You place some bodies on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or springs, then click "Simulate" and Step shows you how your scene will evolve according to the laws of physics. You can change every property of bodies/forces in your experiment (even during simulation) and see how this will change evolution of the experiment. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: stilts Description-md5: e9612dd1c197a49ddff9af997feebb5f Description-sl: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set The STIL Tool Set is a set of command-line tools based on STIL, the Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. It deals with the processing of tabular data; the package has been designed for, but is not restricted to, astronomical tables such as object catalogues. Some of the tools are generic and can work with multiple formats (including FITS, VOTable, CDF, CSV, SQL and ASCII), and others are specific to the VOTable format. In some ways, STILTS forms the command-line counterpart of the GUI table analysis tool TOPCAT. The package is robust, fully documented, and designed for efficiency, especially with very large datasets. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: stilts-doc Description-md5: fb5ec7d84d425889df08dc1780e149f5 Description-sl: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set (documentation) The STIL Tool Set is a set of command-line tools based on STIL, the Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. It deals with the processing of tabular data; the package has been designed for, but is not restricted to, astronomical tables such as object catalogues. Some of the tools are generic and can work with multiple formats (including FITS, VOTable, CDF, CSV, SQL and ASCII), and others are specific to the VOTable format. In some ways, STILTS forms the command-line counterpart of the GUI table analysis tool TOPCAT. The package is robust, fully documented, and designed for efficiency, especially with very large datasets. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: stimfit-dbg Description-md5: 0ba498df1bcff5e56dc1b4f9ad77eabf Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za stimfit Stimfit is a free, fast and simple program for viewing and analyzing electrophysiological data. It features an embedded Python shell that allows you to extend the program functionality by using numerical libraries such as NumPy and SciPy. This package contains the debug symbols for Stimfit. Package: stk-doc Description-md5: 069a7efb4a3a84403e9af3f2a802d737 Description-sl: Zbirka orodij sinteze zvoka (dokumentacija) The Sound Synthesis Toolkit is a C++ library with implementations of several sound synthesis algorithms, starting from Frequency Modulation, over Physical Modelling and others. It can be used as a library, but it also provides some nice software synthesizers. . This package contains the documentation for the sound synthesis toolkit. Package: streamtuner2 Description-md5: de7f8eccbaa41ea538675ce7bd1ecde2 Description-sl: Brskalnik po internetnih radijskih postajah streamtuner2 is a browser for radio station directories. It can fetch lists from SHOUTcast,, Live365, Jamendo, DMOZ,, Punkcast. And it lists stream entries by category or genre. It reuses existing audio players, and recording is delegated to streamripper. . It mimics the original streamtuner 0.99.99, but is easier to extend because it's written entirely in Python. It's already in a stable and useable form. Package: stretchplayer Description-md5: 5cf1a3156a44dc5290221bc55090bc50 Description-sl: Audio file player with time stretch and pitch shifting StretchPlayer will play back an audio file and allow you to time stretch (without affecting pitch) and/or pitch shift (without affecting the time) the audio, even while you are listening to it. . Opozorilo: Ta paket vsebuje razvojno različico (ki je morda nestabilna), ki je bila izdana le za namen preizkusa. Package: stretchplayer-dbg Description-md5: d4674ef5ddc6c74b6ea1683a3e051ffa Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za StretchPlayer StretchPlayer will play back an audio file and allow you to time stretch (without affecting pitch) and/or pitch shift (without affecting the time) the audio, even while you are listening to it. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za stretchplayer. Package: structure-synth-dbg Description-md5: 9d6f1ac63146b719139e6d18b7698ac1 Description-sl: application for creating 3D structures Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures by specifying a design grammar. Even simple systems may generate surprising and complex structures. Structure Synth offers a graphical environment with multiple tabs, syntax highlighting, and OpenGL preview. Integration with third- party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) is possible using a flexible template based export system. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: subdownloader Description-md5: 7a90c06d5c209816dff649752e1c0068 Description-sl: Upravljalnik prejemanj/pošiljanj podnapisov za video datoteke SubDownloader je orodje za samodejenn prejem/pošiljanje podnapisov za video datoteke (DIVX, MPEG, AVI, itd.) in DVD-je, ki uporabjla hitro razprševanje. . Zmožnosti: * hiter algoritem razprševanja (27 GB filmov/7 sekund) * rekurzivno iskanje po mapah * samodejno zaznavanje jezika podnapisov * pošiljanje podnapisov celotne sezone v manj kot 1 minuti . Ta paket vsebuje začelje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, skupne datoteke in vmesnik cli. Package: subtitleeditor Description-md5: c039e585122e311934df538fbde58c68 Description-sl: Grafični urejevalnik podnapisov s predstavitvijo zvočnih valov Subtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles. It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing subtitles. . Ta program pokaže tudi zvočne valove, kar naredi usklajevanje podnapisov z glasovi enostavnejše. . This package has these features . o Multiple document interface. o Internationalization support. o Video player integrated in the main window (based on GStreamer). o Can play preview with external video player (using MPlayer or other). o Style Editor. o Move subtitle. o Scale. o Split and joint subtitle. o Edit text and adjust time (start, end). o Generate Waveform from Video. . Podprte oblike: . o Sub Station Alpha. o Advanced Sub Station Alpha. o SubRip. o MicroDVD. o MPL2. o MPsub (podnapis MPlayer). o SubViewer 2.0. o Običajno besedilo. o Adobe Encore DVD. Package: sucrack Description-md5: b30d0b7d9a695fd752cdb67ebbe87c17 Description-sl: večniten program za surovo silo su sucrack is a multithreaded Linux/UNIX tool for cracking local user accounts via wordlist bruteforcing su. This tool comes in handy when you've gained access to a low-privilege user account but are allowed to su to other users. Many su implementations require a pseudo terminal to be attached in order to take the password from the user. This can't be easily achieved with a simple shell script. This tool, written in C, is highly efficient and can attempt multiple logins at the same time. Package: sudoku Description-md5: b7b515c5b1173672e084c8ec432ff43f Description-sl: na konzoli osnovan sudoku This sudoku puzzle generator/solver features: * character based (curses) interface; * cross-platform (Minix, Unix, Windows) with full source code (ANSI C); * generates hints upon request; * classification of board difficulty (very easy, easy, medium, hard or fiendish); * generation of new boards; * easy entry of boards published in newspapers, Internet, ...; * multiple output formats (text, csv, HTML, PostScript). Package: sugar-memorize-activity Description-md5: c03f028e2013f84d9383b2bf62fb7821 Description-sl: Sugar Learning Platform - matching game creation/playing activity Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional "office-desktop" software. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . Ta paket vsebuje dejavnost Memorize. . Memorize is about finding matching pairs. A pair can consist of any multimedia object. At the moment these are images, sounds and text but this could be extended to animations or movie snippets as well. Package: sugar-themes Description-md5: 17f2e96c0722c8269fe8c127ab02099f Description-sl: Sugar Learning Platform - artwork Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional “office-desktop” software. . Ta paket vsebuje grafično podobo Sugar. Package: sunclock-maps Description-md5: be3d365c3fff2576245fe5af09fdda31 Description-sl: Zemljevidi vektorske grafike sunclock sunclock is an X11 application that displays a map of the Earth and indicates the illuminated portion of the globe by drawing sunlit areas dark on light, night areas as light on dark. In addition to providing local time for the default timezone, it also displays GMT time, legal and solar time of major cities, their latitude and longitude, and the mutual distances of arbitrary locations on Earth. . This package contains the vector graphic earthmaps. Package: sunflow Description-md5: 5d61514521b86f0d0c118dfc6075f3ca Description-sl: rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis (GUI) Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models. . Ta paket vsebuje grafični vmesnik sunflow. Package: sup Description-md5: 8878007a6b8b089db88a860a9bc59d46 Description-sl: Izvedba protokola nadgradnje programov The SUP System is a set of programs developed by Carnegie Mellon University that provide for collections of files to be maintained in identical versions across a number of machines. These programs are: . SUP: The "client" program, run by users or system maintainers, which initiates the upgrade activity on a machine requesting the latest version of a collection of files. SUP will normally be run as a daemon, firing up once each night (week, etc.) to upgrade the specified file collections. . SUPFILESRV: The "file server" program, a daemon that is run by the system maintainer to service requests for files initiated by client SUP programs. The file server runs on every machine used as a "repository" of distributable versions of files. It runs continuously and listens for network connection requests by individual client processes; for each individual client request, a process is forked to service that request. . SUPSCAN: The "file scanner" program, that may optionally be run periodically to speed up execution of the file server. It pre-compiles a list of files on the file system that match the specifications for a given file collection so that the file server need not do this during each upgrade of that collection. The file scanner is normally used daily for very large file collections that are upgraded by many clients each day; it is not so useful for small file collections or for those that are upgraded by only a few client machines per day. Package: super Description-md5: e4c684be37a7ad2c4a2ede7bcb7b6dff Description-sl: Izvedite ukaze setuid root Super allows specified users to execute scripts (or other commands) as if they were root; or it can set the uid and/or gid on a per-command basis before executing the command. It is intended to be a secure alternative to making scripts setuid root. Package: supercollider-dev Description-md5: 12313ee58fb018f25a0b088bf31045c1 Description-sl: development files for SuperCollider SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke in glave. Package: supertransball2 Description-md5: 804e90de2e2451c711cf4cb4315f72c5 Description-sl: Vrsta igre Thurst Super Transball 2 is a game which was inspired by ZARA THRUSTA for the Amiga 500. In each level the goal is to find the SPHERE, to capture it and to carry it to the upper part of the level. The main challenge is the gravity that attracts your ship which makes it inevitable to control the ship's thrust. Many other obstacles like cannons, tanks, doors or lasers will also try to make your journey difficult and don't be wasteful with your thrusters and weapons or you will run out of fuel in no time. Package: supertux Description-md5: 83819c096307dca07762d7b9f833f8be Description-sl: Klasična 2D igra skoči in teci s Tuxom SuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller game in a similar style like the original SuperMario games. You play the role of Tux the Penguin, who must rescue Penny from the hands of the evil Nolok. Package: svgpart Description-md5: 4a1993b3ae42f82ae7ffee908eef752f Description-sl: KDE SVG KPart SvgPart is a small KDE KPart component to display SVG images in Gwenview and in any other KDE application which uses the KPart system. . Ta paket je del zbirke grafičnega modula KDE. Package: svgtoipe Description-md5: 67e20af319c7027c50018110c543fe94 Description-sl: pretvori slike SVG v datoteko XML, ki jo je mogoče prebrati z lpe lpe je urejevalnik risanja za ustvarjanje slik, ki jih zagotavlja paket ipe. . This package contains a tool to convert drawings in SVG format to XML that can be used by ipe editor. Package: svnkit Description-md5: 807acb95ab99e09efdb38a187b350ac7 Description-sl: Čist odjemalec Subversion Java SVNKit allows one to work with Subversion repositories and working copies. The SVNKit client features direct repository access as well as support for all high level Subversion operations available via the command-line Subversion client. Package: swapspace Description-md5: 87f8da87fae6d83376ed403d47d59f17 Description-sl: Dinamičen upravljalnik izmenjalnega prostora na disku Small, stable system add-on that continuously and automatically adapts available virtual memory space to your actual memory needs. Claims disk space for use as swap space when needed; frees it up for use by the filesystem when not needed. Package: sweeper Description-md5: 9f36680cf633d3045f0c9d6da8e49f6a Description-sl: history and temporary file cleaner Sweeper can quickly remove temporary information, such as web page cookies, browser history, or the list of recently-opened documents. It helps provide additional privacy on a system shared between multiple users. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: sweethome3d Description-md5: be1e68bf788e0d7930c88f7227149830 Description-sl: Program notranjega 2D-oblikovanja s predogledom v 3D Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview. Package: sweethome3d-furniture Description-md5: 1d5594241e1c0102ce97b93075bc84b6 Description-sl: Program notranjega oblikovanja 2D s predogledom v 3D (dodatno pohištvo) Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatno pohištvo, ki so ga ustvarili sodelavci SweetHome3D. Package: sweethome3d-furniture-editor Description-md5: 0900db4796d2a942fc8c3e5b839df256 Description-sl: Knjižnica urejevalnika pohištva Sweet Home 3D Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview. . Ta paket vsebuje urejevalnik knjižnice za ustvarjanje vaših lastnih knjižnic. Package: sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree Description-md5: 814758ed0cef927dbcdf4d6d50a00167 Description-sl: Program oblikovanja 2D s predogledom v 3D (dodatno ne-prosto pohištvo) Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview. . This package contains additional furniture libraries created by SweetHome3D contributors and released under non DFSG-compliant licenses. Package: swell-foop Description-md5: 4ce04c0f108d50ba3c8cf091d8bf9782 Description-sl: Ugankarska igra obarvanih žogic Odstranite bloke žog iste barve v kolikor je mogoče malo potezah. Za pridobitev bonusa poskusite odstraniti vse žoge. Package: swig-doc Description-md5: df8df6842ee9dfeeb139351b5009fc01 Description-sl: HTML dokumentacija za SWIG Contains the users' and developers' manuals for SWIG (Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator) in HTML format. Package: swig-examples Description-md5: 3ab5c9257106ba955b283c3165f0b8c9 Description-sl: Primeri za programe SWIG Contains examples for applications of SWIG, a wrapper interface generator to integrate C code into scripting languages. Package: sword-text-dutsvv Description-md5: b24e8c2057a64a78c553464676326991 Description-sl: Nizozemski modul Statenvertailing Sword Dutch Statenvertaling translation of the Bible from 1618-1619. . This package contains data that require a viewer to be seen properly, such as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword. Package: sylpheed Description-md5: 00fe4d9fb67883469727af68406718ab Description-sl: Lahek odjemalec e-pošte z GTK+ Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. Package: sylpheed-doc Description-md5: 569bb99f0dd90cbbb57d781e0900c6aa Description-sl: Lahek odjemalec e-pošte z GTK+ (dokumentacija) This package holds the documentation for sylpheed mailer. It is an HTML manual which describes all the features of sylpheed. . All translations are included in this package. Package: symlinks Description-md5: 8b394270bf455093283fc1b107b84003 Description-sl: Preiskovanje/spreminjanje simbolnih povezav Symlinks scans directories for symbolic links and lists them on stdout. Each link is prefixed with a classification of relative, absolute, dangling, messy, lengthy or other_fs. . Symlinks can also convert absolute links (within the same filesystem) to relative links and can delete messy and dangling links. Package: sympa Description-md5: f7b0e7f08562536810997073c968428b Description-sl: Sodoben upravljalnik dopisnih seznamov Sympa is a scalable and highly customizable modern mailing list manager capable of handling big setups: 20.000 lists with 700,000 subscribers. . Here are some of its many features: - Advanced MIME support, including digests, anonymization and S/MIME encryption - Builtin password-based authentication, HTTPS X.509 certificates or use of LDAP database or Single Sign-On CAS or Shibboleth servers - Archive management with web access and RSS feeds - Moderation and administration via email, web and SOAP interface - Multi-lingual, translated to more than 30 languages - Virtual domains (virtual robots) - Local SQLite subscriber database or use of MySQL, PostgreSQL or LDAP - Integrated scripting language to extend and automate routines - Web interface called WWSympa providing homogenous access for both users and admins to list overviews, customization, administration, searchable archives and optional web-based email reply form. - Clean moderation and expiration processing - Customizable service messages (templates) for owner and listmaster - Semi-automatic bounces management . SYMPA is French for 'SYstème de Multi-Postage Automatique', which means 'Automatic Multi Mailing System'. Package: synapse Description-md5: 5c5b4abbfea92011cb23dfbc68f6c4f9 Description-sl: Semantičen zaganjalnik datotek Synapse is a graphical launcher enabling you to start applications and also to quickly find and access relevant documents and files (by making use of the Zeitgeist engine). Package: synaptic Description-md5: d4fb8e90c9684f1113e56123c017d85f Description-sl: Grafični upravljalnik paketov Synaptic je grafično orodje upravljalnika paketov osnovano na GTK+ in APT. Synaptic vam omogoča namestitev, nadgraditev in odstranitev programskih paketov na uporabniku prijazen način. . Poleg teh osnovnih zmožnosti so na voljo tudi naslednje: * Iskanje in filtriranje s seznama razpoložljivih paketov * Izvajanje pametnih nadgradenj sistema * Popravljanje pokvarjenih odvisnosti paketov * Urejanje seznama uporabljenih skladišč (sources.list) * Prejem zadnjega dnevnika sprememb paketa * Nastavitev paketov s sistemom debconf * Brskanje po vsej razpoložljivi dokumentaciji povezani s paketov (dwww je zahtevan) Package: sync-ui Description-md5: 43f2f9e87c9ebcc1307ce50ed54fa85f Description-sl: Sync personal information data via SyncML/CalDAV/CardDAV (GTK+ GUI) SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices. It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one- way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server. . Ta paket zagotavlja grafični uporabniški vmesnik GTK+. Package: syncevolution-common Description-md5: 5b858385969f9e19bde689aa3fb66b7a Description-sl: Sync personal information data via SyncML/CalDAV/CardDAV (common files) SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices. It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one- way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: syncevolution-dbus Description-md5: 319b8be99541ac5c70b252c07bcbf11b Description-sl: Sync personal information data via SyncML/CalDAV/CardDAV (D-Bus support) SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices. It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one- way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server. . Ta paket zagotavlja storitve D-Bus. Package: synfig-examples Description-md5: fa54ce4b55141c30ce1cb2e4ffc7c076 Description-sl: Primeri animacij synfig synfig is a vector based 2D animation renderer. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. . This package contains several examples of synfig animations and stills. Package: sysnews Description-md5: c282863a7fd634b63360a2517069518c Description-sl: Program za prikaz sistemskih novic The news command keeps you informed of news concerning the system. Each news item is contained in a separate file in the /var/lib/sysnews directory. Anyone having write permission to this directory can create a news file. . NOTE: This command has nothing to do with USENET news. It's more like an enhanced motd. Package: system-tools-backends-dev Description-md5: 0fca9fbc776eea86118bf381cfd1a2f1 Description-sl: System Tools to manage computer configuration -- development files The System Tools Backends are a set of cross-platform scripts for Linux and other Unix systems. The backends provide a standard XML interface for modifying the configuration regardless of the distribution that's being used. . These backends are used in GNOME System Tools. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: Description-md5: 0c0d388045addb217dd0bbc42821c997 Description-sl: Program možnosti GNUstep System Preferences is an application which allows one to manage the settings of many aspects of the GNUstep environment and its applications. The System Preferences application is made of Modules, each one a bundle representing a single control panel, and is thus extensible and modular. Package: Description-md5: 1d42cd7f081d0dd16958addd636c5c09 Description-sl: GNUstep preferences application - debugging symbols System Preferences is an application which allows one to manage the settings of many aspects of the GNUstep environment and its applications. . Ta paket vsebuje odpete razhroščevalne simbole. Package: systemsettings Description-md5: a489ce3ef5aae006240bba5560bd5120 Description-sl: System Settings interface Desktop configuration application. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: systemtap-common Description-md5: c5d2c140f32e968c63c24e4c6a3b1c4b Description-sl: instrumentation system for Linux (common component) SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. . To be able to write new SystemTap probes, install systemtap package. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne datotek Package: systemtap-doc Description-md5: 423c79924d2af3ef7018de62dd2edbd8 Description-sl: Dokumentacija in primeri za SystemTap This package contains examples and documentation for SystemTap. . SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. Package: sysvbanner Description-md5: 1b80f7b4136a194b1923802e0957ea87 Description-sl: Klon pasice System-V Displays, horizontally, a 'banner' text in the same way as the System V banner does. . This package provides the banner and sysvbanner commands (the same function). Package: t-coffee Description-md5: d9e3464438ee56699a59a136061af5df Description-sl: Poravnava več zaporedij T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. Given a set of sequences (Proteins or DNA), T-Coffee generates a multiple sequence alignment. Version 2.00 and higher can mix sequences and structures. . T-Coffee allows the combination of a collection of multiple/pairwise, global or local alignments into a single model. It can also estimate the level of consistency of each position within the new alignment with the rest of the alignments. See the pre-print for more information . T-Coffee has a special called M-Coffee that makes it possible to combine the output of many multiple sequence alignment packages. In its published version, it uses MUSCLE, PROBCONS, POA, DiAlign-TS, MAFFT, Clustal W, PCMA and T-Coffee. A special version has been made for Debian, DM-Coffee, that uses only free software by replacing Clustal W by Kalign. Using the 8 Methods of M-Coffee can sometimes be a bit heavy. You can use a subset of your favorite methods if you prefer. Package: t50 Description-md5: e560c2f6b8505a57b17d517d7a0bfd9c Description-sl: Multi-protocol packet injector tool Multi-protocol packet injector tool for *nix systems, actually supporting 15 protocols. . Zmožnosti: . - Flooding - CIDR support - TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMPv2, IGMPv3, EGP, DCCP, RSVP, RIPv1, RIPv2, GRE, ESP, AH, EIGRP and OSPF support. - TCP Options. - High performance. - Can hit about 1.000.000 packets per second. Package: tack Description-md5: cf00daedb113ad640f6b8818e8b91c71 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje dejanj terminfo The 'tack' program is a diagnostic tool that is designed to create and verify the correctness of terminfo's. This program can be used to create new terminal descriptions that are not included in the standard ncurses release. . Although 'tack' has been distributed with ncurses-bin, it is not an integral part of ncurses and was thus split out from it by upstream. Package: taglog Description-md5: db1e0c38281ade7e7db40b350b770db8 Description-sl: Sistem za upravljanje osebnega časa Taglog is designed for anyone who spends most of their day sitting at a computer, working on various projects. You can make notes about what you do, as you go along, associating them with the projects you work on. At the end of the week you can produce a report of how your time was spent, broken down by project for booking purposes. You can view previous entries, by date, or by project. You can enter the actions you intend to take, associate them with a project, and mark them as active, or complete. Package: talk Description-md5: 3312a1f61eab4169a2566a6a3f5788c0 Description-sl: Klepetajte z drugimi uporabniki Talk is a visual communication program which copies lines from your terminal to that of another user. . In order to talk locally, you will need to install the talkd package. Package: talkd Description-md5: b8a4873d5ba2ef082a7c95a52b17d52d Description-sl: Strežnik oddaljenega uporabniškega sporazumevanja Talkd is the server that notifies a user that someone else wants to initiate a conversation. It acts a repository of invitations, responding to requests by clients wishing to rendezvous to hold a conversation. Package: Description-md5: 15f9f346644d7e146b5559a4d1f4af19 Description-sl: IRC odjemalec za GNUstep TalkSoup is a GNUstep IRC client built on the extensibility of the Objective-C language. The entire IRC client is implemented by plugins, so one can pick and choose what they want to use. Package: tango-common Description-md5: abe68002b5c0074a5b3403547a332b83 Description-sl: Distribuiran sistem za nadzor TANGO - skupne datoteke This package provides shared files for the TANGO distributed control system, and sets up the required infrastructure. It is for now an empty package Package: tango-db Description-md5: 61ba4846bb4d6244151ee89c4256100e Description-sl: Distribuiran sistem za nadzor TANGO - strežnik podatkovne zbirke TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system. It allows communication between TANGO device processes running on the same computer or distributed over the network. These processes can provide services to the control system all over the network, such as hardware control or data processing. . This package provides a TANGO database server using MySQL/MariaDB. Package: tango-test Description-md5: a8db909e0c0a83825ac21590f90a4df5 Description-sl: Distribuiran sistem za nadzor TANGO - preizkusna naprav TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system. It allows communication between TANGO device processes running on the same computer or distributed over the network. These processes can provide services to the control system all over the network, such as hardware control or data processing. . This package provides a TANGO device which implements all TANGO attribute types, and can be used for testing the installation. Package: tap-plugins-doc Description-md5: 7ba4735322484689986c7875124cf508 Description-sl: Dokumentacija vstavkov TAP Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins Tom Szilagyi has written a number of plugins for LADSPA compatible hosts (e.g. Ardour, GNU Sound and GStreamer). . The plugins (Equalizer, Reverberator, Stereo Echo, Tremolo, Scaling Limiter, AutoPanner and DeEsser) have been written primarily for Ardour but should work well with any LADSPA host. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo vstavkov TAP Package: tayga Description-md5: 63042eb4cc4b285eae21a694d21d00da Description-sl: NAT64 uporabniškega prostora brez stanja TAYGA is an out-of-kernel stateless NAT64 implementation for Linux that uses the TUN driver to exchange IPv4 and IPv6 packets with the kernel. It is intended to provide production-quality NAT64 service for networks where dedicated NAT64 hardware would be overkill. TAYGA needs no kernel patches or out-of-tree modules, and it is compatible with all 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. Package: tcl-expect-dev Description-md5: 4ec60e87cbd3a656d859084bbd5d1dcc Description-sl: Automates interactive applications (development) Expect is a tool for automating interactive applications according to a script. Following the script, Expect knows what can be expected from a program and what the correct response should be. Expect is also useful for testing these same applications. And by adding Tk, you can also wrap interactive applications in X11 GUIs. An interpreted language provides branching and high-level control structures to direct the dialogue. In addition, the user can take control and interact directly when desired, afterward returning control to the script. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: tcl-udp Description-md5: fb9649d16537922a204d2eb3961e0e1b Description-sl: Vtiči UDP za Tcl TclUDP provides a new channel type for UDP and permits the use of packet oriented UDP over stream oriented Tcl channels. Package: tclcl Description-md5: 4b1d3fd5a93cd819450e346247c00241 Description-sl: tcl2c++ and otcldoc program from tclcl TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play and nsnam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteko bin. Package: tclcurl Description-md5: 14561541206fa213a6c0490f9da8a0c8 Description-sl: Tcl vezave za libcurl This module enables the use of libcurl in Tcl scripts. Please refer to the libcurl documentation available in the libcurl4-gnutls-dev package. . NOTE: the SSL support is provided by GnuTLS. Package: tcpflow Description-md5: 8b5d860e2da32a9ce8f2c9689abca505 Description-sl: Snemalnik pretoka TCP tcpflow is a program that captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections (flows), and stores the data in a way that is convenient for protocol analysis or debugging. A program like 'tcpdump' shows a summary of packets seen on the wire, but usually doesn't store the data that's actually being transmitted. In contrast, tcpflow reconstructs the actual data streams and stores each flow in a separate file for later analysis. . tcpflow understands sequence numbers and will correctly reconstruct data streams regardless of retransmissions or out-of-order delivery. However, it currently does not understand IP fragments; flows containing IP fragments will not be recorded properly. . tcpflow is based on the LBL Packet Capture Library and therefore supports the same rich filtering expressions that programs like 'tcpdump' support. tcpflow can also rebuild flows from data captured with 'tcpdump -w'. Package: tcs Description-md5: bc514e121473e21e939e5372915620f5 Description-sl: Prevajalnik znakovnega niza tcs translates character sets from one encoding to another. . Supported encodings include utf (ISO utf-8), ascii, ISO 8859-[123456789], koi8, jis-kanji, ujis, ms-kanji, jis, gb, big5, unicode, tis, msdos, and atari. Package: tdfsb Description-md5: 4e075d21679e9265fed42164f6de5ab4 Description-sl: 3D brskalnik po datotečnih sistemih TDFSB reads directory information and displays it as a 3D world. Changing into another directory is possible by simply walking into the assigned sphere. It also reads images and text files, and displays their contents. Package: tdiary-contrib Description-md5: 135c84d7179ffede2d6b99da56d567c8 Description-sl: Vstavki tDiary za dodajanje zmožnosti This package includes optional utilities and plugins for tDiary. They are valuable but not so useful for general users. Some can not be completely internationalized. Package: tdiary-mode Description-md5: a88d9e4bc29badc4babd558a55d83541 Description-sl: Način urejanje tDiary za Emacsen This package provides Emacs major mode to edit and post entries to tDiary. You can edit/post your article to tDiary easily using this package. Package: teeworlds Description-md5: 1e5a92517730f23487a124ece8ecb15f Description-sl: spletna 2D strelska ploščadna igra za več igralcev Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko odjemalca za Teeworlds. . Igra vsebuje grafiko in fiziko v slogu risank in se močno zanaša na orožje in igranje običajnih strelskih iger. Nadzor nad igro so močno navdihnile prvoosebne strelske igre. Package: teeworlds-data Description-md5: 0d2cc0c35d734fe0014a661e37d89834 Description-sl: podatki za Teeworlds, spletno 2D strelsko ploščadno igro za več igralcev Ta paket vsebuje statične podatke za Teeworlds. . Igra vsebuje grafiko in fiziko v slogu risank in se močno zanaša na orožje in igranje običajnih strelskih iger. Nadzor nad igro so močno navdihnile prvoosebne strelske igre. Package: teeworlds-server Description-md5: e3aa25d4e155c0562f68f696e6d40c46 Description-sl: strežnik za Teeworlds, spletno 2D strelsko ploščadno igro za več igralcev This package contains the server binary for Teeworlds. . Igra vsebuje grafiko in fiziko v slogu risank in se močno zanaša na orožje in igranje običajnih strelskih iger. Nadzor nad igro so močno navdihnile prvoosebne strelske igre. Package: teg Description-md5: 5ee191c86c2cd8e014efaf4642967d5f Description-sl: Potezna strateška igra Tenes Empanadas Graciela is a clone of Plan Tactico y Estrategico de la Guerra, based on Risk. . Teg is a multiplayer game (it can be played across the internet) and it comes with a server, a GNOME client and a robot. It has support for IPv6, too. Package: telepathy-logger Description-md5: 33ed7f7be4047686973cac37c0f0a576 Description-sl: Telepathy logger service - Daemon This package contains the Telepathy Logger daemon. . Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. Package: telepathy-specification Description-md5: 1a27f44eeaa97387ae7b2f5232a7ccdd Description-sl: Telepathy D-Bus določilo Telepathy je ogrodje D-Bus za enotno izmenjavo podatkov, vključno s hipnim sporočanjem, glasovno pošto in video klici. Omogoča ločevanje med protokoli in s tem poenoten vmesnik za programe. . The specification can be browsed with the devhelp documentation browser, or with a regular web browser. Package: tellico-doc Description-md5: dea523edf18d0521376f8f918f295172 Description-sl: Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc [doc] Tellico is a collection manager for KDE. It includes default collections for books, bibliographies, comic books, videos, music, coins, stamps, trading cards, and wines. . Tellico capabilities include: . * creation of user-defined custom collections with unlimited fields, * automatically formatted names, * sorting and filtering by any field or property, * ISBN validation, * full customization for printing or display through XSLT files, * import and export of CSV, RIS, BibTeX and BibTeXML files, * import data from Amazon, IMDb, CDDB or any US-MARC compliant z39.50 server. . Tellico files are stored in XML format, avoiding the need for a database server, and allowing other software applications to use the data. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: tennix Description-md5: b5be075970d0ca7f78634a1e3fa4e3dd Description-sl: 2D igra tenisa Tennix je zabavna igra tenisa v 2D. Igrate lahko proti računalniku ali drugemu igralcu s tipkovnico. Igra se izvaja v oknu z ločljivostjo 640x480 ali v celozaslonskem načinu. . Za navodila kako igrati in možnosti ukaze vrstice si oglejte stran man tennix(6). Package: Description-md5: 80c57e62398d629d2261c9621c4ec358 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala za GNUstep Ta paket posnema terminal v okolju GNUstep. Ponuja obarvane terminale z nastavljivimi pisavemi in uporabnikom omogoča nastavitev pripomočkov lupin kot storitve GNUstep. Package: terminator Description-md5: d70de009f48ea4b4f00e62329adb4f61 Description-sl: več terminalov GNOME v enem oknu Treminator je majhen projekt, ki na učinkovit način zapolni velike površine na zaslonu s terminali. . Uporabnik ima lahko več terminalov v enem oknu in uporabi tipkovne bližnjice za preklop med njimi. Za podrobnosti si oglejte stran man. Package: terminatorx Description-md5: 6effca71793975d2245f41b926117d10 Description-sl: Realnočasovni sintetizator zvoka terminatorX is a realtime audio synthesizer that allows you to "scratch" on digitally sampled audio data (*.wav, *.au, *.mp3, etc.) the way hiphop- DJs scratch on vinyl records. It features multiple turntables, realtime effects (built-in as well as LADSPA plugin effects), a sequencer and an easy-to-use GTK+ GUI. Package: tetrinetx Description-md5: 731609c616ee10857e8cd56db572cbde Description-sl: Strežnik iger za Tetrinet Provides a server for hosting Tetrinet games. Tetrinet is a variant of Tetris played over the internet. Up to six people may simultaneously connect to a server to participate in a game. . For more information about the Tetrinet game, visit Package: tetzle Description-md5: 9fde502f6606a471732c4289ec6d5585 Description-sl: Sestavljanka Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently in progress games. Package: texmaker Description-md5: c780af66e2bff60d1878797971e0737e Description-sl: Urejevalnik LaTeX, ki deluje na več sistemih Texmaker je čist, visoko nastavljiv urejevalnik LaTeX z dobro podporo tipkovnim bližnjicam in obširno dokumentacijo LaTeX. Texmaker vključuje veliko orodij, ki so zahtevana za razvoj dokumentov z LaTeX v le enem programu. Ima nekaj lepih zmožnosti kot je poudarjanje skladnje, vstavljanje 370 matematičnih simbolov z le enim klikom in "strukturni pogled" dokumenta za enostavnejše krmarjenje. Package: texmaker-data Description-md5: 3aefbcc76438a12b554109edcb6eac7c Description-sl: Texmaker LaTeX editor -- arch-independent files Texmaker je čist, visoko nastavljiv urejevalnik LaTeX z dobro podporo tipkovnim bližnjicam in obširno dokumentacijo LaTeX. . This package contains documentation and arch-independent files for Texmaker. Package: Description-md5: 981d9de288dea892577ac27c90d73452 Description-sl: Urejevalnik besedila za GNUstep TextEdit je relativno osnoven urejevalnik besedila. Upravlja z običajnim besedilom, RTF, RTFD ima lep način "Prelomi na stran", ima zmožnost išči/zamenjaj in lahko kot besedilo prikaže katerokoli datoteko. Package: texworks Description-md5: 59a2db88e189106d5213d00612e8fc7f Description-sl: Environment for authoring TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt, etc) documents Okolje za izdelavo dokumentov TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt itd.), osnovano na Unicode, z urejevalnik, ki podpira TeX, enovitim pregledovalnikom PDF in čistim, preprostim vmesnikom, dostopnim za občasne in tehnično nepodkovane uporabnike. . TeXworks je navdihnil program TeXShop Dicka Kocha za Mac OS X, ki je naredil kakovostno črkovno oblikovanje s TeX na voljo širši skupnosti uporabnikov brez tehničnega ali zastrašujočega vidika. Cilj TeXworks je zagotoviti podobno enovito, enostavno okolje za uporabnike na drugih sistemih, še posebno GNU/Linux in Windows. Package: texworks-scripting-lua Description-md5: 23941b497c3b832afba44700b2555c01 Description-sl: Plugin to bring Lua scripting to TeXworks Okolje za izdelavo dokumentov TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt itd.), osnovano na Unicode, z urejevalnik, ki podpira TeX, enovitim pregledovalnikom PDF in čistim, preprostim vmesnikom, dostopnim za občasne in tehnično nepodkovane uporabnike. . This package contains a Lua scripting plugin for TeXworks. Package: texworks-scripting-python Description-md5: 580a452c25d92ffad963b5a6eac5afbb Description-sl: Plugin to bring Python scripting to TeXworks Okolje za izdelavo dokumentov TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt itd.), osnovano na Unicode, z urejevalnik, ki podpira TeX, enovitim pregledovalnikom PDF in čistim, preprostim vmesnikom, dostopnim za občasne in tehnično nepodkovane uporabnike. . This package contains a Python scripting plugin for TeXworks. Package: tfdocgen Description-md5: f23fff9e20752f08a98c4b694b6e36ae Description-sl: Ogrodje TiLP ustvarjalnik dokumentacije The tfdocgen program is a program used by the libti*2 libraries to generate their HTML documentation from sources and misc files. You don't need this package unless you want to develop on the libti*2 libraries. Package: thunar Description-md5: b7a058b0f1e6c36c7548366cf5e4833d Description-sl: Upravljalnik datotek za Xfce Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use. . Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash. Package: thunar-volman Description-md5: bf00f71962d5cf45709fae3389409774 Description-sl: Dodatek Thunar za upravljanje nosilcev Upravljalnik nosilcev Thunar je dodatek za upravljalnik datotek Thunar, ki omogoča samodejno upravljanje odstranljivih diskov in medijev. Package: ticgitweb Description-md5: 556429428f9e36c04840a6c71d80d0a3 Description-sl: Spletni vmesnik za ticgit ticgit is an issue tracking system based in the Git revision control system. This package contains the web frontend. . The command-line interface can be found in the ticgit package. Package: ticker Description-md5: 3d688ea1e77830fc9e4757869996104c Description-sl: Nastavljiv drsnik po besedilu Ticker is a simple program to scroll text across a line of the display, in a manner similar to a stock ticker. In fact, since ticker supports communicating with a program that changes the text periodically, it could be used to implement a stock ticker. Package: tiemu-skinedit Description-md5: 70cf9335ce1cacbbfcd040be8f46d8ad Description-sl: Urejevalnik preoblek za TiEmu skinedit is the skin editor that accompanies TiEmu, the Texas Instruments calculators emulator. By using a different skin, you change the appearance of the emulator. . skinedit can handle VTi (another emulator, running on Windows) skins too, allowing you to convert the skins between the VTi formats and the TiEmu format. Package: tightvncpasswd Description-md5: 1dc02ccf2b39a3fd4f8ad0b76779b54f Description-sl: virtual network computing password tool VNC pomeni navidezno omrežno računalništvo. To je oddaljen namizni sistem, ki vam omogoča ogled `namiznega' okolja ne le na napravi, kjer teče, ampak kjerkoli na Internetu z različnih računalniških arhitektur. . This package provides the vncpasswd tool mandatory for the tightvncserver and optional for the xtightvncviewer. Package: tightvncserver Description-md5: 212aadc6932fc1ffc49df1c9619bc26a Description-sl: virtual network computing server software VNC pomeni navidezno omrežno računalništvo. To je oddaljen namizni sistem, ki vam omogoča ogled `namiznega' okolja ne le na napravi, kjer teče, ampak kjerkoli na Internetu z različnih računalniških arhitektur. . This package provides a server to which X clients can connect and the server generates a display that can be viewed with a vncviewer. . The difference between the tightvncserver and the normal vncserver is the data encoding, optimized for low bandwidth connections. If the client do not support jpeg or zlib encoding it can use the default one. Later versions of vncserver (> 3.3.3r2) support a new automatic encoding that should be equally good as the tightvnc encoding. . Note: This server does not support or need a display. You need a vncviewer to see something. However, this viewer may also be on a computer running other operating systems in the local net. Package: timbl Description-md5: 9d22c91f8e87a115cd9936586ba62c0a Description-sl: Program za učenje osnovanje pomnilnika Tilburg Memory-Based Learning (MBL) is a machine-learning method applicable to a wide range of tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP). . The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for NLP research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. It is an efficient implementation of k-nearest neighbor classifier. . TiMBL's features are: * Fast, decision-tree-based implementation of k-nearest neighbor classification; * Implementations of IB1 and IB2, IGTree, TRIBL, and TRIBL2 algorithms; * Similarity metrics: Overlap, MVDM, Jeffrey Divergence, Dot product, Cosine; * Feature weighting metrics: information gain, gain ratio, chi squared, shared variance; * Distance weighting metrics: inverse, inverse linear, exponential decay; * Extensive verbosity options to inspect nearest neighbor sets; * Server functionality and extensive API; * Fast leave-one-out testing and internal cross-validation; * and Handles user-defined example weighting. . TiMBL is a product of the Centre of Language and Speech Technology (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . If you do scientific research in NLP, timbl will likely be of use to you. Package: tinc Description-md5: 927734357d793d7ebde564ee023d38d2 Description-sl: Ozadnji program navideznega zasebnega omrežja tinc is a daemon with which you can create a virtual private network (VPN). One daemon can handle multiple connections, so you can create an entire (moderately sized) VPN with only one daemon per participating computer. Package: tint2 Description-md5: 22bb976668132b8e27ae131fa0e10a1a Description-sl: lahka opravilna vrstica Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has also been added for a battery monitor and system tray. . The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification. Package: tiny-dnn Description-md5: c312c618bd72f981c2874794db1dc871 Description-sl: header only deep learning framework in C++ tiny-dnn is a C++ implementation of deep learning. It is suitable for deep learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT devices. . Zmožnosti: . * Reasonably fast, without GPU; * Portable & header-only; * Easy to integrate with real applications; * Simply implemented. Package: tiny-dnn-doc Description-md5: 8c79ac8aa36ab68f80cf69eeb0cb0dc3 Description-sl: header only deep learning framework in C++ -- documentation tiny-dnn is a C++ implementation of deep learning. It is suitable for deep learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT devices. . Zmožnosti: . * Reasonably fast, without GPU; * Portable & header-only; * Easy to integrate with real applications; * Simply implemented. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: tinyscheme Description-md5: 319a067482fba96a63d61b1a389201a1 Description-sl: Zelo majhna izvedba shem TinyScheme is an implementation of the algorithmic language Scheme that aims to very small memory footprint while being as close to R5RS as practically feasible. TinyScheme is also a good base for hacking, given the implementation's small size, easy gluing with C and code being fully reentrant. . TinyScheme is based on an s-expression evaluator. This package distributes TinyScheme as a standalone executable. Package: titanion Description-md5: fdaf74749784555fd7b7c40d30bc6b18 Description-sl: strike down super high-velocity swooping insects Titanion is an abstract shooter game. While you fire with one button, the other one acts as a tractor ray to attract the enemies and take them to the combat line. The game in itself is quite simple, but with such graphics and playability that it's worth a try. . Titanion je en od številnih draguljev Kenta Choja. Package: titanion-data Description-md5: 858992ec654b8eefc725d56be9fab32d Description-sl: strike down super high-velocity swooping insects - game data Titanion is an abstract shooter game. While you fire with one button, the other one acts as a tractor ray to attract the enemies and take them to the combat line. The game in itself is quite simple, but with such graphics and playability that it's worth a try. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za igro Titanion. Package: tkgate-data Description-md5: ed8248a90932892d8a5209b13c87f2ec Description-sl: Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator - data files TkGate is a digital circuit editor and simulator with a Tcl/Tk based interface. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: tkgate-doc Description-md5: b326d0b88070a276318c9a3974fe49c8 Description-sl: Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator - documentation TkGate is a digital circuit editor and simulator with a Tcl/Tk based interface. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: tkrzw-doc Description-md5: 87aa3215e05be1c1b3c8511da4495b11 Description-sl: set of implementation of DBM - docs Tkrzw is a C++ library implementing DBM (Database Manager) with various algorithms. It features high degrees of performance, concurrency, scalability and durability. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: tla Description-md5: b1978a310e178291e9aa549e4eefcad2 Description-sl: Sistem za nadzor različic GNU Arch Arch is a modern replacement for CVS, specifically designed for the distributed development. It supports development on branches, distributed repositories, changeset-oriented project management, and of course, file and directory renaming. Package: tntnet Description-md5: 0f4a7a2ca2159c84605114a3a8f63bf3 Description-sl: modular, multithreaded web application server for C++ Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . Because the web applications are compiled into native code, they are very fast and compact. . Components can call other components. So you can create building blocks of HTML parts and call them in other pages like subprocesses. . Requests are parsed by tntnet and the request information is easily accessible to the components. It supports GET and POST parameters and MIME multipart requests for file upload. . The template language has also support for internationalized applications. You can easily create web applications for different languages. . Other features are: cookies, HTTP upload, automatic request parameter parsing and conversion, automatic session management, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation and keep-alive. . Logging is done through cxxtools, which provides a unique API for log4cpp, log4cxx or simple logging to files or console. . Tntnet is fully multithreaded and much work has been gone into making it scalable. It uses a dynamic pool of worker threads, which answer requests from HTTP clients. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: tntnet-demos Description-md5: 94540f936531126883e1c6c103394d3b Description-sl: Predstavitveni spletni programi za Tntnet Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . Because the web applications are compiled into native code, they are very fast and compact. . Components can call other components. So you can create building blocks of HTML parts and call them in other pages like subprocesses. . Requests are parsed by tntnet and the request information is easily accessible to the components. It supports GET and POST parameters and MIME multipart requests for file upload. . The template language has also support for internationalized applications. You can easily create web applications for different languages. . Other features are: cookies, HTTP upload, automatic request parameter parsing and conversion, automatic session management, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation and keep-alive. . Logging is done through cxxtools, which provides a unique API for log4cpp, log4cxx or simple logging to files or console. . Tntnet is fully multithreaded and much work has been gone into making it scalable. It uses a dynamic pool of worker threads, which answer requests from HTTP clients. . This package contains a web application demo. Package: tntnet-doc Description-md5: 04479dac4443e13da8cadcf2c9875d96 Description-sl: dokumentacija za Tntnet Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . Because the web applications are compiled into native code, they are very fast and compact. . Components can call other components. So you can create building blocks of HTML parts and call them in other pages like subprocesses. . Requests are parsed by tntnet and the request information is easily accessible to the components. It supports GET and POST parameters and MIME multipart requests for file upload. . The template language has also support for internationalized applications. You can easily create web applications for different languages. . Other features are: cookies, HTTP upload, automatic request parameter parsing and conversion, automatic session management, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation and keep-alive. . Logging is done through cxxtools, which provides a unique API for log4cpp, log4cxx or simple logging to files or console. . Tntnet is fully multithreaded and much work has been gone into making it scalable. It uses a dynamic pool of worker threads, which answer requests from HTTP clients. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: tntnet-runtime Description-md5: 0f3934a5719e9a993488ba948906ccfb Description-sl: Tntnet sistem izvajanja Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . This package has the runtime system for tntnet web server. Package: togl-demos Description-md5: fb2f8cd31ac1cc86568e204335007848 Description-sl: Tk OpenGL widget - demo files Togl is a Tk widget for OpenGL rendering. Togl was originally based on OGLTK, written by Benjamin Bederson at the University of New Mexico. Togl's main features are: . * unifies Microsoft Windows, X11 (Linux/IRIX/...), and Mac OS X Aqua support * support for requesting stencil, accumulation, alpha buffers, etc. * multiple OpenGL drawing windows * simple stereo rendering support * simple, portable font support * color-index mode support including color allocation functions * overlay plane support * OpenGL extension testing from Tcl * Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) 3 compliant . Ta paket vsebuje preizkuse. Package: toilet-fonts Description-md5: f6c192b9dc0416b9136f93db254a505a Description-sl: Zbirka pisav TOIlet TOIlet prints text using large characters made of smaller characters. It is similar in many ways to FIGlet with additional features such as Unicode handling, colour fonts, filters and various export formats. . This package contains a set of TOIlet-specific fonts. Package: tomatoes Description-md5: 122e5d2c237120ec7adc47112ed2462e Description-sl: Nimam paradižnikov - igra uničevanja paradižnikov I Have No Tomatoes je igra, kjer odgovorite na vprašanje: koliko paradižnikov lahko stlačite v desetih kratkih minutah? V primeru da imate prost čas, ta igra vsebuje zelenjavo, ki že čaka na vas! Package: tomatoes-data Description-md5: db64c214757ca9b7c94145ca706070d5 Description-sl: I Have No Tomatoes - tomato smashing game - music files I Have No Tomatoes je igra, kjer odgovorite na vprašanje: koliko paradižnikov lahko stlačite v desetih kratkih minutah? V primeru da imate prost čas, ta igra vsebuje zelenjavo, ki že čaka na vas! . This package contains the architecture independent music files. Package: tomcat10-admin Description-md5: 4f8fea788a44bb1e7ccbda20cd435b99 Description-sl: Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- admin web applications Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. . Ta paket vsebuje skrbniške spletne vmesnike. Package: tomcat10-docs Description-md5: 2147ce216a5b282c48b18dd96d1cd09d Description-sl: Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- documentation Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. . Ta paket vsebuje spletno dokumentacijo spletnih programov. Package: tomcat10-examples Description-md5: 535112efe505c7f3743246c07627c8c0 Description-sl: Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- example web applications Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. . Ta paket vsebuje privzete primere spletnih programov Tomcat. Package: topcat Description-md5: 75d7c2036df0f0a16ce9d280637247eb Description-sl: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: torcs Description-md5: 7f9a8c191559c43f31fd295ac1129ff1 Description-sl: 3D igra simulacije dirkalnih avtomobilov, ki uporablja OpenGL TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator, is a car racing simulation game which allows you to drive in races against opponents simulated by the computer. . You can also develop your own computer-controlled driver (also called a robot) in C or C++. Package: tpp Description-md5: fdec83af4650d7fa1957876c63d60361 Description-sl: Program za predstavljanje besedila Tpp stands for text presentation program and is an ncurses-based presentation tool. The presentation can be written with your favorite editor in a simple description format and then shown on any text terminal that is supported by ncurses - ranging from an old VT100 to the Linux framebuffer to an xterm. . It supports color, LaTeX output of presentation, sliding in text, a command prompt and additional cool features. . The package also installs syntax highlighting modes/add-ons for emacs and vim. To enable the vim add-on, the package vim-addon-manager needs to be installed, too. Package: trackballs-data Description-md5: b41837670477821d1b83349b13f28819 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za Trackballs This package contains the necessary architecture-independent data files needed for running trackballs. Package: tracker-test-utils Description-md5: 78f373e2174dc96a67d22146f9d54475 Description-sl: test utilities for tracker This package contains shared test utilities provided by tracker, for use by tracker-miners. . Tracker je napredno ogrodje za prvo razredne predmete s povezanimi metapodatki in ozakami. Zagotavlja enovito rešitev za vse metapodatke, oznake, podatkovne zbirke souporabljenih predmetov, iskalnih orodij in ustvarjanje kazala. Package: tracy-doc Description-md5: 58846f32e641f28871254ef8ad602104 Description-sl: Hybrid frame and sampling profiler (documentation) Tracy is a real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler for games and other applications . Ta paket vsebuje uporabniški priročnik. Package: trang Description-md5: 83d13108cb07805a5c3f77009b4cc4ca Description-sl: Pretvornik XML shem Trang converts between different schema languages for XML. It supports the following languages: - RELAX NG (XML syntax) - RELAX NG compact syntax - XML 1.0 DTDs - W3C XML Schema Package: transmission Description-md5: ad4c3a4546931273694cb4f642f5341d Description-sl: Lahek odjemalec BitTorrent Transmission je niz lahkih odjemalcev Bittorent (v obliki grafičnega vmesnika, ukazne vrstice in ozadanjega programa). Vse njegove inkarnacije imajo zelo enostaven inituitiven vmesnik na vrhu učinkovitega zaledja, ki deluje na več sistemih. . This is just a metapackage depending on one of the front-end alternatives Package: transmission-cli Description-md5: 0f0387a177a560d9b5f219e5e8277671 Description-sl: lightweight BitTorrent client (command line programs) Transmission je niz lahkih odjemalcev Bittorent (v obliki grafičnega vmesnika, ukazne vrstice in ozadanjega programa). Vse njegove inkarnacije imajo zelo enostaven inituitiven vmesnik na vrhu učinkovitega zaledja, ki deluje na več sistemih. . This package contains transmission-remote to interface with transmission- daemon, tools to create/edit/inspect torrent files and a deprecated stand- alone command-line client. Package: transmission-daemon Description-md5: b7604622d41410393e6f900722d76b3c Description-sl: Lahek odjemalec BitTorrent (ozadnji program) Transmission je niz lahkih odjemalcev Bittorent (v obliki grafičnega vmesnika, ukazne vrstice in ozadanjega programa). Vse njegove inkarnacije imajo zelo enostaven inituitiven vmesnik na vrhu učinkovitega zaledja, ki deluje na več sistemih. . This package contains the transmission-daemon. . For the associated transmission-remote, see the package transmission-cli, or any of the GUI interfaces, transmission-remote-gtk, transgui, or tremotesf, all of which can be used to control and monitor the daemon either locally or remotely. Package: transmission-qt Description-md5: 55875b4734dfba52b8c3483949c1215e Description-sl: Lahek odjemalec BitTorrent (vmesnik Qt) Transmission je niz lahkih odjemalcev Bittorent (v obliki grafičnega vmesnika, ukazne vrstice in ozadanjega programa). Vse njegove inkarnacije imajo zelo enostaven inituitiven vmesnik na vrhu učinkovitega zaledja, ki deluje na več sistemih. . Ta paket vsebuje samostojni odjemalec Qt. Package: trash-cli Description-md5: 1f885fc35096fe4e2f18369f9b37b925 Description-sl: Pripomoček smeti v ukazni vrstici This package provides a command line interface trashcan utility compliant with the Trash Specification. It remembers the name, original path, deletion date, and permissions of each trashed file Package: traverso Description-md5: c246c8f973f32a0de9eabc3f3fbc6322 Description-sl: Večsledni zvočni zapisovalnik in urejevalnik To je prosta zbirka za snemanje in urejanje zvoka sestavljenega iz več sledi, ki deluje na več sistemih. Vsebuje inovativen uporabniški vmesnik, ki je enostaven za uporabo. Primerna je tako za profesionalca in domačega uporabnika, ki potrebuje robusten in zanesljiv DAW. Package: treeline Description-md5: 280b1369014ae0a29fda2f15d9d0ff7d Description-sl: vsestranski upravljalnik podatkov po meri v drevesni strukturi TreeLine raznoliko orodje za delo z vsemi vrstami podatkov, ki se prilegajo drevesu podobni strukturi. . Uporabite ga lahko za urejanje datotek zaznamkov, ustvarite mini podatkovne zbirke (na primer za naslove, naloge, zapise, CD-je, itd.), spletne dokumente ali samo zbrati ideje. Uporabite ga lahko tudi kot splošen urejevalnik datotek XML. . Sheme podatkov za katerokoli vozlišče v drevesu podatkov lahko prilagodite in določite nove vrste vozlišč. Način predstavitve podatkov na zaslonu, izvoza v HTML ali tiska je mogoče določiti v HTML podobnim predlogah. Napisati je mogoče vstavke za nalaganje in shranjevanje podatkov v in iz vrst datotek po meri ali zunanjih virov podatkov in razširiti zmožnost TreeLine. Package: treeviewx Description-md5: fb6691de71db05c7b776b75305449fbf Description-sl: Prikaže in natisne filogenetska drevesa TreeView X je odprotkodni program, ki deluje na več sistemih za prikaz filogenetskih dreves. Prebere in prikaže lahko drevesa v vrsti NEXUS in Newick (tiste, ki jih izvozijo PAUP*, ClustalX, TREE-PUZZLE in drugi programi). Omogoča ureditev vej dreves in izvoz dreves v slike SVG. Package: trickle Description-md5: f2011acc06451ee7819b3570b4f26e02 Description-sl: Oblikovalnik pasovne širine v uporabniškem prostoru Trickle is a voluntary, cooperative bandwidth shaper. It works entirely in userland and is very easy to use. . The most simple application is to limit the bandwidth usage of programs. Package: trigger-rally Description-md5: 263fe903349a054a2495eba6007aef32 Description-sl: 3D rally car racing game Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family! . Trigger comes with a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge. . When racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. To win a race you have to reach the last location in time. . Trigger je visoko prilagodljiv in omogoča enostavno dodajanje novih stopenj in vozil. . An OpenGL accelerated video card is required to play Trigger. Package: trigger-rally-data Description-md5: 206f06401793f67c8777ebf18bcb21ae Description-sl: 3D rally car racing game - data files Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family! . Trigger comes with a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge. . When racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. To win a race you have to reach the last location in time. . Trigger je visoko prilagodljiv in omogoča enostavno dodajanje novih stopenj in vozil. . An OpenGL accelerated video card is required to play Trigger. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: triggerhappy Description-md5: a1ea7e9bf4516f1bb7a285b43aa7021f Description-sl: Splošni ozadnji program tipkovnih bližnjica za Linux Triggerhappy watches connected input devices for certain key presses or other input events and runs administrator-configured commands when they occur. Unlike other hotkey daemons, it runs as a persistent, systemwide service and therefore can be used even outside the context of a user or X11 session. . It can handle a wide variety of devices (keyboards, joysticks, wiimote, etc.), as long as they are presented by the kernel as generic input devices. No kernel patch is required. The daemon is a userspace program that polls the /dev/input/event? interfaces for incoming key, button and switch events. A single daemon can monitor multiple input devices and can dynamically add additional ones. Hotkey handlers can be assigned to dedicated (tagged) devices or globally. . For example, this package might be useful on a headless system to use input events generated by a remote control to control an mpd server, but can also be used to allow the adjustment of audio and network status on a notebook without relying on user specific configuration. . Key combinations are supported as well as the hotplugging of devices using a udev hotplug script; the running daemon can also be influenced by a client program, e.g. to temporarily pause the processing of events or switch to a different set of hotkey bindings. Package: triplea Description-md5: ba6974aae907deae5b420d9427d4a7bb Description-sl: Potezna strateška igra TripleA is a turn based strategy game. TripleA comes with multiple games and over 100 more games can be downloaded from the user community. Supports single player vs AI, hot-seat, Play by Email, and a hosted online lobby. Package: tripwire Description-md5: bccf840623e14c4e29080900b721cf83 Description-sl: program za preverjanje celovitosti datotek in map Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. Package: trophy Description-md5: 375c44bcc8ede4dfd96aaa129c18dabd Description-sl: 2D car racing action game Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko. Package: tropic-gdm-theme Description-md5: 6c1a269cb8c85c317adc26cb687b407e Description-sl: Tropski videz - tema GDM Tropska tema . Ta paket vsebuje temo GDM. Package: tropic-look Description-md5: 31691de8bde30812be676bed7779a774 Description-sl: Tropski videz - metapaket Tropska tema . To je metapaket. Package: tropic-session-splashes Description-md5: b6d30787ec2a9d3f0db543359d7ffdea Description-sl: Tropic look - Session splashes Tropska tema . This package contains the Tropic Session splashes. Package: tropic-theme Description-md5: 79c24dd9576b96300402cdee9847ff8f Description-sl: Tropic look - GTK and Metacity theme Tropska tema . This package contains the GTK and Metacity configuration for the Tropic look. Package: tropic-wallpapers Description-md5: 8675071f6d6992cdbe11162a886eca3f Description-sl: Tropski videz - tapete Tropska tema . Ta paket vsebuje tropske slike ozadij. Package: trousers-dbg Description-md5: af01efd57e989a4302402fc7a888fc49 Description-sl: open-source TCG Software Stack (debug) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: trueprint Description-md5: 2cdad4189b940f6b9cfe723b1b46303f Description-sl: lepo tiskanje izvorne kode This program generates a pretty output of source codes in many programming languages. The result could be printed or written to a Postscript file. . The following programming languages are supported: * C * C++ * Java * Pascal * Perl * Pike * Sh (Shell) * Verilog Package: tryton-modules-account Description-md5: d9deecc10cfe92a326e82e81c2394799 Description-sl: Tryton application platform - account module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This package contains the financial and accounting module with: . * General accounting * Fiscal year management * Taxes management * Journal entries * Reconciliation . In s poročili: . * General ledger * Trial balance * Balance sheet * Income statement * Third party balance * Aged balance * General journal Package: tryton-modules-account-invoice Description-md5: 5b12d23594ae37aabfa92a936f8f212e Description-sl: Tryton application platform - account invoice module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This package contains the financial and accounting module with: . * Payment Term * Invoice/Credit Note * Supplier Invoice/Supplier Credit Note . Z možnostmi: . * to follow the payment of the invoices. * to define invoice sequences on fiscal year or period. * to credit any invoice. Package: tryton-modules-account-statement Description-md5: 22f368913f36aded57b7207ff54c50d5 Description-sl: Tryton application platform - account statement module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This package contains the financial and accounting module with: . *Statement *Statement dnevnik Package: tryton-modules-analytic-account Description-md5: bb39cf04e707e1e85e73b6ef537e6d5c Description-sl: Tryton application platform - analytic account module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This package contains the financial and accounting module with: . * Analytic accounting with any number of analytic charts . In s poročilom: . * Analitično stanje računa Package: tryton-modules-purchase Description-md5: a2b1e198ba9a46e8e71ee2a094cde2b0 Description-sl: Tryton application platform - purchase module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This module adds the possibility to define purchase orders, to add product supplier and purchase information, and to define the purchase price as the supplier price or the cost price. . Z možnostmi: . * to follow invoice and packing states from the purchase order. * to define invoice method: Manual, Based On Order, Based On Packing. Package: tryton-modules-sale Description-md5: 026793fe4d58a5802d3092840098aa7d Description-sl: Tryton application platform - sale module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This module provides the possibility to define sale orders, to add sale information to products, and to define the sale price as the list price. . Z možnostmi: . * to follow invoice and shipment states from the sale order. * to define invoice method: Manual, On Order Confirmed, On Shipment Sent. * to define shipment method: Manual, On Order Confirmed, On Invoice Paid. Package: tryton-modules-stock Description-md5: 55a08f37cdaa327b1cfec830e6b1e722 Description-sl: Tryton application platform - stock module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This module adds stock management and inventory control with: . * Location definition * Stock move * Supplier/Customer/Internal Shipment * Stock Inventory . In s poročili: . * Pick List * Pack List * Delivery Note * Supplier Restocking List * Customer Return Restocking List * Internal Shipments * Products by Locations Package: tryton-modules-stock-supply Description-md5: 4fbe8d55ffc6eedf85692c0dd167a02d Description-sl: Tryton application platform - stock supply module Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . This package contains the module for supply management with: . * Order points * Purchase Requests . Zagotavlja naloge razporejevalnika: . * to generate purchase requests based on order points. * to generate internal shipments based on order points. Package: tryton-server Description-md5: 6c3c256825d9516b024ea9a12a0ba6f3 Description-sl: Tryton application platform - server Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). It is written in Python and uses PostgreSQL as its preferred database engine. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: tse3play Description-md5: 21a12a190384152f5624fd58ff626fe9 Description-sl: Predvajalnik/pretvornik MIDI/TSE3MDL tse3play plays TSE3MDL files and MIDI files using the TSE3 sequencer engine. . It can convert files between the two supported formats. While playing it provides text-based visual feedback and can stream an English representation of the contents of the file to standard output. Package: tshark Description-md5: 17aa46d351c7c1a5aa0e49637765c939 Description-sl: network traffic analyzer - console version Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti. . This package provides the console version of wireshark, named "tshark". Package: ttf-tagbanwa Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This package is a dummy transitional package. It can be safely removed. Package: ttm Description-md5: 4331dad29f18c960b58de7e4069755ed Description-sl: Pretvornik TeX/LaTeX v MathML LaTeX is popular for specifying complex printed documents. TtM translates Plain TeX or LaTeX sources into HTML documents with their mathematics in MathML. It quickly produces web documents that are compact, editable and fast viewing. TtM translates almost all equations instead of converting them into images. TtM is a sister to TtH in package tth which translates TeX/LaTeX mathematics to HTML. Package: ttv Description-md5: 4e4c587899af3bfee40b0e777aee2c68 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik televizije - konzolski program XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . TTV is a console application, based on aalib, which displays television channels. It supports video4linux devices. Package: ttylog Description-md5: 336e1c6536c98d0cc17391af03765a56 Description-sl: program za beleženje zaporednih vrat Print everything that comes from a serial device to stdout. The device as well as the baud rate can be specified and a timeout can be set instead of just killing the process in order to stop it. Package: tua Description-md5: 38e14f2a5ef13940be573422940bb013 Description-sl: Preučevalnik UUCP Its purpose is to collect all the information that the UUCP package puts in its various logs. It then builds up a clear report, showing data from several different points of view. Package: tumbler Description-md5: a5030451f9eeff125ba796dc8b010cab Description-sl: D-Bus storitev ustvarjanja sličic Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management D-Bus specification described on Package: tumiki-fighters Description-md5: a34d2be6d4b397e52c59edcd1d727c20 Description-sl: lepljiva 2D strelska igra Tumiki Fighters je drugačna vrsta strelske igre z enostavno 3D grafiko. Igralec mora nadzorovati ladjo in streljati navzdol na sovražnike. Igralec lahko napade in svoji ladji pripne razvilino za dodatne točke in zaščito pred sovražnikovimi napadi. . Tumiki Fighters je en od številnih draguljev, ki jih je naredil Kenta Cho. Package: tumiki-fighters-data Description-md5: f0ba21c864f05c056ce128712a5c5a8e Description-sl: sticky 2D shooter - game data Tumiki Fighters je drugačna vrsta strelske igre z enostavno 3D grafiko. Igralec mora nadzorovati ladjo in streljati navzdol na sovražnike. Igralec lahko napade in svoji ladji pripne razvilino za dodatne točke in zaščito pred sovražnikovimi napadi. . This package includes the architecture-independent data for the Kenta Cho's game Tumiki Fighters. Package: tuxmath Description-md5: 159f06317d778ade2cf689f3cf200ed8 Description-sl: Matematična igra za otroke s Tuxom "Tux ukazov matematik" (krajše "TuxMath") je izobraževalna arkadna igra s Tuxom, maskoto Linuxa! Osnovana je na klasični arkadni igri "Missile Command". Tux mora braniti svoja mesta. V tej igri to stori z reševanjem matematičnih vprašanj. Package: tuxmath-data Description-md5: 28575c9c1316e98a10f7be2339e59dad Description-sl: math game for kids with Tux -- data files "Tux ukazov matematik" (krajše "TuxMath") je izobraževalna arkadna igra s Tuxom, maskoto Linuxa! Osnovana je na klasični arkadni igri "Missile Command". Tux mora braniti svoja mesta. V tej igri to stori z reševanjem matematičnih vprašanj. . This package provides arch-independent data files. Package: tuxpaint Description-md5: a18d303e0d44faaa67c88245f6a961d1 Description-sl: Paint program for young children Tux Paint je mišljen kot enostaven program risanja za majhne otroke. Ni mišljen kot splošno namensko orodje risanja. Namenjen JE biti zabaven in enostaven za uporabo. Zvočni učinki in lik iz risanke uporabniku pomagata izvedeti kaj se dogaja in ga zabavata. . Tux Paint je mogoče razširiti. Oblike čopičev in "žig radirke" lahko spustite notri in povlečete ven. Učitelj lahko na primer spusti zbirko živalskih oblik in učence vpraša naj narišejo ekosistem. Vsaka oblika lahko ob kliku predvaja zvok in prikaže besedilna dejstva. . Ni neposrednega dostopa do računalnikov spodaj ležečih zapletenost. Trenutna slika se obdrži, ko program konča in se ponovno pojavi, ko se program ponovno zažene. Shranjevanje slik na zahteva uporabe tipkovnice ali ustvarjanja imen datotek. Sliko lahko odprete tako, da jo izberete iz zbirke sličic. Package: tuxpaint-config Description-md5: b3d1e742b77251bca0437a183d5f7ba7 Description-sl: Nastavitveno orodje za Tux Paint Tux Paint has a rich set of configuration options, controllable via command-line options or configuration files. This configuration tool provides a point-and-click interface for administrators to tailor Tux Paint to suit the needs of their users. Package: tuxpaint-data Description-md5: f4e09153eb3d5a0a07af0102266f4b8e Description-sl: Data files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children Tux Paint je mišljen kot enostaven program risanja za majhne otroke. Ni mišljen kot splošno namensko orodje risanja. Namenjen JE biti zabaven in enostaven za uporabo. Zvočni učinki in lik iz risanke uporabniku pomagata izvedeti kaj se dogaja in ga zabavata. . Tux Paint je mogoče razširiti. Oblike čopičev in "žig radirke" lahko spustite notri in povlečete ven. Učitelj lahko na primer spusti zbirko živalskih oblik in učence vpraša naj narišejo ekosistem. Vsaka oblika lahko ob kliku predvaja zvok in prikaže besedilna dejstva. . Ni neposrednega dostopa do računalnikov spodaj ležečih zapletenost. Trenutna slika se obdrži, ko program konča in se ponovno pojavi, ko se program ponovno zažene. Shranjevanje slik na zahteva uporabe tipkovnice ali ustvarjanja imen datotek. Sliko lahko odprete tako, da jo izberete iz zbirke sličic. . This package contains sounds, images, fonts and other data for Tux Paint. Package: tuxpaint-dev Description-md5: 9bdd5cd1dc7d93dea43d7f7a1c9eb656 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za Tux Paint Tux Paint je mišljen kot enostaven program risanja za majhne otroke. Ni mišljen kot splošno namensko orodje risanja. Namenjen JE biti zabaven in enostaven za uporabo. Zvočni učinki in lik iz risanke uporabniku pomagata izvedeti kaj se dogaja in ga zabavata. . This package contains development files for writing "Magic" plugins for Tux Paint. Package: tuxpaint-plugins-default Description-md5: 83cf7dadd53d046b4a2f5c4e3d917328 Description-sl: Magic tool plugins for Tux Paint Tux Paint je mišljen kot enostaven program risanja za majhne otroke. Ni mišljen kot splošno namensko orodje risanja. Namenjen JE biti zabaven in enostaven za uporabo. Zvočni učinki in lik iz risanke uporabniku pomagata izvedeti kaj se dogaja in ga zabavata. . Tux Paint je mogoče razširiti. Oblike čopičev in "žig radirke" lahko spustite notri in povlečete ven. Učitelj lahko na primer spusti zbirko živalskih oblik in učence vpraša naj narišejo ekosistem. Vsaka oblika lahko ob kliku predvaja zvok in prikaže besedilna dejstva. . Ni neposrednega dostopa do računalnikov spodaj ležečih zapletenost. Trenutna slika se obdrži, ko program konča in se ponovno pojavi, ko se program ponovno zažene. Shranjevanje slik na zahteva uporabe tipkovnice ali ustvarjanja imen datotek. Sliko lahko odprete tako, da jo izberete iz zbirke sličic. . This package contains the default "Magic" plugins for Tux Paint. Package: tuxpaint-stamps-default Description-md5: f5e169abc43cf6bffd80485010cbe5b7 Description-sl: Stamp files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children Tux Paint je mišljen kot enostaven program risanja za majhne otroke. Ni mišljen kot splošno namensko orodje risanja. Namenjen JE biti zabaven in enostaven za uporabo. Zvočni učinki in lik iz risanke uporabniku pomagata izvedeti kaj se dogaja in ga zabavata. . Tux Paint je mogoče razširiti. Oblike čopičev in "žig radirke" lahko spustite notri in povlečete ven. Učitelj lahko na primer spusti zbirko živalskih oblik in učence vpraša naj narišejo ekosistem. Vsaka oblika lahko ob kliku predvaja zvok in prikaže besedilna dejstva. . Ni neposrednega dostopa do računalnikov spodaj ležečih zapletenost. Trenutna slika se obdrži, ko program konča in se ponovno pojavi, ko se program ponovno zažene. Shranjevanje slik na zahteva uporabe tipkovnice ali ustvarjanja imen datotek. Sliko lahko odprete tako, da jo izberete iz zbirke sličic. . This package contains sounds, images and other data for Tux Paint. Package: tuxtype Description-md5: 88e74d797488f65de7dea1a20782cfd6 Description-sl: Izobraževalna igra vadbe tipkanja s Tuxom TuxTyping je izobraževalna igra s Tuxom, pingvinom Linuxa. Igralec vodi Tuxa k ribam, ki padajo z vrha zaslona. Na vsaki ribi je napisana črka. Ko igralec pritisne ustrezno tipko, se bo Tux postavil pod ribo. Igra je namenjena otrokom, ki se učijo tipkati, vendar pa ima višje težavnostne stopnje, ki bodo morda v izziv celo izkušenim tipkarjem. Package: tuxtype-data Description-md5: 04b78274755f8c2f4bfa6d127960d3b0 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za izobraževalno igro vadbe tipkanja s Tuxom This package contains graphics, sound, themes and wordlist files for tuxtype. . TuxTyping je izobraževalna igra s Tuxom, pingvinom Linuxa. Package: tvtime Description-md5: 73115daed04c26a54895f396cd1f971f Description-sl: analog television display application This package provides a high quality analog television application for use video capture cards. It processes the input from a capture card and displays it on a computer monitor or projector. . Glavne zmožnosti: * razpleten izhod s polno hitrostjo zapletanja 59,94 sličic na sekundo za vire NTSC ali 50 sličic na sekundo za vire PAL. S tem dosežete gladkost gibanja in visoko vidno kakovost, * več algoritmov razpletanja za iskanje optimalnega načina za vsebina videa in razpoložljivo hitrost procesorja, * način razmerja velikosti 16:9 za najvišje razpoložljve ločljivosti pri obdelovanju vhoda iz zunanjega predvajalnika DVD ali digitalnega satelitskega sprejemnika, * zelo gladek prikaz na zaslonu za celotno televizijsko izkušnjo s sistemskim menijem z veliko zmožnostmi * zaznavanje "potega navzdol 2:3" za optimalno kakovost gledanja vsebine filma iz virov NTSC. . Digital television (DVB, ATSC, ISDB, DTMB) is not supported. Package: twatch Description-md5: 6f2417a6a67aff6a1dafc0d3d004d871 Description-sl: oglejte si sledilnike torrentov in samodejno prejmite nov torrente twatch is a simple and flexible watcher torrent trackers, based on regular expressions. It can download new torrent files and information about them by customizable filters. Package: twine Description-md5: 85dc96f3482fa75a4f41796dff720d43 Description-sl: utility for interacting with PyPI Twine is a tool for uploading distributions (in the Python meaning) to PyPi. . Why should twine be used over the traditional approach? . The biggest reason to use twine is that python upload uploads files over plaintext. This means anytime you use it you expose your username and password to a MITM attack. Twine uses only verified TLS to upload to PyPI protecting your credentials from theft. . Secondly it allows you to precreate your distribution files. python upload only allows you to upload something that you’ve created in the same command invocation. This means that you cannot test the exact file you’re going to upload to PyPI to ensure that it works before uploading it. . Finally it allows you to pre-sign your files and pass the .asc files into the command line invocation (twine upload twine-1.0.1.tar.gz twine-1.0.1.tar.gz.asc). This enables you to be assured that you’re typing your gpg passphrase into gpg itself and not anything else since you will be the one directly executing gpg --detach-sign -a <filename>. . Zmožnosti: . - Verified HTTPS Connections - Uploading doesn’t require executing - Uploading files that have already been created, allowing testing of distributions before release - Supports uploading any packaging format (including wheels). Package: twm Description-md5: 68a4936c620d35f590b904c66528006f Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik Tab twm is a window manager for the X Window System. It provides title bars, shaped windows, several forms of icon management, user-defined macro functions, click-to-type and pointer-driven keyboard focus, and user- specified key and pointer button bindings. Package: twms Description-md5: 44b7c1a35e708f9d00100b146ecd351d Description-sl: Storitev drobnega spletnega zemljevida twms is a WMS/TMS server for exporting your map tiles to WMS-enabled applications. . twms can export a set of raster tiles as a WMS service so GIS applications that support WMS protocol can access this tile set. Also, twms can act as a proxy and perform WMS requests to external services and serve the tile cache to WMS and TMS clients. Package: tworld-data Description-md5: 1041847566d18b640bb1f3df11473f83 Description-sl: Chip's Challenge Game Engine Emulation - level data files Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge". "Chip's Challenge" was originally written for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville, and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports). . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: txt2html Description-md5: 789c33d00ea58269ed9a7f2d665a6790 Description-sl: Pretvornik besedila v HTML txt2html is a Perl program that converts plain text to HTML. . It supports headings, lists, simple character markup, and hyperlinking, and is highly customizable. It recognizes some of the apparent structure of the source document (mostly whitespace and typographic layout), and attempts to mark that structure explicitly using HTML. . The purpose for this tool is to provide an easier way of converting existing text documents to HTML format, giving something nicer than just whapping the text into a big PRE block. txt2html can also be used to aid in writing new HTML documents, but there are probably better ways of doing that. Package: tzc Description-md5: ad9cbba7265506519cf4816430878d8b Description-sl: Trivialen odjemalec Zephyr tzc is a trivial zephyr client program which talks to the zephyr servers (via the "zephyr host manager"). It is primarily used by the gnu-emacs zephyr-mode package. Package: tzdiff Description-md5: e6bb361db9923d3a4c5c318fab42dbac Description-sl: Show Timezone differences with local time in command-line interface Zmožnosti: . - Support TIMEZONE completion - Support multiple timezone comparison - Support daylight saving time - Support multiple output formats Package: tzwatch Description-md5: 9b30c1bc1c9490e810be9c1342e29265 Description-sl: Prikaže čas in datum na podanih časovnih pasovih v konzoli Ta lupinski skript prikaže datum in čas časovnih pasov, ki jih je določil uporabnik. Časovne pasove lahko vnesete ročno v obliki TZ ali ga izberete s seznama v /usr/share/zoneinfo/ Seznam pasov je v obliki, ki je združljiva s programom GTK+ gworldclock. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu Description-md5: 41ab9626feda9ac247c07f1c1bb3ae05 Description-sl: Ubiquity predstavitev za Edubuntu A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick introduction to Edubuntu. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu Description-md5: d6dad0ead0d2a1145858994cf16fe612 Description-sl: Ubiquity predstavitev za Xubuntu A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick introduction to Xubuntu. Package: ubufox Description-md5: 58b4596f8372b020607ef9cb2b32a594 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package to ease the migration from the ubufox to the new xul-ext-ubufox package. You can remove it safely. Package: ubumirror Description-md5: a0036de72b7cf69cb11aa7eb0faa2667 Description-sl: Ubuntu zrcalni skripti This package contains scripts for mirroring various parts of the Ubuntu infrastructure. . This includes archives packages, ISO files for releases, daily builds for ISO files from cdimage and DVD images. Package: ubuntu-core-snapd-units Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: ubuntu-defaults-nl Description-md5: 74496953d17c286cc1df2408b61c9c77 Description-sl: Preizkusni prehodni paket This package is transitional to ubuntu-defaults-nl-nl. It can be safely removed after upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Package: ubuntu-dev-tools Description-md5: 839c87135633f57bec0a943b5946eb43 Description-sl: useful tools for Ubuntu developers This is a collection of useful tools that Ubuntu developers use to make their packaging work a lot easier. . Takšna orodja vključujejo: . - backportpackage - helper to test package backports - bitesize - add the 'bitesize' tag to a bug and comment that you are willing to help fix it. - check-mir - check support status of build/binary dependencies - check-symbols - will compare and give you a diff of the exported symbols of all .so files in a binary package. - dch-repeat - used to repeat a change log into an older release. - grab-merge - grabs a merge from easily. - grep-merges - search for pending merges from Debian. - import-bug-from-debian - copy a bug from the Debian BTS to Launchpad - merge-changelog - manually merges two Debian changelogs with the same base version. - mk-sbuild - script to create LVM snapshot chroots via schroot and sbuild. - pbuilder-dist, cowbuilder-dist - wrapper script for managing several build chroots (for different Ubuntu and Debian releases) on the same system. - pull-debian-debdiff - attempts to find and download a specific version of a Debian package and its immediate parent to generate a debdiff. - pull-debian-source - downloads the latest source package available in Debian of a package. - pull-lp-source - downloads source package from Launchpad. - pull-lp-debs - downloads debs package(s) from Launchpad. - pull-lp-ddebs - downloads dbgsym/ddebs package(s) from Launchpad. - pull-lp-udebs - downloads udebs package(s) from Launchpad. - pull-debian-* - same as pull-lp-* but for Debian packages. - pull-uca-* - same as pull-lp-* but for Ubuntu Cloud Archive packages. - pull-pkg - common script that provides above pull-* functionality. - requestbackport - file a backporting request. - requestsync - files a sync request with Debian changelog and rationale. - reverse-depends - find the reverse dependencies (or build dependencies) of a package. - running-autopkgtests - lists the currently running and/or queued autopkgtests on the Ubuntu autopkgtest infrastructure - seeded-in-ubuntu - query if a package is safe to upload during a freeze. - setup-packaging-environment - assistant to get an Ubuntu installation ready for packaging work. - sponsor-patch - Downloads a patch from a Launchpad bug, patches the source package, and uploads it (to Ubuntu or a PPA) - submittodebian - automatically send your changes to Debian as a bug report. - syncpackage - helper to prepare .changes file to upload synced packages - ubuntu-build - give commands to the Launchpad build daemons from the command line. - ubuntu-iso - output information of an Ubuntu ISO image. - ubuntu-upload-permission - query / list the upload permissions for a package. - update-maintainer - script to update maintainer field in ubuntu packages. Package: ubuntu-snappy Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: ubuntu-snappy-cli Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: ubuntume-gdm-themes Description-md5: bec8d5f04cd86975a6615e4f1d4aa45a Description-sl: Sabily GDM themes (transitional package) The default GDM themes for Sabily. At the moment the package contains: * HumanME * Sabily-green * Shahada . To je preizkusni prehodni paket, ki bo zagotovil pravilno pot nadgradnje. Ta paket lahko po nadgradnji varno odstranite. Package: ubuntume-themes Description-md5: d05ab2e6c70afe518b74d8840acd74d0 Description-sl: Teme Sabily (prehodni paket) The default HumanME theme. At the moment the package contains: * The theme definitions * Metacity theme elements * The icon theme * green-human and HumanME GTK+ themes * Animated cursor themes . To je preizkusni prehodni paket, ki bo zagotovil pravilno pot nadgradnje. Ta paket lahko po nadgradnji varno odstranite. Package: ubuntustudio-desktop Description-md5: 6df114711ade03aed8ed37a256ad6fa6 Description-sl: Namizni paket Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu for the Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast or professional. . This package will install the full Ubuntu Studio desktop. Package: ubuntustudio-fonts Description-md5: 848df8284ecb3e2ec4a7929e140d9161 Description-sl: Paket pisav Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu for the Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast or professional. . A collection of fonts to help with graphic design Package: ubuntustudio-graphics Description-md5: b534d30046fb25ec5b18046ce75055b4 Description-sl: Grafični paket Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu for the Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast or professional. . A collection of applications aimed at 2D/3D creation and editing. Package: ubuntustudio-look Description-md5: 42f35f4b1f2ca4c6fca5a02d810f2bdc Description-sl: Videz Ubuntu Studio The Ubuntu Studio theme metapackage. . This package depends upon the constituent parts of the Ubuntu Studio theme, whilst also providing the theme descriptor to the GNOME desktop, and the distributor logo. Package: ubuntustudio-menu Description-md5: 53bd2bfcda21eefe01d5ec2f51f1d3f6 Description-sl: Meni za Ubuntu Studio Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME. Package: ubuntustudio-video Description-md5: 5c8232a1ef33a1ddaba4e6a3e00d9831 Description-sl: Video paket Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu for the Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast or professional. . A collection of applications aimed at video creation and editing. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers Description-md5: 1bc9d0589d0577bb19483624718ac8df Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Meta/Current) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This metapackage contains the most-current Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-bionic Description-md5: a23cc9301e4d30df75a8ce4d2b2afa4d Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Bionic) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers that were intended to be included with 18.04 Bionic Beaver. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-cosmic Description-md5: 44b07e33b6e2b1c957c6aeb14e3dec6f Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Cosmic) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-disco Description-md5: 6906056fe66077e726d888d393907a03 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Disco) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 19.04 Disco Dingo. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-eoan Description-md5: 3388ec4ad06ba0d4276ea6834717525a Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Eoan) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 19.10 Eoan Ermine. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-focal Description-md5: 10ed5e483b70de93a2eea5068bd12540 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Focal) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-jammy Description-md5: c2cc7b6c0a1b880c6ed78eeaa0ab507c Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Jammy) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-kinetic Description-md5: 407ed4647b77fd79965ed9b74fafc1db Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Kinetic) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 22.10 Kinetic Kudu. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-legacy Description-md5: cf340b5cdc97574033c5eb8ecafbb59f Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Legacy) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers from before 16.04 Xenial Xerus. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-lunar Description-md5: fa8c45153459ed2cddb0286b6f952657 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Lunar) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 23.04 Lunar Lobster. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-mantic Description-md5: a97000ba2b3b9b9aaf7d52ecd60d6f25 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Mantic) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 23.10 Mantic Minotaur. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-noble Description-md5: e1b2b7b855cfebed6210389469c487d2 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Noble) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This will contain the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-oracular Description-md5: 1322855867fccbf2e1e1a6e4949eb880 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Noble) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This will contain the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers included with 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists, including the contest winners from the Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS Wallpaper Contest. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers-xenial Description-md5: d1431854b59914654e6f66cf895f04e1 Description-sl: Ubuntu Studio - Wallpapers (Xenial) Tema Ubuntu Studio. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers from 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ucimf Description-md5: d9455d96f87d7d8bed4a1229b3f03e1b Description-sl: Unicode console input method framework Ucimf provides an input method framework for the Linux Unicode frame buffer console. . Ta paket vsebuje program. Package: ucommon-doc Description-md5: 98b3c7db07f36554cfcf2cb73d7873c9 Description-sl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - documentation GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo API. Package: ucto Description-md5: 8b1b6d90953bdae9b31730a938818dbd Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik žetonov Unicode Ucto can tokenize UTF-8 encoded text files (i.e. separate words from punctuation, split sentences, generate n-grams), and offers several other basic preprocessing steps that make your text suited for further processing such as indexing, part-of-speech tagging, or machine translation. . This package provides the command-line tool itself. . Ucto was written by Maarten van Gompel and Ko van der Sloot. Work on Ucto was funded by NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, under the Implicit Linguistics project, the CLARIN-NL program, and the CLARIAH project. . Ucto is a product of the Centre of Language and Speech Technology (Radboud University Nijmegen), and previously the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). . If you are interested in machine parsing of UTF-8 encoded text files, e.g. to do scientific research in natural language processing, ucto will likely be of use to you. Package: udpcast Description-md5: 0141336c5d8c233c6cad0e01092559f0 Description-sl: Orodje za večsmerno oddajanje prenosov datotek UDPcast can send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN. This can be used, for example, to install entire classrooms of PCs at once. The advantage of UDPcast over other methods (such as NFS, FTP, etc.) is that UDPcast uses Ethernet’s multicast abilities, which means it won’t take longer to install 15 machines than it would to install just two. Package: uget Description-md5: 06b0431c1271b5ee4b240555ec0b8988 Description-sl: easy-to-use download manager written in GTK+ Uget (prej znan kot urlgre) je enostaven, lahek upravljalnik prejemov, ki je enostaven za uporabo. Zagotavlja naslednje zmožnosti: * nadaljevanje prejemov. * čakalna vrsta prejemov. * razvrstitev prejemov v kategorije * vključitev v Mozilla Firefox (skozi vstavek Flashgot). * nadzor odložišča. * uvozi prejeme iz datotek HTML. * paketno prejemanje. . Zagnati ga je mogoče tudi iz ukazne vrstice. Package: uim-data Description-md5: 21997c6d30c950caa148f9266c51cf33 Description-sl: Universal Input Method - data files Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za uim. Package: uima-examples Description-md5: 82d6a88034c050a1864de23a8f2b9f54 Description-sl: Primeri sestavnih delov UIMA Apache UIMA is an implementation of the OASIS-UIMA specifications. . OASIS UIMA Committee: <>. . Unstructured Information Management applications are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. . An example UIM application might ingest plain text and identify entities, such as persons, places, organizations; or relations, such as works-for or located-at. . This package provides some examples of UIMA components. Package: uima-utils Description-md5: 00d0cfa97cbd6e22458150f575b841bc Description-sl: Orodja UIMA Apache UIMA is an implementation of the OASIS-UIMA specifications. . OASIS UIMA Committee: <>. . Unstructured Information Management applications are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. . An example UIM application might ingest plain text and identify entities, such as persons, places, organizations; or relations, such as works-for or located-at. . This package provides the UIMA tools : annotationViewer, cpeGui, documentAnalyzer, jcasgen, runAE, runCPE, runPearInstaller, runPearMerger, runPearPackager Package: ukui-media-common Description-md5: 9a915ebb9da8917ea467d8c639ee4c7d Description-sl: UKUI media utilities (common files) UKUI media utilities are the audio mixer and the volume control applet. . Ta paket vsebuje pogoste datoteke. Package: ukui-settings-daemon-common Description-md5: 86879402700b72f011b7c48a5156dd7f Description-sl: daemon handling the UKUI session settings (common files) This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a UKUI session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Keyboard: layout, accessibility options, shortcuts, media keys * Clipboard management * Theming: background, icons, GTK+ applications * Cleanup of unused files * Mouse: cursors, speed, accessibility options * Startup of other daemons: screensaver, sound daemon * Typing break . It also sets various application settings through X resources and XSETTINGS. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: ukwm Description-md5: e47e88b46a9d028d26f0e4bec26fbd95 Description-sl: Lahek upravljalnik oken GTK+ Ukwm is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything. . Ukwm is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje jedrne binarne datoteke. Package: ukwm-common Description-md5: 925bb0140b168623fcfda1faf19abcd3 Description-sl: shared files for the Ukwm window manager Ukwm is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything. . Ukwm is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljene datoteke. Package: ulogd2-mysql Description-md5: cdc38f03b6970f9544291f016341e71e Description-sl: Razširitev MySQL za ulogd ulogd is an advanced netfilter logging daemon. It can act as a replacement for syslog for logging netfilter ruleset violations (via the NFLOG or ULOG iptables targets), can gather per-connection accounting using NFCT, or gather per-rule accounting using NFACCT. Output can be sent to plain text log files, a variety of SQL database formats, XML files, pcap files, syslog, and many other formats. . This module adds MySQL support to ulogd. If you install this package, you can send netfilter logs or accounting data to a MySQL database. Package: ulogd2-pcap Description-md5: 1918fdc8e27d2c7311c95e7843dcb526 Description-sl: razširitev pcap za ulogd ulogd is an advanced netfilter logging daemon. It can act as a replacement for syslog for logging netfilter ruleset violations (via the NFLOG or ULOG iptables targets), can gather per-connection accounting using NFCT, or gather per-rule accounting using NFACCT. Output can be sent to plain text log files, a variety of SQL database formats, XML files, pcap files, syslog, and many other formats. . This module add pcap file support to ulogd. If you install this package, you can use ulogd to dump packets to a file for later analysis using tools such as tcpdump or wireshark. Package: ulogd2-pgsql Description-md5: a26b895d5cb968e7d545ca64e3715be5 Description-sl: PostgreSQL razširitev za ulogd ulogd is an advanced netfilter logging daemon. It can act as a replacement for syslog for logging netfilter ruleset violations (via the NFLOG or ULOG iptables targets), can gather per-connection accounting using NFCT, or gather per-rule accounting using NFACCT. Output can be sent to plain text log files, a variety of SQL database formats, XML files, pcap files, syslog, and many other formats. . This module adds PostgreSQL support to ulogd. If you install this package, you can send netfilter logs or accounting data to a PostgreSQL database. Package: ulogd2-sqlite3 Description-md5: 74d5bdd07aea19a3c1a30cc805e63522 Description-sl: SQLite 3 razširitev za ulogd ulogd is an advanced netfilter logging daemon. It can act as a replacement for syslog for logging netfilter ruleset violations (via the NFLOG or ULOG iptables targets), can gather per-connection accounting using NFCT, or gather per-rule accounting using NFACCT. Output can be sent to plain text log files, a variety of SQL database formats, XML files, pcap files, syslog, and many other formats. . This module adds SQLite 3 support to ulogd. If you install this package, you can send netfilter logs or accounting data to an SQLite 3 database. Package: unace Description-md5: b667a69b496792e10128499eba6fea55 Description-sl: Razširite, preizkusite in oglejte si arhive .ace Pripomoček unace se uporablja za razširjanje, preizkus in ogled vsebine arhivov ustvarjenih z arhivirnikom ACE. . Note that only ACE 1.0 archives are supported. Package: unbound Description-md5: fbeecad8349f6b3042087b256bc69b68 Description-sl: validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver Unbound is a recursive-only caching DNS server which can perform DNSSEC validation of results. It implements only a minimal amount of authoritative service to prevent leakage to the root nameservers: forward lookups for localhost, reverse for and ::1, and NXDOMAIN for zones served by AS112. Stub and forward zones are supported. . Ta paket vsebuje nevezani ozadnji program. Package: unbound-host Description-md5: 287e113772f55d3575bb8577560cb3eb Description-sl: ponovna izvedba ukaza 'host' This package provides the 'unbound-host' program that is bundled with the Unbound domain name server. This version differs from the one provided in the package called host, which is from NIKHEF, and bind9-host, which is from ISC, and has a similar but different set of features and options. Package: unicode Description-md5: 0f1df828585a5704027868f2e6ae18d7 Description-sl: prikažite lastnosti znakov unicode unicode is a simple command line utility that displays properties for a given unicode character, or searches unicode database for a given name. Package: unicode-screensaver Description-md5: 6d3fff6afb0f291848a27e15ca577754 Description-sl: ohranjevalnik zaslona, ki prikazuje znake unicode The unicode-screensaver is a simple screensaver application that repeatedly randomly picks an unicode character and displays it in a very large font size together with its unicode code point and the character name. . It works with xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver. Package: unicon-imc2 Description-md5: 757db6ce80ad72ecf5e521a9c76a3ea6 Description-sl: Knjižnica kitajskega vnosnega načina General Chinese Input method interface and API. It is used by chinput and unicon now. Package: unison Description-md5: f895ae84f8a67077573eb8b814cb7cb9 Description-sl: file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows Unison je orodje usklajevanja datotek za Unix in Windows, ki je napisan v OCaml. Omogoča shranitev dveh primerkov zbirke datotek in map na različnih gostiteljih (ali različnih diskih na istem gostitelju), ki ju je mogoče ločeno spreminjati in nato posodobiti s prenosom sprememb iz ene različice na drugo. . Unison ponuja več prednosti pred drugimi načini usklajevanja kot so CVS, Coda, rsync, Intellisync, itd. Unison se lahko izvaja in usklajuje med Windows in veliko okolju Unix. Unison za delovanje ne zahteva skrbniških dovoljenj, dostopa do sistema ali sprememb jedra. Unison lahko uskladi spremembe datotek in map v obeh smereh na istem računalniku ali preko omrežja z uporabo ssh ali neposredne povezave preko vtiča. . Prenosi so optimizirani z različico protokola rsync, kar ga naredi idealnega za počasnejše povezave. Unison in ima jasno in natančno določilo in je odporen na napake zaradi previdnega upravljanja kopij in njunih zasebnih struktur. Package: unison-2.53 Description-md5: f895ae84f8a67077573eb8b814cb7cb9 Description-sl: file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows Unison je orodje usklajevanja datotek za Unix in Windows, ki je napisan v OCaml. Omogoča shranitev dveh primerkov zbirke datotek in map na različnih gostiteljih (ali različnih diskih na istem gostitelju), ki ju je mogoče ločeno spreminjati in nato posodobiti s prenosom sprememb iz ene različice na drugo. . Unison ponuja več prednosti pred drugimi načini usklajevanja kot so CVS, Coda, rsync, Intellisync, itd. Unison se lahko izvaja in usklajuje med Windows in veliko okolju Unix. Unison za delovanje ne zahteva skrbniških dovoljenj, dostopa do sistema ali sprememb jedra. Unison lahko uskladi spremembe datotek in map v obeh smereh na istem računalniku ali preko omrežja z uporabo ssh ali neposredne povezave preko vtiča. . Prenosi so optimizirani z različico protokola rsync, kar ga naredi idealnega za počasnejše povezave. Unison in ima jasno in natančno določilo in je odporen na napake zaradi previdnega upravljanja kopij in njunih zasebnih struktur. Package: unison-2.53-gtk Description-md5: bf480c6d029a683c396a23f3dd9191d9 Description-sl: file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface Unison je orodje usklajevanja datotek za Unix in Windows, ki je napisan v OCaml. Omogoča shranitev dveh primerkov zbirke datotek in map na različnih gostiteljih (ali različnih diskih na istem gostitelju), ki ju je mogoče ločeno spreminjati in nato posodobiti s prenosom sprememb iz ene različice na drugo. . Unison ponuja več prednosti pred drugimi načini usklajevanja kot so CVS, Coda, rsync, Intellisync, itd. Unison se lahko izvaja in usklajuje med Windows in veliko okolju Unix. Unison za delovanje ne zahteva skrbniških dovoljenj, dostopa do sistema ali sprememb jedra. Unison lahko uskladi spremembe datotek in map v obeh smereh na istem računalniku ali preko omrežja z uporabo ssh ali neposredne povezave preko vtiča. . Prenosi so optimizirani z različico protokola rsync, kar ga naredi idealnega za počasnejše povezave. Unison in ima jasno in natančno določilo in je odporen na napake zaradi previdnega upravljanja kopij in njunih zasebnih struktur. . Ta paket doda izbirni vmesnik GTK+. Package: unison-gtk Description-md5: bf480c6d029a683c396a23f3dd9191d9 Description-sl: file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface Unison je orodje usklajevanja datotek za Unix in Windows, ki je napisan v OCaml. Omogoča shranitev dveh primerkov zbirke datotek in map na različnih gostiteljih (ali različnih diskih na istem gostitelju), ki ju je mogoče ločeno spreminjati in nato posodobiti s prenosom sprememb iz ene različice na drugo. . Unison ponuja več prednosti pred drugimi načini usklajevanja kot so CVS, Coda, rsync, Intellisync, itd. Unison se lahko izvaja in usklajuje med Windows in veliko okolju Unix. Unison za delovanje ne zahteva skrbniških dovoljenj, dostopa do sistema ali sprememb jedra. Unison lahko uskladi spremembe datotek in map v obeh smereh na istem računalniku ali preko omrežja z uporabo ssh ali neposredne povezave preko vtiča. . Prenosi so optimizirani z različico protokola rsync, kar ga naredi idealnega za počasnejše povezave. Unison in ima jasno in natančno določilo in je odporen na napake zaradi previdnega upravljanja kopij in njunih zasebnih struktur. . Ta paket doda izbirni vmesnik GTK+. Package: unity-gtk-module-common Description-md5: a388f2f9c3b576a4a57a82c196e0c105 Description-sl: Common files for GtkMenuShell D-Bus exporter This GTK+ module exports GtkMenuShells over D-Bus. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne podatkovne datoteke. Package: unmass Description-md5: 79ee2321f4722a5415eebc126b884553 Description-sl: Razširitev datoteke arhivov iger This is a tool to extract game archives. It supports the following archive types: Crismon Land, Baldur's Gate 2, Civilization 4, Doom (WADs), Dune 2, Etherlords 2, Final Fantasy 7 and 8, Flashpoint, Knights of Xentar, Metal Gear Solid (DARs), Moorhuhn 2 and 3, Megaman Legends, Oni, Operation Flashpoint, Princess Maker 2, Quake 1, RollCage, Swine, Unreal Tournament umods, Virtua Fighter bitmaps, MEA exe's, some economy file format. Package: unrar-free Description-md5: 4b41453c35b2f53971d059f8b131203a Description-sl: Razširjevlanik arhivov za datoteke .rar unrar-free can extract files from .rar archives. This program is a simple command-line front-end to libarchive. Package: urlview Description-md5: 0b33b254fc7b706f187b1c30846d98b7 Description-sl: Izvlecite URL-je iz besedila This utility is used to extract URL from text files, especially from mail messages in order to launch some browser to view them. This used to be a part of mutt but has now become an independent tool. Package: user-mode-linux-doc Description-md5: 9ecd5a03b45fc4fd454dbd8b60df340c Description-sl: Linux v uporabniškem načinu (dokumentacija) Additional documentation for the user-mode-linux package, it consists of a copy of the useful web pages of Package: userinfo Description-md5: ce66c28deb23057905823e2a15cfc08a Description-sl: prikaže podrobnosti o krajevnih uporabnikih Userinfo is a small console utility to display as much information about a local user as possible. It supports the output of password file info, home directory mode, mail info, lastlog info and more. . After installation you can invoke userinfo by calling ui. Package: usermode Description-md5: 02f84e215bc9782397317caf5f01f864 Description-sl: Grafična orodja za določene naloge upravljanja uporabnikov Paket uporabniškega načina vsebuje več grafičnih orodij za uporabnike: userinfo, usermoung in userpasswd. Userinfo uporabnikom omogoča spreminjanje njihovih prstnih podatkov. Usermount omogoča priklop, odklop in formatiranje datotečnih sistemov. Userpasswrd uporabnikom omogoča spreminjanje svojih gesel. . Paket usermode namestite, če želite uporabnikom ponuditi grafična orodja za nekatere naloge upravljanja računa. Package: ussp-push Description-md5: 7da1bdda6bcbda0157dc6d7bf5030c34 Description-sl: Odjemalec za OBEX PUSH This program allows you to send objects using the OBEX PUSH protocol. . The OBEX PUSH protocol is used to transfer files to a mobile device, generally via Bluetooth or IrDA. The protocol does not allow any other action than sending and generally requires less strict authentication, which is why it is sometimes preferred to the OBEX FTP protocol (which allows full filesystem access and is provided by the obexftp package). Package: uucp Description-md5: e32a21cc3608590f8b15aa418cc347f7 Description-sl: Program za kopiranje Unix na Unix UUCP will copy files to or from another (usually *nix) system, which also runs uucp. . UUCP is used to transfer mail, news and random files between systems which are not connected by more modern networks. The communication can be made via modems, direct (hard-wired) serial connections or via an IP connection. Package: uw-mailutils Description-md5: 45e2e7554cd7cf146c8c6e3357a99140 Description-sl: programi za podporo c-odjemalca IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a method of accessing electronic messages kept on a (possibly shared) mail server. . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail- handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains helper tools for the libc-client library: - mailutil: utility program which helps manage email mailboxes (both local and IMAP/POP3/NNTP); - dmail: MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) for use with procmail; - tmail: MDA for use with the system mailer (such as Sendmail or Postfix). Package: v-sim Description-md5: 2532e3549381acd688977b5176d346f4 Description-sl: Predočenje atomskih struktur V_Sim visualizes atomic structures such as crystals, grain boundaries, molecules and so on (either in binary format, or in plain text format). . The rendering is done in pseudo-3D with spheres (atoms) or arrows (spins). The user can interact through many functions to choose the view, set the bindings, draw cutting planes, compute surfaces from scalar fields, duplicate nodes, measure geometry... Moreover V_Sim allows one to export the view as images in PNG, JPG, PDF (bitmap), SVG (scheme) and other formats. Some tools are also available to colorize atoms from data values or to animate on screen many position files. Package: v4l-utils Description-md5: c4a8a3b92affa97c3ad675a648fb35d7 Description-sl: Zbirka pripomočkov ukazne vrstice video4linux v4l-utils contains the following video4linux command line utilities: . decode_tm6000: decodes tm6000 proprietary format streams rds-ctl: tool to receive and decode Radio Data System (RDS) streams v4l2-compliance: tool to test v4l2 API compliance of drivers v4l2-ctl, cx18-ctl, ivtv-ctl: tools to control v4l2 controls from the cmdline v4l2-dbg: tool to directly get and set registers of v4l2 devices v4l2-sysfs-path: sysfs helper tool Package: v4l2loopback-dkms Description-md5: b822bc0a88412f52de27569a000ebb3c Description-sl: Izvorna koda za gonilnik v4l2loopback (DKMS) This module allows you to create "virtual video devices". Normal (v4l2) applications will read these devices as if they were ordinary video devices, but the video will not be read from e.g. a capture card but instead it is generated by another application. . This package provides the source code for the v4l2loopback kernel modules to be built with dkms. Package: v4l2loopback-source Description-md5: adc0325ef5dbc3719d4dd98a70714e98 Description-sl: Izvorna koda za gonilnik v4l2loopback This module allows you to create "virtual video devices". Normal (v4l2) applications will read these devices as if they were ordinary video devices, but the video will not be read from e.g. a capture card but instead it is generated by another application. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorno kodo za jedrne module v4l2loopback. Package: vacation Description-md5: 5f22c904d74e4098bb56b9b4f9b22b2b Description-sl: samodejni odzivnik e-pošte Vacation returns a message to the sender of a message telling them that you are currently not reading your mail. . This program is derived from the NetBSD version and has most of the features present in the Linux, Solaris, AIX and *BSD versions. Package: vainfo Description-md5: b61d85563f1aa759cd44c2c73277bd4f Description-sl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- info program Video Acceleration API (VA API) is a library ("libVA") and API specification which enables and provides access to graphics hardware (GPU) acceleration for video processing on Linux and UNIX based operating systems. Accelerated processing includes video decoding, video encoding, subpicture blending and rendering. The specification was originally designed by Intel for its GMA (Graphics Media Accelerator) series of GPU hardware, the API is however not limited to GPUs or Intel specific hardware, as other hardware and manufacturers can also freely use this API for hardware accelerated video decoding. . Ta paket zagotavlja program vainfo. Package: val-and-rick Description-md5: 27ba5bdb9cccd6b4bbbd6857c23ac223 Description-sl: strelska igra Val & Rick is probably the precursor to Gunroar, featuring similar controls but in a different environment. Only 2D sprites and backgrounds are used in what seems like a tribute to Xevious and Star Soldier. . Val & Rick is another gem among many by Kenta Cho. Package: val-and-rick-data Description-md5: ba8e88f32d699e648298d6ebd044ec72 Description-sl: strelska igra - podatki igre Val & Rick is probably the precursor to Gunroar, featuring similar controls but in a different environment. Only 2D sprites and backgrounds are used in what seems like a tribute to Xevious and Star Soldier. . This package includes the architecture-independent data for Kenta Cho's game Val & Rick. Package: vala-0.56-doc Description-md5: de483b7159809ff1a4971ef10ee5d570 Description-sl: C# podoben jezik za sistem GObject - dokumentacija Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C. . Ta paket vsebuje referenčni vodnik Vala. Package: valac Description-md5: 218f3b0a7cade0003732a9717a7a8215 Description-sl: C# podoben jezik za sistem GObject Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C. . valac, the Vala compiler, is a self-hosting compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files. It uses the GObject type system to create classes and interfaces declared in the Vala source code. This package also contains the vala-gen-introspect and vapigen binaries that will automatically generate Vala bindings. Package: vamp-examples Description-md5: 7af3bdfe11f052c72c0b839f074d2f04 Description-sl: example Vamp plugins, host and RDF generator Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data - typically referred to as audio analysis plugins or audio feature extraction plugins. . Ta paket vsebuje naslednje primere vstavkov: . * Zero Crossings calculates the positions and density of zero-crossing points in an audio waveform. . * Spectral Centroid calculates the centre of gravity of the frequency domain representation of each block of audio. . * Simple Power Spectrum calculates a power spectrum from the input audio. Actually, it doesn't do any work except calculating power from a cartesian complex FFT output. The work of calculating this frequency domain output is done for it by the host or host SDK; the plugin just needs to declare that it wants frequency domain input. This is the simplest of the example plugins. . * Amplitude Follower is an implementation of SuperCollider's amplitude-follower algorithm as a simple Vamp plugin. . * Simple Percussion Onset Detector: estimates the locations of percussive onsets using a simple method described in "Drum Source Separation using Percussive Feature Detection and Spectral Modulation" by Dan Barry, Derry Fitzgerald, Eugene Coyle and Bob Lawlor, ISSC 2005. . * Simple Fixed Tempo Estimator: calculates a single beats-per-minute value which is an estimate of the tempo of a piece of music that is assumed to be of fixed tempo, using autocorrelation of a frequency domain energy rise metric. It has several outputs that return intermediate results used in the calculation, and may be a useful example of a plugin having several outputs with varying feature structures. . Also included is a simple host that can enumerate plugins, list their features, and process an audio file as well as a utility to generate Vamp plugin RDF templates. Package: vde2 Description-md5: 6349e093f0a02044cf29c04dbb3bbb1e Description-sl: Navidezno distribuiran eternet VDE is a virtual switch that can connect multiple virtual machines together, both local and remote. . Components of the VDE architecture are VDE switches (virtual counterpart of ethernet switches) and VDE cables (virtual counterpart of a crossed- cable used to connect two switches). . VDE 2 includes: - switch management both from console and from a "unix socket terminal" - VLAN 801.1q - FSTP (fast spanning tree) - distributed cable manager using a blowfish encrypted channel . Examples of VDE uses: - With VDE it is possible to create a virtual network of QEMU machines running on several real computer - VDE can be used to create tunnels (even crossing masqueraded networks) - VDE can provide mobility support . The VDE also provides bi-directional pipe command (dpipe) and remote terminal for unix sockets (unixterm). . The Debian package provides a nice extension for /etc/network/interfaces file for easy set up. Package: vdr-plugin-dvd Description-md5: 3ef0923e72cac4e745c458ac37282c99 Description-sl: Vstavek predvajanja za VDR This plugin for VDR allows one to play back DVD Video discs from within VDR. Package: vdr-plugin-live Description-md5: ac29fa5069f4235e7f913dc050484800 Description-sl: Vstavek spletnega skrbništva za VDR Live, the "Live Interactive VDR Environment", is a plugin providing the possibility to interactively control the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR and some of it's plugins from a web interface. . Unlike external programs, like the VDR web frontend "VDRAdmin-AM", that communicate with VDR via its SVDRP socket interface, Live has direct access to VDR's data structures and thus is very fast. Package: vdr-plugin-mp3 Description-md5: a8fe744348e8049784d633cdb35ff977 Description-sl: Vstavek predvajanja MP3 za VDR This plugin for VDR allows one to play back mp3's, ogg-files and audio- cds. Package: vdr-plugin-mplayer Description-md5: cf98359c3cf2d9f45a7873fa97a0c90b Description-sl: Vstavek predvajanja MPlayer za VDR This plugin for VDR allows one to play back any video format supported by MPLayer. Package: vdr-plugin-osdteletext Description-md5: 1219ccd3dc5851ca272d1072c9832167 Description-sl: Vstavek teleteksta za VDR This plugin for VDR displays teletext directly on the OSD. Package: vdr-plugin-skinenigmang Description-md5: 60af0b5d80dc783e85063560575cb926 Description-sl: Vstavek preoblek za VDR "EnigmaNG" is a standalone skin based on the "Enigma" text2skin addon. Package: verbiste Description-md5: 5ea1cb4842f20633dcf7890ff32bdd96 Description-sl: French and Italian conjugator Verbsite je program, ki daje celotna sklanjanja za francoske in italijanske glagole. Zbirka znanja vsebuje več kot 6800 glagolov. . This package contains the command line programs and the data. Package: verbiste-gnome Description-md5: 5c4b93f5f46992a0b603390a6e67f4c9 Description-sl: French and Italian conjugator - GNOME interface Verbsite je program, ki daje celotna sklanjanja za francoske in italijanske glagole. Zbirka znanja vsebuje več kot 6800 glagolov. . This is a transitional package that simply installs verbiste-gtk. It can be safely removed. Package: verbiste-gtk Description-md5: a9823ee9602f7c244f2e72e39f44b7db Description-sl: French and Italian conjugator - GTK app Verbsite je program, ki daje celotna sklanjanja za francoske in italijanske glagole. Zbirka znanja vsebuje več kot 6800 glagolov. . This package contains a GTK interface. Package: verilator Description-md5: 648a4acbea03c032658027a1f55bb2a8 Description-sl: Hiter prost simulator Verilog Verilator is the fastest free Verilog HDL simulator, and beats many commercial simulators. It compiles synthesizable Verilog (not test-bench code!), plus some PSL, SystemVerilog and Synthesis assertions into C++ or SystemC code. It is designed for large projects where fast simulation performance is of primary concern, and is especially well suited to generate executable models of CPUs for embedded software design teams. Package: vflib3 Description-md5: d433273351c00f1ccc56ba364e6d9f3c Description-sl: Raznovrstna knjižnica pisav VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains the shared library and configuration files needed to run programs using VFlib3. Package: vflib3-bin Description-md5: 64406dfcd2b3cdb8e464df1b5eba270a Description-sl: Primeri programov, ki uporabljajo VFlib3 VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains a few sample programs that come with VFlib3. Package: vflib3-dev Description-md5: 84dfb449ca19d74f037530118f4c1359 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za VFlib3 VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains the header file and static library for developing with VFlib3. Package: vflib3-doc Description-md5: bef30f8f5edf3309aa59cd597d0c5555 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za VFlib3 VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains the VFlib3 documentation in various formats. Package: viagee Description-md5: 0584a9329b3d1a987ce5e804aaa708f2 Description-sl: podpora za Gmail kot prednostni program e-pošte v GNOME. Viagee integrates the Gmail web interface into the GNOME environment. Once installed, Gmail becomes a choice as the default Mail Reader in the GNOME Preferred Applications administration application. When selected, a Gmail web page will be used whenever an email service is requested. . Za dokončanje nastavitev se odjavite. Package: Description-md5: be9afa650a993508c8e031af22114341 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik dokumentov PDF za GNUstep ViewPDF je program za ogled in krmarjenje po dokumentih PDF. . Key Features * Zoom * Keyboard shortcuts for fast navigation Package: viking Description-md5: 3ed52b9722932ccbfaccb9c59dc2bf11 Description-sl: GPS podatkovni urejevalnik, preučevalnik in pregledovalnik Vikings poskuša biti enostaven za uporabo, vendar zmogljiv za doseganje različnih nalog povezanih z GPS. Za organizacijo podatkov GPS, zemljevidov in drugih vrst plasti s prostorskimi podatki uporablja hierarhičen sistem plasti kot so vrstice koordinat. . Viking lahko uporabite za: . * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS. * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording. * Import and export of gpx files. * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services such as OpenStreetmap and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip. * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded, stored, managed and reused in later trips. * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and how far you were from something. * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace you've never been before or don't have GPS data for but Terraserver maps exist for it. * Making maps with coordinate lines. * Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot to mark one but did slow down or stop. Package: vile Description-md5: 1c2d6eec70bbbbe775b92dbf0a95f6dc Description-sl: VI Like Emacs - vi work-alike vile je urejevalnik besedila, ki je izjemno združljiv z vi v ``občutku prstov". Poleg tega ima razširjene zmožnosti na veliko področjih, vključno z urejanjem in ogledom več datotek, poudarjanjem skladnje, ponovno vezavo tipk in izbirnim vstavljenim tolmačem perl in pravo podporo okenskega sistema X. . This package contains the character-mode binary. Required support files are contained in vile-common. Source code highlighting filters are in vile-filters. An X11 binary is in the xvile package. Package: vilistextum Description-md5: 0255b8164946f65f5498004ee42c20f7 Description-sl: pretvornik iz HTML v besedilo Vilistextum is a small and fast HTML to text / ascii converter specifically programmed to get the best out of incorrect html. It is quite fault-tolerant and deals well with badly-formed or otherwise quirky HTML. It is able to optimize for ebook reading, collapse multiple blank lines, and create footnotes out of links. Package: vim-addon-manager Description-md5: eb72418233a1a18abd8c76554d9072a3 Description-sl: upravljalnik dodatkov za urejevalnik Vim vim-addon-manager is a tool for managing addons for the Vim editor. . Using the vim-addons command line the user can list the addons installed on its system (i.e. which are registered in the vim addons registry) and install or uninstall each of them in its per-user configuration directory (~/.vim). Similar actions can be performed by the system administrator to affect all system users. . Override of addons which are enabled per default on the system, so that they are not enabled for the current user, is possible too. Package: vim-snipmate Description-md5: b32d99279c72a1dbfce80f206863cd65 Description-sl: Vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features. SnipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a <tab>. . For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim, if you type "for<tab>" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop in C: . for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { . Project-Id-Version: ddtp-ubuntu Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-03 00:00+0000 Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: Slovenian <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2024-10-03 23:31+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build 6341c735b243a0768c3cb66edf85737937cab327) . To go to the next item in the loop, simply <tab> over to it; if there is repeated code, such as the "i" variable in this example, you can simply start typing once it's highlighted and all the matches specified in the snippet will be updated. . snipMate.vim has the following features among others: . - The syntax of snippets is very similar to TextMate's, allowing easy conversion. - The position of the snippet is kept transparently (i.e., it does not use marks/placeholders inserted into the buffer), allowing you to escape out of an incomplete snippet, something particularly useful in Vim. - Variables in snippets are updated as-you-type. - Snippets can have multiple matches. - Snippets can be out of order. For instance, in a do...while loop, the condition can be added before the code. Package: virt-top Description-md5: 1d08cf8305bd2d2df0cebf08461c071a Description-sl: pokaži statistiko navideznih domen virt-top is a top-like utility for showing stats of virtualized domains. Many keys and command line options are the same as for ordinary top. . It uses libvirt so it capable of showing stats across a variety of different virtualization systems (virtual machines or VM). Some supported systems are KVM, XEN and QEMU. Package: virtuoso-opensource Description-md5: 9dab89f8c6ac31fe5f957d6b5e07bc3f Description-sl: visoko zmogljiva podatkovna zbirka OpenLink Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. It provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, hot backup, SQL:1999 support, a powerful stored-procedure language supporting server-side Java or .NET, and more. It supports all major data-access interfaces, including ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE/DB. . Virtuoso supports SPARQL embedded into SQL for querying RDF data stored in its database. SPARQL benefits from low-level support in the engine itself, such as SPARQL-aware type-casting rules and a dedicated IRI data type. . Install this metapackage for the full suite of packages that make up Virtuoso OSE ("Open-Source Edition"). Package: viruskiller Description-md5: d3b18cbf905b74bbd1b545d471e94ddd Description-sl: Igra o virusih, ki napadajo vaš računalnik Your computer has been invaded! Dozens of little viruses are pouring in via security holes in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft MSN Messenger and Microsoft Recycle Bin! Using your trusty mouse you must shoot the buggers before they can destroy your files! Some will steal them from their home directories and take them back to their security hole. Others will just eat them right there on the spot! See how long you and your computer can survive the onslaught! Package: visual-regexp Description-md5: 80243dd611d10d943fabe60c7ee901f7 Description-sl: Vzajemno razhroščevanje logičnih izrazov This Tcl script shows the result of running a regular expression, making debugging relatively easy. It also assists in the construction of regular expressions. Package: visualboyadvance Description-md5: c6c80d7180fba5710f07f487a8cbc57c Description-sl: full featured Game Boy Advance emulator VisualBoyAdvance je posnemovalnik Game Boy Advance, ki deluje z veliko javno dostopnimi ROMi. Njegove zmožnosti shranjujejo stanja (kot tista, ki so na voljo v ZSNES), celozaslonsko podporo, podporo igralnih ploščkov, tipko 'posnemanja pohitritve' za nepotrpežljive igralce in veliko več. . Vsebuje veliko uporabnik orodij za razvijalce Game Boy Advance, kot je zmogljiva vključitev GDB in gprof. . This package contains a version of VisualBoyAdvance compiled with the original GUI-less SDL interface. Package: visualvm Description-md5: a7eebccbff6602e49964e71b25c6d1c6 Description-sl: Vse v enem orodje za odpravljanje napak v Javi VisuamVM je vidno orodje, ki vključuje več orodij JDK ukazne vrstice in lahke zmožnosti profiliranja. Zasnovano je tako za uporabo v delovnem in razvojnem okolju in izboljša zmožnost nadziranja in preučevanja zmogljivosti okolja Java SE. . VisualVM is designed for - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps, browse heap dumps. - System Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications across the entire network. - Java Application Users: Create bug reports containing all the necessary information. Package: vitrage-doc Description-md5: 0eeb216c4cba3e1605de90cf6a8c7fef Description-sl: OpenStack RCA as a Service - documentation Vitrage provides a root cause analysis service, which is used for analyzing the topology and alarms of the cloud, and providing insights about it. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: vkeybd Description-md5: 0d2d394ff06dcef1fd62dcb0f7ece48a Description-sl: Navidezna tipkovnica MIDI Ta program vam omogoča uporabo gonilnika Linux AWE32, sekvenčnika OSS MIDI ali sevkenčnikov ALSA MIDI in zagotavlja "navidezno" tipkovnico (glasbene vrste), ki jo lahko predvajate s tipkovnico ali miško. Package: vlc Description-md5: d96da6b991aa50928533b16fb11b3136 Description-sl: program za predvajanje in pretakanje večpredstavnosti VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . VLC je mogoče uporabiti tudi kot strežnik pretakanja, ki podvoji brane pretoke in jih večsmerno oddaja preko omrežja drugim odjemalcem ali strežnikom preko HTTP. . VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins: * vlc-plugin-access-extra * vlc-plugin-fluidsynth * vlc-plugin-jack * vlc-plugin-notify * vlc-plugin-samba * vlc-plugin-skins2 * vlc-plugin-svg * vlc-plugin-video-splitter * vlc-plugin-visualization Package: vlc-bin Description-md5: 95daedaad0e0f925e24501938e2ec38b Description-sl: binaries from VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the VLC's binaries. Package: vlc-data Description-md5: ba0fd1de1b53a2231022b0fff46b7280 Description-sl: common data for VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains HTTP interface files, and Lua scripts for VLC media player. Package: vlc-l10n Description-md5: d5f59a6e5491d82c57f09523ce6360ec Description-sl: translations for VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains localisations for VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-access-extra Description-md5: eaf30470cf6ffebe05b13b2d1afe473a Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (extra access plugins) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains additional access plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-base Description-md5: 103cb021db8e172eaddc03ab0f07e203 Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (base plugins) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains most plugins which are shipped in more specialied plugin packages. Package: vlc-plugin-fluidsynth Description-md5: 987977beb56246deecee22dce0cacc10 Description-sl: Vstavek FluidSynth za VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This plugin adds support for playing MIDI file via the FluidSynth software synthesizer to the VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-jack Description-md5: c4d2077c730fa32d1421efc81f3cd32c Description-sl: JACK audio plugins for VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . These plugins add support for JACK to the VLC media player. To activate the audio output module, use the `--aout jack' flag or select the `jack' audio output plugin from the preferences menu. For the jack input, use `vlc jack://channels=...:ports=...' Package: vlc-plugin-notify Description-md5: 41baa12a2792d2ee801f697598ebd183 Description-sl: Vstavek LibNotify za VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This plugin adds support for libnotify track change notification to the VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-pipewire Description-md5: 4f96947ef87c4d47795e085f94a6a153 Description-sl: PipeWire audio plugins for VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This plugin provides seamless integration with PipeWire inside the VLC media player and LibVLC-based applications. Package: vlc-plugin-qt Description-md5: b369abb6f163cfcb1cbc0011ed281468 Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (Qt plugin) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains VLC's Qt interface. Package: vlc-plugin-samba Description-md5: 23d77f3b1665060dfae5f3cef669e2b3 Description-sl: Samba plugin for VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This plugin adds support to access Samba shares from the VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-skins2 Description-md5: 9743a8607505f1e6a575e18a62e6e280 Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (Skins2 plugin) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains VLC's Skins2 interface. Package: vlc-plugin-svg Description-md5: 0849a5da981125db8b598c3d38646f16 Description-sl: Vstavek SVG za VLC VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This plugin allows you to render SVG graphics on top of the video. It is a text renderer, and must be activated through the '--text-renderer svg' option. When sent non-SVG data, it will convert it to SVG using a template that can be specified by the svg-template-file option. Package: vlc-plugin-video-output Description-md5: 304efe8a3dcaf595b6085adb45316c41 Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (video output plugins) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the video output plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-video-splitter Description-md5: 782ab557a4f2909b787f11ea7b8081ae Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (video splitter plugins) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the video splitter plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-visualization Description-md5: e6dede36648e266b9d6e6bb8dd2556c8 Description-sl: multimedia player and streamer (visualization plugins) VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. . This package contains the visualization plugins. Package: vmdk-stream-converter Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: vmfs-tools Description-md5: 0cdea504f6c5a9da0070eeda2f011352 Description-sl: Orodja za dosotp do datotečnih sistemov VMFS VMFS is a clustered filesystem designed to store virtual machine disks for VMware ESX or ESXi Server hosts. This set of tools allows to access these filesystems from some other non ESX/ESXi host for e.g. maintenance tasks. . Only read access is available at the moment, but write access is under works. Multiple extents are supported. . The VMFS can be accessed with a command line tool or mounted through a userspace filesystem (FUSE-based). Package: vmpk Description-md5: 598c1ef3c5d1e40960482ab6f235272f Description-sl: Navidezna MIDI klaviatura Navidezna tipkovnica klavirja MIDI je ustvarjalnik in sprejemnik dogodkov MIDI. Sama ne more proizvesti zvoka, vendar se lahko uporabi za poganjanje sintetizatorja MIDI (ali strojna oprema ali program, zunanji ali notranji). Za predvajanje not MIDI lahko uporabite tipkovnico in tudi miško. Navidezno tipkovnico klavirja MIDI lahko uporabite za prikaz predvajanih not MIDI z drugega inštrumenta ali predvajalnika datotek MIDI. Package: vnstati Description-md5: 17a77d47fcbe480a23f93653659d15f0 Description-sl: podpora izhoda slike za vnStat vnStati provides image output support for statistics collected using vnStat. The image file format is limited to png. All basic outputs of vnStat are supported excluding live traffic features. The image can be outputted either to a file or to standard output. Package: Description-md5: d3dff7e2d149c8521a07f419839552e8 Description-sl: Mešalnik zvoka za GNUstep VolumeControl is a GNUstep program for adjusting the audio mixer on systems that use the ALSA or OSS APIs. It allows the sound level, left/right speakers, muting for master, PCM, bass, and treble levels to be controlled. Package: vpnc Description-md5: 058d74051c6bacb97d49087730615395 Description-sl: S Cisco združljiv odjemalec VPN vpnc is a VPN client compatible with cisco3000 VPN Concentrator (also known as Cisco's EasyVPN equipment). vpnc runs entirely in userspace and does not require kernel modules except for the tun driver to communicate with the network layer. . It supports most of the features needed to establish connection to the VPN concentrator: MD5 and SHA1 hashes, 3DES and AES ciphers, PFS and various IKE DH group settings. Package: vrfy Description-md5: 9677ffed1dca42f7840d6dc5a928cda4 Description-sl: preverjanje naslovov e-pošte 'vrfy' is a tool to verify e-mail addresses and mailing lists. In its simplest form it takes an address "user@domain", figures out the MX hosts for "domain", and issues the SMTP command VRFY at the primary MX host (optionally all), or at "domain" itself if no MX hosts exist. Without "domain" it goes to "localhost". . More complex capabilities are: * recursively expanding forward files or mailing lists, * detecting mail forwarding loops, * understanding full-blown RFC822 address specifications, * syntax checking that can be carried out either locally or remotely, * various options provided to exploit alternative protocol suites if necessary, and to print many forms of verbose output. . Obvious limitations exist (mostly due to a lousy VRFY command implementation on some hosts), but otherwise, it works pretty well. Package: vstream-client-dev Description-md5: f7f5b119e185a9ce5d7465a62b749828 Description-sl: Razvojne glave za vstream-client Vstream-client is a fork off of the vstream library from the tivo-mplayer project. It has been stripped down to just the client code, and includes an example client application. If you have vserver installed on your Tivo (which most tivo hackers do), then you can use this simple client to stream .ty files from it. MPlayer includes support for this library. This library can be used by MPlayer/MEncoder to watch/re-encode tivo streams live over a network. . Ta paket vsebuje glave za razvoj. Package: vtwm Description-md5: 0ee5f9e412b126b89b6ed7f75b24821f Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik Virtual tab VTWM is an enhanced version of the Tab window manager (TWM) that adds many features -- primarily a virtual desktop, meaning that what is currently on screen is just a portion of a larger workspace. What portion of the virtual desktop that is displayed, and whatever windows might be visible within it, are simple point-and-click operations within a scaled representation of the workspace. Package: vulkan-memory-allocator-doc Description-md5: a5bdc8d9cab2718c85c2fb05b8a6ccc7 Description-sl: vulkan memory allocation library (documentation) Easy to integrate Vulkan memory allocation library. