The following was received July 3, 2000 From: Kyoichi Hosoya This is to advise IETF that Fujitsu Limited believes it has pending patent application(s) that may relate to work derived from draft-imai- mdo6-xx.txt. Upon approval by the IESG of the relevant Internet standards track specification and if any patents issued to Fujitsu are necessary for practicing this standard, Fujitsu is prepared to grant, upon request, a non-exclusive license without discrimination to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the specification under reasonable terms and conditions, on the basis of reciprocity. To request further information or a license, write to: Mr. Kyoichi Hosoya Manager, Corporate Business Administration Department Legal Division Legal and Industry Relations Group Fujitsu Limited 4-1-1, Kamikodanaka, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 2111-8588, Japan phone: +81-44-754-8648 facsimile: +81-44-754-8504 E-mail: