cobalt/netboot-2.6/default.colo                     -- Cobalt NFS boot configuration script
cobalt/netboot-2.6/serial_initrd.gz                 -- initrd for Cobalt machines (serial console)
cobalt/netboot-2.6/ssh_initrd.gz                    -- initrd for Cobalt machines (SSH)
cobalt/netboot-2.6/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-r5k-cobalt       -- kernel image for Cobalt machines
cobalt/netboot-2.6/vmlinux.gz                       -- Cobalt boot loader CoLo
cobalt/nfsroot.tar.gz                               -- tarball containing the Cobalt installer nfsroot
loongson-2f/netboot/boot.cfg                        -- PMON configuration file
loongson-2f/netboot/initrd.gz                       -- initrd for ICT Loongson 2F systems
loongson-2f/netboot/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-loongson-2f     -- kernel image for ICT Loongson 2F systems
malta/netboot/initrd.gz                             -- initrd for the MIPS Malta board
malta/netboot/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta             -- kernel image for the MIPS Malta board
sb1-bcm91250a/netboot/initrd.gz                     -- initrd for the Broadcom BCM91250A (SWARM) evaluation board
sb1-bcm91250a/netboot/sibyl                         -- SiByl boot loader
sb1-bcm91250a/netboot/sibyl.conf                    -- SiByl TFTP boot configuration script
sb1-bcm91250a/netboot/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-sb1-bcm91250a -- kernel image for the Broadcom BCM91250A (SWARM) evaluation board