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: vxi-dev Description-md5: 8519f0d116da9c73fd4091f3a0009106 Description-sl: Development files for the VXI-11 RPC protocol The VXI-11 protocol is used for communication with test and measurement equipment. It provides a "virtual" representation of the command, event and abort channels specified in the LXI protocol. . Ta paket zagotavlja glave in statične knjižnice. Package: vym Description-md5: 861431496bc6e92eded57e3eedb854e4 Description-sl: orodje za ustvarjanje miselnih vzorcev Vym je program za izdelavo miselnih vzorcev. Uporaben je za organizacijo misli in strukturo dela. Poleg tega ima veliko uporabnih bližnjic. . Miselni vzorec je večbarven in na slike osredotočen krožen diagram, ki prikazuje semantične ali drugačne povezave med deli naučenega gradiva. Tako lahko na primer grafično prikaže obris diplome, načrt projekta ali vladne inštitucije v državi. Miselni vzorci imajo veliko uporab v osebnih, družinskih, izobraževalnih in poslovnih situacijah. Zmožnosti vključujejo pisanje zapiskov, dobivanje idej, povzetke, preglede in splošno pojasnjevanje misli. Package: w3c-markup-validator Description-md5: 3807dd09ccbc0a24c23ab10dece52712 Description-sl: Program za preverjanje označevanja W3C This is a CGI script which lets you enter the URL of a web page which will be then checked against a validating SGML parser for conformance to official W3C recommendations. Pages can also be uploaded. . These are the same scripts that are available on the W3C web site, Package: w3m-el Description-md5: 77b0c56d36f53fdb12a97f3e855b6d93 Description-sl: Enostaven vmesnik Emacs za w3m Emacs-w3m is an interface program of w3m, a pager with WWW capability. It can be used as a lightweight WWW browser on GNU Emacs. . To use the optional features shimbun (interface with web newspapers), w3m-namazu (search files with Namazu), w3m-perldoc (view perl documents), etc., install the required packages flim, namazu2, perl-doc, etc. Package: warmux-data Description-md5: 5428def63b0796fa1fcc27a47371b51d Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro WarMUX WarMUX is a free game in the genre of "turn-based artillery games" like Scorched Earth or Worms. Several players can play together, either locally or over the network. It is also possible to compete against computer- driven teams. The teams are styled after the mascots of various free software projects. . This package contains data like maps and teams. If you want to play the game, you need to install the warmux package. Package: warzone2100 Description-md5: ee73db23fc6dca6f64a0d1c5fe0e9235 Description-sl: 3D realnočasovna strateška igra In Warzone 2100 you command the forces of “The Project” in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has almost been destroyed by nuclear missiles. . Igra ponuja načine kampanje, vodnika, način za enega in več igralcev. . Obširno drevo z več kot 400 različnimi tehnologijami, združenimi s sistemom zasnove enot, ki omogoča širok razpon možnih enot in taktik. . Igro Warzone 2100 je ustvarilo podjetje Pumpkin Studios, objavilo je je podjetje Eidos Interactive, trenutno pa ga razvija projekt Warzone 2100. . Video zaporedja kampanje se tukaj ne distribuirajo. Za podrobnosti o njihovem prejemanju in nameščanju si oglejte spletišče Warzone 2100. Package: warzone2100-data Description-md5: fb42db9e66d269fff4feb4d6066ab0b1 Description-sl: podatkovne datoteke za wazone2100 Ta paket vsebuje podatke, dokumentacijo in prevode za igro warzone2100. . It contains the campaign and multiplayer data, several mods (including a more advanced AI, different terrain textures, new maps and scavengers) and documentation for the game. Package: warzone2100-music Description-md5: 304dc701449244bdff61933a4d08069f Description-sl: uradna glasba za warzone 2100 This package contains official music for the warzone2100 game. . It contains the background music for the menu and during the game, which varies between abstract, atmospheric and post-apocalyptic beats, a perfect soundscape for a heated battle with the enemy. Package: watcher-doc Description-md5: 94fbf921fb371b06da4d84580f6eed00 Description-sl: OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - doc OpenStack Watcher provides a flexible and scalable resource optimization service for multi-tenant OpenStack-based clouds. Watcher provides a complete optimization loop-including everything from a metrics receiver, complex event processor and profiler, optimization processor and an action plan applier. This provides a robust framework to realize a wide range of cloud optimization goals, including the reduction of data center operating costs, increased system performance via intelligent virtual machine migration, increased energy efficiency-and more! . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: wavemon Description-md5: aad0f0741918bd83b59633f3ea484026 Description-sl: Program za nadziranje brezžičnih naprav Wavemon allows you to watch signal and noise levels, packet statistics, device configuration and network parameters of your wireless network hardware. Package: wavesurfer Description-md5: ac2d31a013a894ce49e2b77ec383621a Description-sl: Program za upravljanje z zvokom Wavesurfer je program za upravljanje zvoka. Zasnovan je bil, da bi ustrezal tako novincem in naprednim uporabnikom. WaveSurfer ima enostaven in logičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki zagotavlja funkcionalnost na intuitiven način, ki ga je mogoče prilagoditi za različne naloge. Package: wayfire-dev Description-md5: 66507916aa8a0604edbc7d0a3e577915 Description-sl: 3D Wayland compositor (development files) Wayfire is a 3D Wayland compositor, inspired by Compiz and based on wlroots. It aims to create a customizable, extendable and lightweight environment without sacrificing its appearance. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: webcam Description-md5: f48e4f77bafcfb0db0f6a055b027341a Description-sl: grabilnik in pošiljalnik slik XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . This package provides an utility that captures images from a video4linux device such as bttv, annotates them and uploads them to a webserver in an endless loop using FTP or SSH. Package: webcamoid Description-md5: f572b386468b9a3ce3ad23b4c33caedf Description-sl: full featured webcam capture application webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Zmožnosti: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. Package: webcamoid-data Description-md5: 49cfaf5d124f5a9473173ad57faf06ed Description-sl: icons and locale files for webcamoid webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Zmožnosti: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the icons/locale files for webcamoid. Package: webcamoid-plugins Description-md5: 53aa7e50d4c64af45acef489bde7ac7e Description-sl: full featured webcam capture application - plugins webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Zmožnosti: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the plugins for webcamoid. Package: webhttrack Description-md5: f7c1c11c1bf49544d2f00c20bf8c4157 Description-sl: Kopiranje spletišč na vaš računalnik, httrack s spletnim vmesnikom WebHTTrack je pripomoček nepovezanega brskalnika, ki vam omogoča prejem spletišča z interneta v krajevno mapo, rekurzivno izgradnjo vseh map, pridobivanjem html, slik in drugih datotek s strežnika na svoj računalnik z uporabo spletnega vmesnika korak za korakom. . WebHTTrack uredi relativno strukturo povezave izvirnega spletišča. Odprite stran "zrcaljenega" spletišča v brskalniku in lahko boste brskali po spletišču od povezave do povezave kot da bi si jo ogledovali na spletu. HTTrack lahko posodobit tudi obstoječe zracaljeno spletišče in nadaljuje prekinjene prejeme. WebHTTrack je polno nastavljiv in ima vključen sistem pomoči. . Posnetki: Package: webhttrack-common Description-md5: 7c22061b1b7e6e730f1cd9c72a497577 Description-sl: skupne datoteke webhttrack This package is the common files of webhttrack, website copier and mirroring utility Package: weborf-daemon Description-md5: 44cbf5dd02152bcac57c51b0088d747a Description-sl: skript začetka weborf Weborf is a configurationless webserver mainly meant to allow users to easily share their directories over the web. Has limited support to webdav, allowing its use by GNOME and KDE filemanagers. It also supports cgi. . This package provides a SystemV daemon to start weborf using init. Package: weechat-doc Description-md5: 101025ab4c54d19e0032648e468468a4 Description-sl: Fast, light and extensible chat client - documentation WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a fast and light chat client for many operating systems. Everything can be done with a keyboard. . Ta paket vsebuje html dokumentacijo za WeeChat. Package: weka Description-md5: f7b0cb5ee78d372ccf23e04524660343 Description-sl: Machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms in Java that can either be used from the command-line, or called from your own Java code. Weka is also ideally suited for developing new machine learning schemes. . Implemented schemes cover decision tree inducers, rule learners, model tree generators, support vector machines, locally weighted regression, instance-based learning, bagging, boosting, and stacking. Also included are clustering methods, and an association rule learner. Apart from actual learning schemes, Weka also contains a large variety of tools that can be used for pre-processing datasets. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke in primere. Package: weka-doc Description-md5: 08b28b3a5cf08cccf14461c871c136a1 Description-sl: documentation for the Weka machine learning suite Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms in Java that can either be used from the command-line, or called from your own Java code. Weka is also ideally suited for developing new machine learning schemes. . Implemented schemes cover decision tree inducers, rule learners, model tree generators, support vector machines, locally weighted regression, instance-based learning, bagging, boosting, and stacking. Also included are clustering methods, and an association rule learner. Apart from actual learning schemes, Weka also contains a large variety of tools that can be used for pre-processing datasets. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: welcome2l Description-md5: 4b9beb70652ec0b5ec0c223aad6c2f90 Description-sl: Zagonski logotip Linux ANSI This is a little program that may run at login time to produce nice ANSI login logo. . Welcome2L intends to produce the best looking ANSI screens by making full usage of PC graphic characters. . Therefore an architecture able to display those characters (i386, Alpha with TGA adapter, ...) is required to use it. And, even if it will work on larger screens, it will only produce 80 column ANSI screens. Package: weresync-doc Description-md5: f9f6f176cd1f8c182005e0178604fb52 Description-sl: incrementally clones running drives (documentation package) This package allows you to clone your drive to a target drive. It clones the drive incrementally, so after the first clone it will take a much shorter time. It provides both the "weresync" and "weresync-gui" commands, in order to run the program. . Why use WereSync? . WereSync is accessible to less-technical users. It comes with a simple interface and clone a drive with a single command while your computer is running. No booting to a live disk or pushing through a long initiation process. Unlike dd or CloneZilla, WereSync requires a low level of technical skill and has an easy learning curve . WereSync can run while the your main drive is being used, instead of blocking your computer up for hours at a time . WereSync will incrementally update clones, making subsequent clones much faster. . WereSync works quickly, a single command copies your entire drive, no booting to live CDs or managing MBRs. . WereSync can copy to a smaller drive, provided your drive's data will fit. . WereSync creates new UUIDs for the new partitions, allowing you to use the old and new drives alongside each other. . To je paket dokumentacije. Package: wesnoth-music Description-md5: 708dd00f3fd6bc8016e6d16439e8132f Description-sl: Glasbene datoteke za Wesnoth (metapaket) This metapackage pulls in the music package for use with the latest stable version of wesnoth. . Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign. Package: west-chamber-common Description-md5: 1877521e4fe93c44ba7f7b13a40b5764 Description-sl: iptable extension for bypassing content filtering firewall West-chamber is an iptable extension named after the famous Chinese ancient fiction - Romance of the West Chamber. It is based on the idea of T. Ptacek's paper in 1998 which allows users go through some content- filtered firewall without 3rd-party proxies. . Ta paket vsebuje razširitev za iptables. Za pravilno delovanje potrebuje ustrezne jedrne module. Package: when Description-md5: 8a03d644ae4ebd4e5f141b596821a1df Description-sl: drobcen osebni koledar Minimalistic personal calendar. It runs from the command line, and it uses a plain text file format, which you can edit using your favorite editor. Package: whitedune-docs Description-md5: 1cbb7ab618b346b8a08f42661655cfcf Description-sl: dokumentacija za whitedune This package contains useful documentation for the whitedune VRML editor . VRML97 (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) is the ISO standard for displaying 3D data over the web. . VRML has support for animation, realtime interaction and multimedia (image, movie, sound). VRML97 can be written by popular programs like maya, catia, 3D Studio MAX, cinema4D, blender, wings3d and others, but (unlike whitedune) most of this programs support only a small part of the VRML97 features. Package: widelands Description-md5: 2aa8687bbb83b4fb4eff245b46d1c3eb Description-sl: fantazijska realno-časovna strateška igra Widelands je strateška igra, ki poskuša ustvariti podoben način igre, ki je podoben Settlers II podjetja BlueByte. . V tej igri začnete z majhnim koščkom zemlje z nič več kot nekaj uporabnih sredstev. Z njimi si lahko izgradite imperij s tisoči prebivalcev. Na svoji poti proti cilju boste morali izgraditi ekonomsko infrastrukturo, raziskati dežele naokoli in se soočite s sovražniki, ki tako kot vi poskušajo vladati svetu. Package: widelands-data Description-md5: 83a9c23053626f0f7c374fe1069eca20 Description-sl: fantazijska realno-časovna strateška igra (podatkovne datoteke) This package contains the graphics and levels for Widelands. . Widelands je strateška igra, ki poskuša ustvariti podoben način igre, ki je podoben Settlers II podjetja BlueByte. . V tej igri začnete z majhnim koščkom zemlje z nič več kot nekaj uporabnih sredstev. Z njimi si lahko izgradite imperij s tisoči prebivalcev. Na svoji poti proti cilju boste morali izgraditi ekonomsko infrastrukturo, raziskati dežele naokoli in se soočite s sovražniki, ki tako kot vi poskušajo vladati svetu. Package: wildmidi Description-md5: b4b34070ae88e73e3289b751230cfc89 Description-sl: programski predvajalnik MIDI Minimal MIDI player implementation based on the wildmidi library that can either dump to WAV or playback over ALSA. It is intended to demonstrate the features of libWildMidi, including: reberb, logarithmic volume and high-quality linear or gauss resampling. Package: windows-el Description-md5: 2062931b49af4501ae4a9098e53f93c1 Description-sl: Upravljalnik oken za GNU Emacs windows.el allows you to switch between window configurations in emacs, providing behaviour similar to virtual desktops that is common in several window managers. In addition, you can save window configurations to a file and restore them at a later time. Package: winff Description-md5: ebbf50da416eeebef2f81695479e5549 Description-sl: paketni grafični pretvornik zvoka in videa, ki uporablja ffmpeg ali avconv WinFF je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za FFmpeg ali avconv. Pretvoril bo skoraj katerokoli datoteko videa, ki jo lahko pretvorita FFmpega ali avconv. WinFF lahko hkrati dela z več datotekami različnih vrst. Tako lahko na primer istočasno pretvorite datoteke mpeg, flv, in mov v avi (ali obliko DVD/VCD ali MPEG ali 3gp, itn.). . WinFF provides a variety of preset conversion settings for common formats and devices. These presets are intended to hit the "sweet spot" for each individual codec. They have been written with a tip of the balance to quality. . For most presets to work, it is necessary to have the unstripped version of the libavcodec package, which can be obtained by installing libavcodec- extra as recommended by the WinFF suite. Package: winff-data Description-md5: 8c563411b3e43fdd5ba88e4612093ca5 Description-sl: winff data files WinFF je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za FFmpeg ali avconv. Pretvoril bo skoraj katerokoli datoteko videa, ki jo lahko pretvorita FFmpega ali avconv. WinFF lahko hkrati dela z več datotekami različnih vrst. Tako lahko na primer istočasno pretvorite datoteke mpeg, flv, in mov v avi (ali obliko DVD/VCD ali MPEG ali 3gp, itn.). . This package contains the shared files for the different WinFF flavors. Package: winff-doc Description-md5: 2d69ff863c19de22eb43139d69c9a0f0 Description-sl: dokumentacija winff WinFF je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za FFmpeg ali avconv. Pretvoril bo skoraj katerokoli datoteko videa, ki jo lahko pretvorita FFmpega ali avconv. WinFF lahko hkrati dela z več datotekami različnih vrst. Tako lahko na primer istočasno pretvorite datoteke mpeg, flv, in mov v avi (ali obliko DVD/VCD ali MPEG ali 3gp, itn.). . This package contains the pdf-manuals for winff in several languages. Package: winff-qt Description-md5: 1e3aa9fa47f1e106e28027b13e784ceb Description-sl: Qt variant of winff WinFF je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za FFmpeg. Pretvoril bo skoraj katerokoli video datoteko, ki jo bo pretvoril FFmpeg. WinFF lahko naenkrat obdela več datotek v več vrstah. Tako lahko na primer hkrati pretvorite datoteke mpeg, flv in mov v datoteke avi (ali vrsto DVD/VCD ali MPEG ali 3gp, itd.). . Users usually want to install the winff package and let their package manager decide which winff variant to use. If you want to override the packager's choice, you can additionally select the required variant. This package provides the Qt variant of winff. Package: wing Description-md5: 46c7f8925489651b812cd8a19ef1552e Description-sl: Galaga podobna arkadna igra WING is a galaga knock-off arcade game. It features high quality pre- rendered graphics, dynamically generated stars in background, single player game against computer controlled opponents, 6 levels of play, digital sound effects, digital music streams, and a high score list. Package: wings3d Description-md5: 88ba36efe6a79eb7da891157b8a42d94 Description-sl: Modelirnik 3D poligonskih mrež, ki ga je navdihnil Nendo Wings 3D je modelirnik poligonskih mrež, ki je popolnoma napisan v Erlang. Uporabniški vmesnik je bil zasnovan, da bi bil enostaven za uporabo tako za začetnike in napredne uporabnike. Navdihnil ga je slaven modelirnik Nendo podjetja Iziware. . Za razliko od podobnih programov modeliranja (kot je Blender) ta program nima lastne podpore za animacije (čeprav lahko njegove modele izvozite v animacijsko orodje). . Wings 3D podpira uvoz naslednjih vrst: Nendo (NDO), 3D Studio (3DS), Wavefront (OBJ) in Adobe Illustrator 8 (AI). . Wings 3D podpira izvoz naslednjih vrst: Nendo (NDO), 3D Studio (3DS), Wavefront (OBJ), VRML (WRL), Renderman (RIB), Hash:Animation Master (MDL), Renderware (RWX), Yafray, Toxic, in FBX preko vstavka tretjih oseb. . Open Source Erlang je delujoč programski jezik, ki so ga zasnovali v Ericcson Computer Science Laboratory. Package: wireshark Description-md5: 1bd0e02c3e760c49351c9f2bd07e1757 Description-sl: network traffic analyzer - graphical interface Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti. Package: wireshark-common Description-md5: b1c29e0c6a4eee149d83574a64f12c2b Description-sl: network traffic analyzer - common files Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti. . This package provides files common to both wireshark and tshark (the console version). Package: wireshark-dev Description-md5: 7a344f6feb13aa3b18ede52debae4fe2 Description-sl: network traffic analyzer - development tools Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti. . This package provides idl2wrs and other files necessary for developing new packet dissectors. Package: wireshark-doc Description-md5: ed8b1896882405b928131b74c90e0b57 Description-sl: preučevalnik omrežnega prometa - dokumentacija Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti. . This package contains Wireshark User's guide, Wireshark Developer's Guide and the Lua Reference. Package: wise-doc Description-md5: 4ef5d5cfbae40072d426ca7311c3ba0a Description-sl: dokumentacija za paket wise Wise2 is a package focused on comparisons of biopolymers, commonly DNA and protein sequences. There are many other packages which do this, probably the best known being BLAST package (from NCBI) and the Fasta package (from Bill Pearson). There are other packages, such as the HMMER package (Sean Eddy) or SAM package (UC Santa Cruz) focused on hidden Markov models (HMMs) of biopolymers. . Wise2's particular forte is the comparison of DNA sequence at the level of its protein translation. This comparison allows the simultaneous prediction of say gene structure with homology based alignment. . Wise2 also contains other algorithms, such as the venerable Smith-Waterman algorithm, or more modern ones such as Stephen Altschul's generalised gap penalties, or even experimental ones developed in house, such as dba. The development of these algorithms is due to the ease of developing such algorithms in the environment used by Wise2. . Wise2 has also been written with an eye for reuse and maintainability. Although it is a pure C package you can access its functionality directly in Perl. Parts of the package (or the entire package) can be used by other C or C++ programs without namespace clashes as all externally linked variables have the unique identifier Wise2 prepended. . This package contains the documentation for Wise2, a package focused on comparisons of biopolymers, commonly DNA and protein sequences. Package: wl Description-md5: 89d56214f0179673d1fe28606af4cfac Description-sl: mail/news reader supporting IMAP for emacsen Wanderlust is a mail/news management system on emacsen. It supports IMAP4rev1 (RFC2060), NNTP, POP and local message files. . Glavne zmožnosti Wanderlust: . - Pure elisp implementation. - Supports IMAP4rev1, NNTP, POP (POP3/APOP), MH and Maildir format. - Unified access method to messages based on Mew-like Folder Specification. - Mew-like Key-bind and mark handling. - Manages unread messages. - Interactive thread display. - Folder Mode shows the list of subscribed folders. - Message Cache, Disconnected Operation. - MH-like FCC. (Fcc: %Backup and Fcc: $Backup is allowed). - MIME compliant (by SEMI). - Transmission of news and mail are unified by Message transmitting draft. - Graphical list of folders. - View a part of message without retrieving the whole message (IMAP4). - Server-side message look up (IMAP4). Multi-byte characters are allowed. - Virtual Folders. - Supports compressed folder using common archiving utilities. - Old articles in folders are automatically removed/archived (Expiration). - Automatic re-file. - Template function makes it convenient to send fixed form messages. Package: wl-beta Description-md5: d50de4139d2e7141fe9294629d1ce9a3 Description-sl: mail/news reader supporting IMAP for emacsen (development version) Wanderlust is a mail/news management system on emacsen. It supports IMAP4rev1 (RFC2060), NNTP, POP and local message files. . Glavne zmožnosti Wanderlust: . - Pure elisp implementation. - Supports IMAP4rev1, NNTP, POP (POP3/APOP), MH and Maildir format. - Unified access method to messages based on Mew-like Folder Specification. - Mew-like Key-bind and mark handling. - Manages unread messages. - Interactive thread display. - Folder Mode shows the list of subscribed folders. - Message Cache, Disconnected Operation. - MH-like FCC. (Fcc: %Backup and Fcc: $Backup is allowed). - MIME compliant (by SEMI). - Transmission of news and mail are unified by Message transmitting draft. - Graphical list of folders. - View a part of message without retrieving the whole message (IMAP4). - Server-side message look up (IMAP4). Multi-byte characters are allowed. - Virtual Folders. - Supports compressed folder using common archiving utilities. - Old articles in folders are automatically removed/archived (Expiration). - Automatic re-file. - Template function makes it convenient to send fixed form messages. . This package provides a development snapshot version of Wanderlust. Package: wm2 Description-md5: 6720cbabdbc341b046c764004ee22619 Description-sl: majhen, nenastavljiv okenski upravljalnik wm2 is a window manager for X. It provides an unusual style of window decoration and as little functionality as Chris Cannam feels comfortable with in a window manager. wm2 is not configurable, except by editing the source and recompiling the code, and is really intended for people who don't particularly want their window manager to be too friendly. Package: wmaker Description-md5: 781f2c4a40ddc49782034e8c4df71f98 Description-sl: NeXTSTEP podoben upravlajlnik oken za X Written by Alfredo Kojima almost from scratch, resembles the NeXTStep look very closely, and it is now an official GNU project. Window Maker (originally named WindowMaker) is not overloaded with features, and it is easier to configure than most other window managers. Its final goal is to produce a window manager that doesn't require editing of configuration files. Window Maker is fast and doesn't require tons of memory to run. Package: wmaker-common Description-md5: f3cf3e4e2c0dddd99432dce9a9df9c48 Description-sl: Window Maker - Architecture independent files Written by Alfredo Kojima almost from scratch, resembles the NeXTStep look very closely, and it is now an official GNU project. Window Maker (originally named WindowMaker) is not overloaded with features, and it is easier to configure than most other window managers. Its final goal is to produce a window manager that doesn't require editing of configuration files. Window Maker is fast and doesn't require tons of memory to run. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: wmauda Description-md5: 46e8c83f044c9cd7f64367e4836525e1 Description-sl: program za oddaljen nadzor Audacious iz sidrišča wmauda is a dockapp for WindowMaker and other window managers that support dockable applets. It acts as a remote control for the Audacious media player. . wmauda is a port of wmxmms to Audacious, itself seen as a replacement for XMMS. Package: wmdiskmon Description-md5: 34909651ae39b84d4e857e86c6970b1b Description-sl: program sidrišča za prikaz porabljenega prostora na disku wmdiskmon is a dockapp to monitor disk usage. It can be used with X window managers like Window Maker, AfterStep, BlackBox and Enlightenment. . The dockapp has two modes. The default displays three devices at a time in a bargraph manner. The other displays only one device, but with numeric percentage and a longer name over three lines. Package: wmf Description-md5: 7bd931bd825209e2ff162139aeb83a0a Description-sl: Mapa spletne pošte This program converts emails to HTML and makes index files (by author, data, subject,thread). Of course there are other programs making the same, but here are some features which not all have: - correct threading without level limitation - quoted-printable text encoding - home page hyperlink (X-URL) - faces support - breaking indexes in different pages to make them smaller (don't break between threads) - index time limitation (older mail disappears from the index) - frame support Package: wminput Description-md5: 53a412c87900852e0d5b0474b56039fb Description-sl: Gonilniki uporabniškega prostora za wiimote CWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality. . This package provides an event driver for the wiimote, supporting all buttons (except Power) and pointer tracking, and featuring a tracking algorithm plugin architecture. Package: wmix Description-md5: c8ba753636c7bfe4da39047add7fb1b9 Description-sl: Mešalnik sidrišča za OSS Allows toggling record source, muting individual channels, adjusting volume and balance, all in a compact dockapp size, with TV-like on-screen- display for volume levels. . Supports mousewheel to adjust current channelvolume and can be controlled remotely with SIGUSR1 / SIGUSR2 to adjust the volume. Keeps a simple configuration file for user-defined settings. Package: wmmon Description-md5: 5b907f0d6e5dacf5c3f10548c4deecf5 Description-sl: Window Maker dockapp for monitoring system information WMMon monitors the realtime CPU load as well as the average system load, and gives you some nice additional features too. It is intended for docking in Window Maker. . Trenutno vsebuje: . * a realtime CPU stress meter; * an auto-scaled average system load meter, like xload and wmavgload; * a realtime disk I/O stress meter; * auto-scaled disk I/O load meter; * realtime memory and swap usage meters; * a display for system uptime; * three user-defined commands to launch. Package: wmnd Description-md5: ce28bf6e9a8af337682a9790b0a9a9f2 Description-sl: Vmesniki za nadziranje omrežnih vmesnikov iz sidrišča Shows a graph of incoming/outgoing traffic, activity indicators for rx/tx and current/maximum rate for rx/tx in bytes or packets. . Tailored for use with WindowMaker, it will as well work with any other window manager though. Package: wmnet Description-md5: 4e9e8897c81b8c2d8970de2590826be1 Description-sl: nadzornik omrežja za WindowMaker This little program polls network statistics and does a few things with the data it gets. The speedometer keeps track of the current speed per second and shows it in a color corresponding to which of rx or tx that has the highest speed at the moment. Package: wmtime Description-md5: ea011df103b7ef541155de12df3ca651 Description-sl: Window Maker dockapp that displays the time and date WMTime displays the time and date and gives you some nice additional features too. It is intended for docking in Window Maker. . Trenutno vsebuje: . * the time and date; * a realtime morphing interface (analog <> digital mode); * auto-scaled and anti-aliased hands; * localization: displaying the day and date in various languages; * three user-defined commands to launch. Package: wmusic Description-md5: ba9ca2edd491281b90535b68d0eed6ec Description-sl: remote-control DockApp for MPRIS-compatible media players Zmožnosti vključujejo: . - VCR-style controls including fast rewind and fast forward - Time and playlist position display - Supa stylee rotating arrow. Package: wmxmms2 Description-md5: ee3ccba676ed18e092463779ac776ddd Description-sl: program sidrišča za oddaljen nadzor XMMS2 wmxmms2 is a dockapp for WindowMaker and other window managers that support dockable applets. It acts as a remote control for the XMMS2 media player. Package: wordgrinder-doc Description-md5: d3a381809dbb182b788c530756eaf614 Description-sl: simple word processor for writing first drafts (documentation) WordGrinder is a simple, Unicode-aware word processor. It supports basic paragraph styles, character styles, just enough screen markup to be useful, and is driven via an easy to use menu interface. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: wordplay Description-md5: c4bbb6c277a7bb769e1717196d719397 Description-sl: ustvarjalnik anagramov Wordplay generates anagrams of words. For example, "Debian" = "Bendai" (with an Italian Dictionary) or "Debani" (with an Catalan Dictionary). . Does not support UTF-8, empty spaces, accents and non-Latin characters. Package: wordpress Description-md5: 3558d680fa97c6a3f32c5c5e9f4a182a Description-sl: upravljalnik spletnih blogov WordPress is a full featured web blogging tool: * Instant publishing (no rebuilding) * Comment pingback support with spam protection * Non-crufty URLs * Themable * Plugin support Package: wordpress-shibboleth Description-md5: 3fa0375bc92730a73ad684b68f0d327b Description-sl: Vstavek Shibboleth za WordPress This plugin is designed to support integrating your WordPress blog into your existing identity management infrastructure using a Shibboleth Service Provider. . WordPress can be configured so that all standard login requests will be sent to your configured Shibboleth Identity Provider or Discovery Service. Upon successful authentication, a new WordPress account will be automatically provisioned for the user if one does not already exist. User attributes (username, first name, last name, display name, nickname, and email address) can be synchronized with your enterprise's system of record each time the user logs into WordPress. . Finally, the user's role within WordPress can be automatically set (and continually updated) based on any attribute Shibboleth provides. For example, you may decide to give users with an eduPersonAffiliation value of faculty the WordPress role of editor, while the eduPersonAffiliation value of student maps to the WordPress role contributor. Or you may choose to limit access to WordPress altogether using a special eduPersonEntitlement value. Package: wordpress-xrds-simple Description-md5: 5e8bad0e23b66f65bc7137dbb7915dfc Description-sl: Vstavek XRDS-Simple za WordPress XRDS-Simple is a profile of XRDS, a service discovery protocol which used in the OpenID authentication specification as well as OAuth. This plugin provides a generic framework to allow other plugins to contribute their own service endpoints to be included in the XRDS service document for the domain. Package: worker-data Description-md5: 42f9ae264571f4d67b2199a7d7fda0fd Description-sl: podatkovne datoteke za worker This package contains architecture independent data files for the worker file manager. Package: workrave Description-md5: 112395980743e876b4863e5a1d2a2b92 Description-sl: Orodje za preprečitev poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se gibov Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. Package: workrave-ayatana Description-md5: e000d2a3c03d9e921e76b74067d179ac Description-sl: Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (Ayatana Indicator) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package includes a Workrave Ayatana Indicator for desktop environments that are capable of displaying them. Package: workrave-cinnamon Description-md5: d0c1b8a8b0d727a37c892849a4d8486c Description-sl: Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (Cinnamon integration) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package includes a Workrave extension for Cinnamon. Package: workrave-data Description-md5: 3b917b9e04b83cad4023780fb267402d Description-sl: Orodje za preprečitev poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se gibov (podatkovne datoteke) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package contains the required data files common to all architectures. Package: workrave-gnome Description-md5: 251d762962f09f3f55d421e3a45b511f Description-sl: Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (GNOME integration) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package includes a Workrave GNOME Shell extension. Package: workrave-gnome-flashback Description-md5: 8764cef17ce275c9316f9090925f66ea Description-sl: Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (GNOME panel applet) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package includes a Workrave applet for GNOME Flashback. Package: workrave-mate Description-md5: 151f0dab27c6f537653ea47f62f16ec1 Description-sl: Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (MATE panel applet) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package includes a Workrave applet for the MATE panel. Package: workrave-xfce4 Description-md5: ec34636c53c761616c33564374789ed5 Description-sl: Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (Xfce4 panel plugin) Workrave je program, ki pomaga pri obnovi in preprečitvi poškodb zaradi ponavljajočih se obremenitev. Ta program vas pogosto opozori naj si vzamete mikro premore, premore za počitek in vas omeji na vašo dnevno omejitev. . Vključuje aplet sistemske vrstice, ki deluje z GNOME in KDE in ima zmožnosti omrežja za nadzor vaše dejavnosti, tudi če je preklapljanje med različnimi računalniki del vaše rutine. . Workrave ponuja veliko več nastavitvenih možnosti kot druga podobna orodja. . This package includes a Workrave plugin for the Xfce4 panel. Package: wpagui Description-md5: ff6f6b78c6e933f8b6abafcd0fce9276 Description-sl: grafični vmesnik za wpa_supplicant wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks. Package: wpd2odt Description-md5: ac53f87f83096c24b76159dce15ad1cd Description-sl: Pretvornik dokumentov iz WordPerfect v OpenDocument Ta paket vsebuje pripomoček za pretvarjanje datotek WordPerfect v besedilne dokumente OpenDocument. Package: Description-md5: 079236d1cd161860774967e9a6ee5394 Description-sl: nastavitveno orodje programskega ovijalnika za GNUstep To omogoča enostaven način za ustvarjanje ovijalnikov programov GNUstep za programe ne-GNUstep. Najbolj uporaben je skupaj z okoljem GWorkspace. Package: writer2latex-manual Description-md5: 0d547334a0e57eeafe65cb19a86c37b9 Description-sl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- manual Writer2LaTeX is a java utility to convert documents – in particular documents containing formulas – into other formats. It is actually a collection of four converters, i.e.: 1) Writer2LaTeX converts documents into LaTeX 2e format for high quality typesetting. 2) Writer2BibTeX extracts bibliographic data from a document and stores it in BibTeX format (works together with Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converts documents into XHTML 1.0 or XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 with CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml is a companion to Writer2xhtml that converts Calc documents to XHTML 1.0 with CSS2 to display your spreadsheets on the web. . Ta paket vsebuje vodnik. Package: wsjtx-data Description-md5: 48f34c9b3a7e0a09ad2c8cd687553d85 Description-sl: Weak-signal amateur radio communications (data files) WSJT-X implements amateur radio communication protocols or "modes" called FT4, FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon. These modes were all designed for making reliable, confirmed QSOs under extreme weak-signal conditions. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: wv Description-md5: ac3b8e93e79aa7cf0a031ee32b6f2e35 Description-sl: Programi za dostop do dokumentov Microsoft Word wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.) . Ta paket vsebuje naslednje programe: . * wvWare: Converts to HTML and LaTeX. It's used by a small army of helper scripts able to preview Word documents and convert them to various other formats, like PostScript, PDF, DVI, etc. . * wvRTF: Converts to Microsoft's Rich Text Format. . * wvSummary: Displays the summary information stream of all OLE2 files, i.e. Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Access, etc. . * wvVersion: Outputs the version of the Word format a document is stored in. . Note that conversion to DVI, PostScript, or PDF requires the 'texlive' package; PDF conversion also requires Ghostscript. Having ELinks, Links, or Lynx will greatly improve the plain text output. ImageMagick may help with the quality of images. If you wish to preview Word documents from the comfort of your mail reader, install a PostScript viewer like gv. Package: wwwconfig-common Description-md5: 7a4345fb7222122d9d33f9558342ead5 Description-sl: Samodejna nastavitev Debian spleta A package to provide common setup scripts for some packages that need apache, php and a database. Package: wx-common Description-md5: 9c1614231d7a621da2ed33561fdbc8e7 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (common support files) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides common support files not bound to any particular wxWidgets release, such as font metrics required by some ports, and miscellaneous developer aids and binary utilities. Package: wx3.2-doc Description-md5: e34113c9bc7b0e51fed2104e2c70cc24 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (documentation) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides a HTML version of the wxWidgets reference manual. Package: wx3.2-examples Description-md5: 0062f270c51b33a79052f1ed7fbbd5f2 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (examples) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package contains examples of using the wxWidgets toolkit in C++. Package: wx3.2-headers Description-md5: 0184fba378176058d996a54456f52722 Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (header files) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides the common header files required to build applications using the wxWidgets toolkit. Package: wx3.2-i18n Description-md5: 9137d8d61097c85924014cd2519d6ceb Description-sl: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (i18n support) wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides the i18n message catalogs for wxWidgets. Package: wxglade Description-md5: ad60257b587ee938068630cc522c8d57 Description-sl: Snovalnik grafičnih vmesnikov, napisan v Pythonu z wxPython wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI toolkit wxPython, that helps you create wxWidgets/wxPython user interfaces. At the moment it can generate Python, C++, Perl, Lisp and XRC (wxWidgets' XML resources) code. Package: wxmaxima Description-md5: e087de202a57faa38caffc7d9707d0b2 Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za sistem algebre Maxima wxMaxima je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za sistem računalniške algebre Maxima. Olajša uporabo programa Maxima, saj naredi večino njegovih ukazov na voljo skozi menijski sistem in z zagotavljanjem vhodnih pogovornih oken, ki zahtevajo več kot en argument. Podpira tudi svoj lasten programnik prikaza, ki matematične simbole neposredno izpiše namesto prikazovanja z znaki ASCII. . wxMaxima vključuje tudi 2D in 3D grafe, enostavne animacije, mešanje besedila in matematičnih izračunov za ustvarjanje dokumentov, izvoz vhoda in izhoda v TeX in brskalnik za priročnik Maxima vključno s kazalom ukaza in polnim iskanjem po besedilu. Package: wxpython-tools Description-md5: 892e95dfbccddc23f84f0e4a3ea67923 Description-sl: Tools from the wxPython distribution wXWidgets (prej znani kot wxWindows) je knjižnica razreda za C++, ki zagotavlja dele grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in druge pripomočke na več priljubljenih sistemih (in tudi nekaterih nepriljubljenih). . This package provides support utilities and common files for wxPython. Package: wxsqlite3-doc Description-md5: d8a9e8c2c4f64841e24e2d29da604d9a Description-sl: Dokumentacija za wxSQLite3 wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets 3.0 library. . This package contains the documentation files for wxSQLite3, which is also available at <>. Package: wyrd Description-md5: dbd2a766d1a34c6834503ae68ac51e2c Description-sl: na besedilu osnovan program koledarja Wyrd acts as an ncurses-based frontend for remind, a scheduler application featuring sophisticated date calculation, moon phases, sunrise/sunset, Hebrew calendar, alarms, multilingual messages, and proper handling of holidays. . Wyrd displays reminders on a browsable time table along with a calendar and lets the user create new timed or untimed reminders. Using the remind backend, it is possible to convert the calendar to PostScript for printing and to synchronize it with Palm handhelds. Package: x11vnc Description-md5: 67be96e1210cc3b49a06639d40a86f6b Description-sl: Strežnik VNC, ki omogoča oddaljen dostop do obstoječe seje X x11vnc vam omogoča oddaljen ogled in sporazumevanje s pravimi zasloni X (na primer prikaz ustreznega fizičnega zaslona, tipkovnice in miške) s kateremkoli pregledovalnikom VNC. Ima vgrajeno šifriranje in overitev SSL, podpora računov in gesel UNIX, raztegovanje na strani strežnika, HTTPS in VNC enih vrat, oglaševanje storitve mDNS in prenos datotek TightVNC in UltraVNC. Package: x86dis Description-md5: 1ec2434d6edee1690a9d32119aaf20e8 Description-sl: Začelje na libdisasm Libdisasm is a disassembler for Intel x86-compatible object code. It compiles as a shared and static library on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32 platforms. The core disassembly engine is contained in files with the prefix "i386", and is shared with the x86 ARCH extension of the bastard disassembler. . This package contains the x86dis command-line frontend. Package: xaos Description-md5: f83e0e40e328b62d7e02ea008135bed2 Description-sl: Realnočasovni vzajemni približevalnik fraktalov XaoS vam omogoča približanje in premikanje po fraktalu v realnem času. Prikaže lahko animirane fraktale v grafičnem ali celo v načinu običajnega besedila. . Prikaže zbirko Mandelbrot ali veliko drugih fraktalov in vam omogoča gladko približanje v fraktal. Različni načini obarvanja so zagotovljeni tako za točke v in izven izbranega niza. Poleg tega je vključeno tudi preklapljanje med vrstama fraktalov Mandelbrot in Julia. . Druge zmožnosti vključujejo način samodejnega pilota, spreminjanje palet, shranjevanje slik, obrat fraktala, filtre in vgrajen vodnik po fraktalih. Package: xarchiver Description-md5: d5a2da7b57fb9898759287dafd753b4d Description-sl: Začelje GTK+ za najbolj pogosto uporabljene vrste stiskanja Xarchiver is a lightweight desktop independent GTK+ frontend for handling 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd and ar files including the deb format and self- extracting exe files, if they were internally compressed with either 7zip, arj, lha, rar or zip. Multi-threading tools such as lbzip2, pbzip2, pigz and plzip can be used as replacements for their respective counterparts. . Xarchiver allows you to list, test and create archives, add and copy files to them, extract, delete, cut and drag files from them, edit files in them, and paste and drop files into them. Password protected 7z, arj, lrzip, rar and zip archives are supported. Package: xarclock Description-md5: 8a65dc9fb5ae7d22ab06148e26a4b932 Description-sl: obrnjen xclock If clocks had been invented in Argentina (southern hemisphere), they would run counter-clockwise. Down there a sundial runs the other way around! . The program is an extension of the standard X clock widget. New features are: Configurable direction of rotation and font support in analog mode. Package: xastir-data Description-md5: 06c3e8bdc40472ab45cd1897ed60a7bc Description-sl: X Amateur Station Tracking and Information Reporting Xastir is an APRS client for X. APRS is the Automatic Position Reporting System, a system where objects report their position (usually obtained from GPS) on the air; Xastir displays this information graphically. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: xawtv Description-md5: 1376024fc0a4685b1525a85cac4efc1a Description-sl: program za ogled televizije - program X11 XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . XawTV je program X11, ki prikazuje kanale televizije. Podpira naprave video4linux in razširitev Xvideo. Package: xawtv-plugin-qt Description-md5: 3dbbe8504702d1ac807c288f2e8011dd Description-sl: Pregledovalnik televizije - vstavnik QuickTime XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . This package provides a plugin to record QuickTime movies with xawtv and motv. Package: xawtv-plugins Description-md5: dee848d5c8762280b2be8e1dc9ebec1d Description-sl: program za ogled televizije - vstavki XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . This package provides plugins for xawtv and motv: driver interfaces for hardware access (video4linux API, etc.), plugins for reading/writing movie files and some image processing filters. Package: xawtv-tools Description-md5: 5b7bd2cddbcd9593c147fee47a7f1b36 Description-sl: program za ogled televizije - orodja XawTV is a set of software for watching and recording television channels and webcams. . This package provides some tools that may be useful with xawtv: - propwatch: monitors properties of X11 windows. Helps to keep track of xawtv's _XAWTV_STATION property; - dump-mixers: dumps mixer settings to stdout; - record: console sound recorder. It has a simple input level meter which might be useful for troubleshooting sound problems; - showriff: display the structure of RIFF files (avi, wav). Package: xbattbar Description-md5: 3362d1f69b93496a2d4c53f2af44488b Description-sl: Prikažite stanje baterije v X11 Xbattbar displays the current (laptop) battery status in the X window environment. Battery status is obtained through the APM interface. . The battery indicator of this program is very simple: a simple bar at the top/bottom of your display. With its color, it indicates the AC-line status (plugged in or off-line), and battery charging/remaining level. Also, if the mouse cursor enters the indicator window, a popup diagnosis window comes up in the center of your display showing the current AC line status and battery level. . This package supports ACPI and APM checks for battery status. Package: xblast-tnt-images Description-md5: f3ff5e9ba839d32be2a988259e65bba2 Description-sl: datoteke slik za xblast-tnt XBlast is a multi-player arcade game inspired by the video/computer game Bomberman (Dynablaster). This package contains the image files needed for the game; both for the regular version and the mini version. Package: xblast-tnt-levels Description-md5: e63fd66154d9fbd7b424fbf7c22d3218 Description-sl: Datoteke stopenj za xblast-tnt XBlast is a multi-player arcade game inspired by the video/computer game Bomberman (Dynablaster). This package contains the level files which you need when you want to host games. If you just want to join other people's games you don't need this package. Package: xblast-tnt-models Description-md5: 99b2305df68d7bc9c8df64e5e2c8749c Description-sl: Modeli predvajalnika za xblast-tnt XBlast is a multi-player arcade game inspired by the video/computer game Bomberman (Dynablaster). This package contains the player models needed for the game; both for the regular version and the mini version. Package: xblast-tnt-musics Description-md5: 54bee2bfc9a57972278a2c81bc1cea5f Description-sl: Datoteke glasbe za xblast-tnt XBlast is a multi-player arcade game inspired by the video/computer game Bomberman (Dynablaster). This package contains the music files. You only need them if you want to listen to background musics during the game. Package: xblast-tnt-sounds Description-md5: d8f8c101a0c4c95d0941345d3ed83faf Description-sl: Zvočne datoteke za xblast-tnt XBlast is a multi-player arcade game inspired by the video/computer game Bomberman (Dynablaster). This package contains the sound files. You only need them if you want to listen to sound effects during the game. Package: xboard Description-md5: 21c31c49b973c741ce593433a81e4671 Description-sl: Šahovnica okenskega sistema X XBoard je grafična šahovnica, ki lahko služi kot uporabniški vmesnik za šahovske programe za internetni šahovski strežnik ali za šah korespondence preko pošte. Podpira vse glavne oblike šaha kot je mednarodni šah, xiangqi in shogi. XBoard lahko uporabite kot pregledovalnik za shranjene igre šaha. . XBoard privzeto uporablja pisavo Helvetica (v paketih xfonts-75dpi in xfonts-100dpi). Vendar lahko navedete druge pisave preko možnosti ukazne vrstice ali vira X. Package: xbs Description-md5: 2830012a45c290ad454cc0a98a39680c Description-sl: 3-d modeli in filmi molekul xbs ball-and-sticks plotting program can create still and moving three dimensional models of molecules. X11 and PostScript output are available. Models can be rotated, scaled, etc. Various labeling, shading, lighting, coloring options are available. Package: xbubble Description-md5: 20a067a91846d8c29fb5772db71f329e Description-sl: A nice Puzzle Bubble clone Xbubble je klon Puzzle Bulle /Bust-A-Move . Your goal is to remove all the bubbles from the game board. To do this you must aim and shoot bubbles. When you manage to match 3 or more bubbles of the same color, they burst and disappear. All bubbles which hang free now, will fall down and disappear, too. . XBubble features single player mode, two player mode and player vs. computer (five difficulty levels of the AI) and has nice graphics, but no sound. Package: xbubble-data Description-md5: bf49703251f7578eef6f28a4452cb80d Description-sl: Data files for XBubble, a nice Puzzle Bubble clone Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za XBubble. . Xbubble je klon Puzzle Bulle /Bust-A-Move . Your goal is to remove all the bubbles from the game board. To do this you must aim and shoot bubbles. When you manage to match 3 or more bubbles of the same color, they burst and disappear. All bubbles which hang free now, will fall down and disappear, too. . XBubble features single player mode, two player mode and player vs. computer (five difficulty levels of the AI) and has nice graphics, but no sound. Package: xcfa Description-md5: 5ca2efaa3ab26dbfe52d5fbb50955e97 Description-sl: X pretvornik zvočnih datotek XCFA is a tool to extract the contens of Audio-CDs and convert musical audio files conversion to FLAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, MPC, MP3, WavPack and many other formats. . Nekatere od zmožnosti so: * upravljanje frekvence, skladbe in bitov. * upravljanje datotek souporabljenega nosilca pred snemanjem. * spletno pridobivanje podatkov o zvočnih CD-jih med obravnavo. * ustvarjanje majhnih ovitkov za zvočne CD-je. Package: xchm Description-md5: 253034264cb4a95514606bef7f623291 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik datotek kodno prevedene pomoči HTML (CHM) za X xCHM je pregledovalnik za datoteke kodno prevedene pomoči HTML (CHM). Pokaže lahko drevo vsebine če je na voljo, izpiše trenutno stran in si ogleda zgodovino. Omogoča spremembo pisav in iskanje besedila na vseh straneh datoteke ali v naslovih strani. . xCHM ne podpira JavaScript v knjigah. Package: xclip Description-md5: 7de32c567d0e0ae3e774a47b7dbea945 Description-sl: vmesnik ukazne vrstice do izbir X xclip is a command line utility that is designed to run on any system with an X11 implementation. It provides an interface to X selections ("the clipboard") from the command line. It can read data from standard in or a file and place it in an X selection for pasting into other X applications. xclip can also print an X selection to standard out, which can then be redirected to a file or another program. Package: xcolmix Description-md5: 87406f24aa84bb69f17081484723bb63 Description-sl: mešalnik barv RGB xcolmix enables you to mix your own colours in order to determine three values (the R/G/B code, or red-green-blue mix) of a colour. You can use those colours to, e.g., define the foreground or background of X applications which support it. Furthermore, xcolmix lets you retrieve RGB values from the X system's database of `predefined' colours. Package: xcompmgr Description-md5: 440e89397bbfb8d694f7eb100b8100e1 Description-sl: Upravljalnik sestavljanja X xcompmgr is the standard composition manager for the X Composite extension, which allows clients to modify what is drawn to the screen before it happens. This composition manager implements shadows, fading, proper translucency, and more. Package: xcrysden-data Description-md5: ef69b0594205b68bd88f3ee4c6ee3dfd Description-sl: Crystalline and Molecular Structure Visualizer (Data Files) XCrySDen is a crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program, which aims at display of isosurfaces and contours, which can be superimposed on crystalline structures and interactively rotated and manipulated. It can run on most UNIX platforms, without any special hardware requirements. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: xd Description-md5: e59aa1a12830a931ce84823431f6a4d7 Description-sl: pameten pripomoček za spremembo slovarja The program xd is a program smart directory changer. It allows you to change to a directory specifying only its initial characters or a subset of the initial characters allowing commands like 'xd ulb' to do a 'chdir /usr/local/bin'. . xd can be used in combination with the standard tab-filename completion as offered by most shells. But as xd is very easy to use, one is quickly addicted to xd when changing to directories that are not close to the current working directory. Small changes required thereafter are in practice always performed using the facilities offered by the command shell. . When multiple expansions are available xd offers a list of alternatives from which the user may select an option by simply pressing an associated key. Directories that are never selected by the user may be ignored using directives in xd's configuration file. Package: xdaliclock Description-md5: bc018b21eab68ea19582b733da99bac4 Description-sl: Taleča se digitalna ura The xdaliclock program displays a digital clock; when a digit changes, it "melts" into its new shape. . It can display in 12 or 24 hour modes, and displays the date when a mouse button is held down. It has two large fonts built into it, but it can animate most other fonts that contain all of the digits. It can also do some funky psychedelic colormap cycling, and can use the "shape" extension so that the window is shaped like the digits. Package: xdemineur Description-md5: 9847ff3d2e16ee40e16367be4ac0a4ba Description-sl: Še en minolovec za X The object of this game is to find the location of the mines hidden in the minefield and to mark their location by placing a warning flag. . There are many minesweeper clones. This one is the most similar to the Windows one in terms of look and feel. Package: xdiagnose Description-md5: ceca96828e411b7ecc73f81dd97854fb Description-sl: Orodja za diagnozo This package is a friendly GUI application for diagnosing several common problems on Ubuntu. Package: xdm Description-md5: 694e41e6a6a3354a405a31d15199acb2 Description-sl: Upravljalnik zaslona X xdm manages a collection of X servers, which may be on the local host or remote machines. It provides services similar to those provided by init, getty, and login on character-based terminals: prompting for login name and password, authenticating the user, and running a session. xdm supports XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol) and can also be used to run a chooser process which presents the user with a menu of possible hosts that offer XDMCP display management. Package: xdu Description-md5: f82dafda3dbb599b451df312e2cd0ec7 Description-sl: prikaži izhod "du" v X oknu XDU is a program for displaying a graphical tree of disk space utilization as reported by the UNIX utility "du". You can navigate up and down in the tree, sort things, and print out information. Package: xen-tools Description-md5: bd7c335a144a8a0622a7ecf3cd7fd351 Description-sl: Orodja za upravljanje navideznih strežnikov Xen Ta paket vsebuje orodja za upravljanje na Debian osnovanih navideznih strežnikov Xen. . Using the scripts you can easily create fully configured Xen guest domains (DomU) which can be listed, updated, or copied easily. . xen-tools lahko trenutno namesti: . * Debian 3.1 Sarge (i386 only) * Debian 4.0 Etch * Debian 5.0 Lenny * Debian 6.0 Squeeze * Debian 7 Wheezy * Debian 8 Jessie * Debian 9 Stretch * Debian 10 Buster * Debian 11 Bullseye * Debian 12 Bookworm (under development) * Debian 13 Trixie (knows about this future release name) * Debian 14 Forky (knows about this future release name) * Debian Sid (Unstable) * Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (LTS) * Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft * Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn * Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon * Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron (LTS) * Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex * Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackaplope * Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala * Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx (LTS) * Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat * Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal * Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot * Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin (LTS) * Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal * Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail * Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander * Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) * Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn * Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet * Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf * Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus (LTS) * Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak * Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus * Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark * Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (LTS) * Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish * Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo * Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine * Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa (LTS) * Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla * Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute Hippo * Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri * Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (LTS) * Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Kudu * Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster (preliminary support, under development) * CentOS 5 * CentOS 6 . Note: Debian 7 Wheezy, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin and any older release requires the Linux kernel of the hosting machine to be booted with "vsyscall=emulate" on the kernel commandline (i.e. in the bootloader) to bootstrap these releases with xen-tools. See /usr/share/doc/xen- tools/README.Debian for details. Package: xeus-python-dev Description-md5: 78e9dca34992623237cf4cf68bb2a80e Description-sl: Native jupyter kernel for python (headers) xeus-python uses the xeus library to provide a high-performance, native kernel for running python code in the jupyter notebook, or other frontends using the jupyter messaging protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: xevil Description-md5: 1ebc2fdb4de0baed20e0e5d852592e17 Description-sl: Nasilna stransko drseča igra za X XEvil is a 3rd person, side-view, fast-action, kill-them-before-they-kill- you game. Fight against either computer-controlled enemies, or another player. . You sinned in life. And now you must pay. Satan pits the recently deceased against each other to fight for rank in Hell. Your skill determines your fate for all eternity. This contest is known as XEvil. Package: xfburn Description-md5: ce8a24ab8509037449da10bb5e6bbaed Description-sl: Program zapisovalnika CD-jev za namizno okolje Xfce Xfburn je orodje za zapisovanje CD-jev in DVD-jev. Dobro se prilega v namizno okolje Xfce, vendar ga je mogoče uporabiti kjerkoli. Package: xfce4 Description-md5: c59e6128ce63c4ddc8c403ac8284c19d Description-sl: Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for unix-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and lightweight, while still being visually appealing and easy to use. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources. . This package is a metapackage; it depends on the core packages of the Xfce4 desktop environment and recommends some extra Xfce4 packages. If you intend to use Xfce4 and want the full experience then installing this package and the packages it Recommends is a great place to start. . V primeru da želite sami izbrati osnovne sestavne dele lahko ta paket odstranite. Package: xfce4-clipman Description-md5: 72e54b8bb6e40ccc1fa3a23321413d8f Description-sl: pripomoček zgodovine tipkovnice Clipman enables you to store and recall X selections, as well as GTK+ clipboard content. You can also define actions to be triggered by selecting some text pattern. . This package uses Xfce libraries but can be used without the Xfce panel and only requires a system tray (notification area). Package: xfce4-clipman-plugin Description-md5: 08e5266eb8ff5f998c3f476dfe233604 Description-sl: Vstavek zgodovine odložišča za pult Xfce Clipman enables you to store and recall X selections, as well as GTK+ clipboard content. You can also define actions to be triggered by selecting some text pattern. . This package contains the Xfce panel plugin. Package: xfce4-dict Description-md5: 17bf4a94145440c63210a04791fc8427 Description-sl: Vstavek slovarjev za pult Xfce4 This program allows you to search different kinds of dictionary services for words or phrases and shows you the result. Currently you can query a Dict server (RFC 2229), any online dictionary service by opening a web browser or search for words using the aspell/ispell program. . xfce4-dict contains a stand-alone application called “xfce4-dict” and a panel plugin for the Xfce panel. Package: xfce4-genmon-plugin Description-md5: ed098127eeb0d2f20d3f06422fead375 Description-sl: Splošni nadzornik za pult Xfce4 This plugin repeatedly spawns the indicated script/program, displaying its output as a string in the panel. It is useful for periodic status monitoring. Package: xfce4-goodies Description-md5: e84f219dfbafd7faad955f780b262891 Description-sl: izboljšave za namizno okolje Xfce4 The "Goodies for Xfce" project includes additional software and artwork that are related to the Xfce desktop, but not part of the official release. . This package will install the following Xfce4 related plugins: * Extra artwork (xfce4-artwork) * Battery levels monitor (xfce4-battery-plugin) * Clipboard history (xfce4-clipman-plugin) * CPU frequency management plugin (xfce4-cpufreq-plugin) * CPU utilisation graphs (xfce4-cpugraph-plugin) * Date and time plugin (xfce4-datetime-plugin) * Disk performance display (xfce4-diskperf-plugin) * Filesystem monitor (xfce4-fsguard-plugin) * Generic monitor, for displaying any command result (xfce4-genmon-plugin) * Mail watcher (xfce4-mailwatch-plugin) * Network load monitor (xfce4-netload-plugin) * Notes plugin (xfce4-notes-plugin) * Quick access to bookmarked folders, recent documents and removable media (xfce4-places-plugin) * Sensors plugin, frontend to lm-sensors (xfce4-sensors-plugin) * Smartbookmarks plugin (xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin) * System load monitor (xfce4-systemload-plugin) * Timer plugin (xfce4-timer-plugin) * Command line with history (xfce4-verve-plugin) * Wireless lan monitor (xfce4-wavelan-plugin) * Weather monitor (xfce4-weather-plugin) * Keyboard configuration (xfce4-xkb-plugin) * Archive management for Thunar (thunar-archive-plugin) * Media tags editor for Thunar (thunar-media-tags-plugin) * Alternate menu plugin (xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin) . It'll install some standalone applications too: * Tiny text editor (mousepad) * Images viewer (ristretto) * CD/DVD burner (xfburn) * Frontend to dictionaries (xfce4-dict) * Notification daemon (xfce4-notifyd) * Tool to take screenshots (xfce4-screenshooter) * Task manager (xfce4-taskmanager) * Terminal emulator (xfce4-terminal) . Some packages are only suggested because they bring too much dependencies, but you may find them interesting: * Cellular modem plugin (xfce4-cellmodem-plugin) * Indicator (conform to the Ubuntu MessagingMenu specification) plugin (xfce4-indicator-plugin) * Another commandline plugin (xfce4-minicmd-plugin) * Frontends to MPD (xfce4-mpc-plugin, xfmpc) * Radio plugin (xfce4-radio-plugin)) * GIO/GVfs frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems (gigolo) * Media player (parole) * Power Manager (xfce4-power-manager) . This is a metapackage to ease upgrades, installations, and provide a consistent upgrade path from previous versions. It can safely be removed with no ill effects. Package: xfce4-mount-plugin Description-md5: cd15eb8eafbe848d9c15d366f59be1c1 Description-sl: vstavek priklapljanja za pult Xfce4 Ta vstavek za Xfce prikaže seznam razpoložljivih naprav in vam ponuja možnost njihovega priklopa/odklopa. Package: xfce4-notes Description-md5: 1245a3c1d72c1ae1d4e42ea637de0160 Description-sl: Program sporočilc za namizje Xfce4 Orodje sporočilc zagotavlja enostaven urejevalnik besedila v majhnem oknu za namizje Xfce 4. Sporočilca so še posebno uporabna za začasne stvari. . S pomočjo beležk podpira več sporočilc. Za odprtje novega sporočilca kliknite na gumb v zgornjem levem kotu. Package: xfce4-notes-plugin Description-md5: 8adc07b34168f174ac10d58cb6b7a12c Description-sl: Vstavek obvestil za namizje Xfce4 Orodje sporočilc zagotavlja enostaven urejevalnik besedila v majhnem oknu za namizje Xfce 4. Sporočilca so še posebno uporabna za začasne stvari. . S pomočjo beležk podpira več sporočilc. Za odprtje novega sporočilca kliknite na gumb v zgornjem levem kotu. . This package contains the xfce4-panel plugin. Package: xfce4-notifyd Description-md5: 9b79b0e608011a9fec3e8be96fcc3c88 Description-sl: enostaven, privlačen ozadnji program obvestil za Xfce Xfce4-notifyd je enostaven in privlačen ozadnji program obvestil za Xfce, ki podpira določilo namiznih obvestil . Zmožnosti: * Podpora tem z mehanizmom tem GTK+ * Privlačen: zaobljeni robovi, oblikovana okna * Podpira prozornost in učinke pojemanja Package: xfce4-panel Description-md5: 9b9a4e59c64e5736d25051813bfbaf43 Description-sl: pult za namizno okolje Xfce4 To je pult, ki ga zagotavlja namizni projekt Xfce4. Če želite pult z več zmožnosti, ki lahko celo upravlja z vstavki, je morda vredno preizkusiti xfce4-panel. Package: xfce4-power-manager Description-md5: d787e0c690737d22134cb5f3fa1e5b3b Description-sl: Upravljalnik porabe za namizje Xfce Ta upravljalnik datotek za namizje Xfce uporabnikom prenosnikom omogoča nastavitev profila porabe za dva različna načina "na bateriji" in "na električnem omrežju" in hkrati uporabnikom namizja še vedno omogoča spremembo nastavitev DPMS in frekvence CPE s pogovornim oknom nastavitev. . Vsebuje: * nadzorovanje baterije * nastavitve frekvence cpe * nadzor nastavitev DPMS * pripravljenost/mirovanje * nadzor svetlosti LCD * nadzor pokrova, pripravljenosti in stikal izklopa Package: xfce4-power-manager-data Description-md5: 5090950ae4d94b0bc610d2b9a4a291cc Description-sl: power manager for Xfce desktop, arch-indep files Ta upravljalnik datotek za namizje Xfce uporabnikom prenosnikom omogoča nastavitev profila porabe za dva različna načina "na bateriji" in "na električnem omrežju" in hkrati uporabnikom namizja še vedno omogoča spremembo nastavitev DPMS in frekvence CPE s pogovornim oknom nastavitev. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: xfce4-power-manager-plugins Description-md5: 5fe61bb265ee6d81c4e9cd8c65357717 Description-sl: power manager plugins for Xfce panel Ta upravljalnik datotek za namizje Xfce uporabnikom prenosnikom omogoča nastavitev profila porabe za dva različna načina "na bateriji" in "na električnem omrežju" in hkrati uporabnikom namizja še vedno omogoča spremembo nastavitev DPMS in frekvence CPE s pogovornim oknom nastavitev. . Ta paket vsebuje vstavek svetlosti. Package: xfce4-screenshooter Description-md5: 9791b04c86071facab563c63f97672ef Description-sl: Pripomoček zaslonskih posnetkov za Xfce Screenshooter je pripomoček za namizno okolje Xfce. Zajame lahko sliko namizja, pravokotnikov ali izbranega okna in lahko ga prikličete s tipko "Print Screen". Na voljo je tudi vstavek pulta. Package: xfce4-session Description-md5: b3396e8338ba6ce2ade29815969a2fd4 Description-sl: Upravljalnik seje Xfce4 xfce4-session je z X11 združljiv "upravljalnik seje", ki je zasnovan za uporabo z namiznim okoljem Xfce4. Ob odjavi upravljalnik datotek shrani stanje vseh vaših izvajajočih se programov. Ko se prijavite nazaj, upravljalnik seje obnovi iste programe z istimi položaji oken. Package: xfce4-settings Description-md5: 460b529843c7cefa369f74751d6a3678 Description-sl: grafični program za upravljanje nastavitev Xfce xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca. Package: xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin Description-md5: 12ba43397c87e5b7df69eab4bf40fd6c Description-sl: Iščite splet preko pulta Xfce4 This plugin adds a text field to the Xfce panel, allowing the user to search the web. The URL and the text field size are configurable options. . Typical use cases are: Google, Wikipedia, the Debian Bug Tracking System . xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin is based on the smart bookmark concept: Package: xfce4-taskmanager Description-md5: a0eac28273bef4d0107008a2cf9f5500 Description-sl: upravljalnik opravil za namizno okolje Xfce4 A GUI application for monitoring and controlling running processes, written for Xfce. Its features include: . * support for Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and OpenSolaris * monitors the CPU and memory usage * tree view columns can be reordered * display window icons/names. Package: xfce4-terminal Description-md5: c7f15da1a21224fc1e0dc4f645f7834f Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala Xfce Ta paket vsebuje Terminal, lahek posnemovalnik terminala za X11, ki je enostaven za uporabo. Ustvarjen je bil, da bi se lepo prilegal v namizno okolje Xfce, vendar se lepo prilega tudi v druga okolja. Package: xfce4-timer-plugin Description-md5: 01be0b0a5ca1280c7c37d9bc37c1adf8 Description-sl: vstavek časovnika za pult Xfce With this plugin you can add timers (alarm or countdown) to your Xfce panel. You can display a warning window and/or run a custom command when alarm rings, repeat alarms etc. The timer progress is shown as a progress bar in the Xfce panel, lasting time displayed on tooltip. Package: xfce4-verve-plugin Description-md5: 62480e41c5ea3b5e9595576f30e67510 Description-sl: Vstavek verve (ukazna vrstice) za pult Xfce Verve plugin is a command line plugin for Xfce panel, with autocompletion and command history Package: xfdesktop4 Description-md5: 8948a63eaa64b42cc49408214ed70ffb Description-sl: Xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager xfdesktop4 nastavi sliko ozadja, zagotavlja meni desnega klika za zagon programov in lahko izbirno prikaže datoteke (vključno z zaganjalniki programov) ali ikonizirana okna. Vključuje podporo prelivov za barvo ozadja, podpor nasičenja za sliko ozadja ter pravo podporo več zaslonov in xinerema. Package: xfdesktop4-data Description-md5: 4e4b4befa3ce2d0468695d53bec7ea95 Description-sl: Xfce desktop background, icons and root menu (common files) xfdesktop4 nastavi sliko ozadja, zagotavlja meni desnega klika za zagon programov in lahko izbirno prikaže datoteke (vključno z zaganjalniki programov) ali ikonizirana okna. Vključuje podporo prelivov za barvo ozadja, podpor nasičenja za sliko ozadja ter pravo podporo več zaslonov in xinerema. . This package contains architecture-independent files for xfdesktop4. Package: xfe Description-md5: bf3f5ac653d56c55048787a65c6c0803 Description-sl: lahkoten upravljalnik datotek za X11 Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++ Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast and simple. . The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes, auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more. . Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack). Package: xfe-i18n Description-md5: 99173d258e1c26040fd651f438ebe63d Description-sl: lahkoten upravljalnik datotek za X11 (podpora i18n) Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++ Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast and simple. . This package provides support many locales for non-English interfaces. Package: xfe-themes Description-md5: 1ab16a7d7bb42e3706bd37dc78a69075 Description-sl: lahkoten upravljalnik datotek za X11 (teme) Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++ Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast and simple. . This package contains all icon themes for xfe and its utils. Package: xfig Description-md5: 51e9309ad8bba8c3856a664fdf9d56fe Description-sl: Pripomoček za vzajemno ustvarjanje slik pod X11 XFig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window. The resulting pictures can be saved. If the fig2dev program is installed, which is contained in the fig2dev package, the pictures can be printed on postscript printers or converted to a variety of other formats (e.g. to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents or web pages). . Ta paket vsebuje program xfig. . You should think about installing the fig2dev package to export the graphics to several common formats. You should also think about installing xfig-doc, which contains the documentation and xfig-libs, which contains several clip art libraries. Package: xfonts-100dpi Description-md5: 5a8fef8eee1e827a5af1083889b303ad Description-sl: pisave 100 dpi za X xfonts-100dpi provides a set of bitmapped fonts at 100 dots per inch. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package contains only fonts in the ISO 10646-1 and ISO 8859-1 encodings, to conserve disk space. For other encodings, see the xfonts-100dpi-transcoded package. . This package and xfonts-75dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-100dpi may be more suitable for large monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). . This package requires the xfonts-utils package to prepare the font directories for use by an X server or X font server. Package: xfonts-75dpi Description-md5: fc0748166f83e8007508ef1c2c13c9b2 Description-sl: pisave 75 dpi za X xfonts-75dpi provides a set of bitmapped fonts at 75 dots per inch. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package contains only fonts in the ISO 10646-1 and ISO 8859-1 encodings, to conserve disk space. For other encodings, see the xfonts-75dpi-transcoded package. . This package and xfonts-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-75dpi may be more suitable for small monitors and/or small screen resolutions (under 1024x768). . This package requires the xfonts-utils package to prepare the font directories for use by an X server or X font server. Package: xfonts-cyrillic Description-md5: d37dd863bfba1ceffa3c5dca3731254f Description-sl: Pisave cirilice za X xfonts-cyrillic provides a set of fonts using the Cyrillic alphabet for X servers. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. Package: xfonts-kapl Description-md5: a34f9cd9b8d131f0d58526db8de8c0fb Description-sl: Pisave APL za razvoj A+ The A+ programming language development environment requires these APL fonts to properly display A+ code in an XTerm, XEmacs or a web browser. They are not required to run an A+ program. Package: xfonts-marumoji Description-md5: e9ee9d58597dfade2302a9663f337037 Description-sl: Okrogle pisave (pisave marumoji) za X Japanese and ASCII roundish fonts (marumoji in Japanese) for X servers. It provides: maru14: JIS X0208.1983 Roundish Characters (14 dots) maru16: JIS X0208.1983 Roundish Characters (16 dots) 7x14rkmr: JIS X0201.1976 Roman Roundish Characters (14 dots) 7x14maru: ISO8859-1 Roundish Characters (14 dots) Package: xfonts-nexus Description-md5: 61a5a6c816f8f78993bf48a1fb1e568c Description-sl: Pisava Nexus za X A sans-serif, fixed width font with iso8859 encoding. Only available as 10 point with medium weight. Package: xfonts-terminus-oblique Description-md5: 3aef6342ff951604c27f93276218ce83 Description-sl: Poševna različica pisave Terminus This package contains oblique versions of the fonts in the package xfonts- terminus. These fonts are automatically generated and at present are not supported by the upstream maintainer. They have much lower quality than the original fonts. Nevertheless they can be useful for some programs such as GNU Emacs and XEmacs. . This package contains normal and bold oblique fonts in the following in following sizes: 6x12, 8x14, 8x16, 10x20, 11x22, 12x24, 14x28 and 16x32 and supports the following encodings: ISO10646-1, ISO8859-1, ISO8859-2, ISO8859-5, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-15, ISO8859-16, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, CP1251 and PT154. Package: xfonts-thai-etl Description-md5: 1d5c5b7a0405ab31ae4b386ba55b9948 Description-sl: Pisave etl za X This package provides 3 Thai TIS-620 monospace (with full-width combining characters) bitmap fonts for X developed by ETL. . Emacs/Mule needs these fonts to display Thai. Only normal weight is provided, though. Package: xfwm4 Description-md5: 5e21d788349ef4b83df2c616d884f233 Description-sl: upravljalnik oken projekta Xfce Ta paket vsebuje xfwm4, okenski upravljalnik za Xfce4. Zasnovan je za izvajanje s preostankom Xfce4, vendar je tudi zmogljiv upravljalnik oken za GNOME ali KDE. . xfmw4 namestite, če želite majhen, z viri varčen upravljalnik oken, ki upošteva standarde, definirane na Brez nameščenega xfce4 boste dobili le okenski upravljalnik, ne polnega okolja. Package: xgalaga Description-md5: da2b724ec8d6a721e509b312984b3e15 Description-sl: Različica X znane igre Galaga Klon klasične igre Galaga za okenski sistem X. Xgalaga je igra napada v vesolje z dodatnimi zmožnostmi za bolj zanimivo igro. Package: xgammon Description-md5: a566c5f262ff57a9cf233fafbec88d9e Description-sl: Izvedba igre backgammon pod X This a nicely implemented backgammon with the following features: - X11/Xaw interface, - a simple file selector and saving dialog, - You can edit positions and perform rollouts. - Position dump to a mail file in the format used in backgammon newsgroups. - Easier movement of stones, by simple button clicks. - You can play against an opponent on a remote X-Terminal. (experimental). Package: xgridfit-doc Description-md5: 2b040c2d78299870f2569aa6a71ecb5e Description-sl: Dokumentacija za xgridfit Xgridfit is a simple program that implements an XML-based language for gridfitting, or "hinting," TrueType fonts. . This package contains document for xgridfit. Package: xindy-rules Description-md5: ba0c9e17245c497cbdd5a403a8918373 Description-sl: datoteke pravil za xindy xindy is an index processor that can be used to generate book-like indexes for arbitrary document-preparation systems. . This package contains the rule files (the knowledge base) of xindy. Package: xine-ui Description-md5: a5d79feb29d216d20d79302f7af87ddf Description-sl: xine video player, graphical user interface To je na X11 osnovan grafični uporabniški vmesnik za knjižnico predvajalnika videa libxine. Zagotavlja xine, na preoblekah osnovan predvajalnik predstavnosti, ki lahko predvaja vse vrste videa/zvoka, ki jih podpira libxine. Trenutno to vključuje MPEG1/2, nekatere datoteke AVI in Quicktime, nekatere načine pretakanja preko omrežja in na diskih osnovane medije (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Bolj popoln seznam možnosti lahko najdete na . Večina DVD-jev, ki je danes na trgu, vsebuje zaščito CSS. Xine zaradi pravne negotovosti ne zagotavlja kode za njihovo predvajanje. Za več podrobnosti si oglejte /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian! Package: xinv3d Description-md5: 1285ef797f92268cf3d5b5f395c6b75a Description-sl: 3D vesoljski vsiljivci za X XInvaders 3D is a 3D vector-based space-invaders clone for the X Window System. Package: xiphos Description-md5: 4b1e270c69f208b937f6a7e6268fa0c7 Description-sl: Okolje za branje, preučevanje in raziskovanje Biblije Xiphos je progam za preučevanje Biblije za namizno okolje GNOME, ki je osnovan na projektu SWORD, ogrodju za razvoj orodij za preučevanje Biblije in povezanih besedil kot so opombe in slovarji, ki ga je ustvaril CrossWire Bible Society. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program Xiphos, bralnik digitalnih besedil z zaznamki in polnim besedilnim iskanjem. Omogoča ogled več različic istega besedila za vzporedno branje nadomestkov ali prevodov. Podpira tudi osebne za verz določene opombe in beležnico preučevanja bogatega besedila, ki imata preverjanje črkovanja in polno besedilno iskanje. . Xiphos ima vgrajen pripomoček za brskanje in namestitev prosto distribuirane vsebine s skladišč CrossWire. Package: xiphos-data Description-md5: 4e8c607f6de758c9e250e8f3782f0f0f Description-sl: data files for Xiphos Bible study software Xiphos je progam za preučevanje Biblije za namizno okolje GNOME, ki je osnovan na projektu SWORD, ogrodju za razvoj orodij za preučevanje Biblije in povezanih besedil kot so opombe in slovarji, ki ga je ustvaril CrossWire Bible Society. . This package contains the data files that are necessary to use Xiphos. Package: xiterm+thai Description-md5: 20dc33af6ddd117f3a71f5dca7456d47 Description-sl: Program terminala X s tajsko jezikovno podporo xiterm+thai je posnemovalnik terminala X s podporo tajskega jezika. Ima vgrajeno podporo tajskega vnosa tipkovnice. Za vnos tajskih znakov lahko uporabite tudi razširitev X11 XKB. . Za prikaz tajskih znakov je zahtevana tajska pisava TIS-620 kot tista iz xfonts-thai-nectec. Package: xkbind Description-md5: e02079e0eea75a666a77595eacef3ae9 Description-sl: Kazalnik razširitve tipkovnice X The XkbInd program (X Keyboard Extension Indicator) is a minimal indicator of keyboard layout (XKB group) for the X Window System; it indicates current keyboard layout in the title of top-level windows via prefix to the original string. It also allows to simulate independent keyboard layout for each handled window and it works with most of the window managers, including twm, mwm and fvwm. WARNING: This program assumes the standard X input focus handling, so it will not work with some GUI toolkits. Package: xletters Description-md5: a559794f7bc2d5d64a8f5d471967e783 Description-sl: Natipkajte padajoče besede preden pristanejo A typing practice game for X similar to typespeed and tuxtype. Words chosen from the system's wordlist fall from the top of the screen and must be typed correctly to score. In a challenge stage, random sequences of characters appear instead of words. Head-to-head networked play is possible with xletters-duel. Package: xlog-data Description-md5: 601967abb68bd454e72629233ea24c43 Description-sl: data for xlog, a GTK+ Logging program for Hamradio Operators xlog is a logging program for amateur radio operators which can be used for daily logging and contest. Logs are stored into a text file. . QSO's are presented in a list. Items in the list can be added, deleted or updated. For each contact, dxcc information is displayed and bearings and distance is calculated, both short and long path. . When hamlib is enabled through the menu, you can retrieve frequency, mode and signal-strength from your rig over the serial port. . Ta paket vsebuje priročnik, datoteke jezikovne podpore, bitne slike in več za xlog, program beleženja za operatorje amaterskega radia. Package: xmahjongg Description-md5: 8ab41b27089f81443bdb4393d11c6f76 Description-sl: na ploščicah osnovana igra pasjanse Xmahjongg is a simple implementation of the popular solitaire Mah Jongg game. The object is to remove all 144 tiles from the playing area by matching them two at a time. Xmahjongg is the classical version with little in the way of requirements and enough aesthetical and gameplay features to provide hours and hours of fun. Package: xmaxima Description-md5: 832404665e6cce169548e4687edf6d5a Description-sl: Computer algebra system -- x interface Maxima je polno simbolni računski program. Je polno zmožen za simbolično upravljanje polinomov, matrik,racionalnih funkcij, integracije, načinov Todd-coxeter za analizo končnih skupin, izrisovanje grafov, izračune s plavajočo vejico večkratne natančnosti. Ima simbolni razhroščevalnik na nivoju kode maxima. Maxima je osnovan na programu Macsyma, ki je bil razvit na MIT v 70-ih. Je precej zanesljiv, ima dobro zbiranje pomnilnika in nima uhajanja pomnilnika. Vsebuje na stotine samo preizkusov. . Ta paket vsebuje okenski vmesnik X z uporabo knjižnic tcl/tk. Package: xmbmon Description-md5: 837b049433522bd2409ae61a1ceeb330 Description-sl: Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (X client) (x)mbmon allows you to monitor hardware status using your motherboard's sensors. This information can be: temperatures, voltages and/or fan speeds. . Ta paket vsebuje grafični odjemalec. Package: xmedcon Description-md5: b40c0fc98589850925479a578c1a440f Description-sl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool (GUI) Projekt pomeni pretvorba medicinskih slik. Izdaj je pod (L)GPL, vsebuje polno izvorno kodo C knjižnice, prilagodljiv pripomoček ukazne vrstice in lepo grafično začelje, ki uporablja zbirko orodij GTK+. Trenutno podprte vrste so: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 in PNG. . The program also allows one to read unsupported files without compression, to print pixel values or to extract/reorder specified images. It is possible to retrieve the raw binary/ascii image arrays or to write PNG for desktop applications. . This is the program version for X based on GTK+. Processes only one file at a time. Package: xmlcopyeditor Description-md5: d9849df641d50b4016fc33a623e25f26 Description-sl: hiter, prost urejevalnik XML s preverjanjem XML Copy Editor je urejevalnik XML, ki se osredotoča na urejanje označevalnih jezikov kot so DITA, DocBook, WordprocessingML. Vsebuje potrjevanje veljavnosti DTD/XML Schema/RELAX NG, XSLT, XPath, izrisovanje kode, poudarjanje skladnje, zgibanje, zaklep/dokončanje oznake in preverjanje črkovanja/sloga. Package: xmlindent Description-md5: 4c053734ba2a321150b43f615876d58b Description-sl: Preoblikovalnik pretokov XML XML Indent is a XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C. It is analogous to GNU indent. Package: xmlstarlet Description-md5: be00bff9e891b2ff3b48cc61e09c040f Description-sl: zbirka XML orodij ukazne vrstice XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using simple set of shell commands in similar way it is done for plain text files using UNIX grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc commands. . This set of command line utilities can be used by those who deal with many XML documents on UNIX shell command prompt as well as for automated XML processing with shell scripts. . The toolkit's feature set includes options to: Check or validate XML files (simple well-formedness check, DTD, XSD, RelaxNG) Calculate values of XPath expressions on XML files (such as running sums, etc) Search XML files for matches to given XPath expressions Apply XSLT stylesheets to XML documents (including EXSLT support, and passing parameters to stylesheets) Query XML documents (ex. query for value of some elements of attributes, sorting, etc) Modify or edit XML documents (ex. delete some elements) Format or "beautify" XML documents (as changing indentation, etc) Fetch XML documents using http:// or ftp:// URLs Browse tree structure of XML documents (in similar way to 'ls' command for directories) Include one XML document into another using XInclude XML c14n canonicalization Escape/unescape special XML characters in input text Print directory as XML document Convert XML into PYX format (based on ESIS - ISO 8879), and vice versa Package: xmltooling-schemas Description-md5: 7624e00a7d9956e68d0da7b6d7f43902 Description-sl: XML sheme za XMLTooling The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation classes, as well as signing and encryption support. . This package contains the XML schema files used by the XMLTooling library. Package: xmms2-client-avahi Description-md5: 26d06e9d830861b63c8d47959d30d79f Description-sl: XMMS2 - odjemalec avahi XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . Ta paket vsebuje odjemalec avahi. Package: xmms2-client-cli Description-md5: db7b979c365a7979c4c7bf112e995032 Description-sl: XMMS2 - odjemalec ukazne vrstice XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the readline powered text user interface for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-client-medialib-updater Description-md5: 39bd3ab13ef8dea2dc56a1cfed7220d7 Description-sl: XMMS2 - odjemalec medialb-updater The media library is where XMMS2 stores metadata about files as it plays them. Having a media library allows XMMS2 to 'remember' the songs it has played, and thus allows users to easily re-create their favorite playlists. . This package contains the medialib-updater client which monitors given directories and updates the media library with new and changed files. Package: xmms2-client-nycli Description-md5: 06928861ea31db001d0a64972b543fce Description-sl: XMMS2 - nov odjemalec cli XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains only the symlink from nyxmms2 to xmms2. nyxmms2 was renamed to xmms2 in 0.8 DrO_o. Package: xmms2-core Description-md5: 44b55e5598f45637bf91f9521ba3e0cf Description-sl: XMMS2 - jedrni paket XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package just contains the daemon that loads plug-ins and allows clients to connect. Package: xmms2-icon Description-md5: 6233fc73576874a1e1f89a2d76e579a8 Description-sl: XMMS2 - paket ikon XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . Ta paket vsebuje le datoteke ikon. Package: xmms2-plugin-all Description-md5: 6d6cb547b4d2be3d60211ff49ef4bcff Description-sl: XMMS2 - vsi vstavki XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This is a metapackage depending on all available XMMS2 plug-ins to make installation easier. Package: xmms2-plugin-alsa Description-md5: c909566c19d85793a6b516bab55f890a Description-sl: XMMS2 - izhod ALSA XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables ALSA output for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-asf Description-md5: 2bf626fcae9cca06a7d22756ffb87f1b Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek ASF XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This plug-in enables Advanced Systems Format decoding for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-avcodec Description-md5: 45415c8f2af612aafd0fdb06eb383d77 Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik avcodec XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables avcodec decoding for XMMS2. Together with xmms2-plugin-asf it's possible to decode .wma files. Combined with xmms2-plugin-mp4 you can decode .mp4 files. Package: xmms2-plugin-cdda Description-md5: c0c875f322e64444db02156a94face25 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek CDDA XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables audio CD playback for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-daap Description-md5: fd87a0f0f204e3ed3b9abf12b5982500 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek daap XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains a plug-in which allows you to share your media library over their network via DAAP (Digital Audio Access Protocol). Package: xmms2-plugin-faad Description-md5: 21778fa23e94f02a7cb4f586fe728387 Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik faad XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables decoding of faad encoded AAC files for XMMS2. Together with xmms2-plugin-mp4 it also can process faad encoded data inside of a mp4 container. Package: xmms2-plugin-flac Description-md5: 88dae57352a2630773af9e4d1540b64d Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik FLAC XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables FLAC decoding for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-gme Description-md5: 20bd3e6618039e14f58e5d3834ce4b43 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek gme XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the Game Music Emulator music decoder for XMMS2, that support the following formats: * AY ZX Spectrum/Amstrad CPC * GBS Nintendo Game Boy * GYM Sega Genesis/Mega Drive * HES NEC TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine * KSS MSX Home Computer/other Z80 systems (doesn't support FM sound) * NSF/NSFE Nintendo NES/Famicom (with VRC 6, Namco 106, and FME-7 sound) * SAP Atari systems using POKEY sound chip * SPC Super Nintendo/Super Famicom * VGM/VGZ Sega Master System/Mark III, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, BBC Micro Package: xmms2-plugin-gvfs Description-md5: 29d73ef82b5fcedd27d4e2f91686e334 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek gvfs XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the Glib virtual file system transport for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-id3v2 Description-md5: edea7b98940ada18a6e682d97343cb37 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek ID3v2 XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables handling of ID3v2 tag containers. Package: xmms2-plugin-jack Description-md5: 3baa6dd356e852dc9ac12ab9021d8163 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek JACK XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables JACK output for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-karaoke Description-md5: 120a8a1cb47bd9d0e48537895425000e Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek karaoke XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the voice removal effect plug-in for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-mms Description-md5: ddd04f1be740faf127006bd8e84dd491 Description-sl: XMMS2 - prenos MMS XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the MMS transport for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-modplug Description-md5: 13d76ffb3158ef3295b247e6ca161b2c Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik modplug XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables modplug decoding for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-mp4 Description-md5: f1fd3c034475ee21caa13b38caf7b670 Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek MPEG-4 XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables decoding of data inside of mp4 containers for XMMS2. Together with xmms2-plugin-faad it's possible to decode .mp4 files. Combined with xmms2-plugin-avcodec you can decode ALAC files. Package: xmms2-plugin-musepack Description-md5: aed71dacdb016f45befd9ef83ce31ff5 Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik mpc XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables musepack (mpc) decoding for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-normalize Description-md5: 5fc587df854c1f2255498caa4664664d Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek normalizacije XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This plug-in enables volume normalization for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-oss Description-md5: 69e9f18a02c2a9be5333f3831b6b8873 Description-sl: XMMS2 - izhod OSS XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables OSS output for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-speex Description-md5: 745bcab282232be6c97f6f31d0934113 Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik speex XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables Speex decoding for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-vocoder Description-md5: e12b922c38c4aa96e18cba85f341e2cc Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek vocoder XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains a phase vocoder effect plug-in. Package: xmms2-plugin-vorbis Description-md5: 0de531ceb13837870dc60d4f8e9359dc Description-sl: XMMS2 - dekodirnik vorbis XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package enables ogg-vorbis decoding for XMMS2. Package: xmms2-plugin-xml Description-md5: 480307020a11cc6242ce05a6eb5b4e4b Description-sl: XMMS2 - vstavek XML XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package allows XMMS2 to read XML based formats. This package is used by other plug-ins that implement support for specific XML formats like xmms2-plugin-xspf and xmms2-plugin-rss. Package: xmonad Description-md5: a827bdbc621fa78a6624eb347265b935 Description-sl: Lightweight X11 window manager written in Haskell Xmonad je majhen razpostavljajoči okenski upravljalnik za X, napisan v Haskell. Okna upravljajo samodejni algoritmi razporeditev, ki jih je mogoče dinamično ponovno nastaviti. okna so kadarkoli urejena tako da povečajo uporabni del zaslona. Do vseh zmožnosti okenskega upravljalnika lahko dostopate le s tipkovnico: miška je popolnoma izbirna. Xmonad je nastavljen v Haskell. V nastavitvenih datotekah lahko podprete algoritme razporeditve po meri. Princip Xmonad je predvidljivost: uporabnik mora vnaprej natančno poznati razporeditev oken, ki bo posledica kateregakoli dejanja. . Ta paket je prednastavljen s privzeto nastavitvijo. V primeru da izgradite svojo po meri nastavljeno različico, se prepričajte, da je libghc-xmonad- dev nameščen in postavite svojo nastavitev v ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs Package: xmoto Description-md5: 44490060759ce788769bd743b617c42c Description-sl: 2D ploščadna igra motokrosa X-Moto je ploščadna igra 2D motokrosa, kjer fizika igra pomembno vlogo v igralnosti. Če želite končati najtežje izzive, boste morali svoj motor nadzirati do skrajne meje. Package: xmoto-data Description-md5: 0c3dabe2fd68adaf7b38815729a4e661 Description-sl: 2D ploščadna igra motokrosa - podatkovne datoteke X-Moto je ploščadna igra 2D motokrosa, kjer fizika igra pomembno vlogo v igralnosti. Če želite končati najtežje izzive, boste morali svoj motor nadzirati do skrajne meje. . This package contains the data files needed by xmoto. Package: xmountains Description-md5: 1d198156b92d8daaba22057e7d9bbee9 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik slik fraktalov za X Generates random fractal mountains and displays them in a window (even in the X root window). . While the program is running the fractal is continuously extended on the right and the image is scrolled from right to left to expose the newly generated area. Package: xmpuzzles Description-md5: b009e6a92cf6d20f7b304f66141aa745 Description-sl: collection of puzzles for X (Motif version) Vključene so naslednje uganke: . - Rotational 3D Puzzles: xmrubik, xmpyraminx, xmoct, xmskewb, xmdino, xmmball - Sliding Block Puzzles: xmcubes, xmtriangles, xmhexagons, xmpanex - Combination: xmbarrel, xmmlink . This is the Motif version which shows additional functionality. Motif is a GUI widget library for the X Window system. Package: xnee-doc Description-md5: 6599482985a9ec056b31e13fb0eb1637 Description-sl: X event recorder/replayer - documentation GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can imitate the job you just did. . Xnee can be used to - automate tests - demonstrate programs - distribute actions - record and replay 'macro' - retype a file . Ta paket vsebuje celotno dokumentacijo Xnee. Package: xonsh-doc Description-md5: d99de1a219f3071e796f739aa582e3a5 Description-sl: Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell (documentation) Xonsh is a Python-ish shell language and command prompt. Unlike other shells, xonsh is based on Python, with additional syntax added that makes calling subprocess commands, manipulating the environment, and dealing with the file system easy. Xonsh supports all normal Python constructs and a subset of those available in bash. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: xoscope Description-md5: 357f2c295b4c7a2960dff9fb9855e4f0 Description-sl: digitalni osciloskop Xoscope is a oscilloscope using input from a sound card or EsounD server and/or a COMEDI hardware. Includes 8 signal displays, variable time scale, math, memory, measurements, and file save/load. Package: xosview Description-md5: b8c7213c55875d6888d0885de572acdc Description-sl: na X osnovan nadzornik sistema Xosview is a monitor which displays the status of several system based parameters. These include CPU usage, load average, memory usage, swap space usage, network usage, Wireless LAN meter, interrupts and serial port status. Appearance is fully configurable via command line or X resources. Package: xournal Description-md5: c690a5b9c0fda28f39980bbdd9f35b29 Description-sl: Program GTK+ za pisanje zapiskov Xournal je program GTK+ za pisanje zapiskov, skiciranje in pisanje dnevnika s stylusom . Uporabiti ga je mogoče tudi za dodajanje zabeležk datotekam PDF. Package: xpad Description-md5: d775099d3f53ac7abfc924f1ce70e32d Description-sl: program lepljivih sporočilc za X Ta program vsebuje neodvisna okna drsnika, vsako je besedilno polje v katera je mogoče napisati sporočilca. Xpad poskuša posnemati videz sporočilc postit, vendar lahko videz sporočilc prilagodite na način, ki vam je všeč. Package: xpaint Description-md5: 0241d7a95217cd5801ad826003f874ad Description-sl: enostaven program slikanja za X XPaint je primeren za proizvajanje enostavne grafike. Ponuja nekaj naprednih zmožnosti kot so zmožnosti obdelovanja slik in zapolnitev s prelivom. . V urejevalniku skriptov C v XPaint bo zunanji urejevalnik v meniju Datoteka priklical x-terminal-emulator -e sensible-editor. . Paket gv bo zahtevan za branje PDF/PS, netpbm bo zahtevan za zunanje pretvorbe in lpr bo zahtevan za tiskanje. Package: xpdf Description-md5: 5c80fd99d8c6334a41113f229074b7f5 Description-sl: Motif-based PDF reader using the Poppler library xpdf je lahek odprtokodni pregledovalnik za datoteke PDF (imenujejo se tudi datoteke 'Adobe Acrobat' ali 'Acrobat'). To je le odjemalec pregledovalnika xpdf. Različna orodja pdf ukazne vrstice sedaj zagotavlja paket poppler-utils. . Debian's xpdf is a fork of Xpdf version 3, modified to use the Poppler PDF rendering library but keeping the Motif toolkit, and nowadays maintained as the xpopple project. Package: xpmutils Description-md5: ea0411509eadbac55a3fcaaded41b449 Description-sl: pripomočki večbitnih slik X11 The X PixMap image format is an extension of the monochrome X BitMap format specified in the X protocol, and is commonly used in traditional X applications. . This package provides two tools: cxpm (to check the integrity of an XPM file) and sxpm (to view XPM files). Package: xpuzzles Description-md5: 333369018f11e8ac6ec18f4e228fa79e Description-sl: collection of puzzles for X (plain X version) Vključene so naslednje uganke: . - Rotational 3D Puzzles: xrubik, xpyraminx, xoct, xskewb, xdino, xmball - Sliding Block Puzzles: xcubes, xtriangles, xhexagons, xpanex - Combination: xbarrel, xmlink . This version was compiled without the Motif GUI widget library and thus shows limited user interface functionality. See xmpuzzles for the extended version. Package: xqf Description-md5: ef3568382b0b4b1f8065906f8189de26 Description-sl: Na X osnovan Quake strežniški brskalnik XQF is a GTK+ frontend for Qstat, a tool for querying first-person action game servers like Quake, Unreal Tournament, etc. It displays information about the servers and allows configuring and launching some of the games from it. Package: xracer Description-md5: aaa55dcc7a55a5e0bfeeb68c0b212a5f Description-sl: Futuristična dirkalna igra Xracer is a Wipeout clone, distributed under the GPL. It should be able to use any OpenGL 1.1 compliant library. A 3D accelerator card is required. . This is the game data and binary. . If you want to build new tracks or other game data, you may also want to install the xracer-tools package. Package: xrdp Description-md5: 330bdf2ad3e2031a5164fd15aa25e2e9 Description-sl: Strežnik oddaljenega namiznega protokola (RDP) xrdp offers a graphical login to a remote client using RDP (the Remote Desktop Protocol). xrdp can connect to a locally created session with the xorgxrdp drivers, to a VNC X11 server, and forward to another RDP server. . xrdp accepts connections from freerdp, rdesktop, and the built-in terminal server / remote desktop clients of Microsoft Windows operating systems. In the xorgxrdp (which replaces X11RDP) and VNC modes, it provides a fully functional Linux terminal server, offering an X-Window desktop to the user. In the RDP or VNC forwarding mode, any sort of desktop can be used. Package: xrootconsole Description-md5: 5aaf1d744b2d3558f512b550ac109f4d Description-sl: Lep zaslonski prikaz X Xrootconsole redirects its input to a transparent (and optionally shaded) window on the root window. It supports displaying UTF-8 and ANSI-colors, e.g. those generated with "ccze -A" or "grc". Package: xsane Description-md5: 0f073896563cfffa695f69e298c230d0 Description-sl: Grafično začelje za SANE (dostop do optičnih bralnikov je zdaj enostaven) z veliko zmožnostmi Program xsane lahko zaženete samostojno ali skozi program upravljanja slik GIMP. V samostojnem načinu lahko xsane sliko shrani v datoteko v različnih vrstah slik, služi kot začelje za program faksa ali pošlje sliko na tiskalnik. . SANE pomeni "Dostop do optičnih bralnikov zdaj enostaven" in je programski vmesnik programov (API), ki zagotavlja standardiziran dostop do katerekoli strojne opreme rastrske slike (namizni optični bralnik, ročni optični bralnik, kamere in fotoaparate, itd.). Standard SANE je prost in razprava o njem in njegov razvoj sta odprta vsem. Trenutna izvorna koda je napisana za podporo več operacijskih sistemov, vključno z GNU/LInux, OS/2, Win32 in različnimi Unixi in je na voljo pod licenco GNU General Public Licence (vendar so dobrodošli tudi komercialni programi in zaledja). Package: xsane-common Description-md5: 8360dd3bf93c8161ec8a40360d3121a2 Description-sl: xsane architecture independent files Program xsane lahko zaženete samostojno ali skozi program upravljanja slik GIMP. V samostojnem načinu lahko xsane sliko shrani v datoteko v različnih vrstah slik, služi kot začelje za program faksa ali pošlje sliko na tiskalnik. . This package contains architecture-independent files needed by xsane (locales, help). Package: xsdcxx Description-md5: 576f0b569dfbc5b1cb8f0da0343c6d98 Description-sl: Vezava podatkov XML za C++ CodeSynthesis XSD is an open-source, cross-platform W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler. Provided with an XML instance specification (XML Schema), it generates C++ classes that represent the given vocabulary as well as parsing and serialization code. You can then access the data stored in XML using types and functions that semantically correspond to your application domain rather than dealing with intricacies of reading and writing XML. Package: xsensors Description-md5: b155013dc5e2111a89f98dcb026a39da Description-sl: hardware health information viewer Xsensors prebere podatke iz knjižnice libsensors glede zdravja strojne opreme kot je temperatura, napetost in hitrost ventilatorja in podatke prikaže v digitalnem izpisu. Package: xserver-xorg-input-joystick Description-md5: 46c1a7824699f25d846bd16af51c1cff Description-sl: X.Org X server -- joystick input driver Ta paket vsebuje gonilnik za igralne palice. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Ta paket je izgrajen iz modula gonilnika xf86-input-joystick. Package: xserver-xorg-input-joystick-dev Description-md5: f78556dd31ebdf971e9dc48d1682380f Description-sl: X.Org X server -- joystick input driver (development headers) This package provides the development headers for the joystick input driver found in xserver-xorg-input-joystick. Non-developers likely have little use for this package. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Ta paket je izgrajen iz modula gonilnika xf86-input-joystick. Package: xserver-xorg-input-kbd Description-md5: ff627827d2e5ea383fd7d1fdbc11d852 Description-sl: X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver This package provides the driver for keyboard input devices. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Ta paket je izgrajen iz modula gonilnika xf86-input-keyboard. Package: xserver-xorg-input-mtrack Description-md5: bc940452779b159f95ae8b76ed85a15e Description-sl: Vnosni gonilnik X več-dotikov This X input driver provides gestures support for multitouch touchpads, in particular those with integrated button. . This fork from xf86-input-multitouch. Detailed setting of InputClass section comes to be possible in comparison with xf86-input-multitouch. Package: xserver-xorg-input-multitouch Description-md5: 9c42ac3715bb2a44514c7c4afd7a2b10 Description-sl: Vnosni gonilnik X več-dotikov This X input driver provides gestures support for multitouch touchpads, in particular those with integrated button. Package: xskat Description-md5: 796cfe9bb166db43443b2e13f8782bd0 Description-sl: Igra s kartami "Skat" za tri igralce Xskat lets you play the card game Skat as defined by the official German "Skatordnung". . You can play by sending a window to the other player's X display, or via an IRC server. The computer can also simulate players. . Many unofficial rules like "Ramsch" or "Bock" are supported. Package: xstarfish Description-md5: 4af74bfa6386adc9639311dec9592195 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik ozadij X XStarfish generates colourful, tiled images for your background using random numbers fed through mathematical functions. It does not use source image files, so it can generate its images nearly forever without running out of material. Package: xtel Description-md5: 30b8026dcd884d5a13afa0052d3e1ef3 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik X francoske mintelice This is a lesstif Minitel client that runs on color/black and white X Display and a xteld daemon that can make Minitel connection with one or more modems. . The Minitel is a dedicated terminal for accessing the Teletel, the French videotex network. Thus, this package is almost only for French users. This package now supports the 3622 I-Minitel protocol (more information on Package: xtensor-doc Description-md5: 4c16b20d7639aa4def1ec8c18982a00b Description-sl: documentation for xtensor xtensor is a C++ library meant for numerical analysis with multi- dimensional array expressions. . xtensor provides: . - an extensible expression system enabling lazy broadcasting. - an API following the idioms of the C++ standard library. - tools to manipulate array expressions and build upon xtensor. . Containers of xtensor are inspired by NumPy, the Python array programming library. In fact, xtensor can be used to process numpy data structures inplace using Python's buffer protocol. For more details on the numpy bindings, check out the xtensor-python project. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: xterm Description-md5: 964ff106395a61e65ddd87f3f34da00d Description-sl: Posnemovalnik terminala X xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals. . This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the luit package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings. . A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm. . The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package. . Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well. Package: xtermset Description-md5: b72b2358c69de1ec5bb43c550e0b862a Description-sl: spremeni karakteristike xterm xtermset allows you to change the characteristics, such as title and geometry, of an xterm window from the command line. Most options have the same names as those that you would give xterm at startup. Package: xtightvncviewer Description-md5: 3683efc64a127234958fc64dbbd3b31f Description-sl: virtual network computing client software for X VNC pomeni navidezno omrežno računalništvo. To je oddaljen namizni sistem, ki vam omogoča ogled `namiznega' okolja ne le na napravi, kjer teče, ampak kjerkoli na Internetu z različnih računalniških arhitektur. . It is implemented in a client/server model. This package provides a client for X, with this you can connect to a vncserver somewhere in the network and display its content in a window. There are vncserver available for other operating systems. . The difference between the xtightvncviewer and the normal vncviewer is the data encoding, optimized for low bandwidth connections. If the client do not support jpeg or zlib encoding it can use the default one. Later versions of xvncviewer (> 3.3.3r2) support a new automatic encoding that should be equally good as the tightvnc encoding. Package: xtrlock Description-md5: d1afec1dfa132a461bc6c2979129379e Description-sl: Najmanjši program zaklepa zaslona X xtrlock is a very minimal X display lock program, which uses nothing except the Xlib library. It doesn't obscure the screen, it is completely idle while the display is locked and you don't type at it, and it doesn't do funny things to the X access control lists. Package: xtron Description-md5: 43878be5db1905df18232cc2753078ad Description-sl: Igra Tron za X11 Xtron is a simple one or two player version of the old classic TRON. The game is simple: avoid running into walls, your own tail, and that of your opponent. Package: xttitle Description-md5: 53886216310367ae3fcd28ed533259a1 Description-sl: Spremeni naslove oken posnemovalnika terminala X This is a small program that generates escape sequences to change the title of terminal emulator windows under X. It should work with any program that emulates an xterm-like terminal. Package: xubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 25eeb522d88fba23a532953cbbf1638e Description-sl: Namizni sistem Xubuntu This package depends on all of the packages in the Xubuntu desktop system . It is safe to remove this package if some of the desktop system packages are not desired. Package: xvile Description-md5: f2a156500bd6b3f11b5bd46f642edc1e Description-sl: VI kot Emacs - podoben vi-ju (X11) vile je urejevalnik besedila, ki je izjemno združljiv z vi v ``občutku prstov". Poleg tega ima razširjene zmožnosti na veliko področjih, vključno z urejanjem in ogledom več datotek, poudarjanjem skladnje, ponovno vezavo tipk in izbirnim vstavljenim tolmačem perl in pravo podporo okenskega sistema X. . Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko X11. V vile-common so zahtevane podporne datoteke. Filtri poudarjanja izvorne kode so v vile-filters. Binarna datoteke načina znakov je v paketu vile. Package: xxdiff Description-md5: 16740c13d4a0ad8696745102d5c96da2 Description-sl: grafično orodje primerjanja in združevanja datotek/map xxdiff is a powerful tool for viewing the differences between two or three files, or two directories, and can be used to produce a merged version. The texts of the two or three files are presented side by side with their differences highlighted with colors for easy identification. Among its features are: . * Compares two or three files, or two directories (shallow and recursive) * Horizontal highlighting of diffs * Interactive merges, previewing and saving of the resulting output * Unmerges CVS conflicts and displays two files, to help resolve conflicts * Fully customizable with a resource file * Features and output that ease integration with scripts . The scripts that accompany xxdiff can be found in the xxdiff-scripts package. Package: xymon-client Description-md5: aecf1eddbb24018dd8eecc814af80e94 Description-sl: odjemalec za nadzornik omrežja Xymon Client data collection package for Xymon (previously known as Hobbit). . This gathers statistics and data from a single system and reports it to the Xymon monitor. You should install this package on all systems if you have a Xymon server running. . Additional checks are available in the package hobbit-plugins. Package: yabasic Description-md5: 1e10579b44a0bf8ddc0922f1c9b248f1 Description-sl: Še en tolmač BASIC Yabasic is a traditional basic-interpreter. It comes with goto and various loops and allows one to define subroutines and libraries. It does simple graphics and printing. Yabasic can call out to libraries written in C and allows one to create standalone programs. Yabasic runs under Unix and Windows and has comprehensive documentation; it is small, simple, open- source and free. Package: yabause-qt Description-md5: 35831d8d5aa1e57acd46bb71db0605c8 Description-sl: beautiful and under-rated Saturn emulator - Qt port Yabause is a Sega Saturn emulator. It has the following features: * booting games from CD-ROM and ISO files * booting games with either an emulated or original BIOS * screenshot support * savegame backups * cheat system * fullscreen playing * multiple debugging options * joystick support * region select . Ta paket vsebuje Qt različico Yabause. Package: yacas Description-md5: 4aae435c80e1b77b47271afb623ec744 Description-sl: Računalniški algebrski sistem Yacas is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language. . The syntax is very close to Mathematica. The distribution contains a small library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. Package: yacas-doc Description-md5: 080cea0c8a6d031c4cf91ca638e8b080 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Yacas Yet Another Computer Algebra System is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language. . The syntax is very close to Mathematica. The distribution contains a small library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. This package contains the html documentation for yacas. Package: yade Description-md5: 7c882e15f9d0575c6dd492ea8fd0dc66 Description-sl: Platform for discrete element modeling Še en dinamičen programnik. . Extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written in c++ using flexible object model, allowing independent implementation of new algorithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging. . Ta paket vsebuje za hitrost optimizirano gradnjo yade. Package: yade-doc Description-md5: 8459c3bafddecc08f3ba9a9bc2d4b841 Description-sl: Sistem za diskretno modeliranje elementov. Dokumentacija Še en dinamičen programnik. . Extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written in c++ using flexible object model, allowing independent implementation of new algorithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging. . Ta paket vsebuje primere, preizkusne skripte in dokumentacijo. Package: yafc Description-md5: 3d3690123740ae9757ccd2a80d4a7377 Description-sl: Še en odjemalec FTP yafc is an FTP client intended to be a replacement for the standard ftp(1) program. Features include directory cache, remote filename completion, aliases, colored ls, recursive get/put/ls/rm, nohup mode transfers, tagging (queueing), background downloading, and more. Package: yakuake Description-md5: abf3bd0113526a2750546b44894ec066 Description-sl: Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology Program YuKake je navdihnil terminal v igri Quake: ko pritisnite tipko (privzeto F12, vendar je to mogoče spremeniti), z vrha zaslona pridrsa okno terminala. Ponovno pritisnite tipko in zaslon oddrsa nazaj. . Hitrejši je kot tipkovna bližnjica, saj je že naložen v pomnilnik. Zato je zelo uporaben za vse, ki pogosto skačejo v in iz sej terminala. Package: yapra Description-md5: 83f95e4d1bb1cb707881351ced8c0071 Description-sl: Še ena izvedba Pragger Yapra is yet another Pragger implementation. Pragger is a pluggable RSS/Atom feed aggregator written in Ruby. It has following advantages against Pragger. . * Class-based plugin mechanism * Loadpath-based plugin searching/reading * Import logger into system core * Use "Yapra" namespace for Plugin class * Support config file like Python habu Package: yara-doc Description-md5: 3937953e6f6b2875209c12036925a163 Description-sl: HTML documentation for YARA YARA is a tool aimed at helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. With YARA, it is possible to create descriptions of malware families based on textual or binary patterns contained in samples of those families. Each description consists of a set of strings and a Boolean expression which determines its logic. . Complex and powerful rules can be created by using binary strings with wild-cards, case-insensitive text strings, special operators, regular expressions and many other features. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo v obliki HTML. Package: yash Description-md5: 1c83cf89571401dd70bfe83b1148b33c Description-sl: Še ena lupina Yash is a command line shell that conforms to the POSIX.1 (IEEE Std 1003.1, 2008 Edition) standard for the most part. Actually, it is much more POSIX-compliant than other shell like bash and zsh. . Yash also has its own features beyond POSIX, such as: * global aliases * random numbers * socket redirections and other special redirections * right prompt * command completion Package: ydotoold Description-md5: 68a79038bee4daa2deb1794611ca0513 Description-sl: Command-line automation tool - daemon Generic Linux command-line automation tool . ydotool works differently from xdotool. xdotool sends X events directly to X server, while ydotool uses the uinput framework of Linux kernel to emulate an input device. . When ydotool runs and creates an virtual input device, it will take some time for your graphical environment (X11/Wayland) to recognize and enable the virtual input device. (Usually done by udev) . Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program. Package: yokadi Description-md5: cf492e4a45cb3398baf3b4639c5aa4a8 Description-sl: sistem opravil v ukazni vrstici Yokadi is a command-line oriented, SQLite powered, TODO list tool. It helps you organize all the things you have to do and you must not forget. It aims to be simple, intuitive and very efficient. . In Yokadi you manage projects, which contains tasks. At the minimum, a task has a title, but it can also have a description, a due date, an urgency or keywords. Keywords can be any word that help you to find and sort your tasks. Package: yorick-doc Description-md5: d3adc0786e68e37cba87b35fa074316b Description-sl: Dokumentacija za tolamčen jezik Yorick Yorick is an interpreted programming language for: * scientific simulations or calculations * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes * interactive scientific graphics * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers . The Yorick package ships with little documentation: a manpage, the Yorick Manual in info format, and its own "help" command. This package adds the Yorick Manual and Quick Reference in PDF and HTML format and a utility (update-yorickdoc) to build HTML documentation for the set of functions (from Yorick and add-on packages) installed on this machine. By default, these pages are built and updated automatically whenever necessary. . Once this package is installed, simply point your preferred web browser to file:///usr/share/doc/yorick-doc/README.html . Package: yoshimi-data Description-md5: 8e9b3a52d90b30f4dcf33af12d68de35 Description-sl: Prednastavljene vrednosti za Yoshimi Yoshimi is a software synthesizer originally based on ZynAddSubFX2 . Yoshimi maintains sound and instrument compatibility but now has extended features and accessibility. . This package provides banks and presets for Yoshimi. Package: yosys-doc Description-md5: ab7d9326edc3c3820fff6f5ffb1d9709 Description-sl: Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis (documentation) Yosys is a framework for Verilog RTL synthesis. It currently has extensive Verilog-2005 support and provides a basic set of synthesis algorithms for various application domains. . Yosys can be adapted to perform any synthesis job by combining the existing passes (algorithms) using synthesis scripts and adding additional passes as needed by extending the yosys C++ code base. . Ta paket vsebuje vodnik. Package: yudit-doc Description-md5: 1f6ca9f84c585c31999bdbc3384b9f3b Description-sl: Urejevalnik besedila unicode (dokumentacija) The unicode editor "yudit" has got a big documentation in lots of languages. After the installation, the documentation will be available in: /usr/share/doc/yudit-doc/ Package: z88-data Description-md5: 49107d0193ccff57fb2536f35db85d19 Description-sl: Finite Element Analysis Program - data Z88 features 20 finite element types covering plane stress, plate bending, axial symmetric structures and spacial structures up to 20-node Serendipity hexahedrons. Z88 comes with a user-friendly interface, a powerful mesh generator, a DXF-converter, two plot programs and, of course, two powerful solvers. Import of COSMOS files from Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA is supported. . Ta paket vsebuje nekatere podatkovne datotek Package: z88-doc Description-md5: 02a105eb2a2b48aadb535f04663211aa Description-sl: Finite Element Analysis Program - documentation Z88 features 20 finite element types covering plane stress, plate bending, axial symmetric structures and spacial structures up to 20-node Serendipity hexahedrons. Z88 comes with a user-friendly interface, a powerful mesh generator, a DXF-converter, two plot programs and, of course, two powerful solvers. Import of COSMOS files from Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA is supported. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Package: zabbix-agent Description-md5: eac02cc4af79b30caae8c4f8fb05e53b Description-sl: Rešitev nadziranja omrežja - agent Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features. It can be used for: . - high level monitoring of IT services; - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications; - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices; - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.); - data visualization. . This package provides the software needed to monitor a host using a Zabbix agent. Package: zaz Description-md5: 72b3f0433f27dc2b93a7f9993b6796d9 Description-sl: arkadna akcijska ugankarska igra Zaz is an arcade action puzzle game where the goal is to get rid of all incoming balls by rearranging their order and making triplets. It currently includes 12 different levels. The game's name is recursive and stands for "Zaz ain't Z". . Za dostojno igranje potrebujete 3D pospeševanje. Package: zaz-data Description-md5: fb2f1647edd8106fac5f3d86c81f6d49 Description-sl: arcade action puzzle game - game data Zaz je arkadna akcijska ugankarska igra, kjer je cilj znebiti se vseh žogic tako, da jih uredite v trojke. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke igre. Package: zec Description-md5: 98b52e8737f202d4eddb291d562ad4ea Description-sl: Odjemalec Z-Shell Empire zec is a client for Empire (, a real time, multiplayer, internet-based game, featuring military, diplomatic, and economic goals. . Currently there are two incarnations of zec: zec, and zecsh. . zec itself is a traditional script in the style of pei. While it is not as full-featured as pei, it does have the advantage of ZLE support. . zecsh is an experimental script, intended to be sourced from a running shell instance, in order to give the user the ability to intersperse normal shell constructs with Empire commands. . At this time, zecsh is considerably less stable than zec. Package: zeitgeist Description-md5: c350bb2f17f4b77eba9515145823d076 Description-sl: event logging framework Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . This package depends on the Zeitgeist engine and a set of packages (such as data providers) commonly used together with it, and additionally provides the RDF ontologies used with Zeitgeist. Package: zeitgeist-core Description-md5: 8f2f1e7104782b9d9620d50af428a1d3 Description-sl: event logging framework - engine Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . This package contains the main daemon (in its new Vala implementation, codenamed "Bluebird"). It also includes the FTS (Full Text Search) extension. Package: zeitgeist-datahub Description-md5: ce946a67df5d1157a9a1684e06efc0d6 Description-sl: event logging framework - passive logging daemon Zeitgeist je storitev, ki beleži dogodke in dejavnosti uporabnika (odprte datoteke, obiskana spletišča, pogovori z drugimi ljudmi, itd) in pomembne podatke da na voljo drugim programom. . Služi kot izčrpen dnevnik dejavnosti in omogoča določanje razmerij med predmeti na osnovi vzorcev uporabe. . This package contains zeitgeist-datahub, a daemon which starts together with the main engine and inserts information collected from GtkRecentlyUsed, KDE's Recent Documents and several other sources into it. Package: zemberek-java-demo Description-md5: eac90fe0eefa734d2bc2f1bca6730442 Description-sl: Zemberek preizkusni program Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . This package contains demo application with Swing interface. Package: zemberek-server Description-md5: b023c53cf776063d5e8d87104db053a6 Description-sl: Turški črkovalnik Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . This package contains spellchek server which works via TCP/IP and DBUS. Package: zenmap Description-md5: 4e4e4c6aeaa4441484054473e97b7168 Description-sl: Začelje preslikovalnika omrežja Zenmap je začelje Nmap. Uporaben je tako za napredne uporabnike in hkrati naredi Nmap enostaven za uporabo za začetnike. Izvirno je bil izpeljan iz Umit, grafičnega vmesnika Nmap, ki je bil ustvarjen kot del Google Summer of Code. Package: zfs-fuse Description-md5: fbb8697249769e1d9a0fb64e53044783 Description-sl: ZFS na FUSE ZFS is an advanced filesystem from Sun Microsystems, originally developed for solaris. It provides a number of advanced features, such as live integrity checks, atomic updates, atomic snapshots and clones, compression, and much more. . This package provides an implementation of Sun's ZFS filesystem in userspace, using FUSE. Package: zim Description-md5: cb2802579d1cba73992002139ffdc61c Description-sl: Grafični urejevalnik besedila osnovan na tehnologijah wiki Zim je grafični urejevalnik besedila za vzdrževanje zbirke strani wiki. . Vsaka stran lahko vsebuje povezave do drugih strani, enostavno oblikovanje in slike v vrstici. Strani so shranjene v strukturi map kot v obrisu in lahko imajo priloge. Novo stran lahko ustvarite s povezavo na neobstoječo stran. . Vsi podatki so shranjeni kot datoteke običajnega besedila z oblikovanjem wiki. Različni vstavki zagotavljajo dodatne zmožnosti kot so upravljalnik seznama nalog, urejevalnik enačb, ikona sistemske vrstice in podpora za nadzor različic. . Zim lahko uporabite za: * arhiv zapiskov * pisanje zapiskov med sestanki ali predavanju * organizacijo seznama nalog * osnutek vnosov bloga in e-pošte * razmišljanje o idejah Package: zinnia-utils Description-md5: aba7b1f1e2b67bcfb4b6aa743c49a1b3 Description-sl: pripomočki za knjižnico zinnia Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines. . Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly efficient handwriting recognition models. . This package provide utils for zinnia library. Package: zipmerge Description-md5: b31ef64d55e213c298b63e7fe1e9db4d Description-sl: združite arhive zip zipmerge merges a source zip archives into a target zip archive. By default, files in the source zip archives overwrite existing files of the same name in the target zip archive. Package: ziproxy Description-md5: 94b147292878917cf9780c0ef1f39cfa Description-sl: stiskajoči posredniški strežnik HTTP Ziproxy is a forwarding, non-caching, and compressing HTTP proxy server. Basically, it squeezes images by converting them to lower-quality JPEGs and compresses (gzip) HTML and other text-like data. It also provides other features such as HTML/JS/CSS optimization, preemptive hostname resolution, transparent proxying, IP ToS marking (QoS), Ad-Blocker, detailed logging, and more. . Ziproxy may be installed in a number of different ways. Most common setup modes: 1) As a remote proxy (by far, the most commonly used setup) Ziproxy accesses the remote www servers through a fast link, compresses the data, then send it to the client through a slow link. In such setups, there's no additional software required by the client, Ziproxy acts much as a common network proxy. 2) As a local and remote proxy Similar to setup #1, except that the client also runs its instance of Ziproxy. Although Ziproxy does not require a Ziproxy-specific client, there are circumstances where it is desired to run Ziproxy-as-a-client, such as when the client does not support gzip. Package: zita-at1 Description-md5: 1111dd73d063056c71080119ae374c95 Description-sl: Samodejni uglaševalnik JACK AT1 is an 'autotuner', normally used to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune. Compared to 'Autotalent' it provides an improved pitch estimation algorithm, and much cleaner resampling. . AT1 does not include formant correction, so it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose a song. The 'expected' pitch can be controlled by Midi (via Jack only), or be a fixed set of notes. AT1 can probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. It's also usable as a quick and dirty guitar tuner. Package: zpspell Description-md5: 7c8763163b70f3922ffabbd9478a319d Description-sl: Vmesnik ukazne vrstice za zemberek-server zpspell is the command line interface for zemberek-server. It simulates the ispell interface for being compatible with programs using ispell interactive mode. Package: zynaddsubfx Description-md5: 1db3b1a52de6b1c8b7af5c53feb77591 Description-sl: Realnočasovni sintetizator zvoka za Linux Realnočasoven programski sintetizator za Linux in Windows z veliko zmožnostmi vključno s polifonijo ter zmožnosti mikrotonov in več kakovosti. Vključuje naključnost nekaterih parametrov, ki ustvarijo tople glasove kot analogni sintetizatorji. Ima tudi učinke sistema/vstavljanja in veliko več. Package: zynaddsubfx-data Description-md5: 37c33b9d6350510445cb1b1b4ffc8cb2 Description-sl: Realtime software synthesizer for Linux (data) Realnočasoven programski sintetizator za Linux in Windows z veliko zmožnostmi vključno s polifonijo ter zmožnosti mikrotonov in več kakovosti. Vključuje naključnost nekaterih parametrov, ki ustvarijo tople glasove kot analogni sintetizatorji. Ima tudi učinke sistema/vstavljanja in veliko več. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: zynaddsubfx-dssi Description-md5: 015b76f0b94f3a7455c1975c636ee282 Description-sl: dssi plugin of zynaddsubfx Realnočasoven programski sintetizator za Linux in Windows z veliko zmožnostmi vključno s polifonijo ter zmožnosti mikrotonov in več kakovosti. Vključuje naključnost nekaterih parametrov, ki ustvarijo tople glasove kot analogni sintetizatorji. Ima tudi učinke sistema/vstavljanja in veliko več. . This package provides a dssi plugin of zynaddsubfx. Package: zynaddsubfx-lv2 Description-md5: daa715dcf6aeafca98b3f6f203bdd3c2 Description-sl: lv2 plugin of zynaddsubfx Realnočasoven programski sintetizator za Linux in Windows z veliko zmožnostmi vključno s polifonijo ter zmožnosti mikrotonov in več kakovosti. Vključuje naključnost nekaterih parametrov, ki ustvarijo tople glasove kot analogni sintetizatorji. Ima tudi učinke sistema/vstavljanja in veliko več. . This package provides a lv2 plugin of zynaddsubfx. Package: zynaddsubfx-vst Description-md5: a7fb398dd11f94188e47889d6391a75d Description-sl: vst plugin of zynaddsubfx Realnočasoven programski sintetizator za Linux in Windows z veliko zmožnostmi vključno s polifonijo ter zmožnosti mikrotonov in več kakovosti. Vključuje naključnost nekaterih parametrov, ki ustvarijo tople glasove kot analogni sintetizatorji. Ima tudi učinke sistema/vstavljanja in veliko več. . This package provide vst plugin of zynaddsubfx. Package: zziplib-bin Description-md5: 226d055c4f586cd69eb6f69325c1ca77 Description-sl: library providing read access on ZIP-archives - binaries The zziplib library is intentionally lightweight, it offers the ability to easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file. Applications can bundle files into a single zip archive and access them. The implementation is based only on the (free) subset of compression with the zlib algorithm which is actually used by the zip/unzip tools. . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj uporabnih binarnih datotek za razširjanje podatkov iz arhivov zip. Package: libdfx-mgr1 Description-md5: 4ff23fcd79212f9d849aac3c971150aa Description-sl: Shared Library of dfx-mgr Utility to configure Programmable Logic on Xilinx FPGAs - shared library DFX-MGR provides infrastructure to abstract configuration and hardware resource management for dynamic deployment of accelerator across different platforms. . Ta paket zagotavlja souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libxlnx-platformstats-dev Description-md5: 10ea4dff70227c644226b7089dc5bf45 Description-sl: Platform Statistcs for AMD-Xilinx boards - development files This provides required header files to use the utility from the a client application. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: threadscope Description-md5: 215e0c066c6e55e7ba18313026100868 Description-sl: Profilirnik grafične niti za programe Haskell Threadscope is a graphical thread profiler for Haskell programs. It parses and displays the content of .eventlog files emitted by the GHC 6.12.1 and later runtimes, showing a timeline of spark creation, spark-to-thread promotions and garbage collections. . This helps debugging the parallel performance of Haskell programs, making easier to check that work is well balanced across the available processors and spot performance issues relating to garbage collection or poor load balancing. Package: openjdk-22-jre Description-md5: 5bad8f597e182fdf0635f3b9fccbce1a Description-sl: Izvajalni program OpenJDK Java, ki uporablja Hotspot Zero Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero. Package: openjdk-23-jre Description-md5: 5bad8f597e182fdf0635f3b9fccbce1a Description-sl: Izvajalni program OpenJDK Java, ki uporablja Hotspot Zero Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero. Package: openjdk-24-jre Description-md5: 5bad8f597e182fdf0635f3b9fccbce1a Description-sl: Izvajalni program OpenJDK Java, ki uporablja Hotspot Zero Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero. Package: libwsbm-dev Description-md5: 132ad6f8155d4afc2fab8f83102a3658 Description-sl: Buffer manager for the GPU of Intel Cedar Trail chipsets. Intel Cedar Trail chipsets using the PowerVR GPU need this library for managing window system buffers. The upstream project is abandoned, but is still used by PVR based proprietary drivers. . To je razvojna knjižnica. Package: libocxl-dev Description-md5: 231253b05f61c01e012db5190f07178d Description-sl: Development files for accessing OpenCAPI devices LibOCXL provides an access library which allows the user to implement a userspace driver for an OpenCAPI accelerator. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpdbg-dev Description-md5: 1b3ef8e1c8d56dda82607df6827c2385 Description-sl: PowerPC FSI Debugger library (development) pdbg is a simple application to allow debugging of the host POWER processors from the BMC. It works in a similar way to JTAG programmers for embedded system development in that it allows you to access GPRs, SPRs and system memory. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libpvec-dev Description-md5: d0dc24cdcee5f4a1530a133b7f5ad6fd Description-sl: Development files for the Power Vector Library Functions leveraging the PowerISA Vector Facilities: Vector Multimedia Extension (VMX aka Altivec) and Vector Scalar Extension (VSX). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: libgenomicsdb1 Description-md5: 3ced7447ea57b348eac80bcb80ec84b4 Description-sl: sparse array storage library for genomics (shared libraries) GenomicsDB is built on top of a htslib fork and an internal array storage system for importing, querying and transforming variant data. Variant data is sparse by nature (sparse relative to the whole genome) and using sparse array data stores is a perfect fit for storing such data. . The GenomicsDB stores variant data in a 2D array where: - Each column corresponds to a genomic position (chromosome + position); - Each row corresponds to a sample in a VCF (or CallSet in the GA4GH terminology); - Each cell contains data for a given sample/CallSet at a given position; data is stored in the form of cell attributes; - Cells are stored in column major order - this makes accessing cells with the same column index (i.e. data for a given genomic position over all samples) fast. - Variant interval/gVCF interval data is stored in a cell at the start of the interval. The END is stored as a cell attribute. For variant intervals (such as deletions and gVCF REF blocks), an additional cell is stored at the END value of the variant interval. When queried for a given genomic position, the query library performs an efficient sweep to determine all intervals that intersect with the queried position. . Ta paket vsebuje souporabljeno knjižnico. Package: libktoblzcheck1-dev Description-md5: 65bfd9e8398068d7ca62f44607efc887 Description-sl: library for verification of account numbers and bank codes (development files) libktoblzcheck is a library for verification of bank account numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the specifications of the "Deutsche Bundesbank". It also supports the verification of international bank account numbers (IBAN) and bank identifier codes (BIC). . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: openjdk-11-jre Description-md5: 5bad8f597e182fdf0635f3b9fccbce1a Description-sl: Izvajalni program OpenJDK Java, ki uporablja Hotspot Zero Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero. Package: libzpc-dev Description-md5: 1914ab2a7973b4437321b4fc9f46097e Description-sl: IBM Z protected-key crypto library (development package) The IBM Z Protected-key Crypto library libzpc is an open-source library, targeting the 64-bit Linux on IBM Z (s390x) platform and provides interfaces for cryptographic primitives. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave. Package: openjdk-8-jre Description-md5: d8844993602e4875dfbd87983091c18c Description-sl: Izvajalni program OpenJDK Java, ki uporablja Hotspot Zero Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: qclib-dev Description-md5: db4f82977a65497d360b914f1bcc9c6b Description-sl: query capacity library (development package) qclib provides a C API for extraction of system information for Linuz on z Systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne glave